#see what happens when im unemployed
cometrose · 1 month
hi. i’d like to hear your take on how the other archons represent or have moon symbolism to zhongli’s sun, if you don’t mind!
in genshin there’s a lot of lore scattered around and pieces waiting to be clicked together, and your post really makes ideas go off haha
sure, im not as read up on the other archons as I am with zhongli but there is still a lot to work with
In his trailers and cutscenes (e.i Xiao) we often see Venti with the moon
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You can also look into his style of archonhood and how he does not directly guide his people but rather lets them do as they want and times guides them from behind the scenes
He is not overt and direct like the sun but more subtle like the moon
This is going to be true for most of the archons but there is the fact that Venti's image is based off someone else. Venti looks like the nameless bard but that is not his true form.
Venti is a reflection of someone else, much like moon reflects the sun's light
Mondstadt literally means moon city
To others he can be very bubbly and outgoing but when he is around the traveler his calm more reserved sides come out.
Venti has connections to the god of time, Istaroth, and time one key themes of moon symbolism as the cycles and phases of the moon have been used to track time, seasons and life itself. (Did you know the phases in the spiral abyss are based off the 3 moon sisters which is why there are 3 versions of a spiral abyss before it resets?)
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First look at her design and her wish. She has a dark color palette, deep purples and reds and Inazuma, specifically Tenshukaku, in the background is covered in darkness
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In her domain and her trailer it is rainy, dark and thunderous
Ei's constellation, Imperatrix Umbrosa, translates to Empress of Shadows
She was literally Makoto's shadow (kagemusha)
To go further, Ei lived in the shadows of Makoto's light. The story tells us that Makoto was better at guiding humanity and understood humans much better. Makoto was the archon, Makoto was the one who was adored. Ei was the moon to Makoto's sun.
However, you could even say since Makoto and Ei are twins rather than sun and moon symbolism you could attribute Makoto and Ei to the light and dark side of the moon. Because of the way the moon rotates, from earth we only see one side of the moon at all times. Hence, Makoto was the light side of the moon that was leading Inazuma while Ei was the darker side that was never seen.
Then Ei hiding away in the plane of Euthymia for hundreds of years while her puppet ruled means that Ei once more lived in the shadow (or subconscious) of another being
Originally Raiden wished for an eternal and neverending Inazuma. She wanted nation that would not suffer from the change of time. However change, and new beginnings are signaled by the onset of dawn. Each new day begins with the sun rising so by yearning for an "Eternal Inazuma" it was a nation that never saw a new day or was always stuck in night.
Even though the war is over and she can freely mingle with her people Ei is rather reserved and prefers to keep to herself
Nahida has very direct moon symbolism.
Nahida directly refers to herself as the moon in Act II of the Sumeru Archon Quest and throughout the entire questline as a whole.
Similar to all of the other archons, Nahida is trapped in the shadows of Rukkhadevata.
Nobody cared for Nahida because Rukkha's glory and wisdom outshone her in every way (plus she was locked up in jail) even Nahida herself believed Rukkha was more shining and brilliant than her.
She even says in Act II after learning the sages have been acting behind her back that "In the end, I'm just the Moon. The real Sun is long gone."
Nahida's abilities and symbols are dreams, sleep and illusions. All of which are all connected to the moon and the night.
Nahida's character design. She is very white, and pale like the face of the moon. She looks like just a younger version of Rukkhadevata.
Although, Nahida comes to understand that she does not have to be like Rukkha or any other archon to be a good archon-she still has a long way to go. She is still a "small light" in Sumeru and it will take some time before she can shine as brightly as Rukkhadevata once did
Her wish looks like a big old moon doesn't it?
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Furina much like the others lives in the shadow of not only Focalors but indirectly Egeria
She is constantly trying to live up the glory of her predecessor (Egeria) but also the other archons.
Furina was forced to be in the spotlight. She shines brightly and strongly but that is not her own light. She is using the title as god and archon to be something she is not. In a sense, giving off light that isn't hers but merely reflecting the light of Focalors.
Just in basic symbolism, oceans, waves and tides are all usually connected to the moon, so the god of water is going to be connected to the moon.
Furina's "true" form her Ousia form which is dark and black in color while her "fake" form her Pneuma form is white and bright.
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Furina had no real power and to save Fontaine true divinity and power had to come from the original source (Focalors and ultimately Neuvillette)
Her true self lived in the shadows of the "Hydro Archon". Her true identity was a mystery until the trial.
When Furina leaves the spotlight and the curtains close and the lights dim was she finally able to be herself.
For example even when Arlecchino ambushes Furina it occurs in the dead of night when she assumes nobody is watching her anymore and she's allowed to be free for just a moment.
Furina's power and authority came from "others". She acted like an archon so we believed she was an archon. Much like how the moon "looks" like it produces light but really the light comes from the sun.
Furina is haughty and gaudy as an archon but as a human she far more relaxed and easy going. She doesn't have the striking confidence and dominance of the sun but a more gentle and refreshing aura to her.
Furina’s true light and beauty is when she can be herself or on the stage as a performer when she is no longer trying to be something she is not she because far more special.
A big part of why most of the archons have moon symbolism is simply because they are 1) not the original archon or 2) derive a significant portion of their life, legacy and or goals from someone else. In their lives there was a person who was the center of their life -their "sun". Whether or not the knew the person depends but these archons either embodied or idolized their ideals and appearance. As in they derived their light from someone else. Zhongli avoids this cause he doesn’t have a “twin” and he’s an original archon.
Character development and story progression have changed these characters appear and their respective symbols but I think you can safely argue that most of the archons have more ties to the moon than the sun.
The only exception I really see is Zhongli (you could argue Venti too sometimes) and the Pyro Archon due to the connections between flames and the sun.
But the Tsaritsa, on the other hand is very likely to have lots of moon symbolism. The only time we see her palace is in the dark of night, she's always commanding the Fatui to carry out her plans in secret, cryo -> ice -> winter -> dark -> night -> moon, plus the moon is tied to themes of romance and love she is the goddess of love etc. We can do this all day.
Nonetheless, moon symbolism connects to a multitude of themes such as femininity, shadows, time, darkness, eternity and renewal, love and mystery, divinity and gentleness etc. Many of these concepts appear in our archons and their storylines.
So of the archons we know Zhongli is the most sun-orientated (masculinity, power, strength, passion, clarity and knowledge, life etc) so far. It’s not like sun and moon traits don’t overlap so you’ll definitely see these characters embody different ideals but in my mind most of the archons represent the moon.
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literaturebf · 2 years
trying to talk to my parents about university is genuinely fucking impossible my jskghkdbtlwjf
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lazyufos · 7 months
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ssspace-cactusss · 1 year
Im always trying to tell myself that im sure she just doesnt realize how hurtful the things she says are to me but im not sure all the self-gaslighting is worth it at this point :(
Like. Im the type of person who could have hot soup intentionally poured in my lap and i'd apologize to the person who did it and yet somehow every time im upset about anything at all its always malicious. I don't get it at all. Nothing i do is ever good enough for this woman.
D0nt rb
(Also, adding this on here bc i reached the tag limit but after the 'i cant always be the strong one' bit she also told me that i have to learn to "control my emotions". As if that's not what i was already doing to the best of my human ability, as someone who has clinical depression, doesn't take antidepressants (purely so that im not more if a fucking burden than i already am) has not had a therapy appointment since october because im such a fucking failure that i keep forgetting to reschedule, and who was at the moment an overwhelmed autistic person (thats right! Im autistic! Deal with it!), she is lucky all that happened was a bit of yelling, one (one) mild curse word, and me going to relax in another so that i didnt bring down the mood. "You need to learn to control your emotions better" yeah youve been telling me that for the past six years, im sorry but being noticably upset and then being the bigger person and apologizing for it like a normal is the best is can do maam. In case you havent noticed im a human being not a robot i cant reprogram myself to never get upset at anything. I so badly want to say "get fucked" but unfortunately im the only person in this house who knows how to act normal about being upset. At least i dont pace back and forth past your room while ranting and raving about what youre saying, all i do is brush it off, maybe occasionally scream into my pillow so you dont hear if im feeling spicy. I dont even comment on it anymore when i get misgendered or deadnamed, and i stopped telling her about things that make me uncomfortable in either freshman or sophmore year of high school. All thats gonna happen is im gonna get yelled at about it so why even bother.
(God i wish i could move out....)
#the log speaks#i live with her i never go anywhere im unemployed and shes home 5 days a week so were forced to see each other#i cant be expected to be happy and calm all the time purely so it doesnt bring her down :(#even if i realize 'hey im pretty upset i should go lay down in my room to chill out' it doesnt matter to her#cause to her me going to my room because im feeling overwhelmed (because im constanly bottling up my emotions to please her#but im not gonna tell her that) seems to mean that im actually getting away because i cant stand to be around her#even if i explicitly tell her that im not mad At Her she gets sarcastic and says ''yeah cause its so obvious''#fucks sake not everything is about you!!!! all that happened was i swore Once and yelled a small bit over a cord getting stuck on my foot#and i specifically restrained myselfso that i wouldnt upset you and bring you down! im stressed bc its the holidays and we were at grandmas#today for her bday and i have 300 things on my mind and i failed my class a 3rd time and were watching two movies i hate in a row!#it was just the straw that broke the camels back and i shouldnt have yelled. i went into my room to calm down so that i didnt upset her#and so i could apoligize. which i did do!#i said 'hey. i just wanted to say that im sorry about earlier. i was just feeling really overwhelmed and i shouldnt have shouted.#it really wasnt you i was mad at i promise.''#and she asks me (in a snippy tone of voice) why i was overehelmed. so i tell her it doesnt matter because i dont want to list out every#reason why i was upset (and i dont think i should have to for her to accept my apology....?)#and she's just like 'uh uh. sure.' and rolls her eyes#like ok bitch what the fuck do you want from me? would you rather i'd have neber apologized and just acted like nothing happened like you d#except i didnt say that bc thats a shitty way to act when im trying to apologize to someone. even someone who always assumes the worst of m#so instead i ask her why she always assumes when im upset it's because of her#(i dint remember exactly what i said bc im just so fucking angry but it was smth like that. causs she does this EVERY time i apologize to#her for anything cause apparently trying to be an emotionally mature adult is just so horrible of me!!)#and she starts going off about how she 'shouldnt always have to be the strong one' and how shes feeling freaked out and depressed because#of me now.#like wtf. just because youre stressed doesnt mean im not also allowed to be????#i already bottle up just about every negative emotion of mine to please you tf else do you want from me.#im allowed to be upset and i shouldnt have to air out every grievance just so you take my emotions seriously.#i know youre upset too. i understand that and im sorry about it. but that doesnt mean you get to treat me like shit for also being upset.#forthe love of god woman im not constantly out to get you and i dont hate you at all even tho i by all rights should. calm the fuck down.#this is about my mom just btw.
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oldsamarie · 7 months
mutual 1: I hate gacha boy I want to rip him in half with my teeth and then start dancing sensitive style #i love him
mutual 2: i need that old man from saw #mutual 3 don't look
mutual 3: I'm so mad about what they did to snuffleupagus on sesame street, wtfdym his arc is over
mutual 4: Sorry I've been inactive something happened but I'm better now
mutual 5: Im remaking and my new url starts with u (if you put it through a caesar cypher)and ends in 6537 (repeat the alphabet until you reach the 6537th letter) [I've seen this post at least 50 times by now]
mutual 6:
mutual 7: do any of my mutuals know how to untie an impossible knot? I'm in trouble
mutual 8: How do I watch MLP online for free? Don't tell me to pirate. I don't even have a boat
mutual 9: Give.. Me... My.... Boytoy!!!!!!!!!!!! *kills another hostage* [3 hours later] I'm so tired of living
mutual 10: i hate when people are mean to hammerhead sharks :(
mutual 11: i want to kill snuffleupagus seriously stop talking about his arc
mutual 12: i miss mutual 6
mutual 13: it's my birthday!
mutual 14: I wish the writers of my favorite show wrote something I liked
mutual 15: i wish i had a job :(
mutual 16: day 300 of being unemployed, i just recoded tumblr and also i have a plan for world peace [0 notes]
mutual 17: I love this world... It's so beautiful out here.... If you hang out with me you can see it too... ⭐🌈💫
mutual 19: there's no fandom on tumblr for this book from 1408 tbh im glad but also i wish there were more posts about it
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wibta if i keep having sex with my friends dad? nsfw warning
i (20s cismale) got invited by my friend (20s nonbinary) to try out some new edibles they made last thursday. this isnt too weird because both of us are unemployed (they get disability, i get money from unemployment, and we both live with our parents) and usually during the day their dad (50s cismale) is at work so we get the house to ourselves. well last thursday was different because i came over late in the night when their dad was home, and he offered to make me some dinner too. i get the munchies really bad so i was immediately like yes please and thank you while i fucked off to my friends room. we played some smash bros while we waited for the cookies to kick in, and when it started to hit his dad called us both out for dinner. dinner was great, and his dad is super chill — so he let us raid his alcohol cabinet. i dont think he knew either of us were stoned for the record (im naturally really quiet/dont make eye contact, my friend sounds high 24/7 naturally) so i dont think he was like trying to get anyone drunk or anything. my tolerance is pretty good but my friends is shit so it didnt take long until they were like blackout drunk and passing out on the couch, while their dad and i were both drunk too (not blackout but pretty drunk, and i was still high) and sitting on the opposite side of the couch next to eachother
important fact about me - i crossdress like femboys or whatever theyre called. i like looking really feminine and cute and confusing people. im not trans or anything like that gender is just a game and i am winning it. but i do tend to dress up in very egirl/goth gf clothes if you know what i mean, and i look pretty convincing ive been told (friend tells me i would pass for ciswoman with the makeup on). i think their dad maybe forgot that i was me (he usually sees me in boy clothes) and he started hitting on me? i didnt think i was gay or bi either until he started doing it and i got really flustered but i didnt stop him? again i was fucked up so the attention felt really nice despite it being my friends dad. but anyways he kept getting closer until he kissed me, and it felt nice so i let it keep going? which was probably super fucked up in retrospect. but anyways stuff gets hot and steamy, their dad doesnt bother lifting up my skirt, one thing leads to another and we have sex. he definitely noticed im not a girl during that (its pretty hard to miss lol) but he didnt stop so we kept going for a while
after we were done he and i passed out on the couch in a kind of awkward position, we both woke up in the morning and i think thats when he realized im me, but he didnt seem to freak out even though hes straight?? or at least i thought he was straight. but we had sex again in the morning and then when my friend woke up we all had breakfast and i went back to my friends room and we hung out more and got high again. while we were though i accidentally spilled the beans to my friend, and they FREAKED out on me and said that i was so gross for doing that, and they cant believe that it happened, stuff like that. they kicked me out of their room and their dad had to drive me home because i was shaking bad from it. but while their dad drove me home i was super pissed and mad and not thinking straight (haha) and so i tried to convince their dad to take a detour so we could fuck again. and he was like, okay sure, so we did?? but now i feel horrible for doing it knowing that it grossed my friend out so much, but i really like their dad and he seems to like me too, and i want to keep banging him :(
What are these acronyms?
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sleepyhutcherson · 3 months
wish i wasn’t so tired
on your way back home an argument between you and mike gets heavy when the words “this isn’t love, is it?” slips from one of you.
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pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader
word count: 1.2k
contains: argument, use of y/n, miscommunication, angst, reference to marriage, not a happy ending? boygenius lyrics being referenced </3
a/n: tired of writing fluff (jk i love fluff) but i come from a miserable fandom (before i entered the jhutch one) aaand im so used to writing heavy angst. anyway, i should be working on my request not this but :p
What a perfect scenery to go with the intense argument. the rain angrily hits against the window drowning out any sound with the harshness of it. Unfortunately, not enough to drown your voice nor Mike’s, the rain mimicking the aggression and anger of your voices.
“I don’t remember,” Mike repeats, his hands gripping the steering wheel tight enough his knuckles turned white. He was speeding, trying to get home.
“I just want to know what happened! You came home with your knuckles busted, blood everywhere and you’re suddenly unemployed, and you won’t even tell me what happened?!” You're facing him but his focus is on the road (as it should) and there’s this dull, emotionless expression on his face that makes you feel alone.
He doesn’t say anything and for a moment you think maybe he won’t say anything at all. He continues driving, his gaze fixated on the road while you stare at him feeling so stupid. You close your eyes, wishing you could disappear from this moment. Wishing you could just apologise to him, but you knew better, you had no reason to apologise to him. You were just concerned about him, you just wanted to know why his knuckles were bloody.
You blink when you realise Mike is pulling to the side of the road, putting the car in park.
“This isn’t love, is it?” Mike asks, meeting your eyes now. There’s a sadness to them that you’re familiar with, you see those sad brown eyes whenever he’s overwhelmed, stressed, tired of work, when his aunt calls, when abby ignores him after an argument but never towards you.
And those words. the question. The genuine curiosity to his tone when he asked it.
“W-What?” You stammer, hoping that maybe you misheard him. But you knew you didn’t.
“I mean, all we do is argue.” You sit up straight, turning away from Mike. You stare straight forward, you wish the road wasn’t so empty maybe you could distract yourself by looking for different licences plates.
You swallow, your throat dry suddenly. “Then what is it?” If it’s not love then what it is?
None of you have a response which only makes it worse. You loved mike, you really did, you never doubted that. There was a moment a few months ago where the two of you referenced getting married soon, Mike giddy about proposing, and you were over the moon about the idea.
And now?
Mike loves you, he’s never felt so in love with someone until he met you, never felt more loved by anyone else but you. But recently, his job has been killing him and he’s only worked at it for three days. his sleeping schedule is fucked, he isn’t ever really sleeping like most people do, not in the way that one falls asleep to get rest but in the way that he’s going back to the same dream every night looking for something—or, someone, in his case. His aunt is trying to take custody of Abby and he can’t let that happen but God he’s so fucking scared.
But he won’t say any of this to you. Not about how stressed he’s been, how tired, how scared and sad. Fuck’s sake you don’t even know that he could lose custody of Abby.
“Maybe it isn’t,” You say, not daring to turn to look at Mike. “But can…can I at least pretend that you love me?” Your voice is small, ready to break.
Mike’s brows furrow, he can hear the hurt in your voice. He hates hurting you. He can never just shut the fuck up can he? He didn’t mean to say what he did, he really didn’t. “Y/n, I… I do love you, so, so much.” Mike reaches for you, cupping your face, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes are watery, full of tears that are ready to spill.
“You do love me?” You ask, looking up, your eyes locked with Mike’s. He frowns at your words.
“I’ll always love you. I hate hurting you. I’m so sorry.” He says through a clenched jaw, his words a little sharp layered with a desperation to get you to believe him. He pulls you in, peppering kisses on your face. it’s not enough, he thinks, you deserve so much more than this—than him.
“Then why do you?” You whisper, bringing Mike to halt. He pulls from you, staring at you with the most hurt expression you think you’ve ever seen. “I just…just want to know you—to help you, but you’re always pushing me away.”
He looks down at his bruised knuckles with shame, falling quiet suddenly. You know about his brother, about the entire incident, and about his parents but he never told you just how much it all affected him. how it still affects him.
You place your hand over his, gently rubbing over the healing bruise. They looked nasty even after days, too vicious for Mike. He loves how you touch him, he doesn’t care that his knuckles sting at the touch because he longs for your touch, desperate for it. He becomes more needy for it while you two are arguing, he wishes he could just pull you in while you were biting at each other, wanting nothing more but to be held by you. He would allow you to continue to bite, he wouldn’t mind if you continued to sink your teeth into him; he would take the pain, endure it even…if you just held him.
“I’m sorry,” he manages to say, “I wish I wasn’t so tired...” he exhales, trying to keep his voice steady. “But I’m tired.” It comes out weaker than he hoped, his words falling and breaking.
“oh, Mike,” you sigh, reaching up and now it’s your turn: you cup his face, your other hand reaching up to run it through his curls. “Talk to me. you know that’s what i’m here for.” You keep your tone gentle, stroking his cheek softly with your thumb.
Mike knows this. he knows that if he could talk to anyone that it would definitely be you. He just can’t. he doesn’t understand it either, doesn’t know why he can’t just open up.
He doesn’t want to talk, not really. He doesn’t want you to think he’s broken. he doesn’t want you to know how much of a mess he is, how he thinks his life is slowly falling apart right now. How he might lose custody of his little sister. How he’s looking for his brother in his dreams that are turning into nightmares. How he thinks he may be losing you, too.
“Can we just go home?” He croaks, his eyes welling up with tears. He doesn’t want to cry. He doesn’t want you to see him cry either.
You frown. You just wanted to be there for him, you wish he would let you help him, if that’s too much for him then you’ll sit there and listen. You just wanted to know what was hurting him, who hurt him. God, you just wish you could read his mind.
You frown when he pulls away from you starting up the car. You just wanted to help. You wanted to take whatever struggles he had, most of all you wanted to know what he was struggling with. What was bothering him? If only he talked to you. But clearly he wasn’t going to open up anytime soon.
You force an “okay,” accepting your loss.
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drunkwhenimadethis · 2 months
I was confessing my absurd fears to my bf with things along the lines of being betrayed or him finding other women sexually attractive and asked if he had any similar fears. He said he did, and it was that I was only with him for his money. Essentially: I am a gold digger. I have always refused monetary gifts and him paying for things. However I’ve been staying with him for three months after he got me kicked out of my last rooming house because Im in college and couldn’t find a place quick enough, and was extremely adamant about it but he insisted. We’ve been together for almost a year. He said that the thought of me using him for money is recurring, but he’s unemployed and his parents pay for everything besides his groceries. What do I make of this? It’s really offput me that he thinks of me this way
Disclaimer I love to remember that the English “advice” comes from the Latin “videre” to see so if I give you this advice it is not a prescription, it is only my way of looking at things in this moment
I think one thing I would like to point out is that you wrote: “It was that I was only with him for his money. Essentially: I am a gold digger.” There are a million ways of interpreting a single statement made by someone that we care about, and since so much of life creation begins with storytelling in the mind, you want to be quite meticulous about the interpretations that you align with and carry forward. I don’t think that “Essentially: I am a gold digger” makes the most sense logically nor in terms of experiencing what you want, which I assume is love, commitment, trust, and closeness
Why essentially are you a gold digger? Did he say that or did he say that he has an absurd fear that you might be with him for reasons other than who he himself is? “Money” —the word—and its associations make us react emotionally and indignantly “How dare you!!!!” but he said the same thing that you said, he shared the fear he has that maybe he alone is not enough for you
When you shared that you’re fearful of him being attracted to other women, did he say that essentially you are calling him a dishonest whore with no dick discipline? Would that make sense to you if he reacted that way or would you feel like hmm, this man is really making my fears about himself?
Your fears are yours and yours alone
I am guilty of wanting the perfect words or actions to assuage me but it never works out that way. You need to go into yourself and pour love on your fears and kill them
He can tell you everything you want to hear and then what happens when he’s out of sight?
What happens if he has to leave the country? What happens if you can’t have eyes on him?
Are we doomed to constantly revert back to fear?
See yourself as the only one 
Don’t entertain competition in your mind
Don’t dwell on these fears. Your subconscious can’t reason with you
Remove the negative imaginary conversations—not only are they a waste of time, they are by nature of reality active forces 
Be happy for him that his family takes care of him, not everyone gets that and it’s good
Imagine he will take care of you like his family taught him to. Imagine sturdiness and dependability. Imagine better than what you know
Wish him the best on his job search, remove safety-seeking in the form of judgment
You are deserving and you’re allowed to accept gifts from your boyfriend. Work on this asap, I think there's something in you that just doesn't feel worth it and you can't outrun that and nobody can appease that for long
And don't tell yourself that he got you kicked out of your last rooming house, even if it seems true. If you can choose any belief and create life with it, since you’re creating even when you’re not consciously aware that you’re doing so, why don’t you choose something that serves you both more? Why not tell yourself that the universe is conspiring to bring you closer to each other?
Loving and fearless! Avanti!
“The beautiful idea you awaken in yourself shall not fail to arouse its affinity in others.”
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ovenbakedbones · 15 days
chapter 2 !
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pairing : mafia!yoongi x (eventual) str1pper!reader
genre : romance???? mystery? smut??
summary : yoongi gets tired of seeing you only once a night for a few minutes, so he takes it into his own hands.
note : sorry this took so long ! i’ll start uploading frequently i swear ‼️
thank you for enjoying chapter 1 !
yoongi spends the next week spending as much time with you as possible. its not enough.
everyday, he sits at the bar, nursing his whiskey until the lights turn red and the music slows. he sits in the leather chair thats centre stage, not too far back, but not too much to expose him. just enough for you to notice him. thats all he needs.
he studies you while you sing, taking note of every mole and freckle that paints your perfect skin, and how your hands wrap around the mic stand in front of you. his favourite part of the night is when your eyes travel towards him. you’ve noticed how he started coming in every night, you’ve heard from the other girls that he has no interest in watching them dance or taking them to a private room, and most importantly, you’ve heard of how he always dashes through the dressing room and to the back door in hopes of catching you.
it is pretty cute how badly he wants you.
namjoon has proved useless at finding information about you. jasmine was clearly a stage name and it’s pretty hard to find someone who disappears after 3 minutes. yoongi has debated putting his men in front of the back door so he has no chance of missing you, but namjoon convinced him that it would probably creep you out.
it’s now a sunday night and yoongi is sat at the bar, waiting for you to perform. jin is off flirting with some of the dancers and yoongi cant help but feel a little stupid obsessing over a woman he knows nothing about. his thoughts are interrupted by the dimming of the lights and he walks to his usual seat, his eyes skimming over the crowd.
there is a certain type of crowd that comes to a strip club on a sunday night, and yoongi isnt especially happy to be lumped in with them. unemployed losers who throw their money at women who want nothing to do with them. he chooses to ignore the irony that he is doing the same thing. if not, worse.
his eyes are glued to you as you take the stage and the music begins to play. you’re wearing a black off the shoulder dress that finishes near the top of your thighs. yoongi cant help but admire your collarbones and the way your hair falls onto your shoulders. you look perfect, as always.
but something about your eyes today look different. almost sad.
family (with suzanna son) - the weeknd, suzanna son
arms like the branches of a poplar tree
eyes like the ocean or the great big blue sea
love just like my mothers with a price, its not free
the music starts playing and yoongi notices that it’s slightly off too, it still has the seductive undertones that you use regularly, but something about the lyrics unsettles him. the rest of the crowd are too busy drooling over your bare legs and figure to notice, but yoongi cannot tear his gaze away from the somber look in your eyes.
voice like my fathers, when he screams the house shakes
dreams like my brother’s, oh, we pray for his sake
hopes just like my mothers, only last till her wake
there’s something eerily beautiful about the way you’re singing tonight. your focus seems to be on the back of the room or the floor instead of eyeing up the customers as if you’re interested. how can someone so melancholy look so beautiful?
thats my family
oh, we dont like eachother very much
oh, im okay with that
but it breaks my mothers heart
yoongi furrows his brows, trying to not listen to the lyrics and soak up the little time he has with you, but he cant help but go over the lyrics in his heart and wonder what happened to change your personality so completely. he’s seen you perform at least 6 consecutive nights, so what is so different about today?
he spends the rest of the song overthinking and his eyes dart up when the music fades out. he blinks and you’re leaving the stage, the money that you collected tucked away into your dress.
he gets ahold of himself and half heartedly walks towards the backstage area. he knows you wont be there but he cant stand the possibility of missing an extra moment with you.
the dancers are used to his presence so they ignore him barging through their space and pushing open the back door and looking down the alley.
his eyes widen and his heart stops when he sees you leant against the brick wall with a cigarette in your hand.
he blinks, half expecting you to disappear, and is pleasantly surprised to see you still standing there, one arm wrapped around yourself and the other hovering near your mouth while you take a drag from your cigarette.
he doesnt have time to think before you notice him and lift your head up, tilting it slightly as you take in his appearance, finally not hidden in darkness.
“guess you finally caught me” you tease and take another drag from your cigarette.
yoongi has to clench his jaw in order to keep it shut. how was your speaking voice as beautiful as your singing voice?
he wants to punch himself for how starstruck he must look. he is in charge of hundreds of people, he deals with criminals on a daily basis, he gets any woman he could ever want. why does he feel like a teenage virgin whenever you look at him?
he clears his throat and leans on the wall next to you, speaking up in a raspy voice.
“oh yeah? you been hiding from me?” he smirks and lights a cigarette of his own.
you smirk and shrug and yoongi forces himself to look away from you. he cannot be one of those losers who can’t even speak to a woman without cumming in their pants.
“i see you’ve become a regular. any particular reason?” you ask innocently and look up at him.
fuck. he’s whipped.
he chuckles and blows some smoke towards your direction “you know damn well why”
you smirk and nod while looking away from him.
“yeah, i have an idea”
yoongi bites back a smile. he’s glad you’re as intoxicating to talk to as you are to look at.
“any particular reason you decided to grace me with your presence this evening?” he says while taking another drag.
you laugh a little “decided to put you out of your misery, i’ve heard enough stories of how you try to beat me here every night”
okay. that’s a little embarrassing. fuck those dancers for snitching on him like that. but at least he can finally talk to you now. maybe he should thank those dancers then?
“yknow, you get caught up in your thoughts alot” you say while looking up at him
he smirks “how observant of you. and here i thought you were too busy eye-fucking me to notice”
you laugh “don’t feel special, i eye-fuck all my customers”
“do you have little after-hour chats with all your customers too?”
you roll your eyes “okay, maybe you can feel a little special”
he smirks and puts out his cigarette.
“so what was with the song today?”
you turn to face him with a raised a brow “what about it?”
“dont bullshit me, it was different than the other days i’ve been here” he scoffs
you turn to press your back against the wall again “now whose the wobservant one?”
“come on, angel. be honest with me”
you tilt your head at him “angel?”
“im not calling you jasmine. i’ll either call you your real name, or angel” he grunts, hoping you’ll tell him your name so he can feel at least a little closer to you.
fuck mystery. he wants to know you.
you smirk “angel is fine”
fucking brat.
he rolls his eyes “so? fess up”
you sigh and put out your cigarette.
“its my birthday”
this catches yoongi off guard a little. he doesnt want to bombard you with questions that you most likely wouldnt answer, but he cant deny his curiosity about why you were so sad on your birthday.
so instead, he settles with ….
“oh. happy birthday”
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jwirecs · 11 months
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for july! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Admire Me (Like I Do For You) || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which seungcheol shows you his tattoos. 
Dimple || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ you can’t sleep, so you try touching seungcheol’s dimple just for the fun of it (spoiler: he loves it)
Shave || @yikesmary💕✅💯
↳ with your boyfriend’s comeback approaching, mingyu asks you to help with shaving.
The Stars And You || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you bring the stars to your boyfriend for his birthday. (to this author, i am so sorry, but 90% of the fics that i have read from you so far, most of them are on this list. keep doing what youre doing please. i love them)
Try Me || @cheolhub🔞✅
↳ you push your sweet boyfriend a little too far when you threaten to fuck his business partner at dinner. he decides to show both you and mingyu who you belong to. (oh lord, heaven have mercy.)
Ukiyo || @wheeboo💕💔✅
↳ in which you and minghao spend the day together.
Wonwoo's Tasty Cereal (And Milk) || @twogyuu💕✅
↳ You've been eating cereal wrong your entire life. Wonwoo and your niece are going to fix that.
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Fake Dating Roommates || @yikesmary💕🔄💯💯
↳ in which choi seungcheol becomes your roommate and fake boyfriend in one fell swoop. and you still don't know how it happened.
Seventeen As Fake Dating Scenarios || @bluehoodiewoozi💕✅
↳ (title says it all and i am out here fulfilling my delulu side of my brain. doing great out here im telling you)
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Baby, All I Really Want Is Your Attention || @viastro💕✅
↳ you and mingyu have been academic rivals since the beginning of your high school career. having always aimed for the #1 spot, mingyu would beat you without even needing to study. now dedicating all your time into studying at the local library, you find yourself wondering who keeps neatly packing your things and waking you up each time you fall asleep while studying. (hes so soft, i cant)
Catnaps || @wheeboo💕✅
↳ in which you volunteer at the local cat shelter with your crush.
Dating Seventeen (Hyung Line) || @wqnwoos💕✅
↳ (out here filling my delulu brain. also seungcheol does radiate sugar daddy tho, ngl)
Fix You || @smileysuh🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ “As a member of 53V3NT33N, I have two different states of mind coded into me, aggression and admiration. To love something, to admire it, is to feel aggressive when it’s questioned, to want to control it, if even for a little while- it’s the need to consume it, endlessly, as my fans consume and control me as an automaton. Even though I’m a member of a group, there’s a distance. Automatons can never truly motivate each other because our motivations are based on external human needs, it’s built into us- We can see when humans need us, and we do what we can to fix that need… I know you need me, the way I’ve needed you since I got here.” (god, yall dont even know how much i freaking love their fics. like bro, ily)
Gamers Do it Better || @sluttyminghao🔞✅💯
↳ (listen, just hear me out. tag teamed by the two lord saviors of svt's hhu. i really need like a threesome au/tag or something i swear.)
Hits Different || @hellohannie💕💔✅
↳ it was no secret that you had dated many people in your past. when you were with them, you believed you loved them and they loved you. when you broke up, you realized that they didn't truly love you. but you still believed that love was real. then, you met lee chan. when he broke up with you, you started to question if love truly did exist after all. (i need me some more dino fics cause i barely come across any)
Loving Him Was Red || @boowanie💕💔✅💯
↳ After the café you were part-timing at suddenly closes, you were left unemployed and broke as you tried your best to look for a new job. But when your best friend suggests an alternative way of earning money, you suddenly find yourself falling for a certain Jeon Wonwoo.
Pup Code || @beefboyandbabygirl🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ mingyu doesn't have crushes. he likes avril lavigne and sometimes he fucks pretty girls. but you seem to stir something in him that no one else can. without the trusty girl code, mingyu makes his own code to help you fall in love with him. (yall need to read this one. like read it cause i lowkey can imagine him making up his own code ngl. man has no self control sometimes)
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Crossing Boundaries || @wonusite🔞💕✅
↳ Seungcheol has always demanded that all of his employees keep professional boundaries, but it frustrates him that his son’s nanny is a little too good at keeping things professional. 
Happy (First) Fathers' Day || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ it’s fathers’ day, but you seem to be more fixated on an event for your newborn daughter, much to mingyu’s dismay.
Made With Love || @icyminghao💕✅
↳ joshua wakes up to quite the commotion, and you’re not by his side.
The Cake In the Back || @toruro🔞💕✅
↳ cheol is a regular at your bakery, and it's all because his son loves the banana bread you make—at least that's what he tells himself. it also doesn't hurt that you're cute. and polite. and totally someone he'd like to fuck.
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Roommates With Benefits || @shuaflix🔞💕✅
↳ initially, wonwoo doesn’t think much about your incessant requests to play on his xbox. however, when what was supposed to be a two-hour visit to his place stretches out for two weeks, he starts to think you’re overstaying your welcome.
The Secrets Kept From Roommates || @cheolism🔞💕✅
↳ you are hiding a secret from mingyu. little do you know that he's hiding one from you too.
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Broken Pieces || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Your friend broke your soulmate's heart, leaving you to pick up the pieces of both his and your own heart. (stop my heart, i cant)
Right? Right. || @bluehoodiewoozi💕💔✅
↳ Your soulmate mark might be broken, but at least he will always be there for you.
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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minustwofingers · 6 months
love is a laserquest p.2
series masterlist (read p1 here!)
pairing: rockstar!ellie williams x reader
request: @thatgiraffefromtlou so kindly included me on a post about writing something inspired by these beautiful edits :) thank you !
summary: after a serious of unfortunate events, columbia grad y/n y/l/n finds herself using her hard-earned journalism degree interviewing vapid stars and writing articles that she's convinced are rotting her mind. ellie williams has just dropped the album of the year and it's all anyone is talking about, but all she wants is to be off the press train. a certain interview with a certain interviewer might change this.
cws: explicit language, kind of suggestive phrasing? (i get a little feral with guitar playing descriptions), shitty bosses, mentions of nausea and throwing up (no one actually does tho dw), y/n is anxious asf, my writing is a little....yikes...in this one, loser!ellie
a/n: i lied i lied hehe. here's the next part. im still working on building this stupid app so i havent been able to write as much recently + holiday family stuff but oh am i back!
here's a playlist inspired by this fic
wc: 2.4k
tags: tags :) @intrnetdoll @dazedshoon @lovecaraya @pctcr @sariyaflowr @loser-keiji @prettyplant0 @666findgod @sawaagyapong @rystarkov @buzzybuzzsposts @addisonnie@galacticstxrdust @elliesbabygirl @pinkazelma @ariianelle @lu002 @blairfox04 @sparkleswonderland @elliesflower @muthafuckingstargirl @elliewilliamsissubermommyoml @eviestevie-14 @quicksilversg1rl @guacala @crtcrp @overtrred28 @diddiqueen @krisyslostsoul
enjoy mwah
It starts slow, like the drip of a broken faucet. It’s not like you’re actively seeking out anything Ellie William’s related, but somehow it seems like everything Ellie Williams related is seeing you out. 
In the grocery store, one of her hit songs from her newest album blaring over the speakers.
On the street, where you see crumpled pages of magazines with her face plastered all over them. 
And—perhaps the most offensively—on NPR and the New York Times, quite literally days after you’d met her. Suddenly Steve Inskeep and Leila Fadel begin the Up First podcast with a familiar song and devote an entire third of the morning podcast to Ellie and her band’s rise to fame. 
You decide to switch to the BBC World News for a while, but even they seem to be under her spell.
It’s not that you don’t like Ellie. She seems fine. Normal. Really cute, actually, and clearly very talented. But whenever you think about her, you think about the ill-fated, awkward, charmless interview.
“What happened?” Alyssa had asked you when she’d come back from surgery. “That wasn’t you out there.”
Which was actually very hurtful to hear, because you’d been holding onto the hope that you’d been all in your head about your interview being a failure. It all culminates in Eric, your 300 year old manager, sending you a strongly worded email that told you that your performance in the interview was so underwhelming that you were being pulled from the interviewer pool and exiled to article writing land. Which could be worse, you admit. You could be unemployed on the streets of LA. At least you’re still writing. 
And write you do. You spend all your waking hours either at your keyboard, on your yoga mat, or sat in a chair somewhere at a local cafe for a coffee chat. You’ve mostly deleted social media, since all you see nowadays are pictures of Ellie and Becca’s posts about her experience working and loving her life in New York (the algorithm apparently knows exactly what you want to see the most). 
It’s bizarre that, even as you try your best to place your focus on honing your craft and consuming only content that you think will make you a better writer, you still somehow learn everything and more about Ellie Wlliams and her band. It’s in the emails at work whose chains you’re CC’ed on. It’s in the advertisements and the billboards everywhere. It’s even in the conversations you have with your two roommates, Greta and Maureena. 
“She’s so fucking cool,” says Maureena dreamily as you sit around the TV in the living room. “I still can’t believe you got to talk to her.”
“It’s not like I actually got to, like, get to know her or whatever,” you say. “It was honestly kind of dry. Just awkward small talk.”
“That’s more than anyone else I know can say.” She reaches forward and grabs a fistful of popcorn. “How come she gets interviewed by the person who probably cares about her the least in all of LA? Like, what are the chances?”
“I care,” you say, and it sounds unusually defensive coming out of your mouth.
Maureena gives you a long, suspicious look, but before she can respond, Greta comes bursting into the apartment, purse swinging from her shoulder.
A greeting is halfway out of your mouth when she cuts you off. 
“You guys will not believe what I just did.” She’s nearly bursting with excitement, her eyes bright and wide. 
“Like, in a good way?” you ask. 
“Yes. Obviously!” Greta fishes around in her pocket until she pulls her phone out, waving it around. “Check your email.”
The last time Greta had come in with an entrance this energetic, she’d been coming to inform you both that she was getting engaged to her loser boyfriend Brian (which—thank God—didn’t actually last), so you and Maureena trade nervous looks. 
Maureena gets to it first. 
“Tickets to see Ellie Williams? Tonight?” Now she’s about to explode with giddiness, leaping from the couch and throwing her arms around Greta. “I love you, I love you, I love you. How did you get these? I thought they were, like, totally sold out. Or ten thousand dollars.” 
She grins wickedly, holding her hands out in a “who knows” sort of way. “You can all thank me later. We have to leave in about 20 if we want to get there in time. Y/N, you good?”
You’d been staring on in horror, jaw dropped and body completely frozen. You had registered that Ellie was playing in LA tonight—it’s all anyone you knew talked about at work today—but you never once considered actually going to try to see her. “Uh, yeah. Give me just a few.”
By the time you get to the venue, you’re convinced that you might actually puke from the nerves. It’s ridiculous. It’s not like three broke 20 some year olds were going to get last minute seats to an Ellie Williams concert that were genuinely good seats. It’s not like she would see you and realize that the girl who flopped while interviewing her was a big enough fan to attend. You’re going to be fine. 
“Shit, Grets, how are we so close?” asked Maureena as she leads you both closer and closer to the front. 
Horror steadily rises within you as you approach the front row. 
“I got these from my boss,” she says, turning around with a devilish glint in her dark brown eyes. “Her daughter got food poisoning, bless her. She had to stay back to take care of her, and I was the only one who stayed late to work, so…”
Greta’s boss was some filthy rich nepo baby who was a partner of a big talent agency. All of a sudden you feel stupid for not realizing this sooner.
“Shit,” you say, mostly to yourself. “Oh no. Oh my god.”
“Isn’t this so cool!” Greta jumps up and down, hands on your shoulders as she tries to rile you up. “Dude, what if she recognizes you?” 
“I think I’m going to puke,” you say miserably. Somehow the thought of her seeing you made you want to crawl inside your skin in shame and hide for the next calendar year. “Did you guys not see how ass it was? I was so fucking awkward.”
“It wasn’t even that bad.” Maureena pats your shoulder. 
“I literally was forbidden from ever interviewing again because it was so bad.”
“Because Eric hates women,” says Greta. “It’s not your fault he’s a horrible human being. Give it, like, a year or so until he croaks. Then they’ll let you back in the game.”
“Uh huh,” you say, feeling very harrowed. 
You remain in this state of abject terror for the entire opener performance. The nausea doesn’t subside. It only gets worse when you realize that if you actually puke, Ellie’s definitely going to see it. Just like she’s going to see you, with the stupid stars Greta had insisted you paint on your cheekbones with glittery eyeliner and eyeshadow. 
“She really likes space,” Greta had told you while you’d been getting ready, pretending like you didn’t already know all about this. “So all of her fans wear star stuff to see her.”
Before you can think to wipe off the glitter, everything goes black. Then the crowd goes wild. 
When the silvery blue light spills onto the stage, it illuminates Ellie, standing just a number of feet away from you. You barely have enough time to take in the black leather coat and loose white shirt she’s wearing before music explodes out of the speakers, her fingers flying up and down the fretboard. 
You’re spellbound as you watch her. Her voice rings loud and clear and slightly gravelly when it snags on her words. She’s nothing at all like the girl you’d met a month ago—there’s no discomfort, no awkwardness. She looks like she’s born to be on stage. 
When the first song ends, she steps back, grabbing the standing mic next to her. 
“Uh. Hi,” she says, and it’s so endearingly nervous compared to how she’d just sounded that something in your chest twists. She rubs the back of her neck. “I’m Ellie.”
Greta and Maureena join the crowd, screaming and cheering. 
“I LOVE YOU!” someone shrieks, louder than everyone else.
“You know,” she says, “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to people reacting like this to me just, like, saying my name. It’s really fucking weird. Oh. Shit. Sorry. Are you guys okay with me swearing?” 
The roar that comes from the crowd is entirely undecipherable. 
“Right,” says Ellie. “Um. I’ll take that as a yes. Sorry to anyone who brought their kids or something. Anyway, this one’s about the ex who cheated on me and gave me mono.” 
Before you can react to that, she starts playing. 
As she proceeds through the setlist, you’re struck by just how close you are to her, how many things you can notice that hardly anyone else in the crowd can see. You see the outline of her phone in her pocket, the pieces of hair that have fallen out of her little half bun and are sticking to her face, the way that the glitter on her collarbones trails down her shirt in little rivulets. 
And, above everything else, you can see the horrible way her fingers straddle the fretboard, curling and pressing with ease so practiced it looks tender. 
Apart from this bad, bad development (you can feel your mind going a million miles an hour about things you should not be thinking about), things are going great. Ellie hasn’t noticed you. Or even looked in your direction. You’re not even sure she can see you, given how little light is shed onto the crowd. The false sense of security makes you feel comfortable singing along with Greta and Maureena, your lips forming the lyrics you’d been pretending to not listen to whenever her songs came on. 
It happens during a slower song, a sort of ballad that makes your heart thud harder in your chest to hear from her mouth. The lights on stage dim a little. Light spills just the slightest onto the front of the crowd, and Ellie’s eyes fall and snap onto yours so decisively that it almost feels audible. 
For a moment, you can’t breathe. Ellie’s voice suddenly catches mid-word, faltering and missing a beat. She thrusts her hand with the mic into the crowd, which eagerly picks up where she left off and finishes the verse. 
It’s impossible to see on the screen projecting her image behind her, but you can see the flicker of recognition in her eyes, the stiffness that comes with realizing that you actually know someone from somewhere. 
You’re the one who breaks eye contact, focused with a sudden intensity on the way the thin fabric of your sleeves are situated on your arms. 
Greta pokes you so hard in your ribs that you gasp. 
“What the fuck!” you snap, but the words are swept away by the noise around you. 
“Why didn’t you wave?!” she hisses in your ear. “She totally recognized you.”
The realization falls over you with the subtlety of an anvil. Oh my god. You totally should’ve waved. That was the normal, well-adjusted thing to do. Now she was going to think you were weird. And it was too late now. But she didn’t wave to you. Wasn’t she supposed to wave first? Because you of course remembered her, but she might not remember you. Yeah. You could go with that.
Maybe she didn’t remember you. 
You can’t relax for the rest of the concert. You try your best to just act normal and dance along with your friends and casually mouth the words, but it’s hard when it feels like she’s staring at you. Which is completely impossible. The light doesn’t fall back onto the crowd until the concert is over and Ellie and her band are long gone backstage. 
Two months later, all you can think about is the way that Ellie stuttered over her words when she saw you in the crowd. Of course, this is definitely something you’ve made up in your mind, because there’s a number of reasons why she might’ve slipped up. Maybe she just thought she knew you from somewhere and couldn’t place it. That’s why she (allegedly) kept looking in your direction afterwards. Or maybe you’re completely batshit insane, and she didn’t look at you at all. Because if she had, wouldn’t she have waved? Right?
It’s almost bad enough to distract you from work. You find yourself prowling on Twitter, watching the #elliewilliams tag blow up following every concert date. It doesn’t give you any clarity, because in every picture, she looks just as perfect and cool and confident as she was at the LA show. You don’t know why you assumed she’d look different if it was true that she’d recognized you. More human, maybe. But she’s just as bathed in starlight as she was that night many weeks before, just as far away and untouchable. 
You spend so much time thinking about her that you’re convinced you might’ve slipped into a dream when Eric appears at your cubicle with the news.
Instead of saying hello, he plops a stack of papers on the desk in front of you, all labeled “PopNow! Interview Etiquette”. 
“Excuse me?” you say. 
“Start reading up, kid,” says Eric. “You’re back in the game.”
“You have an interview scheduled later this week.” He scowls down at you, gum smacking in his mouth. He smells faintly of tobacco. 
“But I thought I was removed from—”
“You still are,” he says. “But someone requested you. Their manager told us they wouldn’t talk to us if they didn’t get you.”
He huffs out a short laugh. “Believe me, I was surprised too. Don’t know what they’re on about after the last time you talked to their client. Fuck this one up and you’re out, okay? Got it? The info’s in your inbox already.” 
Somehow the words don’t quite sink in until you open the email and see the words on paper. 
SENDER: Maria Miller
CC: [email protected], y/ny/l/n@popnow!.com
Great to hear back from you. Glad that 3 next Wednesday works. 
final a/n: lmk how u guys feel about this...feeling a little unsure about where this is going but enjoying writing it anyway there are two wolves inside of me etc. etc. also ive missed u all! i hope everyone is doing well! dont b shy!
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simpjaes · 5 months
Agreed on the continuation. Sunghoon actually dates her and fulfill her needs completely but he too works a lot. So they have to keep fucking around with Heeseung. And its fun tension in their relationship because of it. Hee threatens to tell her sister but Hoon shuts that down real quick. Both couples have a movie night and Hee sees her not looking at him and fully into whats happening with Hoon. Hoon peeks at Hee like yeah thats mine.
i think sunghoon wouldn't necessarily work a lot, he's a gaming loser too and likely would prefer working part time and coasting while living with his roommates or parents etc. i think if anything, though he is far more uh...mature compared to his friends, deep down he's exactly the same.
he would more than likely think he has reader on lock down and loosen the reigns on her, ignore her for games, go far too long without texting back bc he stayed up all night again playing games WITH HEESEUNG LMAO. then he'd have to get a wakeup call realizing that heeseung still is trying to get some of that, and definitely does get some when Sunghoon isn't around.
cue major possessive/jealous stuff with doube dates, blatant possessive intimate moments in front of each other etc. i also know for a fact that hee would not threaten to tell reader's sister a damn thing, bc like, the whole thing is his fault and if he wants to keep his lil unemployed free ride for the next year and a half he'd keep his mouth shut. he ain't that dumb. the difference between the relationships though? Reader would 100% have feelings for hoonie. like i mean she would be madly in love with him, but ofc he wouldn't quite pick up on that and be a lil too nonchalant in the relationship.
reader only wants to fuck heeseung out of spite and/or because she's needy and a whore (just like meeeee). heeseung ofc takes advantage of everyone too, so he would still be hittin' that shit on the side til sunghoon actually starts putting effort into the relationship and threatens him with blackmail LOL
idk im kinda rambling rn. all i know is, canon end game will always be sunghoon, and heeseung will always be pissed about it.
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running commentary masterpost on scene predictions/plot points that now that ive recovered and regained my composure im finally able to write it down
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idk I just need to get some stuff exorcised the braincells are getting rowdy from the friction/electrical interference:
(under a cut bc a. length and b. cant not mention The spoiler)
- crowley ends up getting evicted from his flat because he's now unemployed and doesn't get to keep the perks
- ends up living out of the bentley/moving his material possessions (read: plants) around in the bentley, doesn't tell aziraphale bc idk pride? that's a sin, right? or bc it would prompt to az to offer house room but that would be making aziraphale go Too Fast?
- during all this, aziraphale has called him "there's something urgent I need to talk to you about 😭"
- so i reckon crowley has popped by the shop, lil chit chat w/e, brought along some delicious eccles cakes, and then found out about goob etc cue jump scare
- i then think (and this is entirely my head just filling in the blanks) he's actually said to aziraphale that they need to off him and just give him back to heaven, it's nothing to do with them anymore (not knowing that the goob/az/box conversation has happened ie the something terrible) and therefore aziraphale can't just yeet goob into the ether
- let's face it, communication is NOT our boys' strong suit, so this leads to a spat, crowley feeling like aziraphale is still caught up in being a proper angel, not on their side, and all leads to crowley summoning force lightning (that coincidentally hits the coffee shop with both maggie and nina inside... 👀)
- after having flounced off, crowley zoom zooms through london at night (slaloms around buses), pulls up at the bookshop
- comes to the shop, aziraphale is ignoring him reading his lil jukebox articles, and then rings the bell, "I'm back 😠" | "yes, i can see that 😒"
- im guessing aziraphale then tells him about this little jukebox mystery, and crowley offers to help him look into it, AND help him hide gabriel bc aziraphale manages to finally convey that there's a bigger issue at hand and maybe the jukebox thing is linked? "we'll do it together 😁" | "together? 😶"
- aziraphale's LARP of poirot begins
- muriel (aka baby) comes to investigate gabriel's disappearance, and turns up in the full Met Police uniform (ie from the trailer), has/looks at a cuppa with aziraphale, and then crowley arrives
- crowley apparently comes in carrying a plant (im guessing because bentley conditions are rather sub-optimal OR he needs the backseat space, and he needs to surreptitiously offload them into the shop)
- now i need to work out where crowley would have been re: "why didn't you go by train? you love trains 🙄", but im guessing he's been off having a look at stuff surrounding the jukebox mystery, because that's based in edinburgh?
- cue the clip with muriel and then where aziraphale and crowley are trying to not let muriel know that they know she's come from heaven, and then "word with you angel? in private? 🙃"
- i think this is where they surmise that she's come for gabriel, and is possibly when aziraphale then reiterates that "he's in trouble 🥺", and they need to protect him/hide from both heaven and hell because they need to work out what the something terrible is first
- they exit, find that goob has very happily been chatting with muriel for the entire duration, but he's just dusting the bookshelves and being Helpful™ so obvs he's just aziraphale 's assistant!!!! nothing fishy here!!!!!
- so muriel reports back to hq, but maybe michael and uriel cotton on? and send muriel back down to look into it further, to get between aziraphale and crowley because obviously they are together and will be weaker divided, so muriel starts doing her reconnaissance on Human Relationships (ie decides to ask nina bc that's just diligent field research)
idk that's all ive gotten so far and yeah is pretty inconsequential on its own and will only be like a small part of the storyline but i just want my thoughts memorialised so i can look back on them four weeks from now and laugh
bonus bit:
honestly pls discuss this with me im dying here
- The Kiss™ stems from aziraphale finally noticing that crowley has essentially been homeless, and grills him on why he didn't say anything, of course he could have moved in with him, he cares about him of course he was welcome, why are you wearing your glasses yada yada yada, "i didn't want to go too fast for you, i didn't want to push you", "i think by now i can keep up, crowley" and BOOM snog
edit: oh and another bit I forgot to mention:
- i highlighted that muriel is in the full Met dress above, reason being because in the promo pic of her, she's suddenly without her jacket, and just in a shirt and tie, so this would indicate she comes to the bookshop more than once?
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susiehunsecker-remade · 5 months
im new to the terror so forgive me for this v broad question but ... what are The Ships here ... i know fitzier is big but what else is ... jopzier? is that what they're called? i wanna b in the kno so bad lol also feel free to use this space to talk about dynamics (romantic or otherwise) that ur rly interested in ^_^
AGH OKAY.. trying to wrackmmy brain into remembering all the relevant pairings . it's 4am forgive me if i forget.
fitzier - self explanatory, fitzjames and crozier. somehow speedrun being worstie coworkers to being in a 10 year long tender marriage over the course of a two/three year long expedition. my favorite to read fics for / talk about. they look like this to me 🦭🦙
joplittle - jopson and little. i will be real i don't care for them as much just because i care too much about jopson and crozier but i do get it. what if we were both busting our ass for a guy and only one of us got the praise from him for it ❤️ what if we we became responsible for an entire ship's worth of men on a doomed arctic expedition becahse our captain was too sick to think...together ❤️
bridglar - bridgens and peglar. one of the two canonical couples on the crew. very in love very married i'm not big on them but i understand why. they'll only resort to cannibalism if it means they'll both survive they fit together perfectly and when they die they'll wake up in the afterlife with the other in their arms. what's there not to love!
jopzier - jopson and crozier! dutiful steward and the captain he's dedicated himself to out of sheer love and respect And also because he sees him as a mother figure but i won't get into that. okay this one's my actual favourite i can't even pretend i'm not batshit about them. crozier does not deserve that man but it's okay whatever makes jopson happy ❤️ also when i mean jopson sees him as a mother figure the Him in question is himself. i don't believe in that He Wants Crozier To Mommy Dom Him line of thinking. anyways. what was this thread about. oh yeah pairings.
goodsilna - goodsir and lady silence/silna. i wish i could talk about these two more but i'm not articulate enough to convey what i think about them. they're traumabonded siblings they're the only ones who truly see the other for who they are they're completely incompatible they're all the other has they couldn't have possibly loved the other but they did. i need to rewatch the show just to solidify my feelings on them more but god they're one of the best dynamics the show has
hickeygibson - gibson and hickey! RAT MARRIAGE and the cause of most of my mental anguish ❤️ my two beautiful wives who love each other fiercely until the need to survive tears them apart what's not to love
hickeytozer - tozer and hickey. cop boyfriend with the mr beast haircut and his frequently unemployed gay boyfriend that puts his cigarettes out on tozer's arm. they're great i love hickey and his stupid dog he feeds chocolate to for fun
hickeycrozier - hickey and crozier. um. well. what if your captain loved your men more than god loved them but just fucking hated you in particular and used you as a scapegoat for all his frustrations and failings as a captain leading you to become the gay racist joker of the seven seas. and also what if you said a slur you couldn't reclaim in front of him and like 2 years ago he gave you a drink all flirty. well this all happened to my friend cornelius so you can imagine how he feels about that.
fitzfranklin - sir john + fitzjames. This is a sneak they're not at all popular but I have to shove them in somehow. You know how jfj is constantly trying to get older men to praise him like. Haha best walker in the service i told sir barrow that without blushing ❤️ Hey francis can I talk to you about how my dad didn't care about me and also how we're like brothers ❤️. This is the natural culmination of that to me especially considering how hard she dickrides for franklin in the beginning. Please consider them even though they barely exist. For me.
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minnowtank · 3 months
founders of eden fake tumblr posts
kind of long so im putting it under a cut
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🍎 brainworm9 Follow
Every time I see an article on this I lose my mind a little bit more. For the last fucking time. The sinkholes in Japan do not give you cancer. They don't. That's a rumour and it was debunked 6 years ago. Why do I keep seeing posts about how no one wants to torte to Japan because they'll get cancer are you guys just stupid. Also we are right next to El Salvador and they have sinkholes too but no one talks about el Salvador ooohh nooo it's just Japan Japan Japan don't go to Japan youll get cancer ooooooohhhhhhh
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🌠 jacquie-dearest Follow
of course i have to be a serial monogamist who years for marriage. why does nothing ever work out for me. and i cant even blame my transition because i got more game as a woman so. are all my relationships just destined to fizzle out? am i doomed to be alone forever? doomed to wander alone as never-happy-jacquie...
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💄killyourcreator Follow
^33 years old BTW
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🌠 jacquie-dearest Follow
i forgot to make my post unrebloggable also youre going to the scrapyard if you pull this shit again
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✝️ bianca-neve Follow
Why does no one believe I can see into the future when I tell them I can? Not even the religious people believe me immediately. What happened to faith guys? You all pray to Saint Kauhane but you can't believe that I have the same ability as him?
#ok I guess yousef is fine because hes muslim and they dont pray to kauhane but this is still very frustrating.
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🫁 y-ousef Follow
Neo-Catholics continue to be the most annoying group of people on Exodus. We love historical revisionism. Shit in my hands and clap
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🫁 y-ousef Follow
Sometimes I still miss my ex-wife because I could complain about this with her and not alone in my apartment talking to myself as if i were possessed
#i should delete this post
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🇸🇪 stefansohlman Follow
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And this is just one of the many things they took from us.
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🗺️ historyfan28 Follow
What kind of faggy ass shit is this that is a furniture corporation it's not even like the fucking stockholms slott or whatever
Also I reported your account 18 times
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🇸🇪 stefansohlman Follow
Ignore my son, he is "Schizoposting"
24 notes
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🪓 the-manila-shakers-deactivated2412 Follow
We would like to address the false claims that we are a "cult." Members are allowed to leave at any time and all who join our group do so out of their own free will. We Manila Shakers do not believe in extortion.
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🌠 jacquie-dearest Follow
i believe you john mark but aren't you guys supposed to be off the grid and not have social media theoretically
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🪓the-manila-shakers-deactivated2412 Follow
You're right. Will delete the account
63 notes
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💄killyourcreator Follow
Want to start a support group for ex-sexbots but when I try to use another site to make a community post it has this thing called a "captcha" and I can't seem to figure out the answer to it.
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🗺️ historyfan28 Follow
Hes like five foot six and he got franz ferdinand's death mixed up with whitney houston's death and he said he didnt know who whitney houston was and I desire him carnally on a level beyond human comprehension im like idiotsexual morosexual. Stupidosexual as it were
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🍎 brainworm9 Follow
How am I the stupid one when I'm the third youngest nwg medical division member in history and you're unemployed
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🗺️ historyfan28 Follow
Jesus christ how did you find me
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footerotica · 2 years
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“ let the workers in when they get here and stay out of their way while they’re working . Dinner is in the microwave .Their money is on the kitchen counter . I’ll see you tonight , i get off at 8” Todd’s mother’s instructions were pretty clear . Todd was home for the summer while classes were on break. Todd was home alone for most of the morning then around noon the painters arrived . It was a hot day , Todd had been hanging out in nothing but a pair of shorts . He thought about putting on a shirt before opening the door but couldn’t be bothered
Todd opened the door for the two painters who were gonna be working on the house . Todd smiled at them and showed them where they’d be working .” Thanks kid” Harvey smiled at Todd making him blush . Todd was gay but he hadn’t come out to anyone yet.
Todd was in his room when heard Harvey and his partner break out into an argument while painting the living room . Todd stood at the top of the steps as he tried to hear what they were arguing about but he couldn’t . He watched as Harvey’s partner packed his things and left . Todd was coming down the steps when he noticed a strong pungent aroma in the air. He noticed Harvey had taken his boots off and left them In a corner by the steps . Todd stood next to Harvey’s boots for a moment taking in their strong stench before turning the corner and seeing Harvey standing there with his arms folded looking angry when Todd approached him “is everything alri-“ “that’s what i get for trying to help a friend “ Harvey said bitterly
“What happened ?” Asked Todd , trying not to stare down at Harvey’s filthy socks .
“He’s an ungrateful broke no good asswipe , that’s what happened .” Harvey started “Jack is a friend of mine , he’s unemployed, broke and always mooching off of his friends so i tried to help him out by offering him to help me do this job and I’d split the money with him . Everything was going great until i told him i was taking off my boots just so I’m not tracking dirt everywhere . He started saying he’d leave if i take my boots off. He usually teases me about my smelly feet so i thought he was kidding but he actually left ..” the whole time Harvey was talking Todd was sneaking glances down at Harvey’s socks , he ended up staring too long and getting caught by Harvey . Harvey snapped his fingers in Todd’s face to get his attention“i see my feet don’t bother you at all. You into feet or something ?” Harvey asked jokingly “i don’t know , i think i might be “ Todd admitted biting his lip
“Well let’s find out “ Harvey grinned as he sat down on the couch and propped his filthy socked feet on Todd’s coffee table . Todd kneeled by the table and leaned forward, the stench of Harvey’s feet only got stronger as he moved closer to his socked feet . Todd pressed his face against Harvey’s filthy socks breathing in the strong pungent aroma as he felt the sweat and stench coming off of them marking his face .
Todd let out a soft moan as he took in the aroma of Harvey’s socks “i think your friend was over reacting . They smell fine to me , don’t bother me one bit” Todd joked as he pulled back and started to peel off Harvey’s wet smelly socks . He balled them up in his hand and gave them a whiff before setting them down next to him . Harvey’s feet were filthy from working half a day already ,wearing the same socks he’d been wearing for at least 2 weeks now. At some point he’d lost track just how long he’d been wearing them “how long have you been wearing these ? They smell incredible “ Todd sighed looking up at Harvey while rubbing his dirty sweaty feet “im gonna be honest with you man, i don’t know .. these were my last clean pair like two weeks ago or something like that “ Harvey laughed shamelessly . “I’ve been too lazy to do laundry. I was gonna wear these till i couldn’t handle the smell or till they stench got so strong it knocked someone out , but it seems to have the opposite effect on you “ Harvey grinned as he watched Todd lean forward and wrap his lips around Harvey’s grimy sweaty toes . One taste of Harvey’s toes and Any reservations Todd had , flew out the window . He happily and unabashedly sucked on Harvey’s filthy feet licking up any filth or grime from between his toes then he started lapping Harvey’s size 12 soles licking every inch of his feet . Harvey laid back on Todd’s couch with his hands behind his head , watching how Todd worshipped his feet . Todd started really getting into it , slobbering all over Harvey’s feet and rubbing them at the same time . No one had ever done anything like this for Harvey , no one was brave enough to get close to Harvey’s feet like Todd had been , he was in awe of how devoted Todd was to worshipping his feet
Harvey let Todd worship his feet for an hour , he didn’t want it to end . He had a newfound love for getting his feet worshipped thanks to Todd . Harvey looked at his phone and sighed “alright man,as great as this was , my lunch breaks over . I gotta finish the job “ Harvey said as he pulled his feet away and stood up to get back to work “ you can keep those “ Harvey said looking down at his socks next to Todd. He got back to work and finished the job . He put his boots back on sockless and left . Harvey ended up knocking off a quarter of the discussed price thanks to Todd’s service on his feet . Todd pocketed the change
Later that night , Todd’s mom came back and looked around “wow they did a great job “ she said standing in the kitchen. “they sure did” Todd said as he laid out on the couch scrolling on his phone while sniffing Harvey’s socks , reminiscing of his time under the hunky worker’s feet . They’d exchanged numbers , Todd was hoping to see Harvey again soon .
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