#seriously psychotic
psychotic-tbh · 2 months
Why don’t I ever see people talk about anger caused by paranoia? I’ve never seen anyone talk about it before I asked someone I know after having gone through it myself.
I find it to be so guilt inducing and isolating to be angry and afraid without clear cause, or if the cause is something that is not rational.
If anyone else has gone through this, please know it’s okay to have emotions you don’t understand. Your feelings don’t have to make sense. It doesn’t make you a monster to go through this.
It’s going to be okay. There’s people out there who will love and support you regardless, and it is possible to find comfort in yourself as well.
And I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: until you love yourself, I love you. Keep going.
Keep doing your best, even if it’s hard. You deserve to reach better days.
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autismophrenia · 2 years
you cannot diagnose yourself with schizophrenia. you just can’t. i’m tired.
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schizoetic · 2 years
Nobody is ever so mentally ill that they don't require or deserve comfort and respect.
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albatris · 1 year
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edmund and his expressive eyebrows
I think my narration is funny
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undiagnosed schizospec culture is like being on fire all of the time but nobody can see it. i've been in so many situations where I was debilitatingly distressed or confused but unable to convey its direness. only to have my intense brain processes trivialized and dismissed in favour of being suggested the unobtaineable reality that I could just simply try to be normal™.
also my brain keeps making up these random demons that are going to be behind a door whenever I open it, but it happens so often that I just kinda.. don't care anymore? I feel numb and drained from being paranoid all the time. It doesn't matter that the chance that one particular scenario could happen is only 0.000006%, that's still not 0. I feel plagued by countless permutations looping around on a traintrack at the speed of sound in my mind.
also I keep trying to find hidden meanings behind strange coincidences and experiences. like why do they use the word 'meander' so much in Hermitcraft? everytime I hear a Hermit saying it I wonder if they coordinated it. though I don't think I've heard it yet in season 10. also why is it not spelled miander? meander looks wrong. it's wrong. it's wrong.
that's only a mere snippet of my constant thoughts. it honestly feels kinda relieving to just say them unfiltered even if they might not make sense.
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autopsyfreak · 18 days
nobody talks enough about how fucking terrifying it is to live with schizophrenia. it has ruined my quality of life immensely.
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cannibalisam · 1 year
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brain damage alert
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ionlytalktodogs · 4 months
Man it is deeply and intensely frustrating to live a life with psychosis. Basically anything spiritual will throw me into a spiral so quickly.
I used to love tarot cards. I still collect the decks because they’re quite lovely. I trained for years to be a proper tarot card reader only for it to horribly trigger my psychosis in a way that made me realize it needed to be cut out entirely. “The paper cards do not control my life” was a mantra I had to repeat to myself every day for as many years as I had trained to believe in and understand them.
When the shifting trend was big on TikTok I couldn’t be on the app at all because seeing it mentioned even slightly immediately sent me down a spiral.
I hate how this disorder controls me.
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serafilms · 7 months
(tbosas movie spoilers!!!) i think the worst part of tbosas for me was that coriolanus was right??? all those offhanded little comments he made 'on a whim' to try and 'help the tributes' and in turn save himself were right and it's horrifying to realise that he didn't need to try to think of them and try to be like his father bc he already was. from an audience perspective, i sat through the whole arena part of the movie disgusted by everything happening in it and begging for it to be over (it didn't really get better after all that but oh well). the deaths were more gruesome, the arena more terrifying and everything felt too real (i also watched it in imax idk if that helped). not that the deaths in thg and catching fire games weren't horrific, but in an offhanded movie fan way, i used to look forward to the arena. because it became exactly what dr gaul wanted it to be and what coriolanus realised it was and what lucy gray made it: a performance. in the 65 years after, they made the arenas interesting and real and natural and beautiful, with weapons and mutts and gifts and places to hide and places for open bloodshed, they interfered with the games to help and then kill their tributes (sound familiar? yeah thanks a lot coriolanus u bitch) and it was literally the most harrowing thing to sit there and watch the movie as i realised that it was entertaining to me to watch the first two movies because of that. we are no better than the citizens of the capitol and i just think that sucks.
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gaysexdungon · 2 months
I was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia (again) and I was hoping to find someone who I could talk about this stuff with just someone who relates and can talk openly about hallucinations
About me: I’m 18 and a man ,,,,, I love to write poetry, watch videos and learn about psychology ,,,,,,, I am non judgmental and looking for someone who is the same
My main schizophrenia symptom is hallucinations and I would love to talk about it with someone who understands
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psychotic-tbh · 1 year
Happy Disability Pride month to my fellow disabled folks and those with disabled loved ones/other allies!
I hope you’re all taking care of yourself or doing your best to! (Lack of spoons and too many forks can make it hard, I know. Still, I’m wishing you all the best!)
Here’s to fighting ableism and standing tall in terms of pride! *handshake of solidarity between folks of all disabilities* :)
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 7 months
i don't know why the season finale is making me feel this strongly. maybe it's because i relate to loki so much ever since i first saw him. i connected with his isolation, anger, loneliness, his feeling of not belonging anywhere. i too put up a mask of confidence and cock-sure ego almost to the point of diagnosed narcissism.
to me, him finally admitting that he doesn't want to be alone and that he needs his friends, greatly mirrored what I once experienced with my mandated psychiatrist. and to see him find community and family with his friends? to watch him grow to care about them and fight to save them? it gives me hope that i could achieve it too. it's hard to admit it, but it's the first step to working towards it.
but this ending showed me that to fulfill his purpose, he had to do it alone. he's back to the start of his arc, although by his own choice this time. and while i'm proud of him and his growth, it's just so sad. his purpose is more burden than glory, i get that. but could it not have been a burden that was shared? does he not deserve to have someone to work with, to lean on, to trust?
and what does that say about me? you can say I'm pathetic all you want, but i was truly waiting on a happy ending because it gave me hope. that one day I won't be left alone anymore, that i could fulfill my dreams without cutting everyone i cared about from my life. that one day, no matter how unworthy and shitty i feel about myself, someone could see the best in me and stay anyway. that one day I'd grow to accept myself enough to be able to stay too.
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schizoetic · 2 years
There should be a different approach towards those deep in psychosis. Being locked in empty rooms only with the most bare of necessities messes with your head even when your head is messed. It does something to you when no matter what you do, you can't get out of somewhere. We need a more humane approach towards those in psychosis. The trauma of being unable to escape a psych ward can linger a really long time.
I don't have the answers but I think we should treat humans like humans.
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candelariapdf · 29 days
A questionnaire for a friend ( & fellow schizospec) who is making a small zine about media depiction of schizophrenia! Feel free to talk about TV, movies, songs, video games, etc. and how you’ve connected with characters/songs/stories. Can be negative or positive experiences.
Thank you!
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I would love to know more about cognitive issues associated with schizophrenic spectrum disorders.. im schizotypal & have been told the issues Ive been having with thought withdrawal n decreased motor activity n precision, among others, are caused by schizostuff and not dissociation, like i assumed.. i was very explicitly told dissociation does not manifest itself in same ways schizostuff does but not explained on account of what exactly they differ and i havent been able to find anything myself.. so i suppose info regarding thst topic could he of great use to many people. I apologize for lack of personal experience described its incredibly hard to put it into words. thank you for running this blog!
Hi! There are several ways schizophrenia effects cognitive function.
The cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia may, in part, be related to changes in the brain. Research, including a 2021 study, shows that people with schizophrenia have reduced cortical thickness, which may contribute to changes in thinking and memory.
Gray and white matter support cognitive functions like attention, memory, and language. A 2019 study reported that people with schizophrenia had less brain matter in several areas, including gray matter in the cortex, than people without schizophrenia.
The rate at which you receive, assess, and respond to new information is called your processing speed. This cognitive quality impacts how quickly you think, learn, and respond to your environment.
The volume of white matter in the brain affects processing speed.
There can be some degree of overlap with negative symptoms and they can be mutually exacerbating or compound each other. For example the loss of verbal ability combined with attention deficit can make conversation extremely difficult to the point it is avoided. Similarly, the negative symptom of avolition (the loss of the will to do things) combined with diminished executive performance makes many domestic tasks or chores increasingly complex and again, avoided.
Here’s a list of common cognitive functions impaired in schizophrenia:
Attention & Concentration
Social Cognition
Problem solving
Declarative memory
Working memory
Cognitive functions impaired in schizophrenia
Executive function
Social cognition
Processing speed
I wish you nothing but luck on your journey. 💚
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