#scream 2023 fic
astermath · 1 year
close call ★彡
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pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: amidst the new ghostface panic, you’re more on edge than ever. so much so, that you almost bash ethan’s head in when he scares you on accident. he ends up having to comfort you over the whole ordeal.
word count: 1.1K
notes: first time writing for ethan, but I’ve had a bit of an obsession with him lately. this might be kinda short but I’m still trying to get inspiration for my newly acquired babygirl <3 requests and comments are super welcome!!
warnings: references to violence and murder
P.S: lmk if you’d like to be on the tag list for further ethan landry related content!
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You had your headphones on, the right side of them moved just behind your ear to still let you hear your surroundings at least a little. Normally you wouldn’t be so cautious, but a certain masked killer was giving you every reason to be so. It was a miracle you were even walking back from the party all alone, but everyone was so occupied with, well, being drunk, you figured you’d just go back alone. You weren’t scared, if anything, the killer should be scared of you. You were not to be fucked with, carrying around a pocket knife at all times, just like your dad had taught you to. 
But something felt off... You turned around and scanned the area around you, swallowing nervously, but no one was there. You couldn’t help but feel like you were being watched, preyed upon by unseen eyes. Maybe you were just being paranoid, but when you turned back around, you started walking just a little faster, clutching the knife in your pocket. 
You finally reached your building, and right as you unlocked the door, you swore you saw a dark figure moving in the corner of your eye. Your breath hitched, eyes widening as you shakily jumbled with your keys and got inside. You didn’t even completely shut the door, a stupid mistake made by a panicked mind. You rushed up the stairs, slamming the door behind you when you finally reached your room.
“S-Shit, where the fuck...” Your hands trembled as you tried to look for your keys, mind running blank when you couldn’t find them.
“Fuck! No, no... God, please...” You realized dropped them at the door when you were rushing inside, along with your knife, silently cursing yourself for being so careless. You considered going back out there, but there was no way you could do that. Not when those heavy footsteps made the stairs creak and sent shivers right up your spine, nearly paralyzing you with fear. You tried to rationalize your thoughts, eyes darting around the room when they landed on the baseball bat you kept next to your bed. A choice you’d been made fun of before by Anika, her calling you extra for it. But now it came in handy more than ever.
You grabbed it and steadied your grip on the handle as the footsteps approached your door. You felt your heart in your throat as they halted, readying yourself to make a swing for it.
The doorknob turned, the door opened, and so you did.
You swung.
Until you made eye contact with Ethan, his brown eyes widening when he noticed your weapon and his hands coming up to protect his head from the incoming blow.
There was but an inch between the wooden bat and the side of his head, but your reflexes had managed to stop yourself from cracking open his skull right on time. You both stared at each other in shock for a few seconds, before Ethan’s knees gave out and he fainted onto the floor of your room. You gasped and caught his head before it hit your nightstand and possibly undid what your reflexes had prevented just now.
About ten minutes passed as you sat on your bed, Ethan’s head in your lap with a cold washcloth pressed by you to his forehead. You’d elevated his legs with a few pillows, having read somewhere that that should help with letting more blood flow to his head, and hopefully wake him up. You felt horrible, how could you have possibly almost murdered your dormmate, especially amongst all this Ghostface chaos. Ethan was going to hate you now, you damn near murked him!
As you sat there, nervously going over all the possible consequences of the scenario in your head, Ethan’s eyes cracked open. He groaned, bringing up a hand to rub his face before he could focus properly. He looked up and saw you above him, staring down at him with worried eyes. Great, so he did die, and now he’s probably in heaven. Why else would you be there with him?
The memories of what happened slowly came back to him and he sat up, grunting when he felt a throbbing pain flow back into his head. He turned and saw you looking at him with teary eyes, clearly unnerved. Suddenly, he was way more worried about you than the hurting of his head. He said your name softly, and noticed a tear roll down your cheek. “Are you... okay?��
“Are you?” You furrowed your brows, wondering why he would possibly ask you that after you just attacked him. 
“Yeah, I’m...” He looked around, realized he was in your dorm, on your bed of all places. “What happened?”
“Ethan, I’m so fucking sorry!” You exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug and crying on his shoulder. You were seemingly more troubled by the whole situation than he was, which all in all wasn’t exactly reasonable. “I was so anxious that I was being followed, and then I lost my keys, and I heard these footsteps, and, and...” You sniffled. “I thought I was going to get killed, man!” 
He froze for a second, before bringing up a hand to gently rub your back and return the hug. In all honesty, he now remembers pretty clearly what had occurred, but hearing you explain it made a lot more sense. “H-Hey, hey!” He gently held your shoulders and pulled you back so he could look into your eyes, his heart aching at the sight of you being so distressed. “It’s okay! I’m fine, see? I’m in one piece!”
You sniffled again, bringing up a hand to wipe away a stray tear, nodding gently. “Y-Yeah, but... I almost seriously hurt you.”
“That’s okay! I mean-- it’s not okay, but... I get it! It was my fault, I should have knocked or said it was me, I just... I saw you drop your keys and this... Knife? And I know those are pretty important to you, so I wanted to give them to you.” He explained himself, a hand coming up to gently wipe your cheek clean of tears. 
“A-Are you sure?” Your voice was still a little shaky, ridden with guilt. 
“I’m sure. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me. Right?” He smiled sweetly.
You nodded once more, taking a deep breath. 
He gave you another back rub before getting up and placing your knife and keys on your nightstand, ready to head out. He stood at the door, hand reaching for the knob before you called out.
“Wait, Ethan.” You looked at him with pleading eyes. Those beautiful, captivating eyes he always loved. “Please, don’t go... I don’t know if I can be alone tonight.” You fidgeted with your covers a bit. “Please just... Stay the night?”
He suppressed a smirk, sighing and taking off his jacket. 
Maybe he should start following you back to your dorm more often.
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Hey there!! Can I get an Ethan landry scenario where the apartment Scene in scream six Isn’t him but Quinn as ghostface and reader goes through what Anika does after Ethan told Quinn not to do anything to them?? Thank you!
A/N: i was so pissed because i loved Anika and that whole scene gave me 36 panic attacks and 67 heart attacks!
Knocking at death's door...
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PAIRNG: ETHAN LANDRY X GN! READER TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul, @zspen
FANDOM/GENRE: Scream 6, ghost face, dark romance, horror
WRITING STYLE: one-shot, slight angst
Reminder: Do NOT translate, transfer, modify, copy or steal my ideas!
CW: Attempted murder, faked death, blood, height mentions, GN! Reader, swearing, shouting/screaming
The cold wind hits your face hard, your body trembles at the sight below you. The fall was too high. Banging of someone trying to break in can be heard from behind you, Ghostface.
Ever since receiving that picture on your phone about Ethan 'dying,' things just went downhill. Now, leading to you being on a timer at death's door.
"Oh, god...I can't do it, I can't do it...!" You sobbed as Anika frantically gestured to you to hurry as fast as possible. The drawer wasn't going to hold Ghostface for so long.
You began slowly crawling over, your breathing uneven. "You can do it! That's it! That's it!" Sam and Anika shouted.
You sobbed, as you noticed Sam, Mindy, and Anika had gone quiet, staring at what was not you, but behind you...
"What?" You stared at the back, confused. "[Name], you have to move right now!" Mindy shouted and pointed behind you.
You turned around to see Ghostface stabbing his knife beside the ladder. "No! No!" You gripped onto the ladder weakly, your heart hammering in your chest.
"You gotta move!" Sam and Mindy tried reaching out to you, but the ladder suddenly shook back and forth and up and down. "Stop! Stop!" You ducked down your hugged the ladder, as Ghostface violently shook it.
"[Name], MOVE!" Anika cried. "Anika, I don't wanna die!" Your heart felt like it had stopped when Ghostface lifted up the ladder and tilted it. "No, no, no! Stop it! You fucker!" Mindy gabbed onto what she could of the ladder.
To their surprise, you didnt fall. You stuck on to the ladder and hugged it for your dear life. Legs tangled and curled on the steps, arms engulfing the sides, but you were upside down. There was still a chance for your downfall.
"What...? Mindy stuck her head through the ladder to see a distressed you. Sam, and Anika laughed in relief and disbelief. "Im still alive! Oh, shit!" Seeing you still clinging to the ladder had gotten him furious. He started shaking the ladder up and down again.
Until, all sudden movements stopped, and you almost slipped because they stopped during his mid-shaking-the ladder. You craned your neck to look up slightly. Two Ghostafce, but they didnt look like they were helping each other...no...they were...fighting?
Another Ghostface appeared, but swung a punch at the Ghostface trying to kill you. "What..?" Sam whispered and Anika just stared in shock.
Suddenly, the second Ghostface comes up to the window. "[Name], go...GO, NOW!" He shouted with his deep, moderated voice. That was enough to get you going, because even though you were backwards, you started crawling up slowly. One by one...
Sam, Mindy, and Anika cheered as they picked you up. Anika arms held under your arms, Mindy was holding your stomach, and Sam got your legs. They hauled you in the apartment on the count of three.
Anika, and Mindy hugged you. "You did it! You did it...!" Anika cheered. Sam crouched down and came up behind you.
"What was that..?" You shook your head. "I dont know...I think that Ghostface knows us, or rather...me."
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Needles and Stitches
Chad Meeks-Martin x Fem reader
A/N: I had appendicitis two years ago, and I can't forget that experience so I'm putting it in some of my fics (wattpad and here)
warnings: hospital and all things related, fluff, reader being under the effects of anesthesia and meds
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After everything that happened months ago in Woodsboro, Chad didn't want to step into a hospital ever again
But here he is, by your side while they were prepparing you for appendicitis surgery
It all started three days ago when in the middle of a study session in the library when you started to get strong headaches which made Chad worried, but you minimized the situation saying it was because of stress
The next day, while you and Chad were in the middle of a make out ssession in his dorm, you stopped the kiss the moment you felt a pain in your right side of the abdomen
"What's wrong baby?", Chad asked with concern, "Are you okay?"
"I think I ate something in bad state", you responded with your face hidden in Chad's bare shoulder holding your right side
"Hey, what if we just lay down and I bring you some medicine?", Chad suggested circling your waist with his arms, "Does it sounds good?"
"Yeah", you answered in a low voice
Carefully, Chad lift you from his lap to left you in the bed covering you with the bedsheets before standing and searching for the medicine
The next symptomes were the lack of hunger and fever, along with the pain in the abdomen that didn't stop with meds
So, tricking you into thinking that you were going on a breakfast date, Chad took you to the infirmary campus were after several tests they took you to the hospital to get appendicitis surgery
"I still want my breakfast date", you said getting out of the bathroom with the hospital gown on
"First we need to get your appendix out", Chad responded helping you get to the hospital bed, "I already told the group, Sam said she is coming right now and the others are coming after classes"
"I can't believe I'm having appendicitis at 19 years old"
"Well, the doctor said this was the limit age, and if you think about it, this organ doesn't have an utility at this point"
"Since when do you know all about this stuff?", you joked
"I read everything about the appendix on the way here", he answered making you laugh, "Hey, everything is going to be fine, okay?"
"I know, it's just that I don't like needles"
"Hey, if I survived being stabbed last year, you can survive an appendix about to explode"
"I can't belive you actually compare both situations", you laughed in disbelief
In that moment, the nurse returned with the things to prepare you for the surgery; during the IV placement, Chad held your other hand and covered your eyes so you don't see the needle in your hand
During the whole way to the surgery room, Chad didn't let go your hand giving you assurasing words, leaving kisses in your forehead and lips before getting separated
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Openning your eyes after what felt like the longest nap you've ever taken, you noticed that you were back in your hospital room, and the whole friend group was there too
"I'm back", you said in low and raspy voice
That phrase made everyone get closer to you bed with concern
"I'll call the doctor", Sam said pressing the button next to the bed
"How you feeling?", Chad asked sitting in the bord of the bed
"Sleepy and empty", you answered
"Yeah, they took a whole organ out of you", Quinn joked, "Actually is in here"
"What?", you asked in confussion
In response, Tara showed you a small plastic cup with you appendix floating in liquid making you frown with disgust
"Who would think that this small organ could kill anyone", Tara commented
"It looks like a cheeto", Ethan pointed
"I would say a shrimp", Anika continued
"Looks more like the parasite of REC", Mindy followed, "Like the one in the original movies, not the remakes"
"I can't believe you are making fun of my appendix", you scoffed
"Well, it's out so is no longer part of you", Chad said, "But you are going to feel well from now on"
Interrupting the conversation, the doctor and a nurse entered to the room, which made the whole group get apart from the bed except for Chad who stayed by your side holding your needleless hand
"Hi, Y/N, how are you feeling?", the doctor asked while the nurse checked your vitals, "Any pain?"
"From the inside no, but my stitches hurt a bit"
"That's normal, but we still going to give you some medication for the pain, you are going to stay for the night and tomorrow you can leave, liquid diet for the next week, complete rest for three weeks or a month until the scar is completely cured, I will remove the stitches in a week from now", the doctor instructed
"What do you mean by liquid diet?", Chad asked with a notebook and pen in hand
"Juice, water, tea, fruit, soup, jelly, things like that", the doctor answered, "Nothing to strong for her stomach, and be careful while taking showers because of the stitches, if someone could help you, the better"
"We would take care of her", Sam spoke
After a few moments, the doctor and the nurse left, leaving the friend group alone
"I really wanted a burger", you comented making everyone laugh
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screamdream3828 · 1 year
Heyyyy!! Could you do a sam carpenter x fem reader where the reader has been taking pills that led her to having nightmares about the killings, and one night when her and sam are sleeping she had a nightmare where sam is the killer and tried to kill her, so the reader wakes up like all panicked and shaky and the sam wakes up because of the reader and sam comforts her? If not then it’s perfectly fine!!🫶🫶
Here it is! This was really fun to write, so I hope you enjoy
Warnings - angst, mentions of violence, death
It had been months since the attacks in New York which left you with a particularly painful scar in your upper chest, courtesy of your former roommate and who you thought was your friend - Quinn. 
After the events of Woodsborough, your girlfriend Sam was adamant to move as far away as possible. It seemed an easy choice to follow her sister Tara, and friends Chad and Mindy to college in New York.
You reasoned such a big city would be safe, no one would dare attack in all the hustle and bustle. It turned out you were wrong, and couldn’t yet escape the horrors of your past.
One of the ghostface’s, you later find out was Quinn - had cornered you on the subway alongside Mindy where you both missed the first train.
The pain of the knife plunging into your chest had you seeing stars and wondering if maybe it was it that time, they had finally won.
But you woke up hours, or maybe even days later - you weren’t sure, in hospital. Sam was sitting by your side, looking relatively unscathed apart from a few flesh wounds.
You thought everything would go back to normal. The wound on your chest was particularly deep, apparently Quinn had decided to twist the knife - literally. 
The doctor called you lucky to have survived without any further damage, but you felt far from lucky. After three weeks in hospital, and a nasty infection - you are finally cleared to go home.
Sam immediately begins to look for new places, secluded and far away. But Tara argues running away would incur the same problems.
You had agreed, surprising yourself too. Whoever wanted revenge, or some stupid motive like to complete a movie - would find you no matter what.
Instead, you compromised on a small hidden away apartment that the five of you shared. It was riddled with security, impressive home systems giving you some peace of mind.
Even returning to your new home, the pains weren’t decreasing. Four weeks after the attacks, you would still wake up gasping for breath, choking on your own salvia as Sam tried to firmly pat your back. 
None of the treatments seemed to be working, and the pain was near unbearable. You became miserable and withdrawn, unable to cope with the new reality.
A new doctor finally suggested some new medication, not promising it would ease all pain. You were desperate to try though, ignoring his warnings of the varied side effects. 
At first they worked. The pain became a dull ache, and you started to enjoy life again - resuming your job, teaching at a small school.
But then the nightmares started.
Initially, they were basic enough. Flashes to the subway. Trying to scream but not doing it quick enough before a blade is buried in your chest deep, to the hilt
You wake up screaming. Always loud enough to wake Sam, who meets you with equally terrified eyes as it takes her some time to realise you aren’t in any immediate danger.
Sometimes loud enough to wake the others, who suffer from their own fair share of nightmares too.
Other times the dreams are ... more creative. In one, Sam is alongside you on the subway. Things seem normal at first, and your mind tricks you that this is a regular day, perhaps a commute to work or a trip for lunch.
Then a flash of black and white appears, and before you can even react - your girlfriend is a bleeding mess on the floor.
Those become the worst dreams. The possibilities of what could still happen, rather than the memories of what did. You think that’s the worst of it, that things couldn’t top it.
Four nightmares in a night, you go to sleep shaking and anticipated: restlessly drifting off, in the safety of Sam’s tight arms. 
The setting is familiar. Not New York this time, but Woodsborough. Although you expect a nightmare, it can still be hard to adjust to the feeling, to remember it isn’t real.
You’re all gathered in Amber’s house, scared but high on adrenaline as Sam tells Tara to find her inhaler before you leave - alongside her close work friend Richie, who you admittedly found a bit creepy.
Liv returns to the room, frantic and covered in blood. You wait for the moment, for Amber to produce her gun and the bullet flying so perfectly through the air - stunning the group.
It doesn’t happen.
Instead, your girlfriend produced a knife - gleaming, clearly shined for the occasion, and slits Liv’s throat with a gleeful look.
Your mind doesn’t comprehend it’s a dream, you don’t realise it’s fake. All you can think about is the look in Sam’s eyes as she plucks her next victim from the crowd and rains down blow after blow with that knife.
She’s covered in blood. Saturated in it. Staining her pretty skin and clothes. But that’s not the scariest part. It doesn’t even match the look in her eye as she turns to you.
You’re paralysed to the spot, unable to drag your eyes away despite the chaos and destruction behind you. The smell of blood, objectively isn’t real - but you can almost taste it in the air.
”Oh sweetheart” she croons in that soft voice that you love so, so much. You try to control your breathing as your chest racks painfully.
She takes another step towards you, mouth stretched into a wide grin. “Come on now” she tuts, patronising as she steps over her own sister’s body like it was nothing.
Her face is right near yours, and for a moment you wonder if she is going to kiss you. “Do you really think I ever loved you?”
The words catch in your chest and they hurt more than watching your girlfriend of four years brandish a knife as though it was an extension of her limbs. 
You hear the blade before you feel it. The whoosh of metal gliding through the air, the slice as it cuts through your shirt as if it was nothing more than a sheet of paper.
The pain, although not real - feels very real. The burn in your chest is all too familiar and you scream, and scream and scream. 
“Hey. Hey. It’s only me”
Your eyes snap open to see Sam staring down at you, concerned and soft as usual. But all you can think of is her standing above you, mocking words as she slashes your chest with laughter.
You know she isn’t a killer. That it’s only a dream. Your Sam would never even offend you with words. You tell yourself how much she loves you. How much you loves her.
Your body shakes violently, eyes flickering all across the dark room as you can’t meet her eyes. Tears stain your cheeks and your chest burns.
”I.... it was....” your voice wavers and you have to take deep breaths, which just dissolve into uncontrollable sobs. It’s worse than any of the other dreams, and you can’t calm down.
”Just breathe. I’m here” Sam rubs your back soothingly, and you force yourself to stay motionless. Sam would never hurt you. Never.
You gasp against her black tank top, staining the material with your tears. She lets you cry into her shoulder, rubbing firm circles across your t shirt. “Let it out baby” she encourages
You’re almost too scared to tell her about the nightmare. You know she still has problems in public with people believing she was the killer. Another reason to hate Ethan and Quinn, for spreading such lies about your girlfriend.
Realistically you cannot control your dreams. But you don’t want Sam to think you doubt her, that you’re scared of her. 
So you just focus on trying to regulate your breathing, fingers curled into the soft fabric of her top as you clutch it tight.
Her scent is strong, like blackberries and whatever cheap shampoo she decides to buy for that week. It grounds you. A reminder that your Sam is not bad. Not evil.
You know she gets some sort of satisfaction from killing. You aren’t stupid either. There’s some weight behind biology in the nature vs nurture debate.
She’s even tried explaining it a few times. That she’d never intentionally harm anyone. That it just felt ... right. 
You saw the look on her face as she stabbed and stabbed and stabbed Richie. Blood smearing her face as she cleaned the knife in a gesture you remember replicated in the first Stab movie. 
He deserved it. You felt no pity towards him as you had hugged your girlfriend tight after she had finished, clutching your slashed arm Richie had given you, barely hours before. 
Although you weren’t there for the final showdown in New York, Sam and Tara had given you the basics to what happened.
You had also heard the rumours surrounding the supposedly leaked autopsy for Detective Bailey. Around forty stab wounds.
It was Sam. And you didn’t need to ask her to know she killed Bailey. But again. He deserved it.
”Can you go back to sleep?” Sam kisses your cheek, and you bury yourself further into her arms.
”I can try” you add, voice scratchy. She nods, winds her arms around you tighter and doesn’t say a word.
Your relationship works so well because you both have a deep understanding of each other. You know Sam. Inside and out. You accept that dark part of her who enjoys to end the life of someone who threatened your family.
And she knew you just as well. She knew when you wanted to talk, or wanted silence. 
This was enough, you realised - and started to fall into a restful sleep. Comforted by the knowledge that no matter what happened, Sam would never hurt you. Ever. 
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motions1ckn3ss · 7 months
reading the fics for the enjoltaire games 2023 including the INCREDIBLE titanic au and then coincidentally went to the titanic exhibit in the maritime museum in liverpool the next day and when i tell you i was NOT okay
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thebest-medicine · 8 months
Day 5: "I'm Not Ticklish"
Tickletober 2023 - Our Flag Means Death - lee!Stede, lee!Ed
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: Happy season 2 premiere day! Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!
Words: 784
Stede is nearly choking with laughter on the sofa, squirming and kicking as Ed tickles his way down his sides. In desperation for a break, or at least a breath, Stede reaches out wildly toward Edward’s nearby sides. He squeezes.
Ed lets out a little, curious grunt, but he doesn’t flinch away or laugh. “No ya don’t.” He stops tickling briefly to tug Stede’s wrists out of the way. “Won’t work anyway. I’m not ticklish.”
“No way, everyone is somewhere.”
“Not me.” 
“You’re serious? You’re telling me you’re not ticklish?”
“Nope. Not in the slightest.” Edward assures Stede, leaning over him with a smile as the gentleman pirate catches his breath.
“Are- are you kidding me? That hardly seems fair.” Stede complains, smile plastered to his face. He pants, trying to get in a deep breath without laughing it out halfway.
“Don’t know what to tell ya mate. Just ain’t me.”
“Oh, surely at some point- somewhere-”
“Nope. No chance. Never been. Never- am? Was? Never…” Edward trails off, looking up as he tries to think of the proper wording. He closes his eyes and takes a breath, pinching his nose. “Look, bottom line. Blackbeard is not ticklish.” He goes for the most serious tone he can for the conversation they’re (somehow) having.
Stede can’t hide the quirk of a smile on his lips. “Perhaps Blackbeard is not…” He leans forward, feeling bold. “But what about Ed?” Stede clocks the slight falter in Ed’s confident expression and wiggles his fingers in a tease. “Hmm?”
“Same difference. Won’t work.” Ed shrugs - so nonchalant, extremely casual. He definitely does not look at Stede’s hands.
“You don’t mind if I give it a try, then?” Stede grins wider.
Ed snorts at that. He rolls his eyes and purses his lips when he finds Stede watching him with a devious grin. “Be my guest.” He gets up from the couch, standing beside it with his arms outstretched.
Stede rights himself on the couch and sits before him, moving a cautious finger forward to poke at a few different spots along his sides, ribs, belly. The firm touches don’t seem to illicit much of a reaction, just a smug little smirk as he watches Stede’s attempts.
Stede thinks he sees something - or, almost something - when he spiders a hand curiously over Ed’s middle. But, it’s gone just as quick, hidden beneath a veneer of smug stoicism.
Stede complains the whole time. “Not even here?” “Seriously?” “Come on, there has to be at least one spot that will get a laugh out of you.” Each is met with a snarky response.
“Are you done?” Ed asks with a bored shrug. 
“No.” Stede demands. “Sit down.”
Ed gives him a weird look. And then, his smile is back; he laughs a little, “You’re so fucking odd, mate.” He sits down obediently on the couch next to the other man.
Stede reaches down and scoops up his ankles, teetering Blackbeard back haphazardly onto the couch, terribly off-balance. “Hey!” Ed shouts, accusatory.
Stede ignores him, fiddling with his boots. Ed kicks a little, indignant.
Stede turns to look at his disheveled face, lying back on the couch. “What, are you worried about these?” He taunts with a smile.
“I didn’t know you were gonna fucking throw me- but, no, like I said-” Ed banters back. He tries to recall a situation in which someone had ever tried to tickle his feet. Hmm. Plenty of people had tried plenty of times to grab at his sides. He knew the tiny zing to expect and could block it out quite easily. He didn’t really have anything to go off of here.. “I’m not fucking ticklish, so you might as well-”
“Might as well try, hmm?” Stede grins, slipping off one of Ed’s boots.
Fingers zip down Edward’s socked foot experimentally as Stede watches. Ed’s eyes flick straight to his foot, his foot that just twitched under Stede’s fucking touch. Shit.
It’s hopeless to block the bark of a laugh that Ed lets out when Stede flies in with both hands wildly, chasing the tiny flinch in search of further tickle spots. Ed can hear Stede laughing too, triumphant, pleased. 
“You’re such a liar!” Stede chastises with a tease. “You know what we do with liars on this ship?” He’s down to one tickling hand as the other holds Ed’s now captive ankle as it squirms.
“Nohoho-” Ed cackles as fingers scribble under his toes and down the ball of his foot. 
“No? Well, I’d be happy to show you.” He tugs Ed’s sock off in a quick motion, then dives back in to give the laughing captain a taste of his own medicine.
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starry-stan-blog · 7 months
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I went feral
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lulu2992 · 2 months
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Goodbye... but not farewell
In the timeline of “that fic I’ll never write”, this takes place about 12 hours after this.
Story under the cut :)
So, the morning after Taylor and John’s last night together in her bunker, which was also the first they—chastely—spent in each other’s arms, he packs his belongings, dresses nicely (because John Seed simply can’t wear sweatpants in public), and she drives him back to his ranch.
When they arrive, she stops her pickup truck a few meters away from the house… and from the small group of cultists gathered at the entrance, eager to celebrate the return of their Herald.
Upon seeing them, Taylor chuckles softly.
“Looks like they organized a little homecoming party for you”, she comments.
John, sitting next to her on the passenger seat, is also looking at them, a tender expression on his face.
“Yes. I’m back home, I suppose.”
His smile then slowly fades, and he turns to Taylor. When their eyes meet, she notices a hint of regret in his. He’s back among his brothers and sisters, sure, but she’s not coming with him...
“Well... I guess this is goodbye, then,” she says, trying not to let her own sadness show.
“But not farewell,” he assures, nodding.
The Baptist gets out of the car, grabs his coat and his bag, goes around the vehicle, and stops at the driver’s open window.
“Thank you for the ride.”
“You’re welcome.”
“In fact…” he adds in a low voice, placing his hand on hers but making sure that, from his followers’ point of view, it looks like he’s just touching the door, “…thank you for everything.”
She smiles fondly in response, and he just stands there in silence for a moment, seemingly studying her features, maybe trying to engrave them in his memory.
“How I regret not kissing you again earlier this morning when I still had the chance,” he finally murmurs.
The cultists are too far away to have heard him, but Taylor isn’t, and her right hand tightens on the wheel.
“See you again soon, ‘Deputy’.”
He hasn’t used this nickname in a long time, and she lets out an amused huff when she hears if. John, now mischievously smirking, discreetly winks and starts walking toward his ranch.
Although he briefly turns around halfway to give her one last, small wave and bittersweet smile (which she returns), she realizes each step he takes hurts more than the last, and that the further away he gets from her, the deeper her heart sinks into her chest.
It was at this moment Taylor knew there would be no going back.
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theficlistpodcast · 9 months
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That's right!! The Fic List is going to New York Comic Con!!!! 😱🤯🥳
Come see us and the unparalleled @icaruspendragon aka Berklie co-host "An Abridged (Unhinged) History of Fan-Fiction" on Thursday, October 12 at 7:15 PM! Expect goofiness, shenanigans, and the occasional history lesson 😉
Visit NYCC's official page for more information about our panel and the con! Hope to see you there!
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astermath · 1 year
pierced ☽༓・
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pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: they say nipple piercings taste like house keys. and there’s no place like home baby. aka ethan finds out you have nipple piercings and naturally, he’s intrigued. 
tags: established relationship, use of female anatomy, no actual sex lol just foreplay, barely proofread, minors dni!!!
word count: 1.3K
notes: always thought nipple piercings were hot tbh but I’m too scared to get them :////// this is my way of coping :///// also again I’m telling y’all i see ethan as a tits man 100% no way around it!!!! 
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for further ethan landry related content!
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You and Ethan had been dating for a few weeks now.
Ethan loved you very much, and there was no way you couldn’t tell. The brunette was practically glued to you, even before you two became a couple. Always had an arm around you, your fingers intertwined when you held hands, having you on his lap whenever he could...
Needless to say, there was no lack of affection in your relationship. But yet, you two hadn’t really done anything sexual yet. Besides a stray hickey or a squeeze of your ass during a heated make-out session, the two of you had been relatively conservative in your touches. Ethan was a virgin, something he’d blurted out randomly to the group before, and the thought of it made you want to take your time with him.
So at times, when all you wanted to do was rip off your clothes and take him, you restrained yourself. Because you liked him. A lot. You wanted things to be different.
He spent a lot of time in your dorm too. Not having a roommate made having some privacy a lot nicer, and he gladly accepted your invitations to stay over every time. 
It had been pretty warm, most of the windows being open as you situated yourself in your small kitchen, pouring you and your boyfriend a drink. Despite it being relatively dark outside already, the heat persisted, and so you decided to wear something other than a baggy shirt for once.
You could hear the lock of your door click open, and you smiled to yourself. Ethan had a spare key to your place, originally just for emergencies, although you’d argue seeing each other was an emergency at any given moment. 
He called out your name, kicking off his shoes and dropping his bag next to them.
“I’m in the kitchen baby!” You opened the fridge, looking through the contents to see what you could make for dinner later. A pair of familiar arms snaked around your waist, a soft hum leaving his hips before he pressed his lips to your neck. “Missed me?” You turned your head to face him.
“Always,” He leaned in, kissing you softly, “it’s so hot outside...”
“Tell me about it.” You closed the fridge and let go of him, snatching one of the iced drinks you poured off the counter and handing it to him. You then grabbed your own, and held it out to clink gently against his. “Cheers to summer in New York.”
“Cheers.” He smiled, taking a good, long sip as his eyes remained on you.
Or more specifically, your chest.
He’d never noticed before, mostly because you hadn’t really worn tops like this in front of him, but he could definitely tell; the outline of two barbell piercings stood stark against the cloth of your top. It was pretty obvious, and his eyes quickly darted away before you’d make a comment about him staring at your tits again.
“Ethan?” You raised an eyebrow, back leaning against the counter.
“Yeah?” His drink was still at his lips.
“You were staring.” You snort, amused by how clueless he was to where his eyes landed. Seemed like it was too late to pretend he wasn’t looking.
“Oh,” His cheeks tinge pink, “I-I’m sorry, I just--” He was so vulnerable to you when you looked at him like that, so expectant, like you wanted him to admit something.
“It’s okay,” You took another sip, holding eye contact. He swore the look you gave him was making his pants tighter already.
“I didn’t know you... Had those...” He wasn’t sure how to phrase it in a way that didn’t make him seem like a creep.
“What?” You tilted your head slightly. “Tits or nipple piercings?” 
“The second one.” He still isn’t sure if you’re about to cuss him out for being a pervert, or if you’re enjoying this.
“I figured,” You chuckled, and he felt the nerves melt off his body. “Just never came up before I guess.”
The two of you spend the rest of your night on the couch, watching a movie. Despite him insisting you watch it carefully, his own attention was elsewhere. He had to admit he didn’t know how to feel about someone else touching your chest and your nipples before he could, but then again, he did think they looked really hot. Even if he just saw them peek through your top a little.
He’d sneak glances every now and then, and as your attention inevitably shifted from the movie to him, and the two of you stumbled into an impromptu make out session, his hands just itched to touch them.
Your kisses were hot, arms slung over his shoulders as you straddled him. His hands settled nicely onto your sides, but you could tell they were slowly creeping up. You grinned against his lips, hips moving slightly against his growing erection. 
“You know,” you spoke softly, lips brushing over his with your words, “if you’re so interested, I could always just show you.”
“W-What?” He pretends to play dumb, but he knows exactly what you mean. His cock twitches slightly at the thought of your naked tits in front of him, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of touching them before.
You sighed, almost dramatically so, as your hands gripped the hem of your top. You pulled it off in one swift motion, tits bouncing slightly as they were released.
If he wasn’t rock hard already, he absolutely was now.
His mouth was almost watering at the sight of them, swallowing to keep down some of the nervous spit that had gathered in his throat. “Fuck…” He mumbled, before his puppy eyes met yours again. “They’re beautiful… Can I…?” He reached his hand up halfway.
“Of course, they’re healed, you can do whatever to ‘em.” You arched your back a little, further moving your tits into his face.
He seemed hesitant at first, hands coming up to gently cup your soft breasts, humming softly at how perfectly they fit into his hands. They were so soft, and for a moment he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. You were so gorgeous, and you were all his. Only ever his.
His fingers moved over to your nipples, pads running gently over the sensitive buds, eliciting a soft whine from you. The noise only further encouraged him as he continued to play with them. He glanced at you every few seconds, partly to check for any discomfort, but mostly because how pretty you looked, biting your lip to hold back your noises. But he wanted to hear them, he needed to hear them.
So he decided to go a little further, sticking out his tongue, running it achingly slow over your right nipple. The cold metal of the barbell piercing was a strange, but not unwelcome sensation, something he could definitely get used to. The sensation of his warm tongue against your skin, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer, hips grinding ever so slightly, it almost makes you dizzy. You never knew he was so eager to touch you, maybe you’d been keeping the poor boy waiting for too long.
He opens his mouth and sucks down, doe eyes peering up at you as his name falls from your lips in a soft moan, sweet as honey. “Ethan...” You whine, hips still moving, chasing friction against his restricted hard-on. 
“Yeah?” His mouth lets go, but his hands stay busy, not giving you a break.
“I-I didn’t know you-- shit-- wanted to touch me this bad baby...”
He grins sheepishly, sitting up a bit more to capture your lips in his. 
“I can show you just how bad I’ve been wanting you...” He mumbles between kisses. “Please?”
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tag list <3
@kometqh @dizscreams @sweet-tea-in-the-summer1989 @aurorawhisperz @777iii @cyueksims @m-ar-i @em-writes-posts @kn1n3
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floralcyanide · 1 year
𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 ⊹ 𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐲
Ethan Landry x Gender Neutral!Reader
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Ethan is in love with you. But you aren't real.
warnings: visual and auditory hallucinations, psychosis, bipolar disorder, descriptions of such topics, one-sided feelings (technically)
word count: 1015
author's note: helloooo here is a little thing I wrote. I personally have bipolar disorder and have experienced psychosis. it's terrifying but I'm medicated for it now. I have had auditory hallucinations but have never had visual ones. if you suspect you're in psychosis or feel unsafe, please talk to someone.
masterlist | add yourself to the taglist here
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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Ethan scrubs his scalp, sighing as the hot water hits his back just right. It was late at night, probably in the AM at this point. He had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch and slept the whole evening away. Ethan needed the rest, though. He’s been severely depressed and on the verge of a psychotic episode. His episodes were relatively tame- he would lash out sometimes, but it wasn’t as bad as it used to be. He also had trouble sleeping but would eventually get his sleep routine back in check. Ethan also had weird hallucinations, seeing shadows in the corner of his eye and hearing his name being called when no one was there. And sometimes, although rarely nowadays, he’d see you. But then, shortly after his psychosis ended, you’d be gone.
As Ethan starts conditioning his hair, he hears weird things downstairs again. He chalks it up to his roommate, Chad, being awake still with some of his friends. But then he remembers Chad has an exam in the morning and would be asleep by now. Ethan ignores the sounds, hoping it’s his brain playing tricks on him with the sound of the shower water running. Once he starts running his soap over his body, he hears his name being called.
Ethan yanks the shower curtain open, checking to see if anyone is in the locked bathroom with him. He knows it’s locked because he checked several times, not because of OCD or anything, but because having a roommate means being walked in on if you aren’t careful. Ethan was glad that he only had bipolar disorder and the anxiety, depression, and other symptoms that came with that. He doesn’t know how he’d live having OCD. Bipolar is enough, especially with the super fun psychotic episodes that lasted weeks to months or the mania that was the same way. Ethan is lost in his thoughts as he rinses himself off and almost doesn’t hear his name being called again. Almost.
He sighs and turns off the shower, sliding the curtain open before grabbing his towel. He unlocks and opens the door to see the entire apartment is pitch black. No one is there. He begins to dry himself off, trying to ignore his name being faintly called. Ethan decides he needs to tell his doctor to up his medication dosage when he sees him next week. But the thing is, he doesn’t want to. 
“What do you want?” Ethan whispers to his reflection in the mirror, glancing behind him, waiting for the inevitable.
After waiting a minute, he tears his eyes away from the mirror to get dressed. Once he finishes, he returns to the mirror and nearly jumps out of his skin.
“Took you long enough.”
You’re standing there behind Ethan, just barely visible. Your voice is hushed and almost inaudible. The hallucinations of you that he used to get aren’t nearly as severe anymore. Ethan used to be able to touch you and feel you there. Sometimes he misses that.
“You aren’t supposed to be here, Y/N.”
“I know. But I’m still here, aren’t I?” you lay your head on his shoulder, looking at your reflections in the glass. 
Ethan can no longer feel your chin against his skin, your breath on his neck, or hear your voice quite as loudly as before.
“You’re fading,” Ethan wants to reach up for you, but he knows he won’t feel you there.
The longer he takes his medicine, the less frequent and less intense the hallucinations are. But he needed something stronger for you to go away completely. But he isn’t sure he wants that. He already misses you enough, although he’s starting to learn to live without you now.
“Yeah,” you sigh, pulling away from him, “But I’ll always be here,” you say, pointing at his heart.
Ethan feels his eyes burn with tears. Even though you aren’t real, something about you is. And that will always stay with him. He thinks the death of his brother and what he had done is what conjured you up. A psychotic break. One that was tapering off but still intense enough. But now that Ethan has a therapist, those feelings of unwavering anger, unforgiveness, sadness, grief, denial, and so on aren’t as bad. And when they were was when he’d see you the most.
“Your brother loves you, Ethan,” you say sadly, “He’d want what is best for you, you know.”
“And what would that be?” Ethan asks, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes to force the tears away.
“For you to let go and say goodbye.”
Ethan’s hand flies away from his eyes as they snap open. He looks down at you; you’re as real and visible as ever. Just as you were when you first appeared. Ethan hesitantly reaches out to touch your hair, and he cries when he feels the strands. He knows what you’re insinuating.
“I don’t want to,” Ethan frowns, his eyes looking into yours, drinking in their color because he knows this is the last time he’ll see them again.
“You have to, or you’ll never get better,” you pull Ethan’s hand from your hair and to your face, pressing his palm into your cheek.
You lean into his touch one last time.
“I will always love you,” you whisper.
“I love you too,” Ethan whispers back, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
He sighs, opening his eyes. You’re gone.
When Ethan wakes up the next morning, the apartment is eerily silent. For the first time in months, he doesn’t hear his brain buzzing constantly. And he doesn’t see you or hear you anymore. When Ethan tells his doctor about you, he’s concerned but dismisses it as he is no longer hallucinating. He puts Ethan on something stronger for his bipolar disorder and psychotic episodes. Ethan tells himself this is for his own good, and that you were never real. But the love he felt for you over the last 9 months was real. And he would never take that back.
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
‘kay we got a lot of Ethan being ghostface and all— but what if it was the other way around hm? Here’s the idea:
Reader is ghostface who is anonymous and neither detective Bailey, Quinn, or Ethan know who they are —
But reader is a lot more violent — so when Sam asks: “so who was the other one that attacked us?“ And they don’t know who she’s talking about until the reader appears as ghostface and they’re all surprised who’s under the mask.
Let me know if this makes any sense 😭
A/N: Ghostface reader...? SIGN ME TF UP A/N: Got a little confused because i was like, 'how is this going to work if none of them know who the reader is...' A/N: So Im thinking...WHAT ABOUT AN OG READER WHO WENT A LITTLE, YK, MAD? A/N: Reader is an OG who reveals themselves as ghostface and everyone is shocked because no one has seen them for years...YEA?? A/N: Btw, I forget some parts of the movie so i had to makeshift things and make them make sense but idk if i did a good job A/N: Ngl, i literally forgot half the lines they said in the movie too so i had to improvise
My Return...
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FANDOM/GENRE: Horror, Ghostface, scream 6
TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul, @zspen
POV: 2nd person
READER: The scene that happened in the movie will change so much its a whole new lot just to fit the reader in (Im overexagerrating it but it changes a bit)
REMINDER: Do NOT transfer, translate, modify, copy or steal my ideas!
CW: Blood, mentions of attacking, knife, murders, murder attempts,guns, shooting, stabbing, swearing, spoilers for scream 6
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"Ethan, Bailey...?" Sam eyed the other masked figure. "Mindy...?" The figure shook their head and pulled the mask off of their face. "Quinn.." Tara shook her head. "You're dead though..." Quinn chuckled. "It was all an act!" Tara backed up into the nearby brick, feeling the brick be loose.
"You're all crazy..." Ethan shrugged. "We prefer the term psychotic," Sam shook her head. "It was you three...the subway, the apartment, that goddamn old building!" Quinn, Bailey, Ethan quirked an eyebrow. "What building?" Bailey asked while pointing his gun furhter into Sam's direction. "What..?" Bailey rolled his eyes. "What building, Sam?"
Quinn raised a finger. "Hold on. We never attacked them at the old building," Ethan nodded. "Then who..?"
Tara and Sam swiftly turned around to meet another Ghostface, one that felt...off.
"Who the hell are you?!" Quinn shouted. "Is that a way to treat someone who has more experience with Ghostface than you ever will?" Quinn scoffed. "Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?" She repeated.
"Well, if you insist..." The unknown Ghostface slowly took off their mask, revealing...you. "[Name?]" All of their eyes widened. You, an OG, who had gone through for much shit trying to survive from Ghostface becomes Ghostface itself?
They all sat there in silence. When finally processed, Ethan, and Quinn feel a burst of excitement coarse through their bodies, an OG...helping them?!
"So you've been helping them...?" Tara grip tightened on the brick. "Helping them? Oh, no, darlin'. Im just doing this for fun. Im quite tired of being the prey, so why not the predator?" Their excitement died down.
"All those years of running away from Ghostface, and being betrayed by others. I just thought, 'well why not reverse the cards for a bit,' hm?" You laughed. "And oh, how right i was. this has been fun!" You turned to the three other Ghostface. "You three make good Ghostface, but not as good as Billy, Stu, and the others."
Hearing that gave Ethan somewhat of a boost of confidence. "Where's Richie in that list?" Quinn asked. "Richie? Oh...he was the worst Ghostface Ive seen," you slowly spat, enjoying provoking them. "So pathetic," Sam starts and you watch her, amused.
"Thats not true," Bailey retorted. "Yea. Your son, he is a man-baby, let his girlfriend do all the killing..." Bailey had gotten even more furious by the second. "Shes right," Quinn pointed her knife at you. "You, you stay out of this!" You only snickered in response.
"He was a strong, feral young man!" Bailey's voice cracks. "He was a limp-dick little fuck, who cried before i slit his throat." Bailey was one second from pulling the trigger, but before that happened, Sam had ran over to your side, missing the bullet.
Tara charged at Quinn, hitting her face with a brick. She fell backwards. "Damn," you moved backwards. You smirked, before swiftly walking up behind Bailey, kicking him in the back so he fell. "What?! " You crouched down, grabbing the gun and tossing it Sam.
Ethan began chasing Tara, while Sam busied herself with Quinn. Tara was running from Ethan, climbing away from him. "I've always wanted to stick something in you, Tara!" Tara turns around while Ethan Sticks his knife up. "Fuck you!" Tara shouted. "Fuck you!" Ethan shouted back.
"Gotcha!" You hear Ethan catch up with Tara after a few minutes. She screams before shoving a knife down his throat, twisting it while a smile grin ghosted over he face. "You're dying a virgin," He screams in pain while eating that knife.
You pulled out your knife before stabbing Bailey in chest, over and over after keeping him down with your foot. Bailey put up a fight, tackling you while you tackled him back.
You heard a crash, only to see Ethans head under a TV. "Shit looks like that hurts..." QUinn screamed at the sight of her father and bother being murdered. SHe charges at Sam, who puoints the gun at Quinn. "Looks like your down another brother."
Quinn's body fails down, after being shot in the head by Sam. Sam turned around, to meet you, but by the time she did, you were gone. "where did they...?" Tara shrugged at Sam, both of them just standing in silence.
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random-nerd-posts · 9 months
Goldenheart Wedding Headcanons
Okay, so this song is making me think about this adorableness and I need everyone else to read my thoughts because these two I swear, and their old pink 1000 year old daughter helping out is just ugh!
Ambrosius is constantly bugged by Nimona about when he is going to propose, and Ambrosius always comes up with a lame ass excuse.
Ballister is also thinking about proposing but is worried that Ambrosius is not ready for marriage because of his lineage, so he also has told Nimona that he wants to propose but is just worried about Ambrosius saying no.
Nimoan knowing that if she tells Ambrosius, he'll chicken out and let Ballister do it, and if Nimona tells Ballister that Ambrosius wants to propose, that Ballister will chicken out and wait until Ambrosius is ready.
So, she vents to Todd, who she will always refer to as "Punchable face guy" and Todd is like, well, we can plan it for them while they play chicken and Todd then comes out with this already planned out elaborate ceremony revealing that he was totally in love with Ambrosius but knew that Ambrosius just saw him as a bother, so he didn't do anything.
Nimona is just so done with everyone just hiding their feelings and just announces in a group chat what she's heard from everyone and that she will ordain their wedding at this one time with this type of ceremony (Ambrosius cries at the sight of it and Ballister just smiles because he believes that they both shouldn't be crying and fails) and Nimona gets their dance to be played to the song linked in the beginning.
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screamdream3828 · 1 year
would you be able to do a love triangle trope between tara and sam x reader
both sisters catch feelings for their friend/roommate but reader ends up choosing one of them (you can choose) one would get jealous of the other when they’d flirt with you but eventually they talk it out and are cool about it
Sure! Final request I had left to write in my inbox and was a fun one. Hope you enjoy!
When you answer an anonymous ad seeking a female housemate in a very nice, very affordable flat in New York, you don’t expect to find yourself in the middle of a love triangle.
Not between the two girls you now live with - Sam and Tara. And certainly not between two sisters.
Things start out well at the flat. You aren’t stupid or oblivious, and recognise the girls instantly. New York is a fair way from Woodsborough, but pretty much everyone had heard the ghostface stories.
You resolved to never bring it up, and instead tried to build a friendship with the sisters. 
Tara, like you, was studying at Blackmoore college. Something you both bonded over, and begun to spend time on campus - eating lunch, study sessions - anything really.
She was a sweet person. Funny, despite all of the hardships life had thrown at her. Your phone was full of texts, pleas to come out to some random party she had been invited to you.
You almost always agreed, because even after only knowing her for weeks - you couldn’t say no to Tara Carpenter.  
She’d dance you around the room, hands around your waist. You’d giggle, drunk off whatever wine she’d hand you.
Sometimes you’d catch her looking at you, unreadable expression on her face. She’d shake out of it quick, and distract you with a quick joke.
You couldn’t deny she was attractive. Very much so. But she wasn’t the only Carpenter sister you had bonded with.
Sam was unlike anyone you’d ever met before. She was a few years older, and much more guarded initially.
At first, she’d make polite small talk but keep the conversation brief and never want to hang out.
From Tara, you learnt how she alternated her time between her two jobs, therapy and being home.
She carried a crazy amount of self defence weaponry at all times too, understandable after everything she had been through.
It took time for her to warm to you, to trust that you weren’t some sick person with an ulterior motive. 
When she started to open up, you realised that she was more than the overprotective, sometimes aggressive woman portrayed throughout the media.
One time, you joined her on a grocery run when a group of teens called out insults and jeers. You watched as her knuckle tightened around the trolley handle, whitening instantly and a vein flickering.
You hadn’t intended on doing it, but your hands moved on their own accord to press over hers. “Ignore them. They want a reaction”
And she had looked back at you. Properly seeing you, as if for the first time. Her mouth flickered into a half smile, then set into a determined line and she nodded - continuing to push the trolley and ignore the group.
Something was different with her after that day, gone were the awkward smiles and polite attempts at small talk. She even invited you to her local gym, seeing you make morning commute across the city.
You’d hold the pads up as she laid blows against them, grumbling about how people needed to get a life and mind their own business.
There was little you could do to help. You hadn’t experienced the events firsthand, so didn’t exactly know what it felt like.
But you gave Sam a chance to vent, and listened as she unloaded all of her problems onto the pads - but also to you.
It wasn’t one sided either. When your creepy ex wouldn’t stop showing up at your class, Sam had frowned deep and thought for a moment.
He didn’t show up to your class again, and a rumour circulated that he had a broken nose and jaw. Of course you didn’t know for sure it was Sam, but her satisfied smirk gave it away easily. 
She was the opposite to her sister, more guarded and uptight to Tara’s easygoing nature. To be honest it sometimes gave you whiplash - hanging out with each of them. 
The atmosphere also felt different when you hung out one on one compared to a group setting. 
You caught Sam checking you out too, when you finally convinced her to come to a party - eyes drawn to your tight red dress. 
At first, you tell yourself maybe they both find you attractive. Some innocent flirting doesn’t hurt anyone.
Then one night as you cook dinner together and drink far too much red wine, Sam dances you around the kitchen and presses her mouth to yours.
You don’t kiss back at first. More stunned than anything. But her hands are in your hair, and arms grip your waist. So you clutch her cheek and kiss back hard.
She pulls away, dazed and you can’t help but smile at the look on her face. Your red lipstick is smeared across her mouth and you grab a napkin to wipe it away.
The door swings open though, mid sentence - and Tara walks in. “Hey that smells good! What’s for dinner?” 
You turn to reply, napkin waving loosely from your hand. By the time you turn back, Sam is gone and you’re left to wonder what is happening.
She acts weird around you for the next few days, not meeting your eye and a lot more quiet than usual.
It confuses you, and makes you wonder if she regretted the kiss. Which doesn’t make sense considering she instigated it. 
Tara invites you out to the movies, and you agree - hoping it will be a welcome distraction. She doesn’t seem to notice the difference between the pair of you, and greets you with a smile as you begin to queue for snacks.
She’s dressed a lot less casual than you for a movie trip, white blouse and black skirt showing off an impressive amount of leg.
After grabbing too much candy and drinks, you take a seat at the backrow. It’s some corny action movie Tara wanted to see, and you’re happy just to be there.
Nothing is out of the ordinary as you both watch the movie, until you notice a pair of eyes gazing at you. 
Tara wears that same unreadable expression you see sometimes pop out at parties, and you can’t bring yourself to look away either - to break the eye contact.
She blushes though, and looks away. Maybe you overthought it, you reason and return to the movie. 
“Did you enjoy the movie?” She asks as you try to find the car parked outside the theatre. You hum and nod happily. “Sure”
She nods, cheeks blushing red. “Cool. That’s cool”
You laugh, she’s being out of character - too bumbling and nervous. “I..” her voice fades away and she shakes her head resolutely. “I’ll tell you at home”
The drive is short and it isn’t long before you’re chilling on the couch. “What did you want to tell me?” You murmur, distracted by a movie commercial on the tv.
Tara clears her throat. “I just wanted to say that I’ve always liked you” she bites her lip and you swallow hard. Oh. 
“Tara...” You begin, but she cuts you off - starting to ramble. “I know it’s weird because we’re housemates. And friends. But I’ve always thought you were so cool and...”
”Hey guys” Sam enters the room, expression falling slightly as she realises what you’re talking about. “Oh. Am I interrupting?” Her voice is rough and you feel stuck in the middle.
Tara shakes her head, “no it’s cool. We can hang out in my room. No worries. Right Y/N?” She’s beaming at you, clearly hoping you reciprocate her feelings.
But Sam’s looking at you too, something like hurt in her eyes. “Uhhh” you stammer, hands fidgeting in your lap.
Sam shrugs, leaning against the door frame. “No it’s fine. I can see you’re both busy. I’ll be in my room” she storms off and Tara giggles nervously.
”That was weird. I hope she doesn’t think it’s strange that I like you”
You don’t reply, wondering how you can manage to get out of the situation. You like Tara. She’s funny, and shares some classes with you.
But there isn’t that burning desire, that passion you felt when Sam grabbed your face. Your teeth gnaw at your lip and Tara frowns. “Hey what’s up?”
You don’t know how to say this. To tell her. She clearly likes you. And you like her sister. Who may not even like you back. Who maybe just kissed you as a once off.
What a mess, you think miserably. 
“Tara” You begin, voice gentle. “I..” your eyes are drawn to Sam’s door as you try and articulate your sentence. Tara’s eyes follow yours and her gaze softens as she seems to realise.
”Oh” she murmurs, more to herself. You decide to be honest. “Sam kissed me a few days ago”
Tara nods along, looking a bit surprised. “I didn’t know that” she pauses, biting her lip. ”And you like her?”
You can only nod, hands in your lap. She cracks a smile, soft. “That’s fine. That’s cool. You both deserve to be happy” she takes your hand and squeezes it as you breathe out a sign of relief.
”You still want to be friends?” You ask, and she laughs at this. “Of course I do!” She assures, hand on your shoulder. 
“You’re one of my best friends, I just want you to be happy”
Its like a weight lifted off your shoulders and you smile. Before you can add anything, she grabs you and walks you to Sam’s door.
”Now go get your girl” she teases, not meeting your eyes - giving you a little push.
She’s gone, back to her room, and as much as you hate to hurt her feelings - you’re glad it’s all out in the open now. You knock on Sam’s door and wait.
It takes a few tries until she appears, not meeting your eyes. “Hey look, I get if the other night was a mistake and..”
You step into her personal space, almost knocking the pair of you over as you collide lips hard. She reacts instantly, cupping your jaw and sliding her tongue past your lips.
Not even a moment later she breaks the kiss, and drops her forehead to yours. “What about Tara?” She asks, panting.
You sigh soft. “It’s you that I want Sam” you stroke her hair. “I told Tara. She’s my friend. But it’s you”
She grins at that, pulling you into her room with another kiss.
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Still Alive ~ Chapter Nine (Last Chapter)
Ethan Landry x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, After math of last chapter, A little bit of Angst but Fluff at the end, Mental Breakdown, Mention of Blood, Past Trauma, Mention of Daddy Issues, and Anxiety. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Word Count: 2,397
Author’s Note: And here we are, the final chapter! Thank you to each and everyone of you for reading this story! It warmed my heart seeing you all comment and tell me how much you loved this story. It means so much to me that you all enjoyed my writing. I enjoy writing but I do have my insecurities about it so thank you so much for your kind messages. I know I already mentioned this but I wanted to say it again, I will be taking this coming week off on here so I won’t be posting since I have some personal things going on and also wanted to take some time off to catch up on some more writing. My inbox will still be opened so don’t be afraid to message me anything! I hope you all enjoy the last chapter and again thank you so much for reading this book. Don’t be afraid to tell me what you all think of the final chapter!
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Y/N was at the hospital getting her side wrapped up. The doctor told her that she was lucky that the bullet just grazed her side. “Okay, Ms. Riley. You are all patched up.” The nurse told her. “Thank you.” Y/N said in a soft tone. “You’re welcome.” The nurse said cleaning up everything. “The doctor wants you to take it easy for a couple of days and drink plenty of water.” The nurse told her which earned a nod from Y/N as her answer. After the nurse walked out of the room Y/N carefully stood up and changed into the fresh pair of clothes that Chad and Tara brought her from her apartment. She was being as careful as she could putting on her shirt. They already got rid of her bloody shirt that wasn’t just soaked in her blood right when she got there.
After she was fully clothed, she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She just leaned her back on the door and stared down at the wall that was in front of her. She felt completely lost. She didn’t know where to go. She didn’t know who she should go see first since so many people she loves and cares for are lying in a hospital bed. She really wished last night was just one of her horrible nightmares. Y/N decided to just go to the waiting room at the front of the hospital. She knows that she shouldn’t be alone and go find one of her friends but that’s just the first thing that came to her mind and to be honest, she wanted to be alone. Y/N carefully sat down on the bench where not even twenty-four hours ago she was surrounded by all her friends. Now, she’s all alone. She leaned her head against the wall behind her and closed her eyes so the lights on the ceiling didn’t blind her. She sat there in complete silence till someone called her name.
When she opened her eyes, she was met with a surprise. “Sidney!” Y/N said surprised to see her Godmother standing in front of her. “Come here.” Sidney said as she put her arms out towards her. Y/N stood up and gave Sidney a big hug. “I’m so happy to see that you’re okay.” Sidney said as she held Y/N as close as she could but of course was careful of her wounded side. Y/N laid her head on Sidney’s shoulder. “Sam gave me a call catching me up on what happened.” Sidney said pulling away from the hug and putting her hands on both of Y/N’s shoulders. “How’s your side?” Sidney asked with concern in her tone. “Okay, the bullet just grazed me.” Y/N answered her. “Fuck, I should’ve been here.” Sidney said with a heavy sigh. “What? So, you can be laying in a hospital bed, too?” Y/N said, shaking her head. “I’m glad you stayed away. You shouldn’t have to deal with this Ghostface shit your whole life.” Y/N told her.
“How’s your mom? Can she have visitors?” Sidney asked her not to argue with her since that’s the least thing she wanted to do seeing the state Y/N is in. Sidney can read Y/N like a book, and she knew Y/N was feeling the same thing she was feeling after her second round of Ghostface. “Yeah, follow me.” Y/N answered her and walked away with Sidney following close behind her. Y/N led Sidney to the room her mom was in. When they walked inside the room, Gale was sitting up in the bed and Sam was by her bedside. “There’s my little girl!” Gale said in relief she was so happy to see Y/N is okay and is standing in the same room as her. When Sam told her what happened she wanted to get out of bed to go see her. But surprisingly Sam was able to keep her there. Y/N walked over to her mom and gave her a long-waited hug. As the mother and daughter reunited Sam and Sidney shared a hug.
After Y/N pulled away she stepped to the side so Sidney and Gale could share a hug. “Sid, what are you doing here?” Gale asked after they let go of each other. She told Sidney not to come because she told her the same thing Y/N told her earlier. “I gave her a call to catch her up on everything that had happened.” Sam told her as she stood with Y/N. “I had to come and make sure that everyone is alright.” Sidney told Gale. “Where’s Mark and the kids?” Gale asked her in a curious tone. “They are home. I told Mark I didn’t want the kids sitting in a hospital.” Sidney answered her. “How are you feeling?” She asked Gale. “Very high on pain meds but other than that, I feel good.” Gale answered with a giggle which also made Sidney giggle as well. “I’m so relieved that everyone is alright.” Sidney said which made Y/N break down crying. She didn’t realize how long she had been keeping her tears in till now.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Sidney asked her with worry and panicking a little bit. “Ethan!” Y/N cried out. His name was the only thing that could come out of her mouth. Sam gave her a hug just like she did last night. As Y/N cried onto Sam’s shoulder Sidney rubbed her back in comfort. Gale wished there was something she could do since she hadn’t seen her daughter this upset since her dad’s murder. “Y/N! Y/N!” Two voices called out to her. When Y/N let go of Sam she saw Tara and Chad standing in the doorway catching their breaths. “Woah, what’s going on?” Sam asked them. “Ethan.” Chad said still trying to catch his breath. “He’s awake.” Tara said looking at Y/N with a small smile appearing on her lips. “W-what?” Y/N said in a stutter since her body went into full shock. “He told us that he wants to see you.” Chad told her finally catching his breath.
Y/N gave them a nod as she let go of Sam and followed Chad and Tara to the room Ethan was in. Y/N saw Mindy standing in the hallway with her waist all wrapped up. She had a smile on her face. “Go get him, tiger.” Mindy said giving Y/N a wink. Y/N took a deep breath to calm her racing nerves and stepped into the hospital room. She saw Ethan lying in the bed looking alive. Some color came back to his face. When his brown eyes met hers, a whole weight was lifted off her shoulders. She saw the color back into his bright eyes that were full of darkness. “Hey beautiful.” Ethan said as his lips curved into a weak smile.
Y/N quickly walked to his bedside and connected her lips with his. Both of them put everything they felt into the kiss. Y/N didn’t think that she would ever feel his soft lips on top of hers. When they pulled away, they were gasping for air, especially Ethan. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you. To see your memorizing eyes open.” Y/N told him as happy tears streamed down her face. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Ethan reassured her as he put one of his hands onto her cheek to wipe away her tears. He brought her back down to connect their lips again. Even though the kiss was short it still had just as much passion as the last kiss had.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Ethan apologized for not telling her his real last name. “I’m sorry for not believing you when your fucked up family tried to turn me against you.” Y/N said apologizing as well. “Don’t be sorry about that. They are gone. They can’t hurt anyone anymore.” Ethan reassured her as he lightly stroked her cheek. She leaned into his warm touch that still made her feel safe. She still felt secured by his touch.
“I love you.” Ethan told her, which made her heart flutter. “I love you, too.” Y/N told him and connected her lips with his for the third time.
           Some weeks have passed, and everything has been the way it was before Y/N’s second Ghostface massacre happened. Y/N finally feels like the girl she was before her dad died. She and Ethan are officially together and always by each other’s side of course when they aren’t in class. Ethan was scared to tell the group the truth about his real name and family, but Y/N reassured him that they would except him and of course, she was right. He told them everything, he had only told Y/N like how terribly his dad treated him and always chose Ritchie and Quinn over him. Everyone gave him so much credit for losing contact with his dad after turning eighteen.
Ethan was so relieved that everyone still wanted him around after what his psychotic family put them through. Ethan isn’t going to lie, he’s a bit afraid he’ll feel that same darkness his family got pulled into, but Sam told him he’s a good person and he will stay on the good side just like she has. She tells him that they are both nothing like their evil family members.
Y/N and her mom are not just on good terms, they are on great terms just like Sam and Tara are. Gale has really become the mom she always wanted to be. She thanks Sidney a lot for helping her and Y/N bond again. Sidney stepped into Dewey’s role and helped Y/N and Gale stay together.
Y/N was currently at the art show in a big auditorium on the college campus. Seeing that shrine really inspired her to make something that keeps her father and her Aunt Tatum remember a whole lot better. She sculpted their faces out of clay with a name tag of their whole name on the bottom. Y/N sat next to her beautiful artwork as people walked around the room. Her eyes lit up when her Y/E/C eyes met a pair of brown ones. She jumped out of her seat and wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his chest.
“I’m guessing you missed me?” Ethan said as he let out a laugh returning the hug. “Anytime I’m not with you, I’m missing you.” Y/N said to him leaning up and give him a sweet kiss on the lips which he returned. “Geez Y/N, when did you get so cheesy?” Mindy said walking up to the couple with Chad, Tara, and Sam. Tara and Chad had their hands linked together since Y/N helped them confess their feelings for one anther and now they are a couple. “Leave her alone, Mindy!” Chad told his twin sister in a stern tone giving her a small punch to her shoulder. “Yeah, she’s happy and in love.” Tara said looking at Y/N and Ethan in awe. Ethan smiled and gave Y/N a light kiss on the top of her head which always makes the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. Yep, that feeling is never going to go away which Y/N doesn’t mind one bit.
“Wow, Y/N! This is amazing.” Sam said looking at her artwork in amazement. “Thanks! It was a pain in the ass to make but it was worth it.” Y/N said making everyone laugh. “Also, this one really helped me get it down as well.” She added, looking up at Ethan who gave her another kiss to the lips. “Hey guys.” Sidney said walking up to the group with Gale by her side. Everyone was surprised to see Sidney since Gale wanted to surprise Y/N with her. “Oh my gosh!” Y/N said in a surprised tone letting go of Ethan to give her a big hug. “You know I couldn’t miss this.” Sidney said to her, returning the hug. “I tried to get Kirby to come but she’s stuck on a case in Atlanta, but she sends her love.” Gale told her after Y/N let go of Sidney to give her daughter a quick hug. “I’ll have to give her a call, later.” Y/N said letting go of her mom. “Can we see it?” Sidney asked Y/N referring to her artwork. The whole group was blocking their view of the sculptures. She kept what she was making a secret from Sidney and Gale since she wanted it to be a surprise.
Everyone moved to the side so Gale and Sidney could see the sculptures which brought tears to both of the women’s eyes. “Wow!” Sidney said, looking between the sculptures in awe.  “Oh, sweetie! These are beautiful!” Gale said wrapping an arm around Y/N and rubbing it lightly. “Thank you, I feel like this is a better tribute to dad and Aunt Tatum than that stupid shrine.” Y/N said as she wrapped her arm around her mom’s back rubbing it as well. She knew her dad and Aunt Tatum were smiling down at her. She knew they were proud of her, and she knew she was going to continue to make them proud. Live out the life she knew her dad wanted her to live.
As the night went on everyone mingled around checking out more artwork. Y/N got a lot of compliments on her artwork and told them the story behind it which she was finally okay with telling. When her dad first got killed, she hid from her family’s history with Ghostface because she was ashamed to be a part of that history but as the days pasted, she embraced it instead of running from the truth. Sidney actually helped her with that since she knew that same feeling.
After the event was over the group decided to go out somewhere to grab dinner together. As they walked down the busy New York sidewalk Y/N took Ethan’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Are you okay?” Ethan asked her in a soft tone looking over at her. “I’m great!” Y/N told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek which made his cheeks turn a light red like they always did when she would kiss him.
For the first time in a year, she can answer that question with the truth and not a lie.
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@sweetirilly  @aqellano  @igotmajordaddyissues  @athenalive  @hotweeb  @ghostlyboiii  @marshallowy  @callsignwidow  @rolly-polly-molly
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okiedoketm · 5 months
A News Coo delivers a letter with Buggy’s morning paper. This is strange because no one has ever willingly interacted with Buggy, let alone spent money on postage to do it.
The envelope is unmarked, so he rips it open. A lock of heart-wrenchingly familiar crimson hair flutters out.
Buggy stops breathing. He stares at it resting innocently on the deck. Like it hasn’t just dredged up a hundred unwelcome memories and fears and hatreds. That damned red hair.
He has no choice but to read the note.
Captain Buggy, He needs your help. Come to these coordinates. -- B. B.
That dumb motherfucker got himself taken hostage, and he dragged Buggy into it? He told that damn moron, the next time they see each other, it’s on sight. Now, after eight years of radio silence, he’s using Buggy as his lifeline? Pathetic. Unforgivable.
He’ll go, because anyone with enough ballsack to capture Shanks is bound to have a lot of money he can steal. But he’s going to be pissed about it the whole time!
Slowly, he bends down and picks up the lock of bright red hair. Rubs it between his fingers. Greasy as hell. …And unfairly soft. Like always.
Not that he remembers how that shithead’s hair used to feel! He’s not some sentimental moron! He only folds the lock carefully back into the note in case he needs to identify the moron’s body later. That’s all.
>> Read the Rest on AO3
It's Rotten Work (I'll Do It, But Fuck You)
Rating: Gen Relationships: Shanks / Buggy Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Ambiguous Relationships, Shanks is Mourning and Buggy is Gonna Help But He Will Bitch About It, One Piece Film: Red Words: 2,308
My @op-secret-santa gift for @perfusio! I hope you enjoy - it was a ton of fun to write, and I can only hope I did Shuggy some justice! Happy holidays!
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