#queen of beautiful tragedy
lumiereandcogsworth · 8 months
i was just thinking about adam’s mother standing in her rose garden when she was pregnant with him. she’s clipping and watering and tending to her roses.
she has so little control in her life. courtiers and advisors and elders are always telling her what to do, how to behave, how to sit how to stand how to walk. and now especially, carrying the heir to the throne in her belly, she has lost herself. she is no longer a person (how much was she a person before this?) but a vessel. she is fulfilling the only duty her cruel husband ever needed from her. she feels numb. she feels trapped. she feels the child kick and wiggle against her stretched skin and she cries for him. this poor little child. how desperately she wished she could raise him with her family back home. this is not home, this is a cage.
so, she does what she can. she controls the one thing in this godforsaken world that she is able to, and she tends to her lovely roses.
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lykorises · 11 days
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
OK but after Rhaegar blows up at her, she feels unable to be vulnerable around him for a while. Princess and Robert take time to rebuild trust, but it does happen. Stev apologizes and makes amends with Princess, Robert is stubborn but just bear hugs Stev and says "I know why. I don't like it, never did. But I know why".
Everything is starting to improve, but she just can't relax around Rhaegar. His screaming at her sort of peeled away her own security in their marriage even further. How he can turn his rage on her, stalk off, and just not talk to her. Not respond to her apologies or attempts to explain herself. Stev knows she was in the wrong, she wants to move on and fix things. Rhaegar is still too angry, choosing to use his duties as Prince to avoid her. She starts to spend time with Tywin, as a person she trusts and sees as being wise. Little does she know, she's tempting a Lion with the most delectable of meals. A sweet Doe who's Dragon is too prideful to check on his bride.
Robert is stubborn but just bear hugs Stev and says "I know why. I don't like it, never did. But I know why".
I mean ..to be fair..she was just speaking with him as a brother...he had his own insecurities it seems.
ooh...love the thought with Tywin....the drama continues ...poor thing just needed a shoulder to cry on
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
Ok but can we talk about how beautifully written Westworld is? the whole story on the nature of consciousness against human nature (ego) is just... yes.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 2 years
dash comm. ||
“ n-not to question your obvious WISDOM…”
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Ayato vc: t f  that supposed to mean
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When I’m with others, my friends, family, or colleagues, I’m that bubbly type, the happy-go-lucky girl, who’s always smiling, laughing, and joking around. I love having a great time, and everyone around me acknowledges, and even compliments me for my joyous and carefree nature.
When I’m alone I tend to torture myself. I reminisce on days that have passed me by, without hesitation I regret my entire life, and I realize everything that I have loved, or ever will love, has been, or soon will be, taken away from me.
I miss all of those who I have loved throughout my life, who have unfortunately died, they’re never coming back, and it breaks me.
I’m not in control of anything that happens. I never have been, and I never will be..
For a long time I’ve stayed alive as to not hurt anyone else. But I am miserable.
I just have to sit here as the speculator, trying to find purpose somewhere.
Because although I am happy-go-lucky, I am more than depressed, and these feelings will not go away… No matter how much I “heal”…
I fear one day, living for someone else, will no longer work, and I will leave this earth too.
I have been putting on a pretty good show, sometimes I even forget that I’m depressed.
I’ll believe that I’m happy, if that makes you happy too.
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budgieflitter · 5 months
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oh hey its budgieflitter and her swap aus obsession again descriptions are under the cut 🔽
CALIENTE + LOTHARIO = BEAKER When Don got a date with the Caliente sisters, he thought he won a jackpot. What he did not expect, though, was to wake up next morning on an operation table in their basement. Will this test subject last or the sisters will have to look for a replacement soon?
GOTH = SPECTER Turns out not only relatives are buried in local oligarch's graveyard. Ever since Mortimer's wife Bella mysteriously disappeared, he became more reclusive than he already was. She was not the only victim - all of his daughter Cassandra's fiancés seemed to disappear one by one. Will Alexander get used to living with ghosts? Can Cassandra ever find love again?
BROKE + DREAMER = GRUNT Brandi and Darren found comfort in each other after a terrible tragedy struck their families, however it seems this comfort is about to crumble. Darren is determined to reach the stars someday, and Brandi would rather stay close to the ground. Will Dustin and Dirk ever get along? Will little Beau follow his stepfather's footsteps?
Daniel has been fascinated with space ever since his father's Mars expedition hit the news. Good thing he found a woman whose eyes reflect the beauty of the universe itself. Will Mary-Sue get her long-awaited promotion, and can Angela and Lilith make the right choices when it comes to love?
BURB = CURIOUS Jennifer is interested in the vastness of universe, but for a different reason her brother is. Where is she from? What really happened on her father's Mars expedition? Was it anything like the experience her husband went through during his abduction? Maybe the answer is much closer than she thinks.
Oldies have been a long-time residents of Strangeview. Unable to fulfill her role as a Birth Queen, Coral escaped with her beloved with a tiny alien aboard. Will Herb realize that the result of his last mission as a Pollination Technician is somewhere nearby? okayyyy i had so much fun making this. the idea hit me literally yesteday and i was on the rideee hope u enjoy ^_^
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aelenavelaryon · 6 months
Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen Reader
Summary: Daemon finally finds love
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Aella Targaryen was nothing like the rest of her family. She couldn't be. Many would often said she was a sweet girl whose only mistake was to have Valyrian blood cursing through her veins. House Targaryen had been on the Iron Throne for over a hundred years, she could remember the throne, it was rather beautiful she would admit. But, House Targaryen was a cursed lineage. Aella thought it was because they were all related. Brothers married sisters, uncles married nieces, cousins married cousins.
When Aella was brought to court she was nothing but a babe. Only one perhaps two moons old. Daughter of Saera Targaryen and her brother Rhaegar Targaryen. Rhaegar and Saera had both been wild and untamable. The two ran away after Saera escaped Old Town and they were never seen again until now. Aella Targaryen was born in the year 105. Rhaegar brought his daughter to court, to present among the realm. Saera had died in her birthing chamber. Viserys, who had lost his wife a nearly two years prior welcomed them both. Aella grew up beside Alicent’s children and Rhaenyra's children.
Aella although growing up with her cousins she preferred to be alone, sitting in the gardens or her room and reading a history book. Her father wondered where she had gotten all of that, she was not like her mother or him. But, there were things he did like singing, poems and song writing much like his daughter. Aella had the basic training, in case she had to protect herself but the young girl no matter the circumstances could never and would never bring herself to hurt anyone. It wasn't in her blood no matter how much her father tried. But Rhaegar would protect his daughter no matter the cost. She rode Meraxes, queen Rhaenys dragon, the princess died that day but her dragon lived.
As the years passed, Aella Targaryen grew into a beautiful maiden. "The Realm's Angel" or "The Realm's Desire" surpassing her cousin Rhaenyra in beauty and everything else. Aella had reached her ten and five name day and was yet to be unmarried. Her father was the reason for that, although he was no king he saw that no one was fit to marry his only child. No one would ever be good enough. Alicent thought it would be a good idea to marry her to Aegon or Aemond if she wished. Rhaenyra thought she would be a great match for Jacaerys or Lucerys. Rhaegar Targaryen refused, once again. But, a few moons later he passed from a swollen belly, leaving his only child at the mercy of her family.
Aella didn't know who to choose as her family had given her the choice to marry who she wanted between the four boys. She was dutiful, whoever her uncle had chosen she would have married but she did not want to disappoint anyone by choosing wrong. The council knew that Aella marrying either of her nephews was a tragedy waiting to happen, so the young girl offered a marriage between another house but Rhaenyra, Alicent and the king denied her. Daemon who had recently lost his wife asked her to marry him, to unite themselves and protect each other. Aella was young, only fifteen summers old what did she know about love. She knew more about duty than love.
So, to stop any family issues or more drama she agreed and secretly married Daemon, consummating their marriage, now it could not be broken. The news reached King's Landing the morning after, creating chaos in the court. The king was fragile in health so he did nothing, besides they were married and they had consummated there was no breaking anything. Rhaenyra stayed in King's Landing, while Daemon, his wife and two daughters remained in Dragonstone. Nearly a year after their wedding Baelon Targaryen and Rhaegar Targaryen were born. Strong boys. On their second named day, their sisters Rhaella and Visenya had been born. When the boys were five, their sisters three Aemma and Viserys were born.
Baela and Rhaena quickly accepted Aella as she had this motherly warmth the girls loved and she had glady taken the role as their mother, not that she would try to replace the girls mother but she did her best to love and care for them as she did for her own children. Aella with Daemon's approval let the girls ride their dragons to Driftmark to visit their grandparents. Rhaenys and Corlys were grateful that the young girl allowed them to visit their mother's family as much and as often as they could. The six children had been kept a secret through out the years. Aella was near her one and twenty name day. As a result, the king had invited her and her family to celebrate as a family.
Her arrival had been expected, Aegon was now married to Helaena and had two children, twins. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. Aemond was unmarried but as far as she knew he was bethroted to a Baratheon girl. Jacaerys was to marry soon but his mother and father were looking for a suitable match. When she arrived, Daemon and the girls were waiting as her and the children had sailed there due to the young kids. Rhaenys and Corlys who were there watched their granddaughters run to their new mother. They saw the love the two girls had for her. King Viserys recovered and went back to being the peaceful king he was. He waited with his family as he watched Daemon help his wife.
She had turned into a beautiful woman, everyone could agree. She seemed happy with Daemon. And she was, he treated her good and with respect. "My king, my queen" she  greeted with a nod. "Princess Rhaenyra, Laenor" she said with a smile. She greeted everyone. "Now, may we present our children?" she asked and everyone turned to her. They were surprised. The king nodded and Daemon signaled the maids to bring them. "Baelon and Rhaegar, our oldest. Visenya and Rhaella out second oldest. Viserys and Aemma our youngest" Daemon introduced as the four oldest made their bows to the king and queen. The youngest were only one.
"May I?" the king asked as he took Aemma, she had her eyes. Rhaenys took Viserys. "Baelon looks like our father, and Rhaegar looks like Aemon" Rhaenys nodded in agreement. Everyone cooed over the Aella'a children and all she did was smile. During the feast for her nameday, Daemon and his wife could see the tension between Alicent and Rhaenyra. "I would like to propose an alliance between our families" Aella began. She had spoken with Corlys and Rhaenys, and of course her husband. "A bethrotal between Jacaerys and Baela. And Rhaena with prince Lucerys" she said with a smile. Rhaenyra smiled. "I think that is a great idea" Daemon held her hand and nodded. "In addition, if Aegon and Helaena agree Jaehaera could marry Baelon and Vinseya Jaehaerys" the table was quiet but Alicent smiled. "I think that is magnificent idea" the king nodded in agreement. "Our house will be united" she smiled happy with the outcome.
Aella Targaryen was a woman many remembered, she had given her family peace but that peace nearly broke when Otto Hightower deemed her dangerous, sending for someone to kill the princess. The princess perished on top of her dragon as a scorpion hit the beast right in the neck, killing it instantly. She received the same fate as queen Rhaenys. The lady didn't survive the fall. Daemon Targaryen never remarried but once he found out who killed her, the Hightowers, more importantly Otto, he was killed soon after. Alicent was pardoned as she didn't know anything. Rhaenyra was crown queen and the princess match's were honored as Baela married Jacaerys, Rhaena Lucerys, and once older Baelon and Visenya married Aegon's children.
The Sweet Summer Child died but her memory remained throughout the years. Aella Targaryen iii married her brother Rhaegar, giving him the heirs he needed. House Targaryen didn't end with Daenerys Targaryen, it went on. It prospered. From Aella Targaryen the first, came the prince that was promised and the realm lived in peace.
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𓇼 ࣪ 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐄 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ⭒⠀
♡ ⭒ㅤ𓈒 dohaeriros daor ㅤ𝅄ㅤ ㅤ྄
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꒰͡ ⠀ ִ 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑒𝑛 𝑀𝑒𝑛 𝑥 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ⠀ׂ ⠀ ͡꒱
♡ㅤ𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶ㅤ۫ㅤ𝅄ೀ
— 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘐, 𝘔𝘢𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘳, 𝘑𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘴 𝘐, 𝘋𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯, 𝘉𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯, 𝘈𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘴 𝘐𝘐, 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘴 𝘐𝘐𝘐, 𝘙𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘳, 𝘈𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥, 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘐 <3
˚꒰🌼꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy!
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ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐈 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑹𝑶𝑹 ─ ♕ . ♡𝆬
She was his queen, his one true love, A goddess in his eyes, sent from above. Her smile, her voice, her every move, He adored her deeply, his heart did prove. With every breath, he praised her name, For she was more than just a mere dame. Her beauty, her radiance, her soul so pure, Made his heart skip a beat, that was for sure. He treated her like a precious gem, For she was the one who completed him. Her love was a divine blessing, A gift that his heart would always be confessing. His love for her was like a burning flame, That never seemed to flicker or be tamed. He would go to any lengths to see her smile, For her happiness was what made his life worthwhile. He built monuments in her honor, For she was his queen, his forever love and lover. He wrote her love letters, filled with poetic words, Expressing his love for her, like beautiful birds. The people of the kingdoms marveled in awe, As they witnessed the king's love for his queen, raw. They envied the love they shared, so pure and true, For it was a love that only a chosen few could pursue. He showered her with gifts, sparkling and rare, For her, he would conquer any fear or dare. For she was his everything, his heart did sing, He would give anything to see her happy and gleaming. In her presence, he felt like a mere mortal, For she was a goddess, in his eyes, immortal. He promised to love and cherish her till eternity, For she was his true love, his one and only divinity. As the years passed and their love grew, The king and his queen, together they drew. A love story so beautiful, so pure and divine, Their love was worshiped, like a heavenly shrine.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐌𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐑 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑹𝑼𝑬𝑳 ─ ⸸ . ♡𝆬
Her beauty was a sight to behold, Her grace and charm, worth more than gold, He would lavish her with jewels and gold, But little did she know, he was cruel and cold. He would sing to her under the moonlit sky, Her smile was his only source of joy, But beneath the façade of love and bliss, Lurked his twisted ways, something amiss. He would shower her with sweet words and praise, But behind closed doors, her happiness would erase, For he was jealous and possessive, His love for her was obsessive. He'd lock her up in a tower so high, The only view, the darkened sky, For he feared she'd leave him, his love undone, But in truth, he was the one who had her on the run. He'd force her to dance in a fiery ring, Her feet scorched, her body aching, But he couldn't see her pain and tears, For his love for her had blinded him for years. He'd send her away to faraway lands, In hopes that she'd forget his cruel demands, But no matter where she'd go, His love for her would never let her go. His love for her was a twisted fate, For her, he'd do anything, even if it meant hate, For she was his goddess, his everything, But in his love, there was no healing. As she lay dying in his arms, He realized the extent of his harm, For his love had become a dark obsession, A beautiful tragedy, without a confession. The king loved his sister, but at what cost? For his love, she paid the ultimate cost, A beautiful soul, destroyed by his hand, Leaving behind a broken king, in a cruel and lonely land.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐉𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐈 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑬 ─ ✦ . ♡𝆬
He worshiped her, with every breath he took, For she was his light, in a world that was so shook. Her every move, her every smile, Was like a blessing, that made his heart worthwhile. He showered her with love, like petals from a rose, And in her presence, his heart would carefully compose. Words of adoration, that flowed from his soul, For no other could fulfill, his lover's role. He adorned her with jewels, fit for a queen, And treasured her, like a prized possession unseen. Her happiness, was all he ever desired, And in return, his heart felt so inspired. He would lay at her feet, like a humble servant, And gaze at her beauty, with eyes so fervent. For in his eyes, she was more than a lover, She was a goddess, that he would forever discover. He proclaimed her, as the queen of his wisdom, Her radiance, would illuminate the skies. And in her presence, he would feel so alive. With every passing day, his love grew stronger, For in her arms, he knew he belonged there longer. He would sing her praises, like a sweet melody, For she was his world, his everything, his destiny. He would kneel before her, with palms open wide, And pledge his heart, to her for all of time. For she was his goddess, his queen, his love, Pure and true, like an angel from above. The kingdom knew, of their love so pure, For in their eyes, it was hard to ignore. They were like two flames, that burned as one, With a love so strong, it could never come undone. And in the end, when their time had passed, His love for her, would forever last. For she was his goddess, his queen, his heart, And nothing in this world could ever tear them apart.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑹𝑶𝑮𝑼𝑬 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬 ─ 𖤐 . ♡𝆬
He stands tall, a prince of the wild, With heart ablaze and passion filed. Her beauty like a dazzling light, Enchants his soul, a love so right. He worships her with every breath, His love, a never-ending quest. Her grace and elegance, a sight to behold, In her arms, his heart gently unfolds. She is his goddess, his heart's desire, Every thought, every dream she does inspire. He bows before her, in devotion and awe, His love for her, an unbreakable law. Her smile, like sunshine, lights up his world, Her touch, like magic, makes his heart twirl. He'll climb mountains and swim the seas, Just to show her his love, his eternal loyalty. He seeks her approval, her every nod, For her love, he'll go above and beyond. He'll slay dragons and fight with might, Just to make her happy, to see her light. She is his queen, his everything, In her arms, he feels like a king. Her love, a precious gift he'll never take for granted, For she is his world, his everything, his enchanted. In her eyes, he sees the reflection of his soul, In her heart, he finds his truest role. He'll love her till the end of time, For she is his goddess, his love sublime. As the winds whisper his name in her ear, He'll hold her close and wipe away her every fear. With every breath, he'll worship her divine, His beautiful sister, forever his, till the end of time.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬 ─ ✿ . ♡𝆬
He walks with grace and noble charm, A prince so fair, without a qualm, But in his heart, there's no denying, His love for her, forever flying. With every step, his heart beats faster, As he approaches his beautiful sister, For she is his shining star, The one he loves, both near and far. Her beauty pure and unmatched, Her kindness, something to be matched, To him, she's more than just a sister, She's a love, like no other. With gentle hands, he cups her face, And gazes upon her with such grace, Whispers sweet words, for her to hear, For she's the one he holds so dear. Through the good times and through the bad, His love for her will never be sad, For she's his light, his guiding force, The one who's always his main course. He showers her with gifts and praise, For he's grateful for her loving ways, He'll do whatever it takes, To make her smile, for her heart's sake. In her eyes, he sees his future, A love so pure, there's no need to nurture, For it blooms like a flower in spring, And forever it will continue to bring. She's his queen, his one true cure, Her touch, her kiss, fills him with bliss, And he knows he'll never miss. Together they dance in the moonlight, Their love shining so bright, And in his arms, she feels so safe, For she knows he'll never waif. He'll continue to worship her, For she's his goddess, his everything and more, And in her eyes, he sees his true self, For she's the one that completes his wealth.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐈𝐈 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑨𝑫 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 ─ ✞ . ♡𝆬
His mind was filled with twisted love, For his sister who came from above. She was his everything, his world, Her beauty, his heart had unfurled. But in her eyes, he saw only fear, As he whispered words in her ear. He built a temple in her name, Where he would worship, proclaim. His love for her, his queen divine, But little did she know, it was her prison to confine. The king would offer sacrifices, In hopes of pleasing her, his vices. For her, he would do anything, Even if it meant causing suffering. The people feared the mad king's reign, As they witnessed his love turn to pain. For he would torture and destroy, In the name of his beloved, oh how he would deploy. But she did not love him in return, For her, he would have to yearn. Still, he clung to his delusion, Of her being his ultimate fusion. The madness consumed him, bit by bit, As he worshipped her, his love not legit. But to him, she was his everything, And he would do anything, even the most gruesome offering. The kingdoms plagued by his twisted obsession, As he ruled with no sense or discretion. The people cried out, for mercy they plead, But the king's love for her was all he would heed. In the end, it was not love that destroyed, But the king's obsession, his heart void. For his lover was nothing but a fantasy, And in his madness, he had lost all sanity. And so, the mad king's reign came to an end, But his love for her would never bend. For even in death, he worshipped her still, His obsession, a twisted love that would never fulfill.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐒 𝐈𝐈𝐈 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑬𝑮𝑮𝑨𝑹 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮 ─ * . ♡𝆬
He stood in awe, before her grace, His eyes adored her angelic face. Every night, he'd kneel at her feet, His heart filled with love, so deep and sweet. She was his light, in a world of darkness, Her touch, his only source of solace. Her voice, like music to his ears, In her presence, he had no fears. He worshipped her, like a deity, Lost in her beauty, he found his sanity. Her every move, a work of art, She held his heart, never to depart. But beneath her gentle facade, Lies a darkness, that he cannot dodge. She's a storm, brewing in disguise, And he's just a fragile, helpless prize. He tried to please her, in every way,But her love was fleeting, like a summer day. It burned bright, then faded away, Leaving him in darkness, to decay. He denied the truth, refusing to see, That she was not the goddess, he thought her to be. But a mortal, with flaws and scars, That he couldn't heal, no matter how hard. Yet still he worshipped, with all his might, For she was his drug, his source of light. Unable to break free, from her spell, He remained, in this hell. Days turned to weeks, and weeks to years, But his love for her, never disappeared. Even as she tore him apart, He couldn't help but worship her heart. In the end, he sacrificed it all, For a love that was destined to fall. But he couldn't bear to live, without her by his side, Even if it meant, he had to die. And so his story, came to an end, A tragic tale, of a love that couldn't mend. A man who worshipped, his lover till the end, But sadly, she was never meant to be his.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐑 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑰𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑹 𝑷𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬 ─ ♫ . ♡𝆬
Every morning, he'd wake up, With her face in his mind, He'd serenade her with love songs, And make her heart skip a beat, so divine. With every sunrise, his love grew stronger, He was her loyal knight, He'd shower her with flowers, And hold her hand, ever so tight. Her voice was like music to his ears, Her laughter, a symphony, He'd do anything to bring a smile to her face, For her happiness was his source of glee. He'd write her love letters, With every word, he'd pour his heart, She was his fairy tale come true, His one true love, they'd never part. He'd make her feel like a queen, In his kingdom of love, With her by his side, He had the strength to conquer the world above. Their love was a storybook romance, With each chapter better than the last, He was grateful for her presence in his life, For her, he'd go through the toughest task. So here's to the lovely prince, His love so pure and true, For his lover, he'd move mountains, Forever and always, they'll say 'I do.' And so, ends the tale of this prince, Whose love was like a never-ending dance, In their hearts, they'll hold each other tight, For their love was a beautiful, sweet and romantic delight.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑵𝑬-𝑬𝒀𝑬 ─ 𓆸 . ♡𝆬
His love knew no boundaries, no limits, no fear, His devotion to her, forever sincere. He was her protector, her shield, her knight, Obsessed with her safety, day and night. For she was his world, his very reason to live, His love for her, he would never forgive. In his eyes, she was the brightest star, Whose light outshone the sun from afar. Her every move, her every smile, Sent his heart racing, mile by mile. He was her shadow, her ever-present guard, A brother and his sister, forever entwined and scarred. But behind the beauty, lurked a darkness within, For his love for her, was an obsession, a sin. He would do anything to keep her by his side, Even if it meant controlling her, with every stride. She was his possession, his prized and cherished treasure, His love, a beautiful facade, with a sinister measure. His obsession consumed him, bit by bit, His love turned darker, with each passing minute. He would lock her away, in a gilded cage, For no one else to see, no one else to engage. She was his and his alone, no one else could dare, To take her away, from his possessive stare. But she, the princess, did not see, The darkness that consumed her Protector, with glee. Blinded by his love, she saw only his light, Not realizing, it would consume her, with all its might. She lived in a fantasy, a beautiful lie, Never once questioning, the darkness that lurked by. But as time passed by, he began to see, The error of his ways, his love's true identity. The sister he worshiped, had withered away, A mere reflection, of who she once was, in her heyday. His obsession had destroyed, the very love he craved, His beautiful love, now a hollow grave. His heart shattered, into a million pieces, As he saw the wreckage, of his love's diseases. His obsession had blinded him, from seeing the truth, His love had turned dark, no longer in youth. Regret and guilt flooded his troubled mind, His love's destruction, an eternal bind. His sister, now free from her gilded cage, Had lost her beauty, her light, her rage. For his obsession, had left her scarred, A mere shadow of herself, a love forever marred. She mourned the loss of what could have been, If only, the his obsession, had not consumed him within.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐀𝐄𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐈 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑼𝑺𝑼𝑹𝑷𝑬𝑹 ─ ☁︎ . ♡𝆬
She danced within his twisted mind, A goddess in his eyes and heart. Her touch, her presence, so divine, He worshipped her with every part. Her beauty was unmatched, they say, But her heart was cold and ruthless. He loved her in every way, But she remained cruel and heartless. His kingdom flourished at her feet, As she basked in all his glory. But her love was a cruel deceit, A never-ending tragic story. He built her temples, golden shrines, Where he laid his offerings bare. For her, he committed crimes, As his love became his despair. She reveled in his adoration, A puppet master pulling strings. But his love was her damnation, As she fed on his suffering. The people whispered, feared and cried, For their king had turned blind and weak. But he saw her, a goddess in disguise, Even as she made him suffer and weep. His heart shattered with every sigh, But he remained devoted to her. For she was his all, his reason to die, A sacrifice he gladly offered. And as his kingdom crumbled down, In her soft embrace, he lay. For her cruel love, he'd forsake his crown, And in her arms, he'd waste away. The king worshipped his lover, As a goddess, cruel and dark. His heart forever enslaved, forever, In her mercy, he'd left his mark.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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chameleon777-me · 2 years
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I am Cleopatra and I have locked myself in my monument to await Antony's return so that I may win back his love... Today, I joined 'Two Households in Fair Corona: A Shakespeare Reading Group' in their table read of 'Antony and Cleopatra' on Zoom and I played Cleopatra in Act IV (Act Four). It was rather enjoyable! #shakespeare #cleopatra #antonyandcleopatra #egypt #egyptian #ancientegypt #queen #beauty #goddess #ancient #syria #rome #roman #caesar #tragedy #comedy #love #romance #relationships #education #powercouple #power #empire #politics #fortune #History #Zoom #play #performingarts #tableread https://www.instagram.com/p/CgGTY3fOaiJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jeonggukookies · 2 months
crown's kingdom || two
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summary: now engaged to prince jungkook, you both must figure a way to make this alliance work while your enemies try to tear it apart.
– genre: royalty!au, enemies to lovers!au, prince!jungkook, queen!reader, arranged marriage - fluff/angst
– word count 4637
– warnings: please read note if you haven't read changes
index || one
“Look what we have here.” Despite your eyes being completely shut, you knew who took a seat next to you on the bench by recognizing his voice. “I want to say what a beautiful dress you have on there, but I’m afraid I have to tell you the truth. Your morning dress looks like a tablecloth for afternoon lunch.” 
To start off your mornings, you woke up before the sun, craving to have at least an hour alone in the chapel, free from anyone to interrupt your morning meditation and prayers. It was one of the few times when you were alone, not surrounded by any servants or guards. You were able to find solace—until Jungkook came. 
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of having your presence near me at this time?” You asked politely, still with your eyes closed and your hands pressed together, fingers pointed upwards, deep in prayer.
For the last week, you and Jungkook had been doing an excellent job avoiding each other despite the public announcement of the engagement. You always tried to make your schedule as busy as it could be, not wanting to spend a second alone with him. You filled your time up with more violin lessons and analyzing war strategies and patterns from your father’s old journal. Eventually, you were going to have to interact with Jungkook and fool everyone that the two of you were in love, but you didn’t expect him to find out about your schedule, taking the time to wake up early to come find you in the prayer room. 
“Perhaps the dress would be better as a tablecloth,” he suggested, pulling at the puffy sleeves, attempting to get a rise out of you. “And perhaps, you on that particular table.” 
“To the Divine Spirit, please forgive me for all I have sinned and will sin.” Opening your eyes, you smacked Jungkook’s arm, annoyed by his antics. With a smirk on his face, he’s chuckling, satisfied to get a reaction out of you. 
“It’s almost six in the morning, and you really want to start off the day by pissing me off?” You gritted through your teeth, trying not to raise your voice. “Can you be a pain in the ass somewhere else? And not in this sacred space? A place where I find peace?”
“I quite believe this is the perfect time and place to do it,” he remarked, trying to hide the mischievous smile on his face. “You have to get used to it if we are to be wed soon.” 
“Do not remind me of this terrible tragedy.” You groaned. “May we pray that the fates decree our union not come to pass."
He rolled his eyes, annoyed with your response. “Why do you act like a grandma? No one our age speaks like that or wakes up this early to pray! Just say, ‘God, I hope we don’t marry.’”
“Are the words too big for you to understand?” You pushed your lower lip out, pretending to feel bad for him. “Is that why you were engaged to Comet? The girl whose named after her own country but can’t spell her name without help from her tutors? You know stupid plus stupid doesn’t cancel each other out, right?”
“And you know praying every day isn’t going to erase any of the sins you’ve committed in the past, right?” He mocked. “I’ve been wondering where you’ve been the last couple of days, and now I realize that I shouldn’t have gone through so many people to find out that you wake up so early to pray. I should have remembered you were so boring.” 
You scoffed. “Wow, you must be really thinking about me all the time? To be asking others about my schedule? To be wondering where I am at? You must not have a life, huh?”
“Alright, it’s already been one week, and I’ve had enough. I don’t think I can handle you for the rest of my life.”
“Then do something about it,” you snapped. 
“You don’t think I haven’t?” He snapped back, looking at you with the same amount of anger in his eyes. “What do you think I was trying to do for the last week? While you were hiding away in your room, I was trying to secretly change this alliance. Maybe with your help, I can easily break off the engagement and toss you like a pebble in the lake.”  
For a moment, you were offended that you were disposable to him, making it seem like you desperately needed him and his country more than he needed you. 
You can play this game too, you thought to yourself. 
With your index finger, you gestured for him to come closer to you, leaning over to whisper in his ear. “And if you shall give up the position of ruling two countries, maybe even three one day, would the current King of Aurum be happy with that? Could he let you live in peace if you were to ruin the alliance without his permission?” 
Jungkook learned his lesson for the day and finally shut his mouth, letting the devotion area be peaceful for the rest of the morning. He put his hands together, silently mouthing along to some basic scriptures. 
“Amen,” you whispered, putting your hands together, ready to medicate and pray next to Jungkook. 
Dasher, the new Prince of Cometes, could have gone to command his new military forces, started imposing taxes, or simply have done absolutely nothing as his first task as a royal. Instead, he decided the first thing to do was to go to Aurum to renegotiate their alliance as their circumstances had now changed. 
After eating breakfast, you were asked to accompany Jungkook to greet the new prince. His parents thought it was a perfect opportunity to showcase the new alliance between the two countries. 
“I’m glad you changed out of that old curtain you had earlier,” Jungkook said when you arrived next to his side. The two of you were outside the palace, waiting for the Cometes’s carriage. “You would have made it seem like I downgraded.” 
“Well, I sure did.” You forced a smile, looking straight ahead where the horses were coming at a steady pace a few meters away from you. “Don’t understand why I have to be here like I’m you’re fucking babysitter.” 
“Here he comes.” You turned your head to look at Jungkook, and you find him already staring back at you. He was holding his breath, having a tense look on his face. It had been a while since you’ve seen Jungkook look this apprehensive. “Can you do this?”
When the two of you were learning all the types of ballroom dances, Jungkook’s face was always pale before he had to perform and get evaluated by our instructor. You knew it wasn’t because he was ten years old, dancing with a girl; he was a perfectionist, afraid to take the wrong step and embarrass himself in front of everyone. 
As he had gotten older, he had done a better job at hiding his anxiety, trying to look like the Golden Prince everyone saw him to be. He’s been doing such a great job, that even you forgot he had the capability to be nervous. He wasn’t just a snarky and egomaniacal prince; Jungkook, too, was a human with fears and imperfections. 
“Absolutely.” Without giving you any context, you knew what he was asking. He needed your reassurance—that the two of you could convince the future King of Cometes, that your shared hatred will be hidden by the love of your countries. “Don’t be afraid.” 
Before the horses came to a complete stop, Jungkook straightened his posture, taking a deep breath. No longer looking nervous, he looked like he was ready to stand his ground, determined to become one of the best kings. 
Stepping out of the carriage, a silver-haired man as tall as Jungkook appeared. The man was wearing a close-fitting gray velvet doublet, embellished with white pearls along the seams. With a black linen shirt underneath, the pearls were able to stand out more, showing everyone his new power. 
“Prince Jungkook,” the man greeted. “Well isn't it quite lovely to see you again?”
“And now as equals this time, Prince Dasher,” Jungkook slyly commented. “I hope the ride here wasn’t too terrible with all the rain and mud this season.” 
“Not at all.” The man turned his focus on you, looking up and down, trying to analyze who you were to stand so close to the Prince of Aurum. “You must be Queen of Caelestia.”
“Please address me as Y/N,” you said politely. “It’s an honor to meet you, Prince Dasher.” 
“As to you, Your Grace.” He took a bow, showing his respects. “The rumors must be true then,” he said. “The two of you are going to wed.”
“Unless you’re here to propose to me, then plans can always be altered and rearranged,” Jungkook joked lightly, trying to ease the mood. You bit your lower lip to hold yourself back from laughing at his attempt. The joke itself wasn’t that funny, but the fact that Jungkook thought it was appropriate to say.
“I can assure you that I will not bore you with a proposal of mine.” Dasher took another look at you and Jungkook. He was trying to read the two of you. “And is your bride joining us for our negotiation?”
“She will not,” Jungkook answered right away, not giving you a second to react. There was some hostility in his voice. “Do you request her presence at our meeting between our two countries?”
“Just interesting that the future queen of Aurum will not be there.” Dasher raised his eyebrows. “Unless…”
“Well, we haven’t even decided on invitations! But I promise you that you’ll be one of the first to receive them.” You paused to look at Jungkook, linking your arm to his. “Isn’t that right, Darling?” 
He stared back at your eyes, deeply as if he were trying to your deepest, darkest secrets. Letting a small scoff, he smiled and looked back at Dasher. “Well, now that we got introductions out of the way, why don’t we head towards the affairs room to discuss the future of our people?”
With the arrival of Prince Dasher, you were expected to attend the evening activities. Typically, the evening activities were full of entertainment like live music, dancing, theater, and more. They were loud and socially draining at times, but you loved going, seeing it as an opportunity to enrich life and cultivate an appreciation for arts and culture. 
When walking into the courtiers’ hall, you can tell the King and Queen of Aurum went the extra mile in making tonight’s activities more lavish than usual, catering to their guests. You noticed how there were more servants around, refilling drinks and replacing empty food trays as quickly as they could. They were even using the fancy china that the Queen rarely used, wanting to keep it in mint condition. There were more musicians hired as well. With more musicians, they were able to proudly and loudly play traditional Cometes music, hoping to make the Cometes people feel at home. 
There were more people today, all participating in the elegant court dances, and board games and many were socializing, especially the women, probably hoping to find a suitor among the new guests. 
“Queen Y/N.” You turned your head to see Kim Taehyung, a Luxuria ambassador who resided in Aurum Court. “It’s a blessing to see you entertained by tonight’s festivities.” 
“Well, that can’t be right.” You took a few steps to be face-to-face with him. “Aren’t you always praying for my downfall?”
For the last two years, Kim Taehyung has been a cunning diplomat. On paper, his presence at court might be to handle situations between his country and Aurum, but really, his true mission was to antagonize you at court. Despite his constant terrorizing, you’ve kept your eye on him, following the rule: Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. 
He chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. “I haven’t seen you around court to give you my congratulations on your engagement to Jungkook.” 
“Thank you, Taehyung.” You forced a smile, and he smiled back. 
“And how has this engagement been so far?” 
“Quite amazing,” you lied. “Thank you for asking.”
“Is that why everyone is talking about Jungkook and your reluctance to marry each other?” He asked. “You know, Luxuria intelligence predicted this happening years ago. That somehow you would find a way to marry the next King of Aurum. That somehow the alliance between Aurum and Cometes would fall through.” 
“If you want to take your anger or frustration out on someone for the sudden change, Prince Dasher is present at court today as well.” You pointed in the direction where Dasher was. “Shall I introduce the two of you and be on my way?”
He took a step closer, trying to intimidate you. “How about instead you go on your way back to Caelestia and abandon this alliance with Aurum?”
“Is that a threat?” You asked, raising your eyebrows and letting out a humorless laugh. “Are you seriously threatening me?” 
“Not a threat,” he insisted. “Consider this as….a chance to save your country and people.” 
The smile disappeared from your face. You gritted through your teeth, “To save my country and my people, I need to take the chance and marry Jungkook for his armies against YOUR people!” 
“Then take the first step and go back home,” he suggested.
“And then how long would Luxuria come after my throne?” 
He refused to answer your question, changing the subject immediately. “Do not beg for mercy when I have given you the chance to correct yourself.” 
“And have you and your queen considered that mercy doesn’t need to be begged if Luxuria would stop sending its forces to my border?” 
He looked around, seeing if anyone was watching your interaction with him. He then smiled. “You may have been safe and across the sea all this time, but do not forget, Queen Y/N, even monarchs cannot escape death.” 
For a moment, you froze in place, feeling the anger grow inside your body. From a young age, you were taught that monarchs cannot show their emotions, and they shouldn’t especially show it to their enemies. 
Before you could react, Jungkook appeared by your side, putting his arm around you, hand on your shoulder. “Darling! Did you see that the servants made pavlova? We have to go get some before it all runs out, especially since these fruits aren’t even in season!”
“Excuse us,” you mumbled under your breath, directed to Taehyung.
Moving his arm, Jungkook then had his hand gently wrapped around your right wrist, pulling you into a private corner away from all the guests. As your back leaned against the wall, Jungkook let go of your wrist and stood directly in front of you, so you were face to face. 
“Don’t push me away,” he said in a low voice. “Are you okay?”
“He-he.” Out of nowhere, you started heavily breathing as if there was a limited amount of air in the room. You were unable to finish your thoughts, interrupted by every scenario going through your head. Tears were about to flood your eyes, ready to leave wet trails on your face. 
“Look at me,” Jungkook instructed, cupping your face with his hands, his eyes directly piercing into your soul once again. “Repeat after me. You are a queen.”
“Threat-threatened my-“ Jungkook cut you off. 
“I am a queen,” he emphasized, repeating himself slowly this time. “Say it with me. I am a queen.” 
“I am a queen,” you repeated, trying to believe the truth in those words. A couple more times, you repeated in a hushed tone, “I am a queen.” 
“Don’t let anyone see that you’re afraid,” he said after it seemed like you were finally calming down. “Let me be the only person to see you shaking like a small useless chihuahua.”
“Are you calling me—“ He cut you off again, not letting you finish his sentence.
“I know you’re not useless.” His hands held your face a little tighter, still refusing to break eye contact with you. “You’re a queen. You will be remembered as the benevolent queen of three countries one day. And while all of everyone’s great great great grandchildren are learning about you in history books, no one will remember his name. Don’t let him get to you now and let him become a footnote in the future.”
Nodding, a tear slipped, and you quickly felt Jungkook wiping the tear with his thumb, not letting anyone else see a Queen in a vulnerable state. Your breathing was almost back to normal, feeling some comfort from his words. 
“Can you do this?” He asked, repeating his question from earlier. 
Despite growing up together all these years, you and Jungkook had never been this up close and personal. Even when paired up for ballroom dancing, the two of you danced awkwardly together, barely touching his fingertips. It felt unreal that you and Jungkook were now alone, staring at each other, ignoring the rest of the world around you. “Yes.” 
Jungkook stared at you for another two seconds before he realized the position the two of you were in. His grip became stiff and rigid for a moment before he finally removed his hands from your face and cleared his throat, pretending as if he wasn’t trying to protect you in his arms. 
“Thanks.” You coughed awkwardly, still standing in front of him. The two of you never shared an intense moment like that before, a moment filled with insecurity, vulnerability, and comfort. 
Jungkook sighed and looked back at you. Without any verbal confirmation, you knew that he silently agreed that everything would go back to normal, that the two of you would go back to pushing each other’s buttons. “I should get going.”
Before you could say anything, Jungkook started to walk away. He was probably already erasing the moment out of his head. 
You had to remind yourself that the two of you will wed for your countries, that it won’t be for true love or happily ever after. It'll be a marriage full of moments like these that will mean nothing to him. And you hoped they would mean nothing to you. 
By the next morning, Luxuria went through with their warning and sent their troops to your border, threatening your people. 
“Once we received word this morning from your mother, we sent supplies to your troops.” You had barged into the room of affairs, surprising Jungkook and the Queen by your sudden appearance. “They will be there as soon as they can. We sent our fastest rider.” 
The King didn’t take his eyes off the document he was reading. It seemed like the King had expected you to come in urgently while the Queen, sitting next to him, was visibly annoyed with your sudden intrusion. Jungkook, standing to the side of the room, looked baffled, unsure if he should laugh at your courage or be displeased.  
“Thank you,” you said, bowing your head. “These supplies will go a long way, but supplies aren’t the only thing we need.” 
“Let me guess..You want soldiers?” The King asked, still not looking at you. “I am afraid that I cannot give you men, but you have my deepest sympathy.” 
“I am asking for more than sympathy. I need men, or else these supplies are useless.” 
“The men that you need are the same men that we cannot give you.” He finally looked up and shrugged his shoulders. 
“As Queen, I have the responsibility to find solutions, and that was through our alliance with your country, which you are not honoring.” 
“Keep in mind that you are not the only one with a country to think about,” the King replied. “I am putting my country and its people first.” 
“I will not forget this when I am both Queen of Caelestia and Aurum,” you challenged. “I will always put my country first. Do not hold me hostage and fulfill this alliance, or let me go.” 
“The two of you need to learn this.” The King paused to point at you and Jungkook. “You are royals. You DO NOT have the luxury of doing what you want. You do what is best for your country. Perhaps, the two of you should stop wasting time. Instead of trying to think of ways to get out of your marriage, start taking action.” 
“Father, I think we should help.” You took a quick look at Jungkook, surprised by his answer. “If Caelestia loses, that’ll only make Luxuria a bigger threat to our country.” 
“Get out. The two of you, out now,” the King firmly demanded. 
The sound of the doors slamming behind you echoed throughout the whole castle. You took a deep breath and started walking to your chambers until Jungkook caught up, walking next to you. 
“Hey, I think you’re right. I am on your side.”
“You are?” You were taken back from his statement, not expecting him to be on your side for politics. “Why?”
“Because after your country, mine will be next,” Jungkook explained. “By working together, we can slowly defeat the Luxurian military. I just need some time to convince my father.”
Caught up in a moment of joy, you wrapped your arms around Jungkook, pulling him into a tight hug. Your happiness must have overcome the supposed feelings of animosity you had towards him. “Thank you!” 
Jungkook hesitantly and slowly embraced you back.
“This must be the day pigs are going to grow wings and fly,” Lady Adoree exaggerated. 
Ladies-in-waiting were the Queen’s female companions, typically wealthy noblewomen. They accompanied you, staying by your side for most events. Not only were they your attendants, but they were also your closest friends. And you were the closest to Lady Adoree. 
“Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s surprised by all of this,” you mumbled under your breath.  
“I’ve been gone for seven days, and somehow, you and Jungkook are engaged to each other.” She had traveled to Aureus, the capital of Aurum, for the last week to meet with her a suitor, which did not end up well.  “Then, he’s willingly trying to help you as if he didn’t try to sabotage this alliance or even your whole life here.”
“Excuse me, Lady Adoree.” The two of you were still at the dining table after finishing lunch, catching up. You looked up and saw Prince Dasher waiting behind Lady Adoree’s chair. “Can I please have a moment with your queen?”
“Prince Dasher,” you greeted as Lady Adoree stood up from her chair, allowing Dasher to take her seat. “I thought you were on your way home.” 
“Well, it turns out we still have more negotiations with Aurum to discuss, which is delaying our departure,” he said. “It is not a total disaster as I am blessed to spend another second with a beautiful queen.” 
“Are these sweet words repeated to every other queen?” You quipped. 
“Just you,” he claimed. “No one else can hear those words from me.”
In the corner of your eye, you could see a vein popping out of Lady Adoree’s forehead. She was frowning, not happy that she had given up her seat just for him to be flirty. Lady Adoree hated talking to guys and drove them away just as much as you did. 
“I’m not new to this game,” you reminded him. “What is desired from me?” 
Prince Dasher leaned into your ear, whispering, “I heard Prince Jungkook cannot give you the help you need for the Luxuria Troops.” 
You pressed your lips together, trying to dull up any emotions on your face. “I’m still not hearing what you want from me.” 
Instead of verbally answering, Prince Dasher cleared his throat and pushed his chair back, almost hitting Lady Adoree. He then kneeled on his right knee, causing Lady Adoree to gasp loudly.
“What are you doing?!” You growled. “Get up.” 
“My desire is you,” he said. “Now I am no longer the King’s Bastard and am finally the legitimate Prince of Cometes. I am here to seek out the best deal and I believe Caelestia is that.” 
“To my knowledge, everyone including yourself knows that I am already betrothed!” You looked around, hoping no one else was in the room witnessing this act. 
“I can give you the men you need to fight Luxuria,” he promised. 
You sighed. “My attention is yours.”
He beamed at your defeat. “Perhaps the dissolution of your alliance with Aurum will help your country, Queen Y/N.”
Your jaw clenched. “And if we were to wed, do you really think Luxuria will just stop?” 
“I think you’ve forgotten,” he stressed. “Luxuria and Cometes have been allies for centuries. I hope you consider this offer.”
Jungkook stayed silent. 
It was after midnight, and the two of you met in a private room on the other side of the castle, away from everyone else. No one really came to this side of the castle. It was mainly used to have secret meetings, not wanting to be seen by anyone else.
You were pacing around the room, playing with your hands, anxious to hear his thoughts after telling him Prince Dasher’s offer as he sat down on the bench and had his chin resting on his cupped hands together. 
“Are you going to say something?” You stopped walking back and forth and came to a stop. “What are you thinking about?”
He sighed before standing back up to face you. “I-I think you should do it.” 
“What?” Your heart sank, pain settling in your chest. Despite being the Queen of Caelestia, you viewed Aurum as if it were your home to you. Even though you had no intention of ruling Aurum and this alliance came out of nowhere, you felt a sense of happiness that you could finally give back to the country that gave you everything. 
Aurum was a part of you whether you liked it or not, and with Jungkook’s answer, it seemed like Aurum didn’t want you. And that he didn’t want you. There were a bunch of conflicting emotions going through your mind, but you pushed them away, needing to think about your country. “Are you serious?”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “Think about it, Y/N. How could you pass this up?” 
“What happened to being on my side?!” You exclaimed. “And you’re just going to let it go? Just like that.”
“I don’t want to,” he admitted, quickly taking your hands and holding them. “But there’s nothing I can do to change my father’s mind…to help your country. I’ve tried and tried. We are just in this alliance, and you are getting nothing..”
“You don’t want to marry me,” you said bitterly, letting go of his hold. “That’s the real reason, isn’t it?”. 
“It’s not that,” Jungkook denied. There was a sense of desperation in his voice. “Believe me, I know I’ve been trying to get out of this alliance. But I’m not telling you to do it because of that. I’m telling you to do this, because this is what is best for your country.”
“Is that really it?” 
“You’ve been Queen your whole life. You should have known that alliances can easily shift,” Jungkook quickly snapped, changing his demeanor suddenly. “Your country gets the help it needs, and my country will not be ruled by an Ice Queen.” 
And Jungkook walked away like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. 
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
I see so many breeding fics with some family-oriented characters like Childe, Arlecchino etc but rarely ever with Signora.... Ya'll can't tell me she wouldn't be into it. Okay, granted she wouldn't want it immediately but HEAR ME OUT
I very much believe she wanted to have a perfect little family with Rostam but ofc it never happened. Then eventually her body lost the functionality (could be due to liquid fire or just ageing as she's literally 500+). Then due to all the tragedy she became completely untouchable as a Harbinger and suppressed these 'maiden' desires but.... what if she starts thinking of them again when she finds new love? UGH IDK I JUST WANNA BREED HER SDOHWOEIFHWF
Fluff + Smut below
Reader has a cock but no gender stated (I imagine g!p but others are also welcome)
It was another cold winter night at Snezhnaya when you returned home from work. You were exhausted and wanted to immediately rest, you opened to door to your room only to be met by an unexpected yet pleasant sight.
"Oh, welcome home, my love~" your partner, Signora, the 8th Harbinger of the Fatui was already back and currently undressing herself in your shared room. You watched her dress slide down her exquisite body as soon as you entered and almost became flustered despite having seen her that way plenty of times by now.
"Ah, sorry, I should have knocked...." you averted your gaze and she simply chuckled before beginning to walk towards you, a small smirk adorning her beautiful face.
"Well, you came back at the perfect time. I was just going to take a bath so...." she paused before sliding her hands down the lapel of your coat and leaning in to whisper seductively, "Care to join in?~"
All the exhaustion from before suddenly vanished as you speedily undressed and walked in the bath together with her. The tub was already filled with warm water, a scented bath wash and rose petals. Signora stepped in first and sat on one edge then pulled you inside and made you sit in her embrace, your back facing her as you comfortably rested back on her body.
You relaxed together as the warm water seeped in your skin and rejuvenated you, complimented by the feeling of your lover's presence and touch. Signora wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder followed by planting soft kisses on it, you giggled from the ticklish feeling and she only continued doing that more to tease you.
"How was your day, Rosa?"
"Mm, just the usual.... Jester still doesn't allow me to take field missions, says I need to continue resting and that others are handling them...." she sighed in dejection then cuddled into you.
"Do you feel bad?"
"Certainly, I understand why he says that but it just makes me feel worse...."
She sighed again and embraced you tighter before continuing, "But at the same time, it's not so bad. I get to come home early and spend time with you more~"
She pecked your cheek as you chuckled together. La Signora would have never said that until a few months ago, nothing mattered to her over her mission and Tsaritsa's dream. She was a ruthless and untouchable Harbinger of the Fatui, the people who had sworn their life in service of their Queen. Such frivolous moments of pleasure and indulgence were useless to her, yet she could no longer ignore the feelings rising in her recently.
She pondered about your current situation, the way you were lying in each other's arms in a warm bath with no care of the outside world. Everything felt perfect. She could never picture this scenario for a long time, she knew her life was drastically different. Yet, the bliss and relaxation of this moment caught up to her. She could picture a life with you, living together as any ordinary family even when there was nothing ordinary about you both.
Her thoughts almost scared her, how could she? How could she have these feelings again? She was supposed to have forgotten them, she was supposed to have embraced the pain she suffered and look forward to a future the Tsaritsa promised. But she could no longer ignore the beating of her heart right now as she pictured you both living together somewhere faraway in a little house of your own, with a perfect family of your own....
"Y/n, I wanted to ask something...."
"Hm, what is it?"
She remained silent for some time which caused you become worried, you sat up and turned to face her and saw a rather serious look on her face.
"Rosa? Are you okay?"
She nodded then spoke, "....Have you ever thought of having.... children with me?"
The question surprised you to no end, your eyes becoming wide in shock.
"W-Why this all of a sudden....?"
Her brows furrowed, "Just answer.... Do you want to have a family with me?"
You fumbled on your words, "I-I mean....Uh, y-yes I do but family doesn't necessarily require...c-children, you know?"
"Then.... you don't want children with me?"
"T-That's not what I meant! I-I...." you trailed off and struggled to reply, unsure of what was happening. You looked at her expression which was filled with a strange sense of longing and affection, something you had never seen on her before.
"....Ideally, yes, I would want to have a family with you, a proper family but...."
"I know it's not possible and I don't want you to blame yourself or anything, I accepted our situation long ago and am perfectly fine with the way things are...."
Signora's eye widened now; of course, how could she forget? How could she forget the limitations of her own body, one of the many prices she had to pay for her sins. How could she even for a moment think she was deserving of wanting that perfect life?
"R-Rosa, what happened? Why did you ask that?"
You became increasingly worried as she stayed silent and looked down, you had no idea why she had this thought now of all times. You were well aware of everything that had happened to her and how her current condition was, you had accepted it all the moment you fell in love and never thought of anything more. Yes, a perfect family life would indeed be ideal but you never bat an eye to it.
"I...." she finally spoke and looked up to meet your gaze, her eye filled with tears which she held back from falling then suddenly lunged forward to embrace you tightly.
"I imagined that life with you.... living together as a family, away from all these things, doing simple jobs, having children and raising them together....and much more." she confesssed her deepest desires and you were speechless.
"....Did you want all of this in the past? Before.... things turned the way they did?"
"Somewhat. I never pictured it too far but.... I suppose it was the dreams of a young maiden heart who fell in love with a knight, to gaze upon each other and think of a future together...."
Your grip almost tightened hearing that, you understood what she wanted to say.
"But I no longer think of it that way.... I hadn't had these thoughts until recently and now I think of you in them, even if it's not possible anymore...."
She cupped your face and lovingly gazed at you with a small smile before kissing your forehead, "I'm sorry for this, you don't have to brood over it. Just.... think of it as a silly little thought."
She let go of you and proceeded to step out of the tub then dry herself with a towel, you pondered for a moment then stepped out as well and suddenly hugged her from behind.
"....Let's do it then."
Signora was caught by surprise, "What? What are you saying, Y/n?"
"I'm saying let's do it. Let's have the perfect life you want."
"B-But, Y/n—"
"I know, I know what you want to say. And I mean.... let's have that experience at least, that feeling.... Even if in the end nothing would change, we can still experience the feeling a little."
Signora was shocked at your proposition but pondered over it a little before turning around to passionately kiss you, "Yes, let's do it."
The next few moments happened in the blink of an eye as you two made your way over to the bed while kissing and clawing at each other. Neither of you required any prep time, you were needy and desperate enough that she was soaking down her thighs and your cock was throbbing hard. This wasn't going to be your usual session, no matter how passionate and hardcore your previous sessions had been, this was going to be completely different.
"Do it deep and hard, Y/n. Breed me like you mean to, impregnate me like you would!"
She pleaded while holding you close, your cock rubbing against her eager folds. Hearing those words only made you want to do it more, you wanted her to feel what she wanted. You pushed inside soon after, penetrating her hot walls and sliding to her deepest parts. She arched up feeling you push so deeply, her legs dangling over your shoulders to give you the best angle.
You didn't have to be fast, you only wanted her to feel you deeply and understand how much you wanted this. Your thrusts were moderate and controlled but everytime you made an effort to push deeper than before, to explore the spots you had never touched before. Her angelic moans resounded in your ears, your hands fondled her supple breasts and you leaned down to suck her hardned nipple, causing yourself to push deeper.
She gasped at the feeling, your hard and thick member was filling her up so well. It indeed felt different than your previous sessions, perhaps it was really due to the fact that the purpose right now was different. You pushed her legs closer to her chest, folding her in a mating press as you angled even deeper and continued pistoning in and out.
"Yes! Yes! Do it, my love! Cum in me! Give it all to me!"
She chanted her sinful thoughts as if she was lovestruck, you cock splitting her open then suddenly felt a rush of hot and thick liquid fill her insides. She arched up as you filled her up with your seed, pushing in every single drop and ensuring none fell out.
"More! Y/n! Do it more! I want you inside more!"
You needn't be told twice. You flipped her to lay her on the stomach and she automatically stood on all fours and you hilted deep in one go. You moaned at the contact together, her back arching down as you began pounding deep and hard. This position was even better than before, you were deeply connected with each other and no obstacles were in your way.
"Aah!~ Yes! Right there! Yes! Mmmmm!~"
You grinned looking at her figure, she was moaning out so messily and needily, nobody could imagine her this way. You suddenly held her hands and pulled her up to make her stand on her knees and hugged her close, your face being buried in her neck as you continued thrusting. She almost whimpered feeling you inside, your right hand roamed down her abdomen and pressed on a particular spot as you slowed down your movements but still kept going deep.
"Feel it here.... Touch it, feel where I am~" you whispered, making her move her hand to the same spot as well and she could feel it, your cock was making a small buldge every time you thrusted. She couldn't describe how she felt at that, she could see how deep you were, feel the lining of your cock deep inside her as you pounded into her. She wanted this forever, she wanted this so much.
Your hands were busy playing with her breasts now, pinching on her pointed nipples. She moaned so loudly, breathless gasps leaving her lips as she couldn't take her hand away from that place. Her other hand looped around your neck and pulled you closer, giving you the chance to kiss and suck on her neck.
"Aah...I told you, Rosa.... I'll give you that feeling.... Do you like it? Mhm~ Is this what you wanted?~"
"Yes! I feel you so deep! I love you, Y/n! I love you so much, my darling! Keep going! Fill me up all night!~"
Well, if she kept being this way then you could indeed go all night. She was irressitble to you, so tempting and captivating. You let go of your hold on her and pushed her down in an arch again, roughly gripping her hips and squeezing them as you fastened your thrusts. You came another bout, thick ropes of cum painting her insides and filling her up once again. But you were far from over, and she knew that too- she wanted that.
You ended up in so many positions all night, tossing and turning each other and finding yourselves all entangled with desire. She was now on top of you, straddling your lap as you rested on the bed and she wanted control now. She aligned your hard cock with her cunt and pushed it all the way in, immediately touching her deepest part. And she wasted no time to grind and bounce on your cock, she wanted to milk it dry and have every last drop of your cum inside her.
You gripped her waist and thrusted up as well, a delicious rhythm forming of your bodies. She then leaned forward and deeply kissed you, your tongues intertwining messily before leaning back and continuing to ride you. Her walls had a deathly grip on your cock, it was evident she was going to keep you inside all night. You had lost count of your orgasms, the amount of times you came inside her but she was ready to still hold more.
"Mmmm~ Cumming, my love... Aaaah... Y/n! Together.... come on, inside me! Breed me!~"
And yet another spurt of cum deep inside her, she too came at the same time and arched back with a loud guttural moan. Your bodies were still connected, you sat up and embraced her as you breathed out together. You nuzzled into her neck and she softly caressed your hair, the feeling of your cum drip down made her feel euphoric.
"I love you so much, Y/n... Thank you for this." she whispered in a low voice and you smiled to yourself before suddenly turning over and placing her on the bed, your dick still inside.
"We aren't done yet, I still have lot more to give. You'll hold it in, right?~"
She smirked then pulled you down by your jaw, "Who do you think you are talking to? That's not even a challenge for me~"
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yaksha-lover · 2 months
Thus Always to Tyrants
Summary: Lilia has always been an enigma to you; slipping through your fingers at every attempt to get close - follows fae!reader’s relationship with lilia from childhood to the war to present day in briar valley
Lilia Vanrouge x Fae!Reader, small background Meleanor x reader hehe
wc: 3.8k
cw: i’m too into medieval fantasy so i created unnecessary lore (clown noises), also i haven’t read book 7 so prob butchered canon, (but spoilers), angst, grief, unrequited (?) love, pining, mild description of war events/tragedy
Even then, he hadn’t seen you. Before the wars and before the bloodshed, when there’d only been long grass to tickle your ankles and azure skies allowing you to guess at clouds, Lilia had never seen you.
There’d always been something, someone, to distract him.
At least, that’s what you tell yourself. It’s easier this way, to imagine that there’s something other than disinterest and disgust keeping you apart.
The forests of Briar Valley are filled with pine trees, their scent so potent you wished you could bottle the air and take it home.
That was where you and Meleanor had met Lilia. You’d grown up in the royal castle, the two of you spending afternoons giggling about the latest court gossip and eating all the sweets you could before the queen could scold her daughter.
That day is one of your fondest memories, and not entirely because of him. The trunk of the giant oak tree was hard against your back, but you hadn’t been able to think about anything but the feel of your princess’ head in your lap. She’d simply closed her eyes and demanded you read to her, dark hair spilling around your legs.
“As you wish, Mel,” you’d agreed, gathering up one of her favourite books.
She’d only popped an eye open to tease you. “Mel, is it? Not princess? Perhaps I should have you punished for such transgressions~” She giggled.
“If I am to be placed in the dungeon, then who will feed you ice cream and read to you, dear princess?” you countered, ruffling her hair.
“Hmm, I suppose your insubordination will have to forgiven…but only if you allow me to remain on your lap for an adequate amount of time. Any sooner, and I’ll have to punish you myself~”
She was temperamental yet whimsical, delighting you as much as she terrified you. Mostly, Meleanor was your best friend. Your only friend, truly. There weren’t many children your age around the castle; you were only there because your father sat on the high council as the master of coin.
After you’d been reading aloud to her for some time, a sudden rustle in the trees caught the both of you off guard. The princess had jumped up quickly, all the combat lessons she’d taken with the head of the Queen’s guard finally paying off.
Out from the vegetation, a short, dark-haired fae who looked to be around your age emerged. He was fitted in what could only be described as rags; torn and stained all over. Despite his disheveled look, you thought he had a certain charm about him.
Meleanor, who’d grown taller than you ages ago, towered over him. It was almost a pitiful sight.
The princess had narrowed her eyes and asked: “Where have you come from?”
“Nowhere,” he’d answered simply, looking down at his feet. “I’m no one.”
That was the meekest you’d ever seen him, no indication of his true vibrant personality.
From that day in the forest, Lilia had been with you. Meleanor had begged the queen to let him stay in the castle, to grow up with you and her as another companion. The princess’ tears worked especially well on her mother, so of course she’d gotten her way.
As she grew up, the princess only became more and more beautiful. You weren’t the only one who noticed, either. The three of you were still young at the time, but Lilia seemed fond and more than fond of Meleanor. The princess returned his affections, but perhaps not with the same intent; she almost smote him when he’d jokingly proposed to her with a ring of grass. It made you angry, for a while. She was your friend first, and now Lilia had come to hog all her time and attention.
It was hard to see your only friend pulled in a new direction, especially one that seemed so far away from you. That was back when you were small; things settled quickly after that, with the three of you falling easily into friendship. There would still be times, occasionally, when you were envious of the friendship shared by Meleanor and Lilia, but it was on both ends. You simply wished to be included, not to have the princess or Lilia all to yourself. That was never a possibility, after all.
As you grew, it wasn’t long before Meleanor fell in love with Levan. You’d been…annoyed, at first, at how fast your friend had seemed to leave you behind yet again.
“You promised to take me flying today, dear princess,” you’d said, trying and failing to keep the gloom out of your voice. “Don’t you remember?”
Meleanor looked up from brushing her hair, making eye contact with you through the mirror. “Forgive me, I cannot turn away Levan…my heart will not let me.”
“But it will let you turn me away?”
She turned now, facing you directly, some of her signature anger evident in her expression. Her violent temper only seemed her grow with her adolescence. “Stop this foolishness! You are my friend, but Levan is my beloved. If you find issue with that, you will leave my castle at once.”
As though you couldn’t feel more humiliated, she’d moved, stopping in front of you and tilting your chin to meet her gaze. “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you’d whispered, wondering when things had changed.
And then she’d pulled you into her arms, and suddenly she’d felt all too familiar again, hugging you and telling you she loved you, asking you to always stay by her side. As her dearest friend.
Being cold to Levan only pushed you further from Meleanor, so you were forced to accept his presence. Once the initial hostility dissipated, you found that Levan was quite pleasant.
If Meleanor was always destined to be with another, then you were happy it was someone as great as Levan, at the very least. With your princess’ time now being taken up by her lover, you and Lilia spent much more time alone together than before.
The first time you had the courage to broach the subject of marriages and pairings had done nothing but splash the cold water of Lilia’s indirect rejection on to you. With how cold and empty you felt, it was as though the shivers went bone deep.
Your father had insisted on looking for a match for you. A political marriage to improve your family’s standing, surely. You had protested and held it off as long as you could, but now his asks were becoming unavoidable.
You’d thought - hoped - that Lilia might be interested. He wouldn’t be your father’s number one choice, but he would still accept it; Lilia may not have been of noble birth, but his status as a respected general amongst the court bought him points. Marrying him would certainly be better than any stuffy old fae you’d be forced to settle down with.
It wasn’t just avoiding others, either. You wanted Lilia, as loathe as you were to admit. He was your friend, a close companion, and perhaps you’d even desired more.
It was difficult to voice to yourself that your affections went beyond platonic when you were not so delusional as to imagine that he felt the same in any way.
No, you felt like an afterthought to Lilia. As though you were merely Meleanor’s friend, and not his own. He wasn’t so kind to you as he was the princess, and the affection he held for her, although now platonic, went beyond anything you could imagine receiving from him. Even Levan seemed to bond with him easier than you had after knowing him for years. It was like he tolerated you more than anything; when Meleanor was off with Levan, you were the only option left.
It shouldn’t have hurt so much when he said he didn’t wish to marry. The ‘you’ part seemed unspoken, even though he claimed reasons of freedom and lifestyle instead of saying anything about you.
Regardless, he’d made the decision for you. Your father would ship you away from the castle, to be married to a stranger, leaving behind your beloved…friends.
At least he would have, had the war not begun so suddenly.
If you believed Lilia had hardened his heart to you before, then becoming a war general had hardened his heart to the world. Although it was the last thing on anyone’s minds, had you tried to bridge the gap between the two of you, not only would you have failed, but you might’ve gained a nice scar along with it.
To the untrained eye, Lilia seemed to thrive on the battlefield; swift with strength that went unmatched by any. But you knew better. There was a sense in which Lilia lost himself in action, where he seemed so distant from the boy you’d grown up with; perhaps it was his own way of coping with the horrors he’d been forced to experience, fae he fought alongside being slaughtered. In the end, it hadn’t mattered who they were before the battlefield; nobles and common folk alike fought and fell.
It was torturous to wait out the war in the castle. Every letter that came made your heart race, fear taking ahold as you read through the list of your fallen companions. It almost seemed inevitable that one day Lilia or Levan might appear on the list and send you into despair. Your only saving grace was Meleanor, the two of you keeping quiet company during this time, both not allowed to join the conflict and feeling useless for it.
You begged your father to let you join Lilia; you weren’t the most skilled fighter, but your healing magic excelled beyond any other, and you could hold your own for the most part. He’d denied you until so many had been lost that the queen asked for your service. None of you had known just how close tragedy was, how your departure for Lilia’s camp would mean leaving behind your beloved princess to die.
“Go back,” Lilia had growled at you. It was the very first thing he’d said since you’d come to his camp.
“I’m here to help, instead of rotting away in the castle while my people suffer!” You’d followed after him as he strutted between tents, giving orders to the other soldiers.
He’d shook his head, glaring at you. “You’re a spoiled little noble, you know nothing of the battlefield. Go back home. It’s not safe here.”
“I know I’m sheltered, but I’d like to try and help where I can! I don’t care what happens to me.”
Lilia stopped in his tracks, not facing you as he spoke.
“You don’t care? You’re selfish, you know that? What would Meleanor do without you? What would I-” He shook his head. “I don’t have time for this. Go back. Don’t make me make you.”
“Perhaps I am selfish, but what about me, Lilia? Shouldn’t it matter that I can’t possibly imagine a life where we’re not together, fighting side by side?” Your voice goes quiet. “I had a dream, an awful dream. One where you were dead…I’m afraid. I don’t want that dream to become real.”
You’d thought, for a moment, that his hardened gaze had wavered, but the next second, he’d ordered one of his subordinates to take you back to the castle. Perhaps the softness you believed you saw within him was only a trick of the light.
You’d been a fool. A fool in grief and despair, but a fool nonetheless.
Meleanor’s death had pulled you away from yourself, made you into some automaton which possessed none of your good qualities, for which you had to wonder if there were any to begin with. She’d been your friend, your only family. You should’ve been with her; you should’ve died with her. You should’ve done anything you could, and you’d failed.
It was only by a day that you’d left the castle and missed the fight that occurred.
Meleanor fought bravely, a knight had told you. And Meleanor died.
You waited for Lilia to come back. To come home to you. Your heart sang, a brief reprieve from all the aching when you found out he was alive; he was all you had left.
He never came, at least not to see you.
You fled the castle. There’d been no goodbyes to your father and no concern for Meleanor’s child.
If she’d been around, she surely would have killed you for your selfishness, but your head swam with grief and so you left everything behind.
It had been…surprising, to hear from Malleus. You’d heard amidst your travels that your father still sat on the small council, so perhaps he’d heard of you from him, considering they were together in Briar Valley. Who else would have known about you and your relationship with his mother?
There was General Vanrouge, but he…why would he even mention you at this point?
You’d taken to calling him that in your mind, if only to distance yourself a little more from your past. You heard he’d returned to Briar Valley years after you’d departed, but other than acting as a guardian for the prince and a curious human boy, you had no idea what he was up to.
It was a wonder the world was as big as it was, meaning you’d never run into the general during your travels.
And here, on the desk of your hostel, sat a letter from the crown prince. Your Meleanor’s son. The one you’d left behind.
With the distance of time, a new feeling stirs in your chest. One of unease and shame, yet another failure to the Draconia’s. You hoped the boy was doing well. Would it even be possible to accept if he wasn’t?
Well, he was asking, along with Meleanor’s mother, that you pay them a visit once again. The Queen…you’d abandoned her too, in a way. You dared not hope that she thought of you as another one of her children, but in a way, you’d loved her as a mother.
Heat burned at your cheeks. With your focus on Meleanor, Lilia, and Levan, you’d forgotten there were more people you considered your family. More people that you’d left behind in Briar Valley.
After all this time, you owed them an explanation, no, an apology. You owed them your return home.
Malleus greets you at the gates.
You’re stunned, for a moment. Dark locks of long hair sprawled elegantly across his shoulders, two curved horns peaking out from his head. Piercing green eyes that look into your soul.
He’s the spitting imagine of your best friend.
You try to move forward, but a green-haired fae stops you in your tracks, moving between you and Malleus.
“Keep your distance! Have some respect for your Prince!”
Malleus is quick to shake his head. “Leave them be, Sebek. This is Lord Tyrell’s child. My mother’s childhood friend.”
Sebek is quick to step-aside, bowing before you in apology, allowing you to step forward and hug Malleus. He’s motionless for a moment, and you’re worried you’ve crossed his boundaries, before he slowly slides his arms around your back, returning the hug.
“The resemblance between you and your mother…it is truly incredible. Pardon me for getting emotional, but I wasn’t expecting you to look so grown up…last I saw, you were merely an egg.”
He looks at you, smiling gently. “It’s nice to meet a friend of my mother’s. I feel I hardly know anything about her. Even Lilia refuses to speak of her.”
Your heart stirs at the mention of your former friend’s name. “I hope I can provide some memories of her.” You look away from him. “I only wish I could’ve done so sooner…I apologize, Malleus. I should have been here for you, just as Lilia was. I should have taken care of you, not left you behind when you were only a child…”
He shakes his head once again. “You are here now. That is all that matters.”
“Thank you, I hardly deserve your kindness.”
He returns your smile. “It is what my mother would have wished for, is it not?”
He leads you through the halls of the castle, but you wouldn’t have needed his help to get around. Every wall in the castle is burned into your brain, engrained with a variety of memories.
The halls are vastly the same as you remember; the same silver trim, the velveteen carpets, and the Draconia sigil hung on banners.
Only one thing stands out as different to you: there’s one more portrait than before.
Normally the Draconia family portraits were done about every century, so it made sense that one had been added semi-recently. This one is just of Malleus and Maleficia, occupying a rather empty-looking frame. Even if you didn’t know about Meleanor and Levan, you would know something was missing from it.
Your train of thought is interrupted by the appearance of a Silver-haired boy. He pauses to stare at you for a moment before smiling.
“You must be MC. Father has told me so much about you.” He bows lightly.
“You’re Silver? Lilia’s boy?” You take his hands in yours. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“And you as well. We’ve promised to help some of the younger knights with their training, so Sebek and I won’t be able to stay for dinner, but I hope you’ll stick around. It would be nice to hear about you from more than the stories my father shares.”
“I’ve been gone so long, I certainly intend to stay for a while. Maybe I’ll be able to tell you some stories of your father when he was younger.”
With a nod, Silver is off.
Malleus leads you into the dining room and you catch your first glimpse of Lilia Vanrouge in over a century.
He’s different and the same, all at once. He’s maintained his youthful looks, but his hair has radically changed; cropped and pink, where it once flowed in its red glory.
You turn to greet Maleficia first, bowing in front of her. “It is an honour to dine with you, your grace.”
“Stop that nonsense. Come to me, my dear. It’s been ages since I’ve seen you.”
The queen embraces you gently in her frail frame.
“I am truly sorry,” you whisper.
“It’s already forgotten,” she whispers back. “The past is the past, and we are here now. Please, take a seat, so we may dine together once again.”
Maleficia and Malleus sit at the head of the table on each side, so you take your place across from Lilia.
“It’s nice to see you again,” you offer.
“You as well,” Lilia replies, seemingly at a loss.
The dinner proceeds, Maleficia and Malleus asking questions about your travels. Lilia chimes in occasionally, but he’s uncharacteristically silent. Or perhaps characteristically? You hardly know him anymore, after all.
Once the final course comes and goes, Maleficia stands from the table. “Malleus, let us take our tea in the garden today. I believe these two have a lifetime of catching up to do.”
With that, the two of them are off.
“I missed you.” You don’t intend the words to come, but they spill out of your heart anyway.
“As did I.”
You fidget with the cutlery in front of you. “You’re still so formal with me after all this time. Have we truly become strangers?”
“You could never be a stranger to me. Not a day has gone by without you being in my thoughts.”
“And yet you never went looking for me. You returned to the castle only after I left, starting a family, raising Silver and Malleus…”
“They needed me. You know that.”
“You left me. You were all I had left after…I would have done anything, followed you anywhere. I would have helped you take care of Silver, Malleus. But you left without saying a thing.”
“I never knew…”
“Of course you did. Everyone did.”
“Nothing good would have come from us being together.”
“At least you’re finally being honest about your feelings. If you hated me as I feared, you should have sent me away the moment I came.”
“Hate? No, it was never like that. The distance between us…it seemed quite impossible to traverse.”
“Distance? We grew up in the same castle for hundreds of years…”
“That’s not what I was referring to.”
“Then to what?”
“You know how they all thought of me. The senate, your father, all believed I never deserved to be so close to you and Mel-” Lilia takes a moment to breathe. “To you and the princess.”
The mention of her name has you squeezing your eyes closed. Even after hundreds of years, it hurts to remember your beloved friend, her sweet memory tainted with the despair of her death. “Why does it matter what they thought?”
“They never would have allowed it. You know that.”
“No, that’s not true. My father said…”
“He lied. He was the first to send me away after her death.”
“He what? I- I was told you left, torn apart by grief.”
“I was in pain, but I always planned to return home…return to you. But the senate, they declared that there was no place at court for me anymore. That I failed- I failed at protecting Meleanor.”
A short silence rings between you. It’s perhaps the first time either of you have heard her name said aloud in centuries.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I never knew.”
“I never wanted you to. I’d rather you hate me than your family.”
“I understand. But you were my family, too. Perhaps the only one who truly had my best interests in mind and not some political scheming or such. And now look at you: Silver, Sebek, Malleus. Against all odds, you’ve found yourself a new family.” While I’ve ended up alone, you don’t say.
“You know I’ve always said, families are better the bigger they are. Perhaps it’s far too late, but-”
“Later’s better than never.”
A moment of understanding passes between you two, perhaps for the first time.
“Your hair…you look quite different from when I last saw you.”
“Hmm, Red was going out of style, I suppose. Although I’m sure you wish I hadn’t changed it. You always did prefer red.”
You shake your head softly. “Perhaps in the past, but we’ve both changed, haven’t we? No, I was going to say that it becomes you.”
The silence that settles between you is filled by an exchange of gentle smiles and a skimming of one hand over the other, until the two finally link together.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Rhaegar can't stop the feeling of guilt. He knew, everyone knew stev had a hard time being vulnerable. Then she was
Now everyone dearest to her is defending each other and turning against her when they are just as much to blame. They are screaming at her, giving her cold shoulder, she went through the loss of a child alone. Now for the first time he feels guilty for his reactions.
When stev finally calms from her panic attack, she wipes her eyes and comes back to the room.
"I had to check a letter that I wrote had been sent", she lies, not looking at him. "please let me order you tea or some food it's so late and you are here. Oh of course, you can order it yourself, my prince but do not spend your night in hunger, please"
She's spends most of her time in the orphanage now..with the children there as well
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Statistics of Apollo's Lovers
I was wondering just how unfortunate of a love-life our boy Apollo had, so - as one does - I did the research, math, and writing of said love-life.
such is the life of an adhd teen :)
In total, there are 59 people on this list. I have them separated into eight groups; Immortal, Immortal & Rejected, Lived, Died, Rejected & Died, Rejected & Cursed, Rejected & Lived, and who were Rejected by Apollo
Disclaimer: I am not a historian nor an expert in Greek Mythology, I am just a very invested nerd in Mythology, and in Apollo's mythology in general, and got curious about what his rap sheet actually looks like.
Sidenote: There will be some "lovers" not on this list. Reasons being;
No actual literary sources behind them
Said literary sources are dubious at best
Not enough information is given about the nature of their relationship to make an accurate take
So if somebody isn't on this list, it's because of one of those three reasons. Although there is still a chance I missed somebody! :)
Also, no RRverse lovers include in this list. Sorry my fellow ToA fans.
(Edited 04/29/24 - Currently adding in sources/references/expanding on the myths themselves. bare with me lol)
Let's begin! :D
Immortal Lovers
Calliope: muse of epic poetry. Mother of Hymenaios and Ialemus by Apollo.
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry
Euterpe: muse of music
Polyhymnia: muse of hymns/sacred poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Thalia: muse of comedy. Mother of the Corybantes by Apollo.
Terpsichore: muse of dance
Urania: muse of astronomy
Boreas: the North Wind. yes Apollo dated the North Wind. Who knew? It's mentioned in the Argonautica by the Boreads - they call Apollo "beloved of our sire" so...hmm. wonder what happened there because that's all we get.
10 lovers total here.
9 Female, 1 Male
Immortal & Rejected
Hestia: goddess of the Hearth
1 Interest. Female.
Lovers Who Lived:
Branchus: mortal shepherd, gifted prophecy
Rhoeo: mortal princess, eventually married an apprentice of Apollo
Ourea: demigod daughter of Poseidon, dated Apollo during his punishment with Laomedon; had a son named after the city of Troy
Evadne: nymph daughter of Poseidon, Apollo sent Eileithyia & (in some texts) the Fates to aid in their son's birth
Thero: great-granddaughter of Heracles, described as "beautiful as moonbeams"
Cyrene: mortal princess-turned-nymph queen, kick-ass lion wrangler, and mother of two of Apollo's sons - Aristaeus (a god) and Idmon (powerful seer)
Admetus: mortal king, took great care of Apollo during his second punishment, Apollo wingmanned him for Alcestis's hand - basically Apollo doted on him <3
Hecuba: queen of Troy, together they had Troilus.
It was foretold that if Troilus lived to adulthood, Troy wouldn't fall - unfortunately, Achilles murdered Troilus in Apollo's temple. When the Achaeans burned Troy down, Apollo rescued Hecuba and brought her to safety in Lycia.
Hyrie/Thyrie: mortal. mothered a son by Apollo. Their son, Cycnus, attempted to kill himself after some shenanigans and his mother attempted the same. Apollo turned them into swans to save their lives.
Dryope: mortal. had a son named Amphissus with Apollo, who was a snake at the time. Later turned into a lotus flower, but it had nothing to do with Apollo so she's still on this list. (noncon; written by Ovid in Metamorphoses)
Creusa: mortal queen. had a son named Ion with Apollo. Please check out @my-name-is-apollo's post for more details because they make some good points about what's considered "rape" in Ancient Greece.
Melia: Oceanid nymph. Had a son w/h Apollo named Tenerus. will expand on her in a bit
Iapis: a favorite lover. Apollo wanted to teach him prophecy, the lyre, ect. but Iapis just wanted to heal :) so Apollo taught him healing :)
Aethusa: daughter of Poseidon & the Pleiad Alcyone. Mother of Linus and Eleuther. She is the great-great grandmother of Orpheus.
Acacallis: daughter of King Minos. there's a lot of variation on whether or not she had kids with Hermes or Apollo. Some say she had a kid with each.
Chrysothemis: nymph queen who won the oldest contest of the Pythian Games - the singing of a hymn to Apollo. She had three daughters, and one of them is said to be Apollo's.
Corycia: naiad. had a son with Apollo. the Corycian Cave north of Delphi is named after her
Leuconoe (also Choine or Philonis): daughter of Eosphorus, god of the planet Venus, and mother of the bard Philammon.
Melaena (also Thyia or Kelaino): mother of Delphos, member of prophetic Thriae of Delphi. Priestess of Dionysus.
Othreis: mothered Phager by Apollo, and later Meliteus by Zeus.
Stilbe: mother of Lapithus and Aineus by Apollo.
Syllis (possible same as Hyllis, granddaughter of Heracles): mothered Zeuxippus by Apollo. 
Amphissa: Apollo seduced her in the form of a shepherd. They had a son named Agreus.
Aria (or Deione): had a son named Miletus. Hid him in some smilax. Her father found him and named him.
Arsinoe: she and Apollo had a daughter named Eriopis.
Queen of Orkhomenos (no name is given): Mother of Trophonius (my fellow ToA fans will recognize that name haha).
Hypermnestra: Either Apollo or her husband fathered her son Amphiaraus. (sidenote: @literallyjusttoa suggested that Apollo was dating both Hypermnestra and Oikles, and I, personally, accept that headcannon)
Manto: Daughter of Tiresias. Apollo made her a priestess of Delphi. They had a son named Mopsus. When Apollo sent her to found an oracle elsewhere, he told her to marry the first man she saw outside of Delphi. That man turned out to be Rhacius, who brought her to Claros, where she founded the oracle of Apollo Clarios. Later, another man named Lampus attempted to assult her, but was killed by Apollo. She is also said to be a priestess who warned Niobe not to insult Leto, and to ask for forgiveness. Niobe did not.
Parthenope: granddaughter of a river god. Mothered Lycomedes by Apollo
Phthia: prophetess. called "beloved of Apollo". Mother three kings by him; Dorus, Laodocus, & Polypoetes
Procleia: Mother of Tenes, son of Apollo, who was killed by Achilles before the Trojan War. Daughter of King Laomedon, king of Troy.
Helenus: prince of Troy. Received from Apollo an ivory bow which he used to wound Achilles in the hand.
Hippolytus of Sicyon: called "beloved of Apollo" in Plutarch Life of Numa. I don't think this guy is the same as the Hippolytus, son of Zeuxippus (son of Apollo), king of Sicyon Pausanias talks about in his Description of Greece. That would be a little weird taking the whole family tree into account - though it's never stopped Zeus before, I guess.
Psamathe: nereid, said to be the personification of the sand of the sea-shore. There are two versions of her myths, both very different, but I'll only explain the one that explicitly states her and Apollo's relationship, which is by Conon's Narrationes. She and Apollo were lovers, but never had any kids. When another man assaulted her, she had a son and abandoned him. (He was found by some shepherds dw - wait, he was then torn apart by dogs. Nevermind.). Back to her, her father ordered for her to be executed and Apollo avenged her death by sending a plague onto Argos and refused to stop it until Psamathe and Linus (her son) were properly given honors.
(I really like how even though Linus isn't Apollo's kid, and that Psamathe wanted nothing to do with the kid, Apollo still considered him worth avenging too <3 )
(also would like to say that I found her on another's wiki page and that page said she was raped by Apollo - this just proves that you shouldn't take the wiki at face value because as shown above, that is not what happened.)
Alright. 34 lovers here.
5 Male. 29 Female.
33 are 100% consensual. Creusa is questionable, depending on who's translating.
The last one is Melia, who I will expand upon here.
Melia was said to be kidnapped, and her brother found her with Apollo. He set fire to Apollo's temple in an effort to get her back, but was killed. Melia and Apollo had two kids - but here's the interesting part. Melia was highly worshiped in Thebes, where her brother found her. She was an incredibly important figure in Thebes, especially when connected with Apollo. She and Apollo were essentially the parents of Thebes.
As I read over their story, it sounded like (to me, at least. it's okay if you think otherwise!) that Melia just absconded/eloped with Apollo.
Was kidnapping an equivalent to assault back then? Perhaps. But it's still debated on whenever or not that's true. However, one thing I've noticed reading up on these myths is that when Apollo does do something unsavory, the text says so.
It never says anything about Apollo doing anything to Melia. Her father and brother believe she was kidnapped, but, like mentioned previously, it seems far much more likely that she just ran off with her boyfriend or something.
But that's just my interpretation.
Moving on! :)
Lovers Who Died:
Hyacinthus*: mortal prince. we all know this one, right? Right? one and only true love turned into flower
Cyparissus: mortal. his DEER DIED and he asked Apollo to let him MOURN FOREVER so he was turned into a cypress tree
Coronis: mortal princess. cheated on Apollo w/h another guy. mother of Asclepius. killed by Artemis.
Adonis: yes, THAT Adonis. he's in this category because. well. he died. rip
Phorbas: at first I was going to keep him off, till I went "hOLD UP!". Listen, this guy's story is contradictory in Hyginus's De Astronomica - he's a rival of Apollo, then all of a sudden his (dead) lover. My first reaction was the above, then it was "OH MY GODS CANON ENEMIES TO LOVERS??? WITH DEATH???"
There's also a second account of Phorbas - he ended a plague on an island and became Apollo's lover that way, and when he died, Zeus turned him into a constellation - Ophiuchus.
(*In some texts, Hyacinthus was resurrected.)
6 lovers.
5 Male. 1 Female. All consensual.
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Died:
Daphne: do i nEED to say anything? Nymph. turned into tree to escape.
Castalia*: Nymph. turned into spring to escape.
2 Interests. 1 debatable.
2 Female.
(*Castalia's myth was written in 400 AD, VERY late in the myth cycle, and was strictly ROMAN. In every other case, the Castalian spring was already at Delphi before Apollo was born.)
Love-Interests Who Rejected & Cursed
Cassandra: mortal princess. Promised to date Apollo if she was given gift of prophecy. when he did, she rejected him and he cursed her to never be believed for her visions.
1 Interests.
1 Female.
Lover-Interests Who Rejected & Lived
Sinope: mortal. got Apollo to promise her anything; requested to remain a virgin. he obliged.
Marpessa: mortal princess, granddaughter of Ares. Idas, son of Poseidon, kidnapped her and Apollo caught up to them. Zeus had Marpessa chose between them, and she chose Idas, reasoning that she would eventually grow old and Apollo would tire of her.
Bolina: mortal. Apollo approached her and she flung herself off a cliff. He turned her into a nymph to save her life. Nothing happened between them, although some texts may say that she eventually dated him.
Ocroe/Okyrrhoe: nymph and daughter of a river god. asked a boatman to take her home after Apollo approached her. Apollo ended up turning the boat to stone and the seafarer into a fish.
Sibyl of Cumean: mortal seer. promised to date Apollo if she was given longevity as long as the amount of sand in her hand. he did, but she refused him.
5 Interests. All female.
Okyrrhoe's story is the only one with any iffy stuff, although, like stated in previous sections, when something iffy does occur, the text usually says so outright.
Rejected by Apollo:
Clytie*: Oceanid nymph. turned into a heliotrope to gaze at the sun forever after the rejection.
1 Advance. Female.
(*Clytie's story was originally about her affection for Helios. When Apollo got conflated with him, her story also changed.)
In Conclusion...
59 people total (includes Castalia & Clytie)
48 Women (81%). 11 Men (19%).
19% were Immortal (Including Lovers & Rejected)
66% Lived (Including Lovers & Rejected)
14% Died (Including Lovers & Rejected)
1% were Cursed
2% were Rejected by him
57 people total (Not including Castalia & Clytie)
46 Women (82%). 11 Men (18%).
18% were Immortal
68% Lived (Lovers & Rejected)
12% Died (Lovers & Rejected)
in that 12%, one was apotheosized - Hyacinthus.
Meaning 10% died permanently, while 2% were resurrected.
2% were Cursed
0% were Rejected by him
Additionally, I left off three male lovers and two female lovers - Atymnius, Leucates, Cinyras, Hecate, & Acantha.
Atymnius has no references to being Apollo's lover, only to Zeus's son Sarpedon.
Leucates is another male "lover" left off the rack - apparently he jumped off a cliff to avoid Apollo, but I couldn't find any mythological text to account for it. There is a cliff named similarly to him where Aphrodite went (by Apollo's advice) to rid herself of her longing for Adonis after his death. Also Zeus uses it to rid himself of his love for Hera before he cheats on her again.
Cinyras was a priest of Aphrodite on the island of Cyprus. He was also the island's king. Pindar calls him "beloved of Apollo" in his Pythian Ode. However, looking further into Cinyras's life throws a bit of a wrench into it. He's also cited to be a challenger to Apollo's skill, and either Apollo or Mars (Ares) kills him for his hubris.
(honestly, I kinda like the idea that Mars went into Big Brother Mode)
I did consider leaving him on the list, since technically you could argue it was a romance-gone-bad, but among every other source Cinyras is mentioned in, Pindar's the only one who puts a romantic label on him and Apollo.
Hecate, the goddess of magic and crossroads, is said to be the mother of Scylla (like, the sea-monster) by Apollo, but Scylla's parentage is one of those "no specific parents" ones, so I left her off the list.
Acantha has absolutely no classical references. There's a plant like her name, but she's made-up, so she doesn't count.
(Of course, I could be wrong about any of these. Again, I'm not an expert.)
With all this in mind, this means Apollo's love life actually isn't as tragic as media portrays it, and he isn't as bad as Zeus or Poseidon in the nonconsensual area.
Does he still have those kinds of myths? Yes, with Dryope & Creusa, though Creusa we could discount because;
1) Depends on who's translating it; and
2) Euripides (the guy who wrote the play Ion) contradicts himself on Ion's parentage in another play, and honestly Apollo's characterization in Ion just doesn't quite match up with the rest of his appearances in the wider myths (in my opinion, at least - feel free to ask why)
So that leaves us with just Dryope, who comes from Ovid. Now I'm not saying we should throw her out because of Ovid's whole "wrote the gods even more terribly to criticize Augustus" thing, but it is something to keep in mind.
So overall, I'd say Apollo has a rather clean relationship past. It is far better than Zeus or Poseidon's for one, and he is miles ahead of Hermes and Dionysus.
He's doing pretty damn good.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Nancy Kwan (The World of Suzy Wong, Flower Drum Song, Tamahine)—Nancy Kwan is my faaaaave like you don't understand!! watching her dance in her beautiful chic boudoir in flower drum song—the GRACE of it, the STUNNING BEAUTY. she is everything i've ever wanted to be and more. theeee most beautiful woman of the 60s i don't care what anyone else says! my queen my icon my legend!!
Rita Hayworth (Gilda, Cover Girl)—Absolutely, drop-dead gorgeous. She steals every movie she’s in; she was Fred Astaire’s favorite dance partner, as you can see in clips from their movies [link][link]. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, Rita's story had its tragedies—her father was awful and had her performing in nightclubs way, way too young; the studio totally remade her look because they were afraid of her hispanic image, putting her through painful treatments and diets; she had a string of failed marriages. But beside all that, I think there's something about Rita that still glows through—an inner beauty that has nothing to do with the studio, or the men who pinned their dreams on her. Rita brings an incandescence to roles that's impossible to replicate, and was truly a great actress in that she could switch from herself—shy Margarita—into a bold and glamorous femme fatale so convincingly everyone fell in love with her as Gilda. She's my favorite movie star, and I think she was a beautiful human through and through—Rita, gorgeous and real and shining bright.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Nancy Kwan:
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"askgdshadlg women"
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"2 Golden Globes. Was in 15 movies to 1970 and many more after."
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"have you seen her? she’s beautiful and love her so much. she also did ballet before acting."
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"She was one of the few Asian American starlets of her time, she is graceful beautiful and she had to work a lot at making it big under the circumstances (20th century Hollywood)"
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"Ok, this is super niche, but movies for Asian American girls growing up in the 80s was limited. Nancy Kwan is really freaking gorgeous and, while her character in Flower Drum Song is problematic nowadays (i heard she cried when asked to do the lingerie scenes), having an Asian American woman on screen with her own prerogative+agency was formative."
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Mary Pickford:
Rita Hayworth:
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Do you need any other propaganda? Here’s the video.
She was not called "the love goddess" for nothing: beautiful, glamorous, despite playing sexy and provocative roles her inherent shyness somehow also would shine through sometimes, creating this contradictory and incredibly attractive image
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Often played "the bad girl" who tempted the male hero away from "the good girl"; but did have roles that broke her out of that mold. She was also the inspiration for Jessica Rabbit. THE pinup girlie.
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She was soo beautiful when she was young and she MAINTAINED that beauty into her later years and I think that old lady glamour is hot. bombastic sex appeal
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every line she delivers in gilda is so flirty and passionate or absolutely desolate and it's so good
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I just have a lot of feelings about her
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