#sad people wip
multi-lefaiye · 1 year
hehehe ty all for the encouragement <3 tagging @astral-runic @wherearetheplants @invaderskoodge and @albatris b/c y'all replied directly hewwo <3 and ofc @skitzo-kero hewwo <3
anyway okay so sad people wip is a concept that floated into my brain a while ago and didn't get much development and ngl i almost scrapped it entirely,
BUT yes!!!!! so sad people wip can best be summed up as: a group of strangers, who have each reached rock bottom in various ways, end up becoming each other's closest friends and support system and help each other find reasons to keep going.
now i'm going to list the new cast below, as well as explain the premise in a bit more detail <33
picrew used: [link]
content warnings (please tread lightly if any of these may be an issue! no pressure to read even if i've tagged you here): mentions of drug addiction, suicide, cancer/terminal illness, car accidents, and toxic romantic relationships.
premise in more detail: four strangers come to the same building on the same day with the intent of ending their lives. however, none of them ended up going through with it, because in the end having other people there made them all reconsider. the group ends up keeping in touch and becoming friends, helping each other find reasons to live and cope with living in the hell world.
and now,the characters!
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Angel De Santis - he/him
Angel has recently been dumped by his long-time girlfriend AJ, who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Without her, he's lost his main support system, and he's been floundering. He's also slowly starting to realize that this relationship was not as healthy as it seemed to him at the time.
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Phoebe Ross - she/her
Ross is a recovering drug addict who recently relapsed after a year and a half of sobriety. She feels as though she's let everyone down and is terrified to face her loved ones after, and part of her believes that she'll never be able to get back up again and that she's ruined everything for real this time.
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Dr. Scott Wells - he/him
Scott is a successful surgeon at a local hospital whose life was recently upended by a traumatic car accident. Unfortunately, his wife and daughter did not survive the accident. Now, Scott is struggling to put his life back together without the people that were most important to him, all the while dealing with his own trauma following the incident.
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Ezra Navarro Álvarez - they/them
Ezra is a recent widower whose wife passed away after a long battle with cancer, leaving them alone to raise their young son. Unfortunately, their wife's family has started a long, painful, drawn-out custody battle with them, insisting that Ezra is unfit to be a parent. Though Ezra is fighting for their son the best they can, they're starting to lose hope, and they've had no time to grieve their loss on top of everything.
and now,,,,, the actual title,,,,,,, currently the working title for sad people wip is Twelve Stories Club. very dark humor title but this is a dark humor wip
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seagull-scribbles · 8 months
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sad-leon · 5 months
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TW Suicide Attempt
we all talk about him portal chopping an arm off but,,, it would be so easy. so quick
KoFi || Patreon
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liorlen · 7 months
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working on smth where I put gale in silly outfits based on wizard subclasses/schools of magic, since I already did necromancer.
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grimzgrimz · 4 months
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Various silly’s and wips, going to a con this weekend and gonna give little majimir sticker to anyone who mentions my majima plushie❤️
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WIP Wednesday
Today for WIP Wednesday I present:
The Why Did You Pick This Color Dishcloth!
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One of my residents asked me to make her some dishcloths because hers are all work out, so I dusted off my rusty knitting skills and it's coming out nicely! Except for the color. Why did she pick this color. It looks worse in person somehow.
Tagging: @paperstorm @liminalmemories21 @alrightbuckaroo @thisbuildinghasfeelings @whatisamildopinion @carlos-in-glasses and anyone else who wants to play!
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
Keep an eye if thats okay the little portion you posted was very intriguing
Of course it’s okay dear nonnie 💕 these two make me happy lol
20 sep 2023 [wip Wednesday game]
“You kids think you know everything,” Wymack grumbled. “I’ve wondered when the last time anyone’s seen a full-grown jelly was.”
“How could I possibly know.”
Wymack gave Andrew a look, sweeping up and down. “Well, it’s about your size. Could have more growing to do, who knows.”
“Are you implying the only reason jellies can’t talk is because we’re only seeing juveniles?”
“In recent years? That’s exactly what I’m implying.”
Andrew repeated, a little exaggerated as if Wymack hadn’t caught the words perfectly the first time, “Jellyfish don’t have brains, teach.”
“You do, and yet you manage to be more bone-headed than the sharks you swim with,” said Wymack.
“That’s cold,” said Andrew.
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klamv-art · 3 months
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☀️|| Wip ||☀️
I'm so sorry for not posting more orz I barely had anytime to draw for myself these days I'm just doing uni assignment after uni assignment 😭😭
Anyway I'm finally cooking something with Ez and Victoria and hopefully I can finish it this week + I also wanna redraw the portraits of the boys I did last year I think and maybe this time I might add Leiftan and Lance who knows (but only if I'm in the mood lmao)
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dudeitiskarev · 1 month
Okay but if you see someone post their wips and you steal their ideas or send their ideas to another writer as a request
screw you
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jegulusofwesper · 1 month
snippet sunday
cw: thoughts of murder, murder, unkinky knife play (being stabbed through the heart(literally)), sad
Hopelessness wrapped itself around Evan’s heart as the only person he survived with, the only person he had left that he loved, slowly died. He knew what he had to do. He knew he had to do it. That Barty wanted him to. But he couldn’t bring himself to murder the only person he had left.
His eyes went to Barty’s daggers the same way they had multiple times over the past few days as he deteriorated further. Judging from what he’s previously seen, Barty has a day, two maximum, before he is no longer him but Evan selfishly wants one more day with the love of his life. He heard Barty groan behind him as he regained consciousness.
“Please.” Evan heard the whisper from Barty’s lips. He had come to expect it. He knew it would come as soon as Barty regained consciousness, but every time it did Evan felt his chest constrict as his heart broke more for his love. It was the only thing he would say to Evan anymore. The only thing he ever did now was beg to die, beg for his fiancé to murder him. Evan missed when Barty would turn to him with a soft smile, kiss his freckles and tell him he loves him. He missed the way his name sounds on Barty’s lips.
Please. He didn’t know how long ago the begging had started, how long ago Barty had regained consciousness but the word felt like a thunder strike to Evan heart every time he heard it. Please. The whisper had turned to chanting, the word echoing through his head, each letter louder than the last. Evan felt himself rise to his feet and saw the sight of Barty’s daggers getting closer. Please. His hands wrapped their way around the handles. Please. He walked over to where Barty’s shivering form was chained to the bed, helpless to the disease changing the molecules of his blood. Please. He raised the dagger above his head. He just needed to make it stop; the pain, the begging, the sight of blood on Barty’s lips.
“Evan.” His motion stopped as a clammy hand wrapped itself around his other wrist, wild eyes meeting his own, a spark of the old Barty hiding behind his eyes, the begging had paused and it felt like heaven to Evan’s ringing ears.
“I love you.”
Words he felt like he hadn’t heard in years left his lover's mouth. Tears filled both of their eyes as he swung down impaling the heart of the only person who truly knew him. Tears fell down his face as he watched Barty’s head loll to the side, peace finally settling over his features. Evan fell to his knees next to Barty’s corpse. “I love you too.” He whispered, his confession falling on deaf ears as death parted their souls, tearing them from their one true love.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
That being said I think I have some names for the Sad People WIP now. No surnames yet tho
Arlo - 28, they/them, a character who until very recently was in a super toxic and shitty relationship that has left them with a boatload of trauma that they feel overwhelmed by. Wants nothing more than to move on but is unsure how to start.
Jamaal - 39, he/him, a doctor who had a very happy, stable, and successful life until a car accident that completely upended everything he ever knew and left him without the support system needed to make it through. Has OCD (specifically Harm OCD) and chronic pain as well as an intense phobia of being in cars, let alone driving them.
Elle - they/she, 34, a character who has struggled with addiction for many years and feels as though they've hit rock bottom after relapsing for the first time in over a year. They feel lost and hopeless and like the relapse is proof that they're never going to Get Better.
Leanne - she/her, 46, a character who is caught in a vicious custody battle over her young son following the unfortunate passing of her wife. Her wife's family, despite being estranged from her for many years, is attempting to claim total custody and Pat is struggling to fight it on her own while dealing with her grief.
Pascal, he/they, 23, a recent college graduate who, after years of suicidal thoughts and ideation, has reached a place where he doesn't want to actively harm himself anymore. However, he hasn't yet reached the point where he wants to LIVE either, and he isn't sure what to do with his life without the certainty that he's going to die by his own hand any day now.
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knoxise · 3 months
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finished patroclus's idle sprite last night !
achilles' sprite was done by @1000dactyls hence the slight size differences but limbus idle sprites of achilles + pat together 🥹 (fixer patroclus (from the past) / sinner achilles (current day)
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angrybatart · 1 month
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Got some terrible news on Friday, and needed to draw something that made me happy to straighten my thoughts. Started this last night, but am not really happy with it. So I'm going to work on it off and on until it looks right to me. I'll post the full picture when I do.
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baconcolacan · 8 months
You know, this Future Edd piece I’m doing was supposed to be a quick draw. But I after I did the cleanup sketch I was like “Wait, I kinna fuck with this” now I’m doing a Serious Piece™
Anyway, small WIP of the eternally uncomfortable man below lmao.
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sadlad03 · 1 year
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too many close calls wip
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pregnancyismykink · 8 months
That moment when you start a brand new WIP instead of finishing any of the 20 others you have partially written, knowing this new WIP will likely be way too long for you to ever finish, much like the other WIP’s still currently staring at you from the open word file 🙄
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