#rta fic
twotangledsisters · 5 months
Love all the fics you've got pending!
Can you tell us more about A Hostage Situation and Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me?
I'm most excited for these!
Can I tell you more?? That shouldn't be a question, why you are asking me to talk about my ongoing projects, a favorite activity second only to sharing the finished stories once they're done!!
And both are those are ones I'm very excited about too! I'll start with the shorted of the two:
The Hostage Situation
Honestly, there's not much more to add than in the original post, it's one of my rare AUs that hasn't shown any signs of spiralling out of control yet!
This AU has a more... pacifist version of Hector, as rather than fight these strangers off he just snatches Cass and orders them to leave for her safety. Cass is never in any real danger and that becomes apparent pretty fast despite Hector's threats.
While most of them leave the way they came, Eugene is the one to sneak back inside with the intent of rescuing Cassandra. The main goal is to allow Cassandra to open up a bit more about her emotions, it's to allow Eugene who just stood by during the argument a chance to speak his mind, and it offers up some extra bonding with Hector.
I won't spoil the ending but I will say Cassandra manages to keep both hands in mint condition!
I'll add a few snippets to the end after the read more!
Mirror, Mirror, What You Took From Me
This one is waaaay longer! Although the summary focuses on Cassandra smashing the mirror and Eugene becoming trapped, this fic actually is a re-imagining of the show after that point.
The Mirror Realm in this AU is a portion of Zhan Tiri's realm, with Eugene captured Tromus has a different approach to getting the Sundrop and Zhan Tiri took takes a different approach.
If you want to go into the fic fully blind, stop reading now as I'm gonna ramble and spoil parts of it :D
With Eugene trapped, Tromus wishes to strike a deal with Rapunzel, and Rapunzel is willing to give anything to ensure she gets Eugene back. Cassandra doesn't trust Tromus though, and goes behind Rapunzel's back taking down Tromus and causing the shell house to collapse. Staring at the ruins of the home, with Eugene still missing, Rapunzel and Cassandra have a huge fight.
Rapunzel decides she's going to complete the journal, travel to the Dark Kingdom and acquire the moonstone because perhaps that amount of power will be enough to get Eugene back.
Cassandra argues the moonstone is dangerous! But Rapunzel is past reasoning with.
“Oh, so your feelings are valid? You have a bad feeling about the moonstone and that’s valid? But me feeling like trusting that man to get Eugene back isn’t?” “May I remind you had a bad feeling about the shell shaped building from the start? You thought it was swell and look, what happened? I didn’t put Eugene in danger. You did!” Rapunzel glared, then her face straightened and she turned. “Your journey ends here.” “What?” “I’m done with you interfering Cassandra, I want you out of my way.” “I’m not leaving.” “You don’t have a choice. I’m not making a request Cassandra, as your princess, I command you go back to Corona and stay out of my way. I’m going to do what I have to do to get my partner back, and you aren’t coming.”
After Rapunzel orders Cassandra to stay behind, Cassandra does start to walk towards Corona, but ultimately decides against it. Rapunzel is emotional and doesn't know what she's doing! If there is one thing that'll blind Rapunzel's judgement, it's Eugene. So Cassandra makers her way to the Dark Kingdom to take the moonstone before Rapunzel.
In this AU Cassandra takes the moonstone to protect Rapunzel and it's after taking it that Zhan Tiri appears, not to guide Cassandra, but to guide Rapunzel down a path of anger and a path of doing 'anything' to get Eugene back.
Eugene fights for his life in the mirror realm, he is questioned and his knowledge used by Zhan Tirir against Rapunzel.
Cassandra tried to go to the Spire to find something that'll help Eugene but she's already been reported a thief and is ambushed there.
She then goes to Varian who listens to Cassandra and understands how Rapunzel feels, blinded by grief. He agrees to start work on a portal to save Eugene and Cassandra goes into hiding.
Rapunzel eventually does locate Cassandra, and they clash. A portal opens, Zhan Tirir exits and Rapunzel sees Eugene, but he is unable to reach her, held back by the mirror-version of Cassandra. But having seen him Rapunzel is ready to listen to anything Zhan Tirir says.
AND... I am going to stop! I could keep going and spoil the entire fic... I WANT TO. But I won't.
I think you get the feel of the fic :D
I am super excited for it! I love switching roles up, letting Rapunzel be the one manipulated and missguided for a change! This fic is going to be a lot of fun, if you like fics of mine like Plus Forts Ensemble I'd say it's pretty similar to that in the way it both follows and doesn't follow the show's outline!
Also, some snippets from The Hostage Situation:
Cassandra struggled against the rope tying her to one of the many trees which had grown within The Great Tree, the binturongs circled her and growled but she didn’t cease her frantic movements. “Let me go!” Hector ignored her shouts as he tended to his garden. “Once your friends are far enough away, I’ll consider.” “You have no right!” “I have every right,” Hector snapped back. “I have a duty to my kingdom and to the entire world, a duty to the moonstone. I warned your group more than enough times, yet you kept going. Be thankful I chose this route. I could have just as easily cut you all down where you stood and eliminated the problem at its route.” Cassandra glared. For a moment the only noise was the binturongs’ growls. “Why am I explaining myself?” Hector turned back to the garden. “It’s not like you’d understand the weight of duty.” And the tiredness in his voice got Cassandra’s expression to soften as she did understand that weight. She thought back to her last conversation with the king prior to starting this journey. It had been in the throne room, while the others packed, Cassandra had been practically shaking as the last time he had summoned her to the throne room it had only been the king and her father and she’d been banished to a convent. She expected to be scolded for disobeying a direct order, but instead the king just looked tired. “Cassandra, you are my daughter’s lady-in-waiting and, more importantly you are someone she trusts.” Cassandra nodded. “I must ask you to protect her on this journey. It’s her first time beyond the walls of Corona and I fear she may not be prepared.” Cassandra felt like such a favour should come after an apology for her near banishment, but he was a king and she but a commoner, so she bowed and promised she’d do all in her power to protect Rapunzel. If only Rapunzel had allowed Cassandra to carry out this promise. “I understand,” Cassandra told Hector, to her own surprise. “I even understand what it’s like for your own to not help with that duty…” she added. Hector looked at Cassandra over his plants. “I heard your woes, the ones you shared with the statues.” Cassandra blushed in embarrassment. “You can kill me now.” Hector laughed. “For coming from such a peaceful kingdom, you show promise. I’m sorry those close to you don’t see that.” Cassandra smiled. “Thank.” “You should consider going to another kingdom to pursue your dreams.” “And leave Rapunzel behind?” “She the princess to whom you have a duty?” “I mean… No, not exactly. She’s my boss and my princess, sure, but… I could leave, I’m just a servant. It’s not about duty, she’s my friend.” “Ah.” Hector turned so Cassandra couldn’t see his expression. “What?” “Nothing.” “Tell me.” “It’s just… My experience with royals is that they’ll be your friend, family, brother, what have you, when it’s convenient, but the day you need them to listen, they’re above you.” Hector’s mind wandered to the moonstone and the mistake that had cost him his home. “Rapunzel… It was just the one time.” “It was just the first time,” Hector corrected. Cassandra didn’t answer. She wanted to argue, but did Rapunzel deserve her defence right now?
Cassandra could see the stars through a gap in the bark, the moonlight’s glow her only light source. She heard footsteps coming from behind. “Finally! Surely my friends are far enough away for you to release me now?” There was a shuffle of footsteps, followed by a loud thump as Eugene’s bound body was tossed in front of Cassandra. She blinked. He grinned. “Hey, Cass! You were exactly who I was looking for.” Cassandra’s expression darkened. There went her hope of stretching her arms and reuniting with her friends. “I thought I’d rescue you.” “Guessing you thought wrong?” Eugene chuckled as Hector lifted him and tied him to the same tree as Cassandra. “Well… it’s the thought that counts.” “I don’t think that expression favours you, Eugene.” “I am regretting not leaving you for dead.” “I am regretting you not leaving me for dead.” “Leave the bonding exercises for another time, won’t you?” Hector rolled his eyes as he finished tying the knot. “Anybody else I should be worried about in my tree?” “Everybody else voted to leave Cass behind,” Eugene answered. “Good. Then next time I see something move and shoot on sight there won’t be any injuries.” Eugene frowned but said nothing as Hector left. “The others did leave, right?” Cassandra checked. “Yeah. We kind assumed I’d be enough… sorry.” “It’s fine,” Cassandra sighed. “I will never let you live this down though.”
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The name is on the tip of Varian's tongue. The syllables press against the back of his teeth, itching to be let out but never taking shape. It's like dust falling softly on a Sunday morning; it's a thousand tons of iron slamming behind his ribs; it's a virus buried in his blood and sinew. He can't explain why he feels so empty without it, like a piece of his soul is missing. He can't help but think he's lost something -- or someone -- very, very important.
Or, Varian wakes up in the body of a boy he's never met in a kingdom he's never visited. He learns to adapt to Hugo's strange lifestyle, clumsily navigating a sense of normalcy with no memory of what happened the day before.
Until the day he can't.
Chapter 2: a stone thrown in a silent lake
Chapter Summary: Writing appears on Hugo's arm. The next day, he wakes up in a strange kingdom. These two events are related.
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keysandopenmind · 10 months
new New Dream fic - More Than He Could Hope For
So back in July, it was New Dream Appreciation Week and @nerdasaurus1200 wrote this adorable AU for the "forbidden love" prompt, which left me with a silly grin on my face.
And around the same time, I read just this heart with much too much to share, which was written back in 2014 (I bookmarked it then and took nine years to read it, whoops), so before the series or anything. And there's a scene in that where Kristoff and Eugene are talking about their relationships with their respective Princesses and Eugene says he initially wasn't allowed anywhere near Rapunzel once he brought her home, due to his reputation. And while I am quite confident that's not what happened, I thought it was interesting angle to explore and so here we are!
I'm not an especially fast writer, so 7400 words took me a full month to get down and honestly I'm surprised it happened that quickly. My initial plan was just a couple thousand words of angst/fluff followed by a happy ending, but then it developed an actual plot. Which is definitely new for me in terms of fic writing.
Back when I was in my 20s and writing fic regularly before, I generally stuck to short missing scene and character study-type one shots. At the same time, I really struggled with planning and finishing any original projects. So I think the fact that I wrote this and wrote it quickly (for me) is a testament to how my skill as a writer has developed in the last few years, and I'm feeling pretty proud of that!
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rottewanges · 2 months
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my take on juice box au! varigo <3
[no bg + no body vers under the cut]
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cassandra-tangled · 22 days
y'all want to know what always makes me emotional? thinking about how arianna and frederic took cassandra in at the worst point in their entire life. i think about arianna particularly, i believe she had to convince frederic to let her stay. where he, at least at first, likely saw a bitter and painful reminder of his missing daughter, arianna saw a sweet and innocent child.
i mean really think about it for a sec--it wasn't long at all after rapunzel's disappearance, that cap must have gotten the official 'yes' to take cass as his ward. of course i feel bad for frederic in that time period, but i feel even moreso for arianna. carrying a baby for 9 months, almost dying to birth her, and then having her kidnapped is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. the pain she felt must have been utterly unbearable. think of how much grace and compassion she must have had to, immediately after losing her child, allow the captain of her guard to take on and raise an adopted daughter. even setting aside cass' lineage.
to be honest i think it largely speaks to the way they govern corona. sure cough frederic cough has his...moments, but generally they both act with benevolent intentions. cass is their subject but it'd have been easier in every sense of the word to cart her off to some orphanage. let's be real, king trevor would have done it in a heartbeat. but they allowed her to stay, they gave her a home. and that in and of itself, the fact that cass is a character in tangled the series and not just gothel's forgotten daughter, makes me oh so emotional. :')
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neorukixart · 5 months
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Thanks to my fic "Entangled" reaching over 200 kudos and 5000 hits, decided to rewrite it in hopes I could make it better~
Will try to release one chapter every sunday but don't expect weekly doodles to promo :D bless CSP assests~
For being the first week, I'm releasing two chapters~
Read at AO3 the new version of Entangled: "Entangled Re:told"!
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anna-rlt · 1 year
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varian brainrot in the house tonight
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meechatuck · 5 months
Alright TTS peeps, tell me what they are looking at!
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Did a 'draw the gang' with the Brotherhood and Amelia. I really have no idea what they are looking at. I just wanted to draw them like the prompt and I would LOVE to hear what you think they are looking at!!!
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elusivetranscendent · 11 months
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i am so not normal about them <3
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nerdasaurus1200 · 8 months
Random idea for the opening of a post series episode
Narration: Legend says that whenever the ground shakes or when lava spews from the earth, a new dragon is born. The night Ramona’s dragons were hatched, it caused the greatest quake in-
Cap: Cassandra?
Baby Cass: *innocently* Yes Daddy?
Cap: I thought I told you to go to bed.
Baby Cass: I can’t! This book is too good! Please, Daddy? Can’t we just read the first chapter?
Cap: *laughs* Alright, alright. *sits on the bed with her*
Baby Cass: I want a dragon someday.
Cap: Over my dead body.
*slow zoom in on the book, the scene changes to the cliffs of Vardaros and a shadow passes over them*
Little Big Guy: *roars*
Cassandra: *giggles* Alright Icarus. First day training with the saddle. Let’s see what you got today!
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twotangledsisters · 9 months
Always By Your Side  - Fic Guide
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Fic guide for my newest fic which started uploading a few days ago and will have weekly updates every Saturday.
The most common question I get on any fic where there's a coming of age element is how old are they in any given chapter as it's easy to lose track. So even though it's a year each chapter, I thought I'd make this to help!
Chapter 19 onwards is pretty much a separate arc so that's why I just did the 19 chapter guide!
Also... for some reason Canva refuses to export in the same font I was working in which means of course the sizes are messed up and... I need to stop using canva. It's easy but recently it's just not working...
Regardless of formatting, I hope this helps and can't wait for you all to see the adventures these two get into!
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frozenwolftemplar · 8 months
The Archive is going to devour this in less than twenty-four hours, so I'm calling it sufficiently edited.
Anyway, here's my new multi-chap! It was one of the more difficult ones to write, to the point where I had to step away from it mid-story to try and figure out where to take it, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. If you're interested, follow the link and check it out, and if you want to be tagged for updates, just let me know.
Tagging @twotangledsisters because ^this^ is the fic I gave a sneak-preview of in that ask last month.
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somebody PLEASE write some more benoit blanc x philip fics (I've found a grand total of one (1) so far and its cute as hell) like I know we have approx 30 seconds of philip screen time but I KNOW you guys have worked with less than that
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rottewanges · 2 months
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had to draw juice box! hugo again
p.s. i stole the fit idea from @theatricalmage’s art! go check that out plsplsplspls, it’s so good.
[speedpaint under the cut]
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emkini · 1 year
Hey. Hey guys. I know I don’t post about tts anymore but Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost just got a new chapter and y’all should go read it. I don’t even go here anymore and I still read it. Go read it. Cass gets friends and Rapunzel gets gender, and also there’s 400k of political intrigue. literally what more could you ask for. This has been a PSA, have a Cass inspired by the fic
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adventuretolkienlover · 8 months
The Journey's Just Begun Sneak Peek! Spooky Edition! Oooooooooooo!🎃
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As usual, take it with a grain of salt. Subject to change.
(Edit: Geez Louise! There's so many typos!🤣)
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