#so you chose to be upset :)
arthurtaylorlester · 4 months
controversial i know but yes, malevolent is a queer story.
no, jarthur are not /r gay.
yes, malevolent is unintentionally queer.
no, this does not take away from the queerness actual queer people have found in it.
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fallowtail · 7 months
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“So, how did you end up here?” “Well, I fell in love with a white girl with a cute, cute butt and then she inherited a haunted house and then….”
My @cbsghostsdaily Spooky Gift Exchange gift for @alexisrosemullens !! 👻
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murderbirds · 27 days
Happy mother's day to Gertrude Kappelput, Gotham's best mother, and Oswald Cobblepot, who taught several people that if you kill someone's mother you will end up blown up, shot to the head and betrayed or with a knife in your heart. Oswald was still the only character in that show who could break through the plot armor of the main secondary characters entirely out of spite, and that is part of the reason why he will always be my favorite of all time
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
I love that Hiccup had a whole episode of rtte dedicated to reminding him to makes plans and not act impulsively out of vengeance or other emotions.
I love that he was the one to remind Stoick that they need to make plans when he struggled with his fears.
And the Hiccup in The Hidden World appears.
(Sure he kinda did a similar thing to Stoick when his fear took over but eventually Stoick listened to reason and he didn’t make any truly dramatic decisions, Gobber and the others were there to remind Hiccup to make a plan. The others could’ve done more but you can’t tell me Hiccup would’ve made such a stupid choice just because of his emotions after the things he learnt. The part where Gobber was like ‘I feel like I’m always asking you this question, but is there an actual plan’ just proves how out of touch it is because Hiccup has learnt to use his brain even when there is little time to make solid plans.
Yes Hiccup can act impulsively from time to time but after rtte, those times had solid reasons and were not decisions that were ‘let’s leave our island and leave ourself completely vulnerable without making any sort of plan for what we are going to do’ levels of stupid.)
Rtte Hiccup would be horrified at what THW Hiccup does.
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jewishraypalmer · 5 months
This Percy knows even less at this point in the story than book Percy 😭😂
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whollyjoly · 6 months
Hi Em!! Thank you so much for putting together such an amazing ask game 🩵 I hope you’re doing well. Would you mind answering 1, 4, 17 and 25? Take care 🩵
hello hello my dear!! its been my absolute pleasure seeing everyone spread the good vibes, so im glad people are enjoying this 🥰
im sorry its so late, but here are my answers!
1 - what is your fav part about being in the fandom?
i wrote a super sappy and long answer here, but basically all of YOU is what makes this fandom the most fun to be a part of!
4 - whats a moodboard that you just want to live inside of?
ohhhhhhhh so many?? the moodboard creators in this fandom are fucking TOP TIER and i love all of them so much!! but here's a few that come to mind:
this christmas babe and gene moodboard by @footprintsinthesxnd is so comfy and so cozy and they deserve nice christmases okay!!
speaking of christmas moodboards, @onlyyouexisthere has this incredibly aesthetic board for some of our fav boys around christmas time, and i just want to live inside every single one okay??
this speirs moodboard by the one and only @xxluckystrike is so beautiful? like i love the combo of hard and soft edges (the bandage + the smoke + the chess), since i feel like that dichotomy isnt something thats always shown with speirs, but feels so true with his character. anyways i want to walk through a museum with blood on my knuckles and smoke in my lungs after looking at this okay
and of course, this chuck grant moodboard by the incredible the amazing YOU @sweetxvanixlla was one of the first things i saw and loved in the fandom for grant?? the beach vibes, the light blues, the carefree energy, it all is so perfect. and i was like "holy SHIT this is good also now i too love grant" so i can thank you for that 🥰
bonus from @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing that i cant stop laughing at it
17 - your fav fanwork about an underrated character?
oh i was HOPING to get this because there's this one fic i love SO MUCH and i just!! want to scream about it from the rooftops!!
Come In From The Cold by rebelsquad (T, 24k) is a Smokey-centric Coffee Shop AU, and it just warms my heart in all the best ways. First of all, Smokey is an incredible narrator, and I love how the author captures his voice in this so hard!! I also just love that it centers around some of the more underrated characters (Smokey, Alley, Shifty, Tab, Skinny, and Popeye), but also has great interactions with the regulars as well! The found family vibes are just *chefs kiss*, and it is also the perfect mood for winter ✨ I cannot recommend it enough!!
25 - what colors do your mutuals most remind you of?
i dont even know why this turned out like this? but i went full vibes ✨
@sweetxvanixlla - midnight blue feels so right for you, my dear. starry nights and deep blue velvet cushions, something steady and calm but sparkles in just the right light. a cup of herbal tea on a tuesday night, and the thrum of a quiet city hums beneath your tongue. theres something so quiet and still about the night, that moment when people are talking and you dont have to participate, you just sit and let their words flow over you, enjoy their presence and energy and that feeling is midnight blue.
@xxluckystrike - girl, you are golden. warmth and positivity and laughter that itself is a kind of music, just as much as the songs you love and share and make art for. its the type of gold you feel on a late summer day, echoing up from the passenger seat of a convertible as you drive with your friend across a rolling field of wheat, of corn, of wildflowers. there's soda in the cupholders, and the carbonation matches the bubbles springing from the bottom of your lungs. sunny, summery, golden.
@malarkgirlypop - pink. the snap of a piece of bubble gum, the sugar rush from a strawberry lollipop, the pop of a bright shade of lipstick, quirked up into a smirk. your presence is loud and beautiful like the sound of a boombox atop a vespa, zipping through a busy beachside pier and delighting everyone who hears. pink is the feeling of just being yourself, unashamedly and wildly, and reveling in the wake of your energy.
@panzershrike-pretz - green, but that vibrant green of the sun hitting a park just right, and there's almost a glow, or a halo, across the field. it's the kind of green reserved for grass stains, made after the first spring day that's warm enough to go and spend time outside. it's the color of collapsing in a cackling heap after goofing around with your friends, and they're laughing because you're laughing because they're laughing. what are you laughing about? it doesnt matter, maybe its nothing, maybe its the cow chewing away on the green grass in the distance. no matter, because it is joy.
@footprintsinthesxnd - idk why but lavender is the immediate thing that comes to mind? something calm and soothing and steady, a breath of fresh air, walking through a field with the sun on your neck and the smell of the purple flowers filling the air. a gentle breeze ripples across your fingertips. it's quiet, but not silent, and the lavender doesnt break in the wind - it bends, and the flower seems to brighten in response. your energy is the deep breath that is taken after that moment - content and at ease.
@blood-mocha-latte - so this might not make sense outside my head but...that color a candle flame gives when reflected off a marble statue. something in the liminal space between warmth and cool, between hard and soft, between cold creams and whites and bright oranges and yellows. the ethereal quality of walking through a gallery alone, silent save for the feeling welling up from each piece of art you pass. the tiles echo this soft color, the flickering candle makes the shadows across the paintings dance, and one can't help but want to explore further, to linger with the treasures you've created.
@ronsparky - sky blue, but not the crayola sky blue. the sky blue of an early morning on the top of a mountain, mist obscuring pieces of the horizon and you could convince yourself you are the only human on the planet. a sky blue that rivals on being crisp and soft, that suggests unlimited possibility if you just reached your hand out a little farther. one can't help but feel that every small, new thing from this view is a joy - and its a feeling so wondrous and contagious that you cant help but spread it to those you interact with. the sky shifts, ever so slightly, but the color follows you down the mountain.
@georgieluz - red, but not quite. a bird flitters into view from where you sit on a bench in a forested park. its winter, and the trees feel bare and lonely. surprisingly, the bird isnt a pigeon - it's a vermillion flycatcher. the bird stands out triumphantly against the monochrome sky as if a beacon, or a challenge to some higher power that says i am here. its bold, its singular, and one cant help but admire the sheer presence of this small vermillion creature. but when it opens its beak and sings, the trees dont look so lonely any more.
@next-autopsy - you know that color when a fire burns down, and the embers are glowing with a deep mahogany? the edges of smoke dont obscure the color or heat from the coals, it only seems to make them more ephemeral. its a mesmerizing color, its the feeling where you want so desperately to stretch out your fingers and know what that heartbeat of fire feels like, and although the burn doesnt completely dissuade you, you still pull your hand back. the dancing mahogany glows a little brighter, then dimmer, as if in time with your breathing.
@onlyyouexisthere - the words "pale green" dont quite do justice to the vibes your presence gives off. the softest pale green? cashmere, the color of mint leaves reflecting morning dew? maybe that's the closest, the feeling of looking out over a snow-brushed hill, hands warmed by a mug of silver needle tea, wrapped in a cozy cashmere sweater. something comforting but crisp, familiar but fresh, nostalgic but new. something pale green.
@land-sh - one time, i was on an airplane flying across the arctic. it was the middle of the night, and i looked out the window and slowly, over the course of two hours, watched the sun rise. the sky started as a pitch black, stars breaking up the endless void, and slowly, one color at a time it lightened into a blindingly bright day. but there was a moment, about 37 minutes in, and im pretty sure everyone on the plane was asleep. outside, all i could see was this deep, vast purple. it felt like there could be anything and everything beyond that color, and i was the only in the universe who would ever see it. idk why, but thats the color and vibe that comes to mind when i think of you.
@coco-bean-1218 - see, i thought about chocolate brown for you before i even realized that its just your username. but maybe its more than chocolate, maybe something closer to chestnut. you're that feeling when you walk through an orchard, it's november, and although the sun is shining its the kind of sun that seems to make everything more crisp than warm. as you walk through, there's a small crunch under your shoe - a chestnut. there's a deeply satisfying smell in the air, something woody and comforting, and you just want to get lost in the rows upon rows of chestnut brown dotting the branches and littering ground.
@samwinchesterslostshoe - okay so bear with me on this one - slate gray. the slate gray of a city on a rainy day, clouds and sky and sidewalk almost blending together into one entity. you duck into a coffee shop you never would have noticed if not for the weather. at first, you think the walls are just reflecting the color from the outside, and you feel a lonely pang. but then, you notice it - art, stickers, little notes of love written in sharpie and tucked in the space between tables. they stand out among the walls, and the absence of color makes their presence even brighter. and the coffee? so good. it's the best you've ever had, and you realize the coffee shop is just like the walls - you find beauty you never would have noticed without the slate gray of the sky.
....so i have no idea if any of this makes sense outside of my head, but here we are. if i missed you i am so sorry!!!
okay okay i am sorry this is so long-winded. i am in fact, a long-winded bitch.
but thank you so much for asking this, and for just being such a wonderful part of our community! i hope your day goes super well!! 💕💕
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dangoarts · 10 months
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unfortunately for everyone especially myself i am still thinking about minecraft story mode
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"Guys, I know things are bad but -"
"Shut. Up. Don't...do that. Just don't."
Top 10 moment in the show.
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padawansuggest · 6 months
Annnnnnnyways. That comment had me so fucked up that I forgot to eat for over 8 hours and now I’m gonna throw up if I don’t cause I need to take my pills :/
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hella1975 · 1 year
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samarecharm · 2 years
Akira being like, obsessed w loyalty, but having it as a positive(ish) trait is so fun to me. He doesnt outright say it or ever ask for it, but theres like an unspoken bond between the thieves and himself. He asks for it (demands, really) because he gives it in return. Its the classic ‘ride or die’ mentality; he demands trust and loyalty bc he 100% trusts his team. He would not have baited himself into what would be considered his literal death if he was not COMPLETELY and UTTERLY faithful to his team and the cause. He trusted them to fulfill their end of the bargain no matter how difficult that wouldve been for them. And because of their mutual faith in each other, leader to team and team to leader, they all managed to make it out and live another school year.
He has very little regard for his life but hes not necessarily reckless. Hes calculated. And while hes a bit out of sorts in the beginning with all of these new ideas and concepts, he quickly finds his footing later in the year. And bc he is assembling a team of people who are loyal to Him, he can afford to be loyal right back to them. He can afford to be risky if the risk is mitigated by having his team follow up on his actions. This team has to run like a well oiled machine; any hiccups will get the rest of the team caught or worse; hurt or killed.
Ryuji inadvertently sets this trend, bc he is Ride or Die at heart and he somewhat influences Akira on this matter. And its why he is so reluctant to truly incorporate Goro onto the team (at first). Goro IMMEDIATELY clocks Akiras leadership as something heavier than simply ‘i lead this group to keep everyone on the same page’, but he wrongly assumes Akira has some sort of Thing about power. Theres no real power trip; he is not okay with limiting his teams voices on any matter. His ideas are not the end all, be all of any plan; hes Not Shido. I can imagine how tough Saes Palace was for everyone, but they needed to have unwavering faith in each other to pull off such a mindblowing plan.
I dunno where else im going w this, i just like thinking of Goro feeling some kinda way about Akira (and the thieves) unanimously declaring him as the leader of the thieves fully knowing what shady things theyve done up until this point. Someone who claims to change peoples hearts is deciding who gets to keep their free will or not, and to have a team basically say ‘yes hes our leader and we would die for him’ does NOT look good to anyone! Especially to someone who is quite literally killing people on behalf of someone Very Bad! Who then Dies for it!
#he is my little meow meow and a litte fucked up actually#goro would never want to be completely loyal to anyone#he follows his own rules#but like akira still trusts him? and it makes him so fucking upset#like how dare you act like im predictable#like i would just blindly follow you like an obedient dog#but he still trusts goro#and he still includes him in plans and hangout meetings#bc he fucking knows what his team is capable of#and their loyalty to him; and his loyalty to them#means that literally any wrong move would have goro dead like no joke#i say this as an avid goro lover and applogist#but if he literally killed Any of the thieves he himself would be dead very shortly after#and to some degree goro knows this#and it makes him a bit (alot) bitter and angry but also like#this is the life he chose yeah?#and like SO WHAT if he listens in a bit more at meetings?#and SO WHAT if ryuji invites him to eat with the rest of them Just Because#and SO WHAT if Akira loudly; with his whole being; acknowledge that he Wants Goro to be with them#and having that mean that he would be completely 100% loyal with Goro#and wouldnt die for him bc he Knows thats not what Goro would want#but would do it only if he absolutely must#and SO WHAT if that means he too is being read like an open book no matter how insistent he is that his pages are sown shut#to hear yusuke say ‘no i do not think that would be wise; goro would agree’ and have him ACTUALLY be right like fuck off#fuck right the fuck off !#you dont get to know me im unknowable !!!!!!!!!!!!!#tagging as#akeshu#shuake#bc like i want to find it again
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byanyan · 9 months
please don't use he/him to refer to byan, thank u
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todosmeiape1an · 2 years
Keiji is Sara's partnerrrrr
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spookykestrel · 1 year
As someone who gets irrationally angry when people (esp my family who know I have to sit in the same spot) take my seat, I really want to know what other people feel
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Just came across this post from IMPACT on Instagram and find it to be relevant to conversations parts of the fandom have had about DWD.
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saetoru · 2 years
bro these fucking rude ass monsters things are so hard to beat i’m so sad i keep dying like besties i’m not here to FIGHT i’m here to get far enough to meet zhongli CAN U STOP INTERRUPTING
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