#rain harvesting
yearzerosurvival · 11 months
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See more rain harvesting ideas.
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norvandit · 8 months
[FREE] The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide PDF
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theoffgridcabin · 9 months
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Hey there, eco-warriors! 🌿 Are you ready to take your off-grid living to the next level? 🏡💚
Imagine having a FREE and sustainable source of water right at your fingertips. 🌧️💧 No more relying on traditional water sources or utility bills! 🚱💸 It's time to explore the world of rain harvesting! 🌦️
🌦️ What is Rain Harvesting? 🌦️
Rain harvesting is a brilliant way to collect and store rainwater from your roof or other catchment areas. This isn't just about saving money; it's about reducing your ecological footprint and living more sustainably. 🌍✨
🌧️ Why Should You Consider Rain Harvesting? 🌧️
1️⃣ Save Money: Lower your water bills and reduce reliance on external sources.
2️⃣ Sustainability: Contribute to a greener planet by conserving water resources.
3️⃣ Self-Reliance: Be self-sufficient even when living off the grid.
4️⃣ Lush Gardens: Nurture a thriving garden with natural rainwater.
🌟 How Can You Get Started? 🌟
1️⃣ Collect Rainwater: Set up a rainwater harvesting system with gutters, downspouts, and a storage tank.
2️⃣ Filtration: Use filters to ensure your collected water is clean and safe to use.
3️⃣ Storage: Invest in quality tanks to store rainwater efficiently.
4️⃣ Distribution: Use the harvested water for various purposes like gardening, flushing toilets, or even as drinking water with proper treatment.
5️⃣ Maintenance: Regularly maintain your system to keep it in tip-top shape.
Are you ready to join the rain harvesting revolution? Share your thoughts, questions, and experiences with us! 🌧️💬 Let's make the world a greener, more sustainable place, one raindrop at a time.
💧🌍 #RainHarvesting #SustainableLiving #OffGridLife #offgrid
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meyeraquascapes · 9 months
Rainwater Harvesting for Ponds
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the art and science of rainwater harvesting for ponds, showcasing how Meyer Aquascapes can lead the charge in sustainable pond design.
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neosciencehub · 1 year
Harvest the Rains - Reap the Gains
Water from the two roofs combined saves 2.50 lakh litres of rain water per year," says Murli Sharma #neosciencehub #nsh #rainharvesting #researcher #scientist #crops #farming #savewater #rains #season #harvesting #ICRISAT #sciencechannel #sciencewebsite
According to the proverb, it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. An inventive scientist puts this adage to good use by harvesting rainwater rather than blaming the municipal authorities for erratic water supply or being concerned about depleting groundwater levels. Throughout the year, he has an abundance of pure water. He doesn’t have to pay water bills, which is a plus for…
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thetankshop · 1 year
The Tank Shop: Convenient Shopping for Rain Harvesting Tanks Online
The Tank Shop is a leading supplier of Rain Harvesting Tanks Online, now available online. Our wide range of sizes and designs makes it easy to find the perfect tank for your needs. Our online store offers easy ordering and fast delivery. Our rain harvesting tanks are made of durable materials and are easy to install. Trust us to provide you with high-quality and sustainable water management solutions, all while with the convenience of online shopping.
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ligayagardener · 2 years
Updating the tanks for more storage
Updating the tanks for more storage
Thats how much we’ve been missing out on! Lon and I have been fixing an error that I made with the height of the two connected tanks. Pic 1 (above) shows the error. Water went into tank 1 (left) and was passed to tank 2 (right) by a pipe going near the base of each. The overflow on tank 2 was far lower than that on tank 1. This meant that it was the highest level the water would ever get to in…
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ranchstoryblog · 8 days
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Official artwork featured in a promotional calendar released in 2001 for the month of June. Artwork by Igusa Matsuyama.
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gusherbug · 1 year
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the girl down the street who babysat me owned a gamecube and i didn't so she'd teach me how to play a wonderful life
i wonder how she's doing
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iwantbrioche · 5 months
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justalittlesolarpunk · 5 months
Getting emotional about the salmon run again…
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localceilingdevil · 2 months
sluggy design is a go
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the Harvester is a slugcat engineered by FVAF (fields) to aid in the harvesting of crops in myths' farm lands. as myths' structure begins to fail at tending to the crops, Harv becomes worried and slips into her can to see what's going on :]
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
You can grow tanks, rather than buy them, and they'll have a lot more water-harvesting capacity.
This video is about how living sponges (rain gardens) have far greater capacity than non-living manufactured water tanks, in that they utilize and infiltrate water during and immediately after rains to quickly make more room or capacity for the next rain - even if that rain comes just a few hours after the first rain.
Thus rain gardens (in this case, a water-harvesting, traffic-calming chicane or pull out) typically have much more potential for flood-control, groundwater-recharge, bioremediation (natural filtration of toxins), and heat-island abatement (due to the shading/cooling vegetation they grow and the cooling effect of the water transpiring through these "living pumps").
This works in any climate, but the vegetation changes as you change bioregions. The easiest path to success is to use plants native or indigenous to your area and site's microclimate. Go further, and select native plants that also produce food, medicine, craft/building materials, etc so you grow living pantries, pharmacies, craft suppliers, etc.
At minimum, make sure your tanks overflow to rain gardens, so that overflow is used as a resource. And place those rain gardens and their vegetation where you most need that vegetation, such as trees on the east and west sides of buildings to shade out the morning and afternoon summer sun for free, passive cooling.
The ideal, is that once this rain garden vegetation has become established the only irrigation water it will require is the freely harvested on-site water, so no importing/extracting of groundwater, municipal water, or other is needed. This way we can infiltrate more water into the living system than we take out - thereby enabling the recharge of groundwater, springs, and rivers; instead of their depletion and dehydration.
Get more info on how to do this and harvest many other free, on-site waters at:
where you can buy Brad's award-winning books, "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond" at deep discount direct from Brad at:
For more info on the community water harvesting and native food forestry work check out:
For more videos that expand on this one subscribe to this channel at:
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skybristle · 7 months
REBLOGS > LIKES [tags appreciated!]
SLIVER OF STRAW DESIGN GRAHHH. you can find the rest of my designs here! forgot to put this in the post but you totally have permission to use any of them with credit if you so desire [also extends to my scug designs]
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inkiidonut · 7 months
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new iterator oc dropped
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tenspontaneite · 1 year
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Just some normal friendly maintenance 👌
(Drawn for Assembly, taking place at some indeterminate future point)
Alt caption: is that neural tissue in your wrist cavity or are you just happy to see me
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