#so I’ll be reblogging only Palestine posts
sandeewithtwoe · 2 months
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Happy (early) birthday to Ink!!
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
(Version without blur below cut)
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bericas · 3 months
gifset commissions for e-sims for gaza
Hello! I am officially opening up a commission form to raise donations for Palestine. While I may change where these donations will go per round, for this first round, all proceeds will go to buying e-sims for Gaza through @/connectinghumanity_ on Instagram.
As this is an urgent situation, I will only be taking requests for gifsets from Teen Wolf (to be posted on bericas) or Yellowjackets (to be posted on yellowjackets-1996), as these are the shows I know the best and will be able to gif quickest. 
How the commission process will work:
I hope to have multiple rounds; each round will only have 4 slots, with a minimum donation amount of 10 dollars per slot
As this is a fundraiser, I will not be limiting how many can be submitted a person, but each request you submit will have to be submitted separately and paid for separately
The commission form is set to automatically close after it receives 4 submissions; if this includes a submission I choose not to accept, I’ll delete it so the form reopens and I’ll post that a slot has been reopened 
I ran a poll to decide how donating the money would work; the results of this poll is that I will collect the proceeds and then post proof of donation. This process will go something like this:
No money will be sent to me until you receive proof I’ve started giffing your request
This proof will be a screenshot of the first completed gif
After receiving this, you’ll donate a minimum of 10 dollars to my ko-fi
For this first round, for transparency and proof of legitimacy, I’ll be buying an e-sim for every two donations received and posting proof. This is because the app I’m familiar is with Holafly, where the cheapest option is $19. Going forward, I plan to donate it at once, after all 4 gifsets are completed.
Click anywhere in this sentence for a link to the commission form!
Please reblog this post to help spread the word!! Thank you!!
To make this post less overwhelming on the dash, rules for requests are below the cut!
Again, as this is a fundraiser, please keep requests as simple as possible, meaning only using footage from the source material 
(ex–a rarepair with little/no screentime will be accepted if I can make use of the canon footage; a request for an au that can use canon footage may be accepted if I think I can get it done quickly enough; any using outside footage will not be accepted)
For Teen Wolf requests: I won't gif Kate Argent in general, I won't gif St*rek in general, and I won’t gif any “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest. I also won’t gif any anti-Scott content, any anti-Deaton content, or really generally anything I think has racist connotations, which should be obvious
For clarity: I will gif Derek and the teens (excluding just Derek and Stiles) as long as it’s clearly platonic/”familial” in nature! 
For Yellowjackets request: again, I won’t gif “taboo” topics like age gaps or incest, but I will gif things that are clearly platonic or familial in nature
(ex–I won’t gif a romantic request for Ben/Travis, but I will gif one with platonic/familial/generally non-romantic themes)
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fairuzfan · 5 months
hi, I have to say thank you for running this blog med.
genuinely thank you.
I’m still incredibly new to learning about Palestine and also Jewish history, and it’s been a WILD ride the last 4 months.
From learning about anti-Zionism to Zionism.
Islam and Judaism, the nabka and more.
it’s been really interesting and also I have sobbed so much, so much.
I’m sending so much love and care to you and everyone going through this genocide, it’s not fucking fair to anyone.
It was never fair and it is only unjust.
I’m trying my best, I’m just not out there and I can’t.
but my best is trying, and even if I can’t fight I’ll scream.
good luck to everyone and best wishes, may this year put an end to almost a century’s worth of horror.
your doing good work and keep it up, you are making a difference even if you don’t think it.
thank you so much for this kind message, this is really great to hear.
I actually don't know much about Judiasm and jewish culture besides from a modern sociopolitical standpoint, I'm mostly just reblogging from sources and bloggers that know more about it than I do. I don't want to tag anyone to single them out but I encourage looking through my reblogs (ie, posts that I reblog) to learn more from the sources.
thank you again for this, and thanks for wanting to learn more about palestine. I appreciate it, and i hope that all peoples around the world find peace from everlasting justice.
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reilikeslifting · 5 months
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not reblogging or interacting…
this is the one time i’ve ever publicly discussed anything other than l!fting really on my acc, this is a l!fters blog only. that being said.
the original post is a load of cow shit. first of all, their example made no sense and was all over the place. second of all, not only are they “pro-life” but they’re also a zionist who’s applauding the murder of over 15k innocent lives. i thought pro lifers valued all life? so tell me why a clump of cells is more valuable than 9 year old Hala Hosni Fawaz Tafesh? is a clump of cells more valuable than Jamil Fayez Mohammad Al-Masri, who was 11? tell me dear stranger is the blood that leaves a woman once an abortion is over more valuable than the blood spilled by thousands upon thousands of innocent palestian lives?
this is the only post i’ll make about this because i value our safety as a community, however a genocide is too important to not speak about, even on my small corner on the internet. to all my lovely followers, if you haven’t already please look into the genocide happening in palestine, do your research, and any zionist who follows me, i fucking hate you
from river to sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸🍉
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restinslices · 3 months
I try to keep this account light and fun. I want this account to be some sort of escapism for everyone. I want everyone to just vibe and chill but let me say something serious for a second.
This account will always believe in freeing Palestine and no, this does not mean I dislike Jewish people. That’s not what that’s saying. This argument reminds me of when someone says “black lives matter” and someone replies “oh wow, so what about white lives? You hate white people now?”.
You know that’s not what I’m saying. You’re just being ignorant to be ignorant. You know Black Lives Matter means Black Lives Matter TOO. Not more than. It doesn’t mean no one else matters. We matter ASWELL. And you know when people say “free Palestine” they don’t mean “fuck Jewish people. I hate them all. Yadayadya”. It just means “this genocide is terrible and I don’t stand for it”. If you follow this account and you’re Jewish, I genuinely don’t care. If you follow this account and you’re pro Israel though, that is where the problem lies. Some of y’all are gonna see this and unfollow because you wanna deny a genocide is happening or because “ugh. This account turned serious. How lame” but honestly if you can’t handle a single post highlighting something serious then maybe that’s something you gotta work on.
I’m young. I’m not a one stop shop for knowledge. I don’t know everything about everything so if you ask me a question, there’s a good chance I won’t know the answer. I know some of you are young too. A lot of us are confused and that’s ok. Please educate yourselves and do whatever you can to help. Boycott business that are funding this shit. Use those sounds and filters that generate revenue for these people in need. I don’t even know if all of them work but it doesn’t hurt to spare 5 seconds of your day to try and do some good. These are really simple things you can do if you don’t have money to donate yourself or maybe there’s no protests in your area. You may think “I’m only one person. Me boycotting doesn’t matter” but it does. One person becomes two, then four, then eight and the number keeps growing.
I don’t know how to give an inspirational speech and I didn’t plan how I’d format this post, I’m just saying what’s on my mind. This blog will always be a safe space for anyone (besides people who agree with genocide). Some of y’all will try to argue and imma be real, I’m not doing that. There is no neutral party. You’re either for or against genocide and it should always be “against”. Some of y’all will unfollow and that’s cool. Like I said, I want this account to be an escapism and something fun and I’ll keep that tone, but a post and some reblogs will not hurt y’all. If that’s a problem, you know what to do.
I’m not really sure how to end this. I guess I’ll say try to be safe, help out however you can and do not ignore the people that are suffering.
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danderling · 3 days
Hi! Was wondering if u had a dni or any boundaries regarding other users interacting with you!
Good question tbh, I’ll pin this until I finally remember to make an intro lmfao
BYI (before you interact:)
-I’m a pretty impulsive+emotional person and can make choices I regret later, it happens rarely now but I’ll give a heads up for people that are close
-I often am a bit busy especially nowadays
-I do have certain ships I dislike and ones I will avoid for my mutuals
-TRUST ME I DON’T BITE if you wanna be mutuals and don’t fall under DNI go right ahead!!! I love meeting people
-As of making this post I am under 18!!
-T4com!c, Tr!fe, and P4co are all thin-ice ships
I personally won’t say if I ship them or not however lots of my close friends don’t like it so I avoid it for their sake. If you ship them it doesn’t change anything apart from me avoiding convos/art related to them
-Recovering d*rkshippers are thin ice
This is mostly because I’m kind of wary, but I still want to make it clear I try to be a supportive blog and will let anyone recovering from bad habits know they are welcome ^_^
-Pickle haters
He’s just sort of a comfort character to me tbh, although if you don’t like him that’s your opinion I can’t change that
-14/13 years old
I’m alright with being mutuals but nothing more than that
-18/19 years old
They’re adults so I think I’ll be a bit more lenient, however I’m a minor so it’s off putting
-Pr*shippers, D*rkshippers, every single one that be apart of this community.
I will only be accepting communicating via asks(no asking for ANY d*rkship material) or reblogs but we will not be mutuals or friends. Unless the person thinks they want to make a change, I can’t really help them or change their views otherwise
-Isr4eli supporters.
Yeah no I’m gonna be blunt here you are BLOCKED if you don’t support Palestine, Congo, Sudan, etc. they are people suffering and the fact these people still are around gross me out
-Below 13 years old
It’s a BIG age gap and considering some of my posts people this young shouldn’t even be on my blog
-Above 21
21 years old is the absolute limit because again, it’s a bit age gap
-AI/NFT supporters
LMFAO these are deliberately and actively developing to take jobs and harm the environment, I doubt any of them get near me but if you stumble across me just know to leave me be pls <3
That’s all I can think of as of now, if there’s ones I missed feel free to ask those too and I’ll edit this post when I check it out :3
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alwida10 · 3 months
i'm confused on your stance on the israel/palestine situation. You mainly reblog pro-israel things, and never reblog anything about palestinians (unless it's something like "look at these palestinians who condemn hamas"). but you have also reblogged the occasional post condemning/recognizing the terrors of the israeli government? And you've also written in tags before denying what is happening to the palestinian people as being genocide (i think)?
so i am so confused. Are you pro israel? anti israel? and if you post about and recognize the wrongness of past genocides like the holocaust (as you should, rightfully so), why do you refuse to give the mass killing of palestinians any attention? even if there are israeli citizens who are being wrongfully targeted during all this, why does only that upset you and not the thousands more palestinian civilians being targeted? i'm just so confused? and i mean.. aren't you a mother? how can you look at thousands of children dying and only post about the side that is currently suffering less deaths?
Short answer: I’m pro-lasting-peace and anti-terrorism. The deaths of people, especially of those extreme numbers of people are devastating and a catastrophe. This isn’t a typical war. It’s a double-hostage situation where the perpetrator hides the Israeli hostages behind the Palestinian hostages. And that needs to end soon! And most importantly – it has to stay peaceful for good. Natanyahu will not be helping with that, but the Hamas will rather have every child in Gaza die a painful death than to give up their hostages – may it be the ones everyone calls “hostages” or the Palestinian civilians, who are just as much hostages of greedy, immoral, old men.  
I share posts that reflect, at least partially, my personal view. I like posts I generally sympathize with but include messages opposite to my personal view for sharing. Most social media pro-Israel posts are closer to my personal stance than most social media pro-Palestine posts are. The position of the state of Israel is even further removed from my personal stance, hence my criticism. The Hamas has the opposite goal, hence my even more pronounced criticism.
Long answer:
Real world politics are complex. Everyone who tells you they were not is lying and either trying to manipulate you or being manipulated themselves. (Such as this post.) There are never only two sides to it. Reducing it to two sides is a tool of manipulation.
There is a war going on and manipulation is a common and extremely efficient tool of modern warfare and we (everyone on social media) are a part of that. You might think that the conflict (several conflicts, since I’ll talk about Ukraine, too) is far away and does not include “us” (such as people in Europe and the US). That’s a wrong. Remember for a moment 2016 – 2017, when Trump was elected president of the United States. People who were aware and thinking critically realized even before the election that social media was swarming with Russian bots. These bots did their best to manipulate people into not voting, or voting third party. The leaked emails of Hillary were a part of the manipulation, eliminating Trump’s opposition.People fell for the manipulation and four years of LGBTQIA+ suffering, children-in-cages and destabilization of the NATO (the alliance against Russia) followed. Afterwards a lot of evidence for the Russian manipulation surfaced. But then it was too late. The people had been manipulated into helping the bad guys. The same manipulation repeated with the Brexit (2016-2020) ruining many chances of young people in the UK and further destabilization of the NATO. That’s why you should learn how to recognize manipulation and whenever you feel like there could be some involved think who might profit from it. Yes, people learned and that’s why you see all the “VOTE!! FFS VOTE!” posts making their rounds. Especially now, since elections of the US and of the EU are close.
How to manipulate someone: Make them think that they are fighting for a good cause (on surface level). But in truth this “good cause” only serves you, the manipulator. The people voting for Trump thought they voted for a better future, for having more money, for being safer. The people voting for Brexit thought basically the same. The Germans who voted Adolf Hitler into office had been desperate. The country had just lost the first world war. The economy war on the floor, ruined by the reparation payments Germany had to pay. The people worked hard, and still were unable to afford anything but (sometimes not even) the basic necessities. There were no future perspectives for them or their children. (Does that sound familiar?) Hitler promised to make “Germany great again”. He said the Arien people were a good, upstanding race. That Germany didn’t deserve having its colonies and land taken away by force. He said Germans were being threatened and close to extinction. He said that the Jews wanted to corrupt and annihilate the Germans.
Another tool of manipulation is the incorrect use of language to rile people up so they won’t think rationally anymore. If someone says “Person A is a pedophile and a rapist!” and it turns out Person A is trans and not a rapist, there is a solid chance said someone wanted to manipulate you by making you angry so you will rage against Person A without cross checking. If someone says “this is a genocide” that means fraction A is intentionally and efficiently trying to kill fraction B. It means they aim where the most people are. It means they don’t do anything to help anyone of the fraction B. The fact alone that we know where the IDF will strike next is a clear indicator Israel is in fact warning the civilians. It would not do so, if the aim was to annihilate every single Palestinian.
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It’s the aim that makes the difference. IF Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians they would have very efficient tools to do so. And even if it’s hard to imagine a number 28 thousand deaths (as on 12.Feb.2024 as “small”, they still are. These numbers mean there are about 1555 deaths per week in average. In comparison, during the holocaust, Germany killed 17 Million people between 1.September 1939 and 1945. In average that have been 61.594 deaths each week. So why would someone willfully equal these two vastly different numbers? If someone says “genocide” to a military occupation of the west bank or the civil causalities during a counter strike against the Hamas who knowingly proclaimed war against the state of Israel, than there is a solid chance this person is trying to manipulate you by using emotionally charged wording instead of what can and has been proven – a military occupation. “But killing so many people is bad regardless what you call it” you might argue, and I agree. That’s why I criticize the Israeli government. Also, soldiers using the war to do unforgivable things, looting, beating people who have surrendered – this all has to be punished.
“So, why does it matter what you call it?” you might ask, and I sigh. Many, many Pro-Palestine posts aim to manipulate people from the noble point of being against the killing of Palestinians into being for the Hamas getting away with killing and raping Israelis (both Jewish and Muslims) and keeping the Israeli hostages (some of which might have gotten pregnant by rape - which might be a reason these particular girls/women have not been released as of yet). Calling what happens a “genocide” is manipulating you into that, because it takes away the rational reasoning. It takes away the rightful wish of Israeli civilians living in peace. It implies it was death and destruction simply born from being evil Jews who hate Palestinians so they want to kill them all. The moment you call the stuff going on a “genocide” and call for a ceasefire without the return of ALL hostages you become the equivalent of the people who voted for Trump or Brexit in good faith. It means you are speaking up for the hostages remaining slaves, the Bibas children and their mom remaining in the hands of their captors, and that killing Jewish women and men as well as raping them is an act that should not be punished.
5.Another way to manipulate people and radicalize is to establish a “we versus them” mindset where you have to choose between two positions, which are both extremes. What you did in your ask - claiming I would only reblog pro-Palestine posts when they condemned Hamas - that erases the part that said post focused a lot on the situation for the victims. You erased the nuance. But the nuance is where a possible solution can be found that does not includes shrugging while accepting that some children will be victims of decade old hate.
6. If you know a child gets abused and beaten by its parents you can treat its wounds, so YOU feel better, but in the end, when the child has to go back into the abusive environment you won’t have changed anything that really matters. You might have made it worse, even. If you really want to help the child you need to get it out of the abusive situation. The Hamas are the abusive parents in this analogy. It’s no secret they don’t care for their people. Pro-Palestine posts like to claim the Hamas would not hide behind civilians, schools, hospitals, or mosques. That is a lie. They do. They don’t give civilians shelter in their tunnels, they say “you have to go to the UN for help” when Palestinians ask for food, they steal humanitarian aid and SELL it to the refugee Palestinians. They don’t participate in projects to give Gaza its own water supply, and even demolish the structures build by outsiders like the EU and the US to build weapons from it.
When the British mandate was transformed into the state of Israel, the Palestinian people became refugees. Normally, refugees search refuge in countries where they become citizens and can build a normal life, work, get children, build an existence. Their children would no longer be considered refugees. They would be citizens of the new country. This happened at first, until Yassir Arafat (an Egyptian, NOT Palestinian) realized that the UN was willing to pay money for each refugee.
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This money is normally intended to provide humanitarian aid for the people who are not able to build an existence. He went forward and build a system (including the UNWRA) that would do something unique. Unlike all other refugees, Palestinians stay refugees over generations, ripping away their possibility to create a true life. And all the money the UN pays (the major part originating from the US, Europe and Germany) goes not to the refugees. But to the Hamas, because these are the official leaders of the Palestinians in Gaza. You see – Arafat has actually developed a magnificent way to make himself and his friends rich by holding the Palestinian people in poverty and forced dependance. The Hamas use the money to build weapons and tunnels. But that’s not even the worst part. Because they need more than tunnels and weapons. They need people operating the weapons and using the tunnels. In fact, a dispute between the UNRWA and the Hamas happened in 2009, as the UNRWA (allegedly) wanted to include lessons on the holocaust into the curriculum of middle schools in Gaza.  That would have been contrary to what the Hamas wants. It wants to manipulate the Palestinian children into hating Jewish people, and dreaming of killing them all, so one day the children will grow up to be willing Hamas fighters. ). Here is a quote from the linked article: 
It was not just limited to history, social studies and religion — with a math book using an image of Palestinians hitting Israeli soldiers with slingshots to describe Newton’s second law of motion, the report said. Dead terrorists are also called “martyrs” throughout the books — with one ninth-grade math book using the term for Fatah leader Khalil al-Wazir, who led the 1978 massacre of 38 civilians, including 13 children, Bild noted. Most maps used in the books entirely erase the state of Israel, dubbing it a “Zionist occupation” and calling the entire region of Israel, Gaza Strip and the West Bank “Palestine,” the reports said.
The Hamas takes the money intended to help Palestinians. Today, all leaders of the Hamas are billionaires. They could use their billions to help their people. But they do not. Because they do not care for their Palestinian hostages.
Because basically, we don’t have a Israel-wants-its-hostages-back-and-commits-mass-murder-situation. We have a double-hostage situation. At first, the Hamas took all the civilians of Gaza hostage. They use them as a meat shield, to recruit new cannon fodder from and to manipulate the international community into seeing the Jews as the problem. Then they took Israelien hostages and basically hid them behind the Palestinian hostages. Natanyahu, the moron rushed his well-trained and highly motivated soldiers against the Palestinian hostages, because he doesn’t care for them. The Hamas likes that, because they can now claim Israel “martyred” the Palestinian hostages. In the end, they just die for the hate and political ambitions of old, hateful, greedy men.
As a mother, this breaks my heart and makes me so so angry. And looking at my peers and friends joyfully joining the antisemitism train (EXACTLY what the Hamas wants them to do) and marching off to attack Jewish people who had NO part for all this mess – that makes me lose my last hope in humanity.
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ironicscavenger · 5 months
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To be honest, I think 2023 belongs in the same garbage bin 2020 is rotting in. It started out fine. But as we reached the end, it got worse and worse. Still, I cannot resist looking back as I do every year.
While I did not achieve all my goals this year, I did do one: graduation. This is my greatest achievement, and one I’m super proud of. There’s also the one I almost achieved: finishing E04 of SNTM. I almost did it! Only a few videos left, which I hope to finish by February. But you know how it is: make plans, life runs over them. Anyway, here's what happened in the world of ironicscavenger in 2023.
I’m not sure there was one on the blog itself, but I did graduate as a psychologist. However, I talked enough about that. Just know it was the highlight of my year. My mom said she hadn't seen me that genuinely happy in a while.
Well, then, these are my favorite post for each month. Just to clarify, however many notes they got does not influence the decision to include them. As you can see, there are many gaps. Life got overwhelming this past couple of months. So, there’s very little done. Anyway, here goes.
January | I took an unexpectedly long hiatus and just played videogames for a while. So the end of the holiday special is the only post I got.
February | I made a sim for @madebycoffee’s BC.
March | Not a thing. Just two reblogs the entire month.
April | I was having problems with my computer and could not get back to sim stuff. But I did say hi, at least.
May | I worked on the Emerson story a bit. Also, I got a diagnosis for a problem I’ve been having all my life. The answers to a lot of questions, finally.
June | Once again, not a thing. I was finishing up school, and it was impossible to do anything but focus on that.
July | Same thing. Two reblogs, and that’s it.
August | It gets interesting again. I finished school, got a bit of a makeover for the blog, and got more active on social media.
September | SNTM got back, and I took some screens of Saffron and Piper in Chestnut Ridge. Honestly, it was just an excuse to put Piper on cowboy boots and cowboy hat. No regrets. Also, I decided to set up a discord server.
October | I had an incredible time at simblreen. But I honestly, I think everything stopped after the bombardments happened. I have mostly been blogging about Palestine since. So, you know, Free Palestine.
November | I published my simblreen treats (1 & 2 | 3), and kept reblogging about Palestine.
December | I did not feel the holiday spirit. I just had a quiet weekend with my parents and cousins that my mom was taking care of. SNTM came back again. Still talking about Palestine.
Not a lot happened, but we are so close to finishing the episode. After I did a poll to decide the show's fate, I got a green light from all of you to make some changes. But I admit I’m not sure what I want to do yet. For now, the show goes on as it is. There’s a special episode that I’ve been planning since the beginning, and I really want to do it in video format. But it takes a lot on me. We shall see what happens.
Thank You!
This was not an easy year, but you guys are still here, following me. That’s gotta be some kind of miracle. I love you all so much. Even when it gets tough, I could never abandon this community. I’ll still be here, even when I no longer have anything to offer.
GOODBYE 2023! HELLO 2024!
May it bring us peace. That’s my only wish.  
Past Reviews: 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017
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Writeblr Intro, Part Two
Fuck yeah, I’m doing this again, because the other one sucked.
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As the URL says, I’m cheeto-flavoured-pasta. Or just Cheeto. Or Pasta. I really don’t care. This was meant to be a strict writeblr-only, but I ditched it halfway through. This is a writeblr account, sure, but I do post/reblog other off-topic things (e.g. memes, rants, politics, etc.). Most of those are tagged under “not writeblr.”
I’m a hobbyist writer hoping to publish officially one day. I’ve hopped around online writing platforms (e.g Tapas or Webnovel; I am very hesitant about using Wattpad, sorry) but currently I’m not very active on many of them. I mostly write science fiction, dystopia (a mix of the two, really), with a side of some fantasy or contemporary works. Genre fiction aside, I occasionally dabble in poetry, be it free-verse, rhyming, or prose poems.
*WIP List Under The Cut!*
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APS [A Powerful Secret]
Genre: Sci-fiction, dystopia, speculative trilogy
Current status: On Break
General Concept: After decades of hiding, superhumans are discovered in a corrupt society.
I’ve talked about this one the most, so I won’t babble for long; most of the info can be found on the APS WIP intro. It’s been my longest-running WIP so far, being a trilogy and all, but I’m currently putting it on the backburner for a while to work on other projects.
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Running on Augments
Genre: Sci-fi, dystopia, cyberpunk series
Current status: In planning
General Concept [Book One]: It's been a year since Sylvester Strike woke up in the society of Xenom, where people are augmented cybernetically to accommodate to the work they do for the large companies that run the state — the Reform, everyone calls it. Much like everyone else, his memories are hazy, and all he can trust is the story of whatever government official came before him. The moment he tries to move on and accept his situation, his friend goes missing, and in the process, he’s forced to find out not only the real story of what happened before the Reform, but his own past as well.
I haven’t talked about this one at all, and that’s because there’s still some things left to this idea that I’ve yet to flesh out. Expect to hear a lot more about it once I’ve actually started writing it. I’ll definitely be making a WIP intro at some point in the coming months (hopefully. If I forget, show up to my door and slap me).
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Aside from my mess of writing and novels and short stories and whatever shit goes on in my brain, here’s some other things to know about this blog:
I might as well get this out of the way first: this blog is pro-Palestine. Zionists and pro-Israel users, please DNI.
Same goes for racists, sexists, TERFs/transphobes, homophobes, ableists--- bigots of any kind, really. I don't tolerate prejudice.
I'm open to tag and ask games, though do note that just because I don't respond to a tag or ask doesn't mean I don't care; it likely slipped my mind because I have the smooth brain of a koala's. :P
Writeblr asks like WBW, STS (Worldbuilding Wednesday and Storytelling Saturday) are also welcome, although I might not send them a lot. Trying to get back in the habit of doing so.
I might also post some of my art here on the occasion (using that dingy side blog doesn't really feel right for me). Still working up the courage to do that, but I might drop a few sketches here and there.
Other interests/fandoms: TLoZ (mostly the Breath of the Wild sequence but I swear I’m trying to play the older games), The Magnus Archives/Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, fiction podcasts in general, really.
That about wraps up everything, I suppose! Thanks for reading, and enjoy your stay here :)
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sieglinde-freud · 27 days
Why on earth are you defending Zendaya in this? She did one post months about Gaza and that’s it. Would you defend any other celebrity that isn’t your fave or you consider a fashion icon?? People are literally going through a genocide and your thought is “WHY IS ZENDAYA BEING BROUGHT UP” because it applies. It applies to her and other celebrities.
genuinely such a bad faith interpretation of what i said but i’ll answer based on the assumption you truly did not get the point
no im not defending zendaya and that poster i reblogged wasnt defending her either. what people are saying is that blasting only zendaya is suspicious because she is one of the only black celebrities at that event, when there are far more people there who are deserving of the same criticism who are not black. yes, zendaya should be held accountable. but other celebrities there like the kardashians, lana del ray, sebastian stan, etc all of these white celebrities (some of which have outright supported israel) are not getting these hunger games type comparisons, people are singling out the black celebrity. why?
if you read the other reblog, you’d see their point on black hypervisibility, and how black bad deeds are amplified but their good deeds are silenced. and they’re right. when you think about pro-palestine student protests (in america at least. i cannot speak to other countries my apologies) they’re being broadcasted as rich white saviors doing good for those brown people across the globe. the reality is, and you’ll see it if you ever go to one, is that most of those protests are led by people of color, including a lot of black students. but thats not a narrative that will feed the ego of the white majority, is it? look up white savior complex if you havent already. thats the whole goal basically.
thus, the need to single out zendaya specifically. downplay black greatness while shining a spotlight specifically on a black person who’s not doing good. oh, but lets make it one of the most successful black women in hollywood right now so we can make sure everyone knows black people dont deserve that kind of success because look what they’ll do with it! do you see my point. its these kind of narratives and theyre so subtle but they work and they get into your head and starting forming these associations whether or not youre aware of them
yes, zendaya should be held accountable. she should be brought up in this conversation and criticism of the met gala. but shes not the only one there and if you dont see the problem in singling out a black woman among a sea of white people then thats not really my fault. and if you wanna try the “stop making everything about race” card then i need you to take a step back and realize that yeah, actually, it is. racism is integrated into modern society in ways you would not believe and no matter how many times you reblog “racists dni” youre not gonna fix it.
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snaillock · 1 year
blog/request info + rules
if you’re here because you want to reblog one of my fics then feel free to add any thoughts or funny comments in the tags. i’d love to read them!
rules are subject to change
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general blog info
low caps sfw english writer
if any fics are untagged/unspecified, then you can safely assume it’s gender neutral.
this is a side blog so any likes or follows will be done on @flimsyichigo
i’m very anxious so it may take a while for me to reply back
spam likes are ok as long as there’s some reblogging in there as well
shitpost heavy blog. just mute “★ snail.rambles ★” if you don’t want to see that.
despite my content being sfw only, i may casually make some suggestive/nsfw jokes(mainly immature ones).
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any age can interact, though i am more cautious with directly interacting with people -15 and 21+ years.
though if you have a mdni blog, please don’t interact with me. i am a minor so you shouldn’t interact with my posts if your blog is 18+ only. please don’t reblog my posts especially with any weird or sexual shit.
don’t interact if you’re pro-israel or “neutral”. this blog firmly stands behind the freedom of palestine.
blank blogs DON’T follow me. at least change out of the default icon + title before you do.
most of my fics are written with a mlm/nblm perspective in mind but if you are fem-aligned, then you are welcome to read. just keep in mind that i don’t write for that specific demographic.
don’t even interact at all if you’re reading my fics, especially my male reader ones, with fetishized or overall weird intentions.
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my writing + request info:
be sure to check my pinned post to see if my requests are open before sending one!!!
this blog posts sfw ONLY but it may include some suggestiveness. so don’t request smuts or nsfw.
i write for male/gender neutral readers and transmasc/nonbinary readers.
if your request has no specified gender, then i’ll default it to gender neutral.
tropes/stories i enjoy writing:
blue lock player! reader, general relationship headcanons, platonic pairings, parent aus (excluding pregnancy), situations where the reader is the more assertive/dominant one, song-inspired fics, drabbles, and scenarios.
what i don’t write for/please don’t request:
female reader or anything that implies that the reader is female, nsfw/smut, 1k+ word one shots, yandere/dark content, character x character ships (excluding poly relationship with reader)
i may post for other fandoms but i only take requests for blue lock currently.
characters i like writing/would like to write for:
isagi, rin, sae, nagi, bachira, barou, kurona, kiyora, kaiser, kunigami
you can specify headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles in your request.
part two’s/continuations of previous fics can be requested only if they’re headcanons/scenarios that include new characters
keep the details about your requests brief, ideally 3-5 sentences.
small note i need to add: when you’re requesting, please be respectful to me. jokes and small talk are way more than ok but don’t unironically call me pet names at all especially if i don’t know you. it makes me mad uncomfortable
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if you’re confused about anything that i have or haven’t mentioned above, don’t be afraid to shoot me a quick ask
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lunathewafflelord · 7 months
I need help with something
I saw a Twitter post saying something along the lines of “I don’t care how traumatized you are or if you have a mental illness or it’s triggering to you, you need to be talking about Palestine and if you aren’t you’re a bad person”
is it true that you should ALWAYS post about Palestine, even if the subject is extremely triggering and can cause genuine panic attacks? For me, posts related to Palestine and the bad things happening can be incredibly triggering, and I’m so worried that I’ll spread misinformation or say the wrong thing and accidentally say something incredibly offensive and people will get mad at me. (I really don’t want to offend anyone, since I too know how harmful misinformation and offensive content about an oppressed group can be as I’ve dealt with it my whole life)
The post seemed a bit ableist to me, explicitly stating that they don’t care about your trauma and triggers and you should intentionally be triggering yourself in order to raise awareness of a serious issue. Yes, Palestine NEEDS to be talked about and people should try to research what’s going on, but are you a bad person if you don’t talk about Palestine due to mental health reasons?
I’d like some people’s perspectives on the topic, about if it’s okay to not discuss serous issues like Palestine and other subjects if it’s a triggering subject for you. I don’t normally like to reblog posts related to these topics as reading them can be upsetting to me and my friends, but if it is necessary I might reblog a few of them.
Imo I feel like the only people who have a right to say “you’re a bad person if you don’t share information about x even if you’re disabled or have mental health issues” is people who actually have a mental health issue when it comes to traumatizing things, as people who don’t have those triggers really can’t understand how horrible it is to have trauma and anxiety.
what are y’all’s thoughts on this? I’d prefer if only ND people commented on this as they’re the ones this post is affecting, but neurotypical people can comment too but PLEASE be respectful of people’s trauma!
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link-alou · 3 months
Realized I should probably make an intro.
Hi! I am a man of many names, which are: Link, Percy, Tim, Lloyd, Danny, Michael, and Pip. Though my main preference is Link. You can use any pronouns for me, yes this includes neos, yes I’m fine if you only stick to one set :3
I have so many interests so just watch me freeball fandoms onto my blog ig
I mainly intend to post art about fandoms, characters and ocs. And I’m getting used to reblogging instead of simply liking posts I enjoy, so there’s that
Idk what else to put. I’m neurodivergent and I love the DC Robins so much. I ramble in the tags a lot, oopsies. Free Palestine, do not interact with me if you’re a Zionist or supporter of the genocide. Stand with and support Shubble as well as other victims
I’ll update this when I become more interesting ig ദ്ദി₍ᐢ - ⩊ -ᐢ₎
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josiebelladonna · 6 months
-has sent 1 billion dollars a year to gaza with nothing expected in return, even with the blockade to keep h*mas out
-has diverted 1 gigawatt of electricity to gaza every year to keep their lights on
-has dedicated 17000+ jobs to gazans even in the face of october 7—and in fact, someone who lives on the strip can readily come to israel for work (granted, they need to fill out paperwork and have a work visa, but you need to do that anyway just like anywhere else in the world)
-has dedicated infrastructure and healthcare with no cost to the patient to anyone in gaza—the infrastructure is meant specifically for homes, and not subterranean tunnels or missiles either
-has actually done a lot of good for gaza, more than anyone realizes, and what’s astounding is it’s virtually unknown out here in the west like you have to talk to someone who actually lives over there or at least hails from there in order to learn about it
-genuinely doesn’t want this conflict (and they sure as fuck didn’t ask for antisemitism to make the biggest, ugliest, most despicable entrance ever to the point of making allies shake in their boots, either). the only ones who do are their government officials and let me tell you, they’re letting those filthy pigs have it. trust me, the people of israel and the jewish diaspora didn’t ask for this because they actually don’t hate the palestinians… unlike h*mas and all of you screaming pree falestine. yeah, you may not realize it now and you may think i’m crazy but you will realize it eventually… and you’ll be looking at the existential crisis of the century.
-has signed peace treaties with all the countries around them, save for saudi arabia, iran, and palestine (by the way , i should also mention that every geography site i’ve ever frequented list it as “palestinian territories”, and yet they have a full-on government as if they’re a legit country… seems a little odd when the region has been referred to by many names for thousands of years, namely “land of israel” 🤔); they were about to with the former and then october 7 happened.
-as for the west bank, you know they’re all indigenous to the land despite how much anyone wants to deny it. sure, people have done stupid things over there but listen, they can work past them, especially when you’ve been persecuted (often for no reason) for thousands of years and all you want is to chillax in the desert, bro (also, see my previous reblog on antisemitism and how it’s as old as time itself). but if every country on earth has done it before, so can they.
-said it before and i’ll say it again: these chants coming from the pro-palestine crowd (i refuse to say them because at this point, they leave a bad taste in my mouth; they’re literally like the n-word or g*psy for me at this point) are antisemitic as fuck and calling for an end to the diaspora. plus! to make matters worse! if you know where these chants are coming from, if you have done any kind of reading (actual reading, not pulling this shit from tiktok or blog posts or—i’m sorry ahead of time, i really am—things based out of islamic countries, but especially from qatar), you would know that they do nothing for the palestinians themselves but infantilize their government! it doesn’t give them clean water or better living conditions or anything (plus, it’s not israel’s fault!!!) and this conflict has nothing to do with the rest of the world! write it all you want, call me a zionist all you want, you are not going to do anything for palestine! the only thing that can be done is let them sort it out themselves! god, the hypocrisy of pro-palestine is FLABBERGASTING!
some cuntwaffle on the internet: “genocide apartheid and those who agree with you are complicit we’re STRIKING!”
palestine: “y do u hate us”
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ellieslovr · 4 months
hey all, it completely slipped my mind this morning that there was a strike, and for that i’d like to apologize. So for the next week, I’ll only be reblogging/posting stuff about Palestine. I encourage you all to do the same.
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psyonicscream · 5 months
Hello fellas this is an ooc post. MPC speaking.
I don’t know how many people lurk my main, but if you do you may be aware that I reblog a lot of stuff related to leftism, and, in the topic of today, palestine.
So here’s the deal: several hospitals in gaza have been bombed, there’s only one left. At the time I’m typing this it might already be in flames considering I just heard about it being attacked. The situation over there has been worsening and the un has done basically nothing about this. The United States keeps funding the state that bombs and shoots palestinians relentlessly.
Bisan Owda, a journalist in gaza (@wizard_bisan1 in instagram) has called for a week long global strike. As per my contribution to this effort I am currently speaking about this here. I know a lot of you use this space as an escape from the horrors so I won’t linger on the details of israel’s war crimes more than I already did. But it needs to be said. Needs to be heard and known.
There’s couple ways you can help out the people in palestines. There’s food charities, you can donate esims to help them retain access to the internet, spread the word on mutual aid for people in gaza, and don’t forget what is happening to them. You can also boycott products on the BDS list, or tell your family about them.
I was working on a new pinned post for my character, so when I got that up I’ll be linking this post onto it.
I won’t be posting as much during this week and the other rp blogs I was planning on setting up won’t be made public yet. I thank all my mutuals for reading up to this point, and I hope that you take a moment of your time to follow palestinian reporters and read up on this.
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