#ship: a steamy romance
captastra · 4 months
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Lethyan and Heinrix kissing hugging in the Von Valancius Palace.
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starmahgalaxies · 1 year
My aegoromantic heart: you know what will be a good idea?
My head and the rest of me: No.
My heart: You should try to do a lot of ship art by Valentine's Day! Won't that be ~fun~
Me: No.
My heart: Let's do it!
Me: No, please let me sleep.
I feel all artists and creators get this at one point, but for me it's directly linked to my desire to get romantic stuff done while also embracing Aro Week when it comes.
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serhiasilverdawn · 1 year
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Rommthas? Aemath? lol
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pipcoded · 1 year
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idk how i got so many interactions on these bots i made it’s kind of insane. i really wanna know what kind of convos people are having w them
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
I do maintain that, if emily and tara ever got together, they’d take over the world. 
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whensilencespeaks · 11 months
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Hello Everyone! My name is Elizabeth, or just Liz for short.
In When Silence Speaks, you'll be taking on the role of an MC that isn't part of the human world but wishes to explore it. Sound familiar? This IF is a mixture of themes from The Little Mermaid with the twist of having the classic soulmate trope etched within-- the first words your soulmate says to you is tattooed onto your body.
The only catch? You've traded in your voice to be able to walk on land, but four distinct individuals have their greetings tattooed onto your skin... Will you have theirs?
🔱 Features 🔱
You can play as a mermaid, merman, or merperson. Choose your sexuality, appearance, facets of your personality, an oceanic friend, and your own special reason for wishing to go to the surface world. This story will be filled with a mixture of sweet moments, angsty dramatic ones, potentially steamy ones, as well as many more! Spend time with your potential soulmate while discovering that your deal wasn't as you once believed it to be.
The game, as one may expect, is heavily focused on relationships and romance. However, you'll be able to decide if your soulmate is a romantic one or more of a platonic one-- of course, you'll also be able to befriend anyone else you choose to! All four of the ROs are gender-selectable (male or female)!
🔱 The Romantic Options 🔱
Miran/Mira -- "The Heir"
The heir to the seaside nation of Semprya. An individual with a gentle smile and compassionate nature, with a deep fascination and love for the sea-- respecting it as it should be respected. They're slightly feared within the Court, despite their overall soft-spoken demeanor, because of the sharpness of their tongue and the keen nature behind their gaze.
With fair skin, despite the overall sunny climate of Semprya, and ice blue eyes, reminiscent of the frozen oceans of the North, they command respect with their presence alone. They stand at 6'2" with an athletic physique due to their combat training, but they still maintain an air of slender elegance as well.
Hair as golden as the sun's warm rays bring their look together, being softly curly. Miran keeps his hair semi-short, brushing his ears, and Mira keeps hers to the small of her back.
Caspian/Cassia -- "The Captain"
The infamous Captain of the dreaded ship The Leviathan is known across the seven seas. Stories follow in their wake, a living legend to all, and many believe they search the seas to find the soulmate that always seems just out of their grasp. Of course, others think they just enjoy the bloodshed that always seems to follow in their wake.
Years of life on the open ocean have given them a golden-tan complexion, that offsets the piercing green of their eyes. They stand at 5'11" with a muscular physique that still retains a sense of agility-- always being able to move from one place to the other with the greatest of ease.
Their hair is a rich golden brown that's as wavy as the place they call their home. Caspian keeps his hair to his shoulders, while Cassia keeps hers to just beneath her shoulder blades. The only thing keeping the locks in place is the classic hat denoting their position on their ship.
Evan/Eva -- "The Scholar"
The most trusted advisor, despite their young age, to the Crown Heir of the seaside country of Semprya. With a thirst for knowledge, that has pushed all thoughts of soulmates from their head, they see you as another puzzle in a world of infinite ones-- wanting nothing more than to figure you out.
They have a rich dark-skinned complexion, with a warm undertone, that brings out the brilliance of their light hazel eyes-- that look almost gold. Standing at around 5'4", what they lack in height they make up for in presence alone. With a lean body, from years of lugging around heavy tombs and scripture, they can be quite formidable when out of their usual robes.
Their hair is a rich ebony black that falls in gorgeous ringlets. Evan has his to his jawline and Eva's just barely brushes the top of her shoulders.
Alexius/Alessia -- "The Guard"
With a surly attitude, that only softens for specific people, they don't make it a secret that they don't believe in soulmates, that they don't wish to find their own-- not after what they've seen. A deeply protective nature is paramount to who they are, who they have always been, and it's only grown while in their service to the royal family.
Tanned skin brings out the silver quality of their hardened gray gaze. Standing at around 6'7", they're quite the imposing figure and don't try to be anything else. With a muscular physique, that's built for strength, they're normally seen within their armor-- you never know what could be coming after all.
Auburn hair brings out the cool undertone of their skin. Alexius keeps his hair short and Alessia keeps her to just past her shoulders, but she always has it in either a simple plait or a low ponytail.
🔱 Links 🔱
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marimbles · 8 months
Commissions open!
Tier 1: simple sketches—$15 base
Black and white or partial/low-opacity color
two characters: +$10
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Tier 2: colored sketches—$25 base
full color with simple shading
two characters:+$15
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Tier 3: full-render sketches—$35 base
full color, shading, environmental lighting, etc.
two characters: +$20
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If interested, please DM me or email me at [email protected]!
Reblogs appreciated💜 thank you!!
More details under the cut:
Will do:
fanart (miraculous ladybug, the owl house, and the legend of Zelda are my main fandoms, so those are the characters I’m most familiar with drawing, but other fandoms are also welcome!)
OCs/sonas (MUST provide references and detailed description)
real people (in my style)
ship art/light romance
Won’t do:
NSFW (or anything that feels too steamy to me djdjkd)
Other guidelines:
Prices are USD
Payment through PayPal or ko-fi
No price distinction between bust, half-body, and full-body
If you want more than two characters, we can talk about it!
Very simple background included in base price (like a solid color or gradient, a circle or square behind the character, etc). Anything else is negotiable depending on complexity.
Props and small companions (like kwami, palisman, pet, etc.) are negotiable depending on complexity.
These are sketches, so the lines will be somewhat rough and you may see structure lines underneath. If you are not satisfied with the level of cleanliness, I can clean it up a bit, but these tiers don’t include clean lineart. (If you do want clean lineart, though, we can talk about it!)
I tend to experiment a bit with my rendering tools/style, so if there’s a particular piece of mine you like and you want me to try to recreate that style, lmk!
References photos are super helpful! (And for OCs, they’re essential.)
If you’re interested in something that doesn’t fall under one of these tiers (like a comic, doodle dump, etc.), just talk to me and we might be able to figure something out :)
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somedaylazysomeday · 4 months
Hunted - Part Three
You take advantage of a lazy day to get some reading done. Hunter finds himself fascinated.
Hunter x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 3,700
Warnings: Romance novels, heightened senses, references to arousal, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie
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Empty cockpit? Check. 
Datapad? Check. 
Full canteen and fuzzy blanket? Check and check.
You stuck your head out through the doorway, peeking down the main hall of the ship. From that vantage point, you could see everything from the bunks to the gun turret and there was no one in sight. 
The rest of the Bad Batch were outside of the ship, enjoying the warm day on whatever Outer Rim planet you were on. You weren’t sure what it was called - actually, you weren’t sure if it had a name at all. The GAR had ordered you to stay there in case a campaign on a nearby planet needed assistance, but all reports indicated that things were going well with the assault. 
Tech had suggested that everyone work on repairs that the Marauder needed, but he had pointedly dismissed you as the repairs required lifting heavy panels and parts. You had opted to go bathe in a nearby stream. The water had tested as being safe for use, and there was no need to waste the water on the Marauder if you didn’t have to. Hunter had pointed out that everyone could stand to do the same, but they had waited until you came back. The Batch had left for the stream as you came back to the ship.  
That worked out perfectly for you. There was something you wanted to do on the ship, and being there alone made sure you could get it done. 
After you had verified that you were alone, you ducked back into the cockpit, wrapped yourself in the blanket, took a sip of your water, and pulled up the spicy holonovel you had been eyeing for weeks. 
You had downloaded it onto your datapad before you had left Coruscant, but there was a problem: Hunter had banned you from reading anything smutty when you were onboard the Marauder. He had claimed that the smell of your arousal was strong, and he had enough trouble controlling himself as it was since you shared such a confined space. 
Your personal theory was that Hunter preferred it when you couldn’t read about anyone other than him. He wasn’t an overly jealous person, but you didn’t believe his claim about your scent. His senses were enhanced, but they couldn’t be that enhanced. 
Just in case he was telling the truth, you decided that you wouldn’t let yourself get that invested. It was a novel. You could handle reading a bunch of words without having a physical reaction to them. It wasn’t difficult. Plus, most spicy novels didn’t get to anything explicit until later on. You would have time to read the beginning, learn about the characters, and think about the plot until you got back to Coruscant and could read whatever you wanted. 
And yet… 
The holonovel was immediately engrossing, and the paragraphs flew past. You knew why it had been so popular: the characters were likable, the plot was well-executed, and the sex scenes were filthy. 
You were utterly lost in the underwater kingdom of Vreavomor, following princess Moshnul of the Ortas line as she longed for a partner who could serve as a reliable and level-headed consort… while providing some much-needed stress relief. Of course, those plans provided an opening for Krixos, a Clawdite assassin sent to disrupt the kingdom's government from the inside. But when Krixos found herself entranced by Moshnul, the job quickly became less important than staying close to the beautiful target. 
Though you were enthralled by the plot of the story, you couldn’t deny that the steamy scenes kept you reading further and further into the holonovel. Clawdite biology was similar enough to humans that nothing came as a shock there, but the descriptions of Moshnul… Well, you hadn’t known that Nautolan head tentacles could be so prehensile. 
You came to the end of yet another chapter, guiltily glancing over your shoulder as you started on the next. No one had come back to the ship yet, so there really was no harm in continuing to read your novel. 
The voice next to your ear made you shriek, and you didn’t stop when you turned to find Hunter standing directly beside you. He flinched back at the sound of your scream, but stayed close enough that you caught his flaring nostrils and the heated look in his eyes. He kept talking as you recovered from your shock.
“What are you doing in here?” he demanded. “I could smell you half a klick away.” 
“What are you doing in here?” you countered. “You scared the hell out of me!” 
“Are you reading one of those novels again?” 
“...No...” You tried to subtly drop the datapad screen-down in your lap, but Hunter caught it before you could. 
He glanced at the screen, eyes scanning over the first few lines. Fortunately, since you had just started a new chapter, what he read was fairly tame. However, Hunter seemed unconvinced. “Your scent is everywhere.” 
“You realize how that could be offensive, right?” 
Hunter was immediately standing in front of the chair where you were curled. He braced his hands on the armrests on either side of you, leaning in. He didn’t touch you, but he was incredibly close as he took a breath through his nose. “Never. Not when you smell so incredible.”
“I just bathed,” you said slowly, trying to think of something - anything - to disguise how flustered this made you. Flustered and unbelievably turned on. 
“Yeah, and then you came back here and got all worked up.” Hunter’s dark eyes traced over your face before traveling lower. He took hold of the blanket, and you let him drag it slowly down your body until you were exposed to him. 
There was nothing to see, really. When you got back to the Havoc Marauder, you had dressed for comfort. You were wearing the same outfit you normally wore to bed - loose shorts and a tank top. Hunter reacted like you were wearing the most daring lingerie, biting back a groan as he studied your body. 
You abruptly realized why when his hand made contact with the hardened nub of your nipple. It was a little chilly on the ship, but you both knew that your response stemmed from other things - especially when your back arched just enough to press your chest into Hunter’s hand. 
“That’s what I thought,” he muttered with a smirk.
“Hunter,” you complained. “Don’t tease.”
“Mesh’la, teasing is the last thing I want to do.” Hunter grabbed your hand, bringing it to cradle the bulge at the front of his body glove. He stifled a curse, hips juddering into your hand. “Being on this ship right now… It’s like I’m drowning in you. Need you.”
“Then why are you taking so long?” you asked. Hunter watched as you wrapped hands between his ribcage and his extended arms, pulling him down on top of you with a squeeze. He was strong enough to fight your grip - you both knew that - but he obligingly collapsed on top of you, laughing when you gave a dramatic groan. 
“Heavy,” you wheezed. 
“Not very nice,” he chided. “You’ll give me a complex.” 
Despite that claim, Hunter looked wholly unbothered until you gave a piteous huff. “Can’t breathe.” 
“And you tell me I’m dramatic.” Hunter shook his head, easing back off of you. Rather than stand, however, he lowered himself to kneel in front of you. You watched him, but his eyes were fixed steadily between your legs. 
You had parted your thighs to accommodate him when he had landed on top of you and hadn’t bothered to close them. It was only then that you realized that the loose gape of the shorts’ legs left your clothed mound exposed to the air. 
Hunter’s fingers crept forward, easing toward you until they brushed against the fabric of your underwear. The electricity of it sparked across your most sensitive place, and you realized just how keyed-up you had gotten from reading your novel. So much for not being impacted by words on a screen. 
One strong finger slipped beneath the side of your underwear, easing between your skin and the elastic band. It dipped between your folds to play all-too briefly with your clit, then moved out the other side. The moment you saw his finger hooked around the gusset of your panties, you made a sharp sound of warning. 
Hunter paused, giving you a moment to gather your ability to use words. “Don’t you dare, Hunter. I like these underwear.” 
“I’ll buy you more,” he wheedled, confirming your suspicion that he had been getting ready to tear them from you. 
“Where?” you asked, rhetorically. “We’ve gone through more than a few pairs since we left Coruscant. If you tear these, I’m going to run out before we get back.” 
“There are worse things.” Judging from his pout, Hunter was referring to the idea of being kept away from you for as long as it would take to strip off a pair of underwear. 
You shook your head. “Hunter, you can’t stand it when I’m horny around you when I am wearing underwear. Imagine how bad that would be if I wasn’t wearing anything at all.” 
“I can smell you anyway,” he countered. “One layer doesn’t do much good.” 
“What…” You had to laugh at his determination. “Just let me take these off, okay? I promise, it won’t take more than a few seconds.” 
“Fine,” he agreed, inching back from you. “But you have to do something for me.” 
“Yeah?” you asked, lifting your hips for him. Apparently, letting you stand up to pull down your shorts and underwear was too much to ask, and Hunter was already stripping the articles from you as you stayed in your seat. 
Hunter settled back between your thighs, taking a deep breath as he did. When he glanced up at you, his pupils were blown wide with anticipation. “Read to me.” 
You didn’t answer and Hunter gestured to the datapad you had left discarded beside your chair. “Whatever it was that had you so excited before I got here. Read it for me.” 
“I-” you started, then had to pause and swallow. Your mouth had gone dry. “I thought you didn’t like my novels.” 
“I never said that.” You merely raised your eyebrows at him and Hunter chuckled. “Fine. Then I’m giving you a chance to change my mind.” 
You never were one to pass up a good challenge. With a few taps, you pulled up your holonovel once more, then navigated back to the first scene that had left you biting your lip. “Ready?” 
“I’m only waiting for you,” Hunter told you, fingers tracing patterns over your thighs. 
“Moshnul reclined back on the sleeping platform, a coy smile on her lips. Krixos felt her heart-” 
A sharp inhale cut you off mid-sentence. Hunter had licked you from the bottom of your entrance to the top of your slit, covering a wide swath of you with his flattened tongue. He lifted one dark brow at you when you stopped. “That wasn’t all, was it?” 
You bit back a sarcastic comment, unwilling to let him win. Instead, you lifted the datapad and started where you had left off. “Krixos felt her heart pound at the sight of Moshnul’s bare body. The princess was all soft purple skin and curves, her head tendrils sweeping gently around her shoulders. They didn’t hide her, but there was something about the way Krixos was left to catch glimpses of Moshnul through the long tentacles… It was enticing.” 
Hunter listened to your reading, politely letting you get to the end of the paragraph before he traced the tip of his tongue over your folds. He was gilding you with the heat of his mouth, and the next paragraph was much more difficult to get through. 
“To Krixos’s shock, Moshnul eagerly pulled her closer, straddling her in a moment. Those tendrils fell around them both, curtaining them away until they seemed to be the only two people in the galaxy. Moshnul leaned in for a kiss.” 
“Not as explicit as I expected,” Hunter remarked. You would have warned him how much there was to come, but he had used his thumbs to part you, holding you open for him. The anticipation was killing you, as was the cool temperature aboard the Marauder. 
“The princess kissed like she ate, Krixos thought, quick and messy and joyful. Tendrils stroked Krixos’s face as their tongues danced. It took a moment to realize that Moshnul was grinding against her thigh.”
Hunter’s tongue teased at your clit, swirling over it like he was enjoying a candy. He applied gentle pressure until you bucked into his mouth, then moved his attention further down. Fortunately, he found a compromise: when he buried his tongue in your cunt, his nose pressed firmly against your clit. You keened for him.
“Krixos lif- lifted her knee, giving Moshnul a b- better angle,” you stammered, trying not to be distracted by the way Hunter’s tongue was pressing gently in and out of you. “Moshnul took full ad- ah! Advantage! Riding it slowly, slit sliding against the pressure. Krixos only wished  to feel the princess’s soft heat against her… mmfff! leg.” 
Hunter hummed, and the vibrations shot through your core. Your thighs tightened, and the only thing that kept them from clamping around Hunter’s head was the splay of his elbows. They held your knees apart, leaving you spread open for his continued torment. 
He patted your inner thigh twice, expectantly, and you understood the message. 
“Moshnul’s new position took her further down Krixos’s body, and she nuzzled against one of Krixos’s breasts.” 
“Little clunky,” Hunter muttered, removing his tongue from your core. 
“Don’t stop!” you admonished, lifting your hips helplessly. Hunter chuckled, lowering his mouth back to you as a finger pressed inexorably into your heat. After a few thrusts, he added a second.
“Krixos wished for nothing m- more than to be rid of her clothes. Moshnul seemed to agree, and they fumbled together at the fastenings of Krixos’s shirt. The instant it was stripped away, Moshnul’s mouth closed around the achingly sensitive peak of Krixos’s- Fuck!”
Hunter chortled into your folds. He had managed to take advantage of your distraction, lining himself up for the perfect moment. As your lips were forming the word ‘nipple’, he pinched yours hard. At the same moment, he drove his fingers into you, hooking them directly into your g-spot. And, of course, he sucked firmly on your clit. 
Your body tautened like a bowstring, fighting against Hunter’s weight to arch up off the seat as you let out a wail. Hunter didn’t move in the slightest. 
It wasn’t quite enough to drive you to orgasm, but it was close. Close enough, in fact, that you pushed Hunter away from your core and tossed the datapad onto the ship’s control panel. Hunter looked up at you, surprised, and you could feel the wildness in your eyes as you stared back. 
“Fuck me, Hunter. Now.” 
You didn’t have to tell him twice. In the span of a moment, Hunter had scrambled up from the floor and stripped off the lower half of his body glove. He was poised over you before you could blink, the head of him pressed to your dripping entrance. 
“You want this, mesh’la?”
He wasn’t teasing you - you could see that much on his face. Still, a primal part of you was screaming that he was withholding himself from you, that you had to take care of things yourself. You braced a foot against the seat of your chair, half-lifting your body so you could impale yourself on him. 
Hunter’s eyes widened with the shock of your actions, but he didn’t fight you on it. In fact, he seemed to be relieved, his hips following yours as they lowered back down to the seat. He sank the rest of the way into you and you both groaned at the perfect slide of him in your heat. 
Your foreheads pressed together as Hunter took a ragged breath. “You ready for me, mesh’la? Not sure I’ll be able to hold back.” 
“What part of this makes you think I’d want you to hold back?” you asked. “Hunter, I’m ready. You’ve gotten me ready. Please…” 
He reached between you - bypassing everything throbbing for him - and grabbed your ankle. He lifted your leg gently, fishing it out from where it had gotten captured between you. He hooked it and your other leg over the armrests of the chair you were sitting in, giving you a stern look. “Keep these out of the way for me, sweetheart.”
You nodded shakily. With your legs out of the way, Hunter had sunk a little deeper into you, and you got a sudden idea of how this was going to feel. Your toes were already curling and you wriggled impatiently against him. 
Hunter grabbed your ass, his fingers sinking into the plush flesh as he half-lifted you from the chair. He withdrew from you at the same time and you had time to take a single breath. Without him, you felt disturbingly empty… and then he was shoving himself back inside of you. 
The fullness of him stretching you was intense, all-encompassing. Your mouth dropped open around a noise of surprise, but you didn’t have time for a lengthy reaction. The moment he had pushed home inside of you, Hunter was withdrawing, then surging forward once more. 
You had been close to orgasm with the pleasure of his mouth on you, but you hadn’t realized just how much everything had impacted Hunter. He was achingly hard inside of you, pressing as deep as he possibly could at the height of each stroke. He was fucking into you at full speed, as desperate as if it had been years since the two of you had been together. 
Hunter’s hands partially supporting you was the only thing that kept you from being bruised against the slightly-padded pilot’s seat, but they also allowed him to take more complete control of the angles. He held you carefully, adjusting the angle of your hips to match what pulled the loudest sounds from you. 
The stimulation was intense, especially considering he’d been tormenting you such a short time before. You abandoned the armrests as a good perch for your legs, opting to wrap them around Hunter’s strong waist instead. That, at least, gave you a little more control. 
From that point on, it became a joint effort from the two of you - nothing so elegant as a dance, but you were both actively participating. You used the clutch of your legs around Hunter to meet every stroke and counterthrust where you could, driving him further into you as your body constricted around him.
Hunter changed the angle of his hips and yours at the same time, drilling the head of his cock directly against your g-spot. It was a sudden movement, done all at once so that you didn’t immediately recognize what had changed. All you knew was that the press of him inside of you went from amazing to blinding, the pleasure so intense that it was only just on the right side of painful. 
Your inner muscles started to spasm almost immediately. Your body had apparently chosen to take the intensity of the position and channel it toward an immediate orgasm. You clutched at Hunter’s shoulders. “Hunter, I can’t-” 
He frowned, hips instantly slowing. You nearly sobbed. “Do you need me to stop?” 
“No, I’m close!” you urged. “I’m going to-” 
Hunter’s expression relaxed, shifting from concern to anticipation. “Do it, mesh’la. I won’t be far behind.” 
Before you could respond verbally, Hunter gripped you tighter and picked up where he had left off. The frantic pace of his hips picked you up and dumped you unceremoniously over the edge of the cliff, leaving you free-falling into your orgasm. 
You clung desperately to Hunter as your channel spasmed and flexed. You did your best to lock your pelvis flush against Hunter’s, to keep him as far inside you as possible, but he managed to free himself from the clasp of your core muscles. Driving back into you was noticeably harder than it had been before you clamped down, but he was motivated. 
Once he was inside you again, Hunter’s face tightened. You watched it even through the haze of your peaking orgasm, and recognized it easily. He was close. 
Under the shaking muscles of your calves and thighs, you could feel Hunter begin to withdraw from you. You tightened your legs, holding him in place. 
“Stay,” you managed, though your voice tried to turn it into a moan. “Hunter…” 
He choked, hips thrusting once - twice into you before you felt the hot spill of him deep in your core. He continued to rut against you as his pleasure peaked and began to fade slowly. Hunter’s lips brushed over the side of your throat and jaw as he slowly lowered you to sit back on the seat. 
You smoothed your hand over his hair. He found it soothing even outside of the bedroom, and the slow and steady motion helped you pull yourself together.
Finally, Hunter murmured something against the skin just under your ear. 
“I asked how the rest of your novel is,” Hunter repeated. 
“Oh.” You had forgotten about the holonovel entirely with everything else that had happened. “I’m not sure. I haven’t finished it yet. Krixos has to tell Moshnul who she really is without destroying everything. It’s probably going to be super dramatic.” 
“Probably,” Hunter agreed. “But maybe you can read it on the way back to Coruscant and tell me all about it there.” 
“You’re already looking for a repeat performance?” you teased. 
Hunter pulled back just far enough to see you. “Do you have a problem with that?”
“No… but you can’t ever complain about my holonovels again.” You grinned as Hunter huffed a sigh. 
Author's Note - I really like how this one turned out, but I have to laugh at how much less intense this is than the previous two chapters. Hopefully you enjoyed it anyway!
Thanks for reading!
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ivryne · 1 year
. . . ⌗ the aftermath ! 🔬
genshin smau | scaramouche x fem!reader
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synopsis — the aftermath ! After a drunken night that resulted in some late night endeavors, you woke up in an unfamiliar environment. Looking around you in search for any familiarity, you spot a familiar tuff of violet hair beside you, hidden beneath the heavy duvet. Realization blew you over as you finally connected the scattered dots. Did you really just sleep with Scaramouche, your no.1 nemesis and rival? Well I guess all we can do is wish you luck to deal with the aftermath.
pairings. scaramouche (kunikuzushi) x fem!reader
genre. romance, crack, slice of life, rivals to lovers, modern au, college/uni setting, age 20-21
warnings. misunderstandings, slow burn, mommy issues, fluff, 16+ nothing too steamy. timestamps don’t matter just ignore them
status. [ 22 / 12 / 22 ] — disc (ONGOING REWRITE)
NOTE. hellooo! I’ve seen genshin smaus all over tumblr and I’ve always wanted to make one and I finally got the plot todayyy aghhh. Ty for those of u who hav clicked this!! Hope you enjoy <33
(🍬) means there r gonna be written parts ^^
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starring . . . mentally un(st)able | need help asap
act one — too late to back out
episode 01 : wat did u ruin again lol
episode 02: stupid girl
episode 03: why is this kinda hot??
episode 04: i’ll bring the snacks (🍬)
episode 05: brainstorm or braindead (🍬)
episode 06: kinda ship it ngl (🍬)
episode 07: meant to be ig
episode 08: t-truce
bonus episode: hu tao’s dilemma
act two — never settle for less
episode 09: you’re staring (🍬)
episode 010: boytoy
episode 011: the hot one?
episode xx : extra scaraname snippets
episode 012: oh how the turns have tabled (🍬)
episode 013: name’s adrien agreste era (🍬)
episode 014: a new face (🍬)
episode 015: it’s called overthinking
episode 016: one goal in mind
episode 017: what are u implying?
episode 018: ur not the one i like
episode 019: that was quite unlikely
episode 020: called it
episode 021: are you convincing us or urself?
episode 022: why r u like this
episode 023: i guess this is it
episode 024: i am living for this childe slander
episode 025: the things i’d do for u
act three — above average
episode … :
CUT ! show’s over 📽
NOTE. this smau is discontinued ! I will be posting a rewrite soon so stay tuned!
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Ty for taking ur time to read this. I hope i rlly get through w this bc i’m so inconsistent hehe.
© 𝐬𝐡𝐫𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫.
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rarijackistheshit · 9 months
True love and OTP is all and well.
But isn’t that a bit
I mean... Catradora, Scorfuma, Seamista... haven’t we seen it all before? Been there, done that...?
Let's Spice things up. You are all hereby invited to
Between 8-10 December we* invite you to go WILD with all those "forbidden" relationships
Micha and Hordak in a political marriage turned sincere? Interesting...
The arranged marriage between Huntara and Castaspella? Cool...
Melog and Swiftwind, a love story between species? Spicy!
A huge polyamorous marriage between Horde Primes clones? BRING IT!
Not sure if your suggested pairing is crack or just rare? Don’t hesitate, DO IT! All ships can be crackfics with the right attitude.
Your mind sets the limit. But, for everyone's comfort: a few rules.
Only canon characters. No OCs.
No "established" pairings. This is not the time to hate catradora.
No smut. This is for everyone°. (Hints and innuendos are OK.)
No crossovers. (Aus are allowed and encouraged though.)
Cool idea. Make it work.
For your convenience we have a few suggestive themes. Two different themes for every day, but you can -of course- combine them or make up your own. Just mark your story/picture/song/video proper.
8 december: How we met? It's actually a rather funny story/Summer Fling
9 december: Love in spite of everyone's hate/Winter Wonderland Romance.
10 december: Forced together by the situation/Wedding of my dreams
Everyone can participate! Just mark your contribution with #sheracrackshipweekend2023 and you're good to go!
*@rarijackistheshit and @baggebythesea . If You have questions, you can ask us.
°Even your 13-year old niece should be able to read and participate without risk. However, should a steamy follow-up story occur on your account... Its not like we can stop you?
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
fuck it my new vision for s2 introducing stede is from the pov of ed as stede boards the revenge to get the rest of his crew back, and the camera does a slow-mo pan up from the floor of the ship as we watch one booted and billowy-panted leg crest over the railing to settle on the deck, followed by the other one, and the camera continues to climb up to reveal the !!!!!!! noticeably more muscly !!!!!!! thighs that even the aforementioned billowy pants can't hide which lead up to strong, tanned hands on stede's hips [reader please take a break to catch your breath, you're gonna need it for this next part]. the camera then travels past the hips to showcase stede's BIG 👏 MUSCLY 👏 BICEPS 👏 💪😤which are barely encased by the loose white linen shirt that is VERY OPEN at the chest, revealing the "light dusting of hair" (or however you beautiful fanfic authors put it) stede has, just above which is his, and I cannot emphasize this enough, 🚨🚨 STUBBLY OR EVEN BEARDED 🚨🚨 jaw, his mouth obviously set in a dorky but confident smirk. and then finally, FINALLY we make it past his mustachioed nose and up to his very beautiful and very excited eyes which have a lock or two of stede's slightly grown out hair falling into them, which he OF COURSE has to push back by raking one of his hands through it like he KNOWS he belongs on the cover of a steamy pirate romance novel 🥵🥵
but - and this next part is SO CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT- the absolutely most pivotal part of this moment is that "You Sexy Thing" by Hot Chocolate ‼️MUST‼️ be playing overtop of it with intermittent cuts to Ed's wide-eyed, slack-jawed (possibly even drooling) face like this is an early 2000s romcom and stede is the newly transformed hot bitch in town who's come to win back her boyfriend. david jenkins I am available to join your writing/editing team and I have very affordable rates
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nikethestatue · 2 months
Somehow i missed the first article from Time magazine about SJM that describes acotar and literally says "fans gush over its strong female leads, steamy romances, and trio of Fae-warrior love interests (affectionately known as the “Bat Boys”)". And omg? It seems like even a bigger deal that the "fans suspect.." about Elriel. Because Az is straight up called an LI, it's not even framed as a speculation. Can Time magazine really afford to look stupid and do false advertising? Not even in just one article that everyone talks about, but two in a row. At this point I wonder if Bloomsbury sent them trivia to mention.
That's why they are hating that article.
And keep saying that it's spreading false info and that that it 'wasn't approved by BB' and similar BS. Time was pretty firm about the LIs and the FMCs.
But hey, none of it matters. No information is valid because it doesnt align with their ship.
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arcadiabaytornado · 1 year
Something else I love about Amberprice and Pricefield is how they’re both different types of romances. 
Chloe and Rachel have more passion. Their chemistry is incredible and makes the scenes between them radiate with energy. 
Chloe and Max are softer. They bring out a more gentle side of each other that shines with love. 
That’s not to say Amberprice has no softness, and Pricefield has no passion, of course! The ending of Before The Storm, where Chloe lies to Rachel, embodies softness. Meanwhile the pool scene between Max and Chloe has a lot of chemistry. Neither ship lacks passion or softness. I just think one has more than the other. 
You can see it in the kisses as well! Rachel and Chloe get a steamy make up session that ends with them deciding to impulsively run away together, while Max and Chloe share a quick kiss in her room with soft music playing over the stereo. 
The difference between the two ships is something I love considering Chloe is a partner in both of them, yet both ships have very different vibes and positive attributes. Anyway I love both Amberprice and Pricefield, but that tends to come from different reasons!  
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 BLs to Watch if You Loved KinnPorsche
It’s really hard for me to understand exactly why you liked a thing, anything, let alone a phenomena of pop culture. Also there is nothing exactly like KP. With those two codicils in mind, I will do my very best. 
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So here are 10 things I’m going to assume you are looking for. 
higher heat levels - things get steamy 
lower angst levels - external conflict (rather then internal agony and navel gazing) 
good chemistry (not the same thing as heat) - this means the actors are good at portraying physical, mental, and emotional attraction to each other
grey morality 
multiple couples 
mature characters
non-school setting
longer length treatment
a happy ending 
I do hope I’ve gotten it right. This BL list will be rated on a scale of #/10 KP rating system - one point for each of the above, half points allowed. (Which is NOT my normal BL rating system.) 
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Some things that I can’t really help you with: 
Explicitly kinky characters. There is very little of this in light BL (stories with happy endings) and what there is I’ve a listed here. 
Mafia or yakuza set dramas are more common in dark BL. There are a few exceptions, but none of them have the bodyguard trope of KP. 
Trigger warnings: assume if it happened in KP it may happen in these. including the stuff people argued over and disliked. Also dubcon and few others nasties. (Why so much dubcon in BL?)
Narrative structure. As you probably noticed in KP, strong story structure is not a hallmark of BL, but rather the exception. So far there have been only a few great strongly written high concept and killer narrative BLs. 
Let’s start, shall we? 
Loved KinnPorsche? Try These BLs Next
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1. Manner of Death 
(Thailand 2021) WeTV 
This is a gay romantic suspense featuring a doctor and a mafia character. It’s more a murder mystery investigation with multiple plot twists than a mafia romance, but it is tons of fun. It’s stars the Original Kings of BL IRL ships: MaxTul. Also two of the hottest bodies in BL. 
KP rating 9.5/10 
It has higher heat levels, low angst (there is no angst at all, really, these boys got other things to do), great chemistry, action, grey morality, multiple couples (kinda - this is where it flails at bit so I dinged it 1/2 a point), mature characters, a country + medical setting, longer length treatment AND a happy ending. 
What to watch next if this was your favorite off this list? Triage or Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for your Soul. 
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2. Trapped 
AKA HIStory 3: Trapped 
(Taiwan 2019) Viki 
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers. Is about a cop investigating a cold case where a mafia boss is the only witness, so he starts chasing him. Along the way to solving it, they fall in love. Side characters = mercenary hitman meets nerdy cop of his dreams, cooks for him. All the leads are stellar. It’s high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but is pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but... amorphous ending. The sides end happily tho. 
KP rating 9.5/10 
Contains mature characters, non-school setting, higher heat, lower angst, great chemistry, action (some of it the SAME action, these two run through the woods hand-cuffed together for days too), grey morality, multiple couples, and a longer length - only the ending falters. 
You want HIStory 3: Trapped NOT the other HIStory 3! 
If you’ve been frustrated by the heat levels and setting of Thai BLs since KP, then that’s because you need to turn your attention to Taiwan instead. Taiwan specializes in high heat levels and non-school settings. (They have some, but it’s not their focus.) 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: HIStory 2: Crossing the Line, DNA Says Love You, and you can explore the top 10 I talk about in my Taiwan’s history with the genre post. A warning, do not take Trapped as a typical example of HIStory franchise, it’s all over the place.  
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3. Long Time No See 
(Korea 2017) GaGa 
Long Time No See is about two assassins who fall in love via online gay fanfic without knowing they are hitmen on opposite sides of a turf war. Or do they? It’s absolutely great and very under appreciated. One of Strongberry’s few longer pieces (but still short by Thai BL standards) with good fight sequences and very suspenseful. 
KP rating 8/10 
Contains all KP elements except multiple couples and a longer length: mature characters, non-school setting, high heat, low angst, good chemistry, action, grey morality, and a happy ending.
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: Actually you might try some of Japan’s darker stuff, I’m thinking Double Mints, for example. 
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4. Not Me
(Thailand 2022) YouTube 
This is crime thriller BL-lite about a group of motorcycling malcontents bent on bring down a corrupt system. Overtly queer, the romantic threads are not entirely the narrative drivers and it’s very slender on tropes, making this one, like MoD more gay romantic suspense than BL. But if gritty tension is what you’re after, this one has that in spades. 
KP rating 7/10
It’s pretty low heat, this is OffGun+GMMTV and heat is not what they do. It has some angst because of the twin thing and the political thing (but not as much as I expected). The characters are not mature by my personal standards, they do act with the idealism of youth and they are in university some of the time. Otherwise ticks all the boxes: good chemistry, action, grey morality, multiple couples, longer length treatment, and a happy ending.
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: you can try OffGun’s back catalogue but it’s probably not what you’re looking for, try Bad Buddy instead and consider my favorite Thai BL, Until We Meet Again. 
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5. 3 Will Be Free 
(Thailand 2019) YouTube
Is about a mafia kid, a stripper, and a grifter who accidentally kill a hitman and then have to go on the run with two assassins chasing them. Along the way the three of them basically fall in love with each other. You also get the mafia hitmen perspective. It’s GREAT and very queer. 
KP rating 6/10 
Low heat levels for this one because it’s from GMMTV. However it is also low angst (there consistent outside stressors and this plot moves FAST), good chemistry, lots of action, very grey morality, multiple couples (but with each other, this is a poly romance), is not set at school, and has a longer length treatment. However, the characters aren’t entirely mature and it has a slightly ambiguous ending - they survive and are kind-of together but also stuff has happened. I dinged it an extra point because technically this is a queer romance and not, actually, a BL at all. Still it’s a very under-appreciated gem of a show, and I highly recommend it. 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: there’s nothing else out there like this show, sorry, it’s unique. However if you like Tay (Shin) you should watch his BL series the Kiss series and Dark Blue Kiss (watching guide here) where he plays a completely different personality. 
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6. Irresistible Love 
AKA Irresistible Love: Secret of the Valet (YouTube) + Irresistible Love 2 AKA Uncontrolled Love (YouTube) 
(China 2016) grey 
This two movie series is mafia esk but it’s very rough and lacks narrative cohesion. Rich kid (maybe mafia) boss has obsession with his family’s butler in a classic execution of the whipping boy trope. It’s in two parts and the second part has two endings, you want the one that ends not entirely unhappily. I not-so-secretly love this BL: obsession, mutilation, very hard fought and absolutely classic Chinese BL pre-censorship. It's a wild melodramatic ride.
KP rating 6/10
This has higher heat levels (all are dub con), good chemistry, very grey morality, mature characters, non-school setting and a medium length treatment. It also has some serious angst because of the unequal power dynamic and the seme’s bisexuality, there’s little action, only one couple, and the ending is all over the place, happyish if you can find the right one. (As of typing this post: the YouTube links should still work, but this is a grey show it has no official distribution.) 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: really? This one was your favorite? Okay then, how about trying My Beautiful Man AKA Utsukushii Kare? Or go for Addicted, if you want the best that China can do. 
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7. Golden Blood 
(Thailand 2021) YouTube 
A Thai BL pulp with the whipping boy trope (attack dog variant) about a boy who is pulled off the streets because he has the correct blood type and trained to be the servant/caretaker/bodyguard of a rich mafia kid. They fall in love.
KP rating 5/10
This one has higher heat levels, multiple couples, a longer length treatment and a happy ending. But it is a Thai pulp so the production values are poor. There is some unnecessary angst as the characters are not mature and it is partly set in university, the chemistry is uneven (great with the sides but not the mains), there is action but it’s not very good, and grey morality (sort of). All in all, a mixed bag.
If you liked this best you have some pretty relaxed standards. why not lean in and try some MAME stuff like TharnType, Don’t Say No, or Love in the Air. Consider yourself warned. 
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8. Unforgotten Night 
(Thailand 2022) iQIYI 
Ostensibly a kinky story of a mafia Dom who after a one night stand gets obsessed with a simple office worker and kidnaps him into his dark crime riddled world. But that made it sound appealing. It’s terrible. 
KP rating 5/10
It does have higher heat levels but they aren’t actually, ya know, good because the chemistry is poor, there’s a lot of unnecessary angst, there’s some action, grey morality, multiple couples, longer length treatment, and a happy ending but ho boy. It’s not a wild ride, it’s a confused and quite dull one. Also you will spend a lot of time worrying about plumbing, and not in a euphemistic way. 
If you liked this best, you're confused. You need to learn what good chemistry looks like, watch Zee’s catalogue - Why R U? and Cutie Pie. 
There is also Chains of Heart to consider. 
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9. Where Your Eyes Linger 
(Korea 2020) Viki
Ostensibly high school set about a poor kid whose been raised in a mafia kid’s family specifically to protect him (whipping boy trope, attack dog variant). Themes of codependency and survival with pretty classic Korean style romance ending. 
KP rating 4.5/10 
Excepting Strongberry, Korean stuff is rarely high heat, this one gives you a kiss at the end but that’s it. Decent chemistry, only a little action, only one couple (also a hallmark of KBL), and short treatment. It does have grey morality and a happy ending (at the very last minute). The characters are not mature and it is set in high school. 
What to watch next if this was you favorite: you might try Hwang Da Seul’s other BLs To My Star or Blueming. I like the both a whole lot. 
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10. Word of Honor
(China 2021) Viki also Youku’s YouTube 
Yes a censored Chinese bromance actually made one of my lists. But remember I’m rating this by KP standards, not my own. Normally I leave the censored stuff off my lists because I believe in censoring the censors. However, if anything gets on, it’s usually this one. 
This show is my favorite of the post 2016 bromance wave. It’s two murder-gay assassins (pining sunshine/tsundere), and they are so insanely gay for two boys who are never allowed to kiss. Tropes include: wuxia, soulmates, paranormal, historical, and fantasy elements.
KP rating 4/10
No heat, this is Chinese BL post censorship, some angst (China likes angst) but in this case it’s warranted, good chemistry, fantastic action, beautifully grey morals, there are other couples but only het and they die, a VERY long treatment, and an ambiguous ending.
If this was your favorite go ahead and watch Untamed (knowing they don’t end up together) or even The Guardian. You might also try Advance Bravely if only to see our boy Jun swap seme for uke. That’s kind of a bodyguard romance. 
And that’s it, those are my recs. Feel free to leave your own recs (and reasons) in the comments. 
This post is dated Sept 2022, not responsible for other BLs that come along after that date and fit the KP model better. 
That said, recent additions! 
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Never Let Me Go
KP rating 7/10
This is a bodyguard romance with has lower angst, good chemistry, action, multiple couples (sort of), mature-ish characters, longer length treatment, a happy ending. However it is medium heat, no grey morality, and 1/2 in a school setting. 
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The Sign
KP rating 9/10
Def has the higher heat levels, lower angst (it’s mostly external conflict), fantastic chemistry, and some grey morality, mature characters, non-school setting, longer length treatment, a happy ending. It’s only flaw is weak secondary couples. They there, but not awesome. 
This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, PNR, fated mates, police procedural, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and slasher. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it. Was it a crazy unhinged mess +1 roll for damage? Yes. Yes it was. Did it manage to hold all those tangled threads together? No it did not. Was it also a charmg, sexy, engaging, non-stop piece of entertainment? Sure thing. I think this show is basically my KinnPorsche, and frankly I’ve been chasing that dragon naga since KP aired. Is it perfect? No. But it was balls to the wall FUN. 
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eepylimes17 · 5 months
A possible thought for how Aphrodite should be portrayed in the series. Bc honestly, I want her to have a little more depth-character wise then just a pretty little afterthought that is kinda shallow. (I love the idea of multiple actresses playing her, that thought is gorgeous.)
I want her to be a fan girl. A book fanatic.
It’s been confirmed that Aphrodite reads steamy romance novels (see Percy Jackson’s guide to Greek gods) and it’s been confirmed she likes making people’s love lives interesting. (See her conversation with Percy in Book three and I think her conversation with Annabeth, piper and hazel in I think Mark of Athena?)
I want to see her giggling as she bothers Athena about characters in a book that Athena recommended to her, completely missing the themes and telling Athena about her favorite ships. ( Athena massaging her temples)
I wanna see Aphrodite kicking her feet and squealing when she makes someone use an “who did this to you.”
I wanna see her wearing band merch and going to concerts, dancing and singing along to the music, being the literal manifestation of love in the crowd, for the band, for the fans, all of it.
I wanna see her roll her eyes at other people’s ships and purposefully tank them just because she absolutely hates the idea of it, and then change her mind a week later.
I wanna see her inspire fan artists to do ship art because god she loves this ship and Athena won’t weave her an image of them for her, and then hold it close to her chest and dance around the room—no matter the skill level of the artist.
I wanna see Ares be like doing matinence on his Harley and Aphrodite bouncing up to him asking if he will recreate this scene she read about, and when she’s done describing it—the two of them scrambling off to go be intimate.
Idk, I wanna see the goddess of love, be love you know? I want her to have an actual: “most people assume I’m shallow, and that my kids are too. I guess that’s true in a way. I know what they think of me: and I don’t care. I’m happy, just the way I am and I think that offends them.” I want her to have an actual character outside of just “mmm I’m pretty goddess has little to no personality other then being pretty.”—because that is misogynistic.
And I know that I’m not gonna get all those scenes, I’m very aware of that—but that is the energy I want Aphrodite to have.
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madameaug · 3 months
Scandal || KTH x OC
Pairing: Actor!Taehyung x !Actress! Mei Mei
Mei Mei and Taehyung are the leads for the spicy, hot, and jaw dropping spin off of NBC's Scandal. Instead of an affair in the Whitehouse, it's the love story of two political rival's children. The chemistry on screen and on the carpet is undeniable.
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Red Carpet, 8:05 pm, Hollywood California
Mei Mei looked amazing. The lights were hitting his skin perfectly. Makeup is flawless, pores absent. Large fluffy lashes complimented her hazel eyes. She was serving in every sense of the word. No one could take away her shine, not even if they tried. The designer dress wrapped her body like a second skin. The dress had a deep plunge, showing off bits and pieces of her cleavage. It was the perfect balance of sexy and chic. It was the complete opposite of the character she played. Her character was preppy, conservative, and always had her shit together. Daughter of a Prime Minster, it was expected of her.
Her character wouldn't allow herself to expose so much skin, for stranger's eyes to look at. The only man who would even look at her fully naked body was her steamy fling, played by Tae.
Taehyung stood at the other end of the red carpet. His hair was slightly crimped and dangling over his eyes. His lips were straight, but his eyes smiled wide and extensive. His head turned slightly, spotting his castmate Mei Mei. A smile cracked his stoic look.
In seconds he took to stride across the carpet to get to Mei Mei was comical. His big hands found a natural rest on her hip bone. The pair hugged, Mei Mei careful not to rub her foundation on his face.
"It's so good to see you, baby." Mei Mei's manicured nails touched the bottom of his chin.
"Likewise." Taehyung
The cameras were eating up the interaction. There were already hour long compliations of 'TaeMei' on the internet. Combining from their scenes and interviews they've done together. Pop culture was doing everything in its power to, make this ship sail.
"You look beautiful." Taehyung shamelessly checked out Mei Mei. The dress rucching tightening in the back. Making her figure even more goddess-like. Mei Mei was already on the taller side. 5'8 without her typical heels. But now on the carpet she was standing roughly at 6'1. A stallion was the most appropriate way to describe her.
Taehyung loved tall women (short women too), but tall women were now digging a special place in his heart.
With arms interlocked the pair walked down to where some of the interviewers were stationed. Individually they have done hundreds of interviews. Only when doing interviews together, was it actually fun.l
What is your favorite scene you've done together?
Mei Mei immediately started laughing. She liked simple questions that showed Mei Mei the person, not but on an act and answer how her character would.
"I think the scene we did when our characters first met. Our characters got held for ransom, technically."
Mei Mei trailed off, but Tae was not in the same room as her. He was in a different reality. His eyes were just looking over the beautiful woman beside him. He couldn't help it.
Mei Mei was a gorgeous woman. He wasn't blind. One of the reason he was glad he was doing this romance drama was because he didn't have to fake attraction to hi screenpartner. It was all natural. Although he maintained a professional aspect, but if Mei Mei wanted to explore something, Tae would be down.
"I'm sorry. What was the question?" Tae lowered his eyes at the interviewer. Even a blind man could see that Tae was making her melt. Melt so much, that she started stuttering to get out the next question.
"What are some of your favorite looks this season."
"I wore a body fitted denim dress, with a long sleeve white blouse underneath. That was a memorable look for me on set. The second one-"
"Damn I remember that. You looked good, baby." He stepped behind Mei Mei, his hands wrapping around the front of her dress. Not necessarily resting on her stomach but more on her belly button. His veiny hands becoming an accessory for her dress.
"I love it when he calls me that." Mei Mei let out a girly screech.
"Thank you, baby." She returned the comment. Neither one of them packed down from the eye contact they were holding. Not giving a second thought to the cameras, still capturing every moment they shared. The interviewer long forgotten, she was too stunned that Tae give his infamous 'fuck me' eyes.
Taking the cue to move on, Mei Mei led Tae to the next interviewer, hand in hand. Oh for sure they were going to be the talk of the night.
Commenter 1: I love seeing my parents together
Commenter 2: I just know Tae's girlfriend is sliding down the wall Commenter 3: I need someone to look at me the way Tae looks at Mei Mei Commenter 4: They just need to launch the relationship at this point. It's getting ridiculous Commenter 5: Mei Mei is so pretty Commenter 6: I love seeing black women happy :)
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