#sam winchester is an ally
sugarbear2001 · 4 months
Cant stop thinking about Sammy I love him so much.
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annmariethrush · 3 months
Sam needs sensitivity training or an anti work place harassment seminar. Offering to take your brother to a strip club as comfort after the death of his boyfriend is bad form and a micro aggression, possibly a hate crime
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rystiel · 2 months
i think it’s interesting to consider trans dean in relation to canon tbh. i mean john winchester is most definitely homophobic, but dean being trans would imply that he practices trans-inclusive toxic masculinity… like “you want to be a man, then act like one.” honestly i feel like he may be more inclined to let dean transition, because being a man in the field of hunting is something john probably views as beneficial
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sammygender · 1 month
i do very much think sam is bisexual but there’d be something hilariously funny about him being straight considering i just know that boy was getting homophobically microaggressed his entire childhood by his father and older brother
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cloakedstoryteller · 9 months
Y’know it’s actually really interesting how anti cop and anti institutional religion Supernatural was for how draped in conservative aesthetics it was. Like yes, manly midwestern men wearing flannel, but they started off impersonating and making fun of cops in season 1 and fucking ran with it.
In other shows it’d be a major problem if a character was seriously wanted by the cops, meanwhile in Supernatural if the Winchesters are wanted the vibe is “ah fuck the cops figured out we’re not dead again. This is so inconvenient. No I will not stop using my incredibly conspicuous car.”
And of course, from impersonating priests to portraying literal Catholic saints as villains to God is callous and that makes him evil to portraying evangelical Christians as idiots who get taken advantage of by angels, Supernatural had no respect for Christianity. And for a show that drew so heavily on Christian imagery and loved a fight scene in a church, that was crazy.
I don’t know, maybe it was Supernatural gaining a very progressive following early on, Destiel being incredibly popular, or the inherent queer themes Sam had especially in the early seasons, that made it impossible to treat conservative idols like religion or police with respect but it’s very refreshing on a rewatch a couple years after I quit the fandom.
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hxnnibxi · 3 months
its insane how sam winchester is one of the most queer coded characters ever but at the sam time he is the most Straight Man i have ever seen
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calibrationneeded · 7 months
I wanna read a fic where Dean and Cas get together and instead of telling Sam and dealing with the chickflick moment™️ they just start doing couple shit and gaslight Sam into thinking they were together the whole time
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samwinchesterdefender · 11 months
sam "we get beat up by girls all the time" winchester.
#equality #feminism #womensrights
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To be clear though, as frustrating as I find Sam’s lack of compassion for Dean in season 1, I can really empathize with him. It’s his anger, his ability to stand up for himself against John, that gave him the resolve and the momentum to walk out the door in the first place. 
Now he’s back in the life he tried to leave behind, but he’s still trying to cling to that sense of self. To an identity that’s his own, not imposed on him. So when Dean acts as John’s mouthpiece, it hits as a threat to the selfhood Sam fought so hard for. In those moments I think Sam sees Dean less as his brother who looked out for him and more as an extension of the father who tried to control him. Who is still trying to control him.
So he goes into defense mode. So Dean starts to look like the enemy. So empathizing with Dean starts to look a threat to his identity. He can’t let his father’s (Dean’s) perspective in, or it might strangle his own the way it’s always wanted to.
And yeah of course I don’t think he’s right to identify empathy with Dean as a danger. Of course I want them to find a way to communicate and work through this together. But I understand him, and don’t have the heart to blame him very much at all.
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johnsotherbastard · 5 months
That PSA with Hillary Duff scolding people for calling bad things "gay" but replace Hillary Duff with specifically s1 Sam Winchester
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myplasticadversary · 8 months
Thinking about trans girl Sam again but this time with canon Dean, like he just notices one day out of the blue that Sam looks and sounds different and finds out she's been on estrogen the whole time, and he's pissed that Sam never told him she thought she might be a girl for real and she explains that she thought he'd try to talk her out of it, and from there Dean tries to be cool about it like it doesn't change anything but has extremely conflicted feelings
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annmariethrush · 8 months
My trans masc Dean headcanon is that when Cas brought Dean back from hell and reformed him, he tried to make it the same but slightly better where he could, like fixing his liver etc but also he just sorta cis-ified Dean’s body, and so at some point Dean is just like “dude wtf you gave me a dick?” and Cas is like “uh, yes? You are a boy, isn’t that what boys normally have? I’m not sure why you didn’t have a penis before but your soul was a boy so it seemed like something I could fix for you. Did you not want one??? ” And Dean starts crying cause Cas told him his soul is a boy and Cas is now even more confused. This is also like 2 episodes after they meet and so Cas has like no idea why this is such a huge deal to Dean cause Cas is used to being able to just be in whatever body he can get into and just won’t stay in it if it feels wrong. Sam definitely doesn’t find out that Dean has a dick until like season 10 and is offended that no one thought to mention it. “I thought your top surgery scars just went away from Cas healing you so many times dude, I dunno. But he gave you a dick too??”
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rowenas-megacoven · 2 years
When Sam rocks up to Heaven they all have a massive gathering at the roadhouse to welcome him. The place is packed out with folks who know the Winchesters and their friends. There’s a few live bands and when they finish their sets, that’s when the karaoke starts. Plenty of classic rock and country and dancing and Dean singing his little heart out. It’s 1am when the place starts dying down, the crowd thinning out to just those closest to Sam and Dean with a few exceptions, all competing to be the last one standing. Most are too tired to sing now and there’s little groups of people sitting around reminiscing, taking turns putting on song requests over the speakers. Bobby has dozed off by the fire pit outside, sharing a blanket with Ellen as Rufus recounts tales of he and Bobby’s hunting days. Charlie, Jo and a few others still have a some energy left to keep dancing. Pamela and Ash are still knocking back the shots. Dean barely has left Cas’ side all night, aside from getting up for the karaoke. He’s been mulling over how to break it to Sammy, if someone already hasn’t dropped the bomb in conversation.
When someone puts on Led Zeppelin’s Rock and Roll over the speakers, the room livens up again and Dean notices that Cas’ leg is bouncing away to the beat. When Cas mentions this is his favourite Zepp song, Dean is fascinated. It isn’t one of the 13 tracks on the mixtape Dean made for him but it stuns him that Cas likes Zepp enough to listen to the rest of the Discography. In that moment, he craves to find out everything he doesn’t know about his angel. he vows that if he ponders or wonders anything about him, he’ll ask everything and anything, even the things he was too afraid to ask when they were both living and pining. At the moment? Dean is wondering if Cas can dance. Dean’s never been much of a dancer himself but he had a one night stand with one. She had spent the hours leading up to it teaching him the basics. He hadn’t been dying about it then but damn does Dean want to find out if dancing with Cas will change his entire perspective on things.
So he asks and when Cas says he doesn’t know because he hasn’t tried, Dean whisks him off to the dance floor to show him the ropes with a “wanna find out?” When the trench coat gets tangled between them one too many times, Dean eagerly helps Cas tug it off and tosses it over the back of nearby chair. He isn’t sure when Cas’ tie comes off or what the hell he should be teaching Cas, a bit of country? A jive? Their dancing is whole mix of things yet nothing at all. We’re making it up as we go Dean thinks, remembering those exact words from the night Cas first rebelled for him.
Rules don’t matter as they tug at each others hands, dance close, push away, flail arms and move legs clumsily, narrowly avoid bumping into Pam and Ash who are having the time of their lives on the dance floor beside them. Ash tumbles over at one point, Charlie accidentally elbows Dean in the back, it doesn’t matter, because all Dean sees is Cas’ eyes transfixed on his own or trialing over his body, all Dean sees and all that matters is Cas.
It turns out that Cas has a thing for rhythm and Dean could dance all night - he just hadn’t danced with the right person before. An hour later, the two transcend into a slow dance to Dean’s favourite Ten Years Gone, with Dean breathless and Cas dishevelled. It used to hurt when he let himself think too hard about why this one always reminded him of Cas. All Dean wants now, as he sings the lyrics under his breath, is to take Cas out back and press him into the wall and tell him he loves him too over and over again between kisses.
Mary smiles at the mind-blown look on Sam’s face as she watches it all go down. It’s a look of since when did Dean dance? and with Cas? and then the realisation of Oh. Holy shit. with a smile filling his face. She gives herself a pat on the back for her song choices - all a Winchester ever needs is a good Zepp song or two to sort everything out.
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mamacarlyle · 1 year
Watching Supernatural and it got me to thinking. I personally subscribe to the idea Sam is trans, specifically ftm, and I think Mary Winchester is the kind of mother who wanted a daughter, but when she comes back and sees her little Samantha is a Sammy, she hardly cares. She's just like "You're so big and strong now! You look just like your dad!" and everything when Dean tells her.
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
the thing with headcanons is that u have to adapt them to whatever is funniest/makes most sense at the time like those are just the rules
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macveigh · 2 years
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@sunsymbols​ asked:  “why do all hot guys have to be such jerks?” [ my babysitter’s a vampire sentence starters ] 
Morgan shrugs and wholeheartedly answers with, “Your brother’s not a jerk. Not completely, anyways...” 
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