#s: garrus the cat
apricote · 11 months
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it’s winter time, but that doesn’t mean much in tartosa.
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swaps55 · 7 months
So Sam can’t be all sharp edges. What aspects of him are kinder and gentler?
I LOVE this question so much. Thank you for asking.
Sam indeed has a lot of hard edges, but also quite a few soft ones if you’re looking in the right places.
1. He’s a closeted cuddler and certified Little Spoon. When Sam is at his Sammiest he’s a human lap cat.
2. He is unnervingly observant and his brain is a steel trap for personal details. If you make a comment about something you like, or a thing that you want, in his presence, he will remember. If he encounters it in the wild and it’s within his power to obtain, you’ll probably wind up with it. And he’s confused if you’re overly surprised or touched by this.
…of course he doesn’t always use this skill for good. He also remembers the things that drive you BATSHIT and keeps that info handy, too. I have not pinpointed the specific incident that instigates the Great T-Shirt War with Garrus, but I am positive Sam starts it, by buying him a t-shirt that says something like, “Expel 10’s Biggest Fan,” when Garrus insists they’re the worst band to ever exist at dinner one night. This catalyzes an ongoing saga of attempting to buy each other the most obnoxious t-shirts imaginable, that lasts the rest of their lives.
3. If you want to Do a Thing that he does not want to do, but it is important to you, Sam will Do the Thing with you. Every time. Will he complain? Yes, but mostly token resistance. He is willing to make himself extraordinarily uncomfortable for the happiness of others, and he rather enjoys the opportunity to experience something he isn’t interested in or actively dislikes through the eyes of someone who cares about it.    
4. As someone who didn’t grow up with much exposure to animals or wildlife, he wants to pet EVERYTHING. One of his life goals is to see an armadillo in person, take a picture with it, and send it to Wrex with the caption, "it was great running into you the other day." No one knows why he thinks this is so fucking funny.
5. While he and Kaidan do not have kids, Sam actually quite likes kids, and they fucking love him. Horsing around with them gives him a chance to reclaim some of the childhood he never got. Krogan occasionally make ‘pilgrimages’ with their offspring to see Commander Shepard, and he gets a huge kick out of throwing them around in the lake and climbing trees at the orchard, things most of them do not get to do on Tuchanka, and things he didn't get to do as a kid.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
I am officially thinking more about my TFP/IDW plotline(s) involving:
Often Tfp Terminus
mnemosurgery, of course.
the Quintessons because I love to blame the Quintessons for stuff and I feel like tfp-izing their designs would be so interesting
Sometimes TFP Tarantulas and Prowl
Froid and Sunder are sometimes in here
Cortical Patch Feels™️ when considered in a universe with mnemosurgery
Simpatico and CDRW are sometimes also here
People comparing Arachnid and Tarantulas because they're both spider based but learn the differences pretty quick
Optimus is closer with Rewind than Chromedome because the whole dataclerk thing
Brainstorm is still a decepticon spy who considers himself more loyal to the autobots
Here's my 11 y/0 cat who's sitting next to me
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Chromedome and Brainstorm arguments occur
Bulkhead knows Percy from the Wreckers and he is a big advocate of Respect Perceptor (or else) because of this. Other mecha learn the hard way
Sometimes Overlord with mentions to Garrus 9
Sometimes Trepan
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Reintroductions (A Transformers Short Fic - Ft. Drillburst)
Synopsis: Drill's friend knows things he shouldn't know about.
A/N: Hey there! This fic includes @cuppajj 's OC Drillburst! He's rlly cool, you should check him out! This also has my own OC named Control Switch! I don't have a ref or complete design for her yet but it'll come soon! P.S, Switch's pronouns are they/she/he!
The former miner watched as the group of mechs left to discuss with one another. He then slowly turned his helm to the bot chained to the chair, who had started tapping their pedes and humming tunes mindlessly.
He stared at them with solemn optics. The miner felt an array of emotions he didn't understand completely.
Was it disappointment? Was it rage?
What he did know was that confusion was a big part of what he was feeling.
Looking down at "Visual", Drillburst opened his mouth to try and say something, but no words came out. And in response, the chained bot lowered their helm and chuckled in an airy voice that was slightly raspy.
Drillburst's optical ridges furrowed. How could he find amusement in this?
"What's wrong? Can't find the right words to say or are you just bewildered? Perhaps the cat got your tongue?"
The green mech was silent for a while before answering, "Have you really been lying to me this whole time? About everything?"
He still couldn't believe it. "Visual" was his ally. Someone he thought he could trust…
If only he knew they were a runaway criminal from the beginning.
"Visual" gave the musician a smile that was crooked by soft nervousness. "Yes. I did, in fact, lie to you about many things. Like how my name isn't 'Visual'".
The Kran only kept silent and looked away as the TV waited in anticipation. The dark room was filled with an uneasy silence which was broken by the black bot.
"If you're so upset about me being dishonest with you, how about we start over again? From the beginning", they proposed sounding brighter than ever, which only deepened Drillburst's frown.
Even so, with the reset of a vocalizer, they introduced themselves once more to the musician.
"I'm Control Switch of Nowhere, but you can call me Switch," they beamed. "It's nice to meet you, Drillburst of the Velux Subterranean Harvesting initiative!
Former miner, mercenary, victim of the Decepticon phase sixer Overlord in Garrus-9 and an outlier with the power of self-combustion."
Drillburst snapped his optics open. He never told them anything about his past.
The mech stared at Control Switch with wavering optics, but the bot only smiled. "I don't suppose any more introductions are needed from you!
I already know who you are."
I made this on a whim. Anyways i made this even tho none of you know who Control Switch is lmao! Well, here's a short, lousy description:
They/He/She. Has a TV for an alt mode. Currently under the alias "Visual". Has 15 other aliases which includes his most infamous one: Cosmopolitus, who was a writer, podcaster and the Cybertronian version of a YouTuber. Is a secret criminal on the run because she secretly stole a slag ton of confidential and clandestine information from the government (the Council, the Senate, the Autobots, the Decepticons and probably more). Is an outlier and calls their ability "Nexus" and said ability allows her to control bots like puppets and switch frames with them (it's kinda like spark merging without the commitment). Really secretive and hides under a facade most of the time
Well anyways here you go!
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
Hiya :D! My name’s Sotheby! I wanna request a matchup if you have time! Uhm, I’m a female, age 19, and i’m 5’2 in height. I have long black hair that I usually put into two pigtails! Uhh, my MBTI type is INTP-T and my enneagram is 4w5
When it comes to interests, I’m into a bunch of games and tv shows, but I also draw a lot! Sometimes I do digital art, but I can’t draw on paper for shit :(. I like taking occasional walks on random days, just to be able to get out of the house and do something. One of those “something”’s being socializing! I’m an ambivert, so to me, socialization is a bit of an off/on thing. But on the days I feel like talking to people, I love meeting new people! Preferably someone with a lot of the same interests as me! The one thing I love the most though, is music! I like listening to Lumi Athena, Cade Clair, Luci4, D3r, and surprisingly, Doja Cat. Hyperpop, pop, and breakcore music are my favs(i.e. Various Types of Ads, Smoke it off, On the floor). I also really like physical touch, though! Which is actually my love language; physical touch.
Extra that I forgot to include: I talk a lot, but I’ll definitely be quiet if asked! Sometimes i’ll just ramble on about whatever I’m talking about nonstop, but once it gets to be to much for someone, i’m fine with sitting in silence!
Thanks a bunch :D
your matchup is... nina the killer!
i think nina would be able to match your energy really well! she's definitely a bit more on the extroverted end of things, but she does have her days where she would rather have limited to no contact with people unless she's really comfortable with someone. that someone being you! she could never grow tired of your company. honestly, she's actually worried that you'll grow tired of her sooner or later.
and you two share similar interests!
she plays video games, typically games like mass effect and bg3. she likes getting attached to characters and really enjoys being able to romance her faves as well. honestly, you'll probably catch her at five in the morning bawling her eyes out after seeing garrus and shepard say their final goodbyes in me3.
she also draws too, and she's pretty damn good at it. she draws mostly on paper since that's what she's best at, but she's pretty decent with a tablet as well. you may even catch her drawing with her finger on her phone, because she's also good at that. she doesn't take drawing too seriously though, most of it consists of doodles and random things that come to mind. she just has so many abandoned wips.
as for music, you two are definitely similar in that aspect as well. nina adores hyperpop and breakcore. she also dabbles a bit in alt/indie and rock. she's a major fan of poppy! big fan of nightcore as well. nightcore songs are her jam and she has an entire playlist on youtube dedicated to all of her favorites. and she'll totally make you a playlist! two, actually. a sappy love playlist for expressing her feelings, and a playlist full of songs she thinks you would enjoy.
she can listen to you talk all day, no joke. she also has a habit of rambling, so you two could somehow hold a conversation with each other about two vastly different topics. there is rarely a time when she'll ask you to be quiet, though she does enjoy the quiet moments she spends with you as well.
will 100% ask to do your hair and makeup if you're comfortable with that type of stuff. might even take you out shopping for cute outfits as well if that's your jam. shopping is a fun pass time for her, and she'd love to include you in it.
and she'll always remind you that she cares about you, and she says the sweetest things to you because she finds that she can best express her feelings through her own words, and the words in songs.
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cenri-monpi · 2 months
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angstyastro · 2 years
Second set of Shepard questions by @spookyvalentine !!🤍
Here is the first post and the question post!!
Isani Shepard Pt. 2
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1. Where would your Shepard go back to play tourist? Are they going alone, or bringing someone(s)? Isani would more than likely play tourist in different locations from where she had missions. I don’t think she would really want to revisit areas she was killing things at lol. Probably the places would be Illum, Palaven, and Kahje. She’d take her partners Thane and Garrus. Tali when she isn’t busy at work with the flotilla. 2. Your Shepard is making a sandwich. What’s going in it? She’s making a torta de hamon lol. If you don’t know what that is, you’re missing out lmao. 3. What’s Shepard’s love language? What love languages do they respond best to? Isani is a very physical contact kind of person who expresses herself with her words but she often expresses herself by speaking in Spanish more than in English. It’s a little funny in the beginning when she’s voicing her love for Garrus and Thane because their translators aren’t calibrated to translate Spanish so they have no idea what she is saying until she explains what she is saying. Eventually, they gain a fluent understanding of her native language but that takes a little longer lol. Isani responds to the same kind of love languages that she expresses but she is also receptive to Thane’s and Garrus’s love languages which are different than hers. 4. What were Shepard’s opinions of Cerberus before waking up on their table? She disliked them but she also knew that they were not just cut out as the biggest bad guys out there. She was more against their anti-alien views and that stayed as an issue her whole time post waking up on their table. 5. Is your Shepard politically active? Do they stay on top of galactic comings and going’s At first not really. She could care less about politics and what the races did but after the council ignored and disregarded her warnings about the reapers for years and especially so in me2 she made it her mission to make sure she is heard. She becomes a councilor out of pettiness lol. “You will listen to me now that we work together 40 hours a week.” 6. What would they be doing, if Shepard never joined the alliance? If Isani’s family was not murdered in Mindor she would have grown up as a farmer girl. And if given the choice to not join the alliance she would have probably become a lounge singer since she has always been more musically inclined. 7. What’s Shepard’s favorite way to let loose? Ironically she enjoys letting loose with Aria. She goes to Omega to start shit lol. Aria thought She was just picking a fight for a long time but she found out quick that she was just letting loose and so the queen of omega humors Isani in playing her game of cat and mouse for a bit. 8. Does your Shepard like to be alone? Are they prone to isolate? Isani is prone to being alone but it’s not good for her. When she is alone she usually tends to have bad memories related to her childhood when she lost her family. Most of the time when she chooses to be alone its because her thoughts get the better of her in telling her that it’s better to not get close to others because she is just going to lose them the way she lost her family. 9. What does Shepard like to wear when they’re out of the armor? Tight dresses and very sexy outfits or the most casual sweats lol there's no in-between. 10. What does TIM think of Shepard at the start of me2? And at the end? TIM probably finds Isani incredibly annoying because she questions everything he is sending her to do and when things do not go well like the collector ship she is on his case hard. In the beginning he sort of relishes that he has Isani almost on a leash because she has to do what he says. Post me2 though TIM finds her as a huge obstacle. Really grows to hate that she does not see things his way. Kinda wishes he can kill her again. lol 11. What does Shepard think of TIM? Bitch ass pussy (lol) 12. Who is Shepard’s favorite non-companion character? Kirahee, Cortez. 13. What kind of roommate would Shepard be? Probably very chaotic but always pays her bills and keeps the place clean lol. 14. It’s takeout potluck night with the gang! What’s Shepard ordering, and from where? Isani is cooking what do you mean lol. She’s not the best cook but she knows how to make some good menudo. 15. If Shepard could have an extremely dangerous and illegal pet, what would it be? Probably a wolf lmao. She’s too much of a dog person to not have some sort of canine lol. 16.. What does Aria think of Shepard? Aria comes to love Isani. Tolerates her in the beginning but since Isani’s morals line up more with Aria’s she’s way more friendly with her. The only time that Aria ever has an issue with her is when Isani stops her from killing the Cerberus guy in me3 lol. Otherwise, she is pretty close with Isani and likes to pretend that any favor Isani asks for is an inconvenience but Aria would really bend over backward to accommodate her. 17. Does your Shepard seek counseling/have a therapist? Isani doesn’t seek therapy herself but she does go through it post me3 during her recovery post the final battle. It helps her a lot and also contributes to her ability to stay sober. 18. Obligatory gang beach episode! What’s Shepard doing? She’s racing everyone and having the time of her life lol. Probably one of the few times that she can genuinely let loose. It’s very rare a situation to happen so she’s gunna take advantage of it. She’s also tossing all the squadmates into the water. Garrus gets floaties its ok. 19. What was Shepard’s first interaction with an alien? She grew up with Anderson after Mindor so she was around aliens since she was a kid but her first ever interaction with one were with the Batarians who raided Mindor. Probably turians and asari were involved in that so she had a negative first experience with them. 20. List five songs your Shepard is currently listening to Oh damn lmfao uhhh I’ll just list bands/singers instead bc she has too many -Selena -Queen -Metallica -P!nk -Cumbias 21. What companion quest did Shepard enjoy the most? What was the most difficult one for them to do? Isani enjoyed Grunt’s mission the most since she was able to have a lot of fun and question if she wanted kids in her future lol. She also got to see Wrex which was a huge plus. The most stressful and difficult ones to do where Mordin and Thane’s for very different reasons. 22. Any guilty pleasures? Sweets. Oh Isani would fight a reaper for sweets. She loves them and she will cause problems if you take them away from her. 23. What does Shepard think of Conrad Verner? How do they handle him? Finds him annoying lol. But she tries to be nice to him. Doesn’t really pay him much mind but always makes sure to humble him a bit lol. She’s stern with him and he thankfully listens. She treats him a little like a kid who needs to be disciplined lol. 24. How does Shepard handle house arrest? How do they fill their time? Isani sort of gets really petty when she’s on house arrest solely for the fact that she is placed with the blame of killing all the Batarians when in reality she didn’t even want to do that mission but HACKETT peer pressured her into it. Now she’s taking the downfall? She makes it her mission to not speak a single word for a long time. Not to Vega, not to Hackett, not to anyone coming to see her. She only responds to Anderson and that's when he visits her alone. Lol. She’s bored out of her mind but ironically Thane’s teachings of mediation come in handy during her house arrest lol. 25. How does Shepard react to meeting Javik, a real life prothean? “Bitch what the fuck, where are your wings?” Then later “Oh, you a boomer.” 26. What is Shepard’s relationship with Joker? Sibling dynamic. They love each other to death. 27. What does your Shepard take pictures of? Everyone and everything. She likes taking pictures of her squad and others in unsuspecting positions. It’s like her way to appreciate them living life and she’s just an observer. Garrus and Thane are more frequent in her photos. 28. Who is your voicecast for Shepard? Is it Jennifer Hale/Mark Meer? Do they have an accent? Mexican accent lol. Strong one. I do like Jennifer Hale a lot but for Isani I haven’t decided on a specific voicecast for her yet. I just know that if you have ever heard a strong raspy voice with a strong mexican accent that’s what I’m going for here. lol 29. What is the perfect day for Shepard? Not having a whole lot to do. She gets to just laze around and spend it with her crew doing nothing in particular. And getting to cuddle with Garrus/Thane/Tali. 30. What did Shepard think of the thorian? How did they feel about killing it? What did they decide for Shiala? Isani was really impressed by what the Thorian could do and is bummed she couldn’t get more or convince it to help her against Saren. It was gross how it made it’s clones so that probably stressed Isani out the most lol. Shiala was saved and allowed to live. 31. How did Shepard feel, seeing Legion wearing their old armor? Does that change? Confused and weirded out at first. Later though she finds it endearing and realized that Legion was basically just her number one fan lol. 32. Any vices? Not really anything too bad. Probably more of like she has always been a very good liar and that in itself comes with it’s consequences. This was a habit that came with her own assassin training and honeypot work. 33. Is Shepard free with affection, or more reserved? At the start of her Garrus and Thane’s relationship in ME2 she is much more reserved with her affection and keeps it mostly private but post her house arrest in me3 she is loud and very open with her affection. She doesn’t care who sees or what they think. And it stays open and free from then on. 34. Are there any people out there that betrayed Shepard? How do they handle it? Isani was actually close friends with Kai Leng when they were both in the alliance. A part of Isani’s history was that she was being trained to be an assassin for the alliance but she didn’t quite make the cut for it. She did make friends with Kai Leng during that time though so you can see how his betrayal went when she realized that he went with cerberus and then stabbed Thane. Isani does not handle it well and goes on a very revenge filled path the whole time she is after Kai in ME3. 35. Is your Shepard a biter? (Interpret this as you will) Lmao yes. Both in the sexy and dangerous way. 36. What is their relationship with Wrex? Very much close. Brother Wrex. She affectionately calls him “Carnal,” which is a slangish term of brother in spanish. 37. Does Shepard have any friendships that surprise the rest of the crew? Aria, Victus, and that salarian councilor that Thane saves lol. 38. If Shepard is dropped into the middle of the wilderness for a week, how do they handle it? Takes it like a vacation probably lol. 39. Does Shepard have a will? What do they want done with their body after they’ve passed? She has a will that she made post being brought back from the dead. She wants to be laid to rest back home in Mindor with her family that were murdered in Mindor. Shepard makes sure that anything she has left go to her partners or crew. She considers them her family as well so anything of hers is theirs as well. 40. How does your Shepard react, when Liara tells them she’s the one that handed their body over to Cerberus? Initially she is incredibly upset and angry with Liara. She kind of gives her the silent treatment while she’s helping her with her shadow broker business and it takes Thane and Tali that talk to Isani throughout that whole mission to remind Isani that Liara did what she thought was best and it paid off in the end. Isani and Liara have a lot to work on in rebuilding their friendship afterwards but Isani does love Liara like a sister she never had and Isani is very family oriented so she makes up with her and she forgives Liara for handing her over to cerberus even though that wasn’t something she would have wanted. 41. They’ve been caught in the rain! How does Shepard react? Lets it wash over her. Isani loves the rain and if allowed would just stand there for hours. 42. How does Shepard handle the reporters? What are they like in an interview Isani couldn’t care less for reporters lol. She is respectful as much as she can be but will be very quick to cut off the interview if she’s forced into one. She doesn’t punch anyone but she does have some strong words to say lol. 43. What was the clone’s fate? Do you think Shepard and their clone could coexist? Isani’s clone lives and kind of is taken in by Isani but they learn to live as who they want to be. They change their name and look entirely and they don’t really become friends with Isani but she’s around and helps when she can. The clone goes off to live on their own but they do come to help Isani during her recovery post me3. They are a little low key the reason how Isani pulls through. 44. What’s the perfect date to sweep Shepard off their feet? Isani isn’t very picky but when Garrus Thane or Tali surprise her with little spontaneous trips or planned dates without her input is how she’s usually swept off her feet. Isani likes when her partners take control so she can let loose. 45. How many unread emails are in their inbox? Lmao too many 46. What does your Shepard get competitive over? Racing lol 47. What museum is your Shepard going to? natural history, science, art… the zoo, aquarium? She’s more a zoo and aquarium kinda person so both of those 48. What kind of a sleeper is Shepard? Sprawl out, hog the covers, octopus…. How many hours do they normally sleep? Isani is actually a deep sleeper and she would sleep all day if she could. She’s more a curled in on herself sort of sleeper, likes to kinda just huddle. When she isn’t working a lot she sleeps her full 8+ hours and if she’s too busy she’ll pull all nighters 49. Do they have any morning or evening rituals? Not really any specific aside from making the rounds to her crew mates rooms to bid them Goodnight it’s a habit she has 50. What scents in particular draw Shepard in? She really enjoys the forest/rain sort of scents a lot so if she picks those up? She’s intrigued +1 what, to your Shepard, is a good death Isani considers any death where she’s protecting those she loves is a good death. She deems her impending doom of death when she’s talking with starchild as a good end to a life so long as her family is safe.
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misseffect · 1 year
read your garrus/miranda piece it was AMAZING omg you have such a way with descriptions and details!!! do you have any thoughts abt how that relationship might play out for the rest of ME2 and 3?
hi anon!!!!!!! thank you so much 🥰🥰
I was actually sketching out up to the end of ME3 when I first started working on the prompt and have been chatting with @otemporanerys about it since.
Under the cut because I have Long Thoughts
(y'all can read The Woman In White here)
For Garrus, the initial shock is sort of eclipsed by the whole Shepard thing and then by the whole rocket thing, so the first time they really talk is when he's already on the Normandy.
He goes to her office after he gets out of the medbay, metaphorical cap in hand, to thank her for putting him on the crew.
M: if I'd had my way you wouldn't even have made the shortlist. get out of my room. G: aaaaand we're back to normal
Miranda stays juuust on the professional side of openly hostile from then on. Shepard picks up on the rancid vibes (obviously) and Garrus comes clean about the job.
S: you helped send experimental super-weapons back to cerberus?!? G: I didn't know she was cerberus S: give me strength
Out of sheer necessity, they end up doing each other's loyalty missions because Shepard is too paragon busy, and that's how things start to thaw.
M, realising G wasn't just on some kind of blind, ego-fuelled vendetta and actually really cared about his squad: .....shit G, realising M isn't the heartless, unattached shell of a person he thought she was and actually really cares about her sister: .....crap
Garrus even offers to set Ori's family up with some cyber security stuff; Miranda's looking for an ulterior motive like
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They sleep together again before the suicide mission, obviously, because they learned nothing from the last time they thought they'd never see each other again.
This time Miranda doesn't leap out of bed immediately, and after a moment or two Garrus realises she's fallen asleep on his arm and - crap - if that's not the most disarming thing that's ever happened to him.
G: maybe we'll both die in a hail of bullets and I won't have to deal with the fact that I'm maybe possibly slightly in love with someone who hates my guts Narrator: they did not die in a hail of bullets
They go off to do their separate things after ME2. Garrus is on Palaven writing and deleting a hundred variations on "still finding time to date now the universe is ending?" and each one sounds worse than the last. He's not sure he'd like the answer anyway.
For ME3 I think their overall roles are still as per canon (Garrus on the Normandy and Miranda is sneaking around after Cerberus) so they just kind of stew until Sanctuary.
Miranda gets injured during the fight with Kai Leng (Shepard didn't pass along the warning so Garrus did it behind her back) and Garrus, feeling a Very Normal amount of fear as Miranda bleeds out on the floor, shoots Henry Lawson in the face. like he deserves.
They evac back to the Normandy and Garrus spends the next few days trying to figure out what a non-suspicious amount of time to spend in the medbay is.
Shepard: just so we're clear I do not want her on my ship and I'm doing this as a personal favour to you G: to...... me? S: I'm a pretty busy woman vakarian and even I can see you're in love with her G: * spluttering *
And that's how Miranda gets invited to the party at Anderson's apartment (never let it be said that Commander Shepard is a bad wingman) and they end up on the balcony, a little drunk, talking about ✨the future✨
Garrus doesn't want to assume, but he's getting That Night In Luminesce vibes.
M: there's going to be a lot to do, even if we win. I'm sure I won't be short of work G: that's it? just more work? M: * shrugs * G: hey, maybe you could get that cat you always wanted
And Miranda - drunk, sad, exhausted, and standing next to this person who, for whatever reason, keeps insisting that she deserves good things - bursts into tears.
She comes clean about the men she was seeing on Omega and future she desperately wants - which isn't achievable and never will be, whether they survive the war or not - and that's about when Garrus realises he's completely and utterly fucked.
I'll speed through the rest because this is getting l o n g SO
1. they bounce to go and have a lot of intense and entirely-too-sincere sex in a hotel room (again)
2. Garrus tells her he loves her (sort of by accident but not really) which goes about as well as you'd expect
3. They're both too stubborn to reach out first ofc but, facing down the final run to the beam, Garrus leaves her a heartfelt voicemail and she misses calling him back by all of 5mins
4. They make up over Shepard's now twice-reassembled body (thanks Shep) adopt a few kids, and get then set about the serious business of getting old and hot together
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rhaill · 1 year
✨get to know me better meme✨
i was tagged by @nedwardlittle, @starsreside and @portinaris !! thank you!  (doing this on my phone so sorry if I missed someone etc etc ;; )
3 ships: @starsreside and myself to no one's surprise <3 :) also shepard/garrus from mass effect aaaaand joplittle because of course 
first ever ship: hmmmmmm good question! graystripe and silverstream from warrior cats gshsbdbdbhd
last song: saren's base from the mass effect 1 ost
last movie: jane eyre 2011!!
currently reading: juuuust finished the willows by algernon blackwood, so I am still on malafrena by ursula k. le guin  and have started paladin's grace by t. kingfisher
currently watching: bbc ghosts!! for the first time, I am enjoying it very much! and dimension 20's neverafter, which I have not quite warmed up to yet
currently consuming: copious amounts of earl grey, crackers and shortbread
currently craving: hmmmm nothing just now, I am quite alright!!
tagging: @sorrel-ly @weidli @harpernovakaine @bonzoobel @phoenixflames12 @buecherworm @stoertebeker @cadmusfly, (no pressure / expectations) but also if you see this and wish to be tagged... You're it!!! :))
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nerdierholler · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 122 characters
#but i was thinking about the fancy guilded age mansions that got torn down and turned into apartments and office buildings
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I was just going to listen to one or two more episodes of Inversion before falling asleep…hahahaha…no. Listened to all of it last night and it was i n t e n s e. I was trying not to wake up the hubs so I was just laying in bed going on a silent facial expression journey for all of that. I don’t know how I would have listened to it live and had to wait between episodes.
29 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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I started this design from @shitpostsampler last May before I messed up my shoulder. It’s taken me over a year to be able to do cross stitch for more than a few minutes without pain. So it’s small and it isn’t perfect, but it is done which is something I wasn’t sure would ever happen. I’m very happy.
29 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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Uhh, that’s some good googling you did for your Jif peanut butter story…
37 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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See the full post
43 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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The Halloween cat quilt is done! Before Halloween and everything!
The free pattern I used is here.
88 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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apricote · 9 months
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happy leisure day! ☀️
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dispatchwithlove · 2 years
Fandom Qs! B, D, and S? 💜🖤
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. Cullen/Hawke from dragon age -- an uptight traumatized soldier who participates in a system that imprisons mages meets a chaotic, snarky freedom fighter for the mages. hotness ensues 😁 really, though, someone on r/dragonage mentioned this pairing and i was so intrigued by their very opposite energy and despite it not being canon that i jumped on board. it's actually what got me reading fanfic! yes, Cullen/Hawke was my introduction to fanfic and ao3, haha.
in general, i'm weird about pairings. i don't yuck people's yum, but i have a silly monogamy brain that hates seeing my favorite characters with anyone other than who i like them with. writing Garrus dating someone other than Jane for The Quarian was so hard for me, and it wasn't even a good relationship! lol
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
The Boy, a shakarian detective au. I binged Dublin Murders (an amazing show, and the book it's adapted from is even better) and immediately wrote the first chapter of The Boy, and posted it like a week later. i was so inspired by the idea of Shepard and Garrus being homicide detectives, they're a perfect fit for it.
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
ooo, i like this question because i have a silly one that I'm very attached to and i don't think anyone else is into it...it's that baby turians act like kittens. they'll hiss, swipe at people when they feel threatened, and like pouncing on things. i've written about it a bit, but i don't think anything i've posted to ao3 includes this headcanon. i'm just very into turians having cat traits, it doesn't stop with subvocals/purring 😁
Thanks for asking! These were fun questions ❤️
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wrathbites · 2 years
13 & 41 for the 93 OC asks pleeeeease c: 🖤💜
OC ask list can be found here
13. What do they do for fun?
Rollercoasters ouo
Alas, few places are willing to stay open at night for one vampire, but if he can track down the couple that do? Good luck dragging him away in a reasonable timeframe :D
Aside from that he'll rope at least four unlucky souls into joining him for some quad racing (please don't tell Grunt, the quad bikes will not survive), assist in the development of improved stealth technology (it makes for a fun game of cat and mouse for him, and if the person's really creative in their hiding places [Coats, Kasumi, Tali] it can be a bit of a laugh), go off adventuring for a couple nights with Kaidan, make an absolute menace of himself for Garrus and Primarch Victus, drop in on the krogan to help with their rebuilding efforts and PLAY WITH THE TINY BUT MIGHTY KIDLETS, or sink his teeth (lol) into learning something new. His personal favourite, though? Teasing Kaidan ;)
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh?
How often he laughs depends on the game timeframe! After Akuze, but before ME1? He rarely laughs at all. There's not much reason to, what with being the Alliance's sole remaining vampire to, uh, "study". Plus, there's always someone watching him, waiting for him to become too unruly, ready to put him through a permanent death. During ME1 he doesn't laugh much, but there are a few chuckles here and there, and the occasional bout of laughter. During ME2, you won't get so much as a smile out of him if there's anyone around wearing a Cerberus uniform sooooooooo...
ME3's when he really starts to laugh more freely, and it's so at odds with the galaxy coming down around his ears, but he's around friends again, and they've survived so far, and sometimes they all need some lighthearted pranks and bullshit to lighten the burden and the doom and gloom.
As for what his laughter sounds like - it's quiet most of the time, restrained. So many years spent with so little to laugh over takes a toll, as does needing to constantly watch himself and keep a mask in place around most of the humans who would sooner put him down than stay in the same room as him. But if you catch him off guard with a snarky comeback? If your sense of humour aligns just right with his? If he's already in a good mood and something funny happens? You might hear a surprised bark of a laugh, loud and sudden and quickly covered by a cough, or trailing off into the silent shaking of shoulders that'd normally be followed by tears in the eyes and gasping breaths after the hilarity's eased, or you might hear a warm chuckle, the kind that says he's amused and content and peaceful and happy. Were he still human, there'd even be that hitching laughter broken up by hiccups, but he's not, so only friends and family from his human years remember that.
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
As Luck Would Have It (chapter update!)
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Summary: What do a mini-Irish invasion, a murdered leprechaun, and an old flame have in common? Joker’s not amused by any of them.
Fandom: Mass Effect
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Male Shepard & Kaidan Alenko, Male Shepard & Abby Williams, Male Shepard/Kaidan Alenko, EDI/Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Steven Hackett/Karin Chakwas, Steve Cortez/James Vega, Jack|Subject Zero/Samantha Traynor
Characters: Caleb Shepard (O'Connell - OC), Tadhg Shepard (O'Connell - OC), Niamh Shepard (O'Connell - OC), Kaidan Alenko, Karin Chakwas, Steven Hackett, Samantha Traynor, Jeff "Joker" Moreau, John Shepard, EDI, Ashley Williams, Zaeed Massani, Steve Cortez, James Vega, Garrus Vakarian, Urdnot Bakara - Eve, Urdnot Grunt, Urdnot Wrex, Kasumi Goto, The Illusive Man - Jack Harper, Jacob Taylor, Kelly Chambers, Rahna, Brigit O'Halloran (OC), Jack|Subject Zero
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Hallmark Movie AU, St. Patrick's Day, Past Relationship(s), Green Beer, bartending, Fluff and Angst, Humor, Shenanigans
Series: The Town of Norman
Chapter 4: Day 2
He’d gone looking for his pen. He’d assumed Kasumi had run off with his pen.
He hadn’t expected the cat to return with his college boyfriend.
The man had aged, changed his hair, swapped out his old cable knit sweater for a denim jacket, but it was still Caleb.
“Caleb. Byrne. Bit far from home, aren’t ya?”
“Um…” Meredith’s nervous voice from his left tugged Kaidan back into the present. Into his clinic. Into a town on the wrong side of an ocean and ten whole years. “Mr. O’Connell says his shoulder’s been hurting him.” She handed him the clipboard with the New Patient information on it, holding on to her end until she was sure Kaidan wouldn’t drop it.
Blue eyes outlined from years of smiling. The slightest tilt to his stance - his hip must have been hurting him recently. And he knew that smile; knew it like his own.
Name change or not, this was Caleb. His Caleb.
Watching the eyebrow start to creep up, Kaidan coughed and shook his head. “Ah, um. Mr…O’Connell?”
Gesturing back to one of the examination rooms, Kaidan waited for the man from his past to pass. He ignored Meredith’s curious look and shot a look of uncharacteristic annoyance at Kasumi. “I need that pen back.”
The cat gave him a yawn instead and went back to cleaning her paws.
Read Full Chapter || Read from the Beginning || Read Series
Spotify Playlist
What started as an offer to lend out my Irish Shepard, Caleb, for some St. Patrick's Day shenanigans has turned into a full blown collaborative effort with @happychica, and I couldn't be more delighted! Thank you, my friend, for allowing Caleb, Tadhg, and Niamh into your sandbox to play! This has turned into such an amazing adventure, and we've only just gotten started! And huge thanks to @screwyouflightlieutenant for the fabulous commercial breaks! (I love these soooooooooo much!)
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kainablue · 3 years
✨💙 HELLO! 💙✨
EDITED: 19.11.2023
I'm leaving writeblr. It was so much fun and thank you for all these amazing years!
@kainablue is my main and it will become my reblog blog. Anything I like, writing, art, animals, jokes, will come here. It was and will stay a big mess lol.
These are my blogs for my projects, art and writing, for whoever is interested in fanart/fanfics and my original projects.
@howl-of-the-blood is my wip's blog and there I will post all my original stuff and aesthetic. It will also be dedicated to Old Slavic mythology and culture. Follow this blog if you are interested in either my writing, art or learning something new about Slavic stuff.
@slightlysaneee basically a fandom blog. It has some heavy themes, probably triggering for some, I sometimes reblog erotica, but it's mostly me obsessing over games I like. It can be very NSFT
Love ya!
Kat 💙
My name is Kat / Kaina. I'm a psychologist that works full(ish)-time as an online English teach, but who would love to work as an artist/writer/dev. I'm a 30+ woman, married and have two cats and a dog. But I adore animals in general. Fictional characters, too.
I ♡ horny art and writing.
I'm an otome junkie.
I will eternally be in love with Alistair Theirin, Garrus Vakarian, Morrigan, Kakashi, Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer, Inuyasha, Guts, Vincent Metzger and various otome characters. Also monsters are cute, too.
Dark fantasy and erotica are my jam. I enjoy both disturbing and wholesome content.
A visual novel I've been working on since 2016 and which will probably take me another 10 years to finish, but it's gonna be epic! You can read the SYNOPSIS and check the BLOG.
🎀 LECTURE ME [on hiatus]
You can read it on WATTPAD or here on TUMBLR. For now this is a collection of s*mut stories but I would really like to turn this project into a paranormal monster/human dating sim.
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irikahkrios · 3 years
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@spookyvalentine tagged me to do this oc meme for emmett! thanks for the tag!!
Name: emmett richard shepard
Alias(es): none really. his family and partners call him em i guess
Gender: trans male
Age: early thirties for most of the parts of his story that i like to concentrate on lmao (me2/me3)
Birthdate: september 5, 2154. that's right he doesn't have the "canon" shepard birthday in april, he shares my birthday and bioware can't stop me
Place of birth: spaaaace
Hometown: spaaaaace (real answer: various ships lmao he doesn’t set foot on earth until he’s 18)
Spoken language(s): just english i think? though i do enjoy the thought of him learning bits and pieces of his partners' languages so they can communicate at least a little bit without translators. that's cute
Sexuality: bisexual, though i think he's been with more men than women
Occupation: very exhausted space marine at the time of canon, and stage actor and eventually high school drama teacher postcanon.
Eye color: green
Hair color: red
Height: 5'6" and about a half inch
Scars: one across his eyebrow and one under his chin (usually hidden by his beard) from uh. “incidents” with his birth parents, and some others he’s gotten from his military service over the years. they’re all gone after he’s rebuilt, and it fucks him up quite a bit. 
Color: yellow
Hair color: like on a partner? i think he likes dark hair, but it doesn't come up often as he’d rather date nonhumans. on himself he's perfectly fine with his natural ginger
Song: i wouldn't say he's got a favorite song, he listens to a lot of music and it’s kind of hard to pick. but abba's voulez-vous is his favorite album of all time
Food: cheesecake, any kind of potato hash, peaches, barbecue pulled pork 
Drink: red bull, limeade, apple cider, eggnog, cold brew coffee. for alcohol, he loves fruity little cocktails. 
Have They-
Passed university: not before the games, but years postcanon he goes to college to become a teacher
Had sex: boy has he
Had sex in public: almost certainly at least once. since thane doesn't show up at huerta in me3 in my rewritten canon i unfortunately can't take the thane/emmett hospital sex from the actual game as canon, but i do lowkey headcanon thane and irikah as being kinda into public sex and i think they've pulled him into a supply closet somewhere at least once lmao. also i know it doesn't count as public but it's worth mentioning that i think my canon's equivalent of that hospital scene is gonna be emmett/thane/irikah having sex on a table in an empty room at a drell rebellion base on kahje.
Gotten pregnant: once, postcanon!
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: yes
Gotten tattoos: not sure? like, emmett definitely seems like the type to have at least one tattoo, but i just haven't been able to think of anything specific so far that really fits. in my pirate fic he does end up with magical glowing tattoos
Gotten piercings: his ears are pierced 
Been in love: yes!! with three people at the same time!!
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: oh god yeah. emmett and irikah, both operating on zero hours of sleep, see each other in the living room at 3 in the morning and are like that spider-man meme
Are They-
A virgin: HAHA NOPE
A cuddler: yes :') he gives great hugs
A kisser: yes!!! a good kisser. though the beard can tickle 
Scared easily: yes, but he's extremely good at pushing the fear down and acting like it isn't there in order to do whatever he has to do.
Jealous easily: nope!
Dominant: assuming this means in bed, lmao not really. he’s more than willing to step into that role if it makes his partner(s) happy though
Submissive: once again assuming this means in bed, um. very :)
In love: yes he is!!
Single: very much not!! he has three (3) entire partners
Random Questions (took out the darker ones bc i'm not really in the proper headspace to answer those)-
Do they have / have they had a job: space marine but just for the healthcare. at 18 he was like fuck the military but i would like to not have tits please :) and then he just never left 
Have any fears: anything involving his bodily autonomy being taken away (part of why he hates liara so much), losing people he cares about, and thresher maws.
Sibling(s): 4 adoptive siblings, 2 older (flint and cynthia) and 2 younger (clark and eloise). he also counts his clone, dick (who survives in my canon), as a sort of sibling in a weird way. often introduces him to people as his brother, when he doesn’t feel like answering all the questions that spring from “my clone who cerberus grew for spare parts when rebuilding me, who escaped and eventually tried to kill and replace me but i saved his life and helped him realize he could become his own person so we’re cool now and he comes over for holiday dinner every year.” he gets so used to introducing dick as his brother that i think at one point he accidentally introduces him as such to his siblings. 
Parent(s): his adoptive moms, hannah and natalie shepard. there's also technically his shitty birth parents if you wanna count them, but he killed his dad in self-defense with his biotics at 12 and hasn't seen his bio mom since being taken away by child protective services afterwards.
Children: two postcanon! his son norius (turian) and daughter juniper (human)
Significant other: his husbands garrus and thane and wife irikah :’)
Pet(s): a few cats postcanon! i have never bought any of the fish or the hamster in-game
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