#seals are literally a blob
eliashirsch · 27 days
God Tier Top Gun Fanfictions. A Masterlist. (1/3)
As of 15th May 2024, these are some of the BEST stories I have read in the fandom. Of course, this is completely subjective and there are many personal factors as to why I crowned them God Tier. 
Reading it for the first time: ‘Oh, this is really good, I’m going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life’
When compiling the list: ‘Oh my god, this fic, man, this fic!!’
There are many other fics that match the first criteria, but for it to be on this list, I needed to have these two reactions.
REMINDER! READ THE AUTHORS' TAGS AND WARNINGS!!! They’re there for a reason. PLEASE make sure you understand where the story is going to be before reading!!
Without further ado, I present to you, my roman empires:)
Winner Categories:
1. Best of the Best Authors (1/3)
2. Best of the Best Series (2/3)
3. Best of the Best Fics (3/3)
4. Honorary Mentions (4/3)
Best of the Best Authors
Authors that I trust with my life, whose work are ALL incredibly well written. 
COMPACFLT @compacflt
They’re the first person to pop in my head when I was thinking about making this list. No amount of time and words will be enough for me to describe how good their work is. Seriously. It’s on a level I’ve never seen before for fanfiction. The world building, the characterization, the prose, everything. COMPACFLT has a way of understanding these characters, it makes so much sense and fits so well with canon. I’m just at a loss for words. Genuinely the reason I converted to Icemav supremacy.
When We Get Around to Talking About It 
Goose has been dead for a week and a half when Iceman loses his first wingman in a dogfight with six Soviet MiGs over the Sea of Okhotsk. Goose has been dead for thirty years when Iceman loses his second wingman to a surface-to-air missile on the tail-end of a mission he's responsible for: he's sent his family on a suicide mission to destroy a uranium enrichment facility in Russia's Far East. This is the story of those thirty years in the middle. (Or: Tom Kazansky rises through the ranks while trying to stay a good man. If he ever was one to begin with.)
This was the first story I’ve read from them. And it’s so… I don’t have words.  It’s told from Ice’s perspective, filling the gaps between TG and TG:M with added Icemav and Hangster. In my mind this is canon:D
Debriefing (& Other Stories)
"We can start here, I guess. If we're talking about us," Pete says. "Nineteen-eighty-six. The first thing I thought, when I saw you in that O-club, was: Iceman is off-limits. Capital O, capital L." Despite himself, despite the fear, Tom laughs a little. "Oh, yeah? Why's that?" "Well, first off, we were competition. And yeah, you were attractive, but then you opened your mouth and I swear. You were just an asshole. Goose is trying to introduce you to me and here I am thinking about how much of an asshole you are. Shut up about Cougar, asshole." "It was supposed to be a friendly competition!" "Yeah, right. So that's what I was thinking: he's attractive, clearly doesn't know how to talk to other men, might be into the proposition if I framed it the right way. But he's an asshole, so this competition is just gonna be friendly." Pete pauses. Then he says, "Ice, you wanna get married?" And that's how they start talking about it. (Or: they finally get around to talking about it. Plus a couple extra stories for good luck.)
Sigh and send COMPACFLT a loving look. This Maverick's POV adds so much to the story without being repetitive. COMPACFLT deliberately tells their story like puzzle pieces, and they complete each other—just like Icemav, if you will. 
The Slider oneshot is truly something else. I was so eager for the upload and kept an eye on their account for updates religiously. To flesh out a character that barely has any source material is an incredible skill to have. And the Bradley oneshot… Omg… My favorite characterization of Bradley, period. 
Tremors & Aftershocks
They both come back to their senses and stop openly crying again eventually. The stitches fall out of the thirty-year-old wounds and the scars fade back to skin-color. Life stops being so painfully raw after a couple weeks back home. You get used to miracles the way you get used to anything else. One day at a time. [Or: 40 years of extras, from 1982-2022. Some true love, some heartbreak, some miracles.]
To me, this one has a different feeling from the other two. More focused on Ice and Mav’s relationship as opposed to the whole plotline. It’s tender and bittersweet and feels like being hugged for the first time and then told that you wouldn’t get another hug in thirty years time.  
What impresses me most is that, if you go to COMPACFLT’s Tumblr account, you’ll see the thought they’ve put for these stories are INSANE. They’re so educated on the military and its history and it adds so much to these characters. I’m not American and all my writing for Top Gun will always stem from google searches and other fics. If you’re a nerd like me and like to read about other’s analysis about topics they know nothing about, I suggest you go to their account and have fun.
COMPACFLT, you have captured my soul with your writing. Thank you for your service and I wish you well in life.
AortaArgent @aortaargent
If you’re looking for an author who can write smut like nothing else, go to their profile. Better yet, click here, and scroll down to the threads they made about girl!Mav and get horny real quick. It’s a shortcut to heaven really. (And yes, I’m still upset that they seem to have left the fandom, but I still hold the stories they’ve left behind close to my heart:)) My favorites:
like a shotgun (needs an outcome)
“Ice gave me a handjob when we did this,” he argues. “Oh, that’s what gets you moving? Seeing who comes first?” With that, Slider takes hold of him, wrapping his hand around and keeping his fist steady. “Go on, baby girl. Fuck it like a good little -” He squeezes Slider’s balls a little harder than he’d imagine is necessarily pleasant. For Slider. It's definitely nice for him. “Fuck,” Kerner chokes out, weakly. Ice sounds like he’s trying not to laugh. “I told you he bites.” In which there are multiple realisations, improbable numbers of pilots hanging out in a shared shower, volleyball games and verbal tennis. Yes, it's compulsory to wear your dogtags in the shower - never know when you could need identification. (Only kidding, it's for added fuckability.)
It’s so hot... but believable at the same time. BDSM is just one of those things where you read about it and can tell if the author has experience or is just extremely well-informed. 
Eye to Eye 
“Maybe it’s not just us looking to get a piece of you,” Wolf says. He’s right by Maverick’s head, and a shiver rolls down his shoulders in a sweeping tide at the soft click of each word against his ear. “Maybe we offered. You’re so pretty, Mav. It’s not a hard sell.” His hands twitch with the effort of not reaching up to tear off the blindfold and find out if they’re telling the truth or just winding him up. It’s possible. Occupied, blindfolded, he might not have noticed the door opening. More guys could have been in the showers. Two hands circle his ankles, firm over his boots, and hold him steady. Someone else has his left hand, kneading the tendons down the back of it. Anyone and anything is plausible. A continuation. Finally.
HOT DAMN. That’s all.
AortaArgent portrayed Ice and Mav’s relationship as absolute and secure while having fun with Mav’s dynamic with the other guys. All of their works are mind-boggling and simply amazing!
thecarlysutra @icemankazansky
Need I say more? Carly’s one of the most prominent members of the Top Gun fandom. Actually, I trust any member of the Top Gun Old Guard. With Carly, there’s something about their writing that makes me think of discovering an old box of CDs you used to watch relentlessly, dusty and worn, but the nostalgia rushes back and it’s achingly familiar. You can tell they’ve been writing for Top Gun for so long the characters kind of became their own. And when you click on any fic they wrote, you can fall and trust they’ll catch you. My favorites:
and i promise, you're the locksmith
“Is something going on in your neighborhood?” Maverick asked. “Like … a pest problem or something?” “You could say that,” Ice said. “Like … a coyote or something?” “Suitors,” Ice said. Maverick's attempts to woo Iceman are somewhat complicated by the promise Ice has made: Anyone who wants to marry him must catch his cat, which wears the key to his house around its neck on a silver chain. Inspired by the Tumblr legend.
This one’s so cute!!! Ugh, I’m never going to get tired of reading Icemav fall in love over and over again. 
Dreams of Impact
Maverick's trip in Darkstar takes him further than he ever imagined possible.
Sigh for the second time and send hearts Carly’s way. Basically, Mav gets transported to another universe and weird things happen. I love fics that dabble with the universe, the what-ifs, the what could’ve been. Do you ever have that moment when you make a decision, look back and wonder how life would be if you chose differently? Click on the link and read 🫵
aelibia @topgunreacts
God. aelibia’s just too good. It’s like banger after banger after banger. If you’re looking for an author whose work is a guaranteed good read, click the link and it’ll show you magic. They have Icemav ranging from tender and soft to angsty, portraying all different sorts of love and a way of writing explicit sex that I’ve never found anywhere else. 
I can’t even pick which one’s my favorite because they’re all my favorite. Especially the series they wrote, oh my god. I love them all. However, one that I reread religiously and being giddy over is this:
Wine Dark Sea
Raised by a selkie mother bound to a human man, Ice returns to the human world as a teenager with a singular purpose: to find the source of human strength, and claim it for himself. But after a careless mistake binds him to another human man, Ice is forced to reconsider his most fundamental beliefs: What is the meaning of strength? And what is the cost of freedom?
It’s so silly at times and heartbreaking most of the time. I especially love the later chapters where the evil is defeated and Ice is just being a silly seal while Mav’s being the supportive partner that he is. This fic is the SOLE REASON that my favorite animal is a seal. Thank you for opening my eyes to something that has been so obvious from the start, your majesty aelibia.
I also humbly present these seal drawings because the image of Ice galumphing around a Navy base, complete with wet smacks and people shrieking in horror makes me laugh everyday. That, and the scene where Mav is surrounded by four fat harbor seal pups and reading a story to them. Eleven out of ten. 
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This one’s my favorite:}
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Based off @phand0mfic s idea of Aquaman adopting Danny
So the big reveal has just happened and it did no GO WELL. Danny ends up on a table with his chest open and the only reason he is able to escape is because Jazz manages to distract their parents. Danny is literally holding himself closed as he dives into the ghost zone, normally this would be the end of it. The zone start mending the wound immediately as he’s slowly flying making his way to the far frozen when he here’s the sound of the specter speeder hot on his trail. He starts flying as fast as he can but he’s getting weak. The zone can sense that he’s in impending danger and opens a portal near him, he dives in transforming as he falls through.
He lands in the Atlantean throne room, human, Vulnerable and scared. He can barely see so when a large Orange blob approaches him Danny freaks out begging him to stop, that he’s sorry, please just don’t hurt him before passing out
King Orin was in a meeting with several council members when the teen appeared at first they were worried it was an attack until they realizes it was a kid. Aquaman approaches the kid who then has a full blown panic attack, begging him not to hurt him and not hearing as he tries to calm him down. He sends everyone out of the room. And cautiously approaches the kids. Who’s pleading with him. Orin nearly stops breathing when he says, “please don’t hurt me, I’m still your son I swear, dad please” seconds later the child is unconscious. Orin goes to see where he is hurt, he removes the white bloodstained shirt and sees RED when he recognizes the barely sealed y shape incision. He rushes the kid to the medical wing, king or not they refuse to let him stay and he demands that they alert him the moment he is out of surgery.
King Orin goes to his wife and explains what happened. She looks him dead in the eye and says what ever you decide I am at your side no matter what. Orin decides there is no way he’s sending this kid back to the monsters that did this to him, that should the child agree he will name him his son. Mera fully agrees, they both understand that Atlantis would not agree with a surface dweller as an heir. So Mera give Orin a LOOK and says well then I’ll e should probably get to work making him a sibling.
The next day Danny wakes up with King Orin at his bedside, he asks if he knows where he is, how he’s doing, what’s his name, Danny introduces himself explains he does not know where he is and lies that he doesn’t know how he got here. Orin eventually breaches the topic of him adopting Danny and he’s in shock, like why me I’m nothing special. Orins like you don’t need to be. Danny accepts.
Danny doesn’t tell anyone about being a half ghost, aquaman just thinks that his new son is a meta with ice powers, because he sneaks away to practice. Neither parent brings it up, worried that this might be why his other parents attacked him. Mera just puts books on Atlantean magic in his room so he can practice with magic with actual guidance, and waits for him to come to her. Mera also does a spell that alters Danny’s lungs so he can breathe underwater and withstand the water pressure. Danny does not like Orm. He doesn’t directly say anything but he gives him serious Vlad vibes so he tries to avoid him.
Danny is actually not in Atlantis when the ocean master attacks, he was in another city hanging out with a friend when he heard about the attack. He rushed home only to find the fight was over. He tackles his parents the moment they are “alone” (Kaldur and Garth are there) and says that he doesn’t know what he’d do if anything happened to them. And if his eyes looked green when he said that it was probably just a trick of the light. He thanks Kaldur and Garth for helping his dad (who is now tearing up because he just called him dad) both of whom say it was an honor. Aquaman gives them the options of continuing their studying or training under him. They each choose. And things are normal except Danny and Kaldur hang out anytime he’s not training, Danny has a crush on Kaldur and Kaldur is absolutely smitten. Aquaman isn’t sure if he wants to encourage the two or (murder) scare Kaldur away from Danny. The dad instinct is strong in this one. Kaldur joins the young justice team and Danny is all for it. Just like in the series kaldur returns to Atlantis but this time it’s to confess to Danny and he states his intentions to his king. Never before has Kaldur has so fear his kind as when he told him what would happen if anything happened to his son. Mera just smiled…it was terrifying. Mera announces her pregnancy and Danny absolutely glows (definitely a trick of the light, totally) and talks about how excited he is. When the attack occurs Danny refuses to leave meras side and to everyone’s surprise he viciously took down a manta goon that got too close with (ghost) Atlantean magic Mera just smiles and says you’ve improved very proudly.
This is getting really long but Kaldur confesses to Danny who tells Kaldur I’m not who you think I am I have a lot of secrets that I’m not ready to share and Kaldur takes his hand and holds his face and says then you do not need to, you can tell me whenever you’re ready . They kiss and have a moment. Kaldur tells Danny his plans to stay in Atlantis so he could be closer to him and Danny vetos that and says he is more than capable of visiting him on the surface, thank you very much. Fast forward ocean master attacks and nearly causes Mera and to lose the baby and this is not okay. Danny follow when Mera was taken because he may or may not have marked her with his ectosigneture to make sure his could protect her. When he sees the ocean master sucking the life force out of his mom and unborn brother he sees GREEN he transforms and tear the area apart, the only reason ocean master escaped with his life is because Danny was worried about the baby and his mom. He meets up with the young justice team and leaves Mera in their care before fleeing to the ghost zone Terrified of their reaction. Eventually danny returns in his human form to find his worried parents who hold him and listen as he explains everything and they just ACCEPT it and danny is overjoyed. He also casually asks his dad if he could get some help learning diplomacy because apparently he’s the new ghost king. Aquaman laughs and says of course you are and they arrange for him to have tutors. Aqualad still goes undercover but Danny knows what’s up and uses that time to study..
Okay I’m gonna stop here or else I won’t stop enjoy!!
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simplysly · 2 months
The relation between void and Bocchi??
You see I actually love the kirby series. The fact that a cute little pink blob could annihilate a eye-demon-god-alike thing kinda work for me. And I also like bocchi and i kinda rewatch it again not so long ago. And because I love both of it I can't really not see bocchi in void when it make faces like... this
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and.. this
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And just because of that splash intro and other faces void make, I can't really shake my head off but thinking that bocchi also make those face. The face them both make is the same and accurate.. or like 80% accurate. And so it add another idea on my mind.
What if bocchi reincarnated as void the astral birth? Or essence of chaos? Or both?
Now let me clear things off first for you who didn't know about void. As you all know I'm not referring to real void, I'm talking about void from kirby star allies that have a huge role to be the final boss in the game. Oh yeah have I told you about warning spoiler even tho the game were like old now? Oh yeah I won't cover like literally every information about void (I probably will just explain the basic about em)
So void is a creature that borned due to the amount of negative energy it absorbed which making it became evil and causing chaos almost immediately after it exist (or be freed from its seal). Though there are several more of this void creature across the dimensions and has been said to be the origin of the ancestor (as how I remember it).
Void also have the title of "destroyer of worlds" or "the true destroyer of worlds" and referred as god by hyness (the dark lord who summoned it) so it's actually unknown if this religion that hyness believe in actually do have real god or not (even confirmed by one of the dev on interview).
So that's probably all the general stuff (little of general stuff) that I do have to explain and probably the thing you just have to understand In order to understand of what I'm going to say. Ehem- so back to the topic, is bocchi void termina?
Well the first thing that them both have in similarities is that the both of them make goofy-ahh faces that is like almost identical to each other soo... that's one thing, the second thing is that I'm theorizing what if the negative energy that void get is simply bocchi anxiety, loneliness, and everything else she have been feeling that mostly is negative (when she's still alone) which make her reincarnated as.. void.
I've heard, or read a theory, or a sentence from some other game that after a person died the only thing that's left out of them is they're feeling or they're emotion. And what if (in some cases) bocchi died to some incident/accident. such as got hit by a truck and the thing that's still alive about her is her emotions, and that emotion make her reincarnated as the void termina in kirby universe since hyness is gathering as many negative energy as possible?
And the negative energy inside of hitori gotou a.k.a bocchi is as many as the energy hyness gathered? BOOM THEORY. (Sorry I felt like matpat rn lmao) even tho, there's no more support about this theory. (and perhaps never will be) except for the fact that void termina make a face that almost the same like how bocchi would make... faces.
Even though the game and anime not related at all it's pretty fun to think that as a... let's say, a headcannon perhaps? I don't know. I think that'll be all for what I have to say now, I just want to spread my own thoughts about stupid theory I have and all and all.
So yeah thank you for reading <3 (I'm desperate)
btw shoutout to @kerororants for giving me notification and reminded me that i have this........ sorta blog (big thanks <3)
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Run Ghost Run 6
Prev AO3 next
Danny Has a run in with a certain crime lord and runs.
So, Lady Gotham just dumped him. Danny is now in a completely different place. Still Gotham. Just who knows where. Back to ground one for getting a lay of the land.
Time to initiate operation get some sleep. Hopefully best plan he’ll have this week, this was not Danny’s exhaustion talking.
Standing from his seated position he dusted off his jeans. The alleyway wasn’t that impressive, the dumpster in the corner and ratty old mattress was the most eventful thing. Litter did line the alley as well. This place really was down in the dumps. Avoiding the broken glass and loose bits of buildings he peeked into the street.
The street ahead of him was lined with poorly maintained buildings. Broken windows boarded up with plywood and some with cardboard. Some building seemed to be falling apart. Literal chucks of rubble where on the street. They even looked like they had been bombed and hints of massive fires.
Well, Danny could find an abandoned building or something to stay in. There had to be a condemned building or two. It was just a matter of finding one.
He could see lights flickering in some of the buildings. Whether legally occupied or not he wasn’t trespassing. Other people out there are probably hiding out. Sticking to the side of the road he began to walk. He’d peer down any alley in the street. Nothing much just more trash.
As Danny was walking, he could feel the corrupted ectoplasma getting stronger as he walked. Wherever he was had a great volume of it. Some event happened here that change the course of Gotham. There was more than just corrupt ectoplasma here.
Danny could sense something unexpected. Something that could be helpful, a natural repent.
Rancid ectoplasma.
Rancid and dangerous. You only get it when ectoplasma is left to fester, often being fed. It had to be maintained, else it would just stay corrupted. Typically, healthy offerings are given to feed it. It was as if he was back in the ream at the River of Revulsion.
Frostbite had explained it to him after the whole infa-map incident. The ghost had let himself fester in the ectoplasma. He had taken lives back in the human realm to create these puddles of grossness. That it refused to decontaminate. There had been talk about how the ghost had tons of the stuff hidden and scattered amongst the human realms. None were ever found if they had been left behind, they’d only be getting worse. Just as they sealed away Pariah, they bound the ghost to the river.
If a puddle was in Gotham, he could camp out there. Even with Lady Gotham’s promise to hide his signature why not add more layers of protection. His belt, Gotham and a natural repellant would be great.
Frostbite did warn of health issues regarding dirty and corrupt ectoplasma. It was a full-on lecture. Jazz had taken the notes as he had zoned out. He knows there was side effects of being exposed to them. Both had different clean up methods as well.
Corrupt ectoplasma had natural ways to be cleansed. Blob ghost loved the stuff. As soon as he solved the whole war issue and running away problem, he could probably pencil in a town cleansing. Just a matter of releasing the blobs. Only liminals or those with ectoplasma would even be able to see them. Clearing the corrupt ectoplasma would bring a feeling of calm to liminals and allow weak spirits to cross easier.
There was no natural way to clean ectoplasma. It wasn’t natural. It took effort to get it dirty. Sacrifices to be specific. Cleaning it wasn’t easy. It took flushing it out of a system and could be destructive if just suddenly removed. The whole reason the river of revulsion existed. It would cause a huge explosion in the infinite realm if they just removed it.
One of them caused violence and lack of emotional control. The other made ghost more obsessive more desperate they were less likely to move on to their afterlife. There were probably more issues they caused. The explosion part was more exciting to listen to. Danny really should have paid more attention. He did know that a new version of doom had released that day.
In his defense he lived where the veil was natural. He did not have to worry about the dangers of non-pure ectoplasma. Even the food he ate was contaminated with it. Not whatever is going on here. Forced open death ectoplasma not his cup of tea. Do not collet $200 and do not pass go vibes going on here.
Yet again his ghost sense went off. It was wrong. It wasn’t the chill he knew.
Looking around Danny spotted a red figure on a roof.
It wasn’t red robin. The blurry picture on the internet did not have his face completely covered by a red... helmet? Hood? It was red and covering his face. Whoever he was did not appear when he searched up vigilantes. There were no other beings around so obviously it was a ghost. Add in the feeling of disgust and the feeling of revulsion. It wasn’t just any ghost, but one that needed to be decontaminated. This was a problem.
 With a blink the figure was now right in front of him.
When the figure was in front of him, Danny most certainly did not jump. Nope he is not sitting on the ground after being startled. He looked at Red and could clearly see his chest breathing. Was this guy contaminated? Was he not a ghost? Couldn’t be a halfa. Jazz, Tucker, and Sam never set off his ghost sense. Why did he? Maybe this was a trick. The breathing could be a trick.
Red’s hand was suddenly in front of Danny “kid, don’t you know it’s dangerous to be out in Gotham this late at night, especially crime ally.”
The way he was positioned directly in front of him and his stance ready to grab him had to be intentional. It would make running nearly impossible unless he used his powers.
Jazz didn’t raise a fool; Danny was not going to let him grab him that easy. Danny just glared at him, the dude didn’t even care. As he twisted to the side to push himself up, he felt as sharp pain in his stomach. It felt like being stabbed all over again, then it felt like it was on fire. He pulled something, did something. With a wince he, still sitting on the ground, clutched his chest.
“You need medical attention. Rather you not pass out on the street.” Red said with concern.
Danny yet again glared once again it was ignored. “I’m fine” he snapped.
Red gave him a pointed look. “Kid, I can see the bruising on your eyes. Your clearly injured. Just let me help you.”  
“Its fine, it will heal.”
Red just looked mildly annoyed at Danny attempts to avoid the problem. Red shifted his stance yet again.
The two argued back and forth a bit more.
“One way or another you’re getting medical attention. I know you need help. Just come with me and you can leave once you’re all patched up.”
Screw it.
Ignoring his newfound pain, he forced himself up from a sitting position. Just in time for red to reach out for him. It was now or never. He went intangible.
The same burning pain was back. Just like his very essence was being torn apart. It was draining and painful. He couldn’t maintain the intangibility for long. It was already flickering and forcing himself back into being tangible. It lasted long enough. Red hadn’t shown any hesitance or shock but couldn’t follow him through the wall of two buildings.
By the time he couldn’t keep it up. He was inside one of the buildings. Thankfully it was empty. Majority of the windows were boarded up from the outside. He could tell Red was still lingering. He could feel the ectoplasma, thankfully It was getting farther away.
Red wouldn’t be able to sneak up on him again. He knew to feel for the gross ectoplasma.
The building he was in empty. There was nothing here. Well minus rubble. The only light came through the cracks in the boards on the windows. He needed something with more light. He needed to check himself over. There was a sketchy staircase he was going to explore.
The steps were creaky and loose as he went up them. This place wouldn’t pass an inspection, but neither would the house back in Amity. So, he just continued up. It led to a door.
The door would not want to open. He pushed and pulled it like a normal person. When that didn’t work, he looked around for any reason it was stuck. The door wasn’t locked. It was metal so maybe it rusted or something. Would that keep it from opening? Adding a little more oomph to his push the door opened.
The door led to a roof top. Looking around he could see why the door wouldn’t open. There was a wall all around the roof, its intention in the past to keep people from falling off. Now it was in ruins. Bits and pieces of rubble laying around. There was a recently disturbed pile of rocks by the opened door. When it crumbled some most of blocked the door.
The moon was shining bright in the sky. He could make this work. There was a little bump out where the two walls met. He took the bag off his back and started to pilfer through it. He took out the med kit from the bag and set it down.
Taking off the sweatshirt off he could see how big of a problem this was going to be. The sweatshirt had fresh blood. It may be black, but he could feel the wetness. It’s not like it had been raining around here. The bandages proved the story true. They were red.
He needed a second before handling it. Sitting against one of the walls.
After just a little bit. He began the task of unwrapping, sewing and re bandaging. Thankfully the bad had a t-shirt and a second sweatshirt. This one was just black with a little green ghost on it. Sam had gotten it for him as a gift. Said it was ironic.
The med kit also had a few vials of pure ectoplasma. Normally he’d mix it in with some food after a patrol gone bad. It helped speed up his recovery. Not nearly as powerful as the ecto-dejecto but he didn’t have another one of those. He grabbed one and chugged it like it was a shot.
Now was as good as any other time to check out the envelope in the bag. He wasn’t sure who put it there. Sam was responsible for the bags being made but the whole group did now the locations of the go-bags.
The envelope had $500 in cash. No doubts Sam’s contribution. It also held a note.
Little Brother,
It’s been over 24 hours since we’ve last seen or heard from you.
We know you went to send the warning but have not seen you since. There have been no check-ins, not texts no notes. You’ve just vanished. We knew the warning got delivered. The three of us all felt it. Would have been nice to know we would glow green.
Thankfully we weren’t around anyone when it happened.
Tucker pulled the footage for the portal from the time you left in the morning until the next morning.
There were no records of any footage. Nothing about the portal being opened. It was all gone. Mom and dad erased all footage from the lab. There is nothing, tucker couldn’t even recover the footage.
For them to erase any of their footage is never a good sign. They still have the corrupt footage from the lab accident and that’s something they could never fix.
No way to interrogate them even subtly. Last anyone saw of them they were speeding towards the town outskirts. That was about an hour before I got home.
We had no choice but to bug frostbite.
He and pandora saw you off the night prior.
We all know something happened. Frostbite and Pandora said they’d still guard the portal. They are worried for you; they want to know if you’re okay.
I want you to remember Tucker, Sam and I are here for you. Don’t go through this alone. Do not ignore us.
There lies the problem. He did have to do it alone. He would put the rest in danger. If frostbite and Pandora knew. Others had to know. The ghost are all gossips. Someone would have seen them talking to the humans.
Packing up his bag and looking up at the surprisingly clear night sky, Danny decided sleeping on a roof was a wise ides. He fell asleep with the stars shining above him.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
I had this Au of an Au of my own because yeah, the Naruto/Sasuke thing is literally the most homoerotic thing in that whole fucking show but. BUT.
Let's not forget the power of time travel, because I'm THAT extra. So we know that
Sasuke is fine as fuck but both has unimaginable amount of trauma and is an absolute asshole by choice
Uchiha Izuna looks a great deal lile Sasuke
Uzumaki "Oops" Naruto is fully capable of getting his ass blasted back to the Earring Clans Era in like a 100 completely different ways by accident just give him a chance
You see where I'm trying to go with this? Because I headcanon that Izuna is a nicer, more archaic Sasuke with the brother complex being exact same blinding intensity just two steps to the right
So imagine this Sasuke look alike finding Naruto after the accidental time travel and taking him home like:
"Aniki help me plan and announce my wedding. I found the perfect husband." Because the Clanhead is Madera, he's the only one that needs a wife to reproduce and the welders can't even get mad because two men can't have kids it's obviously not a boodline thief. And then they find out Naruto is apparently both fertile and perhaps breedable if Izuna plays his cards right and the elders can't even get a word in sideways before they have a literal litter of kids Lmao. How and why? Uchihas have been Like ThatTM since Indra and the Uzumaki are Uzumaki so there's that.
And Naruto is just in Cloud9, people are being nice to him, he can learn and teach whatever he wants, he has the nicest new friend *cough*husband he just doesn't know yet*cough* and Konoha is built years early because look me in the eyes and tell me it wouldn't be.
Zetsu? You mean that freaky black blob that tried to assasinate Naruto for fucking up his plans and got sealed by Mito for it? That one?
Lmao sorry for rambling I just thought you'd find it interesting or at least amusing
No no this is perfect and I want to read it
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ystrike1 · 2 years
I Tried to Run Away After Eating the Male Lead - By Inhye Lee (6/10)
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Yandere comedies keep missing. There's just too much happening. Our main girl goes from homeless to Empress. Broke to married to the noblest man, because she ate a piece of candy when she was starving. That's all it takes to be special I guess.
I admit it. This was kinda funny in the beginning. Lorace is a beggar and sadly the priests of this world are very classist. They refuse to help her even though she's in bad shape.
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The temple rumbles. There's chaos. She finds food, and a beautiful piece of candy. She eats it and the priests come to beat her up.
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The candy is actually a sealed bead made of power. That power belongs to Lavihan, a Duke with magic. Basically with the bead he's too overpowered, so the priests were hiding it from him.
Lorace genuinely thinks he's going to cut the bead out of her.
He kills all of the priests, so she knows he's not merciful.
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Lorace, of course, is really pretty. Even though she's been living on the streets for her entire life. Also, she's special. Her body absorbed his magic bead, somehow.
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So what now? Lorace doesn't want to get executed. Lavihan is still crazy powerful WITHOUT the bead. She tries to run but she gets caught.
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Lavihan proposes. Lorace wants to give his power back, and that could happen, if they have sex.
How convenient. Lorace wants to marry him, bang him, return his powers and then run away again.
Dumb plan but whatever.
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Lavihan starts trying to seduce her for real. She's pretty good wife material because she's resistant to magic. He thinks she's cute and he makes his castle perfect for her. His servants get sent to the dungeon if they dare to miscount the silverware.
Why do so many people work for this guy???
Lavihan and Lorace hang out and read books alot. It's nice but there's no real chemistry here. Lavihan is just possessive because Lorace is interesting. She didn't explode after inhaling half of his strength. It's her only charm point.
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The pope tries to save Lorace from Lavihan. He's on her side. She literally doesn't want to stay with Lavihan, but she doesn't help him??? She lets Lavihan torment him??? She doesn't say anything???
She kinda just feels like a pink blob not a character???
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The pope rejects their marriage...yeah Lavihan is an unhinged mass murderer trying to marry a homeless woman that he kidnapped. Surprise. Lorace is fine with marrying him now, even though he's a dick that treats everybody but her like trash.
Lavihan, of course, wants to murder the pope.
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Lorace stops him with her flirting powers. She also has magic. They are also in a novel, and Lavihan is the main character!!! Boring. The yandere is just an awful guy. The main girl is just a Cute Girl. Lavihan is an Asshole Yandere, and that's a Thing, but it's not for me. In a comedy setting Asshole Yanderes don't work well unless your jokes are good. I didn't see a single joke in this. After the candy gag there's no more attempts at humor. I fully expect that this will get cancelled before it finishes.
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apphiarothowrites · 9 months
Playing into Marco being a romantic let’s go with a different theme
A correspondence shall we say, anonymous of course between the revolutionary army and wbp.
The blue gentleman is odd exciting, he taunts and teases between paragraphs, punctuating with perfect prose. It’s stupid and silly and by god Marco is way too old to be keeping all these letter and rereading them like a love struck fool. Because he’s not, obviously. It’s just the prospect of matching wits with someone is.. exciting. The letters, the writing it’s all part of the game. Secrets and lies.
There’s no billowed shirt man, no fair maiden..
The letter ends,
Marco can feel his face heat up and he curses quietly. He is literally grasping at straws here, if you counts rolled up letters as straws. And yet in his minds eye a phantom smiles with a sharp grin.
Catch me if you can mr Holmes
(This is before ace arrives, whaddya whaddya you get where I’m going with this, kisses and all that. May you be given shelter from the hell of a 40 hr work week)
The news coo never has an address to take the letters to, but they somehow know anyway.
The letters that arrive for Dragon's chief of staff are all the same stationary and always sealed with an unmarked wax blob. The signature at the bottom is a bird claw without a name.
My Blue Gentleman, the letters always start-
As a child of the sea, roaming and rambling is in my blood. First and foremost, 'settling down' is as foreign to me as I'm sure it is to you given how many ports of origin your letters have found me with on their address labels. Your attitude can certainly make a man wonder, though, what it would take to have a home island.
But I suppose we must all have a place we started? I assume, as secretive as you are, you'll merely tease me with a hint or insinuation instead of telling me outright despite how much I'd wish you would. So, in the spirit of beginnings, I'll tell you of mine. I was born on an island in the calm belt that doesn't exist any more. I am told I was supposed to be a slave but I honestly barely remember much of my life from then, only that my first years of life were generally unremarkable. I remember watching the sea and a great thunderous event that made me think the world was ending, and then I remember meeting my father.
He isn't my father by blood, but he is my father in all ways that matter. He found me after the event that shook the island and took me with him when he left. He is my captain and the man who gave me the wings with which I soar today. He is the man I will follow to my death and to whom I owe everything. But aren't all fathers supposed to be that way? Supportive, inspiring saviors to guide you in life?
Do you have a father, Blue Gentleman? Do you have a beginning, a place you started?
Don't go thinking I haven't noticed you don't much refer to your past. Forgive me if I'm pushing too hard, too soon. For pushing at all. I can't help my curiosity, I see something shiny and exciting and I can't help myself wanting to peck at it until I know every turn and facet of it's existence. It makes me an excellent doctor and an excellent hand to my father on this ship. And I've always had a soft spot for the color blue. But I know it's invasive and discomforting to receive such treatment.
\|/ | '
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starmagnets · 1 year
Oh look, heroes of yore stuff.
This is almost entirely headcanon stuff so yknow have fun with this above all else.
VERY long post. Just so you know before hitting that lil "keep reading."
The heroes of yore knew of one another before banding together to handle Void.
While being from other planets — namely Halcandra, Ripple Star, and Shiver Star — they had all at least heard of one another in some way, shape, or form. Some, such as Ripple and Galacta Knight, had been training together should a universe-level threat occur — as well as all Ripple Star royals just knowing how to fight on principle. Others, like Drawcia, were only known by the others for her magical abilities and her… unfortunate creation, while being essentially a hermit otherwise.
All this to say they knew one another at least in some way before Void made themself known to the universe in the worst way possible.
Queen Princess Ripple, when she was younger, was intense. She still is, honestly, but she's mellowed out quite a bit with time. She was known to prefer using her magic to enchant her weapon, even with her ability to do far more with her magic, which was evidenced in her ability to not only heal far more than most would be able to, but in her ability to literally aid in sealing away a being of pure chaotic energy.
Ripple was always the most intense in training and proper battle, going all in and even trying out new types of attacks and spells on the fly without even writing them down, much to Galacta Knight’s chagrin. After all, if you’re gonna make up new spells, at least find SOME way to keep track of them. She’s best at fighting from a distance, but can adapt if need be.
She has a deep respect for Galacta Knight as her mentor and friend. She greatly admires Fecto Elfilis. She was easily closest with Drawcia, and they were most commonly seen spending time together reading or practicing new techniques with one another.
Galacta Knight was already well known as one of the greatest warriors known across multiple galaxies and dimensions. Hailing from Halcandra, they came to Ripple Star to help with a crisis involving Dark Matter in their youth, and wound up taking the young Princess Ripple under their wing after the fact.
They were known for their great skill with their weapons, but their true power lied in their magical abilities. Having both a strong body and soul, they were able to rip apart the very fabric of reality itself for battle should they need to. They’re one to stick to patterns, rather than Ripple’s more chaotic fighting style. This can make them open to attacks, though.
They’re closest with Fecto Elfilis, as the two of them spar more than any of the others. They care for Ripple like family. They find Drawcia to be a good person, but a little rough around the edges.
Drawcia was a special case among most beings. As a painting come to life, she’s made entirely of paint held together by magic, the magic in question created by what was once known as a “Soul Brush”, now more commonly known as a “Magic Paintbrush.” Her initial painting was a very inaccurate depiction of a goddess previously worshipped on Halcandra. As a hermit for most of her life, she’s much quieter and far less sociable than her teammates, even Elfilis.
Drawcia was known to fight well from a distance, flinging blobs of paint and her own creations brought about by her Soul Brush towards her foes. She’s not one to move fast, but is surprisingly nimble when she needs to be. In a melee situation, her Soul Brush can pack a real punch when she wields it like a melee weapon rather than her usual painting tricks.
She’s closest with Ripple, as she likes that the fairy princess doesn’t ask too many questions or judge, not to mention the old books they’d read together. She has a sort of mutual respect between her and Fecto Elfilis, kinda created by mortals solidarity I suppose. She appreciates that the two of them don’t find the need to make small talk. She doesn’t think much of Galacta Knight, but she does think they’re a pretty cool guy.
Fecto Elfilis was in a similar situation as Drawcia, as a creation of the people of Shiver Star. They were created to be the “ultimate life form” for reasons not even they know. They’d escaped not long after the lab they’d been created in was shut down, and wound up living alone on Shiver Star for a long time, until Void resurfaced, and they were sought out for their powerful abilities.
Elfilis, as we see in game, their fighting style is very graceful, almost dancelike in nature, relying on their speed for their power in combination with their rift-making abilities and generally powerful magic amplified by their staff/spear. Their movements are les predictable than Galacta’s to some extent, but there is a rhythm that can be taken advantage of.
They’re closest with both Drawcia and Galacta Knight. With Drawcia, they see their similar situations as common ground and often go to her for advice if they may need it. With Galacta Knight, they respect the knight greatly, as they’re able to provide them with a challenge. They don’t mind Ripple, and find her to be a nice girl, but they don’t have a strong opinion of her one way or another.
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newnevermind-sanity · 10 months
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The butterfly that would choose the Void was named Vera, though that name has been forgotten by them after being sealed away for so many years. They do however, remember their role as the original Lord of Shades, and wish to help their successor succeed when they have failed.
Finally got them done! Since the void statues seem to draw a lot of inspiration from Dragon Head Caterpiillars, I made them look similar to the butterflies they turn into.
I've rambled about them here and their siblings here. Some extra notes and sketches are below the cut.
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Their Shade Lord Form (which used to be mostly the form they look around the time of the sanctuary) is a bit different from Ghost's. They also kind of sort of accidentally influenced their growth in terms of headshape as well. They also really do not like the fact that they're, by default, the best parent in this situation.
For the most part, until they start to remember their form, and their body is recovered from the bottom of the Abyssal sea, they're literally just a churning blob any time they talk to Ghost in person. Once fully restored, their powers are still far less than what they used to be since they can't command the whole void anymore, but they're not helpless, and if anything it only makes them more able to teach Ghost how to be a God.
They also give lessons to Hollow on some things, if wanted, and is endlessly fascinated with things that were developed since their forced imprisonment.
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alvcrd · 1 year
🌙 s𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬.
tagged by: @cicatriicem ty! tagging: @lunarscaled @judaspriested @monstriiss @ofwitchery @blccdsucker @malxshrine @hhemeraa @sosordid @mellodiies
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what does your muse smell like? Alucard isn't really a physical entity persay so I like to think that he takes on the smell of what he consumes/is around him. After a fight or feed? He would smell like gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood. Just resting at the manor he might smell like red wine if he's drinking it or even nothing at all! He can't really get musty because he doesn't sweat or produce bodily odors like a human does, and he prefers to not really bother with fragrances too often because they are WAY too strong for his heightened sense of smell.
what do your muse’s hands feel like? Cold. He wears gloves nearly all the time, so his hands are rather soft. The backs of his palms possess his seals, the same as his gloves except they are literally burned into his skin. Fingers are long, a little bony and tipped in slightly pointed nails.
what does your muse usually eat in a day? So I made a headcanon about this in the past, but Alucard generally has an allotment of around 5 blood bags a day. For Integra, it's a fine line because as powerful as he is he requires a substantial amount of blood to remain healthy, but too much would make him far too powerful. It also seems that Alucard is allowed to indulge as much as he wants before a big fight, since before he went to kill Rip Van Winkle, there's a scene in the manga where he is SURROUNDED by empty blood bags. Furthermore, he isn't opposed to stealing blood from either humans or other vampires while out on a job, as seen during the Rio massacre so I guess the true answer is 'it depends.'
does your muse have a good singing voice? You know this isn't really something I've explored; I'd love to say yes but I'm leaning towards more of an average voice.
does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? He does have his fair share of bad habits; being nosy, no concept of personal space, being blunt to the point of being a dick, but I can't say Alucard has any nervous ticks.
what does your muse usually look like / wear? Alucard can look however he wants! He can take any shape/form/gender, but his default look is his long scrawny body type with mid-back length hair, the black suit and red duster coat. Don't forget the reflective glasses and wide brimmed hat! A look I like to call the carmen sandiego, but it's actually copied from the look Integra's grandfather wore the day he defeated Alucard. He's not particular with clothes, and might only modify what he wears to suit a specific purpose such as blending in with humans as seen with the suit in Rio or to fight such as the leather body suit seen during several battles.
is your muse affectionate? how much? how so? The broad answer to this would be no, but that's not true with specific cases. Alucard does show affection to Integra and Seras, and to his past lover Mina; but generally Alucard isn't the type to do romance, to cuddle or show much outward affection. On rare occasions he does it's almost always in private and with small gestures such as doing little favors for those he cares about, the softening of his expression, inviting them in to spend time around him.
what position does your muse sleep in? Alucard generally falls asleep in his chair, legs crossed and hands either folded in his lap or being used to lean his head against. Rarely does he sleep in his coffin, if only for regenerative purposes. When he's in the coffin he obviously sleeps on his back or just becomes an amorphous blob of black miasma that fills it.
could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? It depends. His voice has a baritone to it that can probably be heard in a muffled way, but when generally speaking his volume is more on the low side. He doesn't mumble and speaks clearly, but he only raises his voice when angry or excited. When he's loud he's LOUD, and would clearly be able to be heard several rooms over.
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I had a horrible day yesterday and day before. I got a job with the school district. Part time. Like 3 hours a day being a nutritions assistant. I had to fill out like 12 assignments and I still had 10 more but I think I go over them with the Human Resources lady. It was so many assignments. That was just the first step. I was so overwhelmed I was panicking. The next day I had to do a physical fitness test. And do a tuberculosis test. I went to the urgent care they recommended. They ran out of tb tests right after I paid for one so they had to refund me. I had to write that I’m pregnant and scoliosis. The sucky part is the doctor wrote a sealed envelope for the employer and it has to stay sealed so I don’t know what it says or if I passed. It gives me anxiety. Then I went to go to fingerprints at a tax service place. The school needs my fingerprints, that part was easy it took a bit because my hands were clammy but it was the easiest part of my day. Even the wait at Panera took longer at the drive thru. I love my turkey bacon bravos. I wondered if Eric ever eats them and I always think of Henry eating the lettuce. I went to another urgent care. The first one was nice and open and clean as hell. Hardly any people. This one was so shit. Not enough seats for everybody, people had to stand. Scary loud people and babies. Stinky floor with visible spills. Liquid dripping down the wall near the bathroom. Literal vomit or soup like squirts on the ceiling. It was nasty. I was mad because the tb test was ten dollars more at this urgent care. I sat down. I wore a sweater for comfort reasons. But I sat in the sun and I started to feel dizzy. I didn’t eat anything until 1. I’ve been more faint lately. I moved out of the sun thankfully there was a seat. I took off my sweater. I was breathing hard and sweating profusely. I could see my vision going away. Huge blobs everywhere blocking my few of the fake plant in the corner. I felt so faint. I wanted to ask the adorable couple with the quite baby for help. For water. My anxiety couldn’t do that. I was alone, I wanted help. I wished I didn’t have to do so much alone. Anthony says I need to grow up on that. I was just jealous of the mom and her quiet bottle fed baby. Someone was there for them, to wait for them in the waiting room. I wanted to be like them. I had to close my eyes and focus on my breathing. I think I would’ve passed out otherwise. Because I closed my eyes and calmed down. I think I was panicking because I was alone and feeling faint. I kept my eyes closed for a long time, leaned my head back and relaxed. People probably looked at me weird. I felt fine when I went in there, now I’m all dying. I didn’t want to be called now because I felt like I probably shouldn’t walk. But I knew it was almost my turn. Thankfully a good ten minutes went by. The tub test was just a shot. I just hate needles so I felt really uncomfortable for the rest of the day. The guy who gave the shot to me gave me water right away. He was so nervous and had a hard time explaining things to me. He stumbled on his words but he was nice to me. I was so glad to leave. I waited a while to go home. I told my mom when I got home and what happened that I got dizzy. She called me right away. I said didn’t you read I was home? The phone call was short but I didn’t expect her to do that. Anthony doesn’t really react when I get faint or dizzy. He just says I work myself up to much and it’s my fault and I need to calm down. I don’t think he cares. I don’t think people realize how he doesn’t care. My mom immediately said to tell Anthony. But he doesn’t care. He told me today that I’d probably leave him for somebody. I’m sad. I’m proud I did all that alone though. But ugh. What a pain. Now I still have to do a online training exam and I’ll supposedly be ready to meet with the Human Resources lady. I don’t know how I’m gonna do.
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aikainkauna · 6 years
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ryssbelle · 3 years
Branching Timeline 4
@tortilla-of-courage @attllhak @kerto-p 
Here we are, we’re getting close to the end of this arc, idk what to call it but I really wasn’t expecting it to be this long lol.  The written part on this one was written by both me and my friend @its-not-zelda-but-link​  they’re an extremely talented writer and helped me out with editing and adding things I missed. There was then some more editing done by me as the way we worked on it resulted in a Frankenstein's monster of a sentence and occasionally a monster paragraph. Also some weird phrases on both of our parts lol, I hope I got everything.  They aren’t too familiar with skyward sword so I tried to edit any mistakes out (such as wrong weapons) but if I missed any please lemme know!  Links:   Part 1_ Part 2_ Part 3_ Part 4_Part 5 (You are here!)_Final Part Oops I shouldn’t have promised! (occurs before parts 1-6)
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Note, when transferring the text tumblr got rid of all the paragraph breaks, they were edited back in, however if after posting you notice a giant text blob please let me know. Thank you
Secondary note, this is imprisoned round 1 again, not round 2. 
The power emanating from the center of the pit was overwhelming even from where the two stood at the very top. Zelda grabbed Link’s hand, thrusting one end of the sail cloth into his left while she clutched onto the other end in her right. She wrapped her arm around his back, pulling him close, turning her face away from him trying to hide the forming blush on her cheeks. If she had the courage to face him, she would have seen that the hero sported the same flushed cheeks as her. Composing themselves, Zelda took the lead with a breath, they leapt off the edge, letting the sailcloth unfurl above them as they floated down towards the pit. The duo was a bit unstable, two people weren't meant to use the sail cloth after all, but they made it work. Link supported Zelda when she stumbled, Zelda stopped Link multiple times from performing a tuck and roll and taking off with the sail cloth. It was a little levity from the job they had to do, watching him fight his instincts.
With each jump Link as though there was a loftwing sitting right on his chest. The burning of his injury was almost unbearable, getting worse the closer he got to the center of the pit. He bit back the pain, figuratively and literally biting the inside of his cheek to distract himself, he had to, Zelda needed him, and he couldn't let her down. She dropped him off just one level above the center, securing the sail cloth around her shoulders, telling him to stay just above the creatures head at all times, His eyes gazed over to the center, noting the distance between himself and the cursed seal letting a nervous gulp out imagining how big this creature might be. The very thought made him sick, an uncomfortable lump forming in his throat, forcing him to swallow his anxiety.
“I’ll handle the toes, you take care of the spike!” Her advice echoed up from the center of the pit where Link stood. She sucked in a deep breath, of course her real plan was to keep him out of danger as much as humanly possible. Sure, he would be angry if his chance never came, but she wanted to ensure his safety, so she continued to assure him that his chance would come. As long as he didn’t get hurt. Not again.
Mustering her courage, she forced her eyes to bear witness to what was to come. She felt the sickening black energy leak out from every corner of the seal. Time froze as the seal shattered and a pool of darkness erupted from the center of the pit. The sickening dark energy poured out, almost as if it was reaching for her. As the creature emerged from the darkness of the seal, she noted how it’s gruesome appearance had barely changed. It was still the same grotesque creature with its wriggly maggot-like toes, coal black feather scales and gnarled body shape. It opened its maw, dripping with black blood (or saliva) as it let out a horrible blood-curdling roar, its jaw lined with multiple rows of serrated teeth and the deep void at the back of its throat.
"What is that?!" Link’s cries of surprise pounded hard in her ears. Zelda had to keep her fear under a lid when she saw the strange mix of confusion and terror on Link’s face, an expression she was all too well sympathetic of. She took a few steps back as The Imprisoned began it's trek towards the Temple.
"Just stay above it's head! I'll let you know when you can jump in!" She called up to him, seeing him nod in affirmation at the corner of her eye before he disappeared completely from her vision. Panic and bile built up in her throat the longer he stayed out of her sight, until she saw him dip behind the imprisoned still a few platforms up, trying to get a better angle, a sigh of relief left her before she began her assault on the maggot-like gross toes like before. Link watched her in amazement, he'd seen her train at the Knight's Academy plenty of times, but to see her in an actual fight was pretty amazing, stunning even. Of course he'd seen her before on their journey to the Lanayru Time Gate, but he didn't get as good of a view as this, his cheeks flushed at the sight of her.
The ear-splitting roar that rang in his ears snapped him back into reality. He forced himself to focus on the creature, he couldn't get distracted, it had already advanced far up the spiral, close to level where upon he stood in wait. Each step it took towards him felt like a shock to his system, stinging electricity bursting out from his chest and dancing along his nerves like a thousand needles had been jammed into his skin. It took every muscle in his body just to keep him on his feet, especially now when the creature had found its way directly under him. Just standing next to it made it hard to breathe, he turned to cough and took a breath, giving him the opportunity to see the top of Zelda's head for a moment, darting trying to snipe the toes no doubt. 
Zelda found it a lot harder without the Goddess sword to slice them apart, already finding herself a bit out of breath. She felt a familiar gaze upon her back and she took a moment to look up at Link, gazing back down at her with a hopeful spark in his eyes and she seized. She would not give up now, she had to see her job done. Not just for herself, but for Link, for everyone who was counting on her. She mustered up her strength as she darted around the Imprisoned, strike after strike from her sword at its soft wriggly toes until the last toe was gone. With a lurch, the imprisoned stumbled, its balance stolen from it as it tipped backwards, landing on the ground with a loud crash, stunned for the moment.
"Now?" Link called down to her, stepping closer to the edge than she would've liked. Ignoring his question, Zelda ran towards the spike on The Imprisoned’s head, raising her rapier high above her head as she brought it down onto the spike embedded within its temple. Bashing it in was harder, she noted, upon realizing how each swing with her sword barely dented the spike, barely forcing it back into the creature’s skull unlike before when she wielded the Goddess Sword. She heard Link question her again, but she ignored him. Just keep him waiting for his turn, she thought to herself, as long as he's up there he's safe, She assured herself over and over again.  
The imprisoned stood up again like it had before, and just like it had before, its body glowed red as it threw itself onto it’s stomach. 'Shit!' She mentally cursed, the imprisoned beginning to snake it's way up the spiral, Link standing in it's way. 
"RUN!" She yelled at him, her voice throaty and hoarse from the sudden strain she forced upon it. Alas, it seemed he couldn't hear her over the sound of several tons of evil barreling towards him at alarming speeds. 
Despite not hearing her voice, Link knew what had to do. He ran. Ran as fast as he could, undeterred by the burning in his chest, his stamina seemed to lower faster than it had before but as if the Goddess were watching over him, he noticed a stamina fruit in his path. Smoothly, he bent down and stuffed the fruit into his mouth, replenishing his energy as he silently thanked the Goddess for looking over him. Slowly, the creature began to run out of steam and its movements slowed back to a crawl, allowing Link to finally catch his breath. Taking his position back above its head, Link steeled himself. He had figured out Zelda's game at this point, of course he was glad she cared so much but he wasn't a child and this was his duty.
While she once again took charge of beating at the toes, he took the chance to leap onto its head, clinging to the feathered scales like his life depended on it. The pain in his chest was nearly excruciating, his stomach churned as he righted himself before running along the creature’s head towards the spike that jutted out from its skull. He could hear Zelda call out for him now that he'd disappeared from her view, but like she had ignored him before, Link merely returned the favor. 
Driving the spike into The Imprisoned's head with 3 downward strikes, the creature lurched in pain, rearing up on its legs as it let out another deafening roar, its violent movements began to grow more desperate as it tried to throw Link off it’s back. Link tried to hold on as it threw its head back, but found himself shoved off unceremoniously. The weightlessness he felt as he fell from its head was nothing like the one he felt in the sky, at least in the sky there was his loftwing to catch him, but here? There was nothing but the ground. Cold and unforgiving. He squeezed his eyes shut and prepared himself for the worst, but found the crashing on the ground less unpleasant than he thought it would be, though it may have had something to do with the girl who threw herself under him to break his fall. Zelda mentally cursed herself for not letting him have the sail cloth, but she really didn't expect him to climb on its head.
 She crawled carefully from under him, ready to scold him until she saw the hurtful look reflecting in his eyes, completely unrelated to the fall, all stemming from her mistrust in him. The imprisoned continued to snake up the spiral, but it went ignored for the moment.
 "Do you not trust me?" Link asked, the pain in his tone stabbing straight through Zelda's heart. Link lifted his gaze towards her, forcing her to look him in the eye, searching for the truth. Putting a hand over his heart, he breathed in deeply, voice shaking as he continued, "This is my duty, you chose me for this, did I do something wrong? Did I make a mistake that made you think I-" he couldn't finish voicing his endless queries to her, Zelda cupped his cheeks in her hands, pressing her forehead against his, the guilt clear on her face.
 "No," she whispered at first, "No no no," she repeated, trying to drive into his head that the mistake was hers, "You didn't do anything, it's all me I was just... worried. I wanted to protect you! I wanted to do this for you so you wouldn't get hurt again!" She rubbed her cheek with a  thumb, wiping away the stray tear that streaked down her cheek. The imprisoned was now standing and slowly stomping towards the temple, nearly halfway there.
Link placed his own hand on her cheek, moving her head so that her eyes were focused on his.
"Zelda, I'm always going to get hurt, it's the nature of my role as your chosen hero," he told her, reaching into his pack, he pulled out the red potion she'd given to Impa to give him earlier. "I'm not scared, because I know who I'm keeping safe, and I know that she'll always be there to help me get back on my feet," His smile was radiant, filled with confidence as he took her hands in his. The potion he held placed gently into her palms and he helped her curl her fingers around the neck of the bottle. Getting onto his knees, Link leaned forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, warm and gentle. 
"I'll be right back, I promise," he breathed reassurance into her ear. In her shock, Zelda didn’t even notice him taking the sail cloth from her shoulders. " And hold onto that for me," he whispered once again with a gentle smile before darting for the center. Zelda tried to reach for him, to pull back by his skirt, and stop him, but found herself too late, swiping at nothing but air as he once again slipped from view. She scrambled forward trying to get a glimpse of where he was, her eyes barely catching his fleeting shadow as he shot upwards into the sky from the vent at the center of the spiral. 
He took deep breaths, telling himself it was just like jumping off from skyloft, just like jumping onto his bird, except this time skyloft was just a giant gust of wind and his bird was a hulking behemoth stomping towards a temple, on the surface. Not to mention instead of his bird sweeping to catch him he'd have to meet the bird, again not a bird but a hulking creature made of a mass of dark energy. The two shared the same apprehension, the same worry that Link would miss, that he wouldn't pull out his sail cloth in time, that he'd find himself just a smear on the trail up to the temple. An even worse yet outlandish fear was the imprisoned sensing him there, opening its mouth to swallow him whole.
Luckily none of their fears came to pass as Link gracefully landed on the creature's back, well, as gracefully as he could in his condition. 
Link once again gripped the scales with all his strength, having to climb his way up as the imprisoned tried to knock him off its head with its wild and violent movements. The Imprisoned screeched, throwing its head into the side of the wall beside it, dragging its body against the walls in attempts to knock Link off, but Link forced himself to hold on. Each strike was a struggle as he attempted to pull himself towards the spike on its head. He coughed and gasped, each muscle screaming in his body as he finally pulled up beside the spike. The Goddess Sword gleamed in his palms as he brought its blade upon the spike, once, twice, thrice. Over and over again, driving the spike deeper and deeper back into the creature’s skull. 
With a final strike, the spike sunk down deep enough, forcing the creature to rear back in pain, lurching, struggling and shivering as it let out a howl of pain. In all of its exaggerated movements, Link’s fingers slipped from its feathers and he felt himself get tossed to the wind. But this time, he was prepared. The sailcloth unfurled and caught the wind around him, catching his fall and gently letting him land next to the struggling body of the Imprisoned. With a final cry of pain, the creature’s body shattered into a million shards of white and black, signaling the end of that fight. Link felt like a weight was lifted from his chest, that he could succumb to his fatigue and crumble to the ground to rest, but thoughts of rest was immediately forced from his mind as he heard The Old Woman shout at him. Her reminder to Skyward Strike the spike and reseal the Imprisoned once more.
Following the Old Woman’s orders, Link raised the Goddess Sword high above his head, channeling his prayers and energy into the sword. The sword glowed as he breathed in, and with a single strike, brought the luminescent silver edge onto the spike. With a spark of white and gold, the seal was reformed, glowing brightly, more potent and brighter than before when Zelda had done the resealing. It was stunning, beautiful even as the darkness of the pit was suddenly washed away in a gentle wave of light, pushing the darkness and shadow away, making the air ever easier to breathe again. 
Zelda held a bit of wonder, and just a smidge of jealousy, possibly resentment for how easy it was for Link to perform the seal, how even though they'd both performed the same action, his seal seemed stronger, maybe it was because of destiny, or maybe it was because of their combined power. She couldn't tell, she abandoned those thoughts and feelings though when she saw Link fall to his knees, using his blade as support to keep him upright. Zelda skidded to a stop at his side, uncorking the potion he'd given her before, his hand meeting hers, stopping the potion from getting too close. He gave her a weak smile.
"I'm fine," he lied, even though Zelda knew that he was lying, she still felt inclined to believe him. She didn't put the potion away however, after drinking half she offered it to him again. The surprise on Link's face made her chuckle a bit. 
"At least take this," She coaxed, Link relenting and taking the other half of the potion, Zelda noted color she hadn't noticed fading returning to his cheeks. The further unnoticed bags under his eyes fading into almost nothing. 
"Thank you," he whispered, wiping the remnants of the potion from his lips, Zelda leaned forward, planting a small kiss on his cheek, smiling as his cheeks flushed red. 
"Thank you, for keeping your promise."
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skyward-floored · 2 years
To continue from the other ask I sent: the masks hanging in the Secret Shrine rooms have a striking resemblance to the faces of doppels right? I just remembered you brought up how unnerving the process of possessing a doppel actually is. Something something dark tribe sealed a demon soul in a mask for dark rituals... and we have no idea what became of the tribe, iirc.
Wouldn't be surprised if the tribe decided to focus their magic on more manageable souls.
More easily manageable souls... yeep. And that makes a lot of sense!!
Even with my limited knowledge it definitely seems like there’s some connections between majora’s mask and Tri force heroes, and not just with the FD mask.
Literally the first area in the game is called Deku Forest, inhabited by deku scrubs (enemies) of course, but also lots of big wooden doors (pardon my crappy pictures)
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(There’s also doors like this in the next level, Buzz Blob Cave though they’re much less fancy)
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Anyways they look kinda like the door here don’t they? I know it’s not the same, but it’s where my mind jumped to and there are similarities...
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Veeeery interesting.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
It seems the "legacy" that Six and Mono has do needs each other so they can bonded together just so they'll get the right mindset for them to grow into monstrous adults given Mono becomes the Thin Man after he's betrayed by Six and Six gradually becomes worst with her hunger to where she eats up the Lady after she gets hurt by Mono destroying her trust
Yes, and it saddens me to literally no end.
We get to witness how their friendship grows only to see it ripped apart. Both parties suffering the consequences of their actions.
For some reason this ask got me to think, so... Here's a bunch of mini theories I have about The Square (Thin Man, Lady, Mono and Six) that I wanted to share with you guys but never had the chance to. Be sad with me or else.
1) Pacific Thin Man.
The Thin Man wasn't actively trying to kill either Mono nor Six. He only wanted to separate them, which is why he chased Mono away. I think this is almost universally agreed on.
2) The Thin Man wasn't trying to get to Mono at all and only used him to leave. He wanted Six from the beginning.
I actually think the Thin Man was doing what he's always done, even back when he was still Mono: taking his friend back at all costs and keeping her by his side so that he could protect her. Would explain why he only starts running after Mono when he tries to free her from the TV.
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I mean, he had plenty of other occasions to get a hold of Mono. My boy literally travels through the TVs a bunch of times before getting here, but the Thin Man only shows up when Mono is actively trying to take Six away.
All three times we see him in person are related to Six.
First time: he takes her.
Second time: Mono tries to take her back so he steps in to stop him.
Third and last time: The Thin Man is the only thing standing between Mono and the Signal Tower, in which Six is trapped.
This would also explain the Thin Man's official description. Let's give it a read:
"As the ever-present hum of The Transmission chokes the airwaves, The Thin Man continues his endless journey through this desolate place, haunting the shadows, searching for something. "
The something would of course be his old friend. Although, he may be mistaken without even realizing it, which brings me to my next theories ...
3) Mono is the only one stuck in a loop.
This is mostly based to the meaning behind his name, especially compared to Six's.
We all know that his name means single, one, only, alone. Many people made the connection with the word "monophobia", a.k.a the fear of being alone, and that's an incredibly valid and fitting connection, but I think it may have an addictional hidden meaning just below the surface.
Because, let's be honest. If they wanted to keep the number theme, why not name him "One" instead?
Mono is a... very unique child. He's the only one capable of controlling the transmission, which is why the Eye keeps him around: to use that power as it pleases. I wouldn't be surprised if it messed with the timeline so that Mono was reborn again and again and again.
The number 6 written on the door could symbolize the fact that this Mono we're seeing is the sixth one.
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I tried to check for a 7 on Mono's door at the end of the game, but couldn't see anything.
OOOOR, it could be referring to the Ladies of the Maw, which leads me to...
4) Six and the current Lady are NOT the same person...
The main reasons why I believe this is something that everyone seems to forget.
"And what does that mean?" EVERYTHING MY GUY. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. In a series where characters don't speak, it's up to the visuals and music to tell us the story - which means their role is extremely important.
It seems strange to me that they would use two songs that are so drastically different in melody and pacing if the characters are supposed to be one and the same - especially considering just how personal the songs are to both. For example, when Mono becomes the Thin Man, the latter's theme is prominent in End of The Hall, but when Six eats the Lady it's her own theme song that prevails.
Fortunately, we get a clear listen to both music boxes in the games, so we can hopefully make a comparison.
Here's Six's music box and The Lady's.
5) ... But Six does grow up to become the next Lady.
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This. Just, this entire thing.
You see, for the Maw to keep running, it needs a Lady to lure people in and turn children into Nomes. We can assume that it works in a similar fashion to the Signal Tower.
Which basically means that the two structures only function if there's an Host they can feed off from, otherwise they fall apart, just like the Tower did at the end of LN 2.
Let's put it this way: Six absorbing the Lady's powers is the same as Mono sitting on the chair. They sealed an invisible contract with the Eye from which they can't break free, destined to be it's slave until the next Mono and... a possible Seven take their place.
6) The Lady can't leave the Maw...
I already mentioned this in the previous one, but basically what I mean is: The Lady is the only Host of the Maw. If she leaves, the entire thing crashes down.
7) ... But she's been in the Pale City.
We've got proof of this because a lot of paintings and pictures on the Maw depict various sections of the Pale City and some of their citizens. Both the Hospital and the School get their time to shine in these, especially ones the Bullies (I think it's finally time for me to push my "Teacher & her students on the Maw" agenda) who can be seen around the Residence.
Admittedly, most of these paintings aren't placed in the Lady's quarters, so maybe they just belong to her employees who hang them around to decorate the place a bit like Roger did, BUUUT! There's a very particular set of paintings that can be found in her quarters.
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Well well well, if it isn't our blob bestie 🙃
Based on what we know, the only location we find the Eye blob is the Signal Tower, so... I think it's pretty safe to assume that's where she saw it. Then again, when did she see it? Probably when she was a child, before the got on the Maw for the first time. Talking about the Maw...
8) How much time has Six been on the Maw?
This may be kind of an odd question, but I wanted to answer it because it has always bugged me. Me, the fool, trying to form a cohesive timeline in this extremely vague franchise... Sigh.
Anyway. First of all, let's give the Maw's official description a read:
" The Maw arrives every year. Always at the same time, but never in the same place, it creeps and crawls and buries its claws deep beneath the glistening water. And there it sits in vast silence. Waiting.
Soon after, they start to arrive. The guests. The monstrous, sweating, hungry guests. All seams bursting, bodies bulging, eyes dead with boredom. They shuffle up the gangway and into the mouth of The Maw. And then they are no more.
For none of those that enter have ever returned to tell the tale. At least, not yet... "
So the Maw comes up once a year, stays there for a while and then goes underwater once again. When the Ferryman takes an unwilling Six to the Maw by boat, implying that Maw has risen.
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And the next time we see the outside world in in LN, when Six climbs her way up in that wonderful scene. We can see the guests coming in again, so we can assume it's been at least a year.
The thing about the comics that is really funny to me is that it implies that Six has been wandering around since when she first got on, meaning both Roger and the Chefs are already aware of her presence and are familiar with her. The thought of them being like "Oh no this kid again" when they meet her in the game is so funny I can't.
Also, Mono has been trapped in the tower for at least a year by now :)
9) Mono glitching?
I got to think about this while playing LN 2. You know when Mono starts absorbing the glitching remains? If you don't get too close that he "eats" them but manage to stay close enough, you'll see that Mono himself starts to glitch a bit.
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Huh. Leaves room for thought.
Anyway, this is all I have for now.
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ ┃next
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DO YOU GET NERVOUS to the point you wouldn't be surprised that you already took a shit, not pee, but discharge the residue on your pants? That's how a certain H/C-haired female felt as she sat across the table with her editor on the other side. It was only a figurative speech, though; if she took it literally, Y/N would gladly dig her own grave and plan her funeral up to what kind of horrid gown she'd be wearing in her casket.
It wasn't your fault to be this anxious. You've been doing this type of gig for almost five years, yet you couldn't help but tremble slightly on your seat as you noiselessly wait for the male editor to enlighten you with comments in regards to this unreleased chapter. You hate having to go through this type of initiation, but hey, you love your job nevertheless.
"Great work today, L/N-san. You accurately followed my advice when it comes to the panels. As expected from your skills and experiences in the field." Akihito remarked, pushing up his glasses with his thumb and closing the original copy of the printed manuscript.
You now had the ability to breathe as you draw out a deep sigh of relief. "Well, thank the gods for that! When you criticized the paneling of this chap two days ago, I panicked a bit and had to rearrange them all." You rambled on and began to ravish the food on your tray to satisfy your empty stomach. It was a bit difficult to comprehend your words due to the continuous eating of the delicious french fries. However, your editor somewhat understood you in the end.
Akihito watched you chowed down on the poor potato snack and shook his head from the ridiculous spectacle of your hungry state. "You're the infamous Yamazaki, but you asked me to meet up with you in a place like this?" He panned out.
"What do you mean? And didn't I tell you not to say my pen name out loud? What if people might hear you!"
"Y/N, we're in McDonald's." Your editor frowned, gesturing around the place full of children with a nudge of his thumb. With the sudden dilemma of your hidden identity, he cocked a brow and turned his head to glance at the screaming little monsters chasing each other on the matted floor. It was clear to him that these youngsters didn't pay any mind to their talk.
"We took the table by the playground. I don't think kids of their age would know someone who makes picture books of men sucking-".
"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! STOP!" You cut him off right before he could finish his ambiguous statement. You took a bite on the fry you were holding and dipped it in the blob of ketchup on the tissue paper. "I chose this fast-food resto because the atmosphere in this place is loud. I don't want someone to hear you nor see the material you're reading." You licked the salt off your fingers once you finished eating your fries.
His slanted eyes squinted in suspicion as his onyx irises surveyed your get-up from head to toe. Your patterned sock-covered feet nestled on black Adidas slippers as you had plaid trousers that seemed to look like matching pajama pants of a clothing set. The white shirt with the oppai logo you wore made up for your lacking asset. However, the best feature of this apparel you came up with was the unusual pair of large rimmed shades covering your eyes. "It seemed like you do know how to act natural, Y/N..." Akihito trailed, deciding not to ridicule the outfit you chose to wore for their meeting since he knew you were in a hurry to meet the deadline.
Your eyes glanced at the watch wrapped around your wrist and realized the current time. "I better get going. My mom would kill me if I didn't do the groceries. Thank you for today, Akihito!" You pushed yourself off the table, sitting up from the cushioned seat then bowing towards the male.
The brunette also stood up for courtesy's sake, softly smiling at you in gratification. "Thank you for your hard work as well, L/N-san. I'll make sure to send out a copy of the weekly magazine as soon it releases to the public. Your international fans will definitely enjoy this chapter once the global publishing company releases the translated magazine." He assured.
"Well, I'm happy to hear that everyone gets to enjoy my works! I'll see you soon, Akihito." You gave him a lazy grin as you turned your back and left for your pending chore.
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"That man sure bought a lot of cleaning products." You thought out loud as you recalled the fascinating scene of a fellow shopper with a basket full of cleaning merchandise. You couldn't pinpoint his looks since the guy was wearing a face mask. But from his athletic build and large hooded eyes that made the other shoppers distance themselves away, you had a feeling he's good-looking. It wouldn't be surprising if he already has a girlfriend.
Or a boyfriend if he likes bananas over tacos.
Your little bubble of thoughts soon popped as you stood outside the gate of your household, staring at the moving boxes stacked on the grassy floor of your mother's garden. 'Now, what are they up to?' You mused, having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach from the cardboard packages.
You hoisted up the two paper bags full of groceries against your chest and pulled the gate open. "Mom! Dad! I'm Home!" You greeted out, walking past the boxes and almost tripping on one of them. Your left arm had lifted the groceries with difficulty as you used your other hand to twist the doorknob of the front door.
The spruce door was pushed open by your right arm. As you took a step inside, your ears caught a pitched bark from the end of the hallway. A smile fixed on your lips once the familiar energetic sound registered in your mind.
"Kazu!" A short-coated corgi ran out from one of the doorways as it continued to bark and jump from the excitement of its owner arriving back at home. Its fluffy butt waddled with every step it took with its soft paws— bouncing a couple of times once you called out its name.
You smiled from ear to ear, "You miss me, boy?" You cooed, slipping out of your slippers and setting the bags of groceries on the hall table by the door. The dog barked softly and looked up at you with his beady eyes, wagging his tail and letting out another bark in reply. You would've played with this cute bunch that the gods have blessed you with, but the questions about the boxes haven't stopped galling you for answers.
"Where's mom and dad, Kazu?"
Kazu tilted his head and barked as if the corgi understood what you were trying to tell him. The dog turned around and darted over to the staircase leading upstairs. 'Maybe that's why they didn't hear me.' You thought to yourself and followed your dog over to the flight of stairs. The fluffy puppy used his time in climbing up the steps, but you decided to scoop the dog up in your arms and carry him midway due to how hard of a time the corgi's having.
You gently placed Kazu back on the floor after you both reached upstairs. Your brows furrowed together as you caught the sight of the two pieces of luggage outside your bedroom door. If your gut was telling you before that something grave might happen, it was screaming at you now that something will. "Mom?" You called out for your mother, needing an explanation for what the hell her parents are doing to her room.
Finally, the said person peeked her head out from the doorway of your room. "Y/N, dear! Welcome back!" She smiled and waved her hand to beckon you over to her side.
"Since you're finally here, your father and I have some great news for you!"
You eyed your mother, suspicious by the way she's acting, but you still heeded her command and took hesitant steps in the direction of your bedroom. "What's happening, mom? Why are you guys in my r-" You weren't able to finish your sentence as you find yourself in an almost empty bedroom with your father sealing a box with packaging tape.
The middle-aged man looked up from what he was doing and beamed once he saw his daughter walked inside the room, "My lovely girl! Great timing! Help your old pal in bringing your stuff outside the house." He hummed.
You didn't know what to say— you already had an idea of what the old couple was about to do, but you don't want to believe it. Your wide eyes shifted between your mother and father, "Don't... Don't tell me that..." You stammered as you were in disbelief from the current event playing right in front of you.
"We're kicking you out, Y/N!"
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## and this is the first fic that i posted here on tumblr! though, i already published it in wp as well LMAO. i hope you enjoyed reading the prologue :'>
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