#so its all giving me a headache for absolutely no reason
carcarrot · 1 year
my skills include getting absolutely worked up over nothing
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earth2rin · 5 months
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bakugo x fem!reader college au
2.1k words
warnings: mild cursing, slightly suggestive, alcohol use
friends not answering your calls? ubers not available? guess it’s time for your last resort.
“fuck” you slur as your screen reads that iida had not answered your phone. you called jirou, then momo, then izuku, todoroki, sero and kiri, but no answer.
you were drunk. absolutely hammered and the clock on your phone currently reads 2:37 in the morning. there were no ubers available and you were in desperate need of a ride home back to your apartment from the college frat party you and your friends decided to go to.
you originally had a DD, but ochako ended up leaving early, something about deku getting home earlier than expected from his trip in the states. you told her to go and see her man, and how she better fill you in on all the deets or else you were never going to cover for her whenever she and deku “mysteriously” disappear from functions.
so here you sat on the couch in some random fraternity house, pouting about how you had no idea of how you were gonna get home. the music was loud and your body was buzzing, all the loud conversations going on around you didn’t help brighten your mood. you were tired, and your feet hurt from the heels you were wearing. you wanted to go home. you contemplated just crashing on the couch and waking up super early to leave, but the skirt you were wearing would ride up every 5 minutes and you were sure if you slept on the couch someone would get a show when they would wake up in the morning. you also thought about walking home but for obvious reasons you decided against it, walking 7 miles in the middle of the night in a miniskirt was an absolute no!
then an idea popped into your head. you had absolutely no faith, but it was your last chance to get home before you started walking. you chewed on your lip, anxiety making you ponder if you really should go through with it, it wasn’t like you had any other choice!
biting the inside of your cheek, you wait as you hear the familiar sound of your phone ringing, hoping the call will go through. your nerves grew as the ringing had continued in your ears.
“hello?” a gruff voice answers on the other end of the line.
“bakugo! oh my god i’m surprised you answered!” you say excitedly, smile extending from ear to ear.
“the fuck are you calling me for? it’s 3 in the god damn morning” he mumbles, you bite on your lip from being chewed out at.
“listen, i’m reeeeally sorry, but i’m really drunk and i need a ride home.” you whine and the desperation in your voice makes you cringe but you really meant it.
“so fucking call some one else, don’t bother me!” he sounds angry and your eyes begin to well with tears.
“i did! but no one wants to answer me and i’m really tired and want to go home, but my feet hurt and i can’t walk home and i’m hungry and there’s no food here, and i really want to go home.” you babble as the tears start pouring and the people around you give you stares but you’re too drunk to care right now.
“alright alright i’ll come get you! jus’ quit your crying already” you manage to get out a broken and whiny ‘okay’ before he asks you to send your location hangs up
even though you know you’ll regret it in the morning, you take 3 more shots and wander out into the front yard. the grass is cool, dewy from the 3am air and the leaves in the trees sway from the light breeze. the moon is out, and you can’t help but stare, mesmerized by its beauty. you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, hoping the nauseous feeling and pounding headache would go away soon.
your eyes begin to flutter shut, but soon you hear a voice speak up.
“what are you doing on the ground?” you flutter your eyes open and there standing at your feet was bakugo katsuki.
“oh heyyy. ‘m jus a little tired” you smile.
he stares at you and sighs
“well c’mon, get your ass up and let’s get you home.” you shake your head and pout.
“don’t wanna. ‘m so comfy. i think i'll throw up if i stand.” your brows furrow as you adjust your head, turning it to your side.
he groans, dragging and his hand down his face.
“alright, c’mon, up and attem” he lifts you up, throwing you over his shoulder (making sure to cover your ass from anyone seeing your baby pink underwear) and you groan.
“oh god, you’re making me nauseous!” your cheeks bubble up, trying to hold back your barf as you see the ground move from underneath you.
rolling his eyes, he replies “oh buck up, we’re almost at my car.”
you stare for a little, speaking up to drunkenly say, “you have a nice ass” and he pinches your arm, making you squeal and giggle.
you feel him stop, and hear the sound of a car door opening. he gently puts you in the seat and squats down.
“what are you doin?” you hum, eyes closed.
“give me your foot” he mumbles.
you make a confused face to which he replies, “just give me your damn foot!” you comply, sticking out your foot and frowning for being scolded.
he gently unclasps your heels and sets them underneath your seat, repeating the motions for your other foot. he then sets your feet in the car and leans over you, buckling your seatbelt for you.
you catch a whiff of his cologne and you internally sigh, he smelt absolutely heavenly. it didn’t help that he was wearing a wifebeater and his biceps were bulging right in front of your eyes. you wanted to bite him. he was ethereal, a sight to behold, an angel in front of you. why couldn’t he like you?
closing the door, he makes his way to the driver seat and hops in, tying himself in.
“ ‘m cold” you whine, and he turns around to his backseat and grabs a blanket, placing it in your lap.
you unfold it and wrap yourself in it, secretly taking a whiff and hiding your smile in the blanket.
“thanks” you quietly say, he nods in acknowledgment.
the ride to your apartment is comfortable. the radio playing music quietly, leaving you both to your thoughts. you had known bakugo since high school. you had been close friends with deku, and you knew his infamous bully. you tried to help deku and even defended him, but all izuku would say was that it was okay and that you didn’t need to fight for him. so you let izuku handle it, next thing you know you’re all at the same college. your class had all been relatively close, almost everyone was friends. but for some reason bakugo could just not stand you. you tried to figure out why, but you never really had interactions with him so there was nothing that tipped the scale.
you decided to not let it bother you, which was hard because you unfortunately found him ridiculously attractive. you couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be friends, but you never acted upon your thoughts, settling in the belief that ignorance is bliss.
“you hungry?” you turn your head and blink.
“no ‘m okay, thanks.” you turn your head back to the window and he chuckles.
“alright but you’ll regret it in the morning.”
your eyes widen and you snap your head back to him.
“wait! i am hungry!” he rolls his eyes and says ‘okay’, pulling into a taco bell.
you feel giddy as he hands you your burrito, immediately unwrapping and chowing down on the warm heaven sent food.
“thanks!” you say with a smile and a full mouth, to which he slightly grimaces and says that you owe him one, which you decide to ignore.
shortly after, you arrive at your apartment and he parks, getting out to open your door.
“i don’t wanna go im barefoot! that means i’ll have to walk across the dirty concrete!” you whine and he tries his best not to show his frustration, but the vein popping out on his forehead says otherwise.
“c’mon, i came all this way AND bought you taco bell and you can’t even walk to the door?” you pout and he groans, tossing you over his shoulder again.
he grabs your heels and your purse, beginning his tread up the stairs.
“wait a minute, how do ya know where i live, hmm?”
he rolls his eyes, which he knows you can’t see and responds, “you had a party for ochako remember?”
you gasp and giggle, “oh yeah! and then they left early so they could fu-“
“and we’re here!” he cuts you off, digging through your purse for your keys.
once in your apartment, he asks where your bedroom is, finding the room he sets you down on your bed and puts your heels by your closet. he leaves the room, heading to your kitchen. you frown due to the lack of his company, but he returns with a glass of water and a bottle of tylenol.
“here, take this for your feet and headache.” you grab the two pills he’d taken out the bottle and swallow them, chugging the water shortly after. the tension is thick as you both stare at each other.
you get up, walk to your dresser and look through your drawers, he stands awkwardly behind you trying hard not to stare at your ass as you bend over to look for pajamas. you began stripping and before you can get your tube top over your head he blurts out.
“where’s your bathroom?” you turn your head and blink at him.
“i have an en suite, it’s the door to your left,” he nods and quickly rushes inside the room.
after changing into your pajamas you make yourself comfortable in your sheets, waiting for bakugo to exit your bathroom. your eyes begin to shut until you hear the click of the door opening.
he had assumed you’d fallen asleep and began to exit your room.
“why don’t you like me?” you mutter. he freezes, he feels like a deer caught in headlights.
“what are you talking about?” he plays dumb but you don’t falter.
“why don’t you like me?” you repeat, this time more confidently.
he swallows thickly and turns to look at you, you sit up and look at him.
“i never said i didn’t like you.” he says as if it’s a matter of fact.
“well you sure as hell make it seem like i’m the last person on earth you’d rather be with.” you chuckle bitterly, the alcohol coursing through your veins giving you the courage to say what you’ve always wondered.
“it’s a shame really, i thought we could be good friends, i find you quite charming, dashing even. i wouldn’t have minded if things went further then just being friends as well.” you sigh falling back into your sheets, snuggling into your comforter.
“that makes two of us.” he mumbles and he thinks you didn’t hear it, but you remove your blankets and make your way towards him.
“well maybe when you give up the act of thinking i’m insufferable you could give me a call, yeah?”
he’s at a loss for words, you’re standing awfully too close to him, he can feel the heat radiating off of your body and it sends shivers down his spine. he swallows, examining your face and he licks his lips.
“you're drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying” he tries to rationalize, more to himself than you.
“oh i’m perfectly aware of what i’m saying” you send him a small coy smile and he feels butterflies as you stare into his eyes.
“if i call you sometime will you go to bed already?” he takes a small step closer and you smile at him.
“anything you’d like.”
“i’ll call you then.”
you nod like a school girl, and head back to your bed.
“night.” you say as he slips through your door.
the next morning you woke up with a horrendous headache, making your way to the kitchen for some water. a bottle of vitamin c gummies, a free pizza coupon and the blanket you had last night folded up were sitting on your counter top. on the bottle of vitamin c there was a sticky note attached.
for the hangover. call you tonight?
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Lucifer if you were a Luciferian before coming to the devildom
as a devotee I think this would be fucking hilarious bc I’ve seen people do “hail Satan” shirts but hear me out-
** a treat before part 2
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- probably will not recognize you off the bat
- Like he’s like “oh ok it’s you” but it doesn’t connect that your HIS
- Like he’s under a lot of pressure right now and stress
- Is pleasantly surprised that you listen so well. Probably gets smug that you listen so obediently
- Sees his sigil on your necklace or something and then it hits him like a fucking BRICK
- Especially if he peeps you doing stuff for him out of habit
- Goes back to look at your file and is like “holy shit I’m literally your patron”
- Will bring it up to you and ask why you don’t make a big deal of it
- “I mean I was already used to living with you? This ain’t much different”
- Ngl in the beginning he would manipulate you about the stairs bc your a good little disciple you’ll do whatever your deity says right?
- But that wouldn’t work bc his first and most basic belief is fuck blind obedience and to question things when uncertain
- Honestly a “fuck I taught you so well but now your using it against me” situation
- Will ease up that you don’t have bad intentions but he’s going to protect his brothers first and foremost
- Will really keep using the line “do not forget that you belong to me” when he’s trying to intimidate you
- But your used to him dragging you to get your life together to its very ineffective
- Gets really frustrated that you already know his nitpicky strict habits because he likes punishing people and lecturing so the fact that he can’t do that to you to be petty really bothers him
- Gets kinda flustered about spending time with you because he’s so used to knowing everything about your life you getting to see him in his home feels too vulnerable for his liking
- Will ABSOLUTELY bring up embarrassing stories about you
- “Ah, remember when you were asking me to help you get a date? Because I definitely do”
- “Me and your ancestors definitely talk about your questionable taste in men”
- Please use this opportunity to be like “this you🤨” because he will have no answer
- “So what the fuck was you sending me all those 11:11 for😐 please elaborate”
- “…. I don’t know what your talking about”
- “What was the reason for you giving me that headache?”
- Will literally Triple his pride when y’all start being intimate
- You’ve given him a god complex but don’t call it that he will get an attitude
- “My most devoted worshiper letting me use them how I wish”
- Will use that as an excuse to fuck you everywhere
- Likes that you have jewelry with his sigil on it or anything you wear for him
- Feels like a collar, letting everyone know you’re his
- Pulls a mammon and calls you “My human” a lot
- Very overprotective
- Probably makes a pact with you In secret before the end of the program
- Like you guys basically already had one why not make it official??
- Especially if he reached out to you and not the other way around? Lmao yeah your definitely his
- If any of the other brothers find out they WILL moan and groan about you not working with them
- Mammon and asmo are the most vocal
- Might end up having to get stuff for them and your altar too love :/
- They will give you stuff to put up there along with a candle
- Congratulations you now are working with 7 demons and they are all very needy
- Belphie will use that as an excuse to take a nap with him all the time
- “Your doing this in devotion to me cmooooon”
- They all will use that card with you actually lmao good luck
- “Mc! Come watch this anime with me! Your doing it in worship of me so you have to😌”
- Mammon had run that excuse dry bc sir doing your homework does not count as a devotional activity 🙄😒
- Lucifer will brag that it was fate that you were brought to him
- Will also pretend that he chose you on purpose knowing damn well he didn’t 😂
- “But of course I had to choose you, I knew you were the best option.”
- You literally didn’t even look at the name on the paper 😭😭
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jake-webber · 3 months
I am weak for vampire!Sam and demon!Colby if you want to write something 'bout that
the way my mind already knew who im associating this au with. @samandcolby-ownme my beloved thank you for introducing this au to me. i give all credits to you for vampsam and demcolby
content warning: kinda mean dom reader but very much sub SnC, Colby has a tail,,…, fem reader, near death experience (briefly mentioned), implied stripper!reader, BAD sex dialogue i think, if you’re more used to @samandcolby-ownme’s writing style for the boys, this one is very diff.
no smut, meaning no peen in vag but very sexual stuff under the cut. 18+ only!!
You were absolutely drained, both mentally and physically. Your whole body aches and you walk around the room as if you were anemic (which you could be at this point). As much as you loved your boyfriends, you’re high maintenance lovers, it’s taking a toll on you.
Other than the heavenly yet punishing sex they both give you, they keep forgetting to mention their other personal and unnatural needs as, well, not natural beings.
Consent and boundaries were set up before the three of yours’ relationships began. Their needs and your needs, as long as asked for permission, is given green light to the other. This applies for Sam’s request of sucking your blood which you don’t usually so no to and Colby’s demonic need of sucking the energy out of you by ‘absorbing your essence’ (you’re still not 100% sure how it works since he usually just closes his eyes as you stand there, feeling every bit of your serotonin slowly leaving your body).
Lately, for some reason, their needs doubled. Sam sucked your blood half to death if it weren’t for Colby snapping him out of his senses when you began losing color and consciousness. Colby was no better though. Unbeknownst to you, he’s been absorbing to much of your essence that it leaves you in such a worn out state.
You were angry and easily irritable, like a ticking time bomb. Just like right now.
As soon as you opened the door to your shared home, you were overwhelmed with the smell of their perfumes, telling you that they’ve been in the house the whole time while you were away, and the scent usually sends you into a calmer mood knowing your boys were here, but in your state right now?
“Sam? Colby! Sam!” You yelled from the living room, a striking headache already on its way as soon as the two appeared out of thin air.
“Baby, I’ve missed you.” Sam approached you with an arm reaching for you neck, rubbing the holes that showed his constant penetration on your poor skin. You could tell from the way he’s licking his lips, eyes not meeting yours, that Sam was going to ask for your blood. Again.
You scoffed, something you’ve never done towards them, swatted his hand away from. This caused for the blonde boy to flinch, red eyes flashing in the dim lighting. You could see Colby reacting to the unfamiliar reaction from your peripheral vision.
“Bad day at work?” He asked, arms crossed as he walked towards the both of you.
You ran a hand against your head, combing your already disheveled. “I don’t know, you tell me.” You didn’t know what came over to you, eyebrows arching in sarcasm. “Fucked up week would be a better way to describe it.”
Sam, unbeknownst to you, felt something crushing in his undead heart, like chains being harshly twisted and pulled at every bad energy you were sending out. Of course, you were unaware of that, continuing to do so. Colby, on the other hand, felt his eyes twitching, not from anger, but at his lack of breath as if he was being choked. His necklace hung low on his neck, there was nothing else that should be making him felt this way.
Despite all this, you began talking when they didn’t, oblivious to their pain. “I don’t know if you’ve been noticing but for whatever fucked up reason, the two of you have been taking too much from me.” Sam clenched the spot on his shirt where his heart would be residing, feeling it beat once again. He doesn’t remember it hurting like this.
Colby was fast on his feet to take your hands, releasing the grip of your unwelcoming crossed arms. “We didn’t know— We aren’t supposed to be here and we aren’t used to it.”
“As much as we hate it, it’s kind of— like, our way of having our powers work here.” Sam explained further, somehow compelled to telling you.
Their words didn’t seem to work to calm you down you rolled your eyes.
“Right, as if that’s any of my fault.” You replied, taking your hand back from Colby’s. His eyes widened at your action, feeling as though he’s made a grave mistake.
You’re disappointing her.
They both felt agonizing pain in their entire bodies at the same, especially on Colby’s neck and Sam’s chest. Colby held onto himself as he tried to catch his breath while Sam was clenching his fist to his chest.
“I mean, seriously, it’s been affecting me so much. I could barely do any of my choreographies without getting dizzy, I accidentally snapped at a costumer— not to mention, our highest paying.” You continued your tangent, eyes anywhere but on your boyfriends’ withering state. Your words struck them like lightning coursing through their body, making Sam the first to fall on his knees.
It was only when you heard a second thud when you turned back around. Your eyes widened at the sight of both Sam and Colby on their knees, their inhuman traits were out in the open.
“Sam? Colby? What the fuck is happening?” You knelt down to their level, trying to lift their heads up. Colby harshly grabbed your arm as soon you got closer, making you wince in pain as his sharp nails dug in your skin. Your reaction immediately made the boy struggle even further.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” The boy chanted to himself. “Fuck, I didn’t mean it, please.” Colby pleaded to you as if you were the one hurting him.
“Please, forgive us. We didn’t mean to anger you, make it stop.” Sam wheezed, his eyes having the brightest shade of red you’ve ever seen him have. The only time you’ve seen a glimpse of it was during sex.
Their words confused you as concern began washing over your anger. “Wait– guys–” Before you could even start talking to them, a voice in began to ring in the back of your head.
They deserve this.
The voice awfully sounded like you.
“You deserve this.” You said towards the both of them. Sam, despite his pain and being the rationale of your relationship, took notice of how your voice didn’t sound like you. It was you, you were speaking, but another voice, much darker and lower, was speaking for you.
The boys felt your fingers wrap around their chin, lifting them without much hardship. Colby’s watering eyes widened at your different eye color.
He wasn’t able to focus any further when he felt yet another sharp on his neck. “Focusing on useless things, you tend to do that, don’t you, Colby?” Instead of just the new voice, your real voice began overlapping with it. Somehow, it doubled the fear the boys were feeling for the first time again.
“As for you, Sam, you think you control this relationship, don’t you? Having made the first move on me, I can’t blame you if you did.” You chuckled. “Oh, how long I’ve been wanting to tell you this,” You inched closer to the boy, ghosting his sensitive sense of hearing on his now pointed ears. “You never were.”
You simultaneously let them both go and immediately grabbing a fistful of Sam’s hair. “You’re always one to talk. Better make that tongue to good use.” Without much warning, you placed two of your fingers inside him. “Suck.” You ordered.
Sam couldn’t do anything but comply, licking and sucking every inch of what you gave him. The pain in his heart was lessening by the second, making his actions more messy and desperate. Colby looked over at your lustful expression as you watched Sam, feeling his pants tightening at the sight.
“You never left me alone when I’m soaked,” Despite your distance from him, Colby heard your voice against his ear, making shivers run down his spine to his penis, pre cum staining his pants. He could feel your chuckles on his bare neck. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t be doing the same thing you.”
With half lidded eyes, Sam watched as you reached over to Colby, his demon tail immediately wrapping itself around you, as if guiding you to where you should be. You clicked your tongue, making both of them wince in pain at your displeasure. “Still trying to take control?”
You could hear Colby mumbling ‘no’s under his labored breathes along with Sam’s muffled ones, knowing what’s coming. You retracted your fingers from the blonde boy’s mouth and stood up.
“Look at me, Colby.” Your voice was gone again, voice void of any emotion but command. As soon as he did, he groaned in pain and pleasure as your feet lands on his hard on. The heels you were still wearing from the club stabbed on every part of him, his whines of pain slowly turning to a mix of his moans.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He gasped as pushed your heels even further, “Please, it hurts so much. It hurts,” Tears, which was something you’ve never seen come out of the both of them, began falling down on his scaled cheeks.
You remained unfazed, eyes glistening in excitement. Was it even you?
“Hurts more than getting choked?” You taunted and Colby immediately shakes his head. “If anything, you’re luckier than Sam. I like it when I’m being fucked and losing my breath.” Which both Sam and Colby knew all too well.
Speaking of, your eyes moved towards to Sam who was pathetically palm himself beside Colby. It almost made you wanted to laugh that this was the same man that stalked you, hunted you, and claimed you.
“God, you look good like this.” You smirked, grabbing his chin once again and pulling his head towards yours. Your lips move in a familiar rhythm, only this time you were taking the lead of exploring every inches of the boy’s mouth. Your tongue grazed his sharp canines, purposely piercing yourself to let blood run. Sam’s eyes widened, eyes glistening.
“You’re so spoiled.” You said as soon your lips parted ways with his, wiping the blood residue on your mouth and watched as Sam immediately started to lick it if off of your thumb.
“I’m gonna– fuck, fuck, I’m–“ Colby moaned as his hips grinds against your stilettos. He tried to chase his high but you removed your legs before he could, making him groan in pain. “No, no, please.” He cried, more tears spilling down from his darkened pupils.
You had to step back to look at the mess you’ve created. Sam was in his own high as the smallest amount of your blood intoxicated his entire being, leaving his pants severely damped while Colby couldn’t even move in inch from how painful you left him, something in him refusing to cum if it wasn’t against you.
You ran your fingers in your hair. “Ah, fuck— this definitely gave my energy back.”
Their eyes made contact with yours and they could see your natural eye color mixing with your new one. Colby, being a demon himself, knew what’s happening.
Because of your lack of blood, your own blood, and your humanly essence he’s been selfishly taking, a demonic spirit strong enough to conquer one and an ancient vampire made its way to your weakened self and made itself feel at home inside you.
That also meant this dynamic, these invisible chains you’ve placed on them, wouldn’t disappear any time soon.
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smytherines · 2 months
The headcanon that keeps me up at night is the idea that Owen Carvour was this very closed-off, isolated guy who just singlemindedly devoted himself to spycraft (almost as if it were his special interest) and was generally disinterested in any sort of relationship- romantic or otherwise- and suddenly agent Curt Mega strolls into his life and stubbornly insists on being part of it.
And Owen is just completely, utterly fascinated with this guy. Infatuated with him. How could he not be? Curt is perhaps the only person on Earth that can keep pace with Owen, that can best him (not that Owen would ever admit to it). He's so different from Owen, but they're also very much the same.
And over a number of years Curt wins his trust. First by being an excellent (if unconventional) partner, and then they start a physical relationship. And then Owen actually finds himself in love with this person, an attachment he never wanted but now can't live without (in a way he sort of resents Curt for sometimes).
He feels these things in an overwhelming but impossible to articulate way, to the degree that he willingly puts himself in a position to be outnumbered 21 to 1 to rescue Curt from a Russian weapons facility- because that's what you do when you love someone, right? You flip off god and walk backwards into hell for them.
So when Curt leaves Owen to die, part of him just fractures. This delicate, imperfect, but still very real trust he had in Curt is absolutely shattered. He's afraid and helpless and critically injured, and the last thing he can remember before waking up in unimaginable pain, his body and brain damaged in a way he will never fully recover from, is the look of horror on Curt's face as he ran away.
And the worst part is that there is no way for Owen to disengage from those feelings. He will never have any sort of distance from Curt and his betrayal ever again. His body hurts constantly, his mobility is impacted, he gets headaches and vertigo and panic attacks, and every single time he is forced to relive the moment that Curt left him. Forced to relive that terror.
Every time his leg gives out while he's forcing himself to walk without crutches, or the burn scars start to ache, or his vision goes blurry and his heart feels like its going to burst out of his chest, he feels that hurt. The only person he would've ever confided those feelings in is the reason those feelings exist to begin with. That person thinks Owen is dead. And Owen sometimes wishes he had died too.
And Owen hates Curt, but more than anything he hates himself for trusting Curt. For putting himself in a vulnerable position to save Curt, only to be destroyed by Curt's hubris- part of the very same thing that made Curt irresistible to him. That cocky confidence, the effortless charm, the completely intuitive, instinctive way his mind worked- a style that had never let him down before. Owen loved him, and he knows that if the situation were reversed he would've gone back for him. He would've laid down and died next to him. And it's blisteringly painful to him to realize that the same wasn't true for Curt.
And for Curt's part I don't think he was like "oh well, fuck it, time to book." I don't think he thought at all in that moment. He didn't decide to leave Owen so much as his body, his adrenaline, his instinct made the decision for him. It was fight or flight, and his body chose flight. Speaking from personal experience, when you have ADHD and you realize that you've screwed up and you're suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, your body can just kinda carry you away without thinking.
But the leaving being involuntary doesn't help Curt deal with his grief and shame and self-hatred, because he still has to live with the decisions he did consciously make that night- leaving the banana peel on the steps, deciding to blow up the facility instead of just sending the blueprints with the watch, setting the timer for three minutes instead of four.
For years, when he's not too drunk to think at all, he endlessly relives each point where things could have gone differently. He obsessively thinks about how his pride was a bit bruised by needing to be rescued, by being chewed out by a boss who seemed to prefer his partner to him, and wondering if maybe he was more over the top than usual out of spite or insecurity, to save face with Cynthia and Barb, to impress Owen (because he loved Owen and respected him and cared about what Owen thought of him).
He wonders if Owen was right about his drinking, and then he drinks to shut out the pain of that thought.
He has to live with the decision his adrenaline made, tortured by the idea that he should've somehow fought back against that flight impulse in the moment and gone back for Owen. Tortured by the idea that maybe, if his rational brain had been fully present, he might have still made the same decision- leaving Owen to save himself.
He saw Owen twitching on the ground, grasping onto the banana peel, bleeding out on the concrete. He was almost certainly about to die, but when Curt left Owen hadn't died yet. So maybe, maybe, maybe there was a chance and Curt missed it. And every time he thinks about the possibility he feels sick. And he drinks. And he has imaginary conversations with his dead partner before passing out curled up in the corner of his bed, clutching a pillow, his eyes red and burning from the tears.
This was supposed to just be a couple of short paragraphs, but that's what I get for thinking about curtwen I guess
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milfjuulpod · 11 months
req: yes
can you write a Melissa x Reader where reader is the new VP of Abbott and she’s just the most professional person ever. She doesn’t wanna interact with the staff in any way that’s not professional, she’ll refer to them by last name, has lunches in her car, doesn’t try to socialize unless it’s Melissa. Melissa never notices but reader is always lingering to watch her, calls her by her first name, goes out of her way to make sure Mel is never inconvenienced by anything at Abbott. it’s not until maybe Janine or Jacob, hell Gregory even point it out that Mel notices and confronts the reader about it. Reader responds in like the cheesiest way possible, something like “i was down bad for you from the moment i saw you” and Melissa just m e l t s!!
warnings: none
A/N: hello again 🧛🏻‍♀️ i absolutely LOVED this request, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing :)) thank you for all the support !!
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After earning yourself your graduate degree, and interning at schools all over, you found yourself at Abbott Elementary. Despite its hazards here and there, you loved it. You maintain your poise and passion for work each day, staying on task and doing everything you could to help. 
       Being the Vice Principal came with a lot of responsibilities, especially working for Ava Coleman. Over the school year, just like the rest of Abbott, you grew to love her—but that didn’t mean she didn’t give you a headache every week. “Can you not eat in your car for one day and just come with me to this brunch?” Ava begged, but you knew better. “Ms. Coleman, if you’re going on this brunch, somebody has to stay here. Besides, you’ll be fine. I’ve prepared your folder for you and you nailed rehearsals,” you encouraged her. 
       Ava was preparing for a brunch with some people from the district, and as much as you wanted to go and support her, you had to stay. “You’re right, I did kill that last rehearsal. I guess I’ll go alone,” the principal dramatized, and left for her lunch. Walking back, you decided to do a quick sweep before heading into your own office. No harm in checking on everyone, right? You passed Mrs. Howard’s door, noticing her students taking a nap. She saw you through the window, and the two of you exchanged smiles before you parted. 
        “Oh, hey Y/N! I had a question for you,” a small, but loud, voice was heard from behind you. “Hello Ms. Teagues, how can I help you?” You turned to greet her. “You know you can call me Janine, right?” The shorter teacher gave you a friendly smile, and continued.  “Anyways, I was thinking about doing a project with my students, they started this new book and are just loving it! Honestly I was a bit surprised, but I guess when the kids are with me-”
       “The question you had?” You interrupted her. As much as Janine had a soft spot in your heart, you had work to do and a lunch to half-eat. “Right, sorry. Do you think Friday we could use the library?” She asked, shooting you puppy dog eyes. “I don’t see why not. Let me touch base with our librarian that week and make sure, I’ll get back to you.” You answered. 
        “Yay! Okay, I gotta pick my kids up but, thank you!” She yelled as she started to pick up speed down the hallway. You shook your head and smiled to yourself as you continued your walk, but quickly stopped in your tracks. Melissa’s door was open. For whatever reason, Melissa was…different for you. You never interacted much with people from your work life, never have. With Melissa you still kept your physical distance, but that didn’t stop the thoughts in your head that always came back to her. 
       Nervously, you leaned against the door frame and took in her room. She sat in her chair at the front of the room, book in hand, reading to her class. Every few sentences she would pick her head up and glance at her students, and each time you got nervous she would catch you staring. “The vine was alive! It was a long green snake! The snake fell from the tree, it splashed in the water and swam away,” Melissa read aloud. You watched as one of her students stood up from their seat. “Does the snake get Jack? Or Annie?” He asked. “I don’t know hon, that’s why we have to keep reading,” Melissa said to him, and motioned for him to sit back down. 
        “Sorry Ms. Schemmenti,” he apologized, albeit quietly. “That’s alright, I know reading can be very exciting. But let’s regroup, okay?” She regained everyone’s attention so quickly, and you couldn’t help but watch in complete adoration for the woman. You completely missed two teachers walk right behind you. Melissa went to go back to reading, but her head snapped back up immediately as she saw you standing. She waved for you to come in, and continued on. You sat there for the next few minutes, until it was time for her students to go to lunch. “Jacob is coming to get my kids, give me a minute and then I wanna talk to ya,” Melissa said to you as she stood up to get her kids ready. 
         You couldn’t help but study her every movement, the way she walked, the way she bent down to talk to the kids, everything. She had you wrapped around her finger like it was nothing. Melissa was, without a doubt, the highlight of your day. Every day. “So,” she started, pulling you out of your trance. “I need the library on Friday. I’m getting my kids ready for the science fair this year and I wanna try some bigger stuff with them,” she said. You could see the excitement practically glowing off of her as she told you about her plans. How could you say no? “Yeah! That sounds great. If I have time, I’d love to come see what you guys end up doing,” You told her. 
       “Yeah hon, you should swing by. I’d like that,” She responded. You tried desperately to ignore the way your heart pounded when she called you that, and went to make your exit. “It’s a plan. I have to get back to work but, I’ll see you around, Melissa.” She waved goodbye to you, and you went back to your office stomach full of butterflies. 
       Melissa wasn’t far behind you, although she was going in a different direction. She grabbed her things and headed towards the break room for her own lunch. “I’m not saying I don’t like her! I really like her, I just think it’s strange she still won’t call me Janine.” Melissa heard a voice she tried to ignore. She smiled or waved to those around, and made her way to sit down and eat. “She calls all of us by our last names, even Ava. She’s not social with us either, one time I think I saw her working and eating in her car. Are we not fun to be friends with?” Jacob frantically asked. 
       “No,” Melissa said in time with Ava, who was just walking in. “Are y’all talkin bad about my little helper?” She asked. Melissa, against her better judgment, chimed in. “She’s the Vice Principal, not just your little helper.” Ava sported a cheeky grin, noticing how that got under her skin. “Whatever, anyways, I came in here to tell you actually that the library is yours on Friday,” The principal continued her conversation with Melissa, although Janine was quick to say something. “Wait, what? I just talked to Y/N, and she said I could have the library,” she said frantically. “No, I just talked to her, she said I could have it. Sorry kid,” Melissa retorted. “Just because you’re her favorite, doesn’t mean you should get privileges,” Janine tried to say quietly, but she wasn’t quiet enough. “I am not her favorite! She doesn’t have favorites, she doesn’t like any of us,” Melissa argued. She turned her body more towards the table in front of her and crossed her arms. 
       “Oh come on Melissa, you don’t notice?” Janine poked. When she got no response, everybody decided to help paint the picture. “She calls you by your name. Your first name,” Janine told her. “She gave you the library over Janine,” Jacob added. “I saw her outside your classroom for like, five minutes today,” Gregory finished. Melissa was too stunned to say anything, both at everyone noting your behavior towards her, and the fact that she missed all of this. You didn’t wanna socialize with everyone, but everyone didn’t mean Melissa. 
       “Okay, okay, I’ll go figure it out. Sorry,” The redhead shot Janine an apologetic look as she walked out the door once again. Melissa felt her palms get sweaty as she got closer to your office. Now that she knew about all her little privileges with you, she didn’t want to say something and ruin it. Besides, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, Melissa enjoyed the rare company you brought her. As she approached your door, Melissa took a deep breath in. After a quick mental pep talk, she knocked gently. Upon hearing your, “Come in,” she opened the door as slowly as she could. 
       Lifting your head to look at the door, your face lit up at the sight. “Oh! Hi Melissa, what’s up?” You asked her. Melissa closed the door behind her, and took a seat across from you. When she didn’t answer, you leaned in a bit closer and furrowed your eyebrows at her. Melissa couldn’t meet your gaze, and you hated it. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly. 
       “Why am I special?” Melissa blurted out. The both of you looked at each other, surprised at what she had just said. “I…I’m not sure what you mean by that,” you lied. “You told Janine she could have the library, and then went and gave it to me. You call me ‘Melissa’ but everyone else is last names only. And I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only person you buy coffee for once a week,” the older woman explained. You felt cheeks turn as red as Melissa’s hair when she said all this to you, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact. “Hon?” She pushed when you didn’t reply. 
      After a deep breath, you spoke. “I don’t know. I don’t know what it is about you Melissa but my god. From the first day I got here I…I can’t keep my eyes off you when we’re in the same room. I want to do everything I can to make your day easier or better or just to see you smile. Everything I do here is for you. You’re special, that’s it. And I like you that way.” When you finally looked back up, you saw tears forming in the green eyes across from you. 
        “You…you really mean that?” Melissa asked you, like she almost believed everything you said. “Yes!” You let out a defeated laugh, tears forming in your own eyes out of embarrassment. “Of course I mean it. What made you decide to bring this up today?” 
       Melissa shifted in her seat. “It was brought to my attention today, that I may or may not be your favorite,” she admitted. She tried to hide the smile that was forming, but it was clear she was happy to be your favorite person. You sighed, “Well, you are. I’m sorry that it’s affecting work now,” You slid your chair back a bit and started to mess with papers on your desk. “Woah woah woah, don’t get all sad on me now. I never said it was a bad thing,” Melissa said, reaching across the desk to stop your hand from moving another paper. You tilted your head in confusion, which led to Melissa giggling at you. She stood up from her seat and walked around your desk, turning your chair to face her.
       “I think I like being your favorite,” Melissa said in a much lower voice than you’ve ever heard from her. She rested her hands on either side of your chair, faces so close your noses were almost touching. You looked from her eyes to her lips, fighting internally which one to stare at. “Yeah?” You asked, so quietly you weren’t sure she heard you. Melissa nodded her head and when you did the same, she finally closed the distance and you were wrapped in the sweetest kiss you had ever felt. 
        After a few more kisses from Melissa, she finally pulled away. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice,” She mumbled. You took her hands in yours and played with her fingers. “Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry it took me so long to actually do something about it,” You joked, which thankfully the older woman did find funny. “I think I was the one who did something about it,” Melissa corrected you. “Okay, fine. But either way, I’m glad you brought it up. Would you, maybe, want to kiss me again sometime? After dinner together?” Even though Melissa had just kissed you, you were so nervous about asking her out. 
      “I would love to, but I might kiss you before then.”
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WIBTA for skipping christmas next year?
I dont know how else to put this, but do y'all know that movie, Christmas with the Kranks? Or even Four Christmases? In both of those movies, the main characters are caught skipping christmas and choosing to do something for themselves and, inevitably, get pushed into celebrating Christmas for one reason or another.
Now, those movies are watched religiously in my house, along with a few other holiday movies, but it made me realize that I'm not alone in absolutely loathing the cultural christmas that has developed.
I hate gift giving, as it puts you on the spot to immediately and intimately know whoever you are giving the gift to. And gift cards are seen as a cop out. You're expected to spend a paycheck or two on gifts that'll probably be returned or tossed in a closet to never be seen again. Even with people I do love and care about, its hard to give gifts to them because I'm the youngest and they all have jobs with salaries and their own money.
I also hate getting together with family in a loud house, it gives me headaches, and I dislike (for various reasons) most of the people who come. But since I still live with family, I don't have much say in the matter of who comes and goes or when.
My family is VERY into Christmas. The whole nine yards. Even if I didn't live with them, I would be expected to participate and get into the whole celebration. But WIBTA if I just said ... no? I plan to move out before next Christmas, and do not want to participate for all the reasons I listed above and more. I would send cards, probably, and of course, spend time with my family, but probably skip the big get-together and spend time with my partner or my pets. I genuinely do not care if I'm left alone for Christmas, to be honest. I just don't want to deal with the whole song and dance.
So, WIBTA for skipping christmas next year and stepping back from the whole cultural chaos that surrounds this time of year? (Also, if any of y'all have suggestions on how to go about presenting this next year, I would be thankful.)
What are these acronyms?
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marveldcmistress · 2 years
Summary: Reader is married to Charles and pregnant with her/their first child. Having heard tales from the other ladies of court about their husbands taking mistresses during their pregnancies, Reader stays up at night taking care of Charles' needs and tends to the household during the day, leaving little room for rest. When hormones and sleep-deprivation take its toll on the Reader's health, Charles finally confronts her about her once strict self-care routine he had established with her.
A/N: This is based off the post I made on here a few months ago that I decided to just write myself. You can definitely tell I rushed the ending but there’s so much more than I planned to add to it. Enjoy y’all!
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Charles was sitting at his desk, returning letters of business, when a knock on his door took his focus away. At the invitation of entrance, his secretary announced his lady wife's personal maid. She seemed anxious, not quite upset but not exactly scared either. Nervous.
“What is it, Elizabeth?” he says, her anxiety setting him on edge. She, besides himself, was the person closest to you. Her job was literally to take care of you. So if she was worried, she would be worried about you. He was already protective of you, but since finding out you were bearing his son (“A mother knows, Charles. I dreamt it.”) his concern for you only grew. You were always a little clumsy, but now your equilibrium is off the bigger your belly gets, and you refuse to sit in bed all day.
(“This is my house as well, Charles. And I will be damned if I do not take care of it myself. What kind of wife would I be if I did not keep the house my husband has so graciously given me?”
He'd always roll his eyes and say “I'd give you the moon and stars if you only ask.”)
He returns his attention to the maid, if something were wrong with you or his child he would do everything in his power to save you.
“Your Grace, I believe Her Grace, my Lady Suffolk, is ill.”  
“What's wrong with her?” He stands from his desk, moving past Elizabeth and out of his study. She tries to follow after him, struggling to match his long strides.
“I tried to wake her this morning to break her fast, but she complained of a headache, so I left her to sleep while going to fix her meal to bring to her. She's been so weary these past few weeks. I do see to it that she is eating properly, for the babe. But as I am not with her at night I have no knowledge of her sleeping habits. Is she getting enough rest, Your Grace?”
Her question brings him to an abrupt halt. Flashes of memories pass by his eyes. Images of you naked, full in belly and breast from his seed, passion blazing like the roaring hearth by the bed. You had both been insatiable, you from the hormones (and let's be honest, your sinfully sexy Duke) and him from complete adoration of your changed body. He was absolutely entranced, your breasts were always soft but now they were heavy with milk, the rest of your body plush with motherhood. You were glowing, a shining star in his dark world of politics and betrayal. You spend hours making love, fucking, and everything in between.
To know that he may be the reason you no longer rest brings him immense guilt. He knew you had issues sleeping before you got pregnant, and you worked so hard during the day. He constantly tried to get you to slow down, relax.
(“Charles if I am not working I will lose my wits. I promise to take care of myself, as well as you, but I must stay busy.” )
And he held you to that promise. When not at court, he kept you both on a daily routine. First with breakfast, either at the table together with servants working around you, or naked in bed with tea, basking in the morning sun. He'd never believed more in heaven than those moments with his angel. Then you would reluctantly leave each other to go to work, you to the kitchens to help prepare dinner before moving outside. You adored your gardens, ones he spent a good fortune on as your wedding present. He would go to his study or around the villages, answering letters to the King or speaking with those under his rule. He tried to be as fair of a leader as possible, having been a lowly man once. You would both break for an hour to lunch, taking a quick roll in the hay before finishing any other duties. After dinner, usually spent in your room by the fire, you take a bath together. You talk about your day, the baby, make love, then finally wash when the water has gone cold. Usually you would then fall asleep in each other's arms, but with both of your passions being so high you would still be up for hours stoking the fire.
He felt so selfish. How could he have neglected you for his own sexual gain? He should have known better, your health was vital to his child's. For the sake of his sanity, you and his child must stay healthy and safe. He rushes even faster to your chambers, worry etched all over his features. He must correct his wrongs, for his wife and heir.
You startle awake when your chamber doors burst open. You were just having a dream of Charles and your son, strolling through the spring blooms of your garden. The babe was small, clearly just born, and Charles was glowing in the sunlight. Your heart couldn't be more full of love, your husband and your child in perfect bliss. You look to the doors, wondering what kind of commotion could have taken you from such happiness. Charles is rushing at you, the crease between his brows the only thing you can decipher before he is crowding your space, hands on your back to help you sit up.
“My love? What's the matter?” you ask, reaching to smooth the wrinkles in his forehead. Blue eyes bore into yours, full of anxiety. You always loved how expressive he was, never hiding how he felt from you. When he had first proposed the offer of marriage to your father, you were afraid to end up in a love-less marriage with a stoic, stone faced husband who wouldn't give you a second glance. After getting married, Charles had put together a private dinner in your chambers, where he discussed what he wanted from this marriage, and asking of you what you expected from him.
(“I wasn't the best husband to my first wife, for which I regret. I would like to change that with you.” ) That is when you fell in love with your husband. He was the exact opposite of everything you feared you would have to endure the rest of your life.
His hands coming to cup your face brings you back to the present. “I should be asking you that, dear wife. Elizabeth said you would not rise for breakfast. Are you unwell? Is it the baby?” he asks. The words would not stop tumbling from his lips, hands caressing your body in search of anything abnormal. When he saw no physical signs around your abdomen, he looked to your face. The dark purple circles under your eyes was proof of just how exhausted you are. But you are stubborn, and while he loves that about you, it can be frustrating at times. Like right now.
“I'm fine, my love. I just required a little more sleep today, I suppose.” you mumble, putting on a bright smile for him, though it didn't reach your eyes. He knew you well enough that you were lying to him. It didn't anger him so much as just heighten his anxiety. Why would you lie to him about how you feel?
“Elizabeth said you've been lethargic.” he tries to argue. You huff, turning your face away so he doesn't see the sudden change in your demeanor. You have been more tired lately. Between growing your child, keeping the house, and trying to match your husband's stamina, there was no energy left. Each day felt like a struggle, so much to do but no motivation to do it at all.
“I'm fine, Charles. Just a headache that needed some sleep to get rid of. Nothing to fret over.” you brush off his worry, standing to move to the wardrobe to dress for the day. What you don't see though, is the way he takes in your hunched form, your adorable waddle only so cute to an extent.
“If you insist, love. Why don't you take a rest day, stay in bed? The house is already clean and I'm sure Elizabeth can handle the kitchens.” The dominant side of him wanted to demand you stay in bed, but he knows that trying to command you to do anything is futile. He had tried to command you once, and you had laughed in his face.
“I can't today. My rose bushes need trimmed, the house needs decorated for the upcoming harvest celebration, and the menus for His Majesty's visit needs prepared. I have too much to do.”
Charles stood from the bed, knowing that trying to keep in you in this room would only lead to an argument, of which you had only had two in your entirety of your marriage. The first had been a mis-communication, if you were to ask his wife. He was not in the wrong the first time. You had been at court, attending a party while the King and your husband were “working”. A wife of the visiting French Ambassador was giving your husband eyes all night, raising something from inside you that you never want to feel again: jealousy. She was a beautiful woman, flawless skin and shiny, perfectly curled hair. You would have been quiet throughout the night, reminding yourself of the talk you had that night he discussed your relationship with you. You had heard of his infidelity with his first wife, he had even admitted it to you. But he had promised to be faithful to you, to never break your trust, all he had asked of you was to have faith in him. You had agreed, seeing no reason to begin your marriage with something as detrimental to it as trust issues. You had remembered that promise all night. Until she opened her mouth.
“You know, I took him from his first wife. I wonder if I could take him from his second?” she smirked behind a goblet of wine. You didn't know, but Charles had just walked up behind you, catching the very last of her statement. Your shoulders tensed, a fire lighting within you. Charles would always say there are two personalities inside of you. The quiet, obedient court mouse, who only comes out in society. And the fierce little lion out in the countryside. At court you portrayed the dutiful Duchess so well, he thought you were a different person when he finally got you home.
“Madame. I believe the man you met long ago is no longer the man you see now. But if you so wish to test my assumptions, please feel free to do so. Though I warn you, I don't like my judgment being challenged in such a way. So seduce my husband. I dare you.” you growled the last words, catching the attention of the King. Henry had adored you, admired the fire in your spirit when he visited you at Suffolk Manor, witnessing you putting Charles in his place in such an elegant way. Two pairs of blue eyes watched the interaction, fully prepared to defend you if need be. They both knew you could handle yourself, but with this being a treaty meeting between the French and English, they had to keep it from escalating to the point of another war.
“You may address me as Her Grace, or My Lady Suffolk. The man you knew before was of no title. MY HUSBAND, of whom you speak now, is a Duke. YOU, madame, are below us in class, therefore may not speak to us any way you so choose. Remember your place in this court, and remember mine.” with that you excused yourself from the table, not waiting for Henry's permission, leaving the dining hall and going towards the gardens, Elizabeth quickly following after. Charles turned to the King, gaining a quick nod before chasing after you. He got to the entry way to the garden when he spotted Elizabeth sat at the bench at the entrance of the hedge maze.
“She's in there, muttering to herself.” she nods to the maize. He runs in, and after about a minute of walking finds you pacing back and forth, mumbles spilling from your lips and hands flailing at your sides. He had never seen you so irate. The red in your cheeks and chest was so cute. He just wanted to eat you up, until you turned those fiery eyes on him.
“I can't believe you would sleep with a woman like that.”  And for an hour he got a tongue lashing he hasn't had since he was child being scolded by his mother. You ripped into him, so much so that he got defensive. Before you knew it you were in each other's faces, voices loud enough you're sure the whole party heard. It was only when you both stopped to take a breath did you finally pay attention to the tension between you, when he grabbed you by the face and kissed you fiercely. That was the night your son was conceived.
The second argument he would admit was his fault. Henry had come to visit, seeking some isolation around company he could trust. And he had perfect timing, you had just found out you were pregnant. It was a joyous day when you told your King he would be the Godfather. Charles and you had discussed it to the fullest extent when the physicians and handmaid told you. If anything were to happen to you, either of you, your son would become the ward of the King. It would ensure he would have a proper education and keep the title of Duke of Suffolk. Everything Charles would have wanted for his children would still come to fruition. Henry demanded to celebrate, calling for wine and ale and food. You had eaten your fill, and as the night grew later, you got more tired. Charles promised to come to bed not much longer after, to which you told him you would wait for him. The maids had helped you dress and prepare for bed, giving anxious glances to you between dresses.
“You both have something you want to say, so please. Do not feel like you must tread carefully around me.”
“We all love His Majesty, as well as His Grace.” Elizabeth starts.
“And we know how happy you are, in this marriage.” Mary, the other maid, starts.
“But?” you ask.
“Well, as you know I came from court, Your Grace.” Mary continues.
“Yes, I remember. What about it?” you ask, slowly starting to get frustrated that no one is telling you anything important.
“Well, it was rumored that when Anne Boleyn was with child, His Majesty took a mistress. Most men of court do, when their wives get pregnant.” you tense in your seat. Your emotions had been almost uncontrollable since conceiving, and the ladies at your side bringing up one of your biggest insecurities was not something you wanted to deal with right now.
You dismissed the ladies, deciding to sit by the fire to wait for Charles to come to bed. You had heard the rumors of court. They were correct, most men at court took to adultery when they found out their wives were having a child. Some used the excuse that their wives were too tired to fulfill their duties. Some had said they did not find her attractive anymore. One had even admitted he never wanted the woman in the first place, but laid with her to produce an heir. You knew Charles loved you, it showed in everything he did for you. Keeping you fed with the best diet, clothed with the finest silks, and satisfied in the bedroom. But if you could no longer provide for his sexual appetite, would he look for someone else?
You waited for hours in the chair by the fire before finally deciding to lay down in your bed, on the edge of your side so as not give the impression you wanted to talk. You had been up all night panicking over your insecurities, and Charles had taken hours to come back to bed. Eventually, you drifted to sleep, only to be wakened by your husband stumbling drunk into your chambers. Your father had been a violent drunk in your teen years and you had prayed you would not land the same fate with your husband.
“MY WIFE!! MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE, WHO WILL BE CARRYING MY SON!!!” Charles shouted, startling you. He was too drunk to notice, falling at your feet unceremoniously. You watched, waiting for him to start yelling again, but there was silence for a moment, before quiet snores emitted from your lap. You look down at your sleeping husband, already starting to drool on your night gown. Confused, you tried to gently move him off of you, only failing at doing so and watching as he drops his torso to the floor, hearing a loud thunk as his skull hit the wood. You tense, waiting for him to wake up and start yelling, only relaxing when he remains asleep. Huffing, you proceed to the door to bring in the guards to help heave Charles into the bed. Once they're dismissed, you pull off his boots but leave him dressed, deciding to be the caring wife and heading to the kitchens for water and food. Your man was going to have one hell of a hangover. But at least he was a happy drunk. You could live with that. Until you saw the mess that was your dining hall.
Charles woke that next morning with a pounding head, and a very pissed off wife staring him down like the devil himself.
“I do not mind you having a bit of fun, getting drunk and celebrating our child. But if my dining hall ever, EVER looks like that again, I swear you will never get this cunt again. Understood?” He simply nodded, already going through the many ways he could make it up to you. Even His Majesty had gotten an earful, of course much more respectfully. The King had paid for the whole house to be refurnished, along with an entirely remodeled nursery for his nephew.
Charles smiles at both memories. Even the rough times were bliss with you. He knows this instance will be mild as well, once he gets to the root of it. He watches you dress and style your hair, catching your eyes in the mirror when you look back at him.
“You don't have to hover all day, Charles, you can go back to work.” You say. His stare un-nerved you, like he was trying to read your mind. He didn't need to know that you had purposefully been feeding his appetite multiple times a night to keep him from finding a mistress. If you kept him satisfied, he should have no need to wonder. It was exhausting, but if that's what it took to keep him faithful to you...
When you're finished dressing for the day, he follows you out of the room, arm around your waist, keeping you close to his side. This, you will not fight. You love being close to him, being wrapped in his warmth and his smell. He escorts you to the kitchens, setting you at a stool and telling you to stay. You watch him gather bread, meat, cheese, and some wine before taking your hand again and leading you out of the house.
“Charles, I really do have chores to be doing.” you say.
“That's why we are having lunch in the garden today. You slept late, so we will eat where you are closest to your first chore.” he states simply. You cannot fault his logic, so you follow him to the tree you both like to sit under. He sets down your lunch before taking off his coat for you to sit on.  He helps you down, knowing that you were much clumsier the bigger you get. Once he knows you're settled, he drops himself beside you, pulling you into his side. You melt into him, finding the peace he so happily brings you.
“I know you said you have much to do, but I beg of you, my love, please don't strain yourself too much today. The festival is weeks away and the King doesn't visit for another month. There is still time for planning both.” he mumbles into your ear. You know he is right, harvest was still three weeks away and the King doesn't care about the menu, just as long as he eats.
“I suppose I can focus on resting, but it will not be confined to that bed, Charles. I want to roam, perhaps stay outside and soak up the sun.”
“That is all I ask.” he kisses your forehead before reaching for your lunch and starts feeding you by his own hand. You relish these sweet moments with him. When you both must go to court, he is usually so busy during the day that you get no time to see each other. When he must go away without you, you roam the halls at night praying for a wink of sleep.
You ate and drank for another hour before parting ways. As promised, you stayed in the garden, tending to your flowers and fountains. Charles kept an eye on you through the window of his study. He had the gardens constructed there for that specific purpose. He finished just as the sun was starting to set, having seen you come back only an hour earlier. He knew you were making sure dinner was being prepped to your cravings. You had been demanding meat lately, his hunters and farmers doing their best to keep up. You had apologized profusely when last speaking to the butcher.
“My wife was the same with our boys, give my congratulations to His Grace on his son.”
At nights you had been craving fruit, nudging him awake to fetch strawberries and grapes. He always went happily, even going so far as to start bringing them to the room before you went to bed every night. He'd also make sure to keep water and chamomile tea around.
After a dinner of roasted chicken (in which you ate a whole hen to yourself, he was so proud, you'd been embarrassed,) you bathe. He made sure to tell the maids to add special oils and soaps for relaxation and rest to the water. He started with a massage, going from your neck down your shoulders, before moving you and starting at your feet and ankles. They had swollen so much with each pound gained. You had started to fall asleep from his ministrations, so he quickly finished washing both of you before ushering you to the bed. He tucked you under the covers before joining you on the other side. You snuggle into his side before leaning up to give him a kiss. He kisses back, never one to deny you his affection. You try to deepen the kiss, hands running down his torso to his groin. You just passed his belly-button when he grabbed your hand and moved it back to your chest.
“Not tonight, my love.” he whispers. You recoil your hand as if burned. You don't give him a chance to speak again, rolling to face away from him and tuck the blankets around you. Charles is confused by this reaction, going to reach for you before seeing your shoulders shake.
“My love, are you crying?” he asks. You don't answer, simply moving even further away. You know it's childish, but right now you're too hurt to care. Everything you had been fearing has come to fruition. He no longer wants you, and it's only a matter of time before he finds another woman to warm his bed and wet his cock. You shrug off the hand he puts on your shoulder, and gasp when he grabs around your hips and pulls you back into him.
“Do not brush me off, my love. Tell me what is wrong.” he whispers. It was softly spoken, but a demand none the less. It was one of your own rules, to always speak when you were having an issue together.
“You don't want me.” you whine. He has to stop for a second and process what you just said.
“I'm sorry?”
“I said you don't want me anymore! You've pushed me away, and now you will go find a mistress and leave me with this child alone!” you yell. He flinches back at the volume of your voice, unsure what to do about the tears running down your face. He was never any good at comforting a crying woman, and he feared the further you get into your pregnancy the worse these outbursts will become.
“My love, where is this coming from?” his voice breaks, along with his heart. Had he done something to make you question his devotion to you? Your breaths start coming in quick rasps as you sob, and Charles quickly sits up to take action. He pulls you to his chest, commanding you to match your breathing with his.
“Breathe in, breathe out. You need to calm yourself, wife. Getting excited isn't good for the babe.”
His words resonate in your ears, and the thought of your baby calming you significantly. After a minute of calm breathing, Charles pulls away and put his hands on your cheeks, slowly lifting your face to look into your eyes.
“Tell me what is troubling my dear lady.” he says softly.
“The maids had said something to me. About what happens when a woman is with child. How husbands stop loving their wives, stop sleeping together and having sex. The man finds a mistress and leaves his wife to care for their child alone. Their marriage is over and I can't bear the thought of you never loving me.”
His cerulean eyes well with tears, they hang heavy on his thick lashes as his heart shatters in front of you. He knew these rumors were true, had witnessed the King himself doing so when Anne was pregnant. He could not condemn those men who did, for he himself had been unfaithful to his first wife. But to have his own wife believing such a thing of him ate at his pride. But before he could say something in retort, you continued speaking.
“And I know your appetite, for which I truly adore. So I force myself to try to keep you satiated, so you won't feel tempted to seek another woman. That is why I have been so tired lately.” you admit, so quietly he almost didn't hear you. At first he was angry. You were putting your health and the health of his child at risk for his sexual needs. He loves your devotion to him, but to do it at the cost of his child? But looking at the fear and anxiety in your eyes, he can't stay upset for long. He was validated in his guilt, it had been his fault that you weren't getting any rest. He made you feel like you could not say no to his advances.
“Oh god. Dear, my love, my sweet wife...” he whispers, kissing your face rapidly. You tense, confused as to what was happening. You expected him to be upset, accuse you of  being insecure and crazy. You sounded crazy to your own ears now that you say it out loud. But here he is, covering your face and neck in kisses. Your eyes are wide, waiting for him to finish. He pulls back when you don't respond.
“My love. I adore you, and how you adore me. I love that you love to please me, I live to please you. You are bearing my son, the light of my life. I pushed you away tonight for your sake, so you may rest. It is time to start putting yourself first, my love. We can perform our marital duties,” he says those last two words with a smirk, “ during the day. I love you, and wish to have no other. I am more than capable of putting my needs aside so that my woman and my child remain the healthiest possible. I will seek no other woman, because I want no other woman. Do I make myself clear?” he says in a firm tone. It leaves no room for argument, yet still gentle and loving. It reassured you, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was yours. It was everything you needed, validation of your feelings and reassurance that your marriage is strong. You nod your head, putting your hands over his on your face and turning to kiss his palm.
“I love you, husband.”
“And I love you, wife. And I love my son, and any child we have after him. Now, it has been a long day, and you need your rest.”
He lays you both down, arm around your waist and hand on your burgeoning belly. He sticks his nose in your hair, both of you falling asleep contently, glowing with your love.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Aftertaste III.
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Yan Diluc x F!Reader x Yan Kaeya.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, implied past drugging, gaslighting/emotional manipulation. Word count: 3.5k.
CHAPTER III OF III // The Captain.
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Everyone who meets Kaeya Alberich forms a different opinion of him.
It’s almost as if he were an ancient tome receiving various translations — the general consensus remains the same, while everyone adds a unique twist of their own. Some said you should only trust him as far as you could throw him. Others whisper he’s joined the Knights with a secret agenda. Many seem to think that although he is something of an enigma, he carried out his duties with the freedom Mondstadt so enthusiastically promotes. Always following the rules would be the antithesis of the Anemo Archon’s ideology.
As for your opinion, well… you think he is someone that was forced to grow up too soon.
Beneath that nonchalant veneer is a man who has sampled the bitter taste of being deserted enough to span multiple lifetimes. His birth father, his adopted father, then his brother; these figures all left him behind in some way or another. He had every right to turn his back on the world that failed him too many times to count and become shackled in acrimony. How he managed to avoid wandering down this path, you never knew for certain. Falling into resentment is far more tempting than climbing out of it.
Following your cautious speaking of his name, your eyes meet his, an array of blues that challenges the beauty of the night sky. The peculiar shape of his pupil has always been a curious detail. He’d jokingly tell you that perhaps it was his way of capturing your attention, since you always preferred stars over what anything below the horizon could offer.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he greets. Is he going to act like this nothing out of the ordinary is going on as well? “While I admire your dedication to exercise, are you sure you should be pushing yourself this much? You took a nasty fall last night.”
Diluc hadn’t even mentioned the prior evening and Adelinde only spared it a few words. Kaeya’s willingness to mention the apparently taboo topic, while not enough to make you lower your guard, helps you feel your sanity isn’t evaporating altogether. It would explain the ruthless nature of your headaches if a fall was thrown into the mix, not just alcohol consumption. You knew your tolerance. It could also potentially explain the extremes Diluc was going to.
That shrill voice lingering in your subconscious rears its ugly head. Looking for excuses, are we?
“I can manage. It felt a lot worse when I first woke up.”
“I’m sure it did,” There’s a hint of sympathy in his tone you don’t often hear. “All the more reason why you should be taking it easy. Y’know, kicking back and getting waited on hand and foot. I’ll even carry you back, free of charge.”
Do you tell him? Risk sounding like you’re being overly paranoid and further convince him you can’t be trusted to go off on your own? You barely know what to make of the past twenty-four hours, much less how to explain it in a way that doesn’t earn you a checkup with a psychiatrist. The temptation to flee dangles over your head, though you doubt that would look much better. Oddly enough, Kaeya isn’t trying to force an explanation out of you. There’s no poking and prodding. He’s simply standing there, patient as ever, his posture relaxed.
You want to trust him. You want someone else to confirm how surreal everything’s been. So you give him your faith. It is a wilting flower that could crumble at the slightest touch, or revive just as easily. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, Kaeya,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around yourself. The dress you’re wearing does little to keep the chill away. “It’s— where do I even begin? Everyone at the Winery is acting so weird. Adelinde, Hillie… Diluc. They’re absolutely hellbent on keeping me from leaving. Which, I get it, apparently there are some safety concerns but— the way they’re going about it is infantilizing. If I’m being totally honest, it’s really freaking me out.”
Every sentiment you’ve managed to keep under lock and key so far comes spilling out. Normally, Kaeya was animated when talked to, he’d always be changing his body language in accordance with the conversation’s flow. His razor-sharp intuition must’ve picked up on how serious you’re being for him to put a pause on this practice. He places a hand to his chin, appearing deeply contemplative. You gnaw on your lower lip while he ruminates. The seconds seemingly drag on forever, for he was usually so quick-witted.
“I think I might know what this is about,” Kaeya reveals, a far cry from the responses you were bracing yourself for. Your shock must show itself, for he quickens to add, “I take it my brother didn’t give you the full explanation?”
“I guess… not?”
Kaeya shakes his head and sighs. “It’s no wonder you’re confused about everything then. He’s his own worst enemy, that one. In trying to be considerate of your feelings, he makes things worse by not telling you enough. I’d like to put an end to that bad habit of his, if you’ll allow me.”
In the wasteland of uncertainty you’re currently in, Kaeya’s self-assuredness is like a breath of fresh air. It lures you in. Promises that there is a path back to normalcy. A path that, by the sounds of it, he’s willing to walk alongside you on.
“What do you mean by ‘allowing’ you?”
“I was thinking that you and I could go have a candid chat with him,” he explains, an offer that sounds like a hard sell. If there was anyone capable of pulling it off though, you supposed it would be the suave Cavalry Captain. “It’s entirely up to you, of course. I could go and give him a scolding myself, but who knows what good that’d do without your input.”
“I never realized you cared so much about my relationship with your brother.”
“You wound me, dear [First],” he places a hand over his heart. And then he closes his eye, his visage hinting that his thoughts are someplace far away. “It never sat well with me how the three of us parted ways. Trust me, I’m not expecting things to go back to how they were, yet… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find it to be a nice thought. A man can dream, you know?”
He’s trying — and failing — to make light of something far too heavy. Sincerity had never been Kaeya’s forte. For him to reveal so much of the sentimentality he’d usually bury six feet under left you in awe. Kaeya was discontent with the past, and Diluc, the prospect of the future. Why couldn’t they have opened these avenues of communication sooner? Did you not push hard enough? Is it possible you were hesitant to, in fear of what miasma might come spewing out?
“You really think you can clear this up?”
“I do.”
His reassurance draws you in like a moth to a flame.
He all but beams when you take a step forward. He doesn’t rush you or show any sign of impatience, instead, allowing you to do everything on your own time. When you get within arm’s reach, he holds his hand out for you to take. Right as you’re about to accept it, a sudden gust comes surging from behind him, the invisible force throwing you off balance. He closes the distance and takes your hand so that you don’t stumble over, his grip firm. Chuckling, he smooths out your hair, apparently delighted by a joke you weren’t privy to.
Kaeya runs the pad of his thumb over your hand, almost covetously. “Shall we?”
The trip back to Dawn Winery is mostly uneventful. Kaeya is happy to take the lead, maneuvering through the woodwork with expertise that rivaled your own. He embodies the spirit of a gentleman along the way. Warning you of abrupt inclines, hoisting you up over dead tree logs strewn about the path, and providing general support that you didn’t realize you so desperately needed.
“Do you remember that time a rock came hurling into your room?” Kaeya asks, striking a vague chord of familiarity.
“I think so, yes,” you reply. “The night of Diluc’s tenth birthday?”
“That’s the one. I was sworn to secrecy about this, though I suppose it’s been long enough that I can speak on it without having to sleep with one eye open at night. It was actually Diluc who threw it. We were hoping to wake you up so we could go camping in the middle of the night, but he ended up underestimating his strength… and, well, you know the rest. He was simply mortified that he put you in harm’s way.”
“Diluc did that?” You couldn’t fathom him ever doing something so rambunctious. That was more of Kaeya’s thing. “Now that you mention it, he did have trouble looking me in the eyes for the days that followed. I never would’ve guessed.”
“Personally, I think he should’ve just rolled with the punches and asked you to come out anyway. I’m sure you would’ve.”
Kaeya is successful at bringing a smile to your lips. “You’re probably right.”
When you both emerge from the forest, you find yourself hesitating to continue. Kaeya gives your hand a reassuring little squeeze upon sensing you’ve slowed down. Taking a deep breath, you continue onward, finding it a relief that very few workers are out. They pay you no mind aside from nods of acknowledgment that Kaeya returns with a friendly wave. He leads you to a side door, finally letting go of your hand so he can fish out the keys in his pocket. You notice the doorknob looks like the one in your room, just as brand new too.
Before your gaze can linger for long, Kaeya swings the door open, bowing theatrically deep for you to go in first.
“Let’s head to Master Diluc’s office,” Kaeya comes in immediately after you. “Lead the way. I’m sure you remember how to get there, hm?”
When the door shuts behind him, it automatically locks.
Master Crepus’ office was one of the few places inside the manor you couldn’t go.
As such, you’ve never been in here before, though it now belongs to someone else. Kaeya seems content to make himself at home on the loveseat beside the wall while you explore your surroundings. For the most part, the decor is consistent with what one would expect. Golden candelabras, ledgers for recording finances, stacks of papers to read and sign. What looks at odds with the rest of the room’s aesthetic is a crudely put-together astroglobe sitting atop the main desk. You fixate on the unexpected sight, recalling how you gifted it to Diluc many moons ago.
He kept such a silly thing all these years?
Your ears pick up on the sound of heavy footsteps thundering down the hallway.
Diluc all but bursts into the room, his usual dapper appearance askew. His face is flushed crimson, his hair ruffled, and he breathes heavily like he’d been running for ages. Smoldering eyes widen and then narrow upon setting their sights on you. He springs forward, ignoring Kaeya’s lackadaisical greeting in favor of giving you a thorough examination. You’re too stunned to speak when he takes your face into his hands, moving you around so he can inspect every angle.
When nothing looks amiss, his arms fall limp by his side. The way glowers down at you causes goosebumps to dot across your skin.
“What were you thinking?” Diluc demands in a low, seething voice, “Running off like that, when you’re still recovering from—”
He cuts himself short of finishing that sentence, then proceeds with the verbal onslaught. “Foolish. Completely and utterly foolish. You told me you weren’t going anywhere; you gave me your word. Does that mean nothing to you?”
“Hey, how about we cool our heads—”
You interrupt Kaeya before he has the chance to finish his words, your blood boiling hot as magma through your veins. “Really? You’re going to stand there and judge me for trying to regain a semblance of autonomy after you’ve done everything in your power to suppress it?”
“I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“From what?” You cry out, startling Diluc and Kaeya both. “What bogeyman are you going to claim is waiting outside to snatch me up? Durin, Decarabian? I wanted so badly to believe you and I hate myself for it. ‘Keep me safe’, you say. The only thing I need protection from is you.”
You’re panting, your face floods with heat, and your hands tremble by your side. Diluc stands before you motionless, his lips parting to speak only to immediately snap shut. After a few heavy seconds pass, he reaches out for you, causing you to flinch. His breath hitches and his eyebrows turn upward. Your paroxysm has seemingly robbed him of the ability to speak or act.
“I think this is sufficient proof, wouldn’t you say, Master Diluc?” Kaeya uncrosses his legs and leans forward. There’s a glint in his eye you cannot decipher. “That your plan is unsustainable.”
“Plan?” You repeat back the bizarre word choice. “What are you talking about, Kaeya? You told me… you told me that you know what this is about. Was that also a lie?”
“Who, me? A liar? Possibly, but not with you. Unlike my brother, I went to pains to ensure nothing I said in your presence was even the slightest bit dishonest, in case you ever decided to check my fortune. I really did advise him against going about things this way… but, well, as you can see, he didn’t listen.”
You look between the both of them frantically, trying and failing to sink away into the furniture behind you. “I-I don’t understand. What do you get out of messing with me like this? I thought—”
Your voice cracks, yet you manage to squeeze the rest of the words out. “I thought we were friends.”
“Therein lies the problem. I want more than your friendship, sweetheart,” Kaeya’s voice drops an octave deeper. “I want you. It’s always been this way, you’ve just been too distracted to ever notice.”
Always so focused on the stars, that you fail to pay your surroundings any mind.
Diluc’s words — no, his confession — come flooding back to you like a broken dam. That wine. The locked doors. The purposefully ambiguous words that sought to keep everything foggy and incoherent. Your ears start ringing at a miserably high pitch that almost renders you unable to think. Almost. You cannot recognize the two men present in this room. This can’t be the same Diluc Ragnvindr and Kaeya Alberich that you grew up with, who you knew you could always count on. Were you dreaming? Submerged in the abyssal depths of a nightmare that desired to shred the very fabric of your soul asunder?
“How long has this been going on?” Your eyes are wide and glossy with tears.
“Ever since you sent in your first application to the Akademiya,” Kaeya then nods to Diluc. “You have him to thank for them never getting back to you, by the way. I couldn’t have pulled something like that off by myself. But as thorough as my brother is, he isn’t omnipotent. He couldn’t have possibly accounted for you using a traveling merchant to send in your latest application.”
Diluc sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “That’s enough, Kaeya. You’re needlessly upsetting her.”
“Still trying to act like the good guy, are we?” Kaeya gives a mirthless chuckle. “I’m sad to say we’re way past that. Some bandages need to be ripped off so that they’re not left to fester. This entire song and dance could’ve been avoided if not for your refusal to accept you’re just as depraved as I am.”
He then quickly adds, “If not worse.”
“You’re both monsters,” you whisper, shaking your head. The tears won’t stop rolling down your cheeks. “I don’t know who you are anymore.”
“... I won’t ask for your forgiveness or understanding, [First]. I know I am cowardly and undeserving of it. What I will ask, though, is for you to know I would’ve gone about this any other way if I was able to. But you never looked at me in the way I wanted. You never would’ve returned an ounce of what I’ve felt toward you my entire life. And for that, I had no choice.”
“You had plenty of choices, apparently more than I ever did,” you retaliate with the most hateful glare you can muster. “You chose to be selfish, to be sick. Are you really deranged enough to think I could learn about this and find anything about it reasonable?”
Kaeya whistles. “There’s the woman that I fell in love with. No one knows how to lecture you better than [First], Master Diluc.”
The Cavalry Captain saunters his way over and coils an arm around your shoulder, his lips hovering above your ear. “You don’t have to find it reasonable. I sure don’t. It’s wrong, I know it, and he does too, as hard as he tries to find loopholes to deny it. Now, back to what you said about how you don’t have any choices. That isn’t entirely the case. The way I see it, you have two.”
“One. You act and lash out, forcing my dear brother and I to act more in line with the monstrous image you’ve formed of us. Two,” he places up the corresponding fingers, “We can go about this with some decorum and you can live as you please, barring a few things. Neither of us actively wants to make you miserable. If anything, your joy is our greatest joy, so long as it takes place in our sight.”
“I know it makes up for nothing, but… I’d be willing to get you anything your heart desires. You will want for nothing,” Diluc promises. You don’t think he gets it. Or maybe he does, and it’s as Kaeya said, he doesn’t want to acknowledge the hideous nature behind his selfish actions. You don’t know what is worse, what pains your grieving heart more. Kaeya’s ready acceptance or Diluc’s pitiful denial.
Is this really the cruel fate you’ll be subjected to? A torment handcrafted and delivered like a criminal’s life sentence? This entire time, you mistakenly thought their constellations were close to yours, you were a fool. Their stars devoured and eclipsed yours. You wish to cling to a vestige of hope — the kind that whispers perhaps you could slip through their vice-like grip one day — yet you know better. You may even know this better than they do. The night sky has written the remaining chapters of your life out, you were just illiterate to the language lying within until now.
Cygnus would always be bound to Notcua and Pavo Ocellus.
Up to this point, no venom you attempted injecting into their veins broke skin. So you raise your head. Wipe the tears bleeding from your eyes with the back of your hand. You stare right into the burning hot coals of Diluc’s eyes and then the wintry expanse in Kaeya’s — resolve building in your chest. If they clip your wings and drag you back down to the ground, you will never stop flailing, never cease making it so they could fly freely themselves while you were confined to a cage.
“I wonder what Master Crepus would think if he could see you both right now,” you readily aim and fire. By how both of their bodies go tense, Diluc more so than Kaeya, you think your shot may have landed. “He raised you both to be gentlemen and you’re no better than the common miscreant. Whatever olive branches you try extending, I’ll slap away each and every time. This pain that I feel now… I will make it my life’s mission for you both to feel even a fraction of it.”
Kaeya’s grip on you tightens in what you presume to be a silent warning, but you disregard it.
“You rejected the love I gave you readily, so now you’ll receive nothing.”
“It sounds like someone is overwhelmingly in favor of option number one,” Kaeya nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and inhales deeply. “How considerate of our favorite little astrologer to help us choose the ideal path.”
“Are you sure this is what you want, [First]? You won’t win,” Diluc crosses his arms over his chest, almost like he’s scolding you. It occurs to you that he might as well be. So let them try. Let Diluc think you’re helpless, no better than a newborn fawn struggling to take her first steps; let Kaeya think you’re the most entertaining creature in the world, stumbling about for his amusement. There are some things you’re powerless to stop. What little influence you do have, however… you think it might just be enough.
The smile you give him leaves a bitter taste lingering in your mouth. You wonder if there’ll ever be a day when you rid yourself of it.
“Then I’ll make sure you can’t either.”
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Hungover (Fluff)
Mirage!Michelangelo x reader
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A/N: I woke up not too long ago with a horrible hangover, so of course I had to write about it.
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Warnings: Implied drinking, headaches, hangover obviously.
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As the sun slowly started to light up your bedroom, Michelangelo was just waking up with a small satisfied hum. Stretching his arms lazily up over his head, he glanced over to the other side of the bed where you, his beloved partner, lay curled up under the covers.
A small smile tugged at Mikey's lips as he remembered the events of the previous night. You had been out partying with your friends, celebrating something or perhaps just enjoying each other's company. Whatever the reason, Mikey couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of you dancing and laughing, your eyes sparkling with joy. But what drew his lips into a bright smile, was when he remembered what had happened when you had returned from your night out.
Last night, Mikey had decided to spend the evening at your place, just in case you needed help with anything when you came home. And had he been right to do so. When you returned home, you almost fell through the door. Mikey had gotten up, ready to help you as you clung onto the door handle, but you shooed him away, telling him that you were perfectly capable of getting into your own apartment on your own. And so Mikey stood back, and tried to hide his laugh as he watched you scrabble across the floor, with a balance only seen with a baby deer on ice. It was adorable and hilarious in Mikey’s eyes, and he enjoyed every moment of it, though standing ready if you needed any help.
Mikey rolled onto his side and took a moment to study your slowly awakening features. Your hair was tousled, and your face was scrunched up in discomfort as you groaned softly, clearly nursing a hangover.
"Hey there, sleeping beauty", Mikey said, his voice gentle as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face, a grin slowly making its way to his features. "Rough night?"
You cracked open one eye, wincing at the light filtering into the room from your small bedroom window. You really needed to get some thicker curtains.
"Ugh", you groaned, burying your face into the pillow. "Don't remind me".
Mikey couldn't help but chuckle at your misery, though it was all in good fun. He loved you dearly, even when you were nursing a hangover. With a hand doing soft motions onto your arm, soothing your skin and somehow your aching head just a little, he scooted closer to you in order to press a tender kiss to the temple of your head.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm here to take care of you", he said with a grin, before making back from you, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and getting up.
You watched your boyfriend through half-closed eyes as he moved around the room, and out to the kitchen, gathering some essentials for your recovery. He returned with a glass of water and some pain relievers, offering them to you with a sympathetic smile.
"Here, drink this," he said, holding out the glass of water. "It'll help with the headache".
You accepted the glass gratefully, taking a small sip with the pain relievers, before downing the entire thing in one go. Mikey chuckled at your eagerness, shaking his head fondly. "Easy there, tiger", he teased, ruffling your hair gently, even causing you to giggle, playfully slapping his hand away from your head with slow strained movements, gritting your teeth like a tiger in a just as slow way as before, making Mikey laugh out loud. Though you had a hangover, your humor was still intact.
Mikey disappeared into the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with a plate of toast and some ginger tea. He placed them on the bedside table, giving you a reassuring smile.
"Eat up", he said. "You'll feel better soon, I promise".
You managed a weak smile in return, touched by his thoughtfulness. Despite feeling absolutely miserable, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Mikey's presence and his unwavering care.
As you nibbled on the toast and sipped the tea, Mikey sat beside you, offering you comfort and company as you battled through your hangover together. And though he couldn't resist teasing you every now and then, his love and affection for you shone through, making even the worst hangover seem bearable.
Together, you faced the morning after with laughter and love, knowing that as long as you had each other, there was nothing you couldn't handle. Even a horrible hangover.
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lilydaisylily · 2 months
I Love You (part 2)
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Y/N (reader)
Warning: mention of drug, medication and injury.
Happy reading!
Do not copy. All right reserved.
You knew you'll never make these two giant to budge even by using all of your little energy.
Looks like I have to start gym again, damn it.
Silent engulfed Wonwoo's car as the car moving foward to the planned venue of the day. Mingyu can't take in the silence anymore and tried to initiate some small talk with you.
"Look, Y/N, we really, really don't want to force you into this, but you've got to restart your love life at some point! Forget about that loser of a hyung and start anew! He's so going to regret ditching you and choos-"
Everybody froze after that TMI Mingyu had let out.
"So you guys did know about this, don't you?"
Silent again.
"And none of you guys, my bestest friends, told me about this." You just stare outside the window blankly, don't know how to feel anymore.
"How long are they?" You asked coldly.
"Umm, Gyu?" Beth passed the bullet to Mingyu as to not interrupt Wonwoo who's giving full concentration to his driving. Or was he drenched with cold sweat too?
"Well, you know, ummm, t-th-they..umm, th-they-" stuttering is one of Mingyu's weaknesses when he's lying or tried to lie, which you knew since forever. You just sigh tiredly, knowing the unspoken truth that Seungcheol and that bitch has been together long enough, maybe even before you start to notice something was off between the two of you.
You are actually not a timid, weeping-about-everything kind of a person. The reason behind your quiteness these pass few weeks is not because you've becoming some broken, love sick school girl because of a breakup. Nu-uh, hell no.
After you cut off the call the other day, well, you DID shed some tears, although it only last for a solid 20 minutes. You suddenly feel some simmering anger starting to ignite within you. Who the hell does he think he is? Breaking up with you through phone call? Are you kidding me? He can do better. Much better because he is Choi Seungcheol for fuck sake. The guy whom you knew will respect you even when he wants to cheat on you. There is no way he's gonna do it by his own will, unless someone asked him to.
The date is cancelled. Worried that it will saddened you even more, they took you to eat your favourite ice-cream and watch some movie instead.
"We're sorry, baby girl. We just want you to be happy! We just love you too much and don't wanna see you sad like this." Beth come to your side and hug you tightly. Wonwoo and Mingyu joined in the hug, squishing the life out of you and Beth.
"We love you, Y/N. Please know that." Its rare to hear Wonwoo to say affectionate words like this, especially when he's being the quiet one in the group.
"I know guys. I love you all very much too. Thank you for thinking about me regardless your busy schedule." You are thankful to have them in your life. Blessed even. After bidding your goodbyes and a few more group hug, you started to retreat to your penthouse silently.
Seungcheol's spliting headache has been haunting him for weeks now. He tried to brush it off with tabs of painkiller but nothing helped.
After some thorough body examination done by The Choi's private doctor, Dr Kang, the result is finally out.
"Cheol-ah, you might feel offended with my next question but I really need you to be honest with me in order for me to help you." Dr Kang paused for a second. A moment of hesitation from his side, but the question is out looking for an answer nevertheless. "Choi Seungcheol, are you on drugs?" Dr Kang questioned Seungcheol with a worried expression.
"What the fu-, NO hyung, absolutely not! Why would I want that?!" Seungcheol profusely denied the question for he never touch those things and never will be.
"Do you take any new medication or supplement these past few weeks? Other than the painkiller I gave you?" Dr Kang trying to figure out something that can be the answer to Seungcheol's peculiar urine test result.
"No, I only took meds and supplement that you recommended." Uneasiness starting to bubble up in his gut and Dr Kang reveal the test result to Seungcheol and explain it to him thoroughly so that he can access the situation that they are currently in.
"So you're saying that someone might drugged me? And without me knowing? The nerve that these people have." Seungcheol clenched his fist tightly, as he's trying to hold back his anger.
"You see this here? This kind of drug is the one that we discovered after running your urine test and this is not good. Have you felt like in feral for sexual activity lately?" Dr Kang asked and Seungcheol came to realisation and nodded without hesitation.
Hitting the nail on the head, Dr Kang nodded in understandment and explained in details. "This type of drug that you're having is the main reason on why you're behaving as such. It stimulate your sexual desire similar to a cat being given a catnip kinda thing. Usually doctors will prescribe this medicine to their patient who suffered an erectile dysfunction issue and it is really not suitable for a healthy, normal people like you to take as it will make their sexual desire shoot through the roof."
Well that explained the continuous hard on he had lately. He usually will calm down after emptied his balls after 5 round and could even go for more if he wanted to. God, he messed up really bad this time.
After Dr Kang prescribe some medication and remedies to flush down the drug from his system, Seungcheol excuse himself out from the room. He sat down on the sofa outside and spaced out for a moment.
He got a hunch on whose the person responsible to all of this mess might be and they'll gonna get it from him. They will fucking get it, he swear to god. Jessica has been MIA for a week now and that only rises Seungcheol's suspicion towards her even more than ever.
He really didn't realised what is going on around him anymore because he think he's gone bonkers after breaking up with you. He doesn't know why he's cheating on you in the first place, but one thing for sure, he'll automatically act like a rabbit in heat whenever Jessica is around. He'll go nuts for her in a very unhealthy way whenever he smell her alluring perfume wafts around him.
Seungcheol fished out his phone and ring up someone.
"I need you to go through all cctv video footage located mainly at the pantry, my office and around the office, NOW. Checked both visible and hidden camera. Do not let anything escape, you understand me? Ring me if something's fishy. Do it discreetly, understand? Oh, and, find that bitch Jessica and bring her to me in one piece." Seungcheol give the instruction authoritatively and end the call after the person on the other line give their positive affirmation.
I'll find you, Jessica, and I'll make your life a living hell if you're proven guilty.
After a long day jumping between meetings, you finally have the chance to sit down peacefully.
*knock knock*
"President Y/L/N, there's a package for you from the mailroom. Do you want to take a look now?" Asked your most trusted secretary, Rebecca, as she's holding a medium size pink paper bag in her hand.
"Yeah, sure. Is there any more meeting for me today?" You asked as your hand are busy untangled the wrapped box.
Rebecca looked down on her tab to view your schedule when suddenly she heard you hissed in pain.
"Ow ow owwww!" You cried in pain as you feel your palm and fingers are burning up. The burning sensation worsen as the effected area started to reddened, similar to a chemical reaction on the skin.
Rebecca dashed to you the second she heard your cry and examinate your hands. She immediately fished out her phone and call your designated driver to prepare your car to go to the hospital for treatment.
You keep on crying on your way to the hospital as the pain is getting worse by the second. Rebecca already called the hospital beforehand for them to directly treat you once you entered the emergency department.
Rebecca just finished processing your hospital discharge when she saw you walking out from the treatment room. She hasten her pace towards you and offered you a bottle of water.
"Have you reported this incident to the police?" You asked while gulping your water.
"Yes, they said they will investigate this thoroughly and will get back to us as soon as they got something." Rebecca is a meticulous person and you like her very much because of it. She doesn't need to be told twice as she got her own professional concise and very passionate with her work.
"Good job, Becca. And thank you for your fast respond. I appreciate it so much." You turned to look at her, feeling grateful.
"It's my job to protect you, President. I'm honoured to be able to do that for you." Her lips bloomed into a beautiful smile and you can't help to smile back at her too.
Your smile suddenly turned sour as you've been interrupted by someone that you despised at the moment.
1 | 2
End of part 2! I'm not an expert in medical field so this story might not be the same as the real situation should be. But I do hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for the upcoming part!
Thank you for reading!!🩵
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taneysha-pictures · 6 months
I adore bards...
Haarlep x named tiefling Tav (Lyra) SFW except for a couple of rude words. A few warnings: English is not my native language so be prepared. Haarlep is he/him here. (If you can accept that for a short time, then enjoy reading)
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Here it is – another deal with Raphael. It's hard to call Lyra satisfied, but Zariel was a common enemy they would have to fight in the future. It was surprising Raphael wanted to deal with the young tiefling again. She was absolutely sure that during their joint adventure he had a few gray hairs on his head. Apparently his mood was greatly lifted from the moment he received the crown of Karsus. Long conversations with Raphael in his House of Hope didn't lead to anything, but only caused a headache. She hoped the discomfort would go away on its own. But now for the second hour the pain does not subside. The heat of Avernus takes her breath away, which doesn't help at all. Leaving Raphael, she went to the healing spring.
After washing her face, she felt pleasant relief. It would be great to always have access to this fountain.
A quiet giggle was heard from the direction of the bed.
“Here she is. A little nimble mouse who escaped the tenacious claws.” Lying on the silk sheets of the elaborate bed was a devil that looked incredibly similar to the one she had just left in the main hall. “I was so hoping to meet you in person.” The devil lay in an imposing pose, which with all his appearance showed who was in control of the situation here. The smile did not leave his lips, and his tail slowly waved in an inviting gesture. It took her a few seconds to organize her thoughts. “Oh yeah, you're that devil who can't keep track of his things.” The tiefling's emotions were as feigned as possible.
“The little thing robbed me.” Raphael's copy was no less pretentious. “How did this happen?”
"Potion of Invisibility." She concluded calmly. “Cheater.” The creature literally spat out these words. The tiefling had already turned to leave when the feignedly seductive voice was heard again. “The more contracts you sign, the more impossible to stop, right, little mouse?” "Wrong!" "Is this so? Remind me what are you doing right now?” He changed his position to a more comfortable one, leaning back on the pillow.
“This is a different case.” The young woman answered too quickly, which showed her anxiety. “Sure...” He drawled the sounds so that the word began to resemble the hiss of a snake that was about to bite. “Let me introduce myself: I am Haarlep, Raphael's personal incubus, glamoured and transfigured to look like him.” His speech became more animated. His monologue made no impression. However, many things have become clearer than before. Lyra didn't understand what this whole performance was for, and only raised one eyebrow. “So, all standards of decency have been met. Since you’re here, does that mean there’s a new doll for us to play with?” It was difficult to define from the incubus what he was thinking about now, but the guest themselves hoped that Haarlep was feeling irritated at this moment. “Deliver me from yourself. I'm untouchable" “It’s funny to hear that from a small creature who gives himself up to Raphael’s amusement over and over again.” The incubus smiled, showing off his sharp, snow-white fangs. “You are changing concepts, incubus. Don’t confuse business cooperation with carnal corruption.” To her surprise, she remained very calm, although the situation screamed that she needed to leave as soon as possible. She didn't hear this reasonable voice. Perhaps she liked to admire the picture presented, but didn’t admit it to herself. “Everything starts small, little one. Ultimately, you’ll give all of yourself to the Devil without a trace, it’s a matter of time.The only thing that depends on you is the amount of time. Cheap whore of Baldur’s Gate.”
It all seemed like a challenge that the tiefling couldn't let past her pointy ears. In anticipation of battle, she took out her lyre. The incubus looked surprised, but only for a second. Immediately after, he let out a booming laugh, which, it was assumed, was heard outside the boudoir. It seems he even cried. "Oh no! What are you going to do? Will you strum me to death?” He continues to chuckle. “Do not underestimate bards and the power of their musical instrument.” Her face remained serious despite the fact that she was openly mocked. “Mmm…” The incubus’s expression became even more pleased. “Bards are my favorite. They are so unconventional. Such inventors. So delicious.” Haarlep moved his groin just a little, which already seemed to Lyra to be an action that went beyond all boundaries of decency. She looked away, hoping the incubus wouldn't notice. But he did. “Let me see.” Haarlep took a deep breath, as if tasting the air, savoring every note of the smell. “Enchantment spells? Oh my dear little mouse, I am already enchanted.” With every word the incubus seemed to become even more seductive. How is this possible? The young woman gathered all her will into a fist. “I'm not interested in incubi. So you can stop trying.” It's time to leave before it's too late. “Hmmm...Then maybe a cambion would be more to your liking?” Too many emotions washed over the tiefling at once. Outrage, shame, anger, denial. She took a deep breath, keeping her emotions under control. It was clear the incubus was just having fun. So let's have fun together. She giggled quietly. “To my regret, the cambion’s slut position has already been taken, Haarlep.” Lyra deliberately emphasized his name. They looked into each other's eyes, giving the opponent killer smiles. The tiefling walked away under the gaze of a pair of eyes filled with hellfire. “I adore bards...”
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hopepetal · 1 year
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five pog | Part Six
I'm honestly so honored to be writing this. The feedback has been absolutely amazing, and I'm just floored with all the support and love you guys have given me. I have been screaming /pos over all your comments and reblogs, and it honestly makes my day. Thank you all so so much <3
@applestruda @stiffyck pspspsp the dumbasses with pointy sticks and rocket launchers are back
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Scar woke to darkness and a pounding headache that spiked with each rattle of the wagon. Disoriented and confused, he rolled over with a long groan, blinking his surroundings into focus. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but as sleep loosened its grip he became more aware. 
Narrowing his eyes, Scar did his best to ignore the ever-present headache as he examined his surroundings. It seemed to be a small wagon of sorts, one drawn by horses if the clip-clop of hooves outside were any indication. He noted that his hands were tied behind his back, the rope rough and scratchy against his skin. Nevertheless, he managed to push himself up into a sitting position, leaning back against the side of the wagon.
That’s when he noticed Grian.
His friend was curled up in a ball on the other side of the wagon, soft whimpers and grunts of pain coming from him whenever the wagon went over a rough bump or jostled too much. The smell of blood around him was strong, and as Scar scrambled over he noticed just how bloodstained the bandages had become.
Guilt shot through him upon seeing this. Here he was again, powerless and unable to help his friends. It seemed that every time he tried to make things better, to do something right, he just messed up again. Now they were both in trouble, and Grian was badly hurt. All because Scar had been selfish and thought he deserved to have a family. 
Looking down at Grian, Scar scooted forward and nudged him gently with his knee. “G? G, wake up. Come on, you’re the lightest sleeper I know. Don’t do this to me now…”
Grian’s eyes fluttered open, and he groaned softly. Pain clouded eyes caught Scar’s worried gaze before slipping shut again. Scar’s panic only grew with that, and he nudged Grian again. “C’mon buddy, stay with me. I know it hurts but you gotta keep your eyes open, okay?” He looked around frantically for anything that could possibly help, cursing himself once more for not bringing a weapon. “Shoot, um… hold on, Grian, I’ll get you help.” Somehow. 
After another moment of scrambling for ideas, Scar sighed. “Okay. Okay, fine. I don’t think this is going to work but…” Raising his voice, he called out, “hey! Hey, can someone help? My friend is kinda dying here!” He continued to shout until the wagon came to a halt, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. 
The wagon cover was pulled back, the sudden light flooding in causing Scar to squint, turning his head away so his eyes could adjust. Blinking rapidly, he glanced back to see the sword wielding mercenary from before glaring down at him. “Okay, okay, listen. My friend is hurt.” Scar jerked his head in Grian’s direction. “Can you help him? Please? I promise I won’t ask anything else of you-”
The mercenary groaned, rolling his eyes. “Why should I? Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t toss the bird out and leave him for the vultures.”
Scar’s eyes widened almost imperceptibly, his thoughts running wild. He glanced over at his friend, unconscious and bleeding, and made a decision. Taking a deep breath, he looked back up at the mercenary. “We’re soulbound.” The lie came with ease, years of manipulation and swindling coming in handy. “You want me alive, right? Then you’ll have to keep him alive, too.”
“Oh, for crying out loud.” The man groaned, running a hand through his hair. “You have got to be kidding me.” He lowered his hand to glare at Scar. “Fine. Your soulmate will get new bandages and potions when we stop at the next village. But no shenanigans, got it?”
Scar grinned. He would’ve given a mock salute were he able to. “Yessir! Absolutely no shenaniganry back here, no siree!”
“Whatever.” With that, the wagon cover was pulled back over the wagon, and Scar was plunged into darkness once more.
He waited until the horses started moving again to talk to Grian. “Did you hear that? It’s gonna be okay, G. We’re going to get you help, and then we can… I don’t know, figure a way out of here. Okay?”
Grian just let out a soft mumble, curling in on himself further. His wings wrapped around his trembling form like a blanket, and Scar heaved a sigh. Leaning back against the wagon again, he gazed at his friend with worry and compassion. “...Mumbo’s gonna kill us when we get back,” he muttered.
Honestly, Mumbo was a bit worried for his friends. He had always been a bit of a nervous man, though he had always put his faith in Grian’s capabilities. But now…
“Can you please stop pacing?” Iskall asked, watching as Mumbo continued to stride back and forth anxiously.
“What if they’re hurt? What if they’re stuck out there, all alone? What if-?” Mumbo was interrupted by Iskall’s soft laughter. “What? I’m just worried!”
“They aren’t children, Mumbo. They’ll be fine.” Iskall stood, placing a hand on Mumbo’s shoulder reassuringly. “Come on. Let's get something to drink. That way you can relax. Alright?”
Mumbo hesitated, before sighing. “...alright, I suppose.”
Whatever was happening, Mumbo just had to trust his friends would be alright.
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supergirlstan55 · 9 months
Just like that...?
you miss her, her voice, her smile god her smile is so perfect. you miss her touch; how happy she made you but...it had to happen things change you know.
"Lena please I can do better I can be better I'm sorry I don't know what I did but I'm sorry I love you, Lena." you say bawling your eyes out you love her with your whole heart. you're literally begging her not to leave you. she was the reason you didn't give up on love. "y/n I have to baby I'm not good for you and I'm sorry for making you cry I hope you forgive me, but it is the best thing for you in the long run ok I'm not worth your love." she kisses you on your head and leaves...just like that she leaves.
The bartender laying your drink down brings you out your thought "you good?" he says you look up "yeah man I'm good thanks" he nods his head and you down your drink. drink after drink it's been like this since she left you know it's not well but...it's the only thing you know. Constantly drunk. This happened a lot multiple times multiple bars, game nights, at home your always drunk. And the thing is you're not even mad at Lena, you miss her you still love her even.
"y/n" Alex says your here with them they asked you if you wanted to go out and as soon as you heard the word bar you jumped on the opportunity to go "what" you snap back "it's been 2 months you haven't talked to us or anyone at all?" you look at her and roll your eyes she walks away obviously fed up with your shit.
"Another line" you say heavily slurring your words your just so tired of thinking of her. how perfect she was the way she talked and what made her laugh, her laugh is so beautiful.
AUTHORS NOTE: ok so were going to do a teensy-weensy time skip to like 3ish days after sorry if u don't like it but it's happening.
you wake up with the worst headache ever your absolutely convinced it's the worst headache in the world. you get out of bed because you hear someone knocking at the door. you walk to the door and open it and you see the most perfect beautiful human being in the world "Lena...what are you doing here??" you say utterly confused which you're not complaining with her being here. "Hi y/n uh I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you I miss you a lot actually and I understand if you don't want me back."
you were completely stunned you missed Lena so much you could barely function she was the reason you were alive so ofc you want her back. "Lena I have already forgiven you I was never mad at you I was just sad you were my best friend the reason I'm alive and I have always and always will love you" she smiled and had tears in her eyes "can I hug you?" she asked you nodded your head and she gave you a deep hug and a kiss on the cheek you wrapped your arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around your neck.
You guys stayed like that for a while just being. You missed each other so much it was hard to live Lena regretted everything. she regretted the way she hurt you the way she made you cry everything. "Lena" you say softly and you pull away from her embrace "y/n" Lena says you giggle at her words "I still love you" she smiles "I still love you y/n" you hug her tighter and start to cry a little "you do...?" you ask she nods her head yes "I still want to be with you" she says and you burst into tears in her arms you don't know why but you do "baby what's wrong?" she asks and holds you as you cry "I just missed you so much Lena" you cry in her arms and she apologizes again "its ok don't say sorry" you pull away and wipe your tears she kisses your head "I hurt you y/n" you nod your head "yeah you did but I forgive you and I need you in my life" she smiles and you guys just sit there talking like nothing happened like you never broke up like it used to be and it was nice it was good it was everything both of you needed
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yae-energy · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ random thoughts ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : random headcanons i have pertaining to jjk
✧˖° cast and crew : yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing, me just rambling
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : just smth to post ! some of these i’ve probably posted about on here? but y’all will be seeing them again just cause i wanna expand on some of them 😝
yuji <3
- he’s allergic to animal dander but still pets dogs and cats and stuff cause he simply just doesn’t care. but because of this, he forgets that he needs to wash his hands after playing with them, so if he ends up toughing his face his eyes get all swollen and he’s all itchy
- he listens to britney spears when he cleans ! sorry, i don’t make the rules. he also blasts it really loud and megumi is absolutely sick of it LMAO
- his favorite way to pass time is play thumb wars with megumi. he never wins but he genuinely finds joy in it cause no one else wants to play since he beats everyone else
- he uses inside jokes he made with someone else on other people who don’t know the context and thinks its funny. cause ultimately they end up confused and just kinda smile and nod
- hates any “fresh linen” scents cause it gives him a headache
- has a peanut allergy and will still try to eat shit containing said allergen
- calls nobara’s hair a “fuck ass bob”
megumi <3
- keeps the volume on all his devices on at an even number. yes he gets irritated if it’s not
- he loves apple juice, like bro will actually down a whole gallon and still want another
- his favorite snack is apples and peanut butter
- he is allergic to most seafood
- he loves doing crossword puzzles ! like he’ll knock them shits out so fast it’s insane. he’s great at finding all the bigger words too
- prefers overhead headphones and has like 6 different pairs to go with different outfits (he also let nobara and yuji put stickers on them)
- he is a plain milk drinker
- he prefers savory over sweet, and loves to snack on crunchy foods
- he skips every other step when he goes up the stairs
nobara <3
- she was a movie star planet player
- her favorite food changes every few weeks so she never has had an actual “favorite food” , and that’s the same reason why she doesn’t have a favorite color
- she is an apple juice hater and loves orange juice. her and megumi argue over this constantly
- she cant cut her nails properly and always has maki do it for her
- she sleeps with socks on and is trying to get megumi and yuji to see her vision, she has yet to succeed though
- she doesn’t like mustard or mayonnaise
- she’s allergic to pollen and grass
- she hates jello
- loves coffee but doesn’t drink it much cause she’s worried about it staining her teeth
- doesn’t like cake icing
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ysl production credits : inspired by a conversation i had with @romiantic
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @ivanari @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : def making a part 2 to this cause i need EVERYONE to hear my thoughts 😋. anyhow, love y’all, and drink some water cause it’s still hot as a bitch outside.
- xoxo, yves
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cinamun · 4 months
This line from shygirlsimmer "Sean really doesn’t owe him any form of loyalty just like he left Jayce alone cuz he didn’t owe him loyalty either…but Mercy…" has been stuck in my head for a while now and I want to ask this what loyalty does Mercy owe Bishop? Bishop has been treating Mercy like an object from the very beginning, isolating her from her son, keeping tabs on her, checking her phone, legit stalking this woman for no reason. I don't know if he has a valid reason for doing all this and if he does have one I don't give a fuck.
She doesn't owe him loyalty.
Mercy shouldn't be looking over her shoulder, she shouldn't be stressing about him showing up like how he did, she shouldn't be worried about herself the way she is with Bishop around. She's allowed to be a grown ass woman and do whatever she wants which is moving on and trying to find herself a healthy relationship that isn't with a toxic piece of shit.
I'm sorry for being so mad but this happened to my mom, and I can't get over it.
Oof, friend... don't apologize at all ever and you shouldn't get over it, that's your mom! But lets get into it though because this level of toxic is very common, we just hide it well.... and I love to write about the secrets we don't tell.
*starts prepping wings for tomorrow morning, hands you a lemon*
To you and to me and to everyone else in the Reading Room™ he doesn't owe her shit but less headaches, stress and manipulation. He owes her peace of mind exactly as you said.
But he's Bishop. He's not a man who will give a shit about that. He cares about nothing but himself and what you can provide for him. He will absolutely throw you away or worse if you can no longer serve a purpose. As for now at least, he might be capable of growth, he's getting older.... I can't call it.....
Remember how they met; her husband had just died in the worst way and Bishop somehow magically escaped prison after 30 years. So imagine the level of codependency there...
So when we say "but Mercy..." its because a man like Bishop will put loyalty over a lot of shit. Loyalty is everything to men like him and will get you killed if you fuck that up. He is absolutely one to expect and demand loyalty from Mercy who HE feels carried him during a time when he literally had nowhere to go but underground. A very vulnerable time for him.
She hit him with the lobster mac, some good pussy and it was a wrap. She even put his needs before her son's (think back to him coming home from college and her basically telling him to buy a house.... shit was wild). She's actually IS loyal to him, honestly.
What we see now is ... well... stay tuned friend.
I'm sorry its heavy for you and you don't have to apologize. Men like this just fucking exist unfortunately, and as frustrating as Mercy can be when it comes to him, I haven't completely given up hope for her..... yet.
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