#professor hershel layton x reader
layton-love · 5 months
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Professor Hershel Layton x Reader. Reader is referred to once as “lady” but is otherwise ambiguous. Very fluffy and soft. SFW. 1,443 words.
     12:26 AM.
​​​​​​     You were sick of staring, just watching and waiting as his arms raised above his head yet again. He was stretching for the seventh time in ten minutes. Those arms belonged around you right now, you complained inwardly, huffing in petulant indignation. Was he doing this on purpose, just to get a rise out of you? To tease you? Surely he wouldn't be so cruel, not your beloved Professor, you thought half-jokingly.
     “Do you intend to sit at that desk until sunrise, Hershel?” You questioned the archaeologist, glaring at his back, arms folded across your chest.
     “I may have to if you keep distracting me. Perhaps you could try a puzzle in order to pass the-” The Professor was suddenly cut off by a yawn, followed by yet another languid stretch, “-the time.” He finally muttered out tiredly, rubbing the back of his head and neck. Sickeningly adorable. It infuriated you.
     “I'm already facing the biggest puzzle of them all." You retorted flatly, very much unswayed by his suggestion, “You're clearly exhausted, Professor. I doubt you'll be able to focus even if I'm pacified with solving every puzzle in the room for the rest of the night. Come lie down and rest. You can finish your work tomorrow.”
     You heard him hum in thought, followed by a long pause. You knew him well enough to know that this meant that he was actually finally considering your invitation. Your heartbeat began to quicken at this, waiting eagerly with bated breath for his decision.
     “Oh, alright,” He finally surrendered, his shoulders relaxing as he put his pen down. You beamed from ear to ear, sitting quickly upright. You couldn't help but eagerly kick your legs in schoolgirl fashion. “Indeed, you have a point. I've hardly made progress in the last hour, and that certainly isn't entirely your fault.” He turned to you with a playful smile and wink. The obviously delighted expression on your face gave him pause for just a moment as he considered how you'd been trying to pry him from his work for hours now. All that effort just to cuddle with him... You looked so pleased about finally succeeding. His expression quickly softened at this thought, a blush rising in his cheeks. Sheepishly, he began chuckling. "Goodness, dear. It seems I've neglected you a bit too long. It's terribly rude to keep a lady waiting; how ungentlemanly of me. You have my deepest apologies.”
     “Indeed. I'll forgive you when you finally get over here.” You replied, failing to sound truly cross with him.
     “Very well. I'm grateful for the opportunity to make up for my actions.” He half-joked, smiling jovially as he strolled over to the couch where you were. You held out your arms as he took the seat directly beside you and leaned in, allowing you to snatch him into your embrace like a dragon with its treasure. He laughed at your enthusiasm, a warm and delightful sound that rumbled softly throughout his chest. Tugging him down so that you were both lying on your sides facing each other, you nestled your head into him as he returned your hug and hummed a pleasant sigh, smoothly pulling you flush against him. As you both relaxed into the soft blanket-covered cushions, he ran his fingers gently through your hair, looking down at your head pressed to his bosom. The archaeologist could feel his face heating up. You were precious...
     You could hear his heart beating.
     It was the most wonderful sound in the world.
     Deep, steady, beautiful. This was the very sound of the person you love the most being alive. It meant that he was right here, right here, safe and sound in your arms, and you in his. It was entrancing. You felt as though you could listen to it forever.
     You let your hands wander with an innocent, loving touch, tracing his spine through the woolly fabric of his sweater. Your fingertips glided over his sides and shoulders, memorising the shapes. You felt him shift slowly, resting the lower half of his face on top of your head as he planted the sweetest kiss on the part of your hair. You giggled at this with a contended sweetness in your tone. “You're delightful.”
     “And you are my greatest delight,” the Professor replied, his voice soft and gravelly with sleepiness. Your heart skipped a beat at this, and evidently he noticed, a goofy grin being pulled across his face. The Professor then pulled you further up into his arms, keeping you close as he pressed his forehead to your own. His deep, dark brown gaze met yours, his eyes half-lidded. In them swirled a hazy mix of adoration and the cutest sleepiness – but the manner in which he looked at you, so genuinely, so incredibly... It was enough to steal your breath for a moment.
     It was the way you could see honesty in his eyes; you could see love; you could see him. The way there was nothing hidden from you.
     It was the way you felt completely safe when you were with him.
     You never had to question his motivations; you never had to question how he truly felt about you. He had no intention of hiding it, for it was right there on display—not that he had a problem with telling you, either.
     Hershel's eyes crinkled as he grinned, watching with a sense of childish awe as you got lost in his eyes so easily. He could feel your heart steadily beating against his chest; he could feel the gentle thrumming of it increase in intensity ever so slightly the longer you stared. The way in which you simply adored him down to the very bones of your being was breathtaking. He never considered the possibility of finding pure love like this again in his life; he never thought it possible. But now? Every day, every morning, when he wakes up and you're still there, you prove to him time and time again that nothing is impossible. You were incredible. You were his everything.
     Before, he'd tried not to frown when the question of Why? had drifted through his mind. Why did you adore him so? Why him? He wasn't exactly a stupendous or especially experienced lover. You had told him before that he was different from others, and he supposed he certainly was different, but he'd never considered himself to be the phenomenon you seemed to view him as. Over time, he came to the conclusion that he'd just simply have to accept it—accept that you... preferred him. You had your motivations, albeit they were a mystery to him. However, his inquisitive mind wouldn't quite let it go as easily. He tried to pinpoint it, tried to narrow it down, but the pieces just wouldn't fit into place.
     Now, in moments current, as he watched your mesmerised gaze directed at him, felt your heartbeat against him... Something inside him understood. It was wordless; there was no clear written or verbal answer, only the understanding that the puzzle was completed.
     That was enough for him.
     With lidded eyes, slowly, non-intrusively, he leaned in, his lips tenderly brushing against yours. He paused, waiting for a reaction, for permission. His fingers combed through your hair, trailing like the gentle kisses of raindrops down the back of your neck. You leaned in, returning the loving advance. He sighed dreamily, something like relief, as he fully leaned into the kiss, as if he'd been underwater and finally come up for air. The kiss was slow, loving, tender – honest. With feeling, with adoration, with commitment. There was no rush for anything or anyone else. It was all yours; every second of it belonged to the two of you. Those very moments in time—even those, too. His hands slowly trailed down your back, down every curve, the touch of his fingertips like promises. “A gentleman always keeps his promises,” you recalled him once saying. You hoped he would keep you, too. Hershel was a true gentleman, though; of course he would.
     You finally parted for air. You could feel the rising and falling of his chest in sync with yours. You let out a breathy laugh, smiling at him, a gesture that he readily returned. Every piece was in its perfect place, exactly where it was meant to be. Exactly where you were meant to be.
     You could feel his heart beating against your chest in rhythm with yours.
     It was beautiful.
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perplexedflower · 10 months
Running Out Of Steam
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Fandom: Professor Layton.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Hershel Layton x Female Reader.
Type: Mini one shot.
Words: 979.
Summary: Working as Hershel's assistant is challenging, and when exhaustion finally catches up to [Y/N], her sleepiness leads the two of them to share a very special moment inside the Laytonmobile.
Chronology: Post-Unwound Future/Pre-New World of Steam.
"Well, my dear, I must thank you. Your suggestion to get acquainted with the neighbouring village was brilliant, it has provided us with crucial information regarding this case."
Sitting in the passenger seat, [Y/N] blushed lightly upon hearing Layton's praises.
"Thank you, Professor. I am more than delighted to know we have made significant progress."
Not long after the words had left her mouth, she quietly yawned, followed by a sigh.
"So am I, [Y/N]." He said with a smile. "But there is yet a lot for us to uncover, let us not forget."
As the engine of the Laytonmobile purred gently, she rested her head against her seat and closed her eyes.
"The clues we were able to retrieve today are evidence of it, in fact." He continued. "Both cities are intricately connected in ways one could not have imagined... How fascinating. Surprising, too. I hadn't considered such a possibility and failed to detect it upon our arrival in this town, yesterday. But, in retrospect, it should have been obvious. I must be getting rusty: there once was a time I would have taken notice of a piece of the puzzle this important within a matter of only a few minutes."
[Y/N] listened to him ramble on to himself and found comfort in his voice, in his words, wrapping around her as she began to doze off.
"I am well aware there are still many dark corners of the neighbouring village left for us to explore, but do not fret: we shall continue our investigation there in due time. For now, I wish for us to return to the town. You see, there is something I would like to show you... I wonder, [Y/N], do you-"
But the Professor suddenly cut himself short when he felt her head drop on his left shoulder, and for the first time since the ride had started, his eyes left the road to look down at her, but only for a split second.
It seems she has fallen asleep...
He tried his best to keep his composure, despite the faint blush spreading over his cheeks.
It would not be proper of me to continue driving under such circumstances... The risks of distraction are too high.
The car started to slowly lose speed, until he reached a part of the country road that allowed him to pull off to the side: with his foot off the gas pedal and the ignition key turned, the inside of the vehicle turned silent. Hershel looked down at [Y/N] and felt his face redden further as he listened to the calm and slow sound of her breathing. Then, in a quiet and steady but hesitant motion, he brushed her hair out of her face to tuck it behind her ear, his fingertips gliding over her skin.
For a moment, he stared at her tenderly, admiring her peaceful expression as he succumbed to her charm the longer his eyes stayed on her.
[Y/N] never ceases to invest a lot of herself in every adventure she partakes by my side, and I know things have not been easy for her since Luke has left the country. Now that she is my sole assistant, she feels she needs to take on every task that comes her way... but it pains me to see her overwork herself to the point of exhaustion. Once we return to the town, I will wake her up and take her back to her room in the inn for her to continue sleeping. But for now, I shall let her rest just a little longer, though I need to readjust her on her seat if I want to ensure I drive safely.
Delicately, he rested his hands on her shoulders and gently moved her body in an attempt to make her sit straight; but before he could do so, she seemed to have woken up just slightly, just enough to feel Layton's hands on her, and she instinctively leaned forward, her head now against his chest and her hands just barely clinging to him.
Not knowing what to say or do, Layton remained quiet as he stared down at her, eyes wide open, his cheeks overheating.
"Hmm... Professor... why did you stop?" She asked in a mumble, half-asleep.
"Well, I pulled the car off to the side of the road because you fell asleep, [Y/N]..." He replied awkwardly.
"No... I mean... Why did you stop talking?"
Puzzled by her unexpected question, he struggled to come up with an answer while she snuggled closer to him.
"I love to hear your voice." She said softly with an endearing smile, her eyes still closed. "It's soothing... and calming... and charming. I feel the same way when I look at you, too..."
A flustered, blushing mess, Layton found himself at a loss for words and sensed his breath quicken.
"... You're very comfortable, Professor..." She said in a sleepy voice. "I know... I shouldn't... but I want to sleep here... for a while..."
Although flattered, he could not help but feel bashful at her words.
"[Y/N]... my dear... Would you perhaps not be more comfortable in a bed?"
Slowly, she shook her head against his chest, and, finally, she opened her eyes slightly, her gaze hazy but affectionate.
"No... As long as you are beside me, I will always feel comfortable, and everything will always feel... just perfect..."
He stared down at her, at her face, into her eyes, and his own illuminated with the same loving glow; with a shy yet tender smile taking shape on his lips, he circled her body with his arms, keeping her close in his embrace, lulling her back into sleep.
"... Then, I will hold you in my arms for as long as you need me to... and I will always watch over you, [Y/N]."
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themoonlovemuses · 1 year
The Long Walk Home (Professor Layton X Reader)
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Summary:  After a long day of work, you and the professor decide to walk home together and discuss life and the upcoming charity gala at the university
“Whew! Another fine day of work done! Huh, Professor?” You exclaimed, entering the messy office of your dear friend.
“Oh yes! I’m just finishing up grading some tests. If you give me five more minutes, I shall be done and we can be off home.” He smiled, swivelling around in his chair briefly to acknowledge you before returning to his prior work.
Making a noise of agreement, you settle down on the comfortable orange sofa you had been accustomed to sitting on when the professor was finishing up work, whether that be a paper a student has written, or his own dissertation on what he has discovered during the adventures he has had with his young assistant. Having been working at the university for a little while now, you had slowly and surely become good friends with the Professor, with him joining you in the library during his lunch breaks if and when he gets a minute away from his classroom, and you joining him in his office in the evenings to walk home together. So you’re used to waiting in his messy office, strewn with open books used for references and papers on any conceivable surface. Except today, it isn’t quite as messy as it usually is, with books back in their proper place on the bookshelves and archaeology brushes put back into their pot.
“Rosa’s been to tidy up early, hasn’t she Professor? I thought she would’ve done it in the morning like she usually does?” You enquired, looking at a puzzle box that has been left on the coffee table while you waited. ‘Must be his newest puzzle’ I chuckled to myself as I picked up the box, fiddling with some of the interlocking pieces, not really trying to solve it, just something to stop my hands from being restless.
“Well yes, she said she wanted to do it now, as she’ll be busy next week helping with the preparations for next week’s charity gala”
“Oh yes! I completely forgot! That’s the one to raise money for the disaster relief fund right?” I asked, putting the puzzle box down and focusing my gaze instead on the back of the professor’s head. His iconic top hat perched just right on the top of his head. As I stared into space, I only then remembered an envelope in the Dean’s handwriting being left on your desk over a month ago, all black card and gold scripture. Definitely on a budget, but the fanciest invitation I had received yet.
Dear (Y/N)
I would to formally invite you to our annual charity gala, which will be held at our very own university on the 7th of March.
This year’s charity gala will be an extra special one, as we will be raising money for the Typhoon Disaster Relief Fund. All ticket revenues and revenue generated from the events held at this gala will go towards this fund in solidarity with the people of Haiti.
The events of the night will be held as below:
7:30pm - 8:00pm - Guests arrive and mingle in the receiving area
8:00pm - 9:00pm - Sit down dinner with a set menu
9:00pm - 9:45pm - Charity Auction with Art from local artists and Artefacts 
9:45pm - 10:00pm - Speeches
10:00pm - 12:00am - Dancing and socialising
The back of this invite holds the set menu for this event. If you require any changes due to any dietary requirements, please let us know in advance so we can accommodate this for you.
Yours faithfully,
Dean Delmona - Dean of Gressenheller University
“Yes, that is the one, being held in the events room usually used for the student’s activities and events. Will you be attending?” He asks setting his papers aside and closing the binder in front of him. A clear sign he is done for the day.
“I had replied back to the Dean that I was going to go, even if just to support the charity aspect of the evening. I just don’t know how I will deal with the mingling section if I don’t know anyone there. I was honestly just going to go around with Rosa, but I suppose it’d be good for me to make new friends. Will you be going?” I asked, readying my bag and standing up as the professor grabs his coat from the back of his office chair and swings it onto himself.
“Oh yes, as well as raising money for a good cause, it’s also a great chance to catch up with the professors at the other universities in the district, to compare findings and notes on expeditions taken throughout the year. Shall we?” He asks, opening the door for me to walk through like he does every time we walk home together.
“A true gentleman as always. And thank goodness for that! I now know at least one person at this event” I tease, walking through as he chuckles, locking up the office behind him as we make our way back towards the front of the school.
“Well, of course, a gentleman must always put the needs of a lady first. That includes going through doors. And yes, it is always comforting to know you’ll see at least one familiar face in the crowd, isn’t it? And you won’t only know one person… you’ll know two people since the dean will be there as well.”
“Well you say that, but the dean will probably be so busy with the board of directors, the deans of the other district universities and beneficiaries, I doubt he’ll have time to seek me out specifically Layton.”
“You’d be surprised. He always makes time for his staff at these events. Especially since he likes to make sure everyone’s having a good time. You’ll see.” He finished, giving a knowing look as we turned out of the university, past the bus stop I used on my first day and down the street towards home. It only felt like yesterday was my first day here. How time flies by when you’re having fun.
“Anyway, it’ll be great to meet up outside of work for once. I know you’ve had a lot on your plate recently, and even gentlemen deserve a break now and again surely? Where was it you had just come back from again?”
“Misthallery. And yes, I suppose I have been quite busy assisting with the official police report on that incident and corresponding with Luke’s father. Perhaps this charity gala is just what I need to unwind a little.”
“Then I’ll try my best to make it a night to remember! How is Luke settling in by the way? It must be awfully strange to be so far away from his parents. And at such a young age as well.”
“He’s doing quite alright, thank you for asking. I can tell he is feeling a little homesick, but you know how the boy is; always putting on a brave face and powering through one step at a time. Besides, he has made some quite fond friends during his stay, what with yourself and Emmy having been there for him during the settling-in period.”
“Well glad I could help! Just let him know that he’s always welcome at the library, just in case you go into one of your late-night thinking sessions and he wants to talk to someone while he waits.”
“Well, I’ll certainly pass on the message. I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.” He chuckles as we made our way down the embankment. The light danced on the lapping waves of the Thames as boats of tourists and cargo used the waterways to go about their business. ‘How many lives coasted across its waves a day?’ I thought to myself as we made our way. How many people had we passed on our way home that we hadn’t noticed? Where were they going?
“But enough about me, how has your work been faring? I know the student’s work has been increasing by the day. Which must mean more work for you?”
“Oh yes! The library has been having quite an increase of students coming in. It has been a little bit hectic keeping up with the returns and books being taken, But it’s been nice to be up on my feet and helping the students with whatever it is they need. It’s almost like being an assistant to the great minds of the future. Even if that does mean I have to keep going up and down the stairs, but look at the positives! It technically classes as a good workout on the job!.”
“Perhaps you too are in need of a break then.” He said, offering me a look that said he knows well about ignoring the feeling of granting yourself a break.
“Hah, perhaps I do Professor. My feet could do with the break, that’s for sure. I hope there are seats at the event past the meal portion of the night.”
“Then allow me to be on hand to make the event a well-needed break from the day-to-day.” He offered, almost in the same vein as I had done earlier on our walk home. 
“Then it’s agreed, we will both try our best to make sure one another has a grand old time and keep each other in check about worrying about day-to-day life.”
“Agreed. Speaking of, I was wondering…” He trailed off. 
“Yes?” I asked, prompting the man next to me to continue with his thought. It was unlike him to suddenly go quiet like that. And was that apprehension etched in his brow? And something else, something deeper. Something I couldn’t quite decipher.
“Ahem. I was wondering, since we both live in the same direction, I was wondering if you would like to go together? As you said, it’s comforting to see a familiar face in a big crowd like this event is going to draw. It might be nice to start the night in that same vein before mingling?”
 “Wait really?” I asked, not really expecting that. I don’t know why I hadn’t, since we had become fast friends. But still…
“Ah, my apologies, I fear I may have been a bit presumptuous in my suggestion. I didn’t mean to put any pressure on you to come with me if you have made other plans.” He replied, a bashful laugh leaving his mouth.
“Oh, no no no! Not at all! I was only thinking I wouldn’t want to delay you getting to the event was all! But yes, if that’s alright with you and Luke, I’d love to drop around yours first before we go to the gala! It’ll be nice to see Luke and Emmy before we go anyway and…oh! We're here already?”
And before either of us were really ready to say goodnight, the two of us were already in front of the Professor’s townhouse. The green lacquer door and yellow bricks shone like gold in the sunset’s light, glinting beautifully from the windows. Our usual parting point, come too soon.
“I was sure we had another five minutes until we got here. Oh well, what conversations can do I suppose.” I chuckle, more out of embarrassment of not being aware of my surroundings rather than anything being particularly funny. Thanks fully the Professor joined in as well.
“You’re quite right. Time does fly by when in good company I suppose. Now, are you sure I can’t walk you back to your house?”
“Professor, you ask me this every time we walk home together. And I really do appreciate the sentiment, but I only live a block away from here! I’m sure I can walk myself there without any issues occurring. No need to go out of your way just for me.” I reply, walking a few paces backwards to make the point clear.
“Well, you are quite the capable person I know. In that case, I wish you a good night (Y/N)” He finishes, tipping his hat just so.
“Good night Professor. I’ll see you tomorrow then. We can talk more about our plans for the gala in the morning.” I smile, before turning on my heel and walking into the night, a slight spring in my step at the anticipation of events to come.
As they walked off into the night like they usually did, I felt a certain… lightness envelope me. Like a weight I had unknowingly been carrying had been lifted from my shoulders. Which was strange considering I had nothing particularly grating occurring in my life currently. Apart from that… but it’s best not to dwell on the past.
“What a conversation can do…” I said quietly to myself as they finally turned the corner, leaving my line of sight. Only once they were out of sight did I turn towards home and open the doors, closing it just behind me just as a pair of feet started to pad towards me.
“Oh, Professor! Welcome back! How did your lectures go?” A familiar voice called as he made his way to the hallway, where I unburdened myself of my coat and hat.
“Quite the success my boy. I believe you were right in relating this class’s topic to our excursion would do just the trick to make the material much more uplifting and engaging. I even had some of the students ask about you from the stories I told.”
“Oh wow! Glad I could help Professor! Was that (Y/N) I saw you speaking with outside? Did she
“Sadly they couldn’t come in tonight, as they have other things to take care of this evening. But, if it’s alright with you, they would like to come round for a little while next week. For that charity event I told you about.”
“Really! Oh, I’d love to have them around! I can show them all the things I learnt at the new school and all the puzzles I’ve helped solve…Oh! And I’ve even managed to finally solve that sliding block puzzle box you left me with! Come look Professer!” He exclaimed, before rushing off back to where he came from.
Chuckling to myself, I place my shoes away in the hall and follow Luke into the living room, only half focusing on my young apprentice and his newest achievement. The other half of me wondering about the gala and the evening ahead of us.
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agender-wolfie · 1 year
I have an idea for a gender neutral fic with professor Layton where they both like each other but are dancing around it because they’re both scared.
Reader thinks they aren’t good enough for Hershel. They think they are too “crude”, too sarcastic , not proper enough and too colorful and out there for him. While Hershel thinks the exact opposite. He believes he’s too “boring”, stiff and that he gives off the energy that he doesn’t like to let loose or have fun. All the while Luke is just looking at them both like
👁👄👁 because of course they are perfect for each other and they love each other’s differences. And maybe he comes up with a plan to get them both together?
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thesimpsbasement · 20 days
erm erm there's a similar request being done, but can you do a smau with Layton where the reader is clingy instead?
Hmm gee I wonder who this could be from
Layton with a clingy s/o
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•warnings/tags: fluff,crack
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Can u post Y from the fluff alphabet with Layton? 🥺💖
Fluff alphabet can be found here: https://snk-warriors.tumblr.com/post/173203415802/fluff-alphabet
Y for Hershel Layton
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Y is for Yearning
Layton doesn't cope the best with missing his partner and will try to distract himself. He does this by reading and completing puzzles but his mind always wanders back and so distracting himself is rather ineffective. With that Hershel tends to be rather upset until his partner comes back and then he clings to them. In general he is depressed and overwhelmingly lonely while yearning for his partner.
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cute-angi · 2 years
"Why?" she asked in a tremulous voice into the silence.
Hershel paused in his own narrative. Judging from her tone, the professor could sense the burgeoning anger within her. But it wasn't just hatred and anger that overcame her. Her actual guiding emotion was grief, which had been held back too long and had sprouted within her until it could now no longer be contained.
"Why should I apologize for being a monster?"
It had been his fault alone - and so he knew.
In Misthallery, he should never have shown her the ignorance that had brought her close to Descole in the first place.
This man guided her towards the stars and made her feel safe. As a result, Professor Layton slightly compared her to his friend Randall. Now he had lost her to this man who was accompanied by dramaturgy. She had gone with him on her own free will, because she had recognized the face behind the mask long before he had realized it. She found the solution to the greatest riddle all by herself. And yet he asked her to apologize to everyone now that they had crossed paths by accident. For not giving even more of her life to others, and tired of all the fighting, deciding for herself for the very first time.
"Why should I apologize for being a monster?" she repeated more determinedly.
Her attitude resembled that of Descole. The theatricality was matched to his nature, as if he had helped her not only to climb out of the deepest abysses, but also to rise. All the way beyond the stars.
"Has anyone ever apologized to me for making me one?"
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penguiduck · 5 years
For all his intelligence, wrapping Christmas gifts was always a challenge for Professor Hershel Layton. Good thing he has you.
[Reader x Hershel Layton]
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sunnyskies281 · 2 years
Professor Layton secret Santa gift for @ram-c137 (I really hope that’s the right person)
Request: Hershel being fatherly to Luke, or a Hershel X Reader fic
I combined those two to make a Hershel x Reader fic where you make tea with Luke!
Merry Holidays!
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xlijahsgirl · 7 years
A Different Kind Of Case - Professor Layton
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Requested by Anonymus; “A fluffy request for the professor Layton where the reader is close friends with him and while working on a case he confesses that he had feelings for her?” & @thatmockingj “Hi, if you are open to Professor Layton requests, please could you write a cute family fic between Layton, Luke and Flora? Thank you!”
Pairing: Hershel Layton x Female!Reader
Fandom: Professor Layton
Warning: Just fluffy and cute
Number of Words: 1194
It was shortly after dinner time in London. Hershel, Flora, Luke and Y/N were walking down the path next to the Thames. After another case, they went out for dinner, after sleeping a long time. Luke was showing Flora everything because it was her first time, being out while it was dark. Y/N and Layton were standing side by side in a comfortable silence. They always had been comfortable with each other, but they got closer in the little village. The professor always had feelings for the Y/H/C-haired woman, but he realized something. There were more than just feelings. He started to fall in love with the woman.
Unknown to him, the female felt the same for him but she never thought about admitting it. She knew that there always had been something between them. It scared her, not only the feelings but the question that ran through her head. 'Would he ever love me?' Hershel was indeed capable to love, but after his first love died, everything was different. He may not allow himself to fall in love ever again. Never in the world, he could have deal with such a pain again.
Without a doubt, Luke and Flora knew about their feelings. Once they were far enough away, they started to talk without the adult's knowledge.  "We should do something," Luke said to Flora, who nodded shyly. She was still new to all of this but was doing a good job in fitting in. The man and woman behind them treated both of them like their own children. It was unbelievable, how kind they were.
Once they all got home, Flora and Luke nodded at each other before starting their plan. Like a true gentleman, Hershel took Y/N's coat off and shot her a smile. That smile caused Y/N's heart to beat faster and louder. Her cheeks heat up and she excused herself. The professor could not help but look after her as she went into the living room. The smile did not vanish from his face.
Y/N sat down on the comfortable couch next to the fireplace. Fall was turning slowly into winter and it was palpable. Flora followed her and smiled softly. "Can I sit down?" The girl asked in a quiet tone. Y/N nodded and moved a bit to the side. "Did you settle in, Flora?" The older female enquire. "I did. Thank you for your concern. You, the professor and Luke are really nice to me. I could not be more thankful."
The woman gently laid a hand on the girl's back. "You do not have to mention it." Both of them went silent again until Flora spoke up, "Are you happy, Y/N?" Was Y/N happy? She stayed quiet because she had thought about it. Flora's words did confuse her. "I think I am." She answered. "You think?" Flora asked, which caused Y/N to chuckle. "Why are you asking me that Flora? Do I make the impression to be unhappy?" The girl shook her head, "It seems like there is more. You are happy, but it seems like you are missing something."
"There are things, you may not understand yet." Y/N said. Flora giggled and the Y/H/C-haired was now even more confused. "You mean your feelings towards the professor?" You tried not let your eyes get bigger or your face to turn red. "How do you know?" She asked quietly, trying not to be heard by the males. "I see how you look at him, Y/N. I know you are happy, but you would be even happier. You, for sure, deserve it." Both smiled and Y/N kissed Flora's head. "Why don't you go to bed. It is pretty late and you have school tomorrow."
Flora nodded, knowing Y/N will think about her words. The girl left and Y/N sighed. For some reason, Y/N was relieved. Maybe one day, Hershel will feel the same. She did not expect that the intern was talking to Hershel, with the same intentions.
The professor was heating up some tea while Luke sat on a chair next to him. "Professor, can I ask you something?" The apprentice asked. The man chuckled and nodded, "Sure, Luke. What's the matter?" Luke was fiddling with his thumbs while keeping his eyes down. He did not want to intrude his privacy. "How do you feel about Y/N?" Hershel kept his eyes on the teakettle. "What do you mean, Luke?" He asked, being just as confused as Y/N earlier.
"Well, I a-am sorry, Professor," The boy stuttered. Much to his confusion, Hershel chuckled. He put the kettle down from the cooker and poured tea into two cups. Hershel took the cups and sat down on the chair in the front of Luke. "My boy, you can answer me truthfully. I will not be mad." Luke's face heated up. "Flora and I think you may like her more than just as a friend. We are sure that she feels the same way." Both took a sip of their tea. "It is really nice that you care that much about me, but do not worry." The professor looked at his clock as the boy yawned. "It is late. Maybe you should go to sleep." The boy nodded and stood up. "We just want you and Y/N to be happy." With that, the boy left his tea behind.
Hershel finished his tea before refilling his cup. He also poured some tea in another cup, before walking towards the living room. Y/N was now wrapped in a blanket and read a book. Once she heard his footsteps, she looked up. She shot him, her usual smile, which he returned. "Exactly what I need," Y/N said as she took the cup. "I assume Flora talked with you about me?" He asked in a gentle tone and Y/N had to try to not spit the tea back into the cup. "Same to you?" Hershel nodded and for the first time, there was a kind of tension between them. "I thought about it," He continued and she looked up to him. "For a long time, I tried to push everyone away. After Claire, it just did not seem right,"
Y/N stayed quiet and waited for him to continue. "Many people thought that Emmy and I fancy the each other, but they were wrong. All the time, I only had eyes for one woman. It may surprise you, but it is you." Y/N put the cup down and turned to look at him. He was looking at her with concern. "I am relieved because I fancy you as well." She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a soft kiss.
While they both shared a wonderful moment, Luke and Flora watched the moment. This may be a different kind of case as they usually solve, but it was their first case. The first case they solved without the professor, but for the professor.
Tag-List: @preciousgalvan (If you wanne be tagged in my work, message me!)
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evalieena · 3 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
well since dearest @bachint​ asked, here goes nothing!
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
well if no downplaying’s allowed i guess i’d give it a 3/5? some mistakes since i’m not a native plus i”m still working on getting my english style better! i like what i come up with all the same, i’ve improved a lot these past two years, and my grammar isn’t that bad i guess?
2. Why do you write fanfiction?
to do what developers didn’t do in the first place to make good use of my imagination, to cope with the fact that some characters don’t exist and i will never follow another one of their adventures, to forget about a boring real life...
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
my writing doesn’t stand out lmaooo but i guess i’m always trying to focus on the character’s psychology, struggles and all that, so if someone likes my work, it’s ‘original’ bc it’s usually quite different from the usual stories where there are a lot of dialogues and interactions.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
i’ve been inspired a lot by @welcometogressenheller​ (i wish i could do as well as she does.....), @aceklaviergavin​ (kudos to you even if you never see that post and you probably don’t know who i am), and some others whose name i forgot (sorry!)
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
i didn’t write much but i guess that my latest fics are really nice (There’s No Light In You Anymore, and the whole Faith series on AO3). also my big project “Now That You’re Gone”, i’m glad i’ve been able to write that much for it and i intend on continuing as soon as i find the motivation!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
pain, struggles and all that comes with it as long as it’s in the character’s mind, because beware here you step in a dark space
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
ordinary scenes of life? i always find my writing lacking as soon as i step out of my comfort zone, i’m all for rambling and never-ending pain
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
desmond/descole surely
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
all the good guys (and dimitri allen because i’d love writing about him but i’m? just unable to?)
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
that may come as a surprise! angst!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
a mix of question 8 and 10 and you’ve got your answer
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
professor layton and the shattering secrets!!! i’m so happy of what this AU will look like when i’ll be done writing the following chapters, at first it probably looks annoying but heck i wanna promise anyone who’s reading it that the plot twists are gonna be worth it even though the overall background isn’t that original because i’ve mixed up different elements from other games (aaaand we’re back in our oh-so-amazing comfort zone that covers up a massive lack of imagination)
13. First fandom you ever wrote for?
ummm? the vampire diaries maybe? back when i was 10 or 11 lol
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
hands up... pROFESsoR LayTON
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
i didn’t write for many fandoms but back in my younger days i used to do self-insert fics with the vampire diaries cast and it was so odd and i wish i hadn’t just confessed that on my tumblr blog
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
nothing that comes to mind
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
dunno either
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
PL and the shattering secrets! huge canon divergence and one heck of an AU (also its original version is much worse, my mind was going crazy when i was 15)
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
i love reading AUs, writing some requires solid imagination which i have not, but honestly i don’t really mind
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff?
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
desmond sycamore x his wife / randall ascot x hershel layton (be it romantic or platonic) / randall ascot x basically anyone from the MM i guess though i didn’t write anything about that yet (it’s about to change guys)
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
yea i can’t write without listening to music - any playlist does the trick as long as i like what i’m listening to but usually i listen to sad soundtracks, or i’m inspired by some random lyrics
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
i’d go with challenges bc my horrible ass has very few ideas but i usually come up with independent ideas
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
one shots!
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
i don’t remember ;_;
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
i’ve got one OS in mind with randall/layton but i don’t want to be the talk of the town because it’s probably going to be awful? also any other fic including the PL3 crew
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
@welcometogressenheller telling me she believed i was a native!!! i struggle so much trying to improve my writing style in english and i have a lot of insecurities so it was so heartwarming and incredible to read...
also basically any other comment where people tell me they like what i write. i love that writers feel the need to take some time reviewing my works bc i need constant validation
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
well i’ve never really received ‘harsh’ criticism or anything, save for some very rare remarks on my grammar so i guess i don’t know? at first it’s always sad to see that what i’ve done isn’t perfect but i guess it’s impossible to be perfect so i’m really happy that people take some time to underline what looks wrong to them
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
currently trying to with shattering secrets and it’s actually a great way to improve!
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
i wish i could but it would perhaps be a huge spoiler so i don’t wanna say much about them...
i have 1) annabell sycamore, des’s wife, whose personality fits very much mine. she’s a playwright, spends lot of her time writing and acting in front of des AND WITH des. also she’s a very realistic person and some people usually tell her that she’s being too pessimistic 
2) aurelia from the shattering secrets and on her i really cannot say much... if anyone’s read this far it would be so nice if you could give SS a shot by the way!! 
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less.
desmond sometimes finds happiness but it’s always taken from him
(isn’t that a summary for everything i’ve ever written?)
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
i don’t translate my works from my original language to english, i write straight in english. i spend a lot of time making sure i haven’t done any grammatical mistakes, checking the definition and the use of some words i’m not sure about, and sometimes it’s quite a pain and it can be also very discouraging bc i end up believing what i write comes from a random internet dictionary while deep down i know it’s not true but hey what can i say. huge insecurities laid bare here.
(if any reader of mine’s reading this, i apologize)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
(beware: spoilers for the whole prequel trilogy!!!)
“Hershel Layton was puzzled. A funny emotion to feel for someone who loved puzzles that much, but nothing could ever describe better the way he’d felt for hours now, hours that seemed like ages.So much did happen in the span of a few hours.
First he’d learned his parents could be targeted by Targent, then Aurora had made it clear that she didn’t want to live anymore, all so she could protect them. Then Desmond—no, Descole—had taken the key from her hands, and revealed himself as the dangerous scientist Layton knew him to be.
Then they’d fought. Despair was filling the air, though Hershel didn’t understand what Descole meant when he cried that the Azran legacy was all he had to live for.
And as if there hadn’t been enough betrayals as it was, Emmy was soon to follow. Luke had been abducted. He’d had no other choice than siding with Descole to prevent Bronev from unleashing doom on Earth. Misery didn’t seem to end.
Just when he’d thought he’d finally be able to change things, Descole had been ready to sacrifice himself to save Luke. And then…
Then everything just collapsed.
He held his agonizing brother in his arms; the one who’d wanted so hard to take him down only a few hours back was now confessing, fearing death was on the way.“
from ‘Six Times Hershel Layton Remembered, Plus The One Time He Didn’t’
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
oops i haven’t got anything more to say but thank you for reading? perhaps?
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layton-love · 5 months
Hello, you can call me Lee! I write x Readers for the Professor Layton series. Fair warning, this blog will probably have spoilers for all of the main games aside from LBMR & LMJ. I will tag all spoiler-containing posts with “Professor Layton spoilers” as a catch-all. My main character focuses are Desmond Sycamore/Jean Descole, Hershel Layton, and Randall Ascot/Masked Gentleman. I'd also maybe be open to Clive Dove and Henry Ledore if people want them. Feel free to send asks and requests for scenarios, f/o imagines, x Reader headcanons, oneshots, etc! Please specify what form of story/other you're wanting, otherwise I will choose for you.
The only rules I have are that I will not write about OCs, child!Readers, incest, kinks, or BDSM. If I write anything close to smut I prefer it to be super loving and cosy, y'know? I'm not comfortable going very far with it. If I ever actually make any posts like that, I'll tag them accordingly with “Suggestive.” Otherwise, go ham! I hope you enjoy.
The rules etc are subject to change as I see fit and as I become more comfortable doing this.
Also, if you don't want to see anything that isn't a oneshot etc, blacklist the tag “not writing” and be free! Also also, “the lagomorph has spoken” is what I'll use for posts in which I'm just talking or announcing something.
I have a Draw Box now! ❤️
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perplexedflower · 10 months
Dancing On Air
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Fandom: Professor Layton.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Hershel Layton x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 2,651.
Summary: After having brilliantly solved yet another mystery, [Y/N] and Hershel find themselves in the middle of a celebration, in the middle of the dancefloor, and, most importantly, in the arms of one another.
Chronology: Any game.
In one corner of the large plaza, Layton, [Y/N], Luke, and Flora stood next to each other, forming a row. And each of their faces bore a warm smile as they all watched the townsfolk gather and celebrate, some distance away from them.
That day, all four of them had solved the mysteries of a town that was located far from London; a town they had managed to save, along with its inhabitants. To thank the Professor and his companions, they had decided to organize a celebration in their honor in the early evening, at the center of the town.
As they admired the glowing string lights and colorful decorations, gentle music began playing behind them, as a handful of the inhabitants had assembled to form a band: upon hearing the first notes, Luke's expression changed and he hurried to join the other musicians, his trusty violin in hand. He stood straight as he set it to rest between his shoulder and his chin and within a matter of a few seconds, the harmonious sound of his instrument had joined all the other ones in a beautiful symphony of sounds.
The others turned to him and looked at him play, smiling widely, expressions of fascination and pride on their faces.
"Beautiful, my boy." Praised Layton.
"You play amazingly, Luke!" Complimented [Y/N].
"It sounds so wonderful!" Flora exclaimed.
A little bashful, the boy chuckled nervously as he continued to play, now with a smile. As the melody of Luke's violin surrounded them, the team split up: Flora, who noticed a food stand on the other side of the plaza ran off, while [Y/N] happily made her way to the center of the plaza, where most of the townspeople had gathered, and this left Layton to stay behind, standing a few feet away from the band as he watched the excitement spread around him.
But among the crowd, there truly was only one person he watched, and that was [Y/N]. The young woman who was taking the time to go up to everyone, to greet them individually, to converse with the inhabitants, to put a smile on their faces. The young woman who had helped him solve that mystery through trials and tribulations. The young woman who, no matter what she faced, remained his faithful assistant, through thick and thin. The young woman whom he loved so dearly.
There she was, in the distance, mingling with every person she came across, shaking their hands as they thanked her for everything she had done: and on her face, a smile filled with glee. A smile that made Layton's heart melt, that made him smile as well, that filled him with an indescribable feeling.
There is no greater sight than seeing her so cheerful, so full of life...
Immersed in his contemplation, Luke's violin became white noise to his ears and he came to forget the world around him, so much so that he even failed to hear Flora's footsteps as they approached him.
"Isn't this party fun, Professor?" She excitedly asked him out of the blue.
The gentle voice of the young girl brought him back to reality and drove him to turn to look at her: in her hand, a candy apple, and on her face, a bright smile. Layton smiled back at her, his cheeks faintly pink.
"It is, Flora." He answered her cheerfully. "I'm happy to know you are enjoying yourself. We will be leaving the town and travelling back to London early tomorrow morning, so be sure to make the most of the celebration tonight while we are still here."
"Yes, Professor!"
After showing Flora one more smile, his eyes drifted back to [Y/N], still in the distance, still joyful. Although he instinctively brought his arms up to slowly cross them over his chest, the look in his gaze softened as he admired her from a distance, falling prey to her charm and aura.
While the musical performance of the band reached all the way to the center of the plaza, [Y/N] began to dance to the rhythm, letting her enthusiasm take over and pushing a handful of other people to start dancing alongside her as well: soon enough, most of the townsfolk gathered to dance in circles with one another and laughter filled the evening sky.
Layton could not help but chuckle upon seeing her manage to get the entirety of the town to dance with her, a sight he was not at all surprised to see despite its suddenness.
Her liveliness is so endearing, only she could lead so many people to come together in such a way.
His eyes followed her around, watching her every movement as the look in his eyes grew increasingly filled with affection, and it did not go unnoticed: Flora, still standing beside him, looked up at him and saw the expression displayed on his face, the love that hid in his smile. She followed the direction of his gaze until it reached [Y/N], then everything became clear to the young girl who would not suppress an amused grin.
In a slow movement, she took a step closer to Layton and stood next to him as she took a bite into her candy apple.
"... You should go and invite her to a dance, Professor." She told him softly.
Flora's unexpected suggestion made him open his eyes wider and now, more than ever, his cheeks shifted from pink to red. He looked back down at his young protégée and the smile on her face said it all: it was clear she could see right through him, right through the feelings he was failing at concealing. Not knowing what to say, he remained quiet as he stood still, slightly embarrassed, averting his eyes from Flora's. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he cleared his throat gently and looked down at himself while he readjusted his coat slightly.
"I don't know, Flora..." He said shyly.
It was clear he wanted to say more, to add another sentence, but he struggled to find the right words, to find the proper way to express himself. However, just as he was about to turn to Flora and speak up, he suddenly saw [Y/N] running up to him, her lips still shaped into her glowing smile, approaching closer to him with every step she took: before she even left him any time to understand what she was doing, she reached her hands out to him and grabbed one of his firmly.
"Come on, Professor!" She exclaimed loudly. "Come dance with all of us!"
With his left hand in both of her palms, she began to drag him away from Luke and Flora, and onto the center of the plaza. Unsure as to how to react, Layton found himself opening his eyes wide and feeling the redness of his face intensify yet even further.
"[Y/N], what are you-"
Unable to resist her grasp, he let himself be tugged and held onto his top hat to prevent it from falling. Soon enough, he found himself in the very center of the plaza, in the very middle of the crowd, surrounded by euphoria from all sides. [Y/N] still held his hand tight as she started to dance around him, pushing him to do the same: although everyone around him was smiling and laughing, Layton still remained flustered, his thoughts all jumbled. Then, in rhythm with the music echoing around them, the townspeople began to clap their hands in unison at a fast pace, all eyes turned to the Professor and his companion, dancing together as if there was no tomorrow, as if they were the only two people there.
And as he stared into [Y/N]'s eyes, wrapped wholly in the festive atmosphere, Layton lost his nervous expression and found himself smiling, his grin widening with each second, until he let out a warm laugh. His right hand let go of his hat as he joined hands with her, losing himself in the moment, setting all his thoughts aside. The two danced together, their laughs merging and mixing while their bodies progressively closed in on each other. Until the bell of the nearby church suddenly rang, freezing everyone in place, as if immortalizing the scene.
The band stopped playing abruptly. The crowd stopped clapping. The loud laughter was replaced by mere whispers. And as the bell continued to ring, three, four times, Layton and [Y/N] stood before each other, their hands joined, their faces inches from one another, their panting breaths meeting, their eyes wide open, their faces flushed, at the center of the universe.
In the distance, Luke diverted his gaze from the church bell and turned to look at them, and upon seeing them so close, in the arms of one another, the boy did not hesitate a single second before picking his violin back up and continuing to play, solo, his melodious instrument filling the silent and heavy air, providing Layton and [Y/N] with a tune to go with the special moment they were sharing. After only a few notes, the rest of the band followed Luke's lead and went back to playing, and time no longer felt frozen.
In the center of the plaza, the Professor and [Y/N] shyly let go of each other, but only to hold each other better, more appropriately, in accordance with dancing a slow; while both of their faces were still displaying timidity and awkwardness, she placed a hand on his shoulder while he gently rested one of his on her waist. And they began to dance, again, this time slowly, yet still as close to one another.
As he tried his best to remain as composed as he could, Layton cleared his throat gently while looking slightly down.
"I apologise for my behaviour just now, [Y/N]." He told her shamefully. "I may have let myself go a little too much..."
"Why are you apologizing, Professor?" She asked him with a chuckle. "You did nothing wrong, there is no need to worry. If anything, it really pleases me to see you so energetic and lively."
As he made her body sway slowly from left to right, she tilted her head, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Please, don't take it the wrong way, but you're often too uptight, too... serious... especially these days. And I feel you have earned the right to unwind, to... have some fun of your own."
As she spoke, her expression changed and she stared deeply into his eyes, a caring smile on her face.
"So, please, Professor, do not restrain yourself from acting in such a way."
Layton stared back into her eyes, his mouth slightly open, feeling slightly overwhelmed by all the kindness and affection she was showing him: but soon enough, his lips took the shape of a warm smile as the palms of his hands held her body tighter, by just a bit.
"... At least allow me to apologise for not having invited you to a dance, then."
[Y/N] closed her eyes as she chuckled in a way Layton found incredibly endearing.
"I will not, Professor." She said playfully. "You're dancing with me right now, are you not?"
"I am, but as a gentleman, it should have been my duty to be the one to make the first move and invite you, instead of letting you take the lead and invite me yourself." He replied with slight embarrassment.
The young woman giggled as she slowly shook her head at him.
"Well, now that I'm dancing with you, you're free to take the lead, as much as you want."
Layton responded to her with a tender grin, but one that did not linger: as her words echoed within his mind, he stared at her face intently, at her smooth skin, at her rosy cheeks, and at her pink lips. A rush of adrenaline flowed through his veins as he clung to her tighter, closer, his body swaying in rhythm with hers. Yet, although the music continued to play behind them, they progressively ceased to dance, though without letting go of each other; as they did, [Y/N]'s hand on his shoulder moved up to his neck, holding it delicately while her heart raced in her chest. And when their bodies came to a stop, Layton tilted his head and leaned forward to make his lips meet [Y/N]'s in a firework of love and passion.
Both of their faces turned a bright red, but the last thing they wanted was to stop: they embraced one another affectionately as her hand on his neck grabbed the collar of his coat, hiding the lower part of their faces in the process.
Some distance away stood Luke and Flora, next to each other, who had been watching the two adults this whole time, and the second they witnessed their first kiss, they could not contain their reactions: Luke found himself blushing at the sight, so much so that he almost missed a note on his violin, while Flora was giddy with excitement, giggling as she finished to eat her candy apple.
But the two adults, on their end, cared little for the eyes that turned to them or even the smiles it brought to people's faces: at that moment, all that mattered was their love, their love for each other, the love they had been repressing for so long now. Their kiss was soft, sweet, like cotton candy, but, unfortunately, not everlasting, and it had to eventually come to an end. When it did, they slowly pulled away from each other, their lips still slightly parted, their breaths warm, and their hearts beating as one.
As he gradually opened his eyes, Layton looked down at her body, his skin still colored in a deep shade of pink.
"You look wonderful, tonight, [Y/N]..." He complimented her romantically in a whisper. "I meant to tell you earlier, but it slipped my mind..."
Opening her eyes as well, [Y/N] felt herself blushing further as she smiled timidly.
"Thank you... Hershel." She said hesitantly, unaccustomed to calling him by his first name. "You look wonderful yourself."
"Though I greatly appreciate the compliment, dear, this is no different from what I wear daily." He responded with a genuine laugh.
She laughed back while one of her hands slid down onto his chest, onto the fabric of his orange button-up shirt.
"I know." She said as she looked into his eyes. "You always look wonderful, Hershel."
The Professor's face bore an expression of bashfulness upon hearing her affectionate compliment and he found himself incapable of adding anything else to say as he shyly looked to the side. This made [Y/N] smile, a smile as upbeat as the music that was still playing around them, as upbeat as the way the townsfolk were still dancing around them.
While still held in Layton's arms, she turned her head to the side as well, but to look at Luke and Flora in the distance: with a bright smile, she waved at the two children and motioned a hand gesture to make them understand they, too, should come in the center of the plaza to dance with them. When Layton saw and understood what she was doing, he decided to imitate her to help encourage the kids to join them. Flora, enthusiastic at the idea turned to Luke with a smile, who pondered for a second before he, too, smiled: the boy played one last note on his violin before he set it down and back inside its case, leaving it by the band players.
Then, the two children made their way to the center of the plaza, where they joined Layton and [Y/N]. And together, they talked, smiled, laughed. But most importantly, they joyfully danced the night away.
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themoonlovemuses · 1 year
Introductions to your New Life! (Professor Layton X Reader)
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Summary:  After a job position opens up at Gressenheller University, you move down to London and join the prestigious university, and along the way meet the charming Professor Layton.
WANTED: Head Librarian
Requirements: A knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System.
A candidate with strong communication and interpersonal skills who is a reliable and self-motivated person who can work largely unsupervised following precise instructions. As the work is fairly routine, you will need to maintain a high level of attention to detail and accuracy in your work. 
If you are interested, please come to Gressenheller University and speak to the receptionist to inquire.
That had been the advertisement Dean Delmona had sent over in the mail when he mentioned to my mum that he was looking for a new librarian for the university. Having been friends of the family for a while, Delmona knows of my love for novels and sharing recommendations to those around me on whatever topics I had knowledge of. So naturally, after having a friendly discussion about where we all were in our professions, mum had passed on the message to me about the vacancy. A job at a bigger library than the local village has, in the heart of London, surrounded by like-minded people? Sounds like a dream come true!
And not a month later, after handing my notice to the librarian at my old job and saying my farewells to my parents and siblings, I hopped onto the train heading to Central Plaza Station with nothing but my suitcase and a note with the address to my new flat that I had acquired after talking to the landlord, Ingrid, over the phone. The move had been stressful, and the nose and bustle of the London streets had been a bit overwhelming compared to country life, but I had finally settled into the flat and explored the neighbourhood enough to know my way around. Now all that was left to start my new life is to start my first day at my new job.
Which is what I had been daydreaming about just as the bus rolled to a stop in front of the wrought-iron gates of the university. So after paying the fare and wishing the driver a good day, I strode up to the front doors of the university, marvelling at the architecture of the buildings, imagining what kind of history the walls hold. And not soon after I had got to the doors that lead to the reception room did I see the Dean, in his usual crisp suit and spectacles, waiting for me.
“Ah, (Y/N)! Good Morning! Didn’t get lost on the way here then! I know I did the first couple of times when I became the dean!” He chuckled, meeting me halfway and shaking my hand
“Oh, not at all! Thankfully the buses around here a quite remarkable and way more punctual than back home. If I had been walking here on my own I’m sure I would’ve gone around in circles just trying to find this place!”
“Ho ho! Glad to hear! Well, I’d better show you around first before I leave you to it! You’re a reliable sort, but I wouldn’t want you getting lost here on your first day! The halls can be maze-like themselves.” He agreed, before heading off down the corridors. 
“Of course, as you probably know, the building was built a hundred and twenty years ago, using Neo-Baroque architecture which defined the era, and is what defines the university compared to the other buildings in the Westminster area. The original dean of the school prided his school on its excellence in providing knowledge from around the world, specialising in archaeological exploits. Which is why we specialize in this subject to this day! But enough about the history of the school! On your left, you can see the courtyards that the students tend to use between classes to either study or socialise together. And on the left are the out-of-hour offices for our Professors.” He rambled, pointing out the points of interest as he walked, including the offices, which appeared to have weird symbols on them. One seemed to have a coffee cup and… was that a top hat?
“Excuse me, sorry Delmona. What do the symbols mean on the doors? Is that one on the left a student café?” I asked, pointing it out, as only some of the doors had symbols on them.
“Oh, those! No, sadly you won’t be grabbing a cup of coffee from in there! Those symbols just help students to differentiate which professor uses which office. All doors look the same on the first day and all that! He explained patiently, as if he had received these questions numerous times. 
‘At least it seemed like I wasn’t the only one to ask about it. Still, I wonder if all universities have those kinds of subliminal tricks to distinguish different professor offices.’ I thought to myself as we re-entered the building, heading back towards the main area.
“Now if you follow the path down here, it’ll lead you down towards the cafeteria, where you will be able to grab that coffee! And if you take the stair over here, that’ll lead up to the classrooms and my office directly in front of the stairs. And this door at the bottom of the stairs, is the library!” He announced, pushing the doors in a way that he must’ve been aiming to be dramatic, but ended up swinging back in our faces due to the lack of strength behind it. Coughing into his hand to discharge the awkward tension, he reopened the doors normally, myself following after him.
As I entered the space, I looked around in awe, the smell of old books and wood hitting my nose first. Pillars of golden brown wood held the building up with rows and rows of bookshelves matching the colour of the wood, it looked like it had two, maybe even three floors worth of books, and study tables scattered about the place. And just to the left, a big desk with a little rack of leaflets for what at first glance appears to be student events and a big trolley rack filled to the brim with books to be returned to the shelves. A lady wearing a hair kerchief was polishing the front of it.
“Oh, Dean! I didn’t think you would be here so soon! I was just finishing up cleaning up the place, and this must be our new librarian!” 
“Oh don’t worry Rosa! There’s still time left if you need to finish up, we’re here early anyway. Anyway, as I mentioned (Y/N), this is Rosa Grimes, the university’s resident cleaner. Rosa, this is (Y/N). She’ll be starting today, I hope you take them under your care.” He says, introducing us to one another as I shake hands with the woman, Rosa. She seemed nice at first glance, almost a bit like Mum back home.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Rosa! And thank you for tidying up the place! You really didn’t have to do this just for me! I could’ve done it!”
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all dear! Love to keep busy me, you’ll probably see me around the place tidying up wherever I go anyway.” She laughed, tucking her feather duster back into her pocket in front of her apron.
‘Oh yeah, definitely like Mum.’ I thought to myself as we finished up.
“Speaking of which, I must be off over to the offices Delmona. You know how Layton loves to leave his office in such disarray. I think he does it just to see me and have a cup of tea together!” She laughs, waving to us both and heading through the doors we just came through, leaving me and the dean alone once again.
“Layton?” I ask, turning back towards the dean in hopes of some form of clarification as to who Rosa could’ve been talking about.
“Professor Hershel Layton, the university’s resident archaeology professor and minor celebrity of sorts to the students. He’s been known to go on excursions during the half terms and summer holidays. Always comes back to the school term with some story to tell in his lectures.” He remarks, guiding me towards the desk, where I will be spending most of my time.
“Oh, I see! That makes sense then. Must be quite the popular man then.”
“Yes he is, but I'm sure you’ll run into him at some point. He’s always coming in here for reference books on archaeological topics of one thing or another. Anyway, here's your desk. It’s normally quite quiet on a Monday as most deadlines seem to be set for the end of the week from my experience, so you should have plenty of time to get comfortable and have a look around before the students come in. I’d better be off now, as I have a meeting to attend with the school board in half an hour. I’m sure you’ll do fantastic with us, and I’ll check up with you at the end of the day to see how things went. Take care now (Y/N)!” The dean finishes, patting my arm reassuringly and heads towards the door.
“Thank you Dean Delmona! And thank you again for showing me around the campus, I really appreciate it!” I shout back, hoping to catch him before he’s out of earshot.
“My pleasure!” along with a wave is all the response back I get back as he slips through the doors. And I’m left alone in the vast expanse of the university library.
‘Alright! Let’s get settled in!’ I think to myself as a go over to the returns trolley, looking over what titles are in need of reshelving and wondering what type of student would have taken the books out in the first place. A pastime I enjoyed at the old village library as well to shake up the monotony of reshelving and lugging the heavy trolley in front of me.
The rest of the day turned out just to be as the dean said; quiet. Students only really started trickling in at around lunchtime, the same bleary look in their eyes of either late nights studying, or the aftermath of weekend-long revelry. I was thankful for this as that had given me a lot of time to acquaint myself with where each section was and what kind of selection we had on offer in case any of the students asked for any recommendations. Which I have to say, the university sported a whole array of wonderful books I could only dream of grabbing for my own personal collection. Rare copies of the Illiad and Odyssey, first editions of the Brother Grimm's fairytales, and every college textbook a student could possibly need, all waiting to be plucked from the shelves like glistening fruit from a market stall. There were even some signed autobiographies from famous authors and experts in their field, which I pondered as to how a university could’ve obtained. Was it something donated, or a gift to the university?
Either way, I had plenty of time to ponder this as the light from the wall-length windows on one side shined in the day’s light, turning the office from bright light to a golden age as the afternoon progressed. Only a couple of the more awake students had come up to the desk, either to return a book used over the weekend or ask if a certain book related to their coursework was available. The students seemed just as friendly as the staff thankfully, even inquiring about me, since they noticed I wasn’t the usual librarian on duty, who apparently was known as Ms Applewood, an kind enough woman who rumour had it retired up to Scotland to be nearer her son. How true the rumour is something I doubt I'd ever get the answer to, but it was nice to know that the student body I had encountered thought I was nice enough to even involve me in their gossip. So overall it was quite the lovely first day, only half an hour left on the clock, according to the small desk clock that the desk had come with. 
‘Just enough time to do the last of the returns and lock up for the night!’ I thought to myself, standing up from my desk and heading over to the pile of books to my right that I had piled up when the door on the other end of the room creaked open. A man wearing a top hat seemed to enter the room, a thick tome tucked under his arm as he walked towards the centre of the room, scanning around the library until he seemed to notice me at the desk.
“Hello there! My apologies for coming to the library so late into your shift. I had only just gotten out of the classroom just now, Some students had some questions to ask me after classes.” He spoke, making his way over in my direction as I picked up the four books from the returns.
“Oh, no trouble at all, the library is still open another half an hour anyway, Mr…?” I trailed off, unsure as to how to address the finely dressed man in front of me.
“Ah, do beg my pardon. How rude of me for not introducing myself to you. My name is Professor Hershel Layton. I’m the archaeological professor here at the university.” He introduced, tipping the top hat of his at me slightly, having to adjust his grip on the book in his possession to do so.
“(Y/N), the new librarian. Just started today. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” I replied, doing my best to nod back at him while balancing the books in my hands.
“That must be why I did not recognise you, you must be Ms Applewood’s replacement. A pleasure to meet you too.”
“No worries, now, what can I help you with today Professor?” I asked, trying my hardest not to appear nosey as I tried to read what book he had under his arm.
“Well, first I would like to return this book to the library, I was using it to help authenticate some of my student's answers in the essays I had assigned them over the weekend. And I was also wondering if you happened to know if you happened to have a copy of ‘The Azran History: What We Know’’ by Professor Desmond Sycamore and ‘Head Gymnastics’ by Akira Tago.” He asked, finally taking the book from under his arm. The title read ‘Archaeobotany in Egpyt’
“Not a problem Professor, in fact, I think I have that head Head gymnastics book in my pile for returns here. Let me see… Ah! Here we go!” Shuffling the books in my hands, I pulled it out in all it’s yellow glory from the bottom of the pile, quickly making a note on some scrap paper on what books were being taken and returned so I could enter them in properly to the system when I get back to my desk later.
“A girl returned this just today, so here you go! As for your book on Azran history, I believe I did see one on my rounds today in the Archaeological section. I’m more than happy to help look since I’m heading that way to sort these returns myself.”
“Are you quite sure, I wouldn’t want to bother you if you are busy right now.” He mused, a flash of concern flitting across his, concerned to be pulling me away from my duties perhaps?
“Not at all, professor. Like I said, these books are all heading towards the geography section anyway, so it’s on the way there anyway. Shall we?” I smile, leading the way towards the stack of shelves.
We walked in relative silence, the only nose being our shoes clacking against the hardwood flooring of the library. Not an awkward silence, which was weird since that normally did happen when meeting someone new, with neither party knowing what topic would interest the other. But a content silence, as if nothing really needed to be said at this moment.
‘Maybe he’s quite content with the silence himself’ I thought to myself, as I weaved between the stacks, before finally reaching our final destination.”
“Here we are, Professor! I’ll just quickly pop these into the geography section and be right with you!” I say, wandering just two shelves over to my own destination, shelving the books for the group study session that had left later that day.
“That’s quite alright, don’t rush on my account.” He chuckled, before staring up at the shelves, his mission already in his mind.
Having one of my last tasks of the day dealt with now, I hurried back over to the man and started looking for the book he needed as well while sneaking in some glances to assess the man next to me. Dressed rather professionally and shoes shined to a sheen. He looked the spitting image of what a professor looked like in my mind’s eye. And he acted like one as well. But there was something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on, some sort of charm about him. Maybe it was the way he spoke? You don’t hear a lot of people speaking the way he does; almost like he thinks about every word he’s about to say before he says anything. Or maybe it’s the glint in his eyes I noticed as he scans the bookshelves for his prize, a look of passion in his eye for the craft he must’ve honed throughout the years?
‘Well no wonder he’s popular around here.’ I mused to myself as I finally noticed the book the man next to me was looking for on the bottom shelf. Bending down to pick it up, I turn towards him, catching his attention from the corner of his eye.
“Here you go! This is what you were looking for right?” I ask, handing him the book in my hands while I quickly shelve the book about Egypt he had originally came in with.
“Yes! This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.”
“No worries. So the Azran? Are they to be a new topic to cover in your lectures then?” I asked as we made our way back to the desk to check his books out.
“Hm? Oh, no, the curriculum is quite set for this year and as much as I would love to discuss new archaeological discoveries in the modern era, I would hate for my students to be behind on their work.”
“Ah, I get it. I was just wondering since the papers recently have been talking about how fresh evidence of the Azran people are cropping around the world in the last five years. I think last week's paper talked about a potential temple in Froenborg?”
“Well, yes! You seem quite up to date with the goings-ons of the archaeological field. Do you have an interest in archaeology? Study archaeology while at university perhaps?” He asked, that glint returning back to his eyes.
“While I do have an interest in archaeology and new discoveries, it’s not because I studied it. I took anthropology as a minor during my university days instead, but both subjects seem to have an overlap from what I was taught at school. I think it’s called Osteoarchaeology in your field right? The study of bones?” I asked, wanting to make sure I wasn’t saying anything wrong as I walked around the side of the desk to check out the books he had taken.
“That’s exactly what it’s called. It’s nice to know there’s someone at the university  besides the students excited about these new discoveries and what this might mean to our understanding of the world as we know it.” He smiled, passing the books over for me to stamp.
“Well thank you! Good to know there’s someone here to discuss the findings with if the archaeologists find anything new to be reported on. Anyway, I must’ve taken up more of your time than I meant to. Here are those books Professor.” Passing the books back over, I set about taking the return ledger from the desk and start locking it away in the desk drawers for safekeeping.
“Not at all (Y/N), if anything it’s been lovely talking to you. In fact, if you get some spare time during the next few weeks, I’d love to discuss more about the tribes you studied while at university and your thoughts on the Azran people.” He asked, slowly turning in the direction of the door.
“Ho ho! Roping our newest recruit into your lectures and puzzles are we Professor?” The dean mused, making his way to us from his point at the door. How did I not hear him come in?
“Ah, well quite Dean Delmona. We were just discussing the recent discoveries of the Azran people.” He said, coughing into his balled-up fist. Ah yes, now this was the awkward silence I had come to know.
“Oh, I'm only jesting with you, my boy! It’s good everyone’s been friendly to our new librarian. Making them feel right at home! He laughed, patting the Professor on the arm.
“Anyway, I was just coming down here to check up on (Y/N) and how their first day went. Wouldn’t want to keep you both here any longer than you needed to.”
“I see, then I had better leave you to it. It was lovely speaking with you (Y/N). I’ll see you around.” The professor waved, before heading towards the doors and out the room.
“You too Professor! See you soon!” I shouted afterwards, hoping he heard me just like the situation with the dean this morning.
“I’ll take you to the front gates now. Like I said, probably don’t want to waste your evenings wiled away in here. But how was your first day here? Nothing to deter you from staying here I hope?” He asked as I locked up the library doors.
“All good actually. Your school has quite a lovely collection of books and all the staff and students are so nice! I hope it’s like this all the time here!” 
“Hah! The only time it’s not is when it’s exam and finals week! Then things can get a bit snappy!” He laughed, walking down the path towards the wrought iron gates we had only passed through this morning. It only seemed like an hour ago I arrived here. How time sure flies.
“Well anyway, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed yourself here and as I’ve said, I know how reliable you are so you’re more than welcome to work here as long as you’d like to. But you better head off home now and make sure you’re fresh for tomorrow morning! Library Opens up at 8 am sharp. Make sure you get home safe now. And again, welcome to Gressenheller University (Y/N)!”
'Welcome indeed!' I thought to yourself as you strolled on down to the bus stop, lost in your imaginings of what the next few days would bring.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Hershel Layton x Sick!Reader
Fandom: Professor Layton
Characters:Hershel Layton
Author: Mod Betty
Reader is gender neutral
Words count: 617 words 
A/N: Currently obsessed with Professor Layton and I haven't seen many fics for the series so here we are ( also totally not writing this for a close friend too ))
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All you wanted was to pay Layton a visit thinking that the sickness you managed to catch yesterday had went away but boy were you wrong and this is how you ended up in your current situation.
"Don't worry _____ the professor should be back soon and he'll make you feel better!" The little boy chirped trying to cheer you up as you lay on the couch with a high fever.You looked at Luke, a smile on your face " Yeah I suppose so but I rather not add to Hershel's worklo-" before you could finish your sentence you started coughing, throat aching "Ah ____ do not strain yourself! And no you aren't any trouble at all! "Luke rushed to your side pushing you lightly to lay back down." It is as Luke says" a new voice says ,recognising it immediately as the one and only Hershel Layton "You needn't concern yourself with being a burden I'm always willing to help, it is a gentleman's duty after all" he says fixing his hat " Luke please make our guest a cup of tea,judging by that coughing fit they had they'll definitely need a warm drink " he says walking closer " On it professor!" He says before rushing into the kitchen to make said tea.Setting the bag of medicines and whatnot on his very messy desk Hershel walks up to where you were sitting.
"How are you feeling?" He asks placing his hand on your forehead " a bit better than I was feeling this morning" you replied in a raspy voice "That is good to hear but you still are sick so allow me to take care of you" Layton says " You really don't have to but I'm honoured to be treated by the famous Professor Layton" You joked causing the professor to blush and look away
"The tea is ready!" Luke said bringing the warm cup "Ah thank you Luke I'll take it from here" Hershel said taking the cup out of the young boy's hands " Let me know if you need anything! I'll be in the garden" Luke said before leaving.
"Here this should be able to soothe your throat for a bit" Layton says as you got up from your lying down position to be able to drink the tea properly.Taking the cup to your mouth you felt the warm liquid as it helped ease the strachey feeling you've been suffering since yesterday.While you were drinking your tea slowly you heard shuffling 'He must be taking stuff out of that bag he came back with' you thought to yourself as you finished your drink.Setting the now empty cup on the table Layton walked back to the couch "While I was buying medicine I realised you probably haven't eaten yet so I took it upon myself to get you something " he said handing you something,your favourite food.You stared in awe "Thanks Hershel! I have to admit I've been starving so I highly appreciate it" You said before you started to dig in making Layton chuckle " After you finish your meal you'll need to take this medicine,it is a bit bitter but it can't be helped" he explained then he placed the bottle on the medicine.
After finishing your meal you hesitantly drank some of the syrup.Layton still sat by your side to keep you company, his work could wait,if he had time to go all over the world then he had time to stay by your side in time of need.You were started to feel tired and before you knew it you were out like a light.Smiling,Hershel leaned down and kissed your forehead a kiss "Rest well ____" he says before covering you with a blanket.
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perplexedflower · 10 months
En Garde
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Fandom: Professor Layton.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Hershel Layton x Female Reader.
Type: Mini one shot.
Words: 993.
Summary: Swordsmanship may be hard, but managing to express one's feelings is even harder: while [Y/N] has mastered one, Hershel has mastered the other, and it just so happens they complete each other perfectly.
Chronology: Post-Unwound Future/Pre-New World of Steam.
"Like... this?"
"Not quite, dear. Strengthen your grip and rotate your wrist slightly."
As I looked at the sword in my hand, I gently sighed.
The Professor always makes it look easy... This is harder than I thought it would be.
Earlier that day, I had come to him with a request: I wished for him to train me in practicing my swordsmanship. The unexpected plea had surprised him at first, but he accepted nonetheless after having heard my explanation; being capable of properly wielding any sword-like weapon had always been a goal of mine, and our situation had convinced me it was the right time for it. The two of us were in the process of solving a mystery, one that had turned our investigation into a perilous adventure, and I wanted to be able to defend myself in case I was soon to be faced with great dangers.
Although he agreed to train me, the Professor opposed the idea of using real swords, especially without wearing adequate equipment, so he instead decided to pay a visit to the antique store of the town we were staying in to borrow a pair of replica swords. And here we were now, at the edge of the woods, each with a sword in hand, facing one another at a short distance.
"Here, let me show you."
As he spoke, Hershel planted his blade into the ground before he approached me; once standing in front of me, he opened his right hand, smiling kindly.
"Do you mind giving me your hand?"
Invaded with a sudden timidity, I sensed my skin redden.
With my consent, he put his hand over mine and positioned it properly, showing me the correct way to hold my sword: but I was too busy chasing the butterflies in my stomach to truly take in his instructions, my mind solely focused on the feeling of his firm yet soft palm against my skin.
"Your stance also requires improvement." He declared as he leaned closer to me.
Soon, before I even knew it, he was standing right behind me, our right hands still joined, his head only a few inches from mine.
"May I?" He asked in a soft voice.
His breath caressed the nape of my neck, sending shivers down my spine and rendering me even more bashful.
"Y-Yes-" I replied without even knowing which part of my body he wished to hold.
His left hand came in touch with my waist and my heart skipped a beat at the sensation of his gentle though strong grip.
"You need to pivot your body to the left. Like so."
As his calm words slithered into my ears, his hands oriented my body delicately, just as my own began to tremble slightly.
"Your stance is perfect this way." He said with an audible smile. "It's essential you remember it, all right?"
Unable to speak, I silently nodded in response. Hershel removed his hands from my body, which allowed me to finally catch my breath, and I felt the blush on my cheeks linger as I watched him walk back to his spot; pulling his sword out of the ground, he held it firmly in front of him as he stood before me.
"Now, let us begin."
He proceeded to help me practice parrying and attacking, but while I was quick to get a handle on defense, my offensive maneuvers lacked skills: not once did I manage to land a hit on him or even get close enough to him before he could deflect my attacks.
Although slightly out of breath, I refused to give up and launched myself at the Professor, only for him to effortlessly dodge my swing.
"Too slow." He declared as he sidestepped.
In a swift movement, I backed away from him by a few steps, before I lowered my sword to the ground.
"I can't do this, Professor." I stated with a defeated look. "I will never reach your level of mastery..."
Mirroring my body language, he lowered his sword as well: and the second he did so, a smirk appeared on my face.
"[Y/N], you should not-"
But before he could finish his sentence, I suddenly dashed forward and swung my blade at him, an attack he only barely managed to block.
"Leading me to lower my guard in order to take me by surprise... How impressive." He praised me with a smile.
Not letting myself get distracted by his compliment, I made use of the fact I had the upper hand to keep attacking him, relentlessly, with determination, forcing him to back away with each blow, little by little; until his back came in contact with a tree, stopping him in his tracks.
Still grinning, I leaned close to him and put my dull blade against his neck, the unsharpened iron gently brushing his skin.
"Am I still too slow, Professor?" I asked in a taunt.
But as I looked at him, my smile vanished when I noticed the blush on his cheeks and his slightly-open mouth: only then did I realize how close we were, our bodies pressed against one another, our faces only inches apart, so close our breaths could merge. And I, too, could now feel my face redden, my expression of sheer confidence having disappeared, replaced with one of bashfulness. And yet, I was unable to move as I stared into his eyes, my heartbeat picking up speed by the second.
"... You were fast, indeed." He asserted as he stared back into my eyes. "But I'm sure you can be even faster than that, [Y/N]... So what do you say we continue training and you demonstrate to me how fast you can be?"
His insinuative words made me gasp quietly, unaccustomed to hearing him employ such a provocative tone. But despite how much I was blushing, I smiled and maintained a confident demeanor.
"I would be more than happy to, Professor..."
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