#shards of chaos
totaleclipse573 · 7 months
(Slaps you all with experimentation era stuff) Bitty. You have to look at bitty. How could you not love bitty.
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farvn · 1 month
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"The fate itself is on my side, so it's time for you to say goodbye to your aspirations."
Chaoticway's Shards of Chaos receives an overall score of: 7/10 GOOD
Read my Steam Review here Follow my Steam Curator here Shards of Chaos Store Page
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9474s0ul · 11 months
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prime time
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zumurymoon · 11 months
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littleaipom · 11 months
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This one's for the snarky robots. they could be twins
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swirlwalker · 11 months
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Welcoming the new beepo to the robot family!!!
(Well almost)
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archiesoniconline · 8 months
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Sonictober2023 Day 23! Theme: Time.
As a time traveler, Silver has had many adventures in the countless timelines of his world, all to make a better future. But can he even remember them all anymore, or if he was even the version of “him” that had them?
Art by @nebuleeart
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Sonic WIPs and Scribbles from 2023 (Notes Below)
Gave Chaos the Angel Chao ... "Ears" ? So that All Forms (Neutral/Dark/Hero) have some form of Representation. (The two split ... Hair? Things? In the back already resemble the Devil Chao, since the Light Chao only has one.)
Solaris Exists! ... Crazy. I recall this redesign being bit tricky because it was just so hard to see what the fucking thing looked like Originally, but I did my best. Tried to show the Bird/Eagle Theming, and to simplify the design so People like Me could understand it. I wanted this design to look like a counterpart to Chaos -- because in this AU, Solaris is from, you'll never guess...the Sol Dimension!
Gave Team Dark a sort of... cohesive color scheme with eachother, so they really look like a Unit. Plus, Rouge wearing Red just... Makes sense, considering her name, even if I enjoy the Purple color scheme as well.
Similar color scheme thing here with the Babylon Rogues -- They all share Red/White/Yellow -- I took the darker colors out of these designs to not be so similar to Team Dark haha. The amount of points on each of their...Chest...Fluffs?? matches the amount of feathers they have on their head Respectively . Changed Storm the most -- I wanted to make his "Hair" Silhouette more Unique from Wave's, and really just wanted an excuse to give a character a Cool Jacket . The Shoes ... I phoned those in a bit, I'll probably change them Later...
Sharddddddd. Throughout my Scribbles (including some here) You might've seen me struggle to decide what Quill Style to give him -- his OG style? Or the Metal Sonic style? Eventually, I decided I didn't need to choose -- I could do both. It's not demonstrated that well in these, but it's basically the same style the Bits have in Sonic Universe: The Silver Age -- just thinner and more Pointy .
Ahhh Faceless Jumpscare! This is what they look like when I'm trying to work on Poses and Colors but don't want to Commit to a Face yet, haha . Nicole, I'm always changing her design it seems -- don't be surprised if it happens again! But I based her handheld off various devices Tails uses -- I wanted it to be compact while being more Modern than the Nokia Flip Phone. Changed her hologram form slightly to resemble her handheld -- her ears are the antenna, and the rings are on her feet like how the ring is plugged in at the bottom. Made her vest longer too! So it looks more like her Reboot Outfit . Just a little.
And that's mostly it! I've been on a quest to draw Every Character in my Sonic Au -- I've sketched about... 35 so far? Here's a Screenshot of a bit of the Madness on that canvas haha.
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foolnamedjoey · 9 months
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I love the Metals
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leso-rkive · 7 months
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mi coloring is weird
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idk if i liked Sonic Prime, i think it's okay, but Chaos Sonic reminded me of Shard bc i'm literally obsessed with Shard HA!
also i predicted the new color scheme (?) + another Shard i did for a collab and several other things
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tengo también un montón de arte de SonMina que luego postearé, además de otros fandoms en donde estoy pero el de Sonic es el que siempre se lleva mas de mi tiempo y arte completo jaja, es hora de desaparecer por otro año hum
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minalyce · 11 months
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actually metal's imagining them exploding in his mind rn cause they talk waaaaay too much
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totaleclipse573 · 7 months
Anyone remember when I said the shards granted the guardians abilities of their own? Well...
(Powers named at the bottom!)
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(I apologize if some of them aren't too visible, I didn't notice until after they were finished)
Akmad (Yellow) : Light
Erebus (Silver) : Foresight
Orpheus (Cyan) : Overwhelming strength (I...didn't know how to draw that lmao)
Ragnar (Reddish-Orange???) : Pyrokinesis
Lorcan (Blue) : Energy-Charged Speed (I can explain-)
Kieran (Purple) : An odd sort of power not even he understands. His energy flares up, and he's able to summon portals to shoot attacks out of at his disposal
Doleon (Green) : Electric Energy
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an-internet-rando · 10 months
I'm sure someone did this already, but I needed to get it out of my head.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Capitulo 2
credit @brekitten @bucketorandomness @hermit-scribe-vibe for help and inspiracion :D
Danny clamped his teeth down on his kill, at last a fish big enough that to feed the both of them, and which hadn't escaped. Ear fins fanned out, he kept wary of approaching hums of boat engines.It could've been only a few minutes, but to Danny it was as if hours had passed. He'd already failed Damian once, and for his distraction he earned a new gash or two from his hunt.
Danny startled when he came back. Damian had not awoken just yet, but the transformation was complete. Dark green scales enveloped every inch of skin on his body, soft from youth. Spots of gold scales like freckles gathered around his cheeks, and at the base of each of his fins and transitioned into full golden membrane with the faintest red along the tips.
And of course, Damian had no legs, none at all, replaced by the thick sinew and muscles of a siren's tail. All of this Danny knew would happen, and expected, but he never thought about how tiny Damian looked at the moment.
From head to tailfin, Damian's new height (or length?) only equalled half of his human height. Siren children were small compared to humans, for sure, but even Youngblood was easily a head or two taller than Damian at this moment.
Before he could ruminate further, Damian's eyes shot open. Faster than Danny could blink, the new siren launched himself at Daniel with a piercing shriek of a war cry.
Damian's talons gripped onto Danny's scales, and his jaw snapped down upon his shoulder like a vice. Danny yelped and fell upon his back and bent his sail.
Damian's tiny hands wrapped around the elder boy's neck. His tiny young face twisted into an honestly shocking amount of anger and agression. His hackles rose and his fins stood at full attention.
"Where am I?! What have you done to me?! Return me to my original form or perish!" Damian spat out in hissed clicks and chirps. Despite the situation, Danny finds himself thinking he had to be really upset if he didn't even notice the change in voice.
"Answer me!" Damian hiss and bared his teeth. Danny gulped, which was difficult considering the tiny hands vice-gripping his neck. Suddenly he realised he'd never had to comfort a newly-turned before.
"H-hey hey hey now, there's no need to get all murderous over here!" That was the wrong thing to say, because suddenly there was a katana straight for his neck. "Where did you get that?!"
"From my clothes, you buffon, the clothes that you violently relieved me off. What other untoward things have you done with my body? Speak!"
"Look I didn't do anything untoward to your body I swear! I was trying to save you!"
"You mutilated me! You kidnapped me and drowned me and now you clain innocence with nothing to prove such a notion!" Damian's grip wavered for a moment, and Danny realised something. This kid was probalby scared out of his life, and his shouting wasn't helping anything. The smaller boy's gills flapped open. His breathing laboured, heavily.
"You need water. You're not gonna survive long.
"I can kill you long before that point." Gently, Danny picked the child up by the waist, his arms far outreaching the boy's tiny limbs. "Unhand my you psychotic murdering wretch!"
Horns blared in the distance. Damian's body seized up, his ear fins curling in on themselves in Danny's peripheral vision. "They've caught up to us."
"Good, now it means you can be put to justice and I reunited with my father."
Danny coiled his tail and pulled Damian against his chest, against the boy's protests. "The only thing they're gonna unite you with is a scalpel."
"I said unhand me!"
"No time!" Danny uncoiled like a spring and shot into the water. GiW agents shouted above the surface. Danny held him tight against his body. Motors roared into action and echoed through the water. Sonars rang in his ears. But they could never catch up to even a teenage siren.
Pain rocked up his arm. Danny loosed his grip, and Damian slipped out. After floundering for just a few seconds, Damian righted himself and bolted for the ships. The speed at which he made for the freaking GiW shocked Danny. This kid was a human less than an hour ago!
Shit. "Where the heck are you going?!" Danny shouted. He wasted precious seconds turning around and doubling back. "They're not gonna help you Damian!"
"You cannot fool me with your temptations, siren!" Daman spat out. Then he did the absolute worst thing. He surfaced.
Danny's heart sank again. No, no, not again. He pushed through as fast as he could. Damian shouted something above the water. An agent in cold sunglasses aimed a gun at him.
Damian seemed to realise his mistake. He tried to evade the attack, but his strange body just left him rolling over in place.
Danny's eyes glowed blue. Seawater froze into ice in his hands, and he tossed the spear over water. The spear landed an inch away from where the agent was standing. In his shock, he lowered his gun. Danny shot forward. He grabbed Damian's hand and pulled him away. Harpoons flew into the water. Danny ducked and weaved through all of them and full speed. Soon they were far behind the horizon.
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hayweerc · 2 months
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I was bored and thought 🤔"huh my fanfic doesn't have an official cover for it" so I was inspired to make a book cover/poster for Bound by Chaos.
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aqspec · 11 months
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ive never read archie but can someone tell me if there would be an interesting interaction between these two
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