#shin x Lena
floatyskye · 1 year
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I realised I never posted any 86 art here. Time to fix that mistake
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bluelancelion · 2 months
86 anime spoiler!!
You have been warned
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Listen here. LISTEN.
When Shin found Lena was alive, it felt like he found home.
It felt like returning home.
The 86.
Shin and the others never had a home, a place to return to. Their home was the 86, in that battlefield, that's everything they've known their entire lives.
They can't find a place to belong, not the Republic that condemned them, nor the Federation where everything was too sugar coated for them, it was like being trapped again.
There, on the battlefield, that's everything they know. Those quiet moments between wars, that's where they live. Together, basking in the sunlight and hearing each other's laughs before an explosion rips their life from them.
That's what 86 know. That's where they live.
So now. In the battlefield. Where death seemed like the only way to be free from this life but also, not the solution Shin wanted to go for willingly because he would still lose his friends, in that limbo between life and death...
Lena is alive. Their Major is alive.
She was there when the 86 were there. She was there to ask them their names, their favorite things to eat, their hobbies, their lives, what they did every evening.
She is home to return to.
If Shin can't go back to the 86 that left him, if he can't reach them yet, he'll go to the one that's still standing.
She's still standing for them.
Between the Republic, the Federation, and the battlefields, when Shin sees Lena, he sees home.
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edensania · 1 year
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“I couldn’t save them. I didn’t want to abandon them, to let them die.
I wanted to save them, but…I couldn’t do it. I…I…!”
“It’s not your fault, Lena. But…”
She felt his arms wrap around her back. Hard, muscular hands. And through his thick panzer jacket, she could feel his body heat, slightly higher than her own.
“I don’t think anyone can blame you for wanting to cry. You must be sad.”
He embraced her, telling her without words that she was allowed to cry.
And so…Lena raised her voice and sobbed openly. Grieving the loss of her homeland and the countless people who died.
• 86 ~ vol 11 ~ Dies Passionis
• Art by :Shirabii
• Colored By Me
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
Nuit d’orage
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Fandom : 86 - Eighty Six
Relationship : Shin x Lena
Voici ma participation pour le Fluffy February 2023 pour le prompt : Tonnerre.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Lena posa son crayon et leva la tête de ses documents. Elle se frotta les yeux et regarda vers la fenêtre. La nuit commençait à tomber, mais d'épais nuages assombrissaient encore plus le ciel. Cette nuit sera une nuit sans étoiles.
Disclaimer : 86 - Eighty Six appartient à Asato Asato et Shirabii.
Lena posa son crayon et leva la tête de ses documents. Elle se frotta les yeux et regarda vers la fenêtre. La nuit commençait à tomber, mais d'épais nuages assombrissaient encore plus le ciel. Cette nuit sera une nuit sans étoiles.
Lena eut un frisson qui lui parcourut le dos. C'était le genre de nuages qui apportaient de l'orage. Elle avait toujours détesté ça. Elle se souvint que lorsqu'elle était enfant, elle courait se réfugier dans les bras de son père pour qu'il la protège de l'orage. Depuis sa mort, elle faisait tout pour se calmer lorsque l'orage éclatait. En se concentrant sur sa respiration, elle arrivait à calmer plus où moins sa peur. Elle savait que c'était une peur irrationnelle, mais c'était plus fort qu'elle.
Elle fronça les sourcils lorsqu'elle entendit le tonnerre gronder au loin. L'orage arrivait. Bientôt, il serait au-dessus de la ville. Elle ferma les yeux et inspira profondément. Elle ouvrit les yeux et un nouveau frisson la parcourut. L'orage était là. Un éclair déchira le ciel et le tonnerre se fit entendre. Elle inspira profondément à nouveau, essayant de se calmer. Son cœur battait de plus en plus fort.
« Commandant. »
Lena sursauta. Elle n'avait pas remarqué que Shin avait établi le contacte avec elle.
« Commandant, vous allez bien ?
-Ou... Oui. Désolée.
-Vous ne vous êtes pas connectée. J'ai cru qu'il vous était arrivé quelque chose. »
Lena rougit. Parce qu'elle était gênée de ne pas avoir vu l'heure qu'il était et parce que Shin venait de lui avouer qu'il avait été inquiet pour elle.
« Je vais bien. Je... Je devais régler quelque chose d'urgent. »
Elle ne pouvait pas lui avouer qu'elle n'avait pas fait attention à l'heure à cause de l'orage. Quelle personne de son âge avait encore peur de l'orage ? Soudain, un nouvel éclair jaillit et le tonnerre gronda encore plus fort. Le bruit était tellement fort, qu'elle crut que le sol tremblait sous ses pieds. Elle lâcha un hoqueté de surprise.
« Commandant ?
-Désolée. C'est juste qu'il y a de l'orage et j'ai été surprise. »
Shin ne répondit rien pendant quelques secondes, avant de reprendre la parole.
« Je déteste l'orage aussi. Lorsqu'il est là, je ne peux m'empêcher de frissonner. »
Lena sourit légèrement. Elle savait qu'il disait cela pour la rassurer et que l'orage ne lui faisait pas peur. Après tout ce qu'il avait vécu jusqu'à présent, ce n'était pas un simple orage qui pouvait l'effrayer. Une pensée lui traversa l'esprit. Est-ce qu'il penserait moins d'elle s'il savait à quel point l'orage l'effrayait ? Elle avait leur vie entre ses mains et elle était paralysée de peur à cause d'un orage. Est-ce qu'il penserait qu'elle n'était qu'une enfant surprotégée qui ne connaissait rien à la vie et à la guerre ? Elle avait eu du mal à avoir leur confiance et elle ne voulait pas la perdre.
« Commandant, il n'y a aucune honte à avoir peur. Même si cette peur peut vous paraître ridicule, elle fait de nous des humains et nous rend plus fort. »
Lena sourit. Il venait de lui dire exactement ce qu'elle avait besoin d'entendre. Même s'ils ne s'étaient jamais rencontrés, les conversations qu'ils avaient étaient importantes pour Lena. Ils continuèrent à parler et sans qu'elle ne s'en rende compte, l'orage était passé. Grâce à Shin, elle avait oublié l'orage et sa peur s'était calmée.
« Merci, dit-elle.
-De rien. »
Elle pouvait l'entendre sourire. La communication se termina. Lena regarda à nouveau vers la fenêtre. Les nuages avaient disparu et les étoiles étaient visibles. Elle s'approcha de la fenêtre et s'appuya sur le rebord. Elle avait retrouvé son calme et l'orage semblait moins effrayant grâce à Shin.
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ambrosicl · 2 years
another day, another day of thinking another “will you… will you remember us too, major?”
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church-of-lemons · 1 year
[ART] Shin x Lena (86)
A gorgeous piece by the talented @darksharinganz!
It’s not the sea, but, hooray for sexy Shin & Lena from 86!
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animechick2015 · 2 years
Anime I Watched in 2022 Part 1:
1. Belle 3/5
*spoilers ahead*
Ughhh I really wanted to like this one. The songs and ost’s were amazing and the visuals were beautiful. I think the creators focused so much on the music that they lost sight of the plot. I had so many questions at the end of the movie: why did she go to rescue the kids on her own; couldn’t her father or some other adult go with her? Why did they build up a romance between her and Beast for nothing to come of it? Why after the entire movie of her friend not being interested in her, he suddenly showed romantic interest? I really wanted to love this movie like everyone else did but I can’t.
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2. Promare 5/5
EPIC. The only word I can use to describe this movie. From the soundtrack, to the visuals, storyline and likable characters,this one will hook you from the opening scene. This one will have you feeling like you’re on an acid trip but it’s a good one, trust me. This is one anime movie I can see myself rewatching many times and never get tired.
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3. Banished from the Hero Party 4/5
Such a cute romance. Very likable characters. The plot was interesting and the romance was so adorable; my only criticism is that it felt a bit rushed at the end but overall it was a great series. Doubt we’ll be getting a second season though 🥺
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4. The Boy and the Beast 4/5
This movie got a lot of negative reviews and I can’t understand why. It was so interesting and going in blind I didn’t expect certain events to take place. I really enjoyed this one. The artwork, the soundtrack and even the characters were all amazingly done. If you haven’t watched this one give it a chance. Ignore all the bad reviews and go into this with an open mind.
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5. Demon Slayer Season 2 10,000/5
Where do I begin with this masterpiece. Uzi Tengen has my heart, ; honestly he’s my second favorite Hashira (Giyu being the first ofc). Can we nominate Inosuke as the MVP of this season? This was a relatively short Arc but my god the studio did such an amazing job that every Sunday I was glued to my screen. Once again the Op and Ed were greatly done. The animation was top tier. The voice acting was superb. This is one of those series that I’ll actually sit down and rewatch with no problems
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6. Moriarty the Patriot 4/5
This one has been sitting in my watch list for a while. I don’t know why I never gave it a chance before but I’m glad I did. This was such a nice twist on the Sherlock Holmes world. It was so good that in the beginning I didn’t even realize that the characters were based on the Sherlock novels (yes I missed the first couple minutes of the first episode but don’t worry because I binged it after I was done); this series got me supporting criminals without even realizing it. The writing in this was so good. And the chemistry between Moriarty and Sherlock 😚. My only criticism is that after reading the manga A LOT was left out that really fleshed out the stories and characters. Seriously hoping for another season but from that ending I really doubt we’ll get one.
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7. Eight Six 86 5,000,000/5
I really want to kick myself in the behind for this one. I started this late last year and dropped it after the first episode. I really wasn’t feeling it. Maybe because mecha isn’t my favorite genre of anime but I wasn’t hooked so I put it aside and convinced myself that I would continue once the second season had been concluded; I didn’t. But a tiny voice at the back of my mind persuaded me to watch it and boy am I glad I did. The soundtrack was godly. Jesus Christ I don’t think I’d love a soundtrack more than AoT and Gintama but this won me over. The characters were all likable; expect the republicans of San magnolia, they can all rot in hell. It depicts a more realistic take on racism and war that your heart breaks for the soldiers especially knowing that most of them are children. Shin and Lena, two characters that never met face to face had so much chemistry that they could give a lot of Shojo animes a run for their money. I loved this series so much that I went on to read the novels. I might do a more in depth review on those later but seriously everyone needs to give this anime a chance.
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8. Ranking of Kings 10,000/5
This is another series I almost ignored but thank goodness good sense prevailed and I gave it a chance. I was one of those who judged it because the artwork looked like classic cartoon drawings but my first indicator of this being a spectacular series was that it was being produced by Wit Studio. The character development in this one was amazing. What I loved about this series is that we couldn’t judge a character from first meeting them. Everyone had their reasons and stories for being the way they were. Boji is not your typical anime protagonist, with many disabilities that made the people of the kingdom judge him harshly, he definitely deserves best boy award and the world. Watching him at the beginning of the series had me crying in the middle of the night. Seriously he deserves everything. And queen Hilling is the MVP of the series; she took the clichéd step mother role and turned it on its back. If you haven’t given this one a try please do, you won’t regret it.
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9. Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 5/5
There are no words to describe how much I enjoyed this season. Seriously, Mappa outdid themselves. I know a lot of people are upset that we have to wait for Part 3 but I actually prefer that they take their time to animate the ending because there’s still so much to cover. Also can we talk about how amazing the OST’s were this season. Like goddamn!
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10. Parasyte: The Maxim 4/5
I really enjoyed this one. I did. Honestly. If you ask me why I feel so cheated with the ending I can’t tell you. I guess I expected a more of an all out war between Migi and the other parasytes but nope. Trust me I get it, the ending was the most reasonable but I still felt like something was missing. Maybe I need to rewatch. But story wise, it was great; the main character was very likable. Seeing him turn from a regular teenager to cold, emotionless and back to his self was enjoyable. Tbh I didn’t really like the female lead but I guess she grew on me in the last episode. Also, the opening and ost’s were giving me an eargasm.
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fanwarrior321 · 2 years
currently suffering from some very severe shinlena brainrot and don't know what to do with it. I feel like I haven't reached the fandom yet. I’m not seeing the art, I can't find any good fics, the anime isn't announced for a new season, and the newest light novel won't even be out for a long while WHAT DO I DO
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mojo72400 · 2 years
Happy Birthday Vladilena “Lena” Milize
I may not read the LN but I hope you, Shin and your friends make it out alive at the end of the LN and maybe you and Shin can get married and have kids. For now enjoy the food and the company and I hope Shin gives you a birthday kiss or at least do something to make you blush bright red.
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confusedpandabear · 8 months
I would die happy if you wrote for shin x lena pleaaase consider it 🥺
Ahhh I'd love to, they're slowly infecting my brain anyways lol.
Maybe just short stories/drabbles for now though as I'm working on a couple of different things but I'd be open to prompts if you have any 🥰
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uchihaculture · 5 months
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86: eighty-six illustration by Shirabi.
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honeytrap26 · 5 months
Cookies for a Confession
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Raiden Shuga x Reader
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summary: you confess to Raiden Shuga that you have feelings for him by making him cookies. cw: SFW, fluffy, silly, aunote: This man doesn't get enough love, this anime doesn't get enough love. Here is my effort to try and spread the word. Enjoy and happy reading! wc: 1k+ (proofread 🙈)
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“It says to mix the flour and water first then eggs then sugar.” you follow the directions mixing everything in.
“This is pretty easy, I can see why Anju likes to bake.” you turn around to throw the spoon in the sink. Kurena comes into the kitchen and looks into the cabinets, she turns around to look at you,
“Hey do you have the salt? I need to refill the salt and pepper bottles for the trip.” 
‘I have it, I’ll take a teaspoon and you can have the rest of the jar.” you place the teaspoon of salt on the countertop, handing her the jar. You grab the sugar, placing it on the countertop, with the lid off. Theo taps on the window, you walk over to the window, propping it open. 
“Hey can you come outside, I have a new design for your call sign” he smiles excitedly at you, 
“Thank you Theo you didn’t have to. I like the one you had on there already.” you say to him, walking outside. After a few minutes of talking to Theo you make your back into the kitchen.
‘Now where was I again?” you dry your hands off, reading the recipe list that Anju wrote for you.  
“Oh yes, the last step is to add sugar and then it's time to bake!” you grab the jar and add two cups of sugar to the mixture.
“Hurry up and do it.” Kurena whispers as she elbows you.
“I-I can’t.” you whisper back, and take a bite of your food.
“Didn’t you finish making them this morning?” Anju whispers, covering her mouth so the boys can’t see. You nod in agreement to her question.
“So what are you waiting for?” Anju leans forward winking at Kurena.
“Got it, I’ll distract Shin and Theo.” Kurena throws Anju a thumbs up, she stands up abruptly and starts faking a cough, the boys look at her. She mumbles, 
“I need help…” she glances over at Shin and Theo mouthing “go away”, Theo raises an eyebrow at her and looks over to Anju who’s pointing at you. It takes Theo a minute to process what’s happening but when he does he shoots a thumbs up to Anju. Shin ignores Kurenas obvious attempts to get everyone to leave.
“I said I need help,” Kurena says through gritted teeth, looking at Shin, she sighs when he doesn’t pay any attention to what's going on, still talking to Lena through the Para-RAID.
“You okay?” Raiden stands up but Kurena pushes him back down into his seat.
“Not you.” she continues to exaggerate her cough, making her way to Shin.
“I think she needs some water. Shin would you mind getting some for her.” Anju says calmly, still sitting next to you.
“She has wa-”
“It wasn’t a question.” Anju tilts her head and smiles at Shin.
“O-okay.” Shin stands up from his seat, grabbing the water on the table, he tries to pour a glass of water for Kurena but she smacks the water pitcher out of his hand. 
“Oh no, looks like we need more water from INSIDE.” she emphasizes the last word, coughing lazily a few more times.
Shin stands there blinking a few times before he says,
“I’m fine, I still have water.”
Everyone sighs in defeat, Anju walks over to Shin and pulls him out of his seat.
“H-hey!” he grabs his plate of food.
“Read the room dummy!” Kurena whisper yells at Shin, dragging him inside of the house.
You cover your face in embarrassment and Raiden just stares at the four of them very confused.
“What was that all about?” he glances at you.
“I don’t know…” you shake your head covering your face. 
Raiden and you are sitting outside underneath the stars. The warmth from the fire keeps you warm from the cool breeze. You continue eating your food. Raiden looks at you a couple of times, he purses his lips together, tapping the empty plate on his hand then he clears his throat and he gets up to sit next to you.
“So…how’s the food?” he stares at the flames dancing in the fire pit.
“It’s good, you did a good job.” you finish the last bit of food on your plate before you take a sip of your water. There’s a pause, your fiddling with the rim of your glass,
“I-” you begin to say, but he cuts you off not hearing you.
“Do you want some dessert? Anju made some earlier today.” Raiden points to the fruit tarts sitting on the picnic table.
“Actually, I made something too.” you mutter, glancing down at the bag of cookies next to you, your heart beating faster.
“That’s right, you made chocolate chip cookies earlier today. How did it go?” His body shifts facing you.
You hand him the cookies that are neatly wrapped in a bag with a letter attached to it. 
Raiden hesitates for a split second, 
“This for me?” a small smile creeps onto his face, 
“Yes it is.” you nod quickly, not breaking eye contact with the dancing flames in the fire pit.
He grabs the bag and unties the letter.
You can hear him unfolding the paper, 
“ Dear Raiden Shuga, we’ve been in this squadron for…..” he mutters the rest, chucking at the funny situations you’ve been in together.
He continues, “ We spent so many nights together, we fought on the battlefield together, I don’t know when it happened but I…” he trails off, eventually he stops reading it out loud.
You sit there closing your eyes regretting your decision to confess to him, you didn’t want to burden him with this silly idea, the idea that you could possibly fall in love before you were sent to die out on the battlefield.
Raiden stands up and kneels in front of you, taking your hand into his, his emerald eyes meet yours.
“It’s funny,” -he takes a deep breath- “because before we leave for this mission, I was going to tell you that,” he exhales and chuckles, shaking his head, he grabs a note from his back pocket and places it in the palm of your hand.
“I’ve fallen in love with you too.” he smiles at you, his eyes soften seeing the way your face lights up at his confession. You lunge into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck,your face buried in the crook of his neck, he hugs you tightly, wishing to never let go of you, to never lose you.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you how I felt.” he takes a deep breath in, finally being able to hug you like this, something he thought he would never get to do.
“It’s okay, we never had the time to do this.” you pull away and look at him, he leans in and places a small kiss on your cheek. You blush at the kiss and place a hand over it before grabbing the bag and shoving it into his chest.
“Here’s the cookies, you should try them.” you mumble. He laughs at your sudden shyness, he grabs the bag and takes a cookie out.
“It’s really….” he pauses for a bit, you can see an array of different emotions appear on his face.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like chocolate chips?” you question him, he coughs a bit and swallows hard.
“No it’s not that,” -he clears his throat- “it’s umm…. it has an interesting flavor, maybe just a tad salty.” he coughs a bit and gulps down his water.
“Really? I swear I only put a teaspoon of salt like the recipe called for…” you grab a cookie and take a bite out of it.
“O-oh gosh! It’s soo salty!! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” you spit the cookie out onto a napkin.
Raiden laughs at your disgusted expression, he takes another cookie waving it in front of your face.
“I can’t throw away the cookies my girlfriend made for me, so I have to eat it.” he smirks at you and shoves it in his mouth and runs off.
“W-what?! Girlfriend!” you get up from your seat, making the chair fall back, knocking your cup over.
“It’s sooo good” he winces as he continues to shove them into his mouth.
 “No stop!” you panic running after him, he holds the bag of cookies above his head.
 “Y-you’re going to die!!” you jump up desperately trying to grab the bag, he puts another cookie in his mouth, smirking at you. 
You wrap your arms around his waist and try to push him over but he pretends to fall over, sitting on his butt, he stops and a tint of pink appears on his cheeks, you take this opportunity to grab his face, pinching his cheeks, some of the cookie crumbs falling out of his mouth.
“I got you! Spit it out!” you let go of his face when Raiden doesn’t say anything back, he turns his face away from you, you can see the shade of pink on his cheeks now. You take a moment to assess the situation, he’s propped up on his elbows, you're straddling his lap and your boobs are in his face.
“Yay! They’re finally together! Whoa…” Kurena comes out with a sparkler but stops when she sees you on top of Raiden.
“Are we interrupting something?” Theo says with an evil grin on his face, he’s waving his sketchbook in the air, it has two faces with heart eyes on it.
Raiden chuckles and starts to tickle you, making you burst out into a laughter/crying fit, you try to crawl away from him.
Your Para-RAIDS suddenly turn on, Lenas' concerned voice echoes in your ears.
“What’s wrong, is it a Legion attack?”
Shin chuckles and shakes his head, “No, she finally confessed to Raiden.” he says into his Para-RAID. 
“The screaming…” Lena trails off.
“He’s tickling her.” Shin sighs.
“WHAT! They finally confessed!” she shouts from the other line.
This makes all of you burst into laughter.
“How do the cookies taste?” Anju grabs the cookie that you took a bite out of.
Raiden immediately stops ticking you and you both run towards Anju.
“Don’t eat it!” Raiden yells.
“Noo! Spit it out!” you yell.
“It's so SALTY!!” Anju exclaims.
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Extra trimmings!!  You and the rest of the members are sitting around a fire pit. “The curry is ready.” Kurena says, putting the pot in the middle of the members. Shin and Raiden grab a portion of the curry and take a bite. They immediately spit it out onto the ground, they both look at you with a scowl on their faces. “It’s sweet” they both say in unison. “It wasn’t me!!” you run off towards Fido when Raiden approaches you. “Save me Fido!”  Fido just runs along with you. “Kurena, wasn't it your job to refill everything?” Shin asks, she nods and grabs the bottles showing it to Shin, he tastes it and hangs his head low. “This is going to be a long three days.” “Oops… guess I mixed them up when I was refilling them.” Kurena smiles, rubbing the back of her head. “Kurena!” you and Raiden shout her name in unison chasing after her. Everyone bursts into fits of laughter watching you, Raiden, and Fido chase after Kurena.
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86-quotes · 1 year
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sofya-fanfics · 1 year
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Fandom : 86 - Eighty Six
Relationship : Shin x Lena
My Fluffy February 2023 contribution for the prompt : Thunder.
I’m sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language. I hope you like it.
Summary : Lena put down her pencil and looked up from her papers. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Night was beginning to fall, but thick clouds darkened the sky even more. Tonight will be a starless night.
Disclaimer : 86 - Eighty Six belongs to Asato Asato and Shirabii.
Lena put down her pencil and looked up from her papers. She rubbed her eyes and looked out the window. Night was beginning to fall, but thick clouds darkened the sky even more. Tonight will be a starless night.
Lena felt a shiver run through her spine. It was the kind of clouds that brought thunderstorms. She had always hated it. She remembered that when she was a child, she ran to take refuge in her father's arms to protect her from the thunderstorm. Since his death, she had done everything to calm down when the thunderstorm broke. By concentrating on her breathing, she managed to calm more or less her fear. She knew it was an irrational fear, but it was stronger than her.
She frowned when she heard thunder rumble in the distance. The thunderstorm was coming. Soon it would be above the city. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and another shiver ran through her. The thunderstorm was there. Lightning tore the sky and thunder was heard. She took a deep breath again, trying to calm herself down. Her heart was beating faster.
Lena jumped. She had not noticed that Shin had established contact with her.
“Major, are you okay ?”
“Ye... Yes. Sorry.”
“You have not logged in. I thought something had happened to you.”
Lena blushed. both because she was embarrassed not to have seen what time it was and because Shin had just confessed to her that he had been worried about her.
“I'm fine. I...I had to settle something urgent.”
She could not tell him that she had not paid attention to the time because of the thunderstorm. What person her age was still afraid of the thunderstorm ? Suddenly, there was a new flash of lightning and the thunder rumbled louder. The noise was so loud, she thought the floor was shaking under her feet. She let out a gasp of surprise.
“Major ?”
“Sorry. It's just that there is a thunderstorm and I was surprised.”
Shin did not answer for a few seconds, before speaking again.
“I hate the thunderstorm too. When it's here, I can't help shivering.”
Lena smiled slightly. She knew he was saying that to reassure her and that the thunderstorm did not scare him. After everything he'd been through so far, it was not a simple thunderstorm that could scare him. A thought crossed her mind. Would he think less of her if he knew how much the thunderstorm frightened her ? She had their life in her hands and she was paralyzed with fear because of a thunderstorm. Would he think she was just an overprotected child who knew nothing about life and war ? She had struggled to gain their trust and she did not want to lose it.
“Major, there is no shame in being afraid. Even if this fear seems ridiculous to you, it makes us human and makes us stronger.”
Lena smiled. He had just told her exactly what she needed to hear. Even if they had never met, the conversations they had were important to her. They continued to talk and without her realizing it, the thunderstorm had passed. Thanks to Shin, she had forgotten about it and her fear had calmed down.
“Thank you,” she said.
“You’re welcome.”
She could hear him smiling. The call ended. Lena looked out the window again. The clouds had disappeared and the stars were visible. She approached the window and leaned on the sill. She had regained her composure and the thunderstorm seemed less frightening thanks to Shin.
The end
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foxchainships · 2 years
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Request for Gio
If you want me to draw your favorite ship, send over a DM :)
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church-of-lemons · 1 year
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Last call for our Annual Church of Lemons Event! Feb 14-Mar 1!
Pledge your smutty OTP fanworks!
Check out our carrd for more info: churchoflemons.com
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