#seagull scenario
webonchin · 10 months
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They may choose a different place the next date...
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hertragedytriumph · 2 years
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astralnymphh · 24 days
ellie with a back or shoulder tattoo..❤️‍🔥
ct; blurb, sub!ellie with a tinge of attitude, beach day, massaging (ellie receiving), very suggestive, tattoo is mostly up for reader interpretation, slight pussy play (ellie receiving). period started in the middle of jotting this, so apologies if it became rushed! otherwise, HUZZAH! [ellie img from keaneq_ on pinterest]
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for all nerd intents— it would maybe be a dragon. unsure what else would be on her back (perhaps something cosmic?), but all is up for interpretation! so particular with the placement, though; it would peak out from her tanks, buying her the reason to wear them more frequently. and of course— she does. if there's a way to keep your eyes on her, she most definitely will deploy that advantage. "see how sick my tat looks in this shirt, babe? damn, best decision ever." (starts flexing her arms like an idiot) anywho, a scenario, if you will: waves crashing near, seagulls squawking off ears, and the scent of damp sand everywhere— you're at the beach, secluded in secret. ellie suggested you find secrecy, and it was right off the bat that you located the perfect, boulder-walled cove. situating yourselves between those stone giants, you could talk, touch, tangle, and canoodle to your heart's fullest content. in seclusion, instead of wearing a tank, ellie had clad this black sports bra. intentionally; it flaunts her freckles, her lean shoulder muscles, her new tattoo— so deep and dense soaked in sunlight, glistening since you're giving her body quite the pat-down with sunscreen. goddess knows that pale girl depends on it.
right now, though, she need not wear anything on her torso at all. "fuck— that's the spot, oof," she rasps harshly, groans with pleasure into the netting of her beach chair. it just had to turn into a massage sesh. poor ellie works so hard to provide for you two. who's to say she doesn't need some tender touching care? you roll your thumbs along the sides of her nape, pushing and ruching her skin slow and sensual. ellie is convinced you were covertly trained for this. it feels like you are. "ah— babe, can you, uh, go lower?" her voice strains, and she reaches a hand back, nudging the band of her swim shorts downward. the tattoo's length is now revealed entirely, and it draws your pupils and fingertips to venture upon it. noticing where you two connect, you stare; her perky little butt had been pressed into your crotch for minutes now, and all the impulsive fibers in your brain wanted to do— was grope. but you palpate above it, acting unbothered. it serves for a bit, until ellie makes the usual sly and stupid remark about it, her tone clearer and louder, "enjoying the view? hmhm, 'can't say I let you do this too often." and you can feel the purpose hot on her flesh when she adjusts her hips, drives her ass a tad into your groin— so you grip one side. control filled that grip. it turns vice, and so does your question, "are you enjoying being touched here? seems like it." the top knuckles of your digits curling an inch under her pulled waistband. the auburn bun you shot gazes of daggers at just then, turns away so she can somewhat face you, given her position. playful eyes of green answer before her throat can, and they ring with the audacity to provoke you further. heavy-lidded, low-browed. "tchh— obviously. I did tell you to go lower," her tone laden in attitude, plastered with a shit-eating grin. now, ellie did tell you that, but her voice emphasized that you hadn't gone low enough. hadn't trailed past the tail of her tattoo.
pretty slick of her. it however, doesn't compete with the slickness you discovered leaking from her cunt. as one hand continued its caressing of her inked spine, the other ran fingertips over the fabric of her stygian shorts, slotting the damp material in-between her pussy lips, and stamping her clit down with your thumb. "mhh, huh, fuuck," through her whimpers, she freed a scoff; impatient-sounding, "is this all ur' gonna do? tease me?" the tight muscles of her thighs softly clench your wrist. you knit your brows at her, removing the pressure your thumb gave, "just admiring your back baby, be patient."
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eufezco · 5 months
this is based on a prompt from character.ai c:
SYNOPSIS -> You're his stylist and you discover bruises.
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You liked it when Finnick visited the Capitol and Finnick hated doing it except for the fact that he knew you would be there.
You had already earned a reputation as a stylist in the Capitol when you two met. And it had been four years since Finnick won his games but President Snow had kept him close because nothing was more appealing than a charming boy in his twenties to the people of the Capitol.
You learned from the best. Cinna taught you everything he knew about fashion and then made you forget about it all so you could build your own style. It actually worked quite well because your designs were sold in the Capitol as if people needed them to live.
Your colors and characteristic shapes, your outrageous skirts, your long dresses, and your headdresses were worn by everyone, men and women fought over your designs and they spent all their savings on your clothes. President Snow was more than delighted with you, not only because his granddaughter deeply admired you but because you knew how to be liked, and he loved that about you.
That's why President Snow found the perfect match with Finnick and you and for once in his life, he did something right.
Finnick became your muse. From the moment you were introduced at the Capitol and you saw him walking towards you with those bright green eyes, his perfectly messy blonde hair, his tanned skin thanks to the way the sun in District 4, and his body that looked like it had been sculpted by the gods. You knew you never wanted to design anything else but for him.
―When did you arrive and how is it that you haven't come to see me earlier? ―You threw yourself into his arms, your fingers dug into his blond locks of hair. This was not the typical relationship that stylists used to have with their models but after working with him for a couple of years now, it was inevitable that some affection would grow between the two of you. Especially when, during his stays in the Capitol, you spent most of your time together. You were the only thing that kept him from going crazy.
He would sit and watch you while you sketched out his next outfit. You would share a drink and ask him questions about how his life was back in District 4. Finnick loved to talk about his home and you loved to imagine yourself there, in the places that Finnick described to you so precisely. The sea reaching your feet, the sun shining against your skin, the sound of seagulls flying across the bluest sky you had ever seen... And for some reason that you were still trying to figure out, every time you imagined yourself in one of those scenarios, he was by your side. District 4 seemed like a lovely place.
Finnick's arms wrapped around your waist while his face hid in the crook of your neck. He inhaled your familiar scent when you hugged, too sweet for the Capitol, not like the perfume people there used to keep up with their continuous call for attention.
―Yesterday but I was too tired from the trip.
That was the first lie that Finnick told you that night.
There was an expression of relief on your face with something like a small smile on your lips, grateful to see him again after such a long time and when everything in your life was chaos thanks to the preparation of the next games. Your eyes were closed, enjoying him holding you until you heard him say those words and then they opened in a combination of surprise and confusion.
―Don't think that being tired is an excuse for not coming to see me, Finnick Odair. That should always be the first thing you do as soon as you set foot here. ―You said, still thinking about why would he lie to you.
You moved apart from the hug and Finnick had a big smile on his lips that inevitably made you smile too. ―I'm sorry. ―He apologized.
―You better be. But now I need you to tell me if you like it.
You turned to grab your notebook and showed him the sketch you drew. Finnick took the notebook from your hands so he could take a better look and admire every detail.
―This is beautiful. You're an artist. I doubt there is anyone half as good as you in the whole Panem.
―Oh, there's Cinna. I haven't managed to dethrone him yet.
―Come on, you outdid Cinna a long time ago. He says so himself. The student surpassed the master, there's nothing wrong with that.
You shook your head and said nothing. Finnick rolled his eyes, he knew you didn't like hearing from him or anyone else that you were better than Cinna. Not even when Cinna himself tells you.
―Have you started sewing it yet? Can I see it?
―That's why I needed to see you. I haven't started yet because I need to measure you again. The last time you wore one of my garments it was too tight. I don't want to risk it not fitting you this time. ―You grabbed the measuring tape and pins from the table in your studio, full of fabrics and patterns for the new tributes. Cinna had given you his notebook with some beautiful sketches and had told you that he needed something similar but for the male tribute, a guy named Peeta Mellark from District 12, and you had been working day and night to meet Cinna's expectations. ―The robe is behind the dressing screen.
―Yes ma'am.
Finnick walked over without saying another word. You admired his figure as he walked away. Finnick's back was twice as wide as when you met him, his arms had grown stronger, now you could identify each of the muscles in them and his legs had also doubled in size, unfortunately, Finnick loved to wear long skirts, if it were up to you he would be showing them all the time. The features of his face had also changed, now they were more pronounced. Finnick's dimples were more visible and his jaw was so sharp you'd swear if you slid your finger along it you'd cut yourself.
―This looks great on you. I don't know why I try to design you something new every time. I should let you go around with that.
Finnick shook his head, failing in his attempt not to laugh at your stupid joke. ―You are not only the best designer but also the funniest one, huh?
You rolled your eyes. Finnick knew you didn't like it when he told you that and he did it on purpose to tease you. ―Come on, take it off.
Finnick stood before the mirror as you stood behind him. Once he slipped it off, you gasped and jumped back, horrified.
―Gosh, Finnick, what is this? ―You took a few steps backward at the sight of the bruises that trailed down his back. By their bright red color you would say were rather recent. You didn't know how to react, you were petrified staring at his back.
Finnick smiled, dismissing what you just saw with practiced charm. ―Ah, just a little souvenir. My lovers like to play rough. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.
That was the second lie Finnick told you that night.
Finnick's chest was heavy but he was trying to keep his cool. He had assumed that by the time the two of you saw each other the wounds would have healed, besides the fact that he didn't think he would have to undress in front of you.
―Your lovers? This absolute atrocity was done by one of your lovers?
―They were probably just a little too... enthusiastic. Besides, I don't have a problem with it, I like it. My skin heals fast so I'll be all good in no time.
And that was the third lie. His skin did not heal fast. You had always told him off for coming to dress rehearsals all bruised up from his training sessions and those bruises had lasted for days. These new ones were sure to stay on his skin for at least a month.
―How can some one like this?
Finnick could hear the disdain in your voice. You should be disgusted, horrified and definitely judging him, but don't worry, so was he.
―Honey, if you don't understand it's not my problem.
―No, you're right. I don't understand. I don't think you enjoyed that.
―Oh, you're gonna tell me what I can or cannot enjoy?
―Have you seen your back? Have you seen how bad this looks?
Finnick chuckled. ―I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this. Do you need all the details? Is the life of a stylist so boring?
―Finnick, listen to me. I don't want all the details I want the truth, and now it's the perfect time to start. ―You said. You grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him around to look at you. Finnick groaned as your hands were placed on his shoulders and when he stood face to face with you, he could see how upset you were.
―I don't know what you're talking about. ―He bit the inside of his cheeks, that was just what he had been told, not to tell anyone the truth about what had happened. He saw you roll your eyes and let all the air out of your body through your mouth, annoyed.
―I know that you didn't arrive yesterday. Cinna told me. Do you really think you can go unnoticed? Here? And I know for a fact that those bruises are not from one of your lovers, let alone that they were done to you a couple of days ago.
Finnick swallowed, looking at you with his head held high. He tried to keep the smile on his lips, pretending that everything was okay, that he did enjoy it when those bruises were inflicted on him, but his lower lip betrayed him and began to tremble. You bent down to pick up the robe and carefully threw it over his shoulders so he wouldn't feel so exposed. Finnick's head was bowed. You lifted it using your thumb and index finger on his chin very gently.
―I need you to tell me who did this to you. I can't help you if you don't tell me.
Finnick chuckled amid the sadness and shame he was feeling. ―Help me? You can't help me.
―I'm sure there's something I can do. I could―.
―They were Peacekeepers following Snow's orders.
Your jaw dropped and your heart rate accelerated. It was the first time that Finnick was admitting that to someone. It had been impossible to tell anyone, let alone a citizen of the Capitol like you. Finnick couldn't possibly admit that without compromising his carefully cultivated image. Besides, if he made himself out to be a victim, the Capitol would never allow someone they saw as weak to perform the role of the Golden Boy and all the people he cared about in District 4 would die. At that moment you realized that all the times he showed up at your studio claiming that his injuries were from training were not true and you felt sick to your stomach.
―How did it happen? ―You asked, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat
―I tried to leave the Capitol. Before I could get on the train back to District 4 I was arrested by Peacekeepers and they took me to Snow's mansion. A lot of people came and when I refused to see them... I've been locked up there since then, that's why I couldn't come to see you earlier.
You shook your head, feeling awful. ―Don't worry about it, Finnick. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. ―Your stomach complained and begged your brain to stop imagining everything that Finnick would have been put through since then. The beatings, the strangers paying to sneak into his bed, the Peacekeepers bursting into his room and leaving him bleeding on the floor...
―Snow likes me. There has to be something I can do for you.
―You don't understand. It's not something that I can quit.
―I can spend all day designing and sewing to pay Snow the money he would make with you. I can talk to Cinna to raise the price of our designs. People here are rotten with money, they'll keep buying them anyway.
―It's not that simple. You can't just buy my freedom.
―Has anyone tried before?
Finnick thought about it and shook his head. ―Snow wouldn't allow that to happen. ―You ran your hand over your face in despair, not knowing what else to do to help him and feeling a responsibility to do something about it. You were the citizen of the Capitol, the one who had superior status and the favor of Snow, there must be something you could do.
―What if I buy you?
Finnick's eyes widened in surprise. ―Buy me?
You nodded and realized how bad that sounded. ―But not in like, a slave type of way. Gosh that sounded awful. I would just― Do it so you can live your life in your district. I wouldn't― keep you here, no. You'd just have to come to the Capitol a couple of times, make a few public appearances, and leave again.
―Why would you do that for me?
You bit the inside of your cheeks and nodded. ―You're my friend. I care about you.
You had managed to give him something he had long been missing. Hope. Maybe what you wanted to do would work or maybe not but at that moment Finnick felt that someone cared and that gave him hope that everything would work out.
Finnick took a step forward and placed his hands on your cheeks. He leaned in slightly and connected his lips with yours. Your hands ended up resting against his warm bare chest, closing your eyes and allowing him to kiss you. You knew it was the emotion of the moment, the adrenaline rush of knowing that maybe he could live his life in peace. You had given him hope and he was happy that someone had shed some light on his situation.
When you parted ways after the kiss, you both were smiling.
―Go and put your pants on, I'll treat your bruises.
―Do you know how?
―Well, not really, but I'm not short of needle and thread and I still have some alcohol from last night.
Finnick pressed his lips together and nodded. That would work. He walked to the dressing screen and you watched him as he walked away in the mirror's reflection. Before hiding behind the dressing screen, he said something that lit up a flame in your heart and made butterflies flutter in your stomach.
―I wish you would come with me to District 4.
my requests for the hunger games are open 📥
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The thing that really annoys me about the conspiracy theories going around (especially the Izzy-centric ones and especially That One Meta, iykyk) is the complete and utter lack not only of genre awareness but any realistic understanding of how OFMD operates.
If you actually watch the show, you should understand two things.
This is a rom-com. The central romance between Ed and Stede and comedy are therefore the two most core parts of the show, with Ed and Stede's romance taking priority over everything else. That's not to say OFMD doesn't have dark themes, it absolutely does; it's to say that comedy is always important to how the show is written, acted, and filmed. If the most obvious explanation for "what is this line/scenario trying to tell us?" is "it's funny," then that's clearly why the scenario is in the show.
This is not a subtle show. That's not to say it's a simple one; one thing I love about OFMD is all the background details and gags you only pick up on a rewatch. It's amazingly layered and emotional responses by characters are often extremely complex. However, when the show is trying to tell you something, it's not subtle and it never tries to hide it. The closest it ever gets is Ed in the gravy basket, and even then it's written so we find out the instant Ed does and we've already had clues to suspect something from how the mutineers are acting. If you're watching OFMD and thinking "hmm I wonder what they're trying to tell me here," you're probably doing something wrong.
That's why I'm so completely baffled by conspiracies such as
"How much was Ed hallucinating/dreaming??" After he gets out of the gravy basket, none of it. Very obviously none of it. Why would you assume they had time to waste this season on trying to confuse us about what's actually happening?
"What if Ed actually killed Buttons?" Okay, putting aside that just not happening on screen and therefore the most reasonable assumption being that he didn't, what would that actually do for the story? Buttons turning into a seagull underscored season themes of change. Ed killing him would be confusing, weird, and extremely out of character.
"What if Ed was the one who killed Felix the cabin boy?" This one absolutely baffles me. That story is transparently there to show us what Hornigold was like as a captain and illustrate why Ed hates him. Ed doing that instead of Hornigold would be wildly out of character and inconsistent with everything Ed does.
And my favorite, the one that made the author of That One Meta instantly lose all credibility for me when I skimmed and saw it:
"What if Ed and Stede's new shack is stinky because they actually have Izzy's body in there and Ed's in denial of his death, etc. etc."
Well. Given my awareness of the show I'm watching. I feel pretty safe in saying that it's stinky in there because, and I can't stress this enough, this is a comedy and sometimes it is funny for things to be stinky.
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judasgot-it · 4 months
Hold Me Tight (and Don't Forget Me)
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Scenario: Dazai takes you out on a date the day he's arrested. Slight Warning for Jouno being an ass.
Hold Me Tight - BTS
Pt. 2
1.3 k word count
Blue skies and perfect weather - the worst, because that meant that today would be the perfect day before Dazai would ruin it once again.
It was a strange feeling to have. It was too peaceful, like a flock of seagulls waiting to be chased.
There was nothing wrong. And that was what was wrong with it.
"Dazai. Did you do something?"
You knew it was impossible to ask Dazai these questions and get an honest answer - your ability didn't work on him, so it was only a force of habit to want to interrogate him.
In response, he only smiled, like a cat that was too high for the barking dog. It made your skin bristle every time, but today he was handsy - he smoothed down your sleeves, easing your nerves with a gentle touch.
"I didn't do anything that you need to worry about. We're supposed to be focused on us, remember?"
His grin was honest, almost charming. He sipped his coffee rather loudly to make his point, drinking as if to remind you with force that you were in a diner, not at the Armed Detective Agency.
"Well, yes. But I know you, and you're only hiding the inevitable. You can tell me Dazai, we are dating."
It was weak to pull a card like that with him, but it was always worth a shot anyway. As if dating would make a difference in how Dazai acted.
The man was a mystery, sitting in front of you in his casual attire - nicer because for once, he had washed them for this occasion. He looked put together as well, hair nicely done and his face looking as a man in his younger 20s should.
He typically looked a little disheveled, hidden behind his charisma but noticeable with anyone who cared for appearances. A good smile managed to hide a lot of things, and for once you didn't need to think about it.
In your mind, you knew that something was wrong from this. The last time he had taken you out like this, he had known he would almost die from an ability user, and it was his apology beforehand.
The strange sense of doom was disconcerting; but so was Dazai's cold skin. He was always bouncing so quickly between temperatures as if he were a broken heater - but being cold? On such a warm day?
"I know we are. Just enjoy yourself babe, can't you do that for me?"
His smile was warm, enough to reach his chestnut eyes - treated with a light varnish from the sunlight penetrating the windows. Whatever warmth his body did have, he must have given it to you through that smile, because now you felt just a little hot.
"I don't like you sometimes."
You averted from his gaze, still holding onto his hand despite this. Dazai didn't say anything, his fingers gently tracing patterns along the hair on your wrists.
"Your face says otherwise. Looks like you're loving my company."
He leaned in closer, careful of your plates, pulling your face to match his. It was easier to kiss him than to say you had lost.
But still, something was wrong.
Dazai kissed you as if he would walk out like this was his last dinner. It wasn't hungry and yet it wasn't polite - it was desperate and it felt like an apology for a crime he hadn't even committed yet.
Or maybe one he already had.
It was only the middle of the day when Dazai had decided that a good way to spend your time would be horse betting.
Gambling seemed like an odd place to have a date, but it hadn't been the worst one of his ideas. At least it was outside, and it made for good conversation - even as he insisted on staying as close to the crowd as possible.
Dazai had thrown around some big money - enough to make you worried he was going to actually kill himself tonight.
He was just...strange. As the races had gone on, he had become more and more nervous, fumbling with his pockets and becoming a sort of weird handsy with you - as if you wouldn't notice the strange clamminess his skin had become.
Cold and sweaty, a strange feeling on Dazai.
You were left stuck in deep thought as you stared at the pale white horse Dazai had bet on, a bold '9' staring right back at you.
"Excuse me"
A soft and polite voice had broken you out of your thoughts, forcing you to look away from the race - you had won, and a little bit of relief was felt knowing that Dazai was at least lucky enough to have not blown his last three paychecks on horse racing.
"Would either of you happen to know who won this race?"
His eyes were closed, while his smile seemed...off. Your ability was near constant in your mind, and you could feel how wrong this man was. He didn't really care which horse won that race.
"Number 9 won." In your silence, Dazai responded for you, smiling as if this were an idle conversation. He hadn't seemed to notice the scheming mask the man wore, like a fox ready to jump for the canary.
"So you won then, right? You seem quite pleased with yourself after all."
"Wow! How'd you know all of that?"
You tried to lean closer to Dazai, almost feeling how wrong the man was. It was almost like he knew something you didn't, and it was disturbing to you. His smile practically was still friendly, nothing wrong. But it felt almost as cutting as a knife.
"After I had lost my sight, I had gained new senses - I can hear your heart rates, smell your fear, and even feel your future in my back pocket."
Swiftly, the man had handcuffed himself to Dazai, revealing a pair of sharp canines behind his wicked smile.
"And I know that you, Osamu Dazai, are going to be arrested for 138 counts of conspiracy to murder, 312 counts of extortion, and 625 counts of assorted fraud. I could keep going, but I feel like your fiancé has heard more than enough."
Dazai turned to you, his face paler than the cumulonimbus clouds that towered the sky behind you. By his expression alone, you could tell he had no idea that this would happen.
"Wait, hold on-"
You held onto Dazai's arm desperately, reaching for the handcuffs that were beginning to tear him apart from you. This felt like a dream turning into a nightmare, and that you were running too slow.
"I'm a Hunting Dog. I know more than enough about you as well, and your ability should have told you that I'm not a liar like Mr. Dazai here."
Maybe that was why he felt so off. It was more than just the way he said horrible things - over 100 counts of murder, with complete and utter truth.
Dazai looked back at you with a solem look. There were so many emotions in your head, that you could only focus on the words that had come out of his mouth.
"I love you. Don't forget that, okay?"
Abruptly, you felt him pry your fingers off of his jacket, and look back to the Hunting Dog who had arrested him.
"There's no chance of escaping you, is there?"
"Even if you're hiding in the crowd, I would just kill them. I can take liberties with human life. I can kill your darling too, if you don't start walking."
Numbly, you watched as Dazai left. As if it were a dream, you were stuck in place, unable to chase after him and tell him to stop and even explain how the hell he had gotten into this situation.
You hadn't even gotten the other man's name, not so you could curse him out for taking your love away. There wasn't even the chance to scream.
It was a horribly numb feeling, stuck there in that moment, watching as Dazai walked further and further away from you.
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Sorry, had this idea for a while. I was gonna use this song for Jouno, then Nikolai, then GOJO but ended up being a depressing Dazai fic once again....sigh.
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babymetaldoll · 10 months
"Embarrassed" (Spencer Reid x fem!bau reader)
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Category: hardcore fluff, friends to lovers. Warnings: Cursing, Spencer being a little asshole, the BAU being nosy as usual. Summary: Spencer embarrassed himself in front of reader, and the annual FBI beach trip could be the perfect place to make things even more awkward between them.  Requested: Nop A/N: I wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Challenge, hope you guys enjoy it. Prompts used: - He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle? - I don't really like the beach... Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces. - It's like Hotch at the beach- - Next summer we are doing the Alaskan cruise. Masterlist
- “Explain to me again why I have to spend time with you during the weekend when we just spent eleven days working on a case in Oakland?”- Rossi asked as the entire BAU Team walked into a beautiful cabin by the sea, prepared especially for them.
- “Because we have to do the team training, along with all the paperwork it includes. But at least we have a nice view.”- Hotch explained, opening a window, staring at the deep blue ocean in front of them.
- “For once, I’m glad we have to do this stupid program.”- Morgan commented and took off his shirt. - “Sand, sun, and babes, that’s all I need to enjoy my weekend.”
- “We have to get ready for Strauss lecture.”- (Y/N) pointed out and tossed his shirt back- “Please, put this back on. I don’t wanna see your tits around the house.”
Spencer chuckled at those words and Morgan turned to him immediately.
- “What are you laughing about, pretty Ricky? Are there other tits you wanna see around the house?”- Morgan teased his friends, who turned blood red in a minute, coughed, and walked away, to hide in a room, slamming the door behind his back. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms on her chest.
- “You love making him feel uncomfortable, don’t you?”
- “Come on! We all know he has the hots for you, little Mama. When are you going to do something about it?”
- “He is my friend, with a capital F.”
- “You could be doing the capital F if you stopped being so stubborn.”- Morgan replied and turned around. He knew he had crossed the line and didn’t want to give (Y/N) the chance to smack him for being nosy.
Yes, everybody knew Spencer was in love with (Y/N). It wasn’t really a secret after he blurted it out by accident on a supermarket mic during a case investigation in front of the whole team. The entire incident was way too embarrassing to even recall, and the BAU had pretended it never happened. Everybody except Morgan, of course. He loved teasing Spencer every chance he got. The whole episode had been messy, and though it had been a few weeks already, (Y/N) still didn’t have a chance to talk with Spencer about it, and he kept acting like it never happened. That weekend’s Team Training Program at the beach was the perfect chance to fix things between them.
If only Spencer dared talk to her first.
Around half an hour later, a very unhappy team walked out of their cabin, ready to deal with whichever activities Strauss and headquarters had planned for them. The FBI had rented an entire villa for the weekend, to host their annual team training program. Rossi hated the idea, Spencer hated the beach. Hotch hated the fact he was wasting time he could be spending with Jake. JJ hated missing Henry’s soccer game, Garcia hated having to work out so much, and Prentiss hated the fact she couldn’t just lay on a chair at the beach with a drink and just tan a little.
(Y/N) and Morgan were the only ones excited to be there. Morgan still thought he could get a girl, and (Y/N) just wanted to spend a little time with Spencer, and maybe ask him out on a date. After all, a weekend at the beach was the perfect scenario to finally talk about what happened and maybe do something about it.
- “Beach activities are a great way to bring a team together.”- Strauss announced as she walked in front of at least 50 FBI agents. All of them, BAU included, wore dark blue short sleeve shirts with the FBI logo, and grey shorts. Everybody except Rossi, of course. He stood among them smoking a cigar and wearing his everyday outfit.
- “All the team-building games you are about to go through, were designed to promote communication, cooperation, and creativity. They will help our agents build trust, learn to delegate tasks, and enhance problem-solving skills.”
- “Sounds like a boy scout’s speech”- Rossi whispered to Prentiss and she did her best not to chuckle. But of course, Strauss noticed and immediately raised an eyebrow in disapproval.
- “You’ve all been designated with a number, that’s your team. Please form your teams so we can start the first activity.”
(Y/N) sighed, already annoyed. She understood the idea of having to go through a team seminar to improve one’s relationship with their team, but having to know other agents and talk with strangers… wasn’t really into her plans.
- “Hey….”- Spencer whispered as he stood next to her in the middle of the beach, right next to a bunch of agents neither of them had met before.- “I… I think we are on the… same team.”- Reid managed to say, and continued staring at his feet in the sand.
- “That’s great!!”- (Y/N) replied, maybe a little bit too enthusiastically. - “We haven’t… it’s been… well, we haven’t had the chance to talk much lately.”- she knew why they hadn’t talked. It was weird. Still, neither of them had addressed the pink elephant in the room, he just nodded and didn’t say another word for a few minutes.
- “Did you put on sunscreen?”- she asked and Spencer turned to look at her with wide-opened eyes.
- “Ye... yes, yes, I did. I always do”- he stuttered and started rambling right away- “Did you know daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma by about 40 percent? and lower your melanoma risk by 50 percent.”
- “Yes, I try to put on sunscreen daily as well, but I usually forget.”- (Y/N) added ‘cos she needed to make that conversation last at least longer than a minute. It was ridiculous, Spencer not even being able to look her in the eyes only because he had accidentally said he loved her in front of a whole crime scene, Nebraska’s police force, and the whole BAU team. Even Garcia.
- “Anyway”- (Y/N) said when she noticed Spencer wasn’t saying anything - “Are you enjoying the trip?”
He stared at her and licked his lips - nearly giving her a heart attack - as he tried his best to find actual words to reply to that question.
- "I don't really like the beach…”- he finally mumbled- “Sandy food, pink skin, limited and unengaging topography, but mostly drug-resistant bacteria spread by seagull feces.”
- “Oh…”- (Y/N) sounded disappointed, and neither of them said another word. Their new team gathered around them, and the instructions for the first activity were delivered.
The first team training activity was a beach scavenger hunt. Hotch’s team won ‘cos he was the team leader and… well, he is the best leader in the FBI. Spencer and (Y/N) tried their best, but their group was having serious trouble focusing. Apparently, no one wanted to spend the day at the beach working.
The second team training activity was a beach obstacle course. Morgan’s team won, basically ‘cos most of the agents in his team were pure muscle. Spencer was incredibly embarrassed to even do the circuit, ‘cos he felt self-aware of every one of his moments and that everybody was looking at him. And he ended up tripping on his own feet. Just when he thought he couldn’t embarrass himself more, there he was, face into the sand, hearing the entire FBI laughing at him.
Rossi looked at Morgan and shook his head. The kid needed help. But how?
- “Are you ok?” (Y/N) whispered when Spencer reached her side and he just nodded. - “Your ankle, does it hurt?”- she was honestly worried, but he felt so humiliated he wanted to disappear. So he did, he didn’t even answer her question and walked away. Rossi looked at the scene from a distance and headed to (Y/N)’s side in a few minutes.
- “How is the beach treating you, bella?”
- “I’m hating every minute here so far”- she replied and followed Spencer with her eyes until he got lost between all the people. Rossi noticed, he knew what was torturing her and though they hadn’t ever talked about it, it was clear he had to help those kids.
- “Come on, ragazza. You know he is crazy for you. We all do. You just have to tell him how you feel.”
- “I’m trying, Coronel Cannelloni! but he doesn’t even talk to me. The few things he has mumbled today are the only things he has said to me since “the incident,” and I don’t know what to do!”
- “He is embarrassed.”- Rossi pointed out the obvious and completely ignored the nickname (Y/N) had called him. She usually called him different nicknames just for the fun of it.
- “Well I understand that, but if I already know he loves me…”
- “Embarrass yourself now.”- Rossi suggested and the young woman just stared at him in silence. - “I mean it. Meet him in the middle. You already know he loves you, what’s the worst that could happen?”
- “You know, something bad happens every time someone asks that, right?”- Rossi chuckled at those words and shook his head.
- “It can’t get worse than him stuttering every time he sees you.”
- “I’m sure it can.”
Morgan found Spencer standing against a wall, on the other side of the main building of the complex. His eyes were closed as well as his fists, that he kept hitting against the bricks, over and over again.
- “Hey kid.”
- “Please, not now.”- Derek didn’t say another word for a few minutes. He just stood next to his friends and waited for his tantrum to pass.
- “You know Reid, that woman there loves you. Why don’t…”- and at those words, Spencer just snapped and started yelling.
- “She doesn’t! I don’t know if you remember but I had a little incident the other day with a fucking mic in the middle of a supermarket and everybody heard me telling Garcia how in love I am with (Y/N) and she has acted like nothing happened ever since!”
- “Kid”- Morgan frowned and stood in front of Spencer, holding his arms, trying to calm him down and talk some sense into him. - “You’ve been giving her the cold shoulder every time she tries to talk to you. Don’t blame this on her!”
- “Cold shoulder?! Me? To her? When?”- Spencer chuckled sarcastically
- “Dude, a minute ago she was talking to you and you left her alone in the sand.”
Morgan was right, and Spencer knew it, but he wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of saying it. However, Morgan didn’t sugarcoat things either.
- “And let me tell you one more thing, I saw how the guys from National Security in your team were eying her, and you just left her alone with those assholes after being a jerk. It doesn’t look good. How are you gonna fix it, pretty Ricky?”
Spencer opened his mouth, followed by a long awkward silence.
- “Thought so.”- Morgan sighed, and tapped on his friend’s shoulder - “Come on, let’s go back, and try to talk to her like you did before the incident.”
- “Awkwardly and clueless?”- Spencer whispered, and Derek just chuckled.
- “Just be yourself.”
- “That’s lousy advice, I don’t know how to be anyone else.”- Reid frowned and looked at his friend, who was nearly losing his patience.
- “Just don’t be your asshole self.”
The third and last activity of the day was a sandcastle-building contest. And doing his best to overcome his embarrassment and nervousness, Spencer grabbed a plastic shovel and asked (Y/N) if she wanted to help him with a part of their team construction. His hands were nearly shaking as she kneeled next to him on the sand and started working on their team’s design.
- “How did it go with the kid?”- Rossi asked Morgan, as neither of them even tried to pretend to be into the activity.
- “He is in denial. He swears she doesn’t even like him. What did she say?”
- “The kid is ignoring her and she doesn’t know what to do. So I told her to embarrass herself as much as he embarrassed himself.”- Morgan turned to Rossi and raised an eyebrow behind his sunglasses - “What?”
- “Rossi, that's shitty advice. Next time try something like: “Kiss the goddamn fool!” or something like that! I mean, the kid is hopeless and if (Y/N) doesn’t do anything, they are never going to get together.”
- “Give them some credit, Morgan.”- Rossi regretted his words as soon as they left his lips. Spencer was so nervous as he tried to talk with (Y/N) he gesticulated too much and hit part of his castle, causing half of it to crumble down.
- “He has a degree in engineering. How can he be defeated by a sandcastle?”- Rossi whispered and Derek shook his head. The whole scene was embarrassing to watch.
- “And your great advice was “embarrass yourself.” Jesus! I’m gonna have to ask Garcia to hack the system and move them into the same room. This is painful to watch!”
- “Like Hotch at the beach”- Ross pointed out - “He is so sunburned and he keeps getting redder, no matter how much sunscreen he puts on.”
If you asked anyone at the FBI about how the first day of their annual Team Training Program went, they would say it had been a mess. Most agents were sunburned and exhausted after Strauss’ program. Only Morgan and Garcia still felt like going out for dinner and maybe hitting the club, hoping to have some fun that weekend.
Spencer was alone, sitting on the sand in front of the sea. The sun was setting and he just sat there, on his own, doing his best to clear his mind and come up with a plan. But instead, he had nothing but regret. He kept remembering his worst and most embarrassing moments of the day in front of (Y/N) over and over again. It was a bad movie he’d pay not to watch ever again.
- “There you are!” - Prentiss sat next to Spencer and sighed, staring at the scene in front of them.
- “This is beautiful.”- she whispered and Spencer merely nodded. - “Why aren’t you watching this with (Y/N)?”- instead of an answer, Reid just groaned and rested his forehead on his knees, closing his eyes.
- “I’m guessing you didn’t have a chance to talk today.”- Prentiss whispered, knowing very well what had happened. Not like Morgan and Rossi could keep a secret. - “Come on, Reid, you are a fucking genius! Grow a pair and get your shit together”
- “What am I supposed to do? Honestly, ‘cos I’ve tried, but I just… can’t fucking think when she is next to me.”
- “Then don’t think, just act!”- Prentiss nearly smacked Reid as she spoke.- “I don’t think I have to tell you again, she fucking loves you! Do something.”
- “She doesn’t…”- but before Reid could finish that sentence, he felt Emily’s hand against his head, hitting him.
- “Don’t! She loves you! Now stand up, move your skinny ass, and kiss her!”
Reid turned to his friend, still rubbing the spot she had hit, ‘cos it had been incredibly painful.
- “Are you… drunk?”
- “Come on! There is no way I’m surviving sober a weekend with all these agents.”- Prentiss answered and grabbed a tiny gin bottle from her pocket- “Need one?”
- “No, thanks.”
- “Fine… now go! She was having some dinner at our cabin.”
(Y/N) was about to start eating when Spencer got to the cabin. She sat on the terrace with a grilled sandwich and a glass of wine, holding a book. Reid looked at her from the other side of the house and took a deep breath before he continued walking.
- “You’ve got this.”- he whispered to himself - “You can do this.”
- “Hey Spencer!”- (Y/N) watched him approach and smiled so wide he even stopped breathing as he stared at her.
- “You are not doing this.” - he admitted as he sat down on the chair across from (Y/N) and cut her a little smile.
- “Did you eat?”- she asked and offered half her sandwich, but Spencer shook his head and smiled.
- “Thanks, I’m not hungry.”
- “Sure? It’s your favorite. Lots of cheese and zero veggies.”- (Y/N) teased and smiled at Spencer. He blushed and looked at his hands on the table, trying to find the words to finally say what he had to.
But he never found them, instead, they fell into a comfortable silence. (Y/N) finished her sandwich and Spencer read half of her book. The one he had gotten for her a few months earlier. Neither of them said a word, just looked at each other from time to time and smiled awkwardly.
- “So… I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”- (Y/N) finally said as she folded her paper napkin a million times, in a sad and pathetic attempt at making origami.
- “Wh… wha... what about?”- Spencer stuttered immediately. Not a good sign. (Y/N) looked at him and felt bad about how nervous he was. But he had to tell him, he deserved to know.
- “I have to tell you something, but I can’t tell you here. Can you come with me, please?”- the young agent stood up and offered Spencer her hand. He hesitated, not knowing what was happening. But she just smiled and he reached out and held her hand.
(Y/N) drove in silence for a few minutes. They didn’t go too far, Spencer asked a few times where they were going and what was so important that she couldn’t just tell him in the car, but she refused to say a word. Instead, she just smiled and shook her head.
- “Just wait a second.”
Spencer didn’t get it when she parked outside a small supermarket, he just followed her in silence and watched her walk straight to an aisle and then to customer service. Reid didn’t register anything, he just followed her with honest curiosity. Until he saw her grabbing the mic and locking eyes with him.
- “Spencer Walter Reid. I am so fucking in love with you.”- the few people that were shopping at the hour turned to look at her and the young agent simply giggled.
- “Wh… what?”- Spencer stuttered, feeling his red burning red.
- “I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long.”- (Y/N) kept talking to the mic, until one of the girls in the staff walked up to her and nearly yelled she couldn’t do that. But she (Y/N) didn’t care if she got kicked out of the store. She just cared about Spencer, who kept staring at her in disbelief.
- “Come on dude! Kiss the girl”- some random guy said and slapped his arm, forcing him to react. But before he could do anything, (Y/N) grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips. Spencer wide opened his eyes as it happened, and watched her winking as she slipped her tongue between his lips, deepening the kiss.
- “You… do?”- Reid whispered as he gasped for hair when the kiss was over.
- “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you but you kept running away from me.”
- “I was so embarrassed after that happened I…”- but Spencer couldn’t continue speaking, (Y/N) started kissing him again, and some of the customers watching the scene even clapped.
- “What the hell is going on here?”- a sunburned Erin Strauss asked in shock, shoving a small cart with twenty bottles of aloe vera gel, but David Rossi just chuckled and stood next to her, staring at the scene.
- “Let the kids have tonight. You can make their life under the sun miserable tomorrow.”
- “By the way, next Summer, we're doing the Alaskan cruise.”- she added and started walking away- “Agents, tomorrow we’ll have a serious conversation.”- both Spencer and (Y/N) nearly jumped as they heard her voice when she passed by their side, but Rossi just winked at them.
- “Ok, now I’m embarrassed”- (Y/N) whispered and felt Spencer holding her hand. But she didn't really care if Strauss had seen them. It was all worth it when she stared at Spencer’s sweet smile as they walked out of that supermarket. 
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summerwages · 7 months
three’s a crowd..
the two seagulls seem content to let the crow have its fill of a tasty morsel..have seen ravens waiting for bald eagles to finish but would not have imagined this particular scenario..
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tizzyizzy · 8 months
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Underexplored Izzy Character Development Circumstance: Adrift With The Crew
While we never see what happened between Ed's defeat and the crew reuniting, I imagine it had a massive impact on the relationship between Ed's crew (henceforth known as Trauma Crew) and Izzy.
Sure, Izzy did stagger up to the deck to shoot Ed, but his leg was still freshly amputated, and he'd just barely survived a suicide attempt he was too weak to manage. The crew almost certainly had to half-carry him back to a bedroom to bandage up his leg and allow him to rest. Then they'd have to make that prosthetic, because Izzy wouldn't be in a fit state to make one. Even if it was Izzy's half-delirious orders they were following, that is still Izzy with his life in the crew's hands.
Then there's the matter of them being adrift, unable to control the ship. As the former first mate and likely the most experienced, Izzy was probably using every bit of knowledge he had help them stay alive. Unlike on Izzy's Revenge, this is a desperate, life-or-death scenario. No one gets to be fussy, lazy, arrogant, etc. You do what you need to to survive.
And all this would have taken place after the crew had saved Izzy and Izzy had saved the crew. There's a baseline of trust now, that they'll take care of one another.
When Stede comes upon the Trauma Crew and Izzy, Izzy is eating seagull right there with the others. Past grievances, concerns about propriety, whatever, have been pushed aside. He is just another member of a feral pack of sea dogs.
The polar opposite of, for instance...
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okay-j-hannah · 1 year
They Give You Practice Kisses
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Loki
Request: “Good night, Hannah! Are the requests still open? I have one too cause you write about MY LOVES! My favourite boys (Bucky, Steven, Marc, and Loki) reacting to reader asking to "train" kisses with them cause she wants to go out with another guy (but It's a lie cause she likes them, she just wanna see if they feel the same) 😉😉😉😉 They could confess their love too 😍” Anon
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She was taking a few deep breaths, bare feet unsettled against the weathered wood of the dock. The cool breeze was welcoming to the anxious heat of her cheeks; the seagulls were landing nearby and crying for a morsel of food.
Bucky was kneeling at the edge of the docks, tying a boat down with expert knots. He was deep in concentration though she had no doubt he could already detect her presence.
She was going to feign confidence, “Hey, Buck,” she said casually. The way his head perked up as if surprised by her sudden appearance made her smile. “I wanted to ask you something.”
The steel shock ensnaring her stomach made it hard to notice if her voice was still shaky.
“What is it?” he asked, leaving the boat.
She licked her lips, breathing deep and slow – a feeble attempt to take another steadying breath without him noticing. “I need some training.”
He folded his broad arms, “You want to get into combat?”
“No, kissing.”
Now Bucky was normally the most neutral, expressionless soldier, but in that moment his eyebrows went flying to his hairline. The slightest quirk of his lips came next.
“Yeah,” she said candidly. “I need to impress this guy I like and I don’t want to mess it up because I’m out of practice.”
Bucky cleared his throat, his eyes analyzing her like a man on a mission. “Do I know this guy?”
(Y/N) watched his reactions carefully, wondering if he’d slip up when her affections were a factor. “Maybe. I just wanted to ask if it was okay to practice on you,” she took a step forward, “You could give me a few pointers.”
He bit his lip, looking away from her face and towards the sea, “What if I were to say no?”
Her face fell, a painful burn growing at the back of her throat, “Then I guess I have my answer.” She turned, seeking the comfort of her bedroom, but there were fingers wrapping around her wrist.
“You didn’t let me finish,” Bucky said quietly, pulling her back towards him. “When I kiss you, (Y/N), I want it to be for me and only me – not for some other guy you’re interested in.”
“You’re in luck then,” she hummed, willing the disappointment of her heart to grow into anticipation. “You are the guy I’m interested in.”
He continued to analyze her expression, searching for any signs that she was lying, “This wouldn’t have been as complicated if you had just walked up and kissed me.”
“I tend to make a fool out of myself when it comes to you,” she smiled, “Can I have that kiss now?”
He matched her smile, “Just cause you asked so nicely.”
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She could feel his eyes. Feel the way they stared.
The tips of her ears burned but it put a smile on her face. It was almost a routine at this point. Steven would pause whatever he was doing and let his mind wander into the clouds as he watched her.
Normally she was doing something mundane like eating popcorn or folding laundry or searching for her keys. And without fail she would notice his silence and snap him out of it.
He’d deny any sort of imaginative scenario running through his mind.
(Y/N) needed a clever way to get him to confess. She knew there was something more sparking his interest in staring at her. And if she was being honest, Steven was often on her mind too.
Now as she put her arms into her jacket sleeves, finding her keys in the pocket, she refrained from addressing Steven – giving him more time to fall deeper into his dream state.
She turned and met his eyes across the room. He was standing behind the kitchen table, a box of cereal in his hands.
“Hey,” she said comically.
Steven jumped, flustered at being caught again, and a handful of cereal flew from the open box. “Oh, dear…” he mumbled, “What a klutz.”
She smiled warmly, meeting him on the floor to pick up the dry cereal, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I know,” he laughed nervously, “I just… well, I was lost in thought.”
“Must’ve been exciting,” she prompted, “You were under for a while.”
“Was I?” he said, eyes looking at her shyly, “Sorry ‘bout that.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “I get lost in thought when I stare at you too.” And right as the horror developed on his face, she added, “I’ll see you later, Steven.”
He was rooted to the spot, dazed and confused as to what she could’ve meant. “Wait!” he suddenly cried, running into the hallway to find her by the elevator, “You think about me too?”
She tried to hide her smile, “Only when you look so kissable. Which is most of the time.”
The disbelief in his face was so sweet. “I… gods, I can’t believe you just said that.”
“What do you think about?” she asked quietly, ignoring the elevator as it opened.
Steven ran a hand through his tangled hair, attempting to pluck up the courage. “A lot of things. But just barely? I was thinking about this time kissing you goodbye.”
Warmth spread across her limbs, “We could give it a shot,” she smiled, “A few tries for practice.”
“Good, practice,” he nodded overenthusiastically, “Practicing is good.”
“Come kiss me goodbye then.”
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“He’s sort of dark,” she mused, sitting cross legged on the couch and leaning against the arm rest. “And real quiet.” She was facing Marc as he sat similarly on the opposite side of the couch.
He had his arms crossed tightly, a plain expression on his face, although it was all in an attempt to hide the growing dislike within him.
“And?” he persisted, “What else do you like about him?” He was torturing himself by hearing the details, but he wanted to know. He wanted to know who had his girl so enraptured.
(Y/N) bit back a giggle at his obliviousness. “He’s more of a sweetheart than he lets on. And he’s always been so supportive of me. He’s always been just what I needed. He’s always been there for me.”
Who the hell had been there for her when he wasn’t?
“Makes me wonder why I haven’t met him yet,” he replied, curling in on himself.
(Y/N) wanted to take pity on him. “There is one thing. He’s the jealous type and can be a little overprotective.”
Marc contained his scoff. “I would be too.”
She smirked, “The problem is, we haven’t confessed our feelings yet. And I really want to kiss him.”
Her friend shifted uncomfortably, “Why haven’t you?”
“I just wanted to see if he felt the same first.” And by the looks of it – he did. “That and… I’m kind of out of practice.”
“Okay,” he said stiffly.
She swallowed, “Would you kiss me?”
“You’d be doing me a favor,” she said quickly, “Warm me up a bit before I go see him.”
Marc was as still as a statue, “Are you sure?” This could be his chance to change her mind.
She nodded, “I trust you.” She crawled across the couch to reach him, “Just a quick kiss.”
But there was nothing quick about the way Marc traced her face with his eyes. Lifted his hand to her cheek. Grazed her jawline with his thumb. Pulled her in with strong fingers against her neck. Gently consumed her lips with warm pressure.
It was drawn out and comfortable and perfectly lovely. And while (Y/N) was smiling like a fool in love, Marc looked like he had lost something precious.
“Thank you,” she said softly, climbing off the couch, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
He was still choking as he attempted to swallow the hurt when she walked out of the apartment. “God, you’re an idiot,” he said to himself, rubbing at his face.
But there was a knock at his door. He took a deep breath and somberly went to see who it was.
(Y/N) was on the other side. “Hi,” she said, a little breathless. “I’m here to see the guy I really like. I haven’t told him how I feel about him yet.” She stuffed her hands in her pockets but felt all warm as the realization flooded Marc’s face.
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“You’re blushing.”
Loki was watching her from across the courtyard, relishing in how he was teasing her.
She cursed herself. She was all flustered by his presence.
He seemed to realize that, “What could possibly be making your cheeks warm so.” He sauntered over, convinced that she was blushing over him. “Has something caught your eye?”
“Consumed my thoughts,” she said quietly. She had the right mind to knock him down a few pegs before admitting her feelings. “Night and day it seems like.”
Loki’s brow rose, “I had no idea you were so burdened. What is it that consumes your thoughts? Perhaps I can help.” That devilish look was growing in his eyes.
She felt embarrassed but strangely empowered to smother that overconfidence in him. “I wish for a confession. I long for a kiss.”
The beginning of a growl escaped Loki before he could reign it in, “That, my dear…” he went to touch her hand, “… is something I could help with.”
“I had hoped so,” she smiled, “It would be good practice for me.”
“Practice?” that peaked his interest, his head bowing to be closer to hers.
“Yes,” she continued, “For when I see him later.”
Loki immediately dropped her hand and took a step back, “Him? Later?”
She nodded innocently, “Yes, what did you think I meant?”
His mouth remained open, clearly shocked by his misjudgment. “You want me to kiss you just so you can turn around and see another man?”
“I thought you’d be rather excited by the idea,” she said, “Seeing as you are constantly seeking flattery. I’m basically calling you a good kisser and giving you a way out.”
He clenched his jaw, “Who is this man you blush for?”
“A royal.”
“A royal,” he said with a sneer, “And you prefer him?”
“Prefer him over… who?”
His shock was quickly turning into anger and jealousy, a combination of feelings that confirmed his attachment to her.
“I should like to meet him.”
(Y/N) smiled at his avoidance of her question. “I was just thinking of seeing him – perhaps giving him a kiss.” She watched Loki hide his hands behind his back. “Are you going to help me?”
He paced in front of her, “I would like to see this suitor before giving my assistance.”
“Why should that matter? All I need is a practice kiss.”
“I want to meet him first.”
“I never thought I’d see the day when Loki would refuse a free kiss,” she smiled victoriously. He was jealous.
He bit back, “Who is he?”
She sighed, warm at the thought of his flustering. “Go look in the mirror. You’ll find him there.”
Loki stared at her for a few tense seconds as the information dawned on him. That wicked smile started to grow as the flush in her cheeks did.
“You little minx.”
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prettypei · 11 months
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plot: in which they (try to) save you from embarrassing scenarios; fluff!
reader: gn! Reader, but in geto’s part reader has a period
warnings: icky scenarios (in an embarrassing way), blood in getos part (but like in period blood)
parings: gojo, geto, yuuji, yuuta x reader
(a/n): some of these are from personal experiences lol also names used in yuuji’s part are purely fictional ☝️
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✰GOJO isn’t afraid of awkwardness. He’s well aware of the tension, but he mostly chooses to ignore it. He just doesn’t care enough. Until now. After your “particular loud outburst of gas” on the subway, everyone’s staring at you. Right now gojo is faced with the (probably) most important (and hilarious) decision of his life: save his soulmate from embarrassment, or stare at them as well, pin pointing the blame on them? He sees you trying to advert gazes, looking at the floor and anywhere but the faces of those who are staring at you in a disgusted manner. He then feels a little annoyed too. It’s hard to hold it in! What’s the big deal?
“*clears throat* ahem…. I was the one who farted. You can stop glaring at (name) now, guys.”
Everyone then immediately looks away, swiping on their phones or pretending like they weren’t even looking at his lover in the first place. You look at him, an expression of bemusement and awe on your face. He shrugs and gives you a cheeky grin. Well, it was worth it to see your smile.
✰you and GETO were on a date at a restaurant before you excused yourself and went to the bathroom. And when you come back with a mortified expression, he expects the worst. “What is it?” He’s asks. “I-uh….” You fiddle with the hem of your T-shirt. “My…pants are…stained…” Geto gives you a confused expression. “Huh? Babe what do you-“ “BECAUSE it’s that time of the month, suguru.” Geto’s eyes widen. “Oh. Oh!” Cue the awkward silence. You speak up: “Im really sorry suguru, we have to cut this date short…I didn’t expect this I-I am so so sorry.” He looks at you once again, and stands up.
“Let’s go to my apartment, Kay? You can borrow my jacket to cover yourself up.”
“But I might stain it!” “Well, I can wash it anyways. It’ll be fine! Plus I love you more.” he chuckles while adding a short peck to your cheek.
✰YUUJI and you were just coming out of the cinema, laughing about the comedy you and him just watched. “Ohmigosh did you SEE Angelina’s face when Ryan fell for her best friend?” You howled. “She got what she deserved, that bitch.” “Angelina was like, like that one meme.” Yuuji takes out his phone and scrolls through his photos, finally finding the photo. “THIS.” He snickers. It was then you just couldn’t stop laughing. And laughing. And laughing, until you earned a few glares from strangers. “Y-y-Yu-yuji.” You gasp for breaths. “I-I can’t-“ you continue laughing. Yuuji then notices your face red from laughing… and he laughs too. And laughs. And laughs. “(n)-(name)!” He sputters. “Y-you look just like that seagull, y’know? The meme?” You both look at each other, pausing for a second before bursting into laughter together. He then pauses to smile at your face.
“Y’know, it feels better to laugh with you. Is that weird?”
you smile back. “No, not at all.”
✰YUUTA was just looking for you because boy, the line for the bathrooms sure were long at the amusement park. “(name)? (NAME)!” He calls, searching for your familiar face. “I’m here!” You wave your arm, squeezing out of the line and walking towards your boyfriend. It was then yuuta noticed something stuck on the back of your shoe, and the line of people snickering and taking pictures of you. A long white roll of toilet paper was being dragged by the back of your left sneaker, and you were completely oblivious to the fact. You stand in front of him and grin. “Let’s go ride the roller coaster then, is that okay?” “Sure. Uhm wait I just dropped my ring, give me a sec.” You stand while yuuta walks behind you, pretending to pick up the ring while taking the toilet paper wedged under your shoe. He throws it away in a nearby trashcan, sending a glare to the people who were giggling at you. They all turned quiet. “Found it!” He says in a sing-songy voice, before lacing your arm in his and heading towards the rollercoaster. “Hey what was that about? The line suddenly turned quiet, did you see what happened?” You ask.
“No. I think someone tried to cut the line or something, I don’t know.”
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medakakurokami · 11 months
I finished over 100 visual novels, here’s a long post with some recommendations
Last month I hit 100 Finished VN’s over on the VNDB and I thought I’d shoot out some recommendations while the Steam Summer Sale is going on (even though some of these aren’t going to be on Steam)
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I already have finished up some stragglers and caught some shorter titles so it’s up to 104 Finished, but all the better. I have been reading some VN’s since 2015, but it really became a hobby and a genre I was invested in during Covid lockdown in 2020. I had trouble getting into some of the popular titles, but a couple of games that were lesser known at that time really blew me away that year and I started digging more into the medium. I still have a lot to try out and other classics I’m still interested in trying, but here’s a top 10 I’m confident in recommending to most people, at least the kinda people that would follow this blog. A few of these recommendations are actually multi-part series, but hopefully accessible all around.
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Planetarian ($10 on Steam and Switch, ~$5 on sale)
This is a very late entry onto this list but I think it’s an easy recommendation. This is a very short 2-4 hour visual novel that got a well received 2 hour movie adaptation in 2016, but it was strong enough that even while knowing the plot everything still hit hard. It is a story set 30 years after an apocalyptic event destroys most of the world, as a human junk-trader comes across a planetarium with a somehow-still-functional robot named Hoshino still performing her daily duties after 30 years without customers or coworkers. It can come across as a bit saccharine, but it is a quick, well made, and effective tearjerker.
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Narcissu 1st & 2nd (Free on Steam)
Narcissu’s first two parts are pretty compelling stories to do with suicidal ideation within the scope of the terminally ill. Which is to say they’re also real tear jerkers, and pretty open about some harsh self-reflective emotions. They both have stellar endings, and can be quite immersive despite the very limited artwork (if the screencap looks weird, the game’s art exists within a narrow strip on the screen, with a sentence or two reading out the story underneath it). Maybe the least accessible on this list, but a $0 price tag makes it easier in some sense to get into.
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni / When The Seagulls Cry (~$50 on Steam, $30 on sale)
Umineko you’ve probably already heard of, and here’s me recommending it. Umineko comes in two parts, on Steam referred to as the Questions Arc and the Answers Arc. Despite the split, the overall story follows the events of a certain day on Rokkenjima Island in 1986 as a family meets to discuss their inheritance and their family’s mysteries. Unbeknownst to them they are soon haunted, over and over again, by the revenant of the Golden Witch said to live in the woods of their family’s island.
I’m in the minority of preferring the Questions Arc, where well written and deeply human characters find themselves in deeply inhumane and nonsensical scenarios. The Answers Arc back seats some of that to start delving into an esoteric explosion of clues and backstories, and was still very entertaining even if I was more invested in the episodic stories than the overarching mystery. This may also be seen as inaccessible, $30-50 for a slightly older title and over 140 hours long on average playthroughs, but it is deeply absorbing.
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Witch on the Holy Night a.k.a. Mahoyo ($40 on PS4 and Switch)
Mahoyo is me and Nasu’s marriage counselor, it really made me see the good in him. It follows a young witch co-habitating with her magic colleague and the puppy-like boy that unwittingly steps into their world at risk to his own life, just as unexplained apparent murders are witnessed in their town.
This could possibly be a higher level recommendation, though it was apparently intended to have sequels and you can somewhat feel that in the isolated feeling of its main conflict. Despite this, the game is definitely worth experiencing for its classy charm and extremely well made action sequences that at times make you forget you’re not watching a full anime film. It’s also a showcase of Nasu’s strengths in writing character interactions and comedy, and he finally lets Show take over and stops Telling you piles of mage society worldbuilding quite so often. It is also has some of the highest quality production value I’ve ever seen, second maybe to...
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Marco and the Galaxy Dragon ($20 on Steam/Switch, less than $10 on sale)
Marco and the Galaxy Dragon is an explosive opera of art, energy, color, and of course music. It follows the orphaned Marco and her dragon compatriot Arco as they hunt for treasure across the cosmos, finding their way to Earth on the hunt for Marco’s mother.
If Umineko’s 140 hours seems steep, Marco has you covered with a quick 6 hour rundown of a rebellious orphan fighting back against her space alien menace to find her own sense of place and identity in the universe, along with ALL the friends she made along the way. If Mahoyo feels like an anime film sometimes, Marco actually just has fully animated FMV cutscenes that are fun as hell and have their own unique artstyle to the VN itself. Thousands of pieces of artwork and a 52-track OST fill the game’s short runtime with no cut corners and and overflow of passion from the devs. Honestly even if you don’t want to read it go buy it, it’s cheap and they earned it.
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White Album 2 (You’ll have to be creative to find this one)
This is the only recommendation that’s currently only available in an adults only 18+ Rating for the English translation. That being said, it’s one of the few erotic VN’s that felt justified in its pornographic scenes. The story is split into two releases: Opening Chapter and Closing Chapter.
Opening is a short and powerfully delivered love triangle narrative following Haruki, Setsuna, and Touma as their hastily formed 3-man light music band falls into itself with feelings. It’s charming but gut wrenching and sweeps you into its drama very effectively before kicking you on your ass in the end.
Closing Chapter is a long and drawn out disassembling of their lives as they fail to heal from the wounds of the relationships seen in Opening. It, to great effect, takes the readers own experience with how fun and passionate the Opening Chapter was, and shows how trying to cling to halcyon days can make us so dispassionate about our present lives. Painful stuff! Good music, too.
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The Princess, The Stray Cat, and Matters of the Heart 1 & 2
a.k.a. Noratoto ($40 on Steam for both, ~$15 for both on sale)
This is a very personal recommendation, and maybe one more easy to make on this blog where many of my followers might be receptive to sincere but slapstick ecchi comedy as art. Every route is highly different however and to me, some are pretty average for galge, while others stand out as amazing. The comedy writing as well feels like it was written by someone with actual comic writing experience, and not just regurgitating the usual ecchi manga jokes.
The general premise of Noratoto is the protagonist Nora, being transformed into a cat by Patricia the princess of the Netherworld, and he must reverse this curse via a kiss before it becomes permanent. A benign fairy tale premise, but one that somehow gives way to underlying stories about existence and finding purpose in families and where that leaves those without families or with abusive or divided families (it is from the same developers as Marco and the Galaxy Dragon, and the themes of finding identity without family match up very closely). Uniquely it is a visual novel written somewhat in 3rd person, narrated by a motherly voice as if the VN was being read to you as a bedtime story.
Like I said, it is dependent on route and some come across as your usual ecchi gal-game schtick, but some stick out, and if every route was as high quality as Nobuchina’s in the 2nd game, it would probably be my favorite visual novel.
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The Original Ace Attorney Trilogy ($30 on most platforms, $10 on sale)
You’ve almost certainly heard of Ace Attorney already and have most likely played it. This is me telling any Ace Attorney fans reading that the original trilogy still reigns supreme (regardless of Turnabout Big Top). This is also me telling anyone who has held out on trying Ace Attorney to try it, and to start with the original trilogy.
Obviously this trilogy follows the Meme Man Himself, Phoenix Wright, as he defends the innocent and brings the guilty to justice acting as both lawyer and his own main investigator. While each case presents a unique mystery, the original trilogy has an underlying arc that reaches from beginning to end with a massive conspiracy that Phoenix has to breach to bring justice to the perpetrators and resolve the memory and regrets of his beloved mentor.
These games have some speedbumps as you may be banging your head against the wall trying to find the right evidence, but the experience that breaks through does so with gusto, succeeding on what it sets out to be: games that make you feel like you’ve brought justice to the world.
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Utawarerumono Trilogy ($40/60 each on Steam, trilogy bundle $62 on sale)
Utawarerumono was my first proper visual novel, and it set the standards pretty high. I’ve posted about it several times in the last few years, and it remains one of my favorites. It is a labor of love on the part of the developers (the same developers as White Album 2), who developed the latter two games over the course of several years and have made this the spearhead of their company for the time being. Which makes sense, since it is about war.
The first game follows a masked man who is given the name Hakuoro waking up in a rural village with amnesia, confused about the strange population of beast-men living there. Despite not understanding his situation, his ingenuity brings the village prosperity. When the local lords try to put the village under their thumb, Hakuoro and the villagers are able to turn the tides against them. Their village grows into a kingdom as Hakuoro seeks the mysteries of himself and the world around him.
The latter two games pick up some twenty years after the conclusion of the first, and follow a man who is given the name Haku, waking up in the woods with amnesia confused about the... you get it. He is met by Kuon, a young girl on her way traveling to the capital of their nation of Yamato. Haku graciously accepts her help getting out of the cold woods, and decides to join her to the capital. As events play out, Haku finds himself under the direct command of the nation’s leader the Mikado, and carries out missions on his behalf as the nation continues to drag itself into war and conflict and Haku also seeks the truth of his identity.
These games are expansive in scope while still putting a large focus on the day-to-day lives of its characters. Around 100 hours across all three games it is impressive how much story it manages to fit in, but the pacing does bounce around between sweeping conflict and sleepy conversations. It is also in part, a strategy RPG game with the battles in the war being controlled by the player. These are decently made, especially well in the third game, but don’t ask too much of the player and the story remains the main focus and biggest portion of the runtime.
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The House In Fata Morgana a.k.a. Fatamoru
($40 complete version on PS4/Switch, ~$40 main game + expansion on Steam)
I’ve gushed about this enough on this tumblr, I’ll keep it brief.
You are a formless soul who is led by the hand of a mysterious maid through the doors of a mansion on an unknown plane of existence. Through each door lies a story of the house in a different era, all following people bound together in ways that leave them cruelly and violently undone by the end of their stories. The connection between these stories, the mystery of the house and the supposed witch that resides within, and the mystery of You the wandering soul all slowly unravel in a bloody show of catharsis and soul. The game is dripping with traumatic poetic text, grating beautiful music, and all of its atmosphere geared toward being oppressive yet enticing. One of the best things I’ve read.
Honorable mentions:
Va-11 Hall-A and Endless Mondays get shout outs as some of the best Original English Language VN’s I’ve read, with cool artstyles and a mature cast they manage to be fun and relatable. Va-11 Hall-A delivers a great arc for its protagonist and Endless Mondays has great dialogue on the threat of automation of creative industries.
Grisaia Trilogy and Hatsumira are both absolutely raucous trilogies that are a lot of fun. Not wholly recommendable to all, Grisaia has some strong moments and a hilarious unique cast but is a mess overall (but we love Michiru). Hatsumira is a bit more consistent, a more stable and fantasy-oriented Grisaia.
A.I. The Somnium Files duology are detective games with highly divisive endings, but great comedy and characters that make them very easy to get through and enjoy the whole way to the end. It’s just a toss-up whether you’ll like that ending.
Sakura Wars games are finally being translated, and they are a great showing for anyone who wants to try some classic dating sim stuff but with some pizazz thrown in with the setting and mecha combat.
The Tears to Tiara duology by the same developers of Utawarerumono and White Album is also one to keep an eye out for. The first game's definitive version isn't available in English and the second game is stuck on the PS3 and no longer available digitally, but if they ever come out on Steam they are worth your time.
Nanairo Reincarnation and Kinkoi: Golden Loveriche are also two solid ecchi comedy galge. Both have surprisingly deep and genuinely heartbreaking underlying mysteries and conclusions.
I still have a lot I wanna read, Planetarian is the only Key novel I’ve read. On the docket are Labyrinth of Galleria, Little Busters, the 9 -nine- series, and Kara no Shoujo and White Album 1 releasing on Steam this year. Some classics I didn’t mention are Fate/Stay Night, Muv Luv, Steins Gate. Muv Luv I read Extra and enjoyed it, but never pulled the trigger on reading the rest, I may at some point on a whim. Steins;Gate I played through half of on PS3 and now my PS3 is in the closet, the VN is really good and has a unique atmosphere to the anime, buuuuuuut knowing the plot has made it hard to want to restart on PC or another console. Steins;Gate is good, if anyone is reading this far and hasn’t seen the anime or read the VN, do it.
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serene-sun · 2 years
Falling asleep on the nameless ghouls
Had @of-dragonss in mind while writing it 👉🏻👈🏻❤️❤️❤️
You were all in the ghoul den, the room dark and cold, a movie played across the big screen of the television. The movie was getting intense, about to reach the climax. Was he going to ask her out? Was he going to take the loss? you could practically hear the ghoul's thoughts. You all were sprawled across the square-shaped couch, an ottoman sitting in the middle, covered in rat hair from copias "Companions". Pillows cushioned your back as you sunk into the corner of the furniture. There were so many blankets pilled up on all of you that it turned into one big heated blanket, they were so heavy once you were under you were stuck for eternity. The screen flashed pink and red accent colors, a sign of the true love-themed movie.
All though the ghouls were on the verge of tears of excitement, you on the other hand was the opposite. you felt so happy, not about the movie or their reactions, just being there. Just being able to breathe the same air as them was mesmerizing. You felt so loved by them just inviting you to the movie night. Petting the blanket in your lap, you dozed off, the sounds of heavy breathing and squeals faded away as your eyes closed slowly. Uncontrollably, you tried to stay awake to enjoy the moment but your body disagreed and your body slid down onto the nearest rest.
ghoullett(s)- She looked at the head that slumped into her neck, she paused in shock and turned slowly to look at the warm being consuming her. She froze, realizing the situation. She locked eyes with the other ghouletts in question on what to do. you were her favorite thing on this earth, she can't just move you! After all, you chose her shoulder to lean on? No way she would miss this moment, she didn't dare move an inch, she acted like it was that time when they had a show in Tampa and a seagull landed on her shoulder "the call of the wild" The ghouls teased. Well, you were not a wild animal. So she did the only thing she deemed necessary, she pat your head and played with your hair, pulling you into her lap slowly so as to not wake you.
Sodo- he jolts at the sudden heaviness displayed on his side. He just kinda stares at you, not sure how to ease you into a more comfortable position. So he does the only thing he can think of, he lets you continue to sleep against him. He felt a sense of pride, you fell asleep on him, and he couldn't get that thought out of his head the rest of the night.
mountain- could already tell you were asleep before you fell into him, he could sense it. he watched your eyelids collapse, the way hair fell into your face. Mountain never got the exact chance to show you how much he loved you but now was his chance to show his gratitude. Mountain shows his love with quality time, so this meant a lot to him. He couldn't help but lean his head into yours, feeling your warmth, he enveloped you with a hug. Holding your head with his own, Mountain looks into your peaceful face some more and finds comfort knowing you're resting thanks to him.
swiss- he doesn't mind, he tries to not pay attention to it but after a few minutes, he feels all warm and fuzzy, almost drunk. You looked so cute, this reminds him of the time Swiss accidentally lolled you to sleep onto him while showing you a riff he wrote. He felt like he was waiting for this moment, but he never addressed his feelings for you, out of fear. He simply kissed your head goodnight and pulled you into him deeper, cuddling you with blankets.
Aether- he forgets the movie exists and focuses on you like you're a newborn baby. He is going to treat you like a toddler, stroking your hair, and caressing your cheeks, his love language is touch so he is all over you. Comforting you in your sleep. He thinks of your favorite song, and now it's playing on a loop in his head. New scenarios of you and him swarm his mind. He almost cries thinking of you being together with him. he started to massage your shoulders and neck because he will do anything to make you stay like this forever. Completely his, completely innocent, completely unaware of Aether's love for you.
Rain- His breath hitches, he can't think, not even daring to look your way he already felt awkward being beside you. He had so much anxiety, what if I have a bad posture? What is my breath smells bad? What if my teeth look weird? Is this shirt too tight, or too baggy? His mind was already busy thinking about that, and you falling asleep against him did not help one bit. Rain starts to breathe heavily, nervousness corroding him, his breath is cold and chilly, his skin is cool and smooth, perfectly moist, he smells of mint and rain, and his shirt is not dirty at all. So why is he so scared? Well, rain is just so in love with you that he can't bring himself to do anything, confidence vanishing once he sees your beautiful skin, your glossy eyes, your silky touch. Oh how Rain longs for your voice, he loves it when you talk, the way your voice runs out like a soft stream. The way you talk to him with such kind words leaves him with a red face. And that one time you said to him,
"Hey, you do something with your hair? It looks so nice, I might copy it!"
that just brought him to tears, he will be on his knees for you. Rain's mind is ruined with thoughts of you, your voice whispering to him in the middle of the night, the way your lips would move with his, he dreams of the day he can take all of his love for you, confess and release it all into the sky to create your most beloved stary night. He doesn't want you, he needs you, and it's getting bad. He can't stop thinking of you, every time he sees you he gets fully pink. One time when you both made eye contact in the dining hall he dropped his fork and choked on water. Rain is in so much trouble because he is trembling when it's just you too alone. By now cold sweat started to form across his forehead and temples as continued to stay silent and still.
A/n: I let grammerly correct it so it’s probably messed up (sorry)
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 4 months
Louisiana: *has his eyes completely focused on Florida’s sandwich at the beach cuz Flo asked him to watch the sandwich while he went to the water so that the seagulls wouldn’t snatch it.*
Louisiana: *lil baby mans has not focused on something this hard since like- ever.*
Florida: *comes back with a towel around his neck*
Florida: *laughs A-At ease soldier. G-Good boy.
Louisiana: :D
Random scenario I thought of :3
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lqfiles · 2 years
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— random situations with nct dream
nct dream x reader (fem!r 4 js) , genre — fluff and comedy
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MARK ( 이마크. )
“what in the world are you talking about (—)!” mark huffs out annoyed, meanwhile you can’t help but giggle at the fit he was throwing. “what?” you asked through your laughs, trying to take the angry look on his face serious. “what do you mean ‘what?’, you came up to me just to tell me my eyebrows look like seagulls, unprovoked!” mark said, walking away as your laughed hadn’t died down but only increased as he repeated your words. you tried placing your hand on his shoulder only for him to shrug it off. “hey hey! i’m sorry alright, it was just an impulsive thought. i promise they don’t look bad…” silence took over the room before you bursted into laughter. “i truly can’t stand you.”
RENJUN ( 황런쥔. )
“can you stop moving.” renjun had requested as you were running around your room. “not now renjun, i lost my friend’s glasses, this is important.” you responded back as you threw your pillow his way on accident. renjun sighed, turning his phone to video mode. “welcome to episode 8 of “why is renjun sad?” and this episode i present to you (—), a regular guest who once again made renjun sad by not letting him take a picture of them while the sun was shining nicely on them. what should he do this time?” renjun narrated as his camera followed your movements. you chuckled as you stopped moving and turned to face him and his phone. “personally, i think renjun should run before (—) starts throwing objects in… exactly 5 seconds.” you smiled back as you took ahold of the nearby pillow.
JENO ( 이제노. )
“JENO? MY GOSH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” you froze in your spot as your eyes took in the whole kitchen that was fully covered in flour, including jeno. he awkwardly scratched the back of his head. “okay, listen alright, don’t get mad at me (—), hear me out please. i can perfectly explain all… this.” he said motioning to the kitchen. “WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKING DONE TO MY MUMS KITCHEN!” you yelled out, taking slow steps forward that intimidated jeno as he took steps back himself. “well, i was watching this show and they were making these cookies, and i told jaemin that it was easy, which lead to him telling me to… well the result is here.” jeno said, moving aside to show the half soggy cookies that were also covered in flour. “i am seriously about to kill you, lee jeno.”
HAECHAN ( 이해찬. )
“literally give me one good reason as to why i shouldn’t down this whole chapstick.” haechan held the chapstick dangerously close to his open mouth, ready to take a bite out of it. “are you crazy?? chapstick is not edible my friend. it contains lots of toxic chemicals that could make you sick. plus that’s my most recent one, please haechan, don’t do this to me.” you said, getting on your knees in-front of the said boy who held a victorious smirk on his face. he tapped his chin, seemingly pondering. “hmmm, beg for it.” he said with a teasing grin. “you’re fucking insane, did you know that?” “you know what else would be fucking insane? me eating this chapstick under a minute, a guinness world record!” haechan said, teasing the tip of the chapstick near his parted lips. “and don’t think i’m joking, i will eat this.” he smiled and you sighed, letting the plea’s he wanted to hear so badly out.
JAEMIN ( 나재민. )
“hypothetically speaking, if i were to break up with you right now, tell you our relationship never meant anything and that i just used you, how would you react?” jaemin suddenly let out. the room turned silent as your eyes landed on his that were anticipating an answer. “you wanna break up with me…?” you asked, slightly taken aback. “what?? no! i said hypothetically, like this is just a random scenario i made up. i just wanna know how you’d react in that situation.” jaemin defended quickly, holding his hands besides his head. “alright, if this is all hypothetical… well first i’d smash your car window for using me. then i’d rip all your clothes for playing with my feelings all this time, then i’d slap you for making me go through that and then i’d apply you to the military as revenge. does that sound okay to you?” you smiled back at him, giving him a peck on the cheek. “that.. that’s crazy. good thing i do love you.” jaemin laughed out, a bit scared. you laughed along with him, wrapping your arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. “yeah, a very good thing.”
CHENLE ( 종천러. )
“please stop glaring at me, you’re gonna make me feel bad.” chenle pouted, avoiding your eyes that were burning hole in the side of his head. “so you’re saying you don’t even feel bad in the first place.” you deadpanned, mouth slightly agape as you took in the information you just heard. “what? bro, no!” he quickly retorted back. “i’m not your bro, chenle. watch your mouth. because soon you’ll be the one with an icepack on your eye, i’m not playing.” you glared back with the only open eye as the other was still throbbing in pain. if chenle only had been less competitive when the two of you were playing with the frisbee, maybe then you wouldn’t be here on the couch, groaning in pain as he stayed far away from you. “oh i know you mean that, there’s a reason why i’m staying all the way here.” he chuckled and took ahold of the frisbee that was placed next to him. “you seriously suck, go and get me some tea.” you sighed. “how is that going to help with your eye.” chenle asked, standing up non the less. “it won’t, but it will help me meditate to a different dimension where you don’t exist so get to making that tea already.”
JISUNG ( 박지성. )
“hurry up and drive already.” jisung panicked, guiding your hands to the steering wheel. “where are my pads?” you asked, trying to hold in your laugh as you watched the distressed boy who hid his face in his hands. “you’re actually so evil, did you know that. who decided this was part of this boyfriend contract we have going on? god i need the ground to swallow me.” jisung muttered and this time you did laugh, finding his rambles rather cute. “jisung, what happened.” he looked up from his slouched position to send you an annoyed glare. “you, you sent me in there and told me i “just had to grab some pads.” i went in there and when i went to the cashier, she said it was rare for guys to pick up the DIAPERS for their kids. you LIED to me, those yellow packets are not pads.” jisung cried out, hiding back into his hands. you bursted out laughing. “i told you yellow with flowers on it, did you not listen?” you patted his shoulder to comfort him, but he pushed it off with a scoff. “i do not want to talk to you, just take me away from this place i beg you.” you held back your snicker as you put the car in reverse and gave jisung a few more apologies before he finally forgave you.
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thank you for reading!
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popponn · 5 months
blue lock — fics.
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another lazy day. sae was on the sofa, and you played with his hair.
a room of two, in three parts. roommate!au ; sae is one of a kind, indeed, even as a roommate.
weekend news, at night. sae really didn't know how to react when he watched you watching him on tv.
seagull t-shirt. according to rin, sae is insufferable whenever you get involved in anything. this includes the 'ugly seagull t-shirt you bought' topic too.
from the outsider's view. kaiser gets the misfortune of meeting sae and you during a simple trip to the convenience store.
from the roots, to the blooms. [series] [ongoing] in which, itoshi sae falls in love with you, someone who simply isn’t in love with him despite every admiration you hold for him. so, naturally, the answer to this problem is to throw out all the roots of those feelings in his lungs. of course, taking that decision was easier than seeing it through when you, as easy as always, put yourself next to him even closer.
pretty boy. once upon a time, chigiri hyoma was a pretty boy who pines. so, of course, he wanted to confess.
lazy day. kurona ranze loves you even on a slow, lazy day.
a sort of. you (could) always cry beside rin, it's as simple as that.
warm hands. rin is cold, but rin is warm.
the ins and outs. a (bit of) study on how rin might love.
over a sprain. rin tended your sprained leg. grumpily.
after a long while. rin came home, finally.
a boyfriend package. itoshi rin is good at soccer. itoshi rin is not good at jokes and cheering up, but for you, he tries anyway. (aka, you are stressed and rin is there.)
a long run. isagi yoichi changes a lot after blue lock and carries changes with him.
before sleeping. isagi yoichi wanted to bite you before going to sleep.
a fool in love. downbad!isagi yoichi is a sight to behold, in a lovely handsome disaster kind of way.
soulmate au blurb + scenario. soulmate au!isagi in which of course, he thinks he got lucky and didn't think he will fall, but falls hard anyway.
how one looks. a good love is not blind to your partner's, in this case yoichi's, horrible fashion sense.
late night. isagi was supposed to be sleeping. meanwhile, you were still working.
a bit and more. isagi is an egoist, no matter how sweet he is or tries to be for you.
listener bf. isagi likes to listen to you, a lot.
a seat beside you. as your seatmate, yoichi couldn't help but notice some things about you.
a cushion, two continents away. isagi wishes he could be hugging you right now.
coincidences and flickers. - [series] [ongoing] It was perhaps the way he unwaveringly displays his love to his passion that made your gaze landed upon him. Or maybe it was even less than that and it was simply because the two of you met at that party. Amidst a crowd of elegant dresses and suits, across the product of your craft that you had come to hate. Put it simply, Isagi Yoichi—who loves soccer very much—met you—who used to love painting very much. Then, it went somewhere from there.
unwilling audience. reo watched two pinning childhood friends, you and nagi.
dating consultations. nagi is a childhood friend and an unwilling dating consultant that still listen to your break up stories.
as classmates, it starts. nagi and you just happens to be classmates, most of the time.
mundane things and where you sit with them. nagi doesn't understand many things (but he does really, really like you.)
a hug and some words. sometimes being comforted means having mikage reo as a boyfriend and hugging him.
a duck and a prince. a story about the oblivous you, the princely reo, and a snowy day.
bring your boyfriend to work day. you forgot something!!! so he will bring it for you! (kind of.)
hair and lovers. even if you love him, his hair is a bit too much sometimes.
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