#she’s just quietly cackling the whole time
live-laugh-lenney · 2 days
Hey, sorry if you aren't comfy with writing this/me requesting it but I just want to know if you could do a period comfort type thing with Arthur or Will? On my period rn and my lord it is killing me :/
the girlies are hungry for some willne content so here we go!
she had a feeling.
a horrid feeling that sat low in her stomach, along with the cramps that were contracting her muscles and the damp sensation that she could feel between her thighs, and she couldn't bring herself to leave the warmth and the comfort of the bed to see a bloodied stain left in her place on will's bed because she hadn't been paying attention to what time of the month it was. and she so badly wanted to get up, to check, to make sure she hadn't leaked too much, if at all, on his bed sheets... yet she found herself panicking.
this was the first time she'd started her period in the presence of him.
usually, she would busy her life to the point where they'd go almost a week without seeing each other because her hormones made her feel gross and grumpy and hormonal. and will wasn't stupid and yn, deep down, knew that... but he never went digging and he never forced plans to happen during that one particular week each month. if she knew she was due to start then there was no way she'd have agreed to stay at his place for the weekend.
"if you stare up at the ceiling any longer, the upstairs owner will be in bed with us."
her features scrunch up with her eyebrows pinching together on her browline and she turns her head to look in his direction, being met with a cheeky smirk on his lips and a pair of tired eyes watching her, and she could feel her cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
"you'll burn a hole in the ceiling if you stare at it any longer," he says in amusement and she rolls her eyes, "what did it ever do to you?"
"nothing," she grumbles, grasping at his duvet and pulling it up to cover her face, "i'm going back to sleep."
there's a moment where neither of them move... until she feels him tug on the comforter to remove it from her face, only to be met with a tight grip and a straight-up refusal on her part. and he wasn't in the mood to back down, ducking beneath the covers and coming face-to-face with her.
"something's bothering you," he says softly, almost like a whisper, and he can see the emotions written across her face, "what's the matter?"
"nothing," she whines and turns her face away from him, squeezing her eyes tightly and he sighs heavily, dropping his face into the swell of her breasts that were dressed with one of his old t-shirts, "i'm just sleepy. guess i struggled to sleep last night."
"come on," he scoffs and buries his face a little more into her breast, "i know you, yn. i'm not an idiot."
there's a wave of silence and she really contemplates whether she wanted to tell him or not... it was silly for her to be embarrassed over something as natural as a period but she felt silly for getting so upset and panicky over it. it wasn't something she could control.
"you're gonna be grossed out."
"nonsense," he lifts his head and looks at her, "i'm up in your morning breath right now, nothing can be worse than that."
she scoffs and lifts an arm to whack into his shoulder, making strong contact, enough to elicit a groan from him.
"i hate you," she grumbles and he cackles softly, cosying down beside her and laying an arm across her stomach - unknowing to him that she found instant comfort in feeling his warmth and the weight of his arm resting just where her cramps were aching, "seriously, it's gross."
"what is it? i can't help if you don't tell me."
she pouts her lips out and she wants the ground to swallow her whole because this wasn't a conversation she was prepared for.
"i think i've started my period," she murmurs quietly and she's timid when she looks him in the eye, "but i have none of my stuff. no pads, no tampons, i have no paracetamol or clean pants or anything. and i think i've leaked on your sheets and-"
"is this all you were worried about?"
she gulps thickly and he smiles softly.
"oh, you're a silly goose," he shakes his head, "you think i'm not at all prepared for this?"
"the only thing i don't have for you is clean pants," he admits and he removes the covers from where they were almost suffocating the two of them, "i have everything you need in the cupboard under the sink in the bathroom. tampons, pads, everything you need. as for the bed sheets, we can wash them, no worries about that."
"you think i don't know?" he lifts an arm up and brings a hand to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb across her cheek in a soothing way, "i know when you pretend to be busy for a week so you don't have to see me. i know you keep yourself occupied so you can't come over," her cheeks pink up and, yeah, she feels a lot sillier now, "sunshine, i've been with you for over six months now. i'm not an idiot."
"i can't believe you," she giggles sweetly and she stretches her neck to press a kiss to his cheek, "i love you."
"i love you too," he grins, "now, go and freshen up. have a shower, do what you need to do, and i'll pop out and grab us some breakfast."
"can you get some croissants and pancakes?" she wonders and he nods, "maybe some fruit? and some bacon."
"i'll see what i can do," he presses a kiss to her forehead before he swings his legs over the edge of the bed and stands to his feet, "take as long as you want, yeah? i'll some clean clothes for you on the bed for when you get out."
"thank you," she smiles, watching as he dug through his wardrobe for a fresh outfit to wear for the morning, "now hurry up, otherwise i'm going to turn into some hormonal monster. and you won't like that."
"yes, ma'am." xx
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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
Hc that the Gaang plays a game that’s kind of like a lie detector test, where one person has to sit in the middle of the room and each remaining Gaang member gets to ask them a question, then Toph tells everyone if they’re telling the truth. If they’re lying, they get hit in the face with water (Curtesy of Katara or Aang)
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avatarkv · 9 months
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Synopsis ! Jake had taken you as his own after Tsu'tey's passing, leaving no one to care for you. Things had been good before your relationship with him had blurred along growing of age. You and him fought all the time; argued each other's ear off and tonight was no different-- except words have been said, severing the already damaged bond. Content & warning Jake sully x Daughter!Reader, Sully kids x Sister!Reader Neytiri x Daughter!Reader. Mentions of violence and death. (wc: 4955 )
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Neytiri was up early– too early. 
She ran her hands tiredly over her face, her fingernails barely grazing the creases of her skin. Her eyes felt heavy, but it wasn’t tiredness that forced itself to weigh on her lids– it was the dread that continued to settle in; she could hardly make out the sound of the pot blowing out steam, rising in pitch with the soup threatening to boil over. The lid covering the kitchen pan was shaking fiercely, trying desperately to contain itself.
No, who was she kidding? She had lain awake all night, tossing and turning in her hammock. Not a single wink of sleep had been granted to her. 
Neytiri swore her heart cried every time she took a deep breath, gravelly gasping along her. She couldn’t sleep even if she wanted to– not when tuk-tuk quivered in her embrace the whole night; the slightest movement made her flinch and the softest touch made her cry. It was gut-wrenching, the thought that her own child felt no safety in the arms of their mother.
Not my children, eywa. Not them too. 
War had started long before her mate had come, Neytiri couldn’t blame him– but sometimes, late at night when the only sounds that grace her ears are the thoughts running through her head, she dreams of a life away from the wildfire and bullets; a life where she had fulfilled her mother's desires and took Tsu'tey’s hand instead. Every once in a while, the idea pierces her heart as she finds herself tucked in between Jake’s embrace. It felt wrong to think so, like being unfaithful, but not quite.
Tsu’tey was never someone who crossed her thoughts as a person that had gotten away from her, nor had she ever been attracted to him in a romantic way. It would’ve been an union of convenience; for the clan and the people itself. They would be unhappy– unhappy and awfully miserable. With Jake, it was something else entirely; like marriage had more meaning to it rather than a simple alliance. Sure, it was miserable, but they were happy– she was happy. Neytiri could never resent her mate, not when they’ve come so far already.
However, in terms of her children’s well-being, she couldn’t help but think if Jake was the bane of it all– the root of every bad thing that has happened to them. There were no softer words to lay it out, but they deserved better. Her children deserved none of this war. 
She was crying again– crying for them. She let the beads of tears roll down her cheek as she stared afar with not a single coherent thought behind her eyes. 
It was no surprise that Neteyam was already up with the sun rising. He moved quickly, quietly lowering the fire and lifting the lid of the pot with caution— hissing when its hot liquid splashed onto his skin. With a concerned look on his face, he glanced over at his mother who sat an arm’s length away from the very stove; how could she not have heard the loud cackle of her own cooking? He was sure it would’ve caused a wildfire if not for him. 
He slowly moved closer to Neytiri, gingerly reaching out and nudging her with his fingertips. He was mindful not to startle her already tired state. “Sa’nok– sa’nok?” Neteyam called out to her, “Sa’nok, are you okay?” 
Neytiri stirred just slightly, turning her head to view the worried face of her eldest. Her lips thinned involuntarily, a feeling of relief washing over her; her children were here, safe and sound. Nothing will happen to them– not ever.  As long as she lived, they will never be harmed ever again. No demon would take this away from her.
A wave of panic swept over her as she finally realized that she had been cooking before. She quickly turned back to see a billowing cloud of smoke rising from its surface. Neytiri cursed under her breath as her small attempts at fanning away the fog that had settled upon the area were to no avail, finding herself in a fit of coughing. “Why don’t you get y/n?” She requested, voice strained. “She can help with breakfast.” 
With a heavy sigh, Neteyam could only nod, quickly leaving.
Right, y/n– you. When was it never about you? 
Neteyam grumbled as he dragged his feet towards their thatched hut, kicking at every pebble that came across his path with a grunt. It wasn’t you who had woken up early to assist Neytiri nor was the one who had stopped fire from possibly spreading and yet, your name just had to be the first he’d heard today. 
It was you. Always you. 
Neteyam would be a big fat liar if he said it didn’t affect him. He saw you as a parasite – a damn leech that was draining the life out of everyone around him. He couldn't understand why you had to be so selfish and callous; why you were unable to look past Jake’s reprimands when all he desired was your well-being or how you had driven his own mother to such anguish that it became her own undoing. 
You weren’t a kid anymore. On top of that, you weren’t theirs– so why had you always been on top of their priority? Why had you become a chore? 
But never his, oddly enough. You were too good for him and he hated that. 
(Heavy steps thudded behind Jake as Neteyam trailed, his disappointment palpable. He had been unsuccessful in his mission to persuade his father to let him come along on today’s expedition, always quick to dismiss him. He had gone through all the training, but what was the point if he still wouldn't be able to put it into practice? 
Being olo’eyktan one day will never feel rewarding. 
“It’s too dangerous, Neteyam.” Jake grumbled under his breath, eyes never meeting his as he gathered his arrows. “I need you here. Make sure Lo’ak doesn’t follow– do you copy?” 
Neteyam couldn't help but wince when he remembered the time they had failed to be spotters, but it was just that one time– why couldn’t he let it go? It weighed down heavily on his conscience; the mistake that even still, months later, sent shame prickling on every fiber of his being. 
Jake expected a copy in return– a curt yes-sir but Neteyam was silent. He finally urged himself to look up, only to see both his eldest locked in an intense stare, eyes never wavering nor breaking away from one another.
It clicked almost instantly the moment you walked through the flap of the hunt, clutching on the strap of your woven bag that held your own weapons. The war-paint drawn across your face had been the salt on the already deep cut of his– you were coming. Jake had asked you to come and he wasn’t. 
You were looking down at him, Neteyam was sure of it; judging him, and no doubt thinking of how much he had failed himself. His sense of shame deepened as he saw the derision in your expression, feeling more exposed than ever before. He wanted to disappear right then and there, anything to escape this moment that felt like an eternity. 
But you were there. You always were– and you could see straight through him. 
If only he knew how different your mind worked– how you desperately ached for the same concern Jake had for his son. You wanted him to understand the immense longing to be seen in the same light that he was in, to receive even a fraction of his unwavering affection; wanted Jake to care enough that this could be the last hunt he would have with you, that you could get hurt or worse. 
Jake was worried enough to sit his golden-child down; the one with capabilities greater than those warriors years older than him– the one he would make olo’eyktan someday. 
Not you. Never you. 
Neteyam was the first to turn away, a deep rugged grunt leaving his lips as he nodded once. 
“Lima charlie.” ) 
What really messed with his head was that, despite his obvious resentment, he couldn’t actually bring himself to truly despise you the way he felt he should. Every time Neteyam looks at you, he swears he only sees himself– the same child that only yearns for the recognition of a father. There is a reflection of each other in the two of you that binds you nonetheless. 
He wanted to truly look up to you; he wanted what Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk felt when they were with you– to have someone older, to feel as if the weight on his shoulders wasn’t his alone. Neteyam tried, he really did, but as much as you were there, you also weren’t. 
It wasn’t always like this. Your relationship with him wasn’t built entirely on rivalry– he knows he had something more familial with you before, but whatever it was had blurred along age. As much as he wanted to come closer, you were always two steps ahead of him. To you, he will always be olo’eyktan– but never a brother. 
It was a harsh reality– the same hands that cradled him when he was small couldn’t even look at him the same; like he had grown so ugly that you couldn’t recognize him at all. You didn’t even want to fly your ikran with him, nor did you want to train the same time he did. 
He hated you, but not quite– he could never hate his sister. You were more of a stranger now that lived under the same roof as him and it was better than to perceive you as someone rather horrible– but that was what you were. A horrible, horrible stranger. Someone who saved him once from trouble and handed him years of headache in return.
You were a horrible sister. That’s what you are. 
(“Tsmuke, what do I do?” 
You couldn't believe your eyes as you gazed down at the mess on the floor of the hut. Beads were all over, and what used to be a clay tray laid shattered into several pieces. Neteyam stood still in midst of it all— the culprit of such doing evident. Your brain wracked itself to move, to do something.
“This is sa’nok’s favorite necklace. She told me to come get it for her, but the shelf was too high–” Neteyam spoke in a rush, hands gesturing wildly as he talked. His face crumpled in worry and his brow furrowed with frustration.
"’Teyam, don't move!" you said in a hurry, alarmed at the thought of him taking a step forward. Moving quickly to his side, you gently stopped him from doing so and scooped him up under his armpits. He was heavy in your arms as you stood there with him, but the shards beneath were sharp enough to cut skin. You grunted as you moved him aside. 
"Tsmuke, what are we going to do?" He asked again, his voice running high with worry. 
You tried to think of another solution, assessing the situation once more. You glanced at him and said, "I'm going to tell ma I broke it so she won't be mad at you." You quickly search for something sturdy enough to scoop the pieces off the floor. Maybe you can redo the necklace, but there was no salvaging the tray. 
“But I broke it– she’ll know.” He visibly deflates, not exactly thrilled about not being truthful to Neytiri.
“Only if you tell her.” You said, looking up at him with a slight smile, though your heart was racing. You felt terrible knowing that you were going to disappoint Neytiri, especially since her beloved necklace had snapped– but something about your little brother's worry-stricken expression tugged on your heartstrings. You understood why her scolding was necessary, but it felt wrong to leave him alone to bear the brunt of it. “This will be our little lie, okay?” 
You immediately dismiss him, gesturing impatiently for him to exit the hut as quickly as possible. “I’ll tell you about it later, but you have to promise now that whatever mom says, just know that I broke it.” 
He only offered a subtle nod in response, his eyes glossed over as he nervously played with his hands.
“Say it, ‘teyam. She’ll be back any minute now!” 
"You broke it!" Neteyam had shouted and almost as if in response, Neytiri had walked in through the hut's entrance, all but gasping as she took in the sight before her– shards of what once held her jewelry now on the floor. She stumbled slightly as she carried the basket of fruits, before dropping it to the ground and quickly scurrying over towards you.
The scolding you got was harsh, but Neytiri couldn't do much other than wrap her arms around you and sigh. You were just a kid, after all. Mistakes like these are inevitable and all she could do was understand. 
Neteyam was patiently waiting just outside the doorway, swinging his legs back and forth as he listened with a heavy heart. He awfully felt guilty. You sat with him moments later.
“Why did you do that?” He quietly asked.
You looked at him with a confused face, “Do what?” 
"Lie." He says, his accent making the word feel awkward in his mouth. It was unfamiliar to him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You only say, casually shrugging as you swung your legs along his. Little Neteyam looked at you with the most confused face; eyebrows furrowing and the creases in between deepening as he tried to make sense of everything that had happened. 
But then you glanced at him again– winked and gave a small giggle. 
And only there did he understand. He leaned his head on your shoulder.
“Thank you, y/n.” )
Neteyam didn’t even realize he had finally reached home. He stared at the flap of the hut, unable to let himself in, despite living here ever since. He wasn’t exactly thrilled about having a moment alone with you– not when the thoughts that ran through his head had been unpretty. 
He knows damn well Eywa could strike him down if she heard herself. 
He sighed, “Y/n? Sa’nok asks for you.” He softly said, waiting for a reply. You had never been a deep sleeper; any little noise would bring you right back to consciousness. Every creak from the floor, every whisper and murmur from outside, even the lightest rustling of leaves would startle you wide awake in an instant. Neteyam knew of that, knew of the many sleepless nights you had. You had the habit of scratching the walls of the hut, carving who-knows-what on its surface. It kept him from being able to get any rest himself. 
When only silence greeted him, he finally urged himself to go inside only to be met with an empty space. 
Your absence now felt different to the other times when you had gone for a stroll through the forest or set out to train before dawn. It was not like that this time, and Neteyam felt it deeply. He frantically rummaged through the hut, searching every nook and cranny for anything that you possessed. Nothing. Neteyam stood at the center of the room, taking in the now cluttered room. 
His fingers nervously reached up to the intercom on his ears. A voice crackled over the device, "Sir, is y/n with you? Over." He took a deep breath as he glanced around once more. 
Almost quickly, Jake answered. “No, she should be back at the hut.”
 Neteyam gulped, “She isn’t– nor any of her things are. What do I do?”
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“You– you! You let this happen, Jake!” 
After spending hours on scouring the forest for any trace of you, they had finally concluded that you had chosen to leave of your own accord. This was not something that anyone wanted to believe and yet it seemed like the only option left; none of your things were to be seen back at home, or at least those that were valuable to you— your worn-out saddlebag, the wooden bowl that you had carved yourself, weapons. All of it. Soon, eclipse neared and everyone was tired.
Neytiri was quick on her feet. As soon as Jake had returned from the south, she lunged at him – pushing him forcefully with a look he didn’t want to come home to. He attempted to grasp onto both her forearms, wanting desperately to soothe– but, try as he might, she continually knocked away his hands with increasingly greater force. It was like his very touch had burnt her skin; the same hands that held her children. 
“What did you do? What did you say?” Her panicked voice quivered as she asked in desperation. She felt her breath quicken, body absolutely worn out from everything that had happened. Neytiri’s tear-stained face was like a punch to his already battered heart. He had caused this. Jake had finally pushed you away. 
“One thing I asked of you– and this one thing you couldn’t do!” Each word that left her mouth was accompanied by a strike to his chest, not enough to cause any physical pain but enough to emphasize the anger he knew he had been keeping to herself for years. Neytiri was patient with him– understanding. Jake had pushed the limits of what she was capable of doing for him and this was the very consequence.
Shame. Nothing but shame. 
People were watching– warriors that had accompanied him on the search and lingering eyes of the clan, but he couldn’t care less. Jake allowed her to hit him, he let her push him around; it was better for him if she inflicted the pain instead of harboring it. He’d let the people talk for all he cared. He failed as an olo’eyktan and as a father. 
Let everyone know he failed his eldest.
“I did talk to her, please listen to me.” He begged, his pleadings faint. He desperately tried to reach out and grasp Neytiri's arm, yet his hands seemed unable to find the strength to hold her. His voice quivered as he spoke, fragile and hesitant in its delivery.
“Tell me how exactly!” 
And he couldn’t answer that. Not when he made the crucial mistake of not checking the hut beforehand. Maybe if he did, he would’ve known you had run away– maybe he could’ve gotten to you. The fact that you weren’t able to hear his vulnerability was a different heartbreak he refused to acknowledge. You were never there to begin with. 
When Neytiri saw that Jake had nothing to say in response, she was rendered speechless. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she tried to muffle the cry that threatened to escape her throat. She frantically paced around, harshly tugging on her braids. Jake could only close his eyes, shoulders slumping in defeat. He stood there, stunned in silence. 
“My daughter, Jake! My daughter is out there with those– those demons scattered! She could be lost– dead! Do you not understand?” 
Dead. You could be dead. Jake refused to close his eyes, hoping he could keep the thought at bay. But it came back again and again, wriggling its way into his mind like a snake. He let his heavy eyelids shut and instantly, he was presented with a vision of you in the dark - his sweet babygirl, lying there lifeless. It would be his fault. The blood would be on his hands.
"Ma, please," Neteyam had spoken, his voice gentle in a bid to soothe his mother. He tried desperately to soften the blows, carefully pulling her away from Jake. It was Neteyam that calmed Neytiri and all he could do was stand and let it happen– what the hell was he doing? How could he fail so miserably? His eldest had to step in and do his job, his pride and joy. 
His gaze drifted across to where his other children were, huddled together on the corner. They looked bewildered at what they were hearing, unsure of what to make of it all. It seized him, squeezing what’s left of its already limp heart. Tuk was nestled in Kiri’s protective embrace, asking her– trying to understand. She asks of you, where have you gone? 
A father protects, that’s what gives him meaning and Jake Sully has done the opposite– ushering you to danger. 
“Have we failed them, Jake? Have I been a horrible mother?” Neytiri asked, her voice now barely above a whisper. She tried to be gentle with pushing Neteyam away, attempting to continue nonetheless. Jake placed a firm hand on his son's tense shoulders, and he gave him a subtle tilt of the head. He could see the battle that was raging inside of his young boy's head, between wanting to do what he felt was right and obeying his father's instructions. “Jake what have we done?”
Your mother needs this, his eyes try to tell him, go. Neteyam reluctantly steps back, deciding it was better to return to the others.
“Look for her again. Send out everyone this instant!” She sobs, pounding her fists against Jake’s chest in a desperate attempt to get her point across. Her neck is strained with veins popping out and bulging eyes filled with desperation, pleading him to understand. Each beat of her fists matched the intensity of her wails, no amount of tears ever seeming to be enough. 
Neytiri takes a heavy inhale once more, “I beg of you, Jake Sully. Find our daughter, bring her back home.” 
His gaze finally met hers and the feeling it brought was more than he could bear. He had to make a decision, another choice that would have to let her down again. “We can’t go looking for her now, Neytiri. We are already short on warriors, you know this.” He gently says, as if it was enough to soften the blow– but his eyes saw how her face slowly fell. He could clearly hear the telltale sound of her broken heart, shattering once more.
“I have to ensure everyone’s safety. Warriors are out scouring perimeters and we can’t risk one hold-up. Our family, Neytiri, I cannot risk our family,” 
“She is our daughter!” 
“And I am still olo’eyktan.” He was heartless. He was sure everyone thought so, but he had to be the one to make decisions. His composure was a mask that hid the fact that inside he was breaking apart; that he was failing– that he already had failed. If he let himself break down now, he might as well gamble everyone he loved. 
Jake’s responsibilities weighed down heavily on his shoulders. Everyone was at stake– Quaritch was on the loose. 
Neytiri told him he had a strong heart the moment they had met, but right now, it was stone-cold– shut off and mean. Not the compassionate man she had once saved. “I’m trying, Neytiri. I’ll get her home.” He tries to assure her, but the breathy shudder that left her lips only made him wince. 
He was finally able to wrap his arms around her mate and when he did, it was tight– as if he was trying desperately to piece her back together. He closed his eyes once more, kissing the top of her head. “I promise. She’ll be back, I promise.”
You were out there. Alive. He had a chance. 
Your mama’s crying for you, sweet child, come home. 
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“Mawey, Mawey!” 
You found yourself in an unknown area. How you had gotten there, you could not explain. Your ikran, exhausted from the raging storm, needed some respite and so did you for that matter. After all, it would be cruel to deny her this much needed break even if it were just for a night. You only prayed that it’d be peaceful. 
You searched the space for materials needed for fire, but the rain was ruthless and provided no light. You felt a chill as you curled up beneath the shade of the tree. Hugging your knees to your chest you tried to conserve warmth, shivering slightly as a gust of wind blew past. Nothing around you but darkness - no stars, no moonlight, and not even the bioluminescence around provided much warmth. This was it, you thought.
Should I go home instead? Have they even noticed that I’ve gone?
Why couldn't you just stay? Why couldn't you have simply kept it all down inside rather than running away? You had been content enough to stay silent before, content enough to ignore everything; what had been different now? It was home still— who were you kidding?
Thoughts ran unmercifully inside your head as you sat motionless. 
You are never satisfied. 
I miss my mom. 
They deserve the heartache. 
You should’ve listened instead– now look at where you are.
Why couldn’t they love me?
Maybe I should head back. 
Father will be mad.
You wanted this– needed this. You had to prove yourself. There was no use crying over something small, a night had only passed. 
The snapping of leaves and rustling of bushes pulled you abruptly back to reality, your head quickly turning in its direction. You had been lost in thought before the sound startled you; the somber pool of thoughts still eddying in your mind. But there was something else nestled in that pool now, taking up the space– fear. Genuine and terrible, terrible fear. You might never come home ever again. You will never see them again. 
This was it, you thought, something that had been swirling around in the back of your mind since you’ve left now finally felt certain. You gripped your spear tightly in both hands. 
The cry that ripped through the air was deafening, shaking every part of your being. It felt like each syllable ricocheted around your entire body; coursing through your veins and settling in the cavity of your chest. Even the ground seemed to tremble in response, shaking beneath your feet as you tried to keep composure. There was no mistaking it; it was an 'angtsìk— a particularly angry one, at that. 
The loreyu that once surrounded you shriveled in response; coiling up and retracting to the ground, and then was gone completely, leaving you exposed to the hammerhead. 
You were in a desperate situation. It didn't help either that you were unable to make out your surroundings– you were one on one with an 'angtsìk with nothing but a spear and a lousy handgun (that you don’t even know why you brought in the first place. It was small on the palm of your hand, but it was valuable to Jake– this couldn’t damage any animal even if you tried.)
Lifting your bow and arrow and preparing to shoot would be pointless. The threat could be just a moment away; it could pounce on you in the blink of an eye, leaving you as food for its prey before you even have time to process the danger. 
You stood your ground, constantly shifting on your feet as you carefully backed away. You kept your gaze steadily ahead, refusing to break eye contact with the 'angtsìk– but when it roared again in response to your steps, you couldn't help but express your annoyance with a loud kiss of your teeth and an exasperated groan.
You did something that no one in a million years would ever consider or do– you ran straight towards it. 
You stepped forward with your spear raised, shaking it threateningly in front of the strange creature that had been creeping closer. Your movements were frenzied, a frenetic attempt to scare it off and make it retreat back to where it had come from. You could feel your heart pounding against your rib cage as you readied yourself for whatever would come next. All around you, an eerie silence had descended upon the dank forest that seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation– watching both of you. 
As it was poised to launch a counterattack, the creature suddenly halted; its gaze directed toward something past you with an expression of sheer terror, but your mind was too clouded for you to take any hint of the bigger threat skulking just behind you. You could feel the nervousness bubbling up from your chest, but before you knew it, a confident chuckle had escaped your lips that soon turned into fits of laughter, not believing how that foolish move of yours had made the 'angtsìk retreat.
“Yeah? Yeah! That’s right– you better run!”  You yelled, brandishing the spear in your hands and waving it around in triumph. “Get your punk-ass back to mommy, penis-face!” 
As the 'angtsìk disappeared into the distance, you allowed a sigh of relief to escape your lips. "You're not getting any of this, keep running!" You called out after it mockingly, putting your hands on your hips. In spite of this bravado, your heart was pounding and your knees were weak with fear– you were this close to give Eywa an early visit. 
You slowly turned back, that’s when you finally saw it; the force with which the thicket of bushes violently parted around it, the palulukan emerging from behind. It was like all the air had been sucked from your lungs, and a chill ran through your body as a wave of fear engulfed you. Every part of you tensed up, and you could feel your soul being wrenched from within.
You looked at it like a poor deer in headlights, grip momentarily loosening around your spear.
 If death knocked tonight, let it be instant.
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NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT ?? ???? finally, after a month! (i am gonna be honest, i am this close to loosing interest in avatar.. jesus. i am holding onto crumbs people) this is so long overdue, but i hope it's good enough!
put so many references here, hope ppl can tell! teehee
not thoroughly edited so please feel free to point of any mistakes! thank you so much for being patient with me, until the next chapter loves! smooch <;3
(i removed tags that didn't work anymore :/ again, i am not taking anymore tags! please leave your notif on instead) tags: @reyalvr @sparklyphantom @iwanttohitmyself @planetslove @teyamsjustsleeping @grandgreengrapes @erensbbg @queen-dk @loaklvr @theyoungeagle @ducks118 @teyyyteyyy @yeosxxx @simply-lovely78 @ellabellabus07 @thehoneymushroomhealer @saturdayrj @kingjulian0o9 @hippiezworldz @joemamalackin @random-3455 @zoetrope1997 @cl0esblogg @anxietydrogz @lokisfirstandlastwife @lunyyx @blkmystery @marsbars09 @gcldtom @luna-salem @wolflover384 @mushy-mushroom04 @whatthemonsterfuckisthis @eternalidentity @celi-xxmoon @dumb-fawkin-bitch @pinkeroppi @mellowdiy @jimfiqs @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ayra2452008 @vodoo-heart @rose-brulante @starxao @bluevenus19 @entertain-my-lvst @wwwellacom @starjane312 @mona-aiko @audigay
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jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
Hello!!! i’m not sure if your doing requests or not. but i was wondering if you could do an Alastor x reader and everyone is doing movie night and i wanted to know his reaction to the said chosen movie Bambi, I’m currently whatching bambi and thought about this😅
Hiya! I thought this was such a cute little dabble in could do, so i got it out pretty quick! I never explicitly stated i do request but i do! Perhaps i’ll make a formal request post but for now i will take the ones that do come as they do. I really hope this is what you imagined i haven’t watched bambi in years! Xx
Movie night
PT 2
Words: 830
Alastor x gn reader
Warnings: Nada really, just bambi’s momma died rip disney love killing parents also could be read platonically or romantically
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“C’mon please.” Charlie begged you, hands clasped in front of her as she gently bounced on her heels. She was in the middle of begging you to talk Alastor into watching Bambi for tonight’s movie night. An exercise thought up by Charlie to have all of the patrons sit quietly and enjoy something together as a group, no fighting, no judgement, just relaxation as a unit.
But of course Alastor wasn’t a fan of said “picture shows” so Charlie enlisted you to do the sweet talking. After some more begging on Charlie’s part you gave in, knocking on Alastor’s door. You could already hear him humming happily to himself on the other side, sound increasing as he got closer. When he opened the door to you he visibly perked, seemingly pleased to see you. “Hello dear, what can i do for you?” Standing out of the way he outstretched his arm towards the inside of his bedroom. Smiling you gladly stepped in, feeling fairly comfortable around the demon and his presence at this point.
“Well, Charlie wants to have a movie night, everyone voted for Bambi, thoughts?”
“Ha, no.” Alastor cackled promptly shutting you down, it rolled off your back though, you expected this kind of response. “Y’know Al, the TV was a staple of 1936, and Bambi came out in 42, that’s ten years tops away from your time. It’s a musical too so up your alley, technocolour and it’s about deer. This is your movie man!” You exclaim excitedly, Alastor watched you theatrically explain with a fond look.
Once Alastor sighed dramatically you knew you were in. “Alright dear i’ll watch this silly moving picture with you.” Smiling, you stood tall linking your arms to his. “That’s why they call it a movie, it’s moving. See Al, not so bad you already know the lingo.” Alastor said nothing as you dragged him along amused by what he presumed was your nonsensical ramblings.
Once in the room with all the lights dimmed, a large tarp pulled over a fireplace, since Angel professed that “Projecta’s are just betta” as the excuse to not use a TV. Alastor snapped his fingers, changing both his and your clothes to loungewear of the 1930’s which you decided not to argue against due to him being so receptive of the whole movie thing. Once settled down, you mushed against the arm of the couch and Alastor, beside Alastor Husk, who kept a great inch from Al. And ontop of Husk, Angel, who wouldn’t leave no matter what Husk, or Al said.
Nifty sat in a little rocking chair, compliments of Alastor, Pentious was curled up with the egg bois, on the floor, and Vaggie shared a large bean bag with Charlie cuddled in together. At first things were fine, Alastor’s radio would hum along occasionally with the tunes, and you watched his ears occasionally flick at certain sounds in the movie.
It wasn’t until Bambi’s mother died that things went astray. Something in Alastor ticked, and suddenly he was pin straight unmoving and it was concerning. By this point everyone was zoned into the plot or sleeping- it seemed like only you noticed his change in demeanour. Softly placing your hand on his arm you asked for him to accompany you to the kitchen for some water, Alastor of course agreed being the gentleman that he is.
Once away from others ears you gave him a pointed look, one that told him he’d better tell the honest truth. “Is everything alright Al?” You asked, watching as he leaned forward on the island looking toward you who stood on the other side. It looked as if he was searching for an excuse, but you weren’t letting up so easy. Walking toward him you met his eyes. “I can keep a secret.” You promise in a whisper. Sighing static Alastor seemed a little peeved about your pestering but nonetheless didn’t blame you. “I suppose it reminded me of my mother, i’ll never see her again. I’m a lonely orphan deer, hahaha,” Alastor chuckled dryly, cocking his head side to side as he laughed.
“Not to mention those hunters are buffoons, most of the prize lies within a buck and their antlers. No sense in hunting doe really.” Alastor finished explaining, he felt weak humanly so, but he always did with you, it was like your very presence was truth serum and he couldn't help but sing out the truth whenever you’d ask him for it. With a gently hand against his shoulder you gave him a tight squeeze. “Maybe one day you’ll be able to see her again, I hope you can.”
Alastor hummed not paying much attention to the sentence, but he was at least happy he did have you, after all he told you many things, and you did manage to keep it to yourself. Composing himself again Alastor stood tall. “Well let’s go finish this movie dear! I can’t just walk out now!”
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
family is complicated
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: emotionally abusive parents
word count: 1.6k
summary: after your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family
Thank you sm for your request!! I hope you enjoy this one too :)))
"Y/Nnie! Lunch is ready," Chan called the maknae into the kitchen, plating up some food for her. Although they lived in different dorms now, Y/N staying with 3RACHA and Hyunjin, and Lee Know and Felix staying with VocalRACHA, they decided to do a whole group meal today.
Everyone was sat waiting at the table, before a sluggish looking Y/N padded into the kitchen, wiping sleep away from her eyes.
"Aw bless her, she looks exhausted," Felix whispered and frowned to Han, who nodded along.
"It's her mum and dad again, don't mention them yeah?" Han quietly replied, offering a light smile to Y/N when she plonked herself down into the chair opposite him.
"Mmm, what's for breakfast?" Y/N blinked her eyes rapidly, where redness could be seen around the lids. After an endless streams of texts from her parents last night, she cried herself to sleep, the boys doing their best to comfort her before she allowed herself to break down.
"It's lunch time, silly," Hyunjin fondly giggled as he ruffled her hair and placed a cup of tea down in front of her. "Here, peppermint tea, I know it's your favourite."
"Thanks Jinnie," Y/N tilted her head upwards and he smiled and scrunched his nose at her in response.
"It's nice having lunch together like this, I feel like we haven't done it in a while," Jeongin commented, twirling some ramen with his chopsticks.
"We had fried chicken at the company like two days ago," Changbin pointed out and laughed.
"Yeah but it's different being sat around the table with a home cooked meal," Lee Know nodded and agreed with Jeongin.
"It's different now, like sometimes I get a facetime and just have Seungmin staring at me whilst he eats like," Han starts laughing, and mimics the face the puppy like member of the group would pull.
"What do you think about eating on your own, Seungmin? Now that we've split into different dorms," Chan asked curiously from one end of the table.
"I love it so much," Seungmin genuinely and joyfully says, causing everyone to break out into laugh, Hyunjin's iconic cackle sticking out amongst them all. Even Y/N, in a tired quiet mood, broke out into a smile.
But that happy mood, was torn in half by the ringtone that blared from Y/N's phone. She picked up her phone and sighed when she saw the contact name, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" Minho queried gently from next to her, making his tone more caring and comforting like he always did when he spoke to her. She was similar to Felix in that she had a sensitive heart.
"I'm f-fine, umm, I've got to take this," Y/N scoots out of her chair from the dining table, and walks round the corner from the kitchen into the hallway that followed down to their individual bedrooms.
"I'm worried about her," Jeongin spoke up, a frown tugging on his features, the corners of his mouth pulled downwards.
"I swear if that's her parents-" Changbin gritted his teeth.
"When will you come home and leave that useless job behind you?"
"Mum, why do you always do this to me? I'm doing something that I truly love and you always dismiss it!"
"I don't care about what you enjoy doing. You're not thinking about your family. How could you leave us like this? It's disrespectful. You've betrayed us!"
"I send money to you every month! I support you! I do everything I can, mum!"
"Your everything isn't good enough, Y/N. You're an embarrassment to the whole family."
"Mum don't say that!"
Then there was the sound of the phone call being hung up on, and Y/N quickly dashed past the opening of the hallway to rush into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, girl. I thought you may have changed your mind after my wise words last night, but I can see you're still as stupid and ignorant as ever."
"Y/N-" Han stood up to stop her and grab her attention, but she had already slammed the door.
"Have they always been that bad?" Seungmin questioned, appalled at the phone call they all overheard.
In her tired state, Y/N must have put the call on loudspeaker, and not realised that the boys had heard it too.
"I knew they were bad but... hearing her own mother yell at her like that... I thought the texts were bad," Chan sighed and shook his head. His hands rested on the table and he cracked his knuckles together.
"Why, what happened with the texts? Hannie said just to act normal but..." Felix brought up what he had said earlier.
"Yesterday she got some threatening texts from her dad, telling her he'd fly over to Seoul and personally drag her back home, and if she didn't 'comply and obey him' he'd make sure that she'd 'pay for it'," Hyunjin sighed, quoting the exact words he read from Y/N's phone himself.
"That bastard threatened violence?!" Lee Know exclaimed in disbelief, his fist clenched tightly around the edge of the table.
"We should check on her," Jeongin got up as he shook his head, walking round to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Y/Nnie? Do you want to talk about what happened, love? We all heard," he added onto the end.
"No, it's fine, Innie. I'm ok, please don't come in," Y/N's voice cracked. "I just want some time to myself," she whimpered from the cold bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as she tried to process the words her own mother threw at her once more. Her mind was frantically pulling her in all sorts of different directions, saying 'what if' a thousand times.
"Sweetheart, please talk to us, we're worried about you," Felix's deep voice came from the other side of the door.
"I'm fine," Y/N sniffled, shakily standing up as her head pounded from all of the stress.
"You're not, we can hear it in your voice, Y/Nnie," Lee Know said firmly, a hint of frustration in his voice but only because he cared about her so much.
"Please open the door, Y/N," Jeongin tried again, hand resting against the door.
"She's not going to, mate," Bang Chan sighed, slumping down into the sofa, stretching out his neck and body. "She said she wants to be alone."
But then, the lock to the bathroom door clicked, revealing an exhausted looking Y/N who had tear streams down her face, as well as red eyes and a red nose.
"I don't want to talk about it," Y/N could barely look up at the three members that had been stood outside of the bathroom waiting for her.
"That's fine, just come sit with us, yeah?" Felix grabbed her hand gently.
"Don't shut us out, please," Lee Know ducked his head down to look into her eyes, and the girl nodded, still looking down at her feet. He rested his hand on her lower back as they encouraged her to head through to the lounge.
"Come here," Hyunjin opened his arms immediately as soon as she entered the room and just like that she was glued to his side.
"Y/N, I know you won't want to talk about it, but let us talk to you, ok?" Changbin started, "The way you have been treated by your parents, is by all means, not ok."
"And we want you to know, because we heard what your mum said, you are enough for us," Seungmin added on.
Their kind words caused her to let out a sob, and she heard coos and hushes around her of 'oh, Y/N!'.
"Darling, please don't get upset," Han crouched down in front of Y/N and wiped her tears away, and Hyunjin's arms tightened around her.
"I-it's just, it's-" Y/N couldn't get her words out before another sob ripped from her throat.
"Y/Nnie, breathe, it's ok love, take your time," Chan gently spoke up, causing her to listen to his words and actively take some deep breaths.
"We won't let you feel down ever again from the things they had said or done to you," Lee Know promised.
"We're your family, Y/Nnie," Jeongin cracked a small smile, eyes glistening with tears of his own.
"I wish you had been my family from the start. I feel like I've wasted so much of my life already," Y/N cried out, her hands digging into her legs.
"Oh, if we could have been a group from the start I'm sure we would have. Just think this, you've got us now. I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about the past. Let's just think about our future, ok?" Changbin said from next to her on the sofa, gently pulling her hands away from her lap to prevent her from causing more harm.
"But what if-" Y/N stuttered and stopped herself from continuing once more.
"There are no what ifs with us, Y/N," Hyunjin rubbed circles into her shoulders.
"Yeah, you're stuck with us now," Han joked, trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.
For a few more moments you revelled in the comfort of being with your members, your family before going on with the rest of your day. And if anyone asked Chan if he blocked your mum and dad's phone numbers, he'd say no, of course. If they were really worried, they had other ways of getting in contact. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Just make your lives easier as a family.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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bethelighthalazia · 2 months
Family Vacation
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Summary:  You, your daughter and your husband spend the first day of a week's vacation together with the other members of ateez at a zoo.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: husband!wooyoung x fem!pregnant!reader
Word Count:  1636
Warnings: none?
networks: @newworldnet
[note: this is part of a mini-series for dad!ateez]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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The well deserved and highly anticipated group-vacation of one week was finally here. This time, Wooyoung and the other members had decided to spend the time in a somewhat secluded spot near the mountains. Hongjoong and Seonghwa had planned a surprise for Wooyoung, especially since he hadn't had much time to be around his family. 
You and Nabi, your and Wooyoung's three years old daughter, were waiting on the porch of the vacation home for the boys to arrive. When Nabi heard the laughter of her father, she couldn't contain her joy and jumped off the porch to run towards the men, giggling happily and calling for her daddy.
“Nabi! What are you doing here, my little butterfly?” Wooyoung asked when picking her up, a bright smile on his lips, looking around. “Eomma and I waited for appa! You bring all the samchons too!” She squeals with joy, already leaning towards her favorite uncle who quickly picked her out of Wooyoung´s arms. It didn't take long for Wooyoung to spot you on the porch, his gaze softening as he hurried over to you to help you up. “Careful, Jagi,” He hummed, pulling you into a gentle hug, making sure to not accidentally push too hard against your belly while doing so. “Please tell me that you didn't come here all alone with Nabi. You were careful and had someone help, right?”
“Wooyoung, baby. I am pregnant, not sick.” You chuckled, cupping his cheek before placing a kiss to his lips. He couldn't hide a little laugh, but then got cut by a loud squeak coming from your daughter. Both of you were quick to turn around, already panicked, but when you see Yunho holding Nabi and twirling around with her, you let out a relieved sigh. Wooyoung however was not as relaxed at this sight. 
“Yah, Yunho hyung! Be careful with her!” He shouted and with a roll of his eyes, Yunho let San take her from him. Nabi´s arms immediately wrapped around her favorite uncle´s arms, giggling and kicking her little feet, which sent one of her slippers flying right against the back of Hongjoong´s head. Wooyoung´s cackle startled you a bit, it is quite loud right next to your ear, yet you soon join in when you see the expression on Hongjoong's face, who seems to be indecisive between being angry or amused. Your daughter quickly hid her face behind her hands, giggling with joy. 
She's probably one of the most spoiled children in Korea, especially with Wooyoung as her dad and seven wonderful uncles, who would give her the world. Shaking his head, Wooyoung wrapped his arm around you to lead you over to the porch to sit down again, handling you with such love and care, as if he fears you could break in his hands. Admittedly, handling a three year old while being six months pregnant is a whole lot of work, but Wooyoung´s family always supported you and helped you wherever they could. 
“How are you, jagi? Has Nabi been very difficult?” Wooyoung asked quietly, sitting next to you to watch your daughter playing with the other members. Nabi´s giggles and happy squeaks reach your ears and you lean your head on his shoulder, his hand gently resting on your belly. “After this vacation, I´ll be home more, I promise.” And you knew that he meant this. Wooyoung always made sure to spend any free minute with you and Nabi, and if it was to just play with her, so you could rest. “Don´t worry, Woo. Nabi is not as bad as dealing with you, you know?” You chuckled, kissing him before he could protest.
“Eomma! Appa! Look, Joonie samchon made me a music again!” Your daughter squeaked as she came running to you and your husband, waving around her ipod that the guys gave her once and which Hongjoong constantly filled with new music for her; of course all of it child friendly and approved by you and Wooyoung. “And Jongi samchon singed!” “I can sing for you too, Nabi,” Mingi then laughed, but a pout replaced his smile when your daughter shook her head, her black locks swinging around. “Noo! Min samchon sounds scary when he makes his speakmusic.”
Her words let all the others burst out in laughter, even Mingi soon joined in. Yes, his rap probably can sound a bit scary for a child. “But he also can sing prettily, little butterfly.” Yunho chuckled, ruffling her hair with a happy smile while looking at you to check if you agree with it. “I´ll show you his music that's not scary, okay?” 
When Nabi nodded and then as she ran around on the gravelly path towards the house, she tripped and fell, staying in that position for a moment as if waiting for something, but before anyone could say anything, your daughter gets up, brushes the dirt off her legs and then smiles at San. “Look Sanie samchon! No ouchies. I'm a fighter like you!” She giggled, lifting her hands to show that she's not hurt, causing you to let out a breath of relief. In the beginning when she was even younger, Wooyoung would have jumped up and checked on her at the slightest bump, but by now, both of you were a little more relaxed in this.
“A fighter? I thought you're a princess, little sunshine?” Seonghwa chuckled, to which Nabi put her fists on her waist, pouting a little. “Princesses can fight too! Sanie samchon says that!” Your daughter spends so much time with all of the boys when they have time, she's been raised to be a very independent, yet loving and strong girl. “Ah, that's true. I forgot that. Did you know your Mingi samchon is a princess too?” The oldest of the boys asked with a grin, making your daughter giggle and run over to you, where she gets her princess crown out of her little bag so she could hand it to Mingi to put on.
“Yah, no one's allowed to look cuter or prettier than Nabi or y/n!” With a laugh, Wooyoung wrapped an arm around you, kissing your cheek gently, he's just relieved to be able to spend the next week with you, their daughter and his friends. Wooyoung loves you and wants to show you that, and unbeknownst to you, he's cleared at least two weeks around your due date in three months, just so he won't be missing the birth of your second baby. “Now let's unpack and then enjoy our vacation, alright? And don't you all dare to bother my pregnant wife to cook or anything!” He added, glaring at his members, who just rolled their eyes at these words. None of them were ever a bother for you, they usually just take over your tasks, so you could rest, which they do throughout this whole vacation as well. 
After Wooyoung and you had unpacked your things, Nabi had been with San the whole time, you all meet in the living area of the vacation home, where you see your three year old argue with Mingi about what you all will do first. He wants to visit the hot springs, Nabi however would like to go to the little zoo she saw on the way here. The final decision would be made by a game of rock paper scissors, which Mingi won, but your daughter truly had all the boys wrapped around her little finger. With a pout and some tears, the child quickly changed Mingi´s mind, which caused the other boys to laugh.
An hour later, the ten of you were walking down a small path, cherry blossoms around you and the sounds of various animals surrounding you all. Your daughter was switching between the other members to hold their hands while walking, your own hand constantly in the soft hold of Wooyoung's hand, fingers entwined. The giggles of your daughter only bring smiles to your faces, a chuckle escaping you, when Nabi drags Jongho after her to show him the red pandas in their enclosure. “Be careful, Nabi! Make sure to watch over Jongho, yes?” You called after her with a little laugh, amused by her enthusiasm, while walking over to a bench to sit down for a bit. “Hey, are you feeling well, y/n?” Seonghwa asked, when he followed you and Wooyoung to the bench, a small frown on his face in concern. “Yes, don´t worry please. I just didn't sleep a lot last night. A little rascal wanted to cuddle with me and snored a lot.” You chuckled, leaning back against the backrest and stretched your legs. 
Seonghwa just nodded and then went with Hongjoong to find something to purchase some bottles of water and some snacks, since you all forgot to get them before coming here. Wooyoung and you kept watching your daughter with Jongho, Yeosang, San, Mingi and Yunho, a content smile on your faces. Nabi is really just a mini copy of your husband Wooyoung, even their laughter is similar, but hers is more adorable and giggly than his. 
The day at the zoo kept being eventful and eventually, Nabi fell asleep being rocked in San´s arms while he carried her back to the car. Since you all ate dinner there, you decided to let her sleep on the way back to the vacation home, where San put Nabi to bed and you and Wooyoung cuddled up on the sofa, where both of you fell asleep soon as well. The others decided to not disturb the two of you and since the sofa was big enough to be comfortable, they placed a blanket over you before then heading to their own rooms, all of them too exhausted to do anything before going to bed as well. 
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix,
@gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @jayshoneybee, @dinossaurz, @scuzmunkie
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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satocidal · 8 months
𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ * ࣭ 𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳“Such A Mess!?” — Nanami Kento
Synopsis:- Nanami Kento wasn’t a jealous man, usually, but then, a certain white haired man stood a master at this too, dragging you down as his victim
— A/n:- idk if it’s justice enough @illogicallyx but uh- ye lmao. I couldn’t see him being too rough, but a mean Kento is certainly there
— Word Count: 0.5K
— Warnings:- smut!!MDNI!!Kento x AFAB!Reader; reader is wearing Kento’s tie; pussy slapping (1?); mean! Kento; humiliation (a little); jealous! Kento; mentions of edging
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“Let me tell you of the one time he dropped the whole pot-” and before the sentence finished, Satoru and you had erupted in a fit of giggles, again.
The annoyance was rather evident on his face—you knew so, he knew that you knew.
His eyes panned onto the way it rested at Satoru’s lap, jaw clenched, he stared.
“Enough, I think,” a cue for you to shut up, Satoru cackled.
“Give it a rest Nanamin, she’s just being honest,”
And before you could laugh again in agreement, a hand of his squeezed you thigh, hard, “behave.”
He had his tie secured around your neck, a certain leopard print contrasting beautifully against your plush skin—panting, you were a mess upon his desk.
“Such a mess,” he murmured quietly— a thick finger pumped inside you slowly, very slowly, you wanted to scream at him—but it wouldn’t only worsen your punishment.
You held back a choked moan, as you had countless many, when a large hand moved to caress your breasts, a slap, a knead.
Punishment that you were receiving, why? All so because Gojo Satoru was an expert at annoying your Kento and you just so happened to find that amusing.
“Think he’d make a bigger mess of you angel?” His voice was almost a whisper, so condescending—you knew the white haired man couldn’t.
Only Kento.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered out again—crying out loud when his hand connected on you fat pussy—“behave,” he muttered in a frenzied manner—eyes darting to the sound of movement outside.
“Don’t want your silly little crush finding out that your boyfriend gets you dumb on his fingers yeah? How embarrassing,” and if the pleasure wasn’t just so high you would’ve been hurt by his words, ashamed, but as of current you could only roll your eyes back when he abused your tight hole and mended your warm walls around his fingers.
“Enjoying being slutted out princess?” You wanted to nod, because you did — “don’t even deserve my fucking cock,” he spat out—his words were harsh, but the amused smile on his lips reassured you as ever.
“Kento cannot be trusted with delicate objects,” he mocked you—talking in a high pitched voice to replicate yours, horrible mimicry you wanted to snap at him, he’d snap back with another prolonged orgasm.
“Now what hm? Am I not handling my delicate whore right? Does she not like being touched here?”
A moment of your hesitation, excuse enough for him to pull out entirely—shoving his thick fingers into your mouth to quieten your whines—“you’ll cum when I want you to,”
And with that, he pulled you in fast, hand grabbing his tie and inching you closer till his lips met yours.
A wink he passed right after, “get dressed sweetheart,” he patted your puffy clit, “want to see gojo tease you for your whinin’ now.”
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
Likes and Reblogs highly appreciated!
Taglist:- @nanamibeloved @abitoldschool @rizzmin @bbytamaki
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ereardon · 16 days
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Ten
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst
Chapter summary: Ducky and Jake deal with jealousy; the team meets Bob's new girlfriend
WC: 2.5K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
The first time it happened, you were at the library desk, sitting down and pouring over a handful of new returns, typing in their serial numbers to check where they were meant to be shelved. 
“Excuse me?” You looked up. A guy, probably in his mid twenties, with blindingly white teeth and perfect olive skin, smiled down at you. “Could I ask you a question?” 
“Of course.” You pushed away the book and leaned forward on the desk, hands smoothed down over the cold surface. “How can I help you?” 
“I’m looking for a book about motorcycle repairs.” 
“Sure, I think that would be over in that back left corner.” You pointed one finger. 
He grinned. “Care to show me?” There was something flirty about the way he said it and you felt your blood pressure rise. 
“Sure.” You stood up and walked around the edge of the desk. 
His eyes widened as he looked you up and down. He cleared his throat. “Actually, uh, I’m sure I can find it myself. Thanks.” He was gone before you could even comprehend what had happened. 
And then you looked down and realized you could no longer hide it. 
“Y/N?” Jake’s voice rang out in the apartment. “Honey?” 
You emerged around the corner wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of bike shorts with a frown. “What did we talk about?” 
He smirked. “Sorry, habit.” 
“What do you want?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Just wanted to tell you I’m going out,” he said quietly. 
“The bar?” 
He hesitated. Then, “Um, No. a date.” 
Your heart squeezed. And even though you had said he should date, you hadn’t really meant it. You hadn’t thought he would go through with it. “Oh,” you whispered. “OK. See you later I guess.” 
Jake frowned. “Do you, uh, want to come with?” 
You cackled. “You’re joking, right?” 
“I don’t know what to do here, Y/N,” he sighed. “You seem upset but you told me to date. You practically shoved me out the door. And now I feel guilty leaving you alone.” 
“I’ll call Phoenix,” you said, picking up the phone. “I don’t want to go along on whatever slut date you have planned.” 
Jake’s face hardened. “Well OK. I guess I’ll see you later.” The sound of the door closing, hard, made you jump. 
You collapsed on the couch and pulled out your phone. “Phoenix, it’s Y/N. Listen, do you want to come over?” You paused. “Jake is out on a date.” 
“I’ll be there in ten.” 
“He’s a jerk.” 
“I told him to go!” 
Phoenix yanked her hand out of the popcorn bowl. “Still. Jerk.” 
“Was he like this when the two of you were together?” 
She closed her eyes for a moment then shook her head. “Yeah, uh, he’s always been like this.”
“Why do you sound so hesitant?” 
“Hit me.” You pulled your legs up beneath you on the couch and slapped your knees. 
“I thought he would be different,” she said quietly. “With you. With the baby. That maybe this was the wakeup call he needed to get his life together.” 
“I guess not,” you replied. 
“Don’t count him out yet,” Phoenix added, sipping her wine. “He might surprise you.” 
Less than an hour later, you and Phoenix both turned as the key in the lock swiveled and the door opened. She looked over at you, wide eyed, as Jake stepped inside alone. 
“Trace,” he called out as he stepped into the living room. “Y/N.” 
“Hangman,” she said, folding her arms over her chest. “You’re home early. Quickie by the side of the road, no dinner?” 
He blushed, a grimace over his handsome and chiseled jawline. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” 
“Yup,” she said, tossing one arm over your shoulder. “Right here, watching Desperate Housewives.” 
“Natasha,” he said and there was something in his voice. Both of you registered it. A pleading. 
She turned to you. “Guess that’s my cue. Call me.” Phoenix stood up, her tanned legs unfolding gracefully. As she crossed the room, her eyes lingered in Jake but his eyes were glued on you. He stood in the middle of the room until the sound of the door shutting rattled the wall. 
“How was your date?” you asked. 
“I told her about you and she walked out.” 
“You’re so dumb.” You shook your head. “Why on earth would you tell her that on a first date?” 
Jake rubbed his eyes furiously. “What the hell else am I supposed to say, Y/N? If I want to take a girl back to my place, you’re in the next room. In six months, there will be a baby in a crib in the apartment.” 
You stood up. “You’re the one who asked me to move in. Who begged me. And now you’re blaming your shitty sex life on me?” 
“I, fuck!” Jake tossed his hands up into the air. His face, normally so composed, was angry. He stepped forward and instinctively your hands fell to your stomach. He stopped, his eyes wide. “Do you think I’m going to hurt you?” he whispered, voice shaking. 
“I don’t know,” you replied softly. Was he going to hurt you? Was dating someone else hurting you, even if you said it was fine? Was staying out late, flirting with other women, hurting you? 
You’d be lying if you said no. 
His green eyes bore into yours. “I’m going to bed.” 
“Jake!” You called out after him but he was already halfway down the hallway. 
You were frozen in the living room as the sound of his bedroom door shutting filled the apartment. Without thinking, you padded down the hallway and flung open the door to his room. Jake whirled around, his chest bare, wearing just a pair of khakis. “Y/N,” he breathed out. “What are you–?” 
“Are you going to hurt me?” you whispered, stepping closer. 
“Why did you tell her?” you whispered. 
“The girl. The date. Why did you tell her about me?” 
Jake hesitated. “I told you. If I wanted to bring her home –” 
You shook your head, interrupting him. “That’s not the real reason, is it?” You stepped closer, so only a whisper of space was between the two of you. 
“Y/N.” Jake’s voice was low and dark, it practically rumbled through your body. “What are you doing?” 
“Are you going to hurt me?” you repeated. 
“Do you want me to see other people?” 
“No.” It came out automatically. 
“Why not?” 
“Because.” His breath was warm and smelled like beer but you knew without a shadow of a doubt he was stone cold sober. “Because you’re carrying my child.” 
“That’s it?” you asked. “That’s the only reason.” The room was dark and heady. You could feel your pulse racing. 
“You think I want other men touching you?” he whispered. “Putting their hands on your stomach, feeling our baby when I've never even felt our baby move?” 
You reached out, taking one of his hands in his, your other hand easing up the edge of your sweatshirt. Jake sucked in a breath at the curve of your lower stomach as you pressed his fingertips below your belly button. In the slim sliver of moonlight, you watched his tanned, large hand hold on. “It’s too early,” you whispered. “To feel anything.” You looked up. 
Jake was silent, his eyes glued to your stomach, his fingertips warm against your stretched skin. 
“I’m asking you,” you said quietly, “not to hurt me.” 
Jake pulled his hand away, but you could still feel the heat of his skin on yours. “That’s the last thing I’m going to do.” 
You stepped back. Any closer and you would throw yourself into Jake’s arms. You wanted nothing more than to feel his strong arms wrap around your body, pull you in tightly. Feel the whisper of his lips against yours. 
But for your sanity, you stepped back, into the door frame. Let the moonlight slip from Jake’s face until he was plunged into darkness. 
“Goodnight,” you whispered. 
Even in the darkness, you could picture his frown. “Goodnight.” 
“Tell me everything.”
Bob blushed and you nudged his arm with your elbow. Across the table, Phoenix grinned. “Tell her, Floyd.” 
“Her name is Sena,” he replied quietly. “We met on Hinge.” 
You squealed. Across the table, Bradley covered his ears while Phoenix cackled. 
Bob patted your hand. “Ducky, please.” 
“Tell me more,” you begged. 
He dipped his head. “She’s pretty.” 
“She’s fucking hot,” Phoenix corrected. 
“She’s beautiful,” Bob countered and you watched the way his eyes lit up. “She’s a pharmacist. Her family is from Mexico and she likes to surf.” 
“So she’s hot,” you said, leaning back and giggling. “Bobby, I’m happy. Are you happy?” 
“I’m happy.” 
“Why are we so happy?” Jake slid into the spot next to you on the bench, his thigh grazing yours for a second and you felt a flutter in your stomach. Jitters. 
“Bobby here has a girlfriend,” you said proudly.
Jake’s jaw dropped. “Shut up.” 
“OK Regina George,” Phoenix countered and the group laughed. 
“Bring her around sometime, Floyd,” Jake said. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
You swatted at him playfully. “Don’t tease him.” 
Jake caught your hand for a moment mid-air and the two of you paused, your eyes locked. And then Rooster coughed and your hand fell. You turned back to Bob whose blue eyes were watching you carefully. 
“Bring her around, though,” you said. “Please, Bobby? I want to meet her.” 
He took your hand and squeezed. “OK, Duck. You can meet her.” 
“A bar, really?” You frowned at the text on your phone. Bob and his new girlfriend were already at The Hard Deck with Phoenix and Coyote. You grunted and tugged at your dress, too tight around the middle. “I look fat,” you muttered to yourself. 
“You’re pregnant.” Jake hovered in the doorway and you turned. 
“I just look like I ate twelve donuts.” 
“You look beautiful.” 
“Shut up.” 
He shook his head. “No.” 
“I should change.” 
Jake grinned. “Should I sit down or is it not that kind of show?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Wait in the living room, I’ll be five minutes.” 
“I grew up with sisters, it’s never five minutes.” His voice trailed off as he meandered down the hallway. Twenty minutes later, you hated that he was right, you emerged in the living room wearing a flowing dress and your hair swept up, a pair of earrings dangling toward your collarbone. Jake stood up and patted down the legs of his jeans. “You look perfect.” 
“Are you sure?” you asked nervously. “I can go change, and–” 
“Woman.” He stepped forward and grabbed your arm lightly. “No more changing. We’re late as it is.” 
“Did you just call me woman?” 
Jake opened the door to his truck, shaking his head. “Hop in. Please.” 
The ride to the bar was largely silent, punctuated by Jake asking you what radio station you wanted and how you were feeling. By the time you pulled up to the bar, you could sense something was off. “Are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?” 
“What?” He cut the engine. 
“You’re acting weird.” 
“I’m literally not saying anything.”
“That’s what’s weird!” 
“There’s no winning with you, sweetheart.” 
“Ugh there you go again with the nicknames.” 
“Jesus.” He flung open his door and stomped out. You struggled to chase after him, practically wobbling to catch up with him in the gravel parking lot. 
“Jake!” He whipped around as your fingertips closed around his bicep. “What’s the matter with you?” 
“You think it’s easy?” he asked. “Seeing you looking like that walking into a place like this?” 
You frowned. “I’m pregnant. No one is looking at me.” 
“Everyone is looking at you,” he whispered hotly. “You don’t look pregnant at all in that outfit. You look fucking gorgeous and I guarantee that every single guy in there is going to try to buy you a drink.” 
“Well I can’t drink,” you spat back. “So unless they want to buy me a ginger ale they can fuck off.” 
“I better not see anyone touching you.” 
“Well then you better keep your eyes peeled.” You shook your head. “I’m going to find Bobby.” 
The bar was crowded and you had to weave your way through sweaty bodies to get to the back. Just as one elbow was about to shoot out and smash you in the face, a hand pulled you back and you felt your back press against a hard chest, Jake’s fingertips smoothing over your side. “Watch out,” he hissed at the guy with the curveball elbow. “You almost hit her in the face.” 
“Sorry dude.” The guy barely shifted and Jake shoved him out of the way, using his forearm as a shield to protect you from the masses until the two of you were birthed out of the crowd into the back of the room. 
Bob stood up immediately and you stepped closer to him, Jake’s hand falling from your side. “Ducky,” he said and you tossed your arms around his neck, inhaling his familiar scent. “This is Sena. Sena, this is my little sister Y/N.” 
She held out one hand. “Hi, so nice to meet you! Bobby has told me so much about you.” 
Sena was way cuter than Bob had described. Tall and lithe, with beautiful tanned skin and shiny dark hair that fell past her shoulders with a slight wave. She had a stack of gold bracelets on one arm, and was wearing a pair of shorts and a crop top, a taunt section of skin showing a tattoo curved around her side that you couldn’t quite make out. You grinned. “Nice to meet you, too.” 
“Here, sit.” Bob pulled out a chair and you settled in. You turned, expecting Jake to be right behind you, but he disappeared into the crowd. Instead, you shook your head and turned to Sena. 
“So tell me everything,” you said and Bob shook his head with a sigh. “Let’s start with your biggest icks about my brother.” 
She laughed and you sat and listened as she waxed poetic about Bobby. There was an air about them, you noticed it instantly. The way her hand floated to his thigh, how he would smile at her when she spoke. A spark. Something deep inside of you panged with jealousy, and happiness. 
After a while, once the conversation had flipped to Bradley, you swiveled around and squinted. Jake still hadn’t come back to the table. It had been at least forty minutes since the two of you had arrived. 
You stood up and Bob looked up, eyes wide. “Have to pee,” you said and he nodded. You weaved through the crowd, now thinning on the edges, toward the long hallway in the back. 
But as you rounded the corner, your breath caught. 
Jake, with one hand pressed against the wood wall, leaning over a short redhead, her doe eyes trained on him, his free hand tipping her chin up toward him. You watched, mouth agape, as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. 
You turned and fled, before he could see you. Even if it meant peeing your pants. You would pee in the sand, for all you cared. Anything to get away from Jake Seresin in that moment. 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@blue-aconite @withahappyrefrain @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @gigisimsonmars @xomrsalliej4787xo @myfaveficrecs @mycobrakai1972 @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @justanothermagicalsara @je-suis-prest-rachel @shanimallina87
@rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @boiolay @sometimesanalice @na-ta-sh-aa @bobfloydsbabe @kmc1989 @rosiahills22 @palepeanutponyshoe @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @mel119g @daggerspare-standingby @grxcisxhy-wp @mrsjobarnes @csmt-m @rockbottompunk-blog @joaquinwhorres @xoxabs88xox @spinning-away
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cupid-styles · 8 months
opposites attract
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a quick lil halloween blurb based on my grumpy h series !!
word count: 692
content warnings: none ! a little spicy but nothing wild
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
"I feel silly."
Harry lets out a breathy chuckle as he watches Y/N analyze her Halloween costume in his floor-length mirror, reaching up to fix the devil horns embedded in her hair. He rises from the edge of his bed, taking long strides to come up from behind her and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. 
"You look hot." he mutters into the shell of her ear. She gasps and turns around in his arms, a cackle sounding from his mouth at her shocked response.
"I do not, and this is a dumb costume idea. Why can't I be the angel?"
The idea had come to Harry a few weeks ago, right after his housemates decided they would throw a Halloween party. In between Niall's excessive alcohol purchases and Pauli's myriad of ghost and ghoul themed decor, he made a pit stop at the local Halloween pop-up store to snag angel wings and devil horns for him and his girl. 
It wasn't a totally unique idea, he knew — he was sure that there'd be tons of devils and angels attending the party tonight, but none would come anywhere close to his sweet girl. Especially because he was making her be the devil.
She was bashful when he introduced the concept, her face warming. 
"You can wear all red— that cute little plaid mini skirt you have, maybe, and I'll wear all white. It'll be cute."
"I dunno, H, I feel like you have a pretty skewed perception of me..."
"That's the point, baby. It's like opposites attract."
After that, there wasn't much room for compromise, especially because Y/N didn't have much free time to look for other couples costumes. So, reluctantly, she shows up to Harry's place with her overnight bag in tow, her red devil-themed outfit folded between her pajamas and her bag of skincare.
It's only when she puts the requested mini skirt on, tucking her red bodysuit into the waistband, her usual platform Doc Martens on her feet and the devil horn headband in her hair, that she starts to feel uncool. Especially when her boyfriend is standing behind her in a silky white button down, cream pants pulled over his legs, and fluffy angel wings strapped to his back. She doesn't understand how he can look so good in nearly anything, and she just looks so... her.
"That would ruin the whole point of the costume, dove," Harry murmurs, ducking to rub his nose against hers before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "We can swap if you'd like, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. But trust me when I say you look incredible."
She sighs as she allows him to twist her body back to the direction of the mirror. She watches as his fingertips trail up the length of her outer thigh, ducking underneath the fabric of her skirt. 
"Do you understand how lucky I am?" he mumbles, pressing light kisses to her neck, "I have this sweetheart on my hands, and she's so fuckin' gorgeous... and no one else knows what a filthy thing she is in bed."
"H..." she murmurs, her lips parting as he uses his other hand to float over the valley of her breasts, up to her chest and over her neck. He doesn't apply any pressure, instead just letting his fingers ghost over the width of her throat.
"That's really why I wanted you dressed up as my little devil tonight," he continues, kissing her hair as he gives her hip a squeeze. "I want them all to wonder... to see this beautiful body and fantasize about you... only to realize that I'm the one you go home with."
He chuckles quietly when he notices her rounded eyes, her lips swollen from biting at them. 
"Isn't that right, baby? My devil girl only goes home with me."
"Uh-huh," she nods, eyes fluttering shut when he finally applies the smallest amount of pressure to her throat, leaning her head back against his chest. 
"That's my girl," he smirks, turning her body back around to face him, a slightly stunned expression on her face. "And if you're good... this angel will let you sit on his face tonight."
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astralnymphh · 4 months
Ellie trying to teach kiddo how to play guitar for the first time..♡♡
YES YES YES ok so obviously, context preluding, we're (voices in my head) thinking older kid. seven maybe? around there. ♡
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"kay' so, press here.. and your middle here— andd.." the delicacy of her long digits shrouded over a pair of stubby ones, pinching and plucking them to particular spots along a column, "there— go ahead n' strum."
ellie was dead set determined on teaching the mastered art of acoustic guitar to your kid. like— earthbent on it. a promise spoken to soil and vicariously explored through you, and now your sweet baby. your little–more–than–a–babbler, little–less–than–a–tween now sat atop you and ellie's shared bed, just between the hurl and crease of blankets bedraggled, and with a bay oaken apparatus as big as them sloped in their lap— the one joel bestowed. and you always idled as a bystander, watching, leaning on that jutted doorframe.
their blunt fingertips pecked the chords in a row, the lovely resonance lighting something in the white of your child's eyes, "woahh, that sounded like how you play it.." they awed, their jupiter-like eyes darting up to hers for a token of validation— 'did i do it right mom?'
a token she gave, pearl teeth revealing under the fat stretch of her coral lips, "yeah buddy, cus' you're a natural." oh my goddess, the enthusiasm cracking in her voice. ahh, swoon.
"yes.." they exclaim quietly, their forearm perched on the guitars waist pulling back and jubilating with a backwards fist pump. just like mom.
'picturesque, beyond camaraderie', you deemed the whole diorama before you; streaky mix of light and gray–blue shade over their features, faces that proclaim content, the narrow sliver separating their knees, matching criss–cross apple sauce positions, the oval crater both their weights burdened in the mattress, the macro view. 'heartwarming, entangling endearment', if you cherry–pick the easily neglected traits; synchronized cocks of their heads whenever a strum rings, fiddly tapping of her fingers on their tucked shin and how it lowers into a full grasp when she expresses avidly how proud she is, thumbprint–sized dimples mirrored on both margins of their mouth, and funnily— the mismatched socks on hers and their feet. one a pattern of dinosaurs, one a spangle of stars. in gospel truth, they are a likeness of the same flesh and bone, indistinguishable. undeterred by the genetics, the same person.
"keep it up n' maybe we can start a band together." ellie proposes, clear as spring bloom to be an fun promise, nothing sworn, but the idea swirls their young mind a kernel of imagined prospect. she and they upon a stage, grandpa in the crowd, his smile tender in wrinkles boosting morale among the many elated face.
"really?" and he sounds so filled of that idea, eyes popping from their hold.
"mhm," she untucks her own feet and sprawls them, stooping her torso straight and lightly booping them on the nose, a golden orb so happy left under that gesture, "only if you pick a cool name." and weighing her elbow into her thigh, head laying and perched.
"oh, i'll pick a better name than you can."
and suddenly her head is perking back up, "what's that spose' t'mean?" 'offended.
"you tried to name mr. snuggles 'bootyhole bandit'!"
"ey' you can't say that word!" she grimaces fakely atop a curling lip and squints her thick auburn worms, positioning balled fists on her hips like a distressed mother. so esentially just mimicry of you. oh, how ellie cackled buffoonish along with your kid on any occasion you held a scold to their faces, pointer at their noses.
"pbbhhhh." their tongue peeks out and a known all-too-well blowing sound grates the air, only to be tackled by your lanky-limbed girl, guitar discarded to the sloven pillows far opposite of you.
this shall be an anecdote, unforgettable. "hmph, dorks."
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have I worsened your domestic!ellie fever yet?
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 months
Hey Brit! Did Andy survive April fools this year, sans any fake spiders in his cabinets?? 💞
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Warning: Fluff, April Fool's Day Shenanigans, Minors DNI
A/N: Takes Place in my Growing Pains Series. Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own. Likes, Comments, and Reblogs appreciated.
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I'm so glad you asked, especially since I didn't get around to writing a fic the way I had initially planned. Here's what happened:
As you might have guessed, April Fool's is a day that is near and dear to Baby Girl's heart. However, her loving husband, Mr. Andrew Barber, also made it known that he would like to have a spider-free day.
In fact, he actually made a point of emphasizing just how much he would prefer it.
And our girl, who is ever the doting wife, heard him loud and clear. Her poor husband did not want to be subjected to arachnids of any kind. And to be honest, she was fine with that.
But no one said anything about a possessed doll.
With her plan now in motion, she stopped by Target while out running errands to purchase this doll, along with some clear wire and some heavy-duty duct tape. Baby Girl was so filled with mischievous glee that she cackled all the way to the checkout lane.
After that, all there was left to do was wait. Although she did practice just a little. She watched a couple of tutorials and did a brief test run while the kids were out with Grandma. It took her a little bit, but once she got the hang of it she could hardly contain her excitement.
On the big day, Baby Girl knew she had to play it cool. Mostly because Andy woke-up feeling automatically suspicious, on account of the fact that he now has trust issues. All because of her.
It took a while, but by around 2:00pm in the afternoon, she had successfully lulled her Big Man into a false sense of security. So much so that he actually felt safe enough to fall asleep on the couch in his own home.
A rookie mistake.
While he was napping, our Girl quietly busted out the step stool and somehow managed to rig her demon doll to the ceiling fan without waking him. Next she grabbed the corresponding remote before retreating to her designated hiding place.
And then she called Andy's name.
It took a few tries, but the moment began to stir she turned the fan on low and waited to see his reaction. And boy, he did not disappoint.
As soon as that unholy doll began to "fly" around the room, Andy let out a positively terrified scream before trying and failing - not once, but twice - to scramble over the top of the couch before landing on his ass with a resounding thunk.
By the time their kids wandered into the room to see what all the commotion was about, it was to find their Mama laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. And once she managed to stop laughing long enough to explain her little prank to their brood, they got a kick out of it too. Junior and Rory found it especially funny.
Meanwhile, Andy was so put out by the whole ordeal that he didn't speak to his wife for the better part of an hour. Of course they made up later that night. But it doesn't change the fact that that poor man has officially had a new fear unlocked in the form of creepy ass dolls.
Thanks for the ask!
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kwonzoshi · 7 months
“We stop them.” Marie said, nerves evident in the quiver of her voice. Jordan glanced at Emma, who was strangely composed about this entire situation. Then again, not everyone reacts the same to homicide. 
“Okay, fine. We stop them.” Jordan said, eyes glancing from Emma to Marie. “What’s the plan?” 
After taking a few moments to gather themselves, all three of them made their way to the main campus. The air cackled with different degrees of emotion. Anger, fear, frustration, more fear. Jordan, still in their fem form, stole glances at Marie. There were so many unspoken things between them. So many moments they may not get to have. 
The walk was quick, and quiet. Before they knew it they made it to The Woods. Only to find that Cate and Sam had already wreaked havoc and left a pile of bodies behind.
“Jesus fucking christ.” Jordan said quietly, huffing a breath. The guard that lay in front of them had his entire face ripped off. It was so grotesque it seemed almost fake, and they knew this was only the beginning. “We have to split up,” Marie started, glancing at Jordan and Emma. “Emma, you clear the performing arts center. Okay, teachers, administration, everyone.” She turned to face Jordan, “Jordan, you sweep the student union.” “There’s a panic button in Shetty’s office.” they looked up at Marie, “Under her desk. It’ll lock down pretty much everything.” Marie released a shaky breath, “Okay, that’s where I’m going.”
They started to make their way toward the entrance, Emma basically sprinting while Jordan and Marie trailed behind. As Emma disappeared from sight, Jordan made the decision to be brave, they might not get another chance. They grabbed Marie’s hand, stopping her. Marie looked down at them, concern and confusion all over her face.
“Hey…” they started, eyes locking onto hers. “Before we go out there, to face whatever the fuck Cate started, I just have something I need to say.” They pulled their hand back, and rubbed it on their pant leg. “Ummm,” they let out a breath, “I know that this whole thing between us hasn’t necessarily been conventional. With everything going on, we really haven’t had the chance to do things the right way but we’re about to face some really big shit. Like, life threatening we could die, shit.” They chuckled dryly, “So I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for buying into Brink’s bullshit. I’m sorry for rejecting you from the school. I’m just sorry for everything. I needed to make sure I said that to you.” Marie smiled softly down at them, “You have nothing to apologize for, Jordan. You had no reason to believe that man was a piece of shit.” She shrugged, “It happens. People hide things. People suck. But as far as rejecting me from the school, yeah I’m never letting that shit go.” She laughed softly and took a step forward, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Jordan’s ear. “I forgave you the second you batted those beautiful brown eyes at me so… basically the next day. Besides, you’ve made up for it in more ways than one. You fought Golden Boy AND his brother to protect me.” Jordan chuckled, placing their hand on Marie’s waist, “Do not flatter yourself Moreau, I would’ve done that for anyone.” Their expression changed, “If we make it through this, I hope we get a chance to see where this thing goes. A real chance.” They raised a hand and gently stroked Marie’s cheek. “I don’t need to see anything else to know that we’re good together.” She mirrored Jordan’s caress, “I don’t doubt for a second that we’re making it through this. We have to.” “We have to…” they echoed before pulling Marie into a gentle kiss. Their hands moved in sync, cupping the back of each other’s heads gently. As tongue met tongue the kiss deepened, and became more demanding. They both knew that this could be the last time they’d have a chance to share a moment like this, so they dove in headfirst. Marie’s hand gripped Jordan’s shirt as they allowed themselves to be swept away, if only for a moment, by their feelings. They pulled apart, breath catching in their chests and their eyes screaming the things they were too scared to say out loud.
Neither spoke as they went their separate ways, wanting the last thing that they shared to be that sweet intimate moment. 
Jordan stood, a bright smile on their face as they turned to face Marie. They were in their masculine form now, slowly walking toward her. “See?” Marie said, smiling. “We’re good together.” Jordan chuckled as they continued to make their way towards her. 
Out of the corner of their eye they saw Cate approaching, arm stretched out. 
“NO!” Marie shouted, extending her own hand. Her fingers twitched and Cate’s forearm exploded, sending splatters of blood everywhere. Jordan saw the look of shock on Marie’s face. As if she wasn’t aware that she could do that. Cate’s screams filled the air and that was the last thing they remember before they woke up in an unfamiliar place. 
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shadesslut · 9 months
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Pairing: (Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader)
Content Includes: (Fluff)
Summary: Ethan and Y/N go on a lil cute aquarium trip together.
(a/n: this is really short and I miss the ocean)
She pressed her palm flat against the glass as she wore a wide grin. Ethan looked at her with his eyes full of love. They were on their senior trip, in Florida, and Ethan had asked her to go to the aquarium with her on their last day. The whole trip, he had been pining for her, wishing she would catch on the subtle hints he gave her.
“Aren’t they beautiful?” She asked, still looking through the glass as various fish swam by. Ethan nodded, continuing to look at her. 
She turned to face him, and she kept her smile, which made Ethan’s cheeks flush pink. She glanced behind him, and she gasped before pulling Ethan to the next exhibit. He giggled excitedly as she pulled him through the crowd of people, and they stopped in a darker room, full of tanks with jellyfish. Ethan looked around, a flustered smile still on his face, and Y/N walked up to one of the tanks, pressing her face up against it. She looked like a little kid, a thrilling gaze lingered from her eyes. Her eyes followed a jellyfish, and she bent down as it swam lower.
Ethan bent down next to her, balancing on his knees. They stared at the jellyfish for a few minutes in a blissful silence. 
“I wish I could live in the ocean.” She whispered. “They look so at peace, you know? Nothing to worry about,”
“Just floatin’,” Ethan joked, laughing slightly. Ethan’s phone vibrated in his back pocket, and he reached back to pull it out, receiving a text from Chad.
Did you tell her yet ?
2:36 pm
Ethan looked over at Y/N, who was still staring happily into the tank. 
Not yet
2:36 pm
He silenced his phone, putting it back in his pocket. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention. “Can I talk to you about something?” She nodded, smiling. Just as he was about to confess, a wave of anxiety suddenly rushed over him. His cheeks turned red, and his throat started to feel tight. “S-So, what’s your favorite animal?” He redirected. She bit the inside of her cheek, looking up as she pondered. Ethan mentally slapped himself for being too afraid.
“Whale sharks.” She answered, proudly. 
A little bit of his nerves washed away at her answer. “‘Whale sharks’? I’ve never had anyone answer that.” he chuckled, sitting all the way down against the wall as he situated himself. She laughed breathily, sitting next to him. It was just the two of them in the room now, sitting alone a little bit too close to each other, with the jellyfish happily swimming around. 
“Oh, so I’m the first girl to answer that? You ask every girl you take to the aquarium that question?” She teased, and his ears became red. His eyes widened, and he rapidly shook his head at her. 
“N-No! You’re the only girl I’ve taken!” 
She let out a cackle at his panic. She rested her hand on his shoulder as she doubled over laughing, but Ethan didn’t laugh. He only stared at the contact of her hand. He felt like a teenage boy, growing giddy over a girl barely touching him. 
“Why whale sharks?” Ethan asked, breaking her laughing fit. 
“Because, they’re just so…beautiful. They look like they’re space, and they’re white dots are like little stars. Also, they’re really passive with people, so people dive with them all the time. You can’t touch them though, something about a protective layer they have that’s really sensitive. But, just looking at them, it’s enough. Sorry, I’m rambling,” She stopped herself, looking at Ethan. He was in pure awe, he had never heard her talk about something she loved so much before. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because you’re beautiful.” He whispered. She quietly gasped, widened eyes. He moved closer towards her, and she gulped nervously. His pinkie finger grazed hers, and with every drop of confidence Ethan had, he wrapped her pinkie with his. “I really wanna kiss you right now,” 
“In front of the jellyfish?” She whispered, half-joking. He softly chuckled at her words and reached up to hold her chin gently. He swiped his thumb over the bottom of her lip.
“I don’t think they’ll mind.” Ethan whispered back. He leaned forward while she reciprocated, and he lovingly placed his lips on her plump ones. He inhaled deeply as he felt her, all of her. He slowly moved his lips against hers and slid his hand around her, resting it on the back of her head. He pulled away, their noses still touching, and smiled at her. “I’ve wanted that, for so long.” 
“Me too,” she whispered against his lips. “You should do it again,”
He smiled sweetly, before answering, “If that’s what my pretty girl wants,” He leaned forward kissing her one more time. The soft lights from the tanks illuminated both of their features and glimmered against their skin. Ethan never really thought that much of the ocean, but now, he understood how she felt. The ocean was at a level of serene, and he felt it as he kissed her. He felt as if he was drowning in the water, suffocating. She felt like the ocean, pulling him down in a useless attempt to enchant him, but he was already enchanted. She felt like the warm water against his skin, and her hair flowed as the animals did in the sea. Everything above the water was muffled and blurred, she distracted him from everything else, and he never wanted to go back. He didn’t want to go back to the world, he wanted to stay under the water, with her, and the whale sharks. He loved the ocean, he loved her.
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wonysugar · 8 months
it’s so over for me…. ch. 12
wdym y/n’s drunk??
word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol, weed and sex!! :]
tags: puppy kink, spitting kink(?), sub!aeri, dom!yn, bathroom sex, it’s a college house party idk what to tell you,,
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there you were, in the middle of this horrible-decision-making-young-adults infested place, clothed in what you swore you wouldn’t even consider wearing. look, there was nothing else you could’ve done, it was around 11pm at the time, every store was closed, and even if they weren’t, you had like, no money. you had to work with what you had which was apparently a bunch of fuckass warm hoodies and sweatpants.
stopping yourself from just standing somewhere just observing everyone having fun, you decided to walk around after a bit. squeezing yourself through the unending piles of people drinking and smoking just by the front door. it reeked of marijuana as soon as you entered the house, but honestly, it was a college house party, what were you expecting?
at the corner of your eye, you spotted your two surprisingly decently dressed best friends, heejin and kazuha, standing next to the very cliche, very heavily liquor-filled red cups. heejin was wearing a black crop-top that very much showed cleavage with a black short skirt, the outfit completed by thin fishnets and thick black boots. kazuha, went for a more cozy look and wore a baggy white long-sleeved shirt under a brown graphic tee. her baggy pants were black and matching with her black and white converse.
you quickly rushed to get to them, waving at them as you still squeezed through. soon enough, they noticed you as you got out of the huddle of students.
“..what are you wearing.” heejin raised an eyebrow, her eyes slightly widened at the sight of the god-awful clothing before her. you shrugged, also eyeing her up and down.
“look. you know that i had nothing to wear! actually, let’s not mind my clothing, you wanna talk about the fact that you dressed up like a gothic slut?” you teased back, earning a small, amused oohh from kazuha.
“this is a college party, y/n, not bible study. everyone here is supposed to dress up like whores.”
you both subtly looked at kazuha’s attire, her innocent face looking back at the both of you just making the whole ‘loser girl who got lost on her way to the gaming café’ vibe look even more ridiculous. it’s okay though, she looked gay and confused enough to attract girls.
ning and aeri were watching this very random guy who’s been doing a very random handstand for about 20 minutes whilst everybody was hyping him up.
“holy shit he’s so fucking red.. he might actually faint from this oh my god??” said aeri, wiping away her tears of laughter with her finger while still cackling hardly at the scene. she was being careful not to damage her nails in any way. i mean, she got them done three days ago, they were precious.
ning glanced away to contemplate if throwing this party was even a good idea in the first place, that’s when she saw you watching your friends down whole cups of vodka and laughing with them.
well that answers her question!
she nudged a still laughing aeri with her elbow, annoying smirk plastered on her face as she still watched you from afar. “aeri, look at this.” she said, eventually, said girl looked in the same direction, still barely getting over the dude that was circled by people while he was practically doing acrobatics, “huh, what’s up?”
“isn’t that your girlfriend? you should go talk to her.” ning suggested playfully, earning a scoff from aeri. “also what the fuck is she wearing.” she quietly added, not realizing that she said that sort of outloud.
“i’m not going over there, she’s gonna like, judge me.” said the japanese girl, now gently rubbing on her arm as her expression morphs into one of worry. aeri uchinaga displaying nervous tics? that’s new.
“aeri, you’re the most popular girl on campus, everybody wants to either be you or be with you. if y/n l/n judges you, then you can jus-“
“where the fuck is jimin? we’re already all out of booze, god damn it.” minjeong interrupted, crashing into the conversation with absolutely no care about what they were talking about beforehand, which was typical minjeong behavior, so they weren’t offended.
“i don’t fucking know? probably making out with some girl?” aeri responded, wearing a cocky smirk while ning chuckled. it was very, and i mean very probable that jimin was doing someone right now. sure, she pretended to be homophobic when it came to aeri for shits and giggles, but that girl basically fucked everything she found remotely attractive. and that, included lots of girls and boys on campus, who were also coincidentally all rich?
“oh how lovely. well, we all wonder when that’s gonna be you with y/n! you fucking bitch..” she shoves her cup onto aeri as she mumbles that last bit then glares at both of the girls before walking away. in minjeong’s language, that basically meant “okay, thanks for letting me know! love you!” so they just sent her her way with a wave that she didn’t even get to see. ning immediately then turns back to aeri.
“okay, so, like i was saying! you should just be cool, unbothered, nonchalant. you know what i mean? who cares if she rejects you, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.” she said, trying to reassure her best friend and pretending like she didn’t completely rat aeri out to y/n not even a week ago at starbucks.
aeri, in return, only gave her an even more worried look, the one that she usually had whenever she sighed deeply and went “ughhh i don’t knowww..”, but this time she just stayed quiet. she was gonna have to watch from afar, yet again.
ning eventually gave up on convincing aeri to talk to you and went to go have well-deserved fun which meant finding minjeong and grinding on her just to piss her off. aeri, on her side of the room, was leaning on the wall and just kept staring at you, dramatically drowning in her own despair as she took small sips of her drink, sighing and biting her lip.
that’s when you two made unintentional eye contact, the both of you feeling awkward and quickly looking away, the ‘wanting to sneak a glance at someone but not knowing they were already looking at you in the first place’ cliche, if you will. that’s when aeri decided she needed to grow some balls! she exhaled sharply, taking one big gulp of her vodka, then gripped the cup in her hand for security.
she was gonna talk to you tonight, whether you liked it or not.
the next time you looked at her from across the room, she was already staring you down, which caused you to look back at her, trying your hardest to look intimidating, and also somewhat hot? you ran your hand through your hair, grabbed your drink from the table next to you and took a sip, holding very intense eye contact with her. the alcohol went down your throat, spiky, and you did your best in not grimacing. you were also hoping this wouldn’t start anything violent, considering that heejin went to go dance and kazuha was probably somewhere in the house, standing in a corner playing candy crush on her phone, so you were kinda powerless in this situation.
seeing you stare at her like this, all while swallowing some strong ass alcohol as if it was a regular tuesday for you turned her on way more than she’d like to admit. it infuriated her how pretty she found you in your ridiculous, bland, stupid, cute outfit. oh she was livid. she took one or two step towards you as she was practically guzzling down her drink, as if to challenge you.
oh it was on.
“heyy kazu, have you seen y/n? i can’t find her, she’s not upstairs nor is she in the basement.” heejin asked, leaning on the table. she wasn’t exactly worried about where you could’ve been, just weirded out. you’d usually stay in one place for a whole event then go home after a few hours.
kazuha, looked around, slightly tipsy, but still being able to articulate proper words, “uhhhhh no? last time i saw her she was downstairs chugging down booze. knowing her, she’s probably drunk as fuck right now.”
heejin furrowed her eyebrows hearing that whole sentence, “drunk?? what do you mean y/n’s drunk, she never gets drunk???”
you snatched the random vodka bottle that was conveniently next to you, ignoring the wasted frat boy whining and telling you to put it back, then you take a step of your own towards her. you very aggressively take off the lid of the bottle and chug it down, which you very quickly realized was a really bad decision. since you barely drank in your day to day life, you were already sorta drunk, so making out with the bottle and drinking all of its fluid was not helping. you felt your vision go blurry.
several, and i mean several minutes of taunting each other, getting voluntarily tipsy out of your minds and getting progressively closer to each other, you ended up face to face. her hooded eyes piercing through yours. her face slightly flushed from alcohol. her bottom lip swollen from the amount of times she bit into it while looking at you and oh my god her eyeliner looks really really really well done? you wished you could do it as good as he-
focus, y/n. this is war. confront her, ask her why she’s this much of an asshole all the time, why she’s been on your ass ever since you quote retweeted that definitely-not-pretty-at-all picture, why she totally has a big humongous lesbian crush on yo-
suddenly, you felt her lips on yours, hungrily kissing you, seemingly not giving a fuck about who sees. her hands roaming your body, gently tugging at your hoodie as she made out with you.
what the fuck?
what the fuck??
wow her lips felt nice?? you confusingly kissed her back, with just as much desperation. you couldn’t lie that the kiss was making you feel some sort of way, especially with the manner that her hands sneakily cupped your ass as you allowed her tongue to roam your mouth, quietly whimpering at the feeling. she wouldn’t hear it anyways, not only was she completely out of it, but the music was also too loud to even hear anything of the sorts.
she pulled away for a quick while, hazily smirked at you and gently grabbed your wrist, leading you into what seemed like… the bathroom? you really couldn’t tell, your vision was a blur. you quickly put the bottle somewhere on a counter close by before entering the restroom.
the only thing on your barely functioning mind at that moment was kissing aeri again.
“there you are. i’ve been looking for you for what felt like hours.” said minjeong, staring down at a red-eyed jimin, sitting on the couch holding a lit and rolled up joint whilst giggling.
“sorryyyy, i was exploring this one girl’s body right then some really hot guy joined in? shit was wild minjeongie you should’ve been the-“
“i don’t give a flying fuck about all of that yu jimin, we’re out of booze, fix it. quickly.” coldly ordered the shorter girl as she crossed her arms, making the taller one groan annoyingly.
“oh my goddd girl, i put a bottle on the table downstairs, just drink from that.” whined jimin, taking yet another puff of her almost finished joint.
“yeah, i was going to until y/n took the bottle. i have no fucking clue where she put it, so get up and go get more.”
there you were, leaning on one of jimin’s bathroom doors, hand on the knob to block anyone from entering. aeri was pinning you to it, her head in the crook of your neck, kissing and licking on it while her hands rest on your waist, fingers occasionally digging in.
your top was off, because according to her, “it needed to go”, which could mean multiple things ranging from sexy to just mean, but you were too drunk to even comprehend simple words, so you shrugged it off and just took off your hoodie for her, leaving you with only your bra.
with time, she went further down with her mouth, getting to your collarbone and placing hungry kisses there, then to your barely clothed boobs, where she did the same thing. you could feel her smiling stupidly against you as she kissed them, then she wrapped her arms around you, unhooking your bra.
she put her mouth on one of your nipples as soon as they were exposed, making you gasp at the sensation that was amplified by 10, thanks to the alcohol you consumed earlier. one of her hands now groping your other tit and playing with the bud. you felt her other hand tease your lower stomach, slowly sliding it down your sweatpants.
“fuck aeri..” you quietly moaned out, feeling her smirk against you yet again, gently rubbing her long fingers on your clothed and embarrassingly wet cunt. it angered you, how horny she got you.
she pulled away from your chest, looking at you cockily as she slightly tilted her head, “you’re so wet for me y/n, i thought you hated me?” she scoffed.
does she ever shut up?
you rolled your eyes, now annoyed, “god, you’re so fucking infuriating.. use your mouth for something good for once and just eat me out already. you’re the one who dragged me in here, so shut the fuck up and do something.” you saw how aeri’s smirk dropped a tad bit, oh how it amused you. she definitely wasn’t expecting you to be this.. demanding. it, very surprisingly, turned her on. a lot.
she was always the one doing the talking, she was always doing the ordering, now why were you always the one to make her discover things about herself, damn it?
you groaned at her. she was looking at you like some baffled dumbass. you grabbed her straightened long brown hair in a swift motion, earning an unexpected but very welcomed whine from her.
“did you not hear me? take my pants off and get on your fucking knees, i don’t have all night.” you sternly said, watching how her eyebrows furrowed, she really didn’t like the idea of you being in control of things and it showed. yet, she obeyed, like the good little bitch she was, she obeyed.
as soon as she pulled your pants and panties down, aeri got on her knees and looked up at you with glossy eyes, probably tearing up from the pain she felt on her scalp when you pulled on it. that poor girl, her expression a mix of anger, lust and fear of what you might do to her.
in response, you could only chuckle, seeing her this vulnerable looking, completely at your mercy, it did something to you. you never thought you’d enjoy this, especially due to the fact that you’re usually the submissive one in these types of situations, but it seems like the alcohol was doing the speaking for you.
“come on, get to work puppy.”
she kept eye contact, exhaled heavily as she closed her eyes a moment, giggled nervously as she mumbled a small ‘what the fuck am i doing.’ then, ended up going in.
her tongue gave small puppy licks to the entire surface of your slit, messily tasting the slick that was coated all over it, eventually teasing also your folds and entrance. you threw your head against the door you were leaning on, running your hand through her now not-so-straight hair, so intoxicated that you couldn’t control the noises that came out of you, you just kept calling out her name, you just kept muttering how much of a good bitch she was being for you, and she loved every second of it.
aeri, apparently was too, heavily intoxicated, because whenever she gave a suckle to your clit, or even when she inserted her tongue inside of you, she just couldn’t help but let out every noise that wanted to come out of her mouth. humming and moaning your name against your core, even digging her new nails into your hips and thighs.
“open your mouth baby.” you ordered, running your thumb across her wet bottom lip.
“m-mhm.” she moaned, looking up at you with teary eyes, her mascara running down her cheeks, her eyebrows upturned as she stuck out her numb tongue. you spat in her mouth, still rubbing her lip with your thumb. she didn’t even bother to question it, she just swallowed it like the stupid, desperate whore she is for you.
despite how exhausted you might’ve been, despite how blurry everything was to you at that moment, despite how confused you still were about everything, one thing you did know was that she was making you feel soooo good, you couldn’t stop using her pretty mouth, so much so that you planned on using it all night long.
“no seriously where the fuck is y/n?? i’m not leaving without her jimin.” yelled a very worried, very tipsy heejin, screaming at jimin while kazuha, the only one remotely sober at that moment, held her back from jumping the other girl.
“damn girl, relax.. your friend is probably somewhere upstairsss.. i’ll send her off tomorrow whenever she wakes up, okay? now please, leave.”
and just like that, the door was slammed shut on both of your best friends’ faces. they processed all of it, then had to call a cab to get them home safely.
while in the car, they were both praying you were okay, and that you were sleeping soundly somewhere in that house.
they thought of every possible scenario that could’ve happened to you,
but aeri tonguefucking you all night in the bathroom definitely was not one of them.
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captain039 · 9 months
PART 5 last part Big bear
Halsin x reader
Warnings: AOB, feelings, tav insert, Angst, abuse, truama, hurt/comfort,
Previous part <-
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Leaving hadn’t been an option, even if you wanted to. The suppressors were wearing off just as quick as you took them. Your body felt like it was on fire, you couldn’t keep food or water down. Everyone’s scent was over powering especially a certain Druid’s. You felt like clawing your insides out, the gods truely hated you. You ignored Tav who had approached a few times with food, snacks and water. This would pass and you’d go to the woods, find a place to live out the rest of your days before you died alone and quietly.
Halsin hadn’t stopped pacing since this morning, he hadn't slept, his mind raced and his thoughts were scrambled. You pushed him away and he should respect your boundary’s, but you were in pain and he could ease it. He was too pent up from watching from afar, Tav had come to him a few times trying to offer kind words, but he shrugged them off without thought. He hadn’t meant to be rude and ignoring, but you were shaking on that stupid hay bale, you’d thrown up twice now and you didn’t drink or eat. His second nature was close to forcing you to accept his help, but he knew that wasn’t the way, that would end badly, you’d reject him even more and he’d cast himself out. He didn’t know your past, but it held you in a vice grip and you were drowning in it.
Nighttime finally came, you wanted a nice warm bath and maybe some strong alcohol or potion to knock you out. You felt to dizzy to stand up though.
“Told you, you needed me” you shot up this time, seeing the elder standing by your bed. You felt fear rush through your body as you shook your head.
“No, you’re dead!” You said and she cackled.
“I’m a witch! You’ll never kill me!” She yelled, but nobody else seemed to hear her.
“Hiding here like a coward, you should be spilling blood!” She hissed and you whimpered.
“You’re not real” you whispered shaking your head.
“Oh I am! You’ll never be free of me!” Her smile was evil, her laugh echoing in your ears as you cried out.
She was suddenly gone, your whole body shaking in terror and a worried alpha in front of you, holding your arms gently. You flinched from him, quickly looking around seeing the elder gone.
“Did you see her?” You asked and he frowned glancing around the barn.
“I saw no one, just heard your cry” he said carefully and you felt tears in your eyes, even in death she haunts you.
“She’s not dead” you said and he frowned, but it clicked.
“I killed her, I assure you” he said and you shook your head.
“She wants me back, I’ve had my freedom” you muttered, someone else held your fate once again.
“She’s not here” Halsin said and you growled.
“Why’re you here still!” You yelled.
“I’ve told you to leave me alone! I should’ve spilled your blood when I had the chance” you sneered.
You looked out your eyes, like you were inside your head, but not the one in control as you sneered at Halsin. You yelled and cried banging against invisible walls.
Hearing your cry had never ran so fast in his life, something put horrid fear in you, your stench of anxiety and fear filling his nose instantly. When you mention a she he thought back to the witch, was she tormenting you even in death? Your face seemed to glaze over and someone else’s eyes stared at him as you began yelling and threatened. He felt the sting he did, but he knew it wasn’t you, oak father, he needed to help you somehow. He held your arms gently, closing his eyes and letting his magic flow from him to you. You were still sneering and threatening him, but he ignored you, he didn’t care if you sliced him down, he’d hand you a blade if it made you happy.
You felt magic flow through you and suddenly your mind was your own. You heard a cry in the distance and watched Halsins face squint slightly before he opened his eyes.
“What did you do?” You asked quietly.
“Removed her, she somehow reached you in death, she won’t anymore” he said softly as tears returned to your eyes.
“I’m sorry” you said looking away feeling the ache return to your body. His scent filled your nose and your body shuddered slightly at the warmth it filled you. You breathed him in for a moment, the smell of leather and earth on him, the calmness of an alpha, the care of an alpha. You had closed your eyes as a few tears dropped, you were lost.
Halsin hesitated as he let you go and you didn’t blame him for wanting to leave, you just needed to lie down again. The alpha surprised you though when you were suddenly scooped up gently in large arms. He sat down on the hay bale, his back against the broken wall. You felt your muscles loose feelings like a rag doll. You shuffled a bit legs by his hips as you cried into his chest.
“I don’t know what to do” you sobbed as his one of his hands ran gently up and down your back.
“You overcome, you heal, it’ll take time though”he whispered as you sagged even more sensing his sadness.
“How?” You muttered.
“With help” he said softly.
“Who would want to help me after what I did?” You scoffed lightly.
“Me” he whispered arms going around your waist to hold you closer.
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slutt4ellie · 3 months
Sacred Hearts Entwined
(Bare with me this is the first story i’ve ever written!)
Ellie Williams X Reader
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Part 2 -> ✞
Part 3 -> ✞
What do you do when you’re falling hopelessly in love with your childhood best friend?
Summery: You’ve been friends since 2nd grade first meeting in school. Growing up in a religious background you’ve always been taught the “right” way to think. So why are you falling in love with her..?
Warnings -> Mentions of the “d slur” / Parents are controlling / homophobia / Both extremely confused of their feelings / cheating / (lmk if I missed anything else!)
WC: 2.3k
(Did not proofread!!)
The girl who caught your eye since you were kids, Ellie Williams.
Age 6 (grade 2) -
You didn’t have much friends, after all it was only grade 2 and being popular was probably the least of your concerns, at least that’s what your mom constantly told you.
Growing up as a naturally shy kid, meant going outside of the box to talk to people wasn’t precisely your idea of “fun”! That’s why you often dissociated, it seemed easier that way? So, as soon as the bell rang for recess you would go to the back of the playground where no one else sat watching the different animals the would scale the trees while the birds would flow through the sky.
But today was a different day, as you did that normal routine a girl sat beside you, freckles that trailed all around her face and light green eyes that shined in the sun with auburn hair which ended up being almost bright red in the sun.
“Do you like watching the animals too?” She asked fairly quietly looking at her hands, you sorta look at her and nod, to nervous to talk..
Age- 7 (grade 3) -
You shortly did learn her name after that moment, Ellie Williams. To be fair you actually started learning almost everything about her. She’s an only child, loves spending most of her time doing art or playing outdoors, she’s way more extroverted then you ever could be, and she has a pet dog named Max.
You and Ellie almost spent all your time together if not at her house playing outside then you guys would be cooped up in your basement finding new board games while your mother cooked dinner for you guys upstairs. Coming out of your shell with her seemed easier then other people, she made it easy. After all she didn’t get easily bored of my shyness through the beginning.
Age 10 (grade 6) -
“Okay push!!” Ellie groans pushing a trash bin closer to the convenience store ladder which leads to the roof. “Ellie this is dumb” You say on the opposite side using your back to help her push it. “Just relax! Once we get up there, then we can practically see the whole town!” She smiles continuing to push it “But if we get caug-“ You can’t even finish your sentence before she talks “We won’t get caught!” She says as the trash bin finally reaches the end of the brick wall.
“K boost me!” Ellie smiles walking up beside you as you slowly crouch resting your back on the cold metal trash bin, you put your hands in a cuff which Ellie’s foot rest in as you lift her up. She’s not even standing on the trash bin for more then 10 seconds before the bottom gives out and she falls feet first in the bagged trash “Ag fuck! Help!” Ellie groans trying to lift herself out.
You burst out laughing not even grabbing her hands to help her up and out, but now she yells “Help me!!” You’re still cackling as she practically falls out “Eww now you smell weird!” You laugh getting away from her “Oh yeah you want a hug?” Ellie says chasing after you as you run away into the distance.
Age 14 (Freshman year) -
“It’s bullshit!” Ellie says annoyed “They didn’t care about signing us up for a catholic school for the last 10 years” Ellie says kicking in her new shoes she got for her uniform “Maybe just a change of heart” You shrug almost accepting it “You barley even care” Ellie says looking at you “Us pouting isn’t gonna change our parents mind, the decision is final now?”
“I don’t wanna even go, I look really dumb in a skirt.” Ellie holds it up disappointed “Ellie you look fine in a skirt” You sorta smile looking at her “I don’t, I rather just wear the pants.” Ellie groans sliding her hands down her face dramatically “Well I think you look good?” You say partially because you want her to stop whining about it but mainly because you mean it.
Age 15 (grade 10) -
“So you’re going with Alex then?” Ellie ask looking at you as you read a book “I mean yeah he asked it would be weird not to go?” You sorta shrug “K..? I- We just always made fun of people who went to the dances, I just didn’t except you to suddenly change?” Ellie says, she wants it to seem like she doesn’t care but she’s genuinely doing a horrible job covering it. “I guess I didn’t get the impression you cared so much?” An annoyed tone leaking through your voice.
“I don’t.” Ellie says almost coldly adding on a few seconds later. “I’m probably gonna dip, my parents want me home soon anyway.” Ellie says standing up. You sorta just wave also not in the mood it’s been a long day and you don’t wanna fight with Ellie over a stupid thing like going to the dance with someone.
16 (grade 11) -
The moment where the story starts to go downhill, well this is it. You got together with Alex a few weeks after the dance and you’ve been together all summer. Leaving little time for Ellie, and don’t get me wrong! It’s not like it’s purposefully happening, it’s just the fact that you’re both at 2 different points and spending all your time with the person you’ve previously been doing that with for 10 years isn’t exactly on your top priority list. Ellie’s also just been weird around you, she doesn’t like it when Alex is brought up occasionally sighing every time he’s even mentioned or going on about how she can’t see you guys going beyond high school. And at this point you finally talk “You say it like you’re fucking jealous?” You say a bit pissed off.
“Why the fuck would I be jealous?” Ellie claps back. “I don’t know Ellie! Please you tell me, every time I bring him up it’s like the idea of me dating someone repeals you, I don’t get why you’re not happy for me!”
“Who ever said I wasn’t happy for you” Ellie says now no longer walking so she can actually look at you in the face. “You just imply it constantly, like am I missing something, did he do something??” You say actually wanting to hear her opinion, why she hates him. Ellie chokes up though, wanting nothing to do with the real reason she doesn’t like Alex.
“Because I-“ She stops, and switches what she was going to say. “Because me and you barley hang out anymore, last summer all we did was go to each others houses and now you have 0 time for me!” She sorta yells. “Because Ellie I have a boyfriend? Did you not except us to grow up?” You now yell back, this whole argument is picking up fast. “I expected you to have the fucking decency to hang out with me once in awhile, you think i’m some girl who’s just obsessed with you and it’s getting old” Ellie says hurt that becoming evident when her voice cracks. “Ellie I didn’t say-“ You can’t finish your sentence because she talks. “It’s fine we can hang out later.” She says turning around and walking away.
To be fair half of you wants to chase after her, talk to her like you used to before you guys even started high school, but you don’t. This isn’t a movie after all.
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(Present: Saturday)
You and Ellie haven’t talked in about 4 days since the little fight, the annoying part of it is the fight wasn’t even that serious, it’s just neither of you know where to start.
Throughout your friendship there’s only been a few fights, none of them being at all important, dumb stuff like you never gave each others clothes back or broke a toy. Never something like this, something that actually had meaning.
You don’t even understand why it bothers Ellie so much that you’re dating Alex, she’s your best friend, if anything she should support it, you would support her? As of now though you’re trying to do everything in your power to completely ignore the fact you guys even had a fight, as long as she doesn’t talk to you and you don’t talk to her it’s fine! Right…?
That’s at least how you thought about it, avoiding it seemed like the best situation at the end of the day because you never had to confront the problem, you did that a lot. When you were 7 and broke a glass cup, the way you solved it was hiding it in between the tiny opening between your counter and oven. Which actually ending up working..till your brother found it and immediately snitched.
Tonight though there was a perfect distraction, there was a party and half the school was going to be there, I mean it was a safe assumption saying Ellie wasn’t going to be. She hated parties, she said “It’s like a bunch of toddlers in a room, not really anything fun about that?” Which wasn’t completely false but she rarely let loose and actually drank.
Tonight’s plan was to get blackout drunk, forget Ellie, forget school, just forget everything as of now, and just hang out with the guy you loved..?
Because you love Alex how could you not?? He plays football, is popular, has a bunch of friends, treats you nice! You would be insane not to like him!! So why does everything with him feel so stale and forced? Shit now you’re thinking to much about this, Ellie is just getting in your head.
So when it was 11pm and your boyfriend Alex picked you up you made sure to make him the only thing on your mind, hanging around him, being touchy, anything to convince you that you love him. “Baby can you get me a drink” He ask smiling kissing your cheek “Yeah of course” You smile walking over to the kitchen grabbing a red solo cup filling it up with punch when as you look up, there she in. Ellie..
“Real gentleman you picked out.” Ellie says sarcastically drinking out of her red solo cup clearly tipsy if not drunk. “What..” You sigh looking up at her.. “I said real gentlemen. I mean because he’s grabbing your drinks and all!” She smiles looking at you right in the eyes.
“Why the fuck do you suddenly care so much Ellie.” You say annoyed looking at her. “I don’t care I just know you could do better..” She shrugs looking at her red solo cup the confidence disappearing after that sentence. “Who’s the magical person who’s better for me then Ellie?” You look up at her
Ellie sorta shrugs. She wants to say her but she rather skip on border school because her stupid crush on you, if her parents found out Ellie would be kicked out in a matter of seconds. “I don’t know, just someone better” you just slowly nod as Ellie finishes her sentence “Thanks for that great speech Ellie.” Ellie grabs you arm as you try and leave. “When did you start settling for low?” Ellie ask looking at you “Fuck you” You push her.
Ellie pushes you back “You’ve changed” You quickly shoot back “You act like you fucking like me!” you say probably to loud “You seem like a dyke Ellie.” You don’t even know why you said that!..well you sorta do. It was to cover your own ass, it was better to say that then “I think i’m in love with you Ellie”. Ellie almost immediately steps back and walks out which prompted you to follow “Ellie I didn’t fucking- fuck.” You can’t even finish your sentence before she’s gone, at this point you’re almost sure you just fully screwed up your whole friendship.
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(Sunday 3:47am)
You can’t fall asleep knowing you called Ellie that, it was a heat of the moment and you didn’t even fucking mean it, it felt so much easier then admitting you think you love her? What if she didn’t feel the same when, then the whole school knows you like girls and next thing you know your parents find out and you’re getting sent to a border school to be “corrected”! Fuck, fuck, fuck. You get out of your bed throwing on a t shirt and sweatpants, what are you even doing??
You quickly sneak out your window and start running to Ellie’s house which is about a 7 minute normal walk. As you run up you notice that Ellie’s bedroom light is on, so sneakily climb up onto the roof, you used to do that a lot during summer after your mom would say no to a sleepover but once you climb up Ellie’s window you lightly knock on it.
After about a minute and a half she opens the window and sees it’s you almost immediately shutting it. Before Ellie can shut it though she puts her palm on the window. “Ellie can we talk” You ask genuinely nervous she might say no.. “No, i’m studying?” Ellie completely lies but she just needs a shitty excuse “Ellie it’s Sunday can I just come in. Please.” At this point it’s like your begging and Ellie eventually opens the window fully. You step in looking at her “I’m so sorry” you say almost immediately “Mhm” Ellie replies, she doesn’t wanna here stupid ass sorry’s
“Ellie” You say looking at her.
And as soon as Ellie looks up you lean forward and kiss her. Ellie moves her hands on your face and you do the same..
But that moment is cut almost immediately right after when Ellie’s father walks in..
A/N -> I hope this is okay for my first post!! I’ve been reading on tumblr for about a month now and I thought making something could be interesting. I might make a part 2 depending on if I feel like it considering this story ends on a cliff hanger 😭
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