#ship rating
melchiordommik · 2 months
Rating ships (can't sleep)
Eddtord: 100000/10 my favorite Eddsworld shipp (who knew), I love eddtord, it's cute, it's angsty it has ALL of it and I'm absolutely here for it
Eddmatt: 6/10 don't think too much about em, but they're cute! Has a lot of fluff potential
Eddtom: 6/10 kind of like? But don't think a lot about em, very cute too
Tommatt: 10/10 I am a fan, your honor they are kissing on the lips rn. I feel like Matt and Tom would be p good as a couple
Tordmatt: 5/10 I think it works! But I'm personally not huge on it
Tomtord: 9/10 Toxic yaoi. Fuck yes I love these two, so much angst and fluff potential, future stuff too?? Eating it all up
Edduardo: 7/10 you know what, I see the appeal j really do
Edujon: 7/10 I'm insane? Yeah, but I feel like they should kiss idk
Edumark: 7/10 old married couple, that's what they are, and I like it
Markmatt: 5/10 I think it's a little cute, haven't thought a lot about it
Jonmark: 8/10 like it a bit more than edujon, I just feel like Mark would be softer to Jon
Tomduardo: 3/10 I see it a lil? Not my fav but the art is good
Jontord: 8/10 It's cute, I rest my case
Paultryck: 6/10 I see it! Not huge on it, though
Paultord: 10/10 yes, I love it, I live for it, wish it was more popular frfr
Paultordtryck/polyred: 10/10 I am crazy about the 3 of them being in a polycule
2trenchcoat: 8/10 warmed up to them, it's cute!
I definitely didn't add some, but it's mostly because I have no opinion on em JDJJGHJJ
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silvers-smuttery · 7 months
Qrow x yang?
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
"He may be a drunk bastard, but he sure knows how to treat a girl~", Yang chuckled as she recalled Qrow treating her like a bar slut.
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madmanwonder · 7 months
9S X 2B
Ship Rating Meme
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell
The ship is pretty cool one in my book.
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Glacier (Ninjago, Zane/Cole) Sunflower (Omori, Sunny/Basil) Clover Cookie/Herb Cookie, CR:K Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley Jace/Vraska, MtG Tav/Astarion, BG3 Sauron/Celebrimbor, Shadows of Mordor/War
That's all I got off the top of my head! I'll be back with more if I remember any of my other obsessions lol
Okay, one by one
Glacier,,If memory serves it's pretty cute! I haven't done Ninjago in a longgg minute though lmao
Sunflower from Omori I fully don't know I'm afraid, though if one of my friends is to be believed it's very cute heehee
Clover Cookie and Herb Cookie seems pretty cute according to shippingwiki lol, love me some adorable plant nerds
Ineffable Husbands!! I still haven't watched or finished reading Good Omens but I'd kill for them. They're so!!! incredible, top notch
Jace and Vraska, I do love a "damn maybe life is cool actually you've convinced me" sorta ship, tasty
I'm afraid I'm trying to avoid too many BG3 spoilers in the hopes of getting to play it so I can't weigh in there, alas!
Sauron Celebrimbor...I need to read the silmarillion because I know I recognize that second name but it's not really ringing bells. Probably very fucked up and pretty as hell if I had to guess (positive)
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time-cherry · 9 months
Rating High On Life ships:
Kenny x Sweezy: A friend made me love this one, 10/10
Kenny x Gus: I don't really know about this one but it's cute, 7/10
Creature x Lezduit: Lezduit
Gene x Bounty Hunter: Ehhh, Gene is more of an uncle than a love interest..., 0/10
Krubis x Douglas: I see it more as an sibling dynamic, 3/10
Douglas x Giblets: literally my OTP, 10/10
Giblets x Nipulon: no but this is funny, 3/10
9-Torg x Nipulon: nahhh those two are definitely bisexual exes, 4/10
Garmantuous x Nipulon: this ship is literally canon, there's no doubting it, 10/10
These are just my options, please respect them
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sak-supernatural · 1 month
Ship ranking post: (my top 5 and how they change)
Date: [11/12/23] [2/4/24]
Destiel [1] [3]
Spirk [3] [5]
Cherik [4]
Ineffable Husbands [2] [4]
Winterbaron [5]
Blackbonnet (Stede/Ed) [2]
Hannigram [1]
Grindeldoor (Dumbeldoor/Grindelwald)
I know there will probably be more to add here and I will continue to update. I just thought this would be a neat and convenient way to keep track of how my preferences in fandom change and to share it with others. Please always feel free to share your own ship rankings in the comments or tags, I would love to hear them.
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gammagroove · 1 month
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Rate my slug ship rankings (I'm heavily influenced by propoganda)
I don't ship monk survivor gourm together in any configuration because I see them as family members.
I think hunter enot is funny in a sad way
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aanabear2803 · 7 months
So Covid has made me very bored.
I present to you the ship tiers list
85 Ships (Including some movie ships and reverse ships)
I hope you have fun lol, cause this took a little while to make
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officialgleamstar · 9 months
leans against the wall hiiii. have u considered. veronica and cassandra? something abt being a single mom. something about not knowing if ur partner is dead or alive, and being wrong both ways. something about having left ur rebellious and adventurous days behind in order to grow up and raise your kid, versus still hanging on to that spirit. also something abt being a sugar mommy 😎
ship rating
no. | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | favorite dolls to slam together ever
oh yeah i like swiftlowe :D i think theyre very fun for all of the reasons youve listed above ghbfdjghbdhfj what can i say that yiu havent already . uhhhh .. women <333 i need to draw them again or finally finish my swiftlowe fic. whatever comes first
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w0lfys-pokeblog · 11 months
Personal one of Origin Shipping aka Steven x Wallace
Learn how to suggest a ship here
My Rating; 10/10!! Opt yes yes yes
How long will they last?; They’ve had some falling outs throughout the years but it stabilizes in they’re late 20s
How fast did they fall in love?; Slowly in a they are rivals way but I believe Wallace developed a crush first given Steven didn’t really have time for thinking about crushes given he knew he would run a company some day
How was they’re first kiss?; Wallace initiated it while in a cave close to the shore after handing Steven a random rock it was a quick kiss on the forehead
Who proposed?; Steven and he took months to find the perfect rocks to make a ring out of
Who is the best man?; Winona
Who was the braid’s maids?; The elite four except for Phoebe who was a flower girl
Who planed more?; Steven
Who was more stressed?; Steven
Level out of 10 of fanciness; 9/10 but they both secretly wish it was a small wedding
Where was they’re honey moon?; Kalos given Steven knew a few people there they could stay with
Normal life things
Who wakes up first?; Steven
Who usually cooks?; Steven
Who has almost burnt the kitchen down while cooking?; Wallace who has also flooded the kitchen once
Who usually does laundry?; Wallace
Who usually takes the Pokémon out for a walk?; Wallace
Who gets obsessed with a tv show more often?; Wallace
Who is more likely to surprise the other with a vacation?; Steven
Who is more likely to surprise the other with cookies?; Wallace it’s usually the Kroger cookies meant for kids but it’s the thought that counts
Who brings home a regional dog/cat one day randomly?; Neither
Holidays / Gatherings
Who is an introvert at parties?; Steven but he tries to socialize
Who is an extrovert at parties?; Wallace but he tries to make sure Steven is close and having a good time
What does Valentine’s Day look like?; Originally fancy dates at restaurants but it quickly became sea side picnics
Who decorates the house for Halloween?; Neither instead Phoebe comes over and decorates for them
Who makes sweets every holiday?; Neither
How many children will they have?; 1
Names of kid(s)?(Might name them); Shale
Who is the stricter parent?; Steven
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous things?; Steven
Who packs lunches?; Steven
Who buys plushes at the store for the kid?; Wallace
Who is the favorite parent?; Both are loved quite equally surprisingly but the kid does find Steven’s talents more interesting often
Who is most likely to attend PTA meetings?; Steven
Who cried the most at graduation?; Wallace
Who is most likely to bail the kid(s) out of trouble with the law?; Both
Old age
Who retires first?; Wallace
Who sits in a rocking chair every morning?; Wallace
Who wears a jacket even though it’s warm outside?; Steven
Who plays bingo?; Steven
Who does crosswords?; Steven
Who does puzzles?; Wallace
Who wears house slippers?; Steven
Who takes naps?; They do that together
Who talks about the olden days more?; Both but in unique ways
Who gets those candies?; Wallace
Which one is the reason they have infinite jello?; Wallace
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thefluffyboi98 · 5 months
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My ship ratings.
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rate this ship
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Absolutely top notch, probably has great acceleration
Although eyeballing it I do wonder at its lateral maneuverability, nonetheless good stuff
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a-sterling-rose · 1 year
My Valentine’s Day Danny Phantom Ship Rating - I was gonna rate every single ship, but there's too many 🤣
Happy Valentine’s everybody! For this special holiday, I thought it would be fun to rank every ship that is prevalent in the Phandom. To add a personal twist, I’m going to add the rankings for how the couples are by canon and fanon. Do keep in mind that this is my personal opinions and I’m going off of what I’ve seen from these ships. If you have a differing opinion and have fanfictions/fanart that could sway my opinion on a ship, I encourage you to share them with me. This is gonna be a long one, and I’m only going to cover official characters from the show(No crossovers or fan created characters- this includes Wes). Let’s begin!
Amethyst Ocean, Fakeout Makeout, Violet Haze(Danny and Sam)
Canon: 3/10
Fanon: 5.5/10
I’m just gonna rip off this bandage right off. Even as a kid, I didn’t particularly care for this ship. In the show, it just felt like they got together just because they were the main guy and girl characters(sorry Tucker!). From how I saw them, their dynamic is supposed to be Sam is the brain while Danny is the heart: the two being together is what makes each of them complete. However, the show didn’t really capitalize on this, Danny never really challenging Sam whenever she instigated unnecessary conflicts or was just being judgmental. Sam was always right no matter the situation, this being the main reason so many people have conflicting opinions of her(she suffers the most from the show's writing flaws). 
Danny isn’t a saint himself, he has abandoned her and Tucker with ease whenever it gave him the chance for social validation. Canon Danny can be quite sexist actually. He even took advantage of every girl at school when he was the judge for the beauty pageant(Season 2, Episode 14).
They both know they like each other, but neither wants to potentially ruin their friendship. Some say it adds to the drama, I say it adds to my migraine. My AroAce ass can’t put up with this annoyance! Overall, I truly felt nothing when the two got together in the final episode. Beyond everyone around them telling them they like each other and them blushing around each other, do these two have actual chemistry? 
The fanon makes this couple much more tolerable, especially because we actually add nuance to Sam beyond her ‘Goth Vegan Nag’ status. There are some really cute art of the two together that I have saved. However, I think the canon ship has just ruined it for me. I can see why people find them adorable together, but it just isn’t more me.
Brains Over Brawn, Popular Psychology, Strong Smarts(Dash/Jazz)
Canon: 1/10
Fanon: 2/10
In the show, Dash is shown to have a crush on Jazz, something she capitalizes on for Danny to potentially get more social approval(season 1, episode 4). I believe this is the only time Dash’s crush is ever addressed towards Jazz, and I’m glad for it. Jazz is smart enough not to put up with Dash’s bullshit. I’m surprised she didn’t confront Dash more throughout the show about his treatment towards Danny, but Dash is too easy of an antagonist to not use. What would the two even talk about if they did go on a date? Jazz would be so bored being with Dash, he either talking about football or awkwardly trying to reenact a scene in a romance show he totally doesn’t watch. I don’t see it.
For fanon, it’s a bit better since Dash is more nuanced, but the same issue is still present. Dash is just so hostile towards Danny for easy conflict. A well written Jazz would never tolerate that and make it known to the blond. He either changes his attitude, or he can piss off back to Singles Town. From what I’ve seen, people mainly ship them because of how they like the two look together- not compatibility. I feel nothing when I see art of the two together. I haven’t found any fiction that has made me root for them to get together. It just isn’t for me.
Pink Astronaut, Shallow Sapphire, Ghostly Prep(Danny/Paulina)
Canon: 1/10
Fanon: 8/10
Canon Paulina is obsessed with Danny Phantom. Danny Fenton is nothing to her. Paulina has only ever shown Danny interest whenever it suits her and will throw him away once she is done. Canon Paulina is shallow, and there’s nothing else to her. Danny is only attracted to Paulina’s looks, he doesn't care how she acts and how she treats his friends. If these two got together, it would be purely transactional. Funnily enough, it would be Danny to end their relationship once he realizes how obsessive Paulina is towards his ghost half. That or he sees what she really looks like without makeup. Remember, Canon Danny is quite shallow himself. Danny used his judge status to score a date with Paulina(Season 2, Episode 14). He wasn't as much of a simp towards Paulina in season 3, so at least canon knows he wouldn’t tolerate her bratty attitude after everything he’s been through.
When it comes to fanon, now we have something we can work with! The nuances people have added to Paulina in the phandom has made her one of my favorite characters. Some have added so much to Paulina that she is a completely new character. Other’s have addressed her shallowness and gave her a redemption arc. There’s a fanfic that has made me see how these two could work together. Some have her retain a dragon form after the dance event(Season 1, Episode 2). Even when it’s just stories of the two becoming friends, they’re just so cute together. 
Gray Ghost(Danny/Valerie)
Canon: 6/10
Fanon: 9/10
Now this is a drama I can become invested in. Valerie may have been a brat, but she didn’t deserve to have her entire life ripped from underneath her just because of a ghost incident. Seriously, was there really no reason why Danny couldn’t have helped to set things right(like scaring Damon’s Boss, thus making him believe in ghosts)? Nevertheless, the two went on an actual date together(Season 2, Episode 12) and had a good chemistry. The fact Valerie didn’t continue a relationship with Danny for his own safety is beautiful irony at its best. Valerie got an actual character arc and has a hero persona as well. Valerie hates Danny Phantom, but cares for Danny Fenton. A simple conversation could possibly clear things up, but where’s the fun in that? The only thing that keeps me from raising my vote higher is how much Valerie does hate Danny Phantom. The two kinda find a middle ground(Season 1, Episode 18), but of course season 3 makes her forget this and makes her a basic antagonist. They don’t even let her have a conversation with Danny when his identity is revealed in the finale. 
The fanon plays on what the show has given us, but doesn’t fail Valerie like season three did. The fact that fanon just expands on this dynamic instead of having to create things to make these two work shows how beautifully crafted this ship is. 
Dark Gray(Dan/Valerie)
Canon: 0/10
Dan committed mass genocide against humanity and is trying to complete the job. Valerie is doing her best to save what’s left of humanity. There’s nothing here but hate.
Fanon tries to redeem Dan, but it just doesn’t work for me. Genocide is genocide. That shit ain’t cute. The only thing that gives fanon an actual point is that I read a fanfic where Dan sacrifices his very existence to restore his timeline back to normal.
Hunter Silly(Tucker/Valerie)
Canon: 3/10
Fanon: 5/10
Tucker is the one who informed Valerie that the Dog and Kid that destroyed her Dad’s work were ghosts, hence causing her to become a Ghost Hunter. He was shown to have a crush on her before the Cujo incident(Season 1, Episode 11), but Tucker had a crush on anyone who was a girl his age. Anytime Valerie has shown interest in Tucker was to get something out of him: She letting him take her to the dance when Kwan dumped her(Season 1, Episode 2), when Tucker told her about Danny’s parents being ghost hunters(Season 1, Episode 11). It seemed the show tried to set them both together just because they were both black, which I’m glad they stopped once Danny and Valerie were set up as a possible ship. Despite her constant usage of him, Tucker does see the good side of her, hence why he said he wouldn’t give up on her(which was just kinda dropped).
I personally haven’t seen much of the phandom ship these two together that much. I’ve seen some cute art work of the two, but not much fan fiction. I know it’s out there, but I’m not that drawn to the ship that I actively seek it out. Overall just kinda ‘meh’.
Techno Smarts(Tucker/Jazz)
Canon: 3/10
Fanon: 3/10
This is an instance where the Canon and Fanon are tied with this possible ship. Any interest Tucker shows in Jazz in the show is just because she’s a girl. And the Fanon fiction works I’ve seen of the two only have the two together as a means to keep the Phantom Team close together. I don’t feel inclined to seek out works of the ship, but I’m not offended by it either. 
Veggie Burger, Ghost’s Absence(Sam/Tucker)
Canon: 6/10
Fanon: 8/10
This is an instance where the subtext of the canon shows how Tucker may have a crush on Sam. I link you all to this post by @dreamwraith that expands on this more as it made me remember how I shipped these two when I originally watched the show(hence explain why I’m probably not a fan of Danny/Sam even more). They remind me so much of an old married couple already. 
I rank this ship a six simply because of how toxic canon Tucker is, but Sam can be just as toxic back in canon- this is why they work so well together!
Beyond fanart, I personally haven’t read any fanfics for the two, but the art I’ve seen is cute enough to boost the rating up one. 
Jock Goth, Gothic Sports(Kwan/Sam)
Canon: 3/10
Fanon: 4/10
Now this is a ship I personally never made the connection on in canon. Kwan was one of the nice jocks, only really acting up when socially pressured to, but nice when he’s alone. It was out of pity, but Sam hanging out with Kwan was nice of her to do(Season 1, Episode 16), but quickly wanted to get rid of him once he ruined her standing in the goth community. Kwan was having fun with her, but quickly took the chance to be with Star since it meant he could regain some of his popularity status. So in canon, they weren’t the best couple- but not the worst.
I specifically remember reading a fanfic that I really liked about how Kwan realized he developed a crush on Sam, but was too much of a coward to really follow up on his feelings. Sam ended up with Danny in the story, hence making Kwan wallow in his own self-pity for valuing social acceptance more than her. I also remember a fic where Kwan wanted to become legit friends with Sam and the story follows how the two make their friendship work. Not the most popular ship in the Phandom, but one I personally like for friendship. But we aren’t here for friendship, are we?
Twinkle Techno(Tucker/Star)
Canon: 3/10
Fanon: 3/10
Yet another instance of Tucker liking a girl because she is a girl. Star went out with Tucker when ‘Paulina’ was focusing all her attention on Danny(Season 1, Episode 16). She treated Tucker like an errand boy/servant, a fact that he hated enough to be relieved about when Star left him for Kwan. Despite knowing this, Tucker still has a crush on her enough to have dreams about her(Season 3, Episode 9). They would get sick of each other quickly in canon, Star possibly only staying if Tucker had enough money. This relationship would be purely transactional if taken seriously.
I haven’t really seen any fanart or fanfic of this ship, so I’m just going to give it the same ranking as canon.
Sports Satellite(Kwan/Star)
Canon: 7/10
Fanon: 9/10
Once they ditch Sam and Tucker for each other(Season 1, Episode 16), the two remain together for the rest of the show from what I remember. From what we’ve seen, Star is very demanding, wanting basically a man servant as a boyfriend, and I guess Kwan is into it.
I read fanfics adding nuance to their relationship, realizing how toxic their friend group is and just finding solace in each other. Truly they are a cute couple. Shame I haven’t seen any fanart of the two.
Makeup Honor(Dash/Paulina)
Canon: 5/10
Fanon: 6/10
Dash and Paulina seem to only date out of obligation, he being the quarterback while she is cheer captain. They’re with their arms around each other when Danny resets reality(Season 2, Episode 19), but they aren’t really lovey-dovey as you’d expect. They honestly seem more like friends.
Fanon seems to agree with the friendship view like me with their nuance takes on the characters. Whenever they are together, it’s when they are used as antagonists in fanfics. I don’t see this romantic relationship lasting past high school, but they’re fine enough as friends.
Moronic Genius, Brain Cookies, Blue and Orange(Jack/Maddie)
Canon: 9/10
Fanon: 9/10
What is there to say about the Fenton’s? They’re happily married in canon. Maddie has shown she does the occasional romantic gesture, wanting Jack to at least remember their wedding anniversary(Season 1, Episode 8). Despite this mishap, the two seem perfectly happy together. From what I’ve gathered from the subtext, Jack is the one who comes up with the ideas for the inventions while Maddie is who makes them possible. Jack is creative while Maddie is practical. Despite being clueless, the two make a deadly combination.
I honestly believe Fanon overestimates Maddie intelligence. Maddie’s just as oblivious as Jack, she’s just not as loud about it compared to him. You’d think she would have noticed they put the on and off button inside the portal while they were building it. She only read over the prototype portal formulas just as they were about to activate it(Season 2, Episode 16). The Fenton’s are adorable dipshits. That’s what makes them so good together. 
Spurned Affection(Vlad/Maddie)
Canon: 2/10
Fanon: 1/10
Gotta love how canon shows that Vlad would have been awful even if he didn’t get in the portal accident(Season 2, Episode 16). Despite him being against her ghost hunting, Maddie does so in her own secret lab(how did she build it underneath Vlad’s secret lab?). Vlad is very controlling and just uses his accident as an excuse why he’s such an awful person. No, Vlad is an awful person because he chooses to be an awful person.
This is another case of where canon has ruined me ever really liking any rendition of this ship. There are some fics that I read that try to counteract Vlad’s personality by making Jack abusive. Like that’s supposed to make things better somehow? I’m sure there are some works out there that make this ship work, but I have no interest in looking for them myself. 
Family Breakfast, College Triangle(Vlad/Jack/Maddie)
Canon: 4/10
Fanon: 9/10
If canon had the balls to make this a possibility. Well, at least Jack would totally be into the idea. Perhaps Maddie was more upset with Vlad about the log cabin incident(Season 1, Episode 17) because he wanted her to drop Jack, not necessarily because he liked her. The only one holding this ship back is canon Vlad. He’s just too awful.
Fanon has made this ship possible, and it’s the cutest thing imaginable- mainly the bromance of Vlad and Jack. 
Phantom Satellite, Star Gazers(Danny/Star)
Canon: 2/10
Fanon: 5/10
Another shallow canon couple. The two were only really seen romantically together, Star was trying to win favor with Danny for the beauty pageant(Season 2, Episode 14). Any other time Star is seen interacting with Danny is when she’s being mean to him, so there isn’t much else to say about canon.
Another instance of fanon adding nuance to a character, thus making them actually interesting dynamic. The only reason I don’t rank it higher is because Phandom doesn’t seem as interested in this ship, thus being less works to compare to each other unlike Pink Astronaut(Danny/Paulina). I’m not that drawn to it myself to be honest, but what I’ve seen is pretty good.
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silvers-smuttery · 7 months
Spike x Pinkie Pie?
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
"I do love Spike, but I got a feeling there's better girls out there for him", Pinkie laughed it off as she answered, glancing over to the smaller boy. A sultry look spread over her face as she watched him. "Though that doesn't mean he can't have fun with Mama Pinkie. All he gotta do is ask."
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teyvat-temptation · 7 months
I'm a lore fiend so excuse me for that
Here's some more mild ships to rate, with explanations
Lisa x Baizhu (Lisa's lore implies she has a shortened lifespan)
Lisa x Dottore (genius society fr)
Albedo x Wanderer (both artificially created)
Yoimiya x Amber (the energies just match)
Kokomi x Sara (not an uncommon ship, but love me some enemies to lovers)
Childe x Diluc (Again, I know this is actually pretty popular. I just really like it)
Kaveh x Kaeya (there was a very cool fanart I saw)
Lisa x Baizhu
Oh now that is a cute ship. Both of them have that teasing charm about them. I can see them going tit-for-tat on everything but in a friendly rivalry. Afternoons spent reading and sipping tea, sharing ideas, and ~exploring each other's bodies~ that's a 6/10 for me. Lisa x Dottore That's a guilty pleasure ship right there, I've been on this train for a while now, ever since we learned Lisa used to attend the Akademiya. I can see Dottore envying her genius, and Lisa always staying one step ahead, a deadly game of cat and mouse. 8/10 love me some enemies to fuckbuddies. Albdeo x Wanderer Two souls created against nature's laws? One lost and seeking revenge while the other studies and craves knowledge? A fated meeting, two different world views but only the other really understands their position in this world? After all, no one "born" could understand how lost you feel when you've been "created." 5/10 Yoimiya x Amber Adorable, wholesome. Sparks fly when they meet, firey passion and a love for life. Long-distance lovers who spend their free time writing long letters detailing their days and recent events while planning what to do when they finally get to spend time together again. 8/10 love me some adorable lesbians. Kokomi x Sarah
It's a cute ship, doesn't do much for me. I think it's mainly because I don't care for Sarah too much, but Kokomi is my main girl. 3/10 because I agree, enemies to lovers is just so, so good. Childe x Diluc
I've seen a lot of this ship and I just don't understand why it's so popular. I don't hate it, but I also don't love it. 4/10 because even though I don't care for it, I have read some adorable fics. My mind could be changed.
Kaveh x Kaeya
Pretty boy hours! Two, lovely souls who just want to find some peace and comfort. Kaveh is clingy and needy, while Kaeya is collected but totally wrapped around the dendro user's little finger. A good couple, they balance each other well, just don't let them drink together. For the love of all that is holy, do not let them drink together. 7/10 need to explore this ship more.
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flowersnfireworks · 2 years
opinion on all maki ships?
(also hbd)
(Ahhh ty! <3)
When it comes to Maki, I'm honestly not picky about any of her ships. Heck, I've written rarepairs like Maki x Peko before. But for my own mental stability, I'll only rate her with all the V3 characters :)
Also keep in mind that I am rating all of these w/o relating them to the Dysfunctional Family AU, so they're obv not related. I would definitely not ship them in my AU
Kaede Super cute pairing! My opinion on Kaede fluctuates on a daily basis, but her and Maki are a ship that I really love, whether it's romantic or platonic. Not my fav, but it's still really good. 8/10
Shuichi Two socially incompetent goths together? Yes. One of my fav Shuichi pairings just because of all the gorgeous fics I've read of them. 9/10
Kaito ...I'm gonna get attacked for this. Honestly, I don't really like them. Kaito just rubs me the wrong way a lot, and I don't like him as much as the other V3 characters. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's a bad character, he's just not my favorite. I appreciate all he's done for Maki, but I just don't really ship them together. I'll still read/write about them though. 5/10
Kokichi Gonna get attacked for this again lol. Oddly enough, I don't mind them. I find it somewhat intriguing to see how writers portray them, and I will happily read ship fics with them. Of course, I prefer them as siblings, but the ship isn't terrible. 6/10
Tenko Lesbians who could (and would) kill you. Yes. 8/10
Himiko I was kinda iffy about this one at first, but it's not too bad actually. I read it sometimes. 6/10
Angie Interesting. Once again, I was kinda iffy about it, but the fanfics quickly changed my mind. I love seeing their 'you're weird and I wanna know more about you' relationship, especially Maki's aggressiveness paired with Angie's hatred of violence. 8/10
Kirumi Two more goth girls!!! Love them, love their aesthetic, love their fanart, love their fics. Probably one of my favorite Maki pairings. 9/10
Ryoma I don't really see them as a romantic pairing. Maybe BROTP? I've only seen one fic of them on ao3, so I can't really say much. I would read about them though. 5/10
Tsumugi They have my heart I adore them sm. Can't really explain it but y'all should def go read all the ao3 fics with them in it, they're all amazing. 9.5/10
Rantaro Ooh! Mysterious guy x mysterious girl is something that I really enjoy. Also I just feel like they would get along. 9/10
Korekiyo I don't really have an opinion on this one. I have read it and would read it again, but no strong feelings towards them. 5.5/10
Gonta I actually went on ao3 while writing this to look them up and like. Not a big fan tbh. BROTP only, so I'm not gonna rate it
Miu THEM!!!!! Love them, one of the first ships I liked in V3. They have my heart. 9.5/10
Kiibo Never read anything about them before but I would if given the opportunity. 2/10 solely because I've never seen content about them ever
Anyways I just really love Maki
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