#sinister strange drabbles
geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
Hello! For the 5 sentence ask game—Edging Sinister while his hands are tied so he’s not in control 🖤
This one could have easily spiraled into a longer story, & in fact it kind of will for the 2nd day of Kinktober as the theme is edging & I picked Sinister for it already 😀
NSFW - 18+ only please ❤️
Sinister Strange never thought he would let anyone get him in a position like this. That he would willing surrender so much control. Even before he began working with the Darkhold, he had always preferred to be the one in control. In all areas of his life. So the fact that he was currently laying at your mercy, naked with his hands bound to the bedframe, was a big gesture of his adoration and devotion to you. You both knew he could easily undo his bonds with his magic, but he wanted to give this to you. Give himself to you. He may be the sorcerer, but you were the one that had enchanted him and held him spellbound.
He had no Idea how long you had been teasing him, bringing him right to the edge of climax only to pull him back. It felt endless and all too short all at the same time. His skin glistening with sweat and tendrils of his gray streaked hair were plastered to his face. His thick veiny cock was so hard it was painful, tip flushed dark red and continously dribbling. You were having fun playing with every drop that leaked from him. Sliding it up and down his shaft with a firm grasp, using one finger drawing little swirling shapes on his head before pulling away and watching the string that would stretch from your finger to his tip, and letting it start to pool in his slit before leaning down to lap it up with kitten licks.
You were using him like a toy for your own enjoyment, and he was loving every second off it. Your every touch pulled a new sound from him. You were worshipping him and torturing him at the same time. His thoughts a scrambled mess as you swallowed him down yet again. His wrists twisting against their restraint as he tried to gain enough traction to thrust into your mouth. A high pitched whine came from the back of his throat, "Please kitten, fuck, my love. Please fuck me. I need to be inside you. I can't take it any longer. Use me. I beg you, I need you. Use me."
"Yeah, you gonna let me use you to get myself off? I know you want to cum baby. Think I should let you?" Placing one long last lick up his length before pulling away and letting his cock fall back against his pale scuplted abdomen. He could do nothing but watch as you crawled up his body. Hovering just high enough above him to be out of reach.
Once you were positioned on top of him you sat up on your knees and ran your hands up your thighs, caressing your body until your arms stretched over your head and your back arched. Looking down at him you lowered your body until he felt the wet warmth of your perfect cunt. You had slotted his shaft perfectly to slide between your slick pussy lips, rubbing your clit perfectly and providing just short of what he craved. He was mesmerized as he watched you slid against him, as your slick drenched him. He felt his balls start to tighten and he began to whimper. Pleading mentally for you to keep going. At the very last moment you lifted your hips off of him, removing all contact and once again leaving him just shy of release.
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mckiwi · 1 year
Someone was stalking him, that Stephen knew. He knew someone was watching him, he could practically feel the hatred for him radiating off the presence. While fighting Wanda, attempting to save America, and getting thrown into this deserted world, the feeling continued to grow stronger. He tells this to Christine, to which she asks if he knows who, or what, is haunting him. Of course, he does. There's only one being in the universe who could possibly hate him this much. As he walks toward the abandoned Sanctum, the feeling of hatred grows. He's unsurprised to be met with himself.
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mypoisonedvine · 10 months
Drabble Idea: Judge Crane decides to give his obsession a third option. Death, exile, or…….
You know he would use his position in order to get his crush all to himself while Gotham burns.
YES OMG SOME LOVE FOR JUDGE CRANE he's so underrated and I actually lost it when I saw the movies in theaters and he popped up <3 like omg look it's my husband
warnings: coercion, ownership, threats of noncon, yandere vibes
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"You can't be serious," you mumbled, but you knew he was-- Dr. Crane wasn't an especially humorous guy, that whole death by exile bit from earlier notwithstanding.
He still smiled at you, though; "It's your choice."
"Well, it's not much of a choice, is it?" you scoffed.
"It's a better choice than anybody else got," Jonathan shrugged, "if you do choose exile, I'm sure these guys would love to give you a nice send-off-- right, boys?"
You didn't even have the heart to look back at the thugs who had dragged you in here, but you heard them chuckling and mumbling amongst themselves. Crane had made his message clear, and you let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine," you said.
"Fine?" he repeated. "What's that mean, you'll just die?"
"No, I--"
"You know, you said once you'd rather die than marry me, do you remember that?" He laughed. But that was years ago, when your father tried to set you up with him because he was a respected doctor and you were a nice young socialite-- it was more about rebellion than anything else then, but learning about his insanity and criminal activities wasn't exactly changing your mind.
"I was wrong," you admitted, "alright? I'm sorry."
He smiled again, a little more sinister than the last time. "Then you can wait for me with the others... sweetheart."
The huddled mass of the 'arrested' dwindled through the day, executives and politicians dragged up the stairs to meet their fate as determined by Crane; soon it was only half or less left behind, with you simply counting the minutes until you'd be taken-- you couldn't imagine what life would be like with Jonathan, and for now, you tried not to.
He came for you at the end of the day, standing above you and smiling down as you stayed sitting on the ground, leaning against a pillar and waiting for whatever he asked you to do. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say," he admitted as he stared at you. "Hi honey, I'm home or something?"
"You don't actually sleep here, do you?" you frowned.
"No, no-- I believe in work-life balance," he shook his head; then reached his hand out to help you up. "Come on, let's go home."
Though you hesitated, you took his hand and let him help you to your feet with a wince.
"Are you alright?" he asked, seeing the pain on your face.
"They kinda roughed me up," you admitted quietly, though your breath caught when Jonathan pulled you closer.
"Poor thing," he mumbled, petting your cheek briefly, holding your waist a little tighter. "And having to sit on this hard floor all day-- you must be sore, hm?"
You nodded slightly, though you felt strange talking to him like this-- like it was a normal conversation, and not something you had to do to keep yourself safe. If being with him could really be considered 'safe'...
"I can write you a script if you're in too much pain," he offered, "but I think you just need some rest: somewhere warm, a nice big bed..."
He leaned in closer as he trailed off, taking a deep breath beside your head as he rubbed your back. Though he must have noticed the way you tensed up and nearly pulled away, it didn't deter him.
"I'll be good to you," he promised, "if you just behave. You don't need to be so afraid of me."
But you could hear the excitement in his voice; he liked that you were afraid of him. Finally, he had the power over you that you'd denied him all those years ago. No matter how sweet he promised to be, one way or another, he was going to make you pay for that.
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sheriffaxolotl · 4 months
Fallen: A Path to Redemption (Chapter 1) Alastor x Reader
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"Solace, you say? Well, my dear fallen friend, in Hell, solace comes with a price."
“What kind?”
“How about... your soul, my dear.” Word count: 4,521 ✿ Friends to Lovers ✿ Slow Burn ✿ Eventual Romance ✿ Drabble | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |
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As you walked through the dimly lit streets of Hell, a sense of foreboding washed over you, the very essence of the city casting a sinister spell upon your senses. It sprawled out before you like a twisted labyrinth, each turn leading deeper into the heart of sin and suffering. Pentagram City, as it was known among its residents, sprawled out in all directions, a sprawling city of sin and suffering that seemed to stretch on for eternity, or at least that is how it felt to you have come to view it now after all this time.
The buildings that lined the streets were a haphazard mix of architectural styles, their crumbling facades adorned with a color scheme that was only ever in a variety of red. Neon signs buzzed and flickered overhead, casting ominous shadows that danced along the cracked pavement below. The sickly glow they emitted bathed the streets in an otherworldly light, a haunting reminder of the darkness that permeated every corner of this forsaken city. You found yourself needing to look away from the neon lights at times – their intensity causing your eyes to strain. The air was thick with the stench of sulfur and decay, a putrid Odor that seemed to cling to everything it touched here. Demonic creatures and sinners slunk through the shadows of the city, their glowing eyes watching from the darkness with a predatory hunger and desperation. Tormented souls wandered the streets in a daze, their anguished cries blending with the distant wail of sirens and the rumble of infernal machinery.
"Ah, another lovely day in Hell," you muttered to yourself, your nose wrinkling in distaste as you navigate through the crowded streets. Despite your years in this infernal city, the sights and smells never failed to unsettle you, a constant reminder of the sin that surrounded you.
Despite the horrors that surrounded you, you continued to press on, driven by a sense of purpose that burned within your soul. For within the depths of Pentagram City, amidst the shadows and the suffering, lay the key to your salvation – or perhaps your damnation.
In your eyes, amidst the chaos and despair of Pentagram City's twisted landscape, there lay a strange beauty waiting to be discovered. Along the endless alleyways, vibrant murals adorned the walls of abandoned buildings, their colors a stark contrast against the gloomy surroundings. As you navigated the cracked pavements, the haunting melody of street performers filled the air, their voices intertwining to create a mesmerizing symphony that reverberated through the twisted alleyways. It would have been a captivating spectacle, if not for the crude and lewd nature of the performances that seemed to saturate the city's public spaces.
"Yep... just another day," you muttered under your breath, steeling yourself against the onslaught of sights and sounds that assaulted your senses.
Amidst the chaos, you remained a beacon of determination, your steps echoing softly against the cracked pavement. Despite the darkness that surrounded you, you pressed forward with unwavering purpose. As you approached cannibal town, you couldn't help but shudder, your eyes instinctively averting away from the sights and horrors that littered the streets. Yet, you continued on, fueled by a resolve that refused to be swayed by the gruesome reality of your surroundings. After all, you had a radio station to keep running, and nothing was going to stand in your way today.
"Keep moving forward," you reminded yourself, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling that washed over you as you accidentally made eye contact with one of the sinners indulging in their gruesome feast by the side of the road. Hastening your pace, you focused your gaze ahead, determined to put distance between yourself and horrors of cannibal town as possible.
You were in a hurry today. Accidentally sleeping in had made you late to open the studio, and you knew you couldn't rely on looping music for too long before the sinners started to catch on. Despite the weight of your past bearing down upon your shoulders, you moved with a sense of purpose and determination, each step a testament to your unwavering resolve. Heavy bags sagged beneath your weary eyes, a silent testament to the sleepless nights and endless anxiety that had plagued your every waking moment recently. But today was not a day to dwell on fatigue or worry. Today, the radio station needed to be opened, and you were determined to make it happen.
"Just one foot in front of the other," you whispered, pushing onward through the chaotic streets.
But still, despite the ever-looming darkness that threatened to engulf you at every turn, you pressed forward, your eyes locked on the distant horizon. Ahead lay the radio station, a symbol of purpose and duty for you in a city consumed by chaos.
You had been blaming your recent unease and restless nights on the intensified thoughts of redemption that had been plaguing you recently. Yet, even amidst the uncertainty and fear, you clung to the belief that redemption was not merely a distant dream, but a tangible possibility waiting to be seized. In this labyrinth of sin and suffering, where despair lurked around every corner, you remained determined to confront whatever trials lay ahead. For you, the path to redemption was not just a journey—it was a destination worth fighting for.
With each step you took along the twisted streets, you felt the weight of centuries bearing down upon your shoulders, a burden that had grown heavier with each passing day. Despite the ever-present darkness that loomed over you like a suffocating blanket, you refused to be consumed by despair again. Each twist and turn of the twisted streets only fueled your determination, propelling you forward towards the elusive promise of redemption. It was a journey fraught with uncertainty, but you were prepared to face whatever trials lay ahead, for the chance to forge a new path and reclaim what had been lost.
The word echoed in the depths of your mind, tinged with bitterness and longing. It had been centuries since you had been cast into Hell, stripped of the ability to use your wings and left to wander the streets of this city alone. The memory of your fall from grace still lingered like a ghostly specter, a constant reminder of the choices that had led you to this place.
But it had led you to him.
As you traversed the dimly lit streets, memories of your fateful encounter with Alastor flooded your mind like an unstoppable tide. The recollection of that momentous day, spanning centuries past, consumed your thoughts with relentless intensity.
The memory of your first encounter with the enigmatic radio demon, when he had emerged as one of Hell's most dreaded overlords, lingered vividly in your mind. It was a day that left an indelible mark on your soul, altering the very course of your life.
The echoes of that momentous meeting resounded within you, every detail etched into your memory with unwavering clarity. It was a day of immense significance, shaping the intricate interplay between you and Alastor within the chaotic landscape of the underworld.
You could still see it all so clearly—the moment before you thought you stumbled into him, lost in the unfamiliar streets of the city, your heart heavy with despair and longing for solace in a new world that offered none. Your wings, once radiant and majestic, now hung limp and broken at your sides, a painful reminder of the fall from grace that had brought you to this wretched place. But even as you struggled to conceal your angelic identity beneath a makeshift cloak of filth and debris, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of being hunted by unseen eyes that lurked in the shadows.
And then he appeared, like a specter emerging from the darkness, his presence as palpable as the weight of the world upon your shoulders. Alastor, with his piercing red eyes and the unsettling grin seemed to slice through the darkness like a blade. He sized you up with a predatory gaze, his gaze cutting through your facade with unnerving precision. You knew that he saw right through you, saw you for what you are under the filth and despair.
In that moment, you realized that Alastor knew exactly what you were – a fallen angel, stranded far from the heaven you once called home. And as he stood before you, his knowing smirk spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the power he held over you in this infernal domain. Even as he offered that mock bow and spoke in that gentlemanly tone of his.
It was a meeting that would change everything, setting into motion a chain of events that would shape the course of your destiny in ways you could never have foreseen. For in Alastor, you saw not just a powerful demon, but a potential ally—a way to navigate the treacherous depths of Hell.
He extended his hand, a sinister grin stretching across his lips as he proposed the deal – a pact sealed in the very fires of Hell itself. In exchange for your soul, he offered you protection and guidance, a glimmer of hope in a world that had turned its back on you. It was a tempting offer, one born of desperation and fuelled by the promise of salvation in the face of unrelenting darkness.
In your moment of weakness, you had accepted, unaware of the true cost of your decision. He had seen your vulnerability, your need for solace, and he had preyed upon it with cunning precision. But deep down, you knew the truth – it was a transactional exchange, a bargain struck between two souls bound by desperation and necessity. And so, the deal was forged, the terms set in stone, and you found yourself inexorably bound to him by the chains of your own making. Little did you realize then the true nature of the bargain you had struck or the toll it would exact upon your soul in the days and years to come.
You can recall as the years passed you had found yourself becoming more entwined in Alastor's world. You began to see the true extent of his power and influence. He was not just a mere overlord, but a force to be reckoned with, a master manipulator who pulled the strings of Hell's darkest secrets. You struggled to keep up with him at first, for his idea of "guidance" meant putting you in the position of his assistant.
Despite the suffocating darkness that cloaked him like a shroud, there was something undeniably captivating about Alastor, something that drew you in despite your better judgment. It was a strange concoction of fear and fascination, a whirlwind of emotions that left you feeling both exhilarated and unsettled in his presence. Which was probably why you found yourself not completely out of sorts over the deal you had made. Hell, at times you found yourself becoming comfortable by his side.
He was unlike anyone you had ever encountered before, a force of nature unto himself, with a charm that was as beguiling as it was dangerous. His very essence seemed to exude chaos and unpredictability, and yet, there was a magnetic quality to him that you couldn't quite resist. It has been the reason you hadn’t resisted when you found yourself forming an acquaintanceship with the demon. You never forgot the fact that you formed a deal with him, but you also know you would have perished in hell without it. As the years passed, you found yourself increasingly entangled in his web, your role shifting from mere acquaintance to something deeper. Despite the shadow of your initial deal looming over your interactions, there were moments of genuine connection, where laughter and shared interests bridged the gap between the two of you.
But for all his allure, there was a darkness that lurked beneath the surface, a sinister quality that sent shivers down your spine. Beneath the charm and charisma, there lay a cruelty and arrogance that left a bitter taste in your mouth. You couldn't ignore the way he toyed with people's lives, finding amusement in their suffering as if it were mere entertainment for his twisted amusement.
It was a trait that you found repulsive, a stark reminder of the true nature of the demon before you. Despite any moments of camaraderie or shared interests, you kept him at arm's length, wary of the darkness that lurked within him. You refused to be drawn into his games, determined to maintain your sense of morality amidst the chaos of Hell.
"It was a good thing that you did as well," you remind yourself. The longer you remained within his grasp, it became painfully evident that he saw you as nothing but a pawn in his elaborate scheme. To him, you were merely another soul to be manipulated and discarded at his whim. The realization was like a cold slap to the face when you stop trying to see your deal through rose-colored glasses, pushing you to stay focused on your own motives and to keep in mind the true nature of the bond that bound you to him.
As the years unfurled like dark tendrils, you found yourself inexorably drawn into the intricate web of Hell's inner workings, your place at Alastor's side shaping your very being in ways you never thought possible. Together, you traversed the twisted pathways of infernal politics and power dynamics, your partnership born out of the necessity and survival in the unforgiving depths of the underworld.
With each passing day, you witnessed firsthand the extent of Alastor's influence, his mastery over the sinners of Hell a testament to his cunning and resourcefulness. You watched as he wielded his power with ruthless efficiency, his charismatic charm masking the darkness that lurked beneath the surface. It made scene why he was able to make so many deals.
And as you stood at his side, you found yourself undergoing a metamorphosis of your own. No longer did the trappings of your celestial heritage define you; instead, you embraced the sleek, mobster-inspired garb favored by Alastor. The celestial radiance that once emanated from you had dimmed, replaced by a darker allure that mirrored the sinister depths of your new reality. However, you clung to remnants of your celestial heritage, evident in the half-up crown braid adorning your head. In your eyes, it was a subtle attempt to retain a semblance of your former self, a last remnant of your symbol of a halo.
It wasn't just your outward appearance that changed as the years passed. With each passing day, you felt yourself growing more adept at navigating the streets of Hell, your mind sharpened by the constant challenges and intrigues that came with your role as Alastor's assistant. You don’t know when it happens. Perhaps it was after the passage of the first century since your fateful deal over your soul, but you couldn’t avoid being emerged as Alastor's trusted confidante in other eyes, your allegiance to him unwavering as you navigated the perilous currents of the underworld by his side.
With each challenge met and each intrigue unraveled, your wit grew, your mind sharpening like a finely crafted blade. You became adept at deciphering the subtle machinations of Hell's sinners, your insights becoming invaluable to Alastor as you worked in tandem to uphold his dominion over the ever-shifting landscape of the city. As his right-hand woman, you stood steadfast by his side, a formidable duo poised to conquer whatever obstacles lay in your path.
You could feel yourself falling into old habits by his side.
Until he disappeared.
In the wake of Alastor's sudden disappearance, you found yourself adrift in a sea of uncertainty, your current world thrown into disarray by the absence of the radio demon. For the first few weeks, you struggled to make sense of his sudden departure, your mind consumed by questions and doubts. You had gotten into a routine with the radio demon – weaving a new web of purpose that you had found to be rather manageable. You didn’t see this as an opportunity for freedom. Without Alastor, anything could happen to you in Hell without his protection. It had thrown you into a hole of despair – much like the stage you had entered Hell in.
But even in the midst of your confusion, you remained steadfast in your loyalty to Alastor. You refused to believe that he was gone for good – You had to, clinging to the hope that he would return to reclaim his rightful place at the helm of Hell's airwaves. Or you pray he did. You didn’t know how long you could get away without him being there before one of the overlords figured out what you were. If they did, you were sure it would result in a swift death or an eternity of torture. In hell, funnily enough, considering your situation. Maybe you just hoped he was okay because he had your soul in his possession. But you know the real reason. You were genuinely concerned for him. Even if you tried to keep him at arm’s length – you know you considered him a friend.
In those first few weeks of his absence, you had felt adrift, your once unwavering sense of purpose shaken to its core. You had spent countless hours wandering the dimly lit streets of Pentagram City, searching for any sign of Alastor's whereabouts, but to no avail. You decided to think that he would be relying on you to keep his radio studio alive, and you took on the task with fierce determination. Day and night, you tended to his affairs with meticulous care, ensuring that his presence remained felt even in his absence. You know at the end of the day it was a desperate attempt to find a purpose.
It was no small feat, keeping the radio scene alive and thriving in Alastor's absence, but you refused to let his legacy fade into obscurity. Mostly in the fear that you did, you might be done for. You poured your heart and soul into the task, channeling your energy into maintaining the electrifying atmosphere that had become synonymous with Alastor's name. It had been nerve-racking at first. You had never spoken over a radio before – let alone knowing that others would be listening.
And as the weeks turned into months, and the months turned into years, you found yourself growing stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. You had become a pillar of strength in Alastor's absence, a testament to your unwavering dedication to keeping a hold of this for your sanity or the hope that this would keep the other overlords away. And though you longed for the day when Alastor would return, you knew that you would continue to hold down the fort until that time came.
During this time, you did feel a sense of emptiness that seemed to gnaw at your own soul. You missed him. Maybe it was his way of speaking or how together you were able to enjoy moments listening to music – not feeling the need to make commentary or talk for hours. Him drinking his black coffee while you enjoyed the tea he despised so much.
Yet, during this time, you were able to find solace in the returning thoughts of a path of redemption that you had strayed from so long ago. You hadn’t thought about it for a while. Hell, you had been too busy while working aside from Alastor. But the more time you were by yourself, the more you thought about it. It started with small, hesitant steps – a whispered prayer offered up to the heavens in the dead of night, a longing to reconnect with the divine forces that had once guided you.
With each passing day, you felt the pull of your celestial origins growing stronger, a yearning deep within your heart to find your way back to the light. You sought solace in the rituals and practices that had once defined your existence, craving the sense of purpose and fulfillment that came with walking the path of righteousness.
Without Alastor there… maybe you would have a chance at it again. And though you knew that your journey would be long and arduous, you refused to give up hope. You clung to the belief that redemption was possible, even in the darkest corners of Hell, and you vowed to yourself to do whatever it took to find your way back to the light.
As you traversed the shadowy streets of Hell, a palpable sense of unease settled over you like a suffocating fog. The air was thick with tension, and an ominous foreboding lingered in the murky depths of the underworld. With each step, you felt the weight of your surroundings pressing down upon you, a relentless reminder of the darkness that pervaded every corner of your existence in Hell.
You are brought back to the present from your racing thoughts as the sound of demonic whispering and shouting can be heard as a group of sinners crowds TVs outside a store. You move closer as you stand on your tiptoes to look over the top of heads and horns. A bit of a bump here and there as more sinners crowded around. That’s when you saw it – a flickering projection of someone on the News. You soon recognized who the face and voice belonged to. Lucifer’s Daughter. Charlie Morningstar. And you were now huddled into a group of sinners as you watched Charlie’s latest blunder, cast upon a weathered screen for all of Pentagram City to witness. The sight of it sent a shiver down your spine, a sickening knot forming in the pit of your stomach. Charlie was singing about something about a Hotel for sinners, the words blaring out from the television like a grotesque mockery of redemption.
Refusing to subject yourself to the spectacle of Charlie's folly, you averted your gaze and shuffled out of the crowd of sinners as you got back to the footpath. You quickened your pace, heart heavy with the weight of your responsibilities. The burden of your duties hung heavily upon your shoulders, a constant reminder of the role you played in the ever-unfolding drama of Hell. You might be able to get a few words in over what you just saw. Pull in a few extra listeners.
With determination etched into every line of your face, you focused on the familiar path leading back to the sanctuary of the studio, the comforting hum of routine beckoning you like a beacon in the darkness. Amidst the chaos and turmoil that engulfed you, you sought solace in the familiarity of your work, eager to find refuge amidst the swirling maelstrom of uncertainty that surrounded you.
As your hand reached out to grasp the familiar door handle of the studio, a sudden surge of energy crackled in the air, causing you to recoil in shock. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end, and a sense of foreboding washed over you like an icy wave crashing against the shore. Before you could even begin to process what was happening, you felt an invisible force wrap around you, pulling you into its grasp with irresistible strength.
With a startled cry, you stumbled backward, your heart pounding in your chest like a drumbeat of dread. Darkness enveloped you like a suffocating cloak, swallowing you whole and leaving you disoriented and breathless. The sensation of being transported through space and time assaulted your senses, disorienting you in a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty.
For a fleeting moment, you felt as though you were being torn apart at the seams, your very essence stretched thin and fragmented across the fabric of reality. Colors blurred and merged in a dizzying kaleidoscope of chaos, and the world around you seemed to warp and twist with each passing moment.
‘I guess it was nice while it lasted… Good lord, please make my death swift.’
And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the tumultuous journey came to an abrupt halt, leaving you standing in the eerie silence of an unfamiliar place. Your heart raced in your chest, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you struggled to regain your bearings. You glanced around frantically, your eyes wide with alarm as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Wherever you were, one thing was certain – you were far from the safety of the studio, and the unknown loomed ominously before you like a specter in the night.
As the suffocating darkness finally lifted, you found yourself standing in the grand foyer of the Hazbin Hotel, your senses still reeling from the sudden transition. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and an eerie glow bathed your surroundings in a spectral light that sent shivers down your spine. Confusion and apprehension gripped you like icy tendrils as you struggled to make sense of your abrupt arrival.
Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat echoing in the silence of the cavernous space around you. The realization dawned like a bolt of lightning – You had been blindsided by Alastor's powers, whisked away to the hotel without so much as a warning. Panic clawed at the edges of your mind, threatening to consume you in its relentless grasp.
Before you could gather your wits, Alastor's voice sliced through the silence like a knife, his words dripping with sinister amusement as he greeted you with a twisted melody. Your breath caught in your throat; you felt your pulse quickening at the sound of his voice. You turned slowly, your gaze meeting his crimson eyes glittering with mischief.
"And here is my dear assistant!" He exclaimed; his tone laced with a cruel kind of charm. "Truly a lovely beauty that fell from grace!"
A mixture of emotions swirled within you at his words. While there was a sense of joy at his return, there was also a wariness that lingered in the back of your mind. Despite the warmth of his presence, there was a chill that ran down your spine as you stood face-to-face with the Radio Demon. You were all too aware of the darkness that dwelled within him, the cruelty hidden behind his charismatic smile.
And yet, despite the shadows that surrounded him, there was a sense of comfort in his familiarity—a reminder of the bond you once shared - For better or for worse. As you bask in the glow of his presence, a sense of caution mingled with gratitude. You were grateful to have Alastor back by your side once more, even if it meant navigating the treacherous waters of his unpredictable nature.
With each passing moment, the realization settled in like a weight upon your shoulders – you were reunited with an old friend. And though you knew the challenges that lay ahead, you faced them with a renewed sense of awareness, knowing that Alastor's presence was both a blessing and a curse. ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿ ♡ ✿
My AO3 account!
Just a reminder that this is my first ever Fanfiction - Besides the Dabble I posted I've never really done anything like this before. As I mentioned in the announcement chapter of Fallen, I was into creative writing in high school. I never took it further than that because I'm super into art. Recently I've started to get pains in my drawing hand however so I thought I would pick up another hobby to be able to have a break but still allow me to have fun being creative.
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° I appreciate feedback and if you like this please check it out on AO3 to leave a kudo or comment °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I'm already planning to make some drawings for this as well - if you are interested in that my Instagram is @Ivory_Sketching
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mint-yooxgi · 9 months
Indulgence - Yandere!Fallen Angel!Hongjoong
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Yandere AU & Fallen Angel AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Hongjoong X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,038
Warnings: Religious themes and imagery, the typical angel/demon bs, heavy sexual themes: masturbation, voyerism. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Ngl, this was way darker in my head lmaooo. Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Twelfth of The Feral Drabbles
Really? Broad daylight? You certainly are a wild one, aren’t you? Maybe that’s why I love you so much.
You know, it hasn’t been easy since the fall, but you have truly made the pain I first experienced worthwhile. I’ll even let you in on a little secret…
I fell because of you.
You: you’re captivating, did you know that? I’m not easily impressed, but there’s just something about you that drew me in from the very first moment I laid my eyes upon you. One of His creations that puts even the most beautiful of us to shame. You should be protected, and kept away from those unworthy to gaze upon you.
After all, I’ve always been taught: nothing less for the best!
I will keep you safe. I will worship you like you clearly deserve. You need me, just as I need you. After all, I no longer have to worry about those stupid morals or duties down here. Only you.
From my experience, humans tend to… indulge in their more primal desires at night, but you? Anyone could look into your room right now and see what it is that you’re doing. Really, you’re lucky I’m here to make sure that that doesn’t happen. No one else can see the way your hands trace over such delicate curves. No one else deserves to watch as your chest stutters with every hitch in your breath.
I only wish it were me in that room making you breathless instead.
One of the various reasons I fell, My Beloved, was due to my desire for you. You make it increasingly hard to control myself around you, not that I’ve ever seemed to have any sense of control around you to begin with. I’ve long since ached to feel your touch on me, to know what those hands feel like tugging on my hair, cupping my face so tenderly, and maybe even squeezing my ass…
Well, you get the point.
I want you, and I will do everything in my power - or rather, with the power that still remains inside of me - to make you mine.
I’ve truly never given much thought to indulgences before- no, wait, that’s a lie. I promised myself I would stop lying to you. You deserve my truth, and only my truth. You’re the only one that does. Everyone else can go visit Uncle Luci downstairs for all I care. You are the only one who matters to me now.
Anyways, I digress… Indulgence. What a strange word. To even so much as imply that basic wants and necessities are something to indulge in is completely abhorrent. Every person’s needs - angels, demons, humans - are different, and to act like an indulgence for one is completely natural for another defeats the purpose.
My brothers down below revel in the more sinister indulgences, while those stupid, ‘holier-than-thou’ chickens I once belonged to would shun them, even though the majority of us would do the same damn things. Isn’t it interesting, Beloved, that one is revered while the other is feared? What makes demons worse than angels for doing the same, horrific things?
Ah, but enough about my family trauma… Let me now focus on you.
Oh, I suppose in my tangent, I zoned out for a little there. You’ve certainly been busy in that time, not that I’m complaining. 
No. Never. I could never fault you for anything.
Unless you tried to run from me. Or you decided to fall in love with another. Or you wanted to leave me.
Okay, so just don’t do anything bad, and we’ll live- what do you humans like to call it again? Oh, ‘Happily Ever After.’
Really, I’m just lucky that you decided to move out to the countryside. You don’t have many neighbours, but really, Beloved, you never know what kind of monsters can be lurking in the shadows. Fear not, for I am here to watch over you. Always.
And gaze upon you, I do… 
Such beauty…
Such marvellous wonder…
Look at how those beautiful thighs part, practically begging for me to be between them right this very moment. Look at the way your legs tremble, and you’ve still yet to touch that gorgeous cunt of yours.
It’s a shame really. I should be the one giving you such sweet release. You shouldn’t have to do this on your own.
No! Don’t cover your mouth with your hand! Let me hear you!
Oh my… That was close… I almost smashed my hand through your window, Beloved. Do you see what you do to me? I told you I can hardly control myself around you, but you can’t blame me. You just have such a strong affect on me…
Such a perfect scene spread out before me, and you want to taint it by muffling your sounds? What am I supposed to do with myself if I can’t hear what you sound like whimpering and whining for me? How is that fair?
I want to know everything about you. I want to consume you in the best of ways, just as you have enraptured me with your very soul. Let it shine beside my own, a brilliant white to contrast my now scorched wings. Wings that now brand me as a Fallen with their blackened feathers.
Black feathers are meant to be a sign of shame amongst my kind, but all I can feel is pride. You have given me hope for a new life, and I would fall all over again if it meant spending even one second with you.
I love you, My Beloved, and nothing will ever change that.
So, please, won’t you open up to me?
Yes… That’s it, Beautiful, just like that. Cup those gorgeous breasts for me. Imagine that those are my hands holding you so. Feel my fingers pinching your nipples, my tongue flicking against your skin.
How I long for the day where I can finally touch you. I want to be able to bring you to new heights, and show you pleasures that you’ve never even dreamed about. You should be taken care of with the utmost attention, and I promise you that that is what I’ll do. I’ll take my time worshipping every dip, every curve of that wondrous body of yours. I’ll make you sigh my name like a prayer, nothing but the most intricate of praises delegated unto you from my lips.
Fuck- spread those legs for me. Let me see all of you in your glory. Let me discover my own personal heaven on earth in you.
My Beloved… is this all for me? Is the way your essence drips out of you because you long for this, too? It must be. There’s no other that could make you this wet, no other that could have you trembling just from the mere thought of them and what they could do to you.
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one able to affect the other like this…
Oh, Beloved, you really are putting on a show just for me! It’s like you can read my mind!
Perhaps… No. I shouldn’t be so bold.
Then again, after everything that’s happened, why shouldn’t I be? I have long since submitted to the fact that I am yours, and you are mine. There’s no doubt about it, not when I feel this strongly for you.
I must get closer, this glass separating me from you is burdensome. I need to see you, unobstructed. I need to be able to hear your every sound, unfiltered.
I suppose I should be grateful for my wings now, the black blends right in to the shadows my brothers downstairs revel above all else. I’ll admit, I’m not quite used to hiding in corners. We angels typical love standing out, but for now, I’ll lie in wait. It’s much better for the both of us this way. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to see me even if you tried.
Oh, Beloved, look at you… How the mere sight of you, hand teasing at that gorgeous pussy, nearly brings me to my knees. The way your lips are parted as little breaths escape you while your eyes flutter shut and your nose scrunches is the most captivating sight I have ever had the pleasure to behold.
My only wish is that you could see the effect you have on me. Like you, my whole body is heating. My hands tremble, and my legs shake. Hell, even my wings cannot help but flutter in anticipation as I sneak my own hand down the front of my body. I’ll allow myself the pleasure of touching myself in time with you. I’ve only ever dreamed about it a countless amount of times before, anyways.
Dearly Beloved, won’t you give in to yourself? Give in to any and every desire you’re currently thinking about.
Touch yourself for me…
That’s it, Beloved, let me hear the wet drag of your fingers through that dripping cunt. I want to drown in your pleasure with you, don’t hold back.
Now I see why you covered your hand with your mouth…
It truly is hard to keep quiet when there’s such a temptation spread out before oneself. You are the greatest temptation I have ever known, and if I didn’t stifle my moan just now, you would have know that someone else is in the room with you. Well, we can’t have that, now, can we? You’d get scared and stop what you’re doing, and I wouldn’t be able to comfort you when you needed me most.
Fuck- there is no sound more holy than the breathless way you whine from such a simple touch.
Does that feel good, My Beloved? Are your fingers enough, circling over that delicate little clit of yours? Wouldn’t you rather feel mine? What about my tongue? You’d let me have a taste of that intoxicating nectar that flows from your pretty cunt, right? You’d let me get lost in you for however long I’d like? I’ll always give you everything you could ever want, My Beloved. My fingers, my tongue, my cock. Everything.
All that I am, is yours, Beloved. I hope when the time comes, you can say the same for me.
Oh, Beloved… do you know how fucking sexy you are when you moan like that? Do you know how it makes my heart stutter to hear you get lost to your own pleasure; how my cock aches for you? You must, otherwise you wouldn’t be tempting me like this.
I’m honestly embarrassed by how close I am already. I’ll have to work on that if we are to make love all night long when the time comes. And it will. I will make damn sure of it.
For now, why don’t you come for me? Rub that little clit, and come for me. Don’t hold back now, I want to see you. In all of your raw glory.
Yes, yes, yes, that’s it! Don’t stop now, Beloved. Let me hear you scream for me!
Fuck- I can practically taste you on my tongue already… look at that gorgeous pussy, just fucking fluttering in bliss. 
So beautiful, and all mine.
Wait a second… I taste… blood.
Oh, I suppose I bit into my hand to keep myself quiet while I came with you. No worries, I’ll heal in the blink of an eye. Getting to see you come apart like that for me, though… priceless.
I wish I could stay, but I think one of my wings knocked into one of your picture frames on the wall, and I think you heard it despite the blissful haze that still clouds your mind. The last thing I want is to get caught like this. It’s not proper of me.
Really, what would you think?
I hope you didn’t catch that soft giggle of mine as I left your room, My Beloved, and I certainly hope you don’t discover any of my feathers I may or may not have left behind for you. If that’s that case, and you finally learn of my existence, my devotion to you… well, whatever on earth would I do?
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vampykween · 6 months
strangeness and charm
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vampire!price x f!reader x vampire!ghost i keep coming back to vampire!price and vampire!ghost god im just so obsessed!!! my other vampire works: vampire drabble , good little pet
✴︎ battered and disoriented from when you were hastily dumped in an eerie forest, you were grateful to the strange man who saved you; that is, until he showed you who, or rather what he really was.
cw: reader is essentially kidnapped and consent is like mildly dubious so! take that as you wish ☻
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Price, the strange man who had taken you from the forest, leads you through an expansive foyer decorated in ornate gothic furnishings into an equally large sitting room. There was a roaring fire blazing in the large fireplace, which warmed your icy skin. You can't remember how long you were even out roaming the dark and eerie woods, your sick bastard ex-boyfriend dumped you in. 
Price’s hand on your lower back pushes you further into the room and leads you towards a plush velvet couch. The same hand trails up to the base of your neck, “Sit,” he commanded and for some reason you find yourself unable to disobey. 
From the corner of your eye you see a shadow flit across the dimly lit room, and if it wasn't for your captor’s hand holding you firmly in place, you would’ve jumped out of your skin. 
Another mysteriously colossal and ominous man crosses the room to where you and Price are sitting. You notice he is wearing a mask, similar to one someone would wear to a masquerade ball. You’re grateful to be out of the hands of your insane ex, but this doesn't feel much better. The man looks between you and Price as if he was awaiting permission to speak. 
“I’ve brought you a gift, Ghost. Found this pretty little thing wandering outside the grounds. I think she’d make a fine pet, don't you agree?” 
You feel your heart rate spike at his words, pet? What the hell was he talking about? And with the way he spoke his question made it seem like it wasn't really a question at all. 
The masked man only gives a simple nod in Price’s direction as a response and their eyes must hold an unspoken conversation, because soon after Ghost is kneeling at your feet. His head is bowed as if in shame, as if he’s not worthy of looking at you just yet. The feelings of Price’s cold digits are a looming presence on your neck and you have a sinking feeling that whatever happens next, he isn't going to let up. Your heart is hammering even faster and you can hear the roaring sound of your blood pulsing in your ears. What could possibly be happening right now? Is this your fate, doomed to a death at the hands of a sinister man who supposedly loved you, or be locked away and tortured by these two freaks? 
From your perspective you get a nice view at the broadness of Ghost’s shoulders and back, how a man so large could make himself seem so small you weren't even sure. All you could deduce was that Price gave commands and Ghost followed them. The hand not clasped around your neck, snakes in Ghost’s golden tresses and pulls slightly until the kneeled man is looking up at him. 
“Why don't you show our little treasure what she’s in store for.” the smooth timber of his voice starts to make you feel flustered. As much as you were incredibly frightened, there was a small part of you simmering with some sort of uncertain heat. Ghost rises from the floor deftly and settles next to you on the couch. Price's hand slithers up from the base of your neck until he’s cupping your jaw and tilting your head towards him, as if presenting your neck for the other man. 
Your blood freezes sharply in your veins, either you were about to get your head snapped clean off or… your thoughts are quickly interrupted by the feeling of something sharp sinking into your flesh. The sound of your piercing scream barely registers in your own ears, drowned out by the sound of your blood suddenly rushing and crashing like tidal waves. The pain is unlike anything you’ve ever felt and your body starts to feel weak and limp, but you're momentarily brought back to reality when you feel a hand graze your breasts over your tattered dress. You attempt to squeak out your dissatisfaction, but find yourself unable to speak. Your tongue feels like lead in your mouth and it’s hard to even get your lips to move the way you want them to. 
The same husky voice from earlier coos into your ear, “Don't worry, darling. You’ll learn to love this, and once you do I promise we’re going to make it so fuckin’ good for you.” 
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staarboyyy · 8 months
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┏━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ bowie | 19 | any pronouns ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┛
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆
┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ⏳ ₒ ‍ ‍
┆ ┆ ┆ *:・゚ ↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ ✦ ⌇ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ↴
┆ ┆ *ೃ bowies tumblr!
┆ ‍ ‍ ‍ *₊°。
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧 ; all characters are 18+, written by adult(s), for adults, in adult scenarios. These scenarios can range from explicit, to gorey depending on the given tags. minors do not interact!
★📎 {} .. if requests are open, please be patient with completed drabbles! i am only one person with two weak malnourished thumbs, have mercy :(
☆💬。・i write for characters that have been considered "controversial" in the past, such as homelander, soldier boy, amanda young, etc. if those characters/sources bother you, please feel free to block me and my tags !
-ˋˏ #bowies fics [all fics]
-ˋˏ #bowies requests [requested fics]
-ˋˏ #bowies comfort tag [reposts of fanart of sources i love]
-ˋˏ #bowies silly tag [funny reposts]
-ˋˏ #pretty colors!!!@ [reposts of fanart of sources i love]
╴╴╴╴╴⊹ꮺ˚ ╴╴╴╴╴⊹˚ ╴╴╴╴˚ೃ ╴╴
request status ; closed !
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✩°。⋆saw franchise x reader - all gender neutral
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: amanda young x reader
drowning ; unhealthy dynamics, descriptions of violence, s/h mentions slight stockholm syndrome, menetions of kidnapping, fluff, no smut - strangely soft moments and recalling memories of being taken in by amanda and john [ romance ]
quiet morning ; fluff, sleeping with socks, sleepy morning, buffmanda, pervymanda, straddling, teasing - amanda insists you both sleep in. [ suggestive ]
choice ; stroke mentions/slight descriptions, surgery mentions, panic attacks, grounding, hand holding, fluff, "i hate everyone but you" trope - after john has a stroke, you find yourself slightly split between two sides of the same coin. [ angst / romance ]
territory ; apprentice!reader, jealousy, amanda being a guard dog, anatomical terms for vagina, degradation, dubcon if u squint, biting, sadistmanda - amanda catches you and mark going over your lastet work. [ smut ]
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: mark hoffman x reader
worthy test ; dead dove, detective!reader, kidnapping, smut, gender neutral anatomy, gags, rough sex, slapping, needles, drugging, unhealthy dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, size difference kink, age difference, creampie, big ol man tiddies YEEHAWW!! - you and your team of investigators have been after jigsaw's apprentice for months, yet waking up bound to a chair makes way for suprises more sinister than you could have imagined [ smut ]
✩°。⋆the boys x reader - all gender neutral
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: homelander x reader
compliance ; sublander, bloodplay, knifeplay, handcuffs, dom/sub dynamic, consent, communication, prior planning, oral sex - getting homelander in a vulnerable position where you put him in cuffs he's not allowed to break. [ smut ]
supernova ; depowered!homelander, homelander reffered to as john, angst with a fluffy ending, domestic sweetness, anxiety attack, eating difficulties - john feels lost after losing his powers despite settling into a "normal" life with you. [ angst / romance ]
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: soldier boy x reader
negotiations ; dubcon, forced orgasms, slight daddy kink, glove kink if you squint, size kink, southern charm, drug use, wall sex, no pronouns used for reader but afab anatomy is repeatedly mentioned - upon joining The Boys to take down Homelander with the help of Soldier Boy, you come to realize he's much more of a hard bargain than you anticipated. [ smut / slight romance ]
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: frenchie x reader
people will talk ; weed smoking, alcohol references, fluff, intoxication, cozy fic, - late night meetings between you, frenchie and a joint [ fluff ]
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ .: frenchie x butcher x reader
team building ; reader has vagina, weed use / intoxication, supe reaper, enemies to lovers if you squint, hell yeah for long buildup, threesome, lap sitting, oral [receiving / giving], spitroast, lots of petnames - As a Supe on the run, joining The Boys can be nerve wracking - Easing up tension is no easy feat. [ smut ]
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✩°。⋆ Unexpected
; ˚₊ ˚ ‧₊ thomas shelby x reader fic [ smut - specified anatomy ]
summary ; the shelby's and your family have worked together for quite some time. when your mother made a bold move against the lead shelby brother, you took to going to apologize personally.
tags / warnings ; intoxication, spanking, grinding, pleasure denial, thomas shelby being a bitch, smoking, masturbation, facial, cumplay if u squint, explicit consent, power imbalance
i. evening ,, ii. morning
⊹ꮺ˚ masterlist will be updated bi-weekly!
⊹ꮺ˚ for a more accurate list, check #bowies fics ! <3
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isamajor · 1 month
Whumpril 2024 : days 26 to 30
The last days of @whumpril !
26 . « How could you ? »
Ever since they came upon Boethiah's altar, the Dragonborn had been acting strangely. Falsely. It was almost too late that they realized that the Daedric Prince was speaking to thir soul, leading them to the abyss of betrayal.
They have almost sacrificed the trusting Lydia, their thane, their unwavering support since the beginning. She had been narrowly saved and was staring, shocked, at her thane who had betrayed her.
“How could you?” Auri spat. "How could you even think about that? She is one of us!"
Kaidan just slapped them, his eyes filled with anger. The Dragonborn looked away, a tear rolling down their sore cheek. (105)
27 . « Please don't go. »
They have their hand on this new Black Book, ready to open it. Lucien grabbed their wrist, his face betraying his concern.
“Please don’t go.”, he begged, his voice sharp with anguish. Lucien stared at the Dragonborn who seemed determined to open it. Lucien's blue eyes grew wet and bright. He added :
"This is a Daedric kingdom and its Prince is a devious being. There is no certainty that you will be able to return intact... Please..."
Lucien knew that, there would be no guarantee that Hermaeus Mora would not lock them away in his world, as he had done to Miraak before. (104)
28 . Fight/Flight/Freeze
They saw some webs but they did not expect the monstrous size of the frostbite spider that descended on them. Inigo welcomed the sight of this spider with joy, ready to face the creature head-on. Nebarra's heart raced as he caught sight of the arachnid's menacing form. Under his helmet were hidden his features distorted by terror. His breathing had spontaneously stopped. His legs gave out, causing him to collapse to his knees. His hands were shaking uncontrollably, unable to grab his sword or cast a ward. While the others attacked the threat, he remained frozen, unable to defend himself or even flee. (105)
29 . Reluctant Caretaker
It was his turn on duty at Lucifer's bedside. Xelzaz was exhausted and needed to get some sleep. Reluctantly he sat at the injured man's bedside. The wound was badly infected and Lucifer was layig motionless, his breath shallow and labored, a feverish sheen coating his scales. Xelzaz had concocted a medicine for him which everyone hoped would work quickly. The Altmer sighed.
“And I’m the one being asked to babysit you, Lute.”
He placed a cloth soaked in cool water on the Argonian's forehead without much care.
“You better not die under my watch, now.”, he threatened. (100)
30 . « We're out of time. »
As the Dragonborn and his companions moved deeper into the Dwemer ruin of Arkngthamz, sinister rumblings were heard. Remiel and Lucien, both fascinated by Dwemer complex mechanisms and architecture, had lingered to examine a particularly intriguing tonal mechanism. The ground trembled beneath their feet, creaks echoed through the halls and walls began to crumble here and there. Both were so absorbed that they had become oblivious of the imminent danger and deaf to the calls of their companions. It was only when they were forcibly taken away by the latter who shouted "We're out of time!", that they realized the danger of their situation. (105)
You can find all the drabbles written for Whumpril 2024 here (in addition to other whump drabbles on Skyrim Custom-voiced Followers written for various challenges).
Remember to leave me a little comment, it’s always nice ;)
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rosemaidenvixen · 8 months
Tales of Arcadia Halloween Fic recs
Any TOA fans out there looking for something spooky to read around Halloween? Well then this is the the list for you! A compilation of my favorite horror and Halloween themed Tales of Arcadia fics. Some of these are safe for all ages, but some do lean hard into horror, so mind the tags and read with caution.
Arcane Blight @avirxy Do you like horror? Do you like Tales of Arcadia? If the answer is yes to both then stop what you're doing and read this. Takes place in an alternate universe where Jim is the new kid in Arcadia, and he quickly realizes that this innocent looking town has dark secrets lurking beneath the surface. To say any more would ruin a lot of the truly gut punching, jaw dropping twists and turns this story has.
The Changeling Masquerade @earth-ambassador-jim Takes place in the author's changeling Toby au. Shows how exactly changelings celebrate Halloween, but with a sinister twist.
Tear Me In Two (The Moonlight Will Anyway) @avirxy Two words. Werewolf Claire. In a monster hunter au Claire gets a nasty bite from a lycanthrope and the whole group struggles with the consequences. One of my all time favorite pieces of werewolf media for the absolutely phenomenal way it explores what it means to unleash the beast within.
Through the Veil @pinkytoothlesso11 This one's just getting started, but holy hell what a start! Jim doesn't given much credibility to Eli's ramblings of monsters and conspiracies in their town, until he witnesses someone he trusts performing a horrific ritual on Halloween night that brings everything he thought he knew into question. Now Jim and his friends are far from home and lost in a world hostile to human kind, and no guarantee that they'll make it home safe.
Something's wrong with Arcadia @earth-ambassador-jim When Jim and team Trollhunters aren't running around causing problems, what does the average Joe think of the strangeness going on in Arcadia? Bular and goblins and changelings shown from a mundane point of view in a way that's absolutely chilling.
31 Days in the Darklands @xdeusxmachinax Not technically a Halloween story, but takes place near and on Halloween with tons of horror and spooky imagery. I always give it a re-read each spooky season. In the wake of an unconventional treaty Strickler struggles to keep balance between Trollmarket, the Janus order, Arcadia, and the Darklands but the universe seems to sabotage him at each stage, and there's more than just pumpkin spice in the air this year in Arcadia.
Snippets, Snails, and Trollish Tales @whitherwanderyouspirit Some mostly Stricklake centered Halloween one shoots ranging from sweet to spooky to downright terrifying.
The Manor atop the Hill @avirxy A Haunted House story like you've never seen done before. When a desperate and frightened Jim follows his mother into the mysterious mansion on the outskirts of town he finds himself trapped in more ways than one. No one has lived in this house for as long as anyone can remember, but it is far from empty. Forced to rely on ghosts and a mysterious girl, Jim has to keep his wits about him if he wants to escape with his life, and his soul, intact.
cave bestiam @rosemaidenvixen Based on the online two sentance horror story "A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into her room and said, “I heard that, too.” But staring Barbara and Jim.
Fear of Fears @rosemaidenvixen An alternate take on my sunshine au. Jim decideds to sneak out on Halloween by passing his troll form off as a costume, a decision that will ripple outward into horrific consequences.
Tales of All Hallows Eve @rosemaidenvixen Collection of my Halloween themed one shots and drabbles.
Dig your eight graves @rosemaidenvixen Eight teens from Arcadia wander far from home and suffer a brutal attack from an evil that was much closer to home than they could ever imagine. Alone and traumatized, one of them makes a bargain in order to reclaim what was taken from them. They gain everything they ask for and more, but lose more than they ever thought possible.
A Bunch of Hocus Pocus @rosemaidenvixen A collection of 31 spooky and Halloween themed one shots for Tales of Arcadia and The Owl House, released one per day each day of October until Halloween.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
I have a request since your doing the paragraph stories. So…Id really love a story where the reader has always wanted to waltz but never got the chance to with her last partner. So sinister being the elegant gentleman teaches her and waltz with her in his big sanctum. Bonus points if its extra fluffy.
I tried to throw in all the fluff I could fit into this. I went very Disney. Also I now have the song I mentioned stuck in my head. ❤️
You were sure you were never going to get this right. Each misstep made you progressively more dejected and angry. You wanted so badly to get this right. To be the person you saw in your mind. Gliding effortlessly across the floor, swirling around like a princess in the arms of her prince. Just like Cinderella, Belle, and Aurora. As long as you could remember you had wanted to learn to waltz. Being a Disney fan did help fuel the fire, but still. You figured it was the perfect time to try to learn. It's not like there was a ton else to do in this fractured universe. You may also already be harboring a little bit of a dark prince crush, on Stephen Strange. The only other being in the universe with you. 
He looked like a prince. Always clad in elaborate robes in dark indigo or black with leather accents. Even his slightly disheveled hair had a styled charm about it when tendrils fell across his sharp cheekbones. He moved like a prince. His hands often clasped behind his back and his broad chest puffed out slightly. He seemed to float through the halls of the Sanctum. Each step purposeful as he went about his business. Then there was the Sanctum itself. It was practically a castle in it's own right, even now as the building decayed like the world around it. Every prince needed his castle, and for your Sinister prince that was the once opulent but now decrepit Sanctum Sanctorum. So since you were trapped, in a castle, with a handsome dark prince your princess fantasies had taken full hold and that included the want to learn to waltz.
You had been trying to learn by yourself when he caught you stumbling around the large empty room in circles. You couldn't think of a valid reason to explain what you were doing other than you were having some sort of seizure, so you caved and confessed the task you had set yourself to. After nodding to himself and seeming to think for a second, you were surprised when the sorcerer walked over and held out his hand. Even more surprised when he pulled you into his arms and started trying to lead you around the Sanctum foyer. Counting the steps aloud to you as he gently held you close. 
That had been about a week ago. Now that you had figured out the basic steps with his help, you were at the challenging part of putting it together and staying in time with the song. Seemingly no matter how fast you tried to move you were either late or managed to step on your own toes. Stephen could tell you were starting to lose it with yourself. As he watched you close your eyes and shake out your imaginary skirt it occurred to him that he never asked why you wanted to learn this. He was suddenly very curious what you were picturing in your mind as you stood with your eyes closed counting out your box step for the thousandth time.
After a little bit of probing beneath the surface and a suggestion that you take a short break, he was ready for you to try again. This time as he pulled you into his arms the room around you began to glitter purple, the magic even dancing over your own body. You stood in shock as the cold gray interior of the Sanctum turned warm and lavish. Following the last shimmers as they moved down your figure you watched as your own clothes transformed into a copy of Belle's yellow gold ballgown from Beauty & The Beast. On cue the music picked up from nowhere, of course it had now changed from the classical piece Stephen had been using to the theme from the same movie. Your jaw was on the floor as you looked up at Stephen in wonder and saw the mischievous glimmer in his crystal blue eyes.
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"I thought after our conversation earlier, that perhaps the problem was simply a lack of authenticity at the moment. Now, just let go and be in the moment. Here with me."
So afterwards I realized Beauty & The Beast is not technically a waltz, but I don't want to change the story. If you must have a waltz timing song picked for this story may I recommend "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones.
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Back to Fluffy Sinister Strange masterlist
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cyberrose2001 · 11 months
Optima’s x fem Organic alien
Maybe she’s got liquid energon for blood.. small fangs and by average roughly 13 feet tall in her true form.. with slight electromagnetic psychic abilities.. but can’t use them often or for long periods of time, as she’ll pas out from exhaustion. And her species can camouflage into the main Organic Alien of whatever planet they reside in as a means to blend in.
but cannot keep up the form for long either.. she still Looks like herself, just as she would be if she were the native species of the world..
perhaps she gets rescued from being experimented on by a corrupt splinter group of the government, and just ends up Staying with the Atobots..
growing attached to them quite quickly, and even protective.. basically “mother hens” the whole lot of’em.. especially the humans in the team.. what she struggles with tho??
Her clear and obvious growing attraction to the ever serious Prime.. perhaps she questions how the whole team actually feels about her even being there to begin with.. especially with her jumping at every shadow that reminds her of her capture..
comfort, fluff & awkward Aliens feeling the feels.
TFP Optimus x alien!reader
Heya! Thanks for requesting. I had some trouble with this bc it’s a little too specific, but I’ve done a bit of a drabble for you, hope that’s ok. In future, if you’d like a longer scenario, just send in a more generalised ask :)
(and yes I saw your other ask! you can go by 🎃 as anon so I know who you are !)
Warnings: SFW/Fluff, mentions of trauma, non-human reader.
Word count: 372
- It had already taken you some time to get accustomed to Earth’s strange yet fascinatingly beautiful environment, and it had taken you even more time to learn how to blend in with the planet's indigenous population. You thought you were sneaky, blissfully unaware that a sinister organisation known as MECH had been eyeing you off.
- They had been spying on you ever since you landed and had set up a trap for you, a beacon that mimics the exact electromagnetic pulses of your species. And you, of course, being desperate and alone, fall for it.
- Luckily for you, MECH couldn’t contain you for very long, as you sent tidal waves of electricity through their security systems, rendering them useless. You had escaped, thank the deities, but not without severe trauma from ruthless experimentation. Thankfully, you ran into a group of Cybertronians infiltrating the base, investigating the sudden burst of energy.
- You were initially hesitant, receiving strange looks at your ‘not so human features’. At some point, you had revealed your proper form, and these bots instantly took you in as one of their own. You especially loved the humans, enjoying their questions and gleefully answering them. From then on, you had sworn to protect these creatures with your life, despite gaining some trust issues with the rest of their species.
- The kids weren’t the only thing you had become fascinated with. Optimus, the leader of these Autobots you’ve only heard legends of, was as stoic as he is gentle. You fell in love with him and your shared experiences with being a stranger on this alluring planet. And he, too, had begun to share the same enthusiasm for you.
- He’d talk to you about being captured and help you recover from your fears, gently holding you as if he was protecting you.
- If you ever got scared of shadows that reminded you of Silas creeping around every corner, Optimus would remove any light sources to distract you from painful memories. He’d keep you in his lap as well, reading Cybertronian poems for you. He’ll do everything he can to keep you safe until you find a way home, as much as that hurts his spark.
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infiniteeight8 · 10 months
have you ever thought about how Stephen Strange would domesticate Superior Iron Man Tony Stark? Or generally how their chemistry would turn out to be 🧐
I’m unsure if this is a question or a prompt. I think it’s a question? But I’m so used to doing prompts I’m not 100% sure. lol.
I confess I know virtually nothing about Superior Iron Man. I have absorbed from fic and Tumblr posts that he’s a dictator in an alternate universe and is, as far as I can tell, very violent and has basically no morals. That’s all I got. So I can’t really give you an analysis, sadly. My general thoughts are admittedly a bit of a cop out, but here we go:
I suspect their chemistry and how (or if) SIM could be domesticated depends on (1) what version of Stephen Strange we’re talking about, (2) whether or not you think SIM is capable of love, and (3) what constitutes “domesticated”. 
Depending on how each of those elements go and how they combine with each other, I think there’s hundreds (if not infinite) ways that that interaction could believably go. (For example, Sinister Strange would take a far different approach than 616!Strange.)
I did warn you my answer was a bit of a cop out. *wry*
As penance, have a drabble featuring Stephen and SIM (warning that this starts off a little morally eek and gets worse; neither of them are good here):
Tony’s eyes shone with the light of a problem solved as he stepped off the elevator into the penthouse living room, absently wiping his hands clean on a rag. It was a good look on him. Stephen ignored the fact that he was wiping away blood rather than engine grease. 
“You look pleased,” Stephen said, setting his book aside. “I take it the City Council has fallen into line?”
“Finally,” Tony said. He tossed the rag aside and crossed the room, leaning down to kiss Stephen hungrily. “Just for you, I only killed five of them.”
Five was a significant improvement. “I think that deserves a reward,” Stephen murmured, pulling Tony in for another kiss.
Opening his eyes, Stephen sat up, taking in Wong waiting in the doorway before he checked on the spell that kept Stark locked into his dream world. It held strong, significantly refreshed by the time Stephen had spent within it, reinforcing the fantasy.
“How long do you mean to keep him like that?” Wong asked as Stephen rose from the bed.
“Indefinitely.” Wong made a disapproving noise and Stephen pursed his lips. “You’ve seen his mind,” Stephen reminded him. “You know what he did to his world. He wouldn’t hesitate to repeat it here. This is a humane way to keep him contained.”
Wong sighs and looks past Stephen to the man laid out on the bed. “I’m not sure it wouldn’t be kinder to kill him.”
“No,” Stephen snapped. Wong’s eyes flicked back to him. Stephen forced himself to relax. “I won’t play judge, jury, and executioner,” he said. “And the legal system could hardly handle him. No, this is best.”
“Even though you must regularly join him in whatever dystopia he’s dreamed up?” Wong asked.
Stephen forced himself not to smile. “Even so.”
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hederasgarden · 2 days
Lewis Pullman Characters Masterlist
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Outer Range
My Favorite Mistake (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.8K)
Half the reason you’re in the middle of nowhere Wyoming is because you’ve always been bad at choosing men. You expect Rhett Abbott will be no different.
Show Me The Ropes (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1K)
Rhett’s talents with roping and knot tying translate well in the bedroom.
The Trouble With Books (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.2K)
You and Rhett discover a surprising new kink together.
I’ll Be Your Fantasy (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 2.4K)
Sequel to The Trouble With Books. Rhett helps you play out a new fantasy.
Can’t Keep My Hands To Myself (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 1.5K) Rhett’s a handsy drunk, not that you mind.
Cowboy Trouble (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Rip Wheeler | Explicit l 3K)
When your boyfriend loses a game of poker, Rip Wheeler claims a night with you as the reward. 
Take The Weight of Me (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 570)
You go to Rhett when you don’t want to think anymore.
I get on my knees, but it ain’t to pray (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 700)
In the darkness behind the bar, you find yourself on your knees, ready to take everything Rhett has to offer.
Learning to Ride (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 300)
Rhett teaches you the proper way to ride a bull (and him).
Oasis (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Gen l 650)
When you reach your limit, Rhett’s there to help.
Need You Now (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 650)
After the rodeo, Rhett shows you how much he wants you.
Take Me to Heaven (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader x Arvin Russell | Explicit l 700)
If heaven’s a place you’re certain it can be found between Rhett and Arvin.
Take a Breath (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Explicit l 250)
You and Rhett experiment with breathplay.
Hiraeth (Rhett Abbott x OC | Gen | 400)
A strange hole on the Abbott farm upends Mae Collin’s whole world.
Stand By Me Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
When a local ranch hand’s attention evolves into something more sinister, Rhett Abbot becomes an unlikely source of comfort and protection for you.
Small Mistakes New Beginnings Masterlist (Rhett Abbott x F!Reader | Ongoing | Explicit)
After you fall pregnant from a one-night stand with Rhett Abbott, both of your lives change forever.
Jealous Rhett
Rhett and Cowboy!Jake Crossover
Being Rhett’s Housewife
Teasing Rhett
Top Gun
One Shots
All The Right Moves (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Gen l 1.8K)
Your day takes a turn for the better when you meet not one but two cute Navy Pilots at the hospital. 
Follow the Leader (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace | Explicit l 883)
You and Bob love it when Phoenix takes charge.
Eager to Please (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Explicit l 400)
You learn pretty quickly that Bob is eager to please, but he still manages to surprise you with a request. 
Catch a Fallen Star (Robert “Bob” Floyd x Reader | Mature l 350)
Mermaid!reader x Sailor!Bob. He’s the only survivor from the ship that broke apart on the rocky shores of the island last night. Well, there were others, but your sisters took care of them all too eagerly.
The day Bob earns his call sign
A night of absolute devotion and attention with Bob
Bad Times at the El Royale
Little Games (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 1.4K)
Miles knows it’s wrong to watch you but he just can’t help himself. 
Saving You (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Mature l 1K)
Miles has done a lot of bad things in his life but saving you isn’t one of them.
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like (Vampire!Miles Miller x F!Reader | Explicit | Ongoing)
Your life changes the night a mysterious stranger rescues you, but you'll soon learn that salvation comes at a deep cost.
Sleeping Beauty (Miles Miller x F!Reader l Explicit l 820)
Sometimes it’s easier for Miles when you’re quiet.
Press Play
The Small Things (Harrison Knott x Plus Size!Librarian!F!Reader | Mature | Ongoing Series)
A chance encounter on the first day of your new job leads to something wonderful and unexpected
♡Main Masterlist♡
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sareenademon · 9 months
Romantic Homicide
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(A little drabble because I’m trying to ignore the new canon. This drabble is based on Subzero mythologies.)
As they traversed the sinister terrain, Sareena spoke incessantly about her fascination with humanity. She reveled in tales of Earthrealm, of its vibrant colors and the beauty of its people. "You are my first human friend," she declared with unwavering enthusiasm.
Bi Han, always cold and stoic, responded with his characteristic reserve. "We are not friends."
Sareena, however, was undeterred. She shared her dreams of escaping the NetherRealm, of leaving behind the sisterhood of shadows and torment to experience the world she so longed to be a part of. She babbled on, ignoring his apparent annoyance.
However, beneath the icy exterior that defined Bi Han, he found himself strangely affected by the demoness's dreams. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't help but be drawn to her relentless optimism. In the desolate NetherRealm, it was a rare glimmer of hope, a spark of light in a place where such things were thought to be nonexistent. They were both trapped, he by the Lin Kuei, and she by the Sisterhood of Shadows. If she could find a way to set herself free, then just maybe, he could do the same.
Their journey through the NetherRealm was perilous, fraught with dangers and trials. But Sareena's determination to guide Bi Han never wavered. Finally, as they stood before the vile sorcerer Quan Chi, their final confrontation loomed.
In the heat of battle, Sareena was fatally wounded by Quan Chi's dark magic. Sareena collapsed into Bi Han's arms, her breaths shallow and labored. "No, I can't die," she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was so close! I-i have to see Earthrealm, the flowers, the sky..."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his soft, as he cradled her fragile form gently. Regret weighed heavy on his cold heart as the innocent soul before him withered, clinging to him desperately for solace.
"Sub Zero," she pleaded, her voice fading.
"Bi Han," he corrected, his tone gentle. "Call me, Bi Han."
“Bi Han…” She repeated his name fondly, a faint smile gracing her lips. "It is a beautiful name."
And then, as if the NetherRealm itself recognized the profound loss, Sareena began to disintegrate into ash, slipping through Bi Han's fingers. Bi Han couldn't contain himself any longer and released a heart-rending cry of anguish.
Enraged and heartbroken, Bi Han turned to face Quan Chi, his icy powers surging with newfound fury. "You killed my friend, Sorcerer!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the accursed realm. "I will destroy you!"
With vengeance burning in his heart, Sub-Zero launched himself at Quan Chi, determined to avenge the loss of the one friend he had found in the darkest of places.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Maybe a drabble or hcs about reader having to avoid Ms. Rainfort like the plague bc if they are around her for too long the ruin pokemon will prob do to her what they did to the king of paldea (If you dont want to write all of them could you pick ting-lu?)
(I have a hc that the ruin pokemon can feel peoples evil intentions and ms Rainfort is very insistent in taking the ruin pokemon and just gives you nasty plot as well so that doesn't help her case at all))
"Nasty Plot? Why are you giving me this TM in particular, Professor?" Staring down at the disc in your hands, you looked at your history professor with a puzzled gaze, wondering why she would have something like this on-hand.
It certainly seemed strange, given the circumstances of your most recently-captured Pokémon...who happened to be one of the harbingers of disaster to the Paldean Kingdom.
"Oh! It can be used to boost Ting-Lu's special attacks. Of course, it can always be stronger...it has been sealed away for many years, after all." Despite Raifort's gentle smile, the glint in her eyes was nothing short of sinister. "But I can understand if you're having difficulties in taming this Ruinous Treasure's might. It's still quite the unpredictable brute, so if at anytime you wish to turn it over to me, I can-"
Blinking in surprise, you glanced at Ting-Lu, who heavily opposed her proposition as it backed away, sticking close to your side (or at least as much as it could without its bowl hitting you). Its red eyes stared at her with such caution, as though boring into her very soul.
You frowned a bit, resting your hand on its side, before gazing back at Raifort.
Something about this...didn't feel right.
"I think Ting-Lu trusts me more, professor. But thank you for the offer anyways."
"It's not problem." Although her smile didn't waver for a moment, she now seemed quite unnerved at the dark/ground type's reaction. "I hope you don't mind gathering some data on its habits and such...for homework, let's say. I'd like to share the knowledge we've gained on the quartet so far with my future students so I'm not just telling them how these Pokémon are shrouded in total mystery."
"That's fair." You nodded respectfully. "And...I'll work on finding the locations of the others and their shrines."
"Wonderful! Now I'll have to prepare for my next class. See you around, [y/n]!"
"Take care, professor."
As soon as Raifort headed back into the school, Ting-Lu relaxed its haunches, and you found yourself relaxing your own shoulders, too. Somehow you were apparently just as tense as it.
You looked at it with a sympathetic smile, rubbing its snout. "I know she's a history professor, but...this obsession with you guys is strange. Clearly you know something about her that I don't. I'll get to the bottom of it."
"Lu." It nodded in agreement, before you returned it to its pokeball as to not attract unwanted attention from any nearby students. You decided to head back to the dorms.
Though not without checking out a few books first..
It was no surprise that you didn't find a lot of recorded information on the Legendary Quartet.
The most you could find were old tales and scriptures of their associated items....as well as the effects they had on humans who used them or sought them out. Obviously they left the greatest impact on the Paldean Kingdom beyond causing it to collapse practically overnight.
However, there was one story in particular which stood out to you.....and you realized that this fictious tale may be true after all, especially given Ting-Lu's wariness around Raifort.
The passage claimed that having just one of the items within the vicinity of an authority figure would drive them to obsession with it, willing to do just about anything to have it for themselves.
They'd barter, beg, bribe, steal...or even kill for it.
And this would only grow further if another item was present as well, and it would continue with the third and the fourth..
Eventually this accumulates into this person having unfathomable greed and hoarding all of their powers for themselves, refusing to share them with anyone else.
That's exactly what the king had done, and in his greed he destroyed lives and inevitably caused the items to become Pokémon themselves--living sentient beings fueled by the rage of dozens of souls.
Because they were able to sense his evil and corruption, they flattened his empire for good....at the cost of their freedom.
But now that you've released Ting-Lu from captivity, you wondered if Raifort's reaction to it was going to lead to something similar.
Or, as they say, if history was going to repeat itself.
She did offer to take it away from you despite not knowing the bond you've formed with it during your time exploring and teaching it new moves. And she seemed very insistent that you collected data on the remaining Ruinous Treasures and not share it with anyone else, acting as though you're her research assistant rather than a student like every other kid in this academy.
But you trusted Ting-Lu's judgement, even though in your heart you didn't want to believe she was secretly some corrupt and evil person. You didn't wanna stir up any rumors or conspiracies that could get her fired or you expelled.
So for now, you decided that the best thing to do was gather data and only send it to her via rotomphone and give her updates that way.
You won't let her see any of the Ruinous Pokémon face-to-face anymore...and unless you're attending her class, you'll try to avoid bumping into her as often as you can, fearing how she'll react if you catch any of the others.
In order to keep her, yourself, and possibly all of Paldea safe...this was the best course of action.
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dross-the-fish · 8 months
would it be okay to ask for a drabble of Hyde patching up anon? (tho if you feel like writing something like that would be ooc, or just not feeling it, i 100% get if you just ignore this ✌️)
This one came out a bit angsty but I hope you like it. .....
“Dr Watson?” Anon called, cradling their slashed arm to their chest. The vampire attack had taken them by surprise and they’d dodged just a little too slowly. It wasn’t life threatening, they didn’t think, but the amount of blood staining the sleeve of their shirt was beginning to concern them.
“Dr Watson!” they called a little more forcefully, hoping he would hear them.
“He’s not in,” A door in the corridor cracked open and the gruff voice of Edward Hyde slithered out, “What’d you want with him?”
Anon gestured at their bleeding arm, “I’m hurt,” they said, “When will he be back?”
“Won’t be for a while yet. Someone said they spotted Sherlock Holmes and an odd fellow at a local tavern and he’s gone to investigate,” Hyde peered at the injury with a scowl, “That looks rather bad, I’m not working right now so I can spare a minute to patch you up.”
Though it was not out of the question for Edward to tend to the wounded in Watson’s absence Anon was uncertain it would be wise to take him up on his offer. He was not known for being especially kind to patients and just last week Adam had tried to demand that Edward wash his hands prior to treating him and had come away with a scalpel sticking out of his knee.
Anon must have hesitated a moment too long for Edward suddenly became impatient, “Fine, bleed all over the hallway then, it’s not my problem!”
As he moved to shut the door Anon stopped him, “Wait, please help!” they pleaded reaching out and putting their good hand on Edward’s sleeve. He froze, and for a terrible moment Anon thought he would attack them. But to their surprise his face seemed almost to soften for a moment.
“Aye, come in then, I’ll patch you.”
Anon followed him, the lab, for once, was tidy. When Edward worked it was a mess of fluids, scattered tools and strange smells filling the air as questionable concoctions bubbled in glass flasks over their burners. Today it was still, the desk was orderly and it seemed as though the fearsome Edward Hyde, scourge of London, had been up to nothing more sinister than balancing a cheque book.
“What are you staring at?” Hyde barked, causing Anon to snap to attention.
“Nothing…just…the lab is usually busier,” they replied.
Edward gave a short huff, “I’ve run into a bit of a block on Larry’s cure. Working on something else helps clear my mind. I’m quite sure if I hadn’t put my work away for a moment, I would have killed the next person who passed my door.”
He was not joking. Though he kept himself in check for the sake of the group Edward Hyde’s temper was legendary and inflicting pain was an indulgence to him, one he rarely denied himself when given cause or opportunity. Anon wondered if they would be subject to his abuses today; they hoped not.
Gesturing at the chair by his desk Edward bade them to sit while he fetched a medical supply kit. He had them roll up their sleeve while he cleaned the blood away.
“Oooh, look at those claw marks. Those’ll need stitches,” he remarked, his face splitting into a grin that made Anon just a little uncomfortable.
Edward plopped a glass decanter full of amber liquid on the desk next to them, “Drink a swig of that, it will dull your senses a little. I’ve got no laudanum so that’ll have to do.”
Anon removed the stopper and gave the bottle a sniff. It was scotch and it smelled…expensive. The decanter was luxurious too, actual crystal, from what they could tell. Awfully nice liquor for someone as greasy looking as Edward Hyde to be drinking. They took a swallow and found it strong but not unpleasant. Edward had them lay their arm out on the table so he could begin his stitching.
It was painful, but not unbearable and Anon held as still as they could. “I wouldn’t have taken you for a doctor,” they said, emboldened a bit by the alcohol.
“Most don’t,” Hyde grunted, “I have two doctorates in law as well, comes in handy when I need to deal with the police. Oh, don’t stare at me like that, I am every bit a scholar and gentleman, despite my more unsavory activities.”
“What made you quit practicing? It takes years to be come a doctor, why not make a career of it?”
“What makes you think I didn’t?” he gave them a particularly hard jab with the needle.
Anon yelped and shuffled uncomfortably, “Well, you’re-“ they gestured with their good arm, “-here!”
“Och, so is Watson and I don’t see you questioning his credentials,” Hyde snarled indignantly, waving the needle to remind Anon that they should have a care for what they said in his presence.
“I’m sorry! I meant no offence, I just wonder…well…I wonder-what happened to you?”
Acid green eyes flickered up to meet Anon’s own, they held for a moment, as though he were on the cusp of a confession before he lowered them and resumed his stitching.
“I thought I loved being Edward Hyde more than I loved everything…everyone else in my life,” there was grief in his voice, and Anon wondered if perhaps they’d had too much to drink for Edward’s voice sounded strange to them. Softer, smoother and deeper, as though it belonged to someone else. They tried to focus on his face and, for an instance, it was as if Edward’s form had become blurry and larger before condensing back into shape.
Anon put the bottle back on the desk and decided they had had enough. Edward finished the last suture and wiped down his desk, waving a thick, hairy hand at Anon in dismissal. He seemed off-kilter and against their better judgement, Anon rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Mr. Hyde. I hope maybe someday you can get back some of what you lost.”
Had Anon spoken out of empty pity Edward would have slammed their head into the desk until their skull cracked open and their brains splattered across the varnished wood. But they hadn’t, they were sincere and that was so much worse because Edward Hyde did not know what to do with sincerity. True goodness always made him feel small, made him feel more sharply the burden of being the horrible creature he was. He loved and hated and wanted it so much that it was all he could do not to howl in despair. Shaking he turned away from anon and choked out “-Get out…get out now before I hurt you. I don’t want to this time, but I will if you stay even a moment longer.”
Anon reeled back and fled from the lab, feeling as though they had just had just escaped something much more dangerous than the vampire that had attacked them.
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