#reaper sans x reader
derangedanomaly · 6 months
sorry for this request, but I love your writing style and all the info you put in♡♡ Also want you to take a break if you get overwhelmed but here's my request.
Can you do Bad sanses + Epic sans x Death god reader? (Basically the reader but they're a god of death to help the balance with Reaper sans since Reader usually offers to help him)
It's absolutely fine, I feel so touched about the compliment..I'm happy that y'all like my work! Hope you enjoy this one, dear requester! ;)
(Nightmare, Dust, Killer, Horror, Cross, Error, Epic, Reaper)
He's very confused at the start to be honest. There's already a reaper, why is there another one?? Was his question, which he (at the end), finally understood.
Holds respect towards you. I mean, you have the responsibility of every dead person, and you never failed. Respect.
Wants to know more about the whole concept of death, but is too busy to focus on it 😭
Is rather surprised that you don't have the 'touch of death' like Reaper, but instead work...kinda like Hades.
Is very jealous every time you help out Reaper. He literally can't stand it, so he just stays in his room to sulk for the whole day. 😂
Very quickly found out that you're immortal, and that mortal weapons don't do shit to your health.
Feels a little unstoppable now that they have the God of Death on their side. (You don't play on sides though, which he doesn't know 😀)
Would love to see how you work. The concept of death always interested him, so he always asks questions about it whenever he has the chance.
Dust is not the type of person to simp over someone so quickly. Unless it's you.
The first time he sees you, he literally can't think straight. Finds you very attractive. (The fact that you're the god of death makes him feel something. 💀)
He feels so disgusted by himself, like... Killer's supposed to be the simp here, not him!
Since he's kind of like a nerd when it comes to monster species, he literally geeks out when you two are alone, but he also can't talk properly to you, because he's so attracted to you. 😭
You once took him to the underworld and he almost combusted right then and there. You found it quite cute how he almost resembled a kid in a toy store.
Dust doesn't like Reaper much, so when he found out that you two work together....things didn't end up very good. 😀
Killer makes fun of Dust constantly whenever you're around, but Dust always makes him regret that decision... (He beats his ass)
He has those heart eyes around you, which is really cute 😭
Everyone knows that Killer will flirt with anything that walks. So of course his first thought was to flirt with you.
He's always close by whenever you're working, which you quickly found out that it's because he's following you, and not in a cute way. (Stalker vibes 💀)
Look, he just has nothing to do, and he's curious about your work.
One time threatened Nightmare that he can use your deadly touch on him, which backfired, since your powers don't work like that 💀 (Nightmare chased Killer for a long time after that)
Is confused on why you're even offering your help to Reaper. (Also doesn't like Reaper 😢)
Calls you weird nicknames, like...'Deadly Cutie' or just straight up 'Dead'
Wants to redo that one scene in Puss in boots with you, but you don't have time for that. He never gives up though.
Uses those stupid cringe pick-up lines. "Is it true that you are death? Because I’m hoping you’ll bring me along." 💀
His first thought was that if he died if he tried to eat you 💀
Horror, in some aspects, kind of reminds you of your dog, Cerberus, so you can't help but treat him as one sometimes.
He's just a hungry killer...so your solution? Feed him the people that died. 💀
After you first gave him the approval to eat the person that died, he's just following you around whenever.
Him and Cerberus don't quite get along, they're both jealous of one another.
The only way you can make them co-operate is if you call them "My boys". Which is doing some things to Horror. 😏
"Ugh..look, I don't want you to do that, ok?! My boys! Come with me." "YES SIR/MA'AM!"
Doesn't mind the fact that you're working with Reaper. He actually likes him! ^^ (FIRST SKELETON TO EVER LIKE REAPER!!!)
He literally runs away, the first time he learns about who you are.
Look, he's just frightened about your position, he doesn't want to die. (For now)
It calms his nerves when he finds out that you don't have the deadly touch. Thank god for that...
Cross takes a little time before he starts to trust someone, so he's very much just keeping his distance at first.
Couldn't help but soften at the sight of you with Cerberus. He's a sucker for dogs, so he lets his guard down, and relaxes while being with you.
This event got you two much closer, as expected, Cerberus like Cross very much! Cross gives Cerberus belly scratches. 🥺
After that, he's always offering himself whenever you need help babysitting Cerberus! He's actually really good, so you let him. ^^
Also doesn't mind that you work with Reaper. Just keeps his distance whenever you two are together.
Is amazed by the fact that you're the god of death.
Observes your work, behavior, anything! Very closely...
He literally becomes your fanboy. (Him and Dust literally talk about you all the time 💀)
His fanboyism isn't as big as Dust's though. He has his limits
Always showing off around you, to make you impressed. Showing off his powers, past, knowledge... Anything that can make you fall for him!
He's the first one to volunteer to help you out whenever you ask.
Scoffed when he found out you work with Reaper. Literally can't stand him, but also can't destroy him, just cause he's popular 🙄
Is so salty about the fact you hang out with Reaper the most 😂😂
Doesn't treat you differently just cause you're a god. Treats you as equals :)
Definitely showed you so many memes about death when you first told him who you are. (He laughed his ass off during it 💀)
Laughed his ass off even more seeing Cross' reaction. Wouldn't stop teasing him after that. Like, you really just ran away bruh?? 😂😂
Enlightened you in the beauty of rubber chicken.
He also flirts with you occasionally, just cause he finds you cute.
He's also the only one that can make you flustered from his flirting, which fuels his ego.
Doesn't even acknowledge the fact that you're working with Reaper. The only thing that matters to him is you bruh. 😏
His pick up lines are actually really good, unlike Killer's 😂
Your bond is very strong, cause you know each other for a very long time. It's going to be at least a million years now. 💀
You're not together, but he's oh so romantic and genuine that others would think you two are a thing.
Gives you roses every day, and you keep each and every one of them, safely put.
Loves the fact that he can touch you without killing you. Almost always having an arm around you. (Look, he's just touch starved! He can't touch anyone, so of course he has his needs! 😭)
Cerberus sees you two as basically his parents, his tail starts to wag every time you two are together.
Isn't jealous of anyone that flirts with you, cause he knows that at the end of the day...you go back to him.
The only skeleton that's bothering him is Dust, but that's cause he literally has heart eyes around you 😭😭
I don't write anyone identical to canon! I write everyone how I Hc them, just wanted to clarify this just in case.
Anyways, hope y'all liked this! Thanks for the request! :D
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osleeplessflowero · 2 months
hi! If it's ok can you do a Reaper sans x reader with fluff and in it they are dating and Reaper can touch the reader and their soul trait would be kindness
hii! an opportunity to use reaper..this'll be fun! thank you for your request Anon! 🌸
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💚Flirting With Death🖤
Reaper comes to a stop once he re-enters the mortal realm once more, relieved that no one is aware that he's awake at the moment.. Although he may be the God of Death..he doesn't really feel like killing anybody. No, he'd much rather do literally anything else.
His eyes dart around until he perks up at the sight of a familiar face taking a walk down a path and letting a butterfly rest on their finger. He'd know them anywhere.
A strange figure that appeared in his world out of no where..an unexplained event. They don't know much of their origin themself, but..they're content, living in this world. And he's grown so very fascinated with them.. Someone who managed to slip their way into his guarded heart.
Floating over you, a sly cheshire-like grin stretches onto his face as he grabs your shoulders, spooking you. You jolt as you turn around, furrowing your brows as he lets out an amused chuckle.
"Not funny!" You cross your arms as more butterflies seem to make their way to you, resting on your head. "Quit doing that."
"i saw an opportunity, and i took it. anyway..movin' on from that, how are you today?" He leans down upside down. "haven't seen you in a while..guess we both got too busy."
"Come down here before I answer." You gesture, earning an amused chuckle. "alright then." He floats back upright, before landing on the ground.
The butterflies spread out, flying in varying directions, avoiding the God of Death so they wouldn't meet an early demise. He stands before you, using his magic to put away his scythe, leaving himself open.
"Much better..I like being on equal terms." You smile, holding a small basket in front of you. "I've mostly just been hanging out here..taking walks and stuff. Oh yeah, I've been making a bunch of paper crafts- y'know, like origami? It's pretty fun. ..When I'm not getting lectured for leaving a bunch of paper rabbits out." You mutter that last part, earning a chuckle from him.
"oh my stars, that's so..you." He grins, watching you as you begin walking and following without hesitation. "Creativity is both my blessing and my curse." You smile sheepishly, guiding him along a grass-covered path. He occasionally floats so he doesn't kill any flowers beneath him, listening carefully as you talk about this and that.
"What about you?" You turn to him, snapping him out of a trance of sorts. "oh, well..y'know. your typical scenarios. death, death, more death. this job's killing me." "How is it, up there?" "well..just do my job, talk to who i'm 'sposed to, and do daily tasks. pretty simple." "..You must be pretty lonely up there.."
He turns to you.
"I mean-" "it was pretty lonely, without you there. ..things don't feel the same up there, compared to when i'm with you. tends to happen, heh."
You gently hold out your hand, offering for him to take it. He looks between you and your hand for a moment, gently taking it and intertwining his fingers with yours. Wow, is that a strange sensation.. he's gotta learn to get used to all of this touching. Especially since you're so openly affectionate..
"Well..at least we're here together now, right? We've got plenty of time." You smile warmly at him. His cheekbones flush a light shade of blue..there you go again, tugging on his heartstrings. "..i guess you're right."
You continue leading him along like he's a lost puppy, taking a deep breath as the sun hits your face from above. It's always good to savor it while it lasts..and considering it's going to set soon, that time's limited.
"Now that you're back I wanna spend as much time with you as possible..don't get too sick of me, okay?" "that's what i'm supposed to say to you." "Yeah, right. I could never be sick of you."
He averts his eyes, hiding the bottom of his face within his hood as his face flushes even more.
You smile, stopping and turning to him as another breeze blows through, gently swaying your clothing to the side.
"i haven't..felt like this before, with anybody." He raises a hand, placing it on his warm cheekbone. "it's all so..new.."
"Can I touch your face?" You ask politely, and he nods, appreciating that. You lift a hand, gently touching his cheekbone and letting him lean into it. "..It's new for both of us, really. ..We've got each other, every step of the way, right?"
"yeah.." He smiles, putting his hand over yours. "i don't mind being touched by you. it's something i could get used to." "..You always have such..uncertainty, when you hold my hand. Why's that?" "i guess.. a part of me's scared that my...effect will work on you one day." His eyesockets narrow as he grimaces. "the idea of losing you is.."
You gently hold your hand up so he can see before you put it on his other cheek, turning him so he'll face you properly.
"Sans." You mutter his name, his true name, leaving him breathless. "I doubt that'd ever happen..I'm too stubborn to go anywhere. No matter what, I will always be with you somehow..even when you're up there with the fun police."
He snickers, moving his hand over to touch your hair before it slides to your cheek. Now it's your turn to lean..savoring his gentle touches. He treats you as if you're the most fragile thing in the world..one wrong move, and you could shatter into pieces. But at the same time, you're very sturdy.. you can handle yourself just fine. He knows that.
"You can touch me as much as you'd like to. I don't mind at all."
His face burns. "forward, much?" "Yeah. But I mean it." You smile. "If you'd like me to, I'll give you as much physical affection as you want." "..yeah?" "Yeah." "how so?"
"Well..may I?" You lean a little closer. "of course."
You then proceed to pepper his skull with kisses, getting a few laughs out of him since he's ticklish. Oh, would you use that to your advantage later-
"Mmmwah! There. There'll be plenty more where that came from." You smile smugly, watching as he slowly reopens his eyes, turning to you and..matching your expression? Oh. Oh no.
He gently grabs your wrists, pulling you just a liiittle closer.
"you're not getting away that easily. it's my turn."
Oh heavens.
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iiotic · 5 months
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‧꒰ა Alternative responses to "I love you" <3
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- UT sans: *finger guns*
- Swap sans: Thanks!
- Dream Sans: *Laughs nervously*
- Ink Sans: Who doesn't?
- Nightmare Sans: If only there was someone out there who loves you.
- Error Sans: a horrible decision, really
- Reaper Sans: why?
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Returning the Favor (Moth!Reaper Sans x Reader)
Never walk in the forest alone, was often the warning.
Perhaps so, with the recent release of monsters terrific and horrifying from Mt, Ebott, intelligent yet as wild as the deep legends of the world.
Curiosity isn’t often the issue, but acting upon it? Well, at least you satisfied its siren call.
Warnings: creepy elements, captivity, hypnotism, monsters are sort of like fae in this world, illusions
"Heh... a graveyard was the last place I expected to see someone to make my heart flutter that wasn't a ghost..."
You should've run at those enchanting words.
But how could you resist your terribly curious mind?
Those alluring black and silver shimmering scales leading through the forest, down the hill, into the deep forest of Mt. Ebott.
Your feet tracked the path with caution, stepping onto mossy ground through craggy trees that threatened to claw at your clothes, seeking and tangling your hair in hanging moss. To your surprise, you found more glittering scales, flimsy and dissolving to the touch when you found them caught among sticky thread...
Glowing neon blue thread.
It positively lit up the area, how anyone coculd not see it, you didn't know... but you pressed on despite the terrible pit of fear beginning to well in your chest.
Faintly, warnings of monsters came to your mind, but you were too far to give up.. and a glance behind showed the way back was hidden by tall spruce and old oak, forbidding as they leered against a stormy sky.
Spiderwebs caught in your hands as you finally stumbled onto withered grass, an open area...
The old Ebott graveyard, long abandoned, but with a legible path back to town and relative safety and light.
It was dark here, wasn't it. Odd. The sky was relatively clear, yet a sense of gloom and immense loneliness hug over this place of cracked stone, as you stepped forward.
Old withered stems of a gate gave way easily as you stepped into the cemetery.
Patchy grass greeted your eyes, old moss covered gravestones still standing tall and proud. Several even had crumpled or somewhat fresh flowers. Were old relatives of some bygone buried here, remembered only by their grandchildren or great grandchildren?
When would they be forgotten? Or where they already and the flowers were just a goodbye?
You shook your head, trying to dissipate your thoughts.
It never did well to go down that path.
More blue thread caught your eye.
You followed.
The path led you to the back of the cemetery, and as you bend down to glance at the path of scales, something moved... a deep groaning noise.
You froze.
What was that?
Curiosity rose in your mind, yet fear and trepidation gave you pause, analyzing the situation. The gate was still open for an easy escape, you still had service (by some miracle, and you had your trusty fists!
That, and that groan sounded way too close to human for you to ignore it.
Peeking over a gravestone, a giant lump of a shadow stood out among dead bushes. Your ginger approach didn’t alert it, as heavy breathing came from it, the lump twitching.
What caught you off guard was that while it was covered in that alluring blue thread, the shadow seemed to suck up the light, preventing the glow.
You stepped closer.
Its twitching stopped, breath faltering.
It shifted, rolling over, or at least, craning its head to look at you.
A black eye socket met yours, framed by a pristine white skull.
You screeched and stumbled back, tripping and landing on the dirt as it shrank back, two long antenna flicking back from where they had been raised, like semi ears.
It made a face of displeasure, eye sockets crinkled in annoyance.
You caught yourself, stopping even as the breath was forced out of you by your fall.
A silent standoff started, your eyes locked with its. If you could call those black eye sockets eyes. Not a speck of light within, pitch black.
A lengthy silence occurred, before it huffed, turning back over, having apparently deemed you as not a threat.
You stood, brushing yourself off as yiu approached a little, curious.
Your attention had been solely on its face, but now you could notice new things- the shadow wrapped around the body of this creature were wings- moth wings.
Dusty grey and black like blackened dead leaves in the height of winter, speckled with white in some parts. Lower wings were exposed, pale yellow with black striping. Where the shoulder blades would be on the creature was a soft rise like the thorax of a moth, fuzzy grey with a pale cream skull.
A death head moth.
Was this thing a moth man? You didn’t think moth men had skeleton heads, or distinctly human ones like that. Or if there was more than one moth man.
Scales were missing from the wings, making the edges ragged and the main parts shabby.
The thread you noticed before was wrapped cruelly around the creature, purposely, but it was clear if it had been dragged here or not.
Looking at the ground, there was a deep stain to to earth.
What could’ve caught this creature? The thing was at least a foot taller than you were tall.
You cautiously stepped around to face its front, its antenna, thin black things, vibrating as it picked up on the thrumming of your heart.
The bone looked almost fuzzy, and parts of it was ruffled as if dragged mercilessly, scrapes and dents to the delicate bone. Its front was delicate rib cage, with not one pair, but two pairs of arms ending in blackened claws. Its lower part was clad in stained black cloth, wrapped like a kilt with a twine belt.
But once again, black, emotionless eye sockets catch yours, eyeing with you in curiosity. The corners crinkle like living flesh, the bone seeming malleable like skin. In fact, none of the usually daunting angles or planes of a human skull were apparent. Round and smooth, pristine white, no sign of aging, no hint of bereaved flesh or blood.
Its mouth curved up into a dry smile.
"Well, hello, doll."
Two thoughts struck your mind.
One, that this giant creature, probably some ancient monster or fae, released from Mt. Ebott, could talk.
The second thought was that of all the things it could've said, it called you a doll.
"I... beg your pardon?" You asked politely.
"Pardon given," it replied in a deep baritone, that totally didn't send a shiver up your spine.
There was a bit of silence, as you tried to wrap your mind around this crazy set of circumstance.
"It's usually polite to introduce one's self," it rumbled, crooking an bone brow as if raising an eyebrow. The versatility of expression astonished you.
"Oh, I'm... wait, how do I know you're not a fae? You could try to steal my name!"
The creature snorted in amusement.
"Doll, would a fae be this handsome?" It smirked.
"... you're not proving anything."
"Huh, tough crowd." It considered for a moment. "Well, I'm a monster, born and bred, even if I've been alive for longer than your short years. My name is Reaper, doll."
Reaper... obviously male from his voice as well. Made sense he was called that, as you caught another glance of the skull marking on his back.
"Are you a mothman?"
He looked almost offended. "Of course not. Those aren't real, but I am. You're more welcome to get a feel to see for yourself." He smiled, fangs revealed as he did.
"I'll pass," you shied away slightly. Another moment of consideration. "I'm Y/N."
"Y/N...." He tested the sound of your name. "A good name, doll."
He moved slightly, his limbs straining against the blue thread. He looked uncomfortable for a moment, his brow furrowing in... fear?
"What happened?" Your question seemed to draw him back to you.
"Oh, this? Just a little tussle with... well, it doesn't matter who with. Only that he's annoying and a killjoy. I was simply approaching him for simple talk and he got offended, so now I'm here... he'll be back soon to finish the job, I'm sure."
You stared at Reaper.
"There's another one of you out here?"
"Oh no, I would never allow that. He's an arachnid. A spider."
You swallowed, throat suddenly dry from fear.
"And... by finish the job?"
"Monsters also prey on monsters, doll. Some of us have developed the morality to stay away from such morbid thoughts, but most... rather keep to how it's always been."
"And prey on humans," you scowled slightly.
"If we do, it's never completely intentionally. Believe me, I much prefer fruit to human, but you do seem like a snack." He winked.
You couldn't resist a slight blush. You weren't sure how to react to any of his flirting, which you assumed it was.
Why would a giant moth monster flirt with you anyway?
Yet, a more pressing matter was at hand. He seemed likeable enough, and you didn't enjoy the thought of him being eaten. So bending down, you gently tested the thread that Reaper was tangled in, wrapped in, you realized.
"Doll, if I couldn't break through it, then you can't," he pointed out. He strained against the webbing to show you.
"What about a knife?" Your pocket knife was safely stashed in a pocket and you began to cut the string, the iron making the thread almost wither. Pausing, you give Reaper a look.
"Iron affects monsters just as much as fae. A single stab of a good iron knife and it turns us into dust if our HP is low enough."
You didn't bother to ask what HP was. Probably not the computer company anyways.
A fifth string broke, and suddenly Reaper sprang up, stretching and flaring his wings, giant things that suddenly wrapped around the two of you, surrounding in a messy cloud of dust and wing scales, his skull nearly touching your head, as his eyes, still devoid of any light, peered into yours.
Antenna unfurled to gently touch your forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips, testing, flitting like gentle paint strokes.
"Why, doll? Monsters and humans don't get along," he rumbled, still not backing away even as you stiffened at his proximity. His hands, all four of them, trailed up to gently rest on your arms, a curiosity to them as he compared how different the two of you were. Four arms, two arms, black eye sockets, your living eyes of color, fuzzy bone, dry skin.
"I don't think anyone deserves to be eaten," you confess nervously.
He laughed, a warm sound.
"Well then, allow me to return the favor by taking back to more... human occupied space."
Your shoulders sag in relief. “Thank you.”
”Don’t thank me yet, doll.” He stepped back and straightened to his full height. You were wrong, he wasn’t a foot, he was probably two feet taller than you, towering over you as he offered a lower arm for you to grip onto, a wing curled around you.
You took it gingerly, following him down the road leading from the graveyard to the city.
”… you seem oddly honorable,” the words slipped out before you could fetter them.
He didn’t seem offended, only chuckling.
“Call it returning the favor,” he replied in a deep murmur, sending another shiver down your spine, heart beating fast as a hand clasps on top of yours.
It felt oddly protective, yet you couldn’t deny the strange sense of comfort you felt with him as he guided you through withered trees and dry grass, till lower slopes turned to more pleasant greenery.
”What were you doing up there anyway?” He asked suddenly.
“Oh, uh… I was hiking when I saw the scales and thread… and I decided to see what it was.”
His smile contorted into one of amusement and slight mock, as he laughed.
“You are a curious one…but… I will say… heh... a graveyard was the last place I expected to see someone to make my heart flutter that wasn't a ghost..."
You almost tripped over your feet. You sputtered for a moment, blushing as he easily caught you, helping you up as he chuckled.
“Easy there doll, you’ll flatter me by falling at my feet.”
“I am not falling at your feet!” You protested.
He only chuckled, but you noticed his hand tightened on yours.
You didn’t comment, but something suddenly seemed off.
The sky was still grey, like at the graveyard, and the green seemed… flat, lacking in life. You looked at your feet.
Moving on gravel road… but there was no sound. No crunch of gravel.
Rather, it sounded like you were stepping on dead leaves and bare dirt.
Your eyes snapped to his face.
“Heh. I told you not to thank me yet.”
Panic bloomed inside as you tried to rip your hand away, but he held tight.
”Believe me, doll, you don’t want to go home. The monster who captured me won’t be happy that you helped me. Again, I’m returning the favor. A life for a life.”
“Let go of me!!” You gasped, struggling against the much stronger monster.
He frowned, moving to grab your body with his other hands, eye sockets lacking any mirth or kindness you had tricked yourself into seeing.
You broke free, rubbing down the slope, as the world shimmered.
You didn’t know where you were.
A large ravine, almost canyon like with multiple outlets and dark corners, taunting you as you ran heedlessly.
“Come now, doll, you can’t get that far,” Reaper called from behind.
A terrified whimper left you, feet pounding the earth, cutting through grass or golden flowers.
You tripped over a branch, landing a few feet from a giant crater.
The entrance to the monster world, as you were taught in school, that no one was permitted to enter. An old fence surrounded the pit, slats missing and posts collapsed.
The rustle of dead leaves startled yiu from your sudden realization as you turned, scrabbling on the ground.
And stilled.
A myriad of color, soft silver and gold merged in a swirl of unfathomable pattern, luring you to peace as you stared with wide eyes. Something brushed your temples, like moth antenna, a soft brush to your lips complementing a feeling of dazed thoughts.
Your eyelids sank, eyes reflecting the colors as your soul fought briefly before succumbing.
You stood, not seeing as arms scooped you up, pressed against a firm chest as a chuckle echoed through your skull, something firm yet soft pressed to your head, then your cheek, and your other cheek.
I’ll take care of you, doll.
A falling sensation as the world went black, carried away by a reaper of the forest.
An arachnid stepped out from the shadow of the forest. His mismatched eye lights regarded the pit, knowing that that human would never again exit.
”I warned you that you would fall as well, Reaper,” he near grumbled. Yet a satisfied smile touched his own blackened skull as he skittered off to an abandoned cabin, to tend to his own human. Despite losing a meal and the chance to deal with a meddler, he knew Reaper would not again bother him due to such things as morality of… relocating humans to safer environments, often to his own nest.
In this world, humans often disappeared, most now associated with monster incidents. It was no longer human vs human, but human against a new predator in the food chain.
The only error was oft the reason most assumed monsters would take humans. Monsters were not often empathetic, but most craved the looseness of feeling a human was so willing to give…
And besides…
What was one human to billions?
Hope you enjoyed the story and our little surprise guest!
Thank you for reading!
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Hiraeth - Avian!Reader x Sanses
Featuring: Ccino, Reaper, and Fresh.
Beware, there will be lots of violence, and from this point onwards you are proceeding at your own risk :]
There's a lot of Avian lore there, and I can confirm that I do genuinely have other Sanses being alterni-fied into these species.
Like my Avian Sanses also have a Cosmos (Space Avian) version.
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darkpetal16 · 10 months
Welcome to Horrortale.
. . . with a dash of Reapertale.
Play as a customizable MC who has fallen into Mt. Ebott, a mountain that houses a kingdom of banished monsters. These monsters have been left to rot for many years; they are starved and half-mad. 
. . . and you're an ideal dinner. 
You have no way to climb back out: you can only move forward. 
The story:
Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. 
This was all part of your history class.
There are multiple monster kingdoms, although only one in your country—as far as history is aware—and where exactly they are sealed no one knows. One of the many mysteries lost to time and war. 
Specifically the Great War which took its terrible toll on humanity. Since sealing the monsters centuries ago fewer and fewer humans are born with the ability to use magic. The Great War nearly wiped out the rarities that remained, and since the war, no other human has been born with the ability to use magic. 
Which is truly a shame as the world is still filled with magic. 
Humanity is coping as best can be, but it is not an easy transition. What countries remain after the Great War are largely dependent on magic; switching to an alternative power source has been a struggle. 
The last humans who can use magic are struggling to keep up with the demand, and their aging bodies only signal humanity's time limit. 
You, like most of the population, cannot use magic. 
But that’s okay!
You don’t need magic.
You have something else. Something even better.
You have you.
The romance (OPTIONAL - platonic / friendship route is available):
MAJOR - Sans (M) 
". . ." 
A silent huntsman with an intense stare and a dark sense of humor. 
He's. . . big. 
MAJOR - Papyrus (M)
"Do You Like My Spaghetti?"
A tall chef with a crooked smile. 
He's oddly remorseful. 
MAJOR - Ghost  (M)
"Running won't save you."
An unrelenting entity that won't stop hunting you
 If he catches you, it's a final death.  
MAJOR -   Reaper (M) 
 "Yes, human, please. Waste our time more."
A sarcastic reaper, exasperated by your refusal to die. 
 If you surrender, it's a final death. 
MINOR - Flowey (M) 
"Heh. . . are you new here? What am I saying? Of course you are. Hi. I'm Flowey the Flower."
A flower with wilting petals who offers to guide you.
He's. . . tired. 
The credits / disclaimer: 
Undertale (c) Toby Fox. 
Music (c) Toby Fox 
Voice Acting done by ElderCaesar 
Music box versions created by R3 Music Box 
Horrortale created by SourApple on deviantARt
This game is written & programmed by Darkpetal16.  
This is a PACIFIST only game and is free to play start to finish!
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Last Pride art for this month!🏳️‍🌈🎉❤️ (And remember that not everything is canon)
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skelesunderthetale · 18 days
How about what they would do on a date? Like activities and stuff like that
What they would like to do with you
Characters: Blue, Dream, Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Goth
Underswap (Blue) Blue would love to share his passion for sports and exercise with you! Going on a walk, at the gym, at the beach to play some volleyball and then cool off by getting in the water… Not only are they good habits, but also they are some things that he likes and wants you to enjoy just as much. If you aren’t used to sporty activities, if you had bad experiences, it’s okay! If you are willing to try stuff out, he’ll be empathetic of your experiences and make sure to be attentive and guiding. If you aren’t ready and prefer to stay in, he’s also fine with watching action movies, comedies, or even cheesy romance with you. At least he can cuddle with his favorite person meanwhile! Dreamtale (Dream) Dream doesn’t have much time on his hands, it’s obvious. When he has enough time, and when he can actually put all his attention on you, he likes to either stay inside your home to fully relax together, do some puzzles, cross stitch, read, or even watch documentaries. He only likes TV when it makes people learn things, good luck making him watch reality shows (he’s old). If you actually want him to take you out, he’d propose a nice dinner somewhere calm and cozy, or go on a walk in a special garden place. Dreamtale (Nightmare) Nightmare being himself, he hates going out during the day, or at least when it’s sickeningly sunny and pretty. He likes foggy weather, when it’s dark, and when you can look up and see the clouds almost hiding the moon. Speaking of the moon, that’s probably one of the calmest activities you can do with him: star gazing. If you are sleeping, he would bother waking you up so you guys can watch the sky together through the big window of your bedroom. Honorable mention to: reading! He’s an old soul (if he still really has one?) and can give you easily any definition you need if you have a hard time reading some of the classics he has in his bookshelves (you saw one that dated from… like… 1798…)
Something New (Killer) Killer loves cats. His hobby is to bring a new cat everytime he comes back from a mission at this point… So to cope with his lack of time that he can spend with you, he simply makes you take care of them with him. Feed them, make sure they are okay, pet them and play with them until they are all sleeping from exhaustion. If you are allergic… Well, he’ll have to think really hard to think about something else to do with you… Actually, he has a very enjoyable sport in mind :) He’s kidding! Unless…
Dusttale (Dust) Dust is a homebody, it takes him an enormous amount of willpower to actually get out of bed each morning to do whatever jobs he needs to finish before sunset. He loves you though, and his brother wants him to do what he can to make you happy. Thank his hallucinations, because they are probably the reason why you didn’t die during your first encounter… If you want to chill at home, well good for him! I mean… you guys! He’s not really doing anything though, he’s kind of just watching you do things. Will it be drawing, dancing, singing, watching a show or video, he’s silently watching. No judgment behind those eyes though, so don’t feel silly or embarassed. If you want to go out, well he just hopes it’s not somewhere like a festival or anything.
Goth (JessyDS comic version) Goth is funny to be around, and like his name can lead to think… he’s goth, and metal, and likes anything that sounds a bit louder than usual. He’s edgy, and it shows. If he was rich, he’d buy you guys tickets to every concert of bands he likes that isn’t a 10 hour drive away. And merch! IT’S EXPENSIVE. The number of times you saw him beg his dad for 10$ then beg his other dad for 100$ (Reaper understands his passion a bit more than Geno does…) When you go to a concert, it’s loud, people stink, the lights blind you, but it’s fine: at least you can feel his wings brushing your back. --- Author note : Im not a poser, and also comments are very welcome! Requests too! I love interacting with the community
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aylish91 · 2 months
Just read one of the loveliest reaper/reader shorts ever, and I've fallen in love. Awe, my heart!
Go read!!! Link bellow!
Letters in the Fog
rough times?
Your first instinct is to write half-poetic, half-emotional letters to Death itself.
It responds.
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lenainris · 4 months
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If I remember correctly this was my first Error x Reaper fanart.
And that was something like:
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Error belong to LoverofPiggies
Reaper sans belong to Ren
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pokegalla · 2 years
So. Since Killer have gotten a taste of his own medicine. I feel like it’s Lusts and reapers turn : )
(Mind you, I have no idea if you depict Reaper as a flirt since I usually see him depicted as flirty. If you don’t, feel free to replace him with Epic! And if you don’t see Epic as a flirt either then feel free to replace him with a sans of your choice! :) )
So, can I request Lust and Reaper (or Epic) with a crush who is hard to fluster but know how to fluster them perfectly?
Thank you! And have a nice day!
- 🐨
Lust fucking deserves it-
I completely agree.
Reaper I actually think he is flirty. (I suck at explaining and I don’t want to spoil the reason so I hope you get it with my headcanons.)
And excuse me Epic is another fucker who deserves it so BRING DAT ASS OVER HERE BOI-
Sans AU’s with a GN!Reader who flirts but not easily flustered (Crush to S/o. Pt2 technically)
* This boi is a natural flirt. He knows how to get someone blushing in seconds with his lewdness. Well….until he met you. You barely reacted! Even to the filthiest or even sweetest flirts. His attention is hooked and you reeled him in when you managed to make him flustered as well! He HAS to know what makes you tick!
* This guy does his absolute best. Even goes above and beyond (my guy laying in a bed with a rose in his mouth….yeah he’s serious too). Every failure just fuels him to do more though he does whine to his brother or Grillby about how difficult you were. Unbeknownst to Lust, you ALSO whine to them about his advances.
* They knew just how much you cared for Lust but you didn’t want to admit his advances were working. You wanted to take him down a peg! He acts like he could make everyone flustered but your stubbornness refused to inflate his ego further.
* Though….he always did notice a slight blush across your face even as you acted emotionless. And the mischievous glint in your eyes when you flirted back. Secretly it made his soul beat faster. He called you out several times but you always managed to change the subject.
* Now what made one of you crack? His bro actually. Grillby and His brother wanted to get you two together. So they tried making a lot of ‘coincidences.’ Like a blind date! But you both were still just taking it as a friend date, his bro actually lost patience and blurted out that Lust loved you.
* At first he denied it, completely mortified but you surprised him by FINALLY gifting him a sight he wanted to see: your flustered face. You finally admit your feelings for him as well. Grillby sighs with relief as you two hold hands while his bro is obviously very proud of you two. Both of you were very happy together and like to surprise the other with gifts or dates. He learns more tips from you about flirting and still tries to top you (he still fails).
* I believe upon first meeting you, he’s not really a flirt. But luckily he has a crush on you! He’s a bit awkward at first and gets nervous when you don’t really react. But when you flirted back and made HIM blush, he was very surprised. At that point you were leaving him a blushing mess everywhere. He HAD to get you back. Or else you’ll be the one to kill the immortal being
* He researches through the mortal realm and he progressively gets better. So much better, that it’s actually hard to hide your flustered face. You managed to hide it out of sheer luck but this just gets him more determined. And when he found an amulet so his death touch wouldn’t effect you, HE. WENT. HAM. He just couldn’t keep his hands off you (Not without your permission of course)! It was more out of curiosity but to you, you just thought he was teasing you.
* You explain all this to Toriel and she laughs at how much you were freaking out. You crushed on the god of death but you had no idea how to tell him. And MAN his flirting caught you off guard. I mean he still has no clue how much he was affecting you so that’s why he was still going.
* He has seen you though. He’s not blind after all. He’s very observant and has seen your flushed cheeks. But he didn’t read into it too much. He didn’t want to get his hopes up (aw….).
* Eventually I feel that you probably would be the one to crack this time. Toriel has had enough of you two trying to dodge your true feelings. So she’d probably trap you two together until one of you confess (damn she tired of y’all bullshitting-). So you give in.
* Man you did NOT expect him to be so….suddenly energetic. Usually he’s a gloomy and tired guy, even his beloved coffee couldn’t make him this energetic as he was now. He dotes on you as your lover and will protect you at all costs. Though you both do love your flirty banters! It always ends in a tie!
* A little shit. Specifically flirts with those who catch his fancy. Though his methods sometimes are….blunt. He will make you laugh, buy you a drink….and deadass pull out a condom like “Wanna smash-?” He flirts with you the most because he wants to see if his flirt game is good. Usually gags or jokes but when you made him flustered, he covered it up as a uno reverse card moment. But he can’t stop thinking about it.
* Eventually his flirting will get more serious. Even downright dirty. But without much of a response, he gets defeated momentarily, only saying that you were only making him stronger. You just laugh it off and flirt back making him defeated again.
* Alphys and Mettaton were the only ones who saw through your guise. Because you told them your little crush with the meme lord himself. You absolutely regretted flirting back as he literally DOES come back stronger. Sure you were winning battles but he’s soon to win the war!
* And he is VERY aware that he is winning. With the way you try to avoid him altogether or make excuses, it was only a matter of time you’d fall for his charms!
* Now how does all this end? Well he decided to try and activate his trump card: The Kabedon! He manages to find you and lock you in place. Now you couldn’t escape him this time. He showered you with praises and teasing. But….he didn’t expect you to pull out an Uno reverse card. He tried pulling out one….but he failed. How could he forget?! When he was distracted, you grab his jacket to pull him in for a kiss. Yup. You won after that. Epic admitted defeat. As a couple, you do all sorts of fun together and I can assure you that you both together are absolute menaces. (Bystanders should just run for the next bantering session of yours-)
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
As a celebration to New Year, I decided to mush this thing up in a matter of...few minutes?? Don't know how long this took me.
I'm still working on your requests, but I thought I'd get a break and do this for a change! I can't thank you enough for your support! I love writing, and seeing you guys liking my stories is very heartwarming, thank you!
Enjoy this silly story :)
"GUYS! IT'S GONNA BE NEW YEAR SOON!" You kicked open the door, going towards everyone in the, exclusively large, living room. "Wow, I can't believe it's 2024 already." Ink exclaimed, taking a sip of his drink. "Yeah! Y/n, come on, let's get some drinks!" Swap flashed you his famous smile as you went towards him.
You hosted a big party for the New Year, and everyone arrived! There was Dream, Ink, Swap, Sans, Fell, Killer, Horror, Dust, Cross, Error, Fresh, Dance, Epic, Science, Berry, Reaper, even NIGHTMARE came. And that's saying a lot.
You really don't know how you all can fit inside your living room, but it's better to not question it...
As you and Swap went to retrieve drinks, Fell and the others were cooking up a plan of their own...
Fell went in the middle of the room. "ALRIGHT YOU LOSERS, TONIGHT..I. FELL WILL KISS Y/N!" There's a long silence until everyone started yelling
"WHAT?!" "No way! You won't!" "Not on my watch!" "SHUT UP!" And so on, until Classic shut everyone's mouths.
"EVERYONE! EVERYONE! Calm down." Everyone very soon became silent. No one wanted to go against Classic, seeing as he's the original Sans...
"There's no need for us to make such a ruckus... Y/n invited us all because of their great personality..." Classic spoke once more, until Killer interrupted. "Yeah.. I know what, 'Personality' you mean.." Science looks at Killer's blushing face, and immediately swats him. "HEY!" "Don't talk like that about them." He sternly told him, before focusing his attention at Classic, yet again.
"-And I'm just saying, they probably don't expect to be kissing anyone." There's a long silence as everyone shamefully looks at the floor. "The only one they'll be kissing is me." Classic finishes his speech, making the others argue. Again.
"And what makes you think they'll kiss you??" Ink pointed at Classic. "Yeah. Maybe... they'll go for a more mysterious skeleton." Dust spoke next, making the others turn to him with a questionable look. Berry erupted into laughter. "MWAHAHAHA! YOU?! Nah, with yo emo ass.. they would rather much like someone like me!" Nightmare scoffed. "Yeah. Right." Berry looked at Nightmare, offended. "Like you're any better." Nightmare suddenly smirked. "Yeah. I have tentacles.." his cheeks gained color, as he blushed deep turquoise. They all just looked at him confused, until it hit them. "Ew, gross! Why would anyone be into that?" Killer made a yuck noise. "Stop kink shaming." Reaper gave him a smirk, as Killer grimaced.
The boys fell silent when they saw you and Swap enter the room with smiling faces. "Hey guys! We're finally back, everyone grab a drink and pour yourself some! It's gonna start soon~!" They all did what they were told.
Epic went up to you with a blushy face. "H-Hey...ahem. Hey brah! I wanted to ask-" he didn't finished his sentence as he was pushed away by Error. "Go away! Hey Y-Y/n.." you only blinked. "Yeah?" ... Silence. There was nothing, he was about to speak, but was kicked away by Cross. "That's for my best friend! And...uhh..hi Y/n! Enjoying yourself?" You nodded. "Yeah! I'm glad to be spending New Year's with my friends!" He suddenly froze, which Dream got a good advantage of. "Y/n!-" Not even a few words in and he was pushed aside by Science. "Y/n! Iwannaaskifyouwanna-" you cut him off, not understanding a word he's saying. "Sci, sci...calm down. Or you might get a stroke. Heh.." you pat his head walking away. "...." "Gosh darn it..." He swore, looking down.
You gasped, seeing the screen. "This is it guys! 10....9..." You all counted as the numbers kept going down. The others couldn't help but feel disappointed. None of them could mange to ask for a kiss.... "5...4...3..." It was disappointing, really.. "3...2...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" You all shouted.
You suddenly sprinted towards Swap and Horror. They all watched curiously. What could you possibly want from them? They all stared with shock as you kissed Swap, and then Horror. Leaving red marks on their skulls, from your lipstick. (A/N: REMEMBER! ANYONE CAN WEAR LIPSTICK! LIPSTICK DOESN'T HAVE GENDER)
They both have a very dizzy expressions on their faces, as you grinned, then went towards the couch.
Turns out, that Horror actually disappeared while everyone was arguing. He went to help you and Swap out, since that conversation was boring him. There, he witnessed Swap asking you that sacred question, then he decided to also ask.
This was a very tragic New Year for them all. Except Swap and Horror. ;)
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osleeplessflowero · 21 days
Oneshot Masterpost
A collection of my oneshots! Series gradually being updated. These links are specific to Tumblr, BUT I have also posted quite a few of these on my Ao3! I also have fics on there, which I will also be making a masterpost for + uploading the chapters to tumblr.
🏡Neighborhood Series🏡
A series of randomized oneshots that take place in the same universe, a timeline where the skeleton duos all live in their own houses in a singular neighborhood.
In order(with links attached):
🌠Stargazing (Classic Sans! First oneshot I wrote.)🔭
✨Back To You (Also Classic Sans, takes place a little bit after the former.)💤
🏍Stress Relief (Fell/Red! I need to write him again..)💢
📻Close (Blue/Reader) [I don't really like this one that much anymore but I'll keep it up for any that do]🎵
🏖Beach Day (Swap Bros!)🌊
🛍First Meeting (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)🐾
☕️Relax. (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)❄️
🪓Scare Actor!Horror🎃
A series mainly themed for Halloween where Reader has a chance encounter with Horror while going to a Haunted House with their partner. Takes place in a Post-Pacifist Horrortale timeline, so Horror goes by Sans.
Part 1: Scares and a Sudden Friendship🎃🪓
Part 2: Coffee Hangout☕
Part 3: New Experiences // Meeting Papyrus!🥄
📖Fairytale Series🪄
A series of miscellaneous fairytale-based scenarios featuring your favorite skeletons. Some may have connections to others!
👑King!Nightmare/Ruler!Reader(Start of a Bad Sanses series)💢
🌹King!Dream/Ruler!Reader (An alternate timeline to the former concept)🪄
An AU where Stretch and Blue live on a ranch and work as cowboys. The other skeletons ARE present in other areas, but this mainly just focuses on Stretch and his growing relationship with Reader. Could be considered Farmtale inspired.
🥃Part 1: howdy.🍯
🐴Part 2: Going for a ride🏇
💚Nightmare/Multiverse Traveler!Reader✨
An endless game of Cat and Mouse, where Nightmare chases Reader across the Multiverse in order to finally be with them. Mutual pining, we love to see it!!
🎭Part 1: Chasing🌌
🌺Part 2: Blooms. (Angst)🥀
🖤Bad Sanses Shenanigans🔪
A collection of scenarios with everybody's favorite villains.
🎃Pumpkin Carving! (was originally a part of a now cancelled Halloween writing challenge series.)🔪
☃️Snow Day! (Christmas Special)🌨
🛝i'm here. (Dust Comfort)💜
🔪"Knife" To Meet'cha (Killer/Reader #1)🍻
🌹Falling For Ya (Killer/Reader #2(?) ) 🌃
A scenario where Reader is an amalgamate of several different Reader souls, and is hopelessly in love with Science/Classic? Sans.
🧪Part 1: me and the amalgamate i pulled by being a punny guy 🔒
Standalone Oneshots
Oneshots that haven't been made into series yet/are intended to be by themselves.
☔️Chance Encounter (Dream/Reader)🚍
🎶Dream/Fem Reader (Requested)🌳
💌Messages + Confessions (Error/Reader)📄
🫧Into The Sea (Merman!Blue/Reader)🌊
☕Home (Cross/Reader)🏠 (Requested)
Star Sanses HQ Shenanigans(Star Sanses & Reader [Platonic]) (Requested)
Flirting With Death (Reaper/Immune!Reader) (Requested)
🎡Carnival Date (Classic!Papyrus/Reader) (Requested)🧣
😱Frightening New Friend (Horror!Papyrus & Reader)🎃 [Halloween Special]
🌊A Light In The Depths (Mer!Nightmare/Reader)🤿
My oneshot requests ARE OPEN if you would like to submit one, you can check out my rules post here! (You can send requests via Ask(Preferred) or here in the comments if you'd like.) Happy reading!
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iiotic · 5 months
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‧꒰ა Alternative responses to "We have a problem"
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- UT Sans: "Let me guess. You caused it?
- Error sans: "You call it a problem. I call it a solution."
- Ink sans: "And it's another Tuesday, what's your point?"
- Nightmare sans: "Would shooting you solve the problem? No? Then get out."
- Dream sans: "If you mean the flaming pillar, that's out solution to the last week's problem. "
- Reaper sans: "Gimme a sec, I'm not drunk enough to listen to this yet."
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absent-enigma · 3 months
mothman Horror x reader pt 2 compilation from ao3
While mothman was motionless, you took the opportunity to observe him.
He was massive, wings folded behind powerful shoulders. Soft reddish-orange fur covered the clavicles, collarbone and halfway down the sternum. The upper cervical vertebrae were partially visible. The skull held fluffy antenna, the left one somewhat tattered. In the dim light, you could barely make out a terrible jagged hole in the left-top side of mothman’s skull. The right eye socket was void of light. 
Mothman moved slowly near to hold up a small wooden sign.
‘Horror’ was written on it.
Mothman pointed a claw to it, then himself.
“Your name is Horror?”
Horror perked up at your voice. Unable to speak through his current upset, he nodded eagerly in return. He doubted it was enough to jog your memory, but that was okay. He had plenty of items around your shared home to help you remember. 
As much as Horror wanted to hold you close and assure you everything would be okay, as you’d done for him in the past, he couldn’t, wouldn’t do so when you were so wary of him.
Especially now, when you discreetly scooted backward in the nest.
Horror let slip an unhappy whine.
A mothman named Horror. 
You weren’t going to judge a book by its cover or name, but you were going to be wary of a massive cryptid creature being so close.
This was likely a case of mistaken identity, but how do you explain that to someone who looked so hopeful yet lost when staring at you? You weren’t sure what would happen if Mothm…Horror decided you were an intruder in his home opposed to someone he thought he knew. 
As dangerous as it might be, and ill-timed, you needed rest to process this situation.
“…mind if I sleep here?”
Despite your continued fear and wariness of him nearby, you wanted to sleep here?
Horror couldn’t help but shove his bulk up against the nest to croon sad yet happy noises. Despite  not remembering him, you found the nest acceptable and safe to sleep within. You must like the modifications he’d made at your suggestion. 
If only he could join you; Horror wanted to keep his mate warm and comfortable.
“Safe here.” Horror eventually murmured. “Rest.” Slowly lowering his large body alongside the nest, Horror’s four arms uselessly clutched a stray pillow.
It wasn’t warm and alive like you were.
A light brush of your hair woke you from your slumber. By the time you turned over, Horror’s hand drew away to join the two comfortably resting on the side of the nest, his fourth hand used to rest his cheekbone against palm.
Horror, eyelight dilated to fill his socket, gazed down at you with utter adoration.
You swallowed down a scream over this mothman looming over you while you’d been sleeping.
Horror noticed your trepidation, visibly deflating; a feat for someone so large. 
You watched Horror get to his feet, leaving the cozy home subdued as he took flight.
Soaring through the early morning sky, Horror’s desperation rose.
He needed something important to show his mate; to help jog your memory.  He couldn’t stand the thought of being unable to be near to you but knew from his own past lapses in memory that pushing did no good.  But what could he possibly-
‘Amazing! This flower is rare, Horror! It blooms in very few places, deep inside caverns by pools of water.’ 
Horror switched directions with an eager beat of wings. Distracted as he was, Horror did not notice a figure following him, wings flapping occasionally to keep up.
With Horror’s departure, your mind laid out your situation.
You were currently in unknown territory, all alone with a large mothman who’d scooped you up into his four arms to bring you here to his home, convinced you were his mate. 
Before that, the highway your vehicle broke down on was rife with cryptid sightings, where car failures happened occasionally. Despite this knowledge, you’d decided to drive late at night, instead of staying in the motel you’d passed by.
…maybe your cryptid-obsessed friend could help you figure out how to convince Horror that you were not, in fact, his mate.
Horror correctly remembered the flower’s location in the cavern.  Plucking one reverently, he tucked it away.
“Haven’t seen you here in years.”
Horror pivoted, avoiding sharp claws and talons. Seizing a bony ankle, Horror leaned away, avoiding a strike from large, black feathered wings.
“Did you abduct someone again?”  
“This is the third time.” Reaper’s empty sockets blinked. “You shouldn’t keep what’s not yours; humans will show up, searching.”
“My mate.” Horror growled, fur bristling.
“It’s not, Horror.  I’m sorry.” Reaper twisted out of Horror’s grasp, browbone furrowed. “You know humans shouldn’t live here. It’s too dangerous for them.”
Horror didn’t return.
Either he figured out you weren’t his mate, or he went out to clear his skull to figure out how to prove it to you.
You startled at a loud message notification from your phone.  Checking the text, you saw it was the tow-truck company wondering where you were. Getting that sorted, you wonder what-
Another low voice.
You turn.
The embodiment of death perched at the edge of the nest, large black feathered wings spread.
It was a winged skeleton monster, dressed entirely in black, wearing a cowl.
“Wanna go home?”
Horror lurched through the underbrush, wings fluttering. He’d worn himself out tussling with Reaper in the cavern to be up to flying home. 
He had strong legs from being forced to climb during times he had to reserve his stamina. Soon, he’d be able to take to the sky, but Horror feared he may be too late.
Reaper was swifter.
By the time Horror reached the tree top home, it was too late. 
Reaper had taken you away. 
Horror wouldn’t allow it. 
Not again. 
…the nest was empty.
This treetop home no longer felt like home, without his mate.
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ant1quarian · 4 months
Another vote
Because I'm indecisive.
For the Avian!Reader x Sanses, what should the setting be?
Either one would work, I suppose.
The first option would be Reader forced to trust the Sanses.
The second option would be Reader forced to protect the Sanses and hide them from their flock.
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