#reblogging this from cloud to copy what days did
antiquarianfics · 11 months
Sun to Me
If there is one thing Bucky Barnes remembers about his mother, it is that she told him to find someone who plants flowers in the darkest parts of him. If there is one thing Bucky Barnes knows about Reader, it is that they grow him to the clouds.
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A/N: Okay, so. (1) Thank you all so much for the incredible response to my last fic, "Timeless." It's given me the motivation to keep writing fics for y'all. (2) Apparently my inspiration strictly comes from music; thus this Zach Bryan "Sun to Me" inspired fic. Enjoy! Genre: Fluff / WC: 1,049 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x G!N Reader Rating: PG / Warning(s): N/A Note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Children rarely grasp the concept of marriage when they're little. They understand that their parents get married because they love each other, and that's about as far as it goes. Children rarely grasp the concept of different types of love when they're little. They understand that their parents love each other, and they understand that their parents love them, but that's about as far as it goes. Bucky Barnes was no exception to this human truth when he was young. He remembers being 5 or 6--lifetimes ago--telling his mother he was going to marry her. He loved his ma: you marry the people you love.
Winnifred had gently taken her son in her arms, sitting on their solid living room couch.
"My darling boy," she had said, "you can't marry me. I'm your ma."
Bucky had made a face, protesting. "I love you, though!" He had argued with his mother. "You said people marry people they love."
"I did say that," Winnifred agreed, "but the way I love your father is different than the way I love you. You don't get it now, but one day, you'll meet someone wonderful. When you meet that person, you'll understand what I mean."
Bucky had made a face, scrunching his eyebrows together and biting his lip in confusion.
"James," his mother had said, "you'll find someone someday, somewhere that plants flowers in the darkest parts of you--someone who grows you to the clouds. You'll find someone who loves you the way I love your dad. I promise, sweetheart."
Bucky wakes to your alarm blaring--your third, if he counted right. He had woken up three times now to the blaring alarm that you have snoozed just as many times, not stirring more than you have to to pause the incessant noise. Bucky lie in your shared bed, staring at the ceiling and sure he would be unable to fall back asleep for a fourth time. Tiredly, he looked over to the digital clock on his nightstand, reading the taunting 5:32 A.M. in the aggressive red. Running a hand over his tired face, he is about to pull himself out of bed and start his day, but he looks beside him first.
There you are, fast asleep, ignoring every attempt your alarm makes to rouse you. He briefly thinks you're going to oversleep, but he also knows you set alarms earlier than you need to wake up to account for each time you hit snooze.
You're sprawled across your side of the bed, your legs tangling with his and arms tied around your pillow. It's only then that he realizes his legs have gone numb from being pressed beneath your own. He can't bring himself to care, though.
As he watches you sleep--your chest slowly rising and falling as you breathe--he smiles softly. He decides right then that anything he could possibly choose to do at 5:32 A.M. is not nearly as appealing as lying with his partner.
Bucky then rolls onto his side, letting his left arm wrap around you, pulling you close. He breathes in the smell of your shampoo, and he thinks it's something floral. The smell reminds him of his mother--a lifetime ago--telling him to find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of him. It's funny, he thinks, that a smell could pull out such a memory that the brainwashing and science experimenting had fought to erase completely, but he is glad it did.
He misses his mother for a moment. He had lost her so early on, but he remembers how he loved her, how she loved him. He remembers then how his mother had assured him the way they loved each other would be different than how he loves you. He can't help but laugh softly to himself. You were right, Ma, he thinks, I understand now.
You really are something special. You are the kind of person he thinks his mother would have loved. Your kind disposition, your intelligence, your strength: just you. You are the kind of person, too, that took his history, his scars, and his damaged heart and sowed a plentiful garden. You planted flowers in his soul where there had been thorns. You watered the sprouts every night to allow them to eventually bloom. You were there for every nightmare, every court appearance, every fight. You were there to pick up the pieces when he felt most broken. You were there to grow him to the clouds.
He hopes he has been the same for you.
A fourth alarm starts blaring, screaming for you to wake up. The fourth alarm takes the title as the final alarm as you clumsily grab your cellphone, looking at it just enough to turn it off. You drop your phone next to you on the bed before turning around in your lover's arms.
"Mornin', handsome," you say before letting out a yawn.
"Good morning, Doll," he replies easily, gently swiping a stray hair away from your eyes with his finger. "You know, you slept through 3 alarms this morning," he says with a teasing (albeit slightly annoyed) tone.
You groan. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. Gave me time to just hold you."
You hum happily, leaning forward to softly kiss his lips. He happily reciprocates. When the two of you part, he smiles at you.
"I remembered something."
"Was it actually 4 alarms?" You ask playfully.
Bucky chuckles and leans his forehead against yours.
"Nah, it was just 3," he assures you. "I remembered something my ma told me."
"Oh!" You exclaim, a little surprised. "That's an early memory!"
He grins. "Yeah, it is."
"So? What'd she tell you?"
"She told me that somewhere, someday, I'd find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of me. Someone who grows me to the clouds. I was, like, 6, I think, so it made no sense when she said it to me."
You smile softly, letting your hand cup his face tenderly. You don't say anything, though, opting to let him share his newfound memory at his own pace.
"But I get it now. It took a literal century, but I get it now. You're the person Ma told me I'd find."
"Can I tell you a secret, Buck?"
"Anything, Doll."
"I love you, too."
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Maria Hill x reader
WARNINGS: smut, exes to enemies to lovers, reuniting, cunnilingus, fingering, scissoring, multiple orgasms, angst, mentions of guns/weapons, mentions of killing, begging, praise, body worship, choking, overstimulation, think that’s all!
This is my late b-day gift to my lovely 🌹 anon!! I love you babes and I hope you like this :))
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
The door to your apartment was quietly opened and soon shut with the foot of a woman you had been keeping an eye on, Maria Hill. You knew she was out to get you, but you also knew it was because her job made her. You wondered if she got a choice in who she was to assassinate or bring in for questioning, but some part of you hoped she hadn’t gone one.
You two had met years before, before the world turned cruel, before she turned cruel. You went on a few dates, made it official, and then moved in together after months of falling deeper in love. You were falling alright, but she was always there to catch you.
Until she wasn’t.
You had woken up one morning to her frantically packing her luggage. Confusion set deep within you as you hurriedly asked her what was wrong. She only stopped, giving you what you would later realize was your last kiss with tears clouding her vision. She ran off before you could catch her, and that was the last time you had ever seen your girlfriend.
You guessed it was made clear that you were considered exes now, but you still didn’t want to believe it. You weren’t able to go on dates, the voice in your head constantly telling you that you were betraying Maria, that someday she’d come back home. To her true home.
But that day never came, and you were left stranded for years with no contact. She didn’t even send a text goodbye or leave a voicemail, it was like all traces of your relationship together had been erased. So, you tried erasing her from your mind.
Little by little, you were moving on. You went on your first date in years with a lovely woman named Carol, and, God, she was fun. You two had slept together a few times, but that was it so far. Nothing more had happened.
Maria searched your home with a gun raised high, trigger finger ready to pull at any given moment. But in reality, she knew she’d let you kill her before she ever laid a finger on you.
Bedroom, empty. Kitchen, empty. Living room, empty. Bathroom, empty. The only place she saw that was left was the balcony. And there you were, a small glass of wine in your hand and a gun in the other.
“Hello, darling.” The gun was pointed directly at your head and, even if she was supposed to, she couldn’t bring herself to press down on the trigger and end your life so easily. She didn’t understand, she’s done this before. Many times in fact. But with you, with you, there was a past that was pushing the item in her hand down.
She placed the weapon in her gun holder on her thigh. You finally turned to look at her, the love you once held for her being nearly invisible in your eyes.
“You realize this is loaded, right?”
“And so is mine.”
“You just put yours away.”
“And so did you.” You didn’t notice how you subconsciously tucked your weapon into your side between you and the chair. You sighed, taking a swig of your drink and wincing as it traveled down your throat.
She hesitantly stepped forward, gulping nervously. She had never been so fearful, not even when she was almost killed, but seeing the person she still loved so passionately knowing she’d have to come home with you in a body bag was the scariest thing.
“I’m not going to bite, Maria.” You said. “That is unless you still like it when I do that.” The word ‘still’ made her breath stop for a moment. She had apologies speeches ready, and before she could open her mouth, you stopped her, holding a hand up and shaking your head.
“Save it. I don’t want to hear it.” The two of you stood awkwardly in silence. She debated if she should’ve left, but she didn’t want that. And besides, her mission wasn’t over until you were dead.
“Have a seat, I’m assuming you won’t be leaving for a while.” She did so, sitting on the oddly comfortable chair next to you. They were different than the ones you had before, these actually had cushions. The sudden reminder of what it all used to be made her throat clench in an attempt to hide her cries.
“Save it doesn’t mean you can’t speak, you know.” She nodded, not taking her eyes off of you for one moment. You were still as beautiful as ever, possibly even more beautiful. She didn’t believe that could happen but somehow it did.
“So, uhm, what have you been up to?” You looked at her with raised brows and she sighed, looking down at her fingers that had been ruined from her biting them constantly. You always stopped her from her bad habit, but after she left you, she fell back into everything she had learned not to do.
“Sorry. But really, how are you?” You took a deep breath, sucking in the cool air of late-night Paris.
“Well, besides multiple people wanting me dead and sending an assassin after me, I’m doing splendid.” Your comedic side was still there even after all these years, she had to admit it was her favorite thing about you. You could always turn any situation from depressing to joyful.
“And you?”
“I…I’m fine. Yeah, I guess you could say so.” You hummed as you poured the wine into yours and her glass. You were already expecting her, so you thought you’d save a glass. The silence from earlier returned and Maria couldn’t deny the emptiness to it. Before, silence was welcomed by you two, it never felt like you had to fill it. But now, it just wasn’t the same.
“Why’d you take the job?” Maria’s head shot to look at you as you handed her the glass, still looking out to the sky with dying stars filling it. And she swore the crescent moon shined against your face magically.
“I figured that the reason you left me was because of the job. So, why did you take it?” Clearly, you didn’t have the full picture, the full understanding. Because if Maria had a choice, she would’ve never left the comfort of your arms that day.
“I didn’t have a choice, Y/N, you have to understand that.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Maria.” You shot back. You crossed your leg over the other as she squirmed in her seat.
“I’m sorry.” She spoke, receiving furrowed brows from you. When you didn’t speak up, she took that as her chance to finish what she was going to say.
“I’m sorry for leaving that day. And I’m sorry for not telling you why until now.”
“You still haven’t really told me why, only that you didn’t have a choice.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair as you chuckled.
“I’m joking. I get it, there are things that you need to put first, and in that case, I couldn’t be one of them.” She gave you a look of confusion, quickly rushing to her feet in front of you.
“Y/N, you were and always will be so important to me, much more important than my damn job.” You refused to make eye contact with her, knowing that if you did, you’d be doing much worse than just talking.
“Then why? If I was somehow more important than your job, then why did you leave like it was nothing? No warning, no goodbye, no tears, no nothing. You left me like I meant nothing to you, and you left me alone. I had no one.” She bit her lip to suppress anything from coming out. Instead of speaking, she rested her head on your hands that were held in her own. She was kneeling by now, waiting for you to take the lead in the conversation.
“I didn’t stop loving you, Mar, and I don’t think I ever will.” She shot her head up, looking deep into your eyes for any sign of lies but there was none.
“You- you still love me?” You shrugged shamelessly. You were guessing she had easily gotten over you or replaced you, but you didn’t know how much of an effect you had on her. She was almost more damaged than you were.
“Y/N, I...I love you so much. Not a day has gone by where I haven’t thought of you, where my heart hasn’t ached for you. If I could’ve, I would’ve stayed with you that morning, and I would’ve kept my promise of making you the happiest girl alive.”
“All I needed to be happy was you, all I ever wanted was you.” She nodded in understanding, taking in your pain. She already held enough, but she wanted more than anything to understand how you felt.
“I know, I know. But we can do this! I will do anything for you, my love, anything. Can we- can we try again?” You shook your head as you lowered it, wiping your cheeks until she took over for you.
“Please? I’ve been going insane with you, every day I wish I could go back and somehow change it but I know I can’t. So, please, let me make it up to you.” You took a moment before finally agreeing, receiving a warm and grateful smile from Maria.
“What about your job?”
“We can run away, they’ll never know where I am. I’m supposed to return with you…dead, but they don’t need to know if you aren’t.” She tried convincing, and even if you knew there was much planning to be put into something as dangerous and idiotic as this, you couldn’t help but nod along. She grasped your cheeks in her hands and pulled you in close, trying to force her lips on yours which you gladly accepted.
“God, I missed your lips.” She mumbled before crashing herself back onto you. It wasn’t slow and sensual, more fast and excited. You were both desperate to touch each other once again, it had been so long since you’d been touched. Even with Carol, you thought of Maria, no matter how many orgasms she got out of you.
And even though to any other it may have looked like any ordinary hookup, there was a sense of love and longing behind each second of it.
Her hands cupped your breasts as they slid across your nightgown. It may have been chilly, but the goosebumps on your skin weren’t from the cold.
While one hand stayed in place the other trailed down your body and found its way past your clothing barrier. Her fingers were walking up your thighs as you, without thought, opened your legs enough for her to fit.
“Should we move this inside?” She asked, the fear that someone would see you two overtaking her. Nobody was allowed to see your body but her, especially like this.
“No one will see us, Mar,” you whined out her name when her thumb brushed over your clit. She groaned.
“Mm, I want you to say my name like that again." She had you lift your hips so she could lift the little bit of clothing you had on. The cold air hit your bare skin and left you with a shiver going down your body. Her hot breath tickled your cunt and you couldn’t stop the pleas falling from your lips.
“Please. Please, Mar, I need you.” She groaned when you repeated the name like she asked. There was nothing she loved more than hearing your voice, and when you were moaning it? It was even better.
“Aren’t you a desperate little girl, huh?”
“Fuck, just touch me already! Just - do something!" She smirked to herself before wrapping her lips around your clit, sucking the swollen bud in her mouth. Your thighs clenched shut and she tried grasping them but your hold was too strong.
“C’mon, baby, spread your legs for me, I want a taste.” You tried doing as she said but instantly threw your head back when her fingers were able to tease your hole. It wasn’t long until one of her digits slipped inside of you, trying to stretch you out for another.
“You’re absolutely adorable, darlin'.’” She moaned out, the vibrations rushing through you and causing a tingling sensation.
“So wet already. Tell me, have you thought about this moment?” She already knew the answer, but she just wanted to hear you say it. Her ring finger slowly eased into you and joined the other, causing you to gasp and rush out your answer.
“Mhm, and when that Carol girl fucked you, were you still thinking about me?” You would’ve asked her how she knew about Carol if you cared enough, but with the way she was touching you, you couldn’t give two shits. You guessed it was the fact that she had to hunt you down for a few months and get intel before going after you. You wished she would’ve intervened then, taking the blonde's spot and fucking you roughly with her strap. You wondered if she had been with another woman in the time she left, the thought brought a surge of jealousy to flow through your veins.
“Mhm, haven’t stopped thinking of you. Whenever she’d- whenever she’d touch me, I’d try my best not to moan your name.” Your clit was practically pulsing when she pulled away to speak.
“Only I get to ruin you like this, you hear me?" You nodded and felt her hands gripping your thighs. Her nails were digging into your skin and causing red lines to form.
“I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me.” She instantly felt your juices pouring into her awaiting mouth and soaking her fingers. She licked up every last drop, determined not to let any go to waste.
“You’re still as good as I remember.” You breathlessly spoke, giving her a sly grin that she returned. She suddenly stood up, towering over you and pulling you off of the chair. She conjoined her lips with yours and you could taste yourself on her mouth.
“I wanna feel you.” She mumbled, ripping off her shirt and undoing the belt around her hips. You bit your lip and lifted your nightgown over your head, leaving you completely bare. You were lucky you were on a higher level, or else anybody could’ve seen you stark naked and Maria halfway to your current state.
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” You blushed at her words and helped her remove her bra, your heart skipping a beat when you saw her just as bare as you.
“Lay down, baby.” You did as told and sat on the cold marble of the balcony, watching as she joined you. She spread your legs gently and lifted one of her own over yours, the other resting underneath your neglected one.
You felt her dripping wet heat press against yours and shared a deep moan, holding onto her shoulders as she quickly kissed your hand for comfort.
“It’s okay, I’m right here.” She slowly started moving her hips in a rhythm, hearing your whines that only made her quicken. She was already close with her abuse of your cunt, so she knew she wouldn’t be lasting long. You were still recovering from your orgasm so you were just as close as her.
"I'm not sharing you with anybody. You're mine, and mine only, I'm going to make you remember that.” She said, gripping your jaw as you nodded along with her. She scoffed and removed her hand, moving it to your neck as she choked you. Her rings were still adorning her long fingers and you could feel the coldness of them pressing against your skin.
"My god, you're so gorgeous like this." She remarked, watching as her clit clashed against yours.
"Fuck, you feel amazing, baby." She gritted through clenched teeth as her head rolled back. Her eyes fluttered open and she was able to see the bright stars shining down on you two.
Suddenly, she heard a whispered please fall from your lips along with the interruption of your whines.
“I- I wanna hear you beg for it.” You were biting your lip hard to suppress your sounds, but that quickly got ruined by her thumb dragging your lower lip down.
“I want to hear you, now fucking beg for me.”
“I- please, please I’ll do anything just- fuck, I need to cum. I wanna make a mess of you, and I want to feel you cum with me. I don’t think I can hold back much longer, Mar.” She smiled in victory while her slit continued to rock against yours. She was going faster now, and you could barely keep up with her pace.
"Do I turn you on that much?"
"You don't even fucking know." She moved down to your ear and whispered approval and almost instantly she felt your juices coating her skin. Her hand only tightened around your neck as she rocked against your body, chasing her awaiting orgasm. You didn’t even have time to calm down as she was going at an unbelievably fast and rough pace.
"Who would ever think such a sweet girl like you could be such a slut?” Her head was still rested on your shoulder, her nostrils immediately being filled with the smell of your perfume. She was sucking on the skin harshly and you could tell there would be marks tomorrow, you just hoped she stayed long enough to be able to see them.
"F-fuck. I don't think I'll last long if you keep on doing that.” You whimpered out. Even if you were sore and overstimulated, you still needed more. You were desperate for more, you just needed her all over you.
"I don't think I've ever wanted someone more than I want you." She spoke, her mouth returning to your neck the second she finished. They then moved to your chest, leaving hickeys all over your breasts.
"Oh, sensitive there, aren't we?" She said when you tried removing her from your aching nipples. Truth be told, they were only sore because of your torture on them the night before, once again being brought over the edge with the thought of her. Now, you had her.
"Do you know how much I love to see you like this?"
“Maria, I- I’m not going to last long.” You warned, each word being labored with a thrust that had you stuttering.
“Me neither, baby. I’m gonna- fuck, I’m gonna cum. I- I want you to cum with me. I want to feel you cum with me, Y/N.” She choked out, her juices mixing with your own as she released all over you. The second she finished speaking she was done for. You just looked so perfect, so pretty.
“Yeah, that’s it. You get me so fucking wet, darlin'.’” Her mouth fell open as she went to wrap her arms around your waist, anything to feel you even closer. She lazily drew herself back and forth on top of you as she came down from her orgasm. It felt so good, she hasn’t cum that hard since the last night she was with you. It had been so long, too long.
“I don’t like people touching what’s mine, so I’m going to make sure you know you’re mine, Y/N. Only mine. Not Carol’s, not all the girls you’ve been seeing to try and get over me, just me.”
“Just yours.” She smiled before finally leaning up, apologizing when you gasped at the small contact your sensitive cunt got.
“You’re already so sensitive, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to pull more out of you.” You shook your head quickly when she got up, grabbing her clothes and pulling them on. She stopped in her tracks when seeing your quick antics on making her stop.
“What’s that, love? I couldn’t hear you with all that pathetic whining you keep doing.” You stood up on shaky legs and, with just one look, she knew exactly what you wanted. You guided her back into the house where you sat on the bed, your knees at your chest as your arms held you up. You gave her your best puppy dog eyes and in a matter of seconds she was already on top of you, pushing you to lay down on the mattress.
“I’m gonna fuck you properly this time. And I’m not going to stop until all you can remember is my name.” You’d worry about your plans and getaway after, but right now you were too busy with her fingers buried deep inside of you.
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getvalentined · 2 months
I need to talk about the ending of Rebirth, because I'm apparently the only person in the world who liked it.
Putting everything behind a cut, and I would request that anyone who reblog this with spoiler commentary do the same as a courtesy to people who haven't beaten the game yet. It's been just shy of a month since it dropped, so we're still well within the statute of limitations on spoilers. Be nice.
A lot of people are really, really upset about the ending. It's been really weird to have people who went on and on about how they'd be livid if Aerith survived now being furious that she didn't, but I guess it just proves that not only can you not please everyone, but some people are incapable of being pleased.
I've warned everyone I know that Rebirth is the middle part of a trilogy; it was going to end on a low note regardless. That's how trilogies work, the 'ending' of a trilogy's second part isn't an ending at all, it establishes the launching point for the conflict of the conclusion. As a result, second parts will generally strive to be satisfactory with the understanding that it will basically never be satisfying. I'm not going to go into that any more deeply because it's not the key takeaway here, but it's super important to keep that in mind when addressing the ending of any second part, not just Rebirth.
The fact of the matter is, Aerith was never going to survive. That was never on the table, because it was never anyone's decision but hers.
In the OG, Aerith allows herself to be killed so that she can petition Gaia for aid directly, so that she can commune with the planet in-person in order to make sure Holy is activated in time to save everyone. She chose that. She didn't want to die, but she did want to save everyone, and she understood that the only way to do that was by sacrificing herself. Changing that would have been a huge insult to her character, a complete teardown of everything she's been since we met her all the way back in 1997, and it was never going to happen.
In Rebirth, Aerith is capable of dragging Cloud's consciousness into a pocket dimension she's made out of the last days of a terminated timeline in order to both hide him from Sephiroth while he recovers, and to get a working copy of the White Materia that she can use to save the world in the timeline that Sephiroth has chosen to 'save.' She has her own army of Whispers that can and have changed things, that can and have saved people from incidents that should undeniably have killed them. Incidents that did kill them.
If Aerith had wanted to survive in Rebirth, she would have. Sephiroth couldn't have stopped her. We see that in the game, because she literally fights him at the end alongside Cloud, even though she's already dead. Cloud saved her, and then he didn't—and then he did, and then he didn't, he did, he didn't, back and forth and back and forth and we don't know who decided where it stopped.
Sephiroth wanted Aerith out of the way, certainly, but in the end he left of his own accord. He's also the one trying to change the timeline from what it was originally, he doesn't want things to go the way they did in the OG; it's entirely possible that it was Aerith herself who dragged the timeline sideways into the one where she died, because he's wrong and she knows that's the only way to stop him. (I don't necessarily think this is the case, but it's not even close to set in stone.)
I see a lot of people saying that it doesn't matter, nothing mattered, nothing anyone did made a difference because she's still dead. That the only difference that could ever have mattered enough to make it worth it would have been for her to survive—even though it was and has always been Aerith's decision whether or not that came to pass—and I literally can't disagree hard enough.
I think we—and by 'we' I mean the players as much as Cloud and the rest, this is important—changed things in the only way that they could have been changed without condemning the planet to Sephiroth's desperately lonely form of salvation.
When Aerith died in the OG, it happened so suddenly that there was nothing we could do. There was no closure, we never knew if she understood how loved she was, that we would have traded places with her if we could, that nobody wanted her to have to do this alone. We could never really know if she understood how sorry we were to have failed. We didn't get to say goodbye.
Over a quarter century later, we got that. After all this time, decades of knowing that there was nothing we could do to save her but wishing that we at least could have seen her off, Rebirth gave us exactly that.
Aerith wakes up. She's dead because she has to be, but she wakes up. She gets to see how much she's missed, she gets to say goodbye, and we get to say goodbye back. We finally have the chance to not have her taken from us, but to let her go, and to see that it's her decision to stop while everyone else keeps going. It always has been.
Aerith was never going to survive. That was never going to change, because it's not about her—it's about saving the world, and it's about you.
But things are still so different this time, because we finally got to say goodbye, and I can't think of difference we could actually make that could ever be worth any more than that.
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airbendertendou · 4 months
synopsis : ballet had been a far along dream you’d never indulge in, never have the time to perfect. he brings that dream a little closer to you, day by day.
cw : reader wears heels , character unnamed , gender neutral reader
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intertwined hands swing as you walk, eyes dancing from each store window you pass. he squeezes your fingers once, just to let you know he’s still there — to let you know he loves you. you oooh at a pearl necklace, eyes twinkling as much as the jewels do. he smiles, but turns his face to hide it from you.
a bit later, a hot beverage is in your hand as you sip on it contently. he’d finished his already — always too quick to enjoy the smaller things in life — his hand still being warmed by your own.
he pauses in front of a bench, “sit down for a second.”
you stop blowing on your drink, quirking up your eyebrows, “why?”
“just do it,” he rolls his eyes. he disconnects your hands to nudge you onto the bench. when you look up at him, he softens. “i got you something, is all.”
“a surprise?” you’re intrigued ; interest piqued ; but still suspicious. your eyes narrow. “…why?”
he doesn’t answer, simply laying his hand over your eyes. he mumbles, “keep them closed.”
you do as he says, sipping on your drink as you feel your right foot being lifted. the cold air brushes against your socked feet as you wiggle your toes in discomfort. a new shoe is placed on — tight and fresh out of the box. you frown why did he get me shoes i don’t need?
“i know the show last week was nice,” he begins to speak. you can feel his breath brush against your knees as he laces the left shoe. “but, you wanted something more. something personal ; closer.”
he lets out a huff, adjusting the shoes only he could see. he taps your knees lightly, signaling you could open your eyes. “this was the next best thing.”
they’re ballet slippers, that’s your first thought. pointe shoes you’d never trained in ; would never have the chance to dance in. they’re laced up your calf, tied into a perfect bow. when you turn your foot, you realize they’re heels — shoes you’d been wearing all your life.
your lower lip wobbles as tears cloud your eyes. you can barely look at him, “[character name]…”
his cheeks are flushed, the tip of his ears turning rosy as he keeps his gaze away from your own. “don’t make it a big deal, or anything.”
you leap up at once — only after steadying your cooling drink — wrapping your arms around his neck clumsily. you sniffle into his ear, “you didn’t have to do this.”
he stays kneeled down, arms slowly and softly wrapping around your waist. “i wanted to.”
chifuyu, kisaki, inupi, tsukishima, kageyama, kyotani, kuroo, sakusa, kyoya, hikaru, lucifer, satan, simeon
idk where this came from but those miu miu shoes stay on my mind so <3 this was written w felix graham de vanily in mind but have no idea what account to post miraculous stuff on so !!
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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mydetheturk · 6 months
your requested reminder to post knives going nuclear on zazie when you can :)
ok so im going to be reblogging this to the body horrors week later cause. uh. well. knives. quite literally goes nuclear?
all of these screenshots are from the overhaul project cause i haven't managed to catch the dark horse digital editions on sale yet, though i'll provide the dark horse translations where i can because i have physical copies, and the dark horse translations are imo clearer here.
there are ids in all the alt texts for the photos, it's why this took several days longer than i'd originally planned -finger guns- alt texts might look a little weird in the first set btw - tumblr started eating the photoset and i had to spend an extra half an hour fixing it -finger guns-
the pages are volume 11, pages 90-92, and 114-17, because a lot of the pages in between are leadup pages and also have the zazie control worm. thing.
pages 90-2 are the distant explosion (you can click on the first image and see it in the photo viewer, if for some reason it will not view in dashboard mode. But it does exist!)
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(on page 90, dark horse is a lot more specific, with "the northeast sky is glowing" instead of "the whole sky is glowing". the other two boxes with text read "what is--?!" and "oh my..!" respectfully as if they were cut off mid sentence.)
so uh.
knives went uh.
literal "nuclear bomb exploded just above a town"
because he kind of did. Unlike a true nuclear bomb, he did not form a mushroom cloud, but the metaphor is still there. that is a nuclear metaphor
per pages 114-117 (pages are from left to right, read the pages right to left. sorry)
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(legato's speech bubbles on page 114 in the dark horse edition read: Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. What is about to happen now is a just a logical extension of that. Be very afraid. You are in his presence. Did you not notice, Leader of the Sand Worms?
It reads very differently, imo, more like Zazie was caught up in their own plots and schemes to realize the control worm didn't work. Legato is also telling Zazie that Zazie should be afraid of Knives. Okay? Not asking if Zazie is afraid. Telling Zazie to be afraid. Like some sort of reverse "Be Not Afraid" from the bible.
Zazie's thought bubbles on page 115 are translated as "the dark hole is swallowing the poison" which reads more like knives made a black hole. given the visuals? that sounds more likely. Black holes, as a real life thing that we know about and have tried to study, are often referred to as swallowing things that pass too close. knives made a mini black hole to eat the poison from the sand worm venom. knives has consumed the dependent plants.)
the fact is, as a metatextual read, plants are nuclear reactors. independent plants are walking nuclear bombs. Nightow did this on purpose. We're meant to read them as something nuclear.
This is, as i was saying to @needle-noggins the other night when i was working on it in an attempt to get more of the alt texts written, a casual display of power. Knives is throwing a hissy fit! Knives is throwing a multi-megaton display of power because Zazie tried to take him over with the control worm. Page 91 had needle-noggins and i speechless because on the low end that tower of debris from the explosion is (if we did the very, very rough math right) THIRTY MILES TALL. Twice as tall as the tallest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons! or roughly five and a half times as tall as Mount Everest. On the outside, because we figured its anywhere from 25-30 times taller than the cloud cover, it could be up to thirty seven miles
Over halfway to space on earth.
I know we love the independent plants and all. But Holy Shit. just.
holy shit
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mlmxreader · 11 months
My Lieutenant | Alfie Solomons x gn!reader
anonymous asked: Hi I hope you are well! I just found your blog and I love your Alfie fics! The way you capture his voice is just *chefs kiss*.
Would I be able to request "I begged and I pleaded for you to stay" + "I don't wanna be alone" for him please? And if it's possible could it be with either a ftm reader or a gn!reader?
Thanks and take care. (Also, if it's possible could I use the 🐍 as my anon emoji?)
summary: Alfie's spouse doesn't like Tommy Shelby at all, but thankfully, Alfie knows exactly how to make things a little bit better.
tws: swearing, mentions/threats of violence, mentions of war
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
You and Alfie had always been inseparable, from the moment you had met through to the war, you were never far from one another's sides; sent off to the Eastern front, you were constantly beside one another.
It didn't matter if the mortars and shells were falling like hail. It didn't matter if the gunfire was a sickening symphony that made bile creep up your throat and into your mouth.
It didn't matter if the mud was so deep and so thick that it rose to your calves. It didn't matter if you had to sleep standing up. Alfie was always there.
You never had to beg for his attention, you never had to beg and grovel for his loyalty. You never doubted that he would ever be unfaithful, or unfair.
Alfie was a lot of things - short tempered, foul mouthed, threatening when he needed and wanted to be - but unfair and unfaithful he was not.
He did his best to soothe your worry and your reluctance for him to work with Tommy Shelby.
The union busting bastard from Birmingham.
But he knew you could not stomach a man like that. Alfie understood better than anyone why the Peaky Blinders left a terrible taste in your mouth, and why you were less than thrilled to be working anywhere near them.
Family came before business, anyway.
Alfie made it known, no matter how often you snapped or threatened the Peaky Blinders, they could not touch you or else the entire deal was off; if they so much as nicked a hair on your body, Alfie would cut the ties completely and would turn the bridges to charcoal within a split second.
Family came first. Always. You were Alfie's family, as his spouse as well as his closest comrade during the war. No one was more important than you.
It had been raining all day, like it would never end, oscillating between heavy thunderous hammering - like it had been when you were back in the trenches - and a light spit.
It never ended.
The skies were dark and grey, clouds refusing to budge even the slightest even though the sun continuously poked at them to try and nudge them aside.
The dogs were lazing around on their beds, whimpering and running in their sleep; and as you lounged on the sofa with a book, you couldn't help but to yawn softly. A quick look at the clock, wondering why Alfie wasn't home yet.
He said that it would only be quick, but you couldn't help but to think that perhaps it was your fault; you had fought with him earlier, begged and pleaded for him not to go, to have nothing to do with those union busting bastards, the fucking vultures, but he had to.
He didn't say why, only that he had to.
You frowned, shaking your head as you attempted to get back to your book; it was a copy that Alfie had gotten you, All Quiet On the Western Front, and you had to admit - it was harrowing to relive the war. But it somehow felt cathartic to know that even on the other side, the sentiments had been the same.
One of the dogs rolled into his back, his legs sticking up in the air and his head tilted back, his long and sharp teeth exposed; you laughed softly, shaking your head fondly, but you soon fell quiet when the door opened.
"I'm home!"
You grinned at the simple phrase, putting your book aside and perking up a little as you raised your brows; Alfie walked in, holding a brown paper bag that smelled of something that made your stomach rumble and growl quietly.
You licked your lips, a funny feeling that he had somehow guessed that you had been in a sour and downtrodden mood, that he had gone to your favourite Indian restaurant to pick you something up.
Alfie could always get away with things like that, as although the restaurant didn't offer the ability to take food away to most people, they offered it to anyone related to Alfie.
He smiled sadly, lifting the back slightly. "I got you somethin' to say sorry… ain't much, but I asked for your favourite."
"Thank you," you said softly, following him out to the kitchen. "How did it go with the bastards?"
Alfie shrugged as he set the bag down on the counter. "Not fuckin' well, that prick'd want me to organise protection for him. Said he'd… ah, fuck it. Don't worry. It's all a bunch of bollocks that comes from his mouth anyway."
"Tell me," you told him gently. "Please, Alf? I begged and I pleaded for you to stay earlier, I don't wanna beg and plead for you to just speak to me."
Gently, he kissed your temple. His beard tickled your skin so softly, you had to bite back a laugh. "It's alright, it ain't nothin' to worry about… just pricks bein' pricks, innit?"
"Don't look at me like that," Alfie growled. "Don't fuckin' look at me with they eyes. I ain't havin' it."
"Alfie," you sighed. "C'mon, I married you, I was your closest comrade… you can tell me instead of being a stoic knob about it."
Slowly, he started to smile. "Alright. He said he'd bust up the union your mate's're in if I didn't organise protection… I don't wanna do it, y'know I fuckin' well don't, I'd rather shoot meself in the fuckin' foot! But them lads mean a lot to you, I know that. So I can't say no."
"When does he expect you to go?"
"Tonight," Alfie huffed.
"No," you stated blankly. "I don't wanna be alone tonight, Mister Solomons, you're not going anywhere."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah," you puffed out. "If Tommy Shelby has a problem with that, he can come here and tell me to my fucking face, and if he even tries to fuck with them union boys, I'll have his-"
"Guts for fuckin' garters," Alfie chuckled, shaking his head. "Alright, alright, you made your point Lieutenant, you got me all to yourself."
"At last!" You rejoiced. "Thank you, Captain."
"Oi," he warned. "Don't start that shit, now."
"Didn't you start it?" You pointed out with a teasing smile.
Shaking his head, Alfie sighed as he stole a quick kiss, humming softly under his breath as he closed his eyes. "I'm the boss, ain't I? Or am I not your fuckin' superior officer?"
"War's been over for four years," you mused. "You ain't my superior officer anymore, Alf."
"Under this roof I am," he growled, pressing you against the counter as he smiled. "You're under my fuckin' roof, sunshine, as long as you're Lieutenant, I am your superior officer."
"You're a terrible flirt."
"You married me."
"Fair point," you laughed, putting your hands on his shoulders and giving them a slight squeeze. "I'm sorry, Captain."
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thisismeracing · 7 months
Twisted love | MS47 (patreon preview)
― Pairing: Dark Angel!Mick x fem!reader ― Warnings: +18; suggestive content and a quick description of sex (p in v); mentions of a fallen angel, assault, and stalker behavior; description of horror situations and death (but not too graphic).
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read the full peace now here
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“I slithered here from Eden, just to sit outside your door.” — Hozier, From Eden
He knew the rules. He had friends who disobeyed it and had to pay the price: to leave Heaven. And nobody wants to leave the Heavens. Mick never judged them, but he always questioned himself as to why would someone freely give up their position, their friends, their home, and their God, for something that could only be classified as temporary when put side by side with the world known by the celestial beings. 
Up until he met you.
Up until he watched you die and come back to life.
Up until he protected you in every lifetime. 
Up until he couldn’t resist but visit your dreams. 
Up until he finally realized he was in love.
With a human.
Mick Schumacher was in love with you.
A guardian angel was in love with his human. 
He was cast out of Heaven by the Almighty who did it with so much mourn and pain, that the other celestial beings almost tried to change His mind. But nobody questions the Almighty's orders. Rules were made by Him and they were meant to be followed. It doesn’t matter if it was one of His favorite angels. 
Mick still remembers what he said to him before judgment day. 
“Son, you can still regret your sin. You can still change your mind, and the Heavens will forgive you,” the powerful voice echoed around, and Mick kept his head low. 
He could only think of you. And how your skin felt against his. How beautiful you looked sleeping. And how angelical your laughter was.
“Father, you always talk about love, so why don’t you let your beings love?” he asks, and though if the question came from any other Celestial the Almighty could read it as some kind of disrespect, it came from Mick, so he only sighed. 
“You can love me, I’m your creator, your ruler. I made you the way you are Mick.”
“Then why are you punishing me for following my instincts and feelings? If you created me the way I am, then it’s your fault I’m choosing this path!” he retorted, finally lifting his eyes to the sky. The most beautiful sky to ever exist. The kind of thing that no human eyes would support. 
“Enough!” the Almighty’s voice reverberated around the void and clouds. “You’re being cast out of Heaven, son. And your human? She just died. You’re gonna have to find her again. Good luck, Mick.” 
And so he walked around the earth, he flew around the sea, he looked at each corner until he could finally find where you were reborn. Where you had reincarnated. 
And when he finally did he followed you like a shadow. Just like he did when he was your guardian angel. 
And Oh- you were so beautiful, so perfect. Mick loved staying by your side while you worked, spooking a male coworker here and there. He would walk home with you, just observing as you smiled widely to everyone who passed by, how you were so full of life, how you were still the woman he fell in love with. The one he fell for. Quite literally.
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Read the full piece here
― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, besties! I hope you guys like this little preview! You can have early access and read this full piece on my Patreon (here). This will be published publicly here by the end of the month.
🤍 A huge shout-out to my Coffee anon for proofreading this piece!
If you liked this piece and want to have early access to it along with exclusive access to others, make sure to subscribe to my patreon!💘
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
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Legacies | Seven
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Kazansky!OC
Summary: Ana gets some unexpected, world-shattering news that threatens to throw her off her path. In her moment of emotional vulnerability, she finds comfort in the most unlikely of companions.
Warnings: military inaccuracies, talk of cancer (disease), talk of death (parental)
Wordcount: 3.1k
If you enjoyed reading this, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging. I don’t allow for my content to be copied, translated, or reposted on other websites/apps. Please don’t steal my work.
A/N: Get your tissues ready because this chapter might get you. I tried warning you previously, we have reached the part of the story where things will get more serious, tense, and sad. For anyone concerned: all will be well in the end, the story has a happy ending!
Taglist: open, message me or comment to be added, will be put as reblog
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The day at the beach felt far away, its memory faded to be back of everyone’s mind come the next morning.
Then they had been thrown back into the daily routine that was their training. The mission crept closer every day while their progress still waited to catch up. Time was their biggest enemy.
Graduating from the initial dogfights the next phase awaited them just as intensely as the first one. They’d finally gotten introduced to their mission. Well, part of it.
The runway through the canyon. 
It was nothing Ana had ever seen done or heard of, nothing she’d ever flown or known of anyone being able to fly. Frankly, it sounded insane. Impossible. But was it truly impossible if that’s what they were supposed to be taught? 
Impossible was a word that didn’t exist in Maverick's vocabulary. Nothing was impossible if your name was Pete Mitchell. She wasn’t sure if the word even pertained to Maverick, an otherworldly exception, the universe bending around him in that instance.
It wouldn’t be easy, that was for sure. No one – not a single one of them – had managed to beat Maverick in a dogfight. Some had come close, oh so frustratingly close, but never close enough. 
It was a sobering and humbling experience. They were considered to be the best of the best. But did that truly make them good? Or was it just empty words, blown out of proportion?
There was nothing that made Ana feel like the best of the best in the day following. Their success rate from the dogfights was bound to follow them into this part of the training. The air hung over them thickly, crackling with tension. Maverick's words rattled through every spot in the room. Harsh critique followed the sobering question of what they would tell their fellow aviators' families if they ended up killing them in the mission. 
Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote looked glummest of them all, having just gone through their course simulation. Whether they had had special bad luck for being the first ones or if the demise would follow the rest of them was still an open question. It was exhausting, the pressure they were under was already at an all-time high.
“Take a break. Five minutes,” Maverick cut the heavy silence as he turned away from them with tense shoulders and a deep sigh.
The breaks were short, never enough to recover from the reality that weighed on all of them. Somehow taking a break right now felt wrong, like it was the last thing they should be doing.
The more hours ticked by, the more days ended, the nearer the mission drew. A rush of air breezed through the rows of aviators, all of them exhaling deeply. The banter – at times jokingly and at other times tensely – had ceased entirely.
Leaning her head back against the headrest Ana stared at the speckled gray ceiling tiles. Her mind was clouded with thoughts. The rendering of the flight ran through her mind like a broken record. She’d tried to identify every little detail so that she wouldn’t make the same mistakes. So that she would do it better. 
But could she do it better? Could any of them do it better? Without a mistake? Without crashing into a mountainside or breaking into the SAM’s air range?
“Ghost. Warlock needs you outside now. Bring your phone.” Snapping her eyes forward Ana centered on Maverick. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the Rear Admirals Aid breeze by, navigating through the two rows of seats and out of the room. Her fellow aviator's eyes were on her. She stared at Maverick, brain lacking behind. His face was a blank mask, not revealing what could be behind the sudden request. 
It was quiet in the room, nothing but the tick of the clock in the corner to be heard. Slowly Ana rose out of the chair. Something about the way Mav had spoken the words set her on edge.
Patting the pocket of her flight suit holding her phone, she nodded at her superior. Her walk was mechanical as she strode toward the door, thirteen pairs of eyes following her. Taking the silence with her, murmuring broke out behind Ana’s back and as the doors slipped close she vaguely heard Mav quieting them down.
Warlock met her halfway behind the next corner of the hallway. He looked serious. Perhaps more than she had ever seen him. Even with the difficult mission, he’d always had a friendly smile grazing his lips. A softness remained in his eyes even now. One that grew the longer he looked at her.
"Lieutenant Lawson, you might want to check your phone and call your mother back.” 
A bolt of panic ripped through the confusion that had encased her until now. It scared her. Whatever was going on it couldn’t be good. Not if it was important enough for her to be called out of class. Not if it necessitated Warlock to be the one to pull her out of class.
Her heart in her throat she couldn’t do more than tensely nod. Her hands fumbled to pull down the zipper, to get her phone out as fast as she could. Ana always put it on do-not-disturb during class. 
Warlock signaled for her to go, dismissing her. Glancing down at her display as she sped out of the hangar to find a private spot for a call, another wave of disturbance shot through her. 
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Ana hadn’t returned to the classroom. Her absence – albeit entirely uncommented – was noted by all of them. Her departure had raised many questions, all of which Maverick had shot down before they’d even gotten to utter them. 
When the break had run out and their fellow aviator hadn’t been back, Maverick had glanced at the door. He’d lingered there for what felt like too long to be casual before he had dove right back into the debrief.
The air in the room had been different throughout, this change hadn’t vaned even after the next group was sent to get ready and in their jets. But by that time Jake didn’t have the luxury to be aware of or care for it any longer. 
He was up to fly the course together with Harvard and Yale. All his focus needed to be on the course, not on his colleague. Which shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place. He’d never had trouble focusing on the job. Exclusively on the job.
During his completion of the flight simulation, he managed to forget everything that wasn’t the course and the jet he controlled. The moment he stepped back into the classroom, together with only eleven of his colleagues he couldn’t anymore. 
Ghost’s place remained noticeably empty through the entirety of the second debrief. And even though it was his debrief and his abilities under scrutiny a part of him kept thinking, wondering, just where she was.
In the end, she didn’t return at all. Her seat stayed empty and while her absence was noticed by everyone, no one dared to say a thing. At the end of the day, when they were all leaving, there was still no hint of her. Not until Jake looked out through the open hangar doors and spotted her hunched figure in the distance.
His walking pace slowed down considerably, hanging back until everyone else had passed him by. He felt drawn to the big doors. Similar to the day Rooster and Maverick had pulled their risky stunt during the dogfight. Now too Jake found himself watching her, drawn in, his feet moving on their own.
The dirt crunched under his boots as he crossed the empty tarmac, the sun was lowering, less angry than it had been at midday. Jake had a cocky jab ready, to tease her for missing the class and how she planned to catch up. The words died on the tip of his tongue when he noticed something wasn’t quite right.
“Lawson,” he called. Her head flipped around so quickly that it made him wince. As she noticed his approach, Ana straightened up, discreetly trying to wipe away the tears that stubbornly fell.
“What’s wrong?” At his question she laughed bitterly, not even blinking as he sat down beside her on the sun-warmed ground.
“As if you care,” she muttered, staring out ahead at the empty runway. In her hand, she clutched her phone. 
Jake kept quiet, no witty comeback to subvert her words, no quip that could defuse the tension coiling around her. Not even something to distract wanted to come to his mind. There was only silence he could keep in that moment as he eyed her from the side attentively.
The silence gnawed at her. Nerves that were already stretched hair thin started to tear more with every passing moment. Shaking her head, she let out a loud huff. 
Jake’s presence was taxing her. 
“I bet you are enjoying this right now,” she spat, eyes raking over his form by her side. She looked at him with disdain. 
Jake’s jaw ticked, the muscles moving under his tan skin as he clenched them strongly. 
“Oh don’t act like that now,” her scoff came out more like a sniffle, weak and crumbling. 
“You were just waiting for something that would throw me out of the field. Something you could do or say, some kind of ace up your sleeve. A weapon to give you an advantage over me too,” she noticed him opening his mouth but Ana stole away his chance for a rebuttal, “Rooster and I are your biggest rivals and we both know that you already have something against him. To knock him off his path.”
Letting her head hang, fresh tears pooled in her eyes, blurring her view. Ana felt lost and scared. Her emotions were weighing down so heavily on her, it felt like she was getting crushed. The sustained G’s she pulled day to day felt like nothing compared to the deathly vice squeezing her heart. 
Looks like he didn’t even have to find something against her.
Impossible as it might be in the blaring heat of San Diego in the summer, even as it set, there was a chill running through her bones. One the arm that suddenly got draped over her burned away in seconds. 
Jake pulled her into his side.
It surprised her how easily she folded, letting him drag her under his arm, where she was nestled against his warm chest.
“I didn–” Jake stopped, thinking hard how to voice his words, “I’m not trying to do that,” he told her in the end. She had never heard him be this serious before. Not up in the air. Not even during missions.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” 
His behavior was surprising to her. So different from the Hangman she knew. Not Hangman she realized but Jake. His thumb softly caressed her shoulder. He was looking at her, his entire attention solely on her. The intensity with which he was focused made her heart jump, but the situation at hand made her throat close up.
“It’s my dad,” she choked out after a bout of silence. Her voice was unsteady, shaking.
Another heavy sigh left her chest, forcing the heaviest of the lump in her throat away. Her palm smoothed over the deep wrinkles in her forehead. She looked like a mess, she knew it, loose strands of hair had escaped the usually tidy bun swaying around her face now.
The words came hard, feeling heavier than lead.
“A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. He did chemotherapy and it went away.
Everything seemed good.”
The worst part was yet to come. Ana choked on her breath, the thumb caressing her shoulder dug into her flesh, appealing a comforting pressure. It grounded her enough to continue speaking.
“Now it’s back and it’s worse. Stage 4. The doctors are unable to treat it. He–...he can’t even speak anymore because it hurts him.” 
Staring into the distance the words sunk in. Her mother had told her the exact thing just hours ago over the phone, but then they hadn’t seemed real. It hadn’t seemed real. Now the realization of it all came crashing down on her.
“He is dying,” she spluttered, a new wave of tears spilling down her cheeks. Unrelenting and strong. 
Ana tried to hide, tucking her chin to her chest, but the heaving of her shoulders betrayed her. The sobs wracked through her, ripping their way through her lips, she couldn’t do anything to prevent it.
Jake wordlessly tugged her closer, gently pushing her head against his shoulders. He let her cry against him, let her fist her hands into the fabric of his shirt as her tears wet his shoulder. All the while his hand rubbing up and down her arm never faltered.
Maybe she should be embarrassed. Losing control like this in front of him. Yet something in her told Ana she was safe. Safe to open up to him, safe to bear her soul.
Once she had calmed down, she pulled away, wiping the last tears from her puffy cheeks. Looking up she noticed him already looking at her. There was a storm clouding his bright eyes.
“Thank you.”
Jake simply nodded, helping her stand up. Together they walked back to their dorms.
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Everything felt different now. Her world had been turned upside down. 
Ana spent a long time under the shower, looking at the drain as the water poured over her. She let the water glide over her hair, trailing around the edges of her face as her tears mixed with it.
Even now, out of the shower, she felt lost in limbo. Her movements were slow and lazy as she toweled her wet hair. Then a knock at the door sounded. It caught her off guard, ripped her out of the haze. Opening the door she was met with Jake.
Confusion came over her as she stared at the blonde leaning against the doorframe. He peeked into her room as she continued to stand there, frozen. 
Ultimately his eyes turned to her and he smiled. “Won’t you invite me in?”
“Why?” Ana blurted. Her wet hair long forgotten, she put the towel around her neck, staring at him in bewilderment. Holding a hand up, Jake showed her two mugs filled with a steaming liquid. She hadn’t noticed the bag of snacks pinched under his arm before.
Jake patiently waited for her to catch up and when she did, Ana slowly let him in, still confused. He sauntered into the room. Curiously she watched him, unable to keep a part of her on guard. There was recognition in his eyes as he noticed her hovering close by the door. Jake’s eyes dulled over.
“Why are you doing this?” Ana heard herself ask, her voice sounding just as careful as her posture was. Jake turned away to put the two cups on her desk, dropping the bag of snacks beside them. 
With his back to her, his expression was hidden, but the way he tensed was noticeable nonetheless. His spine was straight, almost too straight – unnatural and overdone. Every muscle in his strong back was stretched, rippling under the plain shirt. A steel barrier, a wall of defense. What possibly could he need to guard himself against like that now?
“Thought you could use a cheer up,” he mumbled.
Slowly shuffling over, she stood beside him in front of the desk. She eyed the two cups of steaming liquid, noting the print on their white porcelain. They were from the common room. He’d made her a drink, risking being caught by the others, perhaps ridiculed or questioned. The Hangman doing something nice for his coworker. Being anything but the egoistical and vane asshole people thought him to be.
“Thank you.” Glancing over, her lips formed into the closest semblance of a smile she could muster today. For once it looked like she had caught him off guard. The surprise crossing his eyes was brief, but it was there. 
And then he relaxed. Shoulders dropping barely noticeably.
Together they sat down on the floor, backs propped against the frame of her bed. The drink in her hand warmed Ana and as she looked down into the cup eyeing the brown, creamy liquid she was surprised once more.
“Hot chocolate?” 
Jake hummed, taking a sip. There was a foamy sheen of chocolate coating his top lip afterward. Her heart fluttered as she watched his tongue poke out and lick it away.
“The best drink for cheerin’ up,” he smiled over at her. “I admit it’s even better when spiked but we gotta work with what we got.”
His words make her snort. It was true, she could use the soothing buzz of alcohol right now. But for that, she would have needed to leave the base and she felt like doing anything but that. It was the last thing she wanted to do right now, sitting in a crowded and loud bar, surrounded by happy people having a good time.
“I can’t believe it,” Ana broke the silence that had settled over them. Jake’sbrows raised as he was mid-sip. He looked at her, openly and patiently waiting, so she continued.
“He was just fine a week ago. Smiling and joking around, acting like everything was alright when I visited them.” They must have known by then. Both her mother and father had lied to her, they’d kept her in the dark. Did her siblings know?
“How could I have missed this?” How could she not have noticed something off? Surely there must have been signs. Had she been too blind to see them? Had she been too ignorant?
“They probably were trying to protect you.” Yes. They were. Ana wished they’d told her anyway. 
Staring down into her cup, Ana watched the liquid slosh and swirl as she spun the mug aimlessly. She felt herself drifting dangerously close to crying again, so she forced herself to sober up. A sip to distract herself and a change of topic were her strategy.
“You know you could have just gone to the Hard Deck like the others,” she told him, clearing her throat. “You could have ignored what you know and had a good evening.” Truthfully she didn’t understand why exactly Jake was here instead of spending his time at the bar, drinking and playing darts with Coyote. 
Instead, he sat with her, on the floor of her room, drinking hot chocolate.
“No. I couldn’t.” He was somewhat serious, this intense gaze back. Ana looked straight back at him. Long.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Daddy’s Smoker
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 2172
Warnings: smoking cigs, mentions of weed, strap sucking, strap on use, public sex, daddy kink, top!Nat, degrading, praising, nicknames, blowjobs (N receiving), stoner Nat, kinda college AU
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
The sound of beeping horns and tires running against the ground filled your ears. You could hear the loud engine of what you guessed was a motorcycle from four stories away. You sat on your girlfriends' lap, her arms laced tightly around you. Even with her strong arms that could bring anyone to the ground, it felt like a teddy bear holding you. Her cigarette smoke clouded up your mind and face, you blew it away with a swipe of your hand that caused her to chuckle. She knew you hated when she smoked, you knew the dangers and never wanted her to end up sick.
“Can you please blow that out already? It smells disgusting.” You coughed three times to be exact. You never liked having smoke near you, it was too risky to breathe it in and damage your own health.
“I have something else you can blow.” You rolled your eyes at her cheesy joke, turning your head to look at her. She smiled, clearly proud of her statement.
“What? Oh, c’mon, that was funny and you know it.” You brushed her off and rested your head in her neck, her soft red locks tickling your face. She kissed your cheek, leaving her lips to linger on the skin for just a moment. You enjoyed sweet moments like this where nothing else in the world mattered, not the bills that you needed to pay for your crappy apartment. Not the fact that you could barely even afford it. Only this, feeling your one true love holding you tightly yet softly and never letting go.
“It’s so nice out tonight, the breeze is fabulous,” Nat said. “I’m so glad we were able to watch the sunset tonight, it was beautiful.” You hummed in agreement, feeling the tiredness of the day catching up to you.
“But, I think there’s only one thing more beautiful than the sunset tonight; you.” You smiled, letting out a small laugh at her pickup line that she probably found off of Google.
“Very cute, Natty.” She hummed a medley into your skin, it sounded familiar but you couldn’t wrap your finger around it. She noticed the way you shivered and goosebumps erupted upon your skin. She lifted you up an inch, only to sit you back down onto her lap as you were now enwrapped in her leather jacket.
“Aren’t you cold?”
“Don’t worry about me, darling, I’ll be fine. Plus, you already warm my heart every second of every day.” She grabbed your hands, kissing the backs of them and smirking while admiring the small blush on your face that definitely wasn’t from the cold.
“Oh shut up!” You laughed out, moving in closer as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders and rested her head on top of yours. Your head rested on her neck once more, savoring the mixed smell of weed and cologne that laced her body. The table next to you held the cigarette tray already filled with ashes and buds of the disgustingly addicting taste.
“All those cars make so much noise. And that full moon is so distracting. The neighbors arguing again is so, so annoying and agitating. And no matter what’s happening around me, all I can think about is you. All I can see is you. All I can hear is you. All I can focus on is you. And all I want is you.” You could tell by the way she bit her lip that those sweet words weren’t the only thing she had on her mind. You moved your body so your nose brushed against hers, your arms wrapping around her neck as your legs did the same to her waist. She moved her hands down to your lower back, begging to dip them into your pants and squeeze the soft skin beneath them. Your center was placed directly above her own. When you lightly moved your hips, you could feel your favorite toy poking you. You hadn’t even realized that she was packing, only focusing on this sweet moment you got to share with your girlfriend.
“God, you’re so perfect. Your body is so gorgeous, fits perfectly in my hands. And these eyes, fuck I could stare into them all day. And as much as I’m trying to hold back, it’s so damn tempting to just slap this perfect ass of yours.” Her voice was a deep, breathy tone as she slowly moved you back and forth. She connected her lips with yours, letting your tongue swirl around and taste the tobacco flavor sitting in her mouth. She guided your pants off, the cooled air hitting your skin. The pretty pink panties you wore just for her were on display. She looked down, her forehead brushing against yours as she lipped the smirk covering her face.
“You wore these just for me, hm?” You nodded, hiding your nervousness to the best of your ability. She saw right past you.
“Hey, you’re so beautiful, doll. I think it’s so hot you wore these just for me. Were you waiting for me to get home in this?” Your nod confirmed her question. Her fingers traced your pantie line, going to rub your clit through the undergarments. You twitched in her hold, grasping her biceps and feeling the muscle clench.
“Why don’t you get down on your knees, darling.” You listened, rushing to get off of her and do as she said. You knew your knees would most likely be marked with bruises after this due to the cement beneath you. You longed for her fingers to touch you again, hoping she’d continue if you were good for her.
She ran the head of her faux cock against your lips, stuffing your mouth the second you opened them. You sucked on the tip as if she could actually feel it, nearly moaning at the way she threw her head back. Her hand ran through your hair, pulling you closer and making you choke and gag on her.
“That’s my good girl, so fucking sexy.” Tears ran down your face, being wiped away by Nat’s thumb. She admired the way you took her with care, leaving trails of spit behind. When she pulled you off, you chased back after her, missing the way she left a bulge in your throat and cheeks.
“You take me so well, darling, ‘m so proud of you.” You smiled at her praises. “Come here, let me make you feel good.” Before you could sit down on her lap, she stood up. She turned you around by your waist, bending you over the railing and running her hands along your back. You could see everyone from afar, all the cars and druggies crowding the streets.
“You like knowing that anyone could look up and see my girl slutting herself out for me? You think they’ll wanna watch? Watch the way you take me so well?” You shook your head, pushing yourself back into her and feeling her cock line up with your hole. You were dripping, your panties being ripped and thrown off to the side as she grew desperate. You wondered if it was the drugs in her system making her so hot and bothered but you loved it either way.
“Fuck, baby girl, I need you so bad.” She leaned over your body, catching a whiff of the shampoo she loved. She wrapped one hand around her strap, giving your neck a long peck to distract you from the painful stretch. You bit your lip, almost causing blood to trickle down your chin with how harshly your teeth sank into it.
“That’s not my name, slut.” Her palm connected with your ass exactly four times, her eyes trailing down to watch the way a small red mark grew. She made a mental note to put some healing cream on that later.
“Fuck! I-I’m sorry.” The burning sensation was starting to pass as you focused on the pleasurable feeling of her filling you up. You wished she had a real dick so that she could actually fill you up with her cum, it was a fantasy you both shared. She dreamed of getting you pregnant and making you swallow her load. The thought alone of cumming inside of you over and over until you were dripping down your thighs made her soak her boxers. And the image of your throat being painted with her cum and dribbling down your lips or chin always made her so horny to the point she had to leave work just to catch her breath.
You felt the base hit your back legs, you’ve never taken this much. You knew she loved stretching you out, but she had always gone easy on you. Now, she was making you take her to the brim and it felt fucking amazing.
“God, this sweet pussy is taking me so well. You feel so good clenching around me, baby.” She knew how much you loved it when she acted like she could actually feel it, like she could feel the way your warmth invaded her senses.
“C-can I move now?”
“God, yes! Please, please fuck me, daddy.” Hearing the title you gave her made her groan, leaning herself back up and holding your waist as she started a slow yet hard pace. It took everything she had inside her to not ruin you right then and there. She let you get used to her length before speeding up.
“Look at you, my perfect little slut getting bent over and fucked by daddy. I bet you don’t even care that anyone could see you like this. You like it, don’t you?” Your mouth shot open, forming an O shape. Your eyelids closed shut as your vision went black, your mind becoming filled with thoughts of your girlfriend. You couldn’t stop thinking about what she would do to you. How her fingers would feel inside of you or on you. The way she’d moan into your mouth when you rode her. The way the strap brushed against her clit just perfectly to make her cum for you. Everything about her just made you get closer and closer to the edge.
She couldn’t hold back, it was too tempting to just ruin you completely in that moment. Her hand made its way to your clit, rubbing the bud at an unimaginable speed, making you squirm in her strong grip. She wasn’t going to let go of you anytime soon, she wanted you to break in her arms. She wanted to watch as you lost control and came for her.
“Baby girl, I don’t think I can go much longer. ‘M gonna cum for you, I want you to make a mess all over daddy’s cock, okay? You gonna make daddy proud and cum for her?” There wasn’t any room to deny her, you knew you were close. It felt too good having her inside of you like this, her cock traveling deep in your tight hole to make you feel ungodly amounts of pleasure.
“Please, daddy, gonna cum! Daddy feels so good, I need to cum, please!” Your body spasmed as you finally let yourself go, squirting all over her hand and cock. Her fingers didn’t stop toying with your clit, even when you finished.
“That’s it, good girl, baby. Such a beautiful girl for daddy, making such a mess all over me.” She had reached the edge, cumming with you and throwing her head back as she escaped the awfulness of reality and joined the world of pleasure.
“Fuck, you like when daddy cums for you? You like knowing how turned on she gets from this sweet pussy and this perfect body?” Each word was jagged and mumbled as her ability to form a complete sentence left. You weren’t any better, your body was filled with the sweet aroma of your girlfriend, nothing more and nothing less. She could feel the warmth coming off of your body, it was as if you were a burning candle in the cold night. You both have forgotten all about the view, the fact that anyone could see you right here and right now. She was a naturally jealous and possessive person, but the image of anyone being able to see you being fucked out and used by her was the best feeling. She wanted everyone to know you were hers, and she’d do anything to prove that.
“You’re my precious girl, you got that? My only girl, my only true love. Now, why don’t you have a little smoke? It will make you feel so good, I promise.” The tip of her cigarette poked at your lips, begging to be held by them. You let her, opening your mouth slightly to take a small drag and almost immediately feeling the smoke travel down your body.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, now was it? I knew you would’ve given in eventually, all it took was some convincing and I had you smoking just like your daddy.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
❤ Be My Date ❤
Hi! I wanted to request an Eddie x shy reader where the reader wants to ask him to prom but is too shy so she leaves him a note in his locker but thinks it’s a joke because ‘if the basketball team wanted to throw a joke on me, they could have signed with a more creative name than ‘yn yln’, reader overhears and of course, eddie wouldn’t know who she was since she is so invisible but then we get a happy ending please 🥹
Warnings; Teeny bits of angst, fluff
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Reblogs, comments etc, mean the world to me ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
She had left a note on his locker asking him to prom, Eddie Munson had been her long-time crush for a while.
The minute she had seen Eddie in the cafeteria she fell for him, his dramatic, infectious personality drew her in, and his beautiful brown eyes and cute smile captivated her.
In school, she was kinda invisible. She did have friends but was painfully shy and desperately wished she had more confidence to talk to Eddie.
She was pretty sure he would like the cheerleader type, confident like him. It was a long shot asking him to prom, he didn't even know who she was really but she had to try.
Maybe he had noticed her and she just didn't know it.
She's on tenterhooks all day waiting for him to see the note and as it nears lunch she watches as he approaches his locker and begins to read what she said.
She moves closer to see what he says.
"Seriously! If those asshole basketball players wanted to play a joke they could have come up with a more creative name?".
This makes her heart sink and she sighs sadly. Of course, he doesn't know who is or noticed her.
Her sigh attracts his attention his eyes widen and he walks up to her.
"Was this from you? Did that asshole Jason make you do this?". She shakes her head feeling upset and tries to hide her tears.
"Hey, don't cry. Jesus H Christ, please don't cry sweetheart, was this real? Not a joke?".
Looking up at him she takes a breath then nods.
"Yes, I've liked you for a while, Eddie. You don't know me though so please just forget that I asked anything".
He frowns.
"I do know you though princess, I'm sorry I didn't know your name. In my head, I just kinda think oh there's that beautiful sweetheart again, she has such beautiful eyes and a pretty smile, why would she want to talk to a freak like me?".
"You're not a freak. So you like D&D? Heavy metal? Who cares? I think you're cool for not conforming to how others think. You're really brave to stand up to Jason, he's an asshole". She blinks surprised at her vehemence and he smirks.
"Sweetheart. I would love to go to prom with you. I wish I worked up the courage to ask for first".
Excitement fills her. This is real. He wants to go with her!
"I thought you'd want to go with a cheerleader or something". He shakes his head.
"Not my type at all sweetheart. Just you wait princess. This is going to be the most metal prom ever!". His smile is infectious and then he kisses her and she feels like she's on cloud nine.
Desire floods through her and she kisses him back until they both pull away all giddy and shy smiles.
"Before prom, though I'm taking you on a date baby, got to spoil my girl now huh?".
My girl. Two words and they make her ecstatic.
"Does that mean you're mine". She asks him softly and he flashes her that beautiful grin.
"I'm all yours, princess". He kisses her again and she returns it.
She really is glad she sent that note now. 💞💞💞💞
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awarmcupofmilk · 2 years
Gojo x reader “Pained Joy”
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series: pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6
summary: half gojo’s pov- a drunken conversation ends your five year marriage w/ gojo
content warnings: breakup/sad, angst, alcohol use (not extensive), arguing, fluff (kinda?) in flashbacks, mention of character going missing in flashback, mention of sickness in flashback, divorce
word count: 1,277
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© 2022 awarmcupofmilk
please don’t repost, edit, translate, use, or copy my works on any platforms (if you’d really like to please reach out – reblogs are welcome)
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Namie was crying. She wasn’t bawling anymore, maybe she was tired from the conversation earlier. The thought made your heart twist. She held onto your hand, tears sliding down her cheeks. She sniffled, her nose was running, but did not rub her eyes. It seemed like she was trying not to blink. Maybe get every last glimpse of Gojo before he moved out?
You had reassured her he would still come visit often. And besides, though you hadn’t explained this to Namie, officially the divorce hadn’t quite been sorted out yet. You’d have to figure out custody, alimony, all the nitty-gritty that made this even uglier than it already was. 
You couldn’t see your face, but you knew it looked miserable. Nothing about this felt good. Gojo wasn’t much better, eyes somber, almost deadened as he met your gaze. You desperately tried to avoid the question, but the back of your mind shouted it constantly these days. Why did it end up like this? 
You felt your throat clenching and eyes watering, but you didn’t cry. You didn’t feel like you deserved to. Every tear you shed would just hurt Namie. Gojo was probably thinking it, too, that is, if he was sad enough about this to have cried otherwise. Regardless, he put up a commendable act, smiling at your daughter with all the reassurance and appropriate apology necessary to calm her down. She sniffled again. 
You pulled Namie closer to you and stroked her hair as Gojo picked up his last box and turned away. Namie wailed once as he drove away, then fell silent. You wanted to scream. But instead, you kneeled down to meet Namie’s eyes. “Are you hungry, baby?” You asked as you stroked her hair and wiped away her tears as best you could. She shook her head and ran away from you. Ah. 
You stared after her, making sure she wasn’t going anywhere far. She just ran upstairs to her room. You turned back as you heard the door slam, and let out a sigh. For the first time today, you buried your face in your knees and sobbed. 
The night before Gojo agreed to move out, he had charged at you, angrily. 
“Seriously,” he had said, frustrated, exasperated, and honestly nothing short of furious. “Why are you doing this? What brought this on?”
You had sighed. “Satoru, stop. I already told you, forget about it.”
“No! I’m not just going to forget about it!” Gojo had yelled. It made you flinch. You don’t think he noticed. Or cared. “This is ridiculous! (“Satoru, stop,” you had repeated.) You’re just ending everything based on some sort of whim, and you won’t tell me why? What about Namie?”
That did it. Now you were fuming. The anger clouded your vision, you felt your pulse throbbing. “On a whim? That’s what you think this is? Do you really need me to point out how little you cared about me or this family? How dare you bring up Namie?” 
He seemed taken aback. He was trying to backtrack now, but you were having none of it. “Did it ever occur to you that what you did might be too painful, too humiliating for me to repeat? I don’t owe you an explanation! You’ve done enough harm. Even if you don’t feel sorry, leave me alone.”
He had gone quiet. For a few seconds he just stood there. Then, after giving a curt nod, he left as abruptly as he came. At no point did he apologize. 
Gojo remembers when he first met you now. His first thought when he saw you was that you seemed happy. It was too simple an assumption looking back, but something in the way you spoke, carried yourself, just seemed cheery. You didn’t even have to try that hard. You didn’t have to smile. He smiled more than you did, joked more than you did. But somehow, it was just clear that you were a happier presence. 
Maybe that’s why he asked you out. You made him feel more optimistic. Like life would be fun. 
If only he had remembered the hope you brought was what he liked about you. Too late. 
Tossing his keys aside, staring at the pile of boxes he had no heart to unpack, Gojo ran a hand over his face. What happened? 
What was the nail in the coffin? What made you leave?
The questions haunted him. But it was hopeless. He’d never know. His stomach and pride twisted at the thought that even without a turning point, he had done more than enough to deserve the consequences. 
For the first time since the conversation that ended your marriage, Gojo felt a tear slide down his cheek. He felt wretched. 
Wiping it away with the back of his hand, he reached for his phone and dialed for his best friend. 
“I moved out today,” Gojo said, sitting on Geto’s couch. His voice shook. “It feels final now.”
Geto patted him on the shoulder, expression apologetic. 
Gojo took a sip of the beer. It made him cough. He hated how it tasted. He hated more how you wouldn’t be here to pick him up this time. 
He laughed bitterly at how quickly he pulled a one-eighty. What he was irritated by he now missed. Desperately. So much so it terrified him. 
You, always smiling, always laughing, always pulling him into a hug. You, who held his hand and kissed Namie on the forehead, terrified but still hoping for the best, still smiling for the family even when Namie was sick. You, who held Namie tight and smiled for her, even when he had gone missing, who stood waiting with his daughter at the door the day he came back. 
Were you really gone forever?
His laughter turned into tears very quickly. Geto seemed at a loss. But the more Gojo thought, the more indignant he became. Again. “You know, they never gave me a reason?”
“I get it, I wasn’t all that. But they never said anything. Up till the end, they never told me why.” Gojo put his face in his palm. 
Geto frowned. He managed to look disapproving and apologetic at the same time.
“Well, they were pretty obvious, Satoru. Remember last ti—”
Geto fell silent. Gojo nudged him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. But Geto’s gaze was far off. 
“Oh no.” He breathed. 
“What?” Gojo asked, confused and a bit irritated. 
“I think I know why.”
“What?” Gojo said again. But he had understood. He stopped breathing in wait, in fear. 
“The last time you came, before your mission, I think Y/N was crying when they came to pick you up.”
“What?!” Gojo said, yelled, really. 
“I don’t remember that well. But their eyes were red. And they didn’t say anything. Or maybe they said ‘hi’ to me? Either way they seemed upset. But we were both wasted.”
Gojo couldn’t speak. 
“I mean, did you do anything horrible after that? Maybe it was something else.”
But he hadn’t. He was away on a mission for most of the two months after that. 
Gojo ran out into the hallway to call you; it was the alcohol at work. But you didn’t answer. You had cried yourself to sleep. Not that you would have answered otherwise. 
He clutched his hair, head between his knees. What did he do?
Was it really all over? Why didn’t you answer? Were you okay? Was Namie okay?
Countless questions raced through his mind in a bout of panic, but among them one made him petrified. 
Was it really all his fault?
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✧ Masterlist ✧
taglist: @skzismyhome @chanyeolscoon @cloudsinthecosmos @dunnowhy-m @mykyoon @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @96jnie
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2baabbies · 3 months
haiii bae, its kai. hardest decision of my life u've put me through here /j
for the image reqs, 4 with hyune, sfw, maybe on ur way home from a date, and suddenly it starts raining... dancing around or kissing in the rain and just having fun :3 (they/them pronouns please pretty)
lol I know, I’m sooo mean 😉 here’s some hyune requested by kaiiii
🖤 cloudburst (hyunjin x reader) 🖤
Words: 880
Request guidelines here!
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
Your eyelids flutter as the music in the car fades into static. It returns to normal, but still occasionally crackles as you drive home. Your head lulls to the side to look at Hyunjin, in the driver’s seat, humming along to the song. He steers with one hand and the other is linked with yours on the center console. You had started the day together with a cozy breakfast date and are now heading back home. You yawn, and Hyunjin glances at you with a soft smile.
“We’re almost home.”
Your attention is drawn to the windshield as something plunks hard against the glass. A moment later, another fat drop of rain falls. They soon begin to fall in succession, thudding on the roof and blurring your view. Hyunjin sighs and activates the wipers.
“What’s wrong?”
“I was really hoping we would beat it.”
“It’s only rain, Hyune.”
“It’s pouring,” He whines, “Plus it makes everything so gloomy.”
You laugh and give his hand a reassuring squeeze. When you arrive on your street he pulls up so your side is closest to the curb. You take the opportunity to detach your hand from his when he shifts the car into park. He sighs again, gazing with longing through the bleary window at your shared home.
“Should we wait it out?”
You shake your head.
“Baby, it’s just rain”
Hyunjin slumps dramatically in his seat, pouting at you as you smile sympathetically.
“It’s cold, and wet. I don’t want to get wet.”
You peer out the windshield at the bright sun breaking through the clouds. It was only a sunshower, and would pass soon enough.
“It’s not too bad.”
You share a look as he huffs and crosses his arms. You roll your eyes playfully and unbuckle your seatbelt.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“What? You can’t abandon me!”
You step out of the car without hesitation and the rain immediately cascades over you. You lean in the open door to reply and let the rain drench you as Hyunjin reaches out to you weakly.
“Calm down, I’m going to get you an umbrella.”
You laugh and step away as he lets his hand drop into the passenger seat. You leave the door open as you have a stretch. The sun warms you despite the heavy downpour and you take a moment to enjoy it. The radio sings out of the open door while you do a small spin and bask under the rain.
“You look like you’re having fun!” Hyunjin calls out.
“It feels nice!”
You wander out to the quiet street, mindful of traffic as you splash through the quickly forming puddles. You do another spin and when you turn hear the driver’s door being slammed shut. You grin as Hyunjin jogs over to you, swiping his long hair out of his face as he closes the distance. You decide to splash him with water as he catches up.
You laugh and turn to run, then yelp when he grabs you from behind and swings you off your feet.
“Come here, trouble.”
He guides you back to the sidewalk as you teasingly ask:
“I thought you didn’t want to get wet?”
“You made it look fun.”
“Did I?”
You loop your arms over his shoulders and tilt your head as he pulls you in. Music is still playing from the idling car. You are both silent for a moment, studying each other’s expressions and listening to the popular love song pouring out from the speakers. He smiles and bumps his forehead against yours as rain continues to pour over you both. You giggle and let him rock you as you melt in his arms.
“I like this song,” He murmurs.
“Me too.”
You shut your eyes and hum as he reaches up to swipe away wet hairs clinging to your face. He pets your cheek with his thumb and leads you into a slow dance. You rest your head on his shoulder and sigh happily as he sways you in his arms.
Hyunjin gently cups the nape of your neck as you lift your head. His gaze is tender as you open your eyes and smile at him. This smile only widens when he begins moving in, and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. You stay like this, sharing kisses in the rain, until you naturally separate. He holds your cheek and gives you an eye-crinkling smile before he speaks.
“Let’s go inside, hm? I don’t want you to get sick.”
He leads you to the house as he begins searching his pockets for his keys.
“Hyune, the car?”
“Oh, right!”
You laugh as he runs away, then scrambles to turn off the car and grab his keys through the passenger’s door. You wait for him to close and lock the car while fondly shaking your head. He unlocks the front door to your home and ushers you inside as he pecks the side of your head.
“Yeah,” You reply as you shuck off your soaked shoes.
When you straighten up Hyunjin is still standing in the open doorway, sunny rain pouring behind him.
“You make everything brighter, you know that? I love you.”
“I love you too, Hyunjin.”
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male werewolf x female character (Gabe & Odessa) - Part Nineteen (nsfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Thank you so much if you commented or reblogged with tags on the last one! This Christmas Day update is for you specifically :). It’s a bit of an ‘in-between’ chapter, and things are going to start wrapping up soon. I’ve now finished writing it all, and each chapter now just needs an edit before uploading. There are three more after this one, and as ever, I look forward to your feedback and reactions. Thank you for beta-reading it for me, as it were!
Content: The full moon is still looming, Gabe & Odessa spend their last few days in and around Pinewatch, and Odessa learns a little about what it’s like for Gabe on the full moon. Wordcount: 4832
Catch up here:
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (sfw) Part Seven (sfw), Part Eight (sfw), Part Nine (sfw), Part Ten (sfw), Part Eleven (nsfw), Part Twelve (sfw), Part Thirteen (sfw), Part Fourteen (nsfw), Part Fifteen (nsfw), Part Sixteen (nsfw), Part Seventeen (sfw), Part Eighteen (v. light nsfw), 
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Odessa’s last few days in Pinewatch passed in a blur.
When it wasn’t raining, they took the wolf-dogs for walks from Gabe’s house, visiting the meadow by the river from one of their earlier walks a couple of times since the dogs seemed to enjoy it almost as much as Odessa did.
There was something about the way the meadow opened up once they crossed the stepping stones over the stream that sparked an aching in Odessa’s chest, especially on that last time as she stood with her hand in Gabe’s and the dogs snuffling through the meadow and following the scents left behind like the ghosts of the rabbits and deer and foxes that had nosed through the grasses in the night. All around her, the wide, broad sweep of grass had been leached of summer colour to leave faded strands of pale gold dotted with rattling seed heads and prickling teasels, and beyond the boundary of the clearing, tall pine trees stood sentinel.
“There’s a hawk over there, watching us,” Gabe whispered in her ear and she jumped at the sound of his voice after so long in stillness.
“Where? I can’t see anything but trees…”
He smiled and took his time pointing it out while Thunder loped over to the trees to investigate. The movement disturbed it, and the bird took flight in an affronted flap of coffee coloured wings before wheeling away westwards over the forest and out of sight.
Odessa turned and laid her cheek against his chest. He was wearing a light, woollen jumper, and the humble warmth of him in the cold autumn day was wonderful against her body. “If you’d asked me a year ago, I never would have imagined myself saying this,” she said, “But I would honestly love to live somewhere like this now.” She was thinking of his cosy house, nestled in the shelter of the pine trees a few miles away down the valley.
Gabe’s answering smile was accompanied by a flash of gold and a laugh. He hugged her and tipped backwards a little, arching his spine so that her feet left the floor and she whooped a laugh and clung to him, and when he set her down, she found Mia boinging up and down on the spot and snapping her jaws in her own way of laughing.
“I knew you’d warm up to me eventually, princess,” Odessa grinned at the dog, who immediately sneezed and trotted off with her tail held high. Axel looked from Mia to Odessa as if to apologise for his haughty sister, and then slunk off into the brambles around the edge of the open meadow to find Thunder.  
They watched the dogs for a while, but when the clouds started to drift in, they headed back home and curled up to read together on the sofa in his living room, tangled up beneath a simple, cream coloured, knitted blanket.
When rain put pay to their walks on those last remaining days, Gabe drove them into town instead.
They drank coffee together, with their fingers interlaced on the tabletop, and Odessa mapped and learned all the little nicks and scars on his tanned hands from his work outdoors and from running as a wolf through the woods. They ate blackberry cupcakes from Marco’s until they thought they might burst and even Gabe said he’d had enough, all the while chatting and filling in the incidental details of their lives that hadn’t yet come up, while rain made wavering silver bars on the cafe windows. Laughing, they darted from shop to shop, jostling together under the shelter of Gabe’s old jacket, and despite the wet weather, the frizzing hair, the damp clothes, the chilly feet, and the looming knowledge of her imminent departure, Odessa felt happy to her core for the first time in months.
She shrieked and squirmed when an errant raindrop plopped down the back of her neck, and the pair of them drew scowling looks of censorious disapproval from elderly Mrs. MacFarlane up the street when Gabe suddenly snatched Odessa around the middle and pulled her into an empty doorway just to kiss her silly.
He smiled between kisses as he pressed her up against the cold brickwork and she gasped when he rolled his hips once against hers before drawing back, only to return a second later to mouth and bite deliciously at her neck behind the curtain of her dark curls. “I love you,” he whispered, the words barely audible above the rain.
She kissed him back, and she watched his eyes roll closed with a deep, private groan. “What?” she asked.
He nosed at her temple and inhaled deeply, and his fingers tightened where they’d dropped to her hips. “I love the smell of you in the rain,” he rasped against her skin and Odessa blushed. “Can’t get enough of you.”
Joy suffused her expression and she laughed quietly, and it only doubled when she caught sight of Mrs. MacFarlane’s continued shock at their behaviour over Gabe’s shoulder. “I think we’re about to be reported for antisocial behaviour, Gabe,” she giggled in his ear, biting his earlobe and drawing a spontaneous, growling moan from him. That close up, he sounded like a motorbike when his inner wolf growled at her, and she adored it.
He did step back though, and when he turned around and spotted what Odessa was referring to, he laughed and waved jovially at the old woman, as though they hadn’t just been caught rutting against each other in a doorway like teenagers behind the bike sheds.
Mrs. MacFarlane pouted and shook her head as she trundled off in the opposite direction, and when Gabe turned back to Odessa she watched his eyes flare playfully from hazel to gold for a few seconds. “You know, I used to be a respectable member of this community til you came along?” he smirked.
“Corrupting the sweet woodland boy with my evil city ways,” she crooned. “Come on. Take me back home and you can have your way with me there instead.”
He held her hand as they trotted back to his truck through the rain, and he didn’t stop smiling the whole way home.
Appropriately enough, on her very last full day in Pinewatch, they awoke to rain sheeting out of the sky in torrents. After a morning feeling tense and caged and trapped in the house, feeling like they were just waiting for the hours to tick by until the sun set on her final day, Gabe suggested a distraction in town once more, and she practically leapt at it.
Gabe took her to a cute arts and crafts shop that had been closed until then, and in the back corner, she found an oil painting which drew her up short.
“Look,” she breathed, staring at the painting in her hands, and Gabe turned from where he’d been idly browsing some autumnal decorations a few feet away.
A slow-dawning, thousand-watt smile spread across his face when he saw the painting’s subject, and he came over to stand beside her. He kissed her temple and splayed his fingers across the small of her back in a private display of affection.
“It’s the rock where I first met Wolf,” she whispered, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Isn’t it? The one on the path behind the cabin?”
Gabe nodded.
Odessa didn’t think twice about it. She bought the painting.
It was only small, perhaps eight inches across, including the width of the dark, chunky, antiqued frame, but that only made it more magical and more intimate. The rounded boulder sat in a soft wash of warm sunlight, and the grass around it seemed to move and sway if she didn't look directly at it. It felt like looking into a camera obscura and glimpsing a moment in the past.
Sitting in the passenger seat of Gabe’s truck after a late lunch at Marco’s, while the rain still pounded relentlessly on the roof like a drum, she stared unseeing at the protective brown paper wrapping which was now spotted with raindrops. She ran her hands idly around the edges of the parcel, feeling the contours and details of the frame beneath her fingertips, and sighed expansively.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Gabe asked after climbing in and shutting the door with a gentle click. She got the impression he’d been looking at her for longer than she’d realised.
He smiled and her eye was caught by the soft, glinting light off the water droplets in his hair. It had gone curly in the rain, though not as wild as hers had. “I said, a penny for your thoughts?” he smiled.
“Oh.” Her gaze dropped back to the parcel and she sighed a second time. “I was just… I mean… looking at this is a bit like reliving the moment I found out about you,” she said. “About what you are, I mean. It’s… It’s like replaying the magic of it all over again.”
“Magic?” he said with a little snort of fond laughter. “You didn’t seem to think it was very magical at the time. The way I remember it, I scared the living shit out of you in the dark, and you nearly cracked your head open falling into the river.”
She had to laugh at that, but it petered out quickly. “No,” she said when she stopped. “You’re right, but… I didn’t mean it like that.”
Gabe sobered a little and asked a question with the tiniest shift in his eyes.
Odessa smiled at him again. “I just… I don’t really know how to explain it properly,” she huffed. “When I saw this painting, it reminded me of the moment I realised I’d found what I’ve been looking for my whole life, without even realising it — without… knowing what was even missing to start with, you know?”
Gabe swallowed thickly and nodded. “Yeah,” he rasped and took her hand in his and squeezed. “I know.”
The short drive back to his house passed in silence; Odessa lost in thought as she cradled her new painting in her lap, and Gabe concentrating on the road while the rain thrashed down. “Hope this clears before you go back tomorrow,” he commented. “I don’t like the chances of your little VW on the roads round here.”
“I’ll be careful,” she said.
“I know.”
They raced inside but still ended up drenched, and Odessa left the painting on the dining table while Gabe went to run her a bath to warm her up. She draped her damp clothes over a radiator to dry them off and stepped into the steam of the bathroom a while later. Despite the gorgeously hot water though, she felt a lingering cold in her bones that had nothing to do with the grim weather of advancing autumn.
Gabe was still downstairs when she emerged from his en suite, and she began to dress herself mechanically, feeling oddly detached and stressed at the thought of leaving in the morning. Gabe came upstairs a few minutes later and found her sitting on the bed in just her jeans and her bra, staring listlessly at the floorboards with her t-shirt held limply in her hands.
Her crossed to her and when she looked dolefully up at him, he knelt between her legs and ran his hands up her thighs. “I know,” he said. “We’ll figure it out.”
She let her fingers rake through his wavy, salt and pepper hair, nails scraping deliciously over his scalp while he knelt with his head in her lap and his arms hugging her hips. The action calmed her a little, but her heart still thudded in her chest.
“You want me to shift?” he asked without looking up.
She paused. She did, but instead she just said, “Only if you want to.”
After a moment’s hesitation, he shook his head. “Not this close to a full moon shift, if I don’t have to.”
“Then don’t. This is more than enough.” And it was.
He kissed her thighs through her jeans and finally sat back on his heels. When he looked up at her, his eyes were gold. She motioned with her head for him to come and join her on the bed, and he slid his arm around her middle and tugged her down to lie on the covers with her back pressed against his stomach while he curled around her.
“Can I ask you about the full moon?” she ventured after a moment of just lying there in his arms while he breathed in the scent of her hair.
“Of course.”
Embarrassed, she prefaced her question with a quick huff of laughter. “Bear in mind I’ve only got movies and stuff to go on…”
Patient as ever, he just nodded.
“Does the full moon mean you have to shift? Does it affect you differently?”
He nodded a little, the movement brushing his nose through her curls. He drew her hair aside and kissed the nape of her neck before answering. “Yeah. We don’t shift uncontrollably, though,” he amended. “We can still remain human if we need to, but it’s right there — always a hair-trigger away. We’d have been wiped out a long time ago by hunters if we couldn’t stay hidden once every month if we really had to, and the wolves who live in the city would have a really hard time of it, but it’s just there,” he said again, and he curled the fingers of his left hand into a fist and flexed them again, like he was working stiffness out of his knuckle joints. “It makes us ache and itch and we don’t feel like we fit into our skin anymore. We become a lot more like our wolf selves too, mentally, even if we don’t shift.”
Odessa tried to hide a smile at that, but when he saw it over her shoulder, he hummed curiously and she let the smile become a giggle. “I’m not sure I can handle Human-Wolf-Gabe. You’ll just be too adorable.”
“I’ll be all over you like a rash,” he growled, and he didn’t sound exactly pleased about it. His usually sweet expression turned sour and he sighed. She turned onto her back and his hand traced the movement to land on her stomach instead. “I’ll be… not ‘possessive’ of you exactly, but I’ll want to touch you. A lot,” he said and he circled his palm absently over her stomach even as he said it. “And I won’t like it if someone comes near you if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“I’d hope you wouldn’t like that anyway,” she remarked dryly, remembering how he’d dealt with Jake that night when she’d felt threatened.
He tilted his head in a ‘point taken’ kind of way, and exhaled heavily. “I’ve kind of forgotten what it’s actually like to be around a wolf at the full moon though,” he muttered. “I usually shift once the sun sets, and spend the night in the woods, if I’m honest.”
“What about the dogs?”
“They stay here. They normally like running with me when I shift, but I’m not able to look out for them in the same way on the full moon. I’m not fully aware of everything in the same way.”
“When exactly is the full moon?”
“It’s… tomorrow night,” he said. His eyes were still bright gold and she wondered if he even realised.
Odessa glanced out of the window, where the dark pines around the edge of the clearing in front of his house danced and waved in the late afternoon rain that was still hurling itself from the flat, silver-grey sky. “Will you be ok?” she asked in a whisper. “I mean, I know you don’t lose control or anything, but…”
“I’m not going to run all the way to the city to find you,” he said with a wry smile at the corner of his lips and a kiss on her forehead. “If that’s what you’re thinking.”
She wasn’t about to admit that it had been.
“And you’re not going to wake up to a monstrous wolf at your door and animal control on the way.”
“Just checking,” she said, cheeks heating. “I guess I could stay? If it would be easier?”
Gabe seemed to give it serious thought, but eventually he shook his head. “No. I think it’s probably best if… if you’re not here this time. If that’s alright?”
“Of course it is,” she said, though she couldn’t help the slight sting of disappointment. Still, she’d experienced a lot of his wolf side in the two weeks she’d been with him, and he’d opened up a lot to a stranger already. “You’re the werewolf… it’s your call.”
He smiled and kissed her forehead. “You warmed up a bit now?”
She nodded. “Snuggling definitely helped.”
“Snuggling always helps,” he grinned, and yanked her right up against his body again. He started to scent her once more, and let out a long, low hum of satisfaction.
A few minutes later, Gabe’s ancient, indestructible Nokia buzzed to life on the bedside table behind him, the little blue brick of Stone Age technology vibrating obnoxiously, and both of them jumped and laughed. He rolled away with a reluctant grunt and read the message.
“Everything ok?”
“Mmm. Tala messaged,” he said. “Asking if we wanted to join a few people at the Boar and Hart tonight for dinner since it’s your last night.”
She swallowed and then nodded. It all felt terribly final again. “You’ll have to take me back to the cabin to change first,” she said. “These clothes are all crumpled after getting wet.”
“You look fine, but we can leave early and go via there.”
They still had hours until then, and what had started as tender, chaste affection soon stoked to a slow but white-hot passion. It began with Gabe running his hands up and down her torso, skimming the soft rolls around her belly and caressing her breasts over the soft, black fabric of her very ordinary bra, to him kneeling on the bed between her parted legs and kissing her inner thighs through her jeans while Odessa scraped her nails gently over the nape of his neck again. When Gabe undid the button of her jeans with careful precision, and drew down her underwear enough for him to kiss the dark hair right above her clit, he moaned and she lifted her hips.
He drew off her jeans and her underwear and she lay back again. Still kneeling, Gabe slid his palms under her thighs, cupping them and squeezing the muscle until she gasped and parted her legs even further for him. He laved his tongue over her and groaned as he tasted her. His nose nudged her clit as he slipped his tongue inside her, and when she gasped and tipped her head back into the pillows, he focused his tongue on her clit again and closed his lips around it in a way that had her crying out and shuddering.
After a while, Gabe sat back and drew off his grey t-shirt and ditched it on the floor, and Odessa drank in the sight of him; of his lean, lithe, outdoor body with its lingering tan lines from the summer and the sprinkling of greying hair across his chest; of the way he moved with all his wolfish focus still on her, as if his own body was merely an afterthought. He was fully hard when he returned to the bed beside her, but instead of letting him have his way with her, Odessa decided to enjoy him first.
She shook her head and smiled, turning her head towards the pillows beside her to get him to lie down next to her. Werewolves, she had quickly come to realise, were creatures that spoke as much with physical gesture as they did vocal language, and he understood immediately.
Lying on his back, with his hands quietly at his sides and his legs slightly parted, cock hard and already starting to weep clear pre-come onto his lower abs, Gabe lay there and stared golden-eyed at her, waiting to find out her will.
She ran her hands up his legs, feeling the way they shivered minutely under her touch, as though every cell in his body was attuned to her, and she let her thumbs trace the jutting outline of his hips. She cupped his balls in her warm palm and gripped the base of his cock briefly before working the shaft in her hand and groaning at just how hard he was for her. He thrust his head back into the pillows and let out an inhuman growl that filled the room and vibrated through her whole body, all the tendons in his neck and the muscles in his shoulders standing proud as he tensed and shivered and exhaled roughly.
“Love that sound, Gabe,” she whispered and it grew louder. “Yes, like that. Don’t hold it back. I want to hear you, Gabe.”
“Odessa,” he hissed between panting gasps.
“My wolf…”
His spine arched and one leg bent and drew up at the knee before he straightened it again, heel driving into the sheets and rucking up the duvet. He desperately wanted more but seemed just content enough for the time being to lie there and let her enjoy him. She loved him all the more for that just then.
Before she made him come from her hand alone, she leaned down over his torso and pressed her naked body flush against his, her breasts resting against his chest, her wet, burning core sliding along the hard length of him. Gabe’s self-control fractured just a little more and he grabbed her hips and kneaded the softness of her arse hard enough that it almost hurt, grinding her down against his hard cock for a little relief.
She kissed his collarbones and his pecs, and then brought both hands to the base of his skull and scrunched his hair, pulling it with unyielding slowness until he let out another sound that was halfway between a moan and a howl. He rutted his pelvis upwards, his hard cock sliding through her wetness, and he gasped her name again, pulling her as close to him as he could without actually being inside her yet.
They moved slowly, savouring the intensity of every motion, and before too long they were both out of breath.
“Oh God, Odessa,” he whimpered, showing thick canines as the shift started to creep over him. “I need you, please…”
“You have me,” she smiled, kissing him full on the mouth. Then she used his shoulders to push herself upright, and after one final, slick roll along the length of his cock, she sank down onto him.
The sound he made as he slid slowly into her tight heat struck her to the core and he curled his torso slowly up towards her, abs clenching, lost in how good she felt, eyes rolling back. “You’re perfect,” he hissed through clenched teeth. “God, Odessa, you’re everything. I can’t — I —”
She rose up before he could slide all the way inside her, and when she sank down again, he all but sobbed.
Taking her time, Odessa watched him unravel beneath her.
Sometimes his spine arched right off the bed, head pressing back into the pillows, while other times he curled upwards towards her, his hands caressing her breasts and then guiding her the motion of her hips until he fell back again, rendered weak and gasping as she tensed her muscles around him and rocked in a certain way that made his eyes flare brighter.
When he began to shake and snarl uncontrollably, she picked up her pace, leaning forward a little to brace one hand on his solid shoulder while she rocked and raised her hips. She felt the sharp prick of claws at her hips and on her thighs and looked up to find his lips drawn back to reveal thick canines. His silver-brown hairline crept a little further forward over his temples and his beard reached a little higher up his cheeks, and he swore.
Heaving growls filled the room, reverberating through her ribs.
“Odessa,” he said in a much deeper and rougher voice than usual. It felt almost primal as he growled, “I’m so close. Please, come with me… I —” He cut off, and his body bucked and shuddered again as pleasure and the need to shift warred inside him.
She realised he couldn’t properly touch her body without hurting her, his claws preventing him from making her come with his hands, and it was that which was driving him wild with frustration. A fond smile grew across her lips and she paused to lean down and kiss his forehead. He snarled at her, but it was mostly laughter, and she apologised for breaking the rhythm by clenching her muscles around him again and sinking as far down onto his cock as she could, grinding her hips in a decadent circle that made both of them gasp.
“Oh God, Odessa, please,” he begged, breathless and desperate.
“Take over for me?” she said, going still and bringing her fingertips to her aching, swollen clit while bracing up on her thighs to give him room to move beneath her. At the slick relief of her fingertips against her core, she moaned and Gabe immediately started to drive his hips up into her in a frantic rhythm.
He caught her just so with every upward thrust, and the snarling, animal, inhuman growls that poured out of him and filled the room only intensified her pleasure. Dizzy with how good it felt to be this close to him, she began to moan and cry out, her left hand still gripping his shoulder for balance and stability while he drove himself repeatedly upwards into her. “I’m going to come, Gabe,” she gasped, head bowing forwards, dark hair forming a curtain of curls over one shoulder. With a little effort, she pushed herself back on her hips to drive him deeper still.
“Close too,” he growled around a mouthful of fangs. “God you feel so good. You’re perfect. I love you, Odessa. I’m yours. I love you, I love you—” he chanted it over and over and then with a rictus snarl he drove up into her one last time and spilled with a muffled grunt.
She could feel his cock spurting and emptying inside her while his body rocked with the force of his orgasm, and with a final couple of nudges against her own clit, she spasmed around him with a broken yell that must have left his ears ringing.
Still coming, Gabe held her close, pulling her hips down onto his cock as if to keep her as near as physically possible for as long as he could. His jaw was clenched, his chest and neck flushed, and his forehead came up to meet her neck while he rocked and growled through his ongoing orgasm. His dark claws pricked into her flesh, only adding to the searing pleasure coursing through her whole body.
Odessa came so hard her vision whited out, but when she finally stopped twitching and moaning, she slumped down onto his chest and listened to his pounding heartbeat for a long time. His cock still occasionally pulsed inside her but his claws retreated and he began to run his fingertips up her sides and across her back, heedless of the sweat that stippled her spine and the little, skittering spasms that shivered through her.
When the wolf had retreated completely from his eyes, he opened them and gazed at her. “You alright?” he croaked.
“Mmmph,” she mumbled and kissed his neck.
A broken moan left him at the press of her lips against his hammering pulse and he resumed his quiet admiration of her body with gentle hands until he eventually began to soften, and she worried about making a mess on the relatively clean sheets. He tried to protest that it didn't matter, but she was having none of it, and eventually he let her get up.
Odessa — very deliberately — only cleaned up as much as necessary to be comfortable before she dressed again, and when she came back into the room and caught the way his nose lifted just a fraction while he sat on the edge of the bed, she smiled with calculated innocence.  
He shook his head and smirked at her.
She crossed to him and stood between his parted knees, and held his face in her hands. His short beard was soft against her palms and she experienced an almost overwhelming wave of affection for him as he stared up at her and smiled.
“I love you too, Gabe,” she whispered, and then she kissed him.
Next Chapter -->
I wish you a joyous festive season, and if you don’t celebrate, I hope you have a warm and cosy day all the same. Thanks for reading this far in their story, and I hope that you’ll consider reblogging this as well as leaving a like if you enjoyed it.
Take care, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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suvidrache · 7 months
Dates with Tomas
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 380 | Read it on AO3
Author's Note: Written from MK 11 and past. I do not write for MK 1.
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Smoke had no intentions of going on a date. He didn't expect to find anyone interested in him. His powers were both a blessing and a curse. He could travel just about anywhere he wanted to go. He didn't have to walk through things if he didn't want to. Yet, even when he was a human instead of a cloud of smoke, he still smelled heavily of what he was. There was no amount of cologne, showering, deodorant, anything that could rid him of his smell. He wished that things could be different. He did make friends who didn't mind him, but none of that would ever escalate.
When you arrived, you weren't sure where you were at. Tomas was hesitant to approach you. He wanted to help you, but he knew you might judge him. He didn't know, but he just assumed as he had been treated that way in the past. You didn't seem to be bothered and treated him like you did everyone else. He enjoyed his time with you. A few times, it crossed his mind to ask you on a date. However, he didn't want to ruin the friendship that he had. While you did like him, you probably didn't like him in that way. It wasn't a risk he was willing to take.
You asked him out first, and he accepted. He was happy and honestly, lost sleep that night from the excitement. He wanted things to go well and hoped that they would. You both came to an agreement on a place, and he met you there. He grabbed the door for you and your chair. He wanted to show you that he cared and was genuinely interested in you as well. After taking the time to get to know one another slightly better, he offered to pay for the dinner and walk you home. You didn't mind splitting the bill and accepted his invite on the walk home. Tomas did ask about another date. His words were quiet and hesitant. He wasn't sure that you would accept the invite, but you did. You told him the days and times that you were available, and he picked the day and time. You picked the place, and next time, he would pick the place.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @queendeeshorrorimagines, @sunmoongoddess / Join my tag list here!
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bakerstreethound · 1 year
Chasing Shadows
Relationship: General Kirigan (Darkling) x reader
Warnings: swearing, slight fluff, possible hints of nsfw themes (if you squint)
Summary: No Power AU. Aleksander takes you to Toronto away from your everyday working life for a vacation with suprises in store. 
All writings belong to me @bakerstreethound (Do NOT claim, repost, copy or translate my works to other sites. I only publish here and on A03 under the same username)
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: Special thanks goes to @novaracer​ for encouraging me to post this fic. The concept for this work was based on a Valentines game my friend @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds​ posted and these were my results, so I decided to run with the idea and form something from it. I hope you all enjoy. As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated! Graphic by @firefly-graphics​
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You didn’t expect your weekend to be upended in something so unexpected, but Aleks always took you by surprise no matter the time of day. You watch him as he paces by the transparent window, smiling to yourself enjoying both the view and the bustling city life around you. Of all places, he had taken both of you to Toronto, a city bustling and full of life. You were not expecting a fancy hotel suit. 
Sure, a nice quiet evening at your shared apartment was nice, followed by a simple dinner and discussing the pains and joys of the day. However, the recent weeks and the hassle of your day to day lives with him at the law firm and you working at the University down the street warranted some time for respite. 
“Exactly how many strings did you have to pull from the firm to get this?” You say, stretching your arms above your head while Aleks continued pacing, the assurdness in his strides a welcome, familiar feeling. 
His warm dark eyes meet yours, and your heart fluttered as he responded. “Not many, other than saying I’d like a change of scenery to conduct important business,” he raised a cheeky brow. 
He comes over and you reached up running your fingers through his messy morning hair, smiling softly as he leaned into your touch, grasping your waist as he falls into you, pressing you into the soft pillowy mattress that felt more like a dream than reality. The soft plumage encompassing your body like an airy cloud. 
“I heard there’s a market downtown today,” he said, peppering kisses along your neck as he continued, “perhaps we could take a look around, maybe find dinner or lunch while we’re at it.” 
“Sounds delightful.” 
Soon enough you’re walking down the lively streets, the incessant honking of the cars a cacophony of an unfamiliar symphony your ears. An elderly lady calls out to you from her cart, noticing the way your fingers intertwined with Aleks’ and you offer her a small smile, guiding Aleks along to greet her. Never had you seen so many flowers, the varieties multitudes and full of brigh voluminous color, the petals beckoning for you to reach out and take them with you. 
“How about these?” The old lady pipes up, gesturing to the selection of blood red roses, so dark and luxurious they look as if they could bleed. Aleks, smiled to himself while you carefully hovered your finger along them, plucking the stem from its pot, bringing the rose to your nose, inhaling deeply. In it you could smell you hopes and desires, blooming cacadeing down along the deepest depths of your heart. In fact, Aleks, in his stupor of watching the flowers with you, brushed away a lock of your hair, picking up one of the beautiful blossoms, tucking it behind your ear. 
The old lady practically beamed at the reaction, a ray of sunshine warming you from head to toe, a delicious contrast to the sharp edges and coolness of Aleks’ shadows. 
You toss her one last warm smile as Aleks’ arms wrap around you sweeping you in, his lips brushing playfully against your, before guiding you further down the walkway, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips. 
“What if I told you I have an idea for the evening just for us?” He smiled, pulling you closer, where you could look deeo withing his eyes. Those glorious eyes beautiful, mischievous twins, half crescent moons circling the irises. 
You don’t know what got into him, but you’re not to blame, for you make his heart feel younger than it has in years despite the loss of his family and many other relatives. He pulls you further down the street as the sky gradually begins to shift, clouds blocking its warming rays. 
You passed by the other vendors, assortments of food, jewlery, and clothing passing by in a cacophony of noise, color, and sound. The liveliness, the breathing heart of the city was all around you, welcoming you in its arms. You didn’t want to leave, wanted to breathe it in the smell of the air, crisp and clean, impending rain on the horizon.  
When the brush of the first drop falls along your face, you couldn’t help but raise your head to the sky, letting it wash over you, cleansing you, renewing. Alek’s watched you intently, memorizing every inch of your face, the way the rain traced along the pattern of your face along your jaw as he’d done time again with his lips. How it made his heart yearn all the more, wanting to savor each and every moment with you, to treasure it, capture this time away from the rest of the world illuminated only by you. 
So, he pulls you closer, you gaze snapping to meet his, full of understanding, laughter in your eyes when he gathers you fully in his arms, a hand around your waist, swaying with you, not caring about your wet clothes clinging to you like a second skin. He never felt so young for all his years of living. The way the rain falls down your face, painting you like the most beautiful aanbas he’s ever seen. He wants to be with you almost every waking hour of the day
He thought nothing more than how you spun in his arms, reaching out and back to him, both your steps in sync while you carried on along the pavement. Every spin was enthralling, the joy infectious, and when his hands fall to your waist, dipping you down, your lips a hardsbreath apart, chest rising and falling, your hands sup his face, stroking it, not caring you were on display for all to see. His lips meeting your made all feel right in the world, the smile blooming unabashedly along your face as you deepened it more, leaning in to him wanrting to be consumed by him and his very essence didn;t fall away. 
“You’re so beautiful,” a tingly warmth followed his statement as he offered his hand to you, interlacing it with his as he rushed you down the street out of the rain quickly becoming a torrential downpour. You can’t help but pull him back to you, a loud crash of thunder and lightening following in tandum while you kiss him once more, running your finger through the wet raven strands of his hair, laughter bubbling from you joyously as the rain soaks you further to the bone. 
You arch you brow in amusement as he grasps your hand and kisses it. “Perhaps we should get dry.”
He brought you in for yet another kiss, his thumb gliding over your lower lip, sending shivers along your body in its wake. 
“I see somewhere we could go,” you whisper as you broke away from his lips, interlacing your hands with his once again, looking out in the distance, a familiar steeple of a chapel beckoning to you. He darts down the pavement with you in tandem, quickly pushing aside the heavy wooden doors, warmth streaming in to greet you both soothing through your body the cold dissipating from you body. 
The small chapel’s light flickered in greeting, but no one else seemed to be present, you thought until you heard the faint whisperings of a person from further within the corridor. 
“Perhaps we should find somewhere else?” Aleks inquired humming to himself as he looked through the pamphlets littering the welcome desk before you, strands of his hair brushing along his forehead, lips forming into a boyish grin. 
A deluge of rain falls by, pounding harder on the rooftop, silencing his question while you shook your head in amusement, twiddling your thumbs all the while, biting the inside of your cheek as you recounted the entirety of the day. How could something so delightful end up in this dismal state. 
However, you found your gaze latched upon Alek’s figure against the shadow, watching how he felt at home in them, shaded by them just so, making his features all the more alluring and mysterious. There was still so much about him you did not know, in all your years together, you still found some inescapable thread of longing tying towards him, beckoning you to him no matter the distance. It etched between timelines, between all reasons of doubt, something imbued in his very essence keeps you to him, some subsequent part of you knowing this and him are always meant to be. 
When his gaze snapped over to yours, the sounds of the faint humming down the corridor fading, does he allow himself to indulge in many a kiss, pulling you flush up against him, desperation and want forming in full tandem, drowning out the incessant rain, replaced by the rapturous beating of your treacherous heart. 
Longing and wanton need brimmied at the edges of your vision, bright, perfect harmony utter sublime, your hands grasp the lapels of his coat, slightly damp but closer to dry than it had been moments earlier when walking through the door.Yet everything about him smells the same, familiarity, comfort, clinging to his skin, alighting you with want and an incessant need for more. He was yours, well you wanted him to be more than anything. You knew within your heart of hearts that somehow destiny was on your side, putting your broken pieces together, completing you with nothing but bliss. Perhaps it was the air, the scenery, the change of pace, but you did not want whatever it was to end. You needed this, wanted him until the end of your days. 
“Penny for your thoughts, dear one?” Alek’s honey sweet voice laced in lush richness whispered into you ear, sending an ungodly amount of shivers along your spine. 
You murmur, far too gone in your feelings everything falling and collapsing within your mind all together and all at once while you respond, “Nothing but the usual,”while wrapping your arms around his waist, sucking gentle marks along the exposed skin of his neck you can reach. 
“Surely you can spare one, I saw the way you were watching me,” a small smirk formed along his lip, which you so desperately want to bite in retaliation, but you can’t summon the willpower to move from your compromising position, your back pinned against the walls of the chapel, Aleks’ breath hot along your neck. 
You hum to yourself, allowing yourself to relax into his touch, thoughts of someone catching you in the front entry corridor long gone from your mind. All you can think of his him and what he can give to you, but the words that fall from your lips surprise you. 
“Marry me, then and perhaps I’ll let you become privy to all my secrets you so desperately want from me in this moment, Aleks.” 
“Do you mean it?” 
“Mean what?” 
He nipped your neck harshly, his voice low and deep in your ear. “Do you absolutely want me privy to all of your secrets, my love?” 
“Nothing would give me greater joy,” the slight sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed but he continued, little to nothing trying to dissuade him. Meanwhile, your mind whirrled in a blurry, heart still pounding you’re sure he wasn;t bringing it to your attention for your sanity’s sake. 
Did you want to marry him? All but two years had you living under the same roof fighting off all these feelings surfacing over and over again. 
The feeling of his lips on yours, the stares on you when you walked through the room, lighting you up made you feel alive under him, his eyes, the light and shadow intermingling in the affairs of his life. Now that you thought of it further, nothing made sense without him in your life, it would be like a sky without the most wondrous of stars and the constellations. 
“I want you, Aleks, if you’ll have me.” You look up meeting his gaze, his hands still gripping your waist, forehead bending to reach yours. 
“It would be my greatest honor to have you as my equal, to have you by my side always.” He smiled, dipping you in his arms, your hands cupping his face, an electric spark forging when your lips collided, sealing your fates together, forever sealing your silent vows murmured underneath the sky full of shadow and stars.
@bakerstreethound​ @lilythemadqueen​ @frostandflamesfanfic​ @groovy-lady​ @viper-official​ @jakecockley​ @starks-hero​
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noturvlentine · 1 year
warm pale evening
Jake Muller (re6) x reader
based on this request 🖤 hope i got remotely close to what you had in mind!!!
this one’s a short one, but i kinda shoved the reader character into doing what Jake does alongside him- extending from the end cut scene of Jake in re6 where it’s suggested he’s still a mercenary but also helping fight B.O.Ws, so this is set post re6
do not copy my stuff elsewhere but reblogs are ok!!!
fluff basically, mentions of previous events
Summary- Jake and his lover are having a talk in bed about their worries sometime into the evening.
༺ ♰ ༻
Somewhere in the Middle East
The late summer atmosphere was starting to catch a little breeze. You didn’t know how long you were due to stay in this worn down flat- it was a cheap stay for the time being while Jake received intel on the latest B.O.W reports around the city. He had kept in touch with Sherry after what unfolded in 2012, though he wasn’t keen on being governed by any authority what so ever. You two were always on the move, stopping here and there to discreetly (but not so quietly) take down any bio-organic weapons along the way. You wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world- though it did make you worry about your relationship more than you should.
Jake stood on the balconet, his silhouette leaning wanderingly against the short railing behind the curtains. He’d left the slender door open, you could feel the light breeze wavering into the room. The door was like a large window, and the balcony was barely big enough to fit the two of you- it reminded you of Italy for some reason. You could tell Jake was eating away at his thoughts as he observed the clouded sky. You propped yourself up on your elbows, shifting on the bed to get a better look at him.
‘Come back, it’s cold outside’
He turned his head in the dark, his silhouette craning its neck to get a better peak inside. He quietly made his way back into the room, shutting the small glass door behind him. Jakes sweatpants hung low at his hips as the rest of his bare torso dimly lit by the moon, making his way over to his side of the bed. You were in a thin white tshirt, probably one of his seeing as it was quite big on you, you’d both kicked off the covers hours before due to the heat. Jake shuffled the blanket to the side as the mattress sank beside you. There was no bed frame, just clean white sheets on a mattress, brushing up against warm wooden floors. He sat himself on the bed against the wall, slumping down to meet your level. He motioned for you to move closer to him, so you did, your head resting against his chest as his arm looped around your shoulders.
‘I’m worried you know-‘ you began, staring outside. Jake began gently twirling a strand of you hair around his finger.
‘Go ahead- I’m listening.’
A pause followed. Maybe now wasn’t the time for this, maybe you wanted to lie in silence with his arms wrapped around you.
‘What if it all goes wrong one day?- what if- fuck, I don’t know. What if something terrible happens and we lose each other-‘
‘Oh shut up.’ He teased amidst your sentimental stuttering.
‘Jake I’m being serious okay- I’m not at all against what we do but sometimes I could almost die thinking about it.’ You sighed, expecting some witty reply back from him. But he stayed silent for a while longer, thinking about whether to be completely honest with you or just to assure you that it was all okay.
‘Listen, I think about it too- in fact I was just drowning in that thought outside before you called me back in.’ He scoffed at himself- for once he’s not pretending. ‘God- I don’t even know where to start. But what’s important is this, we’re here right now and that’s all that matters right?’ You felt him shrug at his words as he brought his other hand up to your face, gently running his thumb across your cheekbone. You shifted your head up to look at him, tracing your finger across the scar on his face down to his chin, pulling him down to kiss you. It was long and sweet, delicate almost, as if the conversation wasn’t finished. You pulled away slightly to see the complexion in his eyes, searching them for some kind of answer. You sighed quietly and dropped your hand down to his chest, trailing it all the way to his side as you had your arm wrapped around him.
‘I just wanna love you without having to worry about it.’ You said as you snuggled up against him a little more.
‘Then do as you please. Love me without worry.’ He repeated, sliding down his pillow so that you were both somewhat levelled again. He spoke softly and carefully as his fingers continue to weave through your hair, his other hand now tracing small circles on your arm around him. You shifted onto your side a little more and slipped one of your legs between his.
‘Maybe we should call off kicking ass tomorrow and just lie like this for another day.’
You hummed in response.
‘One hell of a job it is, we should retire.’
‘It’s not really a job, Jake.’ You teased at him.
Jake chuckled in response, reaching a hand down the mattress to pull a bit of blanket on both of you.
AN: I have no idea what that is but it rendered kind of bittersweet in my head, kind of a bit domestic despite the setting I guess but it was fun!!!
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