#red tab
wil-fae · 8 days
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i think im hilarious
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hyakunana · 6 months
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The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
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zarla-s · 7 months
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So I spent the last couple days making a HeavyMedic fansite and it is the most ELABORATE SITE I'VE EVER MADE and I'm so unbearably proud of it, it looks SO COOL!! Especially the Fictracker page!! It's even responsive!! You have no idea how long it took to get everything looking right and spacing it and everything. I've never made a site that looks this fancy before! I'M SO PROUD OF IT LOOK AT IT!! LOOK AT IT!!! LOOK AT IIIITTTT plz
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Also made some link buttons! Still don't really have an official name for the site as it is but WHATEVER maybe I'll decide on one later. YOU CAN USE THESE TO LINK TO IT FROM YOUR OWN SITE you have your own site right, you should make onneeee (here are some resources if you don't know how) and if it's a TF2 site TELL ME AND I WILL LINK BACK TO IT
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ovcii-doodles · 3 months
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Counselor: Just my observations. Does this evaluation make you...anxious?
a colored version of this lineart I did a while back (aka washed hands interview my beloved)
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oozeandgoo-art · 2 months
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authenticyuri · 3 months
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okay but has anyone thought about this.... has anyone else considered.... has anyone noticed..... or..................
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cut-aare · 1 month
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Traumatized protags my beloved
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flygefisk · 7 months
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became briefly possessed and made a mooshroom
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dragxnflxwer · 7 months
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He sees everything….
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citizenmoe · 2 months
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the duality of man
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aimbutmiss · 5 months
"I'll watch your life in pictures, like I used to watch you sleep."
Shanks. That's it.
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the-flying-robins · 11 days
I was talking to my spouse about the "Jason Lives" what-if comic they're planning and now I can't stop thinking about it. Unfortunately *I* do not know much of anything about the Jason Robin era and the general state of everything in universe at that time. Because if you assume most of the events of Death in the Family still happen, it's only Jason living at the end that really changes, you still have to grapple with him being pretty injured in a rather similar way to Dick's final injury as Robin.
And that raises the question, how does Bruce handle it? Does he fire Jason like he fired Dick? And if he does, how does Jason handle that. So much of Dick's journey to Nightwing (post-crisis, I'm really only pulling is only possible because of the support system he has, the people he can lean on, and the places he can stay.
(We're only going to stick with Post-Crisis continuity here, I'm trying to think of it more as a what-if scenario than like a fic.)
But I don't think Jason really has that? Dick has the Titans, he stays with Clark for a bit in the immediate aftermath, who does Jason have? Dick? He's off planet at the time, and not back for a couple weeks, a couple months (ngl, I tried to find a timeline that made sense, needless to say, it's comics, I couldn't.)
Also, he's 15 at the time compared to Dick's 17. It's significantly easier for Dick with both those extra years and the support he has to move out become a solo vigilante. Jason is 15, still in high school, and while maybe not a super public figure definitely public enough questions would be raised if he just left. Granted some of that could be solved with Bruce just saying boarding school, but while Bruce isn't always the most conscious of what is acceptable for children/teens, I have to think even he wouldn't let Jason just live on his own at that age, so moving out more permanently like Dick did is off the table at least for a little bit.
It also brings up the problem of "Batman needs a Robin" and Tim's motivation to join the cause. Does Bruce go as off the rails without a Robin if Robin is at least still alive? Tim knows their identities, it's how he knew for sure it was Robin's death that caused it. Would he pester Jason about returning to Robin, or go to Dick because well it's Dick?
And would Jason even want to continue being a hero? Would he be as upset as Dick and go around Bruce to make a name for himself? What would a never killed Jason "adult" vigilante even look like?
I'd love to talk about this more, especially with someone a bit better versed in Jason!Robin, my reading project is focused more on the 90's to flashpoint atm, so I really am not familiar with him at all.
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akimao · 7 months
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Another practice with my galaxy tab ✌️
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theworkshopmann · 1 year
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Pull-Tab Topper
Type: Misc/Cosmetic
Class: Scout
Paintable: Yes
Accepted in game: No
This cosmetic was made by Steam Users Vipes, Ertz and Kibbleknight. Posted on September 22nd 2020, you can vote for this here!
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screwpinecaprice · 7 months
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Got my first display tab! And the first thing I tested it with is an anime Connie sketch lol.
HUGE thank you to my supporters at Ko-fi, as that's where I got the funds. 😊😊🤗💕
Seems needed time to get used to, and I use more shortcut keys than the number of shortcut buttons on the tab; but I am already loving the it so far! My laptop, on the other hand, is not handling it too well. 😅
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rabbitsdontstarve · 3 months
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Hello vro❤️
Anywy here my draws ummm silvah honey and shadow OMG RHIS FONT MAKES LIKE MY JEYBOARD RLLY SLOW IDJ ALSO RARE ROXY IN THE SILVER heh i h ammm a big roxy fa
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