squidinu · 8 months
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Robo-Atlas is a one-off joke character I got attached to. [doodle]
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mradrielg · 5 months
I'm funny I swear-
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lover-of-skellies · 3 months
You ever have the urge to smooch a cryptid
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transingthoseformers · 2 months
... ... ... Imagine if Rung was a shifter though and his true form is. Interesting.
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sinita-incognita · 9 months
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You saw this at 3 AM what would you do.
Based on a scene from @no1ryomafan fic 🤭 spooky season is near
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whatsuruning · 1 month
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friendtitan · 1 year
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As you can see your honour, at this here two AM i the morning, I had been planning the entire time to use a cup, and it only appeared that I had been drinking from the carton directly.
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crow-doc-with-a-pen · 2 years
random thought while avoiding writing and it's late:
Spoilers for the first portal game if you've never played/heard of it.
would full on robo Gov be like Glados?
Like portal au, the states would act similarly to the cores
not exactly, though, like florida is definitely like wheatly but less like he was built stupid and more like he's suppose to distract Gov with stupid ideas (Can't fill labs with deadly neurotoxins when you're too busy trying to explain why reducing electricity consumption would basically kill them all)
Like Glados, Gov would be a true AI, so the influence of the states would eventually calm his more homicidal tendencies (Especially true if some of them are humans who make friends with Gov)
at least, until one of them mentions that a scientist did that got them hurt (Mentally or Physically) And he hunts through all the labs equipment until he makes that scientist disappear.
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foxish-draws · 1 year
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Was in the mood to draw YeeHan & @robo-cryptid was havin a Time™ & I hadn't figured out what I was going to do yet, so I offered a fic draw. :> She picked this bit from Stop Dragon My Heart Around wherein Hanzo & Cassidy drink their way into compromising positions. As ya do.
The fic in question: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34163944/chapters/85004368
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ffedexs · 9 months
2 days ago I read this yeehan fanfic written by @robo-cryptid and omg it was so good, I’m still thinking about it. I read other fanfic the author wrote and now I’m in desperate need for more fanfics!!
(Right now I feel like a baby who just discovered how to walk ngl)
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squidinu · 1 year
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Robo Atlas
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luvring · 1 year
HI THIS IS THE ANON WHO SAID SHE LOVED UR POST AND i just realised u also write for cove holden ilysm do u have any romance visual novel recs?? so far i've only done cove's one & two demo ones (a celtic mythology one whose name i cannot remember & touchstarved the loml)
have the bestest day and thNk u
was the celtic one the good people (na daoine maithe) because i played that one too 👩🏻‍💻🫶 RLLY GOOD in typical nia fashion when my Type type isn't there i'm going 4 keagan and flannan
i saw u say error 143 in ur other ask UR REAL!!! ofc i must recommend blooming panic if u haven't played. xyx and toasty r genuinely just. Funny. i rlly liked toasty's va they did a great job. FIRST TIME I HEARD HIS LAUGH I WAS LIKE WOAH. i rlly liked how nightowl's route went w. Anger. u don't see it a lot and i appreciate it i was like WOWWW? AT ME? he's real. robo has answered a Lot of asks on tumblr so u can get loads of content after u finish!
https://gbpatch.itch.io/our-life-nf ... :) No words. Demo. i will build the audience for the 2nd game myself.
DEMO obscura is also vry good,, i haven't played in a Long time but i keep up w reading tumblr asks abt the LIs LOL. love the art and vibes. he isn't my type but iirc cirrus offers a rlly interesting dark romance route + aftercare/safe word system :)
DEMO online @ the perfect time is just,, i love the vibes and concept so far I LOVE WHEN CHARAS R FUNNY. HAVE MY HUMOR. rlly excited to see where it goes it's quite short so far BUT I WANT PPL TO PAY ATTENTION 4 THE FUTURE. PLEASE!
cryptid coffeehouse IS SOOO CUTE I LOVE ARTEMIS ☹️☹️ queer slowburn coffee shop romance BE SERIOUS no one fucking TALKS ABOUT MY ARTEMIS. WHY. so so many cute moments i was kicking my feet and giggling like WOWW
3 seasons is also VRY vry cute i don't usually play games w an mc visual but ivy is so pretty so IDC!!! u can play all the routes pretty easily they're all lovely like... it isn't super often i come out liking all the LIs pretty much on the same lvl. mamma mia!
....the persona 5 vn. IMCRYING I'm so fucking serious like. the characterization is REAL it's super well made. i'd like to say u could enjoy without playing p5 but um. probably not to the full extent. i played out of principle as a p5 enjoyer and for goro bc he's one of summer's fav charas ever and his route was so awesome actually. Epic Major Spoilers obvi. akira slayed also (my good ending completionist side..☹️)i won't say much abt him bc i'll ramble on and on but summer after finding out i had a crush on him yrs ago was like Yeah that makes a lot of sense he is so loz link.. like man
$30 gilded shadows (free demo) which i need to play again I WAS SUPPOSED TO FINISH ARI'S ROUTE MONTHS AGO rika said he was so my type and i trust them fundamentally. caissa my beloved. like the world building + charas it's just,, well done y'know
$12 when the night comes haven't played but rika rlly likes it so i'm putting it here anyways. LOL
NOT VNs. they are IFs...like there's Literally no visuals. read in browser. but i stand by the night market (1st book finished!) which i've rb'ed a bit + speaker . both fantasy,, love both casts i love everything they're doing i'm genuinely so so excited to see where they go!!! PLEASE!!!
YANDERE DEMOS separated for if they aren't ur thing which is obvi Valid. i erm. went down a bit of a rabbit hole. pls read their warnings! always read game warnings. but like. ok anyways
DEMO 14 days with you yeah. ren. i like when mc notes that smth is Off abt him. lots of asks answered on the tumblr! I can fix him.
DEMO something's wrong with sunny day jack jesus Christ . some of the best vn va work i have ever come across like Genuinely wtf. and the concept is rlly cool. was put off for a long time bc of.. jack's appearance.. sowwy. but wow it is just. really well done.
bitter/sweet blythe orange masc blythe va ?? did such a good job?? like srsly what. sorry wow that's the main thing i just rlly wanted to applaud them a bit. also I LOVE THE PARTIAL OST??? i want it so bad i was humming it for a couple hours after like
DEMO our dollhouse I'm so serious when i say i didn't realize it was for yanjam so when i came to my own realization of Oh Shit He's Sus and checked i was like FUCKCKDJ 😭😭 OBVIOUSLY... but srsly love the art and i'm excited to see how mc figures it out and what happens. did a good job at making a pretty Understandably oblivious(??) mc. like yeah i can see why u wouldn't expect him.
DEMO favor Z Intrigues Me. had to try so hard for the secret ending but now i am more intrigued like OKAYYY WHAT HAPPENED BROTHER 🤨 i like the tail animation also. also when u say u like possession horrors woah hey. hey. pal
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marzipanparty · 1 year
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hewwwooo i posted all these on twitter first but yea i made this bc robo sweats rly hard when they get pokemon related asks about their characters and i’m a mf who loves pokemon way too much not to have pokemon headcanons about said characters 👍👍 i’ll put my headcanons in the read more!
Quest & Lucario- there really wasn’t a better pick in my mind for our emotionally intelligent, tough, blue-coded, dog-loving love interest than a blue dog that can shatter boulders with its fists of steel and read the auras of living beings. And bc lucario can read its trainer’s emotions i think it’d be a good therapy dog for quest! I personally like think that quest would’ve found lucario as a little rilou like how he finds the puppy in the game’s good end extra for him.
NakedToaster & Totodile- so i picked shiny totodile bc it’s green little reptile just like a certain cryptid green lizard mascot in bloomic LOL… but i also oddly i think they’d have a cute dynamic together?? Chill toaster would take great care of their excitable little chompy gremlin 🥺 and let them play games on their phone like in this pkemon movie screenshot 😭
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BUT! I also want to mention another headcanon that before Toaster had totodile, he had a Porygon-Z that disappeared and learned how to talk. This talking porygon-z being Bloombot 👍
xyx & Alolan Meowth- obviously i had to pick a cat pokemon as a stand in for xyx’s actual cat. I chose alolan meowth specifically bc the pokedex mentions these meowths being especially cunning and intelligent, and i’d like to think these two would affectionately try to pull pranks and one-up each other constantly. But they love each first and foremost!! And if those two smarmy assholes ever decide to team up pull a prank on someone else, god save that poor soul LMAO
Nightowl & Sylveon- i’d like to think nightowl had an eevee since childhood! Eevee also evolves into sylveon with high friendship/affection and i think nightowl would certainly be able to do that LOL although having such a girly looking pokemon would probably rly piss his mom off and would probably threaten to take it away from him 😢 but i think he would manage to keep it safe and bring it to college with him. The pokedex also mentions that sylveon’s ribbon feelers emit a calming aura and so it would be a rly great emotional support pokemon for poor nightowl 💖🥺
June & Politoed- cute frog girl gets cute frog pokemon EASY. but yea there are a few frog-like pokemon to choose from but i ultimately choose politoed bc the simple water typing and cute design felt the best for June 👍 i did briefly consider Bellibolt but i felt the electric sub-typing didn’t suit her 🤔 i’d definitely pick it if i was choosing full teams than one partner tho
Two2 & Yamper- i vaguely remember it being mentioned that Two has a little dog like in their pfp! And pokemon has a lot of dog pokemon to choose from 😅 but i ultimately picked yamper bc i like the idea of anxious and skittish Two with a very friendly and zippy little dog! Yamper never fails to cheer up Two 🥹 also i personally think the electric typing suits Two as well
BigLady & Tsareena- two boss queens being boss queens together 👏👑 i think Lady would have gotten tsareena as a little bounsweet not thinking too much about it and be pleasantly surprised as it evolved! Tsareena has a grass/fighting typing and stomps the shit out of things with its powerful legs, so i think it suits our beautiful and strong Lady 💖💪
Salocin & Nidoking- i personally think Salo and his late wife would be one of those double battle couples with their matching Nidoking and Nidoqueen respectively! After his wife passes tho he’d keep nidoqueen since it’s also his nidoking’s partner 🥺 i also think nidoking’s ground typing fits salo pretty nicely. Another headcanon i have is that his new partner Mara would have a cute normal type pokemon like a minccino!
Onionthief & Venusaur- i originally was going to have a just a bulbasaur as onion’s partner bc it’s more onion-shaped, but i ultimately decided that onion would be the type to fully evolve his pokemon. He’d definitely have his venusaur since it was a wee little bulbasaur tho, they are lifelong partners! Venusaur would definitely help take care of onion’s siblings, and play with them by letting them climb all over it and picking them up with its vine whip 😭
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tacticalgrandma · 4 days
I was tagged by @optiwashere for a last sentence WIP game thing-thank you for the tag!
rules: in a rb or separate post, post the last sentence you wrote in any of your wips (original, fanfic, etc), and tag as many people as there are words.
The gc was talking about Duke Wyllstarion, Robo posted an excellent drabble, and I don't know how far this is going to get but I really want to see them have a royal romcom moment.
All of these problems and so, truly, so many more, wait for Wyll to solve them as Shadowheart pours him another glass of wine.  
And then he calls his friend who went to law school two hundred years ago and they save the city and I'm going to try to work a fake marriage into this one.
24 is perhaps too many words for this game. Looking at folks who haven't done this yet- tagging @robo-cryptid (with the caveat that if you have more written of this au, share that!), @black-rose4, @talesandfluff, @wylstarion, @plethomacademia, & @tavsversion (this is me demanding you write down at least one sentence for your plot bunnies).
For the rest- I feel like whenever I see "I tag whoever's reading this" I always think "well they don't want to see mine." If you're reading this I do want to see yours, and please tag me in it!
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msweebyness · 6 months
DuPont School for Monstrous Youths- Squads and Duos
Something random and fun! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Reptile Squad- Alix, Armbruster, Kagami, Spinelli, Staci
Spirit Squad- Alya, Jean, Tomassian, Quinlan
Aquatic Squad- Ondine, Victoria, Gerard, Margo, Parker
Greek Squad- Alix, Armbruster, Cosette, Simon, Brecken, Evie, Lotta
Buff Squad- Denise, Ivan, Kim, Mindy, Roxie, Brecken, Boulet, Kendra, Margo
Robo Besties- Max and Eloise
Stone Besties- Nath and Roxie
Flying Squad- Nath, Marc, Aurore, Gia, Evie, Anthony, Ayesha, Anais, Aggie
Buggie Besties- Reshma and Marc
Horn-y Squad- Kagami, Cosette, Aurore, Gia, Lotta, Mindy, DJ, Petra, Anthony, Soo-Yeon, Austin B
Cryptid Kids- Marc, Ivan, Denise, Ondine, Kendra, Margo, Gia, Gerard
WereKids- Kim, Ismael, Anais
Horsey Bros: Petra & Brecken
Badass Wheelchair Bros- Mona & Victoria
These are all the ones I have for now! Will add more as I think of them! Tell me any you think of in the comments and reblogs!
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nullen-void · 28 days
The Heterodyne Boys and the Atomic Clank!
June, 2013 Canaima National Park, Venezuela
Today sucked, actually.
It was just supposed to be a lighthearted cryptid-hunting expedition. Something to distract Robo from all the everything. He could only listen to the fearmongering talking heads calling him a secret terrorist with false personhood for so long. It was supposed to be a vacation.
Best-case scenario, they discover some kind of South American Bigfoot or whatever and distract the public from that thing with the nukes for a couple weeks. The worst case, he had assumed, would be a nature hike in the jungle.
But no, apparently the actual worst-case scenario was a secret underground civilization of rock-people from before the dawn of time being mind-controlled by Dr. freaking Dinosaur. And now the mountain had been destroyed by a giant, allegedly immortal lava worm while the reptilian idiot's stupid bomb was going off.
Maybe he should take a break from action science. Maybe he'd spend the next decade or two just doing... I dunno, math or something. Or maybe I should look into medicine, take the time to finally get that second doctorate--no, knowing my luck I'd stumble into a zombie virus plague. Ugh. "AHAHAHA! Look at all that inevitable twenty-three dimensional doom!" the idiot shouted, dragging Robo's focus back to the horrible, horrible present.
"Nope. Nope, nope, nope. I'm NOT dying on the back of a giant lava worm," he pledged to himself.
"Magma!" Bernard shouted from somewhere below, which wasn't helping.
"Robo!" the radio in Robo's head crackled. "This is Dr. Sandoval. Do you read?"
He looked over at the helicopter circling the giant worm. "Yes. Doctor, I need you to get closer. I have a terrible idea."
Dr. Dinosaur continued rambling to himself above. Robo tuned him out as he did some quick math in his head. The bomb was continuing to gather energy, and was slowly approaching his position.
"We can't hold this position for long," Sandoval reported, the helicopter struggling to get close to the thrashing worm.
"Won't have to. I'm taking the shot." First things first, though. Robo slid down the lava worm's side toward his employees, grabbing them in his arms.
"What about the bombs?!" Vik yelled from his position over Robo's back.
"First, I need you guys to go limp."
Lang's eyes widened. "Wait, when you say that, you--"
No time to let them realize or they'd struggle. Robo heaved, throwing all three of his team at the helicopter. Vik made it to the side door, while Lang and Bernard managed to grab the copter's landing gear.
"Now get as far from this thing as you can!" he ordered.
The stupid bomb was falling in earnest, now, the worm's undulations sending it falling down its... back? Side? Whatever, doesn't matter. Dr. Dinosaur was nowhere to be seen, which was just typical. The machine was sparking something fierce, and Robo latched on as it fell directly into him. "I got the nukes!"
Now he needed to hurry and disarm this thing somehow before it went off, and who knows how long that would ta--
Everything went blue.
Winter, 1867 Somewhere North of Belgrade, Serbia
Miron stuck his tongue out as he worked something out from under his fingernails with a knife. Whatever it was, it was in there deep.
Opposite him across the campfire, Grishnarf turned the spit holding the boar over the flame. The shaggy Jäger leaned closer, drinking in the scent of cooking meat.
Miron glanced up. "Hy vouldn't get so close if Hy vere hyu."
Grishnarf looked up in time to miss his long beard falling into the fire. "Eh?"
Miron waved him away; he'd figure it out soon enough. "So, do ve know vat de Masters iz doink in Belgrade?"
One of the twins looked up from sharpening his sword. "Savink de day, vat else?"
"Hy was hoping for sometink more specific."
The other twin looked up from sharpening his axe. "Hyu vould know better den uz, Hy tink. Hyu got closest before dey entered de city."
Miron sniffed. "Dot vasn't dot close en hyu know et. Der Masters vouldn't be heppy to see uz."
The other grumbled at the reminder. It never got nicer to hear no matter how many times it was said.
"Prob'ly zum big clenk vat's makink a mess, Hy bet," the twin with the axe offered.
"Hoho, hyu tink somevun turned on old Master Nimrod's hunting clenk? Hy tink he left it somevere around here."
Grishnarf frowned in thought. "...Vas dat de vun vat hunted, or de vun dat got hunted?"
There was a distant explosion, and all of them paused to let the sound of far-away screaming wash over them.
"...De vun vat hunted, methinks."
Grishnarf suddenly howled as he finally noticed his fur was on fire, abandoning the spit to run around the clearing in a frenzy. The sword twin took over cooking while the axe twin shouted 'encouragement.'
"Careful, Grishnarf! It's almost at hyu hat!"
The furry Jäger yelped and dropped into a roll in the dirt.
Miron ignored all that, having finally found whatever was in his fingernail. "Dere hyu are, hyu liddle..." Setting the knife aside, he reached in with the claws on his other hand and gingerly gripped whatever it was. Wincing, he pulled out a splinter nearly the same size as the finger it was embedded in.
The sword twin hissed through his teeth. "Ooh, dat looks like it smarts, brother."
"Hy thought mine finger vas feelink stiff lately." Miron flexed his finger, working the kinks out, and studied the splinter intently. Then he picked his teeth with it for a second before tossing it away. "So, vat are ve tinking vit de pig? Hyu want to do it fancy-like vit de spices, make some stew? Or do hyu just vant to tear into it?"
The twin--his name was either Rem or Rom, Miron could never figure out who was who--gave the question due consideration. Another explosion echoed from the direction of the city. "...Hy tink ve gots time to cook it proper."
Miron nodded, standing to get the supplies. Grishnarf finally put his beard out, breathing heavily.
"Tank hyu so much helpink me, hyu guys," he grumbled, checking his hat for damage.
"Hyu looked like hyu vas having so much fun, Hy couldn't bear to stop hyu," Miron said, grinning. He tossed Grishnarf his knife, and the furry Jäger set about cutting away the burnt parts.
Miron was in the middle of trying to figure out where the herb jars ended and the poison vials ended when suddenly, every hair on his body stood on end. He blinked. "Dot's inneresting. Hyu guys--" he began, turning to face the others and finding them in similar states. Grishnarf's face completely vanished under his fur, and electricity arced between his hairs. "--Hy guess hyu feel dat too, yez?"
"De Masters must have got dat lightning gun vorking after all," the sword twin guessed.
"No, dat feels different, and hyu can taste it in the air ven it goes off. This is different," Grishnarf said.
Miron held out his hand, and the shaggy Jäger tossed his knife back. With that in one hand, Miron drew his sidearm and sniffed. Something on the edge of his senses drew him... north-by-northwest. Without a word, he leapt into the treeline, climbing into the hgih branches. His brother followed behind him.
Static jumped from his fur to his weapons, and Miron vaguely wondered if that would be enough to set off the gunpowder in his bullets. That would be a neat trick. As they went, the charge grew, and one of the twins sneezed; there was something in the air.
On some signal none of them could directly perceive, they stopped over a patch of bare forest ground.
Grishnarf looked troubled. "For zum reason, Hy find myself tinking of old Robur," was all he had time to say before the world lit up blue.
Miron pulled the brim of his hat down to shield his eyes as, down below, an sphere of blue light ten feet across appeared with a crack of thunder.
Then just as suddenly as it started, it was over. They blinked the spots out of their eyes and looked down, not knowing what to expect. They weren't too surprised to see a bulky silver clank lying on the ground. More interesting was the way that all the matter the sphere had encompassed simply wasn't there anymore, perfectly smooth trunks of earth and tree deleted from reality.
Most surpising of all was that the clank was wearing tattered green pants. That was unusual.
"Did de Masters do that?" the sword twin asked. When they looked at him, he clarified. "Hyu said it might be a clenk dey vas fightink. Is dat it? Did dey send it here?"
Grishnarf shook his head. "Not Nimrod's. Dat vun was big, gold, und looked like a gorilla. Tho Hy guess ve don't know dot's vat they vere fightink..."
"Hy didn't tink zo," the twin said. "Too small."
The other twin smacked him. "Then vy did hyu say it, eediot?!"
"Hy thought it vas vorth asking!"
The two of them bickered while Grishnarf noted that the charge in the air was gone, patting his fur back down. Miron's eyes were locked on the clank. Aside from the clothing damage and some minor scratches, it was entirely intact. He'd fought a lot of clanks in his time, and he'd never seen one quite like this. It was incredibly humanoid, but also very... plain. No insignias, no obvious signature, no paint ... could be a new Spark, he supposed, but it would have to be an unusual one to create a clank so devoid of decoration. Most Sparks had a developed sense of aesthetic.
The clank's eyes flashed.
"Shuddup, it's waking!"
The twins froze as the clank's eyes lit up, glowing a sky blue. Then, bizarrely, it groaned, which was a very weird thing for a clank to do.
"Ughhh..." The clank sat up, rubbing its head in a veyr human way. Maybe it was a man in armor instead? Its legs looks too skinny for that... It looked up, and the four of them back up into the shade of the branches. They needn't have bothered, since it was looking away from them. "Daylight? How long was I out?" it said in clear English.
It stood, dusting itself off. It looked around, scanning the environment. "Wow. Must've flung me for miles..." It squinted. "Or more. This is a temperate forest, not a jungle."
Miron looked over at Grishnarf. What do? he mimed. Grishnarf shrugged. Then he grinned hopefully and punched his hand. Miron considered it, then relunctantly held up a hand to wait.
The clank put a hand to the side of its head and started talking to itself. "Hello, Tesladyne. This is your robot-in-chief checking in. I appear to be alive." It waited. "Okay. Civilian bands then..." it muttered.
The twins shifted, readying their weapons. They clearly weren't content to wait. They weren't looking at Miron either, so he couldn't tell them otherwise. He tried anyway, taking a step towards them.
Something cracked under his foot. All four of them looked down. The branches they were standing on all looked fine. Miron looked further down. The tree that that ball of light cut into was this tree.
It started falling. Miron and Grishnarf had time to exchange a wide-eyed look before they went down.
The twins got in each others way and became tangled up in the tree branches. Grishnarf jumped for the trunk and held on for dear life. Miron instead elected to jump clear and away, flipping twice in the air before landing feet first one the ground.
Directly behind the clank.
It whirled around, arms spread in a ready stance.
Miron blinked at it.
It blinked at Miron.
Then it heaved a sigh. "Oh, the crazy isn't done yet. How disappointing."
Miron grinned. He opened his mouth to make some sort of clever comeback; something along the lines of the clank not having seen crazy yet, or perhaps getting offended that he was considered a disappointment.
Unfortunately, before he could get a word out, the clank punched him in the mouth, and the fight was on.
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