#season4 of stranger things
eddie munson with hyperfem!reader that's all. <3
genius. i was just thinking this because that would litterally be me n him </33 <3
note: anyone can be hyper fem and intelligent. people that show perhaps more of a girly side or exude a specific type of femininity does not mean they are bimbos or 'dumb' in any sense. i hate that stereotype. i just love eddie munson x bimbo!reader and i love bimbo-fying everything lol <3
reader uses she/her pronouns.
CW: fluff, teasing
(reader is 18 (or whatever age you feel most comfy with but i pinned her as 18))
˖ ࣪ . 🦢 ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
i'm thinkin innocent/bimbo!hyperfem!reader because.. why not lol.
just imagine that he goes over to your house to study (because your teacher paired the two of you up to be 'study buddies'), and he's just looking around your room, fiddling with like the lace on your pillows or just little things around your room as he's like..
"Wow... your room.. it's uhm, very.. pink." he emphasizes.
you fiddle with your short skirt shyly as you stand by your bedroom door, teeth chewing lightly on your bottom, plushy lip; watching eddie move throughout your room slowly, his whole.. aesthetic..a stark contrast from you and your abode.
you giggle softly as he picks up your pink teddy bear stuffie on your bed, furrowing his eyebrows and murmuring a small, "cute."
you walk over, taking the bear from his ring-cladded fingers gently as you look up at him through your eyelashes, a small blush painting the apples of your cheeks. "i love pink! 's my favorite color! but i did want to re do my room with more flowers n stuff but my mom said no." you pout softly. and as he looks down at you, a small smirk crawls up his features.
"aw, you asked your mommy for permission and she said no? poor thing," he mocks your pout, and you giggle; butterflies fluttering lightly in your belly. his smirk turns into a light smile as you tug on his left hand, fidgeting with his bulky rings as you say, "'s okay, i still love my room! now i wanna show your somethin'!"
you pull him to your closet, your hand still in his as he fights back a blush.
you open the door and an ungodly amount of stuffies are cramped up in your closet.. like from bottom to top.
"jesus fuck," he curses, slightly startled, but alas he chuckles softly.
"shh," you shush, as you both stare at the millions of stuffies (you, in delight, eddie, in slight horror but amusement). "don' curse." you say softly, and eddie rubs his thumb lightly on your knuckle, muttering a small, "sorry, baby." under his breath.
"what, uhm, what is.. this, sweetheart?" he motions with his free hand.
you giggle excitedly, "'s my plushie closet!!"
he makes a small 'o' shape with his mouth, nodding his head.
eddie cannot believe that he is starting to fall in love with you, but he doesn't mind. no. not. one. bit.
KSJFLKDF that was awful but i just love girly!reader with eddie or bimbo!reader with eddie or really anything with eddie.
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trashmouth-richie · 6 months
just throwing this out there bc it’s bothering me.
WHY with eddie on the run, hiding from the cops… did they not:
a) give him a change of clothes
b) put his hair up and give him a hat?
c) sneak him into steve’s to take a shower?
baby boy was rockin’ swamp underwear and probably needed a tooth brush. instead they were like “here’s some yoohoo and honeycombs, lol bye”
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venuslcver · 2 months
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pairing: season4!robin x cheerleader!reader
synopsis: a standard car ride while dating robin.
tw: feminine described character, fluff, kissing, au without standard 80's homophobia (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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the screech of your, neon pink-colored, alarm clock filled your room. echoing throughout the vicinity of your large, pastel bedroom. finally easing up in noise when your palm collided against the base of it. letting out a huff, while laying your head back against your plush pillow, blatantly ignoring the alarm.
trying to dose off back into a slumber, although you were extremely tired. it happened to be just your luck— you couldn't fall back to sleep for the life of you.
now fully awake, you turn to push your face into the pillowcase that incased your pillow, asperatedly screaming into it. seeing that it is 7:05, you began scrambling out of the bed, feet colliding against the cream, carpeted floored room. making your way towards your bedroom connected bathroom.
sliding the spaghetti straps off of your shoulder, hips wiggling out of your pajama slip-dress. throwing you hair into hair-style that would keep it from getting wet. slipping into the steam filled shower, you began suzzing the entirety of your body in raspberry scented soap, loofah in hand.
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hearing steve's car pull into your driveway, you began scrambling down the second story of your house, slamming your pristine, bleached white cheer shoes against the stairs. walking with haste to the kitchen, greeted with the smile of your mother, plate in hand, stacked with pancake after pancake, enough food to feed you, steve, and robin— your girlfriend.
swiftly pecking the cheek of your mother, you took the plate out of her hand. slamming the front door, a smile, now, written on your face as you saw robin— head poke out of the semi-rolled-down window.
"yess, steve i told you that she would make food!"
seeing robin open up the passenger door to steve's car, she left a quick peck on your forehead before getting in the very middle, back seat. robin always, without fail, gave up the front seat for you. the one, and only time that you joined her in the back seat, steve accused robin and you of making out.
"you guys better not be sucking face back there"
ever since then, you had to spend all your time in steve's car, in the front seat. throwing your backpack into the passenger seat of the car, you slid into it while balancing the plate of pancakes. setting it on the center console, the hands of robin and steve began plucking them off quickly.
mouth stuffed to the brim with pancakes— yet you were still able to understand the insulting words that steve was hurling at you, "mhm these are good! there is no way that you made these"
the whole entirety of the car ride to school was usually spent on steve obnoxiously singing music from the cassette tape he made. At the same time, you leaned back in the passenger seat allowing robin access to your face to apply makeup.
it isn't abnormal if robin quickly glances over to steve, and when she sees his usual distracted-self dancing. barely even paying attention to the road, let alone paying any mind to the two of you— every fiber of attention paid forward, towards doing your make-up dissipated from robin's mind.
she would swiftly lay a passionate kiss on your lips, just lengthy enough to satisfy her need for affection, at least till you got to school. steve was even more strict than your mother, hell, you could go as far as to say the same about your father. but not too long, not lasting long enough for mama steve to start nagging you and robin, along with the over-dramatic fake gagging that would ensue.
though it needs to be said, that you would be the one that would be pulling away no matter how annoying you found steve. you thought that robin's friend was rather very kind for offering to drive you guys to school, even if that meant that he would have to leave his house extra early than he usually would for work.
arriving at your high school, robin is swift to vault out of the car, peeling the passenger door gaping open. now, clutching your backpack, for you, with her right hand. her other hand guided you out of the car, before gliding her palm against your cheer skirt, flattening it, to avoid you flashing the entire school your ass.
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ekza-art · 1 year
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Mike Wheeler has a big, (BI)G problem
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lovrre · 2 years
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Pink Walkman~
Eddie Munson X fem black reader 
Word count: 2,277
Summary: you’ve always had a huge crush on Eddie Munson but when you and your best friend make a deal that requires you to confess your feelings things take an unexpected turn. 
Warnings: pure smut, drug use(weed),cursing and a bunch of other stuff…
You had always had a thing for Eddie but he was never really your crowd. He didn’t seem to mess with what he thought was high Society type, high school girls. Plus the crowd you hung with wouldn’t let you hear the end of it. Last year you had him as a partner in your 3d sculpture and art Class. He might have not been good in his other classes but he was very creative and surprisingly good at drawing. He wasn't scary at all, just sweet and funny. You felt like if people actually knew him he wouldn’t have such a bad rep. You were telling your friend June that Tomorrow was your last period with Eddie before you switched classes
“You should definitely tell him you like him when you tutor him today,” June said excitingly at the lunch table. June wasn't like your other friends she didn’t care about social status or clothes just what she found interesting and she was The only other black girl in the school you clicked with.
“absolutely not, we’re cool but not that cool”  “girl he wants you, I can tell by the way his look lingers when you walk,” she says making a motion with her hand. “And you’ve been crushing so hard it might do you good” she says taking a fry off your tray. “No, he’s dose not” you say snatching the fry back and biting it. “why would he invite you over to his house to “smoke” if he didn’t want you” “Maybe because he’s a drug dealer June ?” you explain “if you kiss him OR at least
tell him you like him, I’ll give you my sister's old Walkman, with everything including”
“with the pink case and matching headphones?” You say raising an eyebrow “yes” “It's a deal then” you say smugly. You wanted that walkman since sophomore year and begged June to give it to you because her sister never even touched it.
After the lunch bell rang, you confidently strolled up towards Eddie. “Did you bring the textbook, it's the last day to practice for the final ” you say making sure that your forearm brushed up against his. A Look of horror paints his face as he talks “Shit- I could have sworn you said we’d use yours, I can go pick it up at my house if-”
a smile starts to appear on your lips and not knowing it Eddie starts smiling too “what’s so funny” he says now laughing with you. “Nothing just your face… “ you say motioning your hand around his expression “I have the book,” you say wiping away the tears that had formed due to your laughter. “ I’m just messing with you”
you say loosely grabbing onto his arm and dropping it. Another excuse just to touch him “You scared the shit out of me Y/N”. in reality you knew The situation wasn’t that funny but it was just his adorable face. He is just super cute his dimples that showed with his wide smile or his doe-like eyes. He really was the cutest thing ever and it felt like a big secret that only you were In on.
After school You and Eddie practice for his final using history flash cards in the caf  “who is the sixth President of the United States?” You say holding the card Close to your chest so he can’t see. You watch Eddie's gears turn as he tries to remember. “Remember the one that we said had the detachable beard”
he sits in silence for a second before answering “umm m...QUINCY ADAMS!” he says slamming down on the table “GOOD JOB, the fifth one in a row” you say giving him a high five before continuing.
After another hour of practice, you’re both were tired. But it still didn’t feel like the right time to talk about your feelings. “I know it was forever ago but does that offer for a smoke sesh still stand” “yeah of course”
You and Eddie, pull up to his house after unbuckling your seatbelt you jump out of the van, you miss-step and accidentally slip on a rock scraping your knee in the process. Luckily Eddie didn’t see and you wipe off any visible dirt. Inside you plop down on his familiar couch. You had been to Eddie’s a couple of times always to grab a textbook or practice for a test never to genuinely hang out
Eddie goes into his room rummaging through threw a drawer before coming back with a small bag of weed. “You smoked before?” Eddie asked setting everything up on the Coffee table in front of us. “Ya, I used to smoke a lot actually,” You say readjusting Yourself on the couch. Eddie looks back at you surprised. “Really you, smoking ‘’a lot” the way he emphasized A lot made you laugh. “Ya before I moved, I wasn’t always Hawkins high society”
” Who would’ve thought”
40 minutes later you and Eddie were off the walls talking about the dumbest shit imaginable.
“I think that Mr. Hagan is a registered sex offender, ACTUALLY I KNOW HE IS,” you say with A bowl of cereal in your hand that Eddie had got you. “ Nobody gets that mad over girls not wearing short ‘NOBODY” Eddie says pointing at you bowl in hand. you jump up at his validation
“THAT'S WHAT I KEEP SAYING his excuse is “uniform” DO YOU SEE THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HIS STUDENTS!” “Just disgusting” Eddie exclaims as he walks into the kitchen “DO YOU WANT SOME PEACHES” he yells form the kitchen. “Yeah, sure”
A minute later Eddie comes out of the kitchen with two open cans of peaches with a fork in one of them. “Here you go malady,” he says handing you the can with the fork, you bring your knees up sitting cross-legged on the couch, blissfully eating the peach slices. when you hear slurping and turn your head to see Eddie inches away downing the peaches like they were soda.
Metal Can to mouth, his head thrown back exposing his Adam’s apple. You watched as the juice ran down his chin and neck leaving him glistening. Your mind instantly went to the gutter you hadn’t been with anyone in over a year and it was starting to take a toll on you
Your mind thought about the taste of his lips covered in peach juice and how sweet it probably tasted. but You closed your eyes tights and opened them Washing away the thoughts. After he finished, he put the can on the coffee table next to yours
Whipping the juice off with his arm Eddie gave you a big smile “FINISHED” he announced. “You’re adorable you know that like literally the cutest”. You say whipping more juice off his chin. For a moment things seemed slow as your hand stay still on his face. In seconds the space between you two was closed. The kiss started off soft and sensual but quickly escalated.
Eddie was grabbing at the back of your neck deepening the kiss “shit- you taste so good” he huffs as his lips finally leave yours for a breath. He Pushes you down on the couch so you’re laying completely flat on the sofa. His hands roam up your shirt hesitantly touching your bare stomach. You grab his hand bringing it up towards your breast.
Your legs wrap around his waist looking for some sort of friction. He stops sucking hickeys on the crook of your neck and looked down at you with lust-filled eyes. “You want this,I understand if -“ you pull his lips into yours only stopping to confirm. “Eddie I want you so fucking bad right now” you breathlessly whisper in his ear. That’s all the confirmation Eddie needs
He Swiftly stands up and picks you up like you weighed nothing. Your legs wrap tightly around his waist, he leads you to his bedroom Plopping you down on the bed. Eddie was over you in a second helping you swiftly remove your clothes leaving you in nothing other than your bra and panties.
You internally praise yourself for wearing your new lacy pink set. Eddie took a second just taking you in before speaking your “so fucking beautiful” your core tightens at his words “take your shirt off” you breathe pulling at it. Without another word, his shirt is off “your wish is my command” he says before lowering himself in between your thighs. Holding them apart as he laid kisses on the insides of your thighs, closer and closer to your wet center.
Eddie loved the way the baby pink lace contrasted with your brown skin, he loved how smooth your skin looked. Just the sight of your Body made him harder
“Stop teasing,” you say from above pushing his shoulder with your foot. “it took me this long to have you I’m going to take my time,” he says begging to slowly rub your clothed cunt. The moisture from your wet core leaks through your lace panties. “So fucking wet” you clenched around nothing. Holding your panties to the side. Eddie began giving kitten licks to your center making you squirm under him.
You bit your lip but couldn’t contain your moans as his licks began to focus on your clit. In one swift moment, Eddie took off his rings and threw them somewhere in the room then sucked on two of his fingers before swiftly rubbing them against your wet slit. Slowly sliding in Eddie began to increase the speed of his tongue while pumping your cunt slowly.
You couldn’t control your body as your legs clenched around his head. “Faster” you moan barely able to speak. Your moans became louder as you feel your core tightening. Eddie quickly stopped throwing off your panties.
your legs squeeze together and He forcefully pulled them apart now eating you out more aggressively than before. He sucks on your clit and makes you call out his name. You now had a hand full of Eddie’s hair and were moving your hips against his mouth chasing Release. “Uhh Eddie don’t stop, don't ever stop” you scream as the knot in your stomach becomes undone. His groans into your center throw you over the edge. You cum all over his mouth, Riding down your orgasm Eddie keeps pumping his fingers inside you.
Finally Finished Eddie brought his fingers towards his mouth a sucked your juices off. “You taste so fucking good y/n,” he says rising back up towards your face. You looked at his face covered in sweat And cum, his hair sticking to his forehead. He just looks down at you with that adorable smile on his face “Oh I want you in me so bad, but first ” you say biting at his ear, you quickly grab a nearby blanket and wipe off his face.
You and him laugh at the act and then the moment stills again. Eddie kisses the hand you just used, the moment was romantic but you break the silence. “I want you in me Now,” you say snaking your hands down to fumble with his belt.
“I got it baby” Eddie pushes your hands down and quickly takes off his belt and throws his jeans off. Eddie leans over you to grab the condoms in his drawer. “What are you getting?”  “A Condom” Eddie replies grabbing one from the box in his drawer “I’m on the pill” you say smiling underneath him. “Oh Y/N You’re tryna kill me”
The thought of filling your tight cunt up with his cum was enough for him to bust right there.
Eddie quickly pushed down his boxers to expose his large pink cock coved in pre cum.
“You’re so big,” you said under your breath but Eddie heard you only fueling his drive. In one swift movement, Eddie plunged deep into your wet core. His dick filled you up and you moved at the stretch of him.
He gave you a second to adjust to his size before plunging into you like there was no tomorrow. Eddie Grabbed your leg a threw it over his shoulder To get a better angle. “so fucking tight” he groans in your ear, you clench around him and he groans. The sounds of your skin slapping against Eddie filled your mind leaving no room for thought. The moans that escaped your mouth were straight out pornographic.
You couldn't help but scratch up his back as he plunged inside of you hitting all the right spots. Eddie tried to hold in his moans but as he slid in and out of you his breaths became labored and he couldn’t hold them “this is mine” he repeated under his breath with every thrust “yours, all yours baby” you repeat in the crook of his neck. You began leaving sloppy kisses on his neck and face as he pounds into you
“Your close, I can feel it…me too baby,” Eddie says lifting your other leg over his shoulder. You feel a familiar knot in your stomach beginning to be undone. “Cum on my dick Y/N” he huffs out “cum in me, fill me ” You moan grabbing at the sheets you cum hard on his dick. Eddie lets out a loud groan and string of cuss words as he fills your cunt up to the brim. “Shit…Jesus. fucking. christ”
Later After Eddie cleans you and him up you lay your head on his chest and trace his tattoos with your finger “you know I’ve had a crush on you since forever” Eddie says wrapping One of your curls around his finger “No WAY!” you say look up at him chin now resting on his chest. “Yea I used to try so had to get your attention, with the outburst in the cafeteria, doing good on tests, going to BASKETBALL GAMES,” he says laughing to himself “aww baby, me too I’ve been wanting to jump your bones since I met you,” you say while giving him a small peck on the lips.
You and Eddie became a well-known couple at Hawkins high. Of course, there was regular name-calling but it was better than you could have hoped. Eddie was the best boyfriend ever and you often listened to music together on your new Walkman.
Author note: this was my first ever fan fic so it’s probably a little wonky.
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frogwheeler · 2 years
"I see you now"
"friday night: enzo's, 7:00, I'm picking you up"
"idk I feel like I lost you or something, does that make sense?"
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hellfirehope · 2 years
𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠- E.M
𝐻𝑖! I’m Hope! I have been writing fan fiction for a while, but this is my first little thing I’ve actually posted/let people read 💀 I’m sure it’s not great but please be kind. I’ve already written a couple chapters, so hopefully you enjoy 🙏
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: first chapter is pretty tame, just some best friend fluff, best friends/fools in love, light angst, substance use, suggestive material, swearing (probably? I cuss like a sailor so I’m sure there’s some in there), mentions of bullying.
Minors dni! By reading you are agreeing that you are 18 years or older. ⚠︎︎
Summary: Before meeting Eddie, you felt completely invisible. He makes you feel seen. Before becoming best friends with Eddie, you were bullied endlessly. He doesn’t let anyone glance at you the wrong way. Before dating Eddie, you were positive you’d be alone forever. He constantly reminds you you’re stuck with him forever. Basically just reader and Eddie being idiots in love, and not realizing they both feel the same way. This story is heavily centered around music. The chapter titles will be song titles.
God, if you loved two things in this world it was music and your goofball, metalhead best friend. Every car ride, every smoke sesh, every time you hung out- music was always a part of it. It was like it grounded the both of you. You relied on it to keep you sane.
Eddie was a stellar musician. Way too good to be playing in stupid Hawkins. In your opinion, he should be famous. But of course he wasn’t. Regardless, every time you saw him on stage, effortlessly plucking the cords of his prized guitar, letting himself be lost in the music, you swooned. As if you needed another reason to love him…you loved how his face distorted with passion and absolute focus while playing. To you, he was a god.
You were at every Corroded Coffin gig. Front row. Staring into Eddie’s eyes with absolute adoration and all consuming love. Having you there was Eddie’s good luck charm. It means so much to him that you both not only like the same music, but you like HIS much. A LOT. Maybe a little too much? Definitely an ego booster for Eddie.
While you were beyond delighted to experience the talent of Corroded Coffin, you much preferred your private concerts.
Him and you, not a care in the world, jamming to your favorite music. 24/7. Do you ever just sit in quiet, Jesus???!
Most people in Hawkins were repulsed by even the thought of metal as a genre, but it was you and Eddie’s favorite. That’s part of the reason you two immediately felt so drawn to each other 5 years ago.
14 year old Eddie was loud, weird, non-conforming, and amazing (still is). Meeting him was like a breath of fresh air from all the fake bullshit that you were convinced plagued the water and air in Hawkins.
You were both freshman when you first crossed paths. But that seemed to be where the similarities ended, at least that’s what you thought when you first met him. You didn’t exactly run in the same crowds, but not in the way that most people mean that.
You didn’t run with ANY crowds. Middle school had been a bottomless pit of bullying and torment for you. When you began high school, you worked hard to camouflage yourself, not wanting to become a target in your new school. Your Walkman was practically glued to your ears and you avoided any contact with other students. Or teachers for that matter. In your first year, teachers would try and call on you to participate. And after a while, they stopped. It wasn’t because they took pity on you, no. They had fallen for your camouflage just as the students did, just as you intended.
Your plan for freshman year was initiated out of fear of being rejected or ridiculed, but by the second semester, you found you didn’t mind being alone. There were a few times you would see other students laughing, having fun, sucking face, and you would feel a little lonely. Or they there was something wrong with them. Bit for the most part you enjoyed being alone. Hawkins was constricting and in love with the idea of conformity. By yourself, you were free to be yourself. Like the things you liked, hate the things you hated.
In your third semester of your freshman year, you met Eddie Munson. You of course knew who he was, and you actually found you were drawn to his playful spirit and cool-albeit alternative style. But rather than shed your camouflage, you chose to admire him from afar.
So weren’t you surprised when Eddie took matters into his own hands and began hanging around you. Often.
His favorite thing to do was get under your skin. Not really, even back then he knew he had feelings for you and he didn’t know how to express them.
Sometimes he would just sit in the library and watch you study. He loved the way your face scrunched up when you didn’t know the answer to a question. Sometimes he would wait until he saw you exit the building, hurriedly running up to you and interlocking arms with you as you walked to your car. His overly flirtatious demeanor and constant physical affection didn’t just surprise you- it downright sent you into a spiral. Why was this boy (you had JUST officially met two weeks ago) so comfortable showering you in undeserved compliments, holding your hand, and following you around like a golden retriever?! You weren’t dating- you weren’t even friends yet! You usually hated and avoided having any attention drawn to you. The first week you began tolerating his presence, Eddie was unable to break past your walls, look at you too long, let alone touch you. Day by day he started shedding your camouflage. He was patient, never expecting more than you would offer. He was lucky to get a few seconds of eye contact or a 30 second conversation (that usually involved you abruptly making an excuse to run out of the room). Of course he wanted you to open up to him, wanted you to like him, to be friends with him, to smash to the walls you had built up so high. But he would never push, not risking anything that would scare you away. He wasn’t usually a patient man, but he waited. And waited. He waited until you eventually were able to hold his gaze, to have real talks, to joke back and forth. He hated that he had to wait this long to fully examine your (in his mind) perfect features and to hear your angelic voice. It was torture. But he would have gladly waited his whole life for the chance to know you.
Long, beautiful fingers adorning cold metal plucked your headset from your ears, pulling you from your reverie. You looked up at him with a scowl and rolled your eyes. That would happen a lot. Your expressions and actions were often opposite your actual feelings, hoping if you didn’t act as clingy as you longed to be, he would never catch on.
“Whatcha listening to?” Eddie practically sung, a huge smile glued to his adorable face.
Mötley Crüe. Looks that Kill. You meant to say, but instead found yourself lost in his gaze and close proximity. He was practically sharing your seat with you. He loved doing shit like that. If only he knew the effect it had on you.
“You know, now that the headphones are off, you actually have to respond when people ask you questions.” Eddie jabbed sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes and scowled at him, expression betraying the fact that your actual reaction to his presence had your heart doing somersaults.
“Aww, don’t look at me like that. I’ll cry.” He pouted.
Even though he was joking, you immediately softened at this, trying to remember what he had originally asked you.
Before you could offer up a response, he brought the headset to his ear and beamed knowingly.
“God, I didn’t think there was a soul in Hawkins that had taste in music until I met you.” He groaned when he said this, completely innocuous to him, but lately these kind of things seemed more suggestive in your mind.
“Yep. Just you and me.”
Eddie’s heart fluttered at your words. Unbeknownst to you, eddie was also carrying a torch. A damn big one. You thought you were completely crazy for developing (not-so-friendly) feelings towards him for the last year . Little did you know he had been experiencing these feelings since day one. Why would you ruin the one friendship you had to tell him how you felt. You needed Eddie. You thought you were okay being alone, never relying on anyone but a few close family. After Eddie, you couldn’t stand the thought of not having him in your life.
“Good, that’s the way I like it.” He replied smoothly.
You giggled and blushed, and Eddie took advantage of your moment of weakness.
“Hey so there’s a concert tonight. I really want to go. Will you do me the kindest favor of joining me, princess?”
You told yourself you would always loathe these ridiculous nicknames. Your opinion was quickly changed when you heard them out of Eddie’s mouth. His voice was like a drug.
“Hmm,” you pondered dramatically. You, of course, had no plans and wanted nothing more than to go with him, but couldn’t resist messing with him. I mean, how could I? I will never tease and annoy him as much as he does me. And he’ll never love me as much as I do him. Not even in the same way.
That’s why it was so hard to go to these outings with him lately. You wanted nothing more than to go out in public and be that couple that you’ve always gagged at from afar. You wanted him to hold you, kiss you, let everyone know that you were his and he was yours.
As painful as your (platonic) dates had become, you never have the heart to say no to him.
“You know, if you’re busy it’s ok. I won’t mind.” Eddie was sure that was one of the biggest lies he’d ever told.
“No, of course I want to go. Sorry, just spaced out for a second there.” You replied quickly.
His face lit up, his eyes regaining that sparkle that you could never seem to tear your eyes away from.
“Sick! I’ll pick you up at 7?” He suggested, unable to keep the overwhelming enthusiasm from his voice.
“Yes sir,” you replied a little too friendly, twisting a lock of hair in your fingers and giving him a glowing smile. He’d do anything to recreate that smile.
Again, another innocuous statement to one of you, and something completely different for the other.
“Ed’s. Are you okay? Now you’ve gone and spaced out on me.” You laughed.
“Uwh, yes, sorry, sweetheart. I’ll see you tonight, ok?” He called as he rushed out of the room.
Well that was weird, you thought. Eddie never departed before blowing you a kiss or doing some flirty crap that meant nothing to him, and everything to you. Hmm, maybe he realized his best friend is embarrassingly obsessed with him and can’t stop thinking about jumping his bones. Oh god. You thought you’d been so careful. Maybe he found out and now wants nothing to do with you.
You had to take some deep breaths to stop the intrusive thoughts threatening to fill your eyes with tears.
You sat in silence, apart from your quiet sniffles. The last person left in the library.
Eddie, however, had sprinted directly from the library to the closest bathroom. Hearing you call him sir had short-circuited his brain, and he needed to escape before you realized how absolutely whipped he was. There was another thing he needed, too.
He quickly checked the bathroom for students, and splashed some water in his face, unable to contain his emotions. Or his erection. It was like that. Everything she did, even the smallest things, turned him on like nothing and no one else.
Eddie is kind of ridiculous, not ridiculous enough to jerk off in the Hawkins High bathroom. He quickly exited the bathroom and headed for the parking lot, opting to take care of his dilemma in his van. As he left, he noticed you were still in the library. You were far away, but he could tell you had been crying. His heart broke in two at the sight of your distressed state and puffy eyes.
He desperately needed to get to the privacy of his own van, but there was no way in hell he’d leave you like this. Before he could enter the library, you stood from your seat and left the library, probably to get home.
He tried to catch up with you, but was stopped short by a very intelligent, very arrogant, curly haired dork.
“Eddie! You left us hanging with that last campaign, and now you haven’t even talked about when the next one might be…soon right? This is torture!!” Dustin sighed exaggeratedly.
Eddie grabbed Dustin by the shoulders and shook him. Dustin’s eyes widened, realizing this was a terrible idea and Eddie was in one of his wild and chaotic moods.
“You want to know what torture is, Henderson?! I’ll tell you. Having to be friends with Y/N.”
Dustin couldn’t believe what he’d heard. Eddie put on a tough guy front, but the few that actually knew him knew he was really just a teddy bear, especially when it came to you. He never had an unkind word to say about you. “Eddie, what the hell, that’s so mean-“ Dustin started.
“NO NO NO that’s not what I meant, idiot. Having to be just friends. Nothing more. I can’t do it anymore. Every time I see her all I can think about is grabbing her and-“
“No, none of this, nope, no thanks, I get enough of this gross shit from Steve. Ok- so why haven’t you just TOLD HER? Haven’t you like been madly in love with her since the second you laid eyes on her?” Dustin mocked.
Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes, knowing Dustin was more or less correct.
“Just tell her dude. None of us can take it any more! This shit has been building up for years and you’re starting to go actually insane! Your campaigns are shit lately-“
“Weren’t you just begging me for the next-“ Eddie interrupted.
“Not relevant. The point is, please just tell her. If not for the sake of your lovesick heart- for ME. Or I will tell her mys-“
Eddie chuckled darkly as he pulled Dustin into a playful headlock.
“Dustin- you will do no such thing.” Eddie warned.
Eddie was prepared to give Dustin much more shit about his ridiculous speech, but he knew he was right. He had also just realized why he was in such a hurry out of the building in the first place. Y/N.
𝑂𝑘𝑎𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡’𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒, 𝐼 𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑠. Again, this is the first fic I’ve ever shared with anyone. I’m pretty nervous about it but I think we could all use some Eddie content right now…
I hope you had a good day, drank lots of water, and remembered that Eddie Munson is alive and well, ok? ❣︎
Blessed be.
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urfavscarymovie · 2 years
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babe wake up the new album just dropped
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Am I the only one who was reminded of the princess bride when El brought max back to life?
"Death cannot stop love, it can only delay it for a little while."
...no? Just me? Okay.
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i-will-duckyou-up · 2 years
Hello everyone before we begin I would like to say. This is my first writing piece on here and is my first Eddie story. I took a lot of time planning this story out and I hope you enjoy.
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Dear Diary?
1st Entry
November 17th,1983:
Dear diary;
Well hello I don’t know how to start this but I bought a new diary. To begin I guess, I’m moving soon. I’m going to live with mom again since the separation. It’s not like I haven’t seen her but it’ll be nice to have a change of pace from here in California. Dads freaking out over what I should pack for when I move back with mom. I tell him just to call her and ask but he refuses. He says “I’m not calling that witch” . It’s very dramatic if I must say. So now I have enough winter clothes to keep me warm if I decide to move to Antártica. I’m kind of nervous being away from everything here but at the same time there are certain things I want to get away from just as bad so. That thing I speak of won’t stop calling and following me around at school trying to talk to me. He stands outside of school waiting for me to come out. It’ll be nice not having to hide anymore and I can just be me. One of the best things that I’m super excited for is to see Steve and Gareth again. I saw them during the summer but to be able to see them all the time is gonna be awesome.
“Ma, why’s it so goddamn cold? It’s November for Christ’s sake.” You asked as you put your bags in the trunk. It was freezing here, and you hated it. Dustin's eyes went wide when he realized you had cursed.
“For one, missy. Watch your language and for two, it’s not even that cold, it's only 40 degrees.” Mom stated and closed the trunk of the car and started making her way around to the driver's seat.
“Shotgun!” Dustin shouted and the echo could be heard throughout the entire parking garage. You smacked his hat off his head as he started opening the passenger door. He squawked and fumbled to grab his hat off the ground. You pushed him out of the way and sat in the front. You slammed the door and flipped him the bird. He flipped the bird back at you and sat in the back.
“You know I wanted to say I missed you, but then I remember moments like these and it reminds me how much of an asswipe you are.” He grumbled.
“Dusty-bun, watch that language, you hear me? Or you won’t be going anywhere with that Munson boy.” Mom said with a firm tone and pointed at Dustin. He grunted and began pouting.
“Yeah Dusty-bun~, watch your language or you won’t be able to hangout with your nerd friends.” You said in a sing-songy tone. He flipped you off and started looking out the window. You turned to do the same, looking at the place you would come to every summer but this time all the leaves have fallen off the trees and rain covered the windows. You watched as children splashed in puddles with their rain boots and raincoats on. Seen teenage girls running through the rain using anything they can to cover their hairspray covered hair.
“I wonder if I set a fire near those girls if their hair would catch on fire. You said with a laugh. Dustin began laughing too. Your mom glared at you for what you said but didn’t say anything and paid her attention back to the road. Soon you started seeing familiar roads that you’ve grown to love over the years. Then it hit you.
“Wait! When mom said you can’t hang out with that “Munson kid” anymore, was she talking about Edward Munson?” You turned to look at Dustin from the front seat waiting for his response.
“His name is Eddie and yes, that is who she was talking about, why?” Dustin asked puzzled. You groaned loudly and slammed your head against the seat multiple times.
“Why!? Why Eddie? Why him of all people?” You asked him. He stared at me for a moment and a smirk made its way onto his face. You inwardly groaned and faced back to the front.
“Nevermind! Forget I said anything.” You grumbled but it was too late.
“Aww is someone still upset that Eddie didn’t like them back.” He said in a mocking tone and began poking you. You ignored him until the jabs became harder.
“That was like 6 years ago, why are you still so upset about it?” Dustin asked. I turned to face with a deadpan look.
“I’m not upset about it, like you said it was 6 years ago. I just don’t like the guy is all. He’s a wannabe Kirk Hammett.” You said annoyed. Dustin gasped at what you had said.
“Take that back! He’s not a wannabe! He’s Eddie and he’s my friend.” Dustin yelled and you began to think you actually upset him. That was until…
“Don’t you have a crush on Kirk Hammett?” Dustin asked and you could hear the smirk on his face as he asked. You wanted to turn around and punch him in his stupid face. He took your silence as a yes and thought it was the greatest thing in the world.
“You have a crush on Eddie~ You have a crush on Eddie, I can’t wait to tell him you’re still in love with him. God what a loser to still be in love with someone for this long.” He giggled at what he said. You looked at him.
“Haven’t you had a crush on Nancy Wheeler since 1st grade and she’s what 3-4 years older than you? How would Mike feel if I told him you had the hots for his big sister?” You stared at him and a smirk came onto your face. He stared at you wide-eyed. He deadpanned and flipped you off. You did the same and turned back in your seat.
“That’s what I thought,” You said as you turned back in your seat. Once you were facing the front again you saw that you were home. You began to unbuckle as your mom pulled into the driveway. Once the keys were out of the ignition, you opened the trunk to start grabbing your bags out.
“Dustin! Go help your sister while I get dinner started.” Mom yelled as she walked inside the house. Dustin groaned and began walking to you. You handed a couple bags and sent him on his way. You grabbed the last of your bags and as you were about to close the trunk, you heard someone yelling your name and saw someone in the distance jogging towards you. You couldn’t quite make out who it was.
“Y/N!” The person said as they ran towards you. You dropped your bags when you saw who it was and ran towards them. They picked you up and hugged you.
“Oh my god, Y/N what are you doing back!?” They asked as they set you down.
“I’m moving here for good, I live here in Hawkins now. Can you believe it?” You said with excitement. They stared at you and an even bigger smile came into their face. The moment was ruined when you heard the front door slam.
Tags: @eddiemunsonmmmhhh
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agrumblebee · 2 years
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them ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
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goblintendencies · 7 months
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Will is the only character who’s birthday we know from the sho- [gunshot]
Dustin. Henderson.
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venuslcver · 2 months
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pairing: season4!steve x reader
synopsis: steve sees you after being away for a while.
tw: feminine described character, slight groping, fluff, kissing (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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june 14, 1986
the day might have not been significant to most, but it was gravely important to steve, and well you. see, you were arriving back into town after being away with a large portion of your family in new york for almost a month. as much as steve loved having long calls with you, it was not half as good as being able to hug you tightly. along with other things...
your fingers tap at a fast pace as you begin to finally recognize the streets of hawkins without a map. you didn't expect to be so anxiety-riddled. i mean, you had been with him for almost a year and a half.
the harsh sound of the car door slamming closed invaded your eardrums. though that didn't even come close to slowing you from hastily walking towards the local family video that steve along with robin works at.
the bell dinged as the glass door slammed behind you. moving your hair out of your face, finally slowing your pace, you stood at the door, scanning the store for the sight of farrah fawcett-filled hair, so volumized that it usually peered over the tall shelves of family video.
not seeing him you began to walk through each individual aisle, just as you began to think that you got it wrong, and steve wasn't working today.
stopping in your tracks, on your way to the door, you heard a loud voice, "welcome into family video, is there anything you're looking for?"
turning around with haste, you began to see an almost giddy type smile form on steve's face. stalking over to you, his hands slotted on either side of your face, slightly squeezing your cheeks.
"what are you doing here? you weren't supposed to be here for a couple more hours", considering the idea that time just got away from him, steve looked towards his watch that was directly in his eye line. nope, he was correct, you were 2 hours early.
"well that was the plan, but there wasn't as much traffic as we though there would be"
"well i'm not complaining", refocusing on you, steve hugged you tightly, while rubbing his thumbs against your plush cheeks. before realizing that he hadn't kissed you yet. though you two seemed to be on the same page, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, you began to talk again, "ohh let me go out to the car, i have a gift for you "
just as you began to turn sharply, walking away for steve, his large hand grabbed your forearm, "woahhh where are you going? you can't just kiss me and walk away from me!"
letting out a laugh, you walked back to him, cradling his neck, you began to kiss him rather passionately. only beginning to slow down when he snaked his hand around your waist, hands now splayed onto your ass.
forcing away his hands for the swell of your ass, "steve! stop it! were in front of the glass!"
between leaving kisses on your shoulder, he spoke, "no one is even around"
pulling away from his body, you grabbed his hand and began pulling towards the parking lot of the family video you were currently standing in.
"hey! what are you doing!" steve whined.
"oh come on, i need to get your gift"
unlocking your car, steve comes up from behind, whispering into the shell of your ear, "You aren't allowed to ever leave again"
feminine described character, sexual innuendo
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fanficsloth · 2 years
Just Like Heaven-The Cure.
My ask inbox is open for requests I want to start writing more. So feel free to give me some stuff! 
Summary: You’re the new girl of Hawkins, the pair having feelings for each other but don’t act on it until someone does. 
2359 words. 
Flufff, fluff and more flufff. 
Y.F.N had always been very close with Eddie Munson ever since she had entered the Hawkins High School hallways.
He always thought she was the goodie two-shoes girl. But in all reality, she wasn't.
The first day she had gotten detention for pushing one of the basketball players into the lockers because they made her drop her books. "Fuck off." she said when she realized that someone was trying to help her pick up her books. "Is that anyway to speak to someone who's an outcast freak too?" Eddie told her while holding his heart with his one hand and her drawings in another.
"Sorry. Thought you were one of those jocks. I'm Y.F.N" she sadly smirked at the man. "Me? Never. But with an art skill like this we need someone like you in Hellfire.", "Hellfire? Hey, who are you?" her soft voice asked as the bell rang.
"No time to explain. I'll see you in detention." and with that, he ran off with her drawings.
"Look at these. The new girl I helped today, these are her drawings. What if we can recruit her into Hellfire and she can make cool band posters, and our map drawings." Eddie was proud of showing off her art work.
"Holy shit balls Eddie. Who is it?" Dustin asked, "Y.F.N, her first day is today. Lucky for me I have detention with her later on." he raised his eyebrows with a grin painted on his lips. "Gentlemen I think we all shall vote on the new girl joining us the freaks. I'm sure she will be the perfect missing puzzle piece to our group. When we have our Hellfire meeting, you will all meet her. And we'll go from there." he said while standing between Dustin and Mike while patting their shoulders.
As the day went by detention was finally here.
She made her way towards the classroom where the total of five students were sitting, her ears picking up on a whistle. It was the man she had met earlier. He was mysterious towards her. She hasn't even gotten his name.
"Hi- uhm.", "Eddie. Eddie Munson. At your service." he bowed before pulling out her seat for her to sit down.
"So, the gang and I have been talking. About you obviously about your art. If you want, you can come join us for the Hellfire meeting and we can be on our way." he smirked.
"Hold on, hold on. What is Hellfire and can I have my drawings back, some of them I'm still working on." she raised a lazy eyebrow at him. "Oh-oh yes. I'm sorry I just wanted to show them off. But Hellfire is a D&D group, and a band." his hands played with his rings.
"Ah, dungeons and dragons." she smirked. Eddie's eyes perked up to meet her y.e.c eyes. "You play?", "Hell yeah I play. I just didn't know there would be school clubs for them. That's pretty cool Munson." her eyes smiled at the boy.
Boy did he fall in love that day. Not only was she cool, and pretty. She loved the same things he did.
"Well, we have a meeting when the teacher leaves, in about five. So we can sneak out and hit our spot. Is that cool?" he whispered while checking his wrist watch. "They're not coming back right?" she was worried about the teacher coming back and they wouldn't be here. That would be the last thing she needed was to get into more trouble on her first day.
"Nah, usually the teacher gets bored and leaves. They don't come back until the next detention.", "Count me in Munson." she giggles while looking over at the man in his brown eyes.
She adored him already, he was welcoming, kind, funny and charming.
As the teacher left, all the kids got up and headed for the door, as did the pair.
He led her down the auditorium while explaining where they were in their campaign. Talking about all the people who were in the group.
Finally behind the curtains and into the prop room. There were all his friends and they were in awe of her. They didn't expect her to be this beautiful. Let alone agree to Eddie coming here out of all places.                                                                         
"Y.F.N, this is Hellfire. Hellfire, this is Y.F.N.." everyone just looked at her like she had five eyes on her head.    "Hi." she smiled while holding onto her back back strap.
"Nice artwork by the way." one of the younger kids spoke out. "I'm Dustin." he reached out to shake her hand
"Woah, look how cool your set up is. I've never seen anything like this at home before." Y.N beamed up at Eddie. "You play?" Mike asked, she nodded her head. "Level 15. I'm a Sorcerer Princess who likes to have adventure and helps when she can." she smirked while looking at all the men until her eyes hit Eddie's.
They locked eyes for about ten seconds before he finally cleared his throat. "So all in favor of Y.N joining Hellfire, say Aye!" and just like that she was welcomed with open arms. Eddie reached out his hand and they shook on it ignoring all the sudden chills they both got from touching each other.
That was the start of a beautiful friendship. Or so they thought.
The pair would smoke, drink, and exchange music with each other. They would have occasional sleep overs if they were too fucked up to function. Y.N always tugging on his handkerchief around his belt loop so she never loses him in a crowd if she isn't able to find his hand. Resting her head on his shoulder when they leaned against the wall. He would occasionally put his hand on the bottom of her back if she was the one in lead that night.
The pair worked well together.
Now here they are, sitting on the park bench, smoking a joint while skipping class. "Hey. Do that trick you showed me." she smirked. "Oh, this one?" he asked while taking a deep hit of it while releasing a bunch of o's from his mouth.
She squealed before trying to attempt it herself but there was no luck.
"You just gotta set your mouth like this." he made the face, but she still couldn't do it. His cold hands reached for her face making an o face. But her breath hitched after that. Their eyes just lock together.
As soon as the pair went to move in  with their eyes fluttering shut, they were interrupted by someone moving around in the bushes, which caused the pair to break off and acted like nothing ever happened.  "Eddie you're late for the band practice." it was Dustin's voice.
Eddie rolled his eyes before standing up reaching out his hand to grab Y.N to help her off the bench. "Oh shit,  was I interrupting something?" Dustin giggled, "Was I interrupting something" Eddie mimicked his voice, before walking passed him ruffling up his hair.
"You're fine Dusty. I'll see you later tonight at the party Eds." she smirked at the boy men before walking towards her next class.
Eddie just watched her as she walked away, "You need to tell her that you love her." Dustin said while walking in front of the man who was in awe. "I - I don't love her." he scrambled to say. "Sure and I'm the king of England. You loved her as soon as she said she was level 15 for D&D" he rolled his eyes.
"Okay, maybe I am. But I don't think she feels the same. I see myself running away with her getting away from this shit town once and for all. We get married, we would have talented kids wouldn't we?" he placed a finger on his chin as he was thinking. "If you don't. Someone will." Dustin pointed out that his other friend Harrington had made an appearance to pick up his friend Robin and had stopped Y.N in her tracks making her laugh.
"Fucking Harrington." he mumbled.
When Eddie got home he threw his bag on the couch, making him pace back and forth debating if he should tell Y.N or not. The pair had grown close over the past year.
He just wanted to call her and let her know how much he loved and adored her. That she was the one for him. But he didn't want to blow it. Although, what are the chances that she feels the same towards him.
But tonight was the night at the party he was throwing in the woods. Eddie was going to confess his love.
As music and the flames from the fire were blaring, Y.N finally showed up with Robin and Steve.
Eddie dreaded to see that man. But he decided to play nice anyway.
"Hey Eds." her soft voice saying his name made his stomach just bubble up with excitement. She ran to him with her arms wide open to engulf him in a hug and with the presence of her perfume.
"You know Robin and Steve.", she turned towards her newfound friends, they all waved to each other as Steve and Eddie gave each other weird stares.
"So we have beer, I have your favorite it's in my cooler, and your favorite strain in my lunch box." he beamed down at his girl. "You're the best Eds, come on." she grabbed Robin's hand while dragging her towards the stuff Eddie told her about."
"She really likes you. Ya know. Y.N?" Steve mumbled while walking towards the group. "Me? Nah. I'm not in her league. Plus, I saw you guys earlier. You two definitely make the best couple there ever was in Hawkins." he nodded his head with a sad smirk. "Hey whatever floats your boat Munson. But you totally make her happy. She looks at you the way I used to look at Nancy." Steve patted him on the back leaving Eddie to drown in his own thoughts.
Eddie stood against a tree drinking, along with watching Y.N dance around the fire barefoot with her favorite drink in her hand, just the fiery glow making all her features pop out more than they did.
Her body came to a halt before realizing she hasn't seen Eddie at all once for the amount of time she had been here.
Her body turns around, seeing him against the tree. "Why are you far away tonight Eds." she whispered before her fingers were fiddling with his handkerchief. "Just thinking is all." he shrugs while looking at her in her eyes.
Her eyes were so much prettier, she just seemed way more care free today. "Thinking about what?" she pressed her lips together with a cute smile he just couldn't ignore.
"That I'm in love with you." he drank the rest of his bottled beer because he was so scared of what her reaction would be towards him. Y.N could say no, I don't love you back, I only see us as friends, or I'm in love with Steve Harrington.
She bit her lower lip before taking his drink out of his hand and placing it on the ground. Y.N took both of her hands and pressed it towards his cheeks, "Eds, why don't you ever know that I'm in love with you?" she asked, he looked so deep into her eyes. "You're what?" he was so starstruck that he had to hear her say it again. "I'm madly in love with you Eddie Munson. " her lips turned into a big smile before pulling him down for a kiss.
"About damn time. I had to hear Dustin bitch about the two of them for a half a year now." Steve nudged Robin to show her what he just witnessed.
Eddie was so excited he picked her up and spun her around a couple of times, the pair felt so dizzy, it could've been from the alcohol, from the spin but most importantly it had to of came from the kiss.
"You're just like a dream. Sent from the most strangest angels. I swear." he smirked before touching her face as she leaned into his touch.
As the night went on, the pair hadn't left each other's sides. Subtle touches, kisses to each other's faces, shotgunning smoke from one to another sealed with a kiss, to her dancing and hanging onto Eddie's body, as his ran down her body ever so gently.
As Y.N sat on his lap playing with the rings on his hand while listening to one of his friends play guitar, he got the idea of what he had told Dustin earlier that day.  
"Run away with me." he whispered into her ear, "Take one of these rings." he slid off his pinky ring before placing it upon her ring finger. "Eds, you're drunk." she pouted. "No, I really mean it one of these days. We're going to run away. Maybe when we graduate. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows. But I wanna run away with you. Get married. Okay?" he kissed her hand. "I will Eds. I will." she smirked tiredly at him.
She soon fell asleep with her arms wrapped around his neck, he carried her towards his van, he laid her ever so gently in the back with blankets, and added himself next to her.
Eddie's fingertips traced her arms before placing a kiss on her forehead.
When daylight it, he woke up with the sunlight hitting his face making him call out Y.N. The young man went to reach down but she wasn't here.
Was he dreaming? He could've sworn that she was here last night. He looked down at his pinky to see if his ring was there, and it was gone.
But there was a note right where she was sleeping next to him.
My dear Eddie Munson,
      I had to leave with Steve and Robin. Meet me at the picnic bench about 12.
                      P.S. If you are able to teach me that trick that you do in any given time, any place that will be the day I will run away with you.
~ Love, Y.N
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squishymain · 2 years
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Stranger Things Behind The Scenes
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