fwirbanks · 9 months
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Erin, Leisha and Sarah (2005)
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Not them dying to bring Sarah back and absolutely hating their characters current plotlines 🫣🫢🤭
Carmen De La Pica Morales stans rise!
#marja Ryan Lewis and that writers room need to be cleared out#bring back Ilene chaiken and let her take a sledge hammer to this show because they’re ruining the shows legacy#was the original a little messy? Yeth but Ilene knew how to have a good time!! the show was funny and it was fun to watch and for the most#part the plot made sense AND MOST IMPORTANTLY we got to see women loving women on screen#I think MRL wanted a show where she got to write about all kinds of queer people but she couldn’t do it so she took TLW and basically piggy#backed off the name and legacy of the original show#obviously more queer stories should be told BUT TLW is supposed to be about lesbians and it’s like pulling teeth to get them to show 2#ladies kissing like why can’t we have a sexy fun time????#and not to sound like an old fart but showrunners and writers nowadays ig think that they have to inject politics into everything and I hate#when gen q tries to broach these topics because I’m not here to learn about theory bitch I’m here to see these gals get their puthies ate#the original definitely had moments that were a little political but it never tried to center that – they just wanted to show the lives of#lesbians the way that str8 shows depicted the lives of str8 people and I loved that#moral of the story: if they want a s4 they need to kick some people to the mf curb and get back to what made the original so fun and special#and obviously as I always say: BRING CARMEN BACK YOU COWARDS!!!!#the l word#the l word gen q#kate moennig#leisha hailey#sarah shahi#sharmen#shane x carmen#pants podcast
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munamania · 1 year
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i’m being so casual about this
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youranemicvampire · 2 years
Week 3: Favorite WLW ships
15-week sapphic challenge
Calliette (First Kill)
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Say whatever you want to say about First kill, but if you deny their chemistry, you are either lying or you lack taste. Even the trailer got me. I think they have the best or one of the best and passionate kissing and make-out scenes i’ve ever seen.
Wildmoore (Batwoman)
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I can’t even start on how amazing their chemistry is. They served a lot of tropes and their banters alone gave me a lot of feelings. The slow-burn was worth it and i think this is one of the most realistic ships in wlw media out there.
Sharmen (The L word)
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I don’t even like The L word in general and i know Shane is problematic, but can’t help but love this ship. Aside from the hot scenes, i love the angst and their cute little dates. Also, i love hurting myself. :)
Ayo x Aneka (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever)
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Spoiler alert: Very very few scenes, but those little scenes are cute and enough for them to be on my list. Give them a spin-off and they will be unstoppable.
Avatrice (Warrior nun)
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I haven’t seen the whole show yet (I’m still on S01E03), but seeing the stills and gifs on twitter, i already ship them. They’re cute and wholesome.
Wheighton (TSLOCG)
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Future canon, i can feel it. And we need more than 1 fruity in a friend group, come on. I also love Alicia, but it’s rare for me to get attached with fast-burns. I think they’ll have an ideal ship dynamic. + Them being BFFs irl :’)
Darlentina (Darna, 2022)
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This is canon, our country is just homophobic. Best Filo wlw chemistry and deepest relationship dynamics. Just hoping the actresses will have an actual wlw project together soon, coz this show is trash.
Camille x Indigo (Betty)
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Almost canon before it got cancelled! Can’t describe the chemistry without spoiling, but check the show out. Girl-friend skater group with fruity majority.
Poussey x Taystee (OITNB)
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One-sided canon. They’re amazing as bestfriends too, but imagine if they were romantically canon? The power? Greatest and deepest love story on any media, bye.
Tegan x Michaela (HTGAWM)
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Queerbait-ish with all the teasing, but it’s fine coz Tegan x Annalise is also great, i just find TM cute with all the banters, angst, “jealousy”. And before you come to me, i know Michaela is toxic and the age gap is fine because they’re both grown adults. I just enjoy their dynamics.
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fransizkafkathe3rd · 5 months
Shane to Carmen, alternative ending...
I am in love with you. I really do. All those years you are the only one I loved. I still do. You are the first and only person that believed in me. No one, not even one of my friends not even my own father believed in me, no one believed me that I can be faithful, that I deserve a real connection, that I can make it work. No one believed me that I can really love and care someone. But you did. I don't know how but you looked at me, looked through me, and somehow saw my soul. You managed to hold its hand, and brought it to surface. You never gave up on me, ever. Even I tested and made it hard for you. You made me believe that I can have this, this real relationship for a long long time. You made me believed that I can do the work of self healing. You helped me, encouraged me to be best version of myself. You were always patient with me. You have waited for me, you have waited for me to realize that my soul belongs to you.
I still don't understand how and why you sticked by my side all those days. I still don't understand how and why you loved me. How did you do when no one even dared?
I miss you, I miss the way you smell. I miss those nights I fell asleep with you. I miss those mornings I woke up to your beautiful smile. I miss your hands and how they embraced me.
When I lost you, you took my soul with you.
I know you don't believe me. It took me 22 years to find the words that can describe my feelings for you. I feel in my bones if I could go back in time, I'd married you in a heartbeat. I would even have children with you. I would spend and learn and love the rest of my life with you.
After a really long time, I feel light. I can breathe. I love you Carmen, I always have.
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saintyesinner · 1 year
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birthdayimagewish · 5 months
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Sarah Shahi is an American actress and former NFL cheerleader, born on January 10, 1980, in Euless, Texas. Her birth name is Aahoo Jahansouz Shahi. Sarah Shahi gained recognition for her roles in both television and film.
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 1 year
Looking to be the Shane to someone's Carmen
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The hate sex scene between Shane and Carmen will always be my favorite.
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mistysnat · 2 years
How would you rank all of Shane's relationships from the og and gen q?
heyyy thanks omg i have so many thoughts about this question!
1. shane/carmen. like a lot of people i love this relationship and have so many thoughts about it. for me their connection just felt so intense and strong and REAL. it felt like the only real relationship shane has ever had, and one of the realest relationships i’ve seen on tv, like i believe it. they just feel like they belong together and there’s something really special there. i love watching all their ups and downs, even when the writers tried to ruin them like they always do. i love how fiesty carmen is, she’s strong enough to handle shane for the most part. i love them both plus they look so good together 😍 they’re just amazing together and one of the hottest lesbians couples ever on tv imo. idk it’s something unspoken about them that i can’t describe but it’s there. i can feel the way shane loves her so much and vice versa. their build up was so emotional.
2. shane/jenny. i hate the way the writers went about it in season 6, but overall the love shane and jenny have for each other no matter what was so beautiful. i think they had the strongest friendship on the show and would have never done anything to hurt each other. you could really feel how much they care about each other. they’re both a little crazy and weird and have a lot of trauma and i think it would just work between them. plus they always had this cute flirty vibe 🥰
3. shane/paige. and here ends the relationships i love for shane 😂 but i do like paige and have no problem with their relationship, they had some cute moments. i think the whole buying a house together and raising kids thing was rushed, but i don’t think shane ever loved paige and i’m glad the writers were honest about it. paige was nice and served her purpose and got done dirty in the end as they all do :/ shane you dog
4. hmmm I’ll say shane /tess. i don’t love this relationship i think it’s pretty boring and came out of nowhere. if you’re going to do friends to lovers you need a kind of flirty and sexy vibe previously (see shane and jenny). i really have no feelings for this ship but i don’t hate it? i have to rewatch gen a because i don’t remember much
5. shane/quiara. again i don’t have many feelings about this ship as we didn’t see any of the build up or history between them. my only thought is that quiara trying to trap shane with a baby when she didn’t want one is pretty weird and manipilative. but she is gorgeous
6. shane/molly. i don’t like molly i think she’s spoiled and whiny and annoying and thinks she’s too good for shane. but what i really hate is how they tried to push this relationship as some kind of “true love” scenario, yeah right. it’s not believable. the whole letter thing with jenny was so irritating. at least the plot of “shane actually can’t get someone at first” was new but could have been done with someone better
7. shane/cherie. i HATEEEE cherie. hate her. she’s so annoying and predatory and a user imo. she comes onto shane sexually immediately, an older woman having an affair with a younger woman while married, breaks her heart and refuses to leave her husband for her, then comes back and selfishly doesn’t care that she’s now ruining shane’s new relationship by sleeping with her when her husband leaves her, then after shane is devastated about the break up with carmen she just gets her high and tries to sleep with her again? she is a really selfish gross person and doesn’t care about shane at all. i hate her. and we have to see her again in gen q?? ew
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fwirbanks · 9 months
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Basically all the ships I like on TV right now are played by queer actresses. No more closed mouth kisses that look like the actors have a gun pointed at them from off screen. I used to pray for times like this.
I’ll forever be grateful that my first otp was sharmen and that, despite being str8, Sarah Shahi put her whole pussy into their love scenes 😤✊🏼
When she made out with Kate Moennig she made sure to shove her tongue down her throat because she’s a girls girl
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emily-in-crisis · 1 year
shane's idea of "straight clothes" when meeting carmen's fam always makes me laugh
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littledutti · 2 years
hi! sorry if I'm ignoring any asks rules you have on your blog but I'm kinda just going on a mad dash across blogs who like sharmen because I had saved all the fics on sharmenonline before it got taken down and I'm trying to share them as much as I can!
I'd appreciate you sharing but you totally don't have to! also if you're interested in sharmen anymore or don't even know them then... my bad lmao and ignore this.
do let me know if there's any problem with the link!
(so... i made a zip file lmao. thanks for reminding me dude)
I can't even put into words the happiness you've brought me Anon!! I teared up when I saw the links to Merge and Continuum. I can't believe my random post on Tumblr actually got somewhere. You're now officially a hero to me, and all my friends know it. Thank you so much
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seethals · 30 days
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428 gifs of daniel sharman in fear the walking dead (s03) — the gifs can be accessed through the source link. all usage rules can be found on the gif pages themselves and all i ask is that they're respected. please like and reblog if you found these useful!
content warnings:  guns, violence, wounds, blood.
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The Great War
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Full Masterlist | Teen Wolf Masterlist
Summary: You and Isaac have been together for two years. You had your fair share of ups and downs, but lately, it seemed that these little 'ups and downs' repeated themselves no matter the apologies. You tried to convince yourself that nothing was happening, but part of you knew that that wasn't the case. With the help of your older brother, it took just one discussion to understand what was going on between you and Isaac Lahey.
A/N: I don't know if I like this one very much. I had a bit of a hard time trying to write this one, so I'm hoping it's not confusing. Enjoy!!
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Derek Hale -> Your Older Brother
Isaac Lahey x-reader
"You can't just admit that you were wrong, huh?" Isaac said, his arms crossed. After seeing a movie with Scott and Kira, an argument had spurred involving something pretty stupid. My boyfriend's motorcycle was almost out of gas. I recommended going to a gas station near the theater so we could just head to my house after.
My knuckles were bruised like violets Sucker-punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked Spineless in my tomb of silence Tore your banners down, took the battle underground And maybe it was ego swinging Maybe it was her Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
Isaac insisted on going to the gas station a little bit a ways. That caused us to be stranded on the side of the road. "None of this is my fault. If we had just stopped at the gas station like I said, we wouldn't be stuck on this street," I said. He rolled his eyes when I gestured to the road.
A few cars passed, not bothering to ask if we needed help. I grabbed my phone to call Derek. Neither of us felt like involving a tow truck. "What're you doing?" Isaac asked. "Calling Derek," I clicked on my brother's contact. It rang for a few seconds before my brother picked up on the other end.
"You two were supposed to be home ten minutes ago," Derek said. I could tell that he was aggravated. Before leaving for the double date, my brother offered to stay up until we got home. I insisted that that wasn't necessary, of course, he did it anyway.
Isaac leaned against his bike with his arms crossed. He set his hands into his leather jacket, looking both ways on the street. "We're stuck on Martin Street," I said. Derek stopped what he was doing. I heard a pan hit the corner of the kitchen island. "What?" he said.
"Somebody decided not to get gas," I remarked, glaring at Isaac. Isaac scoffed and shook his head. Derek sighed on the other end of the line. "I'm on my way. Hang tight," he said. He hung up the phone. I dropped my cell phone into my purse, going back to hug my arms from the cold.
I stood beside him. His eyes were focused on the damp grass. He watched a few of the drops fall to the side of the green blades. I looked up at Isaac's expression. His brows were furrowed, small creases forming at the top of his forehead.
The two of us had been arguing more than usual. It seemed like we could never settle on something. Just last week, we had an argument about who should help Scott with something. Isaac wanted me to stay with him whereas I wanted to help Scott. Then, an argument sparked.
We haven't talked about that since last Thursday. The more days that passed, the more I worried our two-year-long relationship was ending. Peter liked to call arguments in relationships 'the great war.' I never really understood it.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the sweet dream was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac's hands gripped the bike's seat. I debated on setting a hand on top of his, wanting to reassure him that everything would be okay. "Why didn't we just call a tow company?" Issac spoke. He took his hands off the bike so I couldn't hold him. "We'd probably have to pay a fee or something," I said. Isaac nodded.
He looked like he wanted to debate my statement but decided against it. I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by headlights heading in our direction. I turned to the left and saw Derek's truck. He got out of the truck.
"I've got some gas at the loft. Isaac, we can fill it up when we get there," Derek said. Isaac nodded. The two grabbed Isaac's bike and put it into the bed of the truck. Derek must've noticed the tension between me and Isaac. I went to step into the front seat but was stopped when Derek wrapped his hand around my wrist.
Always remember Uh-huh, tears on the letter I vowed not to cry anymore If we survived the Great War
He looked at me with raised brows, expecting an answer. "It's fine," I said. "Doesn't look fine," Derek let go. I fixed my purse and glanced at Isaac. Isaac sat in the back seat with his arms crossed, his head resting against the window. "It's nothing," I insisted.
Derek dropped it. I got into the front seat and he began driving home. It was quiet during the car ride. Derek occasionally changed the radio until he decided he got tired of listening to music. Though, I'd much rather listen to the radio than sit in silence. I was so happy to see the loft come into view.
After a few minutes, Isaac's bike was filled up with gas. Isaac decided to stay the night since it was already so late. Derek said his goodnight and went to his room. I laid awake with Isaac beside me, his back facing me. Isaac hadn't spoken to me since we got home. I watched his shoulders rise up and down as he breathed.
My mind kept returning to our past arguments. I ran a hand over my face, trying to push the images away. "Isaac, are you asleep?" I whispered. "Trying to," he replied, his voice muffled from the pillow. He flipped so his back was against the mattress. I rested my hands underneath my head, propping me up slightly.
"Are we breaking?" I asked. Isaac's brows furrowed at my question. He sat up, now leaning up against the headboard. "Because I feel like we are," I claimed. Isaac ran a hand through his hair before lowering his hand. He took my hand into his. "Isaac, I can't help but think that these past arguments are catching up to us," I said.
You drew up some good-faith treaties I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone You said I have to trust more freely But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire
Six months ago, Isaac and I had disagreed with something, causing us to shout out accusations. I pulled away, afraid that it might happen again. I guess that should've been a clue that it might. His face softened. Isaac shook his head, letting my hand go. Maybe he didn't want to think about it? Or, maybe he just didn't want to admit it?
And maybe it's the past that's talkin' Screamin' from the crypt Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it
"We're not breaking," he shook his head again, "If we were, I wouldn't be laying in bed with you. And I wouldn't have stuck with you for this long." He grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. Isaac looked at the chipped nail polish on my fingers. I sat up in the bed, my shoulder brushing against the pillow and headboard.
Isaac looked at every spot on my face, settling on a small scar on my cheek. He ran a finger over the scar, leaving his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into his touch. "I don't want to be a survivor of this great war," I said, "I don't want these arguments to continue. I want to fix this, I want to fix us." Isaac kissed my forehead.
He put his arms around me, bringing me into his chest. Isaac laid back down with me beside him. "There's no fixing us. We're okay, love, we're okay," Isaac mumbled. I knew I should believe him, I know I should, but there's a little voice inside my head that says I shouldn't.
(Three Days Later - In the School Parking Lot)
Isaac followed me to my car, yelling. I brought out my keys. "Holy shit, Isaac. It wasn't that deep," I argued. I threw my backpack into the backseat. I opened the driver-side door, setting my water bottle and keys into the cup holder. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Oh don't give me that fucking look Y/N," he spat.
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the bombs were close and My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
I was taken aback by his choice of words. My expression changed immediately. "I didn't do anything wrong," I said, "I was talking to Aiden, there was nothing there." Isaac scoffed, following me with his eyes. He grabbed my wrist but I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you trust me?" I said.
He nodded in response. Isaac shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Do you? Because lately, it doesn't feel like that," I replied, "Y/N do this, Y/N don't do that. Y/N you shouldn't talk to him, you shouldn't talk to anyone other than me. Y/N, stop telling me what to do." I felt people's eyes on us, but I didn't pay any attention to them.
Isaac noticed small tears begin to form. "It's like you don't trust me anymore," I said, "It's like you've fallen out of love, and I have no idea why." He thought to himself for a second, not knowing what or how to say it. I waited for what felt like forever before getting into my car.
"Wait, Y/N/N," Isaac held the car door. I tried ripping his hand off the frame, but he was stronger than me. "I haven't fallen out of love for you," Isaac said. "Then, what is it?" I asked. His mouth opened, but no words came out. "Nothing? Absolutely nothing?" I continued, "Not one word?"
His eyes dropped to the concrete. I wiped a tear and got into my car. I was able to shut the door just as Isaac let go of it. He watched me pull out of the lot.
(Later That Night)
The TV played one of Derek's favorite reality shows. I yawned with my head against the couch cushion. Derek had gotten back from god knows what. All I knew was that he brought home groceries. He sat beside me, eating some mac n' cheese Peter surprisingly made.
Derek nudged my shoulder, noticing that I had been quiet all evening. "What's wrong?" he inquired. "Nothing," I replied, not taking my focus away from the show. Derek paused the show and set the remote on the armrest.
"Y/N, I think you forget that I'm a werewolf," Derek said, resting an arm on the back of the couch. "Isaac and I are arguing. Like, nonstop," I informed. Derek's brows narrowed in confusion. He always thought that me and Isaac were okay.
But I guess looks can be deceiving. He motioned for me to continue. "I honestly don't even know why," I shrugged, "One month, we just started disagreeing on every single thing. And, I've searched my mind for any damn reason, but nothing speaks out. I have tried desperately to think what Isaac might be thinking. When I ask, I get the same answer."
Derek nodded as I spoke. I wiped a stray tear away. I hated crying in front of people, especially in front of the person who would quite literally kill anyone who got in my way.
It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed Your finger on my hairpin triggers Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth
"Derek, it's changed," I looked at him. His face fell at the state of my eyes. "I feel like I should break up with him," I added, "Because I can't continue thinking that everything is going to end right then and there. I can't continue arguing with him, it just breaks me and Isaac."
Broken and blue, so I called off the troops That was the night I nearly lost you I really thought I had lost you
Derek nodded again. He opened his arms, gesturing for me to hug him. He gave me a reassuring squeeze. Derek let go of me, his hands resting on my shoulders. "You can try to piece everything together, maybe say a little prayer, even," Derek said, "But there's no victory in this. Just like you said."
He paused and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Derek fixed my t-shirt before continuing. "It's not fair to either of you. Those terrible moments that the two of you have are embedded in your relationship. You can't go back, neither of you can. You've said things that can't be returned," Derek finished.
Derek kissed my forehead and gave me a much-needed hug. For the rest of the night, we talked about my situation and watched the rest of his show.
(The Next Day, at the loft)
After last night's talk with Derek, I decided to call Isaac over. He was happy that I called him since we hadn't talked since yesterday. Isaac sat in front of me with his hands sitting in his lap. He stared at me (GIF Above) as I played with my fingers, chipping off the polish.
Isaac reached an arm out and took my hands. I looked up at his eyes, feeling like there was some part of him that knew what was coming. And then, I began to regret what I was about to do. I still loved him, and he still loved me.
"Isaac," I cleared my throat, "I've thought this over and over again, but I can't think of a better way to tell you this." I let go of his hand, going back to picking at the chipped nail polish. Isaac nodded and sat up in his spot.
To that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the worst was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War
Isaac let out a heavy sigh, nodding his head. "I know," he said, "I know what you're about to say, Y/N. You don't have to say it." I looked away from the ground, feeling his eyes land on me. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, but it slowly faded. "You shouldn't regret it," Isaac said.
Uh-huh, we're burned for better I vowed I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War
"I'm sorry," I said. "Why're you sorry?" he replied. Isaac's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. "Because I hurt you," I croaked, swallowing the lump in my throat. Isaac shook his head and hugged me tightly.
"We hurt each other," he clarified, "But I'll always love you, Y/N. I hope you know that." I nodded with my head against his chest. He set one last kiss on my head.
I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War Uh-huh I vowed I would always be yours
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