#same thing with hair parts I'll watch a show of some sort and their hair is so pretty
queseraphita · 10 months
Anime gave me such unrealistic expectations on hair parts and bangs as a teenager
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bvidzsoo · 6 months
Grease and Oil
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TW: cursing, smut wrap it before you tap it
Word count: 5,6k
A/N: I don't think I'll ever let go of bleached spikey haired Mingi. It changed something in me, I'll never be the same. I have nothing to say except...why did I even write this? Song Mingi stop haunting me, thank you. It's not the best, but the best I can write lol. Feedback is very much appreciated!
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            The smell of grease, oil, and gasoline weren’t something unfamiliar to me, nor were they nauseating. It was something I was used to. These were familiar scents; scents which I have started associating with home. Cars, too, were something I associated with a feeling of familiarity, of something dear to me. Walking inside my father’s car service was like a second home, a place I knew like the back of my hand. I wasn’t huge on fixing cars, but I knew a few things here and there. Despite my father’s attempts at making me a great mechanic one day, I struggled to understand the in-depth parts and mechanism of a car, therefore I settled on appreciating their beauty. Can’t say my father was too happy about it, but his concerns faded away when I found a path for myself. I applied to a college, choosing to study literature as I struggled finding anything else I liked. Perhaps creative writing was a subjected I happened to enjoy too, but I had no idea where my degree would take me one day. I had no intentions of teaching English literature, the children these days were awful and very disrespectful. My short temper would’ve surely gotten the worst of me if placed in a situation where I had to deal with rude kids. And so, I settled on reading my books and pouring my feelings out into short poems when I wasn’t at college. Or by wasting my time away at my father’s car service. It’s not like I had anything better to do—I actually did, but procrastination is my best friend. Besides, most of his employees are above the age of thirty-five, and two of them I have known since I was a little girl, they could be really fun to hang around…and it’s not like I would often stop by because my father has an employee who is barely a few years older than myself. And it’s definitely not because he is the hottest man alive I have ever seen. He’s a tall and lean guy, his posture immaculate with his shoulders always pulled back, his long legs worth envying and shoulders so broad you could hide behind them and nobody would see you. In the summer, he usually wears tight tank tops, showing off his humble muscles, biceps finer than most guy’s of his age. And his pants, which are fireproof, cling onto his body, showing off his narrow waist. This guy was a sight for sore eyes and I couldn’t blame the few ladies who would occasionally stop by, completely taken aback by this guy’s visuals. It wasn’t fair that he had a perfect body, especially when his face was good-looking too. God sometimes had favorites and Song Mingi definitely was one of them with his long nose, sharp eyes and cherry red lips, a singular mole underneath his left eye decorating his flawless skin. His personality also made him desirable and that just made him a dangerously charming and handsome human being. Perhaps my frequent visits to the service during the summer were sort of his merit too, not just the want to spend some quality time with my father as he spent little time at home. I knew he was busy; I couldn’t blame him. His service was one of the best in our little town and money didn’t just magically appear, you had to work hard for it and that’s what he did, he worked his ass off all the time. The fact that he has employed Song Mingi was just the cherry on top, the little motivation I needed to perhaps learn more about cars.
I was settled on top of my father’s working desk, tools pushed to the side, feet dangling as I watched him work on a car’s engine, getting more and more furious by the second as he couldn’t find one missing screw. I watched quietly as his phone rang again, making him sigh loudly before he straightened himself up and took the call, eyebrows furrowed. It was a hot summer day, the AC did little to nothing inside the hot service, and the use of different electrical tools only created more heat inside the spacious room. I had started fanning myself, overhearing my father make an appointment as an obnoxiously loud engine whirled past the entrance to the service, making my heart skip an excited beat. It was lunch break, and Mingi had just returned from eating his meal. He was gone by the time I had arrived; I was rather lazy this morning and thus didn’t bother getting out of bed before 12 pm. My father turned towards me as he finished his call, looking rather irritated. It wasn’t directed at me; however, I still knew a lecturing would follow because I sat on his tool desk…again.
“Get off, Y/N, I asked you so many times not to sit there,” He sighed tiredly as he headed for the exit, “I have to examine a car, are you coming to the front?”
Certainly not before I have seen Mingi, “I’ll wash my hands first, they feel slimy, meet you at the reception, dad.”
He nodded once and hurried outside, phone already ringing once again. Summer seasons were always busy, work pilling up quickly. I started fanning myself with my hands as another heatwave hit me, making me sigh. Not even a tank top and shorts were enough to stop me from sweating buckets. I pushed my hair behind my shoulders and gripped the table, about to jump off it, when the man I stayed behind for finally showed up. He walked through the open garage door, having to duck as it wasn’t raised enough for his towering height. He had his back to me as he walked inside, carrying two boxes, muscles of his arms bulging as a few guys greeted him, instructing him where to place the boxes. However, nothing could’ve prepared me for the wave of shook which rooted me to my spot. My mouth hung open as my eyes remained trained on Mingi, and I could only hope nobody noticed my shameless gaping. Three days ago, when I have stopped by last, the man’s hair reached his shoulders almost and was a faded light brown. Now, his hair was completely bleached blonde and stood up in all places, spikey. A hairstyle definitely shouldn’t have made my tummy do flips, yet I had nothing to swallow as I watched Mingi laugh with a fellow mechanic, explaining something to him animatedly. His black tank top was tucked inside his beige pants, a black belt holding it against his hips securely. A black bandana was tied to his left bicep and I licked my lips as my eyes ran over his frame, stopping for a second too long on his ass. Perhaps crawling onto the wall sounded like the most normal thing to do right now. Just as I was about to look away, the man he was talking to briefly glanced at me and Mingi suddenly turned his head, eyes falling on me. Looking away right now would mean admitting that I had been staring at him, so I forced myself to smile nonchalantly at him and blame the flush on my cheeks on the extremely hot weather—which combined with Mingi’s presence only made my body heat up even more. I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but I’d do anything to get railed by Mingi while he wore his working clothes with grease smeared on his cheek. My heart skipped a beat as a lazy smirk appeared on his lips as he took off towards me, making me gulp in panic as I straightened my posture.
“Hello, princess.” He called once he was close enough and I rolled my eyes at the nickname, acting as if I totally hated it. It did bother me at the beginning when he started calling me that, but I didn’t mind anymore. And it certainly shouldn’t have made me blush.
“Hi, Mingi.” I greeted him back, smiling as I crossed my legs and leaned forward, holding myself up by my hands. My knuckles hurt from the grip I had on the table, but I ignored that.
“What brings you here today?” He asked nonchalantly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I didn’t want to look, but his biceps were bulging and I’m just a simple woman, “Thought you washed your car when you stopped by last time.”
Ah, yes, the good old excuse of washing my car when it didn’t need washing yet. To be fair, I had a cleaning problem so that was the main reason why I washed my car so often, Mingi being here was just another thing to motivate me to stop by more frequently.
“I did, I’m not here for that.” I admitted, clearing my throat as Mingi’s sharp eyes narrowed slightly, mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. He hummed shortly, the sound deep in his throat, reminding me how hot I found his raspy and deep voice. He had once whispered in my ear as he snuck up on me, wanting to scare me, and I swear to God, I almost reached Heaven that day.
“Are you here for me then?” The cute pout of his lips and the finger he pushed against his cheek definitely didn’t match the sultriness of his words and the look in his eyes. It made me take a deep breath as I forced myself to roll my eyes, embarrassed that he had a feeling I was only here to see him. I mean…I did wear my favorite off-shoulder top just because I knew we would see each other.
“Why the sudden change of hairstyle?” I decided to change the subject, but it only made Mingi smirk as he looked at me almost victorious, almost as if he knew I didn’t answer him because he was right. Mingi ruffled his already spikey hair with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Just wanted something new,” He answered, “besides, it’s so hot these days, my long locks only made me sweat more. I feel like a new man right now. What do you think, do I look nice?”
Nice was little said, I would’ve described him more like: hot, sexy, attractive, gorgeous, mouth-watering, “Yeah, you look nice. It suits you.”
Mingi smiled happily and bowed lightly before his phone beeped. I didn’t understand how a man like him could be so cute while looking like a Greek God. My eyebrows slightly furrowed as I watched Mingi chuckle and smile down at his phone, quickly typing something on it. Perhaps he was seeing someone? Of course, why would a man like him be single? It shouldn’t come as a surprise; I should have thought about that sooner. But then again, he never mentioned a significant other. With a sigh, I jumped off the table and dusted off my shorts, running my hands through my hair. Mingi paused, looking up at me through his long lashes. I forced a smile on my face, suddenly discouraged by my own thoughts, as I grabbed my phone off the table.
“Got to go, dad’s waiting for me.” I mumbled as Mingi’s eyes slightly narrowed, eyes swiftly running over my body. He nodded wordlessly and I turned around, taking off towards the exit.
“That top looks really nice on you.” My steps halted for a second as I looked back at him and chuckled before exiting the garage, walking towards the reception, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach at the simple compliment. I should probably download a dating app and find someone available to obsess over.
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            The blaring music and blinding disco lights in the living room were becoming too much as my tipsy head swirled around like a disco ball, throat parched up and dry from the lack of water. Certainly the amount of alcohol I have had was enough for the night as I pushed people out of my way, slightly wobbling as I headed for the kitchen, desperately needing water. A super rich guy from college threw a huge ass party and invited some guys over from our college, one of them being one of my close friends. I wasn’t one to turn down a good party, and when the alcohol was free, I would certainly attend it. Seonghwa and I had teamed up and played beer-pong together, kicking Wooyoung and San’s asses, but losing to Hongjoong and Yunho. We should have known better not to challenge those two competitive monsters. All in all, the night was fun and after having lost Sooyoung to some hot guy, I hit the dancefloor with Wooyoung and San, the three of us dancing our hearts out to every song. After a while, I grew concerned and started calling Sooyoung, making my two dancing companions almost take my phone away after six missed calls. But it didn’t take long for Sooyoung to finally text me, telling me she was upstairs with a Yeosang named guy smoking some weed, and that she’d be down in no time. I rolled my eyes at the text, huffing as I handed Wooyoung my phone to take care of. My skirt had no pockets and I forgot to bring a fanny-pack, I have grown tired of holding my phone, Wooyoung’s back pocket would do the trick until Sooyoung returned and I could give my phone for her to put in her little purse. The music wasn’t as loud in the kitchen as it was in the living room and it was also less packed, which made me grateful as I walked over to the window and pushed it open, smiling contently at the cool air which hit my face. I certainly needed to cool down. I grabbed a red cup which looked relatively unused and filled it with tap water, downing it in mere seconds only to fill it up again and again until I felt satiated. I threw the cup away and leaned against the counter, holding my thumping head in my hands as I closed my eyes for a second, thinking it would help. But it only made me more nauseous and I quickly opened my eyes as I massaged my forehead, still leaning slightly over. Somebody next to me asked if I was okay and I quickly nodded, telling them that I just needed a moment to regain composure again, and I’ll be off dancing once again. However, a weirdly familiar deep voice suddenly filled the kitchen, some high-pitched giggle following straight after the ridiculous joke the guy told. My nose scrunched up at the very cheesy pickup line which followed and I snorted, unintentionally catching their attention as they didn’t stand too far away.
“Y/N?” The deep voice asked surprised and my eyebrows furrowed as I finally raised my head, smoothing down my hair as it fell in my face.
“Oh, Mingi.” I muttered just a little surprised by his presence here. I wondered how he knew about the party, however, the black-haired girl by his side was a tell-tale. She was a student at my college and she was pretty as fuck. I sighed, and unintentionally glared at her, unimpressed by her presence next to Mingi. It’s not like I knew her well to form an opinion about her, but personally, I didn’t like her that much. Especially since Mingi seemed to be here with her. My eyes fall back onto him and my brain blanched for a second, never having seen him outside of the car service up until now. Him not wearing his tight-fitting clothes was something new and I couldn’t help but let my eyes run all over his body, taking in the sight in front of me. He wore a loose-fitting white t-shirt, the front slightly tucked inside his grey ripped jeans which were baggy. He wore a black pair of convers, and a black fanny-pack was pushed around to his backside to not bother him. However, what made me take a second to process what I was seeing were his accessories. His necklaces were layered as he wore a red braided like material which sat snugly against the base of his neck, then a silver chain followed, and a silver cross which reached just bellow his collarbones. His wrists were decorated with silver chain bracelets, matching the chain around his neck and he wore various rings, some bigger than the other, his right-hand sporting four meanwhile his left three. If all of that combined with his hair wasn’t enough, his fingernails were also painted black, albeit already coming off in some spots, but still painted black. He was a sight for sore eyes and it took everything in me to not grip his arm and walk us upstairs, completely disregarding the girl he was here with.
And she just had to speak up, “Oh, you two know each other?”
“Yeah, her dad’s my boss.” Mingi answered before I could and I raised an eyebrow as the girl took me in, unexpectedly smiling at me as she placed an arm around Mingi’s shoulders. My jaw tensed subconsciously and I licked my lips as I leaned back against the counter, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
“We go to the same college,” She told Mingi, offering her hand to me, “I don’t think we’ve ever really introduced each other, though. My name is Jennie, I’m Mingi’s cousin.”
“Cousin?” My eyebrows raised as I shook Jennie’s hand, “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Mingi playfully pushed Jennie off himself as he answered my question and Jennie just rolled her eyes.
“Whatever, giant, if I leave you alone with Y/N, will you behave?” She raised her eyebrows threateningly at Mingi and he just chuckled, raising his hands in surrender.
“I always behave.” He defended himself quickly, but sounded like he didn’t mean it at all.
“No, you don’t.” Jennie rolled her eyes then looked back at me, “I have to find my boyfriend, he’s somewhere here around, probably drunk off his ass. If Mingi bothers you, just knee him in the stomach really hard and come and find me, I’ll kick his ass for you—”
“I’m right here, you know.” Mingi rolled his eyes and ruffled Jennie’s hair, “Get lost before I chase you away.”
Jennie scoffed but walked away after she waved at me, leaving me alone with Mingi. My hostile behavior slightly dropped, but I couldn’t help look at Mingi with narrowed eyes. I knew what I heard while I was fighting the urge of throwing up. Why would anyone flirt with their cousin? That was disgusting.
“If Jennie is your cousin…why would you say a pickup line to her?” I couldn’t help but ask him accusingly. It made Mingi laugh as he stepped closer, smiling cheekily.
“Eavesdropping, weren’t you?” I opened my mouth to deny his claim, but Mingi didn’t let me, “First of, ew, that’s literally my cousin do I look like I fuck with family? And second, that pickup line was actually sent by someone whom I have been talking to, and I was just reading it to Jennie.”
“How many girls are you talking to currently?” The question tumbled past my lips before I could even think about it. I only could blame the alcohol for making me so straightforward and embarrassing.
“Wouldn’t you like to know…” Mingi chuckled and stepped closer, invading my personal space. I gulped and pressed myself harder into the counter, hands coming to grip the edge of it. A smirk appeared on Mingi’s lips as he leaned down to be eye level with me, eyes searching my face before they settled on my lips briefly. My head was spinning and perhaps I was seeing things, but his tongue poked out for a second, “You look really hot.”
I gulped and let out a quiet breath, looking down at myself. The leather skirt clung onto me like a second skin and the flower decorated corset did little to nothing to cover what I would usually hide. It was Sooyoung’s idea to dress up like this, she wore a matching set except her corset was green meanwhile mine pink.
“Uh, thanks.” I whispered and didn’t dare move as Mingi lowered his head even more, looking through his lashes as he looked me in the eyes. He’s never stood this close to me before; it only now made me realize the height difference between us. And I couldn’t help but faintly smell gasoline despite his strong cologne.
“Dressed up for someone?” He muttered and I felt a warm finger lightly trace the skin of my right arm. I gulped nervously and ignored the goosebumps on my skin.
“I didn’t know you’d be here—” I tried changing the subject, it seemed to be a habit of mine lately.
“But if you did know, would you have dressed up for me?” Mingi’s raspy voice whispered in my ear as he leaned closer, my mouth opening without a sound coming out. My tipsy brain didn’t exactly know how to function in that moment and that meant I had nothing to say. But as he pulled back, we made eye contact, and his intimidating gaze pulled an answer out of me instantly.
“Yes.” I would totally hate myself in the morning for admitting that, but I couldn’t help myself. Not when he was standing so close and saying things like that. A smirk pulled onto Mingi’s lips and suddenly his hand raised as he gripped a strand of my hair lightly and twirled it around, brushing it behind my ear. I watched him mesmerized, body slightly trembling because of different things. The opened window brought in the chill breeze and we stood close to the it; Mingi’s closeness and touch made me want to crash my lips against his, and I was fighting every fiber in my body to stop myself from doing that, thankfully not tipsy enough to lose all rationality.
“I think I know about your little secret, princess.” Mingi’s tone was playful as he suddenly cupped my cheek and tilted my head back, hovering his face over mine, eyes tracing my features slowly. I hoped my red lipstick wasn’t smudged and that it would be smudged in no time.
“What secret?” I asked confused, biting my lower lip as Mingi’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, his fingers slipping towards my nape as his thumb pushed against my cheek.
“About your little crush—” He barely whispered, eyes on my lips as my mouth parted, heart beating like crazy, “on me.”
Before I could answer him, his teeth caught my lower lip between his and he sucked on the flesh, making my face flush as I mewled, hand holding onto his waist for more stability as the counter wasn’t enough anymore. He held eye contact as he released my lip and I felt like crumbling onto my knees and giving him anything he wanted as my grip tightened on him, head pulled closer to his by the grip he had on my nape. Mingi’s lips barely brushed against mine and I tried to close the impossibly little distance between us, but he just tsked and smirked.
“Good girls eventually get what they want, princess, be a bit more patient.” I couldn’t help but groan in frustration as Mingi released me and took a step back, smirking as he swiped his thumb over my lower lip, smudging my lipstick. I threw him a glare, but he just laughed and then turned around and walked off with a cup he grabbed off from the counter. I couldn’t help but lick my lower lip, pressing a palm against my racing heart as I tapped the sweat off my forehead, needing another cup of water to cool off.
            And I didn’t even have to wait for too long. Four days after the party, my father asked me to stop by the car service because he couldn’t decide what color to choose for the tuning he was doing for one of his friend’s car. I couldn’t have been happier to stop by as I made it my personal mission to stay away from that place for as long as possible, embarrassed by what happened between Mingi and I at the party, but also because I wanted to torture him a bit too. I could only hope he yearned to see me as much as I yearned for him. My father was out, having to pick up some pieces in the nearest city, which was half an hour away, so that meant he’d be gone for approximately an hour and a half. Everyone was gone by now from the car service as working hours were over, everyone except Mingi, of course. He had to catch up on his work as he had to skip a day for some undisclosed business. And yes, Mingi should’ve been working right now on that old car nobody actually wanted to fix, but here he was, balls deep in my pussy, thrusting into me like his life depended on it. I guess he was just a simple man too, and he fell exactly into my trap as I walked through the garage door wearing my little sundress, high heels elongating my legs. It didn’t take long for Mingi to stop whatever he was doing as he dragged me to the backroom, where there were no cameras, and pushed up on the table, wasting no time in undressing himself and working up the both of us. My head was thrown back from the constant pleasure his movements brought, his length reaching places no one else has before, my right hand gripping his bare waist as I rolled my hips to meet his thrusts. Mingi was biting his lips hard, holding onto my hips as I had to hold myself up with one arm, muscle straining with each strong thrust. Perhaps I should have expected him to be vocal, but the whines he would let out every now and then only turned me on even more, dragging my own moans out of me. Grease stuck to his left cheek, just underneath his mole and his already sweaty body from working was glistening once again, smelling strongly of the substance he has been working with to clean rims of the old car.
“I bet you’ve been fantasizing about me fucking you covered in grease and all sweaty from the long day I’ve had.” My only answer was a loud moan as he hit the sweet spot which made me see stars, and for a second, all I could hear were his own pants and the table squeaking louder and louder with each thrust.
“You have no idea—” I moaned as I clenched around Mingi, mind blanching for a second as he hit that spot again, “How fucking hot you look—like this.”
My fingertips dug into his hips and Mingi suddenly leaned down, pressing my back flat against the wooden table, rotating his hips as he suddenly slowed down. My mouth opened in a gasp and my legs went around his hips, one hand tangling in his blonde spikey hair as the other went around his shoulders to anchor myself. Mingi groaned in my ear as I clenched around his length again, his thrusts painfully slow on purpose, making me try to move my hips, but he had me pinned down by his heavier body.
“Fuck, please—” My whine was muffled by his lips as he pressed them against mine, pushing his tongue past my lips as I kissed him hungrily, wanting to feel more and more of him. Our lips moved messily against each other as Mingi slightly quickened his pace, but it still wasn’t enough. My eyebrows were furrowed as it started becoming unbearable and I whined, pulling my head away and choking on my words for a second, “I’m going to fucking die if you don’t go faster.”
I couldn’t believe Mingi had the audacity to smirk as he bit my lower lip harshly, making me push his head away as he chuckled amused, fake pouting at me.
“Thought I said good girls get what they want—” He completely stilled, bringing tears into my eyes out of frustration as I gripped his nape, trying to move against him to no avail, “And you’re being rather impatient right now.”
But before I could say anything, the slightly stood up and pulled almost fully out before slamming in again, his pace relentless and thrusts sharp as he threw his head back, moaning, making me grip onto his lower arm as he hit my g-spot over and over again, making my back arch as broken moans left my lips, nails digging into his skin. I was going fucking insane as his thumb found my clit and he started rubbing circles on it, making me cry out as I felt my orgasm building up, ready to snap any second as Mingi’s moans got higher and higher, my walls clenching tightly around him, bringing him closer to the edge as well.
“Fuck.” He hissed at a particular sharp thrust, his hips almost stuttering but I managed to meet his movements, desperate for my own release as I clawed at the wooden table, back arching as the pleasure became unbearable and the knot in my stomach snapped, making me let out a high-pitched moan, only for Mingi’s lips to muffle it as his hips stuttered, his own release following mine, filling me up. My body trembled and my lungs heaved for air as I came down from the high, our lips touching with Mingi as we both panted into each other’s mouths. His scent was intoxicating and I couldn’t help but burry my head into his neck and lightly bite down on his perfect skin, making him shudder. He didn’t pull out yet and I felt him twitch slightly, making me chuckle.
“So, I’m hot when I’m all sweaty and covered in grease?” He spoke up, voice raspy, and his words made me laugh as I allowed my head to rest against the wooden table, throwing an arm over my eyes. I could feel Mingi’s smile as he pressed a kiss against the corner of my mouth, swiftly pulling out.
“I said it once, I won’t say it again.” I peeked at him as he quickly pulled up his boxers and tight pants, adjusting his tank top.
“If I knew all I had to do was change my hairstyle for you to finally let me fuck you—” Mingi shook his head as he helped me off the table, smirking when I had to lean against it for support, my legs having gone numb, “I would’ve done it a lot earlier.”
“Perhaps if you weren’t so oblivious,” I threw him a glare and pulled up my panties, adjusting my dress, “You would’ve noticed how badly I wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you, idiot.”
Mingi laughed and threw an arm around my shoulders as he pulled me into himself, “Now that that’s out of the way…do you want to date or do you want us to just fuck?”
His question made me pause as I looked up in his eyes, biting my lower lip in thought, “You want to go out with me?”
“I sure do.” Mingi said it like it was the most obvious thing, then he jutted his chin towards mine, “What about you?”
“What do you think?” I asked with a chuckle.
“That we should go for a second round—”
“Mingi!” I pressed my palm over his mouth and threw him a little glare, “My father could be back anytime, you know. And yes, I do want to date you. Unless you’re always this annoying.”
Mingi fake laughed as he pushed my hand off his mouth, “Aren’t you just so funny?”
I stuck my tongue out at him and he tried kissing it, making me yelp and push him away, which made Mingi giggle as he placed his hands in his pockets, “So, tomorrow at six?”
“But you better shower before you come pick me up.” I pointed a finger at him as we went to leave the room.
“I thought I smelled hot—”
“You can’t smell hot, so just—” I sighed and looked at him, “Just—dress up. You—I mean, you know, you looked really good at the party. I haven’t seen you out of your work clothes before.”
“Aw, aren’t you so shy right now and stuttering all of a sudden?” He cooed and poked my cheek, “As if I wasn’t inside you—”
“Y/N, you still here?!” I heard my father’s voice shout from afar and I threw Mingi a warning look as I pushed him away. He walked towards the car he had to fix defeated, throwing me those sad puppy eyes and a pout as my father walked inside the garage.
“Hi.” I waved at him and he smiled, glancing at Mingi.
“You can fix it tomorrow too, you know?” My father said as he went to put his own utensils away. Mingi hummed but said he didn’t have much until he was done, liar. My father glanced at me and I looked away from Mingi, smiling at my father innocently. He just shook his head and threw his keys at me, making me clumsily catch them.
“Go pick up your mother, I’ll stay behind and help Mingi fix the car.” He muttered tiredly as he walked up to my soon-to-be-boyfriend, oblivious to what Mingi would soon become to him as well. Not just an employee, but perhaps a part of our family too. I jokingly saluted my father as I stopped in the doorway, turning to look at Mingi, who was already watching me.
“Goodbye, Mingi.”
“Bye, Y/N.” Mingi tried to fight the smile off his lips as I turned around and ran off with a giggle, cheeks burning suddenly with embarrassment.
Good girls eventually get what they want, don’t they?
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villainousauthor · 4 months
Part one
The Villain's brow pinches together as they overlook the data they've managed to acquire so far. Nothing made sense, they've run every test they could think of to try and discover what it was that gave the Hero their regenerative abilities, to no avail.
They almost feel bad about the poking and prodding they've had to do, one blood draw after another, tissue sampling, and more. At the very least, Hero has stopped fighting them as much these past few weeks, making their work easier.
Villain turns back to where Hero sits on the exam table, their eyes adverted, seemingly focused on some spot in the corner of the room. They gently, but firmly, grab Hero by the chin and turn their head upwards.
"Open up." The Villain's voice is quiet as they grab a new swab. "I'm going to need some more of your buccal cells."
Hero doesn't resist their hold, but speaks up in the same unserious tone they always maintain. "Use normal people words, say cheek." They always seem to have some teasing thing to say to Villain, though it mostly lacks any bite. Villain assumes this is Hero's way of maintaining some sense of control in this environment, and it's not like they mind the chatter regardless.
"If you think buccal is a complex word, I'm afraid you really aren't much more than a pretty face," Villain's tone isn't serious either, as their fingers press into Hero's jaw slightly more. "Now open up."
Hero obeys without any sass now, parting their lips so Villain can swab the inside of their mouth. Villain doesn't miss the way they lean into their touch, Hero relaxing into their hold. It's a stark contrast to how things were the first few weeks here when Villain could hardly approach Hero without getting bitten or hit. Most of the early testing from those days had to be done with Hero restrained.
Now, Hero leans into them constantly, as if they're craving another person's touch. They maintain eye contact as Villain presses close, the whole situation feeling oddly intimate. Hero's skin feels almost addictingly warm, even through the Villain's cold gloves.
Pulling away and placing the swab tip into an opened tube, Villain turns away from them, hoping to show not too much emotion on their face.
They know how touch-starved and desperate for human contact Hero is, and by God they would love to indulge them, but they want to maintain at least some sort of professionalism here, despite how deeply unethical this entire thing is. Or perhaps because of how deeply unethical it is. One less sin counted against them. To tell themselves at the very least, they're not taking advantage of Hero's loneliness while in their captivity.
They look to Hero again though as they set the test tube down, and find their will slowly chipping away, as Hero watches them with those lovely eyes that make Villain want to keep them forever.
Villain sighs, taking their gloves off and approaching them again. "You make it so difficult." Villain's cold hand comes to caress their jaw, as Hero looks at them, slightly confused by their words.
"What do you mean?" They ask as Villain's thumb goes to trace their bottom lip lightly.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to let you go when this is all said and done," Their hand wraps around to their neck, sliding through Hero's hair. "Even when I've gotten what I first stole you away for, I don't think I'll ever be quite done with you."
Villain leans forward, their lips just barely hovering above Hero's. There is no mistaking the burning fire in Villain's eyes. They seem to consider their next action for a moment before pulling away hesitantly, letting go.
They clear their throat, putting back up that wall of untouchable professionalism. "That's all for now. I'll come to collect you later for another blood draw."
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
a tiger's dominion [1] • k.s.y.
“Some days you tame the tiger, and some days the tiger has you for lunch.” 
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Pairing: kwon soonyoung x afab!reader
Genres: porn with PLOT (minors dni!), camstars!au, university!au, best friends/idiots!au, goofy comedy, cheesy fluff, a sprinkle of angst
Warnings: cam shows and camera sex obv, swearing, prolly fake myths about sex and stuff idk ignore it for plot pls fdksj, sort of mutual masturbation (m&f), reader wears hoshi's clothes, hoshi regards his viewers as females, pet names like kittens, pussycats, etc., degradation, hypothetical shower sex, mentions of breeding, b00bs <333, WAP lmao, sex toys (vibrator/dildo), fingering, squirting, multiple orgasms, me thinking I'm sooo funny and uhh as always lmk if i missed anything!
WC: 8.5k
A/N: I can't believe this is going to be my hoshi fic debut but that's what it is! Special thanks to marvelous @huiranghaes for reaching out and asking me to join the svthub collab and the lovely mushroom for letting me write in her place (this is for her honestly 🥺), please check out the other incredible works on the masterlists! Also special thanks to my darling bestie wife @onlymingyus for helping w/ the planning details, confidence boosting, and so much more! P.S. there are some fun cameos and crossovers scattered throughout, do lmk if you want in on one in future parts :D
➯ a tiger's dominion ◇ [teaser] ◇ [part 2]
Personal Taglist: @aceofvernons @joshibambi @junhui-recs @httpswonwoosglasses @pandorashbox @rubyscoups @noraehey @charcharfairy @woozluv @hoshistar96
↳ Join the svthub taglist here!
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"Horang-HEY kittens," the man purrs — yes, purrs — voice low and gravelly. It's not a surprise, considering his dick is already out for all to see as he slowly begins jerking himself off. "How're my pretty lil pussycats doing this fine evening? Desperate for me already? Don't be shy 'cause I'm already leaking for you."
You inhale sharply through your nose as comments flash rapidly across the screen. You can practically hear the pings of monetary value that just have to be pouring through even though you're on the other side of the camera. Reminding yourself that this is a recording, you wiggle the mouse and skip ahead.
"Whoa, wait! What are you doing?" A voice screeches in a different register but it's similar enough tone to the one echoing from your speakers.
With a frown, you look down at the hand that shot out to grab your own. It seems inconceivable to think that the tiny fingers over yours are the same ones wrapped around the red, hard cock dripping with pre-cum in the video. Perhaps that's why it looks so... big. It's the only explanation you'll accept.
You regret glancing once more at your laptop's paused screen because the smirk displayed right before it cuts off at the top now plays on the lips of the man sitting next to you.
"You're gonna miss all the good stuff!"
"I'm not missing anything, Soonyoung. You cam and you're a dude. I'm sure there's nothing new here that I haven't seen before."
The silver-haired man gasps, scandalized. "You think I'm unoriginal. Me. 0riginalTiger69? The one and only Hoshi? Hah! What would you know? You said you don't even watch porn."
"I don't. Why would I need to use anything to get off when I can simply turn on the camera and have everyone watch me instead?"
"So you're only horny when you cam? You never, like, do it alone? Watch some things here and there."
"These days? Not really, don't need to."
Soonyoung shakes his head. "Wow..."
"I'm not insatiable, goofball. Sure I watched livestreams when I first started for some inspo but now... well, you'll find out your stamina can only peak for so long."
"I have incredible stamina, thank you very much. My kittens love it. Salivate over it. Something you'd know if you watch any of my videos."
"Which I'm not going to," you sigh, "and you did not just say kittens with a straight face. I'll find it super amusing if you're still able to go at the same pace you are now some time down the road."
"They're my lovely kittens and don't worry, I'll be sure to keep you updated." His eyes narrow. "You know, you're awfully calm about finding out how your best friend is a camboy."
"Compared to you, yes." Referring to his call at three in the morning, shrieking in your ear that he finally connected all the dots. "You'd be surprised how many familiar faces are scattered throughout the community."
"How many do you know? Have you watched their shows?"
You throw your hands up in the air. "Omigod, how many times do I have to say, I don't watch porn! I make it!"
"Okay, okay." Technically, Soonyoung should know better than to rile you up with long nails waving dangerously close to his face. But he still presses on. "All I'm saying is that you're insanely chill about all of this."
"Bestie, we've been at this since you knocked on my door at ass 'o clock."
"It was only ten!"
"You know I don't wake up before noon!" You take a deep breath. "What's even the point of all of this?"
Soonyoung's brown eyes dart across your room. Taking in the expensive tripod and lighting setup at the desk to the strange, almost clinical, neatness of the rest of your bedroom. How easily he believed when you said it was an investment to perfect your scholarly presentations. Silly. Now it all made sense. He waves his phone with your Svthub profile on display.
"Do a collab with me."
"Huh? … What? Nah. No way. Nuh-uh."
"Just hear me out," he leans in close causing you to scoot your chair back. "My kittens have been begging me to collab with a certain Tigress."
"Ew, don't say it like that."
Hearing it out loud certainly has a much higher cringe value than seeing it typed by faceless viewers or saying it in the privacy of your own room. Alone and too turned on, well-immersed in your role. It's even worse when it comes out of your best friend's mouth. 
"Sorry, should I say Miss TigerLily_61596 instead? Hm. Isn't that my birthday?"
"Oh, it is!" You pray and hope he doesn't notice you lying through your teeth. "The computer somehow generated it, how funny is that?"
Soonyoung pouts. "You use that for all your passcodes." To prove his point, he picks up your phone lying between the two of you and unlocks it easily with the pin of 61596 as expected. "See? Knew it. Hao says that isn't a good cybersecurity measure, you really should be more careful. Remember his lecture? Always use protection!"
You snatch it back. "Leave me alone. It's not like everyone knows your birthday!"
"I'm announcing it on my next stream."
"Do it, you won't."
"I will!"
"Wait, don't. That's a serious security concern, you idiot. Everyone just wants to see you jerk off anyways, nobody wants that personal stuff unless they're creeps. Which you do not want."
"I don't," he acknowledges, "you've been doing this for a while, right?"
"Yeah. Two and a half years soon."
"Wow. Perfect! You should do something big as a celebration. Like collaborating with me."
"Why are you so hellbent on this?"
"Look. Everyone tells me we'd look great together — which is true — but I had no idea how to work up the nerve to send a DM to Miss TigerLily_61596 and propose such an idea. Until! I find out my bestie is the famed Tigress herself! Plus… I have a few experiences here and there."
"So you're using me," you cock your head, "and I don't do collabs. It only attracts potential weirdos into wanting to reach out and I've finally curated a steady, safe viewer base that I'm not looking to change. And what's this about experiences?"
"I'm not using you!" Soonyoung chews on his lip. "And that's another story for another time. It was only an idea, really… I get it. It's not like you wanna fuck me either."
"I don't," you affirm. "Besides, you're going to have to talk to Yuna about the whole camboy schtick, and then you want to try and explain that you had sex with someone who just happens to be me, your bestie? That's not gonna fly so don't drag me into it."
"Probably not a good first date discussion but," he laughs, "I'm sure I'll figure it out. She doesn't seem too judgy. After all, she agreed to go out with me next week."
"Congratulations!" You pat him on the shoulder and stand up, needing to take a step back from his proximity. The sudden suffocation of being wrapped up in his presence can be a little too much. "Forget all these camming shenanigans and just focus on her. This is your chance. You've had a crush on her for months now, can't afford to mess it up."
"Yeah, well." He scratches the back of his neck. "I think I'll still keep camming. Svthub's payoff is great and well… I'm afraid I'll wear her out too much if not."
"Huh? Are you… talking about… sex?"
"Duh. I wasn't lying earlier, I have a mad stamina game."
You pinch your nose when he smirks. "I don't think that's what she'll complain about."
"You don't get it. It's why all the other ones broke up with me."
"That is so not true," you argue. "Chaewon said you talked in your sleep too much, Seoyoon complained that your ego was inflated to max capacity, and Eunhye was tired of you bringing up tigers to get out of every serious conversation! And don't even get me started on what your roommate complains about."
Soonyoung sulks. "Gee, they really confided in you. Okay, sure —  maybe that's all true but I also get told off for having too high of a sex drive."
"Sounds like a 'you' issue but maybe that'll be humbled in a couple months or so. Not my problem."
"Well, maybe you can help me resolve it… if we did a collab!" He chuckles in mischievous glee when you throw a ball of socks at his head. "Just kidding, unless?"
"Get out, you heathen!" You shriek. "Get out before I throw my hair dryer at your head next!" His laughter fades out as he escapes into the hallway. "The world will have to tip over and break off its axis before I fuck you, Soonyoung!"
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Apparently, the world did decide to fall apart on you specifically, the universe playing a losing game of monopoly with your life, and whatever godly figures cruelly laughing in your face. Giving you a major middle finger and mocking you relentlessly. You watch the raindrops trickle down the window of the passenger side, similar to your tears that threaten to break loose at any time.
Soonyoung periodically glances at you as he drives, worry wrinkling his brow. "You doing okay?"
"Do you think I'm okay?" You hiss out although he doesn't flinch, knowing you're not pissed at him, per se. "I'm soaking wet, I have no car now, and I could barely pay the towing fee because I just submitted my final tuition and the rest of my stupid bills! This fucking sucks."
"I could lend you some mon — "
"I don't want anyone's money. I was doing perfectly fine until this utter and complete bullshit of a disaster."
It's silly because even though you're seething in well-deserved anger, Soonyoung can never understand how you manage to look so radiant. You're acting like a bedraggled cat about to claw someone's eyes out and yet you wear the fierceness so well. It has always suited you. Though he feels bad about the shitty situation you're now in, he can't help but crack a small smile.
"Okay, don't threaten me right now because I'm driving — which I'm more than happy to do for you any time, anywhere — but you'll also die if you attack me. So… about that collab?"
"Kwon Soonyoung." It's true. He's lucky he wasn't behind the steering wheel of a transportation vehicle or you would've thrown something at him with the rage circulating in your entire cell system. "I swear to the high heavens — "
"Just hear me out. I did the math — "
"Oh no."
He sighs your name. "I thought about the math and there's a good chance we'll make at least more than double what we would by ourselves. You know how Svthub caps us out with how many solo streams we do per month. But. If you did a few in addition to our collab, you could easily make up for what you had to spend today."
He wasn't wrong. While it was nice that Svthub had policies in place to prevent its camming community from making an unfair and absurd amount of money, it was already halfway through the month. You had successfully hit the average amount you usually do to comfortably cover the routine bills and expenditures. But even if you were lucky to max out, it would not be enough to pay for the unprecedented car repairs — or even worse, another vehicle. And though Soonyoung and your friends were more than happy to drive you around, you still wanted to give them gas money or offer to buy lunch despite their protests. 
You're quiet in deep contemplation the rest of the short drive and Soonyoung's surprisingly patient. You frown when you realize he's parked outside of his new apartment complex. 
"What're we doing here?" 
He shrugs. "It's closer and I'm worried you're gonna get sick if you don't change into something dry soon. You can even stay the night. Besides, Hoon's either locked inside his studio or not home at all. You know how he's been disappearing lately." 
"Maybe he found a significant other." 
"Jihoon? Lee Jihoon? We talking about the same dude that runs away from human interaction like it's the plague?" He pauses in thought. "But he basically just lets me live here by myself so maybe you're right… " 
"It's possible if he found 'the one.'" You make air quotes and then sigh as you eye your best friend's much nicer building through the sheets of rain. "Maybe I should move back to the dorms." 
"Please don't. I swear Chan was experiencing a second-hand high when he came to practice last night. Certainly smelled like it." 
"Just 'cause he was a little uncoordinated doesn't mean he was high. Heard he went out drinking beforehand anyways." 
"Guess I should be pushing them harder," he mutters and you can't help but shudder at his darker tone. 
"Chill out, Mr. Captain. You'll make them cry again." 
Soonyoung was a loud, irritating but loveable goofball day-to-day. Yet when it came to his team, he was a different beast. Firm, strict, and often harsh enough that a few of his younger members have come whining to you. As if you could do anything. It's sometimes hard to picture him as anything else but squishy and sweet, especially when he takes off his jacket to wrap around your shoulders. 
You don't dare to let your mind wander about what he's like during sex. 
"I haven't made anyone cry. Yet." 
"That's because the last thing they want to do is come crying to you. Especially when you were the cause of their tears." You tug at the lapels of the jacket around your body. "Thank you but I didn't need this, I'm dripping wet."
"That's what she said!"
And just like that, he's got you rolling your eyes with his toothy grin and boyish laughter that's muffled once you get out and slam the car door shut. He calls your name to no avail and surrenders to chasing after you. Finally catching up to your fast-set pace because you're stuck waiting for the elevator, Soonyoung nudges your side teasingly. Despite the initial complaint, his jacket is pulled tight over your damp clothes that easily catch the intense breeze of the lobby's air conditioning.
"Can't say I'm not funny."
"It's called 'acting like a child'. I didn't want to ruin the inner side of your nice jacket."
"Hey, it's not a big deal. I'm just trying to help my bestie out. You were shivering and I don't want any perverts eyeing my girl's assets."
You scoff. "Worry more about your own assets, like, don't look now but the receptionist is so checking you out."
An idiot never changes their ways because Soonyoung does look. 
Shooting a lazy smirk that has the poor woman nearly fainting on the spot at the sight. You don't blame her. At least it's easy to ogle him when he's turned away, white t-shirt that's now soaked easily sticks to his well-defined upper body. A delicate silver chain lays against his collarbones while droplets anyone would die to catch with their tongue slide from his jawline down to his neck. You lick your lips the same time he does before he's running a hand through his silver bangs and sending a wink her way. 
So, you punch him. In the abdomen. Lightly. 
Even though he yelps in pain, you're sure your knuckles hurt more from his stupidly ripped abs. You shake out your wrist as you enter the elevator with Soonyoung two steps behind.
"I told you not to look." 
"Telling me to not do something only tempts me to do it even more." 
"Noted. And in that empty brain of yours, don't forget that you have a date," you remind him. Maybe it's a reminder to yourself as well. "Speaking of which, enlighten me how you think this collaboration is by any means a good idea." 
"It'll give you the money you need." 
"I'm not some charity case, Soon. You don't have to do this for me." 
"You're not a charity case, you're my best friend. I'd do anything for you." He takes your hand in his and squeezes it.
Fighting down the butterflies, you rest your head on his shoulder. "You're too good to me."
"Remember that next time you make fun of me." He chuckles when you flinch at his gentle forehead flick as the elevator dings upon the arrival to the designated floor. "Let's sort out the details after we get some dry clothes on, yeah?"
Soonyoung strolls into the shared apartment with you not far behind. He peels off his shirt, flinging it right past your head into the awaiting laundry basket behind you.
"What do you think you're doing? That almost hit me in the face!"
He shrugs. "Jihoon's not home so feel free to get comfortable." The words are barely out of his mouth when you shrug off his jacket and toss it to join his discarded shirt. "Whoa, what are you doing?"
"You said to get comfy. Please, I'm not even naked — which you act like you haven't seen before."
You cross your arms, refusing to let your gaze drop lower than his pretty eyes. "Did you forget? Communal shower incident? Speaking of which, would you mind if I got a quick shower first? I feel crummy as hell after getting rained on twice."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah. Sure." 
Soonyoung's voice thickens as he visibly gulps at the sight of your clothes that cling to your curves like a second skin. You miss his glazed-over eyes and pupils blown wide as you fuss with taking off your blouse, the thin camisole underneath leaving nothing to the imagination.
"I'll… I'll be right back," he stutters out and backs away slowly, gears barely turning in his brain. "Um. I'll... go and... get you some... uh, clothes. Yeah. Clothes. To change into."
You remain oblivious to his actions because Soonyoung occasionally reacts weirdly when he's reminded that you are a female friend rather than just one of the boys that he hangs out with. It's a particular scratch on his brain and a tightness in his pants but not necessarily in a bad way. You both check each other out. But he's never, ever once acted on it since you've met him until this new suggestion of a collaboration — one that involves sex, no less.
To say you're not thrown off would be a lie. You mull it over as the comforting, hot water washes away the grime, stress, and bad feelings of the day. Technically, it's not necessarily a bad idea. Unfortunately, capitalism runs the world and you need the money. The act of sex with Soonyoung doesn't worry you as much as what will happen afterward.
Stupid feelings.
Yet as you step out of the shower enveloped in the familiar scent of your best friend's shampoo, all you can do is beam like the whipped person you are upon seeing the neatly folded pile of clothes he left on the bathroom sink counter. A loose t-shirt and fuzzy hoodie accompanied by a black pair of boxers. You sigh in comfort at feeling much more refreshed in dry clothes and open the door. 
"Could've just given me some gym shorts, kinda intimate of you to share your underwear with me."
Soonyoung looks up, hiding a fond smile at the sight of you in his clothes behind the can of cheap beer he's sipping on. "Trust me when I say those are cleaner than any of my shorts right now."
"Ew. Please don't elaborate on that. What about those tiger-striped ones I bought for your birthday? Don't tell me you actually wear those," you tease as you plop down on the couch next to him. Only to choke when he pulls the waistband of his gray sweatpants down enough for you to see the telltale sign of indeed, tiger print fabric.
"Wear 'em every stream, baby. I'm telling you, they love it."
"You've got to be joking," you mutter and shake your head, "are we ready to finally talk about this ordeal?"
"I was born ready. So, what're you thinking?"
Your eyebrows wrinkle. "I thought you had this big, brilliant plan."
"Not really. Like, I don't know what you'd feel okay doing with me so I thought you could at least throw some stuff on the table first."
"Oh. Um. I don't know. Maybe something like... mutual m-masturbation?"
"Hm, kind of boring. I mean, isn't that what we technically already do? What's going to make this different?"
"Well... there would be two people on-camera... I... I don't know!" You throw your hands up. "Do you have something better in mind?"
"Actually, yeah. You need the money fast but rushing into this might not be the best idea. We have to learn more about each other. Sexually." Even though you're wrinkling your nose, he keeps talking. "Preferences, kinks, likes, dislikes. You've never really watched me before so why don't you tune into my livestream? I'll give you all the money I make tonight if you do."
"Tonight?" you repeat with a squeak, mouth suddenly dry. "Like, tonight tonight?"
"Got my lucky tiger stripes on for a reason, baby. Ain't no time like the present."
"Oh my god. I... I... "
"Relax," Soonyoung laughs, "you'll enjoy it."
"I... I don't think I will."
"You're totally overthinking it. I can see your brain thrashing in a meltdown state right now."
"This is all very weird, can you blame me?"
"Nah but," he wiggles his eyebrows. "I'll make it worth your while. Just think about all the money I'll pull."
"Right. That definitely sounds sexier."
"You better make bank tonight, tiger boy. Hard to believe there would be that many people enamored with whatever furry act you've got going on."
"That sounds rich coming from you."
You gasp. "... Have you been watching my streams?" He doesn't answer, simply blinks. Once. Twice. Three times. "How long, Kwon Soonyoung?"
"... Only since my viewers suggested it. I didn't even know it was you though!"
"Ohhhhh my god, no wonder you... Lord. Unlike you, I'm not a furry. They call me Tigress for the aesthetics. Obviously, I'm not going to use my real name."
"Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that. Say, do you really have a tiger lily tatt on your inner thigh?"
"Guess you'll have to figure it out yourself," you jeer, "since you seem to know so much about me."
"Is that a challenge?"
You stick your tongue out, swatting away his hand that sneaks toward your lower body. Soonyoung's never backed down from a provocation but you weren't going to let him win or have the upper hand he seemed to be controlling right now. "No, it is not."
"I can wait." He acquiesces and leans back, now with a smug smile. "I'll have you naked for me soon, anyways."
"If you're lucky," you fire back, "you're going to have to impress me first."
"Trust me, bestie. When haven't I? I'll be sure to have your jaw dropping for me in more ways than one."
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You're in your best friend's room on your back and lying on his bed. The only source of light is radiating from the phone in your hands as it loads Svthub's website. Weighing your options, you log out and search for 0riginalTiger69, chewing your bottom lip at the sight of the blinking red dot next to his profile.
What harm could this do?
Probably an irreparable amount of damage.
Your finger hovers over the screen, anxiety filling your gut. It was now or never. With a deep breath, you squeeze your eyes shut and tap the play button. It's silent through your earbuds for a good five minutes and your eyes fly back open thinking you clicked the wrong icon. Ironically, you breathe out a sigh at the sight of Soonyoung in a plain t-shirt paired with his infamous boxers while a "Welcome AnonymousUser75923!" banner scrolls along the top of the screen.
Suspicions confirmed, you make a mental note to tell him that he could turn off that function if he wanted. That is — if you could even look him in the eye after this.
You can't see his face but unfortunately, you do know what it looks like. Cursing yourself for imagining his furrowed eyebrows that match the pout on his lips as he reads the comments popping along the bottom of the screen.
"Horang-HEY to all the lovely kittens joining me this fine evening. Hello CherryScouper_95, why do I still have my clothes on? Ah, that's to keep the suspense! I'm still waiting for a few more to hop on." He leans in closer to the camera, the red welt on his neck catching everyone's attention. "Haha, this? No, it's not a hickey, Jejusb00s but you're free to give me one if you'd like. I just happen to have a mean friend who finger-flicked me for no reason. Now that I think about it..." 
Soonyoung mutters something to himself and pulls out his phone. You jump when yours buzzes.
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Soonyoung laughs. "No, 4ngelic_m3nace, I said flicked not fucked. You know I'm not really into that."
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You're practically gnawing off your lip at this point, cheeks heating up if you're reading into what he really means correctly. It's actually impressive how he seamlessly texts you and interacts with his viewers. Now you're curious how many times he's replied to people's regular messages during a stream. 
More times than you can guess. 
"Do my precious lil pussycats have any suggestions for tonight? I wanna spice things up and get those nice tips coming in. Go on and talk to me. All your dirtiest fantasies and wettest dreams."
woolove: i wanna be yours and you be mine so we can fuck for days nonstop 🤩
h0rny49yu: lemme lick the sweat off of ur abs 👅👅👅👅
"Woolove, kitten, you know I don't belong to anyone but I'll take you up on that second part. We can go for weeks even." He reads the next comment aloud with a smirk. "My abs, hm?" 
A rapid flurry of comments and monetary pings commence when he teases a scrumptious view of the taut muscles underneath his shirt with one hand, still clutching his caseless phone in the other. The glow of Jihoon's neon light signs contributes to the enticing visual your best friend manages to pull off.
You had been extremely shocked when Soonyoung admitted to using the sacred studio of this generation's genius music producer to stream. At first, you figured that he was just doing it to be polite because he had discouraged you (rather strongly) from going into his roommate's bedroom tonight — a space you often slept in with how often Jihoon was out. But it was in fact the truth, judging by a quick glance of the thumbnails for his other videos on Svthub.
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s0turned0n: show us the goods! 💃🏻💃🏻 get naked! 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻  release the 🍆🍌🥒🍑🎆🧨🎇
AnonymousUser69034: you? on your back. me? on top. hotel? Trivago 💅🏼 
hoshis_d1ck: 1 hour in a room alone n i'll blow ur mind and ur dick 😳👉🏼👈🏼
"Ah, we're getting somewhere. My loyal kitties know I reward well. When they listen to me." Soonyoung cups his chin as if in deep thought. "You're all acting so cute even though I've told you before how dangerous it is 'cause there's no off switch on a tiger… that is, if you can catch me first."
woolove: buying a tiger-size collar and leash rn 💋
"Aw woolove, tip me enough and I'll consider getting it myself. Maybe."
t1ge3r_rat: cage the (derogatory) tiger !!! 
He tries to hide his snort, easily identifying your new screen name, and tosses his phone on the desk in front of him. "Caging? Now that's new. How about something a lil more romantic though? I like playing gentle with my pussycats."
t1ge3r_rat: weak 
Another rush of comments flies past. Littered with cheesy requests, fluffy ideas, and the usual questionable plea. But one, in particular, catches your eye. Not that it's hard to miss.
cumdaywh0ring: 💦💦💦💦💦 SHOWER SEX!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOWER SEX!!!!!!!! 💦💦💦💦💦
Your mind traitorously drifts back to earlier. The momentary sinful imagination of Soonyoung pausing when he placed the clean pile of clothes down on the bathroom sink. A timid glance towards the shower where he hears you humming only to freeze, lips parting at the silhouette of your alluring figure through the curtain.
t1ge3r_rat: i second the shower sex 😗✌🏻
"Shower sex, eh?" Of course, the bastard immediately sees your agreement and picks it out of all the others. He grunts, a hand sliding back down past his covered abs to grope at the girth hidden within his tiger-striped boxers. "My kittens do have to be nice and wet for me. All needy and clinging onto my shoulders. Pressed up hard against the shower wall so we don't slip 'n fall."
t1ge3r_rat: safety first!!
dickarawrous420: hot 🚿
CherryScouper_95: even hotter if u took ur clothes off ~ 
8starfucks: we should all be naked right???
"Ah, ah, ah. With my kittens so desperate, I have no choice but to enter the shower with my clothes on. But that's okay because," Soonyoung smirks as he easily pulls his cock out, "I can just do this."
You gulp. It's even more mouth-watering than the quick image burnt in your brain from last week. He spits in his hand and starts with slow, steady strokes. A hiss escapes his mouth when his thumb rubs along the tip that's beginning to leak with pre-cum.
"You'd look so pretty for me, baby. That sorry excuse of a shirt clinging to your perfect tits, nipples poking through 'cause you're not wearing a bra underneath. Naughty," he pretends to scold but it's hardly believable with how far gone he suddenly is in this fantasy. Thick cock already hard. Dancer hips thrusting up to match the rhythm of his hand. 
"Run a finger down where I know you're even wetter. But for a different reason. Hot pussy pressed against my thigh. Shit, you're prolly clenching, poor lil hole so desperate for my cock. Find out you're not wearing panties either. Shockers."
A whimper unwittingly leaves your mouth. You blame it on whatever pheromones he emitted in his room. The overwhelming scent of everything that is Soonyoung. You're drowning in it with no hope for recovery. The alignment of the planets and stars will face your wrath. Hell, even the man himself. It's part of the job but it feels like he's talking directly to you. About you. 
He has to know you have no bra or panties on. He's the one who provided his clothes as a substitute. 
Your back is damp with sweat and you can feel the heat of arousal pooling in your core. You force your entire body to stay rigidly still. Fuck. He's better at this than you thought.
"Shit," Soonyoung growls. His head is thrown back and you can't help but admire the vein running down it. "Rip off those tiny ass shorts and slide right into your sopping pussy. So fucking tight and wet wrapped around me. God, you'd take me in so deep wouldn't you? Stuff you nice and full, baby — just like you like it."
"Shit," you echo as the viewers rush to answer him with the yeses you're dying to admit. You feel lightheaded. "Goddamnit." 
Would it be indecent to touch yourself? Right here in his bedroom? With only one wall separating you? You don't even dare to cross your legs. Trembling hands struggle to keep your phone stable because the low moans Soonyoung is making directly in your ear shoot straight down to your cunt and render your entire body shaky.
woolove: shirt offfffff
woolove: plssss
woolove: wanna touch u directly all over n mark u up
"That so, woolove?" He delays his approaching release by checking the comments. "Don't worry, kitten. I'm sure those lovely claws of yours will do their job properly no matter what I'm wearing. Just be careful when you're putting them inside that empty pussy of yours wishing it was me. Don't want you to get hurt."
NewUser89021: no promises daddy
"Yes, I'm your father," Soonyoung chuckles darkly before it suddenly changes into a light-hearted cackle. He shifts a bit lower, the upper part of his face still hidden. Legs spread wide, granting an even better view of his cock that flops against his covered abdomen. "Kidding, welcome new kittens — just call me Hoshi. I like the sound of you moaning that better."
hoshis_d1ck: hoshi dick supremacy ftwww
t1ge3r_rat: what the actual fuck??
cumdaywh0ring: r we nutting anytime soon?????? i've got plans at 8
He clicks his tongue and resumes light, teasing touches along his length. "Impatient, aren't we? I hope you're touching yourselves at home or I'll have to punish you by dragging this out. So go on, pretty pussycats. Make your tiger cum."
Oh no.
You flip on your side, fearing the sweat and dampness you're sure is now coating your friend's boxers might accidentally leave traces on his comforter. Dread fills your gut when Soonyoung reaches for his phone again, despite the influx of viewers begging for him to breed them. Whether his intentions are to add to the suspense or bother you again, you rush to add a plea to the mix.
t1ge3r_rat: pls pls cum for us
No one except Soonyoung knows what causes the satisfied smirk on his face for him to lean back again but they can definitely see it as he quickens his pace, filthy words spilling out of his lips.
"Gonna let me cum in that dirty hole of yours, baby? Take you right out of the shower and throw you on the bed, fill you up so you walk around feeling me drip out of your pussy for days. Just for you to come and beg for more like the good cumslut you are." 
dickarawrous420: hot
woolove: omgkfjdks i'm so close fjddfj pls fill me up
s0turned0n: 🔥🔥🔥🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇💥💥💥
Fickle fingers toy with your waistband. What if… just what if… one little…
"I'd give it to you, baby. Hell, I'd do anything you wanted. You'd like that, huh? Being treated like you deserve. And I would… shit… you'd be so perfect for me. Made for just for me… fuck!" 
Your hand snaps away from your lower body at Soonyoung's sudden increase in expletives as he finally loses control. You can only watch in awe as white spurts of his release spill out over his cute, tiny hands that continue jerking himself through the orgasm. 
"Hah," he gasps out his legendary tagline, "horanghae, baby."
h0rny49yu: ur so sexci omfg
8starfucks: delicious
wh0ranghae: i think i came the hardest in my life ever
NewUser22234: so hot i think i'm in love
Jejusb00s: i put the sub in subscribed
"I think… that's the hardest I've ever cum too," Soonyoung admits almost bashfully. "Don't fall in love with me kittens, this is one tiger that's impossible to tame."
woolove: wounds me every time 😭😭😭😭
"Sorry, you know how this goes. But, all of you have been so well-behaved for me, it's only fair I reward as promised." 
He giggles and in one smooth motion finally pulls the t-shirt off, displaying honey-colored skin that's dewy from exertion. Using it to clean himself up, it's quickly discarded, thrown off to the side. You gulp at the display of his lean pecs rising up and down from his harsh pants and the two veins trailing from his abs, down his pelvis, and surely up and around…
Soonyoung smirks back at the camera, grasping at his cock again. "Ready for a couple more bonus rounds then, kittens?"
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This was all a goddamn mistake.
You're cursing your best friend under your breath, having been muttering dark nonsense for the past day and a half. 
Technically, it's also your fault for getting stupid feelings but you deny all cases of accountability. Fuzzy feelings aside, you hold zero responsibility for Soonyoung having a nice lower package too. 
Fuck. Your hands are shaking again. You set down the tube of lipstick and take a deep breath, giving the reflection in the mirror a firm, reprimanding look to not be so dick-drunk just as your phone rings.
Speak of the devil.
You have no other choice but to accept his video call because it's D-day. Although your hands are occupied at the moment, so he'll have to accept looking at the constellations lit across your ceiling instead.
"Hi! Huh? Hello? Are you there?"
"Hi, Soonyoung. I'm getting ready."
"Are you nervous?"
"Why would I be, this isn't my first show," you say more to yourself than to him.
"Your star projector's on."
"And? I always put it on before I start. It calms me down."
"That's cute." 
You freeze at his words and then shake your head, clipping your earrings in place. It wasn't like he was calling you cute. You hate that all the effort you've put into shielding your feelings is easily cracked apart after seeing his dick. Pathetic.
"By the way, you did get the transfer right?"
"Yeah, I already told you."
"I know but I just wanted to check. With a sum that large, who knows where it might go… you haven't talked to me since."
"I answered all your texts."
"Yeah, but what if someone hacked your phone? Like even now, I could be talking to an evil person imitating your voice."
You sigh, lifting up the phone to show him your face. He smiles brightly and snickers at your frown. "See? It's me."
"I suppose so. Unless you're an imposter Hoon hired."
After trying and failing to sleep, you walked out to see Soonyoung's roommate sipping on his cup of black coffee at some gremlin-only hour. It was unusual for him to return at this time just as it was rare for you to be up. But with Soonyoung snoring away in Jihoon's room, all you could do was apologize. 
He brushed it off, saying there was no need, and instead, inquired why you were awake. You confessed to wanting to go home but your car broke down. He happened to be headed back out for reasons you didn't pry and offered a ride. One you gladly accepted — with the promise to meet for lunch sometime with his new girlfriend — all of which was much to Soonyoung's chagrin.
It's true that you hadn't talked to your bestie directly but you had given brief responses to his incessant messaging. It was easy to blame your aloofness on being busy. Which you were — catching up on assignments, sleeping, and preparing for your next stream. 
"Jihoon brought me back safely of course and you didn't have to give me all of that," you whisper, voice small. "It's too much."
"I told you I would and that was probably my best show ever." He wiggles in excitement although you don't see it because you placed your phone back down. "I'm looking forward to what we'll make together. And I'm looking even more forward to tonight."
"Oh, shut up," you complain, embarrassed, "apparently you've already watched me before."
"Yeah but this is different. 'Cause now you know I'll be watching."
And that was the worst part.
You didn't mention that maybe — just maybe — you binged almost all of his videos uploaded to Svthub. Perhaps to simply fight the incessant heat that hasn't stopped boiling in your core since that night. Possibly another big mistake on your end, a constant mind loop of Soonyoung's obscene whispers now playing in your head.
To salvage what's left of whatever pride you have remaining, you pick your phone up to face him. "What's in your spank bank?"
"Y'know, like… what gets you going, what you picture in your head? Oh — what're you listening to? I noticed you sometimes wear earbuds."
He tilts his head. "Have you been… watching my videos? You're asking… what gets my dick hard? Is that why you haven't been talking to me?"
Your finger points accusingly at the screen. "You told me to do my research."
Soonyoung laughs nervously, suddenly flustered as he combs his silver locks back with both hands. "I, uh, guess I'm honored. Well, what did you think? Any good?"
"... You didn't answer my question."
"Um, well. I don't know why you want to know but whatever. It's just some… audio porn…?"
"Cool. Send me a few links later." 
"Why?" he sputters at your nonchalant request. Shit, he should've just said music. 
"Just going off what you said about "learning each other's kinks" or whatnot."
Soonyoung chews on his bottom lip. "... Alright. Remember, you asked for it."
"I'm really trusting that you aren't going to send me some extreme furry sex, so don't break the little amount of faith I have in you because that smile's making me reconsider."
"Nah, just think this is all very cute. Seriously. I'm excited for tonight. See you on Svthub in a few?" 
You roll your eyes as you blow him a cheeky kiss and a very dignified middle finger. "See you, original tiger boy." 
TigerLily_61596 is now live! 
The recording light blinks from the webcam as you clear your throat. Viewers are already tuning in and the chime of tips being applied to your account rapidly increases even if all you're doing is sitting on your bed. It's a reminder that by no means are you an amateur to this despite the butterflies swirling in your tummy. 
"Evenin', darlings," you lean forward with your chest squeezed flatteringly between your arms, cleavage on full display. "How're you all doing?"
tigressb00bl0v3r: seeing ur boobs always makes my day a whole lot better 🙏🏻
deathbyd1cks: bbygorl ur tits look so good in that set 😏
crazy4w00: sit on my face pls 😖💦
"Thank you for the compliments." Your hands rise from your lap to play with the bra straps that cause your breasts to jiggle tantalizingly. "A special thank you to deathbyd1cks for the pretty lingerie, it does look good on me."
The best part about camming was the sexy little gifts you received. Of course, they were delivered to a PO box several cities away so it took a bit of time to get to you, but you have yet to be disappointed. Plus, they made your shows all the more delicious — especially when your viewers hungrily got to watch you take off or use something they had bought for you.
Your hands don't leave your upper body, instead drifting down to fondle your tits. Playing with your nipples through the flimsy orange and black material, you continue reading the comments.
kitkat69: getting u something sexci for your next show &lt;3
sugacub3s: would treat u so good if u rode my thigh bby
"I look forward to it, darling kitkat69! But please, save your money if you need it. Don't spend it on me… especially if I'm being bad." Your appreciative smile turns into a smirk. "Crazy4w00 and sugacub3s, I appreciate your offers but I really need something inside me. Big and thick." You pout. "The pillow I've been riding lately just hasn't been enough."
You can't help but admit the truth. Even your fingers reaching deep within weren't enough to scratch such an intense desire but you still needed them for what you had planned tonight. Wondering if Soonyoung had tuned in, you bite your lip at the wetness that soaks your panties at just the thought of him watching. 
You're quick to strip out of the lingerie, not that it was really hiding anything — making sure to show the camera the string of arousal that drips from your cunt to the fabric as you discard the set on the bedroom floor. A tiny tiger lily tattoo (per your username and profile) is on full display, ink prettily scrawled along your hip crease. The viewers eat it up, the sound of tips becoming one long blaring ring of appreciation.
Your pointer and middle finger spread your hole open, seductively showing how it struggles to clench around something. Anything.
"How many fingers, loves? How many do you think this needy pussy can take?"
deathbyd1cks: all of them tbh
sugacub3s: mine would fit in there so well put in 2 baby girl and pretend it's me
whore_that_roars: put in 1 that's all u deserve rn
crazy4w00: lich rally sit on my face my tongue will make u cum faster 😜
beg4u: ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
beg4u: that means 2 btw
No one can see you roll your eyes although you do bite your lip. Your cheeks heat up ten times more than they already are as you ease just one finger in per who you assume can only be Soonyoung. Fuck. You let out a moan. 
"Am feeling so tight, need to loosen up." You're sure the mic can pick up the light breaths that escape your mouth as you stroke the bundle of nerves inside, thumb circling your clit. "Can I add another? Pretty please?"
sugacub3s: hell yeah
whore_that_roars: no
whore_that_roars: i don't remember giving u permission to touch that cute clit of urs
whore_that_roars: so be patient
m3rs: sexci
beg4u: 👊🏻👊🏻 who are you to run this show
deathbyd1cks: lolol
kitkat69: she's being so good tho i vote yes
whore_that_roars: fine. add 2 more 
beg4u: 🙄 yeah pls
You pause and lick your fingers to lubricate them with your saliva, a contemplative hum at the bitterness on your tongue. "Bet you all wish you could taste me, huh?"
crazy4w00: that's what i've been saying!!!! ik you taste soooo good 💧💧💧
whore_that_roars: is that a promise??
beg4u: 😒 lich rally who even is this rando
whore_that_roars: she said be nice. i'll remember you svthub user beg4u 👁️
"C'mon, don't fight." Three fingers slide into your pulsating warmth and you throw your head back in pleasure at the slight burn before grabbing the vibrator on your nightstand. "I need to cum at least once to fit this bad boy in."
deathbyd1cks: oh it's that kind of night 😏🤭
crazy4w00: 👅 tasty
kingh0ng: shit i'm late 
kingh0ng: but i didn't miss the good stuff fuck yeah
"Oh, we're just getting started, kingh0ng. So? Am I allowed to make myself cum?"
sugacub3s: hell yeahhhhh
beg4u: 💣💣💣💣 
whore_that_roars: do it baby
kingh0ng: got my dick out we're all good to go
Fingers pick up speed, porn-worthy wet sounds filling the room. It doesn't take you long to hurdle over that edge, pinching and pulling at your nipples. Shivers trail up and down your spine when you picture Soonyoung's intense gaze, wondering if his tiny fingers would be able to reach even as far as yours. Not that it matters because the visual of him in your head is enough for another gush of arousal to leak from your trembling cunt.
"God, I'm so wet," you murmur more to yourself because your viewers can clearly see the traces on your thighs. "Shit."
crazy4w00: i'd lick it all up
kingh0ng: i can't cum yet there's more right??
whore_that_roars: will u squirt for me baby? i KNOW you can
"Grab onto your straps, babygirls. Any of you boys as big and thick as this?" 
The silver and glittery, microphone-shaped vibrator shines under the dim fairylights of your bedroom. It jitters to life when you press the 'on' button, flinching at its intensity.
deathbyd1cks: perfect 👌🏼
tigressb00bl0v3r: omfggg yessss
beg4u: i can't vibrate like that 😢 
whore_that_roars: i can certainly try
beg4u: lichrally fighting user whore_that_roars after this
Ignoring the chaos in the comments, you bite your lip. It's one of your biggest toys and possibly bigger than any man's cock, in all honesty. You're sure it might be as thick as Soonyoung but what would you know. Gifted by a dedicated fan, you feel your entire body jerk as you tease your tight hole with it.
Despite loosening up, it's still going to be a hard fit. One hand falls to your bed to prevent your body from collapsing as you continue rubbing it along the outer lips of your pussy and clit. Finally, with an unholy whine, you ease it inside.
kitkat69: shit
sugacub3s: o my fuck
whore_that_roars: baby did you just cum from THAT?
m3rs: cute
beg4u: i just 😵👁️👁💦🧨🎇🎆 
tigressb00bl0v3r: fuck ur so hot
deathbyd1cks: delicious bbygirl
kingh0ng: i thk i blcked out
You laugh weakly between moans, unable to form words. Despite indeed having just cum from the sensations alone, the vibrator continues at full speed — your hips stuttering helplessly as you struggle to grip it in your hand. The depraved picture of debauchery as a trail of drool drips from your mouth.
But you still need more.
Feeling like you're floating in the clouds and extremely ightheaded, your body has a mind of its own. A few more slight wiggles and your eyes are rolling back as the loudest moan you've ever made comes from the very depths of your soul.
whore_that_roars: shit
whore_that_roars: fuck
whore_that_roars: squirt for me baby
beg4u: squirt for US*
crazy4w00: 💦💦💦💦💧💧💧💧 
And you do. 
Ripping the sex toy from between your legs, an absolute wet mess gushes out of your spent cunt all over your bedsheets. Legs shaking, you clamp down on your hand to prevent the name lingering in your subconscious from escaping as the last streams of your release drip down your thighs. Tears are blurring your vision and you sniffle, slowly coming back to earth.
deathbyd1cks: u good tigress????
kingh0ng: i think my dick fell off fr that was hot af
kingh0ng: but yeah, u good?
whore_that_roars: talk to us love
beg4u: square up whore_that_roars
beg4u: hope you're alive tho miss tigress cuz I'm not
kitkat69: LICH rally tigress is always an icon
"I'm… I'm good." You confirm and give them a thumbs-up, panting but smiling lopsidedly. "I… I hope you enjoyed that and thank you for the tips. I'm gonna go… clean up. Catch you later, darlings."
Once you've confirmed that you've turned off the recording and your computer is shut off, you collapse on your bed. Feeling woozy and sluggish, an arm flops across your closed eyes. This was by no means the first time Soonyoung has been in your thoughts during a livestream. Even now after all that, you feel yourself clench instinctively, the feeling blossoming even more because he had been watching you. Talking to you. Commanding you.
You're afraid that once you get a real taste of him you won't be able to let him go. Ever. You'll want him more than he wants you and you're not sure if you can handle that.
But this collaboration is happening. You might as well get the chance to fuck him once in your life than never at all.
Tears wash away in the shower, disappearing down the drain. For the hundredth time, you push down your feelings and let the warm water soothe away the aches and pains instead. Self-care is a must. Fluffy towels dry away the moisture, lotion to keep your skin smooth, and comfy granny pajamas to curl up under your clean bedsheets. Time for a good wallow in your feels.
Your phone lays uncharged on your nightstand and you pick it up, blinking at the several messages from none other than Soonyoung. Dread fills your gut momentarily before opening them, only to gasp in shock at what you read.
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God, you were screwed... weren't you?
◇ Part 2
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onlyseokmins: September 2022 ©
2K notes · View notes
chelemlem · 5 months
For the prompts: 5 times Oscar takes care of Lando and 1 time Lando takes care of him Back!
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ty anon! hope u don't mind that i combined 2 prompts + made it LOVE ISLAND AU ↓ (why is this 1k)
"Watch your step," their driver says sharply, half a second before Lando's loafers slip on a particularly wet patch of earth climbing out the car.
"Cheers, mate," Lando says, heart thundering. Jesus. Fine way to start off his reality T.V career. Week one and out of the running 'cause he split his head open on some fucking rocks. 
Lando extracts his fingers from around the guy's bicep. Huh, not bad. He wasn’t trying to cop a feel, but.
And he’s back to squinting at something on his digital notebook. Pale and rumpled, he looks out of place in the Majorca sunshine. There's a subtle furrow between his brows, like he’s got a long list of tasks to get through, and Lando’s just the first.
"That was close," George fusses, strategically sliding an arm around Lando's shoulder in a way that both highlights their height difference and show off his delts. One of those posh Cotswold types; harmless enough. Lando'd picked him for his first date because at the end of the day, they wanted the same thing—to win.
"Yeah, scary," Lando blinks up at him. Giggles for the cameras.
Lando's going to quit. 
Or like. Sue someone. He stares down at his pre-packaged meal, stomach turning. This was the one thing, the one thing he listed as part of his dietary restrictions, and still—
A shadow falls across his lap.
"Here," the PA from before says. Brown hair, thighs. Oscar?
Lando eyes the unmarked takeaway box hovering in front of him with suspicion. It smells okay. And anything's better than fish.
"Chicken rice," Oscar clarifies, handing him a spoon to match. "Thai okay?"
Oh. Lando gives him a smile, small but genuine. So someone did read the profile they made him write. Who would've thought?
Oscar clears his throat. "If you need anything else, just—I'll be over there."
He hightails it to where Luisa and the other girls are holding court around the firepit, sliding his headset back on as he goes. Nice arse too. 
Crew aren't allowed to speak to the islanders, if Max’s rudimentary Reddit trawl is to be believed, but whatever. Lando's not one for rules anyway.
He tucks into his chicken rice and tries to think of other things he needs. 
"There's a new bombshell arriving today," Oscar casually lets slip at mic-up. Quietly, under his breath.
The fuck? It's only been forty-eight hours since Nyck got here. Or maybe longer—who the fuck knows with the way time passes in the villa. There's nothing to do but tan and flirt, the sun setting on the same listless, lazy day forever. Forever. 
But more importantly—
"They hotter than me?"
Oscar's face does this put-upon little thing before sliding back to neutral. Instead of responding, he winds the mic pack around Lando's waist, bending down to secure it at his hips. 
Lando knows how to do it himself by now. Oscar knows Lando knows.
"By a fair bit, I reckon," he says finally, and escapes before Lando can call him a liar. 
"Also, you've got a terrible poker face. At least pretend to be touched when he surprises you with breakfast." 
"He made me eggs and toast, mate. Not exactly Michelin-star, is it?" Or chicken rice, for that matter.
Oscar sighs. "Next week's vote's going to the public. Just so you know."
Lando's not worried. He's survived this long—longer than Daniel, even, who won fan favourite, week two—so clearly there's something he's doing right.
He sort of wants out, anyway. He misses his phone. God, he misses sex. Everyone talks a big game, but when it actually comes down to it they're fucking, like, shy about doing it in front of the cameras. And the cameras are bleeding everywhere. Lando would know.
The only reprieve, or something like it, is—Oscar. 
He's not exactly forthcoming with chatter, but through the power of being cute and annoying, Lando learns a lot about him anyway. 
Like how he's a fan of the cricket. And he's got three sisters, none of whom give a fuck about the show. And how apparently being a former cub scout makes him some kind of authority on tying people up. 
"Just saying those knots seemed loose, is all." 
Lando feels a smirk coming on. "Watching, were you?" 
Oscar rolls his eyes. "I review the Hideaway footage to make sure it's fit for broadcast, yes."
"Good job. Really defended my honour there." 
"Fuck off," Oscar says, surprisingly calm for someone with bruises trawling the side of their face.
"Dunno why you thought you could take him. He's got like two stone and six centimetres on you. And Charles heard he's done amateur boxing—"
"Got one decent one in there, at least?"
"Element of surprise, s'all it was."
Lando gives up with the bandages. He has no idea what he's doing—and his hands are shaking too much to be of any real use. Best leave it to medical.
"Oscar," he says, rubbing his eyes. His thumb comes away damp. Christ, this better not end up on telly. "The fuck were you thinking, mate." 
Oscar exhales long and hard. His voice is softer when he says: "Sorry. Wasn't really… thinking."
Lando punches his arm lightly—the good one.
"Next time, just. Ask me out normally, alright?"
"They're not firing me," Oscar's voice sounds stunned through the phone, coloured with relief. It's the most emotion Lando's ever heard out of him. Well, second most. "Did you—?"
"My agent said me and Carlos can call it quits two months after the finale," Lando interrupts. It's important, after all.
There's quiet over the line. He can hear Oscar breathing. In out, in out. 
"And what did you say?"
Lando leans forward, against the dash of his borrowed McLaren. The one he's being paid to drive around in, posting selfies with wine and roses in the passenger's. 
Runner's up is first loser and all that, but. It's still a pretty good deal.
"Told her I'll do two weeks." 
134 notes · View notes
sweatandwoe · 11 months
it's chicken.
zhongli with a cute waitress that keeps letting him have meals for free cause they get to making googly eyes at him for so long they forget to ask for money
you're too good to me @chickenparm
Warnings: Zhongli x GN!Reader, Fluff, Crushes (it's just very cute), a bit of awkward!Zhongli and awkward!reader, and Chef Mao being a bro
"How big is his tab?"
You blink, setting down the dishes you were bringing in. It only takes a moment to follow Mao's gaze and find who he was searching for.
The handsome man from the funeral parlor, who always seemed to be short on mora.
He's facing away, strolling down the street away from Wanmin restaurant, his hair moving slightly in the wind. Both wrists are crossed over his lower back, hanging just above his hips. You look away when he glances back, almost like he knew someone was watching him. The golden eyes were far too pretty.
Slowly you glance at Mao - he's got an odd spark in his eyes and his lips are twitching. Though he's leaning casually against the counter, close to the serving window. The oven is off and now he's going lax and sated with the day coming to a close.
Your fingers twitch, moving to the sink. "It's zero."
"Zero?" There's a tone, near glee when he speaks. Though Mao is shaking his head when you sneak a glance at him, fingers drumming against the stone counter. He gives a low whistle after a moment. "You've got it that bad, huh?"
You turn on the sink, frowning. "Mao-"
"I'm not judging!" He raises both hands, moving over to sling a washcloth over his shoulder. "But he comes in once a week and never pays, you'd think he'd get the hint."
You frown. It's quite known that Zhongli had been paying for most things with money given by that Fatui leader, or putting it on his tab. He could've paid for it with that other man's money, but he always looked a little off-set when he could only give that. A little out of place, uncomfortable.
So you had simply stopped asking. Not really hoping for anything in return, you just got the benefit of being able to see and talk to him once a week. He was always kind, thoughtful and would go on for ages about all sorts of history when you asked him. And the small loss of one meal a week in your wages was well worth his company in your mind.
When Mao nudges you, you give a shrug and then hand him a bowl to dry. "I don't think he feels that way about me, and I... I just want to be his friend, if nothing else."
There's a quiet that settles between you both as you settle into the rhythm. He doesn't ask about it again that night or the next few days, but there's a spark in his eyes and a slight smirk curling on his lips. Pestering him about it brought nothing, only for him to drop the ball.
"I want you to come in late tomorrow."
You peer at him, as he locks up the restaurant and he's faced away from you. "Late?"
He turns, wiping his hands over his thighs and tucking the key away. "Yeah, I want you here for the dinner rush, I'll pay you the same don't worry about it. Xiangling wants to help with waitressing tomorrow, and you know I can't deny her anything."
That was a lie. Not the denial part, he always spoiled his only child, but Xiangling wanting to help wait tables instead of cooking was a lie. She'd always help out at the restaurant, but her father had always trained her to be more on the culinary side of things.
Still, you don't argue in case maybe he did want some father-daughter time. Xiangling wasn't always in Liyue anymore and she had come home two weeks ago. And besides you were getting paid for it.
Your skin just wouldn't stop prickling with anxiety that he had something planned.
The reason became clear when you show up on the day, only to find Xiangling wearing an apron, already helping customers at the main table and counter while Mao is busy serving up food. It's not too busy, surprisingly. But what is a surprise is a small table you can set up in the back alley, looking over the river.
And at who was sitting at it.
You glance at Mao, who peers at you through the serving window with a wide grin. His eyes crinkle when you begin to sputter.
"I am not going-"
"Oh, yes you are. Your duties tonight are to go have fun. You've earned it." He shoos you when you try to move to the kitchen, to the point of closing the door and calling for Xiangling. "Customer for the back table!"
And she appears with her father's smirk on her face and spear in hand - and you can't really say no now. Marched over to the table, where you can see him. He's staring off into the river, both hands on the table, eyes slightly wide. There was a glaze lily between both hands and he looked far more tense than you had ever seen him.
When you approach, he stands so quickly that his legs hit the table and he's using his geo vision to stabilize it before everything on top wobbles into the river."I'm sorry-"
"It's okay-"
You both pause, staring at one another. Xiangling makes a sound that is quickly silenced, but you're sure it was almost a giggle. She's rushing off to deal with the other customers.
And then you're both left alone.
Zhongli still has both hands on the table, leaning over slightly from where he was standing. After a moment, he takes the glaze lily in hand and gives it a fond look, before turning his gaze on you. "I brought this for you."
"You didn't have to." The words slip from your mouth, but you're moving to accept the gift. Your cheeks are warm, and your palms are sweaty against the stem. "It's beautiful."
His lips part, but he glances away and closes his mouth. Whatever he wanted to say, it makes his cheeks go slightly pink. He moves to untuck your chair, and you sit. Once he joins you, you both settle into the most awkward silence you've encountered on any date before.
Date? Was this even a date?
The silence stretches on, and you're almost certain Mao had told Xiangling to not take your drink orders until you were talking. You slowly set the glaze lily in your lap, not wanting to damage the soft flower. Then you glance at him, not looking at you, his fingers drumming slightly against the table. The pink on his cheeks was still there. He almost seemed anxious but that was because he probably wanted to leave. You don't dare to think of what Mao had said to the poor man.
"Zhongli," he glances up at his name and you pause. His eyes were the shame shade of Mora coins, including the slight shine to them. "I don't know what Mao said to you but, you don't have to be here if you don't want to be."
His fingers settle, and then his shoulders sag a bit. "I'm not here because Chef Mao forced my hand."
You blink, and your own cheeks get a little warm. "Oh."
"He was the one to suggest it," he does admit, folding his fingers together. "I realize, while I had been studying history I had forgotten an important aspect to take in."
"What would that be?"
"Culture." He shifts, and his cheeks go a little darker. "Courting, specifically on how to start to engage in it."
Your body relaxes, a smile twitching on your lips. "You wanted to ask me out?"
"Yes. But I had no clue how to, I've never courted someone before." He admits with ease. His smile is small, and the crow's feet growing under his eyes stand out a little more from it. "Not many have been interested in seeing me romantically. I'm not used to it." One hand reaches across the table. "But I am interested in you."
Your fingers settle across his own, watching as he lets out a small breath at the touch. "That's good to know. Because I am interested." You pause. "In you, I mean."
"I understand." But the same way you find his awkwardness in this endearing, he seems to feel the same way with you. It's easy then to fall into your familiar rhythm, though he asks more questions about you now, leaning in to catch your every word and asking questions. He makes you snort once and he smiles widely at the noise.
Mao watches you both from the back window, before glancing at his daughter. "How long has it been since you sat them?"
She smiles, eyes twinkling. "An hour."
His face splits into a wide grin. "Knew it. You can go ask them for their drinks now." He smiles to himself watching his daughter skip outside, to get the order. Once she's gone, he lets out a breath, eyeing them out the window.
They had better make her the flower girl when they got married. Of course, Mao would be the best man, because he'd have to guide Zhongli through it. But he wouldn't mind.
Seeing his two lonely friends smiling tenderly at one another, eyes full of joy, is far worth the cost of two meals and some of his time.
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doodlebat33 · 9 months
Hey can you do a netflix monkey king x reader? like where it’s the idea that opposites attract? Like since monkey king is very hesitant to show his feelings or express them. The reader expresses their feelings a lot and likes to sort things out by talking to each other and solving the problem. just feel like Monkey king didn’t like it at first it. But then he does later on as he gets to know us. I loved your fic about Netflix monkey king x reader. That made me twirl my hair and kick my feet❤️❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank you for feeding my hyperfixation whatever it’s called🙏🏼🙏🏼
Absolutely yes and thank you!
I think I've got a pretty good scenario depicting this in short or really how it would begin
Going to be writing this and any Y/n interactions in a more modern au/sort of Isekai take (Monkey King wakes up from mediation in a completely new cave and y/n finds him there and takes him home) Mainly because I am a sucker for the fish-out-of-water trope, that's the good stuff!
Y/n is sitting on large bean bag in their room, watching some videos on their phone. Monkey King walks in he looks to them
"Whatcha doin?"
Y/n looks up at him and says they're just watching some stuff and he's welcome to watch with them if he'd like. He shrugs
"Nah I'll pass."
Monkey King sits on the very very edge of the bean bag, tending to stick and giving it a few twirls. He looks over to Y/n's phone out of curiosity. Y/n looks over to him, and they ask him why he is sitting so far away from them. Monkey King rolls his eyes,
"I'm just getting some buffs outta stick. Don't wanna intrude on, whatever it is you're doing."
Y/n says that they don't bite and he can sit closer if he wants to. Monkey King huffs a bit and reluctantly sits a little bit closer. As time goes on, he puts Stick down and inches closer and closer in order to see what y/n is watching. Soon enough, and he hardly even notices it, he gets so close to the point that his head is practically resting on y/n's shoulder. Y/n chuckles a bit and playfully nuzzles his face. Monkey King recoils and gives y/n a rather perturbed expression.
"OK then! Like I said, didn't wanna get in your space."
Y/n looks back at him and apologizes, they just thought it was funny how close he was and jokingly say that he's so close that he's practically snuggling up to them. Monkey King immediately retracts and starts to huff and puff with a sarcastic tone,
"Well, I'm sure if I knew what that meant I would be super offended!"
Y/n's happy expression swiftly turns to confusion and asks if he knows what snuggling is. Monkey King shakes his head, Y/n asks about cuddling, and Monkey King shakes his head, they ask about Nuzzling? Monkey King thinks for a second, kind of shrugs but still shakes his head. Y/n is of course completely baffled by this new information.
They put their phone down, turn to him, and start to explain it. After the explanations, Monkey King simply raises an eyebrow and retracts his head back. He doesn't know how to feel about this, part of him is very intrigued by it but the other part of him, the whole "this monkey hero's alone", pushes the feeling away. He stifles a laugh and just kind of shrugs it off,
"Pfft, sound's pretty sappy! I don't think that's happening anytime soon, definitely not what I was going for, sorry to get your hopes up haha!"
Y/n shrugs it off and picks their phone back up continuing to watch the video they were watching. After a bit of time, y/n remembers that they could hear Monkey King stirring a lot in his sleep, sometimes even growling or snapping his teeth. They ask him if he's been having nightmares. Monkey King sort of tenses up but quickly rolls the feeling off his shoulders.
"Nah! Just dreaming about kicking demon butt! Nothing can shake me up, need I remind you I took on a dragon king and heaven all in the same day? You think a little nightmare can rile me up? Hah! think again." He turns away from y/n and picks Stick back up. His confidence fades from his face.
Y/n suggests that, if he ever were to have nightmares he is more than welcome to tell them. Y/n says whenever they have nightmares, they tend to snuggle either their stuffed animals or pillows that they have and that tends to help a lot. Monkey King shakes his head, still avoiding eye contact, his voice a bit defensive
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for this long, not gonna stop now."
Later on, in the dead of the night, Monkey King wakes up from another nightmare. He sits up on the large bean bag and tries to keep his labored breathing to himself so as not to wake up Y/n. He manages to somewhat calm down but, he's still on edge. He remembers what y/n had mentioned earlier that day. But, he didn't want to feel weak, to feel like he needed to depend on someone. He's taken care of himself for so long, he should be able to manage this himself. He looks at of y/n's stuffed animals and thinks to himself,
"Well… I mean, they're asleep, They'll never know."
Reluctantly, he plucks up one of y/n's stuffed animals and grips it tightly. But of course, to no avail this is help at all, it only makes his desperation stronger. He tosses the stuffed animal to the side and looks at y/n, still fast asleep with their arm wrapped around a large pillow. He quietly walks over to Y/n's bed, a quiet grumble in his throat. He sticks his tongue out and softly bites it as he tries to think. How can he get close without them waking up? He gets an idea and puts it into action. He grabs the pillow y/n is holding and tries to slowly take it from them.
Y/n adjusts themselves in their sleep and Monkey acts faster. He snatches the pillow from them, crawls under their arm, and lays down with his back turned to them. His ear flicks to see if y/n has woken up from any of that. They sigh in their sleep and wrap their arms around Monkey King, holding him close. Monkey's whole body stiffens up as his fur bristles to their soft touch. Is this, are they snuggling? His mind starts to race with a never-ending barrage of worries:
"Does this make me a wuss? They'll never let me live this down if they find out! What am I doing?! This was a horrible idea!"
Just before his worries his their peak, he gains clarity again by y/n softly nuzzling his back. His muscles start to relax as he faintly sighs, maybe, just for tonight. One night. His eyes start to feel more heavy and he quickly drifts off to sleep.
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: Lacrymaria olor 3
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In which Jungkook shows you more of his world, while you grow all the more closer to him.
Tags/Warnings: Alien AU, Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Angst, Blood and Violence, Strangers to I don't know?
Additional Chapter Warnings: Fluff, minor injury and mention of blood
Length: Short
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Incense sticks are burned in golden holders all around the palace, it seems.
When you woke up a few hours ago, Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, so you took it upon yourself to find him. However, curiosity certainly has gotten the best of you by now as you don't even notice you've gotten horribly lost. You don't really mind. Everyone you soot seems occupied and well aware of who you are to the king.
It feels like something is happening today. A festival of some sorts, maids all eager to decorate and chatter a lot more to their fellow workers.
"There you are." Jungkooks voice rings out, the maids you've been looking at bowing immediately and keeping their heads down in trained behavior while the king is present. He's dressed in different clothing today, looking festive in a way you're not sure how to describe, satin garments hiding his physique underneath. "I leave you out of my sight, and you're gone like startled prey." He chuckles, running a hand through your hair.
"What's going on around here?" You wonder, walking next to him as his hand stays on the small of your back, gently leading. "Is something special happening?"
"We're celebrating the planet's turning point." He explains. "The day a new cycle starts, we offer food and dance to the planet, so she grants us another cycle on her lands."
"Oh, so like new year's?" You mumble to yourself, making Jungkook chuckle amused. "No, more like the planet's birthday.." you seem to think. He laughs.
"In a way, that's true." He nods. "We don't own the ground we walk on truly, after all. It's hers, and we're simply living on it. I believe it is why the Temian kind is still thriving, while humans have done nothing but take from the earth." He mercilessly says, no hesitation at all.
"Yeah, we really messed up our planet.." you say a bit sadly, making him shake his head.
"Earth is no longer your home. You belong here now, right at my side." He grins, eyes closing happily for a second before he leads you to a lavishly decorated spot near the throne room. "Come, I'll show you how to make an offering. It's not hard, you'll learn it quickly I'm sure." He nods, sitting down onto the floor with you.
You copy what he's doing next to you; taking one of the wooden sticks that's covered in floral smelling paste before lighting it in the tiny flame provided. He sticks it in what looks like flour maybe, before he brakes off a piece of dark looking bread, placing it in the large bowl in the middle underneath a statue of a beast that looks like something between a dragon and a bear. Then, he takes a silver knife, metal decorated in swirls and symbols, and cuts the end of one of his fingers, the drop of almost black looking blood dripping into the bowl.
This part intimidates you.
"Do you want me to help?" He asks, eyes unreadable as he looks over at you. Without any resistance, you place your hand into his, where he effortlessly does the same to your finger as he did to himself - your own, bright red blood slowly falling into the bowl. He seems mesmerized at the sight, eyes never leaving the wound before he brings it to his lips, licking the excess off before he lets it go from between his lips, an almost sensual smile on then as he watches you.
"Even your blood is sweet, little thing." He tells you, chuckles before he stands up with you. "Lets go sneak into the kitchens. Maybe they have something to eat already for us to steal?" He impishly suggests, before pulling you along with him.
Jungkook is an odd guy sometimes.
He switches from the almost childish young man to the ruthless king in a matter of seconds in front of your eyes, never seems to lose control of himself at any cost, while also appearing untamed in the way he acts. Like a tiger in captivity he maybe appear to be calm and docile, but he's still ready to strike and kill at any chance given to him.
It shows when later that night, when he's offered a sword made by the local weapons union of his kingdom, the first thing he does is inspect its delicate decorated metal before he raises it at the man that gifted it to him, very tip barely touching his throat. It makes you flinch, but nobody else. It seems to amuse and entertain everyone present, if anything.
It reminds you that this is no human culture, no matter how often you compare it.
And slowly, you're coming to terms with it. You yourself will never fully understand any of it, but you have become a lot calmer by now. Jungkook doesn't like violence, no Temian does. But it's part of their culture, their way of showing pride and strength.
Behind closed doors, he easily grows soft, however.
Like now, with his big round red eyes staring at you after you'd asked him if you could sleep next to him tonight. He nods eagerly, throws back the covers, and pulls you close to him before he kills the lights. You've got your head on his chest, and oddly, accompanying his slow heartbeat is a deep rumbling, like a large cat purring.
It's odd. Reminds you he's not the same as you. But at the same time, it calms you down a lot. Makes you feel sleepy and safe, as if nothing could ever hurt you.
You've got your protector right at your side after all.
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darkstarerotica · 10 months
She wasn't very experienced. But she had fantasies a plenty. She didn't know what to do with any of this. Most of the guys she'd been with were pretty vanilla. She rarely felt pleasure to the point of orgasm. Unless it was her alone with her imagination. Then it was something dark, something forbidden then she could cum.
One day at work she heard a couple customers talking about a club. They were fairly hush about it. But what she overheard was that it was some sort of sex club. Was that it? That can't be right. But then snippets of a story of being there. Something about whipping. Some girl being fucked by two guys in front of others. "What is this place she thought?"
"I couldn't... That would be too much"
One day she was scrolling through some social media. She was bored. So she started to search for sex clubs.
"I just want to see, I'd never go,"
After a handful of duds she found it.
"oh damn, this is the club"
She felt strangely turned on. She glanced over the rules and the events.
"I could never..."
The events were masked, consent a must, anonymity possible. It was expensive... Damned expensive. Unless... You were a single female. Then it was free. "What?" She thought "that can't be". She didn't quite understand yet why that would be the case.
A couple weeks later she had a date. A cute boy from near her work. He was a no show. "Fucking hell" she said to herself. Then she opened her phone. In a moment of quiet rage she looked at their webpage. "Damn, I can make, just need a mask and I'll wear my black dress"
She dressed the part. Arrived, mask on. It was a dark alley way. A bell to ring. She went in. The rooms were darkly lit. But bright enough to see. And see she did. Women being tied to St. Andrews Cross and whipped. A girl was tied down to what appeared to be a hobby horse as two men had their way with her. She walked into another room as a group of six piled about each other. Grasping, licking, sucking, fucking. Everyone's hands, mouths and genitals in action. Some things were more nuanced. A couple with wax play. The beautiful woman stripped to her panties. All had onlookers. All masked eyes staring on in lust and pleasure. That first night she saw him. He was tall, clad all in black with long hair. A muscular build but like that of a soccer player, lean and mean. His eyes locked on hers.
Nothing that first night happened. She was surprised. She wasn't even approached. But she was turned on. Horribly. She felt the wetness soak her panties. When she got home she gave herself wave after wave of orgasms replaying the night's activities in her head. She'd never imagined anything like it.
She went back the following week, and the week after and after. Still the same. The wildest sex she could ever imagine, all in one place. Every time. Those eyes. That man. That look. It would send shivers down her spine. And when she'd return home to pleasure herself she all of a sudden started imaging him. He'd mount her, force his way into her. Make him suck his hard throbbing cock in front of a group of people. Finally she'd cum. Releasing herself into a deep sleep of contentment.
She always changed her costume and her mask a little each week. But she was hooked now. A couple other women had now had casual conversations with her. But surprisingly not a single offer. Not a single proposition.
This week it was different. She was watching a scene of a woman and a violet wand. Turned on by her moans at the electricity being played throughout her body.
She felt a body next to herself, behind her. A mouth to her ear "I want to tie you to the cross and have my way with you. I've been watching you for weeks" she looked back and saw her handsome stranger. She pushed back into him and leaning her head back nodded a yes to him.
He led her into the St. Andrew's room. There was a rather large group of people, men and women on the couches. They seemed to be waiting for this moment.
She had been wearing a sheer dress over stockings and lingerie. He brought her to the cross. Undid her dress which fell to the ground. He then grabbed her left wrist tying it tightly, then her right. Followed by each ankle. "What's your name?" He said "Hazel" she responded.
"Tonight you're mine, I've been watching you for weeks, and each time with more desire, they know that I've claimed you and tonight I will make you mine"
Hazel was caught off guard. "What even is this?" She thought to herself. But the restraints and the eyes on her. The tall dark stranger with the beautiful long hair. It was too much and she felt her arousal build.
First he gently stroked her back, then lightly touched her butt, before lightly reaching down her legs and finally up her thighs. Hazel let out a little moan at the pleasure of the soft touches. He then grabbed her long hair and pulled it back in his hands. He placed a cat of nine tails in front of her eyes, asking for approval. Hazel nodded. The stranger stepped back. She felt the first strike. It was pleasure and pain all at once. She winced a little. Then her other cheek. These were light but they built with intensity and as they did she'd writhe and moan. Before she was turned on now she felt herself ready. Her panties soaked, her pussy open and throbbing.
He stopped the relentless whipping and brought himself close to her. "Did you like that, me punishing your ass?" Hazel nodded. It was now that she opened her eyes for the first time. The room was now full. The lust present insane. A few men stroking their cocks. Couples fondling each other. All looking on like they knew what would happen.
"good, let me see for myself"
He slid his hands into her panties. Touching her lips which were dripping. "Yes, yes you did, good girl". He then felt his hands raise up to her chest. Lifting up her bra he fondled and pinched her nipples. He moaned a little into her ear as she could feel him push his crotch into her. He felt large and hard through his pants.
"fuck" she moaned. Her pussy clenching with desire. She was now looking at all the masqued eyes on her. ""Fuck me please, fuck my little pussy"
"as you wish Hazel" his hand reached behind her, unclasping her bra which fell to the ground. She heard a zipper, then a hand pushing to one side her panties.
There she stood, buckled to a cross in only her panties and stockings. In a room full of people about to be fucked by a stranger and she had never wanted it more.
She felt his hand guide his cock into her waiting wetness. His head was large and hard he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back as with the other hand he forced his way into her.
Hazel gasped. "Holy fuck he's big" and let out a long deep moan she couldn't control. The lust in the room intensified. A couple obedient women had their heads in their doms laps eagerly sucking as they looked at Hazel's face contort to deep moans. Others stroked their cocks or touched themselves. But the entire room was filled with sexual energy and she was the center of it all.
She felt him move inside of her. Fully stretching her. She'd never had a cock so big and hard and as it filled her completely she felt herself moaning uncontrollably. Almost unaware where the sounds were even coming from.
He thrust into her again and again. Grabbing her breasts, fondling her ass, playing with her clit. It was relentless. She felt herself start to orgasm. Then wave after wave. He wouldn't stop. She couldn't stop him and he just continued his relentless pounding. She lost count of the orgasms. Most people in the room now adding their moans to hers. She was lost to the pleasure and pain. Her brain went dumb. She took pleasure in his deep thrusts and being used by him relentlessly. Finally his own moans built to a crescendo and she felt him thrust even harder and faster. Finally he tensed up and unleashed a huge load of cum inside her. "Fuck" she said to herself letting one final orgasm tear through her body. She fell against the cross. Her body trembling. He caressed the side of her face as he gently touched her body.
"will I see you next week?"
All she could do was nod..
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rilakeila · 15 days
formula of love: pt. 1, kyoya ootori, where he might just found the missing part of his formula
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pairing kyoya ootori x fem!she!reader w.c. 2,563 t.w. none (class disparity perhaps) a/n she's multiple parts, slow burn rahhhh request yes (Hiii!! So I can’t believe that people still watch osch could I request a kyoya x reader where the reader is a commoner like Haruhi and Kyoya feels in love with reader after spending time working as his assistant ( I mean helping Haruhi pay her debt) . Once again, thank you !)
"class, please treat our newest student well. kyoya, i'll assume that you can show her around as well," the teacher introduced (y/n) who bowed to the class.
(y/n) was an honors student, transferring into ouran academy during her 2nd year. she was let onto the scholarship program after her father rose through the ranks of suoh enterprises in the financial department after finding out a revelation that allowed the company's revenues to shoot up. however, the raise in salary wouldn't have been enough to pay for tuition, but the president just had to feel so generous in helping the commoners.
her eyes followed to a student with onyx hair and glasses standing up and bowing. then, it trailed to the blonde haired boy next to him, a smile across his face, just like the one when he first met her. tamaki suoh. she noticed the teacher motion to the free seat to the right in the next column over near the student. she smiled and made her way over, settling her bag down to balance onto the leg of the table.
the teacher dismissed the class to allow themselves for free time during their homeroom, students airing out of the classroom, some lingering.
a throat clearing grabbed her attention, as well as the shadow casted over her desk. she looked up to see kyoya with a soft smile.
"wel-" he started until he was interrupted.
"(y/n)-chann!!" to both of the students, the cheer in the voiced was rather familiar. the blonde haired student made his way to the pair, arms in the air.
"tamaki, nice to see you again," she stood up, bowing her head as her greeting. (y/n) first encountered the french student during her tour of the campus where her parents also needed to sign documents in finalizing her transfer. president suoh had his son come along with him to show her around, hearing that she was the same year as tamaki.
"it's very nice to see you. this is my dear friend, kyoya, the class representative. i'm not sure where the vice class representative went off to, but she's sure a joy," he said, introducing kyoya for him.
"yes, i was getting to that. i'm ootori kyoya, it's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)," his head bowed.
"do you know what classes you have today?" tamaki interrupted once more. she felt her head throb at the constant interruptions but couldn't hold it against him. cheery seemed to be apart of his personality. one of the only things that seemed to throw her off is the heavy interest in commoners, asking if she has had "commoner's coffee" and all sorts of commoners question.
she looked at kyoya then to tamaki, "oh, i have finance, math, and modern literature."
"we don't have any classes today together but kyoya has finance today, isn't that right?" tamaki slung his arm around kyoya's shoulders.
"yes, that is correct. after free time, i can walk you to where that class is," kyoya said. in truth, he had already seen her entire schedule as part of his extensive research. they shared the entire day together, as well as some classes the next.
"before i forget, bring her to our club later today! i'm sure haruhi would love to meet her, commoners like to stick together." tamaki seemed to twirl away before conversing with other people.
(y/n) noticed the drop in kyoya's shoulders before he pushed his glasses up, "i apologize about him. he has been enthusiastic for everyone to meet you."
"i see, he's been a delight to have around. he has been great at making sure the atmosphere isn't awkward," it was the nicest way for her to say without being straightforward that tamaki can sometimes be a pain in the ass.
"it's alright to say that he can be of an annoyance, sometimes." he said.
'damn, it's like he read my mind.'
before any other words were spoken, the bell rang to alert the students to attend their next class. they both dispersed to grab their bags, which she nodded that she was ready to go. the rest of the day went smoothly, well. kyoya explained the necessary information that she needed to, answering her occassional questions, but (y/n) couldn't help notice the disparity between their social classes with the way he phrased things. it only pissed her off through the day.
"this is where the cafeteria is, assuming that you would be able to pay for such luxury."
'who does he think he is? president suoh allotted me a budget for the cafeteria. and i am more than educated in the managerial aspect in our finance class.' a hot aura surrounded her, as she reflected her day with kyoya on the way to the destination with directions that he written for her on a piece of cardstock that his family emblem. if tamaki wasn't less than a pain of an ass than kyoya, she wouldn't be walking towards this location.
music room 3. 'these damn rich people, why are there so many music rooms'
opening the door to the music room, there was a sudden breeze and rose petals seemed to coming her way. she blew out a petal off her lips, 'what kind of music room.'
"welcome!" a chorus of voices said. her eyes couldn't focus on what to notice in front of her. the out of ordinary knight outfits, the decorated medieval styled room, or the people. she opted for the familiar faces as she scanned each one: tamaki, haruhi, kyoya.. haruhi?
next thing she knows, she was being spun around in a hug, face on cold metal, "(y/n)-chan! you made it!"
once tamaki placed her down, the room seemed to be spinning. she placed her hand on the nearest still object except for it to be sort of wobbly. she seemed to be concious enough to see that there was a fragile object moving it, only to use her other hand to stabilize the stand. once the fragile object came to still, she sighed out of relief.
"see, haruhi, that's how you should save a vase." a harmony of voices also came to be, seeing it was a pair of twins.
"well, sorry, but (y/n)-senpai always had great reflexes, and the only person she has to worry about was tamaki-senpai," the annoyance in her voice was something that she was used to when haruhi's dad would come bother them.
"ohh, she's the honor student tama-chan has been talking about all week last week," the child-looking one said.
"wait, i thought you said she was a commoner. she has the uniform on," one of the twins commented.
"she has you beat haruhi. she has the uniform and can catch a vase," the other twin said.
(y/n) felt her eyebrow twitch, 'so rude, are all rich people like this'
"everyone, this is (y/n), as you all know from tamaki and haruhi, she's the new honors student," kyoya introduced her to the group, even if they already knew her. "well, places again, everyone, our guests should be arriving any second now."
"please enjoy yourself while you're here! please watch me save all of these maidens," tamaki dramatically said, pointing the knight sword, causing (y/n) to crouch as he swings side to side. there was no time for that line to send a shiver down her back as his corny lines typically would.
not even a second rolls by after they taken their places, there are girls flooding into the room. the volume and speed of girls coming in, just felt the need for (y/n) to clutch her pearls if she had any. she was never more confused on what activities rich people do in their free time.
"i'm sorry about that, (y/n)-senpai, but it's really nice to see you again," the familiar voice of haruhi seemed to calm her down.
"haruhi, it's great to see you especially in all of this unfamiliarity. are rich people always like this?"
"yeah, unfortunately. their comments about commoners get pretty ignorant, but i heard your dad got a huge promotion. good for him, he's way too overqualified to be doing simple sales work," haruhi congratulated. their families used to be neighbors within their apartment complex up until (y/n)'s dad received his first promotion allowing them to buy a larger space for their home.
"we moved twice since we lived in the apartment, i should invite you to our house! plus, luna misses you," (y/n) said. her pet cat has always found solace around haruhi when she was over.
"do you have a phone? i can put my number in if you do, and we can stay in touch this way," haruhi asked.
"i do, one of the great things that came to be when my dad got promoted," she pulled her phone out of the side pocket of her bag. the phone charm dangled as she opened it, pulling up the contact book for haruhi to create one.
"woah, your phone is pretty cute, never thought of decorating it," haruhi inspected the little stickers and played with the phone charm as she typed her number in.
her little brother decorated the phone with stickers that he found in her room. she chuckled as she took her phone once haruhi finished, "izumi couldn't help it and i couldn't get mad about it."
"haruhi, you have guests waiting to be served," kyoya called out from his seat, who was writing in his little black book.
"but, (y/n)-senpai is a guest," haruhi said.
"yes but not a paying one, those who pay have a higher priority. even then, she's only here per tamaki's request," there he goes again.
haruhi sighed, "i'll be back, please feel free to stay. even if he says that, we always end up leaving our guests time to time. i'll pour you a tea or coffee if you prefer."
"coffee would be nice." she motioned for you to follow her, the only vacant seat was the one where kyoya was sitting. haruhi gave her an apologetic expression as she pulled the chair out for her, which (y/n) responded with a hand that it would be fine.
she watched haruhi spoon out the coffee powder from the instant coffee jar, "is this what tamaki means by commoner's coffee?"
haruhi chuckled, "yeah, senpai made a big deal out of it. it's been a big hit with the hosts and guests."
"it also has reduced our beverage expenses, seeing how low cost it is," kyoya said. it seems that his nose is so far into that black book of his, he hasn't looked up once since club hours started.
"if you were to bulk buy the instant coffee at a wholesaler, you might be able to save trips to the supermarket and maximize the budget you have for it," (y/n) chimed in, pouring in two spoons of sugar. ever since her father has more than enough cushion in their family budget, he indulged in purchasing a membership with a wholesale store (costco), which lessened their trips to the market with the bulk quantity.
and that was the first time that she caught kyoya look up from his writing even if it was for a quick second.
(y/n) wrapped her hands around the cup, fiddling the side with her index finger as she waited for it to cool down. after her previous interactions with kyoya, she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable enough to talk to him. maybe, he only needed to talk to her out of the need of being class rep, but as it was after school hours, his role went away.
"is there something on your mind about me?" kyoya questioned.
her face filled with nervousness and shock of how he seems to detect what she was thinking.
"you've glanced at me four times in the past minute, if that's what you were wondering," he shut his black book down onto the table, neatly placing the pen on top of it.
she cleared her throat, trying to pull herself together, "nothing. besides, what kind of club is this anyways? you guys seem to not do anything but just talk to girls."
it was what she noticed when haruhi was typing her number in. she thought a school club was supposed to bring community in and do activities together, not just entertain girls and fuel their egos.
"it's a host club. tamaki founded this club with the intention of making every girl happy, and it seems we have been able to do so," he said while she looked around, watching every interaction. peculiar options indeed: brotherly love, boy lolita and mysterious man, princely, and whatever haruhi is supposed to offer.
"and how come you don't have guests? this club also doesn't seem to be something haruhi would hang around for," (y/n) questioned. it really wasn't haruhi's scene, she would opt for academic clubs or just something that wasn't even this.
"haruhi has her reason to be here, it is up to her if she would like to share that," he answered, "and for me, i'm occupied maintaining the club with its operations and financials but do talk to the guests for promotional purposes."
(y/n) hummed, now watching him calculate the expense reports on his computer. she deduced that each member of host club must have their reason then, seeing that the variety of who were here just seemed to be too different from each other. 'oh well, it's not worth thinking about.'
"why waste time in using that formula to calculate that, there's a faster way to accomplish it," she thought out loud before sipping her coffee.
"there would be an error if i used it due to this variable," kyoya circled around the cause with his mouse on the computer before continuing with his calculations.
she choked on her coffee, she didn't mean to say it. she can't go back on her word anyways, might as well teach him. "then you aren't using it right. if you were to apply that forumla entirety by hand, it would work. the error might be a missing value within the range or you missed a comma when you entered it into the formula bar."
a smirk landed on her lips when the box's output came out to the same but minimal effort. he missed a comma. she noticed the minor raise in his shoulders before he cleared his throat, applying to the rest of the total boxes, changing the second variable based on each column goal.
"a good tip, i suppose. your coffee will be complementary today. however, next time, you will need to pay 1,000 yen for every cup," kyoya stated, slight irritation seeped into his voice. he never was able to figure out the use of the formula when he attempts to utilize it into his spreadsheet, and this commoner just seems to get it.
she almost spat her coffee out, "even going to an expensive cafe, that's a serious upcharge for 6 ounces. this specific jar is only around 800 yen."
"non-paying guests don't have the same benefits as those who pay," kyoya looked up to her who appeared to be grumbling about the upcharge.
"for someone who can't even use a formula properly, it makes me question if you're correctly charging the price for everything here," she laughed as she taken a sip of her coffee.
a small smile made its way onto kyoya's face. commoners are an interesting class, they surprise him everyday. and he would eventually be surprised for what this specific commoner would have for him.
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pt. 1 completed, should i open a taglist ?
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adaptacy · 9 months
Can u do Johnny one where we still trying to survive but johhny is obsessed with us and he keeps us to himself but we fell in love with him (stockholm syndrome ofc ofc)
not sure if you meant a drabble or hc so I went for a drabble!
CW: threats of murder/cannibalism, stockholm syndrome
Johnny x Hostage!GN!Reader
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The door opened, causing you to life your head and scoot forward on the thin mattress, rubbing your eyes as your focus came-to. Johnny closed the door behind him and presented you with a ceramic plate holding some sort of sandwich. You took the plate from him, the chains on your wrists jingling as you did so. Johnny took a seat on the bed, pushing a strand of your messy hair behind your ear.
"Thank you," you whispered, taking a bite of the sandwich. It was cold, which was actually quite nice, though it didn't taste like any meat you'd ever had before. "What is it...?"
"You don't wanna know," he chuckled, standing up once more. "Eat up. Got stuff to do."
"You do or I do?" You asked, taking another bite, this one a little bigger. You would've normally turned it down, but you were starving, and you were taking whatever you could get your hands on.
"You do, darlin'."
You blinked, swallowing your bite. "What?"
"Few more bites n' I'll show ya." Johnny motioned towards your plate, and you nodded, finishing your meal as quickly as possible. Once you were done, Johnny took the plate and tossed it to the ground, allowing it to shatter, which you flinched at. "Arms up."
Though you wanted to ask why, you knew better, and instead chose to simply obey him. You lifted your arms, and he lifted your shirt, pulling it up to your wrists, but due to the chains it couldn't go any further. Fighting your instinct to cover up, you watched as Johnny formed an two Ls with his fingers and held them in front of his face, looking as though he were taking pictures of you. "What're you doing?"
"Measurn'. Hold still, sweetpea," he directed, leaning in and pulling out some sort of marker from his pocket. He popped the cap off, holding it between his teeth as he marked segmented lines around the bottom half of your breasts. He then leaned to the side, lining a segmented rectangle around your hips.
"Measuring for what?"
"Dinner," he replied, and you frowned.
"What?" Johnny pinched his eyebrows in, glancing up at you as he drew the same square over your other hip. "I ain't gonna kill ya. Just wanna taste ya."
"You tasted me last night," you mumbled, rubbing the bite mark on your neck against your shoulder.
"Blood ain't the same. Lay down."
You laid back, your wrists resting against your sternum, and Johnny pulled the thin sheets off of your legs. You really weren't wearing much at all; a large t-shirt and underwear. That was all you'd been gifted. Fortunately, it wasn't that cold in the basement, so you managed. He propped one of your knees up, marking a circle on the back of your thigh. He then did the same with the other leg.
"Roll over."
You did that, too. You could feel the marker on your ass, and then on the upper part of the back of your thigh.
"So well-behaved, ain'tcha? You really are hopeless," he teased, and you leaned your chin on your palm, watching the dirt floor for a moment. Behaving was a good thing, wasn't it? It kept you out of trouble. Kept you from getting hurt. You didn't want to upset him. You felt a hand on your waist as he turned you over, leaning over the bed to kiss you, and you mumbled against his lips. "Keep it up."
"Yes sir," you answered, offering him a soft smile. "Johnny?"
"I love you," you whispered, tilting your head at him.
Johnny smirked, dropping the capped pen back into his pocket. "I love your taste, sweetpea. I've gotta feed the chickens. Don't go anywhere," he chuckled, turning around and leaving the room.
You looked down at your chains, doing your best to pull your shirt back on, your mind still a little hazy from when he'd knocked you out. Your eyes followed your chains to where it attached to a post, noticing the shards of ceramic laying on the floor right next to it.
Easing yourself off of the bed, you knelt in the dirt, picking up the ceramic pieces. You picked up as many as you could, though there were some small shards mixed into the dirt, and put them in a small pile so he could take them up with him the next time he stopped by.
You thought about keeping one. Using one to fight back. But that's why it was here, wasn't it? He was testing you. Testing your devotion. Testing your loyalty. So you didn't. You left all of the pieces in the pile and climbed back into the bed, where you curdled your knees against your chest, tracing the places he'd outlined with a finger, curious about what he was planning on doing to you.
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It's always been you (Mick Schumacher)
Mick and Y/N have been a constant in eachother's lives and they have taken their time to finally act on their feelings
Note: english is not my first language. I had some free time and this has come out of it
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not actively taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so but know that I don't know when I'll be able to tend to them!
"Thanks again for dinner Corinna", you thanked her one last time with a hug before you made your way back to Mick's motorbike after another Schumacher dinner. These dinners have been happening since you could remember, they would invite you over once a month for a get together and catch up meal and today was no exception, the mood was really nice and everyone had a good time over some food and childhood memories. "Here, let me", Mick said as he noticed you fiddling with the helmet strap, pushing your hair out of the way so he could fasten it for your safety, "there, all done", he smiled sweetly as he climbed on the motorbike, your arms travelling to his waist to hold yourself steady for the short ride to your place. When you got there, your feet landed on the floor while you looked at your watch, still early enough for you to invite your bestfriend inside, not really wanting to part ways with him just yet, "Do you want to come inside for a bit? I'm not that sleepy so we could put something on the TV", you tempted, earning a nod as you got inside. Sitting on the sofa, you both got comfortable under the massive blanket you had draped over the back of it, Mick choosing one of the movies you used to watch when you were little, "if your sister was here, she would be rolling her eyes so hard", you mused as you got yourself comfortable next to him, "I genuinely think she learned how to do that because of us", he snickered, remembering her reaction everytime she would join you in the living room only to find that you were both watching the same movie for the umpteenth time. As you got more tired, the warmth of the blanket and Mick's body heat, as well as the soft lighting and sound in the room providing the best mood, your eyes felt droopier and droopier, your body slowly but surely getting lower and closer to your bestfriend's, he noticing as he noticed you were practically asleep on him and taking the opportunity to enjoy having you so close to him. He really should sort his feelings out, he thought, because if he kept going like this and saving what he felt for you to himself, things would get ugly someday. How could he not love you? You had been there with him and for him since he could remember, being the other shy kid in the first day in kindergarten that was struggling a little bit and joining him when he was playing with his toy car, and since then you had been attached by the hip. You were kind, caring, smart, beautiful inside and outside and anyone would be a fool to not see why Mick felt the way he did about you. He just needed a little push, but for now he would settle in the feeling of having you in his arms, snuggled slightly against his torso as you breathed steadily, the peaceful expression on your face engraved in his mind forever.
You and Mick had taken the free weekend to do a day roadtrip, no specific plans other than spending time with eachother, "Mick, can we stop for some snacks? And a bathroom break too, please?", you asked your bestfriend who was driving, earning a nod from him as he pulled over to the service station exit you pointed to, "I need to stretch my legs a bit too", he mumbled as he parked the car. Heading inside to use the bathroom and get some snacks, you saw that Mick was inside the car already, "I got us these", you showed a packet of biscuits, "and these, since mister athlete can't have too much of that stuff", you explained, noticing how his eyes were struggling to keep open, "Do you want me to drive from now? You seem pretty tired", you tempted, hand already on the door handle to switch, "that wouldn't be so bad actually, thank you", he reasoned with himself, knowing he would put you both at risk if he insisted on driving when he was a bit tired. Switching places, you adjusted the bench to your height, "stop snickering, Schumacher, we don't all have the privilege to have long legs to reach the pedals", you said, the smile on your face mirrored on his, "you're not that short to be fair", he said as he sipped from his water, you shaking your head as you reversed out of the parking spot.
"Do you guys want to go to the local market?", Corinna called for her son, "I can show you some places I hopefully still remember", she said, smiling when her children got up from their seats and made their way out to one of the city's many street markets. Since the kids were old enough to attend races, the family would always make sure to spend some part of the weekend on the local streets, visiting small shops and seeing as much of the culture as possible in such a short amount of time. So far they had visited a few artisan shops, looking at some pottery that Corinna would honestly take the whole set home if she could, a wool shop where Gina found some warm winter pieces and they were now in a little accessories and trinkets shop, "Are you really going to offer her that?", Gina tried to reason with her younger brother, "what? I think it's nice", he defended himself, holding the keyring. The carefully embroidered initial complimented the light wooden part beautifully, so delicate but also so strong, much like you, Mick thought, "I think she'll like it, and we can be matching", he said nonchalantly, prompting his sister to let out a chuckle, "I'm not going to keep repeating myself but you honestly should just be honest with her, I'm pretty sure she feels the same", she mused, "I swear, the day you two finally get together will be rhe best victory".
Back at home from the racing weekend, Mick invited you to have dinner at his place, sitting at the table now after clearing up the plates and helping tidy the kitchen, "I also got you this, and before you go all crazy, this wasn't expensive and I got it because I thought we could be matching", he carefully forwarded you as he handed you a packet, the blush on his cheeks evident. Truly, if there was a better sight than Mick Schumacher, you really wanted to see it and set the record straight because there is no one or nowhere in the world that could compare to him, wether it was his pale skin, his blue eyes, his kindness or his genuineness, he had it all, and while making a move on him would seem like the logical thing to do, you didn't want to risk what you had. Opening the box, you found your initial on a keyring, your fingers holding it carefully while you inspected the little details, "it's the same as yours, right?", you said as you noticed his keys he had left on the table, "it's beautiful, Mick, I love it so much, thank you! You know you didn't have to!", you said, leaping out of your seat to hug him, the fact that, during such a busy weekend, he took the time to think about you and to get you something making your heart flutter as you felt his lips on your forehead, "there's nothing I wouldn't do for you", he mumbled against your skin, the butterflies on your belly dancing at his confession.
The teams were finishing their jobs on the cars, getting them ready for the race when you arrived in the paddock, giving a small but warm greeting to everyone in the garage before you noticed Mick and Sebastian speaking in the corner, the one wearing a green t-shirt waving at you to come over, "Y/N! It's been a while since I've seen you around, how have you been?", he greeted you with a kiss on each cheek, "yes, it's been a while. I have been busy with a project and I only managed to come to races now", you smiled, the smirk on Sebastian's face telling you that wasn't news to him, "Oh, the investigation project? Mick told me about it, congratulations on getting the spot on the research team, I'm sure your ideas will be very appreciated", he said, earning a blush on both of your's and Mick's cheeks. Bidding them goodbye after wishing them both a good and safe race, you went to drop your things off in Mick's driver room, "Can you two please just be a couple and stop annoying me by not being a couple?", Sebastian told a still blushing Mick, "It's not like you're making it any easier, outing me like that", he muttered, "Not helping? Kids, I'm the one making this happen, you just need some help that I am willing to give", he said, winking at him before patting his back and heading to his garage to get ready, leaving a flustered Mick behind in the Haas garage.
The race hadn't gone for the best, a mix of strategies, the car and the track failing to perform as well as they expected, a defeated Mick going around the mechanics and engineers to thank them for their work before he waved at you, his communications assistant already borrowing him and heading to the media pen for his duties. When he got back, you were chatting with Sabine, going over the schedule for the flight back home, "There you are", you said as you hugged him, "you know I'm proud of you always, right?", you made sure he was looking directly into your eyes, his own blue ones drinking up all the pride he could see in yours, "thank you for always being here for me", he said genuinely, squeezing you in his embrace as he noticed his assistant excuse herself quietly, "wait, don't pull away... not yet", he said as he nuzzled his nose beside your neck, your scent calming him instantly as you sighed happily at the thought of being a source of comfort for him.
When later in the night you arrived at the airport, you noticed how tired Mick was offering to drive him home and saying you would get a taxi to your place since he had driven you both to the airport a few days earlier, "No need for that, you can stay at my place if you want to, besides I feel like having some company besides Angie", he forwarded as he petted her head, the dog excitedly wagging her tail.
Mick had invited you to join him and Angie for a walk on the park near your place, the area usually not busy with many people and it did have a specific zone where dogs could run freely without any danger, prompting you to get your comfy clothes on and head out, meeting them at the entrance, "how was your day?", Mick asked as he let Angie free of her leash, "good, it was good, although things seem to be a bit harder than we expected with the whole project situation, there's been a minor set back", you explained slightly, letting him in your feelings without boring him with the technical stuff, "but all in all, things are going somewhere hopefully", you smiled, "and you? Found your confidence back?", you asked, knowing how much the race results have been affecting him. Sighing, he looked at Angie running around, "I guess so. It's still hard to digest with everything going on but hopefully we get better results next weekend", he said, squeezing your fingers when he felt your hand come closer to his, looking at your eyes and flickering to your lips quickly, "I really don't know what I'd do without you, you know?", he mused. Laughing, you smiled back at him, "look who's saying it! I never would have applied to the project if you didn't push me too, I wouldn't have so many amazing memories with you, goodness, I probably would have had a dehydration problems from all the tears I would cry at kindergarten if it wasn't for you holding my hand and playing with me everyday", you muttered the last part, the blush on your cheeks prompted by the memory as well as Mick's intense and loving gaze on you, "and I honestly hope I never have to learn what it is like to not have you by my side forever", you mumbled, taking the plunge, peeling your eyes from your hands and looking at his eyes, "can you picture it? You and I together?", Mick said and you swore it had another meaning other than just friendship. Going for it, you turned your body to face his, "As friends or as something more?", you asked, deciding that maybe he did reciprocate the feelings you shared for him, "I can't begin to tell you for how long I've loved you. Probably since kindergarten, you were always the lovely girl to me, always sharing your pencils and crayons. And you grew up to the most beautiful young woman, there's nothing you don't touch or room you don't walk into and not immediately shine, even if you don't notice it. It's always been you", Mick finally admitted, seeing in your eyes how you were finding the words to answer him, "how blind can we be, right? There hasn't been a day of my life where I remember not wanting to be with you or talk to you, my mother always tells the story of how the saddest week of my childhood was the one you went to your father's race for the whole week and I was as miserable and mopey as an eight year old can be because you weren't there", you gulped, "I've just been afraid that this could be ruined", you pointed between you, Mick's hand travelling to hold it in his while the other one got closer to you cheek, cupping it as his thumb rubbed on the skin, "Oh, we have so much to catch up on", he said, looking for approval in your eyes as he kissed your lips for the first time, knowing you both had forever.
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silverynight · 7 months
The bunny from the Red light District
Part VI
Tokito is constantly following him around, well, all of them do when they come back from a mission to keep Nezuko and him safe.
Tanjirou finds that endearing, especially right now with Tokito, despite considering him a very distracted person at first, Tanjirou must admit he can really focus on something if he wants to.
He's been watching Tanjirou do house chores all day and listening to everything Tanjirou's been telling him.
"You're beautiful, Tanjirou," Tokito suddenly says, there's no hesitation in his voice; he blurts it out like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
The redhead can't help but blush to the tip of his ears; curiously, it's not the first time it happens, all the hashira seem to enjoy complimenting him. There's no need honestly; getting Nezuko and him out of that dangerous place was more than enough.
"Thank you, Tokito–san."
Still thinking about pleasing him, Tanjirou starts brushing his hair, Tokito sighs and leans into the touch with a satisfied grin on his face.
Tanjirou can't help but smile back at him.
Sometimes, they all come to pay him a visit at once; Nezuko is more alert on those days, keeping an eye on all of them as they gather around Tanjirou.
Having their undivided attention is overwhelming at first, but Tanjirou gets used to it quickly; they're honestly so friendly with him, but he's glad, he's never had so many people caring about him the way they do, at least not since his family died.
That day, Uzui's wives insist on making dinner for everyone and they all sit around the table, like they're some sort of a big family.
Tanjirou can't help it, he's so happy he starts tearing up; Nezuko notices it first and gets closer to him before pulling him into her arms.
Of course, the Pillars get worried for a moment. Shinazugawa cradles his face in his hands, although he's very careful and gentle, like he's afraid of hurting Tanjirou.
"Did someone hurt you? Tell me so I can give them a lesson... They won't hurt you again after I–"
"I'm fine," Tanjirou's assures him with a chuckle; Shinazugawa's aggressive way of showing he cares makes him smile again. "These are happy tears."
He really wants to do something for them in return, but he still doesn't know what and Nezuko didn't help him at all the other day by telling him to just put a red ribbon on his head because he was the best present for them.
She was laughing the whole time, which obviously made Tanjirou happy but at the same time time he pretended to be slightly irritated at her joke.
"I meant something they really want!"
Nezuko chuckled again before getting closer to her brother and rolling her eyes at him.
"Tanjirou, the only thing they want is you! Anything you do will make them happy!"
Tanjirou shakes his head, suddenly coming back to the present; the Pillars are giving him their undivided attention again.
He thinks about the maid outfit the butterfly girls brought for him the other day and decides that's what he's going to do; Iguro told him it'd make them happy after all and Tanjirou doesn't have any other ideas at the moment.
"Excuse me, I'll be right back," he mumbles before running towards his room.
He hesitates as soon as he puts it on though, it feels really good and is very comfortable, but he's not sure he looks good in it.
Taking a deep breath, he decides to just go back outside and show them; he can change back if they don't like it.
"What do you think?" He asks, feeling a little bit nervous. "Does it please you? Iguro-san and Suma-san said it would but..."
He stops as soon as he realizes he's being unfair to Himejima so he gets closer to him and sits on his lap. Tanjirou explains to him what he's wearing and takes one of his hands so he can feel the fabric of his uniform.
Himejima makes a choking sound before turning completely red, then to his shock, he realizes that the others are probably as red as he is.
Are they angry?
Sometimes he thinks Nezuko has some sort of power and can hear other people's thoughts, even though she assures him it's just because his face is very easy to read.
"No, they're not angry," she assures him, trying not to burst into laughter.
"Not at all!" Kanroji agrees with his sister before the others start saying more or less the same while Himejima nuzzles against his cheek.
"You have made us very happy, Tanjirou," Kocho mumbles, looking like she's fighting to hold back her own blush. "But you really don't have to do anything you don't want just to please us..."
"It's alright," Tanjirou grins, feeling more relaxed now. "I think I like it... It feels really comfortable."
"It's my turn," Uzui says suddenly, like he can't quite help himself. He looks desperate, at least until he takes Tanjirou in his arms. "Why are you so... Oh, your stockings look like they're a little bit... tight."
For some reason, he looks flustered, which brings back memories of the night they met, when Tanjirou was wearing his bunny suit.
"They are tight, but not uncomfortable," he assures him. "I think my thighs are just too wide..."
"Your thighs are perfect," Tomioka blurts out before he starts bleeding from his nose. Tanjirou gasps, realizing he's not the only one.
"Is everyone alright?" He gets closer to Tomioka, but Rengoku kneels in front of him and puts his arms around Tanjirou's waist, smiling happily.
"We've never been better, my boy!" Rengoku says, but Tanjirou thinks he's lying for a second, because Iguro looks like he's in some sort of trance and Shinazugawa has walked into Tokito, prompting him to fall to the ground.
It looks like chaos for a moment, although Nezuko seems like she's having so much fun.
"Maybe I should change back–"
"No!" They all say at the same time, startling him.
Iguro clears his throat.
"No... I mean, if you want to, you can, but if you like the outfit you can keep it," he manages to say.
"Oh... Okay."
He does like it actually, in fact he'd like to wear skirts more often, but he decides not to mention it at the moment...
Tanjirou spends the rest of the evening sitting on different laps; the Pillars insist, actually they beg him to do that.
"Just keep your hands where I can see them," Nezuko warns them every now and then to which they nod in response.
"You know they won't hurt me, Nezuko..."
"I know, I'm not worried about that," she smiles at Tanjirou, quite amused. "But they have to behave if they want to make a good impression."
"Of course, Nezuko!" Rengoku nods enthusiastically and everyone else seems to agree with him, even Shinazugawa. "We'll be good. We're very serious about this!"
"You better be," she warns.
"What are you talking about?" Tanjirou asks, feeling lost.
"Courtship, darling," Kocho says with a genuine smile on her face.
"Oh... Okay," he nods. So they'll start courting soon? Who are they going to court? Are they going to court different people at the same time? Do they want Tanjirou's help? Sadly, he doesn't know anything about that... But perhaps it's better to keep his questions to himself at the moment.
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toomuchracket · 7 months
mads how about mrs mac going into labour, maybe even when Ross is on tour
combining with I can’t stop thinking about Ross just being so soft and caring whilst wifey is in labour also hope you feel better soon darling ❤️ (and thank you! i'm not really. but it is what it is)
let's talk about keir's birth. i think it happens during a show at least somewhere in the uk, if not london itself, because there's no way ross (or any of the boys, or d word girlie coordinating things) would even chance him being in a different part of the world from you for at least a month and a half before your due date - which, by the way, is two weeks later than the date keir ended up arriving on. anyway, there's genuinely a show scheduled for that day, and you're chilling backstage at it, laughing at eilidh shoving hairclips into both her dad and matty's hair, when you start to feel a bit... odd. you go to the toilets, with d word girly (not dating matty at this point, btw) being like "hmmm you look a bit out of sorts. i'll come with you"; thank fuck she does, because pretty much as soon as the door to the girls' toilets closes behind you, your water breaks. you start to say "babe, please go and get ross", but she's one step ahead of you, bless her, like "i'll get him, i'll make sure matty's got eilidh, i'll make some calls", and then she hesitates like "are you sure you'll be ok on your own?" - you wave her off, and it's fine because ross is at your side in under a minute, checking to make sure you're alright and hugging you like "we're alright, everything's alright. just means we get to meet our boy sooner than we thought, yeah?", and you're genuinely quite calm. the same can't be said for the other room, where the tour promoter is genuinely trying to suggest that the gig tonight could still go ahead because "matty plays bass, right?" - matty literally puts his hands over eilidh's ears so she cant hear him say "i can, but also no fucking way am i missing this. this baby is basically another sibling for me. we're rescheduling the gig. end of", and then looks at girly to be like "is that going to be too much extra work for you, darling?", to which she's like "matty our friends are having a baby it's worth it" lol. it takes a while until your contractions are close enough that you can go to the hospital, but the couple of hours' wait is fairly pleasant; you're not in too much discomfort, and you're content to just sit with your husband and daughter (who is hyped about the happenings) and let everyone fuss over you. when it's almost time for keir to make his entrance, you kiss eilidh goodbye and tell her to be good for everyone while she waits for her baby brother, and she skips off with matty holding one hand and girly holding the other (hellish for them i fear) so everyone can congregate at adam's, before mark drops you and ross at the hospital. it's a quick labour, relatively straightforward, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like fuck; as you push, ross half-hugs you as best he can, kissing your forehead and reassuring you like "i know it hurts, my love, but you're almost there. a few more pushes, and we'll have our baby boy. doing so well, i love you so much". when keir starts to properly make his debut in the world, you clutch your husband's hand so tightly that it's probably agonising, but he doesn't mention it at all, just keeps cooing praises and brushing your hair from your face, while the midwives keep you updated on how, um, increasingly present keir is lmao. with a final push, he's here, tiny baby cries filling the air and mixing with sniffles from mum and dad - ross weeps when he gets to cut the umbilical cord, crying even harder when he watches you do skin to skin with your son and then when he gets to meet him for the first time himself. keir's a far less fussy baby than his sister was, so it isn't long before ross is sitting holding him against his chest while you sleep, just rubbing keir's tiny little back and feeling so overwhelmed that his boy is here and healthy and hopefully happy. yeah, it's all just so so soft and sweet <3
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ashleyh713fanfics · 3 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister Ch11 And Ch12
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Double Post:
Chapter 11: "Quit Trying To Be Odasaku"
Chapter 12: "The Scariest Thing Is To Be Perceived"
(I missed an update here so now you get two chapters! They are both long though so hopefully it's some good food for you all. I'm really proud of them.)
Summary: Dazai's greatest fear is for someone to see through his defenses and Oda's sister does just that. What he revels as a marvel towards others becomes his own worst nightmare when turned on himself.
Warning: pm! fifteen year old dazai, dazai self destructing, odasaku death mentions, fluff to angst and then back to fluff, manipulative behavior from both sides, dazai is a simp in the second half, talks of suicide. I gave Oda's sister a name but you can imagine it as y/n.
(This is chapter eleven and twelve of my fanfic "Timeless" which is now on A03. It carries on from the three part intro I posted a couple days ago. I'll link it below to fully understand the story. Asagao's ability is to stop time for up to six seconds.)
Three Part Intro Here: (just cause the first chapter is so long)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A03 Version Here:
Word count: 16k total (Told you it was long. Enjoy the ride hehe)
One Year Ago
Silently opening up the looming door in front of her face, fourteen year old Asagao slipped inside the darkened space before closing the surface and leaning her back against the wood with distant eyes. 
And though she tried not to, a small shaky sigh couldn’t help but escape her lips in order to think back to the confrontation just moments ago. She blew it again, of course she did. That’s always what happened, why was she expecting anything different? 
It started innocently enough, the girl noticing when one of the girls in her class was strangely silent the entire day. 
So naturally, when class was over she pulled her aside and asked her what was wrong. Asa just wanted to help, honest. She wanted to wipe that sad look from her classmates face, that was her intention. That was always the intention. 
She never wanted to hurt her. 
Yet the moment the girl shut down, Asa pushed, she pushed herself to figure out just what was hurting her by commenting on her appearance and cadence of speech. 
They were dirty and unkept, like they hadn’t been washed in weeks and soon enough Asagao had concluded that her father had stolen all of their families money and ran away leaving them broke and hungry. 
So naturally, she told the girl her findings. 
Asa’s assumptions were correct of course, but the girl didn’t know the hurt that she had unknowingly caused, her isolated and unique upbringing in the hellhound program leaving gaps in her learning of social cues and understanding of sensitive topics. 
No, Oda’s sister only saw logic, analyzing the situation like she had always been trained to do, what she had been damaged to do without a second thought. It was a character flaw, one that Asa didn’t even realize was there.
But that came at a cost, it always did. 
Because a moment later, she watched as the girl’s face flushed with a type of embarrassment in order to shove Asa as hard as she possibly could in order for the red haired girl to spot tears in her classmates eyes.  
But Asa didn’t understand the response. Why were there tears? Asagao was right in every possible manner. She had guessed her problem. Isn’t that what she wanted, for someone to figure her out so that she wouldn’t be so lonely? So that Asa could help her?
These were all thoughts that crossed her mind before she felt her body collide with her ground as her glasses slipped from her eyes at the same time, the sound clattering with haunting familiarity only for the girl to shriek and jump back with fear at the sight of her scary and hollow expression. 
Then very familiar words appeared in the air, the girl calling her the usual insults Asa was used to before getting her other friends to do the same. It was like she was some sort of freak show, some sort of sideshow attraction and oddity that didn’t belong. 
Freak. Scary. Annoying. Defect. Disgusting. Monster. 
And Asagao supposed they were right. 
She didn’t belong, not with them. She knew that. She had lost her chance the moment her captives molded her into their own sick design. Normal, there was no hope for that now.
One look at that was plain to see to everyone around, even her.
So much so, the girl didn’t object, simply crawling back on her knees before leaving the whispers and murmurs behind in order to retreat back to her dorm room silently. 
And that’s what brought her here, Asagao slowly making her way over to her bed before leaning down in order to take out a small white shoe box and place it on her mattress with extreme care. 
Undoing the lid ever so slowly, Oda’s sister then slipped her hand inside before carefully taking out the top note in order to read its contents just like she had done a million times before. 
It was a ritual, something she did, something she had to read every once in a while or else she knew she’d unravel completely. 
Today, I met a boy.  He showed up right outside my apartment covered in blood so I brought him in. And there is something about him, something familiar..
  I think his world spins as fast as yours.
Pushing down another shaky breath of uncertainty, Asagao then curled onto the mattress before pushing her body even further into a ball of herself and clutching the note to her heart for dear life. 
Dazai Osamu. 
She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her and yet her brother's words brought a sense of hope, one that she clung to over and over again. Just reading the mere sentences caused her nerves to soften and her body to relax with a sense of calm she was sure that boy didn’t even know he was capable of.
The power this mystery boy had, it wrapped her in a chokehold each and every time. Yes, those kids didn’t understand, they didn’t accept her but she knew that somewhere out there, this boy could. Maybe he could understand it all, maybe he even had the same thoughts as well. 
A shared mind, a shared experience. Connected by thoughts, how nice that sounded.
Did he also wish to be normal? Did he also say the wrong things sometimes? Did he also feel alone and isolated? Did he get as sad as her? Did he also get misunderstood and beaten down like she had been today? 
Asagao didn’t know for certain but just the idea of their shared experience was enough to make her close her eyes, clutching onto the letter between her fingers for dear life like a vice and pray that it might be true. 
And although she knew she was glorifying a stranger, it didn’t stop her from attaching herself to him even so. Because if her big brother had chosen to keep that kid around, then that also meant that there was a chance that Oda didn’t absolutely despise someone like her either. 
A million miles away and yet the knowledge of Osamu’s existence was enough to comfort her in a way he would never know. Her lifeline, her connection, her validation through a string of words and thoughts..
And suddenly just the mere existence of Dazai Osamu was enough to make everything seem almost okay again.
Groaning through her heavy lidded eyes, Asagao yawned in order for a sharp headache to flash across her temple without permission. It felt like she had been hit with a hundred bricks and an oncoming truck at the same time. But that was the price for drinking so heavily she supposed. The mornings were never easy. 
She then attempted to lift her hand to the source only for Asa to realize that couldn't move her arms or her legs in the slightest before her face dropped with realization. Oh, that's right. Osamu rolled her up into human sushi last night and left her there. 
Now how was she gonna get out of this one? 
Wiggling around like a worm on the mattress, Asa then tried to undo her bonds with no avail only for her to groan in defeat. Well that wasn’t going to work. Maybe she just needed to put some more power behind it? Yeah, that could work
She then tried again, Asa purposely flopping her body, this time looking like a fish out of water in order to edge closer to the bed as she gasped in success. “Ha ha! Yes, I’m so smart! Take that Osamu.” 
Grinning wildly, her victory was short lived as she felt her constricted body start to slide further and further off the bed with no traction to keep her in place. “W-Wait, no no no n-..” 
Asagao then watched helplessly as her entire body rolled off the highrise bed, slamming her body rather ungracefully into the hardwood floor face first with a heavy suppressed painful groan. 
Damn it, spoke too soon. 
The hit didn’t help her headache, the dull stabbing sensation mixing with her smushed face before she finally felt her arms move under the blankets. Seemed like the fall had loosened the restrictive cage after all. 
Trying her wiggling technique again, Asa then pulled her body from the blanket in order to hop up with her hands straight up in the air in victory. Well, not what she originally planned but the result was the same! Just forget that first part.  
Her quick movements caused her temple to scream in reply though, Asa hissing in order to push her fingers to the call. Alright, first things first, gotta fix this annoying headache. 
Moving over to the connected bathroom, the girl then flipped open the cabinet before picking out a white bottle of pain pills in order to shake the jar with a smile. She knew she could count on a suicide enthusiast to have pain medicine. As expected. 
She then took a labeled dosage before stepping out of the bedroom only to find the entire apartment empty, just like last night. Huh, Osamu must’ve had important executive business to attend to this morning.
Ah well, maybe it was better he didn’t see her embarrassing falling on her face display . 
Not knowing what to do with her time, Asagao then moved over to the kitchen in order to start opening the cabinets in silent thought. Since Osu was out she should surprise him with breakfast. It was the least she could do since he allowed her to stay the night so graciously. 
Yet a moment later, Asa felt her face drop at the sight before her. 
Every single cabinet and drawer was completely empty, even the fridge. But didn’t Osu eat? He had to, right? Everyone needed to eat to survive. It was just a fact. 
Although that’s when Asa recalled a couple of Oda’s letters. Her brother said that sometimes he had to force the boy to sit down to eat. But was Osamu still like that? Did he still have an unhealthy relationship with food? He seemed fine eating her curry three weeks ago. 
No, this wouldn’t do. She couldn’t let him starve. Oda wouldn’t have wanted that and since he isn’t here anymore then it was up to Asa to fill that spot. Otherwise, she wasn’t sure if Osu would ever really eat again. And that worried her to no end. 
But what was she going to make with no food? 
Humming to herself in silent thought, Asagao then wrote down a list of ingredients on a small sticky note before opening the door to his apartment only to be met with the same black suited subordinates that “helped” her last night. 
She didn’t expect that. “Oh! Hello boys. You assigned to watch me again?” 
They simply nodded in return only for Asa to hold up the small note in her fingers. “Sooo, I’m guessing leaving to go to the store isn’t something you’re gonna allow, huh?” 
Once again, the subordinates only shook their heads, the burly man crossing his arms in silent challenge. “It wouldn’t be advised no.” 
Pouting her lips in annoyance for their shut down, Asagao then closed her eyes before using her little tricks to her advantage. Manipulating these guys twice made her feel kinda scummy but this was the only way she was going to get what she wanted. 
And she was going to get it, one way or another. 
Batting her eyes in fake innocence, Asa hummed. “What a shame, whatever will I do? Our executive clearly stated that he wanted pancakes this morning when he got back. If I tell him that you guys stopped me from completing his wish, I bet he’ll be really angry and want to take it out on someone. I pray what kind of poor soul will face his wrath.” 
They seemed to register what she was implying right away. Yes, it was a lie that Osamu asked for breakfast but these guys didn’t need to know that. They just needed to believe that they would be punished for not following through. Sorry, Osu. I’m using your name again. But it’s for a good cause so please forgive me.
And for a moment, they seemed skeptical about the odd request from one of the most feared men in Yokohama. That didn’t sound like Dazai. “The boss said he wanted pancakes?” 
Asa didn’t falter though, her shoulders shrugging carelessly. “Mhmm. He said he had a craving. You can fact check me if you want and ask him yourself but I don’t think you’ll have that much time to do so. What if Dazai comes back before then? Then we’ll all be in trouble.” 
She used his last name so smoothly and yet it still felt wrong to say it. Asa hated referring to Osu as Dazai, especially because it broke the foolish illusion in her mind that the two were closer than they appeared. Calling him Osamu made her feel happier, like they weren’t actually strangers. 
But in this instance she had to say it to prove a point, to use the title in a sense of looming dread for these sorry scared subordinates. The fact was, Dazai’s last name held power, especially in the port mafia. It was a name that enemies crumbled to and hid for time and time again. And she knew that, so she used it to her advantage. 
Besides, she also knew they were too dumb and frazzled to actually go and ask Osu the truth. That was another level of risk and it took longer than just agreeing to her silly idea. Therefore, the odds were stacked heavily on her side. 
Now for them to just take the bait.
Counting the seconds in her mind, Asagao then slowly turned around from the men in order to pretend to go back inside the apartment only for her lips to curve upwards at their worried voices. “What kind?”
Not missing a beat, she then quickly turned around before lifting up the small note between her fingers with a fake exaggerated gasp, almost like she had pulled a rabbit from a hat. “Oh, would you look at that? It’s your lucky day, I already made a list! And since I can’t leave this place that means you boys are gonna have the honor of doing the shopping for me! Don’t worry though, it will be a team effort in the end. You get the supplies and I’ll make the pancakes. That way Dazai will be satisfied and we both win. Sound good?” 
A team effort sure, but they clearly got the short end of the stick by having to be her lackeys. That was the reality but Asa sugar coated it so well that the men didn’t even notice it, their eyes frantic to please their executive as fast as possible. 
Lifting their hands out for the note, Asa passed it happily, making them believe that they had come to the decision themselves even though she had carefully orchestrated the whole thing. 
The night was a blur as Dazai found himself walking the streets of Yokohama until the sun lazily appeared from behind the nearby buildings. Sleep wasn’t something that graced the boy normally, and it had gotten worse since Odasaku’s death. 
Simply because every time he closed his eyes, he found himself back reliving that horrible nightmare over and over again. It was like his mind was tormenting him, not letting him forget about the reality of loss for even a second. 
But insomnia brought its own torture as well, not allowing him to rest his ever moving and muttered thoughts inside his head in the slightest. No moments of quiet were allowed, even while still being awake. 
But the feeling had gotten usual, normal even for the boy, his feet finding himself back at the door of his apartment before silently turning the key into the lock. At least his inability to sleep got him away from Asa’s temptingly dangerous offer to get closer.
No, he had already decided to ignore that, Dazai knowing very well that if he even lingered on such a thing for a moment then his selfish and greedy nature would destroy everything he had just built between them. 
Those walls need to stay up, for both his and her safety. 
Opening the door slowly, Dazai was then suddenly hit with a strange new aroma, the smell sickeningly sweet and flavorful as he moved further into the space. But what could that be? He didn’t remember his place smelling like this when he left last night. 
Yet his questions were soon answered as he turned the corner only to find Asagao’s back to him, her lips humming in a happy little melody as she poured what looked to be a bowl full of batter on a pan. 
Just what was this crazy girl doing now? He thought she would still be wrapped up like a mummy when he got home. Then again, the girl was insanely clever, of course she had gotten free without his help. 
Crossing his arms against the doorframe, the smallest sound seemed to alert her attention, Asa’s curious expression turning around only for her face to light up with that same goofy and over the top manner as always had towards him. “Osu, you’re back! And just in time. Everything is almost ready.” 
And god, he’d be lying if he said that stupid little smile didn’t make his stomach toss and turn in all the wrong ways. Even after pinning her down and bleeding his evils to her last night she was still looking at him the very same.
What an idiot she was, and what an idiot he was for falling for it again. 
Lowering his eyes in hidden shame for himself, Dazai then paused when he saw that she was holding a plate in her hand, the scent of freshly made pancakes assaulting his senses all at once without permission. 
Hold on, she made breakfast? No one had ever done that before. Odasaku wasn’t a breakfast kind of guy and the women he slept with never held the desire to do something so personal before. But why? Why did she do it? 
He got his answer a second later, the girl happily skipping over to the massive empty table to their left in order to place the pillow-y items on the surface. “I wanted to thank you for letting me stay over last night so I made these for you. I hope you like them.” 
For him. 
She made them for him. Well of course she did, that seemed to be her only motivation for anything. And although he should’ve guessed that, Dazai didn’t. Almost like he still couldn’t comprehend someone going out of their way for someone like him. 
The idea was foreign and strange. No one did things so selflessly, not in his experience. 
But to say that Asa had an ulterior motive would be wrong, knowing that wasn’t the case either. She simply did things out of the goodness of her heart, and that was a concept the mafioso wasn’t familiar with.
She didn’t need to thank him for doing a bare minimum. 
So much so, the boy remained quiet, simply slipping into the open chair before looking at the coaxing sight immediately. She was mocking him, he just knew it. Unknowingly, but that didn’t change the fact that this uncomfortable warmth wasn’t something he could have. 
The mundane, the simple casual life. It wasn’t for him.
But then why did it make him feel so strange? Why did it twist around him and make him want to run away? It was like he had just slipped into a warm bath, the feeling coating his skin and making him jump out before he drowned in it forever. 
No, he needed to shut it down.
Asa on the other hand was oblivious to such things, her hands happily setting the table before taking her place across from him. It was times like this she was grateful for learning to cook as a kid. Now she could treat him the kind of meal he deserved. 
Picking up one of the pancakes with her fork, Asagao plopped the item onto her plate before forcing herself to speak out from the silence. “I bet you’re wondering how I’m such a good cook? Well, I’ll tell you. You see, I didn’t really get along with the kids back home and I didn’t want to ruin their meals by them having to see me so I learned to cook for myself. That way everyone was happy.” 
The memory was sad but Asa forced herself not to linger on it. Yeah, the kids she met were mean and called her names but it got her to step out of her comfort zone and learn new things like this. So it couldn’t have been all bad, right?
Humming to herself, she then chuckled before shoving a fork full of food into her mouth with a simple shrug. “But then again, I’m happy that happened cause now I can eat with you and cook all your favorite things!” 
But what Osamu didn’t know was that she had initially started cooking because of those letters, because of the way Oda had mentioned that Dazai had trouble with eating.
She guessed that in some crazy way she wanted to help him, to repay the favor of his existence by learning to make food that he would like, even if she wasn’t sure he would ever taste them. 
And though her brother never said what types of things Osamu ended up liking, that just gave her even more motivation to learn as many recipes as possible. 
But what do you know? She had gotten her wish, in a fucked up way. She had lost her brother in the process but now she was sitting across from Osu, able to put her skills to good use just like she had always intended. 
It was bittersweet but Asa couldn’t help but be grateful for the latter. 
Kicking her legs under the table in response, Asa then swallowed the piece of food before she finally heard Osu’s voice, except it somehow turned out to be much colder than she imagined. “You don’t have to worry about Ango anymore.” 
The whiplash was sudden, causing her head to snap back to his with shock and confusion. Hold on, what did he just say? Ango wasn’t going to come after her anymore? No, it couldn’t be. That guy was stubborn. 
And looking at him now, the boy still hadn’t looked up from the single pancake in front of him, almost like he was imagining that they were mocking him and calling him names silently.
 But what had pancakes ever done to him to react this way? Because right now he was looking at them like they were his worst enemy. 
That was besides the point though, the girl focusing on his words more than anything.“W-Wait, why? Did something happen?”
Dazai replied distantly, almost like he was distracted by something. “I took care of it. You can stay in Yokohama. He won’t try to send you back anymore.” 
Won’t try to send her back? Well, that was surprising. Asa wondered how he managed it, or if Ango was even still alive anymore? To be honest she wouldn’t have cared either way considering she didn’t know the man but he was her brother’s friend. It would be unfortunate if he had died. 
But the look on Osu’s face wasn’t one of murder so she let that theory go. Instead, the girl simply rested her hands in her lap, unsure how to respond to such big news. “O-Oh..thank you…”
Now she could stay in Yokohama and with Osamu. Was that what he was trying to get at, that he wanted her to still be around him? What about her offer last night, was this the answer to that also? 
Yet before she had a chance to ask, Osu spoke again, like he was giving an order. “When you’re done eating I’ll call my men and you’ll go back with them.” 
His voice was still cold and distant, causing Asa to put her fork down in concern. What was going on? He didn’t act like this last night. It was like he was treating her like another subordinate, giving instructions without a care in the world. 
Right now he wasn’t her Osamu, he was Dazai, the mafia executive. 
It was a shift, a change that made her fingers tightened around the hem of her skirt before forcing herself to bite her tongue and keep her words in her mouth. The last thing she wanted was to push and make him upset. 
But even still, she could sense it immediately, the walls that had been put up, the distance in his voice so sudden it caught her off guard. What was this distance, and why had he constructed it like some sort of defense mechanism? 
Although that’s when she watched him slowly stand up from his seat, ignoring the freshly made pancake in front of him only for the girl to finally call out. “What about you?”
She wasn’t expecting anything, but Asa would be lying to say that she wasn’t sad that their little date had finally come to an end. Everything was just so wonderful, she didn’t want her beautiful carriage to turn back into a pumpkin. Maybe if she asked, the magic could continue a little longer. 
And maybe those walls could come down also.
Yet she was sorely mistaken when Osu simply scoffed at her concern, his hands lifted out in mocking reply. “Work, sweetheart. What? Were you expecting me to want me to walk you back? Are you really that needy that you can’t be without me for ten seconds? What a clingy little puppy you are, Asa-chan.” 
And just like that, he disappeared into his bedroom, closing the door in order to hide himself from her as Asagao simply dropped her head down to look at his pancakes with a frown. 
He didn’t even touch them. 
Well, she should’ve expected that, Oda did say he didn’t like to eat sometimes so she shouldn't have taken it personally. And yet for some reason, Asa still did, her heart twisting with rejection in order to hang her head with sadness. 
Sighing to herself, the girl then pulled out her phone before opening her notes app and crossing off the first sentence on the top, the one she had written almost a year ago. 
Things Osamu might like to eat: pancakes
Osamu’s men dropped her off in front of her brother’s apartment, leaving her alone on the streets as she felt herself recall back to the embarrassing display just moments ago. He didn’t even see her off, but she guessed he was probably just really busy with executive stuff again.  
And even if it wasn’t the case, Asa knew he didn’t have the obligation to walk her to the car either. It wasn’t like they were actually boyfriend and girlfriend. Osu didn’t do “mushy”, she already knew that. Just him allowing her to stay the night should’ve been enough. 
Yet Asagao hated that she still wanted more, her selfish and greedy little heart unable to get their perfect date out of her head no matter how hard she tried. Ugh, damn it! Pull it together, Asa! He’s just doing what we said in the agreement. Don’t get disappointed. 
Shaking the thought from her head, she then slapped her cheeks roughly in order to finally make her way up the steps to Oda’s place only to see a vague shadow moving in the corner of her vision. 
And when she heard his voice, her distaste didn’t lessen at all. “Asagao.” 
Already feeling her throat groan at his presence, Asa glanced behind her in order to just barely make out the suited government agent just a couple feet away. Damn it, Osu said he wasn’t going to bother her anymore. Was that a lie, or just a miscalculation? 
Cause right now she felt pretty bothered. 
Getting ready to use her ability and flee, she paused when Ango’s frantic tone called back to her. “Don’t! Just..please..listen to me for a second. I’m not going to drag you back. I promise.” 
Not fully believing him, Asa still kept her guard up, turning her body around to finally face him with a heavy weighed sigh. “What do you want, Ango? You want to get a couple more jabs in? Tell me how disappointed my brother would be for what I’m doing? Go ahead.” 
Her words were sharp, causing Ango to physically flitch at the brutality of them all before he hung his head with a broken whisper. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to get that far. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was angry and I took it out on you. Odasaku was my best friend. What I said..I just wanted to make sure you were safe.” 
She knew that, she knew that was his intention but that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. Hearing those truths firsthand, shoving Oda’s feelings in her face had brought a sense of guilt she couldn’t hide. Ango was right after all, she was sure her brother wouldn’t have approved of her being in Yokohama, and yet she did it anyway. 
Some little sister she was, right? Going against her brother's wishes just because she knew he couldn’t stop her from the dead. How fucked up of her to use such a sad loophole to her benefit. 
Not wanting to think about it anymore, Asa then closed her eyes before willing the horrible feelings from her head in order to cross her arms. “Is that all you have to say?” 
And she hoped that was it, that Ango was done with his internal torture because the girl didn’t know how much more she could take of his hard truths. She didn’t want to hear them, to face the disappointment. 
Yet that’s when Ango paused before reaching into the bag by his side in order to pull out a large stack of papers, the white colored pages bounded by one staple. “No. I wanted to give you this.” 
Not understanding, Asa frowned. “What is it?” 
Still holding the pages between his fingers, Ango spoke towards the ground, his voice plain and serious. “I know about your past, Asagao. I know that you and Oda were taken in by an organization for assassins. I know that you killed like a rabid animal, following whatever orders they assigned. A prodigy, a beast, a tool. You outshone everyone in the program, so much so that there were bidding wars on who would hold your lease in the end.”
Why was he telling her this? She already knew all that shit. She had lived it after all. So why was he bringing up such unpleasant memories again? 
Shaking her head, Asa glared back. “So you know my life, what about it?”
Ango only sighed though, obviously annoyed that she wasn’t understanding where he was going. “Oda kept you away from this for a reason, Asagao. He knew that if you ever returned to enemy hands then the results would be catastrophic.” 
Crossing her arms over her chest once more, she nodded in response. He was rehashing things again. “Because I'm a hellhound, I know.” 
Ango only pushed his glasses up with frustration. “No, you don’t get it..” 
Snapping his head up, the agent then extended the pages to her, his voice chilling her entire soul. “You aren’t just a hellhound, you’re the only hellhound left in existence .” 
Almost immediately, Asagao felt her eyes widen in shock, her blood running cold. What did he just say? No, that couldn't be. The hellhounds were the organization's greatest accomplishment, it’s what got them on the map. There were hundreds of people like her, so many faces that went through the same grueling hell she did. 
Shakily taking the report between her fingers, Asa forced herself to weigh them in her hands, even as her skin started to grow numb. “W-What? What does that mean?” 
Ango answered immediately, his eyes then leaving hers.“The entire organization, the hellhound program, it no longer exists.” 
What? No, there was no way. He was lying, The organization that Oda and her worked for was massive, it couldn’t just be gone. That was impossible. 
So much so, the girl spoke her fear into the air. “That can’t be possible, what happened to it then?” 
His answer was immediate, one simple word leaving her stunned. “Odasaku.” 
Not allowing her to process the name, Ango then continued a second later, his voice clear with emotion. “Your big brother dismantled the entire organization for you. He killed everyone involved and erased the tracks so that no one could ever connect you to the underworld. The operation was so big that everyone thought he had help but that wasn’t the case. He did it all by himself, at the age of just fifteen.”
Sucking in a heavy breath, the agent finished softly. “All so you could be free..” 
A heavy silence appeared then as Asagao tried to process what he was saying. Her brother had eliminated everyone in that organization, he had taken down the entire hellhound program and buried it just so no one would ever know she was alive? He did all of that, her brother, the man she never knew, he risked everything for her like that? 
Just the idea brought tears to her eyes, her metaphorical fingers reaching out and finally finding someone to hold onto after so many long horrible years. 
Why didn’t she know that before? Why didn’t he just tell her in those letters? Fuck, she thought he hated her all these years but really he was doing this? Asa always thought that Oda just hid her and then took her place. She didn’t know he had gone so far beyond that just for her sake. 
And seeing her falter was something that pained Ango the most. The way she was searching his face for lies, for any sort of deception broke his heart into two. One look from her face and it was obvious to tell that she couldn’t believe him, that she was afraid to.
That is until the man reached forward in order to tap the stack of papers in her hands, urging her to look. “Please, don’t ever doubt his love for you, Asagao. Oda adored his little sister more than anything; It was never resentment. He wanted to give you everything, even what he could never have, and if you can’t believe that then look at the facts in front of you. Words don't lie.”
It hurt him to see her like this, knowing that Oda had never intended his little sister to be so wary. When she told him all her assumptions, the things that she had been fearful of her entire life, Ango knew he had to fix them, to make her see that her big brother truly did care for her, in more ways than she would ever know. 
And although she couldn’t ever talk to her brother about it, he hoped this tangible proof was enough to finally put her heart at ease once and for all. 
But what he didn’t know was that his small gesture had crashed open the flood gates that she had always tried to keep closed. And even though she told herself that Ango was lying for her sake, the words on the page and the record of that night appeared right in front of her face with painstaking reality. 
Could it be? Oda never hated her? Not even once? Osamu’s stories and Ango’s reports were all true. God, the feeling was so overwhelming, Asa felt like she could crumble on her knees sob in relief. It was like a weight had suddenly lifted off her shoulders and the girl didn’t know what to do with it. 
So much so, Asa then turned her teary eyes up to look at the agent before her lips began to quiver in response, her emotions screaming to be let out. “A-Ango…” 
She thought he was a bad guy for trying to pull her away from this but perhaps that wasn’t the case after all. He had just given her the very thing she wanted most, and that meant everything to her. 
Seeing her race forward, Ango’s eyes then widened as Oda’s sister wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face into his suit jacket with a messy hug as the man stumbled backwards in shock. “H-Hey..”
She only responded by grasping even tighter as his eyes fell at the feeling of her small shaky uncertain arms holding onto him for dear life. He recognized it immediately. This was the hold of a child, a scared, terrified child that needed comfort more than anything else in the world. 
And although Ango knew about the dark and bloody past that she lived, right now it was impossible to tell, the man placing an awkward hand to her head before validating her feelings. “Alright alright..it’s okay..you’re welcome..”
The girl only squeezed him in response, not trusting her own voice as the agent continued. “I won’t try to send you back anymore but I want you to be aware of the risks. If not for you then for Oda. Staying in Yokohama will always be dangerous for you. Don’t let this place drag you back and ruin Odasaku’s work. Please, I wouldn’t be able to bear it..” 
All this time, Asa realized that she had been truly blind to the evil that her brother had left her behind for. Because if the underworld found out that a professionally trained hellhound was still alive, then the price on her head would be far more lethal than ever before. 
She was a rarity now, a one of a kind gem that even the most twisted of members would kill for. That’s why her brother had tried to get her out of Yokohama, because coming back would mean facing a minefield of traps. 
But even now, Asagao couldn’t get herself to walk away. Yes, it was dangerous, yes that just by associating her with Osamu she was already playing with fire and almost getting burned. But either way, she wanted to stay, she needed to, in order to have the last remaining tie to Oda. 
Osamu, she couldn’t leave him. She couldn’t go back to being lonely again now that she had experienced how wonderful he was, how she accepted her. No, Asa knew she was already in far too deep to ever go back to how things were before. 
Shaking her head against his chest, Asa then finally pulled away from Ango, her voice serious and final for her choice. “I won’t..I won’t ruin it..” 
And this time, the man didn’t scold her for wanting to stay, his eyes falling with acceptance in order to nod with relief. At least she was aware of the risks now. His friend's sacrifice wouldn’t be for nothing  “Thank you.” 
Although that’s when another bandaged presence seemed to pop into his mind, the agent pausing for a moment before trying to tread lightly on the subject. “And the same thing goes for Dazai, please be careful of him also.” 
Because if there was one thing he knew, it was that Dazai was connected to the port mafia, which meant that Asa was now closer than ever to the thing Oda had tried to save her from. 
And although he wanted to believe that his old friend had turned over a new leaf, and wanted to keep her safe from Mori, he was still skeptical. 
Dazai’s loyalty to Odasaku was noticeable but Ango still didn’t trust that he wouldn’t unknowingly ruin Asa in the process of his own selfish desires. The truth was, the biggest threat for her right now was the bandaged boy she was so attached to. 
Asa only frowned though, distaste covering her past relief. “I don’t need to, Osu has only ever been nice to me.” 
She hated that Ango looked at Osu like a monster, like some sort of evil she needed to watch out for. Sure, he wasn’t a great man but he also wasn’t completely bad either. 
He had given her so much already. He had shown her hope and a connection to her brother she had never thought possible. 
Ango still didn’t seem convinced though, his words sharp. “Maybe for now, but that boy is an enigma. He will always do what benefits him and is too broken to care about the destruction in his wake. Don’t let him destroy you too.” 
And perhaps he wouldn't do it on purpose but Ango knew the chaotic energy that resisted in that boy’s soul. It was so easy to get caught up in the tornado of it all, to be struck by his nearby lightning if you got too close. 
Groaning to herself, Asa then shrugged her shoulders in response. “There is nothing to destroy. Our relationship is in name only.” 
That was the fact about them that Ango seemed to be forgetting. Osamu and her, they weren’t friends, even though she hoped that could be the case. But whatever storm or disaster he was talking about was irreverent to her. 
They were using each other for their own wishes, that’s all it was. They weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, they weren’t connected in any sort of way that would cause destruction. It was a surface level thing. 
Nodding back in approval, the tense expression on his face then seemed to dissipate, leaving only relief. “Good, keep it that way. Otherwise you’ll be added to the long list of people he’s hurt.” 
And that was the last thing Ango wanted for her. She didn’t deserve to be caught up with a suicidal mess like Dazai. Surface level was fine, but the man knew that anything more than that would only bring pain in the end. 
That boy didn’t know how to care for another person. Hell, he didn’t even know how to care for himself, and if Asagao got in the middle of that then the only one that would end up hurt would be her, and he would not let that happen. 
Just as long as they kept their distance, just as long as Asagao never falls for his deceptive tricks or seduction. Just as long as she never actually falls in love with him, then it would be fine. He could live with their relationship. 
Reaching his hand forward, Ango then placed his hand back onto her head before speaking softly. “If anything happens, come find me. I don’t care what Dazai wants, if you are put in danger in any capacity then I will fight the entire port mafia to make sure you’re safe.” 
He meant every word, knowing that the moment Dazai hurt her, he would not hesitate to break this thing entirely. It’s what Odasaku would’ve done, and since he wasn’t alive now it was up to Ango to take the position. 
And he would, without fail, make sure that his best friend's wish stayed granted. 
The next time Asagao saw Osamu was two weeks later, the girl happily opening the door only for him to casually stroll in with a sly smile. “Little eager today, aren’t we Asa-chan?” 
And it was hard to deny that, knowing that the girl had been waiting for him to show up again so they could spend more time with each other. Just seeing him here gave her that same joy that he always seemed to bring. 
Nodding once, the girl beamed. “Sorry, I’m just excited to see you. It's been awhile.” 
Moving over to their usual seats, the girl then took out the white shoe box that held her brother’s letters before taking out the top entry in order to slide it over to Osu silently. 
The boy took in the words immediately, handling the paper with just as much care as he always did before carefully folding the surface as gently as possible. And though he didn’t speak about it, it was obvious to tell that he cherished the letter more than anything in the entire world. 
Closing his eyes, Dazai then slipped into one his usual stories about Odasaku, a wistful look in his eyes. “Hey Asa-chan, you wanna know how Odasaku and I met in the first place?”
The girl nodded immediately, her eyes glued to his. “Oda’s letters said something about finding you outside covered in blood. Is there more to it?” 
She partly wondered why he decided to share his particular story now. Perhaps he was just feeling sentimental about it. Not that she minded though, anything Osamu gave her about Oda was a gift. 
Seeing the light practically sparkle in his eyes at her eager response, Dazai then leaned forward on his knees before gasping in child-like glee. “Oh yeah, lots more! That guy chained me to a bedpost for weeks so I wouldn't escape and then used his ability to swindle me out of all the port mafia’s secrets. It was so unfair and he knew it, weaponizing his future skill against me. So mean.” 
The boy then pouted his lips at the memory causing Asagao to giggle under her breath. She was happy to see him this way, it seemed like that wall he had built between them wasn’t here right now and he was allowing his kid-ish nature to seep out. 
Perhaps without permission, but Asa was grateful for it even so. It made her feel closer to him, just like that night they had spent together at Bar Lupin. What was she so worried about before? He seemed okay now. 
Raising an eye, the girl poked herself into the conversation. “He swindled you?” 
Groaning in exasperation, Osu then fell backwards before flopping his bandage filled arms onto the table. “Yeah! That guy was shadier then you would think. He knew I didn’t have a chance with that ability of his. Odasaku was so sneaky sometimes.” 
Asa wondered what that looked like. Did her brother have the same kind of manipulative traits that she had? Because from what Osu described it sure sounded like it. Huh, she always thought she was the odd duck in their family but perhaps not. 
Osu then carried on with this story, throwing his arms up in the air with a slight whine. “I mean, I tried for so long to get him to be sick of me and let me go but nothing worked! Honestly, it was kind of impressive. I’ve never met someone that would be so indifferent to annoyance like him…” 
Yet that’s when Dazai felt himself stop in order to glance at the watchful kid in front of him. No, that was a lie. He did know someone else with that same kind of indifference, and she was sitting across from him right now. 
And almost immediately, the boy felt his hands fall as he forced himself to reel his excitement back in. Damn it, he was getting too comfortable again, slipping into these carefree stories like they were friends. 
He promised himself before he came here that he would stop doing that. Guess that showed how little self control he actually had when it came to her and Odaskau as a whole. 
No, the original plan was to read Odasaku’s letter, tell one story and then leave. That was what had to happen, and Dazai was determined to keep it like that. 
Forcing his lips closed, the mafioso then frantically stood from his spot before making his way back towards the door only for Asa to raise her hands in concern. What had gotten into him all of a sudden? They were in the middle of a story. “Hey, where are you going?” 
The boy only shrugged his shoulders though, leaving Asa stunned. “Our agreement was fulfilled, right? That means it’s time to head out.” 
And yes, he was right. She knew he was. They had already exchanged what was expected, he got a letter and she got a story. But things were going well, he looked so happy gushing about Oda. Why did that have to end so quickly? 
Twisting her expression in conflict, Asagao then frowned before that familiar sense of loneliness couldn’t help but coat her throat. Just a little more, please stay just a little more. 
She then stood with him, grasping at anything to make him stay. “Are you sure? You don't have to..I mean…I was just about to cook dinner. Maybe we could..” 
Yet the boy simply cut her off, a tight smile on his lips as he waved her offer away like it meant absolutely nothing. “Sorry sweetheart, no can do! This handsome face is fully booked for the evening. Hate to disappoint but you gotta get in line for that.” 
Almost immediately though, Asagao’s trained senses couldn’t help but ring with alarms. To anyone else, that response would’ve been normal but for someone that had cataloged his entire being, she knew right away that his words were a deflection of something else. 
She felt that wall slam back up almost instantly, the distance much colder than it was just a couple minutes ago when they were laughing and telling stories. But why? What happened to make him so standoff-ish and fake all of a sudden? Was it something she said? 
And she hated it, she hated that the sound of his voice implied that they were just mere strangers and not friends. Suddenly he was so out of reach, her invisible hand finding air instead of the boy she knew before. 
The feeling was suffocating, Asagao wanting so badly to call him out on it, to show that she knew exactly what he was doing. But somehow, she forced herself to resist, to hold back on prying into the sad and complicated mind he possessed. 
It was invasive, she knew that. She had figured that out firsthand when she accidentally made those girls from school cry and push her around. And though it felt like an itch she had to scratch, Asa instead clutched her hands into fists, holding back the temptation. 
He would tell her when he was ready, right?
She had to trust that. If something was bothering him then would confine to her. That’s what she wanted to believe so badly. Anything to keep this ugly part of her at bay and hold back her words. 
Taking a deep breath, Asagao then forced a smile to her lips in fake positivity before giving him a small wave in reply. “That’s okay, I don’t want to disturb you. Have fun.” 
Osamu only winked in response, the flirty gesture giving her no comfort. “You know it, darling.” 
And then he left, leaving her with the familiar companion of loneliness that had accompanied her throughout her entire life. 
Three months. 
It had been three months since their date and Asa was growing restless by the day, watching as Osamu kept that same suffocating distance between them. He never spoke about it, he didn’t even bring anything up regarding it. 
No, he just left her in her own torment, like a shaky damn that’s foundations were slowly cracking. 
She kept trying to tell herself to let it go, to stop being a bother and face the fact that they would never be friends like she had hoped. That wasn’t the agreement, he had no obligation to hang around longer than he needed to. 
But as the days passed, so did the selfishness of her heart. The greed was swallowing her whole with every bit of rejection she received to have him stick around. No matter what she tried he never seemed interested. 
No, he did seem interested. That was the problem.
Because of her stupid upbringing and analytical eyes she could tell that he was lying in his answers. This facade he put up, it wasn’t fooling her one bit and she honestly wished that it had. 
The truth was, if he simply didn’t want those things then she could’ve lived with it but it was obvious to tell that Osu was holding himself back from something. And though Asagao was never an angry person, his withdrawal was starting to piss her off. 
Why was he doing this to himself, why was he forcing himself to leave time and time again? She hated it, the torture he was putting himself through for a reason she couldn’t decipher. 
So much so that after their usual exchange, Asagao followed him out the door, her fingers catching on the sleeve of his black jacket with silent plea. “Osu, are you sure you don't wanna stay?” 
Once again he only gave her a shallow response. “So clingy, love. I already told you I was busy.” 
But this time, the girl couldn’t let it rest. She had been trained to point out any irregularity or change in a person's demeanor since she could remember. It was ingrained into her, and she couldn’t turn it off even if she tried. 
Yes, she was wearing her glasses but it wasn’t that easy with Osamu. She couldn’t see his mannerisms but she could hear them, she could sense them, and that was enough to know that something was very wrong with how he was acting. 
Unable to help herself, Asagao spoke sharply. “Do you honestly think I’d believe such a lie?” 
And for a moment, Dazai paused, his facade cracking for a second before he gave a careless laugh. “I’m not sure what you mean, Asa-chan, I would never lie.” 
But just him saying that was a lie in itself. He thrived off of depiction, that much was very well known, even to Asagao. “I just don’t understand why you are forcing yourself to leave like this. You never want to.” 
Almost immediately, Dazai felt frozen, his hand hovering over the door handle with silent distress. He hoped that Asa would look at his disinterest with the mind of a foolish lovesick girl but that didn’t seem to be the case. Why couldn’t it ever be easy with her?
Of course he had to leave. He couldn’t get comfortable, to allow himself to indulge in the drug that was Oda Asagao. Every single coax, every moment of temptation she had given him he had resisted. Just barely, but it still counted. 
Because Dazai knew that the moment he gave into her, there would be no going back. And that couldn’t happen. Quite honestly, she was making everything harder by clinging on for so long. He hoped she would’ve gotten the message. 
And she did, but it wasn’t the message that he intended. She didn’t see his rejection as indifference, she saw it as it really was, a scared little boy running away from what he really wanted. 
Forcing another chuckle to his lips, Dazai gave her a sly smirk to mask his anxiety. “Well, I do admit it is hard to leave such a beautiful lady alone each time.” 
His first response fell on deaf ears though, Asagao immediately sensing it as deflection. And unlike all the times before, she wasn’t going to let this one go. 
Narrowing her eyes in strange seriousness, she sighed. “Osamu…” 
The boy only turned his head though, pretending not to know what she was trying to imply. “Hmm?” 
Although that’s when he watched her eyes fall with a softness that shook his very foundations. “What’s wrong?” 
Shit, she knew something was wrong, she knew he was forcing himself away. This was bad. He knew she wouldn’t agree with his reasoning either. No, she’d probably encourage his bad little habit of sticking around. 
And that was something he could not have. 
Shoving the feelings down, Dazai simply scoffed, purposely speaking cruelly in order to get her to back off. “Nothing’s wrong, sweetheart. I’m just fulfilling my part of our deal. It’s you that wants me to stick around like this. Not that I can blame you, I am irresistible.” 
Asagao only frowned though, seeing his sugar coated words as another deflection.“Don’t give me that, you’ve been acting weird for months. Do you really think I haven’t noticed? I wouldn’t have bothered you if you really wanted us to be strangers but I can tell that isn’t the case. You are forcing yourself to keep this distance between us. Why?” 
Her words were like a set of draggers, cutting maliciously  into him without permission as she poured out every single analytical thing she had picked up over the last few months. She didn’t pull any punches, leaving him absolutely breathless. 
God, for as enticing as she was, Dazai hated this part of her just as much as he admired it. Because when it was aimed at anyone else it was marvel but when it was aimed at him..well it was his worst nightmare…
And that was because he always felt naked with her, so vulnerable and fragile, stripped away from every single mask and front he had ever put up. It didn’t matter how many layers he tried to cover himself with, she saw through every single one in a blink of an eye. 
It was dangerous, being around her was so dangerous. He could never hide when he was put in front of her eyes, no matter how hard he wished for it. She was always his executioner, his mirror. 
It made his skin crawl with uncomfortable raw emotion, wanting so badly to run away from her and protect himself from her scrutinizing and truth telling tongue. 
Why did she have to perceive what he never wanted to be known and shove it in front of his face time and time again?
He felt like he was going to be sick, the boy forcing himself to keep himself together before she looked into him even deeper. “What you’re seeing is wishful thinking, love.” 
And silently he begged for her to take the bait, to finally back off and take his gaslighting as the truth. But he was never lucky enough for that result. 
Instead, Asagao’s frown only deepened, her heart twisting with rejection in order to do the one thing that had always seemed to get her in trouble. Pushing too far. “Why is it so bad to want to stay? I already said you don’t have to do anything…”
Yet that’s when she heard his voice, strained and cold. “Asagao.” 
And once he got her attention, Dazai forced himself to say the one thing he knew would let him go, even if it was insanely cruel.
He had to, or else he knew she would never let up. “Quit trying to be Odasaku. You won’t replace him.” 
Widening her eyes, Asagao’s felt her heart stab with pain at that, her entire body recoiling back from him with a sharp gasp. Is that what he thought, that she was trying to replace her brother? 
That wasn’t what she was trying to do at all, that wasn’t her intention. She just wanted a friend, not to replace his memory entirely. 
But then again, she supposed in some sort of manner it was like that. She had come to Yokohama, found Osamu and urged him into the same relationship that he had shared with her brother. 
That’s right, she was just a knock off version of what he wanted. A dollar store rip off that didn’t compare to the real thing. How silly of her to expect any different, for him to care for her in the same capacity as he did for Oda. 
Asagao got his message immediately, he was telling her not to overstep her place. 
Not knowing how to respond, she then watched Osamu leave her alone, causing her hand to run across her face in sad revelation before moving back to the small shoe box on the table and opening the top. 
Then the girl reached her hand in order to take out a familiar letter, the one that she had used to calm herself a million times before. The very first message of Osamu’s existence. 
Pushing the letter close to her chest, Asagao then let out a shaky breath, not finding that familiar comfort anymore now that she knew the truth. 
How foolish of her, to think that he wouldn’t leave like all the others.
Chapter 12
“Quit trying to be Odasaku.” 
The words slipped from his lips without a second thought, purposely cracking the carefree outer shield that Asagao always wore in order for the boy to see the hurt that he didn't know existed.
For some reason, that phrase wasn’t something she could brush off or use her usual coping mechanism on. No, one look in her eyes and Dazai could tell that it was bigger, that he had touched a spot that broke through her trauma plated armor. 
But in the end it had gotten him what he wanted, the girl no longer stopping him as he walked out of Oda’s apartment without another word, taking that sick nauseating feeling with him. 
She wasn’t trying to take the place of Odasaku, he knew that, but in Dazai’s mind his projection of his own insecurities basically made the result the same. Asagao wasn’t aiming to be Oda but the boy could feel their similarities creeping up his spine even so. 
It didn’t matter if she had good intentions, because the boy had seen her as his dead friend many times before. 
The truth was, Dazai was the one who was searching for Odasaku, he was the one that tried to recreate those feelings with Asagao. 
It wasn’t her fault, it was his own fucked up brain wishing for those mundane and carefree times back. He wanted to stay at her place for weeks on end and eat dinner with her every time she offered. He wanted to tell her stories about her brother and laugh about them throughout the entire night. 
But instead he lashed out, he shoved his own insecurities in her face and caused her to make that heartbreaking expression instead. Guess she was wrong, he couldn’t be a good man after all. He bet she regretted that statement now. 
What a disappointment he was, hurting the one thing that Odasaku held dearly. He tried to warn her that she would be caught in the crossfire of his own destruction but she didn't listen. And now she had paid the price. 
If only she wasn’t so clever, if only she didn’t see through every single one of his defenses. See, this was why he preferred to be around stupid girls, ones that didn’t ask too many questions. It was easier that way, easier to hide in himself. 
But with Asagao he couldn’t do that, and it terrified a part of him he didn’t even know he possessed. She saw him in a way no one else could, she perceived him in a manner that shook him to his very core. 
It was a contradiction, to want to be understood and yet not at the same time. To call out into the sea and pray to be rescued but also hope to be drowned. That was the line that Dazai constantly walked, and the boy knew that he would never be happy with either result. 
Because to be seen, to be perceived was the scariest he could ever imagine. Just the mere idea of such a concept caused his fingers to wrap around the bandages around his arms with a shiver of alarm. 
No, he couldn’t do it. It didn’t matter how much he craved it, how much he wished for it. He couldn’t show anyone these ugly disgusting parts of himself. The walls, the barriers, the armor, they needed to be there forever. 
That’s why he wore the tightly wound gauze in the first place, to hide. To cover himself in order to be able to stand to look at the sight. They shielded him, coddled him far from his inner self, tucking him away emotionally so that no one could ever truly see the scarred and tainted skin underneath. 
They were a necessity, something that Dazai knew he couldn’t live without. 
And just the mere thought of Asagao seeing underneath his bandages almost spiraled him into a panic attack on the spot. No, he couldn’t let her get too close, he couldn’t let her figure out this horrible part of him.
This feeling of insecurity and helplessness, he hated it more than anything. It stuck to his skin like a disease, taunting him with every step. He needed to be ridded of it immediately before it consumed his sad little nonexistent heart completely. 
Mindlessly making his way back to his apartment, the boy then threw open the door before stepping inside the hollow and lonely place without a single word. 
The soothing and happy hum, the sickening smell of sweets, the bright aura that was once there was no longer now that Asagao had left. 
She took all the life with her it seemed. And without her the place had returned back to its usual depressed state. 
Focusing on a corner of a room, Dazai then recalled the massive blanket fort that had graced the space all those months ago. He was so stunned when he first saw it and somewhere in the back of his throat he missed it, simply because all that was left now was just empty space. 
Robotically moving over his bed, the boy then laid back onto the soft mattress with a sigh in order to lift his hand and cover his face as the silence turned into sadness. 
He felt no warmth, no comforting uneasiness that he had with Asagao. No, the boy didn’t feel anything, his entire body numb and nonexistent as he forced himself back to the sad little life he had made for himself. 
Now he was alone, just as he had always been, and just how he would always be. 
Six months passed by and Dazai resided in keeping himself busy at all times. Wether it was trying out a new suicide attempt or taking on every single assigment that Mori had offered, the boy had stuck to a schedule in order to keep himself away from tempting lure of Asagao. 
Yes, they still visited each other but the boy made sure to keep it at a surface level and after his careless comment Asagao didn’t seem to object. They were back to being strangers, just like he had always intended them to be. 
Which was why the executive was now standing in the middle of a crossfire, his ears filling up with loud shouts and orders as the air rained down with bullets all around them. 
It was supposed to be a simple job but somehow had turned into an all out war without warning. And though Dazai’s ability made him powerful, it didn’t stop the influx of offensive attacks that were all aimed at him. 
And though he dodged the best he could, the boy wasn’t that lucky as one of his attackers managed to ram his fist into Dazai’s stomach in order for another one of his lackeys to fire a shot in the mafioso’s direction. 
The impact was instant, crashing into his shoulder with a sharp sting of agony as Dazai hissed at the contact. Fuck, that hurt. Didn’t these guys know he didn’t like pain? 
Apparently not, because a second later another gun was aimed at his face, causing the bandaged boy to groan in order to kick the object away with his foot and retreat behind a nearby tree.
Touching the crimson color on his shoulder, he seethed at the pain before watching his fingers coat with dangerous warning. Damn it, he was losing blood fast, so much so the boy already felt dizzy.  
He then heard a shout to his left, the attackers signaling that they had found Dazai only for the boy to grit his teeth and take off running. The last thing he needed was to be captured and tortured by these guys. He did not want to die in a dirty old cell like that. 
Feeling his own heartbeat pound in his ears, the brown haired kid ignored the blurry spots in his vision in order to pant and push further and further into the streets of Yokohama. 
And the fainter he got, the more Dazai wondered if this was really it, if he was finally going to die tonight?
If that was true then it was unfortunate, considering how much his entire body hurt right now. This was no painless way to leave this world, and because of that the boy couldn’t help but be against it. 
But if he was going to die like this then he knew the exact place he wanted to go. 
Forcing his shaky and uncertain legs to move, his fingers leaned against a nearby wall before practically clawing his way to where he needed to go. No, he couldn’t die until he was there, then everything would be okay. 
And soon enough he found it, the steps of Odasaku’s apartment causing a tired smile to cross his lips before his body finally gave out on the steps. 
It only seemed right to go here, this was where it all started after all, where Odaskau had found him all those years ago. 
But even in his delirious state, Dazai knew that no one would save him this time. Odasaku was dead, which meant the only thing left for him now was to join him. 
And as he felt his eyes close with acceptance, the boy whispered to himself. 
“I’m sorry, Odasaku. I failed you.”
Sighing to herself, Asagao strolled through the streets of Yokohama with no particular goal in mind. She didn’t even really know why she was out here but anything was better than wallowing in her own depression she supposed. 
Ever since Osamu’s comment to her three months ago, the two hadn’t been close. Hell, it seemed that they were even more like strangers than before. The two still saw each other, yeah, but it was never about anything but their deal. 
The conversations were shallow and meaningless, leaving her wanting more each time. But Asa knew better than to be selfish again. This was the relationship they had whether she liked it or not. 
And she respected it, even if it was extremely hard to do so. 
Asagao then paused as a group of school girls passed by her, everyone in the group laughing and giggling about some kind of inside joke as one of them gasped. “Hey, you wanna check out the newest cafe? It just opened.” 
Her friend only nodded enthusiastically, obviously eager for the idea. “Yeah, let’s do it!” 
And as they passed by her, Asa couldn’t help but feel her gaze fall with defeat. What did that feel like, to hang out like normal middle schoolers, to have someone to lean on so easily? She didn’t know, she never knew how that felt. 
Because as much as she liked to believe she could be a part of that world, Asa knew in her heart that it was impossible. Something about her was never that way, she could feel it. 
She wasn’t a mafioso nor a normal kid. She didn’t fit in either one of those boxes. The brutality and evilness of it all, the average happy go lucky mold of a giggly middle schooler, they never seemed quite right. 
The sad truth was, Asagao knew she didn’t belong anyway. Not with the mafia, not with the civilians. She was a strange middle ground, a purgatory between heaven and hell, unable to transfer to either side no matter how badly she wanted it. 
Her eyes had made that impossible and now she was stuck on the outside, looking through a glass box of disappointment. 
Hell, even Osamu didn’t like the way she was. 
That much was evident from his comments months ago. It still haunted her, the assumption that she had done all of this to take her big brother's place by his side. It disgusted her to know that it was kind of the truth. 
What was wrong with her? She couldn’t find a place in the darkness or a light so instead she sought after her big brother's position instead? How vile. She hated herself for even thinking about such a thing. 
No wonder Osamu got sick of her. She couldn’t even blame him. 
She didn’t really like herself either. 
Sighing to herself once more, Asa then walked back to her brother’s apartment sadly, not wanting to be out here anymore. She decided to go out to make herself feel better but it seemed even that was a bust. 
The girl then turned the corner to her street only to pause at the sight of a black blur laid across the steps of her brother’s apartment. Hold on, what was that? Someone was sleeping in front of her door? How odd. 
Yet the closer she got, the more she recognized the very familiar brown haired boy, his body coated in blood from an unknown source. Oh my god, what happened to him? “O-Osamu?” 
He didn’t stir at that sound of her voice, his muscles unmoving as Asagao quickly kneed down in order to press a finger to the side of his throat in panic in order to find a pulse. Oh thank god, he wasn’t dead. 
Although the second her fingers graced his skin, Osu’s voice whispered out brokenly, his tone distant and weak as he pleaded softly. “I’m sorry, Odasaku. I failed you.” 
Feeling her face drop at the desperation in his words, Asagao shook her head, moving her hands over to his shoulders with anxiety.
She didn’t know what he was talking about in the slightest but hearing him speak so small and dejected made her heart hurt. “Don’t say that. You haven’t failed anyone.” 
His lack of response to her voice caused Asa to panic, her hands frantically moving under his arms in order to lift his limb body off the steps before stumbling in the process. 
Because they were about the same height and build, she was able to handle his dead weight just barely, silently apologizing to the boy in her head as she dragged his feet across the threshold of Oda’s apartment with another breathy wobble. 
No, she couldn’t keep him out there. It didn’t matter if she couldn’t fully carry him inside, if his feet were still glued to the ground. She would push herself as far as he needed to to make sure he was okay. 
Finally reaching the sofa, Asagao then carefully lowered Osamu’s sweaty and weak body down onto the cushions before quickly grabbing the nearest medical kit she could find in order to sit across from him and start to take off his bloody black jacket. 
Surprisingly enough, Osu didn’t protest to her frazzled hands, his eyes far too heavy and distant to reply as Asagao tried to reach him again. “I’m going to take off your shirt so I can see how deep the wound is, okay?” 
Once again he didn’t answer, causing Asa to continue her plan as her fingers graced the buttons of his black vest, peeling the fabric away before pulling his tie from his neck and untying the knot without a second thought. 
And though her face felt undeniably hot from her methods she shoved the feelings down. Now was not the time to get flustered about these kinds of things. Osamu needed her. She could get embarrassed later, once she found out he was alright. 
Fumbling with the buttons on the white shirt underneath, she then watched the boy hiss as she unstuck the glued-on fabric from his bloody skin only for Asa to whisper sadly. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t like pain but please bear with me. I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can for you.” 
And she was, she was trying to be as light as possible, only touching the fabric from his shirt and not the skin that laid beneath out of respect for his preferences. The last thing she wanted to do was cause him discomfort in any way while he was injured. 
She didn’t want him to think that she was taking advantage of his weak state by going further than what he consented to. 
Being a port mafia executive, she knew it was probably already hard for him to show this vulnerable position and trust anyone with his body, especially to this extent. 
So Asa tried her best, only grabbing onto the fabric as she pulled it from his arms only to find the source of the blood immediately. 
Damn it, he was shot in the shoulder. First she had to get the bullet out and then give him stitches or else he was at risk of bleeding out. 
Quickly opening the first aid kit, Asagao then grabbed a pair of tweezers before moving the objects towards his shoulder with a sharp breath of apprehension, knowing Osu would feel pain from her decision. “I’m so sorry love but this is gonna hurt. I’m gonna need you to be strong for me, okay? Grab my wrist or hold my hand if you need to. I’m right here.”  
The way she called him love , it rolled off her tongue without a second thought, extending her non-dominant hand out to hover in front of him silently before focusing her attention back on his wound. 
Asking a top level member of the mafia to be strong, perhaps it was foolish but she felt the need to say it even so. Because if he was weak in this moment, she wanted him to know that she wouldn’t judge him for it. 
Digging her tweezers into the bloody wound, she felt Osamu’s body tense up, his teeth gritting together with clear discomfort as Asa quickly wrapped the surface around the bullet in order to pull it free. 
Yet even so, the boy didn’t reach out to her at all, his fingers instead clenching the fabric on his pants as Asagao quietly stitched up his open gash with precise precision. 
She didn’t mind though, she didn’t hold the  rejection against him, allowing him to do whatever he felt comfortable with in order to focus on her job.
Being a hellhound had its perks after all, and one of them was firsthand experience with patching herself up as a child. She could do it in a matter of seconds, even with her eyes closed.
The skill was always useful but Asa had never been truly thankful of it till now, knowing that she could ease Osamu of his pain as fast as possible. 
Once she was done, the girl sighed in relief, seeing Osu’s ghostly white fingers relax from his hold only for Asagao to notice the rest of his chest. 
The bandages he always wore were soaked with blood, trailing towards his bare skin in streaks and splotches. 
He couldn’t be comfortable like that, sitting in that kind of reminder. Also what if there were more wounds under all the blood? What if there was something lethal that she couldn’t see? If so then she needed to treat it right away. 
Reaching her fingers forward in anxiety, the tips then hovered on top of his bandages only for Osamu to seemingly wake up from his dazed state, the alarms in his head practically screaming at him to move. 
Hmm? It doesn’t hurt anymore. 
Wait, what is she reaching for? 
Wait, no..anything but that..
And as her fingers started to unravel the coverings, the boy's hand snapped forward with frightening speed in order to latch onto her wrist with a painful death grip of warning. 
He then roughly pulled her hand away from the gauze as Asagao froze at the deadly and dangerous look he was giving her. It was lethal, the sight forcing her to silence immediately. 
His eyes, they only held threats, the iris’ wide and crazed like a cornered wild animal or a demon inside the skin of a boy.
 In this moment Osamu resembled the devil himself, unmoving, unchanging from the hold he had on her. 
But what Asa didn’t know was that the boy inside was spiraling, panicking on the deepest level the moment her fingers graced the shaky and wrapped up emotions that he had always hid away from the world. 
Anything to make her stop, anything to get her to pull away from the hideous and ugly parts that needed to stay buried. No one could see them, especially her. He needed to get her to stop no matter what, even if he had to break her wrist to do so. 
And a second later, he thought about doing just that, his grip tightening with force only for Asagao to notice the slightest tremor in his muscles as he did so. 
The feeling caused Asa’s eyes to fall, her mind not even focusing on the pain in order to take in the boy before her. He was shaking, trembling even though he was trying not to show it. He was scared of her seeing him, of her taking off his bandages. 
A hard ball of emotion coursed through her throat at the sight, knowing the internal fear better than anyone. She was scared to live without her glasses just like he was scared to live without his white colored binds.
To perceive the world, to be perceived yourself, they were frightening concepts for both Asagao and Osamu. They used the physical, the tangible to keep them safe and secure from the possibility of hurt. 
Then, the realization hit Asagao immediately. 
God, he probably felt cornered with her here, watching him with her analytical and prying mind. That’s why he looked so wild and crazed, why he was grabbing her wrist with so much force right now. It was because he was terrified of her looking too deep, of her finding something he wasn’t proud of. 
Dazai only took the silence as suffocation though, each moment causing his heart to twist and turn with even more breathless panic as he forced his words to move to no avail. 
He wanted to scream, to yell at her, to threaten her and hurt her so badly that she would never dare to touch him ever again like that. 
His mind spun, delirious from his wound, the horrors and nightmares of his past and present swirling around him in a psychotic and madened circle only to watch as Asa closed her eyes with a small smile of acceptance. 
And when she spoke, it was soft, barely above a whisper. “It’s okay, I understand now.”
Wait, what did she mean she understood? Why was she looking like that? He was hurting her, he was so close to breaking her wrist. She should’ve been scared or disgusted by his weak panic. 
But what kind of face was that? 
Yet that’s when his dizzy and faint expression followed her movements, the girl slowly pulling away from his vice grip before reaching for his black discarded tie in order to hold it between her fingers. 
Asagao then wordlessly slipped off her large round glasses before replacing the objects with the black colored fabric, purposely blinding herself from his view before turning back to him. 
And with just three tiny words, he was stunned into silence. “You’re safe now.” 
Widening his eyes the boy felt the meaning crash into him almost instantly. They carved into Dazai without permission, his eyes widening at the feeling before his weakened and shaking fingers couldn’t help but grip onto the fabric of his pants in response. 
She said he was safe. That concept, he never knew the meaning until now. 
They were just three little words and yet Dazai somehow knew what they meant immediately. She was telling him that he was safe from being perceived, that he didn’t have to worry about her finding his insecurities and ugly tainted soul. 
Even though she had noticed, Asagao didn’t tell him to get over it, she didn’t push forward, she didn’t force him past his comfort. 
She instead blinded herself for his sake, to give him comfort, to give him security, to ease his trembling and terrified mind before he unraveled right in front of her face. It was so kind, so unbelievably meaningful that Dazai didn’t know how to take it. 
How could someone truly be this perfect, how could they truly understand such a thing so clearly with little to no words. Without judgment, without persecution? He didn’t think it was possible. 
Reaching her hands forward, Asagao then hovered back over the looming bandages still soaked with blood in order to continue to unravel them, her lips playing in a soft blissful hum as she did so. 
The sound caught in his ears immediately, distracting him from her touch as he watched her careful fingers never reach towards his skin, strictly keeping them on the gauze almost like she knew the sensitivity and vulnerable weakness it would cause by straying too far. 
And as his ugly scarred skin started to appear underneath, a self conscious look crossed his face, the boy thankful that Asa couldn’t see such a weak display. 
But even though her eyes were covered, just her mere presence in front of his ugly skin was enough for the boy’s face to flush in order to look away with a shaky uncertain breath.
It didn’t matter that she couldn’t actually see, this was the most intimate he had ever gotten with someone before. 
And he didn’t mean intimacy in terms of sex either, although it would be wrong to call his hookups intimate on any level considering his methods were to just bend them over and get it over with as fast as possible. 
But this was different than the physical intimacy that he was used to. No, this was something bigger, something far more deep and personal then he had never experienced before.
This was emotional intimacy. The act of being mentally vulnerable, of trusting someone to keep you safe in your most weakened state. It was to allow the walls to crumble down and allow someone to cross your barriers even though it was terrifying to do so. 
Dazai then realized that sex was easy, far easier than whatever this was. It didn’t have feelings, it didn’t force him to show the absolute worst parts of himself and strip him down emotionally to his very core like this.
But even so, the boy allowed Asagao to continue, her hands finally gathering up the old bloody bandages in order to toss them on the ground before reaching down in order to find his hand. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” 
And he hated how he physically flinched at the contact, unable to stop the weak response now that he was vulnerably naked in front of her. He felt more sensitive than before, the slightest touch urging him to recoil back into his shell. 
She seemed to notice the response immediately, her fingers quickly pulling him up before he felt his bare arms rest against the fabric of her shirt in order to take him over to Oda’s bathroom just a couple feet away. 
And because it wasn’t skin to skin contact, the boy found it easier, resting his weary body on her shirt in order for her to lower him into the tub with a type of care that he thought wasn’t physically possible.
Then he watched as she turned around in order to gather up the bottle of shampoo and conditioner along with a cloth that was sitting on a shelf behind her with ease. 
He wondered how she did it, how she managed to wander around the bathroom even without being able to see? 
Well, he supposed it was because of her glasses. She couldn’t see either way so being blindfolded by his tie was probably nothing different in terms of view. 
Then like magic, it seemed like she had read his mind. “I bet you’re wondering how I’m so good at this. Well, being blindfolded was a part of my training to be a hellhound. I’ve learned to catalog objects in physical spaces. Being out on the streets I’m sure I’d have a little more trouble but in a familiar environment like this, seeing isn’t a necessity.” 
She was grateful for it now, this little trick of hers, simply because Asa knew this was something only she could do for Osamu. Anyone else would’ve fumbled and struggled in the darkened world she willingly created but not her. 
No, she thrived in it, more than Osu would ever know. 
Wetting the cloth with running water, Asa then sat on her knees in order to bring the fabric to Osamu’s chest before feeling him twitch and flitch at the contact. He was in a fragile state right now so she had to be careful. 
And careful she was, her fingers moving across the bumpy and raised scarred skin ever so slowly in order to wash every bit of blood she felt between her touch, cleansing him of his sins without a second thought. 
Softening her eyes through the blindfold, she heard his quiet responses immediately. The shaking uneven breath, the feeling of his rising and falling chest of uncertainty with each move, somehow she knew that he was watching her, prepared to pull away at any moment. 
It only made her even more determined though, wanting to show him just how much she cared about him, to show how monumental this boy was to her very existence. She wanted to give him the world, to prove to him that it was okay to be weak and uncertain in front of her. 
Once she didn’t feel any more blood, Asagao then directed her attention to the bottle of shampoo to her left in order to pour a small amount on her hand as she heard Osu question softly. “What are you doing?” 
Smiling towards his voice, Asa replied. “I noticed you had blood in your hair before.” 
There was a silence then, almost like he was trying to decipher her sentence before she tilted his head back in order to gently massage the shampoo into his fluffy soft hair. 
She heard his voice then, far smaller than it was before. “You don’t have to do this.” 
Feeling her eyes close under the blindfold, Asagao only nodded her head in reply. If only he knew how far she’d go for him, how much he meant to her ever since she was a child. This was nothing. 
Asagao’s fingers then paused on his scalp before answering honestly. “I know, I want to.” 
She then began to hum again, hoping it would distract him from his nerves and allow him to enjoy the gentle feeling of her fingers in his hair. He deserved to feel comforted and safe more than anything else. 
And he did, Dazai did feel comfortable with her movements, the soft humming lulling his muscles to sink further in the tub without permission in order to close his eyes and get lost in the moment. 
His bare unbandaged skin shivered at her touch, the knot in his stomach still existent and yet not overwhelming as he felt himself drown in the warmth of her very presence. 
Why she would ever want to do this was beyond him. He didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve to feel this good, to be cared for to this extent, or any extent really.
 But even so, his greedy little soul couldn’t help but give into the temptation of it all. How could he not when she was singing so sweetly and touching him like he was the most precious thing in the entire universe?
God, he wanted to stay here forever, to die perfectly between those fingers of hers and drift away from this world entirely. How peaceful would that be, to go in a state of pure bliss like this one? 
Yet just as he thought that, her touch disappeared, causing the boy to resist the urge to reach out and desperately plead for it back as he watched her put the bottles back on the shelf.
He then felt his body lift back up to rest on her shirt as Asago quietly took him to Oda’s bedroom in order to carefully lay him on the mattress with just as much fragile care as before.
Reaching into her pocket, Dazai then watched her pull out two rolls of freshly bound bandages in order to show the boy. “Would you like to put them on or do you want me to help?” 
The answer should’ve been immediate. Who cares if he was suffering from blood loss, he didn’t need help, he needed to quickly get his bandages back on in order to feel protected again.
Asa helping him would result in her having to touch his skin, and that was a terrifying thought. 
Yet if that was the case, why did he instead reach his hand out to grasp her wrist and not the bandages? Why did he squeeze the skin in a silent wordless plea of weakness?
And why did she answer so softly in response? “Of course, love.” 
Love. She called him love. She had used his pet name against him again but this time it wasn’t in vain, it wasn’t to mock him or poke fun. No, somehow this time that name held so much more power than it had ever before. 
Asagao then slowly began to unwrap the white colored gauze before pushing her hand out towards his vision with a small smile. “Hold out your arms, I’ll be careful. I promise.” 
His muscles complied almost instantly, the boy pushing out his scarred and disgusting arms before Asagao carefully covered the sights with the bandages, her fingers still mindful not to touch the skin as she did so. 
Her contact still caused him to flinch though, Dazai resisting the urge to pull back as her hands then moved to his face in order to rewrap his eye and then his chest. 
He watched her every movement, glued to the sight until everything was finally back in place. Now he could finally breathe behind his constructed walls again. Now he wasn’t so vulnerable. 
And it seemed Asagao sensed that as well, her hands moving towards the black tie around her eyes before pulling the fabric away in order for her hollow and distant gaze to finally meet his. “There, that’s better. Hang on, I think Oda had some old shirts in here that you could use..” 
Turning around, the girl then pulled open a couple drawers before pulling out a large white and black striped button down shirt, the sight causing Dazai’s eyes to soften immediately. He had seen that piece of fabric a million times before. It was one of Odasaku’s favorites. 
Asagao then moved back over to him before carefully helping his fatigued body into the shirt, her fingers fixing up the buttons as Dazai looked down and cataloged the distance between them, which was minuscule at best. 
Then once she was done with the top button, she smiled before looking up only to find Osamu staring straight at her, their lips only about a couple inches away from each other. 
But like the idiot she was, Asagao didn’t flush at the distance, a stupid smile moving to her lips in order to lean back like absolutely nothing had shaken her. 
But did that also mean that Dazai wasn't effect either? Well that was another story entirely. 
Humming to herself, Asagao then clapped her hands before turning around in order to face the doorway. “Perfect, now get some rest. Oh, and don’t worry about taking the bed, you need it more than me.” 
But as she started to walk away, Dazai felt a sense of panic course through his throat, the delusional and dizzying blood loss of his injuries causing him to confuse reality and fiction. 
The similar features, the blinding red hair, the black and white shirt on his body, suddenly it was like seeing Odasaku all over again. 
He felt tortured with familiar deja vu, the memory of the man walking away from him, of slipping through his fingers, it scared him more than anything else. 
He didn't want her to go, he didn’t want her to end up like Odasaku. 
Reaching his hand forward, Dazai’s shaking fingers stopped her hand, a desperation in his throat as he willed the weakness to seep from his lips. “Please don’t go.” 
And for a moment Asagao was stunned. She had never heard Osamu plead before, it broke her heart to witness it. To see him so scared and fragile, so desperate to hold onto her. 
Immediately turning around, Oda’s sister then moved back up to him before reaching into her pocket in order to pull out Osu’s black port mafia tie again and wrap half of it around the palm of her hand. 
Then she leaned down before wrapping the other half around Osamu’s palm, the fabric welcoming against skin before she spoke gently. “ I promise I’ll be right here when you wake up. See? We are connected. I’m not going anywhere, not until you tell me to.” 
The connection was enough to relax his shoulders, feeling the tether between his skin as he allowed his eyes to get heavier and sink down into the bed with a sigh of relief. 
But even so, he resisted the pull, knowing that he would find Odasaku’s blood between his fingers the moment he closed his eyes completely. No, he didn’t need it. He didn’t need to rest. 
His stubbornness was not lost on Asagao though, her expression turning into a sad frown before parting her lips with a small breath. He wasn’t letting himself relax, forcing his body to keep going even though it was physically breaking down before him. 
There had to be something she could do to ease his nerves, to allow him to breathe. 
Then she recalled the way his body reacted to the sound of her small little tune in the bath, feeling the need to recreate such a reaction again. Except this time, she wanted him to understand her, to verbally showcase the hidden meaning that was there since the beginning. 
And that’s when Dazai heard it again, her humming, the sweet sound like a siren song. Except this time it was different, her vague melody turning into words, into feelings he could not comprehend.  
~ It’s easy to push me away from you. Easy to say you want to be left on your own, it’s what you have told yourself. Over and over again in darkness, you try to hold back all the thoughts ~
His wandering thoughts couldn’t help but still immediately, soaking each word through his clouded mind in order to push his lips together with a trembling breath of realization. These lyrics, they were a reflection, a mirror of what he could never voice out loud. 
But before he could analyze it further, Dazai felt her gentle fingers coast across the top of his hair, barely gliding off the surface and lulling his muscles further into the mattress as a strange state of calm coursed through him. 
It was like she knew the kind of effect her moves had on him, the boy completely and utterly entranced by her in every possible way in order to feel his eyes grow heavier and heavier without permission.
~But you know, I just want you as you are, just the you that I see right before me. It’s all that has been on my mind ~
The words he thought he’d never hear, the feelings he knew he didn’t deserve, they gently rested on his chest, coaxing him further and further down to drown in them all together. 
And he wanted to, he never wanted to come up for air again if it meant dying to the sound of her absolute adoration. 
~Lend me your voice, let me see your face, let me start to show you what I see. Bring me close, let me feel the beat of your heart, the secrets you bury. Lend me your voice~
Yet as the actual lyrics flooded far from his understanding, the feelings remained in order for Dazai’s eyes to finally give into the temptation, the feeling of invisible hands rocking him gently and completely into utter submission. 
And for the first time in his life, the port mafia executive, the boy who had never once allowed himself to rest, finally felt free from his self made chains.
Yes, perhaps this was all a dream, perhaps when he woke up he’d be back in the darkness, in the emptiness of his port mafia apartment. 
But for now, he allowed himself to indulge in it even so. 
He allowed himself to feel safe.
Feeling as his heavy lidded eyes forced their way open, Dazai turned his head with a muttered groan before yawning back the tiredness in his throat. He was drowsy, not knowing anything but the soft plush mattress underneath him. 
Yet that’s when the boy felt himself freeze, his eyes sharply opening before realization crashed into him almost instantly. He slept? No, there was no way. Dazai didn’t sleep, he hadn’t in months. There was no way he would’ve allowed himself such a thing. 
And not only that, as the boy searched his own mind he found no recollection of nightmares. That couldn’t be right either. Everytime he closed his eyes he found Odasaku’s death. 
Why was this time different, why didn’t he wake up in a panic attack with his heartbeat in his ears? Why didn’t he hear his own voice scream out and wake himself up? Why had everything instead been, calm?
Not understanding, the boy then frowned before trying to move his hand to his head only to find something wrapped around the surface of his palm. Hold on, what was..
Yet that's when Dazai turned towards the source only for his eyes to widen at the sight of Asagao’s body scrunched up and laying on the floor by him, her arms and head buried on top of the mattress as she slept peacefully beside him. 
Her hand was extended out, causing the boy’s heart to skip at the sight of the tethered black tie that connected their two hands together. And although it was just a simple piece of fabric, the implications of it were something that Dazai struggled to comprehend. 
She was sleeping so uncomfortably just to stay by his side. Why? 
Then all at once, the events of last night flashed in his mind, causing his face to flush in memory. No, that wasn’t a dream? Asagao really saved him last night? She took care of him like that, she touched his bandages. 
The knowledge itself brought the boy into a spiral. Damn it, why did he do that? Why did she have to see such a weak and pathetic side of himself? Some self control he had, unraveling before Oda’s sister’s fingers like that. 
He had done everything he had promised himself not to do. Those walls that he had tried so hard to keep up between them were destroyed so quickly and cruelly that he couldn't help but wither.  
And god, he hated that he loved every bit of it, that his soul hungered for more of her gentle touch and sugar coated words. They reached a part of himself he didn’t even know existed,  a part that craved to be taken care of and coddled like a child. 
Although the moment his hand moved, the tie connecting them seemed to shake Asa awake as well, her head lulling to the side before realizing that he was lucid. “O-Oh! Osamu. How are you doing, do you need anything, are you okay?”  
That was the question, wasn’t it? Was he okay? Because he knew that he wasn’t. The way he was feeling now, the warmth that had spread through his entire body, it wasn’t natural, it wasn’t like him. Fuck, he was so grateful for her that he could hardly breathe, could hardly speak it out into the air. 
What was she doing to him, what kind of tricks was she pulling to make him think such dangerous non deserving thoughts? 
He then watched her seemingly jump up from the floor in order to flap her arms around like a nervous chicken. “W-Wait, I have to check if you have a fever. I think I saw a thermometer around that first aid kid somewhere. I’ll go get it.” 
Yet as he watched her go, Dazai couldn’t help but sense the underlying kindness behind her words. It would’ve been easier to just put her hand to his forehead in order to check for a fever but instead she was going through so many lengths in order to not cross his comfort zone. 
No one had ever touched him like that before, after all, he had never allowed it and instead of Asagao ignoring his fear she was respecting it, just like she had done last night by blinding herself with his tie and mindfully avoiding his skin. 
She was always so kind, so tender and soft with him, it almost made Dazai want to break apart again right then and there. So much so, he felt his hand reach out without warning in order to latch onto her wrist tightly. 
Not understanding, Asagao paused immediately, her body turning back to Osamu only to see him hesitate. The air turned silent and still, causing the girl to step closer in concern. 
He wasn’t speaking but there was clearly something on his mind. “Osamu?” 
Giving him space to respond, she then felt Osu’s hand pull her back towards him before lifting her wrist upwards with uncertainty, his movements stopping for a second as Asa allowed him to do so. 
Then she watched him take in a shaky uneven breath, pushing the palm of her hand up to his forehead as her fingers ghosted over the skin before physically flinching at the touch in order for his hold to tighten on her wrist with clear anxiety. 
But even so, Osu didn’t pull away, his hand unmoving in order to finally let go of her wrist as Asa audibly gasped at the meaning. 
Could it really be? He was allowing her to touch him. This scared little boy, this trembling hand, they trusted her enough to cross a boundary that was off limits to the entire world. It made her want to cry in realization.
So much so that Asagao complied with the request, the palm of her hand carefully pressing against the bare skin of his forehead in order to feel for a temperature and make sure that he hadn’t gotten a fever from the bullet wound. 
Yet the more pressure she applied, the more she heard Osamu sharply breathe, his skin practically quivering at the foreign and vulnerable feeling of human to human contact. 
It was minuscule sure, but his strength meant the world to her. Finally, he was attempting to let someone in, to see through his thinly veiled facade, the one he used time and time again. 
And for Dazai, the feeling was overwhelming, his entire face burning with self conscious embarrassment in order for the pound of his heartbeat to overtake every one of his senses
He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t feel anything but the lightheaded sensation from the touch on his skin. 
His mind wanted to run, the tenseness of his muscles ever telling. But for some other reason, he couldn’t look away, he couldn’t find the strength to lean back or rip the feeling off no matter how hard he tried. 
The boy then felt the light ghost of her touch trickle down, her fingertips descending to his cheek before crandling the surface as his own nerves jumped through his skin. 
They were eye level now, Dazai’s brown attentive gaze locking onto her hollow one before a wordless breath passed between them. Then all at once, he felt himself fall into the surface immediately, cataloging the teal undertones in the Odasaku blue. 
So pretty, so memorizing. So perfect.
Although that’s when Asagao seemingly snapped out of her trance and the same time as him in order to reel backwards with an embarrassed gasp. Ah, what was she doing?! She got so caught up that she forgot that she wasn’t wearing her glasses right now. 
Staring so directly at someone like that, she couldn’t take it anymore. 
Ignoring the hot flush on her cheeks, Asa then took another step backwards before unraveling the black tie from her palm absentmindedly with a rushed chuckle. “Anyways, your temperature feels normal. That’s good, I’m glad you’re okay. You really scared me last night. Good thing I found you right in time.” 
She then bunched the back fabric in her hands before adding casually. “Although I’m sure you would’ve preferred if Oda had helped you instead..” 
It was obvious who he preferred after all, and the only reason he had allowed her to fix him back up was because Odasaku couldn’t do it. 
Osu didn’t want her, not really. She was just the only thing there. But either way, Asagao was happy to have helped him at that moment. Even if she wasn’t her brother, the one that Osamu really wanted, she was still grateful that he had granted her such a fragile moment.
Watching her sadly laugh the comment away, Dazai’s mind couldn’t help but return to the cruel statement he had given her all those months before back when he self projected his own insecurities onto her. 
It still affected her, he could tell just from the tone of her voice. She looked at herself as so insignificant, so unimportant compared to her big brother but he knew that wasn’t the case. 
Because as much as he loved Odasaku, as much as he cherished him with his entire heart, Dazai knew that his friend wouldn’t have acted the way Asagao did last night. 
He spoke from experience after all, considering Oda had found him in the same manner all those years ago. But the man never saw through him like Asa did, he never attempted to meet his insecurities and treat him with such gentle hands. 
Odasaku’s methods were more practical. He would patch up the boy and then take him out for a drink. He wouldn’t push past his walls or even bother to speak about the boundaries he had put in place. 
And that’s where the two siblings differed.
 Because while Oda chose to ignore it, Asa could not. It was physically impossible for her to do so, and because of that she had pulled him out of his own self isolating box with careful devotion. 
Pushing his lips together in conflict, the boy searched for the words to respond, never having such trouble before. Dazai usually talked at a mile a minute and yet at this moment he seemed at a loss. 
So instead, he borrowed from her lips, remembering the overwhelming feeling he felt when she had first said the specific phrase and hoping that it would do the same for her. “I’m glad it was you.” 
All at once, Asagao felt herself freeze in pure shock, her eyes widening as she recalled the words instantly. That’s what she had told him right before falling asleep on his shoulder all those months ago. 
She told him that when he was insecure about being the subject of Oda’s letters. He thought he wasn’t worthy enough to be a foundation in her life like he had been. 
And he was wrong of course. She was happy that he existed, that he was one that she had attached herself to over the years. He was everything to her, and she wanted him to know that. 
But hearing him say that to her, hearing Osamu so openly express his thankfulness for her presence, her validation for being something meaningful in his life brought a wave of emotion she couldn't control. 
Was he saying what she truly thought he was? He was glad that she saved him? He was glad that she was there last night instead of Oda? No, it couldn’t be. No one wanted her around, no one was glad that she was alive. 
She had already come to terms with it, forced herself to not notice the hurt that each rejection brought, and here in Yokohama she thought it would have been the same. 
So hearing his desire for her presence caused Asagao her heart to falter immediately.
He was glad that she was here . 
Just then, she saw Osamu’s face drop with concern only for her mind to wonder what caused such an expression. Why was he looking at her like that?
Yet that’s when she felt the distant presence of wet realization only for Asagao to push her shaky hands up to her cheeks and find tears descending down her face. Wait, she was crying? She had never allowed herself to do that before. 
Immediately gasping at the sight, Asa then blinked back to life before brushing the insecurity from her fingers in order to give an embarrassed laugh under her breath. “S-Sorry, I just thought I’d never hear that.” 
Dazai only sat wordless though, his heart twisting in pain at the sight of her strange tears. He didn’t like seeing her like that, it made him feel sick, like something restless had shaken him. 
Did she truly believe that? All this time, she thought she would never be meaningful to someone? How absurd. She was a marvel, a rarity that anyone would be lucky to have next to them. 
Who wouldn’t have killed to have her fingers massage their scalp like she did for him? Who wouldn't have given up everything in the world to receive just a sliver of the overwhelming adoration and devotion from her? 
The whole world had undermined her so unfairly. But Dazai didn’t, he knew how exceptional she was firsthand, down to the deepest depths of her heart. 
So much so, the boy felt his eyes drop with realization. It was too late, wasn’t it? He had already lost the game, he had gotten attached. Wholeheartedly, selflessly and completely. 
Keeping a distance, stepping away, it didn’t help one bit. In fact, it only made him desire her presence even more, like it was the air he needed to keep on breathing. 
What had she done? What a mistake it was, making him cling to her like this. 
Didn’t she know he couldn’t let go now? 
Pushing his eyes back up to Asagao’s, the boy then called back to her, giving up completely and allowing himself to break the wall between them. “So, what’s for dinner?” 
The look on her face was one he would never forgot, a sight to behold indeed
Without even thinking about it, Asagao immediately grabbed onto his metaphorical hand and fell straight into the pit without second thought as her shock filled eyes morphed into giddy excitement. 
And though he said nothing else, Asagao knew the hidden meaning behind his question immediately. 
He was asking to stay. 
(Hope you liked the long update and you made it all the way through. The two parts connect to each other so I guess It's not all bad that I missed an upload here. I'll be better about it though. Also I'm almost at 1k reads on A03. Very excited! Let me know how you feel about the chapter. I love validation just as much as Asa hehe)
Song used in the chapter: "Lend Me Your Voice" from Belle (which is totally Asa and Osu's song in this fic.)
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Scott: What about San Francisco?
Zappa: I was around when they were just beginning to manufacture that whole scene. In fact, when the Mothers were first starting out they invited us to move to San Francisco and get in on all the "Hot Action." The Family Dog had a scene going with some local lawyers and businessmen and they were going to make it the Liverpool of the West Coast. Granted, they had a lot of the raw materials but it did take some human engineering and a little convincing for some of the monied forces to make it come off as a scene. Places like the Avalon and the Fillmore just don't happen without some kind of money. So, it wasn't just a bunch of hairy folk who got together and "we're just going to live here and do our thing."
Scott: How did Berkeley figure into it?
Zappa: I didn't see that much inter-relating between the Hashbury hippy types and the Berkeley types. Berkeley was on a more intellectual level. The hippy scene appeared to be sort of chemical-glandular oriented. I'm referring to altered consciousness a go-go in all of its beaded manifestations.
Scott: Does the psychedelic scene fit anywhere.
Zappa: I think it was a necessary smoke screen.
Scott: For what:
Zappa: For what's really happening.
Scott: What is really happening?
Zappa: I'll tell you when it happens.
Scott: (bleeding)
Zappa: I talk to a lot of kids at concerts and they ask if I'm a hippy and I tell them, "No, I'm a businessman." We don't have a big hippy audience. We get short haired kids who have a reasonable amount of social consciousness. I get a chance to talk to them and they ask for advice: "Should I quit school or go on?" I always tell them you should infiltrate. Hurry up and take over your father's job and do it right. It's fortunate that something like Psychedelia and Haight-Ashbury and all the rest of that goes on because it takes the focus off of the possibility that somebody who looks clean, straight, wholesome, right-wing and harmless is going to come in there and just do it while they're not looking. It's a much more frightening concept thinking it's some hairy creep that's going to take over your job. It's not going to be that way, it's going to be some guy who is straight.
Scott: Who's frightened?
Zappa: Right-wing elements who tend to show up most in positions of power. They become worried about things, you know, threatening appearances. It's like they need something to worry about. It's a paranoia oriented society. We've got to have some kind of fear and that's it for this year. It's almost passé to be afraid of the bomb.
Scott: Do you get a chance to talk to many college students?
Zappa: We've played a few colleges and usually after the show we're invited to a frat party and, we watch them drink. They appear to be well on their way to going down the tubes and succumbing to the same sort of social pressures that helped make their mothers and fathers nowhere. They are still wearing Madras pants – mentally. THE MENTAL MADRAS ! ! !
Scott: Is the drinking part of it significant.
Zappa: Well, from what I see, there is enough of it happening to devote a proportionate amount of our lyric content to the problem of drinking parents in relation to their children. It's much harder to communicate with Mom and Dad when they're drunk – it's bad enough when they're sober, but if they're wasted, it's bestial.
Scott: In all of the social change going on, does God fit in anywhere?
Zappa: Sure, well, he runs it, doesn't he?
Scott: Does He run your life?
Zappa: Yes, absolutely. But, His packaging might be a little bizarre for you to understand. My God is different from your God.
Scott: Who is your God?
Zappa: I haven't named Him. I don't think it's necessary. A lot of people have to rely on images: "There He is with the long white beard, white hair, and flowing white robe – GOD!" I don't see it that way. It's closely related to music. I don't perceive God on an emotional level.
Scott: How then? On a more structured level?
Zappa: Order comes into it. Like on the next album, "Lumpy Gravy," there is some dialogue integrated into the music where two characters are discussing The Big Note. That's the closest that I can come to describing to you what I think of God. He's like a Big Note. Everything, it would appear, is constructed from vibrations. Light is a vibration, sound is a vibration and it's quite possible that, when you break them down, the atoms themselves are nothing more than vibrations of this Big Note. And, in dealing with vibrations, one might be able to become closer in tune to some sort of Universal Force – if you want to get down to that corny, cheesy level. But, that's the way I see it.
Scott: Does this allow for any latitude?
Zappa: Sure, you've got a choice all the time. If you're perceptive you can see many choices that will get you from point A to point B and you can even figure out what will happen with each of the choices. But, I always keep my eye on point B – where it's really supposed to happen. And right now point B for me is the 1972 election.
Scott: You seem fated for it somehow.
Zappa: Well, look, fate – big deal! When your dishwasher wears out you buy a new one.
[Dario Simonetti]
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