#scp 081
agnol117 · 10 months
Series I, Part XV
SCP-079 - Old AI
This one’s kinda funny and sad? Like, some kid programmed an AI, then got bored with it, and just left it in his garage to stew and get more and more advanced, and now it hates everyone. Which, honestly, relatable. I love it.
SCP-080 - Dark Form
Okay so I know it says not to refer to 080 as “the Boogieman,” but honestly, it’s the Boogieman. It’s a shadow creature that disappears in light brighter than a standard nightlight and causes nightmares. That’s a Boogieman. Sorry SCP Foundation, I don’t make the rules. I like that it can cause permanent psychological damage, though. That’s a neat addition.
SCP-081 - Spontaneous Combustion Virus
Spontaneous human combustion has always been a thing that fascinates me (I wrote a paper on it in college), because I’ve always been into weird shit like this (shocker, I know). The idea that it’s caused by a virus is actually kind of neat. I don’t even mind that it references real world events (documented cases of SHC), because there’s no “real” explanation for why it happens, so it doesn’t feel particularly weird or disrespectful.
SCP-082 - “Fernand” the Cannibal
So, despite being eaten alive being one of my biggest phobias, I actually really like this one. It’s very well written and well crafted. So I dig it. It’s kinda funny, what with the guy being tricked into thinking he’s the king of France, and then just sort of randomly attacking people when the urge strikes him. I also really like that it kind of ends on a joke? It’s great. Love it.
SCP-083 - An Abandoned Row Home
I really don’t know what to make of this one. It’s weird, and it’s certainly got a creepy factor, but like…I dunno. I find this one kind of unsettling, honestly. Not so much that the house changes its layout, but more that it might be inhabited and we’d have no way of knowing? Definitely spooky.
SCP-084 - Static Tower
This one creeps me out. I dunno why, but radio towers are creepy. All the extra stuff (trapping people there, weird photographs, etc) is just extra. Nails it in one.
SCP-085 - Hand-drawn “Cassy”
This one makes me sad. It’s another case of “if not for the Foundation, this person couldn’t live,” because obviously a person who is just a drawing on a piece of paper couldn’t have a normal life otherwise, but this one has the added tragedy of Cassy only existing because of the Foundation, which honestly makes it worse. Combine this with Cassy being aware that she’s a drawing and thus forever alone, and that she’s showing symptoms of depression because of this, and it’s just a generally super depressing skip.
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mg972art · 2 years
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E aquí las pruebas de: Eeee we ni manches me quedé sin dotes artísticos :c Me creerían si les digo que leí scp-es181 en vez de scp-es-081 y no entendía porque todos dibujaban cerdos si trataba de un humanoide con máscara? Porque así paso jaaaa #SCPTOBER2022_6 #scp #fundación #dibujo #arte #draw #art#dibujotradicional #fundaciónscp https://www.instagram.com/p/CjZdMhyLSCC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phinnsyreads · 4 years
Item #: SCP-081
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Only those with Level 4 clearance and written permission from ███████ may have access to SCP-081. Full hazard gear including suit, gloves, and an oxygen tank must be worn at all times when in the containment area. Suits must be sprayed with a disinfectant shower before leaving the containment area. If containment is breached, the entire area must be exposed to ultraviolet light and then bleached. Those who are suspected of being infected must be quarantined for at least ten (10) days. If no symptoms manifest after the tenth day, then quarantine can be lifted.
Description: SCP-081 is a contagious virus that appears to be a mutated version of the ███████ virus, but with █ segments in its RNA instead of █. The virus is human specific, but is spread by rats who act as passive carriers. SCP-081 can also be spread through sexual intercourse and exposure to infected blood.
SCP-081 infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-Cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody. Adipocytes expand and proliferate and the organism's caloric intake increases. When the concentration of adipose tissue reaches a critical point, the viral antibodies instigate systemic cell lysis, followed by an unknown process leading to the spontaneous combustion of the infected individual.
There is a one (1) week incubation period before initial symptoms begin to occur. The duration of the symptoms depends entirely on the body fat percentage of the infected. Infection proceeds through four (4) distinct stages.
Stage 1: During the first week there are no major symptoms, though subjects may report being slightly tired.
Stage 2: In the second week of infection, subjects will begin to experience “hot flashes” and an increased appetite.
Stage 3: Infected subjects demonstrate extreme polyphagia. They will do anything in their power to obtain food or anything edible. During this stage, metabolism slows down significantly and weight gain proceeds rapidly. There is no set time that will elapse before the fourth and final stage. In order for the virus to complete its life cycle, the victim must be composed of 55% body fat.
Stage 4: Once the subject reaches 55% body fat, the urge to eat will stop, though subjects report increased instances of "hot flashes." Soon afterward the body will go through an extremely violent version of widespread cell lysis. As cells burst, the modified antibodies catalyze the ignition of fatty compounds through unknown means. The body is incinerated from the inside out via the wick effect, with the additional fat serving as a fuel source. Because stage 4 is largely asymptomatic, subjects are never aware when combustion will occur and the exact timing is apparently random.
Addendum 081-1: The first recorded incident of SCP-081 was reported in 1763 by Frenchman Jonas Dupont. In his book De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis, he wrote about a case in Paris where a man was acquitted of killing his wife as the jury agreed that the wife died due to spontaneous human combustion. It should be noted that the woman was incredibly overweight at the time of her death. It was not until the death of Mary Reeser on July 2nd 1951 that SCP-081 was brought to the Foundation’s attention. Despite the Foundation’s best efforts, this information was leaked to the national media along with pictures of the incident. It is believed that most reported cases of spontaneous human combustion are caused by SCP-081.
Addendum 081-2: SCP-081 is estimated to have existed since the █th Century and thought to have originated in █████████████. Because of widespread poverty and malnutrition present in many European countries at the time, instances of third and fourth stage infections were rare. North America has experienced the most cases of SCP-081 in the last century, but because of cleaner conditions and active rat population control, SCP-081 cases have dropped significantly. Fewer than ███ people a year die from late-stage SCP-081.
Addendum 081-3: Due to the United States' current obesity epidemic, it is crucial that wild SCP-081 be eradicated. The exposure that would result from a wide scale epidemic would be disastrous to successful containment efforts. ---Dr. ██████████.
Addendum 081-4: During testing, it has been discovered that people who have diabetes have a natural immunity to SCP-081. This has not helped in the development of a treatment for the virus, and it remains incurable. Wild infections [DATA EXPUNGED] and an alternate cause of death provided.
Addendum 081-5: It was discovered by Agent █████ that SCP-081 can spread by exposure to the ashes of a deceased victim. Containment and epidemic contingency protocols are being amended, and emergency services personnel who responded to Ms. █████████'s call have been detained for evaluation. ---Dr. ██████████.
[The voice of Dr. ██████████ was provided by @navox-the-weary.]
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SCP-081 is a contagious virus that appears to be a mutated version of the ███████ virus, but with █ segments in its RNA instead of █. The virus is human specific, but is spread by rats who act as passive carriers. SCP-081 can also be spread through sexual intercourse and exposure to infected blood.
SCP-081 infects adipocytes and leukocytes, inducing both to absorb nutrients at a vastly accelerated rate. As the nutrients are absorbed, infected B-Cells produce and secrete large quantities of a modified human antibody. Adipocytes expand and proliferate and the organism's caloric intake increases. When the concentration of adipose tissue reaches a critical point, the viral antibodies instigate systemic cell lysis, followed by an unknown process leading to the spontaneous combustion of the infected individual.
There is a one week incubation period before initial symptoms begin to occur. The duration of the symptoms depends entirely on the body fat percentage of the infected. Infection proceeds through four distinct stages.
Stage 1: During the first week there are no major symptoms, though subjects may report being slightly tired.
Stage 2: In the second week of infection, subjects will begin to experience “hot flashes” and an increased appetite.
Stage 3: Infected subjects demonstrate extreme polyphagia. They will do anything in their power to obtain food or anything edible. During this stage, metabolism slows down significantly and weight gain proceeds rapidly. There is no set time that will elapse before the fourth and final stage. In order for the virus to complete its life cycle, the victim must be composed of 55% body fat.
Stage 4: Once the subject reaches 55% body fat, the urge to eat will stop, though subjects report increased instances of "hot flashes." Soon afterward the body will go through an extremely violent version of widespread cell lysis. As cells burst, the modified antibodies catalyze the ignition of fatty compounds through unknown means. The body is incinerated from the inside out via the wick effect, with the additional fat serving as a fuel source. Because stage 4 is largely asymptomatic, subjects are never aware when combustion will occur and the exact timing is apparently random.
Addendum 081-1: The first recorded incident of SCP-081 was reported in 1673 by Frenchman Jonas Dupont. In his book De Incendiis Corporis Humani Spontaneis, he wrote about a case in Paris where a man was acquitted of killing his wife as the jury agreed that the wife died due to spontaneous human combustion. It should be noted that the woman was incredibly overweight at the time of her death. It was not until the death of Mary Reeser on July 2nd 1951 that SCP-081 was brought to the Foundation’s attention. Despite the Foundation’s best efforts, this information was leaked to the national media along with pictures of the incident. It is believed that most reported cases of spontaneous human combustion are caused by SCP-081.
Addendum 081-2: SCP-081 is estimated to have existed since the 9██ and thought to have originated in █████████████. Because of widespread poverty and malnutrition present in many European countries at the time, instances of third and fourth stage infections were rare. North America has experienced the most cases of SCP-081 in the last century, but because of cleaner conditions and active rat population control, SCP-081 cases have dropped significantly. Fewer than ███ people a year die from late-stage SCP-081.
Addendum 081-3: Due to the United States' current obesity epidemic, it is crucial that wild SCP-081 be eradicated. The exposure that would result from a wide scale epidemic would be disastrous to successful containment efforts. -Dr. ██████████.
Addendum 081-4: During testing, it has been discovered that people who have diabetes have a natural immunity to SCP-081. This has not helped in the development of a treatment for the virus, and it remains incurable.
Addendum 081-5: It was discovered by Agent █████ that SCP-081 can spread by exposure to the ashes of a deceased victim. Containment and epidemic contingency protocols are being amended, and emergency services personnel who responded to Ms. █████████'s call have been detained for evaluation. -Dr. ██████████.
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possiblyhomer · 3 years
My crossover obsession took over and now I have...this thing. Something I spent way too many hours researching and writing considering the mountains of WIPs I already had. So here, have Fate's Jekyll and Hyde as a SCiP. Hopefully at least someone can take a little bit of enjoyment from this.
SCP-081-GO; Double Entities
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Item #: SCP-081-GO
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-081-GO is contained at site 19. SCP-081-GO-A, and by extension SCP-081-GO-B, are held in a standard humanoid containment cell, furnished as necessary. SCP-081-GO-NP is to be kept in a standard containment locker, with accesss restricted to level 4 clearance personnel, SCP-081-GO-A and SCP-081-GO-B.
If SCP-081-GO is fatally injured, it is to be suspended in a 100m x 100m x 100m container, filled with 50m3 of holy water to weaken and limit its mobility before biological functions stops entirely. Personnel are to immediately evacuate the area and are not allowed to engage with SCP-081-GO under any circumstances until it is losees consiouness, at which point, it may be removed from the container and returned to its normal containment cell and monitored until it regains consiouness.
When not needed, SCP-081-GO-A is allowed to freely wander in the site and is given level 3 security clearance. Every twice a week, SCP-081-GO-B is allowed 24 hours to roam around the facility, provided it hasn't made any attempts at unauthorised take-overs in the past 3 days. Psychological evaluations on SCP-081-GO-A are to be performed at random to ensure SCP-081-GO-B remains under control. In the event SCP-081-GO-B does surface without proper authorization, SCP-081-GO-NP is to be administered to SCP-081-GO-B as soon as possible.
Addendum 081-GO-1: Due to SCP-081-GO-B's improved compliance over the past year(20[][]-20[][]), subject's request of an electrical guitar and various accompanied accessories for entertainment was granted under the condition that it will not play loud music after 10:00 PM (local time). However, SCP-081-GO-A's suggestion of further rewarding SCP-081-GO-B by increasing its time surfaced to a total of 72 hours a week is denied.
Description: SCP-081-GO consists of three (3) main parts. SCP-081-GO-A refers to the consiousness and physical body (designated SCP-081-GO-A1) of a blonde male of European descent with a pale complexion and green eyes, 175 cm in height and 60 kg in weight. Though there is no particular trait in its appearance that stands out, staff and researchers have reported subject looking "off" or "deformed" the first time they met it, though they could not point out specifically what is wrong.
Despite being of the Ectomorph body type, subject has shown to be capable of feats surpassing that of even professional atheles, especially in areas of agility.
Subject is apparently ageless, as according to it, prior to acquiring its anomalous traits, it was known as Doctor Henry Jekyll, a respected nobleman from 19th century England. SCP-081-GO-A is often described as being a "sincere and rational good man" by staff who have interacted with it, they have also noted the subject's interest in the Foundation's scientific research.
SCP-081-GO-A has shown extensive knowledge of multiple subjects such as medicine, civil law, jurisprudence, pharmacy, etc... but most noteworthy however, is its knowledge of alchemy and alchemical practices. It was in one failed alchemical experiment that SCP-081-GO-NP and SCP-081-GO-B were created.
SCP-081-GO-NP is a small bottle containing an anomalous liquid, opaque and bright pink in color, when the lidquid is drained from the bottle, it will automatically refill itself in the course of one day (24 hours). When administered orally or through injection, SCP-081-GO-NP will cause SCP-081-GO-A to undergo a transformation into SCP-081-GO-B and vice versa. SCP-081-GO-NP is only effective when used on SCP-081-GO-A and SCP-081-GO-B, as testing has shown no results when administered to test subjects across the morality spectrum. Attempts to recreate SCP-081-GO-NP have all failed, while SCP-081-GO-A originally suspected this to be a fault of an impurity in the salt used to concoct the original anomalous drug, further research has pointed to factors beyond any physical, chemical or even alchemical in nature.
SCP-081-GO-B refers to a sentient entity that exists co-consiously with SCP-081-GO-A that goes by the name Edward Hyde. SCP-081-GO-B is capable of forcibly taking control of the physical body it shares with SCP-081-GO-A. SCP-081-GO-B is manevolent by nature, but is willing to cooperate with researchers as long as it is still allowed some degree of freedom. SCP-081-GO-B also posess knowledge on the same subjects as SCP-081-GO-A but claims to have no use for it. SCP-081-GO-B is highly manipulative, words by it should not be taken at face value as it takes immense pleasure in tormenting whatever its victim may be.
When SCP-081-GO-B takes control of the body, its physical capabilities are increased significantly; while SCP-081-GO-A's feats are still theoretically possible to achieve, SCP-081-GO-B's is very clearly superhuman (see video log 081.1: "the cargo incident"). SCP-081-GO-B is also capable of partially modifying its limbs to increase its reach and strength, as well as emitting a noise similar to an animal's growl that will cause sentient beings that hears it to experience what victims described as an immense, primal fear, making 85% of affected individuals to freeze in place as a result.
When SCP-081-GO-A1 experience brain death due to any reason, it will undergo a complete restructring of its body, resulting in SCP-081-GO-B1: a highly aggressive, 3m tall creature resembling a bipedal canid, covered in a thick black, fur-like material that has so far been proven to be indestructible with conventional weaponry. Though thaumaturgical attacks have been able to affect it to some degree, the best weapon against SCP-081-GO-B1 is any object of religious importance believed to repel evil and malice, which has a corrosive effect on the object. Attempts to acquire samples of this material for further analysis has proven to be impossible.
In this form, SCP-081-GO-B persumably takes over as the controlling consiousness, but mental corruption brought on by the transformation has rendered it completely insane and extremely hostile. Any injuries SCP-081-GO-B1 recieved in this state is near-instantly healed. Aside from rapid regeneration, its strength and speed are also further enhanced. However, maintaining SCP-081-GO-B1 requires an excessive ammount of energy, as its metabolism is rapidly sped up, requiring a constant input of energy in order to remain active. When left without any way to resupply, SCP-081-GO-B1 was observed to remain active for thirty (30) more minutes engaged in combat with MTF Beta-777 ("Hecate's Spear") before succumbing to exhaustion.
After SCP-081-GO-B1 is depleted, it will return to the form of SCP-081-GO-A1. While any and all injuries recieved before and during the transformatiom healed, SCP-081-GO-A1 is left heavily malnurished and drained after every transformation but will mostly recover after three (3) days with help from a variety of supplements and a strictly nutritious diet.
Addendum 081-GO-2: Interview of SCP-081-GO-B
Interviewed: SCP-081-GO-B
Interviewer: Dr.[][][][][]
Foreword: SCP-081-GO-B was questioned regarding SCP-081-GO-B1's nature.
<Begin log>
Dr.[][][][][]: Good evening, mister Hyde.
SCP-081-GO-B: Wait, it's evening already?! Could've sworn I just had lunch few minutes ago...Well get on with this interview then! I don't like wasting time here when I could be eatin' kittens and kicking puppies.
Dr.[][][][][]: R-Right. First off, what exactly is SCP-081-GO-B1?
SCP-081-GO-B: B1?
Dr.[][][][][]: The..the demonic werewolf thing you transformed into after your head was cut off in the middle of a containment breach.
SCP-081-GO-B: Ooooooh! That one! Yeah that's me. What about it?
Dr.[][][][][]: Please elaborate.
SCP-081-GO-B: What is there to elaborate on? Did you think I, the embodiment of the evil that lurked within a man's heart, would look like a [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] twink? No! This body is basically just a copy of what Harry boy looked like when he was younger I use to get around.
Dr.[][][][][]: I see, so that was your "true form" so to speak?
SCP-081-GO-B: Pretty much, yeah.
Dr.[][][][][]: You admit to slaughtering half the Task Force sent to respond to the breach then?
SCP-081-GO-B: Hey, wasn't my fault a certain someone decided lack of sanity was evil too.
Dr.[][][][][]: What do you mean?
SCP-081-GO-B: That me, unlike this me, isn't a person. It's literally just pure evil! Granted I'm just as evil as myself but in this case I also have a personality.
Dr.[][][][][]: I...see? Then is that you also a result of the drug?
SCP-081-GO-B: Nah, all me. Got a potion from a...friend? Sure, let's go with that. The guy got a lotta connection in the underworld and hooked me up with it. Gotta say, going berserk was a headache but totally worth it!
Dr.[][][][][]: And what circumstances led you to using it?
SCP-081-GO-B: Ooh, sit down, this is gonna be fun. So I started off as simply an amalgamation of the doc's "evil thoughts" so to say, but I eventually developed in my own being and the guy freaked the [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] out and tried to get rid of me, but like hell was I gonna just sit there! So when he tried to drag me to hell with him, I swapped the poison with the potion I got! The dear good doctor was so distraught he didn't even notice and he actually has some sense of self-preservation now! So I'd say I even did him a favor!
Dr.[][][][][]: I see...well, this should be enough for now. Thank you for your cooperation, Hyde. You may leave now.
SCP-081-GO-B: Oh wait one more thing.
Dr.[][][][][]: Yes?
SCP-081-GO-B: I heard there was a task force that lets you disembowel live animals?
<End log>
Addendum 081-GO-3: Recovery log:
SCP-081-GO was discovered while foundation agents were investigating another possible anomalous humanoid in [][][][][][][][][], Japan. SCP-081-GO-A was accompanying SCP-[][][], then known as K[][][][][] T[][][][][][], to investigate various rumored supernatural occurences. After they were informed about the Foundation, both objects willingly let themselves be captured.
Addendum 081-GO-4:
As of [][]/[][]/20[][], SCP-[][][] has been reclassified as Neutralized after object was terminated during a raid from the Chaos Insurgency. Request by SCP-081-GO-A to attend its funeral service was granted.
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aliulo · 5 years
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SCP-081 "Spontaneous Combustion Virus" Created With: Wombo Dream & [DATA EXPUNGED] ATTENTION ALL DATA TO THIS SCP IS 𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳 CHECK h̶t̶t̶p̶s̶:̶/̶/̶s̶c̶p̶-̶w̶i̶k̶i̶.̶w̶i̶k̶i̶d̶o̶t̶.̶c̶o̶m̶/̶ TO GET ACCESS. #scproject #scp #scpfoundation #aiart #aiartcommunity #synthwave #scprojectindonesia #aiartists #scpsecretlaboratory #scpart #aiartist #scpoc #synthwave #scpstyle #securecontainprotect #anomaly #monsters #cyberpunk #fanart #fanartist #artificialart #artificialnteligence #scpfanart #scpmeme #womboai #womboaiapp #synthpop #retrowave #trippyartwork #scp081 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXSD0dDIcD9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ratkingthegreat · 6 years
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schmaltzberg · 5 years
SCP-081 - Вирус самовозгорания
#scp #scpFoundation #scp_Foundation #scpwiki #SchmaTV
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ariesgamesandminis · 6 years
Dropship Down! Restocks AND A SALE!!!
Line of sight on the dropship was hindered today thanks to a Dr. toying with my eyes...but the Dropship is in!!! Restocks, New to the store Online Exclusives...and...A SALE ON PAINT!!!
SALE!!! Army Painter Zombicide Paint Sets are 35% OFF!!! Get them while they last...we will not be carrying the Zombicide paints as we have the full range of WarPaints now in stock.  Just click the shopping link on our site menu, then the Sale category for the Zombicide Paint Sale!
10-047 House Liao Heavy-Assault Lance Set 20-209 Rifleman RFL-8D 20-304 Warhammer WHM-4L / WHM-9S 20-305 Scorpion Light Tank (2) 20-372 Hornet HNT-151 20-414 Fenris "Ice Ferret" Prime 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-463 Striker Light Tank (2) (3058) 20-5050 Thunder THR-1L 20-5092 Doloire DLR-O 20-5153 Uziel UZL-2S 20-5161 HawkWolf HWK-4F 20-723 Warrior Helicopter H-7 20-741 J-27 Tow Vehicle, Thumper towed gun, trailer, and boxes 20-751 Long Tom Artillery LT-MOB-25 20-759 Turkina Prime 20-761 Devastator DVS-2 20-781 Kintaro KTO-20 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-811 Mercury MCY-99 20-857 UrbanMech UM-R60 20-868 Dragon DRG-1N 20-869 Jenner JR7-D 20-873 Spider SDR-5V 20-880 Blackjack BJ-1 20-885 Hermes II HER-2S 20-888 Grasshopper GHR-5H 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R AR20-216 SCORPION SCP-12C AR20-286 HAWK MOTH VTOL AR20-405 Great Turtle GTR-1 AR20-625 CERBERUS MR-V2 AR20-731 TAI-SHO TSH-7S AR20-807 STRIKER LIGHT TANK (2) AR20-808 PEGASUS SCOUT HOVER (2) AR20-848 ORION (return) AR20-850 FIRESTARTER FS9-H AR20-890 STEALTH STH-1D AR20-916 MERLIN MLN-1A AR20-938 MARS ASSAULT VEHICLE AR20-944 YEOMAN YMN-6Y BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-068 Trinity (Asterion) Battle Armor BT-163 Magellan Jumpship BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-278 Panther PNT-9R BT-279 Awesome AWS-8Q BT-280 Charger CHR-1A1 BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-357 Invader Jumpship BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-389 Purifier Battle Armor (3) BT-425 Uziel UZL-8S OP-005 Thor B Arms (2) (from BT-11) OP-006 Thor B Pods (3) (from BT-11) OP-009 Thor D left arm OP-010 Thor D right arm OP-054 Masakari A Right Arm OP-055 Masakari B Left Arm OP-056 Masakari B Right Arm OP-058 Masakari C Right Arm OP-075 Ryoken D Left Arm OP-079 Mad Cat B Left Arm OP-080 Mad Cat E Left Arm OP-081 Mad Cat E Right Arm OP-082 Mad Cat H Right Arm OP-083 Mad Cat S Left Arm OP-084 Masakari Torso OP-086 Mad Cat Torso - Modified OP-087 Vulture Torso - Modified OP-088 Vulture Missile Boxes - Modified OP-089 Loki C Torso OP-090 Ryoken D Torso OP-091 Ryoken A Left Arm www.ariesgamesandminis.com
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