#so some explanations added but not to every category
neriyon · 2 months
5 Character Associations
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Affection: He holds love for the whole world in his heart.
Joy: Tasty food, company of friends, lazy mornings.. Life is full of joys, both big and small.
Optimism: Fate is not set in stone, so have some hope for a brighter future.
Compassion: Try to understand how others are feeling and you'll understand their actions better.
Dependence: Being all alone can manifest some of the most horrifying moments.
Lavender purple
Other shades of purple
Freshly baked apple pie
Beef stew
Lily hairclip: It's origin forgotten, but still an irreplacable accessory.
Menphina's Earring: Memento of his origin.
Multi-colored, woven bracelet: Basically a wedding ring.
His trusty (old) bag: Worn but still working and filled to a brim.
His weapons: Eleganty carved white staff and a small grimoire, usually hidden in his bag.
Body Language
Wide smile: Friendly and inviting.
Lively ears and tail: Ear twitches, tail swishes. What you'd expect from a cat.
Casual physical contact: Ghost of a touch on hand, tail curled around another. He feels better knowing someone is close even when he isn't actively looking at them.
Hugs: What's better than a big warm hug?
Expressive body: Good or bad, you'll have no trouble figuring out what he's thinking.
Hearty homemade meals with treasured friends.
A lantern, lighting the way.
Bubbly spring flowing across ancient, unmoving forest.
Bright, playful laughter.
Hand holding hand, unwilling to let go.
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Tagged by @arinaxiv !
I'll skip tagging this time, brain is still mush from flu. ( ̄﹃ ̄) Consider yourself tagged if you want to give it a go, and feel free to tag me. It's fun seeing what others associate with their ocs~
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The thirst for Sexwave knows no bounds, but gotta give Bumblebee credit for a solid second!
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Gotta love some Soundwave being all tender and concerned about reader, so here, have some fluff! Soundwave struggling with all his feelings is just fun to write tbh...
Soundwave x Reader
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Decepticons rarely lived pleasantly on Earth, as their primary means of survival was avoiding humans who covered all but the most isolated and brutal portions of the planet, but their Cybertronian hardiness meant most could endure extreme conditions without much danger.
Unfortunately, you as a human allied with said Decepticons didn't possess such luck. You'd fallen ill after one too many exposures to cold and rain, forcing the Con in your company to take drastic measures to keep you safe while he searched for the help you needed.
Between the fever and the countless miles of travel you weren't quite sure where he'd taken you, but the time spent snuggled under a load of blankets in his warm cockpit had been nice enough that you didn't care where you'd ended up. The endless frozen wastes and sparse buildings led you to believe somewhere up far to the north, but the Con had found a secure enough bunker and rigged up an effective climate control device by your tiny cot, so you didn't care about the specifics. All that really mattered now was that he'd been gone long enough for you to drift in and out of a feverish sleep multiple times. That still worried you, even if he often went out for similar stretches in the past. It was impossible not to fear for his capture every time he left your side...
Metallic clanks echoed up the tunnel to the outside world, and you snapped awake as the rumble of the bunker seal opening and closing quite literally shook the sleep out of you. Though still exhausted and delirious, you recognized the patter of approaching Cybertronian footsteps straight away, and relaxed when you noted two familiar walking patterns; one with two pedes and one with four.
A Felicon bounded into the circular cement room and came to a halt with a skid, metallic claws sending up a brief shower of sparks before two bright red optics focused on you. Carrying a pouch between his sharp teeth as delicately as he could, Ravage approached you with a tentative sniff, looking you over as he always did after you'd fallen ill. Not entirely coherent, you smiled and put up a hand to meet his muzzle.
"Glad to see you too." you greeted, allowing your heavy head to rest on the pillow as the Felicon sniffed your hand and endured the brief petting quietly. He moved aside when Soundwave entered the room, a literal crate of supplies tucked under an arm. Brushing some of the lingering snow and ice from his armor, the mech dropped to his knees beside your cot, checking you over for a fraction of an instant before he got to work. Cracking open the crate with his claws, he pulled out what appeared to be enough medical supplies to stock a small clinic.
"Medical equipment; acquired." he said in recognition of the obvious, focusing his attention on a kit that appeared to be full of medication for every kind of human illness. You doubted the owners had parted with so much willingly, and couldn't help but hope no one had been squished to provide these.
"How did you...?"
"No casualties to report." Soundwave answered, firm but calm enough that you believed him fully. Organizing his haul into piles by category, he surprised you further when his claws delicately plucked a bag of food from a thick thermal wrapping, allowing you to catch a whiff of the first hot meal you'd encountered in weeks. You couldn't even imagine how he'd acquired such a thing, and no explanation was forthcoming once he finished organizing everything. "Supplies fully restocked and expanded."
Ravage ensured his bag was added to the pile before he settled at your side, offering warmth and comfort as Soundwave gingerly handled the bag of food before laying it down in front of you.
"Rations overdue." he instructed with an obvious desire for you to eat, unable to hide the tiniest hint of uncertainty in his voice as he sat back on his heels. Understanding what he meant, you happily complied, hungry and quite touched by the gesture.
"Thanks, Soundwave." you croaked as you unwrapped the still steaming meal, your exhausted body beyond thankful for some much needed nourishment. The comment made the bot pause, his helm lowering a fraction of an inch as he briefly averted his gaze to mumble his reply.
"Gratitude... unnecessary.'
Ravage made a sound that more resembled a snicker than one of his usual growls, and only wiggled his tail in the picture of innocence when Soundwave fixed him with a hard stare.
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sugajimin · 11 months
Hello everyone!! I created a game for every content creator that sometimes wants to create but doesn’t know from where to start. I was in that position yesterday and I remembered this “game” I used to do all the time back when I was playing “The sims4″, and I thought why not I make it into a BTS Game! 
So what we need is the google number generator and an excel with the categories. I spend 2 hours of my life to create the Excel and I will list the links for both the excel and the google generator link down bellow! Also I will kindly ask you to read some of the instructions I will give here because I know some people will have questions. Let’s go:
2.Google Number Generator
As you can see the first line has the categories.
We have 2 main categories. The “Members” and “Content”.
Under the 1st line I give you the numbers you’ll need for the generator, from where the category starts and where it ends
You simple generate from 4 to 11 to get a member or ot7 then you go to the second category and you generate the 4 to 25 to get the content. As you can see most of the Content options have " * ” on them. What it means is that If you get this, you find the specific category to regenerate and  get one option. For example, if you get Awards Show.. you go to the Award Show category and you generate which award show it ll be. And that’s it!!
For some categories I didn’t add more details because I can’t just type down 1k videos from Bangtan TV. What I would do If I get a category that has no specific number or episode etc.. I would choose 3-4 videos and generate a number . For example for the Award Show, if you get MAMA, just use 2014 - 2022 and see which year you ll get. For In the Soop, if it had 7 eps you do the 1 to 7 etc. 
The Talk Show Category has shows that DO NOT feature all the members sometimes,  I mostly added them to give you an Idea so It’s up to you if you want to follow that category or not!
For Memories you do the same thing.. you see how many CDs are there and then you choose the videos.
For the Interview Category, I have to admit I was lazy to add all the interviews from 2013 to today, so I give you the link to 0613data that have everything organized and honestly I used their content as a guide to create this. You can choose which interview you want with the same logic as I give here!
Lastly, If you feel like something is missing you can always create and add more. Use this as a template and fill it with anything you want to include!! Remember I made this for us to have fun and escape that “block” when it comes to what to create!! 
Sorry for my english and explanation, I am not good with words, I hope you understood! 
Let me know what you think and have fun everyone! :D
P.S: I think you can download the excel from the link I gave you, if not then let me know to add a dl link
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littleacebee · 1 year
Hello audio drama community! I would love to interest you in little podcast appreciation-recommendation game. Please reblog/comment and share with me:
One podcast that you think person interested in audio drama should listen to (either because of the influence on the medium, a cool way of using audio format, general amazing sound, performance etc, whatever you think falls in this category)
One podcast that has community around it you love interacting with (fandom, artists, discord server, official accounts, etc)
One podcast that inspired you to create something (fanart, fanfic, something handmade, cosplay, headcanons, something completely original, etc)
One podcast that have music you could listen on repeat (theme, musical episodes, any songs included)
One podcast that’s new and you need more people to join in appreciation (like max one season, even better if not complete)
One podcast you can’t wait for (is not yet released)
RULES: One podcast per category, you can put the same podcasts in few if you want but I encourage trying to pick six different. I know that probably you have more than one that can fit every category but still I ask for one – I don’t want you to treat it as the one you put is your favourite or the best one, just the one you thought about now, is lately on your mind. If you can’t think about one for certain category you can leave it empty. If you want you can add explanations why this one, the description of the podcast or generally show some love but that’s completely voluntary. And if you are official podcast account and want to join the fun, came and join! Put your own podcast in any category and share your other choices.
And of course just have fun with it and share some positivity!
I’ll start:
One podcast that you think person loving audio drama should listen to: The Orphans - extremely interesting way of telling the story with amazing cast and quality
One podcast that has community around it you love interacting with: The Amelia Project - Soon after I listened to TAP the cocoa collars took place and it was so nice to see so many people show love to this podcast. Love you my besties <3
One podcast that inspired you to create something: Stellar Firma - I embroidered one of the quotes and plan on making it into a pillow, it will be an amazing extremely confusing pillow
One podcast that have music you could listen on repeat: Night Shift: An Urban Fantasy Audio Drama - “Give it all up” is stuck in my brain and I already added it to my playlist to listen on repeat
One podcast that’s new and you need more people to join in appreciation: The Kingmaker Histories - Listened to latest episode today and I just love the number of cool dangerous women that are introduced, you would love them tumblr
One podcast you can’t wait for: Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later - Every bit of info I get about this podcast just make me more and more excited
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pudgecuddles · 1 year
Jungkook’s Fat-Filled Fad Feast
Jungkook reads in a health nut news magazine that high fat foods are good for you and helps control cholesterol. JK, who eats a ton of red meat and eggs because he’s a gym nut, latches onto the idea.
Soon he’s adding multiple avocados to his everyday diet. Some in smoothies, some in breakfast bowls, some as guacamole in burritos, etc. An extra 300 calories per large fruit, with him packing down 2-3 of the things a day.
He also heard that adding a tablespoon of olive oil a day is healthy, another 120 calories.
He snacks on an ounce of macadamia nuts between work outs, adding another 200 calories to his daily intake.
One cup of Greek yogurt in his morning shake, and a cup of the frozen variety for desert in the evening rack up an extra 440 calories.
Of course he had to have his healthy cheat foods, such as creamy cheeses and dark chocolate. An ounce of aged parmesan here (110 calories) a bar of sugar free, 70% dark chocolate there (170 calories).
Over all, he added a near additional 1,800 calories to his everyday diet, which already consisted of 3,500 calories per day on average.
The cherry on top? The same magazine that told him to consume more fat, also recommended less cardio as it puts more pressure on one’s joints in the long term.
Slowly, but steadily, his new routine catches up to him as he changes in size. His washboard abs melting into delicious subcutaneous fat, his once perky rear bloating into a wobbly, soft bubble butt.
His perfect pecks joined the rest of him in their expansion, becoming inflated pouches of fat. Nipples peeking up and poking through every shirt he owns.
His college classmates and hyungs Namjoon and Hoseok watched in confusion as their once fit friend changes into a new man over the course of the semester.
Even his football coach notices, changing his role to being a lineman, a position that requires less running around.
Jungkook, oblivious to his weight gain, and delighted by his new “healthy” lifestyle choices, starts recommending his diet to others. Including his fellow health nut classmates Namjoon and Hoseok.
Namjoon initially questions the diet’s choices, but after reviewing the science explanation in the magazine gave in and was hooked. Hoseok on the other hand has always been open to fad diets and techniques, drifting between things like keto, vegan and celiac for years prior. He didn’t even need to read the magazine to start adding avocados and Greek yogurt to his shopping list.
Even after all of that, all of the extra fats, the additional calories, his snowballing weight needed more. And well, since he’s been eating so well recently, why not have a true cheat day? Or two… or three…
Soon enough, every other day becomes a cheat day. Even inviting his now chubby Hyungs over for pizza and ice cream and fried chicken…
A full school year has gone by at this point, and there are now three permanent dips in Jungkook’s couch seats. You see, it was cheaper for Jungkook to cater to his new, more expensive diet when he had roommates…
Those roommates being the newly inflated Hoseok and Namjoon.
Both boys were squarely in the chubby category, plump and out of shape. Jungkook at this point however was bordering on being solidly fat.
The three of them spend a lot of their time on the couch binge watching old TV shows and movies, chowing down on both healthy and unhealthy fatty foods. Adding more and more calories to their daily intake as their self-control lessened by the day.
Their waistlines grew wider and their shirt tags became XXXL’s. The dips in the couch grew wider and squeakier until one day under their combined weight of 1,120 pounds the three seater gave up the ghost and collapsed.
A jostled Namjoon blinks as he looks down at his now 350 pound body, gently lifting and dropping his no longer new beer belly. Watching the mass wobble, he realized just how far gone he was. Just how heavy he’d grown, how uncomfortably large his gut was.
Shrugging, he grabbed another handful of fries. He was already so big, a little more wouldn’t hurt…
The arguably healthiest minded of the three, Hoseok also took a moment to look over his own flabby belly and wide thighs before blushing heavily and attempting to stand. Unfortunately from the current lowered state of the couch, he had quite of bit of trouble, attempting and failing to stand upright only made his heavy body bounce and jiggle. He blushed harder, panting and wiggling. What had they done?!
Jungkook didn’t even notice the couch breaking, too busy stuffing his fat face full of fried chicken, a leg in each hand as he barely took time to swallow before moving on to his next bite. He wouldn’t realize what happened until he cleared his bucket, licking the grease off his pudgy fingertips and noticing his lowered point of view.
They broke the couch?!
Huh, their bulking must be working then.
Onto dessert…
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shayberri789 · 2 years
Tumblr Tips
With new users coming and apparently actually following me, I figured I'd may as well make a master post of "Tumblr Tips" and "Tips for new users and returning users" posts I have been reblogging lately.
Edit: make sure to check my original version of this post, apparently the read more option no longer redirects people to the original full post from reblogs, so you won't see the additions. I've linked it in comments
This post was made when Twitter Refugees flooded tumblr, so it's mostly targeted to them. However!! Reddit immigrants will get a lot of use from it too! I'll be adding reddit specific stuff too as I find them. For now, here is the best and clearest "tips for reddit immigrants" post I've found. Welcome to tumblr
Can't believe I need this category; Tumblr Safety Tips:
Don't List Minor Status
Lurk Before You Post - my comment: Learn the site and culture before you post, you're less likely to poke a beehive that way
Listen to this or you will be mocked by locals
Don't give out your real name! + The benefits of primary and secondary blogs
Privacy: make your likes and follows private
A common scam going around - be careful! It'll pray on your kindness in your ask inbox
For Starting Out:
Starting info for Twitter Refugees
A handy guide for starting up - with diagrams!
How Not To Be Blocked By Every Tumblr User
Why Locals Block Empty Blogs
Free Profile pictures if you're out of ideas: [x]
Etiquette - or shit that annoys locals to hell and back if you ignore these:
Don't censor shit - it's cringe and annoying and can be harmful
bitesyoubitesyoubitesyou REBLOG SHIT
Abuse the tags but don't clog the tags - unrelated info tags are not cool
Tips to Improve Your Experience:
Terminology (Blorbo, plinko, some classic jokes, etc)
More terminology: Poor little meow meow vs blorbo
Different methods of interaction explained - reblogs, asks, DMs, replies, etc
XKit to improve your experience
Themes! Make your blog look great
Also you can change the site colour palette - I like a soft blue, some like black, some white, but there's more!!
Tumblr Tags: Don't Use Quotations "like this"
Remember; it's your blog
How to post mature (Eg: sexual) content
Folk Stories
Block without hesitation, for any reason
It's integral to curating your online experience
An example of reasons to block someone - yes your reason can be silly. I've blocked people for posting x reader fics, for shipping my notp, because i didn't like their AU. Not because I don't like them, or have anything against them, I just hate x reader fics in general, or didn't want to see my notp, or I just got tired of seeing their posts in a fandom tag. Rather than demanding they change, I changed how my tag looks to me. And that is responsible blocking. I also block racists, terfs, homophobes, etc. I blocked someone who was mean to me in replies. Do whatever to make your online experience good.
FOR RETURNING USERS! We have new things!
Added to the above, here are some things people in the notes have added: Comments are a thing, clarification on tag filtering, seriously follow @/staff and @/changes
To concerned twitter artist refugees
Also! You can shorten posts like I have by adding a "read more" option. On website, make a new line and click the squiggly lone button. On mobile, type :readmore: then hit enter! Everything after that will be hidden under a nifty button. I recommend doing it! Especially for writing longer pieces!
How Tumblr Treats Celebrities and Popular blogs (If you're an influencer, prepare for hell. You'll get chased off if you try that here)
Tumblr Holiday - November Fifth Explanation
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newsiesficchallenges · 10 months
Would you maybe be willing to go over the process of tagging on ao3? I've never used it before so I can figure out most of it but the entire posting process is new to me
Of course! 
If you don’t mind, I’m just going to cover all of it, because you aren’t the first person to ask this. 
So- tagging! 
In simple terms, tags have the same purpose on AO3 that they do on Tumblr. They’re to inform you of the content, summarize and warn, and to help organize the search system. They can be complicated, and daunting, but can also be largely unique if one so chooses. I’ll explain how in a minute! 
By adding a tag, you are inserting your work into a list, or a system, of other works that fall under the same category. For example: if you are writing a Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski work, and you tag that relationship, the work will show up when you search that relationship. It’s one of AO3’s best features, and a way an author can gain popularity in a fandom. 
Now, starting at the top of your AO3 form, we have the rating. Now, I like to think of your rating as a movie rating. Everyone has a little bit of a different view on these, but for our collective purpose of explanations, let’s use this standard guide. 
The first one is general audiences. This is a PG rated movie. Minimal language, some sexual and adult jokes that might fly over someone’s head, and little to no violence. You would let your 11yo cousin read this fic and not be concerned. 
The next is teen and up audiences. This is your PG-13, TV-14. We’ve got curses going around, but not all of them. Sexual jokes, light sexual content that probably doesn’t go very far. If there’s violence, it’s Marvel movie, see blood but no gore style. 
Mature is where things get interesting. Say whatever you want, have the smut scenes, and shoot outs in the alleyways. Children aren’t allowed into this R-rated movie, but we all know it’s for the 15+ girlies who are reading on their computers in the dark. 
And explicit is anything goes, basically. If you’re reading an explicit fic, and you get surprised by what you see, that’s a you problem. ‘Tis the smuttiest of the smut, the most hardcore violence and angst, and characters run rampant in their actions and words. 
And then we have the warnings! These are what I consider to be the most important, because a lot of these things are triggers. It’s pretty self-explanatory, as you can pick and choose anything that applies. 
Fandoms is also pretty self-explanatory. You use AO3’s list of fandoms, and click whatever fandom you’re writing for. For this exchange, you would type Newsies, and select the options and forms of the show you took inspiration from. 
Categories is more confusing, I think, primarily because one can never decide if you want to click every button that applies, or just the important ones. In my personal experiences, I tend to just click whatever option represents the main ship I’m writing for, and then make sure I tag anything that doesn’t fit that category in the relationships tags. You are definitely free to select everything, though!
Relationships is pretty important, just for information purposes. Most people search AO3 through specific relationships they want to read, and so I make sure to tag everything I can, just for algorithm and accessibility reasons. You can tag the romantic relationships (the ones with the / between the two character names), platonic relationships (the ones with the & between the character names), and everything in between, depending on how you want your fic viewed, and how you want it sorted in the tagging system (by this, I mean if you want it put in the list of ‘x’ (ex. Harley Keener/Peter Parker) works, falling under a specific tag). And if you want viewers to be aware of the different relationships, especially the romantic and platonic ones, always double check that you have selected the right tag (again, for romantic there’s a /, and for platonic there’s a &).
Characters are also important, but I want to stress that you do not need to tag all of the character that appear in your fics. I would simply tag the ones the work focuses around, or that have an impact on the story. It will take you forever to tag everyone if you’re writing a longer story. 
Additional tags is another very confusing thing. A lot of people view them as similar to Tumblr tags, like I said earlier, and this is where you can have some originality, like the Tumblr tags. When I am adding additional tags, I will read the story as I tag it, and make sure I add tags that apply to the important bits. You can keep it professional, with just the tags that will help get you more readers, and trigger warnings; or you can have fun with it, and simply put your thoughts about the work there, as another summary; or you can do a mixture of both. I do a mixture, and will add tags that add the work to popular searches, and add a running commentary/summary as I do so. This part is completely up to you, and you can explore what you want to put by typing random letters or names (things will pop up by either most common or alphabetical order, depending on what you’re typing) into the search bar, just to see what shows. My main suggestion- and pretty steadfast requirement for this exchange- is that you make sure you have a tag for plot points that might be triggering for some. Other than that, the world is your oyster!
That’s it! Hope that helps! If you have any more questions, let me know! 
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waheelawhisperer · 7 months
regarding my last ask, you mention RWBY: Amity Arena as being particularly bad. i have never heard of this game before
if you have time, and are willing to humor me yet again, i would love to hear your wisdom
First of all, I'm sorry it took me a week to answer this. Work has been absolutely brutal (I've regularly been leaving the office between 8:00 and 9:00 PM for like 2 weeks now) and I really haven't had time for anything that takes actual effort. Please bear in mind that A) I'm tired as hell, and B) this game shut down in early 2021 so everything I'm telling you is based on memory that would potentially be spotty even if I was at my best.
To start with, I'll give you a brief explanation of what Amity Arena was before getting into the reasons why it sucked ass. RWBY: Amity Arena was a PVP mobile game where the goal was to destroy your opponent's base (which consisted of a central tower and two turrets to defend it) located at the other end of the map using a collection of units derived from the show. Each player had a deck of eight units, which they could deploy into one of two lanes corresponding to the two turrets. The units in question would advance toward the opposing tower, eventually converging on the base structure, and could potentially wander between them via the use of skills or by targeting enemies that stood close enough to the border for them to lock onto and follow.
The player deployed their characters by expending a resource called Aura. The player had a maximum of eight Aura, which regenerated at a set rate over time. Each unit cost a fixed amount of Aura, ranging from 1 to 8. The order of the cards (representing the units) in the player's prebuilt deck was shuffled at the start of the match and then cycled in order as the player deployed units. The player could hold four (I think?) cards in their hand at a time, and as they played a card, the next card in the deck would appear in their hand.
There was a great deal of unit variety: units were broken up into melee and range, grounded and aerial, and some cards could deploy singular strong units and others deployed swarms of weaker units (for example, Scythe Ruby deployed one powerful fighter, while White Fang Gunners deployed three relatively weak ranged fighters), and some cards had special skills they could activate to gain an advantage (Shadow Blake, for example, could dash a short distance and leave behind a targetable clone, making her very good at drawing aggro and switching rapidly between lanes, while Shield Pyrrha could throw her shield, dealing damage to all units in its path).
(If you've noticed something about the naming convention for the units above, you're on the right track: I'm about to talk about the gacha system)
So, there were a few ways to actually acquire units to add to your deck: first, you had to progress far enough up the ranks to actually unlock them. There were specified tiers that you moved up through by winning enough, and each tier gave you access to a broader selection of units. After every game, you'd get a randomly generated crate that you could open to get currency and copies of cards. Once you had a card, you could upgrade it with additional copies, and you could use the currency you got to buy stuff in the shop (new units, cosmetics, crates, premium currency, etc). I'm not going to go into exactly how the different currencies worked, mostly because I don't remember, so suffice it to say that like a lot of other mobile games, you could buy shit with real money and it fucking sucked.
Like every gacha game (or game with gacha elements), the rates were awful. Units were divided into four rarities: Normal, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The unit distribution in each rarity was reasonably balanced early on, but as the developers added more units, it started to skew toward the Legendary category because adding new basic units didn't make money and adding rarer units did.
To give you an example of how much money, consider this: I remember one of the relatively big-name players (inasmuch as a RWBY mobile game has big-name players) would regularly roll for units on release so he could stream himself using them and give the playerbase an idea of what they did. When Sienna Khan released, this man spent 800 fucking dollars trying to get her. He wasn't even going for duplicates. He just wanted the character.
(IIRC this guy spent low 5 digits total on this game, it was insane)
This was an egregiously bad incident that didn't represent the average player experience, but I'm including it to point out that trying to even acquire new units, much less stay competitive by enhancing your cards with duplicate copies, could get real tough real fast.
(You also had to go for duplicate copies of your core units, because matchups could swing significantly if the opposing units had enough of a level advantage - say, by allowing them to survive burst from a unit that would counter them at equivalent levels)
This is before we get into the way the game balance was consistently and completely fucked. I won't bother listing every single instance, but I will go over some of the more egregious mistakes in terms of unit design. Let's start with...
Neon Katt: Probably the single most hated character throughout all of Amity Arena's run, Neon Katt somehow managed to be more annoying in the game than she was in the show. Upon deployment, Neon skates toward the opposing tower and taunts all units that enter her range. Sounds like an okay unit idea, right? Well, you're not wrong, but they fucked up the concept. First, Neon is cheap as hell (costs 2 Aura). Second, she was initially invincible until she hit a turret, so she could run down a lane and get chip damage for free while also providing utility in the form of her taunt (Neon was a major contributor to the godawful chip meta where you just spammed long-range skills that could hit structures and avoided interacting with your opponent as much as possible until the game was over). Third, her weight value was Heavy at launch, meaning she could actually push other units, which lead to the hilarious and annoying Disco Bear strat (deploying Neon behind an Ursa Major, an extremely strong, slow, and durable tank) and pushing it at top speed into the turret while preventing it from taking damage along the way.
Nobody liked this. The playerbase begged for nerfs. The devs eventually patched out Disco Bear by making her weight Light and decreased the range of her taunt or some shit idr, but it took seven fucking months to get an actual nerf, which they did by changing her from being invincible to having an HP value of 20. Normally, that would mean she dies in one hit, but they set it up so that she only takes one damage per hit, meaning you had to hit her 20 fucking times before she'd finally die. They eventually nerfed it down to 14 or 15 or something, but then they buffed it back to 20, so fuck them and fuck Neon lol
Baby Death Stalkers: Not as obviously obnoxious as the rest of this list, but they warped the meta in insidious ways by invalidating a shitton of single-target melee units. Baby Death Stalkers dropped five relatively fragile melee units with high damage and attack speed for the low, low cost of 1 Aura, allowing players to both hold a cost-effective counter to a large number of units in reserve and cycle their deck at minimal cost when necessary. Baby Death Stalkers hard countered most single-target melee units without an AoE skill or high attack speed because you could drop them around the target and force them to land five attacks to clear them, during which time the Baby Death Stalkers could attack uninterrupted with their high damage and attack speed as the target killed one, turned, reacquired a target, and repeated the process. This was how you got the comical and frustrating sight of in-universe badasses like Ren and Winter getting their asses kicked by five baby scorpions.
Using Baby Death Stalkers to counter a higher-value card often gave the player a 2+ Aura advantage, something that could rapidly snowball, and even if there wasn't a target in the field to hard counter, you could just drop them in front of one of your own higher-value units as a cheap meatshield or toss them out to cycle your deck by drawing a new card for minimal cost.
Jinn: Jinn is what happens when you think Neon isn't obnoxious enough and decide to make a unit that's actively worse for the game. She's also what happens when you look at the issues with both the playable meta and the game experience as a whole and think "that's not a bug, it's a feature!".
To start with, Jinn was a Legendary card, which meant that not only was the game continuing to release a disproportionate amount of higher-rarity cards (that made money), actually getting her was a pain in the ass. Yay, gacha.
Jinn was capable of stopping time around any unit for 7 seconds (i.e. everything caught in the blast was essentially frozen as it was. It couldn't take action, but nor could it be harmed). This meant she could be used to protect vital units by freezing them so that they didn't take damage from active effects or weren't prioritized by enemy units or to counteract enemy threats by freezing them until the player could deploy a counter or bring a skill off cooldown, and she could do it for two Aura. This is already insanely strong, but Jinn was a structure, meaning she'd just sit out on the field without moving into range of the enemy and could be used multiple times if she survived until her skill cooldown refreshed, and her incredibly low cost meant she could both provide enormous amounts of utility insanely cheaply and help cycle the deck as needed.
To make matters worse, Jinn was very obviously not playtested, both because she was broken as shit and because she initially stayed on the field long enough that if you could cycle the deck quickly enough, you could deploy two copies of her and make your towers permanently invincible, forcing a draw at worst. You could literally just say "fuck it" and prevent your opponent from even having a win condition.
(and also some of her early interactions were bugged as shit - if she used her ability on certain units during their skill animations, she could make them invincible and jump structures to the top of their priority list, so if this happened you had an unstoppable juggernaut hell-bent on destroying your towers to the exclusion of all else)
Finally, Jinn enabled a shitton of other cards that would've otherwise been okay without a get-out-of-jail-free card vs. their counters. Some of the cards I talk about later just got... so much fucking worse with Jinn. Holy shit.
White Fang Gunner Barracks: This was honestly the card that gave rise to the worst meta I've ever played. White Fang Gunner Barracks was a structure that would periodically spawn a White Fang Gunner (relatively weak ranged unit), which was pretty forgettable initially because it took a while and only spawned one at a time for a cost of 5 Aura, but then they fucking buffed it so that it spawned two at a time. It also spawned three Gunners upon expiring or being destroyed. Three White Fang Gunners is a 2-Aura value as it is. That means it only has to spawn enough Gunners to grant 3 Aura in value to pay for itself. It spawns 2 Gunners per wave. Each Gunner is worth two thirds of an Aura unit. One wave is worth 1 1/3 of an Aura unit. If the structure survives to spawn 3 waves (which it almost always did unless you had one of its small number of counters on hand to deploy immediately and the opponent couldn't protect it from those counters with Jinn), it's not just paying for itself, it's giving you more value than its cost (6 Aura vs. 5)... and it could just keep spawning Gunners. This thing stayed on the field for 45 seconds. It spawned a wave of Gunners every 7 seconds. That's 6 waves of Gunners if not stopped - 12 total Gunners from the waves, 3 Gunners from the destruction/expiration effect, for a cumulative 15 Gunners and 9 Aura of value. Admittedly, it took time for the Gunners to build up, but once they did, they could mow down a tower in seconds and you had to constantly dedicate a response to them, while the Barracks was a set-and-forget card that let the player using it focus on other parts of the battle while it did its thing.
Gunner Barracks defined the meta for six straight months. Every team had to have one of its small number of counters, all of which could be negated by Jinn and most of which were higher-rarity than Barracks and thus it was easy to level up Barracks to the point where it could survive the burst/DoT output of units that ostensibly dealt with it. This was genuinely the least fun I have ever had playing this game.
Chip Meta: I won't go into the Artillery Arena chip meta a ton, but there was a very obnoxious point in the game's lifespan where the primary method of winning was to use cards with long-range abilities that targeted enemy turrets directly to chip them down with minimal response. It was boring and uninteractive and most people hated it, much like they hated the way the abundance of AoE and presence of Baby Death Stalkers invalidated both large swarms of units and a number of single-target units.
Launcher Nora and Rifle Pyrrha: These two units were late additions to the game that were meant to help provide counterplay to the bullshit that was the White Fang Gunner Barracks, among other things, but they were annoyingly overtuned on launch and the game died before anyone could bother balancing them properly.
Launcher Nora was a unit with massive attack range (one of the three highest in the game, iirc, and one of the very few units that could outrange turrets with their basic attacks) and high AoE damage. Being a Rare card, she was easy to upgrade, which meant that she'd often just barely survive things meant to kill her, and her absurd range meant even getting to her without a skill with the range to either close the gap or just outright hit her could be extremely difficult. If properly protected, Launcher Nora could just sit on the field and tear your base and forces to pieces with very little counterplay.
Rifle Pyrrha wasn't as bad, but she was still an example of the devs kind of rushing stuff out and not giving a shit. Rifle Pyrrha was a cheap (3 Aura) ranged unit that had a long-ranged active skill automatically kited backwards after every basic attack, making it hard for melee units to catch up to her. She absolutely shat on things like the stream of Gunners coming out of the Barracks, but represented just... one more frustrating thing to play against in a game already full of them.
This isn't even getting into the way so many units and interactions were outright bugged and how much shit just didn't work. The Apathy were a unit that periodically duplicated and initially had no cap on the number of copies they could create, meaning that if you left them alone long enough, they'd just fucking spawn enough additional Apathies to crash your goddamn phone. Checkmate was supposed to make allied units in its AoE temporarily invincible and sometimes just didn't. Sienna Khan's skill regularly bugged out. Etc etc.
Compounding every one of the game's problems was the fact that the developers were extremely unresponsive and regularly ignored community feedback. Neon went untouched for ages despite the community crying out for changes at every level of play, units like Jinn and Barracks took far too long to be addressed for the community's satisfaction, even basic QoL changes or new features the community had been begging for for years never got implemented... Like, it was real bad. Units were extremely over- or undertuned and stayed that way for a long time, patches gradually went from addressing large numbers of units to only addressing a few, the devs stopped responding...
And eventually the game just died. The incompetent balancing drove players away (the playerbase decreased to the point where most people who still bothered with the game could identify the bots the devs seeded the lower levels of the ladder with so that newer players had someone to play). The devs went AWOL around December 2020 and just kinda stopped pushing shit and the team running the social media (official Twitter, community Discord, etc) admitted that they had no idea what the fuck was going on. The game went a month or two without any new content while the community wondered what the hell was happening and posted memes to cope, and then there was an official announcement that the game was shutting in January 2021. I don't know if the devs just sucked or if the killing blow was really Rooster Teeth's influence. I know RT had a hand in it because they were pushing the dev team very hard to ship new units in time for Volume 7 of the main show's release and that led to a lot of the problems mentioned above with the game balance, but I don't know how much responsibility each party bears.
Well, that's my half-remembered history of Amity Arena. As with almost everything else Rooster Teeth has ever touched, it remains an object lesson of what not to do.
Sorry it took so long, I've been very busy.
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cleverthylacine · 1 year
Would it be possible for Glit to act as a mental health therapist (like Rung), in addition to being a trauma surgeon?
I don't know. Glit is not exactly a shining example of mental health. I know some therapists aren't, but he is a very poor example for a mental patient. Honestly nobody that was in KP is in good mental health or even would recognise what that is, even in the actually good and plotty parts of the series.
If you're talking about Tumblr RPs and my @doctor-glitterbomb account or the @doccat DW account, I'd be willing to do it for shiggles (that account also has a Glit in it who is a cityspeaker and conjunx to/speaker for Fort Max) but I wouldn't write Glit into a fic as a therapist--particularly not in my Voice of Stanix series. It's definitely in the category of "things I'd be willing to let slide to help an RP move along but things that could throw me right out of a fic unless it's AU or Shattered Glass."
Glit is a serious alcoholic (except it's not alcohol, it's engex--but you know what I mean). In Kiss Players he was drunk almost every time we saw him.
In IDW verse he was forced to serve at Grindcore where they did all the really bad war crimes and that provides an explanation for his fucked up mental health that is even more compelling than just 'had issues with Megatron and got beat up a lot'.
Now, in the thing @bitegore started on AO3 that I added more to about the RavWaves in Rodion, Glit could be a therapist, but that's an extreme AU in which Glit is the natural offspring of Ravage and Soundwave and was born in Rodion. Ravage and Soundwave had no idea that spark merging causes babies and Ravi was concerned that she was getting a tumour or something. Soundwave told her there was another mind in there and she didn't know what to think because point: SW doesn't lie to her but counterpart: that is so fucking crazy! Which is how he ended up getting born on a worksite and then Shenanigans Ensued.
There is no cougaraider/Predacon hybrid breeding project in that AU and as a result of it, all of the cougaraiders are 80000% less mentally damaged. Glit in particular was raised by Ravage as his carrier and encouraged to defend himself but also to pursue his interests, meaning that he was around Ratchet practically since emergence. And as they were never slaves--not to Ratbat, not to Pharma--Glit grew up with his mama encouraging him to bite when necessary and also has much better self-preservation instincts.
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Shidou MV Details
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Alright! So I (admin Saturn) did some frame by frame examination on Shidou’s MV. I don’t necessarily have any theory that comes from this but I do have some interesting information/clues!
Now the image above that I’ve written over is taken from 3:35 in the MV. This is that tag that comes from the flower person. (Shidou’s suspected romantic partner that he’s trying to save via organ harvesting) 
Interestingly, everything on this tag is the same as on every other tag that ca be seen in the 2:24 section of the video. This could be from an ease of animation stand point, a way to represent how dialed in on this person Shidou is, or even have some broader theoretical implication on his crime that I couldn’t tell you. 
Taking a look back at the actual contents on the tag though, the first thing to point out is the ‘Who:’ section. It’s very clearly in cursive and to the best as I could trace on edited image, I think it might say Rue Kar... something. This could be the name of the dead person, a surgeon that was operating on then, an organ donor, really any number of potential people. 
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(And I’m putting the unedited version in just so y’all can get a clear look) The next thing on here is the ‘Organ:’ section which (to my best guess) says magen. Now! That meant literally nothing to me at first, however with some googling, I learned magen is german for stomach. 
Why would this japanese MV have german names for organs? Couldn’t tell you! I’ll leave that for the theorists to figure out! However, I am almost certain that this is in fact meant to be read in German because of the additional very small writing underneath. Taking just the shapes that I could make out and comparing them to a german anatomical name list, heres what they look like to me in the order that’s in my first picture. 
1. Magen - Stomach
2. (???) Gehirn - Brain
3. Leber - Liver
4. Lunga - Lung
5. Niere - Kidney
6. (??) Herz - Heart
7. Gallenblase - Gallbladder
8. Zwolffingerdarn - Duodenum (small intestine part)
9. (?) Bauchenspiecheldruse - Pancreas
My theories as to why theres this list: (and nothing concrete, I’ll leave this to the theorists and future MV’s to explain) Could be a list of organs this body needed replaced or could be just a list of organs as a sort of checklist for medical peeps?
Adding on to this, 9 items in a category is also seen as the number of unique flowers (I believe? that I counted at least, correct me if I’m wrong here) that are flashed against that black background which could suggest the flowers represent organs instead of patients that some theorize? Now how exactly a person would transplant a brain is above me.. pretty sure it’s impossible so I don’t know what that’s about, however these could instead be organs that are beginning to fail rather than organs Shidou is transplanting? The logic doesn’t quite flow here though, just figured pointing out this correlation (not causation) could help others theorize.
But anyway, last thing on the front of this is a big ol XX XY with the XY having a slash through it. Now... 2 explanations for this cause it’s kinda counter to my logic. Either this is indicating biological female by crossing out the XY or indicating biological male because its the one that marked.... Either way kinda an odd system but I won’t fault them!
And then some additional things I noticed, if you look at the papers that turn into the tags, they all have the same grey lines on them indicating these papers all hold the same information. This could have similar explanations as why all the tags are the same.
And then last thing! All the tags have the same black backside with a number 7 on it and some unintelligible writing. 
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Heres two good shots of the back, something to note is that the part has the N, like the number indicator, looks to be the same type of font as the one that indicates prison cell number. Maybe they just reused the font but it does seem sort of odd to me? Especially because Shidou is prisoner number 5. Just something odd.
But anyway!! Sorry that got so long, that’s what I have discovered here, please let me know what y’all think!! I’m not quite one for the strong theories but I like to think I can pick out some interesting details :)
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Loveable Asshole
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Agent Carter Bingo 2022! @agentcarterbingo​
Fandom: Marvel
Square Filled: Jack Thompson
Summary: Y/N and Jack have always had a flirty relationship, but every time Jack tries to take it further by asking Y/N on a date, she shuts it down. He usually doesn't let it bother him, but when the pair gets stuck working the night shift together, he's determined to finally understand
Word Count: 2,060
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: Shoutout to @fandomsandxfiles​ for her Agent Carter filing system headcanon. I love it and have adopted it, for this fic and in general
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hey, Y/L/N."
I looked up to find none other than Agent Jack Thompson swaggering towards me from across the bullpen. I put my pen down and rested my chin on my hand, giving him my full attention.
"It looks like it's you and me working the night shift tonight."
I sat up a little straighter at that, my fake interest turning very real. I'd been trying to talk Dooley into letting me take a night shift for some added responsibility for a long time, but now it was apparently really happening. And with Jack Thompson, no less.
"Alright, great!" I said, giving Jack a smile before looking back to the papers I was working on. "Ugh, I'm gonna need a lot more coffee though."
"You and me both," said Jack. He walked around to my side of the desk and perched on the edge, so I turned to look at him. He gave me a charming smile. "I'll brew us a fresh post as soon as Krzeminski's gone for the night so he can't steal it all or otherwise fuck it up."
I smiled back. Since a few months ago when I'd joined the SSR, Jack and I had maintained a friendly flirty relationship. It never went further than talking, though, despite Jack asking me out a few times now. I liked him a lot of the time, but he acted like a sexist ass enough of the rest of the time that I knew a date would be a mistake.
"Having tried your version of the office coffee before, I feel like I might have to pass..."
Jack just scoffed, but he couldn't keep a slight smile off his face anyway.
"Well, it's gonna be my coffee or nothing," he said, pushing off my desk to go back to his own work. "Choice is yours, sweetheart. You've got a couple hours to think about it."
I just smiled and shook my head at him as he left. I stared after him across the office, until I noticed someone else's eyes on me. I turned to see Daniel Sousa, my good friend and desk neighbor, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. My smile immediately dropped into a glare.
"Need something, Daniel?"
He shrugged. "Nope. Except maybe an explanation for what the hell is going on with you and Thompson."
"Catch me up on you and Peggy first."
Daniel and I held each others' stares for a few beats, then Daniel held out his hand.
"Agree to both drop it?"
I shook his hand and we nodded to each other, then turned back to our own work. Tonight would be interesting, to say the least, but on the bright side, none of my lovely judgy friends would have a front row seat to Thompson and I dancing around each other this time.
"Fresh cup of coffee, hot off the pot."
I made a show of squinting suspiciously at the coffee mug as Jack walked over and set it down in front of me. The last of the day-shift agents had left about ten minutes ago, which meant Jack and I were officially on our own.
"You can't look at it like that until you've tried it."
I turned my expression on Jack. "I can and will look at it however I want to."
Jack sighed. He walked to his own desk, then pulled his chair across the room to sit next to me. He sat and scooted a little closer, then reached across my desk and slid the coffee mug in front of me. He took a sip of his own mug pointedly.
"Come on. Try it."
I made a big show of sighing dramatically (which made Jack smile), then reached forward to grab the mug. Slowly, I lifted it to my mouth, pausing to sniff it first. The smell alone helped to wake me up, which was a serious blessing.
Jack watched me the entire time until, finally, I tried a sip of the coffee. To my surprise, it tasted amazing. Hands-down some of the best coffee I'd ever had. My eyebrows shot up, and I turned to look at Jack in surprise. He had a smug smile on his face.
"Not bad, huh?"
I took another sip of the coffee, and my eyes immediately narrowed.
"There is no way you made this," I said. Jack pretended to look offended, leaning back in his chair and placing a hand over his heart.
"Excuse me? Sweetheart, I'm insulted that-"
"Jack, that coffee pot is old as shit and has been used by literally every person in the office since before the war. There is no way anyone could make coffee this good in it."
Jack cleared his throat and looked away, but it wasn't enough to hide the slight blush rising on his neck.
"Jack, come on," I said, leaning forward and putting a hand on his shoulder. "You can admit it. Where did you get the coffee from?"
He mumbled something that I couldn't quite hear. I grinned as I leaned in a little closer, until we were basically cheek to cheek, and I reached my arm all the way around his shoulders.
"Say that one more time?"
"I went out to your favorite coffee shot and got it," he said, finally straightening up. The space between us grew again, but as my hand fell away from his shoulders, he caught it in his own hand and held it. "I left twenty minutes ago to pick up two cups for us, alright?"
I just stared at him in shock. He stared back, and for one of only a handful of times that I'd seen, he stared back without any hint of posturing.
"Jack, that's actually... that's really sweet," I finally managed to say. He sighed through his nose and looked down at our hands. Slowly, almost absently, he entwined our fingers, then at last looked up at me again.
"I don't think I've exactly been hiding the fact that I have a thing for you, Y/L/N. And at the risk of making this whole night incredibly awkward for the both of us..." he paused and cleared his throat, and I braced myself for what I knew was coming. "I wanted to ask if you'd like to get dinner with me this weekend, when we're both off."
I sighed. Now it was my turn to stare at our hands, but unlike Jack, I didn't look up as I started speaking.
"Jack, I just... I don't think it's a good idea."
"Why not?" he asked, leaning in and gripping my hand a little tighter. "Every time I flirt with you, you flirt back. But every time I ask you to go do something, you say no. I just... I don't get it, Y/N. Are you not really interested?"
I took a deep breath as I forced myself to meet his eyes. Our faces were only inches apart, and I hated the way it made my heart race.
"You're very handsome, Jack, and charming. But I like our relationship as it is right now."
"Well I don't!" Jack paused, taking a few beats to collect himself, and when he looked up at me again he seemed more genuinely upset than he'd ever been in front of me. "Y/N, I have never felt about someone the way I feel about you. You think I normally walk ten blocks to get a girl her favorite kind of coffee?"
"Listen, if you don't feel the same way about me, that's fine. I'll find a way to deal with that. But I need to hear you say it. I can't deal with this constant flirting and only flirting anymore."
I pulled my hand out of Jack's and instead ran it through my hair as I stared at anything in the room but him. I did not ever want to have this conversation, especially not in the middle of my first time working the night shift, but Jack was right. I owed him the truth.
"I'm sorry for stringing you along," I started. From my peripheral, I could see Jack tense. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you."
"But... I don't know, Jack. I just don't think I can do it. It drives me crazy, because sometimes, you're the sweetest person I've ever met. You're getting me coffee and we're in the field working like a well-trained unit, back to back, and you have these moments where everything else fades away and it feels like I can see your heart shining through your words and your eyes and then..."
I took a deep breath and deflated as I let it out.
"And then other times you're telling Peggy to take the lunch orders and do your filing. And you're acting like this arrogant douchebag swaggering around the office and listening to absolutely no one, and I hate it. That part of you, Jack... I can't do it. I can't date somebody who spends so much of their time acting like that. No matter how much I like everything else about them."
Jack took a long, deep breath as he sat back in his chair. He stared off at some distant point in the office, slowly nodding his head as he worked through everything I'd told him. I didn't push him for an answer. I just waited to hear what he might have to say.
"How about this," he finally said, leaning forward in his chair and resting his arms on his knees as he looked at me, nothing but sincerity in his face. "You give me... a week. To get my act together a little bit. If you like what you see, we go to dinner next weekend. If you don't... then I'll drop it."
"Jack... you can't completely change your personality just because you want to go on a date with me."
"It's not completely changing my personality. It's called growth, Sousa talks about it all the time. Besides, you said yourself there were parts of who I am, maybe even the majority, that you actually liked... right?"
I noticed a hint of self-doubt creeping into Jack's expression, and I couldn't help my heart melting.
"Right... Okay, why not. We'll give it a try. But I don't want you pretending to be somebody you're not or stifling the comments for next week and next week only-"
Jack fixed me with a look that said Really? and it stopped me mid-sentence.
"Y/N. You're an SSR agent with one of the best bullshit meters I've ever seen. I think we both know it'll take you about two seconds to call me out if I'm not being genuine."
I grinned. "Damn right."
We shared a laugh, and some of the tension in the room seemed to melt away. After a beat, Jack cleared his throat and sat up straight, moving his chair just slightly further away from mine.
"Well, now that we've dealt with that..." he started. I smiled. "We should probably start taking care of some of this shit Krzeminski let pile up while he was spending the day eating his lunch and making bad coffee."
"Looks like it's a lot of filing. Why don't you take care of it and I'll hold down the fort in here?"
Jack shot me a look that clearly said he knew exactly what I was doing. Still, to his credit, he grabbed the files and stood.
"If you don't see me in an hour, it means I drowned under the piles of paperwork Carter and Sousa let pile up in there every time I told one of them to file something for me."
"I'll tell the reporters the karma got you," I said, shooting Jack a wink. He just chuckled and headed back into the filing room. Obviously it was way too early to actually call anything, but I couldn't help being a little hopeful at the attitude shift he'd already made.
After tonight, maybe we were finally on the path to the more loveable side of loveable asshole. And if so, I absolutely couldn't wait for our date next weekend.
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Tomorrow is the first #FinishedItFriday of the Finish What You Started 2023 event! Here's a quick guide to making a promo post if you haven't made one before.
Start with your most basic of basic info: Fandom, characters, ship (or gen), and rating.
Then, move into specifics. This includes content tags like genderbend, gore, nsfw, blood, animal death, etc. Ideally, these are at the top of the post and in the tags, for easy filtering and screenreaders. Don't just put them in the tags, as those won't travel with your post.
Include one or two key points that make your piece unique. Tropes, setting, whatever hooks a reader! Here it can even be the whole summary, as there are no character limits to worry about.
For fic, adding a screenshot of the AO3 metatext/info box is great for including more nuanced information (don't forget to add alt text!). I've also seen people set up their promo posts in the format of the AO3 metatext box, with each category as its own line.
And finally the hashtag #IFinishedWhatIStarted2023 so I can find and boost your work! You can also include the general event hashtag (#FinishWhatYouStarted2023) if you want.
What fandom tags you use are up to you, and where you want your work to show up. General practice is fandom, a separate tag for each character, and the ship name or character/character. If it's a special AU, make a tag for it! Your future self may thank you.
Here's a template example for fic:
Cw tag1 tag2 // I finished my Ship (or # ship) fic! Brief summary or title, personalize. Include the fandom name in the body somewhere.
*rating *setting *trope *trope *shocking event from fic Link to fic # fandom #character # character # ship # IFinishedWhatIStarted2023 # tag1 # tag2 # unique AU tag
For art:
CW tag1 tag2 // I'm done with this (#)Ship/Character piece! Title or brief explanation of the piece, setting, or any special focus you want to direct. Include the fandom name somewhere in the text. # fandom # character # character # ship # IFinishedWhatIStarted # tag1 # tag2 # unique AU tag
(don't forget alt text on your art! It can be basic if you want, like "character in place", as long as it's something)
I can add some of that information when I reblog it, but it's good to have in the base post as your promo may reach circles it does not usually. Make sure one or both of the event tags is on the post so I can find and include it! I'll check both every Friday.
"My work isn't good enough for a promo header-" Yes it is. You did it, you finished it. Be proud of that, if nothing else.
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littleeyesofpallas · 9 months
Maybe one of my favorite bits of L5R is how the Advantage/Disadvantage system is built to lend mostly abstract flavour to a character but at a mechanical cost in a way that doesn't make a lot of intuitive sense but leaves room for, and almost demands, a kind of narrative explanation. Every premade Advantage has a cost in experience/character building points that they can be bought for, and every Disadvantage has a negative cost in points that you can gain in exchange for taking on. So year you can narrative cripple a character under a mountain of disadvantages to mechanically pile on the combat stats, but that leaves you extremely open to your DM RPing you into the ground as a counter measure if they feel like it.
Some of these sorts of Advantages can be explicit numbers going up in certain skills, or adding bonuses to specific types of rolls, or even changing the cost of leveling certain stats in the future. You can even just buy things like an additional size category if you want to be abnormally huge. And then there are strong but almost exclusively narrative Advantages like extra social status, wealth and resources... All pretty sensible and straight forward,
But then there are the Disadvantages. On the one hand, you can take on physical disabilities that would impede your standard action/adventure protagonist: Bad Eyesight on a sliding scale of poor vision to missing an eye, or straight up Blindness. You can actually take Epilepsy and it has a little list of ways to handle it in both the setting narratively and mechanically. Lame is another Disadvantage you can take with the narrative openness to what specific reasons you have for one or both legs being disabled, and one differentiated from Missing Limb. Bad Health accounts for a wide range of chronic illnesses that you can further customize with your GM. Longterm debilitating scars and wounds, as well as just Low Pain Threshold are also available. (it is admittedly not all the most tastefully handled but the fact that none of these things are considered disqualifying of playability in a character is a feature I really like within the system. And while some may cause more consistent and present hurdles to gameplay, many can be safely relegated to narrative perks, only to evoked in select dramatic scenes, at the GM's discretion.)
But, more over, my favorites are all the social Disadvantages and especially those tied to the setting/genre specific drama of feudal politics.
You can choose to be the victim of some sort of Blackmail scheme and work with your GM to determine what the subject and stakes of that are. You can opt into a loveless marriage and all its consequences in social life and in family politics. Ironically, True Love is also a Disadvantage in which you are torn between pursuing your love and every other form of obligation it almost inevitably betrays, perhaps even the loveless marriage you're already tied to... You can be the Black Sheep of the family, or Forcibly Retired, having forfeited your samurai status to join a monestary. You may have some form of Obligation be it of honor or politics or finance that forces you to prioritize over any other detriment...
(it also invariably makes me want to build Bleach's Gotei 13 characters in its system because so many of their shticks are accounted for in the traits already available)
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traegorn · 1 year
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I posted 1,398 times in 2022
509 posts created (36%)
889 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 234 of my posts in 2022
#witch - 99 posts
#witchblr - 98 posts
#witchcraft - 91 posts
#witchtok - 59 posts
#wicca - 14 posts
#nonbinary - 10 posts
#genderqueer - 10 posts
#the bs-free witchcraft podcast - 10 posts
#youtube - 8 posts
#crystals - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil while putting my hand in my pocket while running a training for 20 new contractors at my old job
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Ah yes, @llycaons has become today's volunteer.
One, Tumblr runs off of ad revenue. You have two choices on this site to support it -- be okay with seeing ads or pay for ad-free. Harassing advertisers actually helps no one, because it discourages folks from running ads.
Which means tumblr makes less money, and as the site is already losing money that could lead to its eventual shut down. You don't have to like the ads, but you literally signed up for this.
Two, according to your account you are an adult. You are capable of blocking blogs you don't like seeing, blocking tags you don't like, or even installing an ad blocker and circumventing the system that pays for the site you're actively using. Curate your own experiences my dude, and stop trying to force other people to do it for you.
Three, I like a lot of the stuff I've seen blazed to my dash -- so nah, you're just objectively wrong. Get a bigger sample size next time.
Now fuckle on off, Fuckalong Cassidy.
983 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
The uselessness of Witchcraft Author "Blacklists"
Every once and a while I see a "Witchcraft Author Blacklist" either in the tags or getting passed around here on Tumblr, and never in my life have I thought it was a remotely useful thing.
Because every single time, they lack and semblance of nuance. Like yesterday I ran across one that literally equated Scott Cunningham with Stephen Flowers. Yes, Cunningham, a person who wrote some things that need to be read critically is, apparently, as bad as a literal fucking Nazi whose books help fund the AFA.
Like are there Cunningham books I wouldn't recommend? Absolutely. Should most of his works be read with a critical eye and take into account the state of the community and available information when he was writing them? Yes. But... like... there's a huge fucking difference between these two things.
Also, this list claimed because Cunningham wrote about Wicca his works were somehow homophobic. Have there been homophobic Wiccans? Of course - but Cunningham, an openly gay man, was not one of them.
Additionally, there are people who get included on these lists where I wouldn't recommend anyone read their books to learn witchcraft per se, but their works have important historical significance.
Like Gerald Gardner - should anyone learn from Gardner? Fuck no. His works are full of misinformation and outright bullshit. But it literally is where the modern witchcraft movement was birthed, so there is value in understanding where we came from.
Aleister Crowley falls into this category too - harder even. Crowley was gross as heck, but how can you understand what in the modern community is still descended from his works or propagating his gross ideas... if you're unfamiliar with his works?
Also, he's super dead, so it's not like he's benefiting from someone reading his stuff.
It's just so deeply frustrating that people make these lists to start with. Like, I have written or talked about how certain authors should be avoided -- but I always do my best to include context, reasons, and explanations why. I will specifically explain why I don't think they're valuable to read. Making a laundry list where you make unsourced or unexplained claims about a huge list of people doesn't help someone understand what might be wrong with them.
Also, my recommendations are usually about how a new witch shouldn't read their work, because it's about not having the experience to see what is and isn't bullshit in what they read yet. They don't have that baseline yet. That doesn't mean that some of these books might not be significant or worth reading at some point in their journey. Just not at the start of it.
It's just... a complete lack of nuance. Like I don't recommend Silver Ravenwolf because her books are, frankly, poorly researched and bad. I don't recommend Stephen Flowers because he's a fuckin' overt WHITE SUPREMACIST whose publications have been used to fund the AFA. These are not the same. When we pretend that they are, we are doing a massive disservice to all of us.
It... it honestly feels like Christian purity culture repackaged. If you can't handle nuance, I don't think you can really handle that much witchcraft to start with. The world isn't black and white -- there are overt evils out there, but most everything else is a shade of gray and pretending otherwise is poisonous.
1,264 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
So there's a thing that a lot of tumblr users don't know about -- older ones because it didn't used to be like this, and newer ones because... they're new?
Anyways -- one of the biggest pains of Tumblr is that finding old posts can be hard. The search is terrible, and is overall useless. The easiest solution to this has always been that you can go through your "archive" -- for example here's mine: https://traegorn.tumblr.com/archive
Notice how that URL starts with my username. Longtime users will be like "Of course it does. That's your Tumblr URL." But here's the thing -- a lot of new accounts don't have that. Like, if you type it in (minus the /archive part) it kinda works still -- but it redirects you from username.tumblr.com to tumblr.com/username. And from there, the archive function does not work.
You see, to make your "Tumblr Blog" an actual, well, blog you have to turn it on manually now.
To do that, on the web, go to your blog settings and find this one:
Tumblr media
Turning on "custom theme" will enable your blog to function and give you all the features.
Now there are reasons some folks might not want to do this. First off, that does mean sites like Google will be able to spider your blog and things can end up on public searches. If you don't want your Tumblr activity public do not turn it on. That's a choice I leave up to you. But, like, also... I've seen Tumblr accounts ostensibly set up to promote people's works but not have this turned on making the audience they're trying to reach less likely to find them.
But this is a thing that used to always be on. I found out one of my old sideblogs had it turned off that I never wanted it to be set that way. The choice is yours, do what you want.
I'm not your mom.
4,288 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
People who get mad at seeing any post blazed are so funny to me.
This site works because either someone pays for ads, or you pay to not see ads. That's what pays Tumblr's bills.
4,533 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm here.
I'm queer.
I'd like to go back to bed now.
11,183 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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7searchad · 2 years
Increase Your AduIt Site And App Advertisement
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Adult websites can be both delightful and difficult to monetize. We are here to help you avoid the latter! The Best Ad Networks have served as a deterrent for people visiting pornographic websites in the past, but they have also complicated the process of monetizing adult websites. Let's work through a step-by-step guide to resolving this issue:
1. Begin by identifying the Best Adult Ads Network that have served to dissuade people from visiting pornographic websites in the past.
2. Work with these networks to establish a clear and effective monetization strategy for your adult website.
3. Implement this strategy and monitor its effectiveness over time.
By following these steps, you can ensure that you are making money from your adult website while also preventing people from visiting it for illicit purposes.
There are a few well-known organisations that play a vital role in the world of the best ad networks to monetize adult ad sites. Let's take a look at some of them now.
The most frequently seen advertising on this platform are for other adult websites, such as dating or cam sites, or for adult merchandise. This is because this platform is used by affiliates to promote their adult dating services.
How do businesses manage to increase their organic traffic while still making a profit?Adult Ads Network provides the answer. In this article, we will discuss the top adult ad networks that help businesses achieve this goal.
You may be wondering how some businesses are able to increase their organic traffic while still making a large profit. Adult ad networks are the answer. In this article, we will discuss the top adult ad networks that help businesses achieve this goal.
7Search PPC
For adult websites, 7Search PPC is a distinct category with a well-known nickname that is progressively coming to be linked to adult websites. Here's a brief explanation of how and why this is.
In just a few short evenings, 7Search PPC has become well-known for its extremely effective strategies that our Best Adult Advertisement uses for its Publishers and Advertisers. The ability to enjoy themselves greatly is another benefit. So there you have it - if you're looking for an adult website that is trustworthy and fun, 7Search PPC is the perfect choice!
We asked our staff members to give their opinion on which ad network is best for monetizing adult websites, and quick online polling showed us that [insert name] is the top pick.
ExoClick was started by Benjamin Fonzé, who is the current CEO, and COO. Together, they manage and maintain the company. 
ExoClick provides users with extensive data sets, over 20 distinguishable ad formats for targeting purposes, as well as behavioural retargeting. In addition, there are research tools included to help increase ROI. The data is updated every minute, and consumers are given 24/7 customer care. The ExoClick API is a tool that allows programmers to create original software that integrates with this platform seamlessly.
As a publisher, you have access to a wide range of tools to help you succeed. These include quick payouts, SaaS technology, a responsive player, an adblocker, and a rewarding referral programme. With these tools at your disposal, you can maximise your earnings and reach your full potential as a publisher.
AdXXX is a great platform for making money as it has over 10 years of experience in the internet advertising industry. It is responsible for various successful CPA projects. AdXXX Network is one of the pioneers of native advertising in the sexual sector.
AdXXX has remained a reliable system since its creation, with a development and operating capability that has stayed constant throughout the years. Many webmasters who have been in the game for a while already know of the advantages that come with employing AdXXX.
AdXXX advertisers have seen a huge benefit from using real time bidding systems, native ad purchasing platforms, and precise traffic targeting. Thanks to the AdXXX team's extensive worldwide coverage, rapid integration, and weekly awards, the publishers have seen a significant increase in their CPM by five. AdXXX is constantly innovating to bring their advertisers the best possible results.
Adsterra is the best adult ad network on the market, providing over 25 billion geo-targeted ad impressions each month. Adsterra's intelligent advertising platform is designed to match service and product providers with their target market, raising brand awareness, improving ROI, and boosting ad revenue.
Different models, such as CPM, CPA, CPC, CPL, CPO, and CPI (PPI), exist to gauge the effectiveness of advertising. Intelligent targeting is possible for all devices, browsers, operating systems, keywords, and mobile carriers.
Popunder re-targeting is a great way to get the best outcomes with its self-serving platform. High CPM rates, risk-free advertisements, legal ad formats, and prompt payouts are all advantages that publishers can take advantage of.
Looking for a trustworthy yet uncomplicated answer to your digital marketing demands? PlugRush has got you covered. Producing tangible results, it blends a range of advertising strategies in a safe, transparent, and flexible way. You can purchase, sell, or trade traffic with PlugRush based on your preferences.
Broad targeting and automatic optimization across numerous websites can help advertisers bring in high-quality traffic. Once S2S conversion monitoring is configured, you should continuously monitor conversion rates and ROI using a postback URL. This will help you make sure that your campaigns are effective and that you are getting a good return on your investment.
Retargeting is a great way to boost your ROI, control your expenses, and run a secure campaign. By using retargeting, you can ensure that your ads are shown to people who have already shown an interest in your product or service. This means that you're more likely to get clicks and conversions, and you can also save money by not wasting impressions on people who are not interested.
As a publisher, you can increase your revenue by taking advantage of profitable promotions. They constantly collaborate with partners to provide you with a fill rate of 100%.
PopCash is a company that is quickly becoming known for its exceptional and distinctive service to publishers and marketers. The bidding process is expedited in PopCash due to the fact that a variety of factors affect how much traffic you receive, including traffic quality, end-user location, and advertising demand. PopCash offers comprehensive coverage, the finest outcomes, and expert assistance.
PopCash is an industry-leading provider of digital advertising services, with 850 million monthly views, 4500 active campaigns, and 50k active publishers. We offer eight widely utilised payment methods for transactions, making us one of the most convenient and trusted options in the market.
The user-friendly interface and all features are performance-focused to ensure that both advertisers and publishers get the intended results.
Earning money as a publisher has never been easier - or quicker! Advertisers have access to hourly data, a robust API, and their own ad server. And with a $5 minimum payment, publishers can begin to generate income in less than 12 months.
Are Adult Ad Networks a Source of Income?
It's no secret that the adult entertainment industry is a huge money-maker. In fact, it's a $100 billion industry that is always growing and expanding. So if you're thinking about getting into the adult entertainment business, now is the time!
The adult sector of the internet is one of the most lucrative, with 30-40% of all online traffic going to adult websites. If you're looking for a high-income potential job, working in the adult sector is a great option.
Adult services is a broad term used to describe any service, advertisement, product, or item that is intended for a sexual or adult audience. This industry is highly profitable and always expanding, making it a great opportunity for entrepreneurs.
The adult market is competitive, as everyone is aware. Your website or blog's indexing by search engines could seem challenging. However, there are certain things you can do to improve your chances. Make sure you are using the right keyword density, and including relevant keywords and phrases in your titles and tags. In addition, try to get high-quality backlinks from other websites. These things will help improve your website's ranking in search engines.
When it comes to online sales, choosing the top Adult Site Advertisement Network will make a significant difference. Using a lower-quality ad network can result in lost customers and sales, so it's important to choose wisely. With the right adult ad network, you'll be able to reach more potential customers and make more sales.
Choosing the right adult ad network is essential if you want to boost your online sales. With the right network, you'll be able to reach a wider audience and get more people interested in what you're selling. With more traffic comes more sales, so make sure you choose a reputable and popular network if you want to see success.
To improve the return on investment for your website in 2022, use these adult ad networks. 7Search PPC is a great ad mediation service that can help you get better results. You can connect to all of the Adult Ads Network described above and use each one's unique capabilities to your advantage.
With these networks at your disposal, you should be able to monetize your marketing efforts and see a real return on your investment. So get started today and see what you can achieve!
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wutbju · 1 year
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So that raise we got for this school year -- 2003-04 school year -- came with an explanation from Bob Jones III in September.
As you know, for the last 8-10 years, I've been praying and talking about my one burden that transcends all other burdens--the need to increase faculty/staff salaries. Additional, regular, dependable income streams (as opposed to one-time gifts) are needed to fund these increases year by year. All additional BJU Press textbook profits are committed totally to this cause.
In addition, by reducing overhead and increasing the tuition stream somewhat, an initial amount is available to fund some increases. It isn't the complete picture by any means, just a small start to what I hope the Lord will allow to take place in the coming years. Several categories will be addressed as funds are available. A great deal of thought and prayer for the last year have gone into the structuring of this. You are in the first category, and your biweekly salary is being increased starting with this paycheck. You will find enclosed your new salary statement.
I would appreciate your keeping this in the stricter confidence because, in order to make this increase somewhat significant for you, we have limited it to a target group that bears the most responsibility, has significant seniority, and whose degree preparation has equipped them to the highest levels of accomplishment. In due time, Lord supplying, we will be addressing the need for increases in other groupings, but we had to start somewhere. Ultimately, we would desire to increase your salary even more greatly, bu this is the best that can be done at this time. Once we've been able to help all the others, we play to start over with additional significant increases for you. This is our plan. We trust it is also the Lord's.
No need to reply. Just give thanks to the Lord. Kind regards.
You can see all my pay stubs while I worked at BJU here. During this semester I was earning net, $810.60 every two weeks (page 10). The previous year I earned net $459.86 every two weeks (page 9).
If you scroll up the page a little, you can see more details.
My actual salary (they added “meal allowance” and such in there) for a completed Ph.D. teaching 6 three-hour classes a week each semester (which is 240% higher than what is considered full time at most universities) in 2002 was $450 every two weeks.
In 2003 that went up to $975.
That was a huge raise in BJU-land.
In today’s dollars that’s about $1600 or $32k a year. And that’s still about what BJU is paying, tbh.
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