#varigo fic
aziraphalesbookkeeper · 5 months
The name is on the tip of Varian's tongue. The syllables press against the back of his teeth, itching to be let out but never taking shape. It's like dust falling softly on a Sunday morning; it's a thousand tons of iron slamming behind his ribs; it's a virus buried in his blood and sinew. He can't explain why he feels so empty without it, like a piece of his soul is missing. He can't help but think he's lost something -- or someone -- very, very important.
Or, Varian wakes up in the body of a boy he's never met in a kingdom he's never visited. He learns to adapt to Hugo's strange lifestyle, clumsily navigating a sense of normalcy with no memory of what happened the day before.
Until the day he can't.
Chapter 9: Your Name is...
Chapter Summary: Destinies collide at a royal wedding.
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"Symptoms of Hanahaki Disease include strong pain, having flowers blooming in the heart and lungs, and then throwing them up. The disease requires the object to persuade the victim that their love is mutual. If the victim cannot believe that his beloved returns his love, he will die." --wikipedia, Hanahaki disease … Hugo has been coughing a lot. Varian figures out why.
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ren1327 · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hugo/Varian (Disney: Varian and the Seven Kingdoms) Characters: Hugo (Disney: Varian and the Seven Kingdoms), Varian (Disney) Additional Tags: Cosplay, Conventions, Appleradio, IN SOME FORM Summary:
At a con, Hugo and Varian, cosplaying as Alastor and Lucifer respectively, decide to play out a ship. Cosplay sex
Hi everyone! Finally got this done and posted. Please enjoy and be nice to each other in the comments.
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blueglowstiicks · 11 months
oOH SNAP chapter four time!! ✨
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nart-is-a-monster · 2 months
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when I read, everything in my brain is just so visual for some reason and then my next move is to make a fucking comic or something, AND YES IM DOING MORE.
Also, yeah this is what I told you about doing something for chapter 5 last time, also remember that fic that was what if varian was the one on the amber instead of his father and then something something happens with the moonstone and then moon stone lives inside of varian?
BTW GO AND GIVE SOME LOVE TO @aziraphalesbookkeeper
and I'm going to read the fic again so brb :b
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rottewanges · 2 months
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my take on juice box au! varigo <3
[no bg + no body vers under the cut]
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hugogetsrawed · 2 months
A collection of all the Canonverse Varigo that I've enjoyed over the past three years. It is likely that there are a few missing due to them being deleted or my memory being poor. Nonetheless, pls enjoy.
Mature: +++ Explicit: *** Not Rated: 0
Teen/Gen: Not Marked
hello to my old heart by izabellwit
“Why do you trust me so much?”
Or: the beginning of the end for the betrayer. In which Hugo asks a long-overdue question, and gets the answer he never wanted to hear.
Say You Won't Let Go (I Won't) by DragonTalyn
Hugo needs some reassurance that Varian isn't going to leave
The Simple Act of Scraps Unraveling by @hybrix-hidings
There is a moment, on the trail to the library, where Varian realizes that he will love this man.
Or: Hugo and Varian enjoy a show, barefaced.
(Prompt #2 - Fireworks)
Snippets in Time by @sonicgetsrawed
Snippets of Varian’s adventures through the seven kingdoms to save his mother.
Darling you look perfect tonight by @the-reverse-mermaid
Hugo, Varian and Yong are invited to a winter holiday event in Nuru's kingdom, but one of them is having significantly less fun than the others… Hugo is already feeling insecure when a snobby noble decides to turn her nose up at him and make everything worse. Good thing his friends are there for him.
Small Chocolate Confections by @glitter-lisp +++
Sending Varian in to distract their target isn’t ideal, but someone has to keep him occupied while Hugo searches his room, and the duke made his interest pretty clear at dinner last night.
Hugo’s fine with that. Hugo’s very good at what he does, and so focused on the task at hand, and completely unbothered by the thought of Varian hanging out with a handsome guy who's probably feeding him fancy little desserts and talking about how rich he is while Hugo crawls around upstairs looking for loose floorboards and secret drawers.
Save Your Convictions (They Never Will Do) by @littlemisslol-fic
Varian and Hugo return to Corona after the events of the Varian and the Seven Kingdoms AU, with mixed reception. Turns out Rapunzel won't hold a grudge against people who slight her, but if they hurt her friends? And then show up still dating said friend?
Let's just say Hugo's got a storm coming.
The Dating Game by @littlemisslol-fic
In which Rapunzel, bless her heart, didn't know Varian and Hugo are dating, and thus takes it upon herself to find her darling baby brother a man of proper pedigree if it kills her. However, bloodlines aren't everything, and her choices are... less than stellar.
Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be) by @littlemisslol-fic
My submissions for Effin' Varigo week! Big thanks to battybatzgirl for setting it up!
Hugo and Varian have been dating for three years, and are finally ready to take their relationship to somewhere a lot more serious. However, the world has other plans. With Hugo's proposal in shambles, and Varian focused on saving their friends, they think things can't really get any worse.
They would be wrong.
Prompts are Family ‧ Firework ‧ Fever ‧ Flirt ‧ Fight/Forgive ‧ Future ‧ and Free Day!
as long as it leaves a mark by @aziraphalesbookkeeper
For a guy who never takes off his gloves, Varian sure does lose them a lot. It’s not really the gloves Hugo notices though—it’s the scars underneath them.
Or: 5 times Hugo tries to take off Varian's gloves + 1 time he doesn't have to.
Whumptober Day 27: Scars AILESS Whumptober Day 9: Scar Reveal
We Carry Through by @aziraphalesbookkeeper
Adjusting to living in the castle with Varian is hard. Going from having nothing to having everything makes Hugo feel...twitchy. Luckily, there's one person who knows exactly what he's going through. Unfortunately, it's Fitzherbert.
Prompt: Family
The Touch of Sunlight by TheArtistsMuse ***
Varian was used to being kidnapped- as sad as that sounds- but he can always trust his friends to save him. Only this time was different, and now something is deeply bothering Hugo. Will Varian be able to get his secretive boyfriend to open up? Will they be able to figure out why he was taken?
... Will Varian be able to hide his very inconveniently timed sexual awakening?
meteor shower by @oshunalchemy 0
varian has a nightmare.
Wither and Decay by @eggmuffinwaffles
The Moonstone and the Sundrop were gone, the trials were completed, the Eternal Library was opened. Everything in Corona had returned to as close to normal as it could possibly get- but Corona seems to have a habit of attracting trouble. When old enemies arise, bent on her downfall, it will take more than just quick wit and luck to ensure that they fail.
My Head's Above The Rain and Roses by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 5: Every Whumpee Needs
Varian, Hugo, Nuru and Yong decide to go camping for the first time in a while after the trials. What could go wrong?
The answer is everything. Everything can go wrong.
Aka Part 1/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Maybe if You Fixed the Whole World by Yourself by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 7: The Way You Shake and Shiver
Hugo had a really unfortunate habit of ruining his own life. It wasn’t intentional- if you asked him, he’d swear up and down that he played absolutely no part in causing his entire life to go up in flames, and yet time after time he would keep doing it. Funny how consequences work.
Maybe he was being a little bit dramatic.
Hugo finds himself being blackmailed by a noble at a ball, and gets help from an unexpected source
Part 2/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Keeping Me Up At Night by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 29: What Doesn't Kill Me
Even a year after moving to Corona, sometimes Hugo's guilt finds itself creeping into his dreams. In the middle of an episode, he realizes he has more in common with Rapunzel than he thought.
Part 3/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Turning Saints Into A Sea by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 25/Day 30: Silence is Golden/Note to Self Don't Get Kidnapped
Varian has to confront his jealousy head on when Hugo's ex finds herself back in Corona. Unfortunately her return might not be as innocent as she wants them to believe.
I Won't Let You Pull Me Down by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober 2022 Day 16: No Way Out
Hugo and Varian get into a fight. Instead of handling it like an emotionally healthy adult, Hugo manages to go and get himself possessed.
Possession 2 electric boogaloo baby
Lessons in Luxury by @varibean
All his life, Hugo wanted nothing more than to live a live of riches and luxury. He had always failed to imagine what a change like that would entail. Real life was becoming too much like a fantasy and it was always the same questioned that brought him hurdling back to reality.
"Have you eaten today?"
Amalgam by @varibean 0
After relying on Ulla’s notebook to help them through their journey, the gang find that the next kingdom has little to no notes on where the next trial takes place. Their only clue is a location that might have a lead on where to go next. However, after a royal mess up on Hugo’s part, they’re left up the creek without a paddle. Not only are tensions high, but emotions as well. One thing was certain though: Hugo and Varian did not mix well.
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orbitalbeetle · 1 year
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*thinks about how hugo will always betray varian and how varian will always fall in love with him* *thinks about how hugo will always betray varian and how varian will always fall in lo
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antiquepearlss · 9 days
There is not a single human in existence that can convince me that Hugo and Eugene don’t end up becoming brothers.
They hate each other at first, which is understandable because Eugene is Eugene and Hugo keeps antagonizing him (and Gene isn’t over the piano incident yet.)
But after awhile, and maybe after one life changing and life threatening adventure where they bond, Eugene adopts him as a second little brother.
They still hate eachother, but it’s a playful hatred.
Hugo still antagonizes him though, but it is not nearly as malicious and Eugene no longer wants to strangle him or put him in the stocks and throw moldy tomatoes at him.
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mayogee · 1 year
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doodles from Love Me Dead fic by battybatzgirl on ao3... i  am so obsessed with this fic GOD ITS SO GOOD. Check it out if ur into a serial killer au :>
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thehellsystem · 7 months
Cassarian fics are like “They have one minor inconvenience and then kiss” and Varigo fics are like “They’ve traversed the world together. They broke up twelve years ago, but they’ve just stumbled into each other and now they’re falling in love all over again”
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aziraphalesbookkeeper · 6 months
The name is on the tip of Varian's tongue. The syllables press against the back of his teeth, itching to be let out but never able to take shape. It's dust falling softly on a Sunday morning; it's a thousand tons of iron slamming behind his ribs; it's a virus buried in his blood and sinew. He can't explain why he feels so empty without it, like a piece of his soul is missing. He can't help but think he's lost something -- or someone -- very, very important.
Or, Varian wakes up in the body of a boy he's never met in a kingdom he's never visited. He learns to adapt to Hugo's strange lifestyle, clumsily navigating a sense of normalcy with no memory of what happened the day before.
Until the day he can't.
Chapter 8: a big gulp of icy spring water
Chapter summary: Defying fate, Hugo and Varian meet.
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it’s not an exact match because i drew these almost a year ago, but if you like wing AUs and Varigo then i highly recommend (s)wing and a miss by battybatzgirl / @aziraphalesbookkeeper
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ren1327 · 8 months
Dance of Death (A Varigo fanfic)
Rated: T
TW: Death
He had no way of knowing who the figure in the graveyard dressed in black was.
He stood alone, so still in his cloak, Hugo believed him one of the beautiful carved seraphim, keeping watch over the buried. It wasn’t until his head tilted up that Hugo saw the beautiful sun kissed skin, soft freckled cheeks, and eyes that reminded him of foggy autumn afternoons.
Those eyes suddenly moved to him, and he stood up straight.
He gave a casual wave and held his rake up a bit.
‘How creepy.’ He thought. ‘Imagine coming to grieve and being gawked out by a lowly thief trying to finish up his community service to avoid the judge and noose…’
The sad eyed man turned, Hugo seeing a streak of blue that oddly seemed to shimmer as if it were alight…and then looked up at the sky.
A crash of lightning made Hugo drop his rake, and he bent to pick it up as a downpour started. He looked around.
The man was gone.
A week passed, and another funeral had taken place, and Hugo saw the man again.
The village had gathered to see an elderly man put to rest, his shell shocked wife sitting on a stool as their friends mourned the man joining their long past children. They had survived the cholera outbreak only to be lonely in the end.
Hugo watched, and when he looked from the preacher to the widow, he saw the man. He had a hand on the woman’s shoulder, and she sobbed into a handkerchief, yet…smiled softly…
Three days later, the family plot was completed.
The widow in her finely carved coffin now next to her beloved husband and youngest child.
Hugo was unsettled seeing the man there again and saw he was solemnly looking at the headstones.
It started raining, and soon the crowd dispersed, leaving the man as Hugo and the undertaker smoothed the newly filled mud on the coffin. Hugo grabbed an umbrella and walked to the man, holding it over him.
The man looked up, and Hugo felt his breath catch in his throat, painfully so.
“You’re drenched, Sir.” he said softly.
The man looked at him.
“Sir?” Hugo asked. “Were you…familiar with the widow?”
The man shook his head.
“No. New friends.” He said, voice sad and flat.
It was like fragrant smoke of an opium den.
“I’m sorry you lost them so soon.” Hugo murmured, reaching out a hand.
“I have not lost them.” He said, causing Hugo to freeze. “Please be careful…keep your hands and mouth clean…avoid the water.”
“What?” Hugo asked softly, stepping back.
“Be safe, Hugo.” He whispered and walked away into the rainy streets.
Leaving Hugo wondering how the man knew his name.
“Death walks among us!” A drunken man screamed into his face.
Cyrus grabbed and threw him back into a table of rowdy men, making a path for Hugo to walk out of the tavern.
“I’m leaving this fucking village.” Cyrus whispered. “Going to try France.”
“She is buried here.” Hugo said sullenly.
“Come with me, Hugo.” Cyrus sighed. “A fresh start in the country. Away from all this…mess.”
“I can’t leave her.” He said as they walked through the muddy road, boots becoming heavy from water and muck. “Fuckin’ rain.”
“Hugo.” Cyrus whispered. “Please. Something is…wrong here. It feels like this village is…dying. In more ways than one.”
“Go, Cyrus.” He said softly.
The larger man, who watched over him since he was a boy, stood still, like a pillar of stone as he looked down at the blond gravedigger. Water dripped down his face and beard as his eyes seemed to spark with both regret and fear.
“You needn’t watch me all my life, Cyrus. Give me some time, send me some letters and perhaps…I’ll join you.”
“Keep my cottage then.” Cyrus sighed. “I leave tomorrow morning.”
The rain paused, and they both looked up to see the clouds thin, the full moon blessing them with more than dirty lamp light.
Cyrus huffed with a smile and tilted his head at Hugo, a silent farewell.
Hugo nodded and separated from his friend, heading to the graveyard. He nicked some flowers from a gated garden and found the tombstone of his adoptive mother.
“You’re staying?”
Hugo gasped and dropped the flowers.
The man was there again, perched on the stone wall, hair damp from the storm above them. He had one foot on the wall, leaning an arm on his knee as he looked down at Hugo.
“Staying?” Hugo asked.
“It’d be safer in France for you.”
“You said avoid water—wait!” He glared at him. “How the hell do you know about France?”
“Who are you?” Hugo huffed. “You fancy a roll in the sheets or something?”
“…I’ve been watching you for a long time.” He said slowly, softly. “You were supposed to be one of mine when you were younger. But someone saved you. I can't be cheated. So she made a deal with me. She would give me her life for yours. But you still keep coming up in my ledger…”
“Ledger…death…Are you…the Reaper?”
“One, yes.” He said. “You were supposed to die twenty years ago.”
“And now you follow me?” Hugo asked. “Why? Why not just take me?”
“I don’t know.” He said as the rain started again.
They stood silently as they slowly soaked, hair slicking against pale skin.
“…does Death have a name?” Hugo asked.
“A name before death, I suppose.”
“May I know it?” Hugo asked. “Or will it bind me to you?”
“All are bound to me. You’re special.”
Hugo blushed at this.
“What is your name?”
Hugo held out a hand, and Varian stared down at him.
“To touch death is everlasting.”
Hugo slowly put his hand down. He looked down at the flowers pelted by rain.
“Tell me about her?” Varian asked.
Hugo smiled and jumped up to sit on the wall, the rain not as cold now.
Winter was fast approaching.
“The rains drowned out your food.” Varian said as Hugo placed paper flowers on Donella’s damp grave.
“I can fish.” Hugo said.
“The rivers will run dry and lake freeze.”
“And you said stay away from the water.” Hugo sighed.
“You should leave. Like your friend did.”
“I can't leave her. Or you.”
“Stop that.” Varian huffed, looking away into the horizon.
Hugo laughed, glad to know he was the only one able to pull any other emotion from Varian than his constant sorrow.
“What happens when I die?” He asked. “Do I not get to see you again?”
“…you should pass on.” He said.
“Do I have to?” He asked with a playful smile.
“Stop that.” He said again.
“As I said, it’s everlasting.” He muttered, starting to walk along the stone wall.
He stopped when he heard a violin playing joyfully, the square illuminated as people danced and shared what food they had.
Hugo walked up to him, keeping a respectful distance.
“Ah, a wedding.” Hugo hummed, noticing Varian sway gently with the music.
He smiled softly.
The last few months had easily been the most peaceful of his life. His chats with Varian, he man watching him from atop a roof or wall or even tree, trying to keep Hugo far away. The very few times they stood next to each other, Hugo could see every muscle tense, and his eyes kept flicking towards him.
“Tell me, oh Death…” He crooned. “Have you ever danced?”
He held out a hand, and Varian took a wide step away.
“To dance with death leaves two sets of footprints and one body…” He hummed. “So no, Hugo. I have not.”
“You tempt me, Blue Eyed Death…” He said and stood tall before bowing. “To be your first and last.”
He pulled a scarf from around his neck and held one end, tossing the other to flop on Varian’s head.
Varian looked at him with wide-eyed indignation, then blinked as he held the other end.
Hugo held his side and walked in a wide circle around Varian, his free hand behind his back as Varian walked the same direction, starting an odd waltz between them, phantom touches from a distance, Varian smiling wider and wider with each twirl. His free hand came up in an arch as he copied Hugo’s elegant steps.
“Where does a thief and gravedigger learn to dance as a nobleman?” He asked.
“I could ask the same of death.” Hugo teased.
“I watch.” He said. “All I can do is watch before…”
“I can be freed and return into the cycle of new life…”
“Then bless the woman’s resting place we meet at. My mother wanted me to be more. And dance was one of our favorite lessons.”
“This song…I know it by heart.”
“It is your song, Dear Death…” Hugo said. “Of your power and one that reminds us to live. For we all touch your hand.”
Varian twirled with the swell of the violin as an orchestra seemed to surround them, Hugo being taken aback by his beauty and releasing the scarf to watch the man spin again, cloak lifting to show simple brown pants, a blue shirt and apron around his waist with a familiar mask that reminded him of a bird.
“…You were a doctor?” He asked.
Varian froze, and his cloak fell.
“No…I…I must go.” He said and walked behind a tree, Hugo rushing after him only to see the scarf on a branch.
Hugo was surprised he hadn’t broken his neck as he sawed into the lake. The ice was slippery, but he was desperate, and the ground was too cold to dig into for work. He rubbed his hands together as he stabbed into it from the safety of the bank.
He looked around.
Still alone.
Hugo huffed.
He’d write Cyrus. Ask for a loan to help him travel to France. Perhaps winters were warmer in the cities.
There was a crack and he smiled when he saw movement under the ice.
But not from him…
“Maggie!” A child called.
Hugo saw a girl crawling slowly over ice, a basket of what looked carrots and turnips within reach of her little dirt caked hands as she reached out desperately for the food that had defied nature.
However…she was near the mouth of the lake where a rotting wooden dam barely kept the water from running into the creek, the ice much thinner.
“I almost got it…” She called to her sibling on the bank.
Hugo heard a deafening crack and grabbed his scarf, rushing to the other child and watching the girl as she grabbed the basket and smiled, Hugo dismayed as she centered her weight and stood on her knees.
“Girl!” He yelled. “Don’t move!”
She froze, and he grabbed the side of the wooden bridge, edging himself on the ice to get to her, the bridge rising until he held himself up with one hand. He grimaced at the spiderwebs of cracks under himself, forming and traveling to the girl’s own, tossing the end of the scarf to the girl, who caught it as if on a reflex. He didn’t have long.
If the webs met, the ice would break, and she would be lost to the cold water below.
“Hold on tight, do not let go.” He said.
“Maggie!” A woman yelled and ran to the bridge, unable to reach the child from the height. She waved a few exhausted woodsmen over. “Rope! Hurry!”
Hugo inched back a bit and brought the girl slowly towards the bridge. The scarf thinned, and he heard soft tearing as a man tossed a rope to Hugo.
Hugo put the scarf in his teeth and brought both shaking hands down to make a large noose. He held it up so the girl could see it and motioned for her to put it over her head and around her waist.
She nodded, and Hugo tossed it as the ice splintered and he saw her tip. He yanked her forward with the scarf and threw the rope the rest of the way down her body, yanking it to tighten it and place her hands on it before wrapping the scarf under her arms above the knot, the men pulling it up. The girl sat as if on a swing, rope under her bottom and scarf holding her torso up. She yelped as she was lifted clear off the ice…
Before it broke and Hugo fell into the icy waters below.
Hugo felt his body seize up from the cold. He closed his eyes, preparing for oblivion…
Only to feel someone take his hand.
He opened his eyes weakly to see sad blue eyes as Varian held him and pulled him close, looking up into his eyes. Hugo used what strength he had to pull him close into an embrace, warmth oddly enough seeping into his flesh as he sank.
Begging the almighty and universe...he would see those blue eyes again.
“Jeezus it’s cold!” A girl hissed.
“Well, yeah.” Her partner said. “This place is known for tragic winters…before all the renovations and electricity and central heat…”
“And the Tesco…”
“And…and the Tesco.” Amber said. “But this is where some of my ancestors lived and died!”
“…Morbid.” Her girlfriend Nuru said with a smile.
“Oh, come on, my great great…not doing that, ancestor V. Ruddiger was a chemist who tried to create new medicines…but he got sick and died himself…” She said, wrinkling her nose. “He was the only one to be born and dead here now that I think about it…But there’s a cabin on our families name that’s been passed down! My cousin lives there.”
They walked over the stone bridge with a plaque on it.
“Gravedigger’s Bridge?”
“Yeah, a thief turned gravedigger turned hero.” Amber said. “He saved this little girl that went on to be a famous writer with her sibling. Wrote one of the first sapphic romances with a werewolf.”
“No way!” Nuru chuckled. “Wait, the one that’s being turned into a play?”
“See?! This town is so cool!”
They heard music and saw a pretty cabin, a bigger modern house behind it where two men were dancing together in a waltz on a wooden patio overlooking the lake, a speaker on a table near the open back door.
“Are you seeing—”
“That’s Varian and his fiancé, Hugo.” Amber said with a chuckle. “They love dancing together despite being STEM nerds.”
“I know that song…” Nuru said.
“Yeah.” Amber hummed as they paused to watch the men twirl together.
They seemed unable to let each other go, both wearing matching green and blue scarves and smiling despite the autumn chill. They twirled to the violins and flutes, eyes locked and cheeks flushed happily.
Amber sighed wistfully as her cousin and his lover danced, connected as if they had been for centuries instead of the three years they had officially met. Hearts like puzzle pieces coming together, Varian’s father had put it.
They swayed a bit to the music.
Nuru looked away as they saw Varian dipping Hugo to kiss him as the song hit it’s crescendo.
“My cousin is a bit more morbid than I am considering they want to dance to this at their wedding.”
“Why?” Nuru asked. “They look so in love. How can this song…their song, I’m assuming, be morbid?”
“It’s called Danse Macabre.”
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blueglowstiicks · 1 year
oH SNAP chapter three is up babs :3c
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
Ok now, since my tablet seems to be an absolute failure in uploading things and most of the times something goes wrong with either the wifi or Tumblr itself
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And also green in several places ¡For reasons!
And also go and give some love to @aziraphalesbookkeeper bc she wrote the thing
Close-ups 🗣️
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