bookbargainbuy · 2 months
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Light up the night with these mesmerizing Paper Sky Lanterns! 🏮✨
Let your dreams take flight with this set of 2, perfect for adding a touch of magic to any celebration. 🌌
Order now at www.bookbargainbuy.in or call +91 88008 74369 🛒
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twincrystalsz · 1 year
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Happy Lunar New Year! Hope everything goes your way!!
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krk021 · 1 year
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Stonebriar Antique White Metal Votive Candle Lantern with Handle.
Stonebriar lanterns are the perfect way to add a comforting, inviting touch to your home..
Get this item (32%OFF)here>>
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colorlessframe · 1 year
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UP & UP ● 10" × 10" ● Watercolor ink and paints ● Arches rough grain 300gsm paper ● Customized Commissioned Artwork for Gifting ● DM @colorless_frames for Commissioned artwork & inquiries ● Not for Sale #watercolor #watercolorart #watercoloronpaper #skylantern #pink #light #candle #artistoninstagram #indianartists #paintwithme #myartblog #originalartwork #originalartworkbyj #colorless_frames https://www.instagram.com/p/Clu6V4yviwV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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satyajeetm · 2 years
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People of Kadri Wadi (Kandil Galli) and their art. “Many generations have flourished through the trade of paper lantern making in the narrow bylanes and houses of Kadri Wadi, also famously known as Kandil Galli. The locality can be seen full of colorful papers and bamboos a few weeks before the Diwali festival begins. The Kadri Wadi chawl is famous for making the traditional paper-made lanterns (kandil) for the festival of lights every year. Even when there are more designs of Chinese lanterns in the market for a few years now, the residents of this chawl still earn their festival earning by making traditional paper-made lanterns.” - @sawant_anagha - https://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-making-lanterns-unite-the-families-of-kandil-galli-jagjeet-singh-2680688/amp #diwalidecorations #kandilgalli #traditionalart #lampdesign #skylantern #mumbaiheritage #traditionalartist #bambooproducts #colourpop #coloursplash #mahim #dadar #streetsofmumbai #documentinglife #natgeoyourshot #festivaloflights #storiesofindia #shotoniphone (at Kandil Galli (Kadri Wadi)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkFtnfNATSv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aria-ashryver · 1 month
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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pushing500 · 10 months
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Kaz got food poisoning, and we have a new colonist in Kawoo, a lovely yttakin lady who is very helpful in dealing with our excess of baby thrumbos (and many other animals).
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Head Researcher Brennan has unlocked a new trait after getting malaria, which is apparently a thing that can happen, and Irwin is going to marry Connie! It's very exciting, but I am wondering if I should keep calling him "Irwin" even when it's not his name anymore... I don't really think "Max" suits him, though.
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Randy Random noticed that Irwin got engaged and decided it would be fun to give him a mysterious backstory, complete with an ex-wife, who showed up pretty much immediately after he proposed to Connie.
Ex-wife Bosva has the same religion as Connie and is just as disgusted at Irwin's lack of a hat as she is. Several of the men accompanying the tribute collectors were also hatless and very upset about having their hair exposed. The Empire has some odd beliefs in this save file.
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Ungrateful colonists did not enjoy the 100% quality skylantern festival, but I suppose I can't please everyone.
Irwin's persona zeushammer, Xanxalbur, has the 'bloodsoaked' trait from the More Persona Traits mod, which means it sometimes splashes blood around when he's using it. Our poor training dummy is often left looking like something from a crime scene by the time Irwin is finished there.
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theworldvsyoshiko · 6 months
Thankfully, no raids show up during the last 24 hours. The kids actually get some time to rest up a bit before the big trip.
Can't just leave though. First they need to celebrate a bit. A nice skylantern festival. The ideoligion has had it all along, but rarely have they had such a surplus of wood as to launch some of it into the sky for no productive reason.
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It might actually be the first good festival they've had, too.
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Also, gotta load up the animals. These rhinos have been through hell for this group. Certainly whatever planet they're heading to allows pet rhinos. It's just common sense.
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Finally, all the kids board. Umeko is the last one, both because it feels appropriate, and because she's the one who's been packing a triple rocket launcher all along, so if a sudden raid were to happen mid-boarding, she can make it go away.
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With that, though, everything's prepared. There are still five empty caskets, too. Five people could've come along for the ride if they'd been sensible about this. And that's if we didn't leave the terror bird behind. The terror bird isn't long for this world, I'm gonna be honest. Choco accidentally pulverized half its brain with a stray bullet in like the first fight during this series.
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ourartcornerblog · 1 year
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monmonrawraw · 1 year
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Skylantern with the Owl
Belated gift art for Alitreot The owl takes MonMon to the greatest spot for seeing the lanterns. Don't ask how. It is a secret that can be learned with TMsomething.
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politirapporten · 1 year
Gældende fra den 16. juni klokken 08:00, og indtil det ophæves, er der med hjemmel i bekendtgørelse nr. 1339 af 10. december 2014 (afbrændingsbekendtgørelsen) § 5, stk. 1 indført afbrændingsforbud gældende for Helsingør Kommune. Forbuddet indføres under hensyn til den aktuelle brandfare og ud fra en konkret risikovurdering af de lokale forhold. Afbrændingsforbuddet betyder, at det ikke er tilladt: At bruge kulgrill Det betyder: Enhver form for brug af grill hvor brændsel har en glødende effekt (såsom kul, træ, briketter eller andet brændsel der kan frembringe gløder), er ikke tilladt, heller ikke på egen/privat grund. At bruge grill udenfor egen/privat grund med beboelse Det betyder: Enhver form for brug af grill (uanset om det er med kul, gas, træ, briketter eller andet brændsel) på offentlige/fælles arealer, fx parkeringspladser, græsarealer, boldbaner, parker mm., eller i naturen, fx i skove og plantager, på strande, heder, marker, på og ved søer, kystnært hav, inkl. holme, skær mv. (mindre end 200 meter fra land) og lign., er ikke tilladt. At ryge i naturen Det betyder: Rygning af pibe, cigaretter, cerutter, cigarer, vandpiber og enhver anden form for ved glød, flamme el. lign. antændt rygesubstans på offentlige/fælles grønne områder med græs, planter og anden beplantning, fx græsarealer, boldbaner, parker, vejrabatter mm., eller fx i skove og plantager, på strande, heder, marker og lign., på og ved søer og kystnært hav, inkl. holme, skær mv. (mindre end 200 meter fra land), er ikke tilladt. At tænde bål og bruge åben ild udendørs Det betyder: Enhver form for afbrænding af bål (uanset om det er med kul, træ, briketter eller andet brændsel), herunder også afbrænding i bålfad, samt Skt. Hans-bål, afbrænding af haveaffald, skovaffald, øvrigt affald, halm, siv og lign., og al udendørs brug af ovne, ildsteder, fakler, haveblus, stearinlys og lign., inkl. på og ved søer, og på kystnært hav, inkl. holme, skær mv. (mindre end 200 meter fra land), er ikke tilladt. At bruge apparater/genstande der skaber gnister, gløder eller flammer udendørs Det betyder: Enhver form for brug af ukrudtsbrænder, privat svejsning af tagpap og lign. ved brug af åben flamme, privat udendørs brug af vinkelslibere og andet udstyr, som frembringer gnister eller gløder, udendørs brug af terrassevarmere og lign., udendørs brug af antændere, og udendørs brug af koge- eller varmeapparater, skylanterner o. lign., der fungerer ved brug af brandfarlige væsker eller substanser som sprit, gas, benzin, svovl og lign., er ikke tilladt. Det gælder også på og ved søer og kystnært hav, inkl. holme, skær mv. (mindre end 200 meter fra land). Overtrædelse af forbuddet kan medføre bødestraf, jf. afbrændingsbekendtgørelsens § 17. Er du i tvivl om en aktivitet er tilladt – så undlad den for brandsikkerhedens skyld. /Helsingør Kommunes Beredskab
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mainstodo · 2 years
Rimworld ideology assign roles
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Organ use: Opinions differ on the harvest, sale, purchase, and installation of organs.Fungus eating: Mushy fungus food, which can now be farmed underground on fungal gravel, is preferred by some and hated by others.Insect meat: The slimy flesh of insects can be gross or delectable.Cannibalism: Some believers find eating human flesh abhorrent, others are unbothered, and some hunger for it.Eating nutrient paste: This meal can be seen as disgusting or efficient.The same meme won’t always imply the same precepts - if you want fine control, you can edit and randomize precepts exactly the way you like. Each precept is a specific rule or guideline which affects a specific behavior or preference. Collectivist: A person's role is to serve the community.Įach meme can give rise to a variety of different precepts.Individualist: A community's role is to serve each individual.Guilty: Our people carry guilt from ages past.Loyalist: We stand for our own before others.Supremacist: Our people should dominate all others.Male supremacy: Men are the superior gender and should rule.Female supremacy: Women are the superior gender and should rule.Human primacy: Humans are the moral center of the universe.Nature primacy: Man is a stain on nature's perfection.High life: Exotic states of mind are central to a good life.Proselytizer: It is our duty to spread our beliefs.Raider: The strong should take from the weak.Flesh purity: The human body should not be debased.Transhumanist: Human progress means merging with technology.Blindsight: Only the blind can perceive true reality.Nudism: Clothing binds, controls, and suffocates us.Tree connection: Trees are the essence of life, and we must be near them.Tunneler: Humans ought to live underground, and enjoy the succulent fruit of the depths.Darkness: Bright light burns and destroys! Darkness nourishes and creates.Pain is virtue: Virtue is shown through the suffering of self and others.Rancher: Raising animals is the right way raising plants to eat is not.Animal personhood: Animals have rights as humans do.By combining memes and changing the details of how they are expressed, you can create a near-infinite variety of different belief systems. Ideology makes your story into your story more than ever before.Įach belief system is built around a collection of 1-4 core memes, where each meme represents a core idea in the belief system. Find the relic in its ancient temple and bring it back to your reliquary to attract wealthy pilgrims to your colony and help you convert even more people to your beliefs.Īnd when you’re successful and secure, you can seek transcendence beyond reality in the new, epic archonexus endgame. Infiltrate wary tribal villages and hack downed spacedrones while holding off other treasure-hunters.
Penetrate ancient complexes full of diverse threats. You’ll hold unforgettable rituals - sick dance parties with pounding music, bountiful feasts of human flesh, beautiful skylantern festivals, ceremonial blindings, Christmas festivities around the tree, vicious gladiator duels, and more.Īs you grow powerful, you’ll hunt for the venerated relics of your belief system in new multi-part quests. You can build mind-bending temples with colorful drug motifs, terrifying sacrificial altars clad in skulls, winding mazes of underground tunnels full of technology, or beautiful orchards with drifting leaves. Make your own story of pirate nudist cannibals, blind undergrounder mole people, charitable ranching cowboys, machine-obsessed transhumanists, or rustic peaceful tribes who link with curious tree creatures. They venerate specific animals, desire different apparel and tattoos, and give access to different buildings and strategies.Įverything is customizable. They guide preferences around food, comfort, love, technology, and violence. They invoke rituals from gentle festivals to brutal sacrifices. With the Ideology expansion, each person in the game gets a belief system.īelief systems define social roles for leaders, moral guides, and skill specialists.
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dudofuvaf · 2 years
3700498949504 SKYLANTERN 12x Lanterne Papier 30 cm Rose Pâle - Suspension 3700619429731 XANLITE - Balise à piquet Solaire 2 LED RVB + Blanc IP44 8h
</p><br>https://nenofafisuje.tumblr.com/post/691856864995115008/notice-came-bx-243, https://dudofuvaf.tumblr.com/post/691856658741297152/extel-portail-notice, https://dudofuvaf.tumblr.com/post/691856550895206400/pleurevac-mode-demploi-samsung-galaxy-trend, https://dudofuvaf.tumblr.com/post/691856550895206400/pleurevac-mode-demploi-samsung-galaxy-trend, https://nenofafisuje.tumblr.com/post/691856864995115008/notice-came-bx-243.
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doodlingartpreet · 4 years
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"It's warm and real and bright and the wold has somehow shifted. All at once, everything is different now that I see you." This is one of my favourite quotes from my fav movie Tangled, and it makes so much sense. It’s the warmth that we seek and the love that we crave💛 . . Materials used: @brustro_official 🧡 Artist’s Gouache paints 🧡 White Gel pen 🧡 Black sketchbook 200gsm A4 These can be bought from @creativehandsartmaterials site💛 . . 🚫 Please give me the proper credits in your posts, if you take inspiration from my art or if you use my designs in any way. Don't copy without permission. 🙏🏻 . ©Copyrights Reserved To @doodlingartpreet . . For the love of doodling ♥️♥️ . . . . . #lantern #lanterns #skylantern #skylanterns #lanternmandala #gouachelantern #gouache #gouachepainting #gouacheart #gouacheillustration #mandalaart #mandala #mandalaartindonesia #mandalawithweloveart #warmsky #lanternart #lanterndoodleart #doodlingartpreet #leothedark4 #potpourriofartists #whitemandala #whitemandalaonblackpaper #ilovesharingmandala #mandala_sharing_ #studioofmandalas #ruangsenimandala #zenartfeatures #mandalafeaturingpage (at Tangled) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHtyUBdB08t/?igshid=p64qt6s9846c
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moonpriestessa · 4 years
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Lanterns 🏮 Currently working on a personal project! What do you think? It’s a different style from my last work, but all part of the same project! I’m thinking I’ll turn this scene into a lil animation. I promise to bring my next blog/video before the end of this month! Working on that too! #lanterns🏮 #skylanterns #storyboard #storyboarding #lanternart #fantasyart #conceptart #conceptualillustration #illustrationoftheday (at The Fantasy Factory) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGe8s4tDBcC/?igshid=wl5dlvi2qn3m
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sunansurf · 2 years
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A Tuesday night at the Rusty Scupper #rustyscupper #innerharborbaltimore #watertaxi #blackseabass #skylanterns (at Rusty Scupper Restaurant and Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccjdg7stbHj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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