#s: roe
apricote · 11 months
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it’s winter time, but that doesn’t mean much in tartosa.
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chonnysinferno · 1 month
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you resemble a fool although you're only a man so give it up and smile
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I'd served thirty days of combat in Normandy, seventy-eight in Holland, thirty-nine in Bastogne, and thirty in Haguenau. And I wonder if, with war becoming such a part of you, you become like the Toyes and Guarneres of the world, people who lose a limb and yet have that phantom sensation that it's still there.
Sometimes, I couldn't get back to sleep. Or I'd just read or try studying at a desk, not that I was very good at that. I couldn't concentrate like before the war. I'd be reading some book and suddenly realize Roe was sitting beside me. Malark, I'm sorry, but it's Skip . . . I feared my grades were slipping badly.
— Excerpt from Don Malarkey in his book, Easy Company soldier : the legendary battles of a sergeant from World War II's "Band of Brothers", regarding life after the war
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canisalbus · 9 months
So my hiking route today took me through a deer park with, I kid you not, a 50+ herd of albino/leucistic fallow and (not very) red deer… what are the changes lol
Now I’m imagining poor Vasco in this Where’s Waldo situation, once he gets a grip on himself and goes back to find Machete.
(The expressions in Hound Mode btw were delightful!)
Ah, that must've been quite a sight! It's always such a staggering feeling coming across a big herd of any large animals, at least if you ask me. The fact they were all white just adds to the effect.
I hope Vasco would've fetched Machete and showed him the deer as well. I don't think he's encountered many other albinistic animals, at least in canon. He might've been impressed.
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filosofablogger · 6 months
A Brief Update
Earlier today I wrote about Kate Cox and her struggle to obtain an abortion despite the fact that the fetus she carries is not viable and her very life is in danger.  I wrote that late last night, and when I woke this morning, it was to this headline in the New York Times … Texas Supreme Court Temporarily Halts Court-Approved Abortion   The court, responding to an appeal from Attorney General Ken…
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Judge allows Arizona abortion ban
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kootiepatra · 1 year
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I realized I had neglected to upload these photos here. So I'm remedying that.
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apricote · 9 months
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a little family fun day at the sequoia bay aquarium. rosalie was not impressed with the fish, but alisa had the time of her life. maybe we have a future marine biologist in our hands...
lot by @sweetbeagaming 🐟
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kmbrlei · 1 year
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i think harmony and namida should kiss and have band drama make it happen nintendo
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Several nights later, I was lying in my bunk and broke out into a deep sweat, followed by chills. Back and forth. Finally, our medic, Eugene Roe, came and took my temperature.
"We're gettin' you the hell out of here, Malark."
"No, no, no. I'll be OK."
Nobody in Easy had spent more consecutive days in combat than me. I didn't want the streak to end because I had a piddly case of the flu.
"I'm getting Speirs," Roe said.
"Roe, I’m—"
"Shut up, Malark. You're sick."
He got Captain Speirs, who did a quick assessment and ordered me to a hospital. "We're pulling out in the morning, Malark. You're not fit to come. Get well and rejoin us for the victory celebration in Hitler's place in the mountains." An ambulance took me to a field hospital, where I hazily recall several doctors standing over me, bright lights in my face, and hearing talk about some strain of Rhine River malaria.
— Excerpt from Don Malarkey in his book, Easy Company Soldier: the Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from World War II's "Band of Brothers"
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terresdebrume · 3 months
That cast picture with Renée and doc's actors I reblogged earlier makes me wish I could write my modern AU series faster tbh ;_;
I mean, I'll be honest: I don't think they'll be a huge part of it, but there's at least one scene I have in mind of Web and Renée* teaching Babe how to walk in high heels after he starts doing drag and yes I CAN write things out of order but the issue is that I don't have the time/energy to write at all ;_;
*ETA: Alternatively, since in this series Renée is a trans woman, it might just be Web sharing the tips he learned pre-transition with both Babe and Renée m, we'll see
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satsalloni · 6 months
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dnd stuff
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softly-writes · 1 year
I need HBO Tumblr friends. I’m not great at socialising but I’m super friendly! I need more content to scream in the tags and reblog…
So if you like;
Band of Brothers (find me @lieutenant-speirs)
Generation Kill (find me @hitman-two)
Come say hi! Or find me at my other blogs!
Please 👏🏼 I’ve never had friends to simp BoB, GenK and MASH with 🥺
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I’m going to my eurovision party tn and my fit is gonna be very verdka seduchka inspired.
I’m going to be so sparkly
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unseeliebae · 2 years
I am going to sue the Supreme Court
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i do a good job of ignoring the ideological echo chamber that is most fandom sociopolitical posting. lots of anti jk rowling, queer solidarity posts that pretend the only right anyone needs to fight for is self expression, "terfs should all go die horribly" kind of things. sometimes i can't though
today roe v wade is officially killed by a supreme court of conservative christian tyrants. most of the dash spreads abortion resources and news articles and bitter reactions. i'm reminded that - even with such a huge disagreement over gender between us - these people aren't usually malicious. in their own way they at least think they care. and then i see a post
whenever some news goes around about women's rights it has to be joined by at least one "btw terfs and radfems totally suck tho" post. presumably for stopping people from realizing that women's struggles exist? this post though. definitely the craziest example i've seen. it started by claiming that radical/ 2nd wave feminism is pure evil and that every other philosophy does feminism better
this is a weird take for a post that later will unironically and accidentally imply feminism has no basis for its existence. first they accuse radfems of being white supremacists with a savior complex toward the rest of the world. it covers the usual "terfs want trans people dead" propaganda. but the conclusion was the worst bit
i can't even describe it. i have to just quote it:
bioessentialism and the idea of “woman” as a distinct class/“womanhood” as an overarching experience are the foundations upon which radfem is built, and you cannot divorce these ideals frm the source to talk about what you believe to be “good points” in an otherwise bad movement.
this says women existing is bioessentialism. it says that feminism exists but is actually trying to get rights for a bunch of mostly unconnected people that happened to all get historically oppressed. we just lost roe v wade today but it's important for all the queer activists to remember that women aren't a social or political class. the people who lost the right to abortions are wide variety of races, income levels, sexualities, and self defined genders. no "overarching experience" in common at all /s
do they even hear themselves. the "evilest" form of feminism is apparently the only one that believes feminism has a reason to exist at all
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