illustratus · 13 days
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Recruiting Sergeants by Gustaf Cederström
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dulafer · 3 months
Someone requested this... the pics were inspiring, the guy is hot and it just wrote itself. It's one of my shorter stories. A dishonorably discharged marine finds a way back into the marines but with a much better rank and future. Link to download PDF from google is below
And feedback is appreciated.... [email protected]
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hirerercom · 1 month
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Fresh Start Monday: Your Canvas Awaits!
visit https://intro.hirerer.com/ to know more
#MondayMotivation #MakeMondayCount #MondayMarvel #FreshStartMonday #MondayMomentum #rentahr #outofjob #Hirerer #SmartlyHiring #iHRAssist #SmartlyHR
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asaraviapt · 9 months
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[EN] How to Follow Folks On LinkedIn Who Don’t Repeat “Rejection is Redirection.”
Lord give me patience–if I hear one more person telling me that “rejection is redirection” I’m blocking them before Twitter takes away the feature. 
… Okay, that may be extreme–but I want to start off this post by asking folks to refrain from that advice. I don’t have to remind other game developers how messed up the job market is, but I can say this much: I know a thing or two about job hunting. 
It takes time. Patience–a lot of it. Some studios ghost their applicants, others spend four months debating on who to grant that first interview–without guaranteeing a second or third round. Having been both a recruiter (and currently searching for a writing role) I picked up a few bits of trivia that I wish to share with others. 
First: Remote Networking Events:
Discord is going to be your best friend, along with other tools. It’s accessible, and offers a more casual environment than LinkedIn. Before naming a few networking events, here’s a few things to bear in mind:
Always have either a Sticky Note or WordPad that includes your preferred name, pronouns, a brief two to three sentence introduction on who you are and what sets you apart, along with your social media links and portfolio for potential recruiters to reach out to you. 
Take a deep breath. I know it can be daunting to put yourself out there, but in a job market full of so much competition, it’s the best way to gain an upper hand. 
Set up reminders and be efficient. 
Remember that everyone is human. This may sound like a weird one, but you’d be surprised at how often folks place game developers on a pedestal either because of the studio they work in, the awards they have won, etcetera etcetera. The best conversations and connections emerge from just relaxing and having a fun time with folks! 
Eventbrite.com Go on www.eventbrite.com and include the “remote” filters and free admission. Add key words such as “game developer meeting” or “game developer networking” for example. If you wish to get more specific, add the title you wish to have and see if you can meet folks who specialize in your field who can offer advice on how to break into the field. 
PowerToFly. Here, you can upload your resume and state where in the tech industry you would want to specialize in.
THIS WEEK they will have an event featuring to assist folx with visible and invisible disabilities from August 23, 2023 until August 24, 2023. You can sign up here: https://powertofly.com/events/virtual-job-fair/?utm_campaign=Sunday%20B2C%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=270953365&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_HrFZZIbObYArT2rnkBkTW0QMv-gHNY9LDc0LIp0pfCuFHnk01A0sqaz1W7KeYORbvHtSVX7R0gO4XKS_MfGeRqYdpog&utm_content=270926294&utm_source=hs_email
Similarly, there are events hosted by PowerToFly for members of the LGTBQIA+ community, the BIPOC community--all of which are free, the calendar with the dates is on their website.
LinkedIn Audio Events. These are great events to not only meet recruiters and employers from various studios, but also greet other fellow job hunters. The best part about this industry is the camaraderie and support–find someone who could give you a job, or find someone who could give you tips on improving your resume. 
List of LinkedIn Creators with Events: 
Aida Figuerola (https://www.linkedin.com/in/afiguerola/) 
Upcoming Event on August 22, 2023: https://www.linkedin.com/events/gamingbackstage-de-iwithjasmina7097554161021415424/
Justin Williams 
Previous Event: (Remember you can rewatch it, and take note of the advice provided by recruiters in AAA studios!) https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinalanwilliams/recent-activity/all/ 
Amir Satvat (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirsatvat/)   
Amir has the Amir Awards, and often features creators helping the video game industry–additionally, he has an organized spreadsheet with video game job openings AND mentorship opportunities. 
Here is a link to the job directory from August 13, 2023. You’ll notice how often he updates it. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amirsatvat_friends-i-am-pleased-to-present-the-august-activity-7096622772239388672-dCRh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
If you are job hunting, you can submit your most recent/updated resume–there are recruiters and employers that observe Amir’s database to find candidates. .
Last but not least, there is a network of mentors willing to help with specialized fields, giving industry advice, resume writing assistance and more–all of the details are on Amir’s page and posts. 
Arin Goldsmith (https://www.linkedin.com/in/arin-goldsmith/)
Previous Event: (https://www.linkedin.com/events/7090354190849323009/comments)/
A unique component in the gaming industry is how professionals are encouraged to have their own brands–and Arin provides excellent advice. When searching for a job, it helps having a platform so that whenever someone is looking for a game developer, they know they have to reach you because only you can do a certain thing–and that’s what should be on your portfolio, brand, etc. 
Though not a recruiter, Arin also provides excellent advice to folks who have 0 experience in the gaming industry but wish to use their transferable skills in the development of video games. 
List of Creators on Twitter With Great Advice: 
A brief sidenote: hashtags will be your friend when looking for jobs. Every social media platform has an algorithm that detects what content you interact with the most, so if you constantly like posts from recruiters, or posts that have keywords like your dream job title, department, field of study–those posts will be pushed to your feed more often than others. 
Some platforms allow you to follow hashtags and set up alarms–so, follow the hashtags involving your field of study and see a few freelancing opportunities come up!
Okay, now about creators:
Javiera Cordero: An amazing producer, Javiera created a Notion template that has saved my life–and job opportunities. 
The link is: https://javieracordero.notion.site/Job-Application-Manager-fce5406854f0475aa21d5fcd9fa5e668
It has several categories including “preparing”, “applied”, and “interviewing.”
Additionally, there are:
Cover Letter samples.
Dozens of job sites.
Websites for marginalized communities.
Possible Interview Questions
And more! (gracias Javiera <3)
Should I post “that”?
“My journey with X has ended.” “Unfortunately, I have been affected by layoffs.” “I’ve been trying to keep it together for the past few months, but I need help…”
Posts of this nature have increased exponentially. I’ve had to write some–and I encourage everyone to do the same, and I know it is not easy.
It’s not easy to be vulnerable, especially in front of many professionals.
But some of them may be your future coworkers–if you need help, tell your network. Not to mention, that if you have not come across a job for a while this lets recruiters know why there is a gap on your resume. It was not due to a gap year, it was due to a recession and a million other things. 
How do I reach out?
Reach out to folks who are in a role similar to what you are striving towards. As a narrative designer, I often try to connect with other narrative designers–mainly because they have the best dad jokes and D&D campaigns, but I digress. 
Apply to as many studios as you can, then head to LinkedIn. Look up the studio, and see if there are any of the following:
Alumni from your alma mater. 
Folks in your specialized field.* 
Mutual Connections. 
First, reach out to mutual connections. See if they are willing to introduce you to someone in the studio you just applied. Or, try and meet up with someone who you went to school with–share stories and inside jokes from the institution, and if the subject of employment comes up, use that as a segue to explain your situation. 
Do not cold call people with messages like, “Do you have a job for me?” It’s not a good look–and, again, people are human. They will know when they are being contacted because of their job title–so avoid that. 
*Yes, there is a lot of support in the gaming community. But it does not always happen–sometimes, if someone has little to no social media presence, no profile picture it may be for a reason. Understand that there are times where game developers are, unfortunately, treated poorly by gamers and decide to limit what messages they can accept. It’s all about getting a hint, basically–but digitally.
Anyways, be nice! Don’t weird any game developers out and get that job. 
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raspberryconverse · 4 months
Me and recruiters.
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ifelllikeastar · 6 months
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Enlist Now Seabees Navy Original Vietnam War Recruiting Poster, 1967
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Elevating Businesses with Nexon Software Solutions: A Comprehensive Approach
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Nexon Software Solutions emerges as a dynamic force, offering a comprehensive suite of services encompassing iOS app development, Android app development, and staffing and consulting solutions. Let's delve into how Nexon Software Solutions is revolutionizing the tech industry.
iOS App Development: With the ever-growing popularity of Apple's iOS platform, businesses are tapping into its potential to reach a broader audience. Nexon Software Solutions specializes in crafting bespoke iOS applications that captivate users and drive engagement. Leveraging the latest technologies and design principles, our team of skilled developers creates seamless and intuitive iOS apps that elevate user experiences and deliver tangible results.
Android App Development: In the vast landscape of Android devices, standing out requires a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise. Nexon Software Solutions rises to the challenge, offering top-notch Android app development services tailored to clients' specific needs. From concept to deployment, we work closely with our clients to develop custom Android applications that resonate with their target audience and achieve business objectives.
Staffing and Consulting: In addition to our prowess in app development, Nexon Software Solutions serves as a trusted partner in staffing and consulting. Our extensive network of talented professionals enables us to provide staffing solutions that match the unique requirements of our clients. Whether you're seeking temporary staffing for a project or strategic consulting to optimize your business processes, Nexon Software Solutions has the expertise and resources to drive success.
At Nexon Software Solutions, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We combine technical expertise with a client-centric approach to deliver solutions that exceed expectations. With a focus on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, we have earned a reputation as a leader in the tech industry.
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jobsconsult · 11 days
Are you tired for Looking Jobs? We're hiring in different fields and looking for talented individuals that deserve team. Whether you're in Accountant, Diamond Solitarie or Personal Assistant.
Come to be a par of something meaningful, where your skills and idea grow towards your goals where your ideas are valued and nutured. Check out our opportunity page and connect with me.
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rpo-vanator · 1 month
IT Recruiters In USA
Recruiting folks for IT Recruiters In USA  that encompass software’s, network, digital systems that process, manage and transmit data, revolutionizing modern communication and your business.
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portfolioday · 2 years
Hey artists and recruiters! We are conducting a survey to determine what platforms are preferred by creatives. If you want a say, please submit your answers!
Choose one or more of the platforms listed and rank them by your preference. We will share results once we’ve received enough responses so stay tuned! Thanks!
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hirerercom · 1 month
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Life's a circus, and we're the ringmasters
visit https://services.hirerer.com/ to know more
#WeirdWins #SillySquad #OddlyOptimistic #EccentricExpressions #SurrealSmiles #TalentAcquisition #RecruitmentExperts #rentahr #outofjob #Hirerer #SmartlyHiring #iHRAssist #SmartlyHR
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intellohire · 3 months
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Here are the benefits of using Recruitment Software :
Cost-effective: Using recruitment software saves money by making the hiring process more efficient, so you spend less on finding and hiring new employees.
Enhanced candidate experience: Candidates have a better time applying for jobs because the software makes the process smoother and more personalized.
Easier collaboration: People involved in hiring can work together more easily because the software helps them share information and make decisions faster.
Client satisfaction: Companies that use recruitment software can find better employees more quickly, which makes their clients happier
To know More visit our Website - https://www.intellohire.com/in/
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silverpeoplebangalore · 4 months
How to Live Work-Life Balance
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Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being and sustained success. Here are some tips to help you live and maintain a work-life balance:
1. Set Boundaries:
Clearly define your work hours and stick to them.
Communicate your availability to colleagues and family to manage expectations.
2. Prioritize and Plan:
Identify your most important tasks both at work and in personal life.
Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks to stay organized.
3. Learn to Say No:
Understand your limits and don’t overcommit.
Politely decline additional tasks when your plate is already full.
4. Take Breaks:
Schedule regular breaks during your work hours to recharge.
Use breaks for short walks, meditation, or other activities that relax you.
5. Dedicated Family/Personal Time:
Reserve specific times for family and personal activities.
Avoid work-related calls or emails during this time.
6. Utilize Technology Wisely:
Leverage productivity tools to streamline work processes.
Set boundaries for after-hours emails to avoid constant work interruptions.
7. Establish a Home Office Routine:
If working from home, maintain a dedicated workspace.
Establish a routine to signal the start and end of your workday.
8. Delegate Responsibilities:
Delegate tasks at work and share household responsibilities.
Encourage teamwork and collaboration to lighten the workload.
9. Practice Self-Care:
Prioritize self-care activities, such as exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating.
Make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy.
10. Learn to Disconnect:
Turn off work-related notifications during non-work hours.
Use vacation time to fully disconnect and recharge.
11. Continuous Communication:
Keep an open line of communication with your employer and family.
Discuss concerns or challenges that may impact your balance.
12. Evaluate and Adjust:
Regularly assess your work-life balance.
Adjust your strategies based on changing priorities and circumstances.
13. Set Realistic Goals:
Establish achievable goals both at work and in personal life.
Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks.
14. Seek Support:
Reach out for support from friends, family, or colleagues.
Consider professional help if stress and imbalance become overwhelming.
15. Enjoy Downtime:
Allocate time for activities you enjoy without any specific goals.
Allow yourself guilt-free moments of relaxation.
Remember that achieving a work-life balance is an ongoing process that requires adaptability and self-awareness. By incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can create a healthier and more fulfilling balance between your professional and personal life.
SilverPeople, a venture by Uberlife Consulting Pvt. Ltd., offers complete recruitment solutions for all hiring/headhunting requirements in a Focused, Accurate, and Time-bound manner (Proprietary FAT* Methodology). 
SilverPeople specializes and is placed strongly in 7 Industry verticals: Retail, E-Commerce, Education, Real estate, Fintech, Digital Transformation and Sustainability. SilverPeople has a deep understanding & strong capability to solve Digital Transformation Hiring challenges and is the go-to place for ‘Go Digital’ recruitment consulting!
Connect with us -
Website: www.silverpeople.in
Contact no: +91-9620439052
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recruiter34 · 4 months
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Nexon Software Solutions: A Leading iOS App Development Company in India
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accountsend · 11 months
Accelerate your Business Growth with these Insider Secrets
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In today's dynamic and fast-paced business landscape, finding the keys to accelerate business growth is paramount. Let's uncover some insider secrets that will power your journey towards business expansion and success.
Embrace Market Trends and Emerging Markets
One of the critical aspects of accelerating business growth is staying in tune with market trends and emerging markets. Recognize the industry trends early, adapt, and align your business strategy accordingly. This proactive approach will position your business at the forefront of innovation and keep you ahead of the competition.
Foster a Customer-centric Culture
In the realm of B2B and B2C businesses, the customer is king. Develop a customer-centric culture, prioritizing their needs and preferences. Feedback systems, customer satisfaction surveys, and personal engagement are excellent ways to cultivate and nurture this approach, fostering loyalty and customer retention.
Harness the Power of Data Analysis
In the era of Big Data, understanding and leveraging data analysis can be a game-changer. Use data to identify sales opportunities, understand your customer behavior, enhance product development, or optimize marketing strategy. Data-driven decision-making can lead to greater efficiency and profitability, ultimately accelerating your business growth.
Implement CRM Integration
A robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can streamline your sales pipeline and enhance your marketing efforts. By integrating CRM into your business processes, you can efficiently manage customer data, improve communication, increase customer satisfaction, and drive sales.
Explore Account-Based Marketing
Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a highly targeted strategy that focuses on high-value accounts that are most likely to convert. This marketing approach can result in higher ROI compared to traditional methods. Incorporate ABM into your marketing strategy to maximize marketing resources and accelerate growth.
Utilize Technology and Automation
Automation can streamline business processes, reduce manual tasks, increase accuracy, and free up time for strategic planning. From automating email marketing campaigns to employing AI for customer service, technology can play a significant role in accelerating business growth.
Develop a Growth-Oriented Mindset
Lastly, cultivating a growth-oriented mindset within your team is crucial. Foster an environment that encourages innovation, risk-taking, and continuous learning. Empower your employees to become change agents in your organization, driving growth from within.
Establish Strategic Partnerships
Strategic partnerships can unlock new opportunities for business expansion. By aligning with the right partners, you can gain access to new markets, enhance your product or service offerings, and accelerate your business growth.
To wrap it up, accelerating your business growth is a multifaceted process. It requires keen insight into market trends, a customer-centric approach, effective utilization of data and technology, and an innovative mindset. By incorporating these insider secrets into your business strategy, you can set your enterprise on a fast track to success.
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