#questioning fictionlink
drowntowns · 5 months
I feel like I’m fictonlink but at the same time fictionkin
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hex12345678910 · 9 days
Reminder that you're valid!
Queer people are valid!
Questioning people are valid!
Intersex people are valid!
Trans people are valid!
Cis people are valid!
Nonbinary people are valid!
Genderfluid people are valid!
Xenogender people are valid!
Neogender people are valid!
Demigender people are valid!
Agender people are valid!
Bigender people are valid!
Pangender people are valid!
Omnigender people are valid!
All genders are valid!
Gay people are valid!
Lesbian people are valid!
Straight people are valid!
Bisexual people are valid!
Pansexual people are valid!
Omnisexual people are valid!
Abrosexual people are valid!
Asexual people are valid!
Graysexual people are valid!
Demisexual people are valid!
Aromantic people are valid!
Grayromantic people are valid!
Demiromantic people are valid!
All sexualities are valid!
Neopronouns are valid!
Xenopronouns are valid!
Name-self pronouns are valid!
All pronouns are valid!
Therians are valid!
Otherkin are valid!
Otherhearted people are valid!
Otherlink people are valid!
Fictionkin are valid!
Fictionhearted people are valid!
Fictionlink people are valid!
Copinglink people are valid!
Alterhumans are valid!
Furries are valid!
All bodies are beautiful!
Every body is a beach body!
All identities are valid!
YOU are valid!!!
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umbrella-corpcord · 7 months
(18+) Resident Evil Alterhuman Discord server
We are Umbrella Corp., an 18+ discord for kin, fictives, and those otherwise from the Resident Evil series. Anyone from any part of the franchise is allowed entry.
We are doubles friendly, system friendly, and noncanon friendly. Fictionlinkers and Fictionhearted folks are welcome as well. We'd prefer kin-for-fun avoid this server.
We offer a blacklist you can post to yourself (or alternatively you can dm a mod to add things anonymously for you), bots for music and custom color roles, opt-in boundary roles, an opt-in nsfw category, a suggestions channel for any questions, changes, or bot or emoji additions, and an opt-in channel for antagonists from the series to discuss topics of a darker nature relating to their canons in a safe space for all parties.
Normally I'd fix up something a bit more grandiose, but I think this server has been in the making long enough without delaying it for a fancy blog and post.
You can join us here. — Mod Wesker.
DNI under 18, exclusionists, non-kin, anti-kin, kff, sysmeds/anti-endo
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Welcome to the family/blog!!!!
blog owners: @mewkurosstuff , @lynxblaze
Hi my names waffle and i accept all pronouns ^^
main is @/mewkurosstuff
ill mainly play red velvet, lico, and dark choco!! nice to meet yall ^^
pansexual, questioning gender!
triggers: none
hii!! im mango/lynx !! im a mango cookie fictionlink+fictionkin/irl :3
my main blogs @/lynxblaze !!
he/they pronouns + neos
ill mainly play almond, roquefort and latte !! possibly even creampuff or walnut !! :0
im non-binary, novigender, neptunic lesbian, and xenogender!! also a fully sex repulsed asexual !! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
minor but i cuss every nanosecond/exag /hj
autistic+adhd+tonedeaf, id appreciate tone indicators!
triggers: mango cookie x sorbet shark, almondlatte, (they are related in this au !!) r@//pe, v0mit/scat, redpastry
DNI !!!
basic dni. no proship/comship/whatever the hell, ableist/racist, exclusionists, lgbtqiap+ phobia, no "MAPS", just behave for the love of all that's holy. wont hesitate to block and maim
if you ship mango cookie x sorbet shark cookie! mod mango is a mango cookie fictionlink and it makes him uncomfortable..ty!! <3
almond and latte are cousins
latte is married to financier, almond is married to roquefort
almond adopts rv a couple years back, rv is a teenager in present time and walnut is 11 y/o
they may act differently in this au! just a warning we are idiots/hj /neu
you can bully/interact with the characters, but there's exceptions.
me (yes mangos writing this lmao) and waffle have the right to decline/ignore any ask! this is our blog. be nice (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
that's all!!! have so much funsies!!!
- love, mod mango and waffle !!
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myriadeyed · 2 years
Is there a good word for when you identify with/as a character but not as in you actually believe you are/were them? Like just because it’s comforting or fun or for dissociating? /gen
I'm a little confused by this, because "identify as" a character sort of only means that you actually believe you are them. If you mean that you don't believe you literally were them in a past life, that's still fictionkin, just with a psychological basis. If you mean you're taking on the identity on purpose, to cope, that's called a copinglink, but that still implies you actually believe you are the character. (The non-coping version, such as doing it for fun or comfort, would be called otherlink, or in your case fictionlink.) Maybe constelic is the term you're looking for?
Hope this answers your question somehow, sorry I couldn't be much help.
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sparkssystem · 2 years
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Hey everybody, we’re the Sparks system, a quoigenic system of over 400+ members. Most of us are fictives, specifically from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, due to our hyperfixations. We collectively use they/them pronouns, but each member has their own pronouns. We’re bodily adult and have known about our system for over 10 years.
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Lucas | 7 (mentally 19) | He/Him
Dom | 55 | He/Him
Azalea | 22 | He/Him
Surge | 20 | She/Her
Other Blogs:
@zielosparks | Zielo and his subsystem
@huntersquad | Hunter Fictives
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We also identify as alterhuman. We have system members that are otherkin, fictionkin, fictherian, fictionhearted, and fictionlinkers.
If you have any questions you’d like to ask us about anything, feel free to send in asks! @grimwalker-grimoire is our partner and we are their “attack system”.
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
Hi. This may be a weird request but, would it be alright to ask for a tarot reading about whenever I might be Asriel or Chara from Undertale? Thank you in advance and sorry for the trouble
Hello again, I'm the same anon who sent a request for a Undertale tarot reading a couple hours ago. I think I made a mistake on my previous message and forgot to include what exactly I was questioning, it was just if I was kin with either of them. Once again, thank you and sorry for bothering you like this
Thank you, I very much appreciate the clarification on this. I am going to use one of my Tarot apps for this, but if you'd like me to redo it with one of my physical decks, just let me know. Spirituality is different for all people and that's valid!
For this, I did a two card reading. The card on the left represents your connection to Asriel, and the one on the right represents your connection to Chara.
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The card on the left is the 2 of wands while the card on the right is from the major arcana and is known as the world.
The 2 of Wands represents choice, contemplation and planning. I think it represents your uncertainty in your kin identity and shows Asriel as someone you can potentially be rather than objectively are. My interpretation is that it suggests you aren't fictionkin of Asriel, but may be fictionhearted and/or may be able to foster a fictionlink with Asriel quite easily.
The card on the right on the other hand makes me believe that you are Chara kin. The world as a card is the alpha and the omega. The beginning and the end. Successful completion. A full loop. Chara is who you were in another time and it's who you are now.
I hope this helps, but always remember: you know your kintypes best!
Mod Haze (☀️Sol)
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shadowfae · 3 years
DW #1: Awakening
Crossposted from Dreamwidth.
What was the event that triggered your awakening? What made you start to question being fictionkind or fictionhearted, and how did it feel when you figured it out? When did you understand that you had a system, and how did they react to their source(s)? When did you find your hearthome, and how did you know you belonged there? When did you first experience a fictionflicker? How did you come across your fictionlink, and in what ways did you integrate them with your personality? Have you ever created a thoughtform in the likeness of a fictional character? How did this process impact your life over the following weeks/months/year?
What was the event that triggered your awakening? What made you start to question being fictionkind or fictionhearted, and how did it feel when you figured it out?
The event that triggered my awakening is really hard to say. When did I first know I wasn't human? Hard to say, because I stared it in the fact for years and never actually put two and two together. But I know exactly when I confronted it, which was when my first girlfriend, Erica, explained what otherkin was to me. Previously, all I'd known was the cringey wishkin on 2013 tumblr, so having it explained to me by Johnny from the Outsiders (I know, what a short end of the stick) helped a lot. I immediately knew I was both shadow and fae (hence my tumblr url) but I hadn't done much introspection, and didn't have that narrowed down.
Took me six months to figure out that I was an Absol, which mostly but not quite explained the shadow thing. Luteia, of which I awakened about the same time as I was falling into Chaorruption with Ranisson, mostly but not quite explained the fae thing.
It was years before I really sat with myself and asked "is feeling as fae as I do happen because I'm Irish?", and then it took me another six months, a copinglink, and an offhand comment from one of the Writing With Colour mods to sit with that and go "yeah, fucking maybe you stupid moron idiot".
Honestly, the acceptance of knowing that I don't just suck and there is a reason I am the way I am, and that I can take pride in my abnormality, has meant the world to me. It provided me a stability I would not have survived without. Now, I'm just figuring out the religion and the personality and the system stuff.
Finding the words to say "you can be nonhuman if that's what you are" hit a chord I didn't know could be hit until it was struck. I knew the moment I heard it was an option that it was the path I needed to go down. You never know there's another option until you find, and once you do, the answers once impossible are suddenly obvious.
When did you understand that you had a system, and how did they react to their source(s)?
Me, jumping around with Ranisson and Exos and Stratos: ...wait you can be a system without dissociation? You can just become a different person and treat who you just were as a separate person, and that makes sense? That's a system thing?
Zheotane, Drakath #2, Xisaru, and Iban: ....you don't say.
So Pale is a moron as usual, more at ten. They all knew their sources, because I soulbond via writing and maladaptive daydreaming, old-school style so I've been told. They were already full aware of their sources, and waiting for me to play catch up.
I've been a system host on and off all my life, although this is the most I've ever pushed it, with four other people in here. It's pretty crowded, how y'all with over 100 systemmates baffle the hell out of me because how do you keep track?? How do y'all know you've got a new guy and you didn't just lose track of an old guy?? How do you hear yourself with such a big crowd?? I ain't even mad it's just wholly different than my experience entirely and I'm a moron so I get confused easily.
Anyhow, that's how that goes.
Although South wants to clarify he hates his source counterpart and wants to beat him up. I'll let him go more in detail about that in a future prompt, since this is the place I trust to not flip out about his source or compare him to his counterpart: that's a bad idea and shit will get messy very quickly.
When did you find your hearthome, and how did you know you belonged there?
Also known as the question Pale doesn't know how to answer. Because on one hand, I think Saint Seiya and Sagiverse is primarily a writing / fandom thing. It doesn't strike a chord of home the way the Twice-Lit World or TGG or AQW or even EC does. But all my soulbonds are from Sagiverse, and they have that home.
The fact that I'm halfway writing it into existence, have this good of a connection to it, and have gotten just about every detail correct in my writing completely by accident says something. I don't know what it is, but I know what it should be, and that's something to raise an eyebrow about. I don't know why I know this. I don't know how. But it's happened a few far too many times to be coincidence.
Maybe it is a hearthome, maybe that's why I know. I'm not from there, not really: but I should be, and that means something.
When did you first experience a fictionflicker?
Never have, but I'm sure it would be interesting. I can get into the head of some characters really well, and sometimes it sticks, but it's mostly the ADHD and maladaptive daydreaming going at it. Right now, that means me and South are trying to figure out who's actually Grian from Third Life and who just thinks Scar's hot. We're having a time.
How did you come across your fictionlink, and in what ways did you integrate them with your personality?
I have always been a child of Zamorak, and yes, maybe I spent most of that time in denial, but that's probably why he sent me my big brother to help me figure it out. What can I say, I'm a moron.
Now that I've figured out what I am, I have to sit and decide what that means, and what I'm going to do about, and how I'm going to prove with every moment that I deserve and have earned it. So it's my religious devotion versus my executive dysfunction and it's really fucking difficult. I'll know in February how that goes.
That's the hard part of knowing yourself, especially when you live with your parents: it's impossible to see who you could be, when you've got all this baggage and burdens and don't get time away to really clear your head and see things in a different light. It's impossible to be more forgiving of people who have spent the past twenty years annoying the hell out of you, and harder to appreciate them for the big things when they keep asking you to focus and you suck at focusing and you want to do things on your schedule so you can focus and they really want it on theirs.
Getting a vacation away from them will help me figure out what kind of person I can actually grow up to be. Let me out from under the baggage and the chains, where nobody can set any preexisting assumptions, and then I'll know if I actually can be what I keep trying to become. Then I'll know if it works.
Have you ever created a thoughtform in the likeness of a fictional character? How did this process impact your life over the following weeks/months/year?
Internal thoughtform, no. Soulbond? Ah whoops shit that keeps happening! We're good at working together, and most of it's internal. But like I said with the fictionlink thing, it's hard to say what we're really like, with quarantine and family and not really being allowed to have a life. In highschool, having soulbonds greatly helped me deal with daily existence. Easier to detach and have escapism that I desperately needed. Helped me find the support I could have nowhere else. For now, as an adult who doesn't typically get to be one, I have no idea how it's going to affect everything. For that, we just have to wait and see.
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chompkin · 3 years
Hi idk if reqs are still open (and if they are if you're okay doing fictionlinkers) but if so could I get a small Revived!wilbur from the Dream SMP with round glasses? Ik some people get confused on our source so I'm down to answer any questions too!
I don’t want anything to do with dsmp
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crescairis · 4 years
Question, some people who kin for coping reasons are aware that there are terms like “fiction link” and “coping link”, but isn’t it kinda mean to force someone to use these terms if they’re more comfortable using the term “kin”? Maybe even, “comfort kinning” to separate it from spiritual kinning? I feel that it’s slightly gatekeeper like to say “these labels CAN’T apply to you because I SAY SO”. Honest question. Saw the discourse, wanted to give my thoughts.
a couple things:
a) if you’re more comfortable using the word kin, maybe the identity is more important to you than you think it is! being uncomfortable with implying that your identity is voluntary is a sign that it might actually be involuntary.
b) telling you that you’re using words incorrectly isn’t gatekeeping. words...have definitions that are used to help people navigate life!
it’s like. if you saw the color purple and said “oh, that’s blue” even though someone told you that there was a more accurate word for that color. you’re just going to end up confusing and frustrating people who want a blue shirt and you keep offering them purple ones.
it’d also be counterproductive to, say, call purple “blue but different” because, again, blue and purple are separate things that are already defined with their own terms! fictionkin has always been involuntary and either spiritual or psychological. fictionlinks have always been voluntary.
it’s just going to end up confusing people, and to be completely honest, i’d rather not have to change terms that have existed for 16 years (the term fictionkin was first used in 2004! mediakin and otakukin were also terms used before then!) because a different community keeps pushing to reduce it to a simple fad or coping mechanism.
and as a final note: kintypes can be involuntary, spiritual, and assist in coping, just like any other spirituality can help one cope with life. the distinction isn’t “it’s either spiritual or it helps me cope”, it’s “it’s either involuntary or voluntary”. psychological fictionkin exist! not everyone is comfortable using a spiritual explanation for their fictionkinnity, and psychological fictionkin doesn’t just mean it’s a delusion! there are fictionkin who have stated that their fictotypes feel distinctly different from their delusions!
the fact that it keeps being reduced to a spirituality vs coping argument is...weird and erases psychological fictionkin’s place in the community.
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magicqueen · 5 years
I think I said on at least one of my blogs that all my kintypes are sub types of my shape shifter kintype.
I'm not sure I'd say that's for sure meaningfully true though, because that would imply I'm an involuntary shape shifter, which isn't strictly true anymore. Now? It seems I can do literally nothing but make otherlinks, fictionlinks, and voluntary gender bends. However, I've lost interest in older linktypes or assimilated them into larger kintypes, so the process may not be entirely voluntary.
Making them all sub types of the shape shifter type would make sense with having Odo as a fictotype, since the changelings are a race of psycho method actors, so being a changeling would fit in with my history of being a psychotic method actor.
I already have an identity as a changeling, so the question now is this; am I a fae changeling, alien changeling, or both? I then remembered there are alien fae (think Winx club) so that turned the question into; am I alien fae or Earth fae?
I concluded that the most real kintype was Earth changeling, because in this life at least, I was born on Earth.
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linklocus · 2 years
Hi!! It's so cool to see a blog dedicated to otherlink stuff for once! Is this blog strictly for fictionlinkers or are others welcome too? -currently unnamed dragonlinker(I'm gonna pick a "dragon name" at some point I just want to get closer to my linktype first lol)
Hi! Thanks so much for your message!! ^u^ This blog absolutely welcomes linkers who aren't fictionlink! I'm both a fictionlinker and a green woodpecker linker, so of course seeing all kinds of link identites is very cool to me :]
I'll edit the pinned post to specify this for others who ask themselves the same question
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