#sakine cansiz
heretic-child · 1 year
Sakine Cansız, a founding member of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and one of the leading figures in the Kurdish women’s movement, who was killed with two other female activists in Paris a decade ago, predicted today’s nationwide “Jin, Jîyan, Azadî – Woman, Life, Freedom” uprising led by Kurdish women in Iran, way back in 2011.
Cansız’s 2011 interview during a conference of the Eastern Kurdistan Women’s Union, which included an analysis of and predictions about the women’s struggle in the Kurdish-populated regions of western Iran known as Rojhilat, was published for the first time in 2022.
Cansız stresses in the interview that the Kurdish women’s struggle has the power to lead not only Kurdish women but also all Persian, Baloch and Azeri women in the region.
“Women have no friends other than the struggle for freedom,” she says.
Emphasising the historical importance of women organising in Rojhilat, Cansız says, “The greatest response to the system that stole women’s freedom from them was women joining the struggle.”
Born in Tunceli (Dersim) in eastern Turkey in 1958 and becoming one of the first pioneers of the Kurdish Women’s Movement, Cansız was imprisoned after the 12 September 1980 military coup in the infamous Diyarbakır (Amed) Prison, which would later go down in the country’s history for the inhumane treatment and torture of its prisoners.
After she was released from prison in 1991, she was among the founders of the Patriotic Women’s Association, the first Kurdish women’s institution in the metropolitan city of Istanbul.
Cansız was still an active and prominent member of the Kurdish women’s movement when she was killed in 2013 in a Kurdish information centre in Paris. The gunman, who was Turkish, allegedly had connections with the Turkish intelligence service (MİT) and as well as Cansız, he killed two other female activists; Fidan Doğan, who was at the time a diplomatic representative of the Kurdistan National Congress, and Leyla Şaylemez, a Kurdish youth movement activist.
That incident has remained unresolved and has caused great distress among the Kurds, fuelling mistrust in European institutions.
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leftistfeminista · 2 months
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"Sara" Sakine Cansiz 1958-2013
Revolutionary and co-founder of the PKK, the political and military movement for Kurdish liberation.
"the excitement of entering the movement as a young woman--and discovering quickly that she would have to challenge traditional gender roles as she rose among its ranks. And she succeeded: total gender equality is now one of the central tenets of the PKK."
She wrote 2 memoirs about her activist youth and when she was in prison.
She was sadly assassinated by the ethnoreligious fascists in Turkey in 2013.
She survived 40 years of political involvement in a nation that didn't want her to exist.
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Sakine Cansız, (1996-1997, 2015), Sara. Prison Memoir of a Kurdish Revolutionary, Translated and edited by Janet Biehl, Pluto Press, London, 2019
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«Sakine Cansız with unidentified women prisoners at Çanakkale, c. 1990.» (p. 317)
In italiano: Sakine Cansiz (Sara), Tutta la mia vita è stata una lotta, Vol. I (2014), Vol. II (2015), Vol. III (2017), UIKI Onlus – Ufficio di Informazione del Kurdistan in Italia
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CorpMedia #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #FeelTheBern
JinJiyanAzadi #BijiRojava The internationalist legacy of Sakine Cansız
Originally published on the website of Kurdistán América Latina, an article by Alberto Colin Huizar depicts the struggle and legacy of Sakine Cansız and her contributions to “revolution within the revolution"…
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hxlinn · 7 months
Yûregim avuçlarimda, Her damla kanimda özgürlüge akiyorum. O büyük özgürlüge.. ~
Sakine Cansiz
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melikemordemjaponi · 1 year
✽Edito Leurs visages continuent de hanter les mémoires. Figures de la cause #kurde, Sakine, Fidan et Leyla ont été abattues de sang-froid, une sombre nuit de janvier, en plein cœur de Paris. 10 ans déjà.
Via L’Humanité
*Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan et Leyla Saylemez ont été tuées par balles à Paris en 2013. Ici, une manifestation en janvier 2021.Photo archives AFP
✽Editorial Their faces continue to haunt our memories. Figures of the Kurdish cause, Sakine, Fidan and Leyla were shot down in cold blood, one dark night in January, in the heart of Paris. 10 years already.
Via L’Humanité
*Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez were shot dead in Paris in 2013. This image is a demonstration in January 2021.Photo archives AFP
✽Editoryal Yüzleri hafızalarımızdan silinmiyor. Kürt davasının figürleri Sakine, Fidan ve Leyla, Ocak ayının karanlık bir gecesinde, Paris'in göbeğinde soğukkanlılıkla vuruldular. Artık 10 sene oldu.
L’Humanité aracılığıyla
*Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan ve Leyla Söylemez 2013 yılında Paris'te vurularak öldürüldü. Burada, Ocak 2021'de yapılan bir gösteri.Fotoğraf arşivi AFP
✽編集部: 彼女たちの顔は我々の記憶に残り続ける。1月のある暗い夜、パリの中心部でクルド人運動家のサキーネ、フィダン、レイラは無慈悲に命を奪われた。あの日から既に10年。
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antifainternational · 3 years
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Eight years ago today. Their story. Never forget.  Never forgive.
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rojinfo · 2 years
Le KONGRA-GEL appelle à une forte participation à la marche pour les trois militantes kurdes assassinées à Paris
Le KONGRA-GEL appelle à une forte participation à la marche pour les trois militantes kurdes assassinées à Paris
Dans une déclaration marquant le neuvième anniversaire du triple meurtre des militantes kurdes à Paris, la coprésidence de KONGRA-GEL appelle à une forte participation à la grande marche qui aura lieu samedi 8 janvier à Paris. « Nous commémorons avec un beaucoup de respect et d’affection nos trois camarades femmes kurdes révolutionnaires, Sakine Cansız (Sara), Fidan Dogan (Rojbîn) et Leyla…
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kurdnet · 5 years
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il·lustració per la portada de ‘toda mi vida fue una lucha vol i: nacida en invierno”, editat per descontrol editorial
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kurdishrecognition · 6 years
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left to right: leyla söylemez, sakîne cansiz, and fidan doğan
on january 9th, 2013 in paris, france, leyla söylemez, sakîne cansiz, and fidan doğan were assassinated by a suspected turkish agent. 
cansiz was one of the founders of the pkk along with abdullah öcalan in 1978. she was subsequently arrested in 1980 after the coup d’etat. after being released from prison, she joined öcalan in bekaa valley, lebanon where she joined a pkk training camp. mehmet ali ertas, a journalist at the DIHA news agency described cansiz as, “... the most prominent and most important female kurdish activist. she did not shy away from speaking her mind, especially when it came to women's issues.”
fidan doğan and leyla söylemez were both kurdish rights activists.
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heretic-child · 1 year
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Sakine Cansız was one of the first women to join the Kurdish freedom movement, before it even had a name. She was one of only two women to participate in the PKK’s 1978 founding congress. In May 1979 she was arrested, and like everyone who refused to buckle under arrest or betray her comrades, she was tortured harshly. She was the first woman from the Kurdish freedom movement to mount a political defense in court. Among the prisoners she was considered a leading personality. For 12 years in various Turkish prisons, she maintained a resistance. Soon after her release in 1991, she did legal work at the party academy in Lebanon and from there went to the guerrillas in the mountains. Starting in the late 1990s, she lived mainly in Europe. In 1998 France granted her political asylum. She was shot dead by the Turkish intelligence agency MİT, during the triple murder of Kurdish activists in Paris, France, on 9 January 2013, along with two other female Kurdish activists, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Söylemez.
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leftistfeminista · 2 months
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The Niweger Culture and Arts Center is producing a short film about leading PKK cadre Sakine Cansiz’s resistance in the Amed Prison.
The short film titled “3 Days in 10 Years” depicts Cansiz’s resistance against the Turkish state oppression and tyranny.
30 members of the cultural center are acting in the film, which is almost complete.
The film takes inspiration from Cansiz’s book titled My Whole Life Was A Struggle and includes comments and memories from Cansiz’s friends in the struggle.
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Sakine Cansız (Sara), Fidan Doğan (Rojbîn), Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahî), Paris, January 9, 2013
Sara, Rojbîn, Ronahî – Jin Jiyan Azadî
«Il 9 gennaio 2013 Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Doğan e Leyla Şaylemez, tre compagne del movimento di liberazione curdo, sono state uccise da un agente dei servizi segreti turchi (MIT) a Parigi, nel cuore della grande Europa "democratica". Nonostante siano chiari i motivi che hanno portato a questo assassinio, non ci sono ancora verità e giustizia per le nostre compagne. Queste tre donne, che gli stati occidentali hanno chiamato "terroriste", avevano deciso di dedicare la loro vita alla lotta per la libertà. Erano bellissime, belle perché libere, belle perché amavano i popoli e le persone, belle perché credevano nella rivoluzione.» – Rete Jin
(image: Leyla, Sakine, Rojbîn... militantes kurdes assassinées à Paris, le 9 janvier 2013. Un crime toujours impuni!, Drawing by Zehra Doğan (Kurdistan, December 2020), Graphic Design by Naz Oke)
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lupitovi · 6 years
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Le 9 janvier 2013, Sakine Cansiz, 54 ans, une des fondatrices du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), Fidan Dogan, 31 ans, et Leyla Saylemez, 25 ans, ont été tuées le 9 janvier 2013 de plusieurs balles dans la tête, au siège du Centre d'information du Kurdistan, dans le 10 ème arrondissement. Le seul suspect, le Turc Omer Güney, est mort fin 2016 en prison avant de comparaître. Les enquêteurs français avaient pointé l'implication des services secrets turcs.
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vikihabercom · 4 years
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İBB, Sakine Cansız kitaplarını satış listesinden çıkardı İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin  (İBB) iştraki olan İBB Kültür A.Ş.’nin bünyesindeki istanbulkitapcisi.com’da PKK’nın kurucularından Sakine Cansız’ın kitapları satış listesinden çıkarıldı.
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