#ripred is a dad
Posting my silly little Ripred & Gregor stories here before I post them anyways else :3
(I've never posted a full oneshot story thingy magingy on tumblr before. I actually only got tumblr recently. I apologize for any mistakes or if I do anything wrong as I'm still figuring everything out!)
"You're my best friend now, no take backs,"
Ripred lay on the grass, tuckered out and just generally needing a nap. He didn't even care enough to go back to the deadlands where he lived, not like the other gnawers particularly cared for him to be there, anyways. Half-asleep, he heard someone sit down on the field next to him. Ripred sighed dramatically, excepting a conversation to tire him even more. After a few minutes of no talking at all, he turned his head slightly to see Gregor sitting next to him with his legs crossed, zoned out. Ripred reached out and poked Gregor in the arm with one of his claws. "Hey, kid." Gregor jumped slightly, getting pulled from his thoughts. "Oh, hey Ripred. Sorry, thought you were asleep. I can leave?" Ripred shook his head. "Nah, you're not being annoying. It's not like you're bothering me with your presence or something," Ripred joked before turning his head to how it was positioned before. Gregor was silent for a few moments before he just responded with a simple, "okay." "What's bothering you, pup?" Ripred asked tiredly. He was extremely tired, yes, but he still cared. Gregor shook his head, even though Ripred couldn't see him. "Nothing, it's nothing. I'm just.. thinking..." Gregor trailed off. "and.. tired? I don't know.." Gregor sighed, resting his head in the palm of his left hand. "Then take a nap or something. That's what I'm trying to do," Ripred said, stretching. "Well you're the one that started the conversation.. Sorry, that's rude." "You've never cared about being rude before, boy," Ripred chuckled absent-mindedly. "Oh.." Gregor trailed off again, lightly resting his eyes on the ends of his palms. "I'm too tired to care about what I'm usually like.." Ripred sighed, stretched again, and stood up. He walked behind Gregor and flopped down on the field again, just behind Gregor this time. Gregor, without even realizing what he was doing at first, leaned back against Ripred who was already partially curled up. Ripred didn't mind, as that was the whole reason he layed behind Gregor in the first place. "I'm not usually one for physical contact, but we're both tired, so I'm making an exception," Ripred muttered, curling in more and wrapping his tail around Gregor. Gregor leaned his head again Ripreds neck, humming in response. "You're my best friend now, no take backs," Gregor said, immediately passing out afterwards. Ripred said a simple "hm." in response. After a few moments of making sure Gregor was actually asleep, he responded for real. "I wasn't planning on taking it back." He muttered, passing out just like Gregor did a few seconds before. Lots of people passed them during their conjoined nap. Most found it weird, some paid no mind, a small handful of people found it quite cute. But it wouldn't have mattered to either of the two, even if they were awake. For Gregor had unintentionally found a new best friend, and, even if he would never admit it in a million years, so had Ripred.
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bisexual-kelsier · 2 months
It drives me absolutely crazy the way I’ve seen people claiming Hamnet made the “wrong” choice by running to the jungle. He was not given the luxury of a right choice and a wrong choice. He could have stayed in Regalia, where his mother would have forced him to commit more atrocities, or left everything and everyone he had ever loved behind so he wouldn’t have to spill more innocent blood. Code of Claw illustrates very clearly how much power Solovet had over his life and the way she used that power to abuse him.
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haveihitanerve · 1 month
Ok so we all know the headcannon of Gregor calling ripred dad at some moment and it’s all like sweet and everything 
But imagine they’re having like game night or smth or ripred just cut a rat in half with his tail and Gregor stops, looks him dead in the eye and goes
"what the fuck [ripreds name but in rat]”
and ripred fucking loses it.
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applesandpavenders · 6 months
hello again, back on the note of Gregor's dad and Ripred being penpals spiraling into him being an adopted member of the family and Gregor being REALLY bad at gnawer but trying, can only say a few words.
Ripred's packmates jokingly teach Gregor to say 'dad' and tell him that's what you call a mentor figure you respect/your alpha, and is what he should culturally call Ripred. 'It's totally a big deal and you should, it'll impress him so much.' And they make him practice til he can pronounce that word PERFECTLY.
Oh. My. Gosh!
Yes! I can feel the second hand embarrassment from here.
And I bet it’s Lizzie who finally tells Gregor what that word really means. Or even that he hears Boots using it for their dad. That would be so cute. Hazard probably taught her.
And when Gregor first uses it for Ripred to his face, Ripred is both DyiNg with laughter and kind of touched. Extra points if it’s in a dire situation that Gregor first uses the word and Ripred genuinely thinks he means ‘dad’ and goes into that’s my kid mode to get them out of the situation. Later, Gregor is horrified when he finds out what the term really means. After a while he’s okay with it tho, but only because Ripred really has been acting like his dad lately and he makes everyone swear never to tell Luxa.
Ripred inevitably tells Gregor’s dad of this development and they have a laugh about it. Gregor’s dad is sure to remind Gregor about his other dad on Father’s Day. Gregor is so done.
There’s a whole fic in this idea, someone get on that! And tell me when it’s done because I want to read it!
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overandunderland · 2 months
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@averagecygnet-blog @haveihitanerve
Sure that's what he said.
What he wanted to say:
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Hearing about the Hunger games continuation and thinking about all the Story continuations/prologues I wish we could get for The Underland Chronicles
Gregor's dad
I want To know what Gregor's dad (Who I want a name for... Steve, Lee, Heidi... What is his name? ) first trip to the underland was like. How was he found and brought to Regalia? We know he met Vikus and Luxa's Parents, SO what did he think of them? The Books say he stayed in Regila for two weeks (During which time he was very worried about his pregnant wife, children, and mother) and that he took a BB gun from the Museum. So I am guessing he knew about the war with the rats, but his family was in hell and he felt he had to get back soon. What happened during his capture.
I don't really want to know about his torturous time with the rats, but I would like some on how he was able to keep both hope and his humanity, the interesting relationship he is hinted to have had with Ripred in book 3 (He says Ripred used to feed him sometimes. He also was not scared of Ripred, Even though he was a rat and was "pretending" to attack his son). And lastly I want to know what coming home felt like for him and why, unlike his wife, the experiences did not make him fear or hate the underland.
Speeking of Ripred I want All of his backstory, being a pup and growing up with his litter mates. Going into battle and finding out he is a Rager. How this made him famous all around the Underland, but also made him hated by enemies, and feared by allies, unless they needed him. What was going on when He tried to "Take over the fount with an army of Lobsters"? Seriously the Rat's don't even want The Fount. It is surrounded by rapids and sea monsters! What did was your interest Buddy?
Also I want to see his Mate, their family, and how their loss first broke him then made him change his stance on the war. Him building his relationship with the human side. Going up to the Overland to visit Libraries. His view of his relationships with Gregor and Lizzie and how it feels to him to being taking care of kids again after so long.
Up Next is Hamnet. Solovet and Vikus son, the beloved twin brother to the wife of the King/Queen, Brother in Law to the King (recently reread has me thinking they had more of a business relationship than a familiar one), the Regalian Army's most skilled soldier, and for a long time he was Solovet's heir to becoming captain of the Army, because everyone thought he was just like his mother. This is what everyone thought, but they thought wrong. Unlike Solovet Hamnet felt guilt. Guilt that drove him to speak against his mother in a war meeting to which she locked him in the dungeon for a month. When he was finally let out he went back to being obedient to her and buried his grief down, let it eat away at him, until one last horrible act (As a solider) destroyed him.
But give me Hamnet's complete story. Show him being a ruthless soldier and a fearsome killer on the field of battle, then coming home to be a loyal son, good friend, loving brother, and doting Uncle; becasue that is how many soldiers have to be. Show me him not being Okay but doing his best to hide that because that is all he could do. Then show me when everything went to far, and when he decided to leave Regalia, everything he knew and loved and run to a place that he and all his allies feared, for good reasons. Show me him missing his former friends and family. But also show me him meeting Frill and her deciding to take a chance and help him, him also taking chance and letting her (The books generally imply he wanted to leave his old life but did not expect to make anew one). Give me him learning about life in the jungle. How the animals there do not attack each other and instead employ a method of survival where first you hide, then you try to give a warning, then run. fight last. Show me him finding an overland women lost in the jungle and helping her. With the pair eventually forming a relationship and going on to have a child. Why did she never return to the Overland? Hamnet is a good father to Hazard, but you cannot tell me that he wasn't terrified during the entire pregnancy. Anything about Hamnet has to end where he ended. Having to once again fight in a pointless battle on behalf of Reglia, that the city once again brought on itself and got nothing out of. Our tragic beauty
Speaking again of Tragic Beauties I want Ares to. What kind of Stuff did he get up to to earn the reputation of a reckless, rule breaking, ...thrill seeker?...strength tester? To where he bonded with Henry to be able to get away with more. What were things like in the time HE and Henry were together. I don't think it was all bad. The Books clearly state that what hurt Luxa, Ares, Aurora, Nerissa the most was that they had loved Henry and could remember good things about him. Things that no longer felt the same after he betrayed them, and things they struggled with only becoming memories in the wake of his death. But the also show me his side of his and Gregor's bond, of him coming to love Gregor like he once loved Henry, and how their friendship helped him move on from the Trauma Henry put him through.
This last one will never happen because its not really Susanna Collins style, but since none of this will happen, I want more Nerissa. What is it like for her loving her family and people so much, but knowing with her frailty and the Kingdom consistently being on the brink of war she cannot protect them. Show me what her visions are like for her. Note whatever we learned about Sandwhich I do believe Nerissa is an actual visionary. Her Visions of a bad and mysterious fate happening to Henry, Hamnet living for 10 years and building a diverse family, and Gregor being secretly being hidden away in the dungeon by Solovet...all came through.
Knowing that I have another question: Did she know suspect that Sandwhich was a fraud? Nerissa spends more time in the Prophecy room, analysis them than any other character. Many of the "misunderstood translations" are later "explained" by Nerissa. She got Gregor and the other questors off death row by replacing Boots with the Bane as the aforementioned "Baby" in the prohpecy and telling everyone: "they actually did complete the prophecy, you are are safe from the imaginary threats Sandwhich illueded to. Let them go and let's get back what's actually going wrong." When Greogor sobs about not understanding what the point of the journey to the jungle was (It had no point) and how him fulfilling the prophecy did not make everything better, Nerissa twist the prophecy to being about a war for the cure and reminds Gregor that because of what they discovered in the Jungle the council was forced to give the Gnawers the cure instead. Lastly she loves the one Prophecy that suggest hope for peace, even though its title is the only suggestion of it. On the day of the surrender she knowing her cousin will want to make the wrong choice about how to end this. So when she see's Ripred marked himself with an X (If Gregor and Luxa knew he did it himself there was no way Nerissa did not, she was always smarter than the pair of then) she decided to lend him a hand in getting everyone to believe he is the peacemaker, and they need to have peace. I really love the theory that Nerissa had realized what Sandwhich and the prophecies were and spent the books studying them, so she could try and mitigate the damages they caused.
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renthony · 1 year
I need more people to read those books, damn it!!!! I grew up on those bad boys! I read them as they were releasing! When everyone lost their shit over The Hunger Games books I was like, hey, go read her other books, too!!!! The Underland Chronicles are so fucking good, damn it! AAAAAAAAAA----
I love them. I don't believe that every book needs a film adaptation, but I do believe that TUC deserves an animated television series adaptation. Suzanne Collins got her start writing for TV, and that absolutely translates into her prose. The way it's paced would make it fucking fantastic as a book-per-season cartoon. NOT live-action, though--I don't think any of the creature characters would translate into CGI very well, and any semblance of "realistic" lighting would be utter hell to watch. Animation with clever use of color tones would be much more effective at selling the underground settings.
That said, just imagining the nightmare of trying to portray some of the events of that series in film form without getting slammed by TV censors...oof. The on-page genocide and the whole "carpet of corpses" scene alone would be brutal. I want to see what a dedicated team could do with it to make it the most heart-wrenching scene in all of children's media. God.
@ whoever makes TV decisions, let me make a TUC animated series, I want it so bad. Fuck. I have a mental cast list already half-made. Give me Wendie Malick as Solovet, Steven Yeun as Gregor, Keston John as Gregor's dad...I know I've had more ideas, but I forget what they are at the moment. Get Mark Hamill in there somewhere, just because I love him. Tara Strong can be Boots. Get Matt Mercer in there as one of the villains, but not Pearlpelt because Pearlpelt is way too pathetic for that. Shit, maybe Matt Mercer as Ripred--not a villain, but that absolute menacing vibe he gets sometimes demands a VA who can pull off sinister and sincere in equal measure.
I have ideas, is what I'm saying here.
Personally, I would list Suzanne Collins' work in The Underland Chronicles to be one of the biggest influences on my writing style. I don't write for children, but the "paced like a television show" style is something I aim for, and the complex politics with infinite depths of nuance that can't be neatly summarized as "good guys vs bad guys" is all over my writing.
Also Ripred is the Most Character Of All Time. Sad Dad Rat Man, my beloved. I want to know more about his army of lobsters.
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quohotos · 9 months
Gregor Mattered.
I think one of the reason that the Underland Chronicles was so good is that it matters. It had a story with a message that was about something. Yes, it is probably the only book that has a big bat brother and a hot rat dad, but it's more than that.
I see a lot about how people want more books, what they would want out of more books, but I honestly don't want anymore continuation of the story if it doesn't have something equally important to say. I don't want to see this beautiful peace that everyone died and suffered be undone just so they can make another bad rat that has to be killed. I don't want an older Gregor to be dragged back to the underland and start killing people again, even if you give him a cool new bat, even if you give his siblings cool bats, even if you give me more Ripred content.
I don't want to see any more of these characters without an equally important message to go along with it. The Underland was this vibrant world that I just wanted to inhabit when I was a little kid, but I feel like I'd be missing the point and doing a disservice if I stayed only looking at it like that.
If there was going to be a continuation of the Underland's Story I'd want to see it tackle the struggles of trying to maintain a peace after a calamitous war that no one thought could be won. I'd like to see Luxa and Ripred trying to build a strong, peaceful, and unified underland. I don't know if there's room for Gregor in all that. Gregor was the warrior; he was a symbol of the divinity of sandwich and a symbol of death to the gnawers. That symbol had to die for there to be peace, there isn't really a place for him after it was all done.
It doesn't have to be about that, it could be about a lot of other things.
Tl;Dr: If Collins (or any other author) doesn't have something important to say with the Underland, I don't want to hear it
@militarybookworm this was the hot take I had alluded to earlier
I originally wasn't going to post this because I thought it was a little bit contentious, but enough people have asked to see it. I want to clarify that I don't mean to shit on anyone's heacannons or fanfiction, nor do I want to discourage anyone from creating or talking about their fanworks. I also don't want anyone who talks about fanworks or who writes fanworks to feel like I am looking down on them for not taking this children's book written for children as much as I do.
Don't let my own personal "old man yells at cloud" opinions get in the way of creating the stuff that makes you happy.
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reminder that Ripred is not only a dilf but a dad.
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You’re truly a leader of the ripred army with all of this rataganda and I love that
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returntoregalia · 3 months
Ep 24 - Curse of the Warmbloods Ch. 1-3
Oona and Nate discuss the first three chapters of The Curse of the Warmbloods, in which Gregor gets a message from Vikus and takes a trip beneath Central Park. Other topics of discussion include heroin as a cough suppressant, the psychosexual significance of bathrooms, and Ripred's lunchbox notes to Gregor's dad.
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bisexual-kelsier · 28 days
Love Is Stored in the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie
On Lizzie & Ripred
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The newest take I’m seeing right now, both in the TUC tags and on my “controversial TUC takes” post, is that Lizzie’s relationship with Ripred is unfounded and that the inclusion of it “robbed” us of a softer moment between Gregor and Ripred. I disagree with this take so much that I decided to write an entire essay about my thoughts on the subject. The most common argument I see against Lizzie is that she received Ripred’s affection, as well as his tragic backstory, after being present for a very short period of time, while Gregor has known Ripred for months. At a surface level, this may seem counterintuitive, but when we dig deeper into the characters and their behaviors, motivations, and allegiances, the thematic significance of Lizzie’s role in the story becomes apparent.
First and foremost, let’s take a look at Gregor. I love this kid so much, but I do believe that the core of this argument hinges on his more subtle flaws as a character. Consider this: the entirety of The Underland Chronicles is narrated from Gregor’s point-of-view. What does this mean for our perception of the story? We receive only the context that Gregor has, and we only receive the details that Gregor notices and finds important. Across the series, his understanding of the Underland and its denizens expands, grows, and solidifies. He is twelve by Code of Claw and very much still learning and growing, but some of beliefs have settled by this point.
This is where Ripred comes in. Gregor has more or less made up his mind about Ripred by the end of Curse of the Warmbloods. He wants to lead the Gnawers and will achieve that goal by any means necessary. He’s an ally, but probably not a friend, grumpy and abrasive and untouchable. Definitely not worthy of sympathy, because he can take care of himself. In short, Gregor doesn’t see Ripred as a multidimensional person, as someone with emotions outside of anger and self-importance.
In direct opposition, we have Lizzie. Upon first glance, she might seem inconsequential until Code of Claw, because her character arc is quiet and mostly happens off-screen. She’s anxious about almost everything, and the Underland puts her through a lot of trauma in the earlier books without having ever set foot down there. It took her dad from her when she was only four years old, and when he returned years later, he was ill and severely traumatized. His absence and then his inability to work meant that she grew up in poverty, spending a large portion of her childhood food insecure and without a stable home life. Similarly, the Underland suddenly took Gregor, who by that point had undertaken a parental role in the household, and Boots away on more than one occasion. These traumas were then compounded on in Curse of the Warmbloods, first when her family’s apartment was swarmed by rats and then when Grace, the stable parent and breadwinner, contracted the plague and was unable to return home.
Lizzie’s role in both Marks of Secret and Code of Claw directly opposes the effect that Gregor—and by direct extension, we as readers—expects this trauma to have on her. Lizzie is afraid of almost everything, and the Underland has harmed her directly in the past. She should approach it with fear, maybe even hostility, like Gregor does in portions of the book. Lizzie is not Gregor, though, and her key trait as a character is that she is able to see the world as a whole through different eyes. So she chooses kindness, instead.
This is where the excerpt above comes in. Lizzie has never met Ripred personally at this point, and she really only knows anything about him from Gregor’s stories—which almost certainly don’t paint Ripred in the kindest light. Lizzie sees beyond the surface of these stories, though, and considers Ripred as an entire person, with depth and emotions. What she sees between the lines is up for individual interpretation. Maybe she latches onto Ripred’s insistence that Gregor learn echolocation, a skill that might save her brother’s life. She does pester Gregor about practicing. Maybe she sees pieces of Gregor reflected in those stories about Ripred. A rager who doesn’t quite fit in where he’s from or where he’s fighting for, who can be stubborn and short-tempered and quick to hide his vulnerabilities from the people he considers himself responsible for. Maybe she sees pieces of herself reflected in those stories. Maybe, as someone who has lost pieces of her family, who has only one friend, who has likely eaten less than her share so that others could be full, she finds it easy to spot the humanity, for lack of a better word, in Ripred, like light through the crack under a locked door.
Whatever her reasons—and maybe there are no reasons beyond “he’s a person, too”—Lizzie goes out of her way to treat Ripred with kindness before she ever meets him. She sends some of her own food with Gregor so that Ripred doesn’t have to go completely hungry. She makes sure Gregor knows to share that plate of oatmeal raisin cookies with Ripred. Where Gregor rarely shows any gratefulness for his help and, in fact, rarely views him through a lens unclouded by a deeply ingrained bias against Gnawers, Lizzie is kind. Ripred notices.
This is not a matter of Ripred suddenly opening up to Lizzie for little reason after bonding with Gregor across the entire series. Ripred treats Lizzie differently because she acted differently. Their relationship is not built only on Lizzie’s similarities to Silksharp, but on a history of compassion and respect. It isn’t shoehorned in, it’s a necessary relationship that supports the central themes of The Underland Chronicles—violence, war, and colonialism are cyclical, but the refusal to continue living life based on the biases of the past can break that cycle and bring about a brighter future for everyone.
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
Ripred: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Gregor: Mine just says "gregor, no." Ripred: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
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applesandpavenders · 8 months
Back to that thread from months ago about Ripred and Gregor's dad being pen pals spiraling into having family dinner.
If they had family dinner with Ripred, they HAVE to with Ares. He's LITERALLY legally a part of their family and Gregor's brother.
Gregor's family actually getting to meet Ares.
Oh my gosh! Yes!
I’m just imagining Gregor’s mom trying to get her head around Ares and Gregor’s relationship with the whole bonds thing. Like, is he technically her son in law? Or her bond in law? Is that a thing??
And Ares trying to be on his best behaviour for the occasion (Ripred totally tries to sabotage that) because he wants to make good impression. Trying to remember everything Gregor has ever said about his family in order to piece together who is who and what conversation is appropriate. He’s vaguely aware Gregor has a grandma? Or is she the lady from downstairs... He doesn’t want to mess this up!
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Colorized husband
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what’s you favorite kind of sandwich? where do thoughts come from? who is your favorite fictional character?
The Dad Sandwich, A.K.A. the Fridge Sandwich, which is basically meat, cheese, and whatever else my dad found in the fridge, slapped between two pieces of toasted bread
The same place music plays in my head
Ripred from The Underland Chronicles or Kirishima Eijirou from My Hero Academia
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averagecygnet-blog · 5 months
hello. gregor likes to sing au
the first time gregor sings in the underland, it's on the quest of gray. it's time to sleep, but boots is restless. gregor knows he can't let her stay awake while he's sleeping down here, so he sings her to sleep - something slow and soulful, something their dad always liked, something their mom hasn't wanted to listen to since he went missing. he only remembers that part once he's already begun: the way their dad would put on the cd and sing along while he and their mom cooked dinner together. the way their mom cooks alone now, in silence.
the painful nostalgia, the mourning of time lost and memories tainted comes out in his voice. boots doesn't notice - she's asleep by the time the song is over - but luxa and henry do. ares and pandora do. ripred does, as well.
none of them say a word about it until months later, when they're on another quest entirely, this time to find and kill the mysterious bane. luxa isn't supposed to be there, so she feels she can't complain about anything, not even the loud and ceaseless bickering of the shiners - but she really can't stand it. so she asks gregor to sing.
he sings something upbeat this time, something fast-paced and fun. it gets boots dancing, which makes them smile. again, gregor thinks of his family, but it's different now that his dad is back. now, he thinks of how hard he and lizzie and their mom have been trying to get their dad back to his old joyful self again. now, he thinks of how music is one of the only things that can make his dad stir with life, as though he's beginning to wake up from an open-eyed sleep - but it doesn't always work. but gregor tries not to think about that too much, opting instead to focus on singing loudly enough to drown out the fireflies' whining. (and to focus on the way that luxa seems to relax into his voice.)
in the jungle, singing isn't so easy. but boots is exhausted and hungry and thirsty and sick and there's just nothing else he can do for her, so he sings. his voice cracks in his dry throat and stumbles with his painful steps, but he sings. he sings any song that comes to his mind until boots stops crying, having drifted off into a fevered and uneasy sleep. the others on the journey listen to every word.
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