#rhink ficlet
Bits of rhink
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Some short rhinky writing from the past week or so:
Hand holding
First Time
Jealous Rhett
Needy Rhett
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malienessan · 1 year
Happy birthday @lallyloo! 💖
Our dear, mutual friend @theredquilt asked me if maybe I would want to write something for your birthday. And yeah, I really did. I hope you have a real good one, and that you enjoy what I conjured up in cahoots with trq 😘
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Kiss me
Normally, Rhett would sit with his thigh pressed against Link’s, maybe holding hands, or have his arm slung around Link’s shoulders.
But now, he’s on the opposite end of the couch.
“I don’t want to hurt you. What if I forget about your shoulder and like… hug you? Wrap my arms around you and… smush your collarbone and… hurt you?”
Link gazes at Rhett with those beautiful blue eyes, that Rhett get lost in so very often. And he whispers.
“You could never hurt me, Rhett. You know that. Please…” He smiles a little, and Rhett’s heart seems to skip a beat.
He never forgets how beautiful Link is. I mean, how could he? But sometimes he forgets that smile. The one that says that they have a secret that barely no one else knows.
Keep reading on ao3
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twistedboxy · 1 year
A little ficlet that I worked on. I too loved that vegetable more with the two of them. This is for @downthepub and @lallyloo who made cute little tags and posts.
Link woke up to a draft against his back. He rolled over to snuggle his husband but only hit air. The dogs and himself made their way down the hall with a faint glow illuminating the space. The kitchen Link thought. As Link got closer to the kitchen, he could hear the distinct little noises that Rhett makes when eating.
Standing in the light of the fridge was Rhett in his underwear, eating a mix of marinated mushrooms, olives, and tomatoes.
"Midnight snack, huh?" Link quipped. 
Rhett almost dropped the box he was holding.
"Huh? What, you scared me, man!"
"Sorry, I woke up to you not in bed."
"I couldn't stop thinking about the mix of everything, I had to have some. It's so good. I found this Italian supermarket that has all kinds of stuff. I wanted to buy everything."
Link laughed at how cute his husband was. 
"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your snack."
"Want a bite?" Rhett asked as he held out the box.
"No thanks. I'm good."
"What about a kiss?" Rhett tried to lean in, but Link leaned away, giggling.
"No way, olive boy. Maybe when your minty fresh."
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soho-x · 2 years
He’s enigmatic.
And of course he is. That’s the point. To be pulled in by the mystery. The anonymity the ultimate tease.
Rhett was so used to transparency, putting his full identity out into the world, vulnerable and true. He thought he was finally his most authentic self, finally shaking off the burden of his youth, the shame and the fear, and embraced all that he‘d become.
The ache inside the hate
I found a way to sit and wait
Not for the first time this weekend, the sight of the Orville’s mask, hiding a forbidden secret, the flicker of his too-blue eyes over to where Rhett’s standing side stage, the curve of his strong fingers around the neck of his guitar has a new kind of ache building inside Rhett, a new fire stoking in his gut, one that’s never felt so blindingly hot, like a new day of reckoning.
And now I can't, your voice, your face
Without a trace, I'll wait for you”
Rhett’s awake. He’s alive. His skin is on fire, throat tight and raw. The music is coursing through his veins and his fingers are longing to touch. To hold. To pull this man against him, and not let go.
Under your skin, over the moon
Don't let me in, I don't know what I'd do
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threebooksoneplot · 1 year
Episode 15: "Happy New Tear" (Show Notes)
listen along here
Yes, G was sick when we recorded this episode. And what about it
[00:04:25] An example of the type of Rhink youtube compilation Appa is talking about
[00:04:49] A definition of "ficlet," for anyone unfamiliar
[00:06:15] Appa writing 500k words of Rhink fic
[00:09:13] The Twilight book covers in Finnish: Temptation, New Moon, Doubt, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, and Life and Death
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[00:10:53] The Good Mythical Morning episode about the "Finland doesn't exist" conspiracy
[00:14:02] “Speaking of chapters” has to be the world’s worst transition from summary to summary I'm moving to Antarctica goodbye
[00:14:30] Shannon’s summary:
TGITC everybody! Thank God for the Cullens, they are truly the stars of this chapter in so many incredible ways. Alice gets to meet her best friend even though she has never once actually had a conversation with said best friend. Rosalie promises to try not to tell Bella she’s a dumb shitbitch for both finding Edward attractive and willingly being around vampires. Emmett is off doing damage control because Edward has upset Rosalie again, and Jasper is keeping his distance but somehow still having a great goddamn time fucking around with everyone’s emotions and laughing at Edward. Carlisle and Esme are just relieved that Bella isn’t scared shitless, and Bella is thirsting for some more of that sweet vampire info, baby. And Edward’s there too I guess.
[00:26:06] An example of an attempt to imagine the khaki skirt as tolerable
[00:32:17] Edward be like
[00:40:49] Turns out there actually were witch trials in Finland, notable because most of the accused were men. Also note that in this case the witches were strangled before they were burned 😬
[00:41:16] A few historical witch hunt misconceptions, including hanging vs burning
[00:43:18] Tumblr user @panlight's debunking of the "sewers in 1660s London," complete with a few sources and a better potential explanation
[00:42:57] Hear/read more about the origins of vampires in folklore in Episode 7 and its Show Notes
[01:24:31] “Doing like a Benjamin Button thing”
[01:47:35] Follow Appa on tumblr here and check out Rowan Menerva's children's books here!
Thanks for continuing to tune in to our wacky little podcast in 2023, y'all!
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lallyloo · 1 year
Hi Lally! What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists? How many fics do you have? What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
There's an old rhink ficlet that I've kind of buried on tumblr because I really hate it, but I figure someone out there might still like it so I haven't deleted it.. I guess reblogs would still exist even if I deleted it.. but anyway. It's just bad. I'm also kind of embarrassed about one that involves the EB desk. Idk why exactly (maybe the dialogue?) but I can't reread it and I've considered deleting or orphaning it but it's still just sitting there. 🤷‍♂️
How many fics do you have?
Across various fandoms, over 100 for sure. Some have been orphaned on AO3, others only exist on old kink_memes on LJ. 125 maybe?
What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Feelings. Lots and lots of feelings. And yearning.
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captainsourwolf · 2 years
sometimes ppl like old ficlets I posted that I forgot about and it makes me sad that I never want to write rhink anymore
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mythicalllamaxo · 2 years
I want a rhink fic where Rhett is a gardener. How it would go is Link moves to a new city/town (preferably outside of the states for a change of scenery). he buys a house and for the first time ever, it has a large garden in the front, the back, and all along the sides. Sadly he’s not good with gardening and hasn’t been able to keep a plant alive ever, but he finds the garden so pretty and doesn’t want it to go away so he hires Rhett, who again, is a gardener :) over time Link gets to know Rhett a little bit and offers him inside for drinks and a snack and they talk and talk and the convos flow so easily and this happens every time he comes around. After coming in his house he offers to come in daily and water his indoor plants too. Over time the feelings form for each other and it’s sweet and cute and just oh so lovely.
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rhettjmc · 3 years
Almost two months ago, I lost my partner. He helped me through the roughest part of my life, but unfortunately love alone wasn't enough to make him better. He was brave, loving, crazy intelligent, witty and everything I hope I could be one day.
Even in his final days, he still had his grin and left us, surrounded by his family, with that same smile I fell in love with 3 years ago.
I wrote this as a way to immortalise everything he did for me, and the things I loved most about him. But, without these two boys, I don't know how I would've made it through these past weeks, so of course, I had to try and pour everything I'm feeling into them.
This isn't supposed to be sad - it's soft, comforting and everything he was, and how he pulled me through. ❤️
Please be warned, the ficlet contains a depiction of depression - please read with caution if that is something you are sensitive to.
Link swallows thickly, the stagnant taste of unused breath curls hotly in his mouth. He winces, attempting to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth.
Rhett should be home soon, shouldn’t he?
How long had he been gone?
He hums flatly just to fill the silence, his eyelids heavy as he stares at the ceiling, even the simple mechanic of blinking seems hard these days.
Why isn’t Rhett here yet?
He misses him. That’s the only thing he can be sure of recently, ever since his brain packed up and took any chance of happiness with it.
Rhett said he was depressed, clinically.
But what does he know? He always has to know everything, doesn't he?
He could be right though, Link thinks to himself, bitterly.
He chastises himself, furious that he ridiculed Rhett. He’s already burdening him.
Instead, he thinks of cuddling close, with his love’s thumb tenderly stroking over the back of his hand, he thinks of the nights spent under blankets with cheesy pasta and ruddy cheeks, he thinks of their first real date - both of them too scared to reach for the others hand in the dim light of the movie theatre.
He smiles, just about. His lips almost crack under the pressure of the movement, his eyes flick to the glass from the coffee table, knowing full well that it’s empty.
Of course, it’s empty. Rhett’s not here to refill it.
He almost feels anger bubbling in his chest, why isn’t Rhett here to refill it?
Because he had to go, Link’s rational brain reminds himself.
It’s okay, he still loves me.
His eyes shut again, falling heavy under the pressure of staying awake for too long. Thinking tires him out, his existence is vapid without Rhett here.
He listens to the tick of the clock, counting down the seconds until Rhett comes home.
Time passes, the fog settling over his brain congests and sets up camp for the night. It’s not leaving anytime soon.
He hears the door click open, shoes toed off in the hallway, the rustle of bags and the familiar clearing of a throat.
Rhett’s home, a torrent of relief washes over him.
His exterior doesn’t change, his heavy limbs stay folded tightly over his body, his eyes stay hooded and soupy.
He makes a small noise as footsteps approach, almost a tiptoe.
Link knows he’s trying to be quiet - for a tall man, he’s delicate.
His love bends into Link’s space, pressing a careful kiss into his hair, accompanied by a sweeping finger over his brow.
Warmth spreads through Link’s torso, a poor attempt of a smile appears on his lips.
To others, it would seem like nothing. But Rhett knows him, better than anyone. Rhett knows that Link is trying to say - You’re home. I can finally breathe again.
Then, Rhett is scooping up the glass on the table, filling it with cold water and holding it to Link’s lips.
Link grunts, but Rhett perseveres. Rhett only wants what’s best for him. Link owes it to him to have a drink.
The water sits heavy in his stomach, twisting and swishing in a way that makes Link want to tear the hair from his scalp.
Rhett knows.
Rhett kneels by the couch, a warm palm snakes under Link’s shirt and rests carefully on the soft skin of his tummy. Rhett’s thumb sweeps over the skin carefully. Lovingly.
Link doesn’t know how, but the touch dissolves the sickly feeling in his stomach. He feels… fine.
Soon, Rhett is padding off to the kitchen. Link hears the pots and pans clinking together, he hears the flipping of pages from their recipe book - a housewarming gift from Mama Di.
The lump returns to Link’s throat as he thinks of her.
He knows she’s worried about him, he thinks of the hushed phone calls he overhears when she calls Rhett to check in on them.
He’s thankful. He’s lucky to have another Mama in his life that cares so fiercely. She delivers home-cooked meals some days - dishes filled with custard desserts, trays of chocolate-chip loaf cake and flasks filled with soup.
It’s the sort of food you’d deliver if someone had the flu.
But Link wasn’t sick. Not physically, at least. But the gesture isn’t lost on him.
He knows one day, when he can bear it, he’ll thank her. Thank her for the food, for the love and the concern. Thank her for treating him like he’s her own.
Thank her for bringing Rhett into this world. For bringing caring, beautiful Rhett into the world.
He hears Rhett singing softly as a pot bubbles away, he’s singing their song.
Sometimes, all I think about is you
Late nights in the middle of June.
His chest blooms, he wants to sing along. He wants to join in, burst into the kitchen and sing at the top of his lungs. He wants to snake his arms around Rhett’s waist and dance with him, kiss him stupid and take back the ludicrous baggage he’s bestowed on Rhett’s shoulders.
But he can’t. Not yet at least.
He’s anchored to the couch. Chained and he can’t break free.
He hates himself for it, he knows he’s wasting precious time.
Cruel time that’s ticking away.
They won’t be young forever. Rhett won’t be here forever.
But they have years, decades, left.
Don’t they?
The universe wouldn’t be so cruel to rip Rhett from him. Not when he’s the only thing keeping Link afloat.
Caring, beautiful Rhett.
Link shakes his head abruptly, not allowing his mind to tumble down that morbid pathway.
All too soon, the sun is setting through their patio doors, casting a golden glow over the living room.
It's peaceful.
It’s the universe reminding him, that life is beautiful. It’s precious.
He sits up, bones creaking and protesting under the sudden movement. His head swims, colours dance in front of his eyes and it makes him want to lay back down.
But he doesn’t.
He wobbles to his feet, discarding the blanket around his shoulders to the floor.
Earlier, he’d complained to the empty room that it was too scratchy, too warm. He didn’t need a blanket, he wasn’t a child, he wasn’t sick.
But now, he’s smiling. He thinks about how every morning Rhett replaces the blanket with a new one - fresh and laundered.
This one has tiger stripes, fluffy on the edges. Rhett had tucked it under Link’s chin before he left for the grocery store, he had playfully growled like a tiger in a silly attempt to make Link laugh.
He shuffles into the kitchen, ignoring the relentless scream in his mind to shut down again.
Rhett turns in surprise, his grand smile filling out his appled cheeks.
Link knows that look, it’s pride.
“There you are,” Rhett says softly, abandoning the wooden spoon in his hand.
Link curls into him, “I love you,” he says.
“I love you too,” Rhett’s response is instant, it’s easy and flows out of him unapologetically.
Link sighs, feeling a tiny piece of him slot back into place.
It’s the start of healing.
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lostinmythicality · 3 years
Rhett quietly took in his man, who was beaming like the sun...
“Hey Rhett, I got something for you” his look towards Link’s voice could have burned holes in his love’s skin
Link carefully rolled up his sleeve, the fresh 1984 with a tree, a Rhettwood, still healing is revealed and a quiet tear escapes from Link’s eye...
He grabs onto Link’s hands desperately “For me?”
Link breathes out “For us,” and breathes in... “for everything you’ve been for me and for all the adventures we’ve been on. I love you.” He tightens his grip on Rhett’s hand.
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Prompt: Rhett meeting links boyfriend after there break up🥺
Thanks for the juicy prompt, lovely anon! I've clearly given up on the drabble thing. Hope you like this!
Rhett’s been dreading this day ever since Link’s and his big blowout and the break up that followed. He knew it was coming. He’d just hoped it would have taken a little bit longer. A couple of years maybe. Or a nice round decade.
But no, it only took three months for Link to announce to their friend group that he was bringing a date to the dorm party. Everyone else met his news with vocal excitement. Rhett could only muster a half of a smile while the rest of his capabilities were rerouted to keeping his shattered heart on life support. 
That had been a week ago. And here he was now. Link’s new boyfriend. Brad.
Fuck Brad.
Rhett stood at the doorway leading from the living room to the kitchen and scowled at the pair over his half-finished beer. The guy was pretty. Of course Link would get a pretty guy. Link could have his pick of the guys of NC State—gay, bi, even supposedly straight guys on occasion—everyone tended to fall in love with his chaotic but sweet energy. The sparkling-blue eyes weren’t a hindrance either. Neither was that tiny grabbable waist and those soft lips he used so damn well… 
Stop that! Rhett shook his head, aggravated with his treasonous brain. Things Link did with his lips was not something Rhett needed to think about while in public, wearing pants that didn’t exactly help hide a possible hard-on. Rhett huffed and took an angry sip of his drink.
Yes, Link could have anyone he wanted, but did it have to be Brad? The guy stood there like he owned the place—he had his arm slung around Link’s shoulders and had this cocky grin on his face that made Rhett’s blood boil. Link was snuggled tightly against him, his arm wrapped around Brad’s waist with his hand stuck into the guy’s jeans’ pocket as if to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere else any time soon. Rhett wanted to gag. Or cry. Possibly both.
“Huh.“ Olivia’s voice startled Rhett and he turned to look at the girl who’d appeared next to him.
“Huh what?” 
“Don’t you think…?” Olivia started, tilting his head to the side. Rhett followed her gaze to the happy new couple. 
“Think what?” Rhett groused, bracing himself for some kind of a comment about how cute Link’s new boyfriend was. Olivia turned to look at Rhett, cocked her perfectly-sculpted eyebrow and turned back towards Link.
“It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. 
“What are you talking about?” Rhett asked, unable to hide his annoyance. She needed to spit it out, whatever it was, so Rhett could quietly retreat into the kitchen and move as far away from Brad as he could.
Olivia let out a stifled giggle. She covered her mouth and nodded towards the pair. “It’s you.”
Rhett’s heart stuttered. Was he that obvious? Was his gut-wrenching jealousy so easy to read? No one knew about his and Link’s relationship. At least, that’s what he’d thought. Before he could deny, deny, deny, Olivia continued. “Link’s gone and started dating your twin.”
Rhett’s gaze flew back to Brad. And yes, Olivia was kind of right. There was a clear resemblance. Same shaved head and a goatee. Green eyes. Tall and lean. Now that he thought about it, even that annoying as hell smirk was actually quite similar to his own. 
Rhett couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face. Olivia was watching him carefully and matched his smile. 
“Yeah, you have nothing to worry about. He’s just a band-aid. You’ll be back together in less than a month,” she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. She nudged Rhett’s side with her elbow. “You can breathe now, McLaughlin. He’s still yours.”
Olivia was gone before Rhett could react. She’d marched through the crowd and was already talking animatedly with Link, ignoring Brad’s attempts at taking part in their conversation. All she left in her wake was a lingering hint of her citrusy perfume and a kindling of hope that now bloomed inside Rhett.
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malienessan · 3 years
Well, I got a little inspired by the awesome pictures of Rhett golfing. @rhettjmc was it something like this you had in mind?
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Can you help me find my balls?
The red ball flew in a perfect arc, over the fence at the 300 mark and landed with a thud in the thick grass, in the general vicinity of a couple of dozen other red balls.
The next red ball mimicked the previous almost perfectly, over the fence, landing with a thud.
And again.
And again.
It had been going like that for a while now. Rhett “Red Ball” McLaughlin was grooving it in a way like he hadn’t been since he was on the pro tour. As a matter of fact, a small crowd had gathered behind him, studying his technique, the perfect hit he made with every swing, his skill. Well, a few might have studied his physique as well. He was tall, 6ft7, with long, curly amber hair, that was partly covered by a trucker hat at the moment. And that strong body, well, he could really get some clubhead speed
“You ready to go man?”
“Oh, I’m just watching this guy drive.”
Rhett could clearly hear the mumbling coming from behind him. He almost smiled a little to himself but managed to refrain. He knew it would be way cooler if he didn’t acknowledge it.
Another ball.
It had been almost six months since Rhett played his last game. Life had been good since, he’d played a fair bit of golf, mostly for fun. He was working as a pro at Pinehurst so the game was ever present in his life.
But this.
Just swinging, driving ball after ball, no, that was a long time ago. His back wouldn’t usually let him either, but it had been good for a while. Probably because of the sweet massages he got from his love and former caddie, Link “Blue Balls” Neal.
Apparently someone in the party was ready to leave, but as far as Rhett could make out, they weren’t in agreement. Maybe it was time to break out the 7 iron? He adjusted his trucker hat, protecting his head from the sun, but letting his amber locks flow freely over his shoulders. His Ray-Bans perfected the look he was after.
Yep, he still got it. The red ball landed exactly where it should, Rhett didn’t even have to look after it, he could feel it in his body that it was a perfect hit.
Oh, the audience was captivated. It was like being back on the tour, Rhett could feel the adrenaline, the endorphins, the need for attention and appreciation.
The second to last ball joined the dozen other red balls and Rhett pegged up his final one. He could hear some rustling behind him, he figured his audience knew that the show was all but over and had decided to leave.
He lined up the shot, swung back and right as he let the club descend…
“Babe, what are you up to?”
Nothing in this world could have gotten Rhett out of his groove, except the gorgeous man standing behind him, cheeky smile on his face, blue eyes twinkling. Rhett grinned at him, before turning towards the general direction in which the golf ball was heading and shouting “Fore!”. Hopefully it wouldn’t hurt anyone.
“Link! How long have you been standing there?”
Rhett put his club back in the bag and went up to his lover, giving him a kiss on the cheek, brushing his silver-streaked hair behind a beautiful ear. All of Link was beautiful, Rhett told him everyday.
“Long enough to see a bunch of men ogling you. And I know you could hear them, you filthy bastard.” His words were followed by a wide smile and a gentle touch at the growing hard on Rhett was sporting. Rhett glanced over his shoulder, they were pretty much alone.
“Oh, come on, you know how it is. And besides, I only have eyes for you, honey.” He patted the plaid clad butt, Link always wore such tight pants, and Rhett loved it. “Do you have 15 minutes to spare?”
Link tried to look scandalized but failed miserably. “What did you have in mind?”
Rhett pulled off his sunglasses, he wanted to have a proper look at his boyfriend. Then he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out two red balls, one for luck, and a spare, for extra luck. He threw them into the small grove nearby, and it sounded like one bounced off a tree trunk and one landed directly in the thick grass, impossible to see.
“Can you help me find my balls?”
He smiled at Link, who grinned back and took the lead, dragging Rhett by the hand.
A little while later, Link actually did find Rhett’s balls, and took a firm hold of them.
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twistedboxy · 1 year
Did a prompt from @rhettlinksandwiche Holiday list. I really want to try to do some. This version of Rhink is from my yoga teacher Rhett/ teacher Link ficlet where Rhett has a daughter from a previous marriage.
Christmas Cookies
“Daddy todays the day!” Charlotte cheered
“Oh yea, what day is that?” Rhett decided to humor her.
“It’s cookie day with Link!”
“Yes it is sweetheart. Do we have everything? I can text Link if we need anything.”
“Oh let me get my list.” She ran off.
Rhett was just as excited as her. The two had continued dating after their first date was a success. Charlotte came back and started reading off her list.
“We have flour, sugar, vanilla,and eggs.” As she listed off items, Rhett lined them up on the counter. Once everything was set up and snacks were made, the doorbell rang. Charlotte ran to the door with Rhett right behind her.
“Link! You’re here! C’mon!” She said, pulling him towards the kitchen. Once they were all settled in the kitchen Rhett was able to give Link a quick peck on the cheek.
“She’s been so excited about this. Would you like anything to drink?”
“I bet. Water’s fine. I’m kinda excited too even though I’m not great in the kitchen.”
“Oh yea?”
“Yea, I stick to pretty easy things that can be made in a microwave or take out, maybe a sandwich here and there.”
As Rhett was going to respond Charlotte’s voice broke through.
“Dadddd let’s bake!” They both laughed. She assigned each of them a task while reading the recipe. Everything was going well, they made the dough, ate snacks,sang songs,pressed out different shapes with cookie cutters.
They watched a movie while the cookies baked. Pretty soon the timer went off.
“They’re done!” Charlotte shouted as she raced towards the oven.
“Hold on, we need to let them cool before decorating.” Rhett said as he placed the tray aside to cool. She pouted at him.
“They should cool pretty quick, if we do it now nothing will stick.” Link said.
“Aw okay.”
With the cookies finally cooled everyone got to decorating. There were various icings, candies and tools to decorate. Everyone had a blast until it was getting late in the night.
While Link was getting ready to leave, Charlotte came up to him with a paper bag with his name.
“This is for you but you can’t open it til you get home okay. Promise?” She asked.
“Promise. I had a lot of fun tonight, did you?” Link replied.
“Yes I did.”
Everyone said their goodbyes.
Once Link got settled at home, he opened the bag Charlotte gave him. Inside were three cookies and a note. The three cookies were decorated to look like Rhett, Link and Charlotte herself. Link smiled at the cookies as he opened the note to read it. He recognized her handwriting instantly.
Dear Link,
I hope you had fun! I did! Can we do it again? You make daddy happy. I like seeing him happy. I like you too!
It warmed his heart to read her note and gesture. He propped up all the cookies to take a photo, immediately sending it to Rhett then making it his phone wallpaper.
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harper44 · 3 years
"What if...what if, hypothetically, it was me you got married to?"
Their window is cracked as wide as they can get it in a sad attempt to rid the room of some of the boiling hot air. Rhett and Link lie in the middle of the floor wearing only shorts and trying to absorb some of the coolness of the tile. It might be a smart idea to get out or find a better way to cool down, but Rhett got dumped recently so he doesn’t want to go anywhere. Link wouldn’t just leave him alone. So, they lie in the floor talking about anything and everything. The conversation grows more serious the longer they talk and somehow Rhett has brought it around to their futures. 
“I just... I don’t know if I’ll ever get married, you know?” Rhett is saying, hands waving in the air to make his point, “I want to, obviously, but relationships are just so freaking hard and it feels impossible.”
“Mhm,” Link agrees absently, turning his head to look at his friend, watching him talk, so familiar with the patterns of his voice. “If it’s so hard, I mean, like, what if,” Link clears his throat, “Just think about this, what if, hypothetically, it was me you got married to?”
Rhett drops his hands and thinks on that, taking it much more hypothetically than Link really meant, “I guess it would make sense. I already know you. Not impossible.”
Sighing, Link squeezes his eyes shut, wondering why he said it and why Rhett had to unknowingly make that hypothetical promise. When he opens his eyes again, he finds Rhett looking at him, look in his eyes much less hypothetical now. “I’d marry you, bo,” he whispers like it’s a secret.
Link grins, “I’d marry you too. Not hypothetically.”
Bumping his elbow, Rhett smiles, “For real, then.”
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29whitelilies · 4 years
Maybe 43
Sometimes, there’s a nagging voice in his head, reminding him that he is behind schedule. He has never been big on planning, so it‘s usually not that hard to just ignore it when he falls behind on something without feeling all too bad about it. Planning and schedules are Link‘s things and he‘ll leave it to Link to be upset about them. Under normal circumstances, the voice is just another one of those things that are quite easy to tune out. Not today though. Today, it‘s loud and insistent and there, no matter how badly he wants to pretend it isn’t.
It was supposed to be 42. Ever since he turned 40 and started therapy, the revelations about himself had been rolling over him in waves. 42 felt like breathing easy again after a few years of gasping for air. 42 sounded perfect. The perfect age to finally come clean about everything. No more shame, no more lying by omission.
Then 2020 rolled around and 42 turned weird. Instead of the closeness he wanted, it brought a new kind of distance. The kind that made his whole body ache and turned his determination into desperation. 2020 also took its toll on Link and pushed him in ways that had him a little too high strung, a tiny bit frayed around the edges. Slowly but surely, 42 stopped being perfect and revealed itself to be all wrong.
Things about 2020 are slowly getting better though. Normalcy is still a word without meaning, but some of the fundamental laws of the universe have shifted back into place. Like Link‘s buzzing energy to his left at the desk. Like the grounding effect of the tentative nudge of Link‘s shoe against his. Like the way Link is currently asleep with his mouth wide open on the pulled out living room couch at the creative house, his features comically illuminated by the rolling credits of the horror movie he had insisted he didn’t really want to see if it wasn’t for the whole birthday tradition thing until he got sucked in after ten minutes and then fell asleep halfway through.
There, in the flickering light of nothing but the TV screen and with Link softly snoring just inches away from him, the voice in his head is screaming and it‘s twisting his heart in a way he didn’t think happened to grown men. The feeling is overwhelming and all-encompassing, but if he thinks about it for a minute, he notices that the sense of urgency, the desperate need to do something has quieted down a little. He thinks of lingering touches and heartfelt words and maybe he doesn’t just have everything to gain and everything to lose anymore, but just a little more to gain. Because things are different and some days, it almost feels like they’re halfway there already.
For now, he gently shakes Link awake and asks him if he wants to go sleep in the bed upstairs and then helps Link wrap deeper into the blanket when his only response is a string of mumbled nonsense before he flops over onto his stomach, ready to fall asleep again. For now, he turns off the TV and settles down next to Link at a respectable distance, knowing full well but not caring that his back will most definitely remind him of his age in the morning. The thing is, he‘ll probably appreciate the reminder this time. Tomorrow, he‘ll wake up 43 for the first time. And there’s a pretty good chance that 43 will finally be it.
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lallyloo · 3 years
Compliment Your Bo
(I wasn’t going to write this, but here we are. Fix it fic)
Rhett is typing on his laptop when Link walks in, and he gives a vague hum of acknowledgement without looking up.
As Link gets closer he fires something onto Rhett’s desk, and whatever it is hits a container of pens and knocks it over with a clatter.
“What the– ”
“It’s your book,” Link says. “Thought you might wanna keep it.”
Rhett picks up the little booklet and thumbs through it for a second. He can see Link’s pen scrawls throughout the pages.
He spins his chair around to find Link standing behind him with his arms crossed. He doesn’t look happy.
“I thought this was a joke,” Rhett says.
“Yeah, clearly.”
“You serious?”
“Man, there’s no way you’re this dumb.”
“Thirty five years and you can’t even give me a compliment?”
“Link, it was a joke!”
“Yeah, well..” Link sighs and turns away, taking a seat at his own desk. “The joke’s getting old.”
“If you can’t give compliments on camera, that’s fine,” Link mutters. “But you gotta tell the writers you’re not doing it anymore. And stop taking shit out on the mythical beasts. Without our fans we won’t have a company.”
Rhett turns back to his own desk, and sits silently in his chair.
He tries to work, but his mind is elsewhere.
Finally he stands and slips out without a word.
When Rhett returns an hour later, book in hand, Link is still at his desk, typing away. Link doesn’t look over or acknowledge his presence, so Rhett quietly slips back to his desk and sits down.
He’s nervous. He’s not sure why. He shouldn’t be this nervous. Link is his best friend.
Rhett turns in his chair, takes a deep breath, and starts talking.
“I love your accent.”
Link doesn’t turn around. “Shut up.”
“No, listen. I do. It reminds me of home. When I’m missing North Carolina I just need to listen to you talk..”
Rhett flips to another page.
“I love hearing stories about your childhood because they’re my stories too and I like remembering all the stuff we’ve done together.”
Link slowly spins his chair around to look at him.
“I love how talented you are at dead-panning. I wish I could do it, but I got that smirk..”
“Yeah,” Link replies, “you’re terrible at it.”
“I know!”
Link’s smiling a little, so Rhett turns to another page.
“I love the sound of your voice when you sing, especially when we sing Merle together.”
He continues flipping through pages.
“It’s hard to put into words how strongly I feel about your ability to be a good father to your kids. They’re lucky to have a dad like you.”
“You have the greatest taste in music.”
“If you wanted to you could easily leave me and strike out on your own..”
Link frowns. “Rhett–”
“No, listen, you could. You know you could. And a lotta people say it.”
He continues before Link can argue with him.
“I love how you kick me in the ass when I’m being an idiot.”
“I’d like to take you to North Carolina when this pandemic is over so we can visit all our old haunts again.. Swim in the river..”
“I love it when you wear my old shirts.”
“If you were a dessert you’d be chocolate chip cookie dough without the chocolate chips.”
Link laughs. “You’d hate that.”
“No I wouldn’t.”
Link gives him a look that says he doesn’t believe him. “You’d say it was weird and boring.”
“Maybe,” Rhett shrugs, “but sometimes I like weird and boring.”
He turns to another page.
“I love how you have such a strong work ethic. There’s a lot of stuff we never would’ve done if it wasn’t for you kicking our butts into gear.”
He flips a little further, almost to the end.
“I love remembering the time we met,” he says. “That one’s true. It’s one of my favorite memories.”
“Me too.”
“And I love remembering us growing up together,” Rhett continues, “and our blood oath.
Link’s watching him, so he keeps talking. He doesn’t really need to read anymore – half of what he’s saying isn’t written down anyway.
“I love remembering when we moved out here together, and when we started GMM and Mythical, and I loved seeing you again after quarantine. I love listening to that tape of you when we were kids and hearing your little laugh. I love remembering all the crazy stuff we’ve done and thinking about all the crazy stuff we’ll do in the future. I love being able to work with you, and I love that I get to see you every day, and have you by my side through everything. I love that we’re growing older but you’re still the same Link in my eyes. I love that you’re my best friend and that I’m lucky enough to be your best friend. I love that I know you’re not going to leave me even though I can be a complete ass…”
“Well, I took a blood oath…”
“Yeah, but blood oaths when you’re fifteen don’t really hold much water in the grand scheme of things..”
“They do for me.”
Rhett nods. “Me too.”
They look at each other for a moment, and Rhett realizes what a jerk he’s been. Link’s his best friend – the greatest friend he’s ever had. He shouldn’t care what people think about it.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know..” Link says. “Do I get to keep the book?”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna finish it for you first. Then you can keep it.”
They turn back to their desks, and Rhett continues filling out the pages in the little booklet. He can hear the click-clack of Link’s fingers on his laptop keys. He can hear Link sigh when something isn’t quite right and he has to hit backspace and start over.
Rhett looks around his side of the office, at the photos on the wall, articles from things, memories upon memories of them together. Rhett and Link. Side by side.
“I love you, bo.”
Link’s typing stops.
“I love you too.”
After a moment the typing starts again, and Rhett smiles to himself as he continues writing.
It wasn’t as hard as he expected it to be. It was actually pretty easy.
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