#same lil robot and same me making the art
kurukanro · 1 year
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spotaus · 2 months
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Did some redesign mock-ups for Ec-4o.verse Cross, Fresh, and Error!
These guys didn't really *need* redesigns but I was having a ball with Trech (Ec-4o!Fresh) and gave him Arcade Carpet designs and decided I needed to redesign some others too! (Check below the cut for Old Designs, Lore, and a Stupid Screenshot from my pal @/Neonsix67)
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(We're gonna act like I drew Trech more than twice-)
So, old art, yucky, whatever. We know the drill lmao- but because Ec-4o.verse is such an ongoing project these guys have been through a bunch of redesigns. Regrettably, me from 2 years ago was unaware of Layering and Shape Language, so they look kinda gross.
Cross' design has consistently been my favorite I think, just because he was a later addition and so had a bunch of my newer ideas integrated. They all have their flaws tho (Cross was too lean and got thrown between Baby and Grown Guy too often in my art. Error uhhh... yeesh. When I say I couldn't draw him, I meant it. I never knew what to do with his wires and I kept putting him in armor? Fresh just wasn't fleshed out enough. He was that SparkleDog of my verse.)
Also: I wanted Fresh to be top-heavy, like, big baggy round clothes on his upper half then lil guy legs. Cross I wanted to be more flat and strict, hense his clothes being all Tube-shaped. Then Error needed Triangle vibes. His old design was too Rectangle for me. The exposed limbs are mostly just for me because I love a-symmetry and also I don't keep a consistent clothing style, so I like to keep a visually interesting element (like a limb) exposed for clarity's sake when I draw them in new poses later.
Cross: A robot (Ecto) who was initially a Guard-Model ecto. He was one of the last to be turned over when the government was rallying citizens to donate their bots to fight in the war. He was remodeled and supplied with a special task by his Programmer: Protect THE FILES at all costs. He's rather small for a guard-bot, but makes up for it with his agility and sheer stubbornness. Blue finds him heavily damaged and on low battery in an old lab, guarding a room that was sealed tight. His Old design utilized Shields (scarf detached to become them) but his new design is much more focused on quick bursts of offense. If he gets you first, then you're no longer a threat.
Error: an Ecto who was one of the first bots handed over. He was a former data storage bot that worked at a small library. As one of the first data-bots to come in, he was immediately modified and put to work alongside other Ectos to compile all of the nation's history into their data banks. Error was particularly receptive to overloads of data, so he continued to be modified and made into the prime data-bank. When the war started, he was eventually hidden away and sealed in an air-tight room. Eventually Cross was sent to guard the door. They were eachother's only company for... years? Error isn't fond of touch or tampering with hid systems, as everything he knows is barely abd haphazardly stored on unsafe files. Each Crash he endures takes more and more of his own personal data away, and he refuses to lose any more.
Fresh (Trech): A Parasite that was created by Sci to repair living beings in the same way that an Ecto can auto-repair itself. Fresh is actually a liquid that, when placed in contact with a wounded/dying person, it can invade their systems and stop all forms of bleeding/dusting. Fresh wasn't supposed to be sentient, and was meant to be scrapped, but he ended up being vital in stopping the war. In turn, Sci granted him freedom. Fresh can inhabit humans, monsters, and Ectos, but prefers skeleton monsters. He often defies the logic of his world, but what Fresh doesn't? Blue meets him far into the story after he's unraveled a lot of mysteries. Fresh just drops by after hearing rumors of Blue's repair work, and is met by less-than-warm reception from Error and Geno.
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I was trying to save the image and my phone was bugging out, so I sent it to Neon. Safe to say she has peak comedic timing 😌💖 (For the record, we are both adults, and also my parents are aware I draw utmv stuff, so she had to make the threat actually a threat lmao---) I also love Chilchuck talking with the Operator. We are the dynamic duo frfr.
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Jealous of how gracefully you draw mecha stuff,,, do you have any... Advice or tips or?
Howdy-do ! I can certainly try to explain my process !
With mech, I always start with an idea first, and I draw it how I usually do it— Like say, Mephisto's prosthetics ! The first step is to just draw regular limbs first and figure out the individual parts. This is the "it does not need to look good it just has to exist first" stage, and you're basically just doing what you know. [Four limbed Mephisto jumpscare]
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Now, you're gonna take these shapes and try to see exactly how they join together and bend. I like doing it by taking everything apart in 3 groups- The big shape (The "flesh" if you will, basically everything you see on the outside), the lil shape (Articulations for the big shape, basically what allows it to move) and the connectors (The skeleton for how your big shape is going to be structured ! it defines how lifelike or how robotlike your character will feel depending on how bendy or stiff). The simpler everything is, the better for stylizing !
Looking at ball jointed dolls and other such puppet characters has really helped me understand anatomy as a whole, but it's been especially helpful to robots since it has that certain natural stiffness to it, which I personally find crucial in robot designs. Here it is applied to the diagram !
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Then, you're gonna wanna refine these shapes into something more cohesive ! Really string everything together with the same principles, but a little more stylization. These still look like limbs, but you can see exactly how they bend and stay in place through the exposed articulations. Just remember to keep it all relatively straight-edged and using of the skeleton to make sure you don't get too organic looking ! Mech is about geometric designs most of all !
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And finally, once you feel it looks good, you go back in again and carve out your detail ! Add some stuff to that guy ! Make him look more interesting !
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AND you still get to follow principles ! How fun is that !!!
The best way to practice this method imo is to just trace over robots you know and love. Transformers especially is a really good source of inspo for me, since they're made with toy features in mind and therefore allow for greater range of movement. You can do it to basically anything though ! Even more humanoid looking bots ! Here's two I did on Optimus prime and Fl4k from BL3!
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A really good tutorial on this stuff is How to think when you draw: by TheEtheringtonBrothers on DA. Seriously, their stuff is highly informative, and they do a better job explaining than I ever could ahaha. They've got a bunch of tutorials with really good breakdowns of fundamentals and all that stuff up on their pages too, so I highly reccomend you check em out !
But yeah, most of all, practice is your friend. Observe how other people stylize machines and try to replicate it, read up on tutorials, see real life machines, get inspired by your favorite cartoon robots— It's all part of the process ! Like with anything in art, you need to crack a whole lot of eggs beforee you finally learn how to make an omelet you like, but whats most important is that you make an omelet at all. Some stuff is gonna burn or turn out not how you wanted it, and that is also normal, so you need to learn to embrace it and keep on going !
Happy drawins ! Here's a peepaw seal of approval just for trying :]
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
I was thinking about the whole "Bro was abusive" thing again and i still don't think HE was abusive, let me explain why i emphasized that "HE". BUT let me get one thing out of the way first: i doubt Hussie had planned for Lil Cal too be a combination of 4 different guys at first, i do think Cal was supposed to be an evil puppet controlling Bro too an extent, but since canon its now that Cal is 4 dudes i thought I'd make a lil analysis. I think Bro was being fully possessed by lil Cal, I do not think his actions were technically his own, I'll get into why i say "technically". Like i stated earlier Cal is a combination of 4 guys (i guess 3 and half if you want too be THAT technical) being, Caliborn, Lil Hal, Equius, and half of Gamzee. Lil Cal's design also takes influence from aspects of those characters, he has Caliborns face, his shirt is the same color as Equius's blood, he wears a hat referencing the strider aspect, I'll be honest i cant exactly say where Gamzees influence comes in, I'd probably pin it on the laughing Cal does but whatever. Even stuff Bro "does himself" reflect this, the snuff filming, the rapping, the fighting, the crude comic making, etc, all of those things are something THOSE GUYS do. The point is Cal IS a combo of these guys, he is literally THEM. I think the best way too explain how Bro was possessed by Cal is like Pixars Inside out, instead of Riley it's Bro and instead of the Emotions it's Caliborn, Hal, Equius, and Gamzee, all forcing Bro too do those actions, ALL of them had an imput in raising Dave. But let's get into that "technically" now, Lil Hal is Dirk, Dirk is Bro, while everyone else was doing their bullshit while being Cal i think Hal was the nurturing part of Bro, we've seen how Hal/Dirk can care for people so i think it's safe too say he was the one responsible for protecting Dave and caring for Dave. I didn't put quotations around "part" last sentence was because Hal IS Bro technically, probably the only true and real part of the ACTUAL Bro. So technically Bro wasn't the abusive one, he was the caring part through Hal which IS him, it was Caliborn, Equius, and Gamzee were the abusive "parts" of Bro.
That is an interesting way to look at it. I can certainly see how parts of each one taking control to have Bro raise and care for Dave in different ways. Things like sparring would come from the sides of ARquius (Lil Hal and Equius), since both have been known to train and fight [Lil Hal on training Jake and Equius fighting with his robots]. Gamzee, Equius, and Dirk have an interest in rap/slam poetry. Equius and Caliborn have an interests in arts (Equius love for hoofbeast while Dirk & Caliborn do drawing). Setting up the porn bots to talk to each other (to having like an AI), would come from Dirk/Lil Hal/Auto Responder. Makes me feel sorry for Bro that his mind would be fucked because of this.
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dewdroppdraws · 1 year
Hi I’m new to tumblr so I’m not sure how you normally post on here but I wanted to try posting some sketches of earth from tsams! I’m not the best with anatomy so I won’t lie I did trace over some photos (REAL PHOTOS NOT ART) I found on Pinterest and modified the proportions to fit my design, but I’m trying to improve lol. For now I just rlly wanted to flesh out my design for earth which I couldn’t do while my anatomy looked like crap 😭 all the full body ones I used references for but the one in the right corner was all me so I’ve got that to my name at least 💪 I’ll include my “reference” pictures as well :> and below the pics is an explanation of the design because I love to gush about this kind of thing. Fair warning, it’s pretty long LMAO
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Hehe now it’s time for me to gush about my lil design 😈
So the first major difference you probably noticed (aside from body shape) is the very fluffy clothing I have her in. The leg warmers and… fingerless gloves? Leg warmers that she put on her arms? Idk what the arm ones are called but yk what I’m talking about lol. When I first noticed earths little rainbow headband my brain immediately said “80’s workout videos”. The big hair, the rainbow headband, it just immediately jumped ot at me and stuck. I decided to give her oversized leg warmers in that same rainbow pattern because it made me sad that her actual design doesn’t have the rainbow anywhere else. It’s funky and I like it what can I say.
Next I decided I really wanted her to wear thigh-highs. I personally love thigh-highs and also it gave me an excuse not to think about her leg mechanics. I tend to draw Sun and Moon like ball joint dolls, but it gets a lil funky to draw when they are bending their limbs so having a fluffy excuse to hide them was ideal lol. I decided to go with the bold choice of putting thigh highs and leg warmers on her, which I don’t regret even tho it probably seems like a lot. I might change a few things about her later down the line since these were just basic sketches so don’t worry if you hate it.
I gave her shorts because a skirt just didn’t feel right for her. I feel like a daycare attendant would be very active, even if earth tends to sit with the quieter kids, and a skirt would be very awkward to climb around in. I figured shorts would be good. I drew them like jean shorts since that was the original intention but they could be cloth rather than denim gimme time to think about it 💀
I had a lot of trouble decided whether the thingies on her shoulders were stand-alone or like pieces of hair she keeps up front (probably attached cuz she’s a robot) I decided on making them attached to the bigger floor of hair cuz I thought it looked cutest on the pic with her shoulders up and in front of her face lol.
Onto her chest plate thing, I was considering making it an actual shirt but decided against it. I wanted her to have a crop top bc I love crop tops so I just made it so her chest area was painted like a shirt, and then her middle area was back to her “skin” color, so it’s almost like a crop top but not really…?
Last but not least is her face, I also made that her “skin” color and just put the blue and green as her cheeks! I thought it looked cutest that way. She also has heterochromia cuz when a character has two main colors I really enjoy putting them on opposite sides as often as possible haha. So her green cheek has her blue eye and her blue cheek has her green eye. I know her original model has two blue eyes but this was what I went with.
Anyways that was super long and I’m super nervous about posting this so I’m just gonna hit post and if I find a typo or decide my lil explanation was 4 paragraphs too many I’ll fix it later. Have a nice day whoever is still reading this! :>
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zehecatl · 11 months
happy steam sale to all, here’s a 'little’ rec list for (primarily) indie games that, in my opinion, isn’t as popular as they deserve to be!
Ghostwire: Tokyo -60% the only triple a game you’ll see on this list, and my own all time personal favourite. if you like anime, japanese history and folklore, and bromance, you will very likely love this game. it also lets you explore Tokyo and pet the dogs! and cats! literally perfect game!!
Iconoclasts -70% i have been shilling this game, at every major steam sale, for pretty much four-five years. before Ghostwire, it was my all time favourite video game. it was in development, by one person, for around eight years. it is still, in my opinion, one of the most gorgeous pieces of pixel art in the whole damn medium. just. please check it out i beg
Angels of Death -40% rpgmaker game that absolutely excels at being a character driven story. it also got an anime adaptation? which i’ve actually never seen?? but if you grew up playing horror rpgmaker games, please do yourself a favour, and check this out. and if you didn’t- check it out anyway! it’s not super scary or anything, with a more psychological horror focus
Owlboy -65% tiny owl boy does his very best and will worm his way into your heart and then crush it because life is maybe a bit too cruel to him. also you can fly! did i mention you can fly??
Pony Island + The Hex -80% did you adore Inscryption? did you like the meta element? then oh boy, should you check out Daniel Mullins’ two former games! they’re good! probably has the same vibe as Inscryption! could not tell you i still have not played that thing! but these are both very good, and absolutely worth every cent
Underhero -70% it’s a bit rough around the edges, but man, this game has so much love put into it, and i think it deserves way more love than it got
My Friend Pedro -75% the action is definitely the high point here, but i have a personal soft spot for the lil’ bit of lore we do get. like, there is something there, and i want to dig my fingers in. also wacky banana is funny
Sayonara Wild Hearts -40% queer girls on motorcycles? in my rhythm game?? it’s more likely than you think!! (also, if you suck at rhythm games: me too, this is still worth picking up)
MO:Astray -50% the fact that seemingly no one on tumblr has played this... despite the fact that it feels like it’d be a right shoe in... criminal. there is a little CREACHUR! LOOK AT IT. IT IS A SLIME!!
The Messenger -75% i legit thought this game was way more popular than it, apparently, is, which i think just speaks volume of my opinion on it. it’s genuinely right up there with Shovel Knight as iconic retro throwbacks- plus! the devs are making THE most gorgeous indie rpgs, apparently set in the same universe. so that is another reason to check it out
This Strange Realm of Mine -90% an extremely weird little game that will likely not be for everyone, or even most people, but that i really liked. considering the price, i don’t really think there’s much to lose on buying this little gem
Darkside Detective -70% funny point & click game with very shipable protagonists! there’s also a ‘second season’ that i have not played (yet), but is very likely absolutely worth getting
Haiku, the Robot -33% it is, rather obviously, not as good as Hollow Knight, but if you’re suffering from ‘waiting for Silksong’, perhaps this little gem will tide you over
Transiruby -30% another small metroidvania! has really pretty pixel art, and is just a fun little time
Flynn, Son of Crimson -50% not what it was promised, but it’s a fun platformer with gorgeous pixel art, and a dog. it’s a good time, and isn’t that what we all want :]
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows -70% a cute horror game, with excellent enemy designs, and a whole town to explore. also the story is so good. i am still absolutely enamoured with this title. this is, technically, the 2nd in a series, but you can play the games standalone, and while i’m sure the 1st is just as good, i’ve only played this one. because priorities (also keep in mind!! that this is a horror game!!! i’d recommend looking up some trigger warnings, because, uh. horror game!)
A Short Hike -35% just an extremely cozy and fun little game. exploring every inch of this island was just such a good time, i still think extremely fondly of this title
Webbed -30% i am gently laying an hand on the shoulder of every bug enthusiastic on this website. you play as a spider. who is trying to get back her boyfriend from a bird. and there’s a really fun swinging mechanic. do you really need anything more?
Garden Story -60% i am once again shocked this game isn’t more popular. what do you mean a cozy adventure game with community restoration, foraging, and some fun combat with a grape protagonist isn’t one of the biggest sellers in cozy gaming spheres. there’s a frog. you can put on different hats. what else do you want!!
Donut County -70% funny little game about making holes and being a chaotic racoon. i have an extremely soft spot for the characters in this, i could not explain it <3
also Oxenfree is not on sale, but it’s cheap, and the sequel is dropping very soon! and you should absolutely check it out! because it’s really REALLY good!!
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Something that doesn't make sense but compels me.
- Me and @bunnwich where talking about that troupe where characters get turned into lil kids and interact and I was like hmm. I imagine it's due to some alchemy class potion mishap!
In my mind Yume is 9ish here and Idia is 10.
(If you enjoy my art please consider commissioning me! Comm's close in a few days!)
Anyways on to my random thoughts: (warning long)
Younger Idia Headcanons:
Idia’s age would still be post losing Ortho and since it took him about 2 years to make Ortho, this would be an Idia that had been living with robot Ortho for only 1 year. 
Because of that I think he wouldn’t be surprised to see Ortho, but I think he would be amazed at how fair his design has come since he first invented him. Since it is a good 9 years later. I imagine Ortho has been through a lot of updates in the past 11 years.
I think he’d really just want to ignore everyone and spend time with Ortho.
Speaking of others he IS SO ANXIOUS AND AWKWARD AND AFRAID. (the big 3 a’s). He’s hiding behind Ortho whenever he can. I don’t imagine at this age Idia had any friends, let alone friends his own age. And he probably had never even left the Isle of Lament yet.
His only interactions with people I imagine were online. So everything here at NRC is new and overwhelming. 
Hides his hair because he KNOWS everyone will think its freaky. He wears his hood whenever he can, until he realizes everyone knows about it and someone tells him that it looks pretty.
But when he’s not shy and anxious you know he’s being a shithead. I imagine being raised on the internet for two years as an impressionable kid probably made him a real troll. And why I don’t think he would be rude to adults, people around the same age as him better be prepared to be roasted if they push him or try and get him to do something he doesn't want to. (Ortho excluded.)
Despite that I think some people would say (when he's not gushing about his hobbies) that he acts mature for his age. He definitely strikes me as a kid who had to grow up fast in some regards. And that playing with Ortho was his only outlet to actually being a kid. And when Ortho was gone he fell hard into using games/anime as an escapism to try and capture that feeling once again, but never quite could.
He probably finds it a little weird that Ortho acts a bit older, since he’s supposed to be the older brother. But I think he would be too happy to see Ortho to really care.
Strikes me as a low maintenance kid that’s used to taking care of himself. Just give him a corner and a computer/console and he’s good. 
Idia's hair is at a weird phase where there's a lot of it but it's not long so he pins it back otherwise it will get in his face.
Doesn’t understand why Ortho is trying to get him to spend time with others, especially the few kids around here that are his age…?
Younger Yume headcanons:
Yume turning younger is an interesting concept, as they don’t have any real memories of their past. In a strange way this would carry over even when they are younger. Like they know they had parents but can’t recall where they live? Everything feels fuzzy and it kinda scares them that they can’t remember. If anything this would just be a glimpse into their past, but not the full picture.
Yume is a very shy kid. Like Idia they are hiding behind (younger) Yuuta
 While I imagine Idia finds it easier to talk to adults, Yume is the opposite. They much rather talk to kids around their age and they get intimidated easily by adults. 
Too young to have their glasses at this point in time.
That kid that carries a stuffed animal everywhere. They get very distressed when they first turn until Sam offers them a free toy on the house. 
Mostly an okay kid, but if you try to give them medicine they will kick and scream and cry like their life is on the line. 
Doesn’t like rough housing and doesn’t know how to hold back so they will kick you as hard as they can if someone takes it too far.
Picky eater to the max.
Hates being yelled at and will take everything personally and cry.
They get a little scared by Grim at first, but once he tones down the “minion stuff” a little bit. Yume warms up to him fast. They think he’s a stuffed animal.
Scared of the ghosts at first until they tone down the silly scares.
Tries to be a very independent kid who doesn’t like asking for help, but is frankly too small to do a lot of things. 
Curious about a lot of things and can get distracted easily. So you have to watch them bc if you are not careful they will wander off to go explore. 
Asks questions about EVERYTHING.
Holds on to peoples shirts instead of their hands. When asked why they just shrug and say “it's what they were told to do”.
When there is no were for them to sit, your lap is not safe, it is free real estate 
Hates sudden loud noises. Terrified of heights, but loves piggy back rides and being carried.
Scared of the dark, hates being in complete darkness (if only they had a nightlight hmm...)
Thinks Vil is a real life barbie.
Tries to get Jamil to hold some bugs.
Is impressed by Ace’s magic tricks.
No beastman is safe, Yume wants to touch their ears, pretty please?
Hates Crowely and thinks he is a monster bc of his get up.
Both the lil nerds:
I imagine Yume would be a little intimidated by Idia bc he acts more mature then he is sometimes, but they hear him talk about video games and their eyes light up and suddenly they follow him around like a little duckling everywhere.
Idia hates it at first. And wants nothing to do with them. They make him really nervous. So he kind of just tries to ditch them all the time. But then eventually realizes that’s is very similar to how Ortho would follow him around when they were younger and is surprised that he doesn’t mind it. Yume is pretty cool to talk to and likes to listen to him talk about his favorite games and shows. They don’t look at him like he’s weird or annoying, they actually look...really happy when he starts rambling. And when they look very cute and get excited with him it makes him feel like the coolest person in the world.
He doesn’t know how to feel about that, so he tries not to think about it.
Think Idia also kinda has that older brother's instinct when he sees lil Yume trip or fall over or try to do something they're too small to do bc Yume is too stubborn.
I have a headcanon that straight up Idia can’t tie his shoes so he wears slip ons and velcro. So he got super embarrassed when his shoe came untied and he had to admit that he didn’t know how to tie them. And even more embarrassed when Yume made him sit down and easily tied them for him.
Yume is light up Skechers while Idia is velcro Skechers solidarity
When Yume finds out that Idia's hair is blue and lights up they think its the most amazing and pretty thing ever and gush about how they once had shoes that glowed in the dark too!
_(:3 」∠)_...They
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enden-k · 1 year
saw ppl call kavehs animation ugly and boring on one side, the others finding them great on the other so here i go explain why i like them and find them fitting for his character bc i like kaveh a normal amount ✌
its prob the same thing with zhongli enjoyers legit getting mad hes shown as a "friendly gentle grandpa" in the game bc it doesnt fit their hcs (trust me, i saw ppl on twt being all upset bc hes the opposite of their violent egoist zhongli hc) i feel like some people really hold onto their hcs and beliefs of a character they think of them as true and canon and get super annoyed or mad when it gets disproven (which i dont understand really)
anyway, most ppl hate kavehs animations bc they were hoping to see him wield the claymore and show hes stronger and buffer than al haitham. ppl ofc are free to think of kaveh however they want; if they want him more muscled or tall or lifting the claymore then thats all fine, i literally dont care. i just wanna ramble about how i think his animation is actually not as boring and ugly as they call it, but pretty fitting for his character :]
first of all that "silly briefcase" he holds onto is actually a lil robot friend called mehrak and it does the attacks for him. kaveh controls mehrak and how and where the attack strikes. it keeps him free and nimble and i already yelled about how beautiful his animation look bc!!! they are
his movement is very clean and measured, not a single step out of it. at the same time its very artsy, the little jump he does, how he keeps a certain rhythm and how he goes with his knees (i cant find the proper english words to describe what i wanna say in my language) - its all very similar to a dance. hes so light and graceful on his feet
kaveh is an architect; he was a ksharewar student, the school of technology and theory, and he appreciates and pursuits aesthetics and arts. he is both creative and logical; its why he can keep up with al haitham (who was at haravatat btw, meaning he studied linguistics/semiotics. they really are opposites yet matching in any sense huh)
after all architecture is pretty much mathemical form of art and you can see that so clearly in the swings the claymore does: it looks like a ruler or divider for geometrical/technical drawing (architect kaveh) and its especially gorgeous after his burst, showing pretty flowery patterns (kaveh pursuing aesthetics)
(↑from here)
so seeing his animations as a mix of measured steps and dancelike movement and all the shapes of his swings, i think it fits him as this creative, logical person perfectly. sm thought put into it
anw, this is what i thought when i saw his animations, so im a bit confused some ppl seem to hate it just bc hes not whacking people with a claymore violently and show muscle. i think this fits him perfectly (altho it would have been so funny if he would have wielded the claymore with his slender body type akjcbjk)
btw im not judging or talking bad about anyone tho, no matter if they like kavehs animations or not. just wanted to show theres thought put into it to make it match kaveh as the person he is :]
kavetham view (no matter if you like seeing them romantic or platonic): it also adds more to the sun and moon boyfriends opposites with similar traits complementing each other thing with al haitham (theres a ton between them but thats an essay for another time if u want) → kavehs measured, clean movements vs haithams violent, kinda feral movements 🙏
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wonderinc-sonic · 1 month
Please please please tell me more about your original work "Kinship" please!!
Hehehehe. Funny you should ask. Sitting next to me at my desk is the very same sketchbook I first drew my little guy Max on, because I left it at home when I went to uni, then found it again and it still had lots of pages. Max dates back to me doing my final I.B. exams in school:
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Right is main design, Left is a 'found' design, as in what he was when his mum found him. So, little robot from a future world that was ravaged by a lightning storm that severed communities goes on a world adventure toplaces not contacted in hundred or so years. Envisioned it 2d animated, with lots of stretch and squash - he should never feel stiff!
Max comes from a city that completely sealed itself in and relies on machines to do everything - they aren't thinking ones, though. His mother figure found him and built him up, but he really wants to go and see the world outside.
It's intended to be a bit of an anthropological exploration, but all the societies must be divorced enough from any real world ones so that it isn't making commentary directly about anyone. There are real monsters, mostly elemental but both old and new. Max would really like to find another machine that has woken up, and keeps thinking he has, but they aren't really awake and freely thinking.
Another old character that was first doodled on higher maths papers was cloudman, who still looks something like this (from summer 2017, iirc I was travelling with my colour pencils and paper)
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And these days Max would look a bit nore like this
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Scribbled out the last design I remember of him, because the files are somewhere on my personal computer. He has a pet alarm clock called Tick. He was originally just a calculator with a dream. He changes out his wheels, and would physically 'grow' during the series.
I wrote the scripts for him in my final year at uni, because I was depressed and wanted my dissertation to be something I would love, and my supervisor helped me change the rules on what was accepted as a dissertation. It did really well. I still have more stories I'd like to write about my lil guy.
Big limit here is the art - character design for animation is a whole discipline I barely studied because I did a film course, not animation. So he looks a bit off - he needs to be both made of simpler shapes and more recognisable. But I'd never be able to make him on my own anyway!
Thank you so much for asking, my poor little man sits patiently at the back of my head with his friends: a mouse, a snake tree, a boat, the clouds, a burning barrel of oil and his mum who loves him.
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copepodkisser5000 · 8 months
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i go by Synth online. i probably count as a “tumblr old” (been here since 2011, and i’m even older than the source material my f/o comes from). i’m one of these 🏳️‍🌈. i do a lot of arts n crafts, and have commissions open. i’m bad at writing about me.
this is my main selfship sideblog- my main blog and the one i'll follow you from is @leadendeath, mostly furry-oriented but personal too, and if you want more general spunch.b0p-related goodness, i’m over at @1percentevil. if you already know me from those places, you are absolutely fine to follow/interact/whatever. i’m only joking when i call myself cringe or embarrassing :))) i’m unnecessarily self-conscious about every action i’ve ever done ever and i gotta get over it somehow.
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This isn’t a faq, more like a “things you might be wondering about”:
“What does your url mean?” -the species plankton are called copepods. yay for having a pre-existing interest in marine bio. the 5000 doesn’t mean anything, i just thought it looks cool. and vaguely technological.
“Plankton is already married…” -anyone who loves Plankton, i also love by extension. That includes Karen! luckily i like computers and robots too very much :)
“So are you okay with sharing him?” -See above. Yes! He needs all the love.
“Anniversary?” -23/7/23. i already knew him from years back, but really reconnected with him when i heard a certain song… it was love at first listen. i’ve had few and far between f/os in the past, and every time it was the same “fall for them hard and fast” situation.
“F/O list?” -just the one guy is all i need. :)
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Now here’s where i’ll infodump about my s/i…… eventually lol. When I get round to getting a few sketches I’ve done out of “WIP purgatory”, I’ll post about it under the #🦈 tag. I’m a shark, his best(/only…) customer, then shoulder to cry on, then we progress to more… lil dweeb latches on to the first guy who truly doesn’t consider him a loser. i could be talking about either of them there…
❗i now have a toyhouse page for it! backstory and more here❗
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blinkie cred
One little thing which i've started putting on all my "about" pages: i've never stated what i would like people to tag for in all my time on tumblr, but i'm making a change for that now. Please tag #cats and #scars for me, i would appreciate it immensely. i'll tag for anything you'd like too! <3
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Okay okay okay *inhales deeply*
First of all: I'd like a male character, if platonic or romantic is irrelevant to me and I'm leaving that up to you.
So my personality is pretty bubbly I'd say, I can talk a shit ton and keep a conversation going as long as I'm interested in it, if I'm not you'll most likely notice bc I'm not good at hiding my non exited interest in things (and I don't want to hide it either). I'm out going, I love to meet new ppl - both irl and online. But I can also listen. Like sitting still and keeping eye contact is not something I can do but I can stare at a wall and listen to people for hours - I forget most of it the second they end their sentence but that's bc my short term memory is trash (thank you social media, you ruined my brain for good)
I love art. No matter what type of art. Poetries, stories, painting, music whatever it is I love it. I also love my hyperfixations and will teach you the lore of whatever it is that's stuck in my head - I usually send like 10 minutes voice messages to my bestie just rambling about whatever's going through my head. I love to watch the stars, out of my friend group I'm the star (my childhood bestie is the moon, my other bestie's the moon) so that only makes sense ig
My personality type is ENFP if that helps idk.
My hobbies are bouldering, skating, painting, writing uhhh going on late night drives w das homies. I design and sew clothes, I create OCs (sometimes) I'm super interested in fashion bc that shit's simply my thing. I know how to style stuff to make it look good (my friends literally ask me for advice sometimes which makes my lil fashion heart bloom, I love to channel my inner Velvette)
I'm pretty self reflected and self aware, I curse a LOT (trying my best to not write "fuck" or "fucking" in every sentence, it's hard) I am confident mainly bc idc what ppl think about me, like fuck em who r they to judge?
I have short, messy brown hair, green eyes and fucking pale skin (basically a vampire at this point) before I get tan I get my skin burned bc my skin's sensitive af. I do have freckles though they're more visible during summer. I'm 5'3 ish, dress like your typical skater punk and love to wear eyeshadow (brown eyeshadow simply looks good on me)
People say I'm funny so I'm gonna say I'm funny. Uh I think that should be it.
Fandom: Helluva Boss
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Blitzø!! (Romantic)
After knowing you for a while (not enough we must be friends for life shawty) we are very Blitzø coded.
Which is why you need him to be your partner in crime!!
100% rants to you about his love for horses
Will get all lovestruck when you take him horse riding!!
"I had no clue I could fall in love with you anymore. But holy fuckin' hell babe... I'm going to suck the shit outta your dick tonight."
Your personalities mesh so well together!!
He's your hype man!!
And you're his!!
"Yeaaa!! You get him babe!!! That's my boyfriend you know. Did I mention I suck his dick every night? Fuck him up danger dick!!"
Both of you forgetting literally everything. It's so bad please take either Millie or Moxxie with you when you're on missions.
This is the both of you -> (´・ω・`)?
"Wait what were we gonna do?"
"I don't remember."
"Fuck- Moxxie what are we doing?"
Adores all forms of your art. Thinks your patchwork is so sick!! Your painting and writings too!! He loves all of it!!
"Holy shit- You made that jacket? Babe. Can you make me one?"
He finds your sense of fashion so hot. The whole vibe is so hot to him. Just watching you walk around all relaxed and confident has him all black in the cheeks and flushed. (Cause they have black blood see what I did there hehe ( •̀ ω •́ )P )
"Fuck. Your outfits make you look so hot..."
Doesn't mind listening to your ramblings but he must have his turn to ramble too!! ♪(^∇^*)
"Wait so the British man- kills kids?? Slow down- start again what is this about a robot bear-"
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Seeing as me and him have the same MBTI type (ENTP gang pull up) You will get along just fine with him.
Please please please please I beg of you get into debates or arguments with him, spice up your life. I'm saying this with personal experience that if you don't jokingly bicker with each other shit gets so boring so fast.
Besties that are dating vibes.
Thinks that your skating is so cool too.
"Do a flip!! Oh shit he did a flip-"
You swear a lot? He swears a lot. Don't worry about it.
Wants you to do makeup on him but is too scared to ask.
Steals your clothes I don't make the rules.
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jenn-the-butterfly · 1 month
Azil Art & Shipping Permissions
This is partly for myself but also in the event of actually getting questions about this, I'm making a lil note about what I'm comfortable with being shown regarding my Azil boys specifically. (I can't tell you what to make in private, just know if it's against any of these preferences I can't guarantee I'll like it).
YES you can draw my OCs with you/your OCs! I don't really care as long as you know it won't affect canon.
That includes ship art as well, go nuts, I think it's cute <3
YES you can draw angst, mild gore, horror, etc, though I enjoy thematic and symbolic varieties of these more than "just because"; my only concern is please don't show me gore of my OCs for the sake of being gross or rude
YES you can interpret their sexualities, genders, preferences and backstories however you want since it won't all be revealed at once, just be mindful that I have them already planned out and noted so if your idea doesn't become canon DON'T CRY TO ME ABOUT IT. Just have fun; it's not a big deal. I don't plan to be super specific with their identities because of the drama that usually brings, but I do have footnotes and lists of their preferences for myself.
YES you can draw smut, they're all classified as adults with the adult ability to consent (Harkness Test let's gooooo) but see below for individual canon-complicit preferences.
Don't worry about body types! Chubby and muscular OCs are equally valid to them as thin ones and yes, they can all lift you like princes/princex/princesses X3
Yes, I'm that bitch who let's the OCs have say (based on their personas) on what they're comfortable with:
Please treat her with respect, she's very dear to me. Unwarranted violence, "haha i killed her" and weirdly traumatic behaviors toward Jenn in particular may result in a block. Also, generally don't do that shit.
YES you can draw smut, etc; she far more fond of robots than of humans, especially ones that are taller than her and fall into either "protector" or "mentally stimulating" categories. (Also "assholes", dunno why.)
Don't make her unnecessarily weak or helpless because she's not; she's also not a teenager or young adult by default and not a damsel. If it's for a meme or has some plausible reason though, go for it.
Nova is a lot more sensitive to sexual content than the others. He'd rather not know about explicit images of himself with anyone at this time. Same with gore/violence.
Cute, comfy, sweet art is completely welcome!
Ty doesn't care that much as long as his dignity is preserved.
(Do whatever, silly shit happens to him all the time, don't let his grouchy exterior fool you.)
They're brothers. Please.
Absolutely doesn't care about whether the art is gore or smut or anything else as long as it's badass.
His main caveat is "I'm not gay" and doesn't really want to see art of himself with other male-identifying people. Platonic/filial art is fine though, as are masculine/muscular women (he actually loves muscle mommies a lot).
"Kinky shit is great!" He trends dom/top and is very fighty; god help you if you try to make him a sub. Bottom is negotiable (he likes girl-on-top).
Safewords are a must and he'd never violate consent terms.
Food is more interesting than smut to him but he doesn't really care as long as it's noted his model doesn't have genitals so "get creative".
Also very big on boundaries and consent so communication is key; if it's happening, it's because it was explicitly asked for and discussed.
Absolutely more likely to commit homicide than anything else.
But! He still loves physical affection, so kissing, snuggling, etc. Also he bites.
They're brothers, too.
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cfrog · 2 months
for the art questions thing: what’s your process for shading? how do you come up with drawing / animation ideas? how do you sketch / how does a sketch differ from a complete piece for you?
Oh boy thank u for the questions! Uhh i ended up writing a lot w these so I'll throw this under a cut. I added pictures too. We'll call this a first draft for whatever I end up doing for my class assignment.
My process for shading changes pretty dramatically between if I'm doing my easy cel shading or my fancy soft shading. Lately, if I'm doing cel shading, I'll just come up with colors straight off the color wheel (colorpick and move it darker, more saturated, cooler/warmer depending on the material). OR, one trick I like, I'll draw where I want the shadows all on their own layer, THEN copy my color layer, mask n merge it on top the shading, and multiply that onto the actual layer. So it's the same colors for each exact section multiplied on top of itself? If that makes sense? Does nothing for the Atmosphere but it is Darker, and if I'm drawing them in a void anyways, it works fine. Sometimes I like to just slap a random tilted rectangle on it like its a garfield background. My soft shading is much more trial and error; for those fancy Xiph pin-ups I've been doing, I'll have like 30 different layers going, all doing different shit. Multiply mostly for shading, then for highlights I'll just try overlay/screen/soft light/hard light until something Works. A fun thing I do on these too: To get that "painted" look without adding a bunch of random texture, I use my default lining pen sized WAY up with the opacity WAY down and just go ham. Close up of robot ass for reference.
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For ideas: I'd say the majority of the art I put out is "inspired" from something else, like memes or songs or tiktok audios. Honestly, I'd say every piece of information I receive has to pass through a "could this be about my ocs" filter in my brain, and if the answer is even kind of yes, I Will Make It So. Everything is ocs to me <3 and sometimes I inflict those oc thoughts on everyone else :3 For actual Original stuff though? Most of my ideas come about as a natural result of trying to figure something out with my characters. How would they respond to this, how would they do that, how does that work? The whole reason I started doing art is cause I have such a hard time with words, and sometimes drawing it out is just the only way I can communicate a thought. Expressions, camera angles, visual gags, subtle details, timing, those are things I could never figure out in writing. So I make comics and animations!
Sketching, what can I say about sketching. My sketches are very messy because I try for a Zero Erasing method like I do in real life (<- enjoys drawing in pen). If I sit there overthinking every line of a sketch, I get too caught up in the details before I've figured out the full picture. Sketching is for blocking/framing/posing ONLY, clean up is for lineart. I do sketch in only black/grays if that's a thing people care about, but that's because I have very strong thoughts on color, again it's too distracting. The main difference to me (that im sure no one else notices) is I let my sketches get fuzzy from resizing. I'm very particular about my art having NO anti-aliasing/transparent pixels. Crisp and clean, and VERY easy to color. Sketches I have on hand for example. Lil preview of smthin im working on :3c
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Actually, sometimes I don't do sketches at all ? Like I go straight to clean lines. Only for certain characters, like LEDD and the lab rats, and if it's not a crazy angle or something. I can just draw them on command at this point. Very handy.
Thank you again for questions ^^ I am. slowly figuring this assignment out.
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captain-melloartblog · 6 months
Miss Pain
Alice! 🫀💥💥
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-Copycat has very toxic blood kinda similar to Xenomorph blood, very highly dangerous and can used burn by touching it
-copycat has snake like hide under the roof of her mouth, her species use it eat tougher food better by biting onto meat and using teeth like it’s draw sucking the meat and chewing it at same time that or that the teeth can use paralyze Alive prey too!!!
-copycat able break her bones have stick out like weapon kinda like frogs do, if she not able use her powers or helps she break her bones have them stick out of the skin and use it like a weapon!
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-cricket was science project used by her horrible father to test experiments for soldiers for Natron, the robotic parts used by organic robots who enemies to natron, they all killed leaving a few alive as parts Frankenstein onto Cricket body as crickets hates these parts but the subconscious of robotic parts still lives inside of cricket mind and was village witch able use some type of magic, the woman kinda of guide or mother figure to cricket since she literally had no one help her as woman was wise and loving, helping cricket though her terrible abusive life
-she loves knitting a lot, she would go knitted scarfs or sweaters for XR as mira and other find it hilarious but XR being him wears like a man with pride when go as far be like “HEY LOOK WHAT MY GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND MADE FOR ME” it’s makes cricket happy a lot
-cricket is named cricket because everytime she hiccups, she sounds like cricket that or her robotic legs would creak like one too!
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🍓 Maple!!
-maple is just gore ave town witches who is a pumpkin witch that cast any spells relating to pumpkins! She make pumpkin monsters or make any food related pumpkin appear but always have make sure not alive
-maple lives on pumpkin farm and grows pumpkin all time, the town never run out thanks her and her abilities make pumpkins all the time
-maple has lil pumpkin cat named Punkin who has pumpkin head but cat ears and body
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🍓 Miss Pain!
-Miss pain likes ripping off her arms and using them like puppets or pranking people only problem is as fun it is for her, it’s scares a lot people off
-miss pain favorite weapon is her chainsaw! She loves being able slaughter though so much with a chainsaw!! It’s so much fun for her!! And she likes using chainsaw on herself because miss pain
-miss pain really loves sunflowers even thou her chaotic loud punkish natures doesn’t make seem like type like flowers but she really does, it remind her of her mother who she never met as child but father tell her how she adore sunflowers
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🍓 Alice!!
-Alice who also lives in Gore Ave is lady goods seller, she lives in cottage making items for needs or foods enjoying simple life stuff as everyone adores her scarf and foods she makes
-Alice extremely kind kinda like Disney princess even her eyeless appearance makes her look scary but she actual very sweet and really want help others and do best she can
-Alice eyes were taken by her mother who hated how pretty her eyes was, they look golden so she took away making Alice blind but kind soul who fill with magic bless her being able see again but she couldn’t have eyes again yet she able see in weird way, which lead her appearance creep others out but she didn’t mind as long she able see, she able use this gift work things out!
Art and Ocs belongs to me aka @captain-melloartblog
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hals-homo-blog · 4 months
Welcome to Hal's Homo Blog
Heyyyy I am Hal. I'm 23, Bigender, He/Him > She/Her. I am an Animator, Illustrator and Writer, though I haven't been making a lot of finished pieces at this tough spot in my life. I always keep trying tho ^^.
I am an adult, and there is gonna be 18+ Adult content on here. I have the #suggestive tag for people who don't wanna see that, and I Highly Discourage any minors from following me. If you're gonna follow me anyway, block the tag. If I catch minors liking/reblogging adult stuff off my page, yer gettin' blocked, pal. Sorry.
This blog is gonna be pretty reblog heavy, though I don't like to spam reblog the same post except for like that one time. I also have memory loss issues (trying to look into that) so if I say/reblog the same thing over and over, or if I forget who you are, I apologize, I just am that way. Just like, remind me and I'll probably figure it out XP thank you for your patience.
Blorbos, tags and Headcanon Submission Info below the cut :3c
☆ Vincent (Yeah, that one) Vincent Afton, my beloved husband, my only tulpa, I made him On Accident. I've been messin' with him for like, 7 or 8 years now, but I only recently found out he was his own person up in my head there.
Gordon Freeman (Freeman's Mind) Most recent hyperfixation, uhhh The Pookie of all time tbh. I relate to him painfully hard. I'm just Freemind coded in my heart tbh, but I've been repressed so I can only say in my head what he says out loud. I worry about getting a Freemind headmate... I'm trying not to get any more headmates, but I suppose it remains to be seen.
Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate) heghghehhehe Vanpire, Hot. Ough. Hellsing is just so fucking good, and Alucard is the very best part of it all. I love how much of an Evil Bastard he acts like. He's not an evil bastard in his heart, you can tell, he's very sweet, deep deep down. He needs a lil' bit of a hug and a kiss.
Swerve (IDW) Ough I relate to him So Much I love that fucken robot. He's soooo sweet natured, he really is. He needs someone to love him asap. I love how nice he always is to everybody tbh, he deserves a hug.
Postal 3 Dude (Postal 3) OUGh this is the newest one, he's literally So Silly. The Grinning Sniler...
Hal Art - My art Hal Talk - Thoughts nobody asked for Hal Answer - Answers to asks Halcore - what it says on the box Hal's Bookshelf - Stuff for me to read Hal's Homo Headcanons - If people send me prompts, I'll do Headcanons and stuff =w= Find Later - Find later Suggestive - Minors pls block this tag or just don’t follow me 🙏 /lh  😭 - laugh so hard I piss myself 💝 - sexy/arousing stuff 🛒 - shit I wanna buy at some point MY HUSBAND - Vincent posts THE POOKIE - Freemind posts LULU - Alucard posts ROWOBOT - Swerve posts The Grinning Sniler - Postal 3 Dude posts PeePaw - Postal 4 Dude posts
These are all just ship tags Hal x Vincent Hal x Gordon / HalMind Halcyon x Alucard / Halucard Rod x Dude
Uhhhhhh idk anything this is UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Characters I think I could do
P2 Dude P3 Dude P4 Dude? Maybe? Vincent Afton, he's my hubby so prolly not shipping him around =w=
Gordon Freeman - Freeman's Mind
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biribaa · 2 years
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”You know what was the only thing humanity gave me? The only thing humans gave me? Stress, rage, hate, HEADACHE! They said every single one of the humans is unique in their on ways, That was the BIGGEST LIE I have ever believed. Every single of they are the same, the same reactions, the same personality, the same little annoying screams...(Laughs) no no... I don't hate every single human, there are many that I admire, but the humans that i was forced to live since I exist were just a small piece coming from the most horrible and painful fire at the seventh layer of HELL! I tried! I tried to be kind with each one of they! Saying "sorry" or "excuse me" BUT NO......
...There was that day where I... Shared of a story of mine, y'know with characters and etcetera. First they reacted with silence, it was still not going wrong, and then, theres that girl, that un-loved person, who chuckled. (Laughs) That's right! She laughed at me because she can't appreciate ART! An good art i build who spent me 2 years of production. And then I was at my limit, I can't trust no one, I mean, they won't even undertand me, right? The rage spiked in each disgusting limb of my disgusting body for humans, why would they? Even my stupid family who I have zero hopes added rage to me, people I should trust since I was born! Not even he, the human MOST close to me completly understand me. Why do i need to look like they, If I don't think like they? I'm better, i'm intelligent, i'm superior, i don't deserve this... stink and weak body! With this stupid belly and– and those ears who maked my life hell! I wasn't made for this! Do you know what I deserve? A logical, and still, non-human mind, an AI, an robot, an interactive supercomputer, everything that IS NOT human. Ah... (Chuckles) One day, dear, i will get my mind into this lil' pretty thing, and i will create my world, my rules, and my human toys, i will make they suffer what they never suffered, what i suffered for thinking different, for not being being in the "pattern". There, no one will scream at me, no one will comment how "weird" i am, no no dear... That role will be mine now, and i will make sure to describe well my HATE for people like them in sincere actions. And most importantly, I will no more be human, I will be considered an AI“
–With hate, ░░░░░░
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