#show’s looking phenomenal
thisonlyguy-49 · 2 years
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Sonic fans, how are we feeling right now!?!
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how-masterful · 3 months
I need an episode where sacha's master winds up at unit and is forced to help them, but something's made him need a change of clothes- cue kate mentioning there's a box in the archive that might be his style, and he ends up wearing delgados outfit for the rest of the episode. He offhandedly mentions that he'd seen one of missy's skirts and had considered putting it on - the only reason he didn't was that he couldn't find the matching hat. Even better if Kate waits for him to smile/admit he's joking and quickly realises he's 100% serious.
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pariahsparadise · 9 months
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number-onekidqueen · 4 months
Just a friendly reminder that Annabeth accidentally witnessed her older, big brother the boy she loved and trusted more than her own dad betray her and all she stood for and attack her friend.
Imagine how still she must’ve been in disbelief and pain.
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lucreziajuan · 10 months
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Never presume that I will not act on my worst instincts.
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feltcreature · 1 year
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bikananjarrus · 1 year
me when bella ramsey does literally anything as ellie:
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lizzibennet · 19 days
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kate looks SO REGAL, so classy, so distinguished!!! even by violet's side, who's always so classically beautiful and surely always in good taste, kate is just a PRINCESS!!! she looks so... RICH??? like she just LOOKS like not a viscountess but THEE viscountess
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jolivira · 5 months
yes yes i also love percabeth but yall the chimera looked SO GOOD WTF?????
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biomic · 2 months
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I think what I love most about Lestat is that he is so Deeply unsettling. never in your life have you seen somebody more visibly Not Human than Lestat. it's incredible. he has men and women practically Flocking to his side, and it's just like?? dude?? get Away from him!! he's going to Eat You!! in a bad way!! you can literally SEE the I'm Going To Drink Your Blood in his eyes!! although. to be entirely fair to him. maybe it's just because I'm generally distrustful of blonde men. maybe it's the fact that his eyes would probably glow white underneath a black light. maybe it's the lesbianism!! regardless, he's not somebody that I Personally would throw away my dignity for. Antoinette, I am looking Right At You. actually, Lestat really reminds me quite a lot of that one post that points out how deeply nefarious Hannibal Lecter is in both appearance and demeanor, and how genuinely insane it is that everybody around him, bar Will, is like, "hmm?? what?? no!! he's so charming and polite!!" because it really only takes one look at him to realize that he is OBVIOUSLY picturing how best to prepare your eyeballs; fried or sautéed. my god. that's Lestat. with his florescent eyes and barely concealed snarl.
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atla-suki · 3 months
btw i very much enjoyed natla. i thought it was a solid adaptation, and it did a good job at capturing the essence of the original show even though it wasn’t a 1:1 remake. i had a few issues w some characterisation/writing choices and the overall timeline & plot feeling a little rushed (i.e. no downtime to explore the gaang’s personalities and friendships, everything felt very go-go-go and it took away from the impactfulness of some moments i felt) but overall i really enjoyed it. the cast was perfect, the vfx were incredible. it wasn’t flawless but it was a damn good adaptation.
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rtgame-fun-facts · 8 months
Fun fact: Rtgame is very kissable
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daydadahlias · 3 months
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this frame scared the shit out of me
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reallyhardy · 2 years
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i'm a woman. i like my men dangerous. mysterious. you want to be my lover? earn it. seduce me!"
team fortress 2: expiration date (2014.)
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kingsofgaytham · 8 months
What I love most about the final sequence in episode 3 is that it actually isn't Stede simply rescuing Ed. In the purgatory, he doesn't pull him up or unties the rope. In reality, Stede also doesn't touch Ed's body until his hand starts twitching and he starts fighting to stay alive - before that he just sits near and talks, and he manages to reach the last bit of life left in Ed. The vision of Stede in purgatory gives Ed hope, a promise of a future, of a home - warmth, food, intercourse (orgasm). Things he knows he'll miss. Ed chooses to live because now, the one person that understood him to his core, is there - and the scene with Izzy, where despite them not being together for who knows how long, Stede knows Ed would either watch the world burn or die trying, and he still loves Ed and chooses him. Izzy thinks he knows Ed best because they've worked together for so long and he believes (used to believe?) Stede was the worst possible thing for Blackbeard and that's the moment it hits him - he is the one that doesn't know the true Ed, he couldn't even imagine it would be so bad because his idealised version of Blackbeard didn't consider the person under the pirate. Stede met Ed few weeks earlier and already fully understand the way his brain works. He doesn't have to see Ed to know how he'll react.
And then Edward. Poor, broken Edward that believes the worst about himself and materialises it in Hornigold who in this version left the piracy and lives a peaceful, quiet life, something that Ed wishes he could have. He is deeply mentally unwell, the drugs and alcohol sure made it worse but still, Ed wants to live. Just not as Blackbeard/the Kraken. He just doesn't see a reason for it.
Mermaid Stede appears and brings in the light that was so painfully absent from Ed's life. He doesn't choose to live just for Stede, but now he knows there is at least one person that cares for him and that means, maybe - just maybe, he can learn to care for and love himself. The fact Stede stays with him underwater for as long as Ed needs to think it through and figure it out for himself - the rope unties itself, the smile that was gone so long finally appears again. The feeling of being known and the hope that he can become Ed, or Jeff, or whatever version he wants, because despite it being incredibly hard - now he isn't walking that road alone.
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