sk3let0rz · 1 year
You construct intricate rituals to appease deities you came up with to avoid being your own judge. The sky is empty. God can’t hear you beg for forgiveness and he doesn’t care about the sacrifices you make to prove your repentance. There is no hell to punish you for your evil. There is no immortal, all-knowing judge. There is only you, standing in front of a mirror begging for someone else to try you for your crimes. You have to live with your sins for your whole life or commit to the horrible task of forgiving yourself.
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demussa · 2 years
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El Greco (1541-1614)
La Anunciación-1614
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dinaandme · 2 years
Refreshing tiba di titik tenang, ingin lepas dari banyak pikiran tentang cuan namun hanya barang sejenak. Bahayanya adalah saat terhanyut terlalu dalam. Memungkinkan pikiran untuk merenungi tentang sesuatu yang sudah tahu jawabannya namun masih cari-cari kesalahan. Apa aku sudah jadi manusia yang hidup dengan banyak prestasi? Siapa yang ingin ku buat senang akan keberadaanku serta dengan apa yang sudah aku selesaikan?
Sebenarnya ada banyak hikmah di luar sana yang membahas tentang hal ini. Tentang berlaku rela, menerima apa adanya, tidak termakan nafsu buruk yang bermaksud untuk terus pundung tanpa melakukan apapun. Menyuruh diri untuk diam ditempat akibat otak yang seakan merealisasikan betapa buruknya setelah melakukan satu sikap salah. Mengatakan diri super perfeksionis. Melupakan adanya proses dan sesuatu yang disebut tidak sempurna. Kegagalan sementara.
Setiap orang punya prestasi. Kala itu penulis tengah boring dan menemukan satu konten khusus yang membahas akan hal ini. Definisi prestasi. Sesuatu yang dianggap sudah mencapai goals dengan pengakuan masyarakat luas. Sungguh, prestasi yang sebenarnya bukan seperti itu.
Tanpa sebuah trofi, di luar sana ada anak kecil yang berhasil merawat ibunya demi melepas masa kecilnya. Misal, salah satu contoh saja. Tidakkah tindakan itu sangat bermakna di mata Tuhan?
Prestasi bukan tentang pengakuan dunia. Prestasi yang terbaik adalah saat berhasil melakukan sesuatu yang diakui Sang Maha Hidup. Jangan lupakan dirimu. Sebenar-benar diri adalah saat berhasil mencapai prestasi yang hanya tuhanmu yang paham akan hal itu.
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Jangan biarkan kecintaanmu akan apa yang Tuhan berikan kepadamu, membuatmu lupa bahwa segalanya dimuka bumi ini hanyalah milik-Nya dan titipan-Nya untuk kita jaga dengan terus memuji-Nya.
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psychologeek · 2 years
how do you call a god with low self-esteem?
an atheist
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lampung7com · 2 years
Polres Pringsewu Gelar Baksos Religi Sambut HUT Bhayangkara Ke 76
Polres Pringsewu Gelar Baksos Religi Sambut HUT Bhayangkara Ke 76
LAMPUNG7COM | Polres Pringsewu Polda Lampung secara serentak menggelar bakti sosial religi dalam rangka menyambut HUT Bhayangkara ke-76. Sabtu (18/6/22) Kapolres Pringsewu AKBP Rio Cahyowidi melalui Kabag Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Kompol Efendi Koto menjelaskan, bakti sosial religi merupakan salah satu program Polri dalam rangka menyambut HUT Bhayangkara ke-76 yang bertujuan menjaga kemitraan…
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gontyerimi · 7 months
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there's something deeply wrong with me
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pathologising · 1 month
nowhere near me has a secular support group for drugs
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confundida25 · 1 year
I just love that when the titan talk to luz, is not her incredible ability to learn magic what brought the titan near to her, it was not the fact that she a human or special in some ways, hell is not even that she is heroic or brave, is about how she show kidness and love toward the titan son; as a show with so many anti-cult mesagge, the point made about that you can reach to god (the titan) only by being kind and loving and not by been a puritane obsesive control manipulator is soooooo amazing; i dont know if that was the intention but good for them.
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ctommy-chileno · 9 months
We should bring back the concept of posers back because I can't believe we let dream stans claim they were inniters for so long
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perroulisses · 3 months
so what about jesus and the apostles but they're just doing the same shit i used to do with my friends when i was in highschool
and what i do with my college friends too
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dinaandme · 2 years
Sesi malam hari tidak selalu gelap pada belahan negara yang lain. Seperti kadang kala panas terik tampak amat menyakiti, padahal di sisi bumi yang tidak diketahui cahaya tersebut amat sangat dinantikan.   Apapun itu, inti dari kehidupan adalah tentang bagaimana sikap seorang manusia merespon apapun pemberian Tuhan.   Rasa sakit akibat kedengkian hanya membuat hati penuh akan keserakahan. Melupakan bahwa ia masih diberi jantung yang masih berdetak. Lagi, melupakan bahwa ia masih diberi kesempatan yang begitu besar untuk mendapat hal baru. Bahkan apapun kebaikan yang sudah dituangkan padanya ia lupakan segera.   Tutup bolpoin yang jatuh jika seseorang sadar, ketidaksengajaan itu tetap membawa hikmah. Tahukah kamu bahwa ada semut yang baru saja selamat dari kematian (tidak jadi tertindih tutup bolpoin)? Tindakan ini memicu prasangka pada semut tersebut, tentang bagaimana respon dan sikap kedepannya.   Sesuatu yang tidak tampak namun dapat dirasakan, selalu benar adanya.
Dina and Me
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doomednarrative · 6 months
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This bit was also cool as fuck like of COURSE I'll give a blood offering for a cool sword are you kidding me
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kingofdandelions · 11 months
Heavy, beuatiful bracelets
I have always had two bracelets on my wrists They are a bit heavy, and a bit sharp I think that’s how they’re supposed to be
My mom and dad also have bracelets Shiny, colorful, beautiful bracelets just like my own They don’t ever mention the bracelets being too sharp or heavy They seem to like the bracelets a lot
I think I’m supposed to like my bracelets
Even tho their weight makes my arms sore And their shiny edges dig into my wrists  Not all the time though  Probably not enough times to complain about
I tried taking off my bracelets one day I hid my arms in long sleeves and put the bracelets in my pockets Only for a minute tho I liked that minute
I took my bracelets off at when I hung out with my friends I don’t think anyone noticed Nobody asked why I didn’t want the bracelets on It was nice
I took my bracelets off at school  I wore long sleeves that day
Would anybody care? 
It took my bracelets off at school again Nobody cared
Why am I supposed to wear bracelets if I feel more happy without them? Why am I supposed to wear bracelets if I feel safer without them Why do I feel bad for taking them off, when they’ve hurt me so much?
Now I only wear the bracelets at home At home where everyone has bracelets At home where I realize how much my hands hurt  At home where I wish the bracelets never existed in the first place  At home where I’m supposed to feel home
I threw my bracelets in the trash today Now I can see two red scars that I never noticed before
I think they’ll heal
#OHHH BOI#im poetrying my best#i might have made myself cry while writing this or i was crying and then started writing this#either way crying#anyways have a poem based on religious trauma#or maybe not trauma#cus i don't think the stuff i've gone through is that serios#maybe im wrong tho and im just too used to it to know#who knows#i guess you could aply the poem to other things than religious trauma too so thats nice#this is my uhhhhhh 5th attempt on poetry i think#and i think it turned out well#yeah i think its a neat piece of writitng#im allowed to compliment myself and so are you :D#wrote this and then started rereading hfwu cus i wanted to angst a bit about transphobic family and religius stuff#rereading hfwu was basically like “yup yup yup there be some religious stuff”#“oh fuck that dysphoric moment punched me in the gut by being a liiiiiiitle bit too real”#*slight envy cus benji had a supporting dad*-*immediate guilt for my jealosy cus his dad fucking died*#*immediate guilt for my jealosy cus his dad fucking died*#go read or reread hfwu right now it fukings ownnssss#what was this about again?#oh yeah poetry#yeah so poetry is fun#like you can be crying at 02:40 am cus your not really passing so dysphoria has been higher than it has been for a lot of months#and your dad doesn't accept you as trans but also still loves you and just wants you to have a nice life without “destroying your body”#so you can't even hate him cus he is a funny and nice dad who loves you but also he just said#“trans people are people with problems who change things about them to stop the problems but changing your body doesnt remove the problems-#“so they keep their problems but hey at least they have a beard now!”#and your mom suggested an all girls mormon camp#and instead of just crying you can actually take your suffering put in into a google doc and get ego boosted by it actually being kinda goo
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Prompt #24
You are a forgotten god, lying dead in you relam. When suddenly you hear a voice, calling you and asking for help. What are you gonna do?
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library-goblin · 1 year
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