#rainbow 6 siege doc
doctor-lewin · 6 months
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I STRUGGLE with drawing humans, so here’s a WIP of Doc from R6S that I will probably never finish haha
I struggle drawing humans faces so much help
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aphelion-i-c · 3 months
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doc² yaoi
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dabunnyvm · 2 months
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itsohh · 3 months
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unsterng · 18 days
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Just pressed the wrong button.
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jammunin · 5 months
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doc siege sketchbook uncolored ver
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starliights-shining · 6 months
This is not transformers, but I thought i'd put it on tumblr as well! This was written for @montyuh as a thank you for that wounderful Maverick phone sex post! this is also cross posted on ao3 (Relieving Some Stress) ENJOY : )
Pairing: Gustave "Doc" Kateb x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Afab Reader, uhhh
Words: 7.2k
You spent your entire day running around in meetings, meeting after meeting and you couldn’t get a break. You let out a deep sigh, eyes looking down at the reminder that lit your phone up. Your eyes reading “Last meeting”, you could feel your bones starting to ache, the pressure on your shoulder returning to your shoulders and feet as you stood from your office chair. Your hands are grabbing at your notebook and cup of water, and taking the last little sip of water out of the styrofoam cup and rolling your shoulders back before you take your leave. Slowly pulling the heavy metal door open, your eyes scanned the hall. There were a lot of people still here for it to be 5 pm on a Friday night. 
Of course there were the people you normally see, operators, custodian workers, and the few office employees who worked overtime, But for some reason there were still multiple people walking around. The usually empty hallway had the whispery and soft chatter of a few people and the sound of boots, dress shoes and heels clicking across the fancy tiled floors. It was different, something that will make you almost late for the very important meeting. Your feet carrying you across the entire sixth floor to the elevator. Your finger pressing the button, the up arrow lighting up. The elevator area was almost empty, aside from the two or three people who walked past to get to the stairs or the other hallway. Your frame stood still between the two large metal doors. Waiting patiently for one to open, but it seemed as though the elevators did not wish to take you up. Your foot tapping on the tiles as you thought, you’re going to be late. Late to your last meeting of the day. The simple thought had you sighing, rolling your shoulders back one more time as you leaned your head back and closed your eyes. 
It wasn't until you heard the ding of the elevator opening that you finally moved. Your head shooting up and looking over at the stainless steel door opening. Feet caring you in the direction without thought. Your eyes unfocused as you walked through the entrance. The blur of colors not fully registering in your brain. The normal wood colored walls of the elevator were visible, but in the middle of it was the blur of a figure. A mute blue top and khaki bottoms, moving closer to you until you two collided. Your arms pulling your notebook to your chest and your eyes closing tightly. Hands grabbing at your upper arms and a voice. You were shocked, upset with yourself for not seeing the fucking wall that your ran into, but then it hit you. Walls don’t talk, they don't have hands to grab at you, and the for sure dont stand in the middle of a fucking elevator. 
“Are you alright?” 
It was a simple question, one that normally someone would ask immediately. You thought you didn’t. Instead you looked up at the person. Your eyes locking with theirs. It’s just Gustave, His smile soft as he held onto you. You blinked at him, you felt like a deer in headlights. Watching as the operator looked over your face, his hands slowly left you as you got your footing back. You finally got the ability to answer his question. You nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. You were now standing on your own, staring up at the French operator in silence. The silence was loud, louder than you liked it to be. His hands moved from hovering over your arms to not resting on his hips. His chocolate eyes staring down at you, his stare was intense. It felt like he was seeing how long it'd take for you to feel the pressure. A close lipped smile on his face, you shifted, fingers tightening around your notebook. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in a meeting?” 
He was right, a panic began to set in. You’re late. You looked up at him before narrowing your eyes. 
“You’re supposed to be in that meeting.”
Is all you said back, He’s supposed to be in that meeting, so he’s late too. He lets out a low chuckle as he takes two steps backwards. You follow him into the elevator and watch as he presses the correct floor number. It's quite, leaving you with the thoughts and the question as to why he’s on your floor when he’s supposed to be in this meeting. You look over at him, his eyes seemed locked onto the digital number reader at the top of the doors. He looked tired, eyes sunken in. You could see a tad bit of the wrinkles he had developed from age, but what really caught your attention was the patch of gray hair next to his ear. It was interesting to you, he was only 39 but he already had two large patches of gray hair. It made him look older, wiser, but strangely it made him look better. Hotter if you would. 
You could remember the first time you saw him without his head gear. Those same dark chocolate eyes peering back at you in your very first meeting. He walked into the room and placed that large and obviously heavy helmet on the table and smiled. Looking around the room and introducing himself. You two made eye contact a few times, which you chalked up to him just being a good public speaker. Ever since then you two have seemed to work together great in any and every topic. 
He seemed to be a rock in your work life, a constant in your life and you enjoyed it, him. You two seemed to flock to one another every time you were free. He’d find his way into your office or you’d find your way to where he was. If an outsider was looking in, they’d think you two were a couple. A happy and fulfilled couple. 
The doors to the elevator pinged your arrival on the floor. Sliding open in a matter of seconds . Gustave turned his head and caught you staring. That same warm smile on his face like always as he holds his head out in front of him. 
“After you.” 
You smiled, feet carrying you to the meeting room. Gustave following behind you quietly. You’ll both turn the corner and see Lion and Montange standing outside. Both whispered to each other as they looked around. Lion seemed to be distraught, but it wouldn’t matter to you. It’s when Lion finally sees you and Gustave that he finally stops his whaling of arms and loud talk in french. This will cause Montange to look. You can see both their faces clearly, no ski mask or helmet to block the view. 
“You’re late, Ms. (L/N).” 
Montange says, large bulky arms crossed over his black hoodie. You just shook your head. Walking up to the two men, but Lion stopped you. Yellow clothed arm stopping you from entering the room. You followed it, eyes meeting with Lions green ones. You sent him a mean glare, you just wanted this to be over with. You’re just hoping that's why he was stopping you, for wasting more of his, so called precious, time. You put on a fake smile, finger gripping your notebook tighter. 
“Yes Olivier, Is there anything I can help you with?”
He was taken aback, your false smile seeming more sinister than he was expecting it to be. He backed down, swallowing as he fixed his mouth to say something. 
“How long is this going to take?” 
You smiled wider, teeth gritting as you configured what to say to the man. 
“I don’t know.” 
Your answer was on the edge of being an angry insult, and he knew it. He took this one, since there was no need to fight or talk back in front of both Montange and Doc. His arm lowered, taking your answer as final and waited to go first. You sighed, unable to believe that man has the nerve to ask you how long YOU’RE meeting was going to take. Considering you only had a handful of the Operators of Wolfguard present it shouldn’t take long, unless everyone has ten thousand questions to ask. 
You were first to enter the room, walking in front of the projector and to the podium they insisted you used. Higher ups were so picky on how they wanted these meetings and debriefs to go. You placed your notebook on the podium and cleared your throat. Watching as the last two operators took their seats. You took one more look around, calculating who was here and who wasn’t. Your eyes landing on the three you already had interactions with and then seeing Twitch and Frost. The six were wearing a mix of field uniform and casual clothing. It was refreshing to see them wearing different clothing. You took this time to explain that you wouldn’t hold them for long, considering it was a Friday and everyone still had things to do before returning to their barracks or even going out with others or whatever they did in their free time. 
The meeting was not short, not as short as you wanted it to be. You leaned on the podium, your head in your hands that were being propped up by your elbow. You could feel the weight of the day weighing on your eyelids. Watching as the two operators talk through the discussion. You had no knowledge in whatever they were talking about, but you could see the gears turning behind their eyes and it was fascinating. A simple sentence from you had them discuss their future moves and other military things. It wasn't until your phone rang that they stopped talking. All eyes landed on you as you looked down at your phone. You moved to answer it. Walking towards the door and standing outside. It wasn’t a saved number so you worried it might be some form of business. The voice you were met with was a robot, confirming a medication for your pet. You sighed, immediately hanging up the phone and walking back in. The door closed behind you, trying your hardest to ignore the multiple pairs of eyes watching you. 
“Mrs. (L/N), You know your phone is supposed to be off.” 
You looked up to the voice, meeting gustaves cocoa eye. That same smile he seems to flaunt around is present on his face. That same smile you would kill for. You rolled your eyes at him. Putting your phone in your butt pocket and smiling at the other operators. 
“I think this is a good stopping point. We’ll have another meeting soon. Hopefully everyone will be here.”  
Your voice carried in the empty room. It was louder than you expected it to be, you could hear the sleepiness in it. Your eyes felt even heavier as you closed out the meeting. They left, leaving you to stand in the room of silence. Your hands found your temps and started to rub them. Eyes closed as you attempted to think, trying to think about anything other than the sleepiness and the small and low pound of your head. Every time you tried to open your eyes it increased the small pounding in your head. You just needed to get back to your office, grab your things and go home. You sighed, deciding that now was your chance to go. You took off, finding your way back to your regular floor and your office. It was dark, the light turned off as you entered and it was so enjoyable. No bright white fluorescent light burning your eyes. The weight on your shoulders lifts as you feel the comfort of your office. You stood there for a while. Taking in the now quiet floor, no loud shoes or chatter or talking, just pure silence and the occasional buzz from those god forsaken lights. You crossed it out of your mind, attempting to find comfort in the slight buzz that normally would irritate you. Your hand finding the light switch and flipping it. That same buzz became louder. 
Your feet carrying you behind your desk, bending down to get your bag from its hiding spot. You moved far too quickly. Standing up straight, your head started to spin. A simple sign that your body was once again telling you the limits. Limits that you can easily cure with some tylenol. Your hand reached into your bag, searching for the small little bottle you keep for instances like this one. Your fingers grazing it until finally pulling it out. You shook it, and it had no rattle, not a single sign that there were pills in there. Your 15th sigh was let out, your brain trying to figure out a new game plan. The thought of just stopping at a store on your way home was a good one. Why do that when you just stop by Doc’s office, or whatever he calls it, and then go home with no headache and maybe a bottle of cold water. 
You decided that's what you’ll do, just go check if he was there, get your medicine and then take you leave until Monday. You once again found your way in the hallway. Closing your door behind you and locking it. You walked to that same elevator, pressed the button and then waited. The door opened with no problem this time, the familiar wood colored wall meeting your eyes, no figure of a man or a man shaped wall. You smiled to yourself, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button to the Medical floor. The doors opened and you were met with almost darkness. Most of the overhead lights were turned off, every three or four had one singular bar on them. Giving the hallway and side rooms a creepy glow to them. You turned the last corner to get to the door labeled “Dr. Kateb”. The door was left open, the lights off leaving only the light from his desk lamp to illuminate the floor and desk. You peaked your head in, he sat in his chair. A pen in hand, and a confused but pleased look on his face. 
“I thought I heard someone.” 
His voice is quiet, almost a whisper. He looks down at the paper he’s writing on. Finishing his sentence before putting the pen down. He returned his gaze to you. 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you.” 
“You’re not, Can I help you with something?” 
He smiles up at you. You almost melted, a simple smile is causing you to feel butterflies and almost make you feel like your back in high school. You let out a small ‘oh’ before speaking again. 
“I came to get some medicine. Like Tylenol, I was going to take some before leaving but I don’t have anymore.” 
You kinda just stood there, awkwardly. Your headache is proving to be more of a problem than you thought. You felt awkward standing in front of the operator. Your eyes almost squinting as you tried to not let the light from his desk lamp fuck with you. He stood, humming as he walked to a medicine cabinet on the wall. His back was facing you, hands up as he picked up different orange and white colored bottles. He seemed to be taking a bit longer than you thought hd’s normally take. Maybe he couldn’t see. You looked for the overhead light switch. If he had light, he’d be able to find the correct medicine to help your headache. The switch was on the wall closest to his desk, a bit farther into the room. Your hand reached for it and the overhead light shined brightly. 
“Oh, Merci.” 
You hummed. Now stood between his desk and a wall. His chair is a little less than a foot away from you. Your bag found it a nice place on his desk as you waited patiently for him to turn around. 
“Mon plaisir quotidien, what kind of headache are you feeling?” 
You sighed, placing your hands on your hips as you thought. 
“I think it’s just a basic headache, but I wanted to stop it before it got out of hand.” 
He hummed, picking through a few bottles before deciding on a simple one. He finally turns around with two different paper cups, a small and a large one. He hands them to you. Taking them you thanked him. Watching as he stood in the space between you and his desk. Casually leaning back into it with his arms crossed over his chest. He watched you throw your head back and take the pills. You turned back to him, the powder from the pills tainted the water. Causing you to make a face as you handed him the two paper cups. 
“Stay here for a while. In case you have some sort of reaction to the medicine and just to make sure your headache dies down. Also, I just want to make sure you don't fall asleep while driving.”
He kept that same soft voice. Tilting his head every now and then to get his point across. He was silly. His actions cause you to smile, even let out a soft chuckle. He’s sweet, well he has to be sweet. Most doctors have to be sweet, but he’s more than just a doctor. He carries a gun and wears a bulletproof vest, so of course he’s more than just a doctor. He’s a soldier, a soldier that looks a little too good to constantly be hidden by masks and heavy gear. Gear that probably weighs a quarter of his body weight. He’s a different kind of doctor and a different kind of soldier. 
He catches you staring, he doesn’t seem bothered though. He’s caught you staring at him a few times today. It’s interesting watching you get distracted by just simply looking at him, watching as your pupils dilate and even watching as you take a deep breath in with unfocused eyes. He hasn’t done anything about it, no thought, just let you stare until you finally get a grip on yourself. He could do anything, walk away, grab your arm or hand, he could pull your face to finally meet him but he doesn’t. He just stares back at you, chocolate eyes observing every detail, from the way your hair falls to the way you hold your hands when thinking about something deep. He just can’t help himself when it comes to staring at certain things, your lips are a constant feature he loves. Wishing he could just place his own lips on your with no consequences to his actions. Wishing he could just run his thumb over your bottom lip. It was a wish and wishes don’t come true. At least he thinks so. 
You are too lost in thought to recognize his movement. Hands moving to grab at your arms. Pulling you closer to him, where you now stand between his legs as he is leaned and almost sitting on his desk. One of his hands comes up to grab your chin, pulling your head up to meet his gaze. 
“What’s on that mind of yours, Mon plaisir quotidien.” 
You blinked, your mind finally coming to you. Your eyes focused on his face. The way he smirks at you and has a look of want in his eyes. Those same cocoa orbs that you constantly find watching you, thick eyebrows knitting together as he’d listen to you talk about god fucking knows what. It doesn’t matter, he’d listen to you talk about anything if it meant he’d have free rain to just stare at you. 
You have no idea who to respond to him. Attentive eyes watching you for any signs that you didn’t want this. It was intimidating, but not unwanted. A constant thought in the back of your head that you’d let this man do anything to you. A thought that you should not have for a coworker, let alone someone in this field of work, but things happen. Humans are humans and feelings are bound to happen when you two work so close. So close that outsiders think you two are already fucking on the downlow and just won’t say anything. But people know you two hold far too high standards for yourselves, so nothing will come from your lingering touches and longing stares. At least that's what they think. 
This line of work is hard, so higher ups constantly recommend that field operators, and those on the field, regularly see someone for their thoughts. In other words, this field is bound to have emotional constipated workers and operators.  After long and hard days like these, constant in and out of meetings, briefings and even the field. So this could just be seen as relieving some stress, yeah.
You seem to have found your confidence, your brain running all the possible way this could go. Treating it like a diplomatic problem that can ruin careers, friendships, trust and even field operations. Of course you wanted to think about it before acting on such actions that would potentially tear you two apart. You’re no longer a teenager, who can make a mistake sleeping with someone and then run away and act like it didn’t happen. You are an adult, a full grown adult, someone who would like to think about her options and actions before acting. You’re treating this moment with the utmost care. You like this coworker, have seen dreams of living a fulfilling life with, but is it worth it? 
You pause, blinking your eyes into focus at the doctor. You own voice ringing in your brain ‘Oh fuck it’. Your arms snaking around his neck as you smile at him. 
“You’re on my mind, Dr. Kateb.” 
The name has a nice ring to it coming from your mouth. It’s almost like he’s never heard it. You’ve called all types of names, playful ones, joking ones, professional ones, but this one. It just sounds so heavenly coming from you. He needs to hear it again. His hands find their place on your hips, it’s almost like they were made to be here. 
“Is that so?” 
You hum, nodding. His hands start to run up your sides. The actions tickling, a soft giggle is followed after. Your fingers finding their way into the hairs on the nape of his neck. Slowly sliding up into them a little farther. Your index fingers playing with the short and long hairs there. He raised his head a bit. That same melting smile came across his face as he let out his own little chuckle. 
“Took you long enough. Thought you were to just stare the entire time.” 
His jokes caused you to smile, which soon became a giggle. Your body leaned into him a bit more as you tilted your head at him. 
“Maybe I should, that seems to be the only thing you do.” 
“That’s different, you my corporate ambassador.” 
You fake gasps at him. 
“How dare you, I am more than just your corporate ambassador.” 
He let out that rumbly low chuckle again. The one you can feel travel from his arms and down to your torso. Send vibrations all over your body in a fuzzy feeling, it was too nice. 
“Oh my apologies. My corporate plaything. Is that better?” 
You threw your head back, sighing before you laughed again. 
“Of course, I’m a plaything yet we havn;t even kissed yet. Quite Interesting Dr. Kateb.” 
There it was, the use of his doctorate degree. One of the only few prominent people in his life that uses it. Patients do it all the time, but you’re just doing it for fun. Fun that might get his gears turning, that’s if they haven't been turning already. 
“Oh no! I do have the greatest remedy for this.” 
He says, faux urgency in his voice. He puts on his best dreamy smile as he moves one hand from your hip and back to your chin. He takes this opportunity to run his thumb over your bottom lip. Your jaw goes slack for a second there. Watching as you attempted to hold yourself back from licking his thumb. It's a sight, a sight that he’s constantly thought about, a sight that is finally becoming a reality. He pulls his thumb down, draggin your lip with it. He held it for a second, before lifting a bit to let go. He was now back to holding your chin. His eyes flickering between your lips and dilated pupils. He didn’t hold back, lips clashing onto your own in a matter of seconds. Your lips slotted together like a perfect puzzle piece, a puzzle piece that turned into one kiss and then another. Which led his lips to trial down, moving from the side of your lips, to your cheek, which soon ran to your jaw and finally finding the soft and plush skin on your neck. Your fingers find their way further into his hair. Your own head leaning back to give the doctor more room to work with. His own hands finding their way down, holding your hips and pulling you further into him. He has to have you as close as possible and the next step was to have you in his lap, but he wasn’t there yet. 
His hands no longer found your hips to be entertaining enough, they traveled up, pulling your shirt out of your pants in the process. Finally finding a resting spot a little bit under your chest. His kisses moved to your collarbone, planting one kiss before his hands started to move again. He pulled back, placing a kiss on your lips to distract you. Fingers finding the small white buttons of your button up shirt, starting from the bottom and moving up. He occasionally looked down to make sure he didn't skip any buttons. Leaning back to get a better look at you, your chest on full display for him. His eyes staring holes into you, he just wants to remember this moment. 
“My my, you’ve been hiding yourself from me for far too long.” 
You smiled, a giggly feeling bubbling in you at his words. Your hands fell from his shoulders, moving to take the flimsy white fabric off. Your hands bawling the fabric up before throwing it on the desk. In your free moment, your hands found their way to his thighs, leaning onto your arms softly as you leaned into him. 
“Enough about me,” 
You’re out of words, out of thoughts that aren’t about him bending you over a desk and fucking you senseless. All you could think about was him. Your hands ran up his thighs, fingers grabbing at the leather belt. Slowly your hands make their way to the buckle, slowly undoing it. Its rattling echoing off the pale walls, it's loud in your ears. Sounding along with your own heartbeat, a constant reminder that what you were doing was not work appropriate, so inappropriate. Inappropriate enough to give you the idea of getting on your knees. Your fingers move to undo the pants button, stopping before actually doing it. The very visible, and growing, outline of his cock showing. You ran a finger over it, earning a slight hitch in his breathing. His hands resting on the edge of the desk. His hands work their way through his clothing. He’d occasionally look up at you, almost like he was giving you a ‘are you sure’ look, but you didn’t and weren’t going to stop. You are 100% sure about this and nothing was going to change that. 
You dropped to your knees, the cold from the tiles seeping through your pants fabric. It sent chills up your spine. Your fingers quickly undo his pants, dipping into them and pulling a bit. A desire to just have him in your mouth came over you. Your fingers moved faster than you were expecting. Dipping into his boxers and pulling his dick out. Your hand still wrapped around it. You leaned in, giving the tip a small kiss. He took a deep breath in, hands balled into fist on the desktop. 
You did the same action again, but not leaving, giving small kitten licks. You repeated this action a few more times. Your eyes looking up at him through your lashes. His eyes were half lidded, lips parted a bit, and those same chocolate eyes watching your every move. You went further, lips wrapping around the head and giving a slight suck. Slowly, you inch the entire thing into your mouth and down your throat. The male in front of you now lets out low moans in between huffs and gasps. His hands jumble up in your hair, running your ‘work’ hair, pushing and pulling your head up and down in order to have some control over the pace. A pace that seemed to be wreaking the normal well-configured doctor. Your hands were placed on his knees, an attempt to steady yourself on the cold and slippery flooring. Your eyes found their way up, looking at the man enjoying himself above you. His head thrown back, his fingers giving your hair a slight tug. A hand moved from his knee, wrapping around the base of his cock. Your hand moving with your head, twisting and squeezing when he least was expecting it. You had the man moaning, almost losing himself in that very moment. His grip in your hair tightening as he pulls up and off him. A little chuckle coming from him. 
“Oh no, not yet belle.” 
Voice breathy as he tries to get you up on your feet again. You weren’t listening to him, hand still wrapped around his cock, generously pumping it. A devious look in your eyes as you smiled up at him. 
“Why not, one won’t hurt.” 
You knew he was close. You could feel his thigh muscles tensing under your fingertips. He knew he wouldn’t last long if you continued, he wished for you to stop and let him last a little longer for the session. You two would have many more sessions after this, hopefully, so there was plenty of time for you to get him off with your mouth. Your hand was at a slow pace, batting your eyelashes up at him. 
“It’s just to relieve some stress, yeah? It won't hurt your baby.” 
The pet name had him twitching in your hand. Your smile grows wider, you pace picking up slightly as you speak again.
“See, your friend thinks so too.” 
Your mouth is going to meet the tip of his cock. Giving it a nice long strip down and then back up again before continuing to suck and jerk him off. A string of french curse words left his mouth. His falling back on the desk again, his head tilted up a bit as he lets out a heavenly mix of groans and moans. Your hand gives him a few more twists before tightening and bobbing with your head. His breathing became uneven as he head fell back. His orgasmhitting him in a big wave. The feeling of him coming down your throat causing you to hum. The vibrations traveling down to him, a breathy and unsteady moan leaving him. You finally let go of him, sitting up and whipping your mouth with the back of your hand. His head fell forward, eyes still closed. A sigh leaving him after a curse. 
“See my love, that didn’t hurt now it did.”
Your voice soft in the beginning before turning into a mock. Hands finding their way to cup his cheeks, angling his head up to look at you.
 Half lidded chocolate eyes looking even more tired than before. You wondered if this was the end of the inappropriate exchange, a payment for giving you medicine and fixing that ache you had in your head. He looked tired, too tired to even return the favor right now. You smiled at him, thumbs rubbing the skin under his eyes. He grabbed at your wrist with one hand, pulling you into a kiss. You went to pull back, almost stepping away fully when he grabbed at you again. 
“I’m not done. It’s your turn.” 
Hands pulling you back towards you. His fingers played with the fabric of your pants.
“Take these off.” 
It was a command, his voice almost sounding harsh. A sharp contrast to how he had spoken earlier. You obeyed, fingers unbinding you from the dress pants you wore. You quickly pulled them off from around your ankles. He exhaled, eyes taking in your body with nothing but your undergarments on. He fully stood up, hands grabbing at your jaw and pulling you up for an intoxicating kiss. Lips moving in a synchronized motion as he moves you grab at your thighs, pulling you up to his waist as he walks backwards. He sat down in his office chair. Your knees on either side of his hips. You try to pull back for air, only getting a few seconds before you push your back towards him. He quickly gave your multiple kisses. You're grabbing at the collar of his shirt. All of a sudden you were reminded that he still had all his clothes on, while you sat almost naked in his lap. Your hands trailing down to undo his shirt. The movement wasn’t unnoticed. His hands leave you to grab at the bottom of the fabric and pull up, your lips detaching for only a second before he returns his back to yours. 
A hand found its way down, cupping your clothed cunt. His middle finger rubbing the growing damp spot on your pantie. A whimper leaving you as he pulled the finger up to your clit. Moving in circles, you started grinding your hip on his hand. You were in desperate need of friction, you need more than just friction you need him. Fingers getting tired of rubbing over the same spots on your, now soaked, panties. He pulled them aside, dipping his fingertips into your wet slit and dragging them back and forth. Giving circles to your clit and your entrance. You let go of the kiss for a second, taking the time to get air and let out small whimpers. Soft pants and huffs leaving you, He was simply just rubbing, moving his finger back and forth. He soon gave into temptation and pushed a finger into your pussy. Earning him a louder whimper. God he couldn’t get enough of you, slowly pumping his one finger in and out. You were wet and sensitive, unable to help the noises coming from you as he fingered you. It was only one and you already sounded heavenly, which only leads to the thought of how good you sound with more than one finger, and then how would you sound with his cock in you. 
He pushes another finger in, slowing in pace to let you get adjusted to the stretch. Your teeth are gritted and your eyes closed, you were trying to not be loud. Afraid of getting caught by someone cleaning the floors, or an overtime worker. Your hands were resting on his shoulders. You're grinding your hips down, trying to meet with his fingers in a desperate attempt to reach a high. He picks up his pace, fingers curving at a certain point that sends shivers down your spine. Your mouth is left agape, allowing for low moans and whimpers to come from you. 
“There you go. That’s my girl, enjoy yourself.” 
You cunt tightened around his fingers, his words have far more of an affect then he thought they would. Your grinding picked up pace, your moans picking up in pitch as you got closer. Orgasm right around the corner, you could feel it. That familiar knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. He moved his hand, positioning it just right so he can give you clit light circles, an action that you would soon find out to be your downfall. It didn’t take long for you to collapse, eyes squeezing shut and legs trying their hardest to close around his hand. Your orgasm hitting you harder than you were expecting it. An extreme consequence for not tending to your sexual needs. Your shoulders slump, muscles relaxing as you swallow. You lean in, resting your head on his shoulder. He lets you rest for a second, unaware of the next turn of events. 
“You took ‘enjoy yourself’ seriously, belle.” 
You let out almost a chuckle. 
“I just obey my commands.” 
He laughs, planting a kiss on your shoulder. You sat up when you caught your breath. Hands finding their way to the side of his head, giving him a long and deserving kiss after fingering you that good. You feel like a kiss isn’t enough, an unbalanced payment system. You lean in to kiss him, hand reaching between you two for his cock. Lifting your hips to align you above him. You’ll slowly sink down onto him, A moan leaving you as your cunt is still sensitive, while a low rumbly groan leaves Gustave. You feel so full, your cunt stretched as far as it could go. You’ll stay still after he bottom outs in you. His eyes squeezed shut, your cunt tighter than he could have ever imagined. He lets out a quite fuck, hands pulling and pushing on your hips to get you to move. He was dying over there, cock being squeezed like he’s never felt before.
You’ll slowly start to move, picking up your hips and lowering them. His hands provide assistance in holding you up. Allowing you to not use all your stamina in the beginning, but with how it's looking you two won’t be lasting long like this. You’re starting to get a pace, hands sliding from his shoulders and into his hair. Locking tightly onto his hair and giving it slight tugs, He seemed to be enjoying having his hair pulled. His groans turn into a moan every time you pull. The image was giving you a power high, the feeling of his cock hitting the right stops and just having so much power over his pleasure was getting to your head. The Dr. Kateb enjoys being a freak in his free time, who truly would have thought. You open your mouth to speak, but only letting out a string of moans in place of words. You just whimpered, smiling down at the man as you bounced on his cock. 
You pause, letting out a few moans as you gather the rest of the words. 
“Yourself Dr. Kateb.” 
His cock twitching inside of you as he whimpered. A sound you haven't heard. You smiled wider, a boost of confidence coming over you. 
“Using your ambassador for stress relief, baby.” 
He tried nodding his head, a failed attempt causing him to let out more moans and groans. His hands started pulling you down to meet his bucking hips. Fucking the words out of you in a second. You cursed, unprepared to be met with such pleasure. Maybe it was a bad idea to tease a military man. His sheer size and mass was enough to man handle you, and that's what he’ll do. He’ll sit there and manhandle your orgasm out of you. Hands now just holding you up, thrusting up into you. The burn in your muscle turned into more pleasure as you no longer had to do most of the work. His pace is hard enough to send vibrations to your clit, furthering your own pleasure in the process. You let out a long moan. The familiar knott from before returning with a vengeance. The same vengeance that is seeming to be your downfall. You curse, pornographic moans coming from your mouth. 
Is all you’re able to stutter out, hands letting go of his hair. You angled his head up at you for a kiss, a desperate kiss. He returned it, feeling the desperation in it. He won’t let up his pace, hips smacking up into you. Your pull away from the kiss, unable to keep it going, unable to use it to muffle your loud moans. You rest your forehead against his, eyes squeezed shut. Your jaw loose as you let out high pitched noises in places of moans. The knot in your stomach snapping. A high pitched moan leaves you as you orgasm shakes through your body. He harshly brings your hips back down on him one last time, before letting out a loud groan as he finishes inside you. He continues to hip your hips for you, allowing you to ride out that shaking orgasm. Slowing down until you were just slightly grinding on him. Nothing but the sound of you two breathing could be heard. You slumped into his shoulder, hands leaving the sides of his head. You can almost hear his heartbeat. The fast paced rhythm matching your own, causing you to smile to yourself. 
You two stay that way for a while, unable to move from the fatigue of your activities and the week finally hitting. Seeping into your bones like a cold wind. It’s comforting being in his arms. Large arms linked around you to secure you to him, almost like if he lets go you’ll disappear. 
“That’s one way to let out frustrations and stress.” 
He hums, a large hand finding its way to rub you back.
“We should do it again sometime. Mon plaisir quotidien.” 
You laugh, humming in agreement. You should get dressed, clean up the office and then head home, but you know the moment you move you’ll regret it. Miss the feeling of his arms around you. 
“Let's get you cleaned up.” He sits up with you, an arm reaching for your dress shirt on the desk. You sit up and allow him to put it on you, your own fingers moving to do the buttons. He follows suit, fixing his own shirt. You’re soon faced with the problem of having to get your pants on, which means leaving his warm and cock behind until next time. He can see you thinking about it, deciding if getting dressed was really worth it. 
“I’ll always be here, Belle.” 
You sighed, eyes meeting him. He’s not lying, this was an enjoyable experience for him too. You nodded, he was right, an ‘until next time moment’. You moved, both groaning at the loss of warmth. You fix your panties and then grab at your pants. Sliding them on. You move to grab your things, fix your hair and put on your coat. You wait at the door. Watching as he fixes himself and then starts to move. Putting things back into order. He soon joins you, turning off the light and smiling down at you. 
“Maybe dinner before? Next time, of course. A proper date.”
He’s not asking, he’s telling you. Which makes you smile, agreeing with the idea. 
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l3r40l · 8 months
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Siegetober: days 13-16
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etienne01 · 8 months
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cloangi · 2 days
Doc cause why not (why is drawing so hard)
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shegetsburned · 1 year
“No one remembers who comes in second.”
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Tournament of Champions | Interviews
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jovianwishes · 3 months
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Jesus christ they made him hot. And his voice too! Thank God for the collab so I can enjoy him without having to play R6
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dabunnyvm · 2 months
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itsohh · 3 months
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AN: G/N reader, I really can't feel like things all about to go wrong in r6s.
Summary: Even though Rainbow was able to capture Deimos, you can't help but feel that things aren't quite right. Gustave is there to reassure you.
Word count: 582
Warnings: Spoilers?
Masterlist AO3
Stress had become a partner in your relationship: you, him and that debilitating pressure. Originally you had thought it would ease once Deimos was in custody but you soon found that wasn't the case. With Eliza now awake, everyone's hope seemed to be up. Sure there was a lot of anger throughout all the operators but ultimately moreal was up. 
Perhaps that's why you drew back and secluded yourself. Unable to bring down the mood, you stayed holed up in your joint bedroom with your focus on your gun. 
Your Barrett was treated like a child, cared and loved for. It took your mind off matters as you took it apart, cleaned it and then put it together. Again and again, the mindless task took your focus away from the stress. 
That was until the door clicked open. You didn't attempt to move nor did you lose your focus. A breath was exhaled from behind you and a few moments later you felt his gentle hands on your shoulders.
“I haven’t seen you all day.” He paused and you felt his lips brush against your cheek. “Almost all week.”
“We've both been busy.”
“Mmm, I know.” His lips pressed down into a kiss and your hands hesitated. “Tell me what's wrong.”
“Everything's fine. I'm alright.” 
Gustave's hands drifted from your shoulders down to your frozen hands and gently guided you to put the gun down. “We’re a team non? No need to start hiding from me now.”
His arms wrapped around you as he leaned over your body and hugged you from behind. Gustave's face settled into the crook of your neck and one of your hands settled on top of his. “We got Deimos…” 
“That we did.”
“I was terrified something was going to happen to you, watching the body cameras? Fuck.” 
Gustave pressed a kiss into your neck and grabbed your hand. He gave it a comforting squeeze before he raised it up to his face and kissed the top of it. “It can be scary sometimes. But our team did well. We worked well together. Elena, Julien, Sam and I all know how to look after each other.”
“I know, I know I just…” You let out a sigh in frustration. 
“I know. It's okay. Everything ended up okay. I'm here.”
Your head raised and slowly turned to look over your shoulder at him. He adjusted his and when your eyes made contact, his lips locked onto yours. 
The kiss was slow, careful but still full of desperation. As if he could disappear at any moment. Gustave rested his forehead against yours while his thumb gently rubbed your cheek. 
“He got him, we got Deimos.”
Your eyes cracked open and you grabbed his wrist, not to move it, just to hold it. “I know, I can't help but feel like we have given him exactly what he wants though. Like instead of us trapping him, we're trapped with him.”
Your voice turned to a whisper. “What if this was all part of his plan?”
“Then we put a stop to it. Together.” 
You opened your mouth to speak but promptly closed it and turned your body to fully face his. With a deep exhale you placed your head on his shoulder and welcomed his warm embrace. Gustave planted a light kiss on top of your head before he gently started to stroke your hair. 
You sighed into him and made a slight nod that rubbed against his chest. “Together.”
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konigsprinzessin · 2 years
Spetsnaz as dads
okay, i really like this prompt and i've seen it be done before but i wanted to add my own personal touch to it. i hope you enjoy this! these are also written in head cannon style.
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timur glazkov;
he teaches your children about art from a young age, not exactly teaching about colours but rather lighting and shading techniques.
i imagine him to be a helicopter parent (sorry).
i head cannon him having two daughters and maybe one son and they all have his bright blue eyes.
ceo of stranger danger. "don't get in a stranger's car!". goes crazy if his kids' don't answer the phone after one ring.
scolds his children for swearing.
maxim basuda ;
camping trips (he's saving the skinning part until they're a bit older)
your children's first language is russian. english comes second. even if you don't speak russian. he doesn't care.
"your dad's scary. he's a scary man."
such a softie especially when it comes to his daughters but refuses to wear pink and dress up. might play with dolls but if you take a photo of him with the dolls it will be the end of that for a very long, long, long time.
expect moments of children running around with knives. maxim will laugh and then loose his mind when one of them trips (is not harmed)
shuhrat kessikbayev ;
shuhrat is very self conscious of himself as a parent. he worries that he's not raising them right. lot's of self doubt.
your children steal his ushanka especially in the winter.
bedtime stories galore, especially the ones from his childhood.
teaches them that rootbeer is real beer and water is vodka. it's a joke but the school your children attend worry for their safety at home.
"ice is just frozen vodka!" and such.
alexsandr senaviev ;
picks up his kids by the legs and swings them around in a circle or throws them over his shoulder and runs.
in the winter, he'll push them into the snow without winter gear on.
gives the biggest and warmest hugs.
he will spend all evening trying to teach his kids math or science, really anything just to help them better understand the content so they can do well on their exams.
nu pogodi every night before bed and will binge it for hours with your children on the weekend nights.
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unsterng · 2 days
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spawn peek,best heal,and the dinner.
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