#samurai in space
scarredwoods · 9 months
So I've decided to revisit my childhood and rewatch all of Ninjago, and as I was going through the episodes, I saw this wonderful line said by Cole:
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I can't watch this scene and not wonder if this is a reference to the failed 1980s Space Usagi animation pitch that only ever got a 3-minute pilot!
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COME ON! You have to wonder if the idea of Fritz Donnegan (Samurai in Space) was a bit inspired by Space Usagi.
Even if it wasn't inspired by the Pilot, the comic itself could've made a huge effect. It's a shame that the Space Usagi comics didn't make as much of an impact as the Usagi Yojimbo series. If it had the opportunity back in the 80s, it could've risen to popularity with the ninja turtles side by side.
Obviously I could be reading too much into this, who knows. The most likely and known answer is that he was inspired by Star Wars
Here's the link to the Space Usagi Pilot if anyone is interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWOvcIYd7IU
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dragonstoned · 7 months
listen that was a romantic ass slow mo of a first meeting
four seasons planned...... look there is plenty of time to go there. it could happen. 'oh theyre just foils' yes they are but also why frame their twinned developments with intimacy and sex and orgasms. why are they building these associations and beaming it into our brains. why did akemi say she searched for love in mizus eyes????
anyway. just look ok
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all the dreamy little snowflakes while the music swells tenderly. lingering gobsmacked eye contact. no cishet explanation for any of this.
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cn-city-station · 2 years
Tooncast Latin America (2015)
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
yall i just KEEP doing back to mizu and taigen's wrestling scene in master eiji's forge and like i know that taigen literally got a boner from it BUT THE THING IS out of all the scenes these two have together, this scene actually has the least sexual tension ?!? cuz like the boner aside, this scene is actually very soft and emotions-driven rather than pure passion or lust.
arguably, a more passionate and sexually-charged scene would be their previous brawl in the snow with the chopsticks, which is tense and angry and also the scene that mizu thinks about when madame kaji talks about being honest with one's innermost desires.
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but THIS scene in the forge? warm colours. their laughter and their smiles that both equally genuine. the WAY taigen looks at mizu in that scene, staring first at her lips, her smile, then looking into her eyes. and you can see by the framing of the scene and the look on his face that he is, for the first time, seeing her eyes as something beautiful rather than off-putting or frightening.
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like before this point he's already come to not only respect mizu as a person and an equal but also admires her as an incredible swordsman and as someone who is kind and honourable* for having saved his life at the expense of her revenge quest. so as of the time of them tussling in the forge, taigen has already put aside his prejudices about mizu's blue eyes and no longer finds them as any cause for disgust. but in this scene he's not just indifferent about her eyes, but attracted too it.
and i'd also like to argue that his boner is not from the physical exertion or the act of wrestling itself, but from the intimacy of a playful spar, enjoying each other's easy company after having established a deep trust with each other (taigen endured torture for mizu and helped defend her from archers in the chasm while mizu saved his life from fowler's castle)
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and all this while in the safety of mizu's childhood home while both of them are still recovering from near-death, amplifying their vulnerability with each other.
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like when was the last time mizu cracked a genuine smile, let alone a laugh that's more than a little wry chuckle?? and for this to happen at such a low point in her life also speaks to the comfort this little friendly spar gives her.
because like, this is after she failed her mission to kill fowler. meanwhile her sword--the embodiment of her soul--is broken, and ringo who is her closest confidant is now angry at her and barely even looks at her. it just further lends to the inherent tenderness and intimacy in this scene. and i just. AHHHH i love them your honour....
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* ALSO as a side note about taigen believing mizu to be honourable: he later realises that this assumption turns out to be quite false when she reveals that she'd not only allowed akemi to be taken away against her will but also has said nothing about fowler's impending attack on edo. also i find it very interesting that out of the two revelations, taigen is less angered by mizu letting akemi being married off (he sighs angrily and marches off saying he has to go to edo to find akemi), but much more angered by mizu's refusal to save the shogun and the shogunate as a whole. this is more proof that taigen's central principles are firmly rooted in the bushido and the concept of honour that comes with that. it's why he lashes out at mizu. because he'd believed mizu to be honourable and righteous, but was proven wrong. that's not to say that taigen is in the right for calling mizu a demon, not by any means. but i just find it a very interesting part of his character and it relates to his relationship and perception of mizu
also while rewatching the episode i found this very funny they just lyin there in the cart like this 🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏽‍♂️
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lizardbraining · 5 months
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Blessed Yule! I’ve been watching a lot of Firefly.
I wanted to combine the best parts of Usagi, Space Usagi, and the Firefly space cowboy aesthetic into a little AU. With dinosaurs, of course.
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tinanun · 1 year
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ranger-ribbons · 9 months
General Ranger Headcanons
Ranger Teams are protective of their youngest members and their Reds. Sometimes, this does coincide, but for the most part, the youngest and the Red are separate people
Red Rangers generally have zero self-preservation instincts, either because of trauma or daredevil personalities
Blue Rangers can be the 'tech wiz', but generally, they're just extremely intelligent
Rangers all have a pretty solid relationship with gender and pronouns. Mostly because they see and fight aliens literally every day and have decided they have Bigger Things to worry about
Reds, Yellows, and Blues are usually always there on the Ranger teams, so it's common for them to be close
Rangers have a list that they pass down to the younger teams. This list details little things like how to help give each other strength to what pain medications can help the aches and pains go away fastest, because yes the suits take most of the blows, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt later
Some Rangers have PTSD, some have anxiety, some have depression. There are, in fact, numbers of former-Ranger therapists that the Rangers all know by heart
Teams don't really drift apart, they stick together because who else is gonna understand what it's like to witness the people you hang around daily almost die every other week?
Rangers drift toward other Rangers. It's due to the Morphin' Grid power they've been imbued with and the Morphin' Grid's pull to itself
There's a point in every Ranger's fight that shift-sleeping becomes the norm amongst teams. It's to stop nightmares, but also because of the paranoia that strikes when you're in fight or flight mode too long
Rangers from space or space-adjacent stick together
Rangers in general stick together, always. Where one Ranger is, another is typically not far behind. Some teams go so far as to get houses together, others just in the same neighborhood or town. Never far from each other, and never away for too long
The Power will never, can never abandon its chosen people. Once it makes its choices, it will not deviate. It doesn't stop looking out for its chosen ones either. Once you've bonded to the Morphin' Grid, you're stuck for life, regardless of being active or not
In Universe, people write fanfiction about the Rangers. Yes, they read it, sometimes they even like it. (Megaforce and down in particular find it hilarious)
The scone the Rangers find out about their Super Sentai counterpart shows, it's on. Some find them hilarious, some find them uncomfortable, but it's all in good fun for all of them
A list of common triggers is passed around to the Ranger teams, including but not limited to: loud noises, bugs, fog, robotic voices/static
Some of the Rangers (especially those who've been fighting for years) get therapy animals
Rangers have problems connecting to people who aren't Rangers or don't know about Rangers. Similar to military or police or doctors, Rangers are never truly off unless they're inactive and even then, it's a roll of the dice as to if they'll be pulled back in. Most of them have been doing this since they were teens, so they never truly got a chance. Preston Tien, Ninja Steel Blue, once described the experience as "playing with a half-deck whilst the other decks are rigged against you" and most of the other Rangers agreed
Every Ranger knows the pain of Nightmares, which is a big part of the reason shift-sleeping became so common amongst teams. Sleeping disorders are also common, which is not easy for the Rangers to deal with. When you're trained from a young age to be fighters and saviors of the planet, you don't walk away without trauma
Rangers who've gone Evil (or started Evil) and come back to the side of Good have each other's direct lines, Tommy Oliver, Karone, Trent Fernandez-Mercer, etc, all of them share a similar fear of suddenly turning evil again
Rangers do not like Zordon for his express need to put teenagers into a war that isn't even their's
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toonspirits · 7 months
The power of animation in its purest form. Happy international animation day to everyone (even if with a slight delay) 😅
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53v3nfrn5 · 1 month
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National Geographic foldouts scanned and uploaded by 53v3nfrn5
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art by Tomasz 
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scarredwoods · 6 months
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I spent 2 hours making these to cater to everyone's taste, so if I ended up forgetting one, please tell me so I can immediately make it for you.
For the record, I went through torture making these because my friend was right next to me making fun of and bullying me.
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tervaneula · 1 month
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I've added some gays! Gosh lmao I'm so glad I made my own order before adding this design because I'm too gayyyy and would've gotten all of these, and a bunch of stickers for good measure. And then cried because I can NOT afford that
And I also added some motivational prints, now everyone can have the silly peepaws on their walls if they so wish!! 💪
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struck-by-the-rain · 3 months
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assorted sillies part 4??? 5? who knows. ft me messing around with csp brushes
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americankimchi · 2 months
i am at any given point this 🤏 close to waxing poetic about the jedi code
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
shoutout to taigen for being the most expressive character in the entire show.
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you will never not know whatever the hell he is feeling or thinking at the moment because he will literally tell you (either very earnestly like when he traumadumps to mizu or very sarcastically which is the other 99% of the time he talks to mizu) or you will see it plain as day on his face.
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this is the textbook definition of a man wearing his heart on his sleeve. look in the dictionary for what a "simple man" means and you will find taigen's face there.
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like once you cut through the massive ego and pompousness he uses to mask his own insecurities and traumas, he is literally just some guy. he's not evil or stupid. not super kind or super smart either. an asshole but not the worst there is. he's incredibly skilled but he's not the strongest ever or even the most skilled. he is literally! just a guy!
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y'all can hate him all you want but let's be real, taigen is actually the most relatable character out of everyone. like this man is POOR, he is PATHETIC, he is COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME, and most of all he is OBSESSED WITH MIZU. if that shit ain't relatable idk what is.
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*climbs over fence*
*scales the side of building*
*picks window lock*
*slides it open so I can sit on the windowsill and dangle my legs in the air*
Me: Why do you think that they give all the female power rangers skirts? I mean, they are short enough to fight in, but I feel like it’s a weird way to indicate that someone is female. Especially since in earlier versions of power rangers, ranger yellow was often portrayed as a guy in the original version but the US typically wanted at least two female leads so the yellow ranger would be played by a girl in her civilian form and a man in her ranger form and no one really mentions it?
Like, I’ve been exploring a lot of the power rangers fandom while rewatching the shows and I don’t see it mentioned?
Which means that fans of these versions don’t care about whether or not the girl power ranger had a skirt and can easily recognize a power ranger as a girl even if she doesn’t have boobs or a skirt in her ranger form.
Furthermore, that means that the whole concept for having the leading ladies have a skirt on their uniform kind of weird? Especially because, while obviously not getting in the way, is still inconvenient and just an extra bit of fabric for the enemy to grab onto.
Plus, it usually breaks up the design of the power ranger suit and it doesn’t always look good and it would be better and probably more convenient to have them be similar designs all around. I mean, keep space for their different body types, but you don’t need a skirt to tell your audience who is male or female. You already have heavy color association with your characters and have them where the same color as their suits on the daily. Give your audience some credit.
Idk, even as a kid I thought it was weird.
What do you think?
Stranger who’s house I broke into so I could info dump:
Stranger: Yeah, that is weird.
Me: Thank you!
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