#ryan hollinger
forgottenbones · 17 days
The Most Stressful Body Horror
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thatanimatorteeen · 6 months
I’m surprised Ryan Hollinger hasn’t covered TADC yet. It kind of seems right up his ally. He has covered analog horror such as The Backrooms, Gemini Home Entertainment, local 58, and The Mandela Catalogue. Along with other web series such as DHMIS. I’d honestly wanna see his take on it, not to mention I like his accent.
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fierce-little-miana · 9 months
"It takes some form of internal corruption, a side willing to forego passivity and the essence of morality, to fight back."
Ryan Hollinger - MANDY: A Disturbingly Insane Love Story
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kinsey3furry300 · 1 year
Saw this as a child, absolutly should not have. Still awsome all these years later.
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juniperhillpatient · 7 months
my toxic trait is my favorite hobby is video essays on media but I get SO personally offended if someone even says one rude thing about something I like
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taniushka12 · 6 months
yeah yyeah the plagiarism video I've heard of it, whatever, you know what I'm really excited about?
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fistsuptitsup · 7 months
Ghost Stories (2017) is a fucking amazing horror movie.
Sacred me shitless multiple times and got me looking around in my dark room because I swore that I see something in the corner of my eye because of this film. My favorite moment would have to be when Simon Refkind (Alex Lawther) just straight up said "FUCK THAT! 😰" after the demon he ran over got into his car and demanded that he "stay" with it. Pure gold moment.
Also, Andy Nyman's performance was really good too in this movie, I liked his character. Amazing job! 👍🏽
20/10 would absolutely buy and watch this again!
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phoenixfangs · 7 months
lake mungo..........
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forgottenbones · 7 months
The Sinister Dystopia of DON’T HUG ME I’M SCARED
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sevicia · 1 year
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Help he looks so distraught???
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Watching The Ruins. I don't think these cursed plants care about your white privilege, Jeff.
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scarletv0id · 1 year
Supernatural fans should double feature the My Bloody Valentine and House of Wax remakes so they can get both Sam and Dean experiencing horrors like normal people.
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inklingofadream · 2 years
anyone who wants to write should always have a notebook to write down ideas handy, you never know what random garbage will inspire you
this post brought to you by my current favorite concept for a fantasy religion, directly inspired by a youtuber screaming about an objectively stupid detail in a bad erotica book
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bakuraryxu · 2 years
I don’t want to say this show is bad but like it’s just not good. visually it’s fine but there’s so many elements and it’s missing the mark by overusing cliches and presenting the ridiculous as reasonable and perfectly serious.
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captainhysunstuff · 2 years
Cool/messed up dream alert:
It was basically a weird dimension hopping/trapped-in-a-dimension game where, along with a whole bunch of people, my mother and I were sucked into a strange location. We weren’t allowed to leave until we completed a given task within a set time limit (stuck in a grocery store until we retrieved certain items in our cart). Once the time limit started running out, the location would start to repeat on itself (the first aisle would suddenly become the last aisle), and we’d all have to rush to the waiting area where an elevator would eventually activate to take us to the next round/location. If people didn’t make it to the waiting area in time, they would disappear somewhere else if they attempted to enter, claiming they could see another location (an old man on a store scooter claimed he could see a bunch of “vacation homes” before he disappeared, and a frustrated guy leading a bunch of people claimed that “this wasn’t gonna beat them” and when they tried to rush the waiting area, they all disappeared right at the area’s limit).
Eventually, the elevator light would activate, signifying that we could get it. However, even that had a time limit, and I have no idea what happened to the other people waiting if the doors closed before they could rush in. I remember yelling frustratedly at my mother to hurry up and get in because of said time limit. She made it, but others who rushed didn’t, and, looking at the space available inside the elevator, I had no idea how all us would’ve been able to fit inside anyways….
Soon, the elevator took us to a new location: the fancy middle floor of a skyscraper, maybe a hotel (for those familiar with Youmacon in Detroit, Michigan, it resembled the main building it’s housed in). I woke up before I learned what the task was in that place.
Very weird and high concept dream…. I’m surprised that I was doing so well in it. 😰
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wolverinedoctorwho · 5 months
Me: *trying to sleep*
My brain: Oh, don't worry sweetie!! We'll incorporate memories you made recently into your dreams to aid the transition from short term to long term memories! We'll even pull some interesting ones, like that video about that horror movie you watched at around 8pm last night! A nightmare should be fun, right? 😁
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