#professor pat Pending
soapkaars · 3 months
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Sometimes you get possessed and you draw a 25+ panel comic about a Boardwalk-empire style alternate universe take on the wacky races where most of the races are bootleggers, moonshiners, and mobsters, with two lost WW1 ace pilots participating and trying (and failing) to not get on the wrong side of their fellow participants.
Note 1: Lil' Gruesome is a blatant Peter Lorre ripoff because in the show his voice actor does a Peter Lorre impression. Lorre being a film noir actor who liked playing terrible people is being honoured here by being cast as a terrifying Gyp Rosetti stand-in, with some Hungarian flair delivered with the help of @faustiandevil
Note 2: Don't worry about Red Max, he'll be fine
Note 3: 'Piroska' refers to Little Red Riding Hood, 'Most, biztos jól össeszartad, nemde?' means 'you just shit yourself, didn't you?' (sorry if I made any spelling mistakes!)
Note 4: Really, don't worry about him. He's fine, everything's fine.
Featuring: Dick Dastardly in a not-so hidden romantic relation with Red Max, Professor Pat Pending, Penelope Pitstop, Lil' Gruesome, and Big Gruesome silently looking on
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acmeoop · 9 months
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Oh My There’s A 1000 Pound Anvil Dropping On Me “The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby” (1968)
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ben-the-hyena · 6 months
From my understanding, the show's crew wanted to include the other racers, but Warner Bros. didn't own the rights to them. I do wish the others had been included... I like to think I.Q. idolizes Professor Pat Pending.
Speaking of I.Q., one thing I do wish the reboot focused on a little more is the big sister/little brother sort of relationship he has with Penelope.
Oh yes I know, but I think it was good like that no matter what purists thought, it would have been too many (though I loathe the pirates and I would have liked if they were someone else). Also I HC Pat Pending is IQ's maternal grandfather
Oh I am fine with that, I think they all worked out great the way they were
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Somehow, Professor Pat Pending may have met his match here--or hath he?
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sallufix · 11 months
MADE MORE CONTENT OF THE DUO rahh this one's actually cool as hell i did not know how i got creative with the poses it is NEVER like this i didn't even need to scroll through Pinterest for inspiration this time!! But er yeah it's dumb but im thinking of naming them the Christmas Kids based on that one song (but solely because of their colors rlly)
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I also made a lineup of some OCs in the lbmr artstyle! If you're wondering who Ester is then they're part of that Oblivious Prison lineup i posted a while ago. I was thinking, if i ever made a fan case; who would the criminal be? And immediately remembered that i quite literally already made one LOL (Again, Zeph belongs to @slyzia !)
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+ Extra out of context comic
(Don't be shy to hit the duo up with sum questions in the ask box!! It'll come with a lil doodle or maybe even a comic like this >:])
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bucci-cookies · 2 years
To Be Young And In Love - Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Ao3 version
“Is Professore Greco so boring you can’t even stay awake after 10 minutes?”
You felt someone’s elbow nudge the side of your stomach, followed by a teasing voice.
“At least try and make it through the introduction.” A hand moved to pat your head as you looked up from your table. Thankfully you sat towards the back row today, shielding your tired form from the intimidating aura of the lecturer.
Your eyes moved to the seat next to you as Maria shook her head.
“Don't judge me, I didn’t get much sleep last night." You stretched and yawned. Your eyes were red and puffy, barely able to keep open as the harsh rays of light from outside shone into the large theatre. 
"No shit!" She scoffed with a pinch of your nose. “I didn't think you would be up drinking though, you never do that when we have morning classes.” She could tell easily from how you shielded yourself from the bright lights of the theatre and the nauseous look on your face that you had been drinking, a lot.
"I’m under a lot of stress you know." You grumbled, trying to get back into focus and scramble together whatever notes you missed. "I just had a bad day."
"You seem to be having a lot of bad days lately," Maria mumbled to herself as she typed away on her computer.
"And what do you mean by that?" You raised an eyebrow, looking over at her.
Maria exhaled loudly, pausing from her note-taking. "It means I worry about you. I know that you have been stressed thinking about your mother, you've been overworking yourself a lot lately."
She wasn't wrong, anyone could see that slowly over time you had become more and more agitated, busy, depressed. To the point where you would go days without speaking to anyone at all.
"What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't worried about you?" She feigned a smile. "I hope you know you can tell me anything." She placed a hand on your shoulder. "I’m not going to judge, I swear."
You sighed heavily as you hugged her, resting your head on her shoulder.
You wanted to tell her, about Passione, about what happened yesterday.
But you couldn't. 
You couldn't risk pulling her into this with you.
In as much as she was a close friend who cared deeply for you, you were too ashamed to tell her that you were working with such a group as Passione. Maria was respectable and came from a family that was just that. She was tall and curvy with dark skin and bright hazel eyes, her intelligence and beauty were unmatched and that often left you intimidated by her.
It was better to say nothing, it would save you both from embarrassment and unnecessary harm.
“I’ve just been stressed with classes, work…my mother.” You rubbed your temple. “They moved her to a specialist hospital in another city, they said the infection is getting better but it left some damage to her body.” Your father couldn’t afford a hotel or house to stay in, he had to stay back in Sicily, the commute up north to Florence isn’t exactly the best.
“Oh, my darling I had no idea!” Maria exclaimed, a look of worry coating her face. “I hope they really can help her there.” She squeezed your shoulders in a tight embrace and stroked your back.
“It’s okay, really, I just need a moment to relax, to stop thinking about all of this.” You gestured widely. Maria nodded her head and rested her chin on her hand.
“Well I don’t know if you want to do anything together, but I’m almost always free.” She chirped, the energetic look in her eyes that made you smile.
“Thank you, Maria, I will keep that in mind.” You smiled, sitting up straight again. "But for now I need to focus on…" You turned to face the screen projection. "Certificates of pending litigation.” You let out a groan, Property Law was an absolute bore to you. You couldn’t wait to finish the module and move on to a more interesting topic, though you still need all your credits.
You managed to get your head in order and forced yourself to stay awake and listen to the rest of the lecture, Maria made sure of that by elbowing you the moment your eyes closed slightly.
As much as you tried to keep focus, your mind kept drifting to yesterday's events.
You had no idea what time you finally passed out, but it must have been quite late seeing how fatigued you were when your alarm finally went off.
Your body was heavy and smelled heavily of liquor and vomit that stuck to your clothing. Your head spun as a migraine shot through your skull making you cry out.
It took you a while to muster the strength to climb into the shower. With weak arms you pushed yourself up and stumbled towards the bathroom, pausing every few steps to lean against the walls to regain stability as the dizziness and nausea got the better of you. Slowly you stepped into the bright white bathroom, trying your best to not slip over as you got into the bathtub. Standing under the large showerhead, you let the cold water wake you up before switching it to warm.
You placed your hands on the smooth tiles and leaned towards it as you stared down the drain.
"Come on...don't be shy."
You gagged as the memories came back.
The feeling of his hands on you, clawing at your body made you squirm as your clenched your hands in tight fists. His chapped lips forcefully pressed against you as he held your waist.
He had seen your face too…
"If you keep looking like that you'll make me cry." A sharp pinch was felt on your cheek, by none other than Maria. "We have to go out, today, whatever is on your mind needs to be expelled." You looked around and realised the class was over, only a few students remained, most of which were discussing with the professor. “I’m your best friend, I hate it when you’re upset.” She gave a brief smile before frowning and patting your head. With a quick exhale, she had returned to her usual charismatic self. "Wear something sexy, we can try that new club, the one close to the accommodation." She nudged you playfully. "Ladies free all night on Fridays." She said in a sing-song voice.
"Ah...Maria…" Any other context would have been fine but after yesterday…
"Could we just go out for dinner or something? Or maybe the movies?" You suggested. You watched her expression change slightly.
She tapped her chin and hummed. "Well, I have always wanted to try that Libeccio's." She pouted with a shrug.
"Well let's go there then, 5 o'clock?" You were relieved she agreed to the suggestion.
"Sure." She beamed. "Anything to get you out of your cramped apartment."
"I still can't believe you did that." Maria guffawed, hiccuping every so often on her drink.
You groaned loudly as you sunk into your seat. “Maria…can we change the topic please?" You couldn’t bear another second of remembering how much of an embarrassing teenager you were, Maria knew too much for her own good.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry." She tried her best to hold back her laughter but small giggles kept slipping out. "This is what happens if you let me drink too much wine." A sentence that went ignored as she poured herself another glass of red. Tignanello Antinori had such a gorgeous taste, a mix of fruits and spices that soothed your throat. You restricted yourself to a single glass, not wanting a repeat of last night. But the mood was completely different this time, you felt a breath of fresh air in you. The rich smell of savoury dishes combined with the pleasant atmosphere of the restaurant elevated your mood.
Maria glanced at something over your shoulder before going back to her food.
"Something the matter?" You tilted your head to the side.
"That table." Maria moved her head in the direction of a table near the back of the restaurant, you looked around briefly before turning back to your plate. On a small round table sat two people. One of them had long greyish blond hair and sat facing the away from you, while the other person had their nose buried in a newspaper. Maria leaned in towards you, covering the side of her mouth. "I think they are Passione."
"Passione?" You laughed awkwardly, for some reason tensing up. "What makes you think that?" You turned back to your plate of pollo pesto.
"Bucciarati, the lean one with the black hair." You looked up at her before turning back around. Sure enough, he was right there, the man reading the newspaper. You would never miss him with those striking blue eyes and characteristic hairstyle of his. "He always dresses so fancily and I always see him in expensive restaurants and clothing stores a lot, but I have never heard of or seen him work a day in his life. I also heard he...takes care of people." She cut harshly into her lasagne.
You didn’t explicitly know what she meant by “take care of people”, but it wouldn’t be outlandish to assume the worst. Although, he didn’t look like the kind of person to do such. He seemed so polished and proper, but you didn’t know his role in Passione as the only times you saw him were in the driver’s seat of whatever car he was using to pick you up and drop you off at whatever location Amato sent you to.
"Plus…” Maria grinned widely, you knew that meant she had something very gossipy to say. She leaned forward and whispered, “He seems to always be with a lot of women.” Bingo. “I heard he invited 5 women simultaneously to an estate up north for a whole WEEK. He must be crazy rich, but his name doesn't seem connected to any big companies or wealthy families, therefore, Passione."
You scoffed as you dug your silver fork into the bowl, piercing the soft pasta. "My mother always told me listening to gossip makes your hearing go quicker." You pointed the pasta laden cutlery at her before eating. "You’ll end up deaf at 30 if you keep poking your nose into things."
Though that was interesting to know. You had never really seen Bucciarati out in public as normal. So hearing that he was living a typical “rich bachelor” lifestyle was intriguing, you definitely didn’t expect it.
"Well I can't help it, I'm a sucker for it." Maria gulped down another glass of wine. "Oh did you hear? The peer mentoring program is back up."
"Peer mentoring?"
She broke a piece of garlic bread. "Mhm, they're getting second and third-year students to tutor those in lower classes."
"You think I'm that bad?" You joked, taking the other half of her garlic bread.
"No no, of course not." She took a bite. "I mean, it might help bring you peace of mind if you got some additional help. Neither of us is a qualified doctor that can help your mother, but at least you can make sure you stay on top of classes." She suggested.
She had a point, between work, Passione and worrying about your mother, your time for studying was depleting and you knew you needed to start this year on the right foot. It was your first year, after all, you’d rather not stumble at the easier points cause judging from the weary looks on the third-years’ faces, it doesn’t get easier.
"I see." You looked up at her. "Thank you for letting me know, I'll keep it in mind." You took a sip from your glass and wiped your lips with a napkin as you looked down at your empty plate.
Maria held up the dessert menu and pointed at one of the items. "Care to split a sundae?"
"Of course, you don't need to ask." While the pasta was amazing, it wasn’t too filling, you regretted not ordering a larger plate.
The waiter soon brought round a large clear bowl with three insanely large scoops of ice cream, chocolate, vanilla and caramel covered in whipped cream. On the side was an array of toppings: strawberries, chocolate sauce, cherries, marshmallows and wafers all neatly arranged on a rectangular plate. Everything looked almost TOO good to eat.
You both talked some more as you ate, enjoying each other’s company and the soft creamy dessert.
When the bill arrived, you began checking the receipt, counting your order and how much your half was. But before you could hand over your card, Maria had already paid.
"Don’t worry, my treat." She smiled sweetly at you as you sunk into your seat.
"Thank you."
"No problem.”
You finished up your dessert and began gathering your items. You glanced over at the table Bucciarati and his companion were on, it was now empty and being prepped for the next set of guests.
Before you were about to leave, you tugged the sleeve of Maria’s coat.
“You didn’t need to pay for me.” You said sheepishly. While Maria was the only one that knew you had been sending money to your parents which subsequently left you with a gap in your savings, she had never made a big deal about it. You felt a tad embarrassed like she saw you as a charity case.
“You’re my best friend and I invited you out.” She held your hand with a squeeze. “That’s all. I told you I wanted you to feel better today, which includes treating you to an all-expenses-paid meal.” She reassured you.
While her words were kind and removed the doubts from your mind, you couldn’t help but notice the slur in her words. It was then that you noticed the lack of rhythm in her movements as she walked to the door. "You’re so drunk," You laughed with a facepalm. She definitely took advantage of that poor bottle of wine. You linked her arm around yours for support as she rested her head on your shoulders. "Come on, I’ll walk you home."
"Such a lady." She hiccuped as you walked her out the door. Suddenly her head shot up and she pressed her knees together. “O-oh!” You looked at her with concern. “I need to pee real bad.” You rolled your eyes, of course, it’s the minute you step outside that she realises.
“Go on.” You watched her run through the restaurant to the toilets, almost crashing into multiple waiters.
The sound of shoes clicking against the pavement stopped just behind you as you noticed another shadow by your side. "Surprised to catch you here." A familiar voice spoke and you turned to face them.
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disneybuddy · 1 month
any iq headcanons
I have a couple...
He knows who Professor Pat Pending is (they could even be related) and idolizes him.
He's not very popular with kids his own age. His fellow Wacky Racers are the first actual friends he has.
None of the other racers know what "I.Q." stands for (if they ever actually say what it stands for in an episode, please fill me in).
He graduated from college when he was seven years old. That's why we never see him going to school.
Even though they aren't related, he sees Penelope as a big sister (it's confirmed in the show that the racers see each other as family anyhow, so it's not much of a stretch).
He was pretty disappointed to find out there were episodes where the racers did stuff without him (the one where they go to Italy, the one where they meet Peter's brother, the one where they're in the bayou). The other racers promised to go back to those places with him at some point.
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#professor pat pending in the convert o car
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glapplebloom · 1 year
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Still doing these...
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I grew up watching the original Wacky Races on Cartoon Network, but never really got the chance to see the reboots. The first of which is called Wacky Races Forever, which was only a pilot about Peter Perfect and Penelope Pitstop’s kids. Then there was the newer reboot which I only saw one episode but never got the chance to follow since I did not have cable. But seeing more out of context clips, I decided to give it a shot again. Two episodes since they’re half a half an hour.
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Starting with the first episode, it’s basically the Snow Olympics. While I am sad there’s less characters than the original (like no Ant Hill Mob?), this does give the show more time to make the characters more than one note. Like Peter Perfect being more cautious but also more accident prone. As the first episode has him taken out first, with no involvement from Dick Dastardly. It wouldn’t be until the third competition where he finally begins to cheat like he does. 
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And the weirdest part, he’s more successful. Granted, not directly but in the first episode each competitor gets eliminated one by one because they say “it’s a good thing this thing didn’t explode” and then said thing explodes. It came to the finals where Dick and Muttley competed against each other. But then they seem to work together, only for Dick to live up to his name and eliminate his partner. And because of that, in the end the first winner of the Wacky Races reboot is Muttley.
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The next episode is a traditional Wacky Race with cars and everything. They also seem to be missing the scientist kid that was in the first episode. It makes me think this was the legit first episode since it gives a better introduction to the characters (except for Ignatius Quinton "I. Q." Ickly, the Professor Pat Pending replacement). And about 3 minutes in, the races are over as the little town wants to celebrate because they’re celebrities.
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I do love the wit as there are some great lines. “I’m lactose intolerant.” “Actually Dickie is just intolerant generally”. That’s a fun line in the second episode. Despite being in a race, the next day they're still at the village. But as Dastardly just wants to go, the others are just too nice to refuse such hospitality. And the next day, they try to sneak out but another party happens. The next day, they try running. And it goes on and on for a good while.
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By I think 10 days, they got their fill of food and looked more like eggs. And by the time they can leave (because the villagers were just being polite and felt they overstayed their welcome) they finally continue the race. Not in their cars because they got too heavy for it but on motor scooters or something like that.
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Overall, I’m kind of torn. On the one hand, I do miss the race part of Wacky Races. Even when they get into hijinks in the original, there’s always a winner. See Eddache’s Video about scoring the racers. On the other hand, I enjoy the animation look, the characters being allowed to be more wacky instead of just tropes and the writing I enjoyed too. I say it is a pretty good reboot.
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casejsaisi25 · 1 year
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Keiko Iwao (My Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe OC)
Name: Keiko Iwao
Age: 13, later 14
Occupation: Professor Pat Pending’s student assistant
Weapons: modern technology, mythology, ski poles
Backstory: Born in Little Tokyo, California to Suyin and Hiroshi Iwao, Keiko was happy as any child can be. When she just turned ten on a cold November (the following week), Keiko and her parents went to a ballet in New York City but upon leaving the theatre, a horrid snow storm appeared and despite Hiroshi’s cautious driving, their car crashed into the woods. Keiko survived, but her parents were gone. Now, Keiko lives with her aunt Miyuki and uncle Jiro Chirko, studying with Professor Pat Pending.
Personality: As her own parents died, Keiko is worried that the people she connects with will be gone the second she blinks, so she is mostly spends time with her dog, Bijou (My other HBCU OC) at malls or the tranquility of the forest. She keeps her mother’s necklace from childhood, unknowingly by her made by a young Dick Dastardly as his only gift of love before turning to a life of crime.
Keiko is friendly, street-smart, helpful, book smart, and even motherly in heart, but her insecurity and tragic past makes her shy and lonely. She is engrossed in modern technology but is very sweet to animals from the tall to the small.
Keiko may seem like a strong willed girl but is easily a damsel in destress: if she is about to fall off a breaking bridge or needs a help (for example, to save her from monsters), someone close will come to her rescue. She knows all elements in both modern and ancient history. Despite her fragility, Keiko can be very acrobatic and uses her ski poles to swing her body over anything from ice to stone.
Her last name comes from Hanna Barbera artist Iwao Takamoto.
Pocahontas (Disney): They have connection with and hold the knowledge of nature and have necklaces of their mothers.
Jane (Return to Neverland): They both wear sweaters over their night gowns.
Tabitha Templeton (Boss Baby: Family Business): both are scientific, intelligent students
Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz): both are girls who are easily frightened and tend to cry.
Tarzan (Disney): Keiko’s athletics and speed
Densia (Hanna Barbera Smurfs): Keiko is loosely based on Densia, both black haired girls who hang out with main villains (Densia with Gargamel, Keiko with Dastardly) but friends with his enemies (Densia with Smurfs, Keiko with the other Wacky Racers).
Role in Hanna Barbera Cinematic Universe:
Keiko chases her scarf while playing ice skating, which heads up in Dastardly’s airship version of the Mean Machine, discovering Dastardly’s soft side. Caught by the surprised Dastardly, who is angry with Muttley for not returning with motor oil for their ship, she runs away in fear and unwittingly reminds Dastardly of an old childhood friend who tragically died. Then by the third encounter, they spark a new friendship and Dastardly treats her with respect due to his constant reminder of her resemblance to his deceased childhood friend. However, he isn’t aware of Keiko is Suyin’s daughter as she isn’t aware of her mother’s friendship with Dick. Dastardly thought Suyin (or Su as he called her when they were kids) died when she fell in a frozen lake. He was a young teen and she was four or five, they had a close bond. When he tried to rescue Su, Dastardly thought he was too late and didn’t see if she was okay due to the cruelty of his father, who threatened both Dastardly and his brother, the Dread Baron until their mom stepped up and took the boys away out of fear. But Su did survive, thanks to the necklace he gave her, only lost hearing in her right ear. They never saw each other again. But Keiko does remind Dastardly of her mom, but they do not know the truth until later on.
Muttley immediately liked Keiko before Dastardly’s first meeting with her, and the feeling is mutual.
The Wacky Racers, especially Professor Pat Pending, Peter Perfect and Penelope Pitstop, are happy upon learning Dastardly and Keiko’s newfound friendship, and they do their best to unite the two loving lonely hearts. Keiko loves Peter and Penelope like parental figures.
Hanna-Barbera series
1960s to 1980s Voice: Lucille Bliss (the original Smurfette voice)/Katie Leigh (Densia voice)
2020s Voice: Probably have any newcomer Japanese-American actress should voice Keiko.
Keiko is presented here as if she would be in Disney series, despite being a Hanna-Barbera OC.
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yourfavispure · 3 years
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Professor Pat Pending from wacky races is pure
Requested by an anon
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lesbianquery · 5 years
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Wacky Races Aesthetics: Professor Pat Pending
“And there’s ingenious inventor, Pat Pending, in his Convert-A-Car!”
Suggested by @gargasexual !!
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
Do you think some of the racers from the original Wacky Races may be dead in the reboot?
Oh a nice question
Hmmmmm... I don't think, I think they all are old, except the Gruesome Twosome (and their dragon) I HC to be the same . However I headcanon everybody family included (ended up loving the HC IQ is his grandson he never met and his mom his daughter) thinks Pat Pending is dead when in fact he cryogenized himself alive between the show and the reboot in the hope to see a more advanced future and he is the Pat Pending we see in Wacky Races Forever, he did it, but the cryogenics were of bad quality and froze his brain a bit too much compared to the rest so he turnt crazy like we saw and he doesn't know abymore what is past, present and future mistaking all the future racers with the ones he knew no matter how they have to correct him
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 years
Is this about as close to a Jetsons-type flying car, or even Professor Pat Pending’s #3 Convert-a-Car, as we may get for the nonce?
@warnerarchive @hanna-barbera-land @warnerbrosentertainment @wackology @themineralyoucrave @hanna-barbera-blog @cottoncandy-wannabe @moonrock1973 @jg376 @wherearethememesonmyplate @hanna-barberians @screamingtoosoftly @straights-world
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sallufix · 11 months
Okay, now I have to ask.
Alfendi and Ernest get into a fight over something small. Who comes out on top? (yaoi - joking)
Okay i wanted to do a twist switch thing but no matter which universe Ernest. will just not be able to win to Alfendi at all im sorry (( though if his opinion is worth hearing then Fendi takes over at times to stop Al from punting this twink to the sun ))
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The Wacky Races
The Mean Machine
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