#ray toro fanfiction
partypoisonzz · 2 years
pup. (gerard way x reader smut)
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Reader Pronouns: She/her
Era: Current (2022)
puppy play
face slapping
degradation AND praise
fluffy aftercare
Word count: 2,960
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult, for adults. If you are under the age of 18, please do not interact.
"Good fucking pet."
The words sound cold as they pass your lips, — impersonal, in a way. Still, Gerard leans into your touch like you've offered him the sweetest praise in the world.
You hear the whine breaking up from his throat, his wordless way of begging. You run your fingers through his soft brown hair for a moment before suddenly, — and roughly, — tugging on it.
Gerard gasps, head tilting back as he looks up at you with wide hazel eyes.
You smile down at him, your prior gentle tenderness returning to your touches. "Be patient, honey," you purr. "You do want to please me, don't you?"
"Mmm... mmm-hmm." His hum is quiet, yet somewhat guttural.
Fucking desperate.
You chuckle, continuing to stroke his hair. "That's my good boy."
This overt praise causes his breath to audibly hitch. Seemingly without any thought, the pleas begin to fall from his lips. "Please," he whimpers. "Let me... Let me fuckin'... Oh, fuck..."
"Let you what?" You attempt to act oblivious to the fact that your leg is now shoved between his own.
You note the shade of crimson that his face is taking on. Still, you don't back down.
"Go on," you encourage him. "You weren't even supposed to be fucking talking. Speak up while you have my permission."
He visibly swallows before forcing the words up his throat. "Let me come?"
It's kind of cute how it comes out like a question. You chuckle, reaching down to cup his face. "Oh, sweet boy," you coo. "You think that it's that easy?"
Gerard doesn't reply, — not with words, at least. The spark of fear in his eyes tells you everything you need to know.
"Think again, pup."
The slap against his face is sudden, albeit not unexpected. Still, he lets out a pathetic whimper, instinctively reaching up to touch the freshly smarting red spot.
You frown, soothing over his heated skin before he has the chance to. "Oh, my poor puppy. Did that hurt?"
He leans into your palm as though you didn't just slap him. As though he didn't fucking love it.
This time, all that escapes him is a long, affirmative whine.
You rub your thumb gently over his cheek. "Do you want me to stop now? Or slow down?" The facade begins to slip for the moment, — you really do want to make sure that he's okay at all times, — but you don't break immersion completely. Even as you touch him so tenderly, you ensure that Gerard knows a command when he hears one. "Speak, pup."
Another desperate moan crawls up Gerard's throat, followed by the answer that you asked for. "N-no," he manages. "Keep... Keep going, mistress. I... I wanna..."
The sentence dies into a squeak as you press your leg harder against his cock. "Where the fuck are your manners?"
The scalding question immediately causes Gerard to hang his head in shame. "S-sorry, mistress..."
"Listen to me." Your voice comes out more or less even, but the words are jagged around the edges, nonetheless. "You know the word that'll make everything stop, right?"
Gerard nods. "Mmm-hmm."
"Good," you say. "Now, do you know what mutts like you were made to do?"
Rather than answering the question verbally, he looks up at you with expectant eyes and nods. Taking your words to heart, no doubt.
You grin before giving him his first order. "Sit."
Though he was already kneeling at your feet, he quickly obeys, sinking completely into the floor.
The pride creeps into your voice sooner than you would like, but you can't quite help it.  "Stay."
You reach down, condescendingly touching the tip of his nose. He remains totally still.
Your smile widens as you offer your last order. "Beg."
He obliges that request the quickest of all.
"Please," he says immediately. "Please let me fuckin'... Do what-fuckin'-ever... Doesn't matter, as long as I'm touching you..."
You chuckle. "Eloquent," you say. "Alright, then. If you don't care at all, how about you eat me out?"
The shuddering moan that he lets out should be fucking illegal. "Please."
"Okay, then." Without any hesitation, you hike up your skirt and splay out your legs. "Come on."
If you had any less self control, the mere sight of him crawling slowly towards you on all fours with a look of primal wanting in his eyes may be enough to make you come. Yet, you keep your composure.
Except for when he reaches up to tug down your panties. Then, you swat his hand away.
"No," you say as you pull them off for him and toss them aside. "You don't get to do anything with your hands. Just use your mouth like the stupid fucking mutt that you are."
Even you are shocked by the vitriol of those words. For a fleeting moment, you wonder if you might have gone too far.
That is, until he offers a shaky response, his voice thick with desire. "Y-yes, ma'am."
Before you can completely wrap your head around what's happening, his head comes to rest between your legs. He slowly licks from your entrance up to your clit, causing you to shiver beneath him.
"Yeah," you hiss. "That's my good fuckin' boy."
He moans against you in response to the praise before picking up his pace, setting a steady rhythm.
Your thighs tighten around his head, a soft moan passing from your lips. Before long, you can feel the pressure beginning to build up. You thread your fingers through his hair again, tugging before giving him another order through gritted teeth. "Tell me what you are, pup."
Without missing a beat, he pulls back enough to offer you an answer between panting breaths. "A stupid... fucking... mutt..."
"That's right," you reply. "What else?"
He seems to think about it for a moment before offering an answer.
"I'm... fucking... disgusting," he says. "Just a dumb little bitch who doesn't exist for anything except fucking. I'm a stupid... fucking... whore."
You taste the slightest hint of blood as you bite down on your bottom lip. Your hand falls between your legs, rubbing circles against your clit as he looks on helplessly. "And what else?" you ask again.
Gerard releases a shaky sigh. "I'm your stupid fucking whore," he says. "Your dumb, loyal pet. I'd do anything you asked me to."
The pressure continues to build as you force out a reply. "Good boy," you say. "And what are dumb, loyal whores like you meant to do?"
He doesn't falter. He seldom ever does. "Please their masters."
"That's right," you say. Without warning, you reach down and give his hair another sharp tug. "Now, shut up and put that pretty mouth to use."
He obliges. Of course he does. He eats you out like you're his last fucking meal, just like always. If it doesn't feel good enough as it is, the potential to continue degrading him only makes you wetter.
"So desperate," you remark. "I think you enjoy this more than I do sometimes. Is that right, whore?"
"Uh-huh," he hums against you. "Fuckin' love it."
"You love it, huh?" The heat continues to pool in the pit of your stomach, a warning sign along with your increasingly ragged breathing. "Doing the one thing you're good for?"
"Mmm-hmm," he agrees, just before he speeds up the movements of his tongue against your clit, and you are gone.
"Oh, Jesus Christ, Gerard." You don't mean to say his real name. It just kind of slips out as your thighs clamp around his head and your legs begin to shake. He continues to lick as you come around his tongue, not stopping until you physically push him away.
"Good mutt," you manage as you attempt to stop the spinning of your head.
He looks up at you, eyes clouded by wanting and adoration, and you just can't help it. You grab him by the face, pulling him up for a kiss.
He moans as your tongue runs over his. As soon as his hand brushes the side of your face, you pull back, adjusting your posture in your seat. "Alright, pup," you say. "Since you did your job, I guess I can put you out of your misery and let you come."
Those words alone cause his eyes to light up. "Thank you, mistress," he says. "Thank you so much. I—"
You hold up a finger, shushing him as you extend your leg further out. "This is all you're gonna get," you inform him before putting the inviting smile back on your face. "Now strip and come sit on your mistress's lap."
You watch as he stands, shedding his T-shirt, jeans, and underwear. You hum as he straddles your thigh. "God, you're desperate," you remark. "I've hardly even touched you and you're already leaking."
He hisses at the contact with your skin before nodding shakily. "G-guess I am."
You sigh, feigning disinterest. "Well, then. I suppose nothing's stopping you." You bite back your grin as you nudge your thigh upwards. As you predicted, the sudden contact causes Gerard to draw in a sharp breath.
"Go on, then," you press him. "Get yourself off like the filthy mutt that you are."
He simply nods before beginning to move his hips against you.
It takes no time at all for him to pick up speed, nor for the sound of his heavy breathing and broken groans to fill the room. The nonsensical noises soon morph into words, as they have been known to do in the past.
"Thank you," he says, rolling his hips against you with a surprising amount of force. "Thank you so much. You're so... Oh, fuck." He stills for a moment; in an attempt to hold off on his inevitable release, you soon realize. Somehow, he manages to control himself, huffing out another string of mindless words in the process. "Holy shit... I fuckin' love you..."
Though some part of you is moved by the sappy declaration, the part of you that is playing a role is not amused. Especially when you feel one of his hands wrap around your thigh in a desperate attempt for leverage.
Once again, you swat him away as though he truly was nothing more than an irritating animal. "What are you doing?" you spit.
He freezes. "Just... tryin' to feel good."
You frown. "Did I say that you could touch me, pup?"
Those words cause the color to drain from his face. "Oh... no. I... I didn't... ah—" He stumbles over his words as you reach down and grab ahold of his cock.
You give him a few quick, rough pumps, enjoying the desperate noises he makes before pulling your hand away.
"No touching," you clarify. "Not me. Definitely not yourself." You smile softly at him as he looks at you with an expression of pure desperation.
"You have to get off on my thigh," you insist. "No hands. No help. Just doing what you were meant to do, by whatever means necessary."
At first, he gives you a pathetic, pleading look. Then, he seems to accept his circumstances and goes back to humping your leg.
And damn if he doesn't ride the absolute hell out of your thigh. He reaches over your shoulders to grip the back of the chair, his hips moving at a rapid pace. His gasping moans dissolve into a mess of heavy breathing and nonsensical, needy little noises, until...
He slows until he goes completely still, only for his hips to jerk forward and a loud groan to break up from his throat. He throws his head back as he twitches, releasing against your thigh. You gasp quietly as he rides out his high, feeling the warmth spreading across your upper legs.
With a shuddering cry and a slight tremor, he finally melts against you, totally spent.
It's only then that you realize that his hands have moved from the back of the chair to your shoulders, which he now seems to be holding onto for dear life.
Or he was, anyway.
He releases his hold on you as though you burned him, holding his hands up. "S-sorry," he stammers. "It just... sort of happened..."
You giggle softly, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss against Gerard's lips. When you pull back, he fixes you with a look that is somewhere between surprise and fear.
You smile, reaching up to tuck a lock of damp, unkempt hair behind his ear. "Such a good boy for me," you remark. "Such a good, pretty little whore..."
Gerard blinks. "You think I'm good?" There's nothing he can do to keep the hope out of your voice.
You chuckle. "Oh, baby. You're the absolute best." You press a kiss against his sweat-damp forehead before looking down and frowning at your come-smeared legs. Just like that, an idea for how to bring him back to earth pops into your head.
"What do you say we get a shower?" you suggest.
Too fucked out to care, much less argue, Gerard nods and follows you towards the bathroom.
You lift your dress over your head and pull it off while the shower heats up. Once the water gets hot, you step over the edge, beckoning for Gerard to follow you.
Once the two of you have rinsed most of the incriminating evidence of your prior activities away, you give him one more command.
"Get your hair wet."
Gerard tips his head back underneath the faucet. With that, you begin massaging the shampoo into his hair.
You can't help but smile as he tilts his head back, leaning into your touch. You continue massaging the shampoo into his roots until every last sud has been washed away and the water begins to go cool.
You towel dry his hair before reaching for the hairdryer. Once his hair is dry, you run a brush through it, removing tangles with meticulous precision.
Once all of that is out of the way, the two of you retire to your bedroom. As soon as he crawls under the covers, you open your arms. "C'mere, baby."
Wordlessly, Gerard listens. For a long while, you just lay there with his head buried in the crook of your neck before he looks up at you.
"I'm really sorry about earlier," he says. "I know I shouldn't have been touching you. I fucked up..."
You shush him, fingers trailing down his spine as you press a kiss to his cheek. "It's alright, Gee," you assure him. "You were so good for me. My perfect boy." Your lips meet his for a moment before you pull away.
His face is tinted pink, his pretty lips curving into a frown. "I don't really think 'perfect' is an applicable word here..."
"Hush." You kiss the tip of his nose, causing his blush to spread further across his face. "You did so well, sweetheart. Listened to everything I said like a good little mutt." Your breath hitches at the memory of what the two of you had been up to less than an hour ago. "You made me come really fucking hard earlier," you continue. "And it was so, so hot when you finally got off. Got me so wet. I could've gone for another round, y'know..."
Your last statement piques his interest enough for him to lift his head and meet your eyes. "You wanna?"
You smile gently. "Maybe later," you say. "For now, I want to take care of my good boy."
He hums in reply, resting his head against your chest once more. You run your fingers through his hair and down his back, feeling his breathing slow under your fingertips.
Just before he drifts off, he murmurs a confession. "I really do love you, you know."
You don't bother pretending that your heart isn't melting this time. "Love you, too, sweetheart," you tell him.
"Good." He yawns, nuzzling your neck. "Want you to stick around for a while."
As he drifts into a peaceful sleep, you know that he doesn't have to worry about you going anywhere. Ever.
Maybe you're just as loyal to him as he is to you.
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Begging For Attention (18+)
SUMMARY: Ray’s been teasing Y/N for, like, 5 days. He seriously hadn’t meant to say it, but Ray has plans.
Y/N's spouse grinned at him like a mischievous little fucking duende with their forehead resting in the crook of his neck. They were snickering unashamedly.
Y/N's face and neck burned bright red and he did his best to not make eye contact with Ray, darting back and forth looking at the space around their head. "I have a feeling I'm never going to live this down," he muttered, and Ray's smile curled playfully and they batted their eyelashes like they weren't going to make Y/N's life a living hell for at least the next couple days.
But eventually they relented in poking fun at him and they stripped off their dirty clothes before lying back down and pulling the covers up, spooning skin-to-skin all the way down and fell asleep listening to each other's heartbeats slowing down.
\/\ /\/
The next couple days were fucking tedious. Ray had been brushing off his requests to take showers with him, no naked cuddling, no making out. His heart was constantly thudding so fast, nerves thrumming under his skin whenever his partner's palm settled into the middle of his back but never going lower. Couldn't help but notice the playful glint in Ray's eyes, and every time they made eye contact Ray would flash an unnervingly hungry grin or flick their tongue over their bottom lip, and then the hand would be gone and Y/N would complain wordlessly, dragging long whines out.
But it was all he could focus on, had to stick a couple fingers inside himself as soon as Ray got up to make breakfast for the last four days in a row, and then take a shower sometime before dinner just to touch himself again, thinking about how fucking bad he needed Ray to stop teasing him and fuck his brains out or finger him or something.
Ray had been called in to the studio this morning, but it was Y/N's day off so he'd finished cleaning up breakfast and then curled into a little ball settling in the corner of the green-grey corduroy loveseat in their living room. And he had tried with all of his might to find something to watch on TV for a little while, scroll through tumblr, read the book he'd rented on Amazon before it expired... But his hand had started mindlessly trailing down his stomach, down, down, until the tips of his fingers were dragging against the fabric of his sweatpants and pressing up firmly into his cunt.
He set a rolling, steady rhythm, fingers dipping deeper towards his perineum and then dragging back out as he went up towards his clit. He felt like he was gaping open, so wet already thinking about the size of Ray's hand next to his, the size of their massive cock, so thick they have to prep him no matter how wet and loose he already is. He was literally so tiny next to his spouse, could fit so easily in his lap like a little lapdog.
A wave of dizziness washed over him and his hand stuttered, fingers pressing harder into his pussy through the fabric. He keened, squeezing his eyes shut tight and pressing himself more firmly in half, entire stomach flat against his thighs as he imagined Ray's palms splaying out over the backs of his thighs and squeezing.
He rocked his hips down hard onto his fingers and whimpered, feeling his walls clench around nothing and getting so much wetter. He kept going, fabric of his boxers sliding against his pussy so good; his body was hot all over, almost there, tripping over his movements and abs tightening as he buried his face between his knees, whining loud and unabashedly.
The handle on the front door jiggled as it was being unlocked and then it twisted, and Y/N's head shot up, eyes going wide and orgasm stabbing straight through him hot and fast and unexpected, hips canting downward sloppily, fingers pointing sharp as he drove down onto them. He sucked in a sharp, hiccuped breath to try and mask the sob that involuntarily ripped through him as he made eye contact with his spouse just closing the front door behind themself.
Wearing the tallest fucking leather platform boots he had ever seen. He's dead serious, his partner was already over six foot, and the boots... Fuck, they could touch their head to the ceiling if they stood on their tiptoes.
Their hair was thrown up in a bun, little strands falling out in front of their ears and they wore a t-shirt that was just barely too small for them, and a corset over it... the outline of their cock in grey ripped skinny jeans and oh my god. Oh my god. A literal god.
Ray leaned against the doorframe nonchalantly, that shit-eating grin coming out to tease Y/N again. He felt his pussy drip, pulse hard and fast in his sensitive clit. His face and neck were on fire, but he couldn't rip his gaze away from Ray's heavy-lidded eyes, taunting and dark. It felt like they stayed like that forever and ever, Y/N's hips beginning to twitch downwards subconsciously.
Ray patted their thigh lightly, pointing at the ground in front of their feet. Y/N's whole body went numb, hearing muffled and limbs heavy as he scrambled to stand up from the couch, failing a few times before resigning himself to the humiliating task of crawling on all fours towards them, knees burning from the fabric of his sweats pulling across his skin and palms freezing on the tile. He heard Ray chuckling at him, hanging his head as low between his shoulders as he could.
When he sat back on his legs, folded under himself, he realized just how much smaller he was than Ray at this moment. Even if he had been up on his knees, Ray's cock would still be so out of reach. The concept had him going cross-eyed, cheek smushing against Ray's knee as he tried to catch his breath. And Ray let him, fingers coming down to brush through his hair, tugging softly. His eyes fluttered closed.
"Yeah? My pretty boy's so tired of waiting, huh?" Their voice boomed even though their volume was close to a whisper; Y/N felt encapsulated in their existence.
He nuzzled further up Ray's thigh, forehead touching the midway point when he stretched out his neck as far as he could and he whined as he realized that he couldn't actually figure out how he was going to be able to give his partner head like this, when their cock was so comically out of reach. "Please."
"Yeah? You want it?" They jutted their hips forward a little bit, teasing. Y/N whined petulantly, pressing his head further into Ray's hand.
"Don't tease, been waiting so long already," he begged, sounding nothing short of pathetic, and Ray barked out a laugh at him, mean and pointed.
"Awh, but you're so cute when you beg." They tugged on his hair softly before nudging him to the side with their foot and stepping further into the house. Y/N fussed softly, crawling on wobbly limbs after them... into the office across from their shared bedroom. Where Ray would go to practice or write.
Ray plopped down on the sofa against the wall, propping their pretty acoustic guitar up on their thigh, legs spread wide. The fat on their thighs strained against the threads in the rips of their jeans, skin a warmer, deeper tan from the recent summer days by the pool. It was getting just a hair too cold for swimming anymore and Y/N missed seeing their hair pulled back from their face while they had breath-holding contests and made pretty dives off the side of the pool... and hot tub sex, oh, yeah. Hot tub sex was also phenomenal.
Ray patted the space between their legs on the sofa, and Y/N dragged his body with liquidated muscles over to sit right in front of them. With the change in angle, he was more or less eye-level with Ray's dick, and he could see the dark spot spreading on the front of the crotch. The fabric stretched so tight over the bulge there, it must have been borderline painful.
Y/N swallowed before he could start fucking drooling all over the seat of the couch, gaze traveling up to meet Ray's still dark eyes. "Come on, baby. Show me how good you can be, hmm?"
Y/N nodded enthusiastically at the invitation, trembling fingers tugging at the button of their jeans. It was just a fastener one, didn't take much maneuvering, and then there was the zipper, a longer stretch of fly than normal; they might have been high-waisted, if he wasn't mistaken.
The white cotton boxers underneath might as well have been holding themselves together by a singular thread, the bulge of Ray's cock impossibly huge, and suddenly Y/N's head was filled with cotton, a moan bubbling up out of his throat as he pressed his face into it.
Ray groaned appreciatively, hips shifting forward just a little bit. "Gonna cockwarm me while I finish up this song? I know you can be so good for me, my sweet babydoll." They carded their fingers through Y/N's hair a few times and pushed their hips forward just a little bit more, inviting him to pull the fabric down. And he did, thrumming with anticipation as the base of their cock came into view, and then he pulled the boxers just a little bit lower, just enough to pull it all the way out.
The weight was heavy in his hand, and the fact that he couldn't even wrap his fingers all the way around it never ceased to make him start fucking drooling. He leaned forward, pressing an open-mouthed, wet kiss to the head of it, tongue pressing flat against it and then laving up to dig into the slit. He sucked on it for a moment, head positively swimming and stomach swooping wantonly.
He dipped his head lower, doing his best to gather spit in his mouth to drag around the girth of it in an attempt to make the slide easier. Rinse and repeat, two or three more times, until his nose was nestled at the base of their cock, pubes tickling his face. And he sat there, remembering every once in a while that he had to breathe, lifting his head up like it would help clear up any semblance of a pathway for him to suck in a shallow breath through his nostrils, and then he would set his chin back down on the cushion on the sofa and Ray's cock would nudge just a little bit deeper down his throat, making him go cross-eyed and empty-headed.
And Ray would stop strumming and plucking every once in a while to coo at him, scratching behind his ears like a dog, and then they would go back to what they were working on. The last time Y/N had checked the clock sometime before Ray had gotten home, it was around 1:30 in the afternoon, but he watched the sun sink far below the tree-line behind their house during the time that he was on his knees in the office with Ray paying him almost no attention. It had to be almost 6:00PM by now, and Ray had promised an eternity ago that they were almost done for the day. His throat was sore from being forced to stay open so wide for such a long time and he was beginning to whine in an attempt to get his spouse's attention.
"I'm almost done, baby, I promise. You're doing so good for me, yeah? Such a good baby," they crooned at him, cupping his cheek with one hand for a moment before patting it almost dismissively and repositioning the guitar on their thigh. Y/N's boxers were fucking filthy, he could feel the wet, sticky fabric sliding against his skin every time he readjusted himself on his knees. Cum and discharge layered on top of each other, and his fingers twitched every once in a while as he tried to discern whether he would be allowed to touch himself.
An eternity later, when the stars were beginning to twinkle outside and Ray's cock was just far enough down his throat that he was struggling to get any air no matter how hard he tried, he heard the guitar get set carefully back on the ground, and Ray stretched, jutting his hips forward meanly and Y/N spluttered around the sudden shift, cockhead breaching the back of his throat and cutting off his airway completely. He whimpered, trembling.
Ray tilted his head up so they could make eye contact, and their eyes were dark and possessive. "Such a good boy, my little fuckdoll. Gonna fuck your face, you want me to?"
Y/N's head jerked up and down a couple times, the closest thing he could get to a nod, and Ray smiled down at him, sickly sweet. They caressed his jaw gently as they eased their cock back out of Y/N's throat so that just the head was sitting heavy on his tongue, and he gasped, lungs aching as they stretched. He hadn't taken any semblance of an adequate breath in hours, the rush of oxygen making him lightheaded.
"Need me to count?" They swiped their thumb over  Y/N's swollen, wet top lip, and he nodded sluggishly. "Okay, my sweet baby. So good to me, huh? Love you so much." Their hands shifted from cupping both sides of his jaw to holding his head firmly, palms pressed flat over his ears, making everything sound muffled and fuzzy. He watched Ray's lips move and heard their voice faintly. One, two, three. And then their cock was sliding back into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat and grinding down before it slid back out.
They fucked his face slow, undulations strong and defined. Their head was thrown back, showing off the pretty tanned column of their throat. Y/N sucked on the cockhead for a moment every time it came back to rest against the front half of his tongue, swallowing around it as it pressed deeper, adding to the intensity of the slow rhythm.
Ray showered Y/N in praise as they fucked his face, thrusts starting to get sloppy, faster and harder than before. "Such a sweet baby, so good for me, treat me so well. You're a fuckin' god, doll. Shit."
Y/N's chest heated up bright red at the praise, preening as tears pricked at his eyes and his nose burned, body instinctually starting to panic at the lack of oxygen and so much more fucking turned on by it than he should be.
He felt his partner's grip on the sides of his head tense up just a little more. Their hips stuttered as they groaned and shoved their cock as deep as it could go, Y/N's vision dimming and going black around the edges as they came. They rode out their orgasm like that, Y/N's face going numb from the lack of oxygen as they grinded the blunt head of their cock into the back of his throat. He swore he was seeing stars, hips spasming as he tried to get any pressure on his cunt, alleviate some of the aching he'd been trying so hard to ignore for hours.
Ray didn't pull out until his whole body was convulsing, face wet with tears and drool and snot as he trembled, spluttering weakly and pressing himself hard into the front of the sofa so that he wouldn't fall over. His skin prickled as his limbs woke up. Ray pet his hair softly for a little while, letting him catch his breath.
"You wanna come up here, baby?" they hummed. Y/N sniffled, nodded, whining when he felt strong hands grip under his arms and haul him up. Ray laid his head in their lap, the rest of his body curled up next to them on the sofa.
"My precious boy, aren't you? Doing so good for me." Their hand rubbed up and down his back, pushing up the t-shirt he was wearing and making contact with his feverish skin. He was practically purring now, rolling his head back to settle his gooey, heavy-lidded gaze on his partner's flushed, sweaty face. Ray smiled at him adoringly.
Their hand trailed lower on his back after a while, down the backs of his thighs, and Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, mouth falling open. They started just petting the back of his thighs, heart eyes eating him up and Y/N whimpered, pushing back against their hand just a little bit, made a weak attempt at enticing them by wiggling his hips.
And their gaze shifted a little bit, smug grin spreading wide over their face the more needy he got. "Yeah, honey? Want it?" He poked out his bottom lip, whining as his hips twitched. Ray was grazing their fingers along the inner part of his thighs, pressing feather-light up against his pussy.
"So pretty when you're like this, huh, baby? Have you been good? Did you earn it?" Y/N nodded, fast and hard, head spinning, and Ray dipped their fingertips just a little bit deeper, making Y/N's legs quiver. "Are you sure?"
"Please," he huffed, batting his eyelashes and rubbing his cheek up against Ray's semi, tucked back into their briefs. His voice was whispery and hoarse and it stung just a little.
"So fucking cockdrunk, puppy," they snickered, using their free hand to hold Y/N's head still and grind up into his face. His stomach swooped. "You want it so bad? Tell me what a good fucking boy you are. Wanna hear you say it."
Y/N's breathing stuttered, hiccuping loud and surprised. The cotton in his head had begun to thin out, but now he was back to square one, floating around the room, limbs buzzing and thoughts foggy.
Ray pinched the inside of his thigh and he sobbed, torn between pushing into the contact and trying to scramble away from it. "You're not being a very good boy," they teased. There wasn't any heat behind this statement, though. Never was. Y/N was always a good boy, even when he slipped up. They promised him that all the time.
"I—I'm a good boy," he stuttered, convicted. Paused, gauged Ray's reaction.
"Yeah?" they hummed, thumb soothing over where they had pinched him but not giving him anything else. "Come on, doll, you can do better than that. What makes you such a good puppy, huh?"
He blinked sluggishly, mind so hazy by now. He made a noise, thinking hard. Ray's expression tweaked, and they smoothed their palm over his hair a few times, thumb rubbing soft circles into his temple. His eyelashes fluttered, head spinning from the feather-light touch. "Uhhn..."
"My little doll so fucked out he can't even talk, hmm? Can't do anything by himself," Ray cooed, pinching his cheek just this side of stinging, and then curled their hand under his neck to lift his head up. They shifted their weight forward, standing up for a few seconds only to climb back up on the sofa, balancing on their knees. They rolled Y/N over on his back and then nudged his thighs apart, crawling in between them. "That's okay, baby. I can take care of you, you don't have to think about a thing."
Y/N moaned, loud and high. He lifted his arms over his head, face lolling to the side and baring his neck. Ray beamed at him, pressing their thumb lightly into the soft flesh beneath his jaw. "So pretty, honey. Gonna be the fucking death of me, babe."
They hoisted Y/N's hips up, knees dragged upwards to hook over their shoulders. He grinded down, looking for friction, and Ray obliged, cupping his pussy almost reverently through his sweatpants and dipping into it with their thumb, rubbing up and down as Y/N trembled, gasping.
"That's my good doll," Ray praised, thumb digging harder into his cunt through the fabric, a little mean. "Can't wait to feel how wet you are for me, bet I could get a couple fingers in next to my cock, huh? Could your cute little pussy take all of it?"
The world tilted sharply, Y/N's gut plummeting fast as he nodded, the thought of being stretched that fucking full making him quiver in anticipation. Ray grinned, wide and toothy, coming down to cup Y/N's face and press their wet lips together, licking into his mouth. And Y/N remembered vaguely that Ray had cum down his throat just a little while ago, mouth still bitter and sticky, and he sighed as his stomach swooped, numb, heavy arms coming up to wrap around their neck, grinding down on their thumb, trying to get it to go deeper.
When their lips disconnected, a thick trail of saliva drooped between their mouths. Ray rolled their thumb one more time, catching it on the opening of Y/N's vagina for a second and he whimpered, shaking hard. And then they slid their hand up, fingers digging under the band of his sweatpants and boxers, tugging them down. Repositioning every once in a while so they wouldn't snag, they ended up discarded on the ground next to the sofa.
It was unfair, how Ray's heart-eyes went dark as they dragged their fingers through the mess between Y/N's legs. They curled their fingers in the wetness and grinded them against him, thumb circling slowly around his dick as two fingers pushed all the way inside him at once, sending him reeling, a sob intended to be Ray's name shoving its way out from the pit of his stomach, arms wrapping tighter around his partner's neck and hips grinding down clumsily.
"Wish you could see how pretty you are, honey. Needy little thing."
"You think 'm pretty?" Y/N huffed, preening cutely, and Ray kissed the tip of his nose, slipping their fingers out of their baby's cunt and fucking back in. Y/N's mouth dropped open and he whined.
"So pretty, babydoll," they cooed. They dragged their fingers in and out a couple more times, pulling their knuckles apart to coax him to relax his body so that they could push in another digit. Rinse and repeat one more time, Y/N's whole body feeling pliant and cunt positively gaping, too overwhelmed with it all to put energy into clenching around their fingers.
He felt so close to cumming, thighs and stomach tense and whole body quivering as tears slipped down his cheeks again, drenching his face and Ray's shoulder. "Please—want your cock wanna cum on your cock please mommy—" Ray shushed him sweetly.
Had Y/N's eyes been open, he would have seen the smug smile tugging at Ray's lips as they pulled out of him. "You want it, huh, baby? Want mommy to fuck your tight little cunt till you cum?"
He shuddered, hips twitching hard as he fumbled with his words, mind melting and tongue heavy. "Uh huh." Ray kissed his forehead. He watched in buzzing anticipation as they palmed themself a few times through their briefs, pulling out their cock and thumbing at the head of it. His head swam watching Ray's hips twitch stiffly, like all their self control was being put into not fucking up into their own hand. Just a few languid strokes up and down, and then biting Y/N's bottom lip hard only to soothe it with their tongue as they dragged the head of their dick up and down his pussy and pushed in slowly.
Y/N's entire body trembled, latching onto Ray's bottom lip and sucking on it to pacify himself as they kept pushing in, the stretch borderline dizzying. He clenched around their dick, a partial accident, and they grunted, halting their progress for a second as they squeezed Y/N's thigh. "Gonna cum before I even get to fuck you if you do that again, doll. Feel so fucking good."
Y/N's stomach twisted, mind cloudy, limbs feeling floaty and useless as Ray finally bottomed out. His breath caught in his throat when they just kept moving, grinding deeper into him than they should physically be able to, and he responded dizzily. His thighs shook like he was trying (and failing) to ride them the day after after leg day, or something, and he was making some really humiliating noises, sniffling against Ray's cheek. He could feel them grinning.
Something like panic exploded in his chest when one of his partner's hands stopped touching his thigh and he whined in protest. "Hush, honey," Ray whispered, kissing his cheek. "Mommy's gonna take such good care of you, I promise."
And then a finger was sliding into him beside their dick, stretching him so much wider, sparks shooting up his spine as the pad of it rubbed up against his g-spot, and for the second time today his orgasm built up and crashed over him without warning, clawing at Ray's back under their shirt as he sobbed, hips rocking down hard and sloppy, a melted puddle of a person.
Ray showered him in praises, petting the back of his head and kissing his cheeks and nose and forehead.
So perfect, babydoll.
Mommy's so proud, such a good boy.
Never wanna stop fucking your perfect little pussy.
Everything blurred together as Ray kept fucking him, slow and gentle, hips stuttering as they came and pulled out. They pulled him with them as they sat back up, lounging on the sofa with Y/N curled up in their lap, drawing little things with their fingers on his back from under his shirt.
He let his eyes droop shut, breathing slowing down and heartbeat settled. "You look pretty," he mumbled. Ray hummed and kissed the crown of his head.
"Thank you, baby."
i wrote this over a year ago and i still consider it my magnum opus lol anyways this was actually a req from someone on AO3, i post on there too. i have more fics over there than here rn
but hope you liked it i am accepting requests <3
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Tree - Ray Toro x Reader
Prompt: T: Tree (How do they decorate their tree?) (from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word Count: 1 293 Warnings: I just read this again and it’s really, really sweet, sickeningly. Also: if you want tomorrow’s story to hit even harder, please pay attention to how easily Ray and Reader communicate their feelings. This has been a warning.
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You knew Ray was full of surprises, but nothing could have prepared you for how important it was to him to decorate the Christmas tree together. The two of you had been dating for not even a year, making this your first Christmas together, and a few months ago, you had moved in with him. It had been a decision some of your friends had called rushed, but it was way cheaper than your flat, Ray had offered, and secretly neither of you felt all too keen on spending the precious spare time you had with getting from one apartment to the other. Even though it had been a bit scary, the usual anxieties taking over like whether you would be able to stand sharing a living space with each other, how your daily routines would clash and so on, living with Ray had been as good as perfect, and you did not regret your choice for one second.
It was a Sunday morning in early december, when the sound of a crash woke you up. Irritated, you sat up, blinking into the twilight of the room. The bed beside you was empty, and a second crash, followed by muffled cursing made you suspect Ray was already up and about.
Slipping out of bed and grabbing one of Ray’s hoodies from where it hung over a chair, slipping it on, you poked your head out of the bedroom door. The continuing noise of clattering mixed with quiet cursing, originated in the living room, and once you pushed the door open far enough to see inside, you were no longer surprised as to why Ray was swearing. But you were surprised at the sight before you.
It seemed definitely impossible, but Ray had managed to carry a Christmas tree inside, which was almost as tall as the ceiling was high. All by himself. Right now he was struggling to keep the tree in its stand, every time it threatened to tilt, a new curse quietly falling off his lips.
Once you had overcome your initial surprise at the huge tree in the middle of the living room, you ran over to Ray, quickly grabbing the tree that seemed on its best way to fall on top of your boyfriend.
“Which way do you need me to tilt the tree,” you asked, glancing down at Ray who was crouched on the ground. His hair was dishevelled and from his body language alone you could tell he was focusing.
Through hesitating comments Ray wished you a good morning, and just a few minutes later, the tree stood safe and tall, its top twig almost scratching the ceiling.
Standing side by side with Ray, you inspected your work. You couldn’t help but feel like you imagined these children in the picture books to feel at the sight of such a huge tree. Respect, awe, but also giddy. 
“Good morning, again,” Ray whispered, sneaking his arm around your waist and pulling you in for a short kiss.
You repeated the words against his lips before he pulled away. Only now you properly realised, that he was still wearing his winter jacket, and on the sofa lay his hat.
“How about you make us some hot chocolate and I go fetch the decorations,” Ray suggested.
“Don’t you want to have breakfast first,” you asked, confused, but he shook his head.
“We’re gonna have a Christmas Tree decorating breakfast. With hot chocolate and cookies… If that’s okay for you?”
Even if he had not asked, you would not have refused his wish. Something in his voice made it very clear how important this was to him. Not important because he wanted to do it, but because it meant something to him emotionally. You were not entirely sure what it was, but the thought of rejecting his wish would have felt equal to breaking his heart. Besides: Christmas Tree decorating breakfast sounded pretty awesome.
While you made hot chocolate in the kitchen, Ray carried the decorations into the living room. It seemed the stuff he owned was mostly classical red and gold, baubles in those colours, a few wooden figurines. And a tiny spider man bauble. When you spotted it, it made you laugh, but you figured it would have been unlike Ray if not a little joke like that would have been hidden somewhere.
Ray also seemed to have bought gingerbread, because when you carried the cups into the living room, the box was ripped open, and he had placed a few gingerbreads on plates for both of you.
The rest of the morning passed in a blur. Ray had put on some Christmas music, not the modern one, but old orchestra music, now playing from vinyl. While you put up the baubles, you always took a sip of hot chocolate in between or a bite from the gingerbread. Although a lot of the time also was used by Ray to pull you in for sweet kisses. In fact it seemed like he always tried to keep a hand at you, on your waist, your hand, your forearm…
The gestures made your heart dance, and you were absolutely certain this had to be the most romantic Christmas Tree decorating anyone had ever done.
Once you were finished, you sat on the sofa, looking at the now sparkling tree. Ray had strung Christmas lights with tiny bulbs into the twigs, and now that they were turned on, they looked like hundreds of small fairies making the tree glow.
Your head was resting against Ray’s chest, the two of you cuddled together on the sofa, as your eyes were fixed on the tree, the cups, long empt, standing on the side table.
“I’ve always dreamt about decorating the tree like this,” Ray whispered, breaking the comfortable silence. 
Questioningly you tilted your head to look at him.
“Back at home it was always fun, but also loud and we would constantly bicker about what should go up on the tree and what else we needed to buy and whatnot…”
By the way he trailed off, you could tell there was more to the story. Encouragingly you ran your fingers in uneven patterns over his shirt.
“And then when I was living on my own, I saw all these couples who always celebrated Christmas together, while I was alone, or on tour, and… it sounds pitiful, but I just wondered if I'd ever have something like that. So I wanted this to be fun today.”
“It’s not pitiful,” you disagreed. “It’s understandable. I definitely felt the same, you know? I think everybody feels that way sometimes. But-,” you leant up, so you could take a better look at Ray’s face, “I think today was the most magical, most christmas-y, most romantic morning i ever could have imagined. And I feel very happy and very privileged to have spent it with you. Thank you.”
Leaning down to him, you sweetly kissed his lips, feeling as his eyes fluttered shut and he released a shaky breath. Knowing that even after months of dating he still reacted like this sometimes to something as simple as a short peck on the lips, made your heart dance happily.
“You know that I love you, right,” Ray asked, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you back on top of him. “So much.”
Burying your nose against his neck, his long hair brushing over your face, you nodded. “I love you, too. So much.”
And while the lights on the christmas tree continued sparkling, specks of red and gold dancing through the living room where the lights reflected off the baubles, Spider Man keeping watch over the tree from a high twig, you slowly dozed off in Ray’s arms.
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@alexstyx​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​ @robinruns​​​ @lookalivefrosty​​​ @butterflycore​​​  @omgsuperstarg​​​ @fivelegance​​ @deadlovers​​​ @casmustdiee​​​ @cmtryghoul​​​    
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mcrslover · 3 months
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hes so real for that
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mcrfanfic-screenshots · 3 months
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which fall out boy song is that
sent by @graveyardmouth
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mintspidey · 6 months
passenger- ray toro
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summary: either it was the budding chill in the air, or the wet dream you had about him, but you could not get ray toro out of your mind. going so far as to ignore him at every chance you got not only hurt him, but you as well. you couldn’t focus on anything, ray consuming every single facet of your brain. when gerard offers you straightforward advice, you actually consider his ramblings, no matter how useless he was when he came to his own love life. you weren’t sure if it was worth blurring the lines of friendship. but you did know that you couldn’t wait any longer.
author’s note and warnings: ray toro/gn!reader. friends to lovers, some frerard mentions, smut, porn with plot, oral sex (m receiving), dry humping, reader gets off on his leg while sucking him off, car sex, no reproductive parts of the reader mentioned, ray is HUNG. reader doesn’t suck they swallow.
“fuck… i’m so close…” you breathed out.
you rocked your hips, thighs straddling his waist. his large hands covered your back, gently pulling you into him as he threw his head back, exposing his neck. your lips latched onto the awfully bare looking skin under his jawline, planting open-mouthed kisses as his hips bucked into yours.
“fuck, i’m not gonna last if you kiss my neck like- ah- like that…”
you felt his pulse against your lips, nibbling on the skin against his collarbone. “then i better keep going, huh?”
he suddenly stopped moving. confused, you sat back up and looked at him, “what?”
“do you want to take a break?” he asked. you tilt your head, bewildered.
“no, do you?”
“do you want to take a break?” he repeated, his face deadpanning.
“what? what’s- going on, are you okay?” you were concerned. why was he acting like that?
his voice was louder this time, “do you wanna take a break?”
“no, i don’t, why do you keep asking me this?”
“do you want to take a break?” you pulled back into reality as ray’s voice broke the daydream you embarked on, not realizing how you had spaced out mid-rehearsal.
it was two in the afternoon, the chill in the air slowly seeping through the crevices of your bandmate’s basement door. chapped lips and a dry tongue had you croaking into your mic, audible gulps following each line of yours. you sweated through your flimsy shirt, shifting weights with the guitar on your neck pulling you down to the floor. restless fingers grasping stray strands of your hair to move them back into place every few seconds, making sure you looked presentable.
the distorted note on ray’s guitar rang in your ears before he muted it, leaning in your direction. the drums in the back trailed off as you practically heard frank’s eyes roll.
you roughed up your bottom lip from chewing on it like fodder. you needed to rip your hair out one follicle at a time. you wanted to scream. you wanted to slam this stupid guitar that strained your neck against the wall and storm out.
a sudden, strange pressure to be perfect in front of your bandmates took over you. before that week, you didn’t care if they saw you fuck up because you knew that they knew how good you are at what you do. you respected the band and the art just as much as they did.
did it have something to do with the sort-of life-changing information you received a few days ago? definitely not, you thought.
so why was it that when you and gerard grabbed coffee a few days ago, and he made a passing comment on the fact that ray, a good friend and the lead guitarist of your band, had a sex dream about you, you spat out hot coffee on his new jacket?
why was it that you had tuned out gerard whining over his ruined jacket because you were too busy trying to calm your heart rate?
why was it that that exact night, you dreamt about making out with ray in the backseat of his car, fogged up glasses, handprints, and all?
and why, of all that is good, did you tell gerard about this? he had not stopped teasing you about it, and it started to feel like he never would.
you could almost hear that sneaky little shit’s thoughts through his expressions- which ray was happily unaware of. gerard grabbed his mic, held it close to his open lips, and pressed his tongue against his cheek repeatedly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, mocking your dream.
it was bad enough that your brain decided to see ray, your bandmate, in such a new light, now you were daydreaming about dry-humping in the back of his car and being called out by gerard for doing so.
if you could kill anyone at this moment, it would be that fucker.
that was the fourth time you messed up at rehearsal. arriving late, sweaty and out of breath to practice wasn’t enough, apparently. it was as if you had to piss off your bandmates further. gerard and mikey’s house was fifteen minutes away from yours, but when you woke up five minutes before band practice, you barely had time to put on a decent outfit let alone eat something, before grabbing your backpack and bolting.
so, when you ran into the brothers’ basement, you were greeted by a symphony of annoyed groans and “finally!”s, unable to meet their eyes.
you wish you started off with tiny mistakes that didn’t matter too much. you wish. first, you missed your cue to sing. second, you simply forgot the lyrics.
and anyone who said third time’s the charm,was a liar, you soon realized. you spaced out mid-song staring at the boy in front of you, long curly hair framing his eyes, fanning out over his soft lips.
fuck, not now, you scolded yourself.
“guys, i’m so fucking sorry, i just…i don’t know what’s fucking wrong with me today-” you ducked your head, hands reaching for the guitar strapped around your neck to free yourself from the weight that felt unbearable at that point.
“i can think of a reason…” gerard quipped sing-songily, cocking an eyebrow at you.
the glare you threw at him was equally as charged, making him motion at his lips as if he were locking them up and throwing away the key.
“maybe you should take a break…” ray repeated, ignoring gerard and readjusting the strap around his shoulders. frank looked like he couldn’t wait for this conversation to be over so he could start playing again. mikey was quiet as usual; he was one of the more easygoing of the bunch. no drama, nothing.
you looked up at ray, guilt painting your visage as you exhaled slowly. you knew you need a break. you know he’s right of course.
you cannot blame yourself either. the fact that you both had sex dreams about each other makes you want to chew drywall. you promised yourself you would not ever fall for any of your bandmates, not even accidentally: a promise that seemed laughably doable after the first week of knowing them.
now that you actually noticed his every movement: the way his curls bounced, the way his fingers moved like butter across the fretboard, the way he could improvise the best melodies at the drop of a hat, the way he threw his head back while experimenting on the guitar that looked like it weighed nothing to him.
it was like there were permanent rose-colored glasses surgically attached to your face that emphasized every breath and blink of the hunk of a guitarist standing in front of you. thinking about him made you feel high, and you hated the amount of pleasure you derived just from recounting every feature of his.
you couldn’t look ray in the eyes. it was way too risky. what if you start giggling for no reason, or acting weird?
“i think i’ll… go home and take a nap. maybe that’s what i need.” you accepted defeat, rubbing your temples and bending over the couch behind you to grab your backpack.
“what you need is to get lai-”
“are you okay to perform tonight?” mikey asks, interrupting his brother, the only other guy to have his head screwed tight.
oh, right. the show.
amongst the whole sex dream fiasco, you had forgotten about all your responsibilities, including the gig you signed the band up for.
you nodded, “i’ll see you all at the gig tonight. i’ll be better, i promise.” you knew they would understand, but that didn’t stop you from feeling the massive weight of guilt crush your shoulders.
“do you need me to drop you off if you’re not feeling okay? It’s no big deal,” ray offered, about to take his guitar off his shoulders.
“no!” you shrieked. too loudly. gerard snickered in the back.
it was bad enough that you couldn’t even meet ray’s eyes, you didn’t think you could handle him driving you home, sitting so close to you, his legs spread apa-
“i can go by myself. you guys should rest up too. we have practiced enough i think… not you, gee, you could warm-up a bit.” you winked at him, hoping the playfulness in your voice didn’t sugarcoat your absolute hatred for him at the moment.
the speed with which you left the stuffy basement that smelled like beer breath, shocked you (you were far from athletic). you preferred working on your music and overanalyzing movies in your own time.
getting out in the open, fresh air made you feel much better. the growing distance from ray left you feeling empty almost like a dopamine detox would.
a slight sense of relief tagged along. the jersey air nipped at your nose as you squinted your eyes and buried your chin in your coat’s neck.
at least the headphones trailing from your ears to your backpack protected your ears against the sharp chill in the air. the thin, dark-wooded trees barely harbored leaves, forming nerve-like patterns against the dark-gray sky. the crunch beneath your converse soothed your nerves a bit as the effect of the numbing cold made you forget everything for a while. the next track in your mixtape undid all that.
it was the song you heard ray play the first time you met him.
this tall nerd in g’s basement, fooling around with his guitar to play what happened to be your favorite song. quietly humming along, toothy smile as he tried new variations of the underlying riff, shaking his head to the rhythm, huge hands knowing exactly what they were doing. the mild scent of lavender in the air as watched his fingers fly across the fretboard, being painfully obvious that you were watching him closely.
you didn’t think you remembered so much of that day. maybe you already had a thing for him, and you didn’t know it.
but how could you not? being in a band with someone who was as talented as ray made you want to become a better musician. plus, the word “crush” made you wince- it was so middle school. it was more than just physical with him.
he was always there for everyone: the responsible one, the one that made sure that when the two rowdy dumbasses, g and frank, were out of line, he fixed it. the one who made sure everyone’s input was considered.
there was no doubt that you found him the most attractive in the band; the mastery of his instrument had you obsessing over learning as much as you could from him. you would spend the most time with him than any other bandmate. sharing a cig when you could, even though neither of you were addicted to it like gerard or frank were, asking him to show you how to pinch the strings even when the band was on a break from rehearsal, him enthusiastically hearing everything you had to say about the most recent movie you saw. it was comfortable. you felt safe with him.
you just never realized how important he was in your life till that day. and that made you want to throw up.
he was just a guy. he was just some dude. he was just a man. he was just a friend.
by the time you entered your apartment to kick your shoes off and lie down on your bed, the words “just a friend” became jumbled sounds. even gaslighting yourself into believing something did not work.
was he ever just your friend?
you tried recounting every interaction with him: every time you walked to his apartment with a new movie stashed in your bag that he hadn’t seen, gifting him a mixtape you made for the songs you wanted him to listen to.
adjusting his glasses for him when they were slightly knocked to the side, grabbing and shaking his thighs when you were excited about something in a movie you liked.
huh, you weren’t completely blameless.
your dreaded gaze shifted from your ceiling to the clock on the wall at three pm. three hours until your gig.
three hours until you had to see him.
you let out a wail of agony into your pillow before kicking off your clothes and shutting your eyes for what you hoped would be fifteen minutes.
you woke up an hour later, groggy and nauseous from the ill-timed nap. you panicked for a few seconds before realizing you were on time for your show.
it wasn’t like you hadn’t played in front of people before. you had performed maybe fifteen shows with the rest of the boys for even bigger bars than you were about to tonight.
but of course, that night was different, because you would carry the curse of knowing you liked someone you should not be liking.
he was your bandmate. mixing business with pleasure was never a good idea, from the countless movies you had seen with ray himself. you knew this was a bad idea. but something about wanting something you cannot have just made it more enticing.
you did know not to let this interfere with the show. your work was always the bigger priority; not some stupid crush that was probably just a temporary effect of the dream.
after tripping on your way to your bathroom sink, you splashed cold water on your face to snap yourself out of sleep. an all-black ensemble; a tank top and jeans; to go with the slightly expensive shoes you saved up for was enough self-decor. you weren’t a fan of showing skin: usually seen with sweaters or cardigans and sweatpants, but you didn’t mind it for performances. especially that night.
yawning and climbing through your clothes, you dragged the tip of the eyeliner over your eyelids and on your waterline before taking your finger and smudging it. you were glad that this sort of rushed make-up satiated your desire to look good. gerard or frank, on the other hand… they went all out.
but to your pure disappointment, it had only been ten minutes.
well, fuck.
when you met your band after that disaster of a rehearsal, you made your ability to make gold out of pure shit work wonders for you. an annoying smile on your face and a strong avoidance of any eye-contact with ray had you at the perfect headspace for the performance.
even when he said hi to you, you simply nodded at him and turned your attention to your guitar in the green room, practicing and focusing on the technique and the order of the chords.
the turnout was more than you had expected. as much as you hated to admit it, gerard was the best frontman, frankie headbanged his way through the show, mikey and ray played next to and off of each other, engrossed in their performances. your stiff, focused posture received multiple side-eyed glances by your bandmates, especially mikey, but you couldn't care less
you didn’t miss cues, you remembered the lyrics, and you, surprisingly, improvised on your solo. just a little more than the bare minimum. you could work with that. you just wanted that night to end as fast as possible.
but of course, just like everything else, gerard had to make your life harder.
your attempt to drink yourself to normalcy didn’t pan out. as soon as you sprinted to the bar to get a drink (or ten) in you, you heard gerard talk about a “kickback” at his place. an afterparty, he explained. it wasn’t like you could tell him no, you lived fifteen minutes away from him, and more importantly, he could sniff out a lie when he needed to.
when you saw gerard sneak out after the show to the band’s van, you followed him, ready to confront him and get away from the crowd yelling and screaming around ray, frank, and mikey.
gerard leaned against the van, lighting up a cigarette, the flame casting a dim orange hue over his face. you catch up to him and flick the back of that idiot’s head.
“ow! the fuck was that for?” he exclaimed, trying to hit you back on your arm, but you were already away from his reach.
“you know exactly what that was for!” you yelled, slamming back into the van's door, sulking, turning to the left to stare daggers into your cherry-haired friend’s face.
“tell me the truth. did you tell ray about my dream?”
“that’s what you’ve been worried about? no, you freak!” gerard scowls, “you know i don’t gossip!”
“then why did you tell me ray’s secret?” you counter.
“because it wasn’t a secret! the others know about it too! he told them!”
“but he didn’t tell me, you asshole. that’s what makes it a secret.” you seethed, trying to flick his forehead.
he covered his head with his hands trying to swat yours away, “okay, alright i fucked up! he just didn’t make it seem as big a deal as you did, so i thought it was okay to tell you.”
you went back to stand with your back against the van, the cool metal suddenly sending sharp shivers down your spine. a rude reality check. your lungs flattened, a blunt punch to the gut making you instantly nauseous. why did you not think about that? of course it wasn’t a big deal to him. you guys were friends after all. just friends.
the older man, noticing the obvious change in energy, tried covering up, “maybe he wanted us to tell you because he was too scared to tell you himself..”
you stayed quiet, leaning against the car window, letting the chill in the night envelop your sweaty skin. the adrenaline rush of having performed seemed to have crashed as you felt your feet turn jelly.
gerard blew smoke out, ashing it between the two of you. the smell of tobacco and nicotine enveloped you, almost like a comforting hug amidst the sharp twinges of the wind.
gerard extended his cigarette to you, “i’m sorry.”
you didn’t speak. the cigarette fit perfectly between the gap of your index and middle finger, like it was crafted for your digits, you realized, sipping it slowly.
the slow burn of the smoke in your lungs almost made you want to choke almost instantly, but you fought back, blowing out the cloud of cancer.
“i think i see why you smoke… you probably go through this every day with frank, huh?” you tried pullingyour friend’s leg, earning a swift punch on your arm.
“you’re a dick.” he said, choking out smoke, clearly surprised by the sudden jab at the state of his pathetic love life.
“you love me.” you stated with a smile, sucking the last of the cigarette before crushing it under your feet and dragging open the door of the van. “when are we going to learn?”
“before we die, i hope.” he answered you, climbing into the passenger seat.
before you knew it, mikey, ray, and frank ran back to the car, a chorus of laughter following them. you straightened up at the sound of ray’s voice and hoped to god he doesn’t sit next to you in the car.
god, however, seemed to have a personal vendetta against you because mikey decided to drive, leaving only you and ray in the backseat.
frank, for some reason, decided not to come with. said he was “busy.”
99% chance he was about to hook up with a dude whose name frank wouldn’t remember the next morning. scratch that, he definitely already forgot. you admired frank for his ability to fuck randos in bars and then forget about them the next morning. anonymous orgasms, he called them. as much as you hated it, you wanted to be like him. be carefree. be selfish. not some loser who, through the fault of their idiot, red-haired friend, developed a possibly destructive crush on their band member which would absolutely interfere with their day-to-day activities.
ray scooted into the backseat, telling mikey to turn the radio on as he rolled down the window near him, “i feel fuckin alive right now.”
“i know, those cheers had crack in ‘em. not one heckler either!” gerard added with an overtrying smile, clearly trying to recover from the fact that frankie was about to fuck a complete stranger, a whole year after their (secret) one night stand.
you felt ray look at you from the corner of your eyes but told yourself he was looking at your window.
you liked lying to yourself.
he shifted further in your direction and casually laid a hand out. a move so subtle, it would’ve seemed normal to the naked eye. a guitarist stretching his fingers after a show wasn’t uncommon, certainly not questionable. but you. you knew exactly what he was doing.
and you did not care for it.
“he didn’t make it as big a deal as you did.” why. why. why did you do this to yourself.
if it were acceptable, you would have hit yourself but you didn’t because you had to look like you didn’t care. you had to look like you didn’t care that ray could tell you were bothered without you having to say a word. you didn’t care that he was caring and still wanted to talk to you after the way you treated him.
and you loathed yourself for it.
he was nice to everyone. he was observant with everyone. right?
ray, however, did not remove his hand from near your thigh, almost bumping into your leg multiple times as the car rode over bumpers.
“drive properly, way!” you barked, looking back at the buildings and cars whooshing by in a blur.
you tried your hardest not to be part of any conversation by sulking into your seat so much that you hoped you would turn invisible.
by the time you reached gerard’s place, you were positive you wanted to drink yourself into the next morning because you did not want to remember anything. having a crush never bode well with you, and you were starting to think that it would never.
you were the first one at the cooler in his basement to fish out two beers and camp on the right end of the couch. the soft, sinking cushions had you exhaling in relief as you cracked open the beer.
ray, mikey, and then later, gerard filtered into the room, taking seats on the floor, or the ottoman.
and of course, ray sat on the small couch. right next to you.
his thigh pressed up against yours, his (huge) hands covering his knees as he shifted back and forth to make himself comfortable. g threw him and mikey a can each before perching on the ottoman and turning the tv on.
as you chugged the beer, you ignored the heat radiating off ray’s body; the scent of cologne mixed with sweat from tonight’s performance made you straighten your posture. there was a dull throb between your legs from the sudden contact he made, but of course, you did what you did best.
ignored it.
the more you drank, however, the harder it became to ignore it. so much so, that you crossed your legs and leaned away from him onto the armrest for some well needed friction.
then, ray spilled beer on his pants.
it was an accident. ray was fixated on the tv— some cheap horror flick that g thought would be hilarious to make fun of. ray, no matter how tall and buff, was a pussy. so when that jumpscare hit and instead of laughing like g and mikey, his body jerked, he spilled his whole drink on his pants, muttering a string of “fuck”s that caught g’s attention over the loud volume of the tv.
“oh, toro, don’t tell me you fucked up my couch!” gerard whined, again, getting up from his seat, flailing his arms.
“dude, i’m sorry, i wasn’t expecting to jump..” ray trailed off, rising to his feet to look down at his pants. mikey tugged ray’s arm to the door, “come on, i have some clothes you can wear.”
gerard, noticing that you looked… off, offered you a water bottle from the cooler. you chugged the bottle, cherishing the moisture that your dry throat needed and looked at your friend whose gaze bathed you in such pity that you wanted to curl up into a ball and die.
“it’s that bad, huh?”
you dropped your head in his lap, groaning and getting back up to lay across the couch, “g, i don’t know what to do with myself.”
“you were normal a few days ago, why can’t you just... be normal again?” he questioned, humor coating his voice.
“you’re saying that? miss i-wanna-fuck-frank-so-bad-i’ll-sit-through-him-fucking-the-whole-town-before-me?” you snapped, in no mood to joke around.
“touche. i’ll just go fuck myself, i guess.” he got up to walk back to his seat, genuinely sounding hurt.
“i was kidding, g. please tell me what to do. please?” you begged, hoping he would notice the sincerity of your words.
gerard pretended to think about his options for a moment before sitting back down, “fine, only because you asked nicely.” you sat up, ready to hear genuine advice.
“you need to tell him.”
“you have ten seconds to get the fuck away from me before i kil-”
“think about it!” he prefaced, “the longer you let your crush on ray stew, the more painful it’s going to be. just tell him and get it over with!”
not that gerard didn’t have a point, but it’s that you wanted a simpler, less confrontational way of solving this problem.
“what if it makes things awkward?” you whined, sulking your shoulders.
“you know ray doesn’t care about any of that right? he’s like the calmest person on the planet, and he cares about you.” gerard informed, walking back to his seat at the sound of crescendoing footsteps.
ray entered the basement before mikey, a new pair of pants that looked strange at first.
he was in grey sweats, mikey’s clearly, they hugged his legs and rode up at his ankles but he didn’t seem to mind. the moment he walked under the light, your eyes immediately threw their focus on gerard who was also looking back at you, noticing the obvious elephant in the room.
jesus fuck, was he hung. it was hard not to stare at the obvious dickprint against the cotton fabric of his sweats. gerard let out a “look at that” whistle, knowing exactly what was going through your mind.
“these are kind of tight, huh?” ray addressed, to nobody in particular, stretching his legs and adjusting the fabric around waist. a jolt of energy traveled between your legs as you watched him adjust himself in those pants.
gerard, tired of your pussyfooting, talked to you directly, “you wanna go home already?”
you looked up at him, confused, trying to figure out what was cooking in his head, “what? when did-”
“aww, shucks. i wish you could stay longer. well, i guess ray will have to drive you home since you’ve had a beer already!” he was bad at being subtle, to say the least.
what. the. fuck.
your eyes widened. you wanted to punch that fucker’s face in so bad. you weren’t ready. especially after what you saw.
“yeah, totally, um. are you okay with that?” ray asked you, his lips looking pinker than ever. almost like he was begging you.
no. no. no. nope. you were not-
“sure!” your mouth had a mind of its own.
-you were going with him.
gerard smiled sickly sweetly at you before turning off the tv and walking towards the door, a sign for everyone else to get the fuck out. you flipped him off before turning to ray and walking ahead of him so that you did not see. that.
you couldn’t get the image out of your head. sweet, guitar-nerd ray, had a huge-
“good job performing today.” ray muttered, looking down at you, breaking your horny train of thought.
“oh! uh, thanks. and you were uh-” fuck, quick think of a word, “breathtaking.”
great going, idiot. if he didn’t already know before, he definitely knows now.
“that is the first time anyone has ever used that word for me,” he chuckled, “but thanks…” his voice that was usually husky and light, now levering lower than usual.
at that moment, you wished for any god out there to take you. the embarrassment was too much.
crickets chirped in the starless night as the two of you walked through the stone-laid path between grass. your tank top was purely decorative at that point, doing barely any work to protect you from the cold. ray, a gentleman, noticed you shiver, and of-fucking-course offered you his jacket.
“won’t you be cold?” you asked through chattering teeth, hugging yourself.
“nah, im wearing a thick shirt underneath. you might as well be naked right now,” he commented, eyeing your tank top.
a furious blush rose to your cheeks at his comment. something about the way he said it, made your breath hitch, as if it implied that he had consciously thought about you naked.
ray stopped to give you his zip-up hoodie as he tore it off his torso, the hem of his tight black shirt riding up to reveal the tuft of hair trailing down his underwear. you gulped involuntarily as you watched him adjust his shirt underneath and place the jacket around your shoulders. you never realized just how tall he was before he towered over you; your eyeline was at his chest.
fuck, this wasn’t helping the butterflies in your stomach.
you thanked him, trying not to look into his eyes too much before walking to his car. ray took a beat before starting toward his car again, almost as if he was waiting for something.
his car was new— well, as new as a second-hand car could be—painted in jet black with the plate reading “jet-star” some reference to his favorite comic book series. you chuckled under your breath before climbing in, trying to warm up fast so that you wouldn’t need his stupid jacket anymore, with his stupid scent of soap, cologne, and sweat, and the stupid warmth that you definitely wanted to steal from him.
you tapped your feet nervously against the floor of the car, as if that would get you closer to your apartment somehow.
ray walked over to the driver’s seat, mirroring you and strapping on his seatbelt. he was huge. no, not just like that, but physically. larger than you in every aspect. as his fingers reached for his keys, you noticed his pants shift, igniting every dirty thought in your mind.
fuck. fuckity fuck.
“you comfy?” he asked, looking behind the car. you nodded, noticing that he placed his hand on the back of your headrest and started to back up.
you didn’t know whether it was him leaning so close to you, or the hand he threw over your seat, but your stomach would be a gold medalist gymnast for the sheer amount of times it flipped. you noticed the freckles he had, somehow more prominent under the dim orange light of his car, forming miniature constellations on his face. you were well aware that you were staring but you didn’t care anymore.
it was better you told him. you had been this way for two days already, and your condition was only getting worse. it was like ray had cast a love spell on you, and you couldn’t get rid of it no matter what you tried distracting yourself with.
ray’s eyes flickered to your face, previously brown now hazel under the light. you had never felt safer in your entire life as you did then.
he broke into a smile, “what? is there something on my face?” he asked, his left hand flying to his cheek gauging for something to pluck out.
you shook your head, edge of your lips curving up in fondness, “you know, you’re really pretty.”
instantly, he furrowed his eyebrows, clearly taken aback, “huh-what? where is this coming from? did you drink too much? you know you’ve been acting weird all day, what’s with yo-”
it was time, “g told me, you know.”
he tilted his head, like he was trying to recall what you were talking about, “about wha-”
your heart was in your throat, every beat vibrating your torso. it was then or never.
“the fucking sex dream, toro.” you deadpanned, sitting up and facing him.
“oh. that…” he trailed off, taking his hand off your headrest and resting them on his thighs. “listen, i didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, which is why i didn’t tell you. i didn’t want to weird you out.” he explained, avoiding eye-contact.
your gaze was fixated on his face, listening to every single word carefully.
“is it true?” you asked, turning toward him and unbuckling your seat belt since the car was no longer moving. confusion washed over his face as he unknowingly fidgeted his fingers.
“do you feel that way about me?” your heart pounded so hard, you wouldn’t be surprised if ray could hear it too. ray looked ahead, his eyes glued to the road ahead. the faint noise of static from the radio dwindled in the air, alleviating your anxiety just a bit.
“do you?” he whispered, like he just gave away a secret.
you stumbled over your words, not expecting to be interrogated in his place, “i asked first,”
“and i’m asking you now. do you feel… that way about me?” a mixture of hesitance and expectation brewed in his tone.
your palms turned white hot, eyes widening at the accusation. you knew that the more time you took to answer him, the more obvious your feelings would be. on one hand, you wanted to tell the truth. on the other hand, you feared the worst of what could happen.
what if he didn’t feel the same way? what if this was just a ploy to get you to confess and then leave you high and dry. what if-
time moved slowly. ray let go of the steering wheel, placing his hand on your cheek, warmth spreading over your face. his fingers caressed your cheekbone, eyes looking into yours and dipping down to your lips, “tell me you don’t feel that way about me… and i’ll pull away and we will go back to being…” he looked up at your eyes, “just friends.”
the hands that were once on your thighs, gripping them out of nervousness, now tangled in his curly locks, guiding his lips to yours.
you could feel your organs jump from excitement, fingers roaming and threading his hair as he kissed you. his soft, plump lips guided yours skillfully, making you moan into his mouth. ray smiled against you and gently pulled back.
he leaned his forehead against yours. you breathed out slowly “you have no idea how long i have wanted to do this for.”
“me too. i can’t believe i’m kissing y-”
“less talking, more making out, toro.” you interrupted, pulling him in, by the collar of his tight shirt, making him gasp in surprise before pressing his mouth to yours again. his hands trailed from your face to your waist, covering half your torso.
he handled your waist like he was scared to break you, fingertips ghosting over your skin, itching to sneak underneath the fabric of your shirt and feel you. an accidental contact of his arms and your thighs made you arch into him, arms automatically hooking behind his neck.
you moaned without a care in the world, leaning back into your seat and pulling him on top of you, ready to be ravaged.
“ray …” you whimpered through the kisses, “please just-”
“not yet, i need to savor this-” his lips latched to your neck, “need to taste you.”
you bucked your hips in desperation, your arousal getting unbearable. you never knew ray was this experienced. he did mention being in relationships here and there, but he was never like frank or mikey, open to anyone.
he nibbled gently on your ear as you pawed at his broad, firm chest, “toro, you didn’t tell me you- fuck- worked out.”
“there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he said through heavy breaths, trailing kisses down your neck to your collarbones. he looked up at you, fingers grabbing the hem of your tank top. you nodded, giving him permission to take it off you.
as you were about to lift your back up to get rid of the flimsy black fabric, ray’s hand snuck under your shirt, supporting and lifting your back as his other hand swiped the tank top off you in one go. his fingers almost spanned your entire back, placing you back down as you lay there shirtless.
the leather seats were uncomfortably cold, making you shiver in response. the everloving, observant man on top of you let you go and moved back into the driver’s seat, pulling the lever under his seat, reclining as low as the seats could go, “get on top.”
the sheer gray fabric of his pants now stretched as his legs spread apart, leaving virtually nothing to the imagination. your lips parted in surprise, your gut twisting deliciously. you grabbed his thigh for support as you climbed into his lap, thighs straddling his waist.
in a moment of deja-vu, you giggled softly, looking away from the man beneath you.
“what? what’s so funny?” ray asked, amused, shifting closer to your hips.
“this is exactly how it went it my dream.” you confessed, shifting your gaze to him, receiving a cocked eyebrow.
“you dreamt about fucking me in a car?” he asked, barely censoring himself like he usually would.
that earned him a playful smack on his torso, his calloused fingers drawing circles on the small of your back. you arched into his touch, trying to explain your dream. ray, however, barely focused on what you said, was distracted by your chest. hardened nipples adorned with piercings met his eyeline, and he wasted no time to kiss one of your pecs and lick them, making your voice go an octave higher.
“ray, fuck, please…” you begged for nothing, grinding down on his hips, feeling him move against your crotch.
“tell me more about your dream, was i any good?” he gave you a toothy smirk, cock stirring in his pants.
“you were so good, oh my god, you went do-” you croaked as he surprised you by pushing your hips down on his clothed dick, “you made me cum on your tongue so many times,” you answered, your digits creeping under his tight shirt, feeling his happy trail against your fingertips. you heard ray gasp softly and throw his head back at your sudden touch.
taking a mental note, you played with the band of his — mikey’s— sweatpants, leaning down to his ear to whisper, “can i? please?”
he groaned, roaming his hand up your back and down to the flesh of your ass, “yes. please, now.”
his voice exuded desperation, bottom lip jutted out in anticipation.
you climbed out of his lap and onto the floor of the car, knees resting against the floor mats. you placed careful kisses on his stomach, ambling them down his v-line. licking your lips, you hooked your fingers under his waistband, slowly pulling them off him. the pace at which the fabric dragged across his shaft made him buck his hips into nothing.
his cock jumped at the first contact with your fingers. you wrapped them around his impressive length, obviously not able to make a fist around his girth.
you weren’t a complete stranger to oral sex, but the sheer size of ray’s dick made you a bit nervous. you didn’t realize how you were already salivating at the sight of his hard, throbbing dick, palms feeling up his inner thighs and trailing up his hips, lips inching closer to his tip.
“you ready?” you asked, one final check before you crossed the friendship line forever.
“yes, definitely yes, but are you? i wanna make sure that yo-”
you cut him off with your tongue circling the tip of his cock, the saliva accumulating slowly dribbling down to his cock. ray threw his head back, cursing under his breath at the sensation of your warm tongue around his dick. he looked down at you through his bottom lashes, licking a stripe up the underside before taking him in your mouth, a visual he had been aching for.
the warmth of your mouth made him fist your hair as you moaned at the feeling of your hair being pulled, sending vibrations up his cock.
hollowing out your mouth, you sunk your mouth down on him, one hand resting on his thigh, massaging it slowly.
tears prickling, you let your drool lubricate him and drip further down before pulling him out with a pop. your drool mixed with his precum connected the edge of your bottom lip to his tip.
“you keep going like that, and i’ll be useless to you,” he gasped out, breathing heavily like he did not expect you to treat him so well.
the corner of your mouth twitched up before coiling the string of saliva around your thumb and smearing it against the slit of his tip, etching an embarrassingly loud moan from him.
“what the actual fuck…” he was enamored by you.
“how many times have you thought about me like this, toro? gagging over your cock on my knees?” you kissed his thighs, fist pumping him slowly. he felt better in your mouth than anybody else had. like his dick was made for you.
“too many fucking times to remember if i’m being honest…” he answered you immediately, twitching at your mercy.
before you could ask him another question that would make him blush furiously, turning his cheeks pink, he continued, “ever since i saw you in that choker g gifted you on your birthday... i haven’t been able to stop thinking about how easy it would be to break that fucking thing with me deep in your throat.” he mewled, the inside of his eyebrows twisting up in pleasure.
one your hands flew to ray’s leg for support, your hips involuntarily bucking against his ankle at his comment.
“fuck, why didn’t you tell me sooner, toro?” you asked, finally seeking friction against his leg, “you’re a pussy…” you wanted to provoke him.
“you are what you eat,” he countered, tossing the ball in your court.
this is what attracted you to ray in the first place. his ability to go along with whatever you said because he knew you would never say anything in bad faith. he liked you. he wanted you.
your cheeks grew hotter with every second, relishing the fact that you were exactly where you have wanted to be for a while.
he saw you blush furiously at his confession before you twisted your grip and pumped him faster, gathering spit at the tip of your tongue. ray’s fingers grabbed a fistful of your hair before lowering you onto his cock.
you spat on the tip, earning a guttural groan from him. you wasted no time to wrap your lips around him once again, closing your eyes and letting him reach deeper down your throat with every stroke.
“you feel- so fucking- oh my god-” he spewed out nonsense as you went further every time you came back up for air. ray’s thighs twitched, knees leaning toward each other, trapping you between his legs.
his grip on your hair tightened, pulling at and scratching your scalp more than before. now that you were between his legs, his cock bottomed out in your mouth, you felt your throat contract around his tip, his thighs pressing your mouth further on his dick.
ray swore that he would have simply cum from the sounds you made choking and crying over his dick. your eyeliner had bled down from your waterline to your chin, the tears and drool painting your face pathetic.
your jaw hurt from cockwarming the man above you, but he clearly seemed to enjoy the show you put on. gasping and smiling down at you like he does at his shows when he shreds on his guitar. the adrenaline all too familiar to him, yet enthralling as ever.
“you make me crazy… fuck i’m so close,” he announced, biting his bottom lip.
your left hand, with a mind of its own, walked up his thighs to cup his balls. his cock jerked in your mouth before you took him in fully, your nose pressed up against his happy trail.
“fuck, i’m coming, oh fuck oh fuck-” he wailed, pressing you further down on him before spilling his cum down your throat, twitching with each wave of orgasm taking over his body. you pulled your mouth off his dick, rubbing against his ankle, chasing the high you had built up so far.
with each swallow you rocked against his leg faster, falling apart quickly. as you tripped over the edge of orgasm, ray bumped his leg up, meeting you halfway. white light engulfed you as you shut your eyes, riding your orgasm out for as long as possible.
“fuck, you came just from humping my leg?” ray asked, astonished. your head fell into his lap, drawing small circles on the side of his thighs before kissing up. rising from your knees, you climbed back into his lap, giving him enough room to put his sweatpants back on.
“was that good?” you asked, looking down at him, hands at his waist.
his hands stroked your cheeks, fingers nudging your chin toward him. the aftershocks of your orgasm made it hard for you to rise to the seat, your grip on his thighs tightening for support. he grabbed your hips, pulling you up easily.
heavy-lidded gazes entwining, the warmth of his arms around your torso pulled the corners of your lips up.
ray didn’t even have to answer you. he craned his neck to kiss you, tasting himself on your lips. you nibbled on his bottom lip, eliciting a soft moan from him.
“why didn’t we do this earlier?” you ask softly, pulling back and looking into his eyes.
“better late than never,” he sighed, slowly closing his eyes shut, “i’ve wanted you…”
your heartbeat quickened.
“...for so damn long.”
butterflies. those damn butterflies made your heart feel like it was budding something new. something exciting.
“well you can’t get rid of me now,” you smiled, admiring the freckles on his skin; sweat glistening on his neck. the bite marks you left bloomed in reddish-violet hues under the dim light of the car. fogged car windows giving you the illusion of privacy as you kissed the corner of his mouth before climbing off of him and back to your seat.
“you’re coming over right?” you asked, looking ahead. you were not going to fuck this up.
“thought you’d never ask,” he stated simply, turning the car on and stepping on the gas.
an: heyyy!! thank u for reading!! mcr brainrot has me by the throat... lmk if u liked it :)
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centralperkspoison · 11 months
I Can See You - G. Way
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PAIRING: Gerard Way x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: sexual references, a little fluffy.
SUMMARY: You and Gerard have known each other for years. When you finally confess to him, everything works out! But how do you keep it as a secret? (Based loosely on I Can See You by Taylor Swift)
OTHERS: me posting? whattttt?! this was highly inspired by the song I Can See You by Taylor Swift, so I recommend listening to that while you read. Also, I haven't posted a fic in like a year this is crazy. also!!! not my usual work, not that much fluff just more back story. idk i have wrote in a while so im sorry!
YOU KEPT EVERYTHING PROFESSIONAL. You and him only showed your true emotions behind closed doors. You'd brush past each other in the hallways most of the time ensuring to not let anyone catch on.
Of course, you and Gerard were friends to the public eye. You and him were the two lead singers of My Chemical Romance, but what happened behind closed doors stayed there.
You'd moved next door to the Way family when you were fairly young, quickly becoming friends with the two brothers despite the slight age differences; Mikey was three years older than you and Gerard was six years older, which is why in the beginning everything had to be quiet. But of course, you had kept your feelings for the nerdy older brother hidden since you were six, so that wouldn't be too hard.
When the band began recording for Bullets you had just turned eighteen and Gerard was almost twenty-five, which is when it first started.
"Why don't I understand basic song structure," You groaned. "You clearly have it down."
Gerard scoffed, "I do not have it down whatsoever, I just actually ask for input unlike someone who's stubborn as hell." He laughed. 
It was only the two of you on the bus, the rest of the guys were inside a restaurant buying breakfast while before you traveled four hours to only record half the album for Bullets.
"Here, bring it over so I can look at it." He said, sitting up on the couch on the bus. You slowly walked towards him, hoping he wouldn't realize who it was about. You silently hoped he couldn't tell, then sat next to him and handed him the lyrics you had written so far. He began analyzing them and handed them back to you.
"It's good, but the bridge should have more meaning. You've described this person in such a beautiful light, then the bridge is just happily ever after? Include some of the struggle in the relationship." You nod, beginning to write. He watches you closely from over your shoulder causing you to face the other way and lay down on him so he could get a better view. This was nothing unusual for you two, it was normal for you to lay on him or anyone else in the band.
You took his words into consideration, then started writing lyrics along the lines of 'If only he knew,' and 'I could see you being my addiction, you could see me as a secret mission.' along with some more context.
"Hey, (Y/N)?" He called, you could feel his heart speed up from your spot on his chest. "Yes, Gee?" You say, looking up at him. "Who is this about?" He asked quietly, playing with your long hair. You dropped your pencil and sat up, facing him. "Is that really important right now?" "I mean not really, I'm just a bit curious." He says with a slight smirk across his face. You just shrug and walk to where you were sitting previously to the whole song structure conversation. Once you sit down, he began speaking again.
"I mean of course the description sounds a little similar, short black hair, hazel eyes, crooked smile," He says, walking behind your chair and gripping it and looking down at you from over the back of the tall chair. "I would say Frank, but his hair doesn't exactly fall under that category anymore, and when you think about it, I'm the only one with short black hair now." He smirks. He already knew, but he was just trying to play around and have a little fun before he had to make his own scary confession.
"God, okay Gerard, the song is about you." You roll your eyes trying to make it come out as if you're not afraid to say it. "Wait, you're actually admitting it?" "Yes, I have a big fat crush on you, now can you please just turn me down already so I can get over it sooner." You sigh, and he walks around your chair so you two are facing each other now. 
"(Y/N), I'm not rejecting you," He smiles. "C'mere." He says, opening his arms for a hug, and you quickly throw yourself in his arms. You two linger in the hug for a while before you take a step back and look up at him. You two were so close your noses were touching. 
"May I?" He asks, moving his hand up so he's cupping your jaw. You lean into his touch and nod.
After you two established your feelings, your situationship turned into a relationship that ranged from sweet moments to insanely sexual ones, not that you had a problem with that, of course. It was just difficult keeping it from your best friends.
Eventually, fans began sniffing the two of you out. How you would always sit next to each other in interviews, when you were on stage you would always seem as if you were singing to him and he was singing to you, when they watched Life On The Murder Scene every time there was a video on the bus you'd have your legs sprawled out on top of his or you'd be laying on him, and even away from the bus he'd always send you looks.
You started seeing the fans reactions on Twitter in the two of your comment sections.
(Y/N)(Y/L/N): Day off with my boys! &lt;3
frerard4li4e: Gerard belongs to Frank, girl. Back off.
bugmomma24356: You and Gerard are so cute ug! &lt;3
After trying to cover up everything to the best of your abilities, nothing made them believe you, even your own band mates started thinking the two of you were together, so you two had to act more distant. 
No more laying on him, no more lingering hugs, and definitely no more making out on stage just to "make the crowd go wild". 
The two of you had to be entirely secret for almost a year now, and it was the first night of your new tour, Rise Against the Black Parade. 
Gerard brushes his shoulder against yours in the hallway while you two walk into the dressing room, shooting you a look. "Oh sorry, (Y/N)." He says quietly and slides his arm across your back before sitting two seats away from you in the dressing room. 
Makeup took a while, but you and Gerard were the last to finish. Once your artists left the room he sprung up to lock the door, and quickly met you in the middle of the room. 
He rested his hands on your hips and you hand your arms on the back of his neck, while he pressed his lips to yours aggressively. You parted from him for a moment, "Now don't go messing up our makeup," You smirked. "We can fix it ourselves." He grunts, picking you up and placing you on the counter.
The two of you were in there for a total of five minutes before someone started knocking on the dressing room door, causing you to jump like two teenagers caught by parents. "Hello? Who's in there, we need to change!" You hear Frank say from the other side of the door. The two of you quickly check your makeup to make sure it wasn't messed up, then you walked to the door to unlock it before turning to Gerard.
"You know, if stopped hiding... it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." You said and he began to shake his head. "The age difference, (Y/N)." "It's six years, Gee. At least it's not like twenty or thirty like some other couples." You say, causing him to shrug. "I guess it's not the worst thing in the world." 
You walk over and unlock the door allowing Frank to come in with the costume cart. Once he realized it was the two of you he gasped. "You?" He said pointing to Gerard, "And you?" He said pointing to you. You turn to Gerard and tilt your head. "Yeah yeah, big deal." He said walking over to wrap an arm around your waist.  That night was one of your best shows yet. You two started showing affection on stage once again, you put your emotion back into your lyrics, and you even got a chance to preform the song you wrote for Gerard that started the whole relationship.
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2therazor · 5 months
clean sheets
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w/c: 2916
revenge gerard x reader
content warnings: afab, dom reader, mommy kink, slightttt masochism, established relationship, unprotected sex, degradation
you are responsible for your own media consumption
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it had been an extremely long day. extremely long. all day your boss on your ass about this and that, every thought straying further away from stability. wasn’t being an adult supposed to be fun?
as soon as you pulled into the driveway you felt your heart sink, every emotion in the world had just hit you at once as you slowly got out of the drivers seat and closed the door. the only thing on your mind was walking into the front door and being able to see gerard. days like this he would for sure be sat on the couch watching anything ranging from a superhero movie to a horror movie. (and nowhere in between) you smiled at the thought as you slowly pushed open the front door.
“hey baby,” he called from the couch as you slowly shut the door.
you kicked off your shoes and set down your bag without saying a word. gerard knew something was off right away. you were never this quiet coming home.
“hey.” you sighed, trying to hide the frustration and irritation in your voice. which you knew, wouldn’t do much. gerard always had a way of knowing if something wasn’t right, even if you tried to be as nonchalant as possible, there was no getting past him.
“what’s wrong?” he paused the movie and turned his head to look at you in the doorway. your head was down the entire time, looking at your feet.
the question alone was enough to make you crack as you quickly burst into tears, not lifting your head from your feet to look at gerard. you knew the look of concern on his face would probably only make it worse and you hated to worry him.
“oh sweetheart, I’m sorry,” he shifted from his spot on the couch and made his way over to you, slowly wrapping his arms around your body. the scent of his cheap cologne mixed with cigarettes was all too familiar to you. never once did you not feel safe in his arms, especially when you were like this.
“it’s just- my stupid fucking boss again” you choked between sobs, burying yourself deeper into his sweater.
you felt an arm come up to rub small circles on your back as he pulled away from you, looking at you with those soft, hazel eyes. you could’ve swore you’d die right there. he spoke gently, “was she on your ass again about the drafts?”
you nodded, attempting to hide in his arm again, but he stopped you, bringing a hand up to your cheek to wipe your tears.
“I’m just so frustrated and irritated, she makes me feel like i’m always doing everything wrong. i cant stand being treated like im like five years old and incapable of doing my job.” you brought your own sleeve to wipe your nose and eyes, wondering how gerard could see you like this; a sobbing mess, and still think you were the most beautiful thing he’s laid his eyes upon.
“i know baby, i know. why don’t you come sit with me for a bit, I’ll make you some tea and you can just relax for a bit.”
you smiled up at him and nodded gently. he always knew how to comfort you even if it was something so small and ridiculous in your mind.
“okay, come on,” he put his hand in yours and gently guided you over to the couch to sit. when he tried to walk away to turn the tea kettle on, he was stopped by a hand grabbing his sweater.
“stay? just for a little? just wanna hold you, please”
you croaked, lowering your hand.
he smiled gently, black hair falling into his eyes. “okay, yeah. ok i can do that.”
you smiled as he sunk into the couch. immediately, you crawled into his lap as he wrapped his arms around you.
you both stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each other’s presence when you began to feel a bit antsy. moving around every few minutes, hoping gerard wouldn’t notice.
but the truth was, it was hard not to notice what you were doing. squirming more and more as time went on. when you realized gerard was playing dumb, you looked up at him and weakly spoke.
he turned his head to look at you, but he had that sick sly grin on his face. he definitely knew what you were trying to do. but still, he played along, acting all innocent, pretending he didn’t have a clue.
“what’s up?”
you bit your lip, embarrassed to even bring it up, but still you tried, “can we… try something?”
there it was, that smile that he tried (but failed miserably) to hide, gently looking down at you, bringing a hand to your face. “what did you have in mind?”
you were so flustered but were getting to a point where none of that mattered anymore, so gently you said, “like… maybe i could be dominant? push you around, make you beg… just need to let off some steam..”
gerard was failing so hard to keep his composure, all he could muster out was a mere “fuck baby”
you smiled, slowly snaking up to his face and pulling him in for a heated kiss. kissing gerard was usually gentle and slow, but now he seemed desperate, practically begging you without words to push your tongue deeper into his mouth.
he pulled away for a second, hair messy, lips slick with your saliva and his combined. “lets take this to our room?”
you smiled and gently put a hand on his chest, trailing your fingers closer to his obvious bulge.
“yeah, I’d like that”
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on the way to the bedroom you two could hardly keep your hands off of each other, gerard grabbing you by the hand and dragging you down the hall only for your lips to collide again as soon as he shut the door.
“gee?” you broke the kiss to say
“yeah baby?”
there was a spark in your eyes as you lowered your head to smile and speak. “go sit on the bed.”
gerard could’ve sworn he felt his dick twitch at that comment, he simply complied. making his way over to the bed and sitting on the edge, waiting patiently.
“aw, already being so good baby… but I’m gonna need you to sit all the way on the bed, can you do that for me?”
gerard felt his face turn red, god it was so hot to see you like this, him listening to every command you spoke, not questioning a damn thing. he felt so vulnerable, but god did he love it. you were intoxicating, there was no doubt about that.
and so, he slowly crawled back further onto the bed, groaning at the tight feeling in his jeans.
“sweetheart, please… i need you.”
god he was so needy, you rolled your eyes and scoffed. “did you really think it was gonna be that easy? christ gerard, i haven’t even taken my clothes off and this is how you treat me?”
his eyes widened with anticipation, not knowing what to say next he blurted out,
“mommy, please. im sorry.” he stifled a moan.
fuck. you were done for.
you tried to keep the façade up as you slowly walked over to the bed and began to strip slowly, making sure gerard was watching your every move. and he was, practically fucking you with his eyes.
he moved a hand down to attempt to touch himself but was quickly stopped by your hand attempting to pin his wrist to the bed.
“did I say you could touch yourself?” you growled climbing into his lap, still in your panties.
he turned his face to the side, attempting to avoid eye contact. you were not gonna let him off that easy.
“look at me. did I say you could touch yourself gerard?”
he whined at the pressure of you on his lap and slowly breathed out, “no.. im just. fuck i need you baby. need to be inside of you.”
a slap rang through the room, gerard gently bringing his hand up to his cheek.
“you’re not behaving gerard. good boys wait. and what are you supposed to call me?”
his glossy eyes turned to you as he spoke, “im sorry mommy. i’ve been bad. didn’t mean to-“
you cut him off with a kiss, this time more gentle.
“color?” you asked, gently stroking his cheek.
“green. fuck green” he breathed out
you smiled as you went back to kissing down his neck, slowly grinding down on his lap with each kiss.
gerard really couldn’t be in his pants much longer, and as you pulled away from his neck, he asked quietly, “mommy? can i take my pants off? please…”
you smiled, gently moving to push your leg against the tent that had been growing in his jeans.
that was enough to make gerard whine and moan all over again, attempting to cover his mouth with one of his free hands. you quickly put a stop to this.
“no, wanna hear you baby boy, you’re so pretty. gotta hear you moan while I fuck you.”
his eyes shut tight and hips bucked against your leg as he let out another high pitched moan.
you smiled, slowly unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down but leaving his boxers on. quickly he kicked away his jeans and they were lost to the floor for the third time this week.
pre come leaked in a small patch on his boxers, barely visible underneath the black fabric. you were practically dripping wet at the sight, not once breaking eye contact as you freed his cock from his boxers.
this earned you a small whine from gerard who had his head thrown back against the pillows with labored breathing. you could see sweat glistening on his forehead, wondering how he got worked up so quickly with you.
“gee baby?” you got his attention, tugging on the hem of one of his many band tees that had seemed to be falling apart at the seams.
“mm?” he replied, soft and quiet. god how did you get so lucky.
seconds later, you were pulling the shirt off his head throwing it to the floor along with his boxers. he was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen in the world. long black locks sticking to his forehead, leftover makeup from nights before.
“c-can you touch me?” he whined, squirming around beneath you.
“i don’t know… you’ve been so so impatient all night. dont know if you deserve it…” you started to trail off.
that really made gerard move beneath you. you could tell he was biting his tongue, holding back from talking back to you again because he knew the consequences.
noticing his movement you slowly dragged your panties off your body. “think you can do something for me baby?” you enquired as he watched you with eager eyes.
“yes, i can do anything for you mommy.” his voice barely audible as he looked up.
“can’t hear you baby…” you gripped your fingers around his throat, giving him a tight squeeze. “speak up, or i’ll just leave you here for another hour.”
his voice was strained as he tried to speak through your hand gripping down on his throat. “please. god please, i’ll do anything, i’m your good boy please.”
you chuckled at his babbling, slowly removing your hand from his throat “so needy…” you said moving your pussy closer to his face. “gonna sit on your face, and if you’re good, i’ll fuck you hard and rough like you like.” you knew the power you held over him right now and you were not going to break character. not when your boyfriend was a sweaty, whiny, mess underneath you. you swore you felt it go straight to your core at the thought,
before he could respond, you lowered yourself onto his face, thighs on both sides of his head, causing him to grip onto your thighs.
“gerard.” you said in a stern tone.
he quickly realized his mistake removing his hands from your body.
“why are you so needy today? you want mommy’s pussy so bad? you have to fucking earn it whore.” you spoke above him before lowering yourself on his face again. he started out slow, small licks from the bottom of your dripping cunt to your clit, sucking hard.
“fuck baby,” you moaned attempting to grind harder down on his face. still, he continued, licking every drop from you, making filthy noises and sucking on your clit in between licks. you were so close, every breath stifling as you sunk further down on him. his tongue plunging deeper and deeper.
gerard could tell you were close, he knew the tell-tale signs of your orgasms like the back of his hand. he sped up, eating you out with so much desperation that it was almost pathetic.
“ah- gerard fuck.”
he stopped for a moment, lightly using his hands to push you off of his face so he could speak. “please cum baby… please, wanna taste you on my tongue, just fucking use me.” before bringing you back to his mouth
you broke, a moaning, overstimulated mess above him as you reached your high, legs shaking as you slowly moved off of his face breathing heavily.
you noticed gerard hadn’t gotten any softer down there, in fact, he looked bothered. the tip of his cock so red and sensitive, pre-come still leaking from the tip. you smiled gently and caressed his cheek. “you did so fucking good for me baby… want me to fuck you? fuck you so hard you can barely think?”
he nodded quickly and sighed out of relief. he needed you so badly.
“fuck me, please. be rough, do whatever you want… just need you now.”
and that's all you needed to hear before sinking down on his cock. still, even if you had been together for almost two years, it was always difficult to adjust to his size. he moaned at the sight of you, throwing his head back and exposing his bare neck. quickly, you wasted no time marking his neck. you knew he loved it when you bit him, licked him and kissed him up and down his neck. always relishing the sweet sounds that came with it. he brought his hands up to cup your breasts, rubbing small circles around your nipples.
you quickly sat up and began to move your hips at an even pace. gerard’s moans filling the room as you bounced up and down on him, not stopping.
for a moment you looked down at him, he was so fucked out it was unbelieveable. you slowly reached your hands down to his neck to choke him again. you felt him go stiff underneath you, letting out a guttural moan from his throat. his eyes grew soft, and although you were in charge, a wave of adoration flooded you as he grabbed your hand and pushed it down harder against his throat.
you picked up the pace again, hands still squeezing his neck tight.
“fuck.. so good..feels so. good.” he babbled beneath you, you could hardly keep your composure at this, that tight knot in your stomach making itself extremely noticeable again.
you moved your hands away from his throat to bring them to his thighs, slapping him as you sped up. you knew he liked it rough, and after the day you had, he told you not to hold back. and that’s exactly what you did.
“gee, m’ so close” you whined, still not slowing down.
“me too- fuck. can we cum together? please? i’ve been good.”
you had to hold yourself from cracking up because he had been anything but good. still, with the state you were both in, you didn’t have the strength to boss him around anymore. you needed release and so did he.
“yes baby, cum for me. do it hard, come for mommy like a good boy…” and it seemed those were the magic words as gerard bucked his hips up in one thrust, and you felt the familiar twitch of him inside of you. you came shortly after, barely able to sit up anymore.
both of you breathing heavily looked at each other and smiled as you slowly climbed off of your boyfriend’s lap, careful not to make too much of a mess.
gerard quickly slid out of bed and grabbed a towel from your shared closet to wipe you down before you had to clean the sheets for the fourth time this week. once he was done he pulled you into his arms, smiling and humming as he looked down at you, almost asleep.
“doing okay?” he asked with a slight hint of concern in his voice.
“yes, more than okay actually” you giggled, bringing his arm around your shoulder. “how about you baby? are you okay?”
“oh god yes,” his cheeks turned upright as he tried to laugh it off, acting like he didn’t have some of the best sex in his life with you.
you smiled into his chest, and although he couldn’t see it, he could feel the curve of your lip pressed against him.
“nap time?” he asked, pulling the covers over the both of you.
“yes, definitely.” you curled back into him and gently dozed off, forgetting about the god-awful day you had.
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g3r4rdsw4ywh0re · 1 month
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I would write it but I'm not really sure becuse english is not my first language >w<
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partypoisonzz · 2 years
we could live forever (if you've got the time) (jet star x reader smut)
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Kinktober Day 5: Morning Sex/Comfort Sex
Reader Pronouns: None mentioned but reader has AFAB anatomy
- Injury recovery/patching up
- Riding
- Sub!Jet
- It's weirdly fluffy, for what it is
Word Count: 2,624
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
The first rays of sunlight creep through the cracks in the blinds, creating vague spots of gold on the tile floor. As the morning light dimly illuminates the room, you take note of Jet's face.
You see a myriad of feelings in his darkly-shadowed eyes, all hiding behind a guise of deep concentration.
Exhaustion. Worry. Love.
You shift slightly against his hold. His hand wraps tighter around your wrist, keeping you in place.
"Don't move it." His voice is gentle, despite the authority that the words are supposed to hold. "I think that I've got it more or less sterilized. Let me bandage it, please."
You go still, allowing him to wrap the medical tape around the wound at the top of your shoulder. The pinching of the tape against the already-painful area causes you to stiffen, though you force yourself to relax your muscles. You don't want to make this any harder on Jet.
By the looks of it, he's already struggling quite a bit.
Finally, he stops pulling on the tape. With a sigh, he sits back, wrapping his arms around himself. "Think that's the best I can do."
You look down at your newly bandaged arm. You move your fingers experimentally. Aside from the expected stiffness and the nagging ache, it isn't so bad. Thankfully, it isn't even your dominant arm.
"You did a great job." You turn back towards him, offering a shaky smile. "Thank you."
Jet doesn't say anything. He doesn't even smile back. He simply nods at you.
You frown, looking down at the floor. Your body begs you to lie down and sleep the newly-dawning day away, but you know that isn't an option. Your arm still stings as though the ray has just brushed it.
It hums, you think. Like the feeling of music, pouring through a speaker and through your body.
You think of the Mad Gear and Missile Kid concert that you attended a few weeks ago. The music seemed to become a part of you, coursing through your veins just as your blood did. You felt electric, every part of you buzzing and alive.
It was that feeling that inspired you to rush the stage and take a leap of faith back into the crowd. You allowed the sea of ragtag 'Joys to carry you from the front of the room to the back. Your journey finally stopped when you felt strong arms wrapping around your waist and lowering you to the ground again, a familiar voice pleading over the music for you to be a little more careful, please.
You rolled your eyes, shouting that you were just fine, Jet.
Without him saying a word, you can tell that Jet is worried sick right now. Deep down, you know that's not all there is to it. The wound isn't all that bad, really. As a medic, he surely knows this.
Still, you intend to remind him. "Hey."
He lifts his head, giving you a silent, questioning look.
You reach across the space between you with your good arm, holding your hand out to him. Without question, he threads his fingers through yours.
Your shaky smile returns. "I'm gonna be okay, alright?" You run your thumb over his in an attempt at reassurance. "Hell, I could probably go out shooting this afternoon, if you wanted me to..."
Jet shakes his head. "You won't," he insists. "You've gotta rest a bit. Nothing worse than irritating a fresh wound."
You huff out a halfhearted chuckle. "Alright. If you insist."
More than anything, you hope he'll at least try to smile at you, even if he doesn't really mean it. He doesn't even attempt it, his gaze travelling back to the sun-dappled kitchen floor.
You frown. It's starting to look like you're going to have to ask.
He still doesn't look at you. "Hmm?"
"What's eating you?"
"What's eating me?" He lets out a clipped chuckle. "I was up all night, tending to your wound."
A flash of irritation travels through you. You know it probably isn't rational, but hey, you're exhausted. Staunching the bleeding from a fresh raygun wound isn't exactly your idea of a party, either. "Yeah, well..." You attempt to shrug, thinking better of it when you feel that buzzing pain shooting through your nerve endings. "Might be inconvenient, but it kinda comes with the territory of being a medic, doesn't it?"
His face softens, if only slightly. "You know I didn't mean it like that."
"What did you mean, then?"
Jet sighs, pulling his hand away from yours. Irritated as you may be, you can't help but mourn the loss of contact.
"I feel like I failed you," he admits quietly.
You blink. "Failed me?" you echo incredulously. "What are you talking about? You saved my ass."
He shakes his head. "Wouldn't have been anything to save you from if I had been looking out for you in the first place," he says. "I'm the reason you got shot. I owe it to you to patch you up."
"I'm the reason I got shot, Jet," you tell him. That's the truth. "It was a miscalculation on my part. Wrong place, wrong time."
"I saw them coming," Jet continues. "I should have warned you, but then that one got ahold of Kobra, and I..."
"Saved his life," you finish. "And I'm glad that you did. I'd rather have a fucked-up arm than a dead 'Joy on our hands. Plus, if anything happened to their baby brother, Poison just might kill us all."
Jet cringes. "Don't even wanna think about that."
"Exactly." You reach for his hand again. Without hesitating, he takes it.
"Don't beat yourself up," you tell him. "You don't have to protect me all the time. The others need you, too, you know." You move your bad arm again. "Besides, it's nowhere near as bad as it could have been. I got lucky. It barely grazed me."
He gives you a skeptical look. "You were bleeding like it was more than a graze."
"Yeah, but I've got plenty of blood." You laugh. "What difference does losing a little bit make?"
"I don't think that's how it works..."
"Course it is."
"Okay, sure." Finally, he smiles at you. A real, genuine smile that leaves your heart fluttering in your chest.
Through the quiet of the kitchen, he meets your eyes and makes a confession. "I'm just glad that you're okay," he murmurs. "I couldn't stand to lose you."
Your chest tightens. You squeeze his hand. "You aren't going to lose me." You say it decisively, like there's no question in it whatsoever. Even though the world has long since gone to hell, you refuse to believe that such a statement may not be true.
"It's going to be you and me, Jet," you promise him. "Forever."
Despite the exhaustion and worry that seem to have become him, his face lights up. "That sounds pretty damn good to me."
You chuckle, leaning in closer to him.
As soon as his lips meet yours, you feel your tension beginning to melt away, as if this was what you needed all along. The humming pain in your arm fades into the background as you kiss him. Once of his hands wrap around your waist, causing you to sigh into his mouth.
After everything that you went through the day before, kissing Jet as the sun rises feels like sweet relief. A promise that everything just might be okay, after all. Reassurance that you've made it to see another day. Together.
Jet pulls back in surprise as you straddle his lap.  "What are you—"
"Shh." You press a kiss against his stubbled jaw, running a hand over his chest before your lips trail down his neck.
"It's still early," you mutter against his skin after a series of kisses. "Nobody else will be up for a while. We have time."
The fact that his hard-on is pressing against your thigh tells you that he probably won't shoot you down. Still, it doesn't surprise you when he asks: "What about your arm?"
You giggle against his neck before pulling back, meeting his eyes. "What about it?"
He scoffs. "C'mon. I know that has to hurt." He gives you that look of concern that you know so well. You resist rolling your eyes. "I don't really think that laying on the floor will help very much..."
"Won't be much of a problem if I'm not the one on my back, right?"
Your hand ghosts over his thigh, — so close to where he needs you.
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. "Fuck," he mutters, running a hand through his dark curls. "I guess not."
"That's what I thought." You lean back in, kissing him quickly before pulling back. "Now, do you want me to ride you or suck you off?"
"Fuck," he says again, voice already shaking. You bite back your smirk. Even after all this time, it still mystifies you just how desperate you can make him in such little time. "Want you to ride me. Please."
In an unfitting gesture of innocence, you lean in to kiss his cheek. "Your wish is my command, baby," you purr. You press your hands against his chest, pushing him towards the floor. "Isn't this something? You get a reward for being the best nurse in the world."
You reach down to undo his jeans, laughing as his hips buck against your touch. "There's not a patient bone in your body."
"Don't have the time to be patient." He stares up at you as you stand up just long enough to get rid of your pants and underwear. As soon as you begin to position yourself over him again, his hands return to your waist.
You love his hands more than anything. They're gentle most of the time, but strong. Capable.
You sigh as he reaches under the worn fabric of your shirt, stroking along your side with his thumb. "I need you now," he says. "Please."
Your head spins for reasons you can't chalk up to sleep deprivation or blood loss. "So pretty when you beg," you remark, reaching down to tug down his boxers. You hover over him for a moment, smiling wickedly down at him. "You want this pussy, baby?"
"Mmm... Uh-huh." His fingers dig into your hips. "Please. Need it."
"Well. Since you asked so nicely..." You lower yourself onto his cock. Your breath hitches as you sink down on him.
Though you intended to continue teasing him, you lose your composure for a moment. Having him inside of you just feels so right. You fit together like you were made for each other. You know that sounds sappy and crazy, but you're exhausted, and so glad to be alive. Alive, and on the floor of the diner, on top of the only man you've ever loved. The only man you will ever love.
"Fuck, Jet," you curse, lifting your hips before slamming down against him again.
He lets out a breathy moan, his hands beginning to wander. He clumsily pulls your tattered, bloodstained shirt over your head, tossing it aside haphazardly. His hands travel upwards to knead your tits.
You toss your head back, letting out a loud moan as the early morning sun warms the bare skin of your back.
"Shh," Jet hushes you. "Everybody else is still asleep." Paying no mind to his own warning, his thumbs brush over your nipples, inspiring another squeak.
"Kinda hard to keep quiet when you, — fuck, — feel like this," you manage. You're riding him faster now, rocking your hips down against him at a frantic pace. "You always make me feel so fucking good, Jet. Drives me insane."
"Yeah, well... The feeling's mutual." He laughs under his breath, only for another high-pitched moan to break up from his throat. "Fuck..."
You look down at his face, illuminated by the golden morning light. Dark brown curls, fanned out around his head. Skin, evenly tanned from countless days spent under the often-unforgiving California sun. Warm eyes the color of black coffee, looking up at you with all the adoration and pleading that you've seen expressed towards the Zones' elusive deities.
His head tilts back, exposing his throat as he lets out a chain of unintelligible pleas.
He is so fucking beautiful, sprawled out on the cold tile. You can hardly believe that he's real, let alone that he's yours.
You ride him harder, looking down at his pleasure-clouded expression with deep concentration. Every sound that he makes feels like a reward. You would do just about anything to hear those noises.
You gasp as you feel one of his hands trailing down your body. It stops between your legs.
Your own sounds of pleasure grow louder as he rubs quick circles against your clit, matching the rhythm that you've set.
The building heat in the pit of your stomach causes your movements to fall out of time. "Jet," you manage. "Jet... Holy fucking shit, gonna come..."
"Yeah?" His voice is all breathy again, high-pitched as he spurs you on. "Gonna come all over me?"
"Mmm-hmm." Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as your rhythm becomes unsteady. The warmth spreads throughout your lower abdomen, stretching like a rubber band, preparing to snap.
Finally, you tighten around him, crying out as you come. As you begin to pulse against him, Jet throws his head back, coming inside of you with a deep groan.
The whole diner seems to go silent in the afterglow. You swear you can hear a tumbleweed rolling around outside. Then again, that might be your sleep-deprived delirium talking.
You feel even more worn out now than you did earlier, which is really no surprise. You just used up the last bit of your energy, riding Jet as though your life depended on it. You can't think of any better way to completely drain yourself after a stressful, sleepless night.
Jet looks up at you, panting. "Well, damn."
You smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. "Damn is right." You run your hand affectionately across his cheek as you pull away. "Thanks, babe. I feel much better now."
You stand up, letting him slip out of you. Jet releases a slight whine at the separation.
You reach for your discarded clothes, pulling your underwear on as you feel his come beginning to trickle out of you. As unpleasant as you know it will feel later, you can't exactly be bothered to do anything about it.
"Hell, at this point I could probably take on the world," you continue, tugging on your pants. You grin as you pull your shirt back on. "Think I'll start by making breakfast."
"No, you will not," Jet insists as he straightens his own clothes. He stands up and walks over to you, throwing his arms around your waist.
"I will be making breakfast," he murmurs in your ear. "You will be going to my cot and resting for a while."
Though every atom of you cries out to lie down on a semi-soft surface, you can't help but tease him with a dramatic sigh. "That isn't an optional thing, is it?"
"Nope." He leans in to kiss your cheek, a coil of his hair tickling your skin. "You're going to actually take the time to heal over these next few days. I'm gonna make sure of it."
You chuckle. "Helllooooo, nurse," you quip as he releases you from his hold.
Before you head up the hall, you look up at him with a smile. "It's a new day," you tell him. "And it's gonna be a better one than yesterday."
Jet beams at you. "It already is."
Taglist (Ask to be included!): @mysunfishpeedinmyroom @xocasper @clichedlovers @yachiiko @house-of-wh0res
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m0scorner · 1 month
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Question - Ray Toro x Reader
Prompt: Q: Question (How do they confess? Is it the big question, or something smaller but just as intimate?)(from this list) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word count: 2 138
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Tiredly you ran your hand over your face. The brightness of the computer screen was already tuned to the lowest setting, you had a small lamp burning in the background and most of the software’s design was dark anyway, but still your eyes hurt terribly. A glance at the clock confirmed your suspicion that it was not only the screen brightness that hurt your eyes, but also the amount of time you had spent staring it at.
You had been here since the early morning, only doing a lunch break around noon, and a coffee break around five, when the band had left. My Chem was working on another album and as their trusted assistant they had asked you to help with… well basically everything. Before ever having worked with them you had gathered experience with mixing and producing music, tour booking, promotion and and and, although most of it had been for smaller, local bands.
It had been Ray who had suggested you should be given more freedom in the things you wanted to work at for them. So after having spent the entire day in their company, helping them mix the tracks, you had settled back into your small office in the production company, beginning with the design for the covers. The cover art had been chosen weeks ago, but now title, band name and all the writing needed to be added. It was as much fun as it was nerve wracking.
Just when you had finished adding one text, and zoomed out, you found it looked awful and went back to changing everything again. But now, at almost 2am, you were ready to give up. At least for now. Anything you changed now, was just likely to look awful tomorrow- well, later today.
Saving the current file under a new name, you turned off the computer and grabbed your jacket from the hanger next to the door, before turning the small lamp in the corner off as well.
The lights in the corridor outside flickered to life as you left the office, blinding you momentarily. Groaning at the brightness, you blinked, trying to get used to the lights as well as trying to get rid of the tiredness so you could drive home.
Ray would absolutely give you shit for staying so late at the office again. He always told you, you needed to take better care of yourself, and every time he did, you ignored the fluttering in your chest, instead arguing that you worked best this way, just like he would sometimes not step out of his office for three days straight.
It was a recurring pattern: both of you working without proper breaks and the other getting protective, reminding each other how important breaks were. At the same time, you both understood that you had these creative phases in which you had to work lest you wanted to go mad. But that rational understanding did not mean your heart did not flutter every time Ray reminded you to take good care of yourself.
It was all too easy to imagine he had some personal interest in you being well, even when you knew that in reality he just needed you to be healthy so you could work for the band as effectively as possible. Besides: why should someone like him take interest in you? You were the person in the background. Best case scenario? Nobody noticed you were even there. That meant you had done your job flawlessly. That the band constantly noticed you and tried to involve you in their work was a bigger compliment than you felt you deserved. But Ray was still the guitarist of one of the biggest bands currently around, loved by fans and worshipped by critics. He was certainly one of the kindest men you had ever met, not to mention one of the most talented and most hard working as well. Even if he were looking for a relationship, he most certainly would not look for it with you.
Still you could not blame yourself for falling for him. Anyone with at least a half-way decent taste in men would. And now that winter had wrapped its cold, dark fingers around the city, you just could not help but secretly dream about cuddling into Ray’s side and holding his hand. He always looked so warm, with his long hair, his soft eyes, his gentle smile. He could be the biggest goof, the craziest little nerd you had ever met, but his rambles were endearing and his jokes always made you laugh without fail.
Tiredly, lost in thoughts about Ray and about how much you wanted him to like you back, you shuffled to the back door of the studio. You had your hand already on the handle, when suddenly you perked up. From one of the control rooms faint music sounded out into the corridor. Irritated, you stopped. You had been absolutely certain you were the last one in the building, after all it was in the middle of the night. Walking back, you tried to identify the room the music sounded from, and stopped in front of one of the control rooms. The ‘recording’-light was turned off, so you listened to the gentle plucking of guitar strings for a moment before you pressed down the handle of the door and pushed the door open just far enough to poke your head in.
In the dim, orange light of a small reading lamp, you were able to make out a man sitting on the floor, long, curly hair reaching past his shoulders, guitar in his lap.
At the sound of the door opening, he stopped and turned around.
“I thought you had gone home with the others,” you inquired, raising your eyebrows at Ray.
“I did…” he confessed, unfolding his long legs, and getting up from where he had been sitting. “And then I couldn’t stop thinking so I came back.”
“I heard you play something new,” you noted. “Are you planning to add onto the new album?”
“Not really… it’s just something I’ve had stuck in my head for a long time,” Ray rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, holding his guitar in the other. “I wanted to get it out of my system before I forget it.”
You were burning to know what he had been working on, but if the past years of working with him had taught you anything, it was that he shared his music once he was ready to do so. Anything before that usually ended up making him feel incredibly uncomfortable, and you were more than happy to respect his boundaries.
“Well, in that case…” you trailed off. “Just don’t stay too long. Even you need a few hours of sleep every now and then. Good night Ray.”
You were already back out of the room, the door almost closed when he suddenly called for you.
Confused, you stopped and pushed the door back open, raising your eyebrows at him.
“What’s up?”
Ray stared at you wide eyed, his left foot tapping a quick, even rhythm, his fingers clenching and unclenching around the neck of the guitar; safe signs that he was stressed and nervous. You hated when he did that. Not because it annoyed you, but because it made you feel so helpless. In these moments there was nothing you could do to help him feel less nervous, and right now you seemed to be the cause of his nervousness.
Tilting your head at him inquisitively, you encouraged him wordlessly to keep talking. He swallowed thickly before speaking again.
“I- it’s just… I don’t really know how to say it.”
“Whatever it is, you know you can be honest with me. I promise you that I won’t be mad, okay? You can just say it. I don’t need fancy words.”
“It’s not something you’ve done,” sighed Ray, averting his eyes for a moment, before looking back up to you. “No fancy words needed?”
“No fancy words needed,” you reaffirmed.
“I like you. To be honest, I’ve liked you for so long I don’t even know how long anymore. And I don’t think it’s just liking either. It’s so much more and so much stronger than that.”
Completely dumbfounded you stared at Ray. The light behind his back lit up his hair like a halo and the white light falling in from the corridor made it look like he was standing in a spotlight.
“I thought I was good at hiding it, but the other day the guys said they’d known for ages too, and that I should just be honest with you, so here’s me being honest. If it makes things weird, I’m sorry, but I think there’s not much use in hiding it anymore. You probably already knew either way.”
“I- I didn’t. Didn’t know, I mean,” you answered, once Ray had stopped speaking, making him groan quietly as if he regretted his confession already. “But it doesn’t have to make things weird.”
Quickly you fully stepped into the small room, closing the door to the corridor behind you, shutting out the cold, white lights.
“I like you, too,” you clarified. “I just never thought you’d feel remotely the same.”
Ray groaned again. “I thought you knew and were trying to discreetly tell me you’re not interested.”
“You mean I wasn’t painfully obvious about my feelings for- wait. Ray, hold on. You thought I wasn’t interested in you and still straight up just- confessed?”
Your heart ached at the thought. How much courage had it taken him to do that?
“Yeah, I mean… I needed to be sure, once and for all,” he admitted, still awkwardly clenching and unclenching his fingers around the guitar neck.
“I’m glad you did…”
For a moment both of you stood facing each other, not really sure what to do or say now that your feelings had been revealed.
“Uhm, I know this might seem a bit useless since you already know how I feel for you but uhm… I’d really like to take you out some time, for dinner or something. Or like… I don’t know. It’s silly,” Ray stuttered. He barely ever stuttered, which just proved that he was still terribly nervous.
“It’s not silly, and I’d love to,” you quickly answered, glad he had been the first one to ask.
“Really,” Ray smiled happily at you. “When- when would you like to?”
You shrugged, glancing around the room.
“I don’t know… are you gonna stay here for a while and play or are you going to go home soon?”
“I was about to head out… What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that I’ve waited a very long time to go out with you and don’t really want to wait a few days just because society thinks meaningful dates have to be at 8pm. And that there’s a diner that’s open 24/7 just around the corner…”
Ray’s grin grew wider, and quickly he placed the guitar in its stand.
“I’ll just grab my jacket,” he told you, heading towards the door in front of which you were still standing.
Stopping right in front of you, he looked at you for a moment, before he quickly leant over and pressed a short peck to the corner of your lips. His warm skin on yours, his chapped lips, both rough and soft at the same time, made your heart rate spike and heat shoot to your cheeks, the spot where he had touched you tingling.
“Thank you,” he whispered, before stepping around you and through the door into the corridor, where the white lights flickered to life once more.
“What for?” You called after him as he jogged towards the break room where he had left his jacket on a sofa.
“Accepting me.”
He shouted back over his shoulder, leaving you to furrow your brows in confusion.
You were afraid that whatever he had meant by that would need some discussion in the future. After all, you knew how insecure he could be at times and if there was one thing you were certain of, it was that he never would have to be or should be insecure about your feelings for him.
You had barely finished the thought, when Ray already reappeared, fighting to slip into his jacket. By the time he had reached you, he had managed to tuck both sleeves over his wrists, and zip the jacket closed.
“Let’s go,” he decided, surprising you by taking your hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. Shyly you closed your fingers around his bigger hand and smiled to yourself. When Ray saw your expression, he chuckled. “Trust me, when I tell you you’re not the only one who has waited far too long for this.”
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@alexstyx​ @jayloverthe3rd​ @robinruns​​ @lookalivefrosty​​ @butterflycore​​  @omgsuperstarg​​ @fivelegance​​ @deadlovers​​ @casmustdiee​​ @cmtryghoul​​  
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zzombiegrrrl · 2 months
please understand that a new ferard monster cowboy fic is in the works. I have just started writing a draft for it and now I am SOOOO excited to share it!!!
I won't say details but it has elements of old westerns and classic monsters films. Going crazy here guys...
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z0nefive · 10 hours
doodles from a week or so ago :p
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cherylmustdie · 7 months
I read a book about schizophrenia once.
Now i cannot read anything about schizophrenia without getting war flashbacks.
I constantly think about it
I constantly think about them
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I know things, remember?
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