#so I reset it
quibbs126 · 10 months
Me: stop making new Fantasy Life saves, you never get farther than the first story quest (other than the Prologue), you’ve practically memorized it and you get sick of it, just play a save you already have
Also me: I’mma make a new character to play as!
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celeryw · 1 year
i keep forgetting that i've already turned on sleep timer because of that One time i did actually forget and had the worst sleep in my entire life
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biruesque · 1 year
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Miss Utena, don't you know how much I've always despised you?
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flowerbloom-arts · 5 months
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Change is a two-way street.
(Is my favoritism towards the Damsel obvious enough, or?)
note: TLQ [aka my sona Bloombird] is a butch sapphic and this is yuri
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nancywheeeler · 1 year
hopeless time loop. the way out isn’t to save everyone. the way out isn’t to save even one person. the way out isn’t to change anything. the way out is accepting how it happened the first time is how it always will be. that’s how you acted, that’s how they acted, that’s how you would have acted every time if you weren’t given the curse of hindsight. the way out is accepting you can’t fix the past; you can only forgive yourself for it.
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homkamiro · 3 months
sniperscout marriage 🥺
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"Man, if we've been dating for so long...does it mean we will have to get married?"
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attleboy · 3 months
I hold you SO SO closed in my handsss,,, I love seeing you in my notifications it's always such an honor and makes my day so much
omg hiiii mushroom!! :D i'm gonna be honest, i've been staring at this trying to figure out how to respond for a while but i am far too flattered to think of a good response! consider me rendered speechless...
anyway, i just hope you know the feeling is mutual and i am also very happy when i see you around!!! i'm going to use this as an excuse to toss some carnival au art your way which you'd enjoy, i hope?? ^-^
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yes this one's based off madagascar 3 which... please don't judge me too hard for that... that movie's iconic (to me at least 😭)
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there's more to these but idk i wasn't feeling it so crops are all i'm giving out
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this one i'll probably still finish but i like how caine looks so here's a sneak peek
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that was all pomni and caine wasn't it uhhh. whoops... here's a couple jax i also like that guy
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and this isn't the carnival au, but it IS showtime and i know you love them... technically a wip but it's gonna take sooo many rendered pages to finish that idk if i'll ever actually get it done so just take this bit
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okay that's it, ty again for stopping by!!!
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kamiart · 4 months
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woe, bat be upon ye
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pucksandpower · 30 days
Happy 12th “nothing, just an inchident” anniversary to all who celebrate!
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squish--squash · 3 months
can someone tell my axe to come back I uh. kinda need it.
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melverie · 3 months
Listen, if you were to push Lucifer down on his back, then pin his arms above his head and sit down on his stomach as you smirk down at him, he WILL short circuit so hard that his pride will be temporarily deleted from his brain
For the next century or so, his gaze will continue to hold nothing but complete and utter reverence for You and only You. He will look at You like You are beauty and holiness and perfection incarnate, as if the only purpose of the stars decorating the night sky above—and by extension, the only purpose of the morning star himself—was to bear witness to Your allure and charm. To the brilliance of Your existence
Compared to You, his father has been nothing but a false idol all this time
Also if you lie down on his chest & raise your head just high enough that he can't kiss you he will start to vibrate at 900 miles per hour proof: I'm the skeleton in Luci's room
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villowrose · 7 months
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a little bit of an unfinished short comic about a conversation between flowey and frisk, talking about them both struggling to heal and move on from their past in a post-pacifist route.
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bixels · 3 months
Splatoon 3: Side Order is good, but not great. I still highly recommend it, but if you care about the story, you're going to be disappointed. Quick review: spoilers ahead.
Side Order was the devs experimenting with Splatoon's gameplay loop. The campaign is a rogue-like, and it works amazingly well. Super fun, super challenging, building my deck and fighting through challenges with the stakes of resetting really scratched an itch in my brain. They did a great job with it.
Unfortunately, I feel like priority went to game design rather than story. Much of the mysterious artwork we saw in the first teaser trailer was completely unused; turns out, all of that was just concept art that never made it into the final product. Side Order failed to make me care about what was happening. I don't know why the protagonist had to be Agent 8; it could've been anyone else and the story would've worked the same.
Octo Expansion was the absolute peak of meshing story and gameplay. The campaign's hook is insanely strong; we immediately empathize with Agent 8 because we know from previous lore that octolings like her have been trapped underground for all their lives. We care about her fight to the surface because it's a fundamentally ideological fight for freedom. The plot stuff about Tartar and the Thangs is just nice set dressing; 8's fight for freedom is the real story.
There's none of that in Side Order. I don't particularly care about Marina's metaverse, even if it's tied to Octo Expansion's story. I don't know why Acht is there other than backstory stuff. It really feels like 8 is just told to do something and she does it because she's the protagonist; she has zero personal stakes or motivations in the conflict. This is a story blunder the devs did in Splatoon 3's default campaign––forgetting to give the protagonist a personal reason to fight––that I hoped would be fixed here, but alas.
What makes it worse is that the gameplay and story progression are completely out of sync. I beat the entire game on my third run in 4 hours. With each run, you get up to two keys to potentially unlock bits of story. That means you'll get about one piece of the story every two runs. There are twelve pieces of the story; I got the first and then beat the whole damn game. Now I have to go back and grind to see the remaining story when I've already beaten the final boss and resolved the conflict. I missed the entire story because I never had to reset because I blazed through the gameplay! It's just a real shame that I experienced everything without knowing... why it's happening. The final boss had me asking myself what the hell is going on because I don't know the backstory at all.
Again, I still really recommend. The devs did a great job, but Side Order remains in the shadow of Octo Expansion's incredible success. Like the default singleplayer campaign, there's just a lot of lost story potential here that, while not necessary, would have really elevated this DLC into something amazing.
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moth-nocturna · 1 year
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dumping south park sketches lol
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
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was it foolishness? (was it fate)
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