#she couldnt be perfect but by god was the rest of the family (other than belle) just so fucking awful to him
mrkanman · 9 months
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some things you can't rewrite.
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jamiekb · 3 months
Exploring the new Welcome Home Update
So here's my journey through the new update and the little details that it has, this will be a very long post and of course full of spoilers.
Look at the new design for the loading screen, so Christmas-y! I particularly love the antlers on Home's chimney.
Looking good Wally! And now we have new little doodles that seem to go with the holiday.
Ok so according to the admins no more bugs so wonder what will be different this time. Onto the news page then
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Also I'm really digging the new background
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Ok starting the FAQ now and some questions and answers are interesting. So they've been receiving more material covered in goop. They kinda adress in universe the move of the website, due to malicious material and in the code of the page.
And there is one new hidden message in the answers (I think) "The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can't see them" So do we have to look for numbers now?
Took a detour through the stickers and they have new ones! There is Wally making a Home out of snow, sleeping Julie, I think Frank singing Carols to a butterfly, Poppy with a Jello thing, Eddie with a ton of presents to deliver, Howdy with some relatives, Sally as the star of a Christmas tree and Barnaby with a snowman.
Also with the "Welcome Home" banners two are a bit more desaturated now. And now that I think about it there are some stains in the main banner too
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Anyway unto the Neighborhood! Looks so cute although I'll be honest the clock tower is a bit weird and the trees feel a bit more intense at the edges or maybe that's just me
Eddie seems quite normal though now apparantly he has a mother, I'm confident that didn't use to be there. Is it weird that other than Wally hes the only one that didn't add anything new to his home for the season?
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I think Howdy's description also changed a bit but nothing alarming. His store now seems to have signs welcoming his family for the holidays.
Checking Barnaby's description they seem to all have a bit more background info, since he apparently left his farm life to come to Home. Ok what does "Barnaby’s middle initial was often rotated in terms of what it stood for" mean???
Poppy is so cute! Is she holding cupcakes decorated like the characters or did she already do that? Ok but her new details feel very interesting: she claims to be able to fly but it's never shown and she never leaves her house to the point of being excluded from some events (like Wally's Homewarming party I guess)
Sallys is fine. She's besties with Poppy I guess and she can shine??? How do you make a puppet shine?? Were they roommates maybe?
Oh Julie got quite a backstory. Named siblings, she has paws and used to live in the forest on the outskirts of Home in a cave with her family. And she hibernates that's too cute!
Great my dear Frank still gets no background info (which is very interesting) but he goes get forced heteronormativity.
Ok and Wally is kinda similar, no background info just very dedicated to Home. And I''l see about coming back to the As above so below page since I can't seem to click it, might just be me. You can still see the goop at the doorstep though
Ok so first off the Merchandise page has a different background to the rest, some colorful static and took a bit to load.
oooh they even changed the layout for the phone since you could hear Wallys call, that's such a cool detail
Maybe I'll go back and see if Eddies or Sally's stories have been changed in the audio or transcipt but I'll stick to the new stuff for now. Now that i think about maybe Sally's doesn't have the bit where the transcript couldnt understand it.
Finally reached the wish book and I love it so much, this is so much work all around! My favorites are the Frank and Wally pillows, Eddie Dear Lil' Mailman's Kit, the Home Clock and specially the tree skirt! I now have to make those cute neighbors
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Oh my god the record has the perfect Santa voice. And.. interesting that the ad cuts off when we get to Eddie. I'm not really surprised thought it would do something when it got to him or Frank, still suspicious.
Homewarming Story
The sound editing for all this new items is amazing!
I love the bit of the characters tripping up the narrators, this one just hasn't been able to get it right.
Hey is it me or in this one they've been a bit more insistent that Frank is a bit too literal but in a not so good way, not that much more intense but can't help but notice it. Seems a bit meaner
The return of Walliford!
Good to know Home uses he/him I guess
excuse me the fuck was that sound distortion???
and then it ends kinda abruptly, so that's that...
Where's my Eddie by the way, they didn't ask him and didn't find him while out on the town. I better hear him at some point or I will riot.
We have a code!
Ok so I was skimming the rest of the material before choosing what to listen to next and saw the cereal and craft at the back! So I guess now I have to find all the little drawings in the page and see when come from that
So I did listen to a few more songs, nice to see Eddie and Frank interacting as always, and noticed that in the transcript pages there are some entries for Mistery Audio, which are actually three of the previously hidden videos so that's interesting
Also not all the pages have four drawings some only one, so I've been trying to keep track which symbols i found where in case it matters. Still don't know what they're for just going around collecting them
Ok nvm I was doing things out of order and now that I got to media can see they are mentioned there
So after finally getting all the little things and going back to tumblr cause honestly I didnt really get what to do, I'm guessing it leads to a website, since one of the pages just has www as the code, so I'll try that I guess since I saw that there is a secret website somewhere. If it takes me too long I'll just look it up
Secret website
Nvm I'm too impatient at this point and I think i was missing a few letters so I just looked it up
Ok so that's interesting, so this person is kinda like the one behind the scenes talking to us along with whatever had infected the website before. They mention how the curator got sick (???) but is better now and that they'll try to update this website with the weird things they find
So the phone is one, like the weird glitched audio from Wally. This audio is interesting cause it plays out technically in real life but Wally speaks as if they are living out their lives...
And then moving on to the commercial they are speaking again of being compelled to know more, to see and wait. I'm sure some is curiosity but that can't be all
ohmygod this is more than 20 minutes long, the effort it must have taken Clown and team is monumental
that little animation is so cute!!!
fast forward many commercials and we have Eddie!!! And even a whole hand helping Poppy or something.
god the tobacco comercial of course they would have one
My poor Eddie boy is so anxious and depressed, why is no one talking to you bud? Like not getting him a present is a thing but not even Julie called him to play... and now is he's spiraling and even mad, that's unusual for sure. Also what's with the perspective of his videos, everything is a commercial or in the case of the secret videos it's interactions with other neighbors. This is more like the secret videos that we're seeing from someones POV, but not even that, we're observing him not looking through his eyes
Oh my poor Eddie is certainly going through it, who let them expose him to The Horrors? The horror aspect of this ARG sure has started to pick up speed, even I picked up some anxiety from that last segment
Also I did notice that Frank eventually dropped the Mr Dear for Eddie when he got more worried, almost like hes more worried than for an act that he has to put up huh?
So that was the newest Welcome home update. I can say it was everything I hoped for and more!!! The team behind it really gave it their all. From VAs for the audios to all the visual and graphic artists for the commercials its all so wonderful
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baeshijima · 1 year
Like!! I alr love them sm but after the epilogue chapters??? Im-- they own my heart. Your honour, they are in love. Pls let them be happy i will fight for their happiness. They are literally so perfect for each other id be crying everytime i saw them sobs and them as individual charas are so hnggizhak criesss i just love them sm i cant- 😭😭
THE Izek von ortega, who's normally so stoic, but when he had to face his wife who had betrayed him and his family, he was completely heartbroken (he even shed a tear and his expressions????? Also "I'd do anything if it's for you..." ??? Idk if hes alr fallen for the original rudbeckia at this time but if that isnt a declaration of love idk what is !!) And rudbeckia too!!! The way she looked-- no matter how hard she tried to make it seem like she was willing to do everything that she did to izek, her facade also broke when izek's does, apologizing for toying with his heart all this time and asking him to let her go for the last time as his wife ... it showed that she was never willing to do all those things, and she was just another puppet in the grand scheme of thing by her family (and this scene makes me think that even if izek never express his feelings for rudbeckia, she alr knew abt it all this time :((( and she might also feel the same, and thats the reason she showed that she never wanted to do this..)
AND THEIR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS??? literallly the best i go from i love laugh live ruby and ruby only to i now love laugh live ruby and izek they are so in love i love them for it. They are literally so sweet to each other makes me cry everytime 😭😭 the fact that now izek is more open to his feelings for ruby im- ascending to the great heavens. Im so so happy for them they absolutely deserve each other after all yhe shits ruby had to go through (and me crying my eyes out everytime smthg happen to her) its all so worth it when their relationship is fixed 🥺🥺🥺
(This ask is getting too long holy frick im so sorry wojskwjwjw BUT BUT B4 I GO did u know that orkatoon, a stepmother's marchen artist, has an instagram account and they have a couple of arts of the charas in asm and theyre all so !!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 heres one of my fav !!! i also would like a smol shuli for emotional support pls aosjaisj :')))))
(also the one part of the manhwa that will forever live rent free in my head is the couple chapters around chap 50 that looks back into the past life ;w;;; LIKE??? I COULDNT STOP CRYING FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS THE WRONG TIMINGS AND ABSOLUTE HEARTBREAK WAS SOSJLJFKSDGFKS WAILS)
i would say more in regards to ruby and izek but u basically summed it up for me KJHFK NO BC THEIR DEVELOPMENT HAS ME ON A GRIP !!!! ur honour theyre so in love and im in love with their love 🥹 the past life where izek was literally more concerned about her than the whole area being up in flames made me ugly sob... his expression... her expression.... god the artist is literally god tier with how they convey emotions pls 😭 im so happy theyre accepting one another and if anything comes between them *glares with all my soul at cesare* then i will drop kick them into the stratosphere 😤
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dr4cking · 3 years
I could request a smut with draco post war, where he and his wife (reader) have tried to have sex but their young children always interrupt them in some way, so they give it to cissy to take care of so they can have privacy. Thank you and only if you feel comfortable writing this request😊😊
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hi! thank you for requesting! this one is a really cute idea 😂💞
draco twisted the doorknob entering the house with his sleeping 5 year old son on his hips, the familiar scent tickling his nose as he step into their house, a smile crept up to his face as he sees the mother of his kid busying herself in the kitchen.
“hi dray, he’s asleep?” y/n whispers, walking to her husband, examining their son and she smiles as she sees her son sleeping peacefully resting his head on his father’s shoulder.
“he is, love. i think he got exhausted after playing all day in the park, lemme put this little guy on his bed first okay?” draco said as he kisses her forehead before heading into his son’s bedroom.
draco put scorpius carefully on his bed, pulling the cover up to his small body, he chuckles internally as he watched that scorpius is a spitting image of him. he left a kiss on his forehead as he closed the door quietly then head downstairs going back to his wife.
“hey, how’s your day? i miss you so much, love” draco put his hand around y/n’s waist startling her, he buried his face onto the crook of her neck inhaling his favorite scent making her giggles.
“i miss you too, dray. its been lovely, how about you hmm? did you have fun with our little guy?” y/n said not turning back as she still chopping the carrots.
“we did but he kinda took out all of my energy, you know what that means, right?” draco smirked as he pressed her back closer to his chest, his hands started to groping around her body.
“d-draco scorpius is s-sleeping” y/n said between her moans as her husband pressed her ass against his crotch and rubbing it behind her, she gripped the knife harder.
“then we’ll have to be quiet” he turns her around pushing her back against the table carefully, quickly catching her lips on his, kissing his wife hungrily moaning instantly into the kiss. she broke the kiss to catch some breath.
“f-fuck y/n” draco let out a whispered moan into her ear as he starts grinding his boner on her core, y/n throw her head back in pleasure feeling butterflies errupted in her stomach as he starts to trailing kisses down on her neck and still grinding on her.
“god its been so long since the last time, baby. i cant believe we managed to last that long” y/n chuckles at his words but turns into a hitched moan as draco pulled down the straps of her dress and latching his lips onto her nipple sucking on it, she interlocked her hand with his hair.
“no bra, yeah? as if you know you were gonna get fucked” y/n bites down her bottom lip, her eyes never leaving her husband who started to go down kissing her stomach, she gets more excited as he lifts up the bottom of her dress and kissing her inner thighs.
“d-draco please-” y/n hooked one of her leg onto his shoulder as he pushes her panties aside, he was about to gives all her craving but-
“mommy, daddy!” both of them froze as they heard a small footsteps approaching them, they quickly redressing themselves and act normal as their son run to y/n, hugging her leg.
“whats wrong baby?” y/n asked worriedly as she gets down on his level, patting his head.
“i’m having a nightmare mommy” she places soft kisses to all over his face to calm him down then she looks at draco who still held the frustation on his face, she wanted to laugh but she remember that her baby needs her right now.
“c’mon daddy lets put scorpius back in his room” y/n teasingly said running her fingers on his cheek, draco clenched his jaw gritting his teeth as he realizes what his wife playing at.
“you’re gonna regret that, babygirl” draco whispers into her ear as she walking the three of them to scorpius’s bedroom, he walked behind her and squeezing her ass, he smirks when he heard her gasped.
after an hour of reading scorpius a book, telling him a story, he finally gets back into his sleep but y/n and draco are too tired to continuing what they were about to do in the kitchen.
y/n look up to her husband who already staring at her, her mouth agape as she watches draco mouthed “i’m still horny” to her. holding out her laughter she shook her head.
“not now draco, we almost get caught by our son” y/n said quietly cant help but chuckles lowly when she sees draco whining and rubbing his face in frustration.
the next day comes, draco was sitting on his chair working through something, a quill on his hand and a parchment in front of him. then he heard rustling behind him, he turns around to find his beloved wife, only in a towel.
y/n gives him a wink and motioning him to come over making draco gulped, he made his way to her as fast as possible then pulling her closer by her waist, his lips immediately founding hers, his hand goes to unwrap the towel and it falls down onto the floor.
draco let out a grunts as he sees y/n’s exposed body he was getting hard by the seconds, he grabbed her by her thighs and placed her on his desk. his hands roaming around her body.
y/n moans softly when she feels draco sucking on her nipple, his hand playing with the other and his free hand rubbing her clit collecting the wetness, he brought his fingers into his mouth sucking it hungrily making y/n whimpers at his action. draco was about to pulls down his sweatpants until he heard a soft knocks on the door, he groaned in frustration.
“mommy, daddy? i’m so bored, can we go get an ice cream?” scorpius yelled behind the door making draco frustrated more.
y/n melted at her son’s voice, quickly getting a piece of clothes and putting it on, draco look at her in disbelief.
“are you serious, y/n?” draco loves his son so much but he always had a bad timing.
“draco he wants to get an ice cream, i cant say no to him, later okay? now c’mon” y/n chuckles at his pouted face, she kisses the tip of his nose and leading him with her to approaching their child.
after hours taking a walk and getting an ice cream per their son’s wishes, they go back to the house.
draco took a seat on the couch in their living room reading daily prophet while his wife and his kid starts to playing together in front of him, enjoying their day off but suddenly an owl barging into the house making the three of them turning their heads at it. draco raised his eyebrows in confusion as he takes the letter from the owl.
y/n rose up from the floor wanting to see who was sending them a letter, scorpius still unbothered playing with his toys.
“oh its from mother” draco said as he opened the enveloped.
Dear Draco & Y/n,
How are you? I havent heard anything about the three of you, I sent this letter to tell you both that Lucius & I missed our grandchild so much, I was hoping that he could stay for a little bit in the Manor, we wanted to spend some time with him. I wish you all healthiness as always.
“perfect.” draco smirked as he finishes reading his mothers’ letter looking up to his wife with a sly grin making her blush.
“scorp?” he called out his son smiling at him as scorpius turning his head to listen to his father.
“do you want to stay with your grandmother and grandfather? they said they missed you and will be happy if you’re staying with them for awhile.”
“really? of course yes dad!! i missed them so much, mommy please pack my stuff” scorpius shouted happily, jumping around with his toy in his hand making his parents laugh at their boy’s cuteness.
in the evening, draco, y/n and scorpius apparated to the Malfoy Manor. lucius and narcissa already waiting at the front door welcoming the little family happily. scorpius runs to his grandmother and she picked him up kissing his cheeks.
“draco, y/n aren’t you staying too?” lucius asked as he watched the couple didnt go inside with them.
“uh father actually we were kinda busy- the work is stuffing up our faces.. but thank you for willing to take care of scorpius” draco nervously said as lucius looked at them in confusion but after connecting the dots together, he nods giving his son a smirk.
“sure sure, have fun you two” y/n widen her eyes but quickly laughed it off, the pair blushing madly because of draco’s father words but draco hurriedly takes her hand in his and apparating back to their house saving them from embarrassment.
as they appeared back in their house draco opened the door and shoving his wife inside kicking the door behind them as he pushed y/n against it.
“woah woah slow down draco” y/n laughs at her husband aggressiveness but interrupted by his lips capturing hers, she returns the kiss with the same passion, moans slipped off of her as draco undressing both of them.
“fuck- i cant take it anymore baby wanna take you right here right now” draco places wet kisses on her neck, marking every inch of her skin. he slowly get down after he finished assaulting her neck, continuing what he was doing yesterday, but now without any interruptions.
“draco.. oh- fuck” y/n couldnt control her moans anymore as draco drowned his head between her thighs eating her out making his wife squirming and scratching on the door.
draco let out a hum at the taste of her, he was hungry he eats her out like a starved men, its not only for her but for his pleasure too. y/n’s moan ringing in his ear filling the house making he gets more hungrier, he inserts his fingers into her thrusting and curling them inside of her making her body shake, his tongue skillfully playing with her clit.
“oh my god draco.. i-im so close!” y/n warned him, she was closer than she thought, after she said that she felt her orgasm snapped through her body, a loud moan of her husband’s name escaped her lips, it feels too good.
“fuck i missed this, babygirl. taste so fucking delicious.” draco hummed as he lapping up her juices closing his eyes at the taste, he was longing for it.
draco stand up after he finished, looking at y/n who was still catching her breath, he chuckles deeply before reconnecting their lips, shoving his tongue down her throat letting her taste herself, he squeezes her ass giving it a few slaps before placing one of her legs on his waist and he starts to lining his cock on her glistening cunt. whimpers and begging came out from her mouth.
“h-holyfuck y/n feels so good” draco groans as he bottomed fully inside her letting her adjust for a second before picking up his pace, he starts to rocked in and out of her, her walls clenching and squeezing hard around him making it impossible for him to last longer.
y/n’s body bouncing up and down uncontrollably against the door, all she cares now was getting her high again and feeling her husband’s cum filling her up. she rolled her hips fucking him back, loud moan left her lips as the head of his brushing her spot, draco took a notice and pounding harder into thek spot making her seeing the stars.
“fuck fuck fuck y/n im gonna fucking come if you keep doing that.” draco wrapped both of her legs on his waist the new angle making his cock going deeper inside her, he screams her name as y/n starts to pulsing around him signaling she was close, he sneaked one of his hand and rubbed a small circle on her clit making her body jolted out at the double pleasure.
“yes- yes.. oh my god im cumming daddy!” y/n doesnt care about her words anymore as she lets her second orgasms washed over her- wait no she’s.. she just squirted all over draco.
“holy shit! that was so fucking hot.. gonna give you all of my cum until you carry my second child.. f-fuck y/n take all of me!” draco screams her name out loud as he stilled, shooting all of his semen into his wife filling her womb non stop until some of it dripped out of her but he quickly pushing it back inside not letting it go to waste.
draco is still inside her, both of their bodies shaking from their intense orgasms. y/n look up to him, sweats running on his forehead, his blonde hair messy, mouth hung open to steadying his breath, he looks like a god.
they continue their activities for a whole days, now without interruptions. rounds after rounds, on the couch, on the desk, against the walls, in their room, in the bathroom, basically everywhere in their house, it was like they were making up for the lost times.
and a month after, lucius and narcissa were given a news, that draco and y/n are expecting their second child.
tagging : @dracoscum
(if you want to be tagged in my fics please click here )
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its-neopolitan · 2 years
Soo had this idea for a about 2 week till i finally gave in and attempt to write at least the main idea i had. Advice surely welcomed.
So the main plot is that Pepa is being mind controlled and being forced to cause a hurricane thats destroying the town.
Trapped in the undertow of sharp waves harsh from the beating of a storm, dragged under by the unforgiving unrelenting ocean with no escape, no ones around to hear a cry for help.
Thats what it felt like Pepa decided. If anyone were to ask her once all this is over. If this ever ends.
Every sound and every thought they are distorted, as if shes hearing them miles below the surface of the ocean. Though you suppose losing control of your own mind and being does that to a person.
Pepa hears a shout. From Isabela, From luisa? She cant quite tell, She cant even make out the words that are being screamed at her. Sounding nothing more than an echo.
Pepa tries to focus, desperately tried to tone in on the sound of her family's fading voices but it still did nothing to ease the fog that clouds her mind. As the sounds fades to nothing more than a whisper.
She wouldn't be doing this she knows, She wouldn't be doing this if she had control, she hopes to god her family understands this isnt her doing.
The hurricane thats raging around them isn't her. The wind howling around them raining spikes of hail on to the damp cold muddy ground isn't her. The lighting thats skipping, dancing to its own raging song across the clouds in the sky isn't her doing.
Never in her life Pepa wished more than anything that the miracle was never restored that her family had never gotten their gifts back.
That shes never got her gift back.
As selfish as it sounds that year without her powers was the most peaceful Pepa's life has ever been. Just beig able to feel what she felt with no consequences just made Pepa feel more free and alive than she's ever felt before.
Though Of course Pepa couldn't deny she felt thrilled for the rest her family, the joy on her children and nieces' faces as their gifts came flooding back
The glee on Antonio face as his animals came swoaring back. Isabelas smile as she was able to give in to her desire and finally use her gift for something other than the roses she perfected at such a young age.
Seeing them all get to be themselves in the bask glow of it all. It almost made losing that sense of self Papa so recently found all worth while. Beacuse in the end what parent wouldnt sacrifice a part of themselves so their children could be happy.
But now in the end none of that matters. None of it changes the fact that shes just too weak. Or maybe its the fact shes always been this weak.
Too weak to fight against this. As hard as she tries she can't cut through the ever growing fog thats trappig her in this dark abandoned corner of her own mind.
Pepa cant stop herself as she watches her arm raise and suddenly the wind changes direction. The hail moving as one to its target.
It shreds the vines that were coming at her into hundreds of pieces as if it was nothing more than a pair of scissors cutting a lose thread on a shirt.
Pepa watches as the look of determination that was on Isabela face just moments before vanishes into a gasp of fear as she barely has time to put the making of what appeared to be a tree infront of her as a makeshift sheild from any reminding ice daggers gets caught in the splintering wood.
The look only worsens as Pepa watches Isabela desperately pleading for what, Pepa couldnt understand, it was no use as hard as she tries. Isabellas words couldn't break through the cloud of her mind.
Pepa couldn't stop this storm, she couldn't stop the wind, she couldn't even stop the hail from attacking her beloved niece. So what made her think she could stop the lighting that was aimed straight at Isabella from striking.
Pepa hopes maybe one day she can earn their forgiveness.
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that post about self sacrifice narratives made me think of how da accidentally goes a step further and ends up (in part) being a cautionary tale about self sacrifice, or rather showing people the other side of self sacrifice and the ugly side of the glorification of martyrdom. like im not going to mention it all, but take dao as an example. the figure of the warden/hero necessarily originates from sacrifice (except in the brosca origin where brosca's life was already permeated by sacrifice, and the figure of the warden is born not from sacrifice or tragedy, but from both this sense of chance or destiny, rage and revenge, which is VERY interesting to me but i dont want to go off topic), and the game seems to constantly insist on the idea of glorifying sacrifice "for a good cause". this is not alarming to the audience, because its something constantly seen in other similar mainstream narratives: the someone sacrifices themselves for the greater good and everyone is better off because of that sacrifice. because a narrative that shows the good and virtuous side of sacrifice for a greater purpose is useful, so why would they bother to explore how inhuman it is to ask someone to give up their life, how painful it is to resign oneself to misery so others can live. they never make you think about the person behind the act, they take advantage of the distance of the audience, they dehumanize the figure of the martyr to make them perfect and virtuous to further a certain narrative, and they focus on showing the "bigger picture" to promote a certain message. but there are instances where the game tries to show the player some hidden cracks in that particular "self sacrifice is noble act" ideology. the issue is that they are fairly easy to ignore. we can choose to ignore the fucked up-ness behind the deaths of the recruits during the joining because they happened to further a greater cause. we can ignore the grief of the families that have lost loved ones in battle because thats what happens during war and there's nothing anyone can do about it. we distance ourselves from the grief and misery of martyrdom by glorifying the heroes that sacrifice everything, distance ourselves from the messed up inhuman nature of the idea of asking a person to sacrifice their life in exchange for the lives of others, because we're playing a game, we truly don't risk anything, and we dont have to give up our lives, so its easy for us to mantain this idea of "sacrifice=good" and even easier to get influenced to carry that idea into real life and see it as a virtue. to think only of the heroic part. but if we choose to go through with the dark ritual, the game instantly turns the tables on us, gets personal, and forces us to pay attention to the misery and pain, the unfairness and the helplessness, the mutual suffering that self sacrifice truly entails, using the only person we can't completely help or "save": morrigan(1/2)
(putting the rest under a readmore bc it's long but OH MY GOD?)
(2/3) For someone like morrigan who's had to fight tooth and nail all her life just to survive in a wild and hostile environment with not a word of kindness or a helping hand ever being offered to her, for someone like morrigan who had to learn that she could trust no one but herself ever, that the world was a cruel savage place and the only way to survive it was to be just as cruel, cunning and manipulative, that was certain that love and friendship were illnesses experienced by fools who were looking for a quick death or betrayal or worse, that fully believed that having power over everyone acquired through any means so that she couldnt be hurt or taken advantage of was the only important thing in life, for someone like morrigan who finally got the chance to make her seemingly impossible dreams come true and also be in a relatively safe position for the first time in her life, who finally got to experience love and care from others and mutual companionship, friendship and selflessness, and finally was part of a real "family" for the first time in her life, to give up ALL THAT and her own freedom simply for the sake of another person, without getting any real reward or benefit from it, when she could've just thrown everyone under the bus like she'd been taught all her life and lived safely the way she'd ALWAYS wanted? thats messed up and painful to experience, and made even more painful by the knowledge that the warden can only watch, because nothing they say will make her not sacrifice herself. and she'd be the perfect martyr, the perfect example of the virtue in sacrifice if only the whole thing was seen from a distance, if it wasnt for the warden/player getting to see firsthand and personal how terrifying, fucked up and unfair the whole situation is, for both them who are on the receiving end and for morrigan, but mainly for morrigan. morrigan, whose life has been nothing short of miserable, choosing to give up and destroy her own dreams, choosing the prospecy of misery and loneliness, choosing to be far away from the world she loves, choosing to GIVE UP HER LIFE IN THEIR WORLD to let someone she loves live happily and safely, even despite all the pain and grief that separation and sacrifice cause in her heart. she gives up EVERYTHING WILLFULLY for ANOTHER PERSON'S SAKE, she puts the life of another before her own in the most absolute and painful of ways, going aganist every painful lesson in her life, solely because of love.
(3/3) theres just no bigger sacrifice than what she did. to not only go aganist everything youve been taught and completely believed all your life, but also to sacrifice yourself and decide to face the idea of not death, but the idea of a life of pain and loneliness again, a life with little to no benefits for which you had to give up everything you wanted, a life that includes the terrifying reality of having to give birth to and raise a child, alone, with all the trauma morrigan has surrounding the idea of that particular experience, just for the sake of another person that only offered you love and friendship for a short moment in your life? it's the biggest declaration of love for another being that could ever be made, and it's the most messed up thing ever because it speaks volumes about how starved morrigan was, how messed up her love is for her to consider that one chance given to her by another person, that hand extended towards her, that moment of friendship, love and kindness, worthy of sacrificing ten years of her life and her dreams for. how little she must care for herself if she gave up so much for the first person that extended kindness to her for a short time. and it's painful because it goes both ways, because sacrifices always do, because it's unforgettable and it stays with the warden forever, not only because of the emotional bond they have with morrigan, but because now they have a literal bond between them. the warden now has to keep living a life they took from morrigan, and with the grief of not having morrigan around. they can no longer live for themselves. every day alive is a reminder that someone else gave up their time so the warden could have it. someone else is not seeing the world just to let the warden see it. someone else is alone, while the warden gets to be around people. and the sacrifice is mutual in the end, because the pain is mutual, because the love was mutual. the warden doesnt get to see morrigan, and can only keep this life and the memories, the love and the grief, and the undying hope as a reminder that someday they might meet again. but its mostly grief, and learning how to live with it, with all the love they can't give, and how to carry it gracefully.
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i-like-gay-books · 3 years
some (slightly) more coherent thoughts on awtwb cause i was thinking about it in the shower
i loved it. i loved the book to pieces, i mean snowbaz was so soft and actually functional most of the way through and agatha found her calling and simon found his family and penny and shepard are just precious and it was really a fantastic way of wrapping up the trilogy all in all
thinking back on it the morning after finishing theres something that rubs me the wrong way about one aspect of the book. first it was just the agatha niamh thing but then i got to thinking and its bigger than that
in awtwb there’s kind of an underlying message of you can’t be happy unless you’ve found your person/ are in a relationship
agatha and niamh for example. i loved loved loved the agatha storyline i mean i think it really makes sense that she would want to be a vet and that shed like animals better than humans and somebody needed to take ebbs place but
was the kiss even necessary?
idk i mean i can see how niamh was helpful to the plot in getting agatha to go back to watford and all but i just dont see why the pair the spare was necessary here. i just dont see why agatha couldnt be happy single and why it couldnt have just been an amazing thing for her to make a friend which, historically, she has trouble with. idk.
and then theres snowbaz obviously. i mean they belong together dont get me wrong. but they lasted barely 24 hours apart before they decided that wasn’t gonna fly because they feel so absolutely dreadful without each other. ok i seriously think thats some attachment issues stuff right there like yeah fine its romantic or whatever that they miss each other so much and its natural for people to wallow after a breakup, but the healthiest way of addressing that isn’t to avoid it altogether by just getting back together. i mean after that they barely spend a minute apart for the rest of the book. i love snowbaz as a couple to pieces but im just saying i dont think their level of attachment to each other is the healthiest and it adds to this feeling im getting from the book of much be in a relationship or else never happy
penny and shepard next. they’re cute oh my god. i cant believe how cute they are. i didnt get it after wayward son but i get it now. theyre perfect.
that doesnt mean i canst still think that it seems a bit like penny doesnt know how to be happy on her own and she didnt get much of a chance to figure that out. wayward son takes place over what, a week? and then so does awtwb. so thats like a week and a half of her being single, or at least knowing she is. i know she wasnt all sad over losing micah and didn't miss him but she definitely was pretty lost being on her own. i love penny and shepard! so much! im just saying...
after that its side characters. fiona and nico somehow ending up together?? getting married?? cause why, we needed a plot device (the ring) to get the gang back to england? and she's SO HAPPY with him, like she wasnt happy before? idkkkkkkk
and then also bay’s parents. i mean i get that one kinda because daphne did just up and leaver her whole ass family but like. in the end when she came back they didnt even question her. they were just automatically the big happy family again because she was home. like being in a relationship with daphne was the only reason baz’s dad is happy
writing it out these are all just like minor issues but they add up. i know rainbow is really here to write romance like thats her whole thing. i guess it just felt a bit too much like tying up the loose ends in this book, pairing the spares. and as an aroace its kind of uncomfy feeling to me. idk. again. 
i really really loved the book otherwise, flimsy plot and all (we know its really all about the character development, its ok rainbow) i just found this aspect kinda bugged me throughout.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Best Friends
Sugawara x Fem!Reader
“Hello” you say softly and the light haired boy in front of you turns around with a smile “oh hello! Can I help you?” You smile at his friendly face “yeah I’m looking for the volleyball gym?” He chuckles “that’s perfect! I’m going there too, I’ll show you the way! Are you looking to be the manager?” You fell in step beside him as you talk and walk, from that day you and Sugawara were practically inseparable. He joined the team and you became a manager with Kiyoko.
“I can’t believe we’re third years” you say as you sit down next to Suga in the cafeteria, Asahi, Daichi, and Kiyoko there as well. “I feel so old” Asahi says as he takes a bite of his lunch. “We’ve been third years for a few months now,” Kiyoko says, like it’s supposed to not feel bad anymore. “Yeah well, I still feel old” Asahi says and you laugh, you’re all teens still but it feels like you’re reaching the top of the mountain now, where the other side is waiting to show you all your different paths. You didn’t feel ready yet.
Your hands start to mess with the frayed hem of your skirt, your thoughts elsewhere as you stare down at your unopened soda. Suga reaches over, placing his right hand over your hands gently. When you look over at him he just smiles softly, like he knew the train your thoughts were taking and wanted to let you know he was there for you. You smile up at him, he nods once as you reach up to begin eating your lunch. Suga’s hand stayed against your knee, the warmth from his palm sending tingles down your spine.
Your friendship with Suga was always comfortable, always easy to be with him. The last two years were some of the funnest you’ve ever had because of him and the volleyball team. Even if volleyball hasn’t been easy, it was always fun for you because of Suga and your third year group. you couldnt help but crush hard on him, he was sweet and thoughtful. He truly cared about everyone genuinely and you couldnnt stop the way your heart lights up for him brighter than you’ve ever felt before. He made you feel special even if he was just handing you an extra pencil, it was in his eyes. 
Suga didn’t start acting more friendly with you until the beginning of third year, or at least that’s when you noticed it. You ran into him in the hallway and he was the one to pull you into a hug, holding you tight against him as he laughed, telling you how much he missed you during the break. He started placing his hand on your lower thigh or right on top of your knee if you sat next to him. it wasnt sexual, wasnt naything really, just a warm soft touch to ground himself and you didn’t mind it. You thought it was sweet but you convinced yourself that it was just friendly, even if you hadn’t had friends treat you like that before. but you couldn’t deny that it was another thing that made you feel special to him.
“You know he likes you...” Kiyoko said as you studied on the floor of the gym before practice and you laughed “who?” she smirks and you laugh again “you must be mistaken... No one likes me, Ki” Kiyoko gives you a look and you stop laughing “who are you talking about?” You say and swallow hard and she smirks “tell me. Please” you say and clear your throat. She closes her notebook “Who do you think?” She looks right at you and you feel your cheeks flush as one person flashes in your head. No. It couldn’t be him. “Well I’d guess Tanaka or Noya but they seem to be very dedicated to you” she sighs and flicks her hair behind her neck “who has been even more friendly to you this year? Touching your knee, hugging you more,..” your eyes widen and she nods with a smile “Sugawara?” You whisper and she nods again, a smile on her lips.
“Speak of the devil” Suga says as he walks in the gym, coming and crouching next to you with a smile. “Talking shit about me again, Y/n?” he asks with a chuckle, reaching out and tucking your hair behind your ear. You freeze, your breath catching in your throat as you look at him, wide eyed and confused. “Uhh.. well” you chuckle and try to get your bearings “you know me Suga. always talking” you laugh awkwardly and he laughs while looking at you funny, it isn’t what you do, you’re not a shit talker, and that was a terrible said joke, so flat. He gave a look to Kiyoko that said ‘what’s going on with her?’ Kiyoko smiles as she starts to pack up her things “I just got done tutoring her, she came to some revelations,.. But i suggested she ask you to tutor her since I don’t seem to be helping much”
Suga looks back to you with a wide grin “of course! You’re my best friend, obviously ill help you!” Daichi calls for warm ups and Suga is up and gone, leaving you to clean your things up with Kiyoko “not him. no . you’re wrong. He calls me his best friend. I'm obviously just a friend to him” Kiyoko laughs, sending you a look that says ‘he told me himself’ but she doesn’t say, and you don’t press her, you’d rather just convince yourself you’re right. He’s Suga for crying out loud! you’ve seen his fan girls at school, there’s no way he would choose you out of all those pretty girls.
Kiyoko rolls her eyes, she can tell you dont believe her but she did her job, she told you, it’s not her fault Suga wouldn’t drop the best friends thing, Kiyoko had told him that you were dumb and that you’d think it was a friendzone. But he said no, it’s way to show her i think we’re close. It’s a good thing to be best friends before a relationship. Not Kiyoko’s fault you were a bit clueless and ditzy. But maybe Suga will confess now that he’ll be tutoring you, and if you say you don't need tutoring you’ll be honest with him and he’ll tell you the truth. Either way, not her problem anymore.
After you finish cleaning up after practice you throw your back pack on your shoulder before heading outside to wait in the cool air for the team to go get some buns. Kiyoko is on the phone a little ways off, facing the other side of the school as you wait near the bottom of the steps for the team. You tapping your toes as you sand just what was going through your head “i’m so hungry i wish these boys would hurry my stomach in a flurry needs some meat buns meat buns meat buns” turning into you doing jump lunges towards Kiyoko while you were chanting meat buns. Before you know it, Noya, Tanaka, Hinata and Suga are standing around you, copying you perfectly as you jump alternating legs forward as you alternate arms up in the air, all chanting “meat buns” as Kiyoko shakes her head with a soft chuckle.
At the table eating a bun, your talk with Kiyoko was gone from your head, all that resided in your brain was steamed pork buns; nothing else mattered. You look up at Suga when he chuckles next to you and you raise your eyebrows “what’s so funny pretty boy?” you ask and he laughs again “so cute” he whispers and then reaches out, wiping the corner of your mouth with his thumb before popping his thumb in his mouth, licking it off as he turns his attention back to what Daichi was saying.
Your eyes glance in Kiyoko’s direction and she’s just smirking, she saw it all. Her eyes say ‘what did i tell you?’
“When do you want have a study session?” he asks and you swallow hard “i..i..um” you struggle through words, not knowing how to act after that action. You felt so flustered until his hand rested against your knee gently, it was like that cleared your whole head. You take a breath and look back up to his eyes “how about tomorrow after practice, we can stop and get some buns and then go to..”you think of your crazy family “would it be okay if we went to your house?” you cock your head and he chuckles “yeah that’s no problem. Tomorrow after practice, buns and biology” you chuckle and your hand reaches out, attempting to take a hold of his but before you can his hand has moved to pick up a bun, your knee cold from the lack of his warmth now. “It’s a date” you say quietly and your cheeks flush, turning to Asahi on your other side and asking about his hair care, not noticing the way Suga’s ears turned red and the way he looked at you after you called it a date.
꧁꧂(skip the whole next day) ꧁꧂
His room was clean, and even had a candle lit in the window. It smelled nice and was super organized which impressed you, but the smell of lavender bergamot did nothing for your nerves. You felt so anxious! Probably because you didn’t need it but oh well, you didn’t know how to tell him that so you would play along. You stopped by to get some buns, then headed straight for Suga’s, it was easy and comfortable. But now that you are in his room, sitting beside him against his headboard, you feel nervous and your hands are shaking as you scribble new flashcards
 “Do you know why I like this marker?” he asks suddenly, his notes forgotten in front of him. “Why?” you asked as you looked at the black marker he had. He reaches over and takes your hand softly, bringing it over to him and bringing the tip down to your skin “It’s clear for the most part so i can see what i'm doing through it. So i can underline perfectly. Or draw” you pull your left hand back and see a cute heart on the fleshy part beneath your thumb.
“Oh my god” you say and and he looks up at you, worry flashing in is eyes “what?” he asks and you chuckle once before raising your eyebrows “you ARE flirting with me”
he chuckles softly “thanks for noticing” you stare at him with wide eyes for a few moments, in shock that Kiyoko was right and you didn’t believe her. He smiles and bops your nose softly, your eyes flinching before you laughed and held out your hand for his marker which he places against your palm gently.
“How long?” You ask as you reach for his hand, “how long what?” He asks as you thread your fingers through his, your heart racing and fireworks dancing across your skin “how long have you been flirting with me without me noticing?” You bring the marker down to his skin, just across from the heart he drew on you, drawing a matching one. “Since the Date Tech game last year” your head snaps up “that long?!” You groan “I thought you were just being friendly. You kept calling me your best friend” you hold up your hand with the marker and do air quotes with your fingers “I thought that meant you knew about my feelings for you and you were being obvious about friendzoning me” your fingers touch the ink on his skin, checking to see if it was wet still but finding it dry so you squeeze his hand tighter “wait. . .” he whispers and you look up to his eyes again “wait what” he laughs once and raised his eyebrows “your feelings for me?” He asks and you nod “I’ve had a crush on you since that first day when you showed me to the gym. We’ve just always clicked. I thought you knew and just wanted to stay best friends” he squeezes your hand and then pulls you into his chest with his other arm “I’m sorry. If I had known of your feelings I would have done something sooner. And I like truly knowing someone before I get in a relationship so yes you’re my best friend but I want so much more with you” he kisses the top of your head and you pull back, reaching up to bury your hands in his soft hair.
 “I should probably tell you I don’t need a tutor” you whisper and he chuckles, eyes never straying from yours “That was Kiyoko covering for telling me you liked me. I can’t believe I didn’t believe her.” His nose brushes against yours as he raises his hands to rest against your neck “oh! Well, I’m glad we don’t have to study right now then” he says with a chuckle and then his lips brush yours and you gasp softly before smiling and pressing your lips to his, his thumbs brushing across your skin sending electricity down your spine.
Going to bed that night you noticed the black smudge of a heart on the side of your neck, having rubbed off from his palm, along with several other budding purple marks he left across your skin. you reach up and brush the marks, memories of the night flashing through your mind as you squeal, filled with happiness and excitement as you run back to your bed and bury yourself under the covers, knowing you wont be able to sleep with how active your mind is, too busy reliving the experience to sleep, too busy being excited about seeing your boyfriend the next day. 
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stanchonkyman · 4 years
☆Fear of Heights☆
☆Stanley Pines x Reader☆
You had been waiting all day for this moment. It had been a long day at the Mystery Shack. The place had been flooding with customers, just waiting to be scammed by none other than Stanley Pines, better known as Mr. Mystery. Though, that had became part of the fun for everyone in Gravity Falls. You, of course just loved the place. You started working there in the beginning of the summer, meeting Stan, Wendy, Soos, and of course Dipper and Mable. You loved them of course. They felt like family to you by now.
But there was someone who always managed to spark more feeling in you than others.
Stanley Pines.
You stood at the sink and washed your hands of all the grime you gained while working, when you felt a presence behind you. She froze and turned your head slightly. Stan was there meeting your gaze. "Oh-! God- Hey there, Stan." You greeted with a slight sigh if relief. "You really startled me there." Stan laughed at your statement. "Hey. That's what I'm here for." He winked, getting a chuckle out of you. This brought that genuine smile to his face that you always loved. Surprisingly, you were the only ones aside from Mable, and Dipper that could manage to give him that smile. The thought of that always warmed your heart.
"Okayyyy.. well, why exactly were you trying to sneak up on me? Its not like you just wanted to scare me." You urged, giving a playful smirk toward Stan. Though, he kept his little smile and looked to the side. "Well. I actually did have something to ask of you." He said. "Oh? What is it?" You tilted your head with curiosity. "Mable, Dipper and me are going to the carnival tomorrow. How about you come along?" He asked. It felt like fireworks were going off inside you. Finally. Some more time with Stan outside of work. That was always a good time.
"Of course! Sounds fun!" You chirped. "Great. See you tonight at 5." Stan grinned. You nodded. "Perfect." You swung your arms around him in a happy hug. You felt Stan stiffen at your motion. You froze and noticed how forward you could have seemed. But before you could pull away, his arms wrapped around you in return. He relaxed into the hug and laid his head against your shoulder. Your face heated up and you gave a light chuckle, just glad you hadn't upset him with your move. "Well. I'll see you then. Dont have too much fun without me." You released yourself from the hug and sent him a wink before basically flying out the door. "You dont have to tell me twice!" He shouted to you with a wave, followed by a distant chuckle.
Once you got home, you nearly melted into your bed. The amount of joy you felt was indescribable. You quickly got up. You did want to look nice.. Stan was going to be there after all. He may be old, but he certainly has standards. You went and opened up your closet, having yet another spark of joy when you saw all the photos of you and the pines family attached to your door. So, you picked out some jeans and a nice comfortable top. After a moment, you put it on and looked in the mirror. You (S/C) skin looked radiant and your (H/C) strands fell delicately. You made any more adjustments till you felt it was perfect. You shot yourself a smile. "Well, (Y/N). Here we go." You grabbed a bag and slung it over your shoulder before sprinting out the door.
After running along the sidewalk for a while, you saw the carnival out in a field. There were rides and cheesy games with prizes, along with those snack stands with all the crappy fried foods. You hadn't been to a carnival in so long.. you nearly felt like you were a kid once more. The smells and the sounds of laughter really gave you a sense of joy. Of course it would be even better as soon as- "Hey (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Over here!" There it was. Mable called your name and turned and jogged over to the group. "Hey (Y/N)! I'm so glad you could make it!" Mable gushed happily, jumping up and hugging you happily. She had become very fond of you over the summer. Dipper looked up and smiled awkwardly. "Hello (Y/N)." He greeted. You waved back to him happily, then feeling another pair of arms wrap around you from behind.
"Stan! Hi!" You chirped, not even having to look back to know it was him. You recognized that hold anywhere. "Hey there (Y/N). I see you didnt ditch us." He grinned, releasing you from his strong grip. For an oldie, he was pretty strong. And that didn't surprise you in the least. You laughed. "Of course I wouldn't ditch you! Why would I do that? You guys are my best friends." You smiled happily to the three. Earning big smiles from each of them. "Ohhhh!!! Grunkle Stan! (Y/N)! I have an ideaaaaa!" She said through a near squeal. Dipper noticed what she was talking about and immediately recoiled and looked at you and Stan. Stan and you looked at one another then back at Mabel. "What is it?" Stan questioned and you nodded as if wondering the same thing.
"You both should go on the ferris wheel together!! You know, like couples do when they get to the top, then give each other and kiss!" Mabel chirped. Both your and Stans faces erupted in a red color. "Mabel-!" You choked out, covering your mouth. "Theres no way in hell-" Stan was cut off by Mabel. "Why notttttt? Are you scareddddd?" She grinned, holding her arms between her back with a seemingly innocent smile. "Oh boy.." Dipper facepalmed and shook his head slowly. "I-" Stan gritted his teeth. "You.." he looked at you. Then back at Mabel, narrowing his eyes. "I ain't scared. I ain't scared of anything." Suddenly, Stans hand grasped yours tightly, your hand basically be engulfed by his.
Before you could protest, Stan was at the ferris wheel. "Go ahead and get in." He told you. You bit your lip and did so. Stan took a breath and got in beside you. The person working the ferris wheel lowered the bar once your seatbelts were secured. Stan still gripped your hand.. and when the ride jerked to a start, his hand tightened around yours. You winced and bit your lip, carefulling looking at Stan. He looked like he was trying to keep a calm face, but he was sweating a bit. He looked.. nervous or scared? Was he afraid of heights? You weren't sure, but you rubbed his hand softly with your thumb. He looked at you. "You okay...(Y/N)?" He asked in a tone as if he was as trying to sound tough.
"Yes... I'm fine. Are you okay though? You seem stressed.." You said softly, wrapping your free arm around him carefully. The cart rocked, causing Stan to flinch. "Hey, hey. Its okay." You said softly, rubbing his arm gently. "You don't like heights, do you?" You questioned softly. Stan looked at you cautiously, shaking his head slightly. "Alright. That's fine. It doesnt matter how tough you are. We all have fears." You reassured him. He shook his head. "No.. I'm not scared." He said. "Its okay to be vulnerable, Stan." You moved and held both of his hands in yours. "Everything's going to be okay. We're going through this together." You reassured him, holding his hands tightly. Then, the ferris wheel stopped. You looked around and that's when you noticed. You were at the top.
Stan froze in place, keeping his 'tough' face. You could sense the stress radiating off of him. "Stan.." you looked at him and cupped his cheek. He looked at you quickly, subconsciously leaning into your touch. Your cheeks warmed slightly. "I'm right here. You're safe. Just focus on me." You told him, earning a small nod from him. He leaned closer to you. "Stan?" He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. The cart rocked slightly and Stan barely reacted this time. He seemed focused on something else. And that something was you. He leaned his forehead against yours. Your face burned a deep red. You could faintly hear Mabel cheering in the background. Stan gave you a look as if asking for permission. You thought for a second. Then have a soft nod. "As long as it's because you want to.."
Without another word, Stan's lips touched yours, and like that the world seemed to freeze. Everything froze and all you could feel was the man in front of you. You cupped both of his cheeks and closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. His scruff brushed against your skin. His hands tightened around your waist to keep you secured. You rubbed his cheek gently with your thumb. It was soft and loving.. which wasnt something you expected from Stan. You expected it to be rough almost, but not in this moment. Maybe it was the fear or the stress. All traces of tension left his body when he pulled his lips back to take a breath. His forehead rested against yours. "Everythings okay. We survived." He looked up. You both reached the bottom of the ferris wheel.
The bar lifted up and the both of you got up, gripping each others hand as you stepped forward, back to Mabel and Dipper. "OH MY GODDDDD!! I got a new scrapbook moment! Look!" Mabel held up her scrapbook, showing both you and Stan a picture of your guy's kiss. Your face reddened. But Stan merely smiled. "Nice catch, sweetie." He ruffled her hair, earning a happy giggle from her. "Anyways, you both go play around. (Y/N) and me have some fun to have." Stan looked at you a sent a wink your way, causing you to go more red than before. Mabel nodded and grabbed Dippers arm, running off and soon theh dissapeared into the crowd. You looked back at Stan. He grinned at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. You couldnt help but smile. "So.. does this mean?" You questioned shyly. Stan wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Take it as you will, toots." He pressed another kiss to your temple. You giggled and laid your head against him. Today was a good day..
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annamusewrites · 3 years
Family isnt all about blood.
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She finally was happy and felt safe, she shouldve known you cant stop running from your past and not have it catch up on you, but she doesnt want to lose her brother or her loved even if it meant she suffered.....she really shouldve expected this after all, she was a Taylor and no one walks away from that family.
It didnt really bother her that her brother never settled down with a partner, he had his reasons and trust issues that Ana knew, as long as he was safe, that's all that would matter for now. Granted, she would love for him to find someone but she wasnt going to force that on him either. They were both there for one another and he had accepted Ransom as well. Truthfully, she couldnt be happier and maybe that was the problem. Her happiness had blinded her to what was to come.
"Dads in town" those words made her drop her fork and look wide eyed at her brother but then she picked up her fork "guess he found out about my new job" her tone was flat, their Dad could go to Hell for all she cared right now. He abandoned them so he didnt exist and she wasnt going to let him play the Daddy role just because he found out his so called daughter now had money.
She felt Marty's eyes on her but she carried on with her meal "if he calls you, dont answer" she looked at him "I'm not that stupid" "i wasnt saying you were, I'm just....protective" his words made her smile, she had two protective men in her life, her brother and the love of her life and she loved them both for it "I know" she reached out for his arm "but that man isnt going to walk into our lives again after everything. He had his chances"
No more was said about that man for a couple of days, she got several missed calls from an unknown number and after checking it wasn't anything to do with her work, Ransom or his family, she blocked and ignored any more. She shouldve known ignoring him wouldnt make him go away.
"I'll be over later, just need a shower....an actual shower " she smirked into the phone "give me half an hour and I'll be there. I love you" she hing up the phone to Ransom as she walked into her house. A shower and a change of clothes was a must, she wanted to get rid of work more than anything right now.
Closing the door, she gasped as a hand went across her mouth and dragged her back, her heels falling off her feet as she tried to stay upright. She felt the coldness of the gun resting on her temple, god she wished she hadnt known that feeling and she tried not to panic but then she saw her brother on his knees, all bloodied up from what looked like beatings.
Was this to do with sleeping with the wrong gal? It couldnt of been, Ransom had made sure he knew to only go after single women and Marty wasnt that stupid anymore. She swallowed against the hand as she tried to take in the dark setting, any detail to use against the people not allowed here. Her eyes begging for any sign that he was alright.
"You always were an ignorant brat" that voice made her blood run cold, how did he find her? As if to confirm who he was a tall man now came into view, taking her in and she knew it was the bastard father that abandoned them for money. The hand slid from her mouth and she spat at her father making him slap her hard and grab her throat. She heard Marty try and struggle to help her but then her father laughed "I see you've finally got your mothers fiesty side in you. Shame it didnt help her or you now"
Before she knew it she was tossed onto the floor, her head hitting the corner of the coffee table making her groan out. "Rich little Princess doesnt share with her family" Ana looked up at him "you're not my family, you walked out on us"
Her father grabbed her by the hair, pulling it with no remorse as he made her kneel infront of her brother "no I kicked your good for nothing brother out, you just followed like a weak little puppy" she chewed her inner cheek refusing to whimper at the pain he was causing her by pulling her hair. She looked at her brother, tears stinging her eye with the pain "you're not even half the man Marty is" again that earned her a toss to the ground and a kick to her back.
Biting back the groan, she exhaled harshly as she heard her brother beg for him to stop hurting her and turn back to him "no" she went to push up on her arms only for them to wobble but she didnt care "let him be the monster he always was"
This time when she was dragged by up to her feet she could feel the metallic taste of blood in her mouth, but as she was pinned back to the wall, she felt the suffocating pressure of a hand tightly over her mouth and nose as she grabbed his arm and dug her nails in his arm as he watched her try not to fight for breath.
"Be a good girl and I'll let you breath" there was only one perfect to ever call her that and it certainly wasnt him. It made her feel sick hearing it from those lips. She felt his other hand grip her throat as tears streamed down her cheeks, her lungs begging for breath but she wasnt gling to fight for it either. Half an hour, she just had to last half an hour and then Ransom would call her and wouldnt get any answer and knew something was wrong but then he would walk straight into this and she couldnt bare the thought of him getting hurt. What was she going to do?
Finally he was allowed to breathe as she fell to her knees gasping her breath. Maybe he saw her not struggling as compliance, right now she could care less. Blinking she tried to focus clearly then she heard her brother scream. Looking up she noticed the knife wound "no" "no" she was grabbed again and pinned to someones body as she growled out but she couldnt move.
"I'm going to fucking kill you" her brother growled out and Ana didnt have any complaints there. She hears her cell ring, fuck, it couldnt of been half an hour already. Her father got her phone and showed her the caller ID, Linda was calling her and as her father tossed her phone out into the hallway, she felt a dreaded feeling that having not been able to reach Ana, Linda would phone Ransom. She was in two minds if that was a good idea or not.
"Havent changed at all, still the low life whore than ever, Martin" her father sounded displeased but when was he happy "your sister achieves alot more than you but still needs teaching on how to act properly. What? You both thought I'd let you walk away, embarrass me and I'd never punish you both for it? Thanks to Ana taking on that job and a very helpful assistant I found exactly where you loved"
Her mind whizzed trying to think who wouldve given out her address, she was going to fire that person....if they ever got out "What do you want?" Her words seemed to echo around the room making all eyes appear on her "what inwant is respect and I'm going to get it from you both one way or another. You're both coming back home, whether it's in a body bag or three back of the car is up to you"
"Go to hell" both her brother and her seemed to say at the same time, she kicked back making the man holding her back off and groan "fucking bitch" he grabbed her by the hair "going to teach you a fucking lesson" he dragged her by her hair up the stairs, each step hitting her body like a punch as she tried to struggle and groaned out. Hearing her brother try and get free and call for her made her suddenly want to panic but she wasnt going to show the bastard dragging her she was now scared.
She heard commotion downstairs and her cell phone ringing, now she did want Ransom to come in and somehow not get hurt. Being rescued wasnt such a bad idea. She whimpered as she was thrown onto her bed, trying to get her mind focused on anything but the pain. As her legs were dragged she reached out ontop of the bedside table remembering she had opened a letter with her mothers old fashioned letter opener and managed to grab it. "Going to make you behave bitch" she rose her hand and plunged the letter opener into the side of her neck "go fuck yourself" blood splattered from his neck as she turned her head away and managed to crawl under and away from him as she panted sat on the floor out of his reach as she watched the man who worked for her father bleed to death. She didnt dare think what he was going to do to her as she desperately tried to control her breathing.
Her phone rang again and maybe she shouldve tried to make a run for it. Maybe by some miracle whoever was ringing, more likely ransom, would hear the struggle as she was captured again but she also knew that would cost her brothers life and she couldnt lose him. Swallowing, she blinked , she had killed a man, but it was in self defence but that thought tried to over take her.
Her hands was shaking, as far as she knew there was this dead guy and her father left. Crawling slowly to the body she yanked the letter opener off his neck, trying not to get too much blood on her. She gripped the letter opener tightly and looked under her bed. Didnt Ransom leave a cell under here and said he would collect it later? God she hoped he hadnt collected it already. She smiled as she felt the cell in her hand as she looked through the contact until she reached Ransoms main cell number, but as she dialed his number, she screamed as she was yanked back. She hadnt seen the other man in the room downstairs, another person with her father. She threw the vocal under the bed enough not to be seen as she kept screaming in hopes if Ransom picked up he could tell she was in danger.but not enough that the man grabbed her would know she had another cell.
Against the stairs left their marks and neither touch of the other man was gentle. She was covered in blood and likely to have bruises now too "the fucking bitch killed Roma" he threw her onto the other chair and tied her up.and gagged her. She struggled under the harsh slap of her father stung her face so much she felt like he had taken her skin off, even if it was impossible. She had to save her brother as he was bleeding, god knows to death but now tied down she was trying to think how. "Guess we're going to play this the hard way then. Bring it in" Ana swallowed, it could be anything knowing him and she couldnt quite see what it was as inwas dragged behind her.
"Marty all will.be forgiven, are you going to come.back.home?" Marty knew what that really meant for them both "fuck you" he moaned through his pain and before Ana could realise what was happening her chair was thrown back into.something ice cold. She realised it was a large tub of ice cold.water behind her as she struggled to not breathe in. There was noise.coming from above the surface but she couldnt make it out as her lungs fought for air then she was sat back up coughing for breath.
"Ana come home" Ana looked through her wet eyes "I'd rather die" again she was fallen back into the ice water. A father who tortured his children was no father at all but what was new for her? She gasped for air as she was pulled back up hearing her brother begging for her tonbe let go and he'll go back if she wasnt hurt anymore. They had broken her brother and she couldnt blame him really "no...no. I wont let you go back there" her throat was grabbed, she needed more air and then she heard someokenwalk up her steps "go check it out"
The other man left as her father looked back at her "if youd rather die then so be it" he whispered against her ear "you're not worth the rescue" with that he pushed her chair back into the water and let go, raising the gun he pressed it against her brother forehead.....
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winnies-headcannons · 4 years
Kyoya x reader
Secret crush
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Summery: kyoya just knew he liked you from the way you walked to the way you care for others. You were a family friend of kyoya so he had known you since birth, he had secretly liked you for awhile but family buisnness got in the way. You guys havent talked in a while but when you joined the host club his heart stopped.
Trigger warnings: Drinking, arguing, fluff, slapping
A/N: I hope you like this, I've been having writers block lately but this idea inspired me!! Anyway enjoy!
Koya's eyes widened, his heart racing like horses on a race track. Out of everyone in the school, Tamaki had to choose you to be the new host, a girl he had known since birth, a female he had liked for forever but too stubborn to tell you. You meant everything to him but he let his work get in the way. He had pushed you away to focus on the family business as he tried to impress his father.
After the host introduced themselves you smiled, you couldn't help but stare at the black-haired glasses-wearing guy, he looked more mature than he did when you guys were little. His chest was buffer, his facial expression more serious. It was kinda...hot.
"Hi, my name is l/n y/n, second-year student!" You exclaimed introducing yourself to the hosts, you were honestly excited to get started. You were the first female to be in the club that will be working with guys (besides Haruhi at times). One thing you didnt except was that your childhood best friend/crush would be the manager of this type of club. I mean come on the Kyoya ootori a host? Kinda hard to believe, he wasn't the 'host' type.
"Well well well, got ourselves a cute little kitten~" the ginger-haired makes spoke in sync, your face became a light shade of pink "you're gonna be fun~," the one named Hikaru said resting his arm around your shoulders. Kyoya got pissed, he didn't want anyone to touch you but he didn't want anyone to know so he just watched from behind the black book he always writes in. "Wow Tamaki was right you two do look just alike!" You smiled, you can't believe the resemblance they had, identical twins!
It was a few hours before the club opens and you were just starting it up with the club. They told you how they wanted something more for the club, they wanted it to surpass high school, you found it quite amazing how hard they work just to please girls. "Oh that reminds me, you didn't get to meet kyoya when we introduced ourselves!" Tamaki exclaimed "no need me and y/n have known each other for years" kyoya interrupted, "she's a family friend" his voice monotone, never looking up from his book. The club mentally facepalmed, they knew there was a reason why you didn't talk to him. "Yup, but we kinds fell off in middle school..so we haven't really talked since then" your heart pulled at you're chest, it hurt you've loved him for so long yet he just pushes you away.
"I didnt seem you to be the host type kyoya" you exclaimed turning around to look at him, he smirked from behind the big black book "nor did I, tamki talked me into it" turning toward tamaki he was doing his little kingly pose "yes all my idea!" God he was full of it. "We must not delay the ladies and gentlemen-" he looked towards you "are going to be here soon! We must get the club ready" everyone nodded got to their designed spot but kyoya didnt move just sat there so you decided to sit with him at the back of the room. "So..how have you been" you shyly said, you noticed how he didnt even look up from his book not once. "If your attempting to small talk me its not gonna work, Y/N I'm a very busy man and I dont have time for silly small talk" this made your heart hurt, you knew he wouldnt really wanna see you but figured it's been so long since you've last seen each other, Guess you were wrong.
"O-okay" you put on a fake smile and walked to your designated spot fighting back tears. In the back of your head thinking maybe, just maybe he would be different. Hours have gone by and it was honestly a good first day, flirting with guys and them flirting back, even got a few numbers. Your population was growing quickly, I mean it should everyone knew at this point that your family was close to the ootori family so they wanted to get on your good side. School had ended at this point and you were waiting by the front gate for your ride, but thanks to the buisnness of your father and his driver he couldnt make it. You had gotten the text on your phone a few minutes ago that he couldnt make it, you only sighed not surprised but disappointed.
Sitting on the front gate fountain you sighed, how were you gonna get home? It was too far to walk and you didn't really know anyone well enough to get a ride with someone except..no, no you couldn't, he didn't wanna even talk to you let alone give you a ride home.
"Your father not coming?" A voice appeared out of nowhere. Looking up from the phone you see the devil himself, Kyoya. "Ah, no he's busy" a fake smiled crept on your face, he was the last person you wanted to see at the moment.
"Well seeing as we live close to each other it would only make sense you ride with me" his dace black his stare harsh, you didn't want to but yet you did. Only wanting to know why he pushed you away so much. "A-alright" you agreed, walking with him to his limo. "We're taking miss L/N home first" kyoya exclaimed to the drive, he only nodded and drive off. It was silent half of the way there till you got the guts to speak "Kyoya..why did you push me away" oh God why did you ask that your anxiety oh the frights now. He looked up at you and was silent for a quick second "Y/N you should know the answer. We are both very important people and we can't let a friendship get in the way of things" he huffed out "but we've known each other all this time why now" he was starting to piss you off, you just wanted your friend back, you wanted to see if y'all could be more. "Because my father's business is much more important than our petty friendship" tears were on the verge of your eyes, clenching your fist on your dress "why do you care so much" looking down and tears falling down your face "because I love you.." He eyes widened and his heart racing, did you really mean it? All this time he thought you were just playing him. "y/N I-" suddenly he was cut off by the sudden stop of the limo. "Don't bother kyoya like you said, your work is way more important than me" you got out of the limo leaving him speechless.
The last thing you remember about that night was running to your room and crying your eyes out, you even snuck into your dads room and stole some alcohol and chugged it, throwing it up instantly as your body wasn't use to it. Even though you kept puking you just kept drinking till eventually you were drunk off your ass making you fall asleep.
The next day the worst hangover hit you, school was the last thing on your mind but had no choice, after spending to much time in the bed past your alarm you got up and got ready for school. Arriving at school you went straight to the host club knowing everyone would be in there, rubbing your temple as you opened the door. "Wow Y/N you look like shit" one of the twins said you only grunted at their statement and sat down on the couch next to haruhi "jesus Y/N you smell like alcohol" the female dressed as a male (still valid) covered their nose. "Sorry didnt have time to shower, but damn I have a hangover like no tomorrow" rubbing your temple Mori handed you a water with a simple 'here'then walked away. The hosts was crowded around you wanting to know why you drank so much last night. "Listen guys I dont wanna talk about it." Kyoya was getting mad, a simple argument made you drink so much last nigh? He slammed his book closed causing everyone to be quiet, he stood up quickly and walked to you grabbing you by the hand causing you to stand "are you stupid? Drinking at your age, ruining your system" he stared you straight in the eyes "why do you care, why not just go write in your little book if yours." You harshly said making his jump back a little "if you weren't such a DICK maybe you would have more friends, maybe someone would love you MAYBE-" you were cut off by a pair if warm soft lips, it was kyoya, his hands on both side of your face. You never kissed back only stared at him in shock. Soon he let go of your alcohol tasting lips, "I do love you" you heart skipped a beat, beating as fast as it could go, tears formed at the edge of your eyes.
Your hand met his soft pale face as hot tears streamed down your face. "I love you more" you smiled then hugged him, guess this is a perfect life.
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
Family Now
Request:Can you do something with yn being pregnant by jay and being kidnapped, when she is found to be injured and going into labor, but at the end of it all is right. with cute ending
Hope you like it this is my first request :)
Jay had been working on a case where this guy had tried to take almost everyone on the team out as a way to get back at Hank for putting his brother in prison for the rest of his life. Hank recieved a note saying "You took my family away from you now I am going to take yours away from you"  Luckily the man hasnt been successful on any of his attempts. Hank had warned them to all be very careful and watch their backs everywhere they went.
All Jay wanted to do was to get home to Y/N just hold her close and just pretend that it was just the two of them, well 3 if you consider their little baby girl in Y/N stomach. Knowing that is what he had to look for eased his nerves just a little bit. Getting out of his truck he couldnt help but to look around and for some reason he had an uneasy feeling in his gut. Yeah it was probably the fact that he was being hunted by a man and they didnt actually know what he looked like.
As he walks up the stairs to their apartment the feeling got so bad that he was in a run to the apartment just so that he could make sure everything was alright. As he got closer to the apartment he seen their door was slightly opened which he knew wasnt right because Y/N always kept the door locked when he wasnt there. So he took out his gun and eased in the door, seeing that their were things strewed around everywhere like there had been a fight broke out. His heart was in his stomach when he seen the blood on the floor. So he did the first thing that came to his mind, he pulled out his phone and called Voight. Luckily he picks up on the first ring
Halstead whats the problem?
Voight, she's gone! It was silent of the phone for what felt like forever but was just a few seconds.
Im on my way, Ill get the rest of the team to head that way as well, you call it in so that we can find this Son of a Bitch.
As Jay hangs up the phone he does exactly as Voight told him to do. Waiting for the team to arrive he just walks around to see if there is anything that was left that would lead them to where he took her.
The team all finally make it to Jay & Y/N apartment,and as the other officers are looking around for fingerprints or anything really. Then one of the officers came walking up to them.
Detective Halstead there was this note left on your kitchen counter and I think that you are going to want to see this. She says while handing him the note. Jay reads the note out loud
The note reads " Hank you took my brother,Ive got your daughter & grandchild. You may want find me before I do something I may regret"
Dammit Hank I know she is your daughter but we are going to have a kid together and if something happens to either of them I will never forgive you!
Hank stood there and let him yell at him because he felt the same way if anything did happen to his daughter and grandaughter he wouldnt be able to live with himself
This man that kidnapped me he kept saying sorry but said that it was all my dads fault that this was happening. You kept trying to talk to him trying to figure out what you could do to make up for what your dad did but you got nothing from him. The pain in your lower stomach kept coming closer together but you were not due for another couple weeks and in this moment in time is not how you want your babygirl to be born.
Sir,Sir,SIR finally catching his attention. I think that I need to go to the hospital
There is no way in hell that I am taking you to a hospital.
At that very moment your water broke and water went everywhere.
My water just broke and its either you take me to hospital or my baby will be born right here.
Well then it looks like you will be bringing a life into this world in warehouse. Ill be back in a little while.
He must have been so caught up in taking me that he didnt check me to see if I still had my phone and thank god I keep it on silent most of the time because when I finally got to it I had so many missed calls from Jay and my dad. All you wanted to do was cry cause you know Jay is so worried and there isnt anything he can do to help, but right now wasnt the time to cry in between the pain you sent a text to Jay letting him know everything you seen around you thinking that maybe it would help then find out where you are.
Sitting at my desk doing everything that I possibly can to figure out where she is. Where he took her? We have been going non-stop to figure something out. He finally just slammed his hands on his desk and walked to the locker room looking at the pictures that he had in his locker of the love of his life and his soon to be born baby girl
He just lets his head fall in his hands and all he can do it just cry, lets the tears that he has been holding in since noticing that Y/N was taken fall. He hears his phone go off and as he pulls the phone out thinking that it is just another lead that will get them no where, he sees that it is her name and he jumps up. As he reads everything that the message says he runs back into the bullpin and yells for Voight, thinking that maybe he could make some sense out of it. As Hank is reading the message it clicks
I dont think she knows where she is but she is just telling us what she sees or hears, so that we can figure out where she is. She says that she heard a train at least a couple times within a few hours, she knows that its an old warehouse. Windows lined all around the building and out one of the windows she sees the numbers 5142
As he was saying everything Kim was typing it into the computer to see if she could up with anything. Y/N has always been like a little sister to her so she was just as worried as everyone else on the team. Once she typed in the numbers in popped up exactly what they had all been hoping for..
Everyone makes their way over to her......There is an old abandoned warehouse at 5142 West St and it hasnt been in business for over 15 years
Suit up lets go..Hanks says as he practically in a jog so that he can get his little girl back.
The pain is just getting worse by the minute but I know that I can hold off because I know by now that they are on their way to get me. If they are not then I dont see me or my little girl making it out of the warehouse alive. She just trys to continue breathing through the pain hoping that your little girl will be stubborn like her daddy and just saying where she is safe right now.
He finally returns, this time he has a woman with him, she comes over and she trys to check you out and see what shape you are in.
Dont you dare touch me! You all but yell
I have to see how you and your baby are
No you dont. I would rather have my baby on my own then with someone helping me that is helping the man that kidnapped me
I am not working with him, he came on the street and I think that I was the first nurse that he seen and told me that his girlfriend was in labor
Well I am in no way his girlfriend, I am his hostage and he is refusing to take me to the hospital. As she finishes that sentence the nurse turns and sees the gun pointed at her head
You help deliver her baby  and then I have no more use for you. Just cant have her dying just yet....
As he finishes that sentence the door is busted in and Chicago PD is surrounding him. He gets down next to you and points the gun at your head
You come any closer and I will kill her
Dad help me....
I am...You wanted me from the start let my littl girl go and get to a hospital and take me, do whatever you have to but just let her go. Once he finishes the sentence Adam tackles the man to the ground and in a flash Jay is by your side
Y/N I am so sorry that this happened
Hey it isnt your fault, but I think that we are going to become parents a few weeks sooner than we expected.
The nurse finally speaks, We need an gurney in here we have to get her to the hospital. She helps them get you in the ambulance, She gives them all the information that they need and then the ambulance is off to Med. As you arrive everyone is there waiting, you already have a room waiting and everything. After what seems like hours of labor you finally delivered a beautiful blue eyed baby girl. 7lbs 12oz 17in long
After a few hours of resting you ask Jay to get a wheelchair so that you could take her out to meet everyone. As he helped you to the wheelchair he placed the pillow on your stomach before picking up yalls little girl kissing her on the nose before handing her to you. Little moments like that make you falls in love with that man more and more..
As you make your way down the hall the first two people that you see are your dad and Jay's brother Will. They see you making your way down the hall and have huge grins on their faces and rush to their feet.
Hey everyone
How are you doing? Hank ask
feel a little rough but this little one right here makes it all worth it.
What do I have the pleasure of calling my little niece here?
You look up at Jay and you both share a smile
Everyone we would like to introduce you to Camille Justine Halstead. After my beautiful mother and brother who both were taken way too soon.. As you make eye contact with your dad for the first in a very very long time you seen your dad crying. He walks over and kisses you on the head..
That name is perfect.
Well then I guess you better thank Jay because it was his idea
He turns to Jay and pulls him into a hug and whispers thank you. They pull back from the hug and Jay looks him dead in the eye and says We are family now
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397bartonstreet · 4 years
Is it Weird I Kind of Want to Kiss You?
This is my submission for the b99 summer fic exchange 2020! This fic is for @letsperaltiago, I really hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing it! Also thank you @theysayweareasleep for helping me out with this i couldnt have done it without you. And thank you to @b99fandomevents for holding this exchange, I was happy to be apart of it.
read on ao3
The whole squad had officially retired about an hour earlier. It was a relief to be able to let loose after a hard day of many failures from a case. The mugginess of the bar, under the dim lights, the shouts from the tables behind them, felt like the perfect way to unwind. Leaving Amy with Jake to clink together one more glass of whiskey before turning in for the night. At this point, the alcohol and infectious energy of the place have relaxed their tense shoulders and they can now just enjoy each other’s company. Even if it’s only just the two of them. 
Amy clutches her stomach as the last remnants of her laughing fit fade away. Releasing her unconscious hold of Jake’s wrist so he can wipe the tear leaking from his eye, and he comes back to earth with a few chuckles.
“Okay, no, but really, some people can just be the dumbest people in the entire world,” Amy says through catching her breath. She pulls the rest of her hair down as it’s already coming undone, but doesn’t bother fixing her skewed blazer.
“Hey, let’s be honest, maybe they’re not as dumb as their moments. Like I’m pretty damn sure you and I have had many a moments dumb in past,” Jake stumbles to say and Amy has to resist patting down the curls that have stood to one side. 
“God, don’t remind me, and it’s always you,” Amy points accusingly. Jake gasps and slaps her hand away. 
“Noooo,” Jake petulantly says before chugging the last of his drink. She can barely remember what number drink that is, since she’s had the same amount he has. She quickly places her finger back in his face.
“It’s always you who makes me do the dumbest crap in the whole world!”
“Don’t even lie,” he bangs his fist on the table and doesn’t resist the giddy, drunken laugh that comes out of him. And it’s so infectious, his energy and the way his smile makes his eyes all squinty.
“I am not lying! You always make me look like an idiot!” 
“You do that yourself,” he playfully scoffs.
“Right, do you remember the date,” Amy says, punching him on the shoulder. Jake pauses, mouth agape and eyes squinted. The cogs are definitely turning in there, like it does about once a day before it shuts down and let’s his body take over. 
“To be fair, that technically was your fault, if you had just tried being actually a good detective-
“Ohhh, don’t-,” Amy throws her head back.
“Then maybe you would actually have won,” he teases.
“Don’t even start, we were at the same place you got lucky,” her volume rising to overshadow his.
“I did get lucky, I got a date with Lamey Santiagoooo.” He tries to take another sip from his glass and frowns when it turns up empty.
“And it was the fucking best day of your life.” Jake gasps and looks around, lips pursed in suppressed laughter.
“Oh my god, Amy Santiago is cursing. She’s cursing!” He yells out to the rest of the bar. Amy notices the bartender throwing them a warning glance. She places her hands on his arm and shakes him a little.
“Shut up,” she grits through her teeth, but she really can’t even pretend to be serious right now, with the alcohol still coursing, and even feels like it might be a tad worse. “You’re an actual child.”
“Childsayswhat?” She rolls her eyes. That wasn’t even funny back when she was twelve years old.
“I’m not falling for that.”
“Ha, that’s because you’re a nerd.”
“Well, you’re a loser.”
“Actually, you’re the loser, I won the bet,” he grins and Amy groans up at the ceiling. She tips into her mouth the last of her drink and lets it puff out her cheeks. Behind her, a group yells among themselves and she realizes just how alone her and Jake are. It’s not the first time they’ve gotten drinks together, or have been left alone after the squad leaves them for the night.
But ever since everything that’s happened. Teddy. Sofia. Dumb feelings and stupid declarations. Things feel different, something feels inevitable. Like at any moment, something unknown and unsaid can ruin the set rhythm between them. 
But no, she shouldn’t let that ruin things right now. Things are good, they’re great, they’re-
“Do you want to know that this means Amy?” Jake asks, catching himself from swaying just a little.
“Hm,” she asks.
“This means,” he stops to let the pause linger. “that you and I are at the start of an awful relationship.” 
“Oh really,” she says. He’s joking, and they’re drunk. She certainly feels drunk, which is probably why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s definitely why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s just a joke. And it’s not an uncommon occurrence to have people in your life you wouldn’t mind kissing. Or touching. Or other things.
“Yup, we’re at the start of a lifelong terrible relationship that of loservilleness.”
“Ha! So you admit you’re a loser.”
“Amy Santiago, when you take a step back to rediscover the world, you will realize that we all, as one people, are losers.”
“You’re lucky that mostly made sense.” 
“Heck yeah it did. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you and I are about to live a terrible life together. We’re going to framed for a heinous crime we did not commit-”
“Alright,” she says with a shake of her head at his antics. 
It’s a joke, it’s just a joke.
“We’re going to marry at the Chapel near the rat infested Walmart.”
“Okay,” she nods with mock seriousness.
“After we wed, we run away as outlaws to Montana, change our names to Bucky and Birdie-”
“I call Birdie!”
“And we have a son named McClane.” Amy looks at him with an exasperated look, and he can barely contain the mischievous look spreading on his face. 
“Jake, that's a terrible name.” 
“You’re a terrible name!” She wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did try to name their child McClane, he… really loves that movie. But, it’s endearing really, that there’s something he connects to and loves. She likes the way he unapologetically loves.
She taps her chin since he’s staring at her intently for a response. 
“McClane…,” she mumbles to herself. “ooh, you know what? McClane might not be an awful name. If you really think about it, it can also sound like a name for a librarian.” She knows she’s hit a button. He cackles and drops his head into his hands. He turns and glances at her with annoyance, he almost looks impressed.
“Why do you always ruin things that are fun,” he says, tapping her shin lightly with his f. She’s definitely drunk, because even that felt charged. Felt intentional. But she’s just drunk.
“Do you want our son to be named McClane or not?” She says, tapping his shin back. It’s fine if she does, they’re friends. 
“Fine, but I’ll find something to ruin for you.”
“I’m solid as a rock honey, you can’t move me.” Jake raises an eyebrow and smirks. He doesn’t break eye contact when he holds out two fingers and gives her shoulder a firm shove. A stupid squeal escapes her throat as she stumbles off the stool she’s sitting on and lands on her ass.
“Ok, I think that means it's time to go.” 
“Yeah,” she agrees. She holds out her hand for him to help her up. “Walk me?”
Amy’s relieved that she can still mostly walk in a straight line. It isn’t until Jake bumps into her that they start to stumble a little. 
New York is not as busy tonight as it usually is, and she likes the clear path they get to walk in without many obstacles. They gag and skitter around the giant dead rat on the ground, and they have to cover their nose when the worst smell NY has ever produced punches them in the face. Other than that, they’re not bothered and she’s grateful for the cold night air after hours in the hot bar. 
And they haven’t stopped talking since leaving the bar. About the episode of West Wing last night, the bruise Jake got from tripping over Charles’ box of jars of something, Amy’s annoying brother David and the picture of his new car he’d sent to the sibling group chat. 
She thinks Jake is the only person she gets like this with; loud, talkative, and rowdy. It’s the best, and she loves these moments with her best friend. 
“You’re not even ready, Bucky would romance the hell out of you,” he says, poking her lightly in the side.
“Really? Coming from the world’s cheapest date?”
“I’ve gotten no complaints.”
“You’ve gotten many complaints!”
“Not from Birdie.”
“Fair,” she says. 
“I would drive you absolutely insane with my respect for your boundaries. Make you miserable by unconditionally supporting your ambitions,” he says and Amy wrinkles her nose.
“Sounds horrendous.”
“Yup. You’d make me sleep on the couch with how much I get along with your family.”
“Disgusting,” she says. To be fair, she probably would send him to the couch if she caught him having a nice conversation with David. No way will she let David make her husband think he was better than her. In high school, one of her boyfriends left her to pursue her amazing brother. She’s never letting that happen again.
“David?” he asks. 
“David,” she assents. But she’s already ranted about him once today and she doesn’t want to break the Only One Rant About David a Day rule she’s set for herself. “I would pay attention to your interests and actively listen when you speak.”
“That’s just low,” his voice is guttural when he says that and she curses her attraction to deep voices. She clears her throat.
“Buy you intimate gifts from the heart and remind you of my appreciation of your existence every single day,” she says. His hand swaying beside hers lightly brushes against hers, and he continues the conversation like it didn’t happen. He probably didn’t care, maybe he really doesn’t care anymore. 
“Did Teddy do that?” he asks.
“Never missed a day,” she says. 
“Gross, how did you manage,” he barely gets the word out before his foot catches on the edge of a fire hydrant. He releases an ‘oof’ and grabs onto her hand to catch his balance. She’s way too inebriated to catch him, she goes tumbling along with him. She just barely manages to settle herself whereas he goes flat on the floor. 
“Woah, are you okay,” she says, the laugh she makes is almost a cackle. When he looks up at her, his face is red and he can barely breathe with the force of the laughter that shakes his shoulders. She tries to pull him up, grabbing him by the arm and making a feeble attempt to carry him back up. It just barely works, with more fumbling and swaying involved.
“Just like this, I’d support you in all aspects of life,” she teases, helping to steady him on his feet.
“Even if, in our hanky town in Montana-
“I get arrested for assault when someone tries to take the last jar of mayo?”
“Especially then,” she says. It suddenly hits her that her hands are still on his arms, she still has him less than a foot away. He’s so close, way closer than she expected him to be. Despite many years of them working together, on all those stakeouts and nights slaving over case files and evidence, she’s never had him this close. His crooked smile is still there, still goofy and sweet, but it’s changed from what it was a second ago. It’s shy, almost hesitant, surveying something on her face and she wants so badly to know what it means. 
“This doesn’t sound like the worst relationship ever you know,” Jake says and she almost startles when she feels more than sees a hand reaching up to her face, lightly brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. So slight and imperceptible that he might have just been taking something out of her hair. But that’s not the thing that strikes her the most. It’s the look on his face. She’s seen it before, from Teddy, her college boyfriend, the hotdog vendor at the stand near Shake Shack. But never Jake. 
This look seeps low into her stomach and expands into her chest. There’s an overwhelming pang that she wants to chase for miles, just to see where it takes her. She says, “Maybe not.”
It comes out softer than she means it to. It makes what should have been a joke… something else. That inevitable thing. 
Even this stupid life together that they just made up right now, she’s never been able to joke like that with anyone else, never been able to imagine that with them. But with him, maybe it’s just the alcohol she’s probably had too much of, it’s not so ridiculous.
“Is it weird I kind of want to kiss you right now?” he says softly. She’s officially lost. Lost on him and in this moment. It’s so inevitable, it’s so close.
“Is it weird I kind of want you to?” 
Her hands tighten on him, and there’s a moment of bated breath. She almost hates the giddiness she feels bubbling up within. It’s like gravity to just lean forward… and embrace their inevitable.
They’re shaken when a loud horn of a truck breaks the silence as it drives past them. It’s like they’re yanked apart by their surprise and Amy puts a hand on her chest to settle her beating heart. She looks over at Jake. His eyes are wide and no longer glittering the way they were a second ago. The moment is gone. 
“Dammit New York,” Jake says, avoiding her eyes by looking in the direction the truck had left. When he looks back, his eyes are still kind of glazed over from their drinks. She’s sure hers are the same. Their drinks have led to silly jokes and wild fantasies. To whatever the hell that was. 
To Jake’s next brilliant observation. 
“Holy shit, is that a Baskin Robbins?”
“Oooooh,” she says with a gasp. He grabs her arm and they run in the direction of the shop.
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bffnct · 4 years
kiss me
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pairing park jisung x reader
genre fluff, best friends to lovers
word count 2k
you lay next to jisung, tucked comfortably in his side with his arm on the back of the sofa, the only source of light coming from the tv in the middle of the dorm’s living room. luckily, the dreamies were on vacation, the other boys gone to visit their families while jisung stayed back with you since you were also on break from school. there was a large bowl of popcorn nestled inbetween your crossed legs, filled up to the brim of the microwave popcorn the boys had laying around, an almost gross amount of butter and salt added to it (though you and jisung werent planning on eating their entire stash, but hey thats a problem for jaemin to handle).
your favorite movie, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before was playing on the one and only netflix account you and the dreamies shared, and any chance you had to get your best friend of nearly 15 years to watch one of your cheesy teen-romance movies, you took it and ran with it.
the only problem was actually getting him to pay attention, the taller boy slumped in the sofa with his long legs taking up almost the whole floor space between the sofa and the coffee table, his other hand occupied with his phone, his eyes glued to the screen. you wrinkled your nose at him, disappointed in the fact that he had missed approximately 15 scenes of your soon-to-be-husband, Noah Centineo in all of his handsome glory, playing the character of Peter.
jisung didnt even notice you looking at him, too invested in his instagram feed, so when you threw a popcorn at his face, he flinched, dropping his phone in the process. he was about to pinch you when you raised your hand at him, bluffing that you were gonna hit him,  which worked in making him back down almost every time. jisung sucked his teeth and crossed his arms, sulking as he looked at the screen for the 5th time.
‘watch the movie’ you whined, jutting out your bottom lip and making your eyes big, playfully smacking him on the chest, jisung deadpanning at your attempt to get him to actually watch the movie. ‘watch the movie’ he mimicked you in a tiny, whiney voice, scrunching his nose back at you, giving you a cheeky smile before returning his eyes back to the screen. you narrowed your eyes at him, getting comfortable in his side again. in the span of the two of you bickering, you had completely forgotten where you were in the movie, until the scene went dark, and Peter lays in the hot tub.
oh. you were at that part. the kissing part.
you could feel jisung shift uncomfortably next to you, his body tensing up slightly as Lara Jean climbed into the hot tub with Peter, tension in the air in both the scene and between you and jisung. you knew jisung cringed whenever a kissing scene came on, and when Peter grabbed Lara’s leg and threw it over his waist so that she was straddling him, the two of them leaning in to share a steamy kiss in the hot tub, jisung flailed his impossibly long limbs around, nearly knocking over your bowl of popcorn. seriously, this boy was a walking noodle. ‘this is so gross! god, why do you like watching these things?’ he huffed, covering his eyes with his large hands, dragging them down his face, glaring at you with a very unamused expression on his face. ‘what?! theyre in love!’ you clasped your hands together, an exaggerated sigh leaving your lips as you pretend-fainted onto jisungs shoulder, looking up at your best friend with sparkling eyes. ‘i wish i had a tall, handsome boyfriend to come sweep me off my feet and kiss me like that!’ you stuck your tongue out at jisung, sitting up and crossing your arms.
jisung felt himself stiffen at the sight of your pink tongue peeking through your soft lips, gulping as he rolled his eyes once again, trying to ignore his heart that was beating at a rapid pace. ‘you have a tall, handsome boy right next to you’ he mumbled, deadpanning you once again. did this boy ever smile? it was hard for you to take him seriously, so you just let out a nervous laugh. ‘ji, we’re best friends, almost like siblings. if we kissed i think that’d be like, lowkey incest’ you tried to hide the shakiness in your voice. you couldnt even hear the movie playing in the background anymore, the sound of your beating heart muffling out any sound in your ears.
if the lights werent off, surrounding the room in darkness except for the tv, you’re sure jisung would be able to see your beet-red cheeks. the eye contact the two of you held was almost uncomfortable, an invisible string seeming to bring the two of you closer. jisung took the bowl of popcorn from between your legs, putting it on the coffee table before he crawled over you, your back now pressed against the seats of the sofa, jisung caging over you, looking up at him with wide eyes.
‘ji, what are you-‘
‘kiss me’ he said, his expression rock solid, contrasting the way he was nearly sweating and the way his heart was about to explode out of his chest. you nearly choked on your own saliva, the bluntness of his words making your heart skip a beat. ‘what?! why me? why dont YOU kiss me?’ you complained, feeling your breath become labored at the change of the air between you.
‘why do i have to do everything?’ he mumbled, taking a deep breath of air through his nose before he leaned down and connected his lips with yours.
your eyes shot open in a split second, a small scream threatening to escape your mouth. you didnt actually expect him, your best friend and life-long crush, to KISS you. there was no way he was kissing you, right? his lips were way too soft and the way his hair brushed against your forehead was almost too perfect, this couldnt be real, you had to be dreaming. you closed your eyes, expecting this to all end by the next time you opened your eyes, hopefully waking up from this dream.
that was until he breathed out, the cool air fanning across your skin, his tongue lightly swiping over your bottom lip. that set off electric sparks to flow all the way through your body, stopping at your fingertips. you gasped, parting your lips, allowing jisung to playfully lick at your tongue before he pulled back, looking down at you with wide, blown out eyes, your eyes the same way.
‘was that too much? shit, im sorry i shouldnt have kissed you, fuck-‘
you cut him off, grabbing the back of his neck and crashing your lips back into his, this kiss slower, no tongue, just the feeling of your lips molding together. it was so intimate, almost too much to handle. you couldnt explain the feelings that were blooming from your heart. you were happy, shocked, and you wanted to cry all at the same time. jisung pulled away again, the two of you out of breath, hearts threatening to leap out of your chests.
you could feel the tears threatening to escape your eyes, and instead of letting jisung see you get all emotional over a kiss, you started to smack at his arms until he was no longer over you, leaning back to sit on his heels. ‘jisung! why did you kiss me?!’ you yelled at him, still smacking the boy anywhere you could reach him. ‘ow! ow! fuck-y/n! stop hitting me!’ he brought his arms to his face, trying to curl up in a ball to shield himself from your ruthless attack on him (as if a boy his height could actually manage to make himself small).
you felt him grab your wrists with his hands, his scowl softened when he was finally able to see your face, your eyes shiny and cheeks wet. ‘hey, hey, what happened?’ his deep voice held concern and fright in it, afraid he had done something to hurt you. you sniffled, looking at the bowl of popcorn, avoiding eye contact. ‘y/n, im sorry for kissing you, if you dont feel the same way thats totally fine.’ he said with a soft voice, releasing one of your wrists to wipe the trails of tears from your cheeks with his thumb.
‘god, youre so dumb’ you mumbled, looking at him. his eyebrows knit together in confusion, lips slightly parted. ‘of course i feel the same way! that’s why im crying! do you know how long i’ve liked you?’ you exclaimed, making jisung fall silent.
you, the girl of park jisung’s dreams, and his best friend of 15 years, actually liked him back?
he looked at you with wide eyes, unable to believe what was happening. ‘do you know how long i’ve liked YOU?? i thought i made myself obvious! all of the cuddle sessions we had, the times we’ve held hands, when i play with your hair, i just thought you didn’t like me back!’ he complained, running a hand through his black hair out of frustration. jisung looked you dead in the eyes, fumbling his hands around to find yours, lacing your fingers together.
‘so you’re telling me, this whole time we’ve both liked eachother? we just never saw the signs?’ you said in a shaky voice, blushing when you saw your small hands holding jisung’s big ones. something about this felt different, the way his hands cradled yours, his thumb running over yours in the most perfect way. it made both of your hearts race, a pink tint coming up to rest on your cheeks.
‘uh, no shit, sherlock’ jisung teased, giving you one of his heart-melting smiles, raising your interlocked hands up to his face, kissing the back of your hands. you stuck out your tongue at him, unable to hold back the giggle that was bubbling in your chest. ‘ji?’ you whispered, looking down at your hands once again. ‘yeah?’ he leaned in slightly, unable to hear you clearly.
‘i think i’m in love with you, actually’ you looked back up at jisung, and thats when it hit him. your red nose, pink cheeks, puffy, sparkling eyes and soft, kiss-swollen lips. ‘i-‘ his voice cracked, clearing his throat.
‘i think i’m in love with you too, y/n’
your eyes widened, a big smile spreading across your lips, jisung matching your expression. you reached over and grabbed a hand-full of the now soggy popcorn, hurling it at him, bursting out in a fit of giggles. ‘jisung! you’re so cheesy! cheesier than this movie!’ you playfully wrestled with him, laughs and screams filling the living room. ‘yah! thats gonna stain the couch and when jaemin yells at me for it im not gonna cover for you!’ jisung threatens, finally getting his feet on your stomach to kick you off of him.
your laughing dies down, a comfortable silence filling the air. you two just sit there, staring at eachother, admiring eachother’s features. your heart swells up for the millionth time that night, reaching up and brushing his hair back and out of his face. jisung turns his head and playfully licks at your hand, chuckling at the way you pull back, a grimace on your pretty face.
you purse your lips at jisung. ‘so..does this mean i can call you my boyfriend?’ you asked in a tiny voice, scooting closer to him, your knees bumping together. ‘only if i get to call you my girlfriend’ jisung leans in and rubs his nose against yours, giving it a quick peck right after.
you smile, the two of you looking at eachother like you two put stars in the sky.
‘i like the sound of that’, you say, sealing the deal with a kiss.
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My first time writing fanfiction
It was that day for Nora. The past few years, before the bombs dropped, this very day was one of the happiest days for her. But not this year.
Today was her and Nates Wedding day, at least it would have been. It was the middle of the night no later than 2am, she was sitting with Hancock in the old State house, sharing a bottle of bourbon. Nora has never been the type to talk about her feelings.
Hancock could feel that something was off today, he couldnt put his thumb on it, so he just sat next to her quietly. Both sipping from the half full bottle, sharing the golden liquid that made Noras throat burn. In the background you could hear diamond city radio play "one more tomorrow" by Frankie Carle & Marjorie Hughes. Nora let out a quiet sigh and turned to Hancock: "Lets go to the Third Rail" Hancock looked back at her, nodded, and together they left his lounge room leaving the beverage on the table next to the Jet and Mentats which were placed on it.
They stepped inside the doors when they were greeted by Ham: "A friend of mayor Hancock is a friend of the Third Rail, go on in entertainment is down the stairs."
Downstairs Hancock was immediatley greeted by some of his citinzen, "perfect" she thougt. Magnolia just finished her song. She sang train train. "thank god this song is finished, im not sure if I coud have handled listening to it right now." nora thought to herself.
She walked up to Magnolia and asked her: " Hey Mags, could you sing "I'm the one you're looking for" please? "of course gorgeous, anything for you" Magnolia replied seductively.
Nora bought some beer and walked over to one of the couches and seated herself there.
("...have you gotten history that needs erasing... did you come in just for the beer and cigarettes..")
She took a sip of her beer and looked over to hancock, he's still occupied with his citizens who involved him in a conversation.
(... "ou well im just a girl to make you forget"..)
"perfect... maybe I can sneak out of here", nora slowly gotten up, without letting hancock out of her sight and started walking towards the exit. She just made it out of the door when hancock looked over to the couch and noticed that Nora was missing. He let his gaze wander through the room, looking for hs companion but he can't find her. He turned to his interlocutor and gave them one of his smooth " I could stay here and listen to how wonderful I am till the rest of my days, but I really think I need to get going"! he turned away and rushed to the exit.
" But hancock you've just gotten here..!"
He didn't even hear them, he was too focused on finding The Soule Survivor.
Upstairs he asked Ham if he had seen Nora and he said that she had just left through th door two minutes ago.
He went back inside the old state house, and saw that her gear was still laying on the couch next to the table where they left the bourbon and the chems. "Damn it Nora?? Where are you going, unprotected and without me?" he grabbed her stuff and headed toward the exit.
Just outside Goodneighbour he heard a Group of Raiders. "Fuck Nora!, why would you do something like this?"
(A few Hours later)
Arrived at Sanctuary, nora went back into her old house.  She walked past the kitchen and straight back into her old bedroom. Its been looted empty so she sat on the floor and played "Hi Honey!" on her Pib Boy.
"...Little fingers away... *baby giggles*... Hi honey!" She started tearing up, hearing the sound of his voice. "Listen... I don't think Shaun and I need to tell you how great of a mother you are... but we're going to anyway. ... But everything we do, no matter how hard... we do it for our family. Now say goodbye, Shaun... Bye bye? Say bye bye? *baby giggles* Bye honey! We love you!
She passed out on the Floor. When she woke up, Hancock caught up to her. Nora walked out of her house, on her way to the vault. She doesnt see Hancock but he sees her. As soon as he spottet her his heart skipped a beat because of relief to see her alive. He was about to call out to her when something told him not to. Instead he followed her quietly. Arrived at the Vault, she pressed the button and let herself into the ground. Hancock watched her and did as she did after waiting a few minutes.
"Wow..." he thought to himself upon entering.
Nora was sitting infront of the opened cryopod crying, holding Nates frozen, ice cold Hand while playing "Hi Honey!" over and over again.
Slowly Hancock stepped into the room, his face pained by what he saw.
Noras eyes shot up in Horror, just to be equal parts relieved and upset to see him there. She quickly wiped her eyes and stood up, cleared her throat and asked: "Wh... what are you doing here? how .. how did you find me?"
He walked up to her and wordlessly hugged her. Her face in his chest and her arms around him she couldnt help herself but started crying again. He put his forehead on her head and they stood motionless.
Hancock was the first to speak: "hey, look, if you wanna get outta here..."
Nora looked up to Hancock, eyes swollen and nose red.
Hancock looked back at her and thought:" how can she still be so beautiful while crying? what stop, what why did I think that??" Before he could say anything nora took a long breath in and let an even longer breath out. She turned towards the cryopod and closed it back up. Then she liftet her necklace with the two weddingrings from under her shirt and looked at them.
"You know...she started.. nevermind, nothing... lets get going"
Hancock handed nora her gear and together they left the vault and headed back to santuary.
Nora fixed or rebuild every building except of her own pre-war home. She didnt want anybody else living in it.
When they gotten back to sanctuary, preston and the other settlers were awake and started their daily tasks.
When preston spottet her he approached her, smiling from ear to ear. "GENERAL! I'm so happy to see you! What brings you to sanctuary?"
"Hey Garvey, how have you been? Its been a minute, I thought I'd come see how things are going."
"Your time is impeccable! There is a settlement near by that needs our help! I'll mark it on your map."
Nora looked down and let out a slight chuckle. She turned to Hancock and asked him: "ready to help an other settlement?"
John looked back at her smiling: "Of course, lets go"
So they started wandering towards Finch Farm.
They have been on the road for three hours already when John turned to Nora and said: "look, I got there something i wanted to talk to you abou.." Before he could finish his sentence Gunfire started and they both duked behind an old car.
"Raiders, shit!" said both of them simultaneously and looked at each other and giggled. The group of raiders were on a bridge. One with Power armour and one with a Rocket launcher. The rest were regular raiders. Luckily they hadnt noticed them yet, too occupied with the ferals.
"Should we take them out or walk around them?" "Well, those three shouldn't be difficult to eliminate but the one In the Power armour and the one with launcher seem more difficult"
Nora pulled out her sniper rifle annd took out the Launcher guy with a headshot.
"Guess we fightin'" said hancock with a grin.
Hancock pulled out his shotgun and killed the two raiders running towards them with meele weapons. "nice shot!" said nora.
"easy.." replied hancock smug.
Taking out the regular Raiders wasnt a problem but the Metal man put up a tough fight. He shot nora in her stomach. She let out a loud defening scream. Hancock isnt the type to easily lose his shit but he looked over at nora with panick in his eyes.
He had to do something, and he had to do it quickly. He ran over to the Rocket launcher and aimed it at the last standing raider, pulled the trigger and he heard the loud almost unbearable sound of the explosion. With a ringing in his ears he ran over to Nora ( who was huddled on the floor in a small puddle of blood) and picked her up. Panic in his eyes, he grabbed one of the stimpaks and injected her. "You're not going to die on me! I'm sorry! this is going to hurt a little, but I cant let the stimpack fix you while the bullet is still inside you" He put his bony rough fingers into her wound and pulled out the bullet.
Nora was whimpering in agony. Hancock sat down on the floor and held Nora in his arms. "It's going to be okay! I promise!"
John carried her back to Tenpines Bluff. Once arrived the settlers looked at Nora and gasped! " OH NO!" They ran over to Hancock and helped him carry her to the next bed. Nora, still unconcious was recovering inside the shed. Although the Settlers reassured him to get some rest because they would take care of her, he wouldnt leave her side. Then, after two days Nora opened her eyes. Hancock sitting on a chair next to her bed, barely able to keep his eyes opened shot up in relief once he saw that she had opened her eyes "NORA!, oh god nora! I was so worried! How are you feeling?"
"J..John? Wh..What happened?"
"You were shot in the stomach, here this is purified water, please drink something. We were fighting the raiders when the last one shot you. I carried you back here."
"Ar..Are you okay John?" Hancock looked at her in disbelief. It took him a second to realize what she had asked. "Youre the one who almost died but youre asking me if I'm okay? I have never met a more selfless person in my life Nora!
"Can you lay next to me?" she said, in almost a whisper. John looked at her stunned. "Are...are you sure? he asked?
"Yes please."
She pulled up the blanket and motioned for him to lay next to her.
He did as she asked and she layed her head on his chest. "Thank you"
"Anything for you sunshine"
With nora on his chest, he finnally passed out from exhaustion.
The next morning she woke up before him, when she opened her eyes she didnt recognize where she was. Then she noticed that she was not laying on a pillow but indeed his chest. "SHIT...what have I done? why am I sleeping cuddled up with Hancock? Oh fuck..." she thought to herself. she looked up to him "okay good he is still asleep"
As carefully as possible she gotten out of the bed trying not to wake him. As Nora placed the first foot on the floor an audible "Ouch" left her mouth, her face grimaced.
"Are you okay?"
"Fuck" she thought.. "uh yes im fine, my stomach hurts a little. "I have some Med-Ex if you need some" he said. "oh no im sure im fine, thank you, "ouch...oh god" her face twitsted in pain.
"PLease take it". He reached out his hand to give it to her.
"Thanks hancock" she took it and immediately injected herself.
"So uhm, what are the plans for today?" she asked
He looked over to her and answered: "Well I wasnt sure on when you were going to be ready to travel again. But we still gotta talk to the settlers at Finch Farm. But first of all, lets get you something to eat."
They got dressed and left the shed together. "How about tato salad?" "Yea sounds good, actually please pack some for the road too."she said.
he looked over to her slightly surprised: "Oh you feel ready to travel again?"
"Maybe its the Med-ex speaking but I feel ready to head out after breakfast." "Alright" he said "I'll pack our bags in the meantime. Meet me when youre done eating."
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I Should Hate You
I was in a mood. Feelings come out and this was the result.  . . . . . . . 
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"That was a mistake." As soon as the words left Jack's mouth, she instantly saw the dagger leave her lips and stab you in the chest. She couldn't do this. It was too easy and that scared the hell out of her. The last time she fell this hard for someone her heart got ripped out and stomped on and she wasn't going to go through that again. She'd built this life, this wall and she couldn't let anyone in but you'd managed to slide in between the cracks with your sweet smile, flushed cheeks and soft touches.  
"If that's how you feel." You whispered, you wanted to bury yourself under ten blankets, hell, one hundred blankets wouldn't even help at this point. She was lying naked in your bed, breathing deeply, it had only been minutes from the most amazing sex you'd ever had. It wasn't even the high of the orgasm that had you feeling so blissful, it was the connection, the emotion you both shared, you connected so deeply at least that's what you thought.  
. . . . . Hours Earlier . . . . .  
The night had started out like any other Friday night after you'd wrapped up the current case and went out for drinks with the team. Jack had walked in at the perfect moment as she usually did and you couldnt help but ask her, almost beg her, to come along as she was clearly not in the mood for drinks. She'd been busy all week, dealing with several different investigations plus helping Vance with the quarterly evals had her swamped. She had mentioned earlier in the day when you caught a moment with her, in her office, that she had a bottle of Shiraz waiting at home with a nice hot bath that her name written all over it. But she couldn't resist your puppy dog eyes and she stated that, out loud, which gave you an extra pep in your step when you left the office. She'd called you out on it, so had Ellie but you didn't care. It worked.  
Gibbs left after one drink, claiming his boat had been neglected enough this week and none of you challenged him. McGee joined him, saying he wanted to spend time with his family and there was no arguing with that. After they left the drinks kept coming and the laughter, flirts and long glances became more and more obvious between you and Jack. Once Jack left to buy another round of whatever you were drinking, you'd lost track at this point, Ellie and Nick couldn't help but state the obvious.  
"You two are totally into each other!" Nick bounced in his seat, he was too preoccupied with whatever was on his plate this week to notice that your flirts with Jack had been very obvious. Even Ellie told you on Wednesday night that Gibbs was starting to notice but something had changed in your attitude to not care. If he had an issue with it, he'd tell you or just glare at you. Either or you didn't mind. You really liked Jack and she seemed to like you too.  
You watched Jack at the bar chatting with the bartender before you turned back to reply to Nick's comment and look at Ellie's smirk. "Think the alcohol is helping a lot." You shrug and watch as Jack walks back to the table. She was sitting on the opposite side of the booth, beside Ellie, before she left but now, she slipped in next to you which the close contact caused you to clear your throat. She handed you your drink with a smirk. "Perfect." You hummed; your eyes heavy from the alcohol but looked at Jack while you took a long swallow of your beverage. Her eyes didn't leave yours; she even had the audacity to flick her tongue out and dampen her lips while looking you directly in the eye.  
"Well, I don't know about you Nick but I think this'll be my last drink. We have goat yoga in the morning. You can't get out of it this time!" Your eyes left Jack's once you placed the glass back on the table and watched as Nick was contemplating arguing with his partner but you could see he was beyond tired and couldn't argue even if he wanted to.  
"Fine.” He took a large sip, emptying half of his drink in the process. "We really need to find a more enjoyable thing to do on a weekend." He saw everyone's eyebrows raise at his statement and you could see the regret and laughter in his eyes.  
"I go to a kick boxing class whenever I have a Saturday free and can be motivated to get up early enough. It's actually quite close to your goat yoga class." Jack hums, seeing the panic on Nick's face. You laugh at his panic now trying to think of a good excuse to get out of that suggestion because you could see Ellie was about to jump all over that idea.  
"I've always loved boxing. Did it for a while when I was at the NSA to let off a bit of steam when I couldn't think straight. Stopped classes when work became less routine at NCIS." Her lips twitched, showing her frustration about the loss of stress relief. You knew she had a small punching bag at her apartment for the really bad days but always said having a sparring partner was best. You never wanted to be on the other end of her bad days so you managed to get out of it up until now. Now it looked like it was time for Nick to pick up the mantle. He looked as pleased about it as you were the first time she asked.  
"But isn't the class like females only or something? Wouldn't be fair pairing a woman against a man. The difference in-" He stopped all too late when he looked around at the woman glaring back at him, waiting for him to really put his foot further into the hole he'd just dug with his words.  
"Oh, please continue Nicholas. Difference in?" You choked on your drink with Jack's words and venom behind them. You may be all drunk but this wasn't going to go away as quickly as Nick hoped it would.  
"There's clear muscle difference between me and Bishop?" He tried, he so tried to make it sound better than it did. You almost felt sorry for the guy now sitting beside the angriest woman in the bar.  
"Only muscle with a have difference is our tongues and mine knowing when to shut up. We are going to this class and I'll show you that your tight shirt and toned abs has no difference from mine and how I use them." You winced at her attempt of a comeback. It had its points but the alcohol definitely hindered its impact and delivery.
"Your tight shirts and abs?" Nick smirked but it faded quickly.  
"If you noticed." Ellie's quick wit was on point tonight and you coughed down your drink. Jack's hand came up and patted you on the back, the light taps sent electric shocks to your system but what had you sit up straighter was that her hand never left once you stopped coughing. It rested on the small of your back, her fingers curled around your hip, keeping her hand in place. You watched Ellie as she downed the rest of her drink and got up, splaying out her hand for Nick to take.  Nick downed his drink quickly.
You watched as they walked out of the bar, hand in hand with no care in the world. You wondered if they were going back to Ellie's place together but that thought was far from your mind when Jack's hand moved slightly and her body shifted more into your side. You leant into her sudden movement and she relaxed against you once more.  
"You want a refill?" She was happily and teasingly watching your every move. She loved watching you, loved the way your emotions controlled your features before you got control of them. She noticed it a lot when you two were alone, probably because you had less control over them around her and she loved it.  
"You paying?" You smirked, turning your head more so you were almost nose to nose. Being that close sent shivers down your spine but you made no attempt to move and neither did she.  
"You haven't paid for one drink tonight and this was your idea. Begging me to come out for drinks when I had a perfectly good bottle of wine at home." Her eyes flicking between your lips and your eyes. You let your tongue slip out for a second, drawing her eyes back to your mouth. Your lips were all of a sudden very dry, she was so close, you could just lean forward a centimeter and noses would touch, lips so close.  
"Thought it was my puppy dog eyes that had you coming. I never mentioned buying you drinks." You'd be lying if you didn't notice her eyes widen and darken at your words. Your legs shifted, squeezing together more and apparently that was an invitation for Jack to slip her free hand onto your thigh, running it up too high and down again softly. This was definitely way past being extra friendly.  
"That's no way to turn a girl on." She breathed, watching you control your shock and lust. It was hard with several alcoholic beverages in your system and her being so touchy feely.  
"Think you got that under control, Jacqueline." You leant forward, burying your face into her curls, seeking out her neck and you smirked when you felt her tilt her head back slightly. You found the skin you were seeking and left open wet kisses against her skin until she was moaning under your touch. Her hand on your thigh tightened, her nails digging into your jeans. "Still want that drink?" You murmured against her skin, trailing wet kisses up her neck, nipping at her earlobe and she moaned louder this time. You so wanted to kiss her lips but this just seemed like the crazier, more passionate option.  
"You got a drink at your place?" She moaned when you sucked her lobe between your lips and you did it over again to hear that moan from deep within her crawl out. Her fingers digging deeper into your thigh and you squeezed your legs together in response.  
Feeling your thigh move under her touch, she loosened her grip and trailed her hand up, running her fingers too lightly over your inner thigh until her thumb rubbed not so gently against your centre.  
"God, yes." You couldn't help but grind against her hand. It was involuntary but your mind had walked out the door with Ellie and Nick.  
Jack smirked, your lips leaving her skin when she moved her thumb in a circular motion, causing you to falter. "Then let’s go." She slipped her hand out from between your thighs and you moaned at the sensation it left in its wake. Your eyes followed her hand, up her arm, shoulder and found her lustful glazed eyes looking down at you.  
"The quicker we leave the quicker I can -" You jumped up before she could finish, not wanting those words to be heard by anyone else but you. She laughed at your response, loved watching what she could do to you. The alcohol was very much still driving both your actions but neither of you seemed to care right now. This was what everything had been leading up to over the past few months. All the touches, winks, flirtatious comments thrown back and forth. Your want had been building for months and so had hers. Your hand and imagination were never going to live up to this moment.  
She had you pressed against the wall outside the bar before the Uber had a chase to agree to the contract. Her lips seeking yours, nipping at your bottom lip, sucking it between hers and devouring you all together. Your hands gripped at her jacket at her waist, trying to find some balance there but she was crushing you, demanding entrance between your lips and her tongue gliding and exploring your mouth. A moan ripped out from your lips, she pulled back heaving for breath but you didn't give her enough time, crashing your lips back to hers, she could use your air for all you cared. You couldn't get enough of her now. You feared, hoped you never would.  
You managed to keep your hands mostly to yourselves in the Uber, the driver was friendly, Jack struck up a semi coherent conversation with him for the short distance to your place while her hand glided along your thigh, keeping you both on edge.  
The trail up to your apartment was another story entirely. Your hands slipping under her blouse, her moans and cries swallowed by your lips. Luckily your apartment was on the bottom floor and you managed to open the door straight away by some miracle with Jack's lips attached to your neck. Her tongue came out to sooth the red skin but that had you melting all over again. You shoved her back against the door and it slammed shut.  
"Your bedroom." She moaned as your lips captured hers, her fingers crawling under your shirt, her knuckles brushing against your skin and your groaned at the contact and the mention of your bedroom. She slipped your shirt off before you could even think about what was happening. It landed somewhere in your entry way but you didn't care. She pushed you back, her lips trailing down and paying attention to your collarbone as she walked you back, down the hallway and into your bedroom. She'd been here a handful of times to know where everything was however, she'd never stepped foot in your bedroom.  
Your room had never been so loud. Your moans echoed off the walls, her moans sounding like they were meant to be here and nowhere else. She took you to new heights. Clothes were long gone, the alcohol starting to lose its edge but that didn't matter now. She was intoxicating enough for you. She was like a drug, watching her trail down your body was enough to almost take you over the edge but the way she touched you, sucked and caressed, had you on a whole other planet. But that wasn't the end, no, you wanted some, you wanted her. Flipping her over, having her under you, her whiskey brown eyes almost black with desire and a thin sheen of sweat glistening her body had you moaning all over again. You licked and sucked and made her body shake and convulse under your touch. She screamed your name when you finally let her give in to the abyss and that sound would be etched into your mind forever. Nothing could take that away from you.  
That's why when she uttered those words not minutes later, you were still catching your breath and almost ready to go another round when she killed that feeling dead in its tracks. You replayed the moment over and over in your head as you heard the front door slam and Jack was gone. It was such a perfectly drunk evening of finally giving into your feelings and desires and she'd run away. You sunk further into your bed, it smelt like her, like you, like what you could've had but now it was just a smell of what had been.  
The turmoil inside of you wrecks you and you have half a thought to try and call Jack but knew she wouldn't answer. You manage to find the energy to roll over because even that seemed like moving a mountain right now and you buried your face into the pillow your face found there. The smell of Jack's shampoo rudely invaded your senses and you groaned. Rolling back over to find anything that didn't smell like the woman who'd ruined you in every possible way.
. . . . . 
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