#so i'm an auditory learner and that's great and all for lecture
i fear my love for art history will be corrupted by my italian renaissance class
#i've had this professor before and i love her lectures but. she's started assigning so. much. work#like if i didn't take this class this semester would be easy but now it's barely bearable#so i'm an auditory learner and that's great and all for lecture#but this professor keeps assigning 30-40 page readings regularly in the tiniest little font and we have to write a 3-5 page essay on it#the essay is easy but the reading. i just can't do it. i forget everything it's about by the next day#but we have to read at least one super-long chapter each week and on top of that i'm technically supposed to be going to art events#outside of class time. but i'm not an art major and i can't be on campus that late so i'm just going to take some Fs for that ig#and we have a group project that consists of a reading an essay a second essay a powerpoint another paper and we have to present#which that is happening this friday so yayyyyy (boooooo)#and then we have a really big paper/project to do that i'm probably supposed to be working on but i have not#ughhhhhhhhhh yes i'm complaining i'm allowed to do that it's good for me even. but still#i had the slightest feeling that i should've dropped out a couple weeks in and i should have listened this class is a nightmare#and i actually love art history. i love the subject so so much. and i memorize things that i'm told. i could literally repeat her lectures#but the fucking textbook makes everything awful#i feel bad for my partner for the group assignment bc she's so on top of shit and i'm behind#though i kinda lucked out w my partner. she's like in her 40s or 50s and she looks at me like i'm a lost puppy and that is great for#working together ngl. it means that she's sympathetic and thinks she has to take the lead#usually i take the lead w group projects bc i'm that kind of person but i'm busy so i will let her be in charge#ok done complaining if u see me on here yell at me about my project
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kimmiessimmies · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose as many sims/ocs as you'd like for this question, What's something INCREDIBLY obscure and/or out-of-pocket about your sim/oc? Something that nobody (fellow sims and/or your followers and mutuals) knows 👀 (This could be things about their social skills, physicality and/or birth defects, or it could be something they vaguely remember, a dream they had that actually predicted the future, etc etc... whatever you come up with)
( p.p.s freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the # SQOTD ~ 💛 )
Thank you, Anon (who I sneakily suspect to be @eljeebee forwarding the SQOTD Anon 😉) and @nocturnalazure for the same ask (on the same day 😊). ❤️
Here's a list of very random facts about my student bunch and two bonus characters. Some things may be known to some already, but I think most can be considered obscure. It is, of course, an essay. Because I'm simply never a woman of few words, especially when it comes to blabbing about my characters. 😊
James wrote his first original song at age 8. It was titled "Parent-Free World", and sometimes he still hums it absentmindedly. He bites his nails when he's nervous and the only place he "self-services" is in the shower because that's the least messy.
Sarah has been considering breast reduction surgery because she has back pain often. She and James developed "twin language" as toddlers and still remember and use some words.
Daniel secretly hoped he would have siblings, but it wasn't on the cards. This made him closer to James and Sarah, though. He's on the verge of failing university. Not because he's not smart enough but because the lectures bore him. His learning style is more visual and kinesthetic, and the University caters more towards auditory learners.
Jill sometimes remembers smidges of a past she can't really place and is convinced these are memories from a previous life. She knows all the songs from High School Musical by heart, but she doesn't tell a soul about this because she's embarrassed.
Seth is extremely intelligent and is a member of Mensa. He doesn't want to be cocky, so he hardly mentions it. He avidly plays D&D online, and his character, a sorcerer, is named Zeno Morningsteam.
Sadie is a wonderful singer and has a great musical ear, but it bothers her that she doesn't know how to play an instrument. She has a tiny birthmark somewhere on her body shaped like a heart (when seen up close). Her parents' marriage is going through stormy weather, but they hide this from their children (for now).
Rachel does yoga every day. She secretly liked it when Sadie spent every night with James because, as much as she loves Sadie, sharing her personal space with someone every night is very demanding for her. She's written seven chapters to a fantasy story, but this is a well-kept secret. If she tells someone about it, they may want to read it! 😱
Finn has a nut allergy. This was discovered when he was three years old and had to be rushed to hospital after sneaking a taste of Nutella. After his hospitalisation, "know what you eat" became a huge topic in the Richardson household, and this is actually what inspired Jill to want to become a chef. Since lots of food contains traces of nuts, Finn is very careful what he eats and always checks the packaging.
***Bonus characters (since they're fresh on everyone's mind)***
Joshua actually hasn't sworn off religion like his sister Martha has. He still has faith but is finding his own way. His crush on Joel is slowly fading, but he's happy about this. He hopes to find love soon but knows this is difficult in a small town. He ordered a free information booklet from The Rainbow Alliance entitled "Boys." which very openly and very detailed (in drawings) explains anything and everything boys who like boys need to know. It left him extremely flustered, but it's also his favourite thing to read now. 🤫
Morgan named Jonah after the love of her life, Jonas, who died in a car crash many years ago. Morgan has a subscription to OMGYES. Aside from writing, she has another creative passion: playing the violin. She's very good at it too. She's not looking for a relationship right now, life is too busy as it is.
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Hi! Any tips for exams? I'm really close to a major set of exams and idk where to begin
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Hello, Love! Ah, exams. One of the most stressful times for a student. There’s so much work, and each teacher/professor acts as if their class is your only one. So how do you prioritize and get through exam season? Here are some of my best tips!
First, what do you have to get done? Often times we have more than one exam, homework, work, etc. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, so plan out exactly what you have going on. You can do it on a calendar, website, or if you prefer a paper planner that’s fine! Write down the due date for every upcoming assignment (say in the next 2 weeks), the dates and times of your finals, and any important information.
Adding notes about the type of exam and requirements can help. Is it an open note exam? Is it early in the morning? Are you taking it online or on paper? How long do you have to take it? Knowing all of this ahead of time helps with planning. If the exam is early you set alarms and plan to go to sleep early the night before. If it’s open note you can focus on having comprehensive notes, if it’s not then try memorization.
Now that you know what you’re studying for, what needs to be studied? For each class, I like to make a list of every topic on the exam. Then I go through and highlight the topics in three colors. Green if I am confident in my knowledge of the subject. Yellow if I need a bit of refreshing. Red if I do not understand the topic or need to spend significant time on it.
Now get all of the information you need. Download or highlight any readings you’ve been given and make a list of the page numbers you need to read for each class. I split the list up by what seems related closely or by order of place in the text.
How you study really depends on who you are! Some people can sit down and read 200 pages, absorb it all, and have a great time. Others can barely stand to get through ten and feel like they haven’t learned a thing. If you don’t know your style, try to explore. Here are some types of studying that might work.
Note-taking! Even if the exam isn’t open note, writing or typing out information can really help with memory. Whether it’s word for word or writing out the concept in your own way it helps you really grasp the texts. Don’t be a perfectionist in your notes, just get them down. You can even doodle or draw the concepts! This is best for reading/writing learners.
Verbalizing! Maybe you need to hear it and speak it. You can listen to your texts as audiobooks, use apps like Speechify, or even read out loud to yourself. If you have the option, ask a friend or loved one to read the text to you. This is best for auditory learners.
Videos and movies! Some people are more visual. There are tons of online resources where you can watch lectures and see slides on the topic you’re studying. Youtube alone is a treasure trove of professors and academics who have put super-specific knowledge out there for free. Watch and try to take notes in a more visual way, drawing, graphics, color coding, etc. This is best for visual learners
Kinesthetic learners can often take parts of these other methods and combine them into something new. Walk or exercise while listening to your lectures. Do flashcards and slap the cards down like uno. Dance while you watch a video. Use pens you enjoy that lets you enjoy the physical experience of note-taking.
Physical and Mental Health
Exam season is super stressful. You can get really overwhelmed and busy, but don’t let it become an excuse for self-destruction. Pulling an all-nighter is not advantageous!
Hold to your routines as much as you can. Plan when you are going to get food, shower times, anything you need to. Brushing your teeth is still important even during exams.
Make sure everything is easily accessible. I like to get easy foods I can grab during exams, lay out my outfit the day before an exam, pack my bag the night before.
Get plenty of sleep. You need to be well-rested to learn and retain information. Set a bedtime, and plan to be done with everything before it. Start wrapping up an hour beforehand.
Try techniques like Pomodoro that have built-in break times, that way you know it’s not endless drudgery and you get time to rest between masses of text. If you’re like me and you hyperfocus, it’s ok to work through your break to maintain focus but take a break as soon as possible.
Don’t be afraid to ask professors for help, extensions, advice, etc. They really do want to help you, and everyone needs help sometimes. I’m a straight-A student, and people assume it means I don’t struggle. What it really means is when I struggle I get help ASAP so it doesn’t mess up my grade.
Your health is always more important than a grade. If you are getting exhausted and hurt, focus on yourself first. In five years this grade won’t matter. Worst case scenario you have to take the class again. It’s ok.
App Recommendations
Tide - Focus, Sleep, Relax, Breathe. You can set times to study with various soundscapes. It’s easy, free and helps you track your time.
Stoic. - Mood tracker, journaling, mental health, and meditation. Really relaxing. Lots of free features and great for checking in with yourself.
Egenda -  Simple class and homework tracker. Put in each class and add homeworl with due dates for each one.
Spanish Dict. - Super useful spanish dictionary, education, and translating app.
Alarmy - Great alarm clock app! Helps you wake up by requiring you to complete simple (or difficult) tasks or the alarm will go off again. Great for the constantly tired.
Notion - Basically does everything. Great of tracking, journaling, calendar, and even fun daily tracking things. 
Rememnber! You are smart, you are capable, you can do this. Good luck!
(P.S. - I have a studyblr over @solar-scholar!)
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howtomusicmajor · 4 years
Any recommendations to survive online learning? I thrived in structure and in-person classes but now I'm struggling greatly and feel incredibly lost, especially with what due anymore and the uncertainty of everything. I'm also an auditory learner so do you have any suggestions of what I can do?
Lots and lots of people are in your situation. People love routine! It’s comforting. Even people who don’t enjoy lots of socialization are struggling right now. You’re not alone. 
My sister and I are the same way. We’re great at accomplishing stuff when we have regular schedules, but this amorphous chunk of isolated time business is Bad. What we’ve done is team up for accountability. At 11 am everyday, I yell at her to come to my house (we’re still socially isolating! She goes nowhere else, and I run to the pharmacy if we really truly need something). Then we set up shop and get to work. This can work equally well will a friend over Skype, Zoom, or Facetime. You just need someone to hold you accountable. If you can hold them accountable too, even better. 
If you have online lectures to watch, try to watch them at the same time as your class was scheduled. Keep to your school schedule as much as possible, including breaks. It may feel silly, but it works. Sit and do stuff for a class for the hour that the class normally occupies. Then get up and walk around for your ten minutes passing period. Then sit down and work on the next class, etc. It helps shift your brain into “we’re serious here” mode. 
If you can set up a mini office space, even better. You need a separate space to associate with Srs Busns time. Then only do Work there. You’re building new routines and habits, and this should be a functional habit, not a procrastination habit place. I do all my freelance work at the kitchen table, because A: we very rarely eat sitting here, and B: my fish tank and my plant lights are here, so it’s the brightest, sunniest spot in the house. That helps motivate me a lot!
This whole situation sucks, a lot. However, it’s a really good opportunity to work on self-motivation. I’m having less trouble than many people I know, because I was already primarily a from-home freelancer. If you want to be a performer or academic as you main income, you need to be good at using random chunks of time effectively. It’s not at all easy in the beginning. However, it does get better. If you’re not perfect in the beginning, don’t stress. Everyone is struggling together, right now.
You’ve got this. 
We’ve got this. 
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applejongho · 3 years
fans younger than all of them.... my mind can't comprehend bsndjhd
ohh yaaay I'm glad it went great!!😊
oh wow I'm the opposite jsnnddn my concentration is zero when it comes to listening. that's why i have a hard time at uni lmao my mind just goes blank even though I'm taking notes my brain doesn't register the meaning behind those words and when i have to study for an exam i just have no idea what i wrote previously lmao but i do love reading!! I've bought so many books this year my dad had to make a new shelf 😂😂 is there a book you would recommend?
omg you're so talented!! it's insane in the best possible way :'D I'm sure it'll sound amazing! ❤️
I'm happy you get to have some time for yourself you absolutely deserve it!!! rest a lot and do the things you enjoy while you're on a break :3 - 🎅
oh noo lol you're probably a visual learner then. I'm definitely an auditory learner, I rly vibe w lectures and hearing things
There is abSolutely a book I recommend!! My favorite book I read this year is The Poppy War by RF Kuang. I don't usually binge read stuff but I read the whole thing in like three days. I'll say that the themes are really heavy but it's *chef's kiss* ✨👌 a very very very good adult fantasy book
Awww ty 😭🥺 I'm trying to enjoy things over break lol, but I think I'm being to hard on myself idk. I'll have a list of things I wanna do (fun things, or I guess fun "tasks" like practicing viola or arranging or writing or rly anything) and then I just don't do any of them and I feel bad :// I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself to be productive but like,,,, I have time to do fun things now, why can't I do them like I wanted to when I was busy :((
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