#she was perfect
aelswiths · 2 months
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HILD IN 2x04
Requested by @kingslionheart
Dedicated to @garunsdottir, your beautiful Hild set made me think of s2 ❤️❤️
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dearest-alexander · 1 year
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Eric, yo, can you fight?
photo tweet from @scuttlesz
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sleepysorrel · 8 months
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Hopped on bareback for a moment to ensure she doesn't forget how to be a civilized member of society
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mr-melancholy316 · 9 days
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unicornery · 11 months
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The Eric Andre Show S06E07
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pixiecaps · 2 months
i was making a qroier blood gif and then accidentally tabbed out and its just gone now i feel like i’ve lost a lover in battle
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sexi-lou · 3 months
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I drew my bf’s cat, her name is Truck/Trucker
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marcholasmoth · 5 months
OSRR: 3429
car problem solved.
unfortunately, the interest rate is gross. it was recommended to me to refinance when rates go back down, probably after the election season kicks in.
also it turns out that i was really uncomfortable in anything except what i had before, so i ended up getting another 2016 CR-V. this one is a gray-brown and so far the only difference i've seen is a single button that's not there. i don't even remember what it was. but it's nice. i like it. i told joel about it. he's probably happy that i have a new car.
i'm gonna go to the car yard tomorrow to see illie one last time. (i don't want to call it a junkyard. i dunno why. it just hurts to say it.) i'm gonna see if my phone mount is still there and then take my plates and frames back with me. the trunk stuff cover too.
i miss illie.
i guess i'm just sad.
it feels silly. but i just can't help from crying every time i think about it. i guess it's because she was the first thing i could say she was mine about. and i got her and joel on the same day, which was important to me, too. and what is it now? the 26th of december. the day after christmas. nothing special there.
it just.
it hurts.
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no-gays-in-russia · 1 year
"Lives were changed by this performance. Mine"- my friend who I forced to watch Eurovision last night texting me right after Loreen's performance
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exostud · 7 months
I'm still not over my ex
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meathounding · 1 year
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userastarion · 1 year
also, what is your most unpopularest broadway opinion (eg mine is that i have a personal vendetta against andrew lloyd webber and therefore hate everything he's ever written on principle?) what's a revival that you liked more than the original run? if you could pick one show to be revived right now what would it be? what are your top three dream roles?
unpopular opinion:
LMAO i actually hate ALW too shflshfkdj
like i don’t really know anything about him but i literally do not enjoy any of his music and all the shows i’ve seen of his left me like 🥴
but mine... i actually am not sure. maybe something along the lines of letting kids -- especially those who likely won't see the shows until they tour or open rights for community productions -- like what they like (a la be more chill) and not shitting on them or making fun of them or calling them annoying for it. people can find things to identify with in all sorts of media and it really bothers me when people will like, attack folks for enjoying something. particularly with theater.
not just kids, either... anyone. you're not morally better than someone for hating beetlejuice or whatever. i am a big proponent of Let People Enjoy Things and gatekeeping theater, which is already so inaccessible, just makes me Angry
also, shrek: the musical is fun and idgaf what anybody says
tbh i actually am not sure i have one! i think i like the vocals better on the new into the woods than the original, but that's kinda just my taste. the production (from what i understand) wasn't as grand so that makes me sad and probably means i wouldn't necessarily actually like it more
also i don't always know when something is a revival if i'm listening and tend to listen to more contemporary stuff anyway
revive a show:
can i just immediately say come from away bc it's a crime that it closed already? although i'd want it exactly the same so i'm not sure that counts 😂
my actual answer is spring awakening. i think the original was really incredible but i'd love to see what people could do with it now. (and also, i want to see it SO BADLY)
dream roles:
rose fenny in dogfight eurydice in hadestown veronica sawyer in heathers
honorable mentions: cathy in the last five years, anna in frozen, janis in mean girls, and persephone in hadestown (her role is SO fun but my voice just. doesn't fit it)
tysm for these, this was fun!!!! and took thought lol
it's sleepover saturday! send me... whatever?
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oldpsyche · 2 years
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was blessed with the presence of the high priestess the other night ✨🔮 with my sissy and mother!
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roohdaar · 2 years
I sometimes wonder what would have made you stay.🖤
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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noperopesaredope · 7 months
I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.
Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.
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